#Cabinet Handles manufacturers
krishuhardware · 2 years
The Benefits of Using Brass Door Handles | Krishu Hardware
If you want to make an excellent first impression in your home, use brass door handles. Most places have a brass door as the main entrance, and they also blend well with your interior decor. As a result, the brass handles are important, and they should match the door perfectly. Brass handles are also very durable and long-lasting.
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1. The antimicrobial properties of brass handles in the house. Because brass contains 60% copper, it is far more resistant to bacteria and viruses than other materials. Brass can be disinfected using a copper-based cleaning product. Brass’s antibacterial properties make it an excellent choice for kitchens and public buildings.
2. The use of brass handles is more hygienic than metal. Its copper content aids in the prevention of the growth of COVID-19, a deadly virus. A new coronavirus can live for days on stainless steel and glass surfaces, but it dies in an hour on copper. These are only two advantages of using brass in your kitchen and home decor.
3. The next advantage of brass handles is that they are antimicrobial. Copper, stainless steel, and brass are all rust-resistant metals. These surfaces can even be cleaned with soap and water. The copper in these objects is also corrosion-resistant. As a result, brass is an excellent choice for your kitchen. It is critical to remember to clean them regularly to keep dirt and other harmful substances at bay. The same is true for utensils.
4. The rust resistance of brass makes it ideal for kitchenware. Copper, unlike other metals, is highly corrosion resistant, making it an excellent choice for kitchenware. Furthermore, because of its antimicrobial properties, it is an excellent choice for home decor. However, it is important to note that this does not guarantee that your brass handles will not be affected by these bacteria.
5. One of the significant benefits of brass door handles is their resistance to bacteria. In addition to having strong antibacterial properties, copper is also an antiviral substance, which means it can protect against hospital superbugs and other germs. These brass door handles are well worth the investment if you renovate or remodel your kitchen. If you’re looking for new door handles, these will look great and last for years.
Connect with us today to meet our design experts and get personalized brass solutions like – Brass Pull Handles, Main Door Handles manufacturer, Brass Door Stoppers, Brass Cabinet Handles, and more for your home.
Original Source: https://krishuhardware.wordpress.com/2022/12/26/the-benefits-of-using-brass-door-handles/
Also, Read:
Where can I get the best home door Locks and Handles in India
Advantages of Brass Door Hardware | Krishu Hardware
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limshardware · 2 years
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marlynnofmany · 6 months
Squishy Cybernetics
“Hello!” I said. “Where would you like this?” I waved an arm at the large pallet of boxes, bags, and miscellaneous other packaging. It was on one of our biggest hoversleds, and accompanied by some of the biggest crewmates.
The Waterwill at the loading gate burbled thoughtfully, sounding like a water jug given sentience. She extended what passed for an arm of her own and pointed indoors. “You’d better bring it all the way in. Over here.” She glided inward, moving in that mysterious way I’d never figured out. Someone shaped like a column of jello had no business scooting forward that quickly, no matter how much their lower end rippled against the floor.
But I didn’t have time for galaxy-gazing; I had to help steer the hoversled. Regulations said we needed someone on all four sides for a load this big, just in case of antigrav mishaps. Didn’t want it slamming into something breakable at this client’s facility — or slamming into anything at all, really, but this place was some sort of high-tech manufacturing plant, and I didn’t want to think about what kind of damage a crash could do.
No mishaps today, though. The Frillian twins paced along on either side, all muscles and tight clothes (they’d left the flowy silks behind today; a solid choice). I couldn’t see Zhee in the back, but I heard the quiet click of his bug feet. My own feet were silent in proper Earth shoes as I tugged the steering handle and followed the Waterwill.
I thought we’d just take the thing to the far side of the big loading dock, unload it in an out-of-the-way spot to be unpacked later. But the Waterwill kept going. We passed hovercars and wheeled carts, storage cabinets and bins, along with a baffling arrangement of pipes along one wall. Windows showed glimpses of the busy manufacturing facility. I had no idea what they were making. Maybe I’d get a better look on the way back out.
Oh hey, a human, I thought in surprise as I passed a bigger window. With a Strongarm on his back? What in the world are they making together? I was already moving past, and could only speculate about intricate manufacturing projects that needed hands and tentacles at the same time.
I was still wondering why the Strongarm hadn’t just pulled up a chair next to the human when the Waterwill signalled me to stop. “Stopping,” I announced for Zhee’s benefit. We all came to a halt, and nobody crashed into anything. Hallelujah.
“Here, please,” the Waterwill said. She stretched her arm out into a long tendril to pick up a scrap of something blue that had fallen on the floor, and pointed at an empty space near several foam-topped tables. “I’m needed out front. Heeme, can you oversee?”
“Sure thing,” said a voice from nowhere, then a Strongarm climbed out from under one of the tables. “Found the last of the broken bits, by the way.” Two of his tentacles were curled around pieces of the same blue stuff the Waterwill had picked up. The blue stood out against the dark red of his skin, but not as much as the four mismatched tentacles on other side did. They were a transparent blue-green much like the Waterwill’s own tendrils. I tried not to stare, and failed.
“Thank you,” the Waterwill said. “I’ll be back in a bit.” She set her broken piece of whatever on the nearest table, then scooted through a door that was apparently soundproofed, because a cacophony of whirs and whooshes filled the air until it closed.
“Right,” I said. “Over here, then.” I steered the hoversled into position, then we all worked together to guide the detachable gravity platform onto the ground. That part always made me nervous, since it looked like the giant pallet that could crush me was floating through the air with just a touch of technological magic to make it go. I understand other models of industrial-sized hoversleds have more mechanical-looking gravity platforms, or regular forklift arms. Ours was the glowy magic kind, and it deposited the giant stack of objects with all the precision of the best fairytale enchantment.
“Perfect,” said the Strongarm. “We’ll unpack it from here. Thanks.”
“Our pleasure,” I said.
Zhee, finally able to see over the hoversled, got a good look at who I was talking to. “Oh, I’m sure you’re fast at unpacking,” he said, pointing with his pincher arm. “Does that model form into blades?”
“Sure does!” the Strongarm said, holding up a see-through tentacle that instantly flattened into a shape like a steak knife. “Good for packaging, stubborn latches, and all manner of other things.”
“And stabbing!” Blop put in, to be immediately shushed by his sister.
“No stabbing on the job,” she told him.
The Strongarm laughed. “Yeah, just respectable tool use. They don’t give these out to anyone who’s going to do violence with them.”
I asked, “Is that Waterwill tech? I haven’t seen one before.”
“Yup.” He turned the knife back into a tentacle, then into a variety of other shapes. “One of the perks of working here, for sure. They’re cagey about sharing tech. This is the best prosthesis I’ve ever encountered.”
I thought of the hard metal-and-plastic replacement limbs that were standard on Earth. They would be wildly out of place on this guy’s squishy octopus body. And no amount of interchangeable attachments would be able to beat this kind of easy shapeshifting. I said, “That looks really useful.”
“It is!”
The loud door opened to admit a wall of sound, along with the human-and-Strongarm pair. Which I realized with a start was actually just a human wearing more transparent tentacles on his back.
“Here’s the new set,” he said to the Strongarm, placing a clear box on the table that was full of a stack of more flat blue things. They appeared to be cut into very specific shapes. I might have been curious about what they were for if not for the much more interesting thing to be curious about.
“Hello,” I said. “Does everyone who works here get extra limbs?”
The tan human grinned. “If they want ‘em! And they pass the screening, of course. But you’ve got to leave them here each day if they’re the bonus kind, as opposed to replacements.”
The Strongarm wiggled his tentacles in a taunting manner. “I can open packages and slice food so easily at home.”
The human made a face and wiggled the tentacles on his back. “Yeah yeah, we’re all jealous. Someday I’ll convince the bosses that there’s an actual market for these, and I’ll be the first in line to buy my own.”
“They think there isn’t?” I asked in shock. “Those look so useful! I can’t list the number of times I’ve wished for more hands. Using teeth and feet only goes so far.”
Zhee made a disparaging hiss. “You have that many fingers, and still want more? Greedy.”
“I’m just saying that re-weaving a cargo net would go much faster if I could hold all of the fibers at once,” I told him, then turned to the Frillians. “Back me up. Two arms just isn’t enough sometimes, right?”
Blip and Blop looked at each other and shrugged. “I guess?” Blip said. “But that’s just when it’s time to get another person to help.”
Zhee clicked a pincher. “Exactly so. Or approach the problem differently.”
The human told me, “I’ve had this conversation more than once. Apparently not all species grow up imagining what it’s like to have bird wings or monkey tails or whatnot.”
“Surely other people want to fly,” I said. The expressions around me were dishearteningly blank. “Surely!”
“I wouldn’t bet on it,” the human said. “See why I couldn’t convince the bosses?”
“But even on a practicality standpoint!” I exclaimed. “They have you using them here; why wouldn’t they think you’d want to use them at home?”
He shrugged, moving the tentacles in a graceful wave as he did. “Alien brains. I’ve given up trying to fully understand.”
The Strongarm spoke up. “If there are actually a large number of humans who would buy these, then it couldn’t hurt to put together a request from outside sources. The bosses don’t listen to random employees who are probably biased, but they might take an interest in actual buyers.”
I shook my head slowly. “Our courier ship isn’t going to be that kind of buyer, especially not at the scale they’d probably need.”
“What about big human ships?” Blip asked. “We could suggest it to the next one we meet.”
“Or human colonies,” Blop said. “Or large groups at space stations.”
Zhee said, “I heard Captain Sunlight talking about a delivery to Basal Station soon. There are plenty of humans there. You could suggest it to them, if you think this is really that widespread an interest.”
“It couldn’t hurt,” I said, thinking. There was indeed a significant human population on that space station, which might even include the crew I’d met from the droid jousting ship Hold My Beer. They were definitely the type to appreciate some extra arms. Both for working on finicky electronics and general slapfight shenanigans.
“Here, we should have something with the contact information,” said the Strongarm. “Jon, is there a notepad over there?”
“Yeah, got it.” The human leaned over a table and used his tentacles to lift a stack of books so he could pull out the small notepad at the bottom. That may have been showing off. “Here you go!” He handed it to me with his regular hand.
“Thanks,” I said. “I’ll see if I can find the right ears to whisper into.”
“Best of luck!” he said. “My partner has asked me no less than half a dozen times if I could sneak my set home to play around with, but I’m not gonna risk the job.”
I laughed, hoping I wasn’t blushing. “Oh man, I wasn’t even going to mention the bedroom applications.”
Of course Zhee had to ask, tilting his head with faceted eyes shining. “The what?”
“Remember how most humans find tentacles a little creepy?” I asked him, pocketing the notepad.
“I recall. It makes this insistence all the stranger.”
“Well, some humans aren’t creeped out at all. Kind of the opposite. They like them a lot. In a, uh, private fashion.”
Jon the human spelled it out for him. “Mating rituals.”
Zhee’s antennae did a complicated dance, then settled in something that looked like disgust. “I was about to ask why, but I’ve decided I don’t want to know.”
“Yeah, best not to,” I agreed. “Anyway! Very useful extra arms. Good for a wide variety of activities. Other humans will likely be interested.”
“Very likely,” Jon agreed.
I activated the hovercart with a nod, and we said our goodbyes. The employees wished me luck. They returned to work while we headed back toward our ship.
Zhee grumbled disparaging things about my species the whole way, but that was nothing new.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
PS: the story with the good ship Hold My Beer is here, if you're wondering about that. It's fun.
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earlgreytea68 · 8 months
For most of my adult life, I have consistently watched home improvement shows. I find the rhythm of them soothing, the fact that they're entirely predictable. Sometimes that's just what I need. The swoops of fiction are too much for me, and I just want to watch something that requires no thought on my part. (I also love cooking shows.)
Anyway, every single home improvement show, without fail, as they're working on the home, they uncover the fact that the previous people didn't do the job right. Whatever job that might be. It doesn't matter what it was, it was done incorrectly, and must be fixed. This happens on EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of EVERY SINGLE SHOW. And I've always kind of assumed this is manufactured drama because they think viewers want to see raised stakes or something. It just seemed impossible to me that every single house in America and Canada -- where these shows primarily take place -- has been incorrectly built.
And then.
I decided to take on my own home improvement project. This is supposed to be one of the simplest little home improvement projects you can do: I am changing out the hardware on my kitchen cabinets. My kitchen's a little dated and not my preferred style, but it doesn't really need to be overhauled, so I thought I'd just switch up the hardware to something I like better and that it would make a big difference in how I felt about the kitchen. This seemed like a smart plan and totally doable.
No, no, it is HUGELY ANNOYING. Like, at least half of the time the new hardware doesn't exactly fit the holes left behind by the old hardware. Not by any measurement that you could be like, "Oh, you bought the wrong size." No, I have the right size. It's just that, like, the hole is often times 1/64 of an inch off, and then that makes your life absolute hell, and you are contorted into this weird angle to try to get at the screwdriver and pulling with all your weight to try to get everything lined up correctly and you know what?
Very quickly I was like, "That's good enough." Sometimes there's only one screw in instead of the two the handle is supposed to have. Whatever, it's good enough. One of the handles is crooked instead of flush. Good enough. Like, I am now no longer surprised that no one performs any home improvement task correctly. I THINK IT MIGHT BE IMPOSSIBLE. For the first time I completely understand why all these prior people couldn't be bothered to do things the right way. In fact, I am raising a toast of solidarity in their direction. I get it now. You were like, "Good enough." I cannot blame you.
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blubushie · 3 months
is it accurate to hc sniper as having a lot of junk orrrrr?
Explanation under the cut so this doesn't take up a bunch of room in the TF2 tag (sorry folks).
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There is NOT much space in here. My camper is a '78 btw, Sniper's is a '68 at the youngest which makes it even more cramped.
Also it very much depends on the size of the junk?
If you've been here more than a week you might remember me mentioning something about a GVW/GVWR—"gross vehicle weight" or "gross vehicle weight rating". This is how much weight a vehicle can carry while still maintaining its factory-level performance. LEGALLY, YOU CANNOT OPERATE A VEHICLE OVER ITS WEIGHT RATING. People do it anyway, but it is ILLEGAL and will void any manufacturer's warranty as well.
Now, if we're getting TECHNICAL, cars can take quite a bit over their rating. The rating is just for how well a car can operate in "extreme conditions"—ie, how well it can be controlled while driving over things like ice or rough terrain. By Ford's standards, the max weight that Mattie can bear while still operating reliably to manufacturer-guaranteed standards is 7500#. But if we're being technical, that is a VERY LOW ESTIMATE. Car manufacturers rate them low to avoid liability if someone puts the load higher and loses control. Technically, a '68 F250 alone can handle anywhere from 4000#-5500# in the tray without damage. With Mattie being a Camper Special, she's rated on the further end of that range. So while I won't damage her with my crap, I WOULD be operating a vehicle illegally.
And sure, there's a lot of road laws I don't give a shit about, but I obey them anyway cuz actions have consequences and I like having a driver's licence.
Tilly, the camper alone–
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–Weighs 2400# dry. Mattie, the truck you see in the photo, has a GVWR of 7500#. Mattie herself weighs in at around 4100#. This brings the current total weight to 6500#, 1000# under the GVWR. But when you fill up the water tanks in Tilly fully, this bumps our total weight up to 3204# wet.
This gives us a difference of only 196# for the weight of my body (~130#), the weight of Misty (~40#), my clothes (~5#), my food (??, at least ~30# in tinned goods), and any equipment I have, like my rifle (~9#)—which would bring us over the limit.
So I don't fill my water tanks fully. I only keep things I NEED unless the difference is nonlegible (like a lucky coin in my wallet).
All this is to say that no, I don't reckon Sniper would have a lot of junk. He wouldn't risk damage to his vehicle by overbearing it, or risk his Good Driver status by ending up with a revoked licence for overbearing. He might have some bits and bobs stashed away in a lockbox somewhere, but he'd keep the total weight of them fairly low.
Also—telling you right now, wall decor does not last. That shit WILL fall off. The wall decor you see in the photo? Yeah that's hotglued in. And I still have to hotglue it in every few months again. I've tried those sticky frames and shit, nothing works against the bounciness of outback—or California—roads. It's a bitch! Keep in mind that Sniper would have to completely clean off everything on his countertops and stove and put them away in his cabinets in order to not have shit go flying everywhere. Which makes lack of storage even worse, lol
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nappingpaperclip · 7 months
sorry to pop y’all’s white liberal bubbles but even if every white liberal to centrist in the US votes blue, I genuinely don’t think Biden is gonna win due to the amount of voters he has lost in his handling of this genocide.
Do you all genuinely think he has a chance when he has disillusioned not just Palestinian-Americans and the people who care about them, but also Christian and Muslim Arabs, non-Arab Muslims, climate activists, and anyone who cares about immigrants or the fact that he’s bombing other countries??
Like listen to me: when you ask people to vote blue no matter who, who are you asking? Are you asking people who look and think like you?
Can you imagine asking that of an immigrant whose still at risk of being sent to a detention center? A Palestinian-American who has lost family in the genocide? A Christian who sees how Palestinian Christians are being killed in their Holy Land? Muslims who see the violence towards other Muslims both at home and in Palestine? Catholics who see even the Pope calling for a ceasefire but not their own Catholic president?
Can you imagine asking that of a Syrian refugee? Someone who’s family or friends live in Iraq or Yemen or Lebanon or Palestine? A climate activist whose friend got 10+ years in prison on RICO charges for protesting the Willow Project? Climate activists who saw their friend be shot and killed while protesting Cop City? 18 year trans high-schoolers who have to go to school and face the threat of bullying and corrective rape and murder every day? Indigenous people whose stolen land you’re living on, whose land is shrinking thanks to pipelines Biden personally approved?
Can you imagine asking that of women who need abortions because they are at risk of dying but who can’t get them anymore, because Biden held codeification hostage for blue Congressional votes? 18-20 something’s who wake up every day and see the mutilated bodies of children on their timelines? Black people who fear for their lives at every traffic stop, now more than ever knowing that the IDF trains our police? A person living on the streets because they lost their partner to COVID and can’t find work?
Would y’all say it to their faces? Would y’all hear yourselves while you did it? Would you get mad at them for reacting however they react?
These are people who exist btw, in and out of your communities. These are real people with real experiences. Would you still ask that of them, knowing what they’ve been through?
Did you know that Biden has former BlackRock leaders in his cabinet? Yknow, the largest investment company, which invests BILLIONS of dollars every year into private prisons (which includes immigration detention centers), oil companies, deforestation, arms manufacturing, etc. ? Look it up! Remember how Biden promised to address climate change? How he promised to let those kids out of cages? Did y’all forget about them?
Sorry but I just don’t see him winning with the amount of support he has lost, which is why saying “a vote for third party is a vote for Trump” is a fuckin joke. That’s not how the electoral college system even works, and also people voting third party are people who would rather not vote. Trying to organized disillusioned voters to vote for third party rather than not voting is not “gonna make trump win.” Biden’s own actions is going to make Trump win, if anything.
Stop blaming other people who are actually affected by these issues for Biden’s loss of support or if he loses to Trump. STOP BLAMING MARGINALIZED PEOPLE. BLAME BIDEN FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS
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7association-was-here · 4 months
I can’t believe all the nonsense that has been occurring lately in our association.. an absolute disgrace these people are. Vacations, pets, absolutely unprecedented.
So I, Outis, have volunteered to deliver the report regarding the case recommended to us by the Liu Association (The death of the Stigma Workshop manager) to prove that the Seven still has some dignity left also because the report draft Yi Sang handed to me was filled with nearly nothing but poetic prose…
So, taking into account what we knew then there were only two facts very plainly displayed. First is the victim’s identity as a workshop manager. And secondly this has something to do with the Mirrors as well.
Now I’m not quite up-to-date with that case as much as everyone else seems to be but I believe this aligns very closely to a similar case Heathcliff has handled. The case involving another workshop owner’s death and the Mirror room found beneath his warehouse. There is a pattern, no? Workshop owners and that Mirror.
Therefore I tried thinking of various reasons as to why these two factors specifically would connect. The first thought was that perhaps these Workshop owners had been hired to manufacture or enhance this Mirror technology, but due to reasons unspecified had been executed by their employers.
That would have been plausible enough except for the fact I must also take into account the difference in executioners between the two cases. The first one with Heathcliff turned out to be a red herring(?) left by that deranged Mirror version of himself, while the second is by an individual who is presumably also a Mirror identity but that of the Liu Director’s. Those two have one thing in common with both being identities but does this imply that whatever faction or employer the victims had, are somehow in cahoots or in control of Mirror identities? That is certainly not a far fetched notion… But why and how? Do they have control over all Mirror identities or only to a specific few of them?
If that is the case I might need to check on that “mail delivery” I gave to Faust. He might know something since he’s one of them; one of those identities.
You know I didn’t even realise that artist looked like (and is) Yi Sang when I was putting him into Faust’s inbox… But erm, I’ve heard uninformed fixers calling him Faust’s cabinet creature.
Anyways bringing Yi Sang along might prove risky though as Faust warned us. But I shall see what can be managed. Not like he’s a crucial part of the interrogation.
This is Outis, end of report.
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krishgupt · 6 months
Ash Betrayed (Part - 4)
Delia was bliss, seeing her Son (and his friends) helping her in the Ketchum's family farm, riding the tractor, working along the Farm Help, dealing with the Tauros and Miltank. She was especially happy to see Ash help her. See knew Pokemon were his destiny, but she always had the desire that he settled down, work with her in the farm and finding a wife. It is a good size, 1000 hectares. Maybe big for the rest of the world but in Pallet, this is the normal size. The Economy of Pallet still remains agrarian with negligible service industry and non-existing Manufacturing. The Population still consist of Landlords (Like Delia and Prof Oak) and their farm help, who, based on the norms set millennia ago, are paid handsomely. A very small percentage is part of the service industry, that consist of the teachers of the local elementary School and Aides, Assistant and Interns of Professor Oak. Pallet, remains in a Time Capsule, with the only interaction between it and the other world is trade and the Young men and women who leave their nest to fly far in the world.
Time flies faster than a Ninjask's wings. And soon, it was time for Kiawe, Lana and Mallow to go. Everyone came to group the three. Mallow and Lana wanted to stay for longer, but Kiawe reminded them of the fact that they had to reach Alola so they could request for proper investigation against Sophocles. And so three of Ash's Friends leave, leaving Ash feeling lonely............................. or he would have felt lonely, but his other friends were there. No one can replace Mallow, Lana and Kiawe, but with others, they absence would hurt just little bit less.
When everyone reach home and started the TV to see the News, they eyes widen by what they saw.
"Good morning, everyone! Welcome to Alola Daily and today's breaking News, are we going to have a change in Champion? Last Month, the Ultra Nationalist, Conservative and Xenophobic Party, Hui Waiwai Kanaka, meaning People's Value Party, won the National Election, forming a comfortable majority at the Centre. They promised to rid Alola of all External Influences and Pressure, but who knew, their first Target will be First Champion of Alola? Since taking charge, the Govt, in attempts of bring the Alolan league under its authority, has started a purge of all Non-Alolan Employees in Govt Services as well as Alolan Pokemon League and its seems now they have set the sights on Champion position. The Party's official Social Media handles have, since taken power, posted a lot of Defamatory stuff against Champion Ash Ketchum, who has recently been Crowned World Champion, with the main point of offence being 'Alola's first champion can't be non-native!" The Party has organized mass protests a Minister of State of Foreign Affairs has recently given a statement that a possible cancellation of Ash Ketchum's Visa to Alola can be done. The Party seems to desire that the Champion position be taken Ash, who according to them shouldn't have been allowed compete, and give to the Runner Up, Alolan Born and Naturalized Citizen Gladion Aether, son of Sinnoh Born but Alolan Naturalized Businesswoman Lusamine Aether. While the Aethers have opposed any such notions, being close to Mr Ketchum, it will be interesting to see how long they can oppose this? Especially when there is a high chance their daughter might get in trouble. Yesterday, the audio of call between Cabinet Foreign Minister He Papeti Au and President Aloha 'ole Wau was 'leaked' and this is its contents," The Reporter said as he plays the Audio.
"Sir, Lillie Aethers is in Kanto, what should be the next move?" Papeti asked.
"Good, now, we will not let her enter Alola until Ash transfer his rank the first champion of Alola to Gladion, let's see how much he cares about her," Wau said as the Audio ended.
"This audio has caused a mix reaction in the Internet, some oppose this clear hostage situation but others, surprisingly, have supported this, saying everything is fair in love and war and this is a war to rid Alola of Foreign influence! A strong Ground movement, let by the family of Intellectuals of Ula'ula Island's Trial Captain Sophocles, supporting the Govt in its struggle to see the transfer of Champion Position, is going on. Captain Sophocles has stated that while Ash Ketchum is a good friend, it is necessary that Alola's First champion be a native! Now, to the Weather," Reporter said as Brock shut off the TV.
"That Bastard!" Brock said as he switched off the TV.
"Oh Arceus," Lillie said as she was about to fall but was saved by Serena and Dawn.
"Ash," Delia said as she put her hand on Ash's shoulder.
"Mom........................ I need pen and a paper," Ash said.
Respectable President Aloha 'ole Wau
Seeing the current situations and clear anger among a section of Alolan public against me, an non-native, holding the office of Champion, with you yourself supporting, encouraging and promoting this anger, as well as the fact that you are willing to use any means necessary to support this Anger, it seem to me that I have no option left but to ask you to transfer the office of Champion and the title of First Champion to my dear and loyal friend Gladion, the runner-up of the first Alolan league.
Honestly, if you would have asked to me to surrender the title without the extra efforts and struggles you took to force me, I would have happily surrendered it. I have no desire for titles and ranks, Pokemon Battling is not about the ranks and titles, it is about the thrill, and the love for Pokemon.
I would also like to ask you to correct Captain Sophocles' statement that 'Ash Ketchum is a good friend', he has a betrayed me (I am not talking about the movement) and has betrayed our friendship.
I don't understand much about politics or about other occupations, but from what I have learned from my friends and family, movement of people is inevitable, mixing of people is inevitable, communication between people is inevitable. I would like you to lessen your Xenophobic stands and work for peace and cooperation.
P.S This all is actually too formal for me, I may not truly understand what Xenophobia actually wishes to achieve and how can we truly achieve Peace and Cooperation, but I think I know enough to understand that Xenophobia cannot achieve Peace and Cooperation
Your Truly
Ash Ketchum
Good Ash Ketchum
I received your Letter Yesterday and I am pleased you took the right call! I am happy that you are so Co-operative and I promise you or your friend will face no issue travelling the Greats Islands of Alola. We still respect you as a good trainer but you have understand to free our Great Region from external influences and pressures, we have to take, Drastic steps. It is all for the protection and preservation of National Culture
Regardless! I have definitely taken note of what you said and I will definitely look into it. But for the current matter at hand, your title will be transferred to Master Gladion along with all the responsibilities and privileges. You will be allowed to keep the Money and trophy you receive.
Your Truly
President Aloha 'ole Wau of Alola
Ash was in the Veranda was reading the Letter Send by President Wau. The sarcastic tone was blood boiling but he was relief that Lillie will face no troubles.
"Anyone sitting here?" a voice came as Ash looked up to see Champion Lance Draco of all standing in front of him.
"Lance! What are you doing here?" Ash asked as Lance sat opposite to Ash.
"Wanted to talk about a topic," Lance said.
"That topic being-
Cliffhanger! Boom
Previous: Ash Betrayed (Part - 3) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
Next: Ash Betrayed (Part -5) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
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cookrooms · 8 days
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What is main things to clean a kitchen?
Keeping your kitchen clean is essential for maintaining a healthy and pleasant cooking environment. Regular cleaning not only ensures that your kitchen remains hygienic but also helps prevent the buildup of grime, which can lead to unpleasant odors and potential health hazards. To efficiently clean your kitchen, it's important to focus on several key areas and use the right tools and techniques. This guide will walk you through the main tasks involved in kitchen cleaning, offering tips and answering common questions to help you maintain a spotless kitchen.
What is the Necessary Things You Need In The Kitchen
Counters and Surfaces: Start by clearing off all countertops, including any small appliances, utensils, and food items. Use a kitchen cleaner or a mix of mild soap and water to wipe down surfaces. Pay attention to areas around the sink, stove, and backsplash where spills and splatters can accumulate.
Sink: The sink often harbors bacteria and food particles. Scrub the sink with a non-abrasive cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water. For a sparkling finish, you can also use a solution of vinegar and water. Don’t forget to clean the faucet and handles, as these are frequently touched areas.
Stovetop: Remove burner grates and knobs if you have a gas stove. Soak them in soapy water and scrub away any grease or residue. For electric stoves, wipe down the surface with a suitable cleaner, ensuring you don’t use excessive moisture that could damage electrical components.
Oven: Clean the interior of the oven periodically to avoid the buildup of burnt food and grease. Use an oven cleaner or a homemade paste of baking soda and water. For self-cleaning ovens, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to activate the cleaning cycle.
Refrigerator: Empty the refrigerator and discard any expired or unwanted food. Wipe down shelves and drawers with a mixture of water and mild detergent. Clean the exterior and handles with an all-purpose cleaner.
Flooring: Sweep or vacuum the kitchen floor to remove crumbs and debris. Mop the floor using a cleaner suitable for your flooring type (tile, laminate, etc.). Make sure to rinse the mop frequently to avoid spreading dirt around.
Garbage and Recycling: Regularly empty the trash and recycling bins to prevent odors and bacterial growth. Clean the bins themselves with soap and water to remove any residual grime.
Small Appliances: Wipe down small appliances like toasters, microwaves, and coffee makers. For appliances with removable parts, such as toaster trays or microwave turntables, wash them separately.
Frequently Asked Question
How often should I clean my kitchen?
It’s best to do a quick clean daily—wipe down surfaces, wash dishes, and sweep the floor. A more thorough cleaning should be done weekly, including scrubbing the sink, stovetop, and refrigerator. Monthly or quarterly, address deep cleaning tasks like oven cleaning and organizing cabinets.
What’s the best way to clean greasy kitchen cabinets?
To clean greasy cabinets, use a mixture of warm water and dish soap. For stubborn grease, add a bit of baking soda to the solution. Apply with a soft cloth or sponge, and wipe with a clean, damp cloth to remove any soap residue.
How do I get rid of odors in my garbage disposal?
To eliminate odors, grind up lemon peels or ice cubes in the disposal. You can also use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, letting it sit for a few minutes before running water through the disposal.
Can I use bleach to clean my kitchen?
While bleach is effective for disinfecting, it’s often too harsh for regular kitchen cleaning. Use it sparingly and always dilute it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For routine cleaning, stick to milder cleaners to avoid damaging surfaces.
What’s the best way to clean stainless steel appliances?
To clean stainless steel appliances, use a dedicated stainless steel cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar. Wipe in the direction of the grain and dry with a soft cloth to avoid streaks and water spots.
A clean kitchen is the cornerstone of a healthy and enjoyable cooking experience. By regularly addressing key areas such as countertops, sinks, stovetops, and floors, and utilizing the right cleaning tools and techniques, you can maintain a space that is not only visually appealing but also hygienic. Remember that consistency is key—daily tidying, weekly deep cleaning, and periodic maintenance will keep your kitchen in top shape. By incorporating these practices into your routine and addressing common questions and concerns, you'll ensure that your kitchen remains a safe, efficient, and pleasant place to prepare meals. Happy cleaning!
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favarion · 4 months
Working on Sophias Story again :D
-> A little later, Sophia reached maintenance shaft [xy], where the main security system of the SD of the Abyss Chrusher was located. The light activated by a motion sensor flared up in cold white with a delay of a few seconds. Neon Xilkor tubes of the NX-6 series had this somewhat unpleasant habit, which the manufacturer Asterisk never rectified. Despite this, Hallinger-FTL continued to install them in all maintenance rooms of their ship series to this day. The Davar class in particular suffered from this fact, as it had a higher number of such areas due to its modular design. As a result, Sophia had only been able to recognise the large control cabinets and component racks by the myriad of flashing LEDs when she arrived. This sea of red, orange and green diodes, which greeted her auspiciously from the steel racks, secretly watched over the entire crew and ensured that the safety units of the individual SERAHs were working.
Now that the white light flooded the room, she saw it in its entirety, and with it the technology inside. In contrast to the blinking confusion of the Sevix control racks on the right side of the room, the Servagul control cabinets on her left, unusual for a Davar-class ship, emitted a soft green glow. The reason for this was that Servagul built light panels into the doors of their products, which no self-respecting shipbuilder needed. Such nice lighting did nothing but waste power unnecessarily. Sure, ships like the Abyss Chrusher might not lack power, but that was no reason to be so wasteful.
Shrugging her shoulders, the engineer lifted her tool and the testing device before taking them to the control cabinet labelled SUR-2, where she set them down. She unlocked the door with her CAM and the handle whirred out, allowing her to open the cabinet. Sophia sighed, pulled open the cupboard door and, coloured by the light from the front panel, saw another flood of flashing or glowing diodes emanating from the security register cards. It was a sight that filled the engineer with joy, because she had hardly been able to wait to get back into the bowels of the Abyss Chrusher, but the work that was to follow was rather dull. So she plugged her headphones into her CAM, put them in her ears and switched on an album by a band Liv had shown her a few days ago. A harsh guitar riff accompanied by the vocals of a woman singing in the language of the Marlan system rang out.
She then began checking the security tabs, which initially consisted of informing the SD-SERAH of her work via the control panel in the top frame of the device. In fact, Sophia was only slightly keen on an emergency lockout of the SD, even if she could override it with her system authorisations. Basically, you had to give Servagul and Sevix credit for the cleverness of their products. After all, the automatic security system, which according to Ela - unfortunately there were no plans on this subject - summarised one subsystem of the drive per cabinet in order to pass them on to SERAH in a bundle.
You could imagine the tabs and their subsystems as the nervous system of a body, which transmitted every pain of the machines to the consciousness or to an AI. SERAH then reported the information to the Abyss Chrusher's SAM, the ship's main AI, which ensured that appropriate action was taken. What the SERAH was to the SD, the SAM was to the entire ship.
Sophia pulled a small screwdriver from the side pocket on her left arm. She used it to loosen the two neck screws on the top and bottom of the front panel of each of the seven assemblies. She was then able to pull them out by the handle to insert them into the test device. This established a serial, wired connection with the fuse register in order to then interrogate the main function of the unit on the two circuit boards of the modules. For this purpose, the test device simulated a fault by sending a specific signal sequence via the bus interface. The module processed this within a few femtoseconds and signalled an alarm back to the test device. At least that's how it worked when everything was OK. The process only took a few blinks of the eye until the technical measurement results - such as resistance, time and induction values - appeared on the display of the test device. Confirmation of the success or failure of the analysis could then also be obtained.<-
The story of the empty sky - 1 Dreams of electronic tears Chapter 10, A fairy tale of normality
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labequipmentindia · 10 months
Laboratory equipment Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Suppliers and Exporter in India
Laboratory equipment manufacturers play a vital role in the scientific community by providing the tools and instruments necessary for research and development. They design, manufacture, and distribute a wide range of products, including glassware, chemicals, and analytical instruments. These products are used in a variety of settings, including research laboratories, universities, and industrial facilities. Laboratory equipment manufacturers must adhere to strict quality control standards to ensure that their products are safe, reliable, and accurate. They must also be aware of the latest technological advancements in order to provide their customers with the most cutting-edge products. Some of the most well-known laboratory equipment manufacturers include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Danaher Corporation, and PerkinElmer. These companies offer a wide range of products that are used in a variety of industries. They also have a global presence, with manufacturing facilities and sales offices located around the world. The laboratory equipment manufacturing industry is a growing market, driven by the increasing demand for research and development. As the scientific community continues to make new discoveries, the need for sophisticated laboratory equipment will only continue to grow. Microscopes: Explore high-quality microscopes from trusted manufacturers for precise observations in biology and chemistry labs. Centrifuges: Choose from a range of efficient centrifuges designed by leading manufacturers for accurate separation of substances in your school or college lab. Spectrophotometers: Enhance your lab experiments with reliable spectrophotometers crafted by industry-leading brands, ensuring accurate analysis of light absorption and emission. Balances and Scales: Find precision balances and scales from reputable manufacturers to meet the exacting demands of chemistry and physics experiments in educational settings. Incubators: Create optimal conditions for cell and bacteria cultures with cutting-edge incubators from well-known laboratory equipment providers. Autoclaves: Ensure safety and sterilization with autoclaves from trusted manufacturers, vital for maintaining a contamination-free environment in educational laboratories. Fume Hoods: Prioritize safety in your chemistry lab with fume hoods manufactured by top-notch brands, providing effective ventilation and protection. Laboratory Glassware: Source durable and reliable glassware sets from renowned manufacturers to support a wide range of experiments across various scientific disciplines. Pipettes: Facilitate precise liquid handling in your lab with pipettes from established manufacturers, known for accuracy and ergonomic design. Heating Equipment: Opt for state-of-the-art heating equipment from reputable brands to meet the diverse needs of your physics and chemistry experiments. Safety Cabinets: Prioritize safety with high-quality safety cabinets from leading manufacturers, offering secure storage for chemicals and hazardous materials. pH Meters: Ensure accurate measurements in your biology and chemistry labs with pH meters manufactured by trusted brands, known for their reliability and precision. By incorporating these top-notch laboratory equipment options from reputable manufacturers, your school or college lab can create a conducive environment for effective scientific exploration and learning.
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fnaf-altered · 11 months
Alright, people listen up. Fnaf is a janky lovable mess of a lore that needs fixing, I myself have not played a single game or read any of the books, but like all of you know it's potential is absolutely massive all it needs is more ironing out and fixing several inconsistencies so that's what I'm going to do how? Well, here's the thing about fnaf it's scared to move on from William, and it always tries to bring him back, and the story that was trying to be told ultimately got so lost via miss interpretation that I don't feel like anyone in reality knows what the lore is except for Scott himself and steel wool, so I'm going to rewrite it in a way that makes the lore in my opinion make more sense starting with the two main men themselves.
William and Henry, now I understand why people see these two as essential to fnaf because they are, they literally started everything...Buuuut there's a problem, William as far as we know is a legitimate killer who killed Henry's daughter (who as far as everyone's concerned is Charlotte/Charlie) for seemingly no reason then when he discovered began to experiment with life and honestly to me that doesn't seem good enough...So I'm gonna split Williams goal of immortality out of him and I'm going to give it...To a new character, now hold on I'm not going into crazy insane "Ocs everywhere!" Territory, I'm making one new character named Marcus a kind of third party to make William and Henry not a duo but a trio each with different ideologies, Henry is similar to cannon however that's not saying much because there's not a lot in cannon, what he is though is a man who feels like whatever his friends have done is his fault and that it's all up to him to fix it because it's his mess and no one else's. William is a man who's a legitimate psychopath, or at least BECOMES one after a certain event. Markus is a man who can't except that the past happens and aims to "fix all of it" by "undoing the tragedy." And in doing so has only created more tragedy.
Then we come to the children of William and Henry...Oh boy this is a doozy because, honestly, I'm not 100% sure this change is a good idea, but I'm going to make the crying child aka Evan (in this rewrite at least) be Markus's son because it gives Markus a reason for what he does even if it's not right.
Alright so the timeline goes as fallows
Henry Emily a very good at playing the system businessman, William Afton a man who's good at manipulating events to fit a narrative and a manipulater on a human level, and Marcus a bright man who's heavily into robotics meet in high-school and become friends, fast forward a few years later and William comes up with the concepts for two characters he dubs "Fredrick van Fazbear" a golden Grizzly bear with a voice like honey butter and a obsession with food and "Springsy" a golden magician rabbit who only wants to preform for kids, and from that idea Henry pulls some strings and Marcus starts to make the machines and by the end of the year their company Fazbear entertainment is opened with resounding success in their first ever location called fredbears, and everything goes well, they get money, and nothing seems to go wrong, then at some point Marcus and Henry started to take all of the credit, now while admittedly they were very important, Henry handled all of the Financials and expandansion of the fazbear brand, because of him they even got a TV show called freadbear and friends that was on it's third season, and Marcus did do most of the designing and the manufacturing of the animatronics, heck he even invented the revolutionary spring lock technology and managed to get a small deal with a friend to make a arcade cabinet for the fazbear brand, but William? Well, he was the guy who handled the front lines. If worker morale was down or if people were going through a tough time, he'd be there to make sure that they got home early and still got paid for full hours, he'd keep the workplace positive and was legitimately everyone's favorite boss man, hell even the customers liked him whenever they'd interact with him, and he made the ideas for the animatronics, the idea for this brand wouldn't have even existed without him! But somehow, he was still seen as the lesser of the three, and well, let me remind you, William IS a psychopath, he isn't going to just stand by...So he waited...And waited...And eventually he saw his opportunity when he found Henry's daughter, Charly locked outside of fredbears by some boys, he took his chance on oh pore little Charlotte had died...At least it seemed like she did...The puppet, a fourth member of the cast added when he was introduced in the fredbear and friends TV show first aired had been acting strangely and while William either didn't notice or care enough and Henry was drinking his sorrows away Marcus took note...Then a few days later Marcus's wife Barbra was hit by an oncoming car. And being devastated, he began to drink and lash out at his son Evan. The pore kid didn't deserve it, but he just did, then eventually he found out it was a purple car... Recently, William had mentioned his car broke down, so he was getting it replaced. He WAS purple, and he just so happened to show up only moments after Emily's estimated death time... By the puppet... then it all just kinda clicked, and he was furious. He was going to bring the wrath of God to William! But then stopped... The puppet, when William killed Charly the puppet wasn't right after, almost like it was...Charly. The thoughts of his dead wife circled in his mind... Then he came to an conclusion, he met with William, and they had a deal or sorts... One that William agreed to knowing that if Marcus went to the police that he'd be done for. And so began our little horror story...
"Project remnant."
And that's where I'm stopping here. Should I continue? Let me know because I do have ideas for this new lore that could be awesome to exploit mainly with Marcus and how this story will really end, which it will consider fnaf one through pizzaria sim to be part of one continuous story that ends at pizzeria simulator even if that doesn't mean the story itself won't continue it will it'll just be much more diffrent, that is all I have to say for now. Thanks for listening! And I hope you've enjoyed it even if I never actually continue
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limshardware · 2 years
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The One Where Ethan Rayne Returns
Part 4
AN: This four-part fic will contain spoilers for Seasons 1-6 of Buffy as well as canon typical behaviours, fighting, and references to violence.
“We should be safe here,” you explained to Tara once you had closed and locked the door that separated the store from the back room.  “It’s the most fortified part of the shop.”
Tara managed a tiny smile.
“And plus,” you continued speaking, hoping to cheer her up.  You moved the training dummy to the side and pried open one of the panels in the wall “if you know where to look, there are all kinds of snacks hidden in here.”
Distracted, Tara pushed herself off the couch and made her way over to you.  You stepped aside and Tara let out a small gasp at the variety of snack foods that were now visible.
“Does Mr. Giles know about this?” She asked.
You chuckled, “It was his idea.  Don’t let his stern exterior fool you; the man has a major sweet tooth.  Xander knew that and that’s why he built the cupboards in.  Plus, what good is a fortified room if there are no supplies in it?”
“That makes sense.  Could I have some of the Salt and Vinegar Pringles please?”
“Of course,” you reached into the cabinet and pulled out two Pringles canisters.  You handed the Salt and Vinegar ones to Tara and you kept the other flavour for yourself.
As you closed the cupboard, Tara sat down cross legged on the floor and opened the Pringles. 
“What did Buffy mean by the Band Candy incident?”
You sat down opposite her and opened your own Pringles container after tapping it against hers causing her to smile again, “A couple of years ago when Sunnydale High was a functioning high school and not an abandoned relic, a rather large shipment of chocolate was delivered to the school and the students needed to sell them to generate money for new marching band uniforms.”
“Now I get where the name came from.”
You nodded, “The candy was manufactured in such a way that it caused the adults who consumed it to act like they did when they were teenagers.  While that was entertaining to begin with, we quickly discovered that it was a diversion.  Demons used the chaos to kidnap babies from the hospital and offer them as tribute to a powerful demon.”
Tara gasped in shock.  She was holding a Pringle in her hand but her hand had frozen midway to her mouth.
Sensing her distress, you hurried to continue, “None of the babies were hurt.  Rupert and Joyce were able to return the babies safely to the hospital while Buffy dealt with the demons.”
Relieved, Tara let out a long breath.  Then she looked at you quizzically, “Did you eat the candy?”
“I was going to but I had been busy that day and I left it in the Staff Room.  When I had a free moment, I went to grab it but someone had stolen it.  My guess is it was Snyder.  The things that man came out with under the influence of the candy were hilarious and I wish that I’d been able to record what he said and how he acted.”
Tara fished in her container for her next Pringle, “Is it okay if I ask a few more questions?”
“Go ahead,” you replied as you reached into your own canister.
“When did Qui-Gon arrive in Sunnydale?”
“The same time that Wesley did.  There was quite a big disagreement between Buffy, Rupert, and the Watchers Council some time after the Band Candy incident.  As a result, Rupert was fired from being Buffy’s Watcher and in an attempt to control the situation and Buffy, the Council sent Wesley as a replacement.”
“I’m guessing that didn’t go over well?”
“Not in the slightest,” you informed her.  “Buffy was quite reluctant to work with Wesley.  She took the backhanded and snide comments that he made to Rupert personally.  She also didn’t like the way he handled her training and the comments he made about her methods.”
“How does she feel about Qui-Gon?”
You sighed heavily, “It took her a while to even get used to his presence.  I think she’s still not sure about him.  It probably doesn’t help that she’s seen the two men argue and since she sees Rupert as a teacher slash father figure…”
“She’s more inclined to take his side over Qui-Gon’s.”
The two of you sat in silence.
“Can you feel that?” Tara asked a few moments later as she shivered.
It didn’t take long for you to realise that Tara wasn’t talking about the temperature in the room and that she must be talking about something magical.  Focusing just your godfather had taught you, you tried to identify what Tara was talking about.  You could feel an unexpected increase in the dark magical power in Sunnydale.  It was almost as if its host had lost the ability to wield their magic.
Your instincts screamed at you that you were in danger and panic welled up inside you as you broke your focus.
“Tara!” You shouted.
Her eyes were glassy as she examined you and you realised that she was connected to her magic.  If she stayed connected to it, there was a very high chance that she would either lose her magic or be infected with the dark magic.  You tried to think of something, anything that would make her refocus on you and break her connection to her magic.  Your mind was empty and then you remembered the game that Buffy, Xander and Willow played while they were at Sunnydale High.
“I need you to tell me your favourite holiday destination and what you would do while you’re there!”
“Right now?”  Tara’s voice had a dreamy, almost hypnotic quality to it.
“Yes, now!  Would you go snorkelling in the Caribbean or would you be more interested in climbing Mount Everest?”
“I don’t like that type of cold or adventure,” Tara’s voice was slowly losing its dreamy quality.  “I want to visit many places starting with France.”
“Good.  That’s good.”  You praised, “Tell me more.”
“I want to learn the history of countries and I want to visit heritage listed sites.”  Tara’s voice was back to normal when she finished speaking.
Then she doubled over, coughing and wheezing.  Moments later, the coughing fit subsided and she straightened up again.
“That magic was so powerful and seductive.”
You nodded, “I’m willing to bet that it was Ethan’s magic and I don’t think he can access it anymore.”
That night as you laid in bed sated with one of your legs intertwined with Rupert’s and the warmth and weight of Qui-Gon’s body pressing into you from behind, you replayed Rupert’s explanation of how they defeated Ethan after freeing Willow from her binds and released Ethan’s magic while Qui-Gon ensured that Ethan would have no knowledge nor memory of casting magic.
Your eyelids closed and you drifted into slumber.
Only to bolt upright hours later after having a dream of Ethan smirking at you and saying, “I did come to warn you.”   Your breathing and heart rate accelerated when you noticed that Rupert was missing from the side of his bed that he had occupied the night before.
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mro-uk · 2 years
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Powermatic is a well-known brand of woodworking machinery that has been producing high-quality tools and machines since 1921. The company is known for its wide range of products, including table saws, bandsaws, jointers, planers, lathes, and dust collection systems. Woodworking professionals and enthusiasts around the world trust Powermatic machines due to their precision and accuracy.
One of the key features that sets Powermatic machinery apart from others is the use of cast iron in their construction. This material provides stability and durability to their machines, making them reliable and long-lasting.
Powermatic machinery is designed with safety in mind. They incorporate various safety features in their machines such as blade guards and safety switches to prevent accidents in the workshop.
Overall, Powermatic is a reputable brand that offers high-quality woodworking machinery. Their precision, durability, and safety features make them a popular choice for both professional woodworkers and hobbyists alike.
Powermatic product line
Powermatic is a renowned brand that specializes in crafting top-quality woodworking machinery and tools. The brand offers a diverse product line that caters to the varying needs of woodworkers, from novice hobbyists to seasoned professionals.
Table Saws - Powermatic's table saws are engineered for precision, power, and durability. The brand offers cabinet saws designed for heavy-duty use, featuring large table surfaces and robust motors. Contractor saws are more portable and suitable for job site use, while hybrid saws combine features of both cabinet and contractor saws.
Bandsaws - Powermatic's bandsaws are designed to make accurate cuts in wood and other materials. They come in different sizes, from benchtop models suitable for small jobs to floor models capable of handling larger wood pieces. Powermatic's bandsaws are renowned for their precision, ease of use, and smooth operation.
Planers - Powermatic's planers are designed to smooth rough lumber and make it usable for woodworking projects. The brand offers a variety of sizes, with larger models capable of handling wide boards and thick wood pieces. Powermatic's planers are known for their precision and user-friendliness.
Jointers - Powermatic's jointers are used to straighten and flatten wood surfaces. They come in benchtop and floor models, with larger ones capable of handling wider wood pieces. Powermatic's jointers are known for their accuracy and ease of use.
Sanders - Powermatic's sanders include both belt and drum sanders, designed to make sanding jobs quick and straightforward. They come in different sizes, with larger models capable of handling more substantial wood pieces. Powermatic's sanders are renowned for their accuracy, speed, and ease of use.
Dust Collectors - Powermatic's dust collectors are designed to ensure workspace cleanliness and safety by removing dust and debris from the air. They come in different sizes, with larger models capable of handling multiple machines at once. Powermatic's dust collectors are known for their efficiency and reliability.
Lathes - Powermatic's lathes are used for turning wood and other materials. They come in benchtop and floor models, with larger ones capable of handling more significant wood pieces. Powermatic lathes are known for their precision and ease of use.
Mortisers - Powermatic mortises are used to make precise mortises in wood. They come in benchtop and floor models, with larger ones capable of handling larger wood pieces. Powermatic's mortises are renowned for their accuracy and user-friendliness.
Drill Presses - Powermatic's drill presses are used to drill accurate holes in wood and metal. They come in benchtop and floor models, with larger ones capable of handling larger wood pieces. Powermatic's drill presses are known for their precision and ease of use.
CNC Machines - Powermatic's CNC machines are used for computer-controlled manufacturing processes. They come in different sizes, with larger ones capable of handling larger wood and other materials. Powermatic's CNC machines are known for their precision and efficiency.
In conclusion, Powermatic's product line is designed to cater to the needs of woodworkers at all levels, offering high-quality woodworking machinery and tools that are durable, efficient, and user-friendly.
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derireo-galge · 2 years
Same Wavelength | 2k | yoonmin✍🏼
A radio hosts au where they work the opposite shifts and communicate through notes and clips.
[ soft, happy ending ]
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The night fell on the city of Seoul.
Yoongi took a late bus and put his headphones on to shut all the surrounding sounds. It's been pouring all day but the rain dwindled by the evening.
His usual night shift will be easy to handle since he slept through the afternoon with no worries or interruptions.
Working the night shift was never a plan but he took this opportunity a bit later after graduating in the end of last spring.
His job of producing and music engineering gave him the freedom of flexible working hours and steady income.
He always wanted to try hosting a radio show. His small group of friends convinced him he has the voice just for that.
He loved the show.
He was able to talk freely about the topics of anxiety, burnout, depression, achieving dreams and day to day struggles.
He loved having the opportunity to play music from not very well known local indie artists instead of manufactured pop that stuck to ears of general public like a gum to a shoe.
Sometimes he would take calls to broadcast people's stories - real, down to earth opinions instead of scripted interviews with fast fame celebrities.
It got him some time to attune because he wasn't a fan of phone conversations but he grew used to it.
It felt good to listen and share things with someones who might be struggling too but silently.
He arrived a little earlier than expected and had enough if time to savor his big cup of coffee.
Night shifts were truly a blessing.
Even though he wasn't the only one at the station's office, it was much more crowded in the daytime.
The only thing he wasn't happy is the name, but weirdly many people loved it.
He got comfortable in his chair, sipping his coffee and scrolling through twitter feed.
Everyone seemed excited for "Pillow Talk", getting cozy and ready to dissipate the day's worth of stress and worries.
His listeners were anticipating today's topic, which was on a lighter side (but really, it depended on the situation).
He moved closer to the computer to pull up the script on a screen bigger than the phone and noticed something in the bottom right corner.
Now, he wasn't the tidiest, be it in real life or digitally, but his desktop was almost empty.
And now there was a new folder named...
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"Hello, Suga-ssi" - it read.
- Hello?
What was that, Yoongi thought.
He tentatively clicked on the folder and opened it.
There was only one file, a video.
The thumbnail showed a young man. Possibly younger than him.
With burning curiosity, he put on his headphones and double clicked on it to play.
It was undoubtedly recorded right here in this studio.
The man introduced himself as Park Jimin, a new addition to their company and a radio host to a morning show "Early Birds".
The man was gorgeous and had a soft beautiful voice.
Yoongi flushed when he heard the reason for the video message.
He saw that Yoongi was the only host on a night shift and decided to meet him this way, since he couldn't do it physically.
Maybe he should give his show a listen.
When it was time to start the stream, he may have announced today's topic too enthusiastically, chuckling inside at such coincidence.
"First Meetings".
Yoongi collapsed on a heap of blankets, having no energy to make the bed ready for sleep.
He couldn't be bothered to put his sleepwear on, having spent most of his mana on work and the journey home.
He turned on the small radio on his bedside cabinet and tuned in.
And indeed, there was that soft voice, greeting everyone who might be awake.
That must be a good start of the day, he thought.
Jimin didn't talk about anything heavy, but it wasn't the usual gibberish you'd hear on any other station at 7 a.m.
He told funny little stories and read his listeners' tweets he probably collected throughout the previous day.
This morning they talked about unexpected things that brought positive consequences in a person's life.
Yoongi hadn't noticed the moment that melodious voice sent him to sleep.
The next day he came to work earlier than usual on purpose.
He adjusted the webcam on yhe top of the monitor and ran a hand through his hair.
Was he really gonna do that?
Jimin felt a twinge of disappointment when he didn't get any response from his night shift colleague.
But to be honest, he wasn't getting his hopes too high.
Suga was a famous radio person, from what he noticed online. He must be really busy.
Jimin's morning routine was nothing extraordinary.
Except he didn't like mornings too much.
So he conditioned himself into coming to peaceful terms with them.
He rolled up his yoga mat and went straight to his freshly made smoothie.
He worked up quite a sweat: this morning was warm and humid. He showered and put one of his pretty sweaters on.
Yes, Jimin worked on the radio station but he needs to feel the best.
He had a good feeling about today.
Besides, he might feel like posting a selca.
When he got to his workplace he noticed some changes to the desktop.
There was a folder named "for park jimin" now and the young man's heart did a little leap.
He hastily put on the headphones and clicked on it.
Surely, there was a video file inside.
It was definitely from Suga.
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Jimin felt tingly all over.
His cheeks were warm and he was all but bouncing in his chair. He didn't expect to receive such cute message.
And get complimented by..
- Suga-hyung, - he whispered.
The young man had to admit, there was a possibility of him having just a tiny crush on the host whose show he used to listen to on a regular basis.
Okay, maybe he has been a big fan, sue him.
And now he had a personal message from Suga.
This day just became a hundred times better.
He diligently worked through this morning's stream and finished off his paperwork for today.
Lately the scripts flew from under his pen like birds to the seed.
Maybe he had a new source of inspiration.
He looked at the time to check there was still an hour before he had to step aside for another show's host.
Jimin checked himself in the mirror, ruffled his hair and applied a little bit of lipgloss.
He didn't have any specific message he wanted to leave for hyung. But he loved all things unscripted.
Jimin was aware he could just ask for his number but where was the fun in that?
After making sure he was satisfied with the way he looked he went to his work desk again.
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Part 2
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