clems-grove · 8 months
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I made this In 5minutes ❤️
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gunkstuck · 6 months
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AL: there's a new queer in t0wn. n0 0ne can handle my swag.
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gwen-tolios · 6 months
The only consistent place I talk about new projects is in my newsletter (hey! I have a MG ghost story releasing next month!) so here's a link to that.
I'll make a better post about the book later. Maybe. I already know you all aren't the target audience for this. Unless you're secretly 11-year-old girls?
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Cydel Gabutero - "The Power of love" (Cover)
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calcedon79 · 2 months
"soup" for WIP guessing game!!
Oh, ant, you know me really well. Of course, the subject of food in general and soup in particular comes up from time to time. 😁
So here's a snippet from one of the next Butterfly chapters (with a bit of context so it makes sense)
Back then, Master Cydel had also given them a useful method for surviving drugged interrogations. "Concentrate on one piece of information or memory that is definitely true but useless. Try to go back to it again and again, to recall it as vividly as possible, no matter what is asked. But it must be a truth. You couldn't keep up a lie under the influence of this drug." Kit couldn't think for long. In a split second he decided what this useless information should be. *Master Sy always prepares telpala soup on Bendu Day.*
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pxiie · 1 year
The Emperor + The Hermit (Ask game) <3
the emperor- some names i like are claire (i named my cat that), cleo, chloe, cybil/sybil, cydelle/sydelle (those 2 are Ingrained in me since the westing game they r so pretty ok)... i like a lot of c names... whitney, bianca, blythe, millie, mabel, layla, lola, lilith, candace, stormi, daisy (i named my dog that hehe)... i like so many i'll stop now
and the hermit asks my favorite soda y'all already know its that cokie cola
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captainshinybutt · 13 days
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purpletyn · 1 year
Ice cydel and ice martyn should kiss
Unworthy tbh
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lonclyhcartsclub · 3 years
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While Cydele had never really been one to let worry get to her, her distress was clear. It had been a bit too long since she had last heard from her father. Her father, while not royal, still held a certain level of importance in the Moroi world and while his messages were few and far between, she had never gone this long without one. Perhaps it was her senses and years of training telling her something was very wrong, but someone would tell Dante Kwan’s only daughter if something happened, wouldn’t they? She would certainly hope so. 
It was as if the other had been lost in her phone, staring at the same text stream as she had been for the past several minutes. Her last message had been read, and she hadn’t received one since then. Did she reach out? The ball was in his court after all. 
Her thoughts seemed to dissipate the second she noticed a figure at the door of her office. “Come in.” She motioned, trying to figure out who it was before placing her phone to the side and resuming her usual position of power. “How may I be of assistance?”
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tiedharder · 4 years
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clems-grove · 4 months
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New cydel png just dropped. He does not fit in with the rest because I didn’t feel like it ❤️
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onivail · 3 years
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Drawing my GW2 Oc's randomly to pass time. 2/50.
Cydel Ventreska.  Human revenant, but not "canonly".  A warrior of Balthazar. Up until his return and siege of the world.  Seeing the unhinged God she turned her back to him, helping the innocents caught in the fire. 
Pre- and Post Path of Fire.
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gwen-tolios · 2 years
I'm in the final stages of editing a MG fantasy horror, and I'm kinda appalled about the number of scenes that take place in a bathroom.
It can't be helped, the bathroom is the room that's haunted, but it makes it hard to be...appropriate...in a scene where the main character wants to make sure her friend hasn't been possessed when the only way to do that is to peek under the stall.
God, this book bleeds over all sort of industry standards. Content, length, emotional intelligence of 11-year-olds? I may need a check on that in the future.
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Cydel Gabutero - "The Power of love" (Cover)
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aj-prasad · 3 years
When AJ had asked Cydele out to dinner earlier, he hadn’t realized his last class ended at six. Who ends class that late, anyways? He had rushed home to change his shirt, swirl some mouthwash, and run a comb through his hair before throwing it in the sink with a groan - it was an exercise in futility, and besides, he didn’t want to be late. Cydele didn’t come across as stern, exactly, but she seemed like someone who was always on time. He rushed back to the edge of campus, where they had planned to meet and walk into Lennox. Two minutes early? Damn, AJ, you are a stud. 
Seeing Cydele in the distance, he stood up straight and waved her over. “Hey, fancy seeing you here,” he grinned, trying to push away thoughts of insecurity. “Come to the edge of campus often?” AJ chuckled awkwardly, then waved his hand in apology. “Sorry, bad jokes are done for the evening. You look beautiful, by the way.”
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whosadrian · 4 years
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