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#recreyo#recreyo fanart#I love Curt#CURTISSSS#curtrichy#CURT IS A CUTIE PATOOTIE AND I LOVE HIM OMGGGGGGGG
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A request for the DJ? Mania by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra.
oh oh oh!! this is curtisssssss. this has given me a veryyy specific scene in my head! like, so curtissss
curtis' playlist here it's opening night at pete's place!
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welcome to hell | part three.

[ masterlist ]
When you win VIP passes to Scream Fest, a traveling horror carnival, you convince your fellow ASBO-mates to join you for a night of fun and harmless scares, but the horrors turn all too real when a masked serial killer begins to target you and your friends. Luckily at least one of you is immortal.
Word Count: 3.2k Tags/Warnings: slight nathan x reader, violence, stalking, blood/gore, eye horror, character death (mostly nathan lol) a/n: Part of @sheehalloween! Posting this chapter today, for Day Three: Scary Movie, as the entire fic is based off the movie Hell Fest.

Paralyzed, all you could do was watch in horror as the masked stranger moved closer, his slow tread only drawing out your terror until he was right at the edge of your car. Even with Kelly’s strength combined, the bar in your lap wouldn’t budge and yet you struggled anyway, even as the man climbed atop the front of your car. Shrinking back from him, you threw your arms around Kelly as she did the same, trembling next to you as suddenly the ride started up again.
Your own terrified screams echoed in your ears as you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for him to strike, your entire body pumping with adrenaline.
“y/n! Kelly!”
The sound of your friends’ voices made you pause and cracked your eye open. Your car had come through the other side and though the masked man was still perched right ahead of you, you were unharmed.
“Are you guys okay? You were screaming like crazy!” Alisha cried and to your surprise the car came to a stop, the lap bar lifting.
Turning to gape at Kelly, you found her wide eyed gaze staring back at you, just as confused. Before you could answer, another man in the same mask stepped out of the shadows behind Curtis and then another and another, until nearly ten actors in identical masks surrounded your friends.
“It was just part of the ride,” Simon observed shakily and you reluctantly took the man’s hand as he climbed down from your car and stepped aside to help you out. It was then that you realized the dark jacket he wore was different from earlier. Simon was right, this was a completely different person.
“You fuckers! You scared th’shit out of us!” Kelly exclaimed, anger in her voice, but you merely let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh my God, they got you good!” Curtis laughed, holding his sides.
“Shut up!” you cried, punching his arm as you passed, trying to shake off your fear.
“You gotta admit, that was pretty funny,” Alisha agreed, giggling along with Curtis until out of nowhere a costumed actor ran by and picked her up, hoisting her over his shoulder and taking off.
“ALISHA!” Curtis bellowed, taking off after her.
“I get bein’ able t’touch you, but grabbin’ someone and takin’ ‘em away from their group is kinda fucked up!” Kelly exclaimed as the rest of you followed after, trying to keep up.
“Oh my God, that guy smelled so disgusting!” Alisha cried disgustedly as you rounded the corner, finding her running back toward you, having escaped from her would be “kidnapper”.
“Oh thank goodness,” Curtis breathed, pulling her into his arms, careful not to touch any exposed skin.
“I think he was trying to lead us somewhere,” Simon guessed, giving a start as he noticed several small figures emerging from the fog behind them.
“What th’fuck?” Curtis muttered, flinching back as the children dressed as faceless dolls reached out to you.
“I guess we follow them?” you murmured, the first to take one of their hands, letting them pull you toward the wide plank bridge they’d come from.
You were almost glad for the guide; seeing more than a few kilometers in front of you was nearly impossible in the thick fog. When the faceless children finally let go of your hands, you were through the fog and standing in front of the entrance to another maze, the sound of screams and laughter once more surrounding you.
“Thank you–” you turned to say, but the children were already retreating back into the fog.
“Well that was creepy,” Alisha huffed, finally letting go of Curtis’s shirt and stepping away from his side.
“Have y’heard anythin’ from Nathan?” Kelly asked and you frowned, pulling your phone from your pocket.
“Before we got on th’ride he said he was on his way.”
Opening the message thread, you fired off another text to let him know which maze you were at. “There, hopefully by th’time we get back out, he’ll be here.”
“Right. It looks like there are three entrances,” Alisha pointed out and you read the signs overhead—scary, very scary, and your worst nightmare.
“There’s no way I’m goin’ into that one,” Alisha exclaimed, pointing to the your worst nightmare door.
“Me either,” Kelly agreed and you had to admit you were more than a little shaken still, not wanting to go on your own.
“Let’s do th’least scary one then,” you suggested, but Curtis scoffed.
“That one we did earlier was so lame though! I’m goin’ into this one,” he exclaimed, heading for the middle door.
“Simon?” Alisha asked and the three of you looked to him expectantly.
“I-I think I’ll go with Curtis,” he said, awkwardly following him.
“Whatever! Girls versus guys, I guess,” Kelly shrugged, leading the way.
Inside, a fine mist illuminated by a thin sheen of green light swirled over your head, the only light in the otherwise pitch black room.
“Check it out,” you gasped, reaching up over your head to let your fingers trail through the mist.
“That’s so cool,” Alisha whispered, following suit along with Kelly who laughed delightedly.
“Wonder how they get it t’do that…”
Before you could field a guess you felt something grab your hand and you shrieked in surprise, quickly yanking your hand back down.
“Oh, no way! Do not touch me!” Alisha squealed and you hurried to the next room, ducking your heads as you half ran for the door.
The next room was a long hall, flanked with what looked like prison doors and every few meters an arm reached between the bars.
“Are they all real?” Alisha hissed, pulling Curtis’s jacket tighter around herself and covering her hands in the overlong sleeves.
“I don’t think so,” you murmured, shrewdly examining each hand as you neared them. “Look, you can tell the real from the fake pretty easily,” you pointed out, noticing the trembling of fingers up ahead.
Alisha quickly shuffled behind Kelly as you passed, squeezing closer to the opposite side to avoid the actor’s hand as it suddenly snatched at you. Even though you knew it was coming, it still made you jump.
“Is it just me, or is this hallway growing more narrow?” you mumbled, grimacing at how many hands up ahead looked quite real.
“Let’s just make a run for it,” Kelly suggested and Alisha nodded in agreement, practically pushing her forward while you ended up behind them.
As soon as you began to run, the arms came alive and you felt hands grab at you, catching your sleeves and snaring you in place as Kelly and Alisha ran off without you, screaming and laughing, not even noticing you weren’t there.
“Guys! Guys wait!” you cried, desperately struggling in the grasp of your faceless captors. “Guys!” With one final sharp tug, you managed to tear yourself from the hands’ clutches and stumble forward, trying to catch up.
However, when you rounded the next corner, Kelly and Alisha were nowhere to be seen. “Shit,” you swore under your breath. No way to go but forward.
The next room was fashioned into some sort of makeshift horror clinic, the tables littered with rusty looking medical equipment while a skeleton slumped over a dingy cot in the corner. Hurrying to the door on the opposite wall, you yanked at the doorknob, only to find it locked. A recorded message looped over a hidden speaker and you listened to the clue, realizing you needed to find the key in order to escape the room.
“To illuminate the way out, leave no bone unturned. To illuminate—”
Tuning the message out, you scrabbled to the nearby table, searching through a stack of fake bones for the hidden key. A faint blinking light in your periphery caught your attention and you turned as it grew stronger, illuminating a hidden room behind a large panel of plexiglass. A dark figure stood still in the window and your heart filled with fear as you recognized the mask that stared back at you. Frozen in place, you knew this was the same one, the same man that had been following you since the very first maze.
The sound of muted humming hung in the air as the masked stranger continued to stare at you. When he raised his hands to pound against the glass you gave a frightened jerk, instinctively stepping back and your back hit the still locked door as he began to pound harder, intent to break the barrier separating you.
On the verge of panic, fear clouded your thoughts for a moment, distracting you, and you frantically turned to tug at the door once more in vain, crying out before remembering what you needed to do.
Running back to the table, several plastic bones scattered to the floor in your haste and your stomach gave a hopeful lurch as your fingers wrapped round the large metal skeleton key hidden beneath them. Fumbling to get it in the keyhole, you felt tears gather in your lashes until the latch clicked and the door sprung open.
Sprinting toward the exit, your lungs burning, you didn’t feel safe until you saw the others, practically bowling into Curtis.
“Whoa, whoa! What’s th’matter?” he exclaimed, grabbing your arms to steady you as you gasped for breath.
“The masked guy was in there! He was following me!”
“What? Where?!” Alisha exclaimed, peering past you worriedly.
“After we got separated, he was trying to get me!” you cried, wishing Nathan was there.
“Okay, okay, it’s gunna be okay,” Curtis assured, trying to calm you. “Once Simon gets out, we’ll find Nathan and go somewhere else.
Until Curtis had said that, you hadn’t even realized Simon was missing and you chewed your lip, silently urging him to hurry up as you watched the exit with bated breath.
Nathan awoke in the dark, sprawled atop something hard. Blinking blearily, he groaned, trying to remember what had happened through the pounding in his skull. As he shifted, he realized he was laying in a pool of something warm and sticky.
“Ugh, what th’fuck?” he moaned, instantly regretting it as he sat up and held his head.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he looked around, trying to regain his bearings. When his gaze fell on the shape next to him, the stuffed skeleton he’d been after, soaked in what looked like blood, it all came back to him.
“y/n!” he yelped, scrambling to his feet. Patting down his pockets, he searched for his phone, finding it missing. “Shit shit shit!” he muttered, nearly slipping on his own blood in his haste to find you before the killer did.
Knowing you were headed to the Badlands, he hurried that way, glad that the blood matting his curls and staining his t-shirt would draw no extra attention in the crowd while his stomach churned and his pulse pounded in his ears.
Every second of the stupid ride to the VIP section of the park dragged like an hour and Nathan was nearly vibrating in his seat as his car arrived at the exit. Taking off sprinting through the swirling fog, he skidded to a halt in front of the next maze he came across.
Swearing under his breath as he read the signs above the three entrances, he decided to chance the second one, thinking it the most likely you’d choose. Barely noticing the jumpscares, he hurried through the maze desperately searching for you, his heart in his throat.
If that freak had his phone, then he not only had a head start, but he probably knew exactly where to find you, if you sent him your location.
Suddenly, a faint voice ahead caught his attention, halting him in his tracks as he stopped to listen.
“Curtis? Curtis, where are you?”
“Barry?” Nathan called, hope surging through him.
Turning the corner ahead, Nathan was momentarily blinded by a torch beam pointing directly at his face.
“Yes, it’s me! Now can y’stop shinin’ that bloody torch in my eyes or are yeh tryin’ t’blind me?” he hissed and the beam suddenly jerked downward.
“Sorry,” Simon muttered sheepishly. “Where’ve you been? And why are you covered in blood?”
“Newsflash, I’ve been dead!” Nathan cried, throwing his hands up. “That psycho stalker killed me! Bashed my head in!” he exclaimed, pointing to the dried blood at his temple, his voice raising as he tried not to panic. “Where’s everyone else? We gotta warn ‘em before he finds ‘em!”
“They went in through a different entrance and I got separated from Curtis,” Simon explained and both men gave a jump at the abrupt blast of what sounded like a train horn.
Turning toward the sound, Simon and Nathan’s eyes widened in alarm as a pair of giant headlights flooded the room, revealing a set of fake train tracks beneath their feet and an incredibly realistic looking front of a train coming toward them slowly, but picking up speed, forcing them to run in the opposite direction.
“What th’fuck!” Nathan yelped, grabbing Simon by the arm and yanking him with him. “If I weren’t so freaked out, what with bein’ stalked by some deranged killer, I’d be seriously impressed by th’production value of this shit!” he panted, running to the far wall to desperately search for the door while the train whistled deafeningly again.
Finding no exit, the two pressed their backs to the wall, screaming madly as they blindly reached for each other, squeezing their eyes shut in dread. When several seconds elapsed and nothing happened, Nathan cracked an eye open. The front of the train had come to a harmless stop in front of them, leaving only a few meters space between them and it.
Letting out a heavy sigh of relief, Nathan suddenly realized he was still holding onto Simon and quickly sprang away from him.
“You tryin’ t’get fresh with me?” he cried, disgust warping his expression.
“You’re the one who grabbed me,” Simon pointed out, looking nearly as uncomfortable.
Nathan’s mouth pressed into a line as he pointed at Simon, his thick brows furrowing. “If you ever breathe a word of this, I’ll—I’ll—!”
“Kill me?” Simon asked wryly, a tiny grin playing at his lips.
Disarmed by the joke, Nathan gaped at him a moment longer, jabbing his finger in Simon’s face pointedly, though still at a loss for words.
“I’m th’funny one!” he finally muttered, brushing past Simon as the hidden door swung open. “What’re yeh waitin’ for? Let’s get th’fuck outta here and find th’others!” he called over his shoulder.
Not looking where he was going, as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he ran into something hard, knocking him on his arse.
“Ow, what th—?”
“Nathan, watch out!”
At Simon’s words, he looked up at what had sent him sprawling and his snarky comeback died on his tongue, fear once more flooding him as his killer loomed over him, knife in hand.
For a moment the man in the mask tilted his head, as if studying Nathan in confusion, certain their last run in should have killed him. His hesitance only lasted a few seconds however, before he was kneeling over Nathan, knife raised.
Grabbing the man’s wrist, Nathan tried to push the knife away from his face, the killer clearly aiming to bury the blade in his eye socket.
“Save me, Barry!” he cried, his muscles trembling with the effort and failing, the tip of the blade inching closer.
But Simon was nowhere to be seen.
As the knife plunged through his eye with a disgusting squelch, Nathan’s body went limp, his scream turning to a gurgled death rattle and Simon held his breath, clapping a hand over his mouth to keep from gagging, his blue eyes nearly popping out of his head. Though he was invisible, he still pressed his back to the wall, sinking deeper into the shadows as the killer pulled his knife free with a soft grunt and stood, his masked and hooded head swiveling, searching for him.
As soon as his heavy footsteps disappeared down the corridor, Simon crouched at Nathan’s side, hoping he’d come back to life soon.
“Ugh, what’s takin’ ‘im so long?” Kelly groaned, tapping her foot in impatience.
“You don’t think anything happened to Simon in there, do you?” Alisha asked, an unusual amount of concern in her voice.
Before you could answer, a large crustacean-like alien waddled up to you, shooting a glob of green slime at you, covering the front of your shirt before taking off again and running away to assault someone else.
“Are you bloody serious?!” you cried, gaping down at the sticky mess covering your shirt in disgust, frustrated tears in your eyes.
“Oh shit,” Curtis winced and you let out a tremulous breath, trying not to lose it.
“OI! FUCK YOU!” Kelly yelled after him, but it made no difference.
“C’mon, we can wash it off in th’bathroom,” Alisha offered, taking your arm to lead you to the brightly lit restrooms nearby, Kelly flanking your other side and leaving Curtis to wait for Simon.
“Great, just great,” you muttered, grabbing a fistful of paper towels and furiously scrubbing at your shirt under the faucet.
“y/n… you alright?” Kelly asked as you sniffled, quickly wiping at your watering eyes with the back of your arm.
“Yeah,” you answered quickly, furiously pumping some hand soap on the paper towels in your hand. “Tonight’s just… not exactly goin’ the way I’d hoped,” you admitted softly.
“It’s not your fault,” Alisha said, trying to comfort you.
“Maybe when we find the others we should just call it quits and head home,” you suggested with a defeated shrug.
“What? No way!” Kelly exclaimed, taking you by surprise. You expected them to jump on the offer to get out of there. “You won those tickets and y’still haven’t been through th’scariest maze yet, we can’t leave till y’get t’do that,” she insisted.
“Okay, alright,” you chuckled. “Just let me dry my shirt off and I’ll be right out, okay?”
“Okay, don’t take too long,” Alisha called as they pushed open the door.
Finding a hand dryer around the corner, you awkwardly leaned in closer to stretch your damp shirt under the warm air. When it was finally dry, you slipped into one of the stalls, the bathroom completely empty. As you emptied your bladder, you pulled your phone out to text Nathan again.
Where r u? Hope ur ok.
As you hit send, you pulled your pants up and froze as moments later a text notification echoed loudly through the empty bathroom.
You’d thought you’d been alone, but maybe someone had come in while you were texting and you didn’t hear.
Your phone chimed with a response—I’m close.
Hesitating a moment, you decided to respond. It could have been merely a coincidence that another person’s phone went off just as your message to Nathan had sent.
How close?
Once again, seconds later, the same ringtone sounded, this time from the stall next to you and for some reason your blood went cold as if you’d been doused in a bucket of ice water.
“Hello? Nathan? Is that you?” you called, getting no answer. As much as you hoped it was just Nathan trying to mess with you, you couldn’t help but feel it was... someone else. “Nathan, if you’re tryin’ t’scare me… it’s working–”
Your words cut off as a pair of worn boots stopped in front of your stall, the toes just visible beneath the door and you flinched back, afraid of what you might see if you peered through the crack. Those were definitely not Nathan’s shoes.
Before you could say anything else, the door began to shake as if whoever was out there, wanted to get in.
Taglist: @santacarlahorrorshow @super-unpredictable98 @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
#misfits#misfits e4#nathan young#nathan young x reader#misfits fanfic#robert sheehan character fic#hell fest!au#sheehalloween 2022#joz.fic
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curtissss!!!! question- do you kin with a specific COLOR scout or is it just him as a whole?
Oh, ok, funny question, that is. So, to be ultra super duper thorough cause Kankri habits, I kin both Red and Blu Scout, Demoman, Medic and Pyro. And otherwise, I kin Red Spy and Blu Engineer. I'm questioning Heavy both ways cause I dunno if I kin him at all yet. So yea.
Curtis, mix shift [Kankri Vantas + Jeremy "Scout"]
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Curtissss 👻

#emobreadart#drawing#curtis rx#sketches#creature feature#fanart#art#artists on tumblr#love me plz#i want recognition
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I’m not sure where to start!
Spoilers? past this point? yeah
I like Rudy! He’s a little weird but he’s great! I do see him as a replacement for Nathan which makes me a little sad but... Ah well.
So apart from watching Episode 1, I also watched Vegas Baby! and.......... so Nathan is in jaaaail..... and the baby’s name is Nathan Juniorrrrr... that’s so cuuUUUTEE.. <3 alright alright sO
poor Curtis btw he’s single again - almost forgot that. But it looks like Alisha and Rudy had a uh.. a little past ! ;^)
OKAY ALSO THE WHOLE GANG IS BACK IN COMMUNITY SERVICE and I still love the probation worker. We love a lazy jerk. now I will watch episode 2 , and breaks in watching to react will be separated by lines beginning with --.
you know what though, when he turns into “MuhhhLISSA” he is leading a double life and honestly mood but also no thanks because that’s a lot of lies to keep and carry
THE PROBATION WORKER WAS EYEING HI- HER-- what pronouns-- ok, I will refer to *him* as Curtis and *her* as Melissa but that’s still confusing but ok that’s it
so the probation worker was definitely eyeing her and also she told poor Barry Simon to move like a JERK I hate her even though that’s definitely Curtis talking LOL
please don’t turn out like Bruno, I loved Bruno, shame what his .. condition was, but AUGHH A NEW COUPLE?? YES???? P L E A SE ?? KELLY DESERVES ALL THE LOVE
but so did Bruno I LOVE YOU BRUNO
-- looks like Curtis can never find love!
i was rooting for them but she literally just gave him sympathy sex. I couldn’t tbh. mostly because I don’t want to have sex with anyone, much less sex out of sympathy. I can’t imagine that...
I don’t really like her, she’s a bit rude, but then again she invites Melissa out to have fun somewhere so I guess that’s girl power-whatever-stuff? yay...
i mean ok we love representation but I think Curtis should stop all this stuff, I know he wants to run but he obviously is making things harder on himself. yikes
I have some issues I want to address.... they’re kissing. even though he knows that she had sympathy sex with him. he is still SMITTEN WITH HER. Curtis my boy you gotta think with your head not your dick- or your vag- well i dunno, your gametes. just realized how nasty that word is. anyway THINK Curtis. smh
“I don’t think there’s an official term for this shit” yeah that’s fair
-- the coach creeps me out... yikes. I mean he’s weirrrdd with Melissa. she also just gets stares by a lot of guys. now I guess Curtis knows how it feels. :|
heccck this season is driving me crazy
-- i- i-- wh ----- hwh waht the fuck
did he change back? i skipped the scene because there’s no way I’m watching a fucking rape scene.
I went back a few seconds and saw something?? under the dress and I saw Curtis’s face and he PUNCHED the coach and crawled out of the car and I’m kinda scared.
-- alright a bunch of stuff happened at once but I just wanna appreciate Curtis’s (Melissa’s) line “You have no idea what it’s like to be a woman” and then Simon’s face. alright moving on
ope, and there’s the period.
-- BOY!! the way he just ran omg yes go get Emma !!! Curtissss RUNN.
I hate the coach. I despise him
-- OK OK they’re cute again but that’s only cause he admitted the truth
ahhhhh that’s adorable
also what’s going on with Kelly and her new man?? serious lack of that as well as Simon & Alisha this episode I am SAD
-- oh no I watched the up next segment and I’m scared SIMON IS GONNA LEAVE!!! Y’ALL I CAN’T WITH THIS SHOW
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