farmerstrend · 1 year
Cucumber Farming In Kenya; A Comprehensive Cultivation Guide
Cucumber farming in Kenya has gained significant growth as a profitable agricultural venture, catering to both local consumption and export markets. Cucumber farming in Kenya comprises of three primary methods: greenhouse cultivation, hydroponic and open field growing. Each approach has its distinct advantages and challenges, contributing to the overall success of cucumber production in…
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laurapaq · 4 years
Roman Farming
Nowadays, we mostly remember Rome for her republic declining into an empire, or her military prowess. However, Romans thought of themselves as peace-loving, and even violent figures such as Sulla or Pompey the Great retired (temporarily, in Pompey’s case) from public life to their farm, as did the idealized Cincinnatus. Festivals celebrated farming holidays, art depicts farming tools, and noble gentlemen wrote farming manuals. Perhaps this was because the Romans rarely had a hard time providing food for themselves, their own land was fertile, and as the empire expanded they were fed by north African farms, or perhaps it was because the city of Rome was started as a little military outpost to protect Italian farmers from their northern Etruscan neighbors.
Because farming was so idealized, it’s a difficult subject to cover extensively, I’m going to highlight some practices, inventions, and produce that could add realism to historical fiction or fantasy as well as distinguish it from the typical fantasy landscape, then go into some of the cultural implications (besides people having better things to do than starve to death). 
Even if farming was an appropriate side hustle for patrician nobility, farming itself was difficult, and it yielded far less than it does now. Nearly half of the crop had to be used as seeds. Even still, Romans farmed so well that their farming methods were picked up by Britains and Gauls, which is appropriate since Romans built off efforts by the Greeks and people of the Near East. Additionally, despite the difficulties of the ancient world, the period between 500 BC and 500 AD had peak farming conditions in Europe (as opposed to the mini Ice Age that followed). Italy had other farming advantages; although rainfall can be spotty at times, it’s normally abundant, there are plenty of rivers and streams, and the soil is rich from volcanic ash.
The Romans grew wheat, spelt, barley, legumes like peans, peas, chickpeas, alfalfa, turnips, radishes, and fruit like figs. Wild fruits and nuts could be collected at will. Grapes and olive oil were popular and sold abundantly—both grow naturally in Italy—and with grain were the most important plants, sometimes called the “Mediterranean triad” (2). Though olive and grapes could be grown with little effort, grain—around 75% of a normal person’s calories—required extensive effort. Moreover, early Roman holdings were often as small as 1.25 acres or half a hectares. Normally, 1 acre will feed one person. 
Because there’s a large difference in the temperature and rainfall in north and south Italy, there’s a good bit of variance in farming method. However, we can get the idea in broad strokes. Roman tools were bronze or iron, hand tools like hoes and mattocks, plows (with a forecarriage—an apparatus at the front that makes it steadier), carts, harrow, manure hampers and baskets, spades, shovels, rakes, scythes, axes, wedges, an olive-crushing mill and oil press.
The plow was used first to turn soil over, as it is now, and could invert soil if turned sideways; some plows had metal ‘ears’ on the bottom that improved them. In light soil it could be pulled by a donkey, otherwise, it might require a few oxen. That was followed with a mattock (which looks like a cross between a pick-axe and a wood-axe), which broke up large lumps of dirt so that the seeds could fall into the proper rows the plow had turned up. Fields were plowed at least twice to conserve moisture (called cry-farming, still a staple around the Mediterranean), and manure was laid down after the second plowing, which came from a compost pit with animal excrement and rotting leaves, weeds, or leftovers. Seeds were either thrown out (which is quicker), or placed by hand. They were then raked over with a harrow, which could be a tool with iron teeth like nails raking the ground, or a convenient thorn bush.
Harvesting was done with a sickle (curvy knife on a stick that looks like a bad guy’s weapon), which has changed little since then, and was then brought to the threshing floor. Threshing was done by animals stomping on the grain on a hard floor, or by being crushed by a tribulum, or wooden frame with metal on its belly which was pulled across the floor. Winnowing was done by tossing the threshed grain and letting the light chaff blow away while the heavier grain well back down. Grain was then usually ground with rocks, although there were some working water mills at the end of the empire.
On rainy days when not much farming could get done, Cato (one of the politicians writing farm manuals) says to make sure to remind the overseer of work that could be done “scrubbing and pitching wine vats, cleaning the farmstead, shifting grain, hauling out manure, making a manure pit, cleaning seed, mending old harness and making new; and that the hands ought to have mended their smocks and hoods. Remind him, also, that on feast days old ditches might have been cleaned, road work done, brambles cut, the garden spaded, a meadow cleared, faggots bundled, thorns rooted out, spelt ground, and general cleaning done.” (4)
Although vineyards and olive groves remained unchanging, the Romans realized that they couldn’t grow the same crop the same place forever as it depletes the soil, so they divided their fields and rotated crops between them. They also identified which soil was best for which plant, and paid attention to that as they were cordoning off sections; for instance, olives were to be planted in thinner soil and exposed to the sun, at intervals of twenty five feet. Forage crops were also planted, such as alfalfa, which also aided the farm animal’s fertility. Vegetables were also grown to supplement human and beast, though farmers would also forage for acorns or other foodstuff to feed their animals through winter. 
To offset the dangers of a poor year, in the good year, farmers stored as much as they could—not just food, but animals and jewelry that could be sold. People also used each other as resources; when one person helped another, the person helped incurred an obligation to return the favor. 
Certain plants were also grown for medicinal purposes: Pliny reports that garlic had 61 medicinal uses, radish 43, and lettuce 42. Parsnip relaxed the stomach and relieved swelling when used as a bandage, the onion’s juice was used to relieve pain from snake bites, the wild cucumber’s juice was used for tooth aches and to heal eyes, beets were boiled and eaten with raw garlic to cure tapeworm.
Farming evolved as Rome did. Initially, it was a family thing, with that small acre and change farm earlier described. However, as Rome grew and the need for soldiers increased, Rome turned to conscription. Young men were pressed into military service, and while they were gone those rich off of conquests bought up land that couldn’t be maintained without the citizen farmer, and used captured slaves as free labor. These slave run estates were so common, there was even a name for them, the latifundia. These latifundia undercut the family farm and forced the rural people to the city, where they struggled to find work and depended on the empire’s bread and circuses. However, this theory has come under fire recently from new archeology evidence which doesn’t seem to support a decrease in small farms, yet even if it wasn’t true, it was the narrative the poor Romans told themselves. Regardless, it is verifiably true that as the empire expanded, it depended more and more on fertile North Africa, such as Egypt, Tunisia (where Carthage was), and Algeria, as well as their own islands Sicily and Sardinia.
Why It Matters:
We can see a tension between Rome as it was originally, a farming outpost, and the military empire it became in Cato, who has nothing but praise for farmers, but still draws them from their farm claiming that they make the sturdiest soldiers. More subtly, in the Aeneid, Aeneas’ father Anchises tells him it’s the Roman legacy to conquer, and yet the author Virgil spends more time on the domestic scene, in romance and familiar love, than battle. Seeing as no culture can live up to its ideals (unless they have lame ideals like flaying people *cough* Assyrians), a good fantasy culture will have both what it wants to be, and what it is. Sometimes those two are even in conflict with each other, or ideas mutate without the (sophisticated, fancy smancy part of) culture realizing or noticing the difference. Moreover, even if you want to cast a nation as ‘the bad guys’ they’ve got good motivations; Roman expansion was initially defensive, or honoring treaties with allies.  
We can also see that cultures love their origins. Rome seemed to be more proud of their agrarian roots, than of their military prowess, which they actually seemed almost ashamed of early in their history (the ‘victory arch’ began as a sort of atonement ceremony where soldiers had to purify themselves before entering the city). Which is why we see houses in the city decorating their houses with natural scenes rather than scenes of battle, so that they can pretend they were proper Roman farmers. 
As always, the technical details can help with realism. 
1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/agriculture/Improvements-in-agriculture-in-the-West-200-bce-to-1600-ce 
2. https://facultystaff.richmond.edu/~wstevens/history331texts/farming.html 
3. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah20007 
4. http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Cato/De_Agricultura/A*.html  (Cato’s On Agriculture) 
5. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Plin.+Nat.+toc&redirect=true (Pliny’s Natural Histories)
6. http://factsanddetails.com/world/cat56/sub408/item2049.html 
#writingfantasy #worldbuilding #writingtips #ancientworld
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skookworks · 4 years
Artstuff – Acute Care
My last Dark Conspiracy illustration project was the scenario Acute Care. It featured an investigation of a busy hospital that is a front for all manner of nefarious experiments and weird events. As with the other DC projects published as PDFs by 3Hombres this one is no longer available.
This supplement was reviewed by Marcus Bone here.
Story Seed #40  The Night Land: Tales of the AbHumans
The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson is an early example of the Dying Earth subgenre of scifi/fantasy. It’s a work of great imagination, particularly when you consider that Hodgson didn’t have many previous examples of the genre to inspire him. Part of the imagination gets spent on the book’s faux-archaic prose style and that makes the book a bit of slog for most readers. Including me. I read it back in the days when I had much more time and patience. James Stoddard, a fan of the novel, did an edit/rewrite of the story using contemporary language. It’s a much easier read.
The plot is simple – Heroic Dude ventures into hostile territory to rescue his True Love. He succeeds.
Yes, I’m being a little snarky. The Heroic Dude and his True Love are some of the last remaining true humans on Earth. And therefore Good. The hostile territory is populated by mutants, monsters and beings from other spaces – all with a hatred (or at least an appetite) for true humans. And therefore Evil.
I enjoy looking at stories to see what’s missing, what stories aren’t being told. Sometimes it’s the ecology that weird – what do all the these predators eat when they’re not trying to eat the hero? Sometimes I wonder what the story would look like if told by the antagonists. There are humans of a sort in The Night Land. The abhumans live and breed among monsters and giants and worse things. In the novel they are depicted as savage brutes but perhaps the narrator’s view of them is skewed, prejudiced. They’ve adapted to a hostile environment. They may have language and culture and art that the citizens of the Last Redoubt have not seen or, perhaps, refuse to see. Europeans have been very good at ignoring and demonizing the cultures of those they conquered. The Redoubtables might do the same. And the Abhumans may have good reason to hate and fight against the Redoubtables. That seven mile tall pyramid must suck up a lot of resources.
What do the Abhumans do when they’re not trying to kill Redoubtables? How do they greet each other? Do they farm? Do they hunt? Do they have religions? Politics? Art? Crime? How do they co-exist with the other inhabitants of The Night Land? There are seven million stories in the Last Redoubt. There are many more outside it.
Other Newsletters : Dangerous Characters
Dangerous Characters from Sady Doyle is a review newsletter focusing on horror movies. Ms. Doyle likes horror movies and writes from a feminist perspective. I like horror movies and, while I consider myself a feminist, I’m still a guy. Reading the opinions of someone of someone with a lived female experience broadens my worldview.
My big sister is smart, driven and creative. During this coronapocalypse she’s put some of her enormous energy toward looking after her little brother. For the last few weeks she’s been preparing meals. popping them in coolers and ferrying them across town. She tells us when she’s coming, we put out last week’s cooler and SHAZAM! she switches in a new cooler packed with gourment goodness.
This week it was handmade pork potstickers, beef broccoli stir friy with sauce, Adouille garbonzo chilli with avocado and cilantro garnish, and lamb filo pie with a cucumber feta salad. Some of it is precooked. Some of it needs heat applied. She provides instructions. Both the nephew and I have worked in restaurants so we don’t need a lot of details. There’s enough in each dish that we’re able to share some with our housemate and we’ve often got leftovers. My taste buds will be a little sad when Sis has an open social schedule again. The rest of me will be happy to give her hugs and to be in the same room with her again.
Assuming it will be safe to ever hug anyone again. (Which it will. It just won’t be safe to hug everyone again. And it never was. Some people don’t like hugs.)
Saturday night the nephew tried teaching Sarah and me how to play Magic the Gathering. He’s been playing the game since he was seven and can talk about it for hours. Sarah got the basics of the game pretty well. Me … not so much. I mean, I got the basics – the cards do explain themselves somewhat – but there’s a lot of complexity to the game that I haven’t grokked yet. We played with decks that the nephew had set up with different winning strategies. He explained those strategies pretty well. I can see the appeal of the game. The cards are pretty.
I also need a new prescription for my glasses. To play the game well it’s necessary to be able to read the other players’ cards and I can’t do that well rightn now. I’ve known I needed a new prescription for a while but this drove that point home. One more thing to do once the lockdown lifts.
I hope this letter finds you well. Things won’t go back to normal and they should not. The old normal was a lot less great than the marketing implied. Ignore the marketing. Maintain social interaction while practicing physical distancing. We’re all in the this together.
Tuesday Night Party Club #16 Artstuff - Acute Care My last Dark Conspiracy illustration project was the scenario Acute Care. It featured an investigation of a busy hospital that is a front for all manner of nefarious experiments and weird events.
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rupalic · 2 years
Indoor Farming Technology Market: Industry Segments and Leading Key Players
According to the new market research report “Indoor Farming Technology Market by Growing System (Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Aquaponics, Soil-based, Hybrid), Facility Type, Component, Crop Type (Fruits & Vegetables, Herbs & Microgreens, Flowers & Ornamentals), and Region – Global Forecast to 2026″, published by MarketsandMarkets™, the market size is estimated to account for a value of USD 14.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR 9.4% from 2020, to reach a value of USD 24.8 billion by 2026. Factors such as the higher yield as compared to conventional agriculture practices, controlled environment farming, and improved yield and higher produce with limited land resources, are some of the key factors driving the growth of the indoor farming technology market during the forecast period.
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By growing system, the hydroponics segment is estimated to account for a larger market share, in terms of value, in 2020
Hydroponics technology offers many benefits, including no use of soil and low cost of water, as the water remains in the system and can be reused. The nutrition levels can entirely be controlled, resulting in lower nutrient cost with stable and high yield. Hydroponics need a continuous flow of nutrients to prevent drying out of the roots, as they lack a medium to store water and nutrients.
The glass or poly house segment, on the basis of facility type, is estimated to hold the largest share in the indoor farming technology market, in terms of value, in 2020
Glass or poly greenhouses comprise an enclosed structure that is transparent and made of glass or a polycarbonate material. Greenhouses that are made of glass are more aesthetically appealing, have better clarity & light transmission, and can withstand heavy winds. On the other hand, polycarbonate greenhouses have good thermal efficiency, which helps keep the climate inside the greenhouse warm during the night. It also provides better protection from frost and is less expensive compared to glass. These greenhouses are generally used to cultivate tomatoes, potatoes, and cucumbers.
Browse in-depth TOC on “Indoor Farming Technology Market”
129 – Tables 40 – Figures 184 – Pages
By component, the software & services segment is estimated to account for a significant market share, in terms of value, in 2020
By component, the software & services segment is growing at a fast pace. The farming industry has been adopting farm management solutions rapidly and is expected to constantly grow in the upcoming years as well. Farm management software includes various types such as record keeping, farm mapping, monitoring & forecasting, farm economics, resource & inventory management, and others. The applications include customer management, payables, receivables, resources & inventory management profit center, and tax management. Some of the major companies that offer software are FARMSIGHT by Deere & Company and FarmWorks Mapping among others
The fruits & vegetables segment, on the basis of crop type, is estimated to hold the largest share in the indoor farming technology market, in terms of value, in 2020
The consumption of fruits has witnessed an overall double-digit growth in the last few decades, and this trend is expected to continue over the next few years. The high demand for fruits & vegetables has encouraged farmers to produce higher and better yields, owing to which they adopt modern and high-end technologies. For this study, fruits & vegetables comprise leafy greens, tomatoes, strawberries, eggplants, and other crops. Fruits & vegetables form an important segment of the indoor farming technology market since advanced greenhouse methods and technologies are used on a large scale to grow the produce throughout the year. Using indoor vertical farms for the production of fruits & vegetables, more outdoor area is made available for the production of cereals and fodder crops.
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Europe is projected to dominate the majority market share, in the global indoor farming technology market, in terms of value, in 2020
Europe dominated the indoor farming technology market and is growing at a steady CAGR during the forecast period. Recently, the interest in indoor farming has been growing across all major European cities. In response to the growing demand for food, rapid urbanization, and increasing need for new productive soils, indoor farming is expected to be a leading farming technology and a financially viable solution. Indoor farming could play an important role in contributing to urban food security and enabling year-round production in Europe. The European Environment Agency (EEA) is building indoor farms to overcome challenges such as climate changes, continuous population growth, and producing food in a more environment-friendly manner.
According to national government statistics, the adoption of hydroponics has been witnessed to be the highest across all European countries. The Netherlands has the world’s highest adoption rate for hydroponic systems of over 80%, majorly for its flowers and vegetable production. In contrast, Spain, France, Greece, and Poland have around 20% adoption for hydroponic systems. Across all European countries, tomatoes and peppers are the major cultivated crops, while berry and melon are majorly cultivated using traditional soil-based greenhouses. Flower production has been high across European countries, majorly the Netherlands and Poland, where flowers have a higher economic value.
Key Players:
This report includes a study on the marketing and development strategies, along with a survey of the product portfolios of the leading companies operating in the indoor farming technology market. It includes the profiles of leading companies, such as Signify Holding (Netherlands), Everlight Electronics (China), Argus Control Systems (Canada), LumiGrow (US), Netafim (Israel), Logiqs (Netherlands), Illumitex (US), Hydrodynamics International (US), American Hydroponics (US), Richel Group (France), Vertical Farm Systems (Australia), General Hydroponics (US), Agrilution (Germany), Heliospectra AB (Sweden), Scotts Miracle Gro (US), Hydroponics System International (Spain), Advanced Nutrients (US), Emerald Harvest (US), VitaLink (UK), and Grobo (US).
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lscreativedesigns · 3 years
Save the Bees!
Research & Works Cited:
·      Honeybees do not only produce honey, they are significant to the pollination of fruits and vegetables that both humans and livestock eat
·      They are responsible for one-third of the United State’s commercial pollination for produce.
·      Cornell University study determined that bees pollinate 14 billion dollars’ worth of seeds in crops in the United States
·      Also important for their beeswax, which produces candles, polishes, ointments, crayons, gum, inks, and lipstick.
·      The venom from a bee is used for medical purposes such as treatment for a number of diseases of the muscle, connective tissue and immune system.
·      They are becoming extinct
·      3 main reasons for the bees’ extinction and they are parasites, habitat loss, and cell phones
o  Parasites:
§  Two main types of parasites that harm honeybees and they are tracheal and varroa mites
§  Tracheal mites live inside the bee and kill them.
§  Varroa mites live externally in a beehive and affect the young bees that are being raised.
·      parasites can cause harmful diseases. One disease causes the bees’ wings to be damaged
1) A reduction of pollination will cause farmers and beekeepers to go out of business. 2) The decline of food supplies relying on pollination will cause an increase in cost for fruits, vegetables, and nuts. 3) Health will become a big issue because consumers will not be able to afford fruits and vegetables due to high prices, therefore they will eat more junk food. 4) The dairy and beef cattle cannot bare the alternative because the food that is very important will be affected as well. 5) The cost of food would rise as agricultural ingredients grow scarce, and in the end people will develop malnutrition and  starvation. Do you see the chain reaction?
The chain reaction (in-depth of the consequences) 1) Without honeybees, beekeepers that nurse the bees will go out of business therefore farmers will lose there crops because the fruits and vegetables need the pollen and eventually the farmers will lose their farm. 2) Pollination is a big source when it comes to fruits, vegetable, and nuts. But without pollination, fruits, vegetables and nuts will start to die. When that starts to happen, the products such as almonds, peaches, soybeans, apples, pears, pumpkins, cucumbers, cherries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries will increase in prices. 3) One-Third of the total U.S diet comes from insect pollinated plants. When the product of food such as vegetables starts to increase in prices, people will not afford the products. So they will begin to eat junk food.     4) For cows to eat their nutrients, the bees need to pollinate their food in order for them to survive. 5) The cost of produce will gradually increase in time as the agricultural products will grow scarce. In time, people will die from starvation and malnutrition because there will not be any food to eat.
·      In 2006, David Hackenberg — a bee keeper for 42 years — reported a 90 percent die-off among his 3,000 hives. U.S. National Agricultural Statistics show a honey bee decline from about 6 million hives in 1947 to 2.4 million hives in 2008, a 60 percent reduction.
·      Solutions that save the bees;  ban the seven most dangerous pesticides, protect pollinator health by preserving wild habitat, restore ecological habitat
3. The Importance of Bees in Nature. www.fao.org/3/i0842e/i0842e04.pdf.
Appenfeller, Logan R., et al. “Citizen Science Improves Our Understanding of the Impact of Soil Management on Wild Pollinator Abundance in Agroecosystems.” PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0230007.
Boriana Slabakova Boriana is a lifelong pet lover with many years of experience working with a variety of domestic and exotic animals. Petpedia became her outlet to share her love for animals and what she has learned over the years. , et al. “43 Frightening Bee Statistics & Facts for 2021.” Petpedia, 18 May 2021, petpedia.co/bee-statistics/.
“Endangered Bees.” Importance, depts.washington.edu/triolive/quest/2007/TTQ07077/importance.html.
“Est. 2009 in Response to the Bee Crisis.” The Bee Conservancy, 31 Aug. 2021, thebeeconservancy.org/.
“Fact Sheet: The Economic Challenge Posed by Declining Pollinator Populations.” National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2014/06/20/fact-sheet-economic-challenge-posed-declining-pollinator-populations.
Foundation, Help Save the Bees. “Help Save the Bees.” Help Save the Bees, helpsavethebeesfoundation.org/.
“Home.” BeesCause, 1 Oct. 2019, beescause.com/.
“Issues: Pollinators & Pesticides.” Center for Food Safety, www.centerforfoodsafety.org/issues/304/pollinators-and-pesticides/bee-decline-and-pesticide-use-248.
Main, Douglas. “Bumblebees Are Going Extinct in a Time of 'Climate Chaos'.” Animals, National Geographic, 4 May 2021, www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/bumblebees-going-extinct-climate-change-pesticides.
Medicine, Center for Veterinary. “Helping Agriculture's Helpful Honey Bees.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/animal-health-literacy/helping-agricultures-helpful-honey-bees.
Mooney, Chris. “Bumblebees Are Dying across North America and Europe as the Climate Warms, Scientists Say.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 6 Feb. 2020, www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2020/02/06/bumblebees-are-vanishing-scientists-blame-climate-change/.
Schwartz, Jason, et al. “Save the Bees.” Greenpeace USA, 18 June 2014, www.greenpeace.org/usa/sustainable-agriculture/save-the-bees/.
“Why Bees Are so Important to Human Life and Health.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/why-are-bees-important-to-humans.
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ijtsrd · 3 years
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Design and Fabrication of Automated Solar Insect Trap
by K Sathya Sai | N Venkat Naidu | P Sai Kiran | S Saleem Basha | Naveen Kumar Reddy | P Kalyan Kumar | Mr. Sharadh Kumar "Design and Fabrication of Automated Solar Insect Trap"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021,
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd42545.pdf
Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.comengineering/mechanical-engineering/42545/design-and-fabrication-of-automated-solar-insect-trap/k-sathya-sai
ugcapprovedmanagementjournal, openaccessjournalofmanagement, paperpublicationinmanagement
Insect control is the biggest challenge in agriculture. It is a common practice to use a deadly chemical pesticide to protect the crop from pest damage. There are many side effects of using a chemical. Use of more pesticide results in financial burden to the farmers. Moreover, the food becomes contaminated. In organic and integrated farming by using environment friendly automated solar powered insect trap, pest can be brought under control effectively. Solar trap is very simple in construction and use. On the four legged stand about five foot height , the solar lamp strips are mounted powered by battery. A basin is placed below the lamp to collect the insects. The basin can be tilted with the help of motor driven by battery. To refill the basin with the water the solar trap is fitted with a pump. During the evening when the harmful pests hovers the crop fields, the solar lamp will switch on automatically and attracts the insects that may destroy the crops. Attracted insects end up in a water filled basin. Water can be mixed with soap oil or shampoo to prevent the insects escaping from the basin. Every day, basin full of insects can be trapped. Farmers job is to switch on the motor that tilt the basin to empty the trapped insects and refill the water to basin with the help of pump every day. One Solar Trap is enough for one acre farming field. Another specialty of the machine is that it can be shipped anywhere without much difficulty. The Solar Trap can be used in various crops fields such as vegetables, pomegranates, grapes, cucumber, nut, coconut, paddy, sugarcane etc. 
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fileepublibrary · 3 years
(READ-PDF!) The Chef's Garden A Modern Guide to Common and Unusual Vegetables--With Recipes {epub download}
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Download/Read The Chef's Garden: A Modern Guide to Common and Unusual Vegetables--With Recipes Ebook
information book:
Author : Lee Jones
Pages : 640
Language :
Release Date :2021-4-27
ISBN :0525541063
Publisher :Avery Publishing Group
An approachable, comprehensive guide to the modern world of vegetables, from the leading grower of specialty vegetables in the country
Near the shores of Lake Erie is a family-owned farm with a humble origin story that has become the most renowned specialty vegetable grower in America. After losing their farm in the early 1980s, a chance encounter with a French-trained chef at their farmers' market stand led the Jones family to remake their business and learn to grow unique ingredients that were considered exotic at the time, like microgreens and squash blossoms. They soon discovered chefs across the country were hungry for these prized ingredients, from Thomas Keller in Napa Valley to Daniel Boulud in New York City. Today, they provide exquisite vegetables for restaurants and home cooks across the country.The Chef's Garden grows and harvests with the notion that every part of the plant offers something unique for the plate. From a perfect-tasting carrot, to a tiny red royal turnip, to a pencil lead-thin cucumber still attached to its blossom, The Chef's Garden is constantly innovating to grow vegetables sustainably and with maximum flavor. It's a Willy Wonka factory for vegetables.In this guide and cookbook, The Chef's Garden, led by Farmer Lee Jones, shares with readers the wealth of knowledge they've amassed on how to select, prepare, and cook vegetables. Featuring more than 500 entries, from herbs, to edible flowers, to varieties of commonly known and not-so-common produce, this book will be a new bible for farmers' market shoppers and home cooks. With 100 recipes created by the head chef at The Chef's Garden Culinary Vegetable Institute, readers will learn innovative techniques to transform vegetables in their kitchens with dishes such as Ramp Top Pasta, Seared Rack of Brussels Sprouts, and Cornbread-Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms, and even sweet concoctions like Onion Caramel and Beet Marshmallows.The future of cuisine is vegetables, and Jones and The Chef's Garden are on the forefront of this revolution.
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amshrihari · 4 years
Cucumber Seeds Market Report, By Product Type (Hybrid Cucumber Seeds and Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds), by Farm Type (Farmland, Greenhouse, and Others (Hydroponics)), and by Region (North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Africa) - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2019 - 2027
Press Release
Cucumbers are considered a healthy vegetable type, as they are very low in calorie content, however, they are very rich in nutrients including important vitamins and minerals. Moreover, cucumbers are also potential source of antioxidants, which are required to be consumed for healthy life. Therefore, rising awareness of health benefits of cucumber among the populace is expected to propel demand for cucumbers globally and thereby fuel growth of global cucumber seeds market over the forecast period. Cucumbers are offered as hybrid seeds or as open pollinated or heirloom seeds type in the market.
Market Dynamics
Cucumber seeds are used to cultivate cucumbers in farmland, in greenhouse or other farming types such as aquaponics or hydroponics. Farmland is a traditional low cost faming type used for cultivating cucumbers and therefore it is expected to maintain its dominance over the forecast period.
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However, new and advanced greenhouse farming method is expected to gain traction over the forecast period, owing to benefits it offers such as better yield over farmland. For instance, according to a study, ‘Greenhouse grown Cucumber as an Alternative to Field Production and its Economic Feasibility in Aswan Governorate, Egypt’ published by Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences in 2016, a greenhouse experiment was carried out in 2014-2015 in the Research Station at Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Aswan University, Egypt. Result of the study showed that yield of cucumber grown under greenhouse in Egypt was 5 times more than that of yield obtained in open-field/farmland. Moreover, the water used for irrigation was 70% less in case of greenhouse than in open-field.
Moreover, Asia Pacific held a significant market share in global cucumber seeds market in 2018, owing to presence of top cucumber producing countries in the region. For instance according to data released by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in January 2019, China and Japan are listed amongst top 10 countries in the world for production of cucumbers and gherkins in 2017. According to the same source, China was the highest cucumber producing country in 2017.
Key features of the study:
This report provides in-depth analysis of global cucumber seeds market and provides market size (US$ million & million units) and compound annual growth rate (CAGR %) for the forecast period (2019–2027), considering 2018 as the base year
It elucidates potential revenue opportunities across different segments and explains attractive investment proposition matrices for this market
This study also provides key insights about market drivers, restraints, opportunities, new product launches or approval, regional outlook, and competitive strategy adopted by the leading players
It profiles leading players in the global cucumber seeds market based on the following parameters – company overview, financial performance, product portfolio, geographical presence, distribution strategies, key developments and strategies, and future plans
Key companies covered as a part of this study includes, Bayer Group, BASF SE, Groupe Limagrain, Syngenta, AG, Advanta Seeds, Sakata Seed Corporation, Semillas Fitó, SA, Yüksel Tohum A.Ş, Johnny's Selected Seeds, and satimex QUEDLINBURG GmbH
Insights from this report would allow marketers and the management authorities of the companies to make informed decision regarding their future products launches, technology up-gradation, market expansion, and marketing tactics
The global cucumber seeds market report caters to various stakeholders in this industry including investors, suppliers, cucumber seeds manufacturers, distributors, new entrants, and financial analysts
Stakeholders would have ease in decision-making through the various strategy matrices used in analyzing the global cucumber seeds market
Detailed Segmentation:
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Hybrid Cucumber Seeds
Open Pollinated/Heirloom Cucumber Seeds
Others (Hydroponics, etc.)
Company Overview
Product Portfolio
Financial Performance
Key Strategies
Recent Developments
Future Plans
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jayu123-me · 4 years
Hydroponics Market will clock 6.5% CAGR from 2017 to 2025
The global hydroponics market has been estimated to be competitive in nature. It is expected to experience intense competition over the next few years, notes a new market research study by Transparency Market Research. The report forecasts that the increasing number of market players and emergence of cutthroat competition are expected to improve the growth of global hydroponics market in the next few years to come.
Some of the noted players that are operating in the global hydroponics market are Bright Farms Inc., Village Farms International, Inc., Thanet Earth Ltd., AMCO Produce Inc., and Soave Enterprises LLC. These companies are underscoring the need for innovation and product development thereby generating favorable growth opportunities for global hydroponics market in the forthcoming years. Besides, rising numbers of acquisitions and mergers are further expected to fuel growth of global hydroponics market over the forecast timeframe.
In accordance with the report by Transparency Market Research, the global hydroponics market will clock 6.5% CAGR from 2017 to 2025. The global hydroponics market is estimated to be valued at US$12.1 bn by the end of 2025.
High Yield in this form of Cultivation to Drive Market Growth
Increased produce of hydroponic vegetables has stimulated the growth of global hydroponic vegetable market. As more and more people get to know about the benefits of this type of cultivation over conventional method of cultivation, the global hydroponics market is ought to grow. Hydroponics use less of land, fertilizers, and water and also serve as a simple solution to the issue of climate change.
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Intake of contaminated or diseased plants can lead to diseases such as Salmonella poisoning, E. coli and, others. Rising awareness amongst the consumers is propelling the demand for vegetables and crops that are cultivated in a controlled and safe environment.  Such awareness fuels the growth of global hydroponics market.
Hydroponic cultivation produces high yield as compared to the usual rural cultivation system. Therefore, high yield, thus produced, plays a key role in the stimulating growth for global hydroponics market in the next few years to come. Substantial rise in the vibrant, colourful vegetables along with expanding requirement for nutritional food are estimated to drive global hydroponics market.
On the other hand, the need for high base speculation to generate hydroponics framework is regarded as one of the main factors that would hamper the growth of the global hydroponics market.
Nevertheless, increase in vertical cultivation is expected to increase the production of lettuce every year. It is predicted to create promising growth opportunities for the companies during the forecast period.
Europe to Continue with Market Dominance over the Forecast Period
In terms of geography, the global hydroponics market is divided into North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. Of these regions, Europe is foreseen to account for the largest market share in the global hydroponics market during the forecast period. It is expected to account for 41% of the total market share by the end of 2025. North America will follow Europe in terms of market share and is anticipated to obtain substantial incremental opportunity in terms of revenue by the end of forecast period. This trend in America and Europe is due to the rising demand for different types of hydroponic vegetables in both the regions.
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Following the footsteps of Europe and North America, Asia Pacific is foreseen to register robust CAGR in terms of market value during the forecasted timeframe. Middle East and Africa and Latin America are predicted to follow Asia Pacific closely with regards to CAGR and market value in the forecast period.
The information shared in this review is based on a TMR report titled, “Hydroponics Market (Vegetable – Cucumber, Lettuce, Spinach, Peppers, and Tomatoes; Distribution Channel – Modern Trade (Hypermarket and Supermarket), Grocery Stores, Unorganized Small Stores, Whole Food and Specialty Stores, and Bulk Suppliers and Distributors; Origin – Natural and Organic and Conventional; Farming – Indoor Farming and Outdoor Farming) – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 – 2025.”
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Not known Facts About Vegetable Patch
The Best Strategy To Use For Home Vegetable Garden
Table of ContentsIndicators on Home Vegetable Garden You Should KnowThe Ultimate Guide To Indoor Vegetable GardenThe Ultimate Guide To Backyard Vegetable GardenThe Main Principles Of Vegetable Garden Planner Organic Vegetables Can Be Fun For Anyone3 Easy Facts About Organic Vegetables ShownThe Main Principles Of Grow Organic Vegetables The 2-Minute Rule for Starting A Vegetable GardenOur Kitchen Garden PDFsStarting A Vegetable Garden for BeginnersNot known Facts About Organic Gardening
One of the ideal places to begin your search is the web. Numerous seed firms currently use certified-organic seeds like those used by business natural farmers. These seed packages will lug the USDA Organic logo design, which guarantees their manufacturing satisfied stringent national natural requirements. Not all kinds of seeds are offered as certified-organic choices, however many are still expanded making use of natural methods.
Organic veggie transplants marketed in regional yard facilities will generally have tags as well as signs suggesting they were grown organically. Never be reluctant to ask a plant cultivator or seller about their natural expanding approaches. Trustworthy farmers like to share their expertise and also natural growing abilities with gardeners who wish to recognize and discover.
The Best Guide To Gardening Tips
Even with rich, healthy and balanced soil and natural plants in location, you still require to feed your garden. In the plant globe, veggies are well-known "hefty feeders," implying they utilize a great deal of nutrients, which can diminish yard dirt. Top notch, natural-based plant foods such as the Alaska by Pennington line complement a natural method that feeds your dirt along with your plants, enhancing yard wellness, elegance as well as performance.
When a plant food label brings words "OMRI Listed," that suggests that item has actually passed a strict evaluation by the Organic Materials Research Study Institute (OMRI). With OMRI-listed Alaska Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1, you can feed your vegetables premium, all-organic, natural active ingredients verified to meet or go beyond the stringent criteria for usage in certified-organic expanding.
Grow Organic Vegetables Fundamentals Explained
Healthy and balanced plants are much less likely to catch bugs, yet organic horticulture does not suggest you need to wait as they do. Lots of pesticides are likewise OMRI-listed to help regulate a lot more major invasions, yet the easiest natural steps versus insects don't call for pesticides at all. Organic gardeners commonly look to "integrated pest management," commonly referred to as IPM, which combines a number of organic-minded methods.
Chemical-free barriers that shield veggies consist of points as easy as copper barrier tape to push back snails as well as slugs or fabric-like row covers that interposed parasites and also plants. Beneficial bugs can likewise help restrict insect damage in your garden. As opposed to consuming plants, these "excellent pests" consume the bad pests that damage your fruits and vegetables.
How Growing Vegetables can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Beneficial pests eat bad pests that can damage vegetables. By gardening organically, you guarantee that all-natural, earth-friendly active ingredients go into your soil and also your food instead of unknown items that can confirm damaging to wild animals, water materials and also you. You can relax very easy recognizing exactly what enters into the food you expand, gather as well as show to friends and family.
Compared to non-organic fruit and vegetables, natural veggies lunar planting guide and also fruits give higher levels of vitamin C, anti-oxidants, iron as well as other nutrients, in addition to reduced levels of possibly damaging chemical residues. 1 Garden-ripened create that goes right to your table, rather than sitting even a few days at a shop, additionally enjoys greater levels of vitamins and also anti-oxidants.
What Does Organic Food Do?
Whatever your level of knowledge and your natural growing goals, a natural approach to veggie horticulture makes a healthy difference for individuals as well as the globe around you. The Alaska by Pennington brand is committed to supplying you with the finest in organic and also natural-based products to help you support the environment, feed your household, as well as achieve your natural objectives.
Pennington with style is a signed up trademark of Pennington Seed, Inc. 1. Crinnion, W.J., "Organic Foods Contain Higher Levels of Particular Nutrients, Reduced Degrees of Pesticides, as well as May Supply Health And Wellness Benefits for the Consumer," Natural Medicine Review, April 2010. 2. Watters, C., "The Nourishment Benefits of Eating In Your Area," Hnai'Ai/ The Food Provider, Western Sustainable Farming Research Study & Education, 2013.
8 Easy Facts About Indoor Vegetable Garden Shown
Getty Images You have actually been trying to eat more health foods, both to decrease the quantity of chemicals you and also your family consume as well as to aid protect the setting. However take one consider your food store invoice and you recognize that acquiring natural can get extremely pricey, really fast. Thankfully, there's a way to expand your own scrumptious, fresh produce while having enjoyable and also discovering at the very same time: natural gardening!Don' t know where to start? It is feasible to work with a person to set up and also keep a lovely natural yard for you, but many of us can roll up our sleeves with a surprisingly low quantity of effort.
Don't worry if things aren't best ideal away. Organic horticulture means you won't make use of artificial plant foods or pesticides, however that does not indicate your plants fend for themselves. There are a variety of tools you can make use of to boost plant wellness and ward off insects. Continue reading for particular suggestions, drawn from expert garden blog writer, Leslie Land, her New York Times book 1000 Horticulture Questions & Solutions, as well as various other resources.
Vegetable Garden Ideas Things To Know Before You Get This
Fiskars PowerGear Bypass Pruner ($ 25, amazon.com) Fiskars 3 Item Softouch Garden Device Establish ($ 16, amazon.com) Luster Leaf Rapitest Soil Examination Set ($ 14, amazon.com) Yimby Tumbler Composter ($ 89, amazon.com) Pine Tree Equipment Bamboo Working Gloves ($ 8, amazon.com) Union Watering Can ($ 10, amazon.com) Preparing the Dirt In order to get the very best results with your brand-new natural garden, you'll intend to see to it the dirt is properly conditioned.
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Things about Growing Vegetables
Healthy soil assists develop up solid, efficient plants. Chemical dirt therapies can not only seep into your food, however they can likewise damage the valuable germs, worms, and also other germs in the dirt. The very best method to evaluate the high quality of your soil is to. You can get a house testing set, or much better, send a sample to your local agricultural expansion office.
Excitement About Organic Vegetables
Generally, it's best to examine in the fall, and also use any natural nutrients before winter. Also if you don't have time for testing, you'll wish to the raw material, not the likewise called Mediterranean spread. According to, you'll want to mix in compost, leaf as well as yard clippings, and manure.
Ideally, obtain your manure from regional livestock that's naturally and also humanely elevated. Making Good Garden compost All yards gain from compost and you can make your own on website. Hey, it's complimentary! Garden compost feeds plants, helps save water, lowers weeds, and also maintains food and backyard waste out of land fills by turning garbage right into "black gold." it's hard to utilize also much!The finest compost types from the ideal ratio of nitrogen- and also carbon-rich organic waste, combined with soil, water, as well as air.
All about Organic Fertilizer
Even a minimally tended heap will still yield respectable outcomes. 1. To get going, distribute a space at the very least 3 feet square. or had within a personalized pen or bin (some can be turned, to improve outcomes). 2. of carbon (or brownish) product leaves and garden trimmings as well as nitrogen (or environment-friendly) material such as kitchen scraps and manure, with a thin layer of soil in between.
Top off the pile with four to six inches of soil. as brand-new layers are added and also water to maintain (hardly) moist, in order to foster microorganism action. You should get great garden compost in as low as two months or longer if it's chilly. 4. A properly preserved garden compost pile should not smell.
The Only Guide to Kitchen Garden
Picking the Right Plant kingdoms It really pays to pick plants that will prosper in your particular micro-conditions. As a basic guide, examine the USDA's Strength Zones. Select plants that will certainly adjust well to each place in regards to light, wetness, drain, and also dirt quality. The majority of yards have ranks in these variables.
If you're acquiring seed startings, look for plants raised without chemical fertilizers as well as pesticides. A wonderful area to look goes to your regional farmers' market, which might additionally have native plants and selections well-suited to your location. It's far better to.Many points are best grown from seed, consisting of sunflowers, yearly poppies, coriander, dill, yearly phlox, larkspur, annual lupine, early morning glories, sweet peas, squash, and cucumbers.
Excitement About Vegetable Bed
Organizing minimizes weeding and also water waste, and helps you target garden compost and nutrients. Ample space between rows assists advertise air circulation, which drives away fungal strikes. Bear in mind that plants will not constantly stay small, and you do intend to. It's a good concept to thin crops based on baby room suggestions. According to Leslie Land, if you desire the greatest returns of natural produce with limited area as well as time, 1.
2. They keep expanding and also creating 'til frost presuming you maintain them selected. 3. Every little thing they claim about avalanches of zucchini holds true, particularly of crossbreed selections. 4. You can keep breaking short outer leaves for months, and also every picking will certainly be tender as long as plants obtain enough water.
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rupalic · 2 years
Plant Factory Market: Global Outlook, Trends, and Forecast to 2026
According to the new market research report "Plant Factory Market by Growing System (Soil-based, Non-soil-based, and Hybrid), Facility Type (Greenhouses, Indoor Farms, Other Facility Types), Light Type, Crop Type (Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers & Ornamentals), and Region - Global Forecast to 2026", published by MarketsandMarkets™, the global Plant Factory Market size is estimated to be valued at USD 121.8 billion in 2021 and projected to reach USD 172.5 billion by 2026, recording a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period. Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=199919959 Plant factories have evolved considerably and are equipped with technologies for climate control, supplemental lighting, irrigation control, and material handling, among others. These control systems regulate internal conditions such as temperature, humidity levels, light intensity, and communication technologies for remotely monitoring the plant factory parameters. Since the early 1980s, this industry began to gain importance among growers, majorly due to the unmatched yield obtained from this technology. The recent advances in urban farming and the emergence of vertical farming technology have further fueled the growth of this market. The vegetables segment, by crop type, is projected to witness significant growth during the forecast period. Vegetables that can be grown in plant factories include tomatoes, squash, broccoli, artichoke, beans, and peas. A few other vegetables are leafy greens, including spinach, kale, and arugula, and high-producing crops, such as lettuce and cucumber. Vegetables have a relatively short harvest time compared to fruits, which can be further reduced through cultivation in a plant factory. Apart from tomatoes and leafy greens, plant factories are also being adopted for cucumbers and pepper production in recent years. The growth potential for these crops is expected to be high. Browse in-depth TOC on "Plant Factory Market" 155 – Tables 52 – Figures 226 – Pages The European region dominates the plant factory market with the largest share in 2021. Europe has traditionally been at the forefront of implementing advanced techniques in smart greenhouse horticulture. Countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, and France have large areas under greenhouse cultivation. Advancement in greenhouse farming has supported the growth of plant factories in Europe. Request for Customization: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestCustomizationNew.asp?id=199919959 Key Players: This report includes a study on the marketing and development strategies, along with the product portfolios of leading companies. It consists of profiles of leading companies, AeroFarms (US), BrightFarms (US), Gotham Greens (US), Bowery Farming (US), AppHarvest (US), Plenty Unlimited Inc. (US), Mirai Co. Ltd. (Japan), Kalera (Norway), and Farminova (Turkey).
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science-wiser-blog · 5 years
We Hurt the One’s We Need , the Most . Man-kind vs. Bee-kind
Science Blog Post #1  A detrimental factor to the environment, and even more necessary for our own survival are - bees. This is why it is important to understand how our actions as man-kind are also affecting our chances of surviving as a whole.  Without bees, many of our different ecosystems across Canada would not be sustainable. Not just in Canada, but nearly all the ecosystems in the world are affected by the very important services which bees provide. Bees are a vital component of the biodiversity exhibited in our various ecosystems. Our natural environments depend substantially on them because they are responsible for the pollination of wild plants, weeds, flowers, and even some trees. Without bees, these habitats and the thousands of species living there because of them would not flourish or survive. Consequently, a number of other species that depend on bees for more than just the pollination of their habitats would suffer. Bees themselves, and their honey, both provide a source of supply to many other insects and animals in the food chain, their disappearance would greatly affect the survival of several species.  
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Photo of honey bee / By Pixabay User / Capri23auto https://pixabay.com/photos/bee-honey-bee-insect-pollen-nectar-4092987/ Photo of blue jay feeding babies / By Pixabay User / cytis https://pixabay.com/photos/blue-jays-feeding-bird-wildlife-2642107/  Not only are bees a necessity to sustain our diverse ecological environments, but they are also a major contribution to our farming industry. In Canada, and especially here in Ontario where farming is at large, we depend on bees for more than just honey. Bees, among quite a few other insect and animal species, are known as pollinators. Bees are most commonly used in our agricultural practices for the purpose of cross-pollinating food crops. This process is so essential to the growth and quality of our food.                              Bees attribute to the pollination of 1/3rd of our food supply. Without their help, not many of our crops like blueberries, cherries, squash, canola, apples, pumpkins, sunflowers, cucumbers, and a long list of several other fruits, seeds, nuts, and berries would not bear any yields and would cease to exist.
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Beesmatter.ca https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/d26383_c958c73e7e5d4b94b3fa00556471b106.pdf  The problem is, that over the last few decades especially there has been an alarming decline in bee populations, with serious repercussions not only exclusive to Canada, but the impact is occurring on a global level.
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Dead Bee By Pixabay User / rostichep https://pixabay.com/photos/bee-dead-pesticides-macro-varroa-3419634/  There a number of things occurring both naturally and man-made that as a result are causing an extremely alarming number of bees to disappear.  Common naturally occurring causes of death for bees can include different diseases, mites /parasites, predators (bears, birds, raccoons, rats/mice), and unusual or extreme weather conditions (which arguably could also be considered a man-made cause like global warming, for example)   Not only do weather conditions affect bees survival, but it also affects the vegetation that is paramount to nutritionally sustain the colony of bees feeding off of their pollen and nectar. To put that into perspective- if a harsh winter or a cold-wet spring doesn’t produce enough bee-friendly plants they likely will not have enough of a food source to survive the winter and would starve. The most extreme impact on the decline in the bee population above all previously mentioned is undeniably man-made causes. These causes stem from other man-made ecological issues like global warming, deforestation which increases loss or destruction of natural environments due to our ever-growing commercial & residential development in cities across the country, and pesticide usage in our industrial agriculture.  The destruction of natural habitats that bees live in especially occurs in Ontario where our biodiversity is lowering because of a large percentage of our land is developed for agriculture. When we irrigate, disturb, or remove soil, and forested areas to develop a community or growing food crops– it leaves fewer places for bees who nest in places like ground or forest areas to survive. Growing communities mean that the communities' food supply demands are going to increase as well. In order for farmers to ensure their crops produce a plentiful yield to support their growing communities, farmers, of course, need bees for pollination, however, they also need to protect their crop from harm against other insects. They are often required to use a variety of harmful chemicals called pesticides or insecticides to defend their crops. Neonicotinoids are a type of pesticides developed nearly four decades ago, further developing into neonicotinoid-treated seeds, which are still heavily used in our agricultural practices today. Neonicotinoids were mostly associated with assisting the protection of corn, canola, and soy crop. Neonicotinoids are the more specific variation of insecticides affecting bees here in Ontario due to the fact that Ontario currently produces most of Canada’s corn supply, canola and soy crops. 
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Statistics Canada,  Census of Agriculture, 2011                                                From “Canadian grain-corn production is located in central Canada” (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/96-325-x/2014001/article/11913-eng.ht)
 Although bees do not eat corn pollen, and interestingly don’t pollinate corn crops either, they are still affected by the pesticides in the dust that’s created as a result of planting neonicotinoid-treated seeds. Many of the bees live on or near the farms using these pesticides, and therefore can easily become exposed to these chemicals in a number of possible ways. Bees do however eat canola nectar (which is a largely grown neonicotinoid-treated crop in Ontario). Feeding off weeds, flowers, vegetables, or canola, for example, that is treated with a neonicotinoid can result in an indirect exposure of these pesticides through the nectar of that plant. 
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Pixabay User / hpgruesen
The rise in attention to Canada’s decline in bee population first began in the late nineties (when neonicotinoids were being to be heavily used), but awareness especially sparked in 2007 when the Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists (CAPA) agreed to publish and release the annual Colony Loss Reports to the public.
These reports are statistics for Canadian honey bee deaths that occur over the wintering months. It does not include deaths that occur at any other times during the year which many beekeepers deny the accuracy of these reports due to the deaths they accumulate during these months that they claim are a result of exposure to neonicotinoids.
It makes a small note throughout the statements from 2007-2013 that there are continuous concerns from Ontario and Quebec beekeepers that the colony loss is a result of exposure to neonicotinoids, however provincial apiculturists focused the attention of the causes in the report to more naturally occurring causes like mites, and weather conditions rather than the use of pesticides. 
In July 2014, after the winter of 2013, the CAPA released a report stating over that winter Ontario beekeepers alone lost a shocking 58% of their bees (acceptable margins of provincial loss is listed by CAPA around 15%). 
After this particularly bad winter drew so much more public concern to the issue of the declining bee population it appears this was the turning point in which the government of Canada’s ultimate recognition of the issue—and the views on safety, research, and regulations towards neonicotinoids effect on bees and other pollinators seem to have changed direction.   
After much debate in earlier years from the companies that developed neonicotinoids (who claimed their products are safe for bees) and backlash from the beekeepers and environmentalist communities -the government has since preformed additional research and confirmed in their updated Pollinator Protector statements that these pesticides can, in fact, cause death or serious harm to bees and they require more careful considerations while using these neonicotinoids more specifically. 
Canada, in more recent years, has been working with scientists, farmers, beekeepers and the public to both find answers and create solutions to the serious decline in the bee population. There’s a number of brand new Canada and Ontario targeted websites educating the public and spreading awareness on the significance of bees, why they are most important for our survival, and how the issue of their declining population can be sustained for the future generations before it is too late to recover from the significant of our bee population. Health Canada has since put a couple regulations in place, acting as risk management practices for reducing harm to bees while neonicotinoids are being used. Although ongoing efforts are still actively being discussed to further protect bees, and other pollinators- unfortunately, at this point in time, Health Canada, will not grant individual provinces the authority to completely ban neonicotinoids. They are still heavily being used by our agricultural practice across Ontario, Canada, and the United States.  Sources : Annual Colony Loss Reports (2007-2018) http://www.capabees.com/capa-statement-on-honey-bees/ Beesmatter.ca https://www.beesmatter.ca/copy-of-the-history-of-the-honey-be https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/d26383_cfa72f56319a41b389321e0d6cf5488f.pdf Infographic of 1/3rd pollination food supply & food   https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/d26383_c958c73e7e5d4b94b3fa00556471b106.pdf Government of Canada Statement on Pollinator Protection : https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/consumer-product-safety/pesticides-pest-management/growers-commercial-users/pollinator-protection.html Photo of honey bee / By Pixabay User / Capri23auto https://pixabay.com/photos/bee-honey-bee-insect-pollen-nectar-4092987/ Photo of blue jay feeding babies / By Pixabay User / cytis https://pixabay.com/photos/blue-jays-feeding-bird-wildlife-2642107/ Photo of dead bee / By Pixabay User / rostichep https://pixabay.com/photos/bee-dead-pesticides-macro-varroa-3419634/ Photo of Agriculture / Pixabay User / hpgruesen https://pixabay.com/photos/agriculture-plant-protection-1359862/ Statistics Canada,  Census of Agriculture, 2011 ( Photo Chart ) From ‘Canadian grain-corn production is located in central Canada‘https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/96-325-x/2014001/article/11913-eng.htm The Global Mail, News Article “Why is Canada’s bee population in rapid decline?” by Eric Atkins Published July 23, 2014, Updated May 12, 2018 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/why-is-canadas-bee-population-so-drastically-in-decline/article19735416/
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rjzimmerman · 7 years
What? Is he turning into a farmer? Nope. I can grow tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers and herbs, but only in a tiny garden plot and only if my wife pays more attention to the garden than I do. But, you know that I spend a lot of posting time, generally in spurts of energy, to agriculture and farming. I’ve believed since I started studying the topics of agriculture and soil that we can address robustly our climate change issues by paying attention to the soil, and we can reduce our pollution, water and air, by paying more attention to changing our national farming practices and policies.
This link is to a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists, proposing a different method of farming.
Here’s a summary:
Today’s dominant Midwest farming system produces two commodities—corn and soybeans—in abundance. But this system has grown steadily less beneficial for farmers over time. US corn and soybean growers achieved record-high harvests in 2016. But due to oversupply, prices for these crops have plummeted, and US farm incomes are expected to drop to their lowest levels since 2002.
The two-crop system falls short in the sustainability department, too. It typically leaves fields bare for much of the year and uses plowing practices that result in unsustainable levels of erosion. It relies on heavy fertilizer use, which allows excess nitrogen to escape into our air and water, costing the nation an estimated $157 billion per year in human health and environmental damages.
Rural communities suffer many of these consequences. Iowa, for example, ranks high in surface water pollution from fertilizers, pesticides, and eroded soil. And the negative effects extend far beyond the Midwest: Corn Belt watersheds are major contributors to the annual “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico, and emissions from agricultural soil management make up 5 percent of the US share of heat-trapping gases responsible for climate change.
How can farmers maintain productivity and profitability while protecting soil and preventing pollution? Researchers at Iowa State University have an answer: modified cropping systems.
Since 2003, these researchers have compared three rotation systems: the region’s typical two-year corn-soybean system, a three-year system that adds a cool-season small grain (such as oats) with a cover crop of red clover that acts as a “green manure,” and a four-year system that includes a small grain (again, oats) with a green manure of alfalfa, followed by a second year of alfalfa for harvest.
The researchers have found that the longer rotations enhanced yields and profits while reducing pesticide use and pollution. Compared to the standard corn-soy rotations:
Average corn yields were 2 to 4 percent higher
Average soybean yields were 10 to 17 percent higher
Longer rotations were just as profitable as corn-soy alone
Herbicide use was reduced by 25 to 51 percent
Herbicide runoff in water was reduced by 81 to 96 percent
Nitrogen fertilizer application rates were reduced by 43 to 57 percent
According to our modeling, adopting diverse rotations grown without tillage (plowing) in the 25 Iowa counties with the most erodible soils would achieve dramatic results:
Reducing soil erosion by 91 percent compared with tilled corn-soy
Saving taxpayers and downstream communities $196 million to $198 million per year in surface water cleanup costs
Net reductions in heat-trapping gases valued at $74 million to $78 million per year
We also analyzed the extent to which Iowa’s farmers could scale up this system across the state, finding that:
Diverse crop rotations could be adopted over time on 20 to 40 percent of Iowa’s farmland without changes in crop prices driving farmers back to predominantly corn-soy
Soil erosion would be reduced by 88 percent compared with tilled corn-soy, to a sustainable level given natural soil replacement rates
Taxpayers would gain a total of $241 million to $505 million in environmental benefits every year
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avinashdell · 5 years
Global Aquaculture market To Grow at a Lucrative Rate by 2020
The global aquaculture market size was 69,230.0 kilo tons in 2013. Rising awareness among consumers pertaining to various health benefits offered by seafood is expected to drive global market demand over the forecast period.
Increased deep sea fishing activities globally have resulted in limited availability of fresh fish thus fuelling demand for cultured varieties. The market has witnessed growth due to urbanization and increasing disposable income of working population leading to high consumption of protein rich foods. The global market is estimated to generate revenues worth USD 202.96 billion by 2020.
Rice-fish culture includes fish farming in rice fields and proves beneficial for both, thus opening new avenues for market growth. Fish are provided with a safe living environment in these dense rice plants and simultaneously, protect rice saplings from insects while circulating oxygen around.
Fresh water was the largest culture environment accounting for 60% of total production in 2012. Limitation of actual surroundings in ponds, cages and concrete raceways has resulted in increasing fish farming activities fresh water. Higher acceptance among consumers owing to favorable breeding environment is expected to propel demand for fresh water aquaculture over the forecast period.
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Other key findings from the study suggest:
Due to rising consumer demand for sea water fish, marine water-based aquaculture market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 2.2% by 2020. Rack & line farming along with sea ranching and intensive aquaculture are methods which are being implemented depending upon the type of fish or shellfish.
Carp dominated the global aquaculture industry accounting for over 35% of the market volume in 2013. They are cultivated in fresh water owing to high environmental compatibility. Aquaculture for crustacean is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.9% in terms of revenue from 2014 to 2020 due to high protein content.
Mackerel is a rich source of omega-3, and salmon is high in protein and vitamin D content. Sea bream and sea bass are low-calorie species with rich content of vitamin B6, phosphorous and selenium, and are preferred as low-calorie diet.
China dominated the global market supplying over half the quantity of farmed fish. China aquaculture market was valued at USD 77.90 billion in 2013 and is expected to witness rapid growth over the forecast period due to low-cost labor, favorable climate and ample availability of natural resources.
Asia Pacific aquaculture market is expected to grow on account of higher fish consumption in coastal regions including Australia, India, Japan and numerous South Eastern countries. Local civilizations are known to practice small scale aquaculture since ancient times in South East Asia and Pacific in the form of shellfish, shrimp and sea cucumbers cultivation and seaweed farms.
The global aquaculture industry is fragmented in nature owing to the presence of numerous companies. In addition, the market is highly unorganized, particularly in Asia Pacific, due to the presence of numerous local small-scale companies practicing aquafarming. Key companies in the market include Cermaq ASA, Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Cooke Aquaculture Inc., Nireus Aquaculture S.A, Stehr Group Pty Ltd., Tassal Group Ltd. and International Fish Farming Co. - Asmak.
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chemicalresearch · 5 years
Greenhouse Produce Market Demand Analysis, Growth Rate and Deep Industry Research Reports 2026
A greenhouse also called as glasshouse is a structure with walls and roof made mainly of transparent material such as glass, which is used for growth of plants under regulated and controlled climatic conditions. Greenhouses enables production of crops at a time of year when they can’t be grown outdoors. Vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuces, zucchini, eggplants, spinach, pumpkins and fruits such as strawberries, melons, flowers such as roses, lilac, petunias herbs, geraniums, snapdragons, and marijuana are majorly produced under cover. In domestic greenhouses, the glass used is typically 3mm ‘horticultural glass' grade, which is good quality glass without air bubbles (which can produce scorching on leaves by acting like lenses). Tomatoes are widely grown in greenhouses, followed by cucumbers.
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Plastics majorly used in construction of greenhouse are polyethylene film and multiwall sheets of polycarbonate material, or Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) acrylic glass. Commercial glass greenhouses are constructed with high-tech production facilities for vegetables or flowers. The glass greenhouses are equipped with screening installations, cooling and lighting, heating, and may be automatically controlled by a computer. Greenhouses protect the crops from various diseases, especially those which are soil born and tumble onto plants in the rain. Major advantage of greenhouse produce is season extension. Protected crops are less likely to get damaged by wind, rain, and hail so the percentage of marketable products is higher.
Market Dynamics
Major driver for greenhouse produce market growth is increasing demand for more intensive production of crops due to limited land, water, and labor. Regional governments are taking initiatives to develop new greenhouse production units. For instance, according to the Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture, in 2016, 160 ha area of modern greenhouses were built in Russia.
Greenhouse production is more expensive than producing the same crop in the open field. Important factors determining costs of greenhouse production are depreciation of the structure and equipment, energy, labor, and variable costs such as plant material and fertilizer. According to the article published in an International Journal of Environmental Sciences, in 2013, comparison of the selling price of an open field and greenhouse cultivated tomatoes concluded that the selling price of greenhouse grown tomatoes was US$ 0.22 more than the open field grown tomatoes. Such factors are major challenges for growth of the market over the forecast period.
Market Outlook
According to global greenhouse produce market analysis, North America held the dominant position in the market in 2017, owing to high presence of vegetables and fruits manufacturers in the region, which are estimated to maintain dominance in market throughout the forecast period.
Increasing disposable income is expected to propel demand of greenhouse produce in the Asia, Latin American and Eastern Europe. Shandong is a leader in protected cultivation in China. Shandong has the largest surface area of greenhouses in China. The protected area totaled over 973,000 ha (including 300,000ha solar greenhouses and the rest of different sized tunnels) in 2015.
Based on product type, vegetables segment is projected to gain significant traction over the forecast period. Advances in plant biotechnology, transportation conditions such as plant cultivation friendly vehicle with inbuilt temperature control facilities, and marketing strategies such as advertisement and promotions are the major drivers for growth of floriculture industry and hence flowers segment is estimated to be the fastest growing segment in the global greenhouse produce market. According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) the US flower and ornamental plant market was valued at wholesale at US $4370 million in 2015.
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Key players in Global Greenhouse Produce Market
Key players in global greenhouse produce market are Greenhouse Produce Company LLC, GGS Structures Inc., Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery, Inc., Devry Greenhouse Ltd, Loch's Greenhouse, Elk River Greenhouse and Vegetable Farms, Mikes Greenhouse Produce Inc, Mitchell’s Greenhouse and Produce LLC, and Venlo AP HOLLAND Group. These key players are either designer, manufacturer or installer of domestic and commercial greenhouse structure.
Various trends and technologies are incorporated by manufacturers to increase the yield and to produce energy efficient greenhouses. For instance, in China, tunnels will be upgraded into solar greenhouses and solar greenhouse will be upgraded into glass greenhouses. According to Opportunity Report Horticulture in Shandong Province-2017, by Netherlands Enterprise Agency, there are several Venlo greenhouse projects on their way in China’s Dongying and Dezhou cities.
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jayu123-me · 4 years
Hydroponics Market is estimated to be valued at US$12.1 bn by the end of 2025
The global hydroponics market has been estimated to be competitive in nature. It is expected to experience intense competition over the next few years, notes a new market research study by Transparency Market Research. The report forecasts that the increasing number of market players and emergence of cutthroat competition are expected to improve the growth of global hydroponics market in the next few years to come.
Some of the noted players that are operating in the global hydroponics market are Bright Farms Inc., Village Farms International, Inc., Thanet Earth Ltd., AMCO Produce Inc., and Soave Enterprises LLC. These companies are underscoring the need for innovation and product development thereby generating favorable growth opportunities for global hydroponics market in the forthcoming years. Besides, rising numbers of acquisitions and mergers are further expected to fuel growth of global hydroponics market over the forecast timeframe.
In accordance with the report by Transparency Market Research, the global hydroponics market will clock 6.5% CAGR from 2017 to 2025. The global hydroponics market is estimated to be valued at US$12.1 bn by the end of 2025.
High Yield in this form of Cultivation to Drive Market Growth
Increased produce of hydroponic vegetables has stimulated the growth of global hydroponic vegetable market. As more and more people get to know about the benefits of this type of cultivation over conventional method of cultivation, the global hydroponics market is ought to grow. Hydroponics use less of land, fertilizers, and water and also serve as a simple solution to the issue of climate change.
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Intake of contaminated or diseased plants can lead to diseases such as Salmonella poisoning, E. coli and, others. Rising awareness amongst the consumers is propelling the demand for vegetables and crops that are cultivated in a controlled and safe environment.  Such awareness fuels the growth of global hydroponics market.
Hydroponic cultivation produces high yield as compared to the usual rural cultivation system. Therefore, high yield, thus produced, plays a key role in the stimulating growth for global hydroponics market in the next few years to come. Substantial rise in the vibrant, colourful vegetables along with expanding requirement for nutritional food are estimated to drive global hydroponics market.
On the other hand, the need for high base speculation to generate hydroponics framework is regarded as one of the main factors that would hamper the growth of the global hydroponics market.
Nevertheless, increase in vertical cultivation is expected to increase the production of lettuce every year. It is predicted to create promising growth opportunities for the companies during the forecast period.
Europe to Continue with Market Dominance over the Forecast Period
In terms of geography, the global hydroponics market is divided into North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. Of these regions, Europe is foreseen to account for the largest market share in the global hydroponics market during the forecast period. It is expected to account for 41% of the total market share by the end of 2025. North America will follow Europe in terms of market share and is anticipated to obtain substantial incremental opportunity in terms of revenue by the end of forecast period. This trend in America and Europe is due to the rising demand for different types of hydroponic vegetables in both the regions.
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Following the footsteps of Europe and North America, Asia Pacific is foreseen to register robust CAGR in terms of market value during the forecasted timeframe. Middle East and Africa and Latin America are predicted to follow Asia Pacific closely with regards to CAGR and market value in the forecast period.
The information shared in this review is based on a TMR report titled, “Hydroponics Market (Vegetable – Cucumber, Lettuce, Spinach, Peppers, and Tomatoes; Distribution Channel – Modern Trade (Hypermarket and Supermarket), Grocery Stores, Unorganized Small Stores, Whole Food and Specialty Stores, and Bulk Suppliers and Distributors; Origin – Natural and Organic and Conventional; Farming – Indoor Farming and Outdoor Farming) – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 – 2025.”
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