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WEEK 14: Finishing the 10k word Dissertation
This week was the deadline for submitting Element 2. Since I finished it fairly quickly and my CTS3 tutor had since given me the green light on it during one of out 1-to-1 meetings, there was no problem.
The written part of the dissertation had me going mad though. Monday the 23.01.2023 was the original deadline for the dissertation (2 days before Element 2 was due). But I was still in the middle of writing it and even with the EC, I was running out of time and fearing I wouldn't have the time to let people proof read it fully before submitting. I sent out PDFs of the half-finished Dissertation to my friends and partner to give me feedback, spot any grammar or spelling mistakes and correct me if something didn't quite make sense yet. In the mean time I carried on writing the last 3 chapters and conclusion. I constructed a list of figures and highlighted all in-text citations to make them easier to find for double-checking if I cited correctly etc. When I got feed back from my proofreaders I had to go back and correct some spelling mistakes or word repetitions, etc. Meanwhile I was over the word count by a good 200 words. Somehow I managed to surpass the limit of 10k words. Luckily I knew a few places where I could cut a sentence or rephrase it so it'd be less wordy and long. That probably took my another 2 hours to fix.
Finally my boyfriend took the time to sit in a discord call with me and read through it all out loud, correcting anything that sounded or felt wrong along the way. Sometimes it got a bit heated because having worked on this dissertation for the past few weeks non-stop I had become quite protective of my work. So, when he said something was "unneccessary" or if he suggested some snobby word instead of my own language I might have gotten a bit snappy. I apologized for it afterwards because he obviously meant well and was doing me a great favour dedicating his time like that. Being the sweet bean he is he forgave my mama-bear-ish behaviour and temporary insanity and that was the dissertation done. No moment to soon or late I submitted it and melted into a puddle on the ground. Or that is what I think i recall because I was really out of it by the end.
Funny enough by the time I had finished Element 1, it was time to celebrate one of my friend's 23rd birthday. Thankfully I could enjoy the drinks we had guilt free as I knew the dissertation was as good as it's gunna get and already safely submitted for grading online.

#student life#ual#university of the arts london#studyblr#london college of communication#illustration and visual media#lcc#uni life#dissertation
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w166 オイルフィルター交換 オイル交換 8L オイルフィルターレンチがこんだけあってもどれもサイズがあいません🥲 普通のフィルターレンチでは傷が付くのでちょっと頭を使ってフィルターを外し交換。 また同じ事するのは嫌なのでフィルターレンチはあとで購入しました😅 バルボリンは昔から20w50など使ってましたが、割と油温130いっても油圧もそこまで落ちず気に入ってました。 そこでユーロc3規格があったのでチョイス。 ちょっと後再生サイクル有りでc3指定をDL1入れるのは気が引けたのでちゃんとc3を使いました。 規格調べてたらDL1入れてる所もありましたが明らかに成分が��うそうで💧 dh2にdl1もダメですが… そして今回下抜きせず、上抜きにしたんですが、通常のチェンジャーではオイルパンまで届きません。 なので、ノズルを加工してろんぐにして8L抜きました。 インチキするとノズルが抜けなくなるので気をつけてください☺️ #varvoline#euroc3#c3#diesel#bluetec#w166#ml350#上抜きオイルチェンジャー加工#オイルチェンジャー#上抜き#サウンドスコープ#異音チェック#hellwig#jamo#ヘルパースプリング#輸入#lp25#lp30#cts2#cts3#import#オイルフィルターレンチ#有限会社川﨑製作所 #製作所#町工場#三鷹市 (有限会社川﨑製作所 kawasaki works co.Ltd) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQBXVpIDkFR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ESP32 - kapazitiver Touch Sensor

In diesem Beitrag möchte ich dir zeigen, wie du einen kapazitiven Touch Sensor am ESP32 in der Arduino IDE programmiert.

Den hier verwendeten Touch Sensor habe ich dir bereits für den Arduino in dem Beitrag Arduino Lektion 92: kapazitiver Touch Sensor vorgestellt. Der Touch Sensor ist nicht viel größer als eine 1-Cent-Münze und kann sogar durch eine dünne Schicht Holz / Pappe bedient werden.

kapazitiver Touch Sensor

kapazitiver Touch Sensor - Rückseite
Benötigte Ressourcen für dieses Projekt
Wenn du die kleine Schaltung nachbauen möchtest, dann benötigst du: - einen ESP32, - ein Micro-USB Datenkabel, - ein oder mehrere kapazitive Touch Sensoren (TTP223), - 5 mm, LEDs, - 220 Ohm Vorwiderstände, - diverse Breadboardkabel, - ein 400 Pin Breadboard
Aufbau der Schaltung
In meiner Schaltung verwende ich drei kapazitive Touch Sensoren, welche wie folgt angeschlossen sind.

Schaltung - ESP32 mit kapazitivem Touch Sensor & LEDs Im nachfolgenden YouTube-Video habe ich dir den Aufbau und die Programmierung in der Arduino IDE ausführlich erläutert. https://youtu.be/gqbOAhIwXy0
Programmieren in der Arduino IDE
Im Programm legen wir zunächst die Felder für die LEDs sowie die kapazitiven Touch-Sensoren an. #define ledRed 14 #define ledYellow 27 #define ledGreen 16 #define cts1 5 #define cts2 13 #define cts3 12 Damit wir die verbauten LEDs toggeln können, müssen wir uns den Status merken, hierzu nutze ich drei Felder vom Typ Integer. int ledRedState = 0; int ledYellowState = 0; int ledGreenState = 0; Da die Sensoren sehr empfindlich sind, müssen wir, nachdem ein Kontakt erkannt wurde, eine kleine Pause einlegen, dieses nennt man auch entprellen. Der Wert hierfür wird in einer Konstanten abgelegt. const int PAUSE = 350; In der Funktion setup werden die Pins des ESP32 definiert, die Pins der LEDs als Ausgang und die der Sensoren als Eingang. void setup() { pinMode(ledRed, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledYellow, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledGreen, OUTPUT); pinMode(cts1,INPUT); pinMode(cts2,INPUT); pinMode(cts3,INPUT); } In der Funktion loop wird fortlaufend geprüft, ob eines der Sensoren betätigt wurde, wenn dieses so ist, dann wird das Feld umgekehrt und der LED zugewiesen. Danach legen wir eine kleine Pause ein. if(digitalRead(cts1) ==HIGH){ ledYellowState = !ledYellowState; digitalWrite(ledYellow, ledYellowState); delay(PAUSE); } Das fertige Programm: #define ledRed 14 #define ledYellow 27 #define ledGreen 16 int ledRedState = 0; int ledYellowState = 0; int ledGreenState = 0; #define cts1 5 #define cts2 13 #define cts3 12 const int PAUSE = 350; void setup() { pinMode(ledRed, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledYellow, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledGreen, OUTPUT); pinMode(cts1,INPUT); pinMode(cts2,INPUT); pinMode(cts3,INPUT); } void loop() { if(digitalRead(cts1) ==HIGH){ ledYellowState = !ledYellowState; digitalWrite(ledYellow, ledYellowState); delay(PAUSE); } if(digitalRead(cts2) ==HIGH){ ledRedState = !ledRedState; digitalWrite(ledRed, ledRedState); delay(PAUSE); } if(digitalRead(cts3) ==HIGH){ ledGreenState = !ledGreenState; digitalWrite(ledGreen, ledGreenState); delay(PAUSE); } } Read the full article
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Introducing the next generation Evolution CTS3: all-new, full-Color Touch Screen CTS3. The CTS3 will continue to include all of the great features, benefits, and extended coverage from the CTS2 product line, all while adding a sleek, new exterior and cutting-edge screen. The best look in the industry delivered via...
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My Grade for the Element 2 of CTS3, the Illustration to go along with the Dissertation

Again, super happy that CTS3 paid off so well! I had a good feeling about the comic book spread I made but reading the tutor's enthusiastic notes makes me extra happy!
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#UnsungHeros #NeverForget (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTs3-8wsOWZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#GodMorningSunday #SundayMotivation #सतभक्ति_संदेश Sacchi Bhakti se Jivan Safal mein https://www.instagram.com/p/CTs3-saPAmF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Enjoyed a multi-sensory “smell walk” downtown Manhattan today.. from Chinatown to Little Italy enjoying the sights sounds and smells of the city. Open yourself to really understand how POWERFUL our sense of smell is… these are the fruits and vegetables.. the fish smells were pretty strong.. and not as fragrant… but open your nose; train your bran and SMELL WITH YOUR BRAIN! (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTs3-JBLZEn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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WEEK 17: Back to Normality
This week I had a workshop booked in the Digital Space to learn Basic Video Editing using Premier Pro. Only 4 people showed up but the person teaching us made an exemption and held the session anyways. Usually workshops like this are cancelled if less than 5 people show up. I learned a bunch of useful tips and tricks although it was very basic stuff it made Premier Pro seem less daunting. We cut up a sample interview and had a good chat in our small group about our courses and external hard drives.
[I don't own the footage, we only used it as a sample during the workshop and I made this odd little edit]
I wrote down some of the recommendations he gave us and have since then bought a Samsung Portable SSD T7 with 1TB and up to 1.050MB/s. Needing to store tons of images and videos of the project processes and final outcomes for uni, my Computer is aching for more storage space. I don't know much technical stuff but it should help if I move Images, Documents and MP4s from year 1 and 2 from my PC to the portable SSD.

Furthermore I believe it was this Monday that Maisie, my group's usual tutor, couldn't make it and was replaced by VJ for the day. I described my idea for the Cryptid project to VJ and again he had no clue what Cryptids were and when I tied to explain he asked me if I was "one of those conspiracy theorists" which really annoyed me. I enjoy creepy stories, I don't think the government is brainwashing us or anything. Anyway, after a long time spent trying to explain I told him about my most recent idea of making a mini comic of only a few pages for the final outcome. This could be a cute little comic about what roles certain Cryptids play in an alternative modern day scenario in which they have surfaced to the public and become part of everyday life. The window cleaning Mothman, as an example, if you remember my previous post. VJ asked if I have done a comic before and I said no. Not really at least. The Element 2 for the CTS3 unit was just a one page spread. This is where VJ advices me against trying anything too adventurous and new for my final project since it weighs so much in my final grade (60 creds) and will be on display during the graduates exhibit. I was a little disappointed but adjusted my thinking. I have to come up with something else, more familiar.
This week we were sent an email by our year leader Angela describing an amazing opportunity of having our work hung in as part of an exhibition at the OXO Tower, London. It should be the outcome of our Minor Project and we had to submit a PDF detailing the work's size, material, name, etc. I sent mine off in the hopes of being able to display both, NAKED - the Normal and -the Nightmare but we were pressed for space and I could only fit all 3 Normal prints if hung underneath each other. Still a pretty neat opportunity though.
Finally, I attended a lecture by 2 alumni on Thursday, where they told us "What makes a creative". It was quite immersive and a nice little lecture. Afterwards I sought out Angela to collect my earnings from the Winter Fair in cash and to ask her a few more questions about the OXO exhibit.
The rest of the week was fairly uneventful.
#student life#university of the arts london#ual#studyblr#london college of communication#illustration and visual media#lcc#uni life
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エレコム LANケーブル 3m STP(ノイズに強いシールド加工) RoHS指令準拠 CAT5e ブルー LD-CTS3/RS #Amazon #タイムセール #Amazonタイムセール祭り
エレコム LANケーブル 3m STP(ノイズに強いシールド加工) RoHS指令準拠 CAT5e ブルー LD-CTS3/RS #Amazon #タイムセール #Amazonタイムセール祭り
商品リンク: https://amzn.to/380ghOK
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Prime_Warehouse Edge Products 84130-3 Insight CTS3 Digital Gauge Monitor
Prime_Warehouse Edge Products 84130-3 Insight CTS3 Digital Gauge Monitor
Price: (as of – Details) Edge Products continues to revolutionize the performance tuning industry with the all-new Insight CTS3. The Insight is the #1 preferred digital gauge monitor in the market today, used by daily drivers and enthusiasts everywhere. The Insight is the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art, multi-gauge touch-screen display on the market. Over the years Edge has advanced the…

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Prime_Warehouse Edge Products 84130-3 Insight CTS3 Digital Gauge Monitor
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