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hpmi-soba · 1 year ago
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8scorpiotemple · 2 years ago
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因為米羅的關係,所以我有點雷BL,早年被腐友安利過很多知名BL文,看的我的血管差點爆掉,裡面的米羅的人設不是我認識的那個人,雖然我的確認為「一千個哈姆雷特」,但如果你認為米羅是那種為了得到卡妙的青睞,他就自殘、傷害別人、尾隨卡妙屁股後面當個行走中的jing chong,那太好了,我們認識的米羅不是同一個人(曾經在半次元看過有人說,他看過有人把米羅寫成一個滿腦都是黃料的人……他的原作角色真的有這麼糟嗎?我都想哭了) 
【幻夢情】 是三次元的赫雅陷入情網的初部。
【百年阡陌】 主要故事,也是赫雅和米羅結識的故事。
【百年阡陌.開端】  赫雅的誕生。
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jentsai · 2 years ago
同事從埃及旅遊回來大吐苦水,首先是食物無法下嚥,然後是住處的環境太差,最讓他苦不堪言的就是如廁問題,很多公廁要收費,另外再『買手纸』。這些亂象因果循環,結果他整個行程都在拉肚子,找零錢,跑廁所中度過,最後還二次中標,得了一場Covid ,灰頭土臉地回到美國,休養了兩個星期才恢復正常。
其次是大眾交通工具的安全性:比如說紐約的地鐵於 1904年開通,將近120年歷史,可是我這個在地人卻不敢單獨搭乘,它骯髒黑暗,犯罪率高。
第三點要考慮的就是『人』 ------ 我在歐美地區問路,常常被耍;在上海問路,對方直接把臉轉過去,讓我像是對空氣講話,更不要提在一些���區被『削』的例子。
在我個人的認知裡面,全世界能夠達標的只有兩個地方 ----- 日本和台灣。而台灣的CP值高,更勝日本。
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linghsu01 · 1 year ago
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hpmi-soba · 1 year ago
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hpmi-soba · 1 year ago
2nd DRB賽後 drama,六隊長和解+合力對抗仄仄
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hpmi-soba · 1 year ago
有提及的角色盡量加 tag
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45domonkey · 2 years ago
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[德克薩斯州Texas] 飛機抵達到美國德州的Dallas Fort Worth International Airport(達拉斯/沃斯堡國際機場),當下的我最緊張的莫過於是傳說中過美國海關的過程,因為有太多人被抓進小房間、甚至是遣返的經驗分享,讓我對於這件事情感到非常緊張。 . 一開始我還傻傻的跟著美國人走電子通關😆,後來才被提醒要走外國人通道(兩邊離超遠根本沒注意到那邊可以通關),而幸好我的腳程夠快,算是排在前面幾組人,後面突然人數暴增,少說也要等個1-2小時。 因為是早上抵達機場沒什麼人,海關只開兩個通道,每一組人過海關都花了一些時間(海關真的很認真在問問題),等待的過程我腦海中一直閃過外子跟我說可能會問的幾個問題,我該怎麼回答,反覆練習😆。 . 終於輪到我了⋯⋯ :why are you here? 🦁:traveling。 :How long have you been? 🦁:about two weeks. :So tonight live in Dallas? 🦁:Yes, I have been in Dallas for five days. :So where are you going after Dallas? 🦁:Orlando and New York.for 5 days , New York for 3or4days. :are you traveling alone? 🦁:No I travel with my friend. :how much cash you take in? 🦁:$200。 :OK, and now put your four fingers here. :And the other hand. :OK, welcome. ————————————————— 大致的問題是這樣,從頭到尾,當我站在海關的前面她沒有停止問我問題,而我也必須要一直回答問題。 其實問題都不難,但是一定要回答得順,聽得也要夠清楚,不要講錯。 前面一組有一段沒聽清楚,海關再次重複時那個語氣就不一樣了,變得非常慢且大聲(不耐煩的語氣),我後面也有一段聽錯,她在糾正我的時候也是有點不耐煩,所以大家在面對海關時真的不要緊張,也不要被她們的不耐煩嚇到,一定要穩穩的回答問題,才不會被海關覺得你有問題,而被抓進小房間。 . 度過最難過的一關,一出去拿到行李就立馬打電話給外子,而外子也是一大早就開車來機場接我,真的很謝謝他。 . 之後先回飯店放行李,就展開我們在德州的悠閒生活。 . . . 其實我們後來可以不用去德州的,完全就是一個意外,所以大家問我們去德州哪裡玩的時候,我們也回答得很尷尬,因為我們也不知道要去哪裡玩(看看照片開心就好) . . . 第一天主要就是到各超市(Costco Walmart)採買日常備品、回家煮年夜飯(我到的當天是除夕),買了好市多老協珍的佛跳牆👍伴我們度過很多天的台灣味。 我還要求外子帶我去outlet買一雙鞋子,因為我穿靴子真的已經快要受不了了,走不太動😆加上我有些微時差,後來一買完鞋子我就斷片了,晚上起來年夜飯就煮好了(小精靈是外子得斯),也算是在國外度過一個很特別的除夕夜。 . 祝大家新年快樂🥰 . 大年初一我們到達拉斯的市中心走走,從我們住得地方開車到市區大概要30分鐘,市區其實沒什麼人(可能因為是假日),我們去看reunion tower,達拉斯的地標(一支麥克風?!),還有甘迺迪總統被暗殺後興建的一個紀念廣場(有興趣的可以去參考網路上的資料),當天因為有示威遊行,我們並沒有很靠近看,只有在旁邊拍拍照片就走了。而後繼續往市區散步(沒錯今天行程就是散步☺️),在一個公園��Thanksgiving square)小小野餐了一下,後來因為太冷了,我們就慢慢回去,外子提議想去吃漢堡,我們就結束今天的行程,去吃我來美國的第一個速食店(IN N OUT), 之後又去逛街(不是吃就是在逛街😆)。 . 初二沒有回娘家😆,我們原本要去一個博覽會兼遊樂園走走,殊不知到了之後沒開?!(google直接騙人,我也被學生騙,他還跟我說有開🥹),行程被打亂後,我們隨便找了個地點就出發了,意外來到了一個很有德州牛仔風情的小鎮,吃了超好吃的冰淇淋,回家前又去吃了德州特色漢堡店whataburger,這個漢堡的份量真的超大,我們兩個人吃一個就飽到翻,整體而言是CP值很高的漢堡店。 . 初三我們耍廢了一天(其實只有我而已),外子要忙一下事情,剛好這天下雨,也不適合出門。 . 初四是我們要前往下一州的日子,在德州的時間不長不短,好像把達拉斯該去的地方都去了,我們也有買到一些喜歡的東西,雖然沒什麼一定要推薦大家去的地方,不過這短短的五天生活,讓我對德州的印象分數是很高的,可惜的是沒在德州遇到下雪❄️。 . . . 接下來是佛羅里達州的奧蘭多(Orlando in the Florida ),環球、迪士尼遊記,下集待續。 . . . #simplelifewithhappiness #小獅 #外子 #德州 #達拉斯 #重逢塔 #Texas #Dallas #reuniontower (at Residence Inn by Marriott Dallas Lewisville) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoJa-H8uSFi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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holaraindrop · 2 years ago
Good Bye 2022 part 1
前情提要一下, 雖然我大概花了一年半架了WordPress網站,但目前實在沒那麼多心思維護網站跟繳錢 真是不負我作白工專家的盛名 暫時重返Tumblr的懷抱(聽說現在不禁止R18貼文了真棒) 2023年的展望之一就是強迫自己多整理並寫下思考脈絡 雖然沒什麼用,但從記錄中能確實看到自己的成長進化 不信可以去看看我之前寫的東西
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January 一月
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2022年是個有趣的開場, (相較2023的高效率,是哪個好孩子1/1一早起床健身後刷了累積一整年油垢的抽油煙機,接著壓底線趕完賀卡設計又衝去送印呢😳?) 在前幾行立即離題,可想而知我本人有多少小劇場
總之,人生第一次追星應援就被禮聘為設計師,想一想自己的設計既代表台灣粉絲團,又可以被歐巴欣賞,真的是做夢都會笑欸 雖然除了 Logo 外並沒做其他東西,但能把特長應用在興趣上的確滿足了我的成就感,也希望這個 Logo 可以長久的為歐巴應援加油
去看了蜘蛛人, Sony 跟 Marvel 誠意滿滿!三代蜘蛛人同台=三個 Peter Parker 碎念,我愛死了 也圓滿我對Andrew蜘蛛人的怨念,第二集真的難看到對 Marc Webb 恨鐵不成鋼,不過他後來導了 Gifted , 超辣的 Chris Evans 救場成功
因為選角很可愛就追了《那年,我們的夏天》,意外的是部寶藏作品(有時候懶得想更合適的敘述就會直接使用Dcard��,希望可以慢慢戒除這點)。編劇接受採訪時,說出:「一開始我們不知道對方的心裡話,總是覺得各自都過得很好,爾後吐露了內心才知道每個人都有自己的家務事,家人總是以愛恨交織的形式來到我們身邊,我認為青春的苦惱有很大一部分來自家庭。」 每顆鏡頭都美得不像話,第一次覺得原來看別人談戀愛也會感到幸福啊 宇植跟多美的火花真是批哩啪啦,好可愛喔
然後買到了絕版的 Dr. Martens 妹子鞋,超喜歡,磨腳跟磨到爆也好喜歡(我偏S屬性但意外很能忍痛)
以及跟學姊去了 REC cafe,景很美咖啡很普,不推
February 二月
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每次過年媽媽都會說明年不煮這麼多了,結果還是滿滿兩桌 每道菜吃兩口就飽了很瘋吧!
上個月沒有特別提,但 GR 相機的輕巧讓我願意隨身攜帶連買杯可不可都可以拍 習慣以相機拍攝後,我在年末換了哀鳳相機就覺得怎麼拍怎麼醜欸 (有沒有想過是人的問題?)
家附近的早餐店推出超優秀的草莓三明治。 草莓是滿的,不是只有切面那一排,加上卡士達醬,CP 值跟美味程度都屌打-4
中旬又進入一人當五人用的拍攝期間,同事 aka 手模本人洗手洗到��脫皮
看《美麗心靈的永恆陽光 aka 王牌冤家》看到睡著,我真的不是文青的料 不過如果必須得選擇,雖然痛苦,但我也不想遺忘 受傷後癒合的疤累積起來才會變成現在這個階段的自己
參加了《昨日的美食 劇場版》包場活動跟迅速在網飛追完《被擦掉的初戀》,這兩部作品都很平實可愛,我其實很喜歡貼近生活的作品,像是《昨日的美食》裡藉由每一餐的準備,去述說主角的處境以及食物所能帶來的療癒效果,自此之後食物對我的意義就跳脫了填飽肚子的單一用途,好好的吃飯,品嘗食物組合協奏的效果,和餐桌對面的人交換感受,也許就是我們一起活在當下的證據吧?
《飢餓遊戲前傳:鳴鳥與游蛇之歌》超好看!其實整部飢餓遊戲我都覺得超好看也收藏了實體書,是一眾反烏托邦小說裡我最喜歡的作品。 如果你同樣不喜歡聖光型主角,也熱愛人性刻畫的作品,真的可以讀一讀 不要跟我說電影,那是不同作品
趁二二八連假和PG一起去染了粉紅色的內餡染,結果慘遭朋友評價是中國妹流行 撇除漂髮頭皮爆痛跟頭髮乾爆以外,綁起辮子跟馬尾都很好看
March 三月
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Illustrator 處理3D的技術進化滿多也滿直覺的,雖然無法像真的3D軟體自由度這麼高,但做一些 trendy 設計也是很夠用了
也摸了一下 Blender 的 Geometry Nodes,此時並不知道這是我今年最後一次碰 Blender🫠,悲
默默的天氣就轉暖了,送洗了冬天的厚外套 不知道從哪裡看來的說法,洗衣店是對整理衣服有所執著的人才能開的店 反正我信了
April 四月
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小蛋四歲生日了,從他誕生在我的衣架下到現在已經過了一千多天 雖然他大概覺得自己還是小孩子 但四歲已經是貓界的 Young Adult 了, 差不多該出去賺錢了吧?!
上了一堂很憧憬的設計公司開的線上課程,但小失望 決定要從熱愛亂買線上課程的人畢業 我買過的課遍及 Hahxw、Yotxa、 Xdemy、 知識X星、Cousexa, 線上課就跟電子書一樣,買了可能永遠擠不出時間吸收 但只要買多大家就會覺得是個勤奮好學的人 會有人���興趣看各平台比較嗎?
這個月和大學奇異組織(?)小呂森旅行團出發台南, 可能因為發起人跟策劃人都偏瘋狂,隨時都會放棄開車下去健行的那種瘋,所以整趟旅程都是 hang over style,不過這種瘋癲可以釋放掉平日假裝正常的壓力,對我來說是好好的休息充電 我希望這個旅行團能年年有今日,歲歲有今朝,刪掉走到腳斷掉這個特色會更好,今年想去哪呢? 宜蘭? 台東? 墾丁?
《如果三十歲還是處男,就會變成魔法師 劇場版》是我少數看 BL 作品踢到鐵板,我個人覺得不太好看(很怕得罪粉絲),可惜了影集拍得可愛又讓人心動,電影似乎想走文青的隱喻象徵調性但!!!真的不要放一堆MV似不知所云的鏡頭啦!!!
這個講座發現之二是小燈製作所 Amber 所推薦的《最美五套質感人生穿搭》,我喜歡這本書裡提倡的:衣服應該要帶給我們能量,以及最適合當下的自己 的概念,所以 2022 的下半年也是一直在實踐這個理論:每個月用五套穿搭,與衣服長時間相處,也透過預先計畫讓自己隨時處在一個最適合的狀態。 非常推薦衣櫥爆炸或是永遠覺得自己少一件衣服的人來讀一讀這本書!
大家擁有自己的環保杯了嗎? 早在自帶杯扣5塊的政策前,我就很喜歡用自己的杯子去買飲料。 除了飲料會變比較好喝以外(?),也可以透過自我約束,沒有環保杯就不買,來減少自己喝手搖杯的頻率。 我現在使用的組合是梅森杯搭配 ReCap 杯蓋,選擇這個組合的原因是:廣口的玻璃杯好倒入飲料也好清潔,不像矽膠杯會殘留味道卡色,或是塑膠杯容易刮傷 以及杯蓋本身就具有手提拉環的功能,不需要再準備外出袋;裡面的矽膠防水圈可拆,也可以買到替換的墊圈,替換部分零件而不是整個丟掉這點真的很重要! 撇除容易打破、有點重,不能保溫之外, 我覺得是挺適合自己使用習慣的杯子~ (還可以拿來當保鮮罐使用!!!)
我想不出能說些什麼來推薦《媽的多重宇宙》 ,你可以從預告感覺得這部作品的ㄎ一尢,但除了荒謬的設定跟節奏,你會感受到一點導演的詩意與人生觀,甚至在某個片段會覺得自己被同理與安撫了 這就是一部神奇的作品, 我很難說自己到底懂了還是不懂,但很直覺地喜歡甚至打算多看幾次
May 五月
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五月是宣虎歐巴的誕生月,首度的參加了應援咖啡廳。 看到現實世界的人因為對同一個人的喜愛聚在一起慶祝是一種很神奇的體驗 也讓人感覺到愛是一股很強大的力量:因為愛所以想要表達支持,大家有錢出錢,有力出力共同創造了本來不會發生的事與物。 在欣賞這種社群文化的同時,也不禁思考這樣的熱情是不是一把雙面刃? 雖說愛的付出的確就是你情我願,但看到某些粉絲應援花大錢送名牌禮物給偶像的作法還是有點難以過去自己心裡這關。
想著要抽離點,結果沒多久,因為緋聞銷聲匿跡幾乎整整一年的歐巴終於出現在 SNS 上,感動驅使我徹夜設計了小卡來發洩無處安分的開心!(現在想想好羞恥,還好成品自己蠻滿意的)
買了電子閱讀器給自己當母親節禮物,我一直以來都有買電子書的習慣,但不太能用平板長時間的閱讀,眼睛非常容易不舒服。 換了電子閱讀器最明顯的改變就是閱讀時間大幅提升,首先解決了眼睛不適的問題,輕巧的重量減輕手持的負擔,尺寸小巧也很容易丟進包包裡攜帶。 我通常會在睡前或醒來還不想離開床時閱讀,不過需要排隊的場合也超級適合,很容易就可以度過等待的不耐感喔!
PG跟我講了桑椹牛奶喝起來有股黑糖味後,抱持懷疑態度的我終於買到桑椹牛奶親自驗證: 是真的,真的有黑糖味
在月底開始使用布衛生棉;我是五年以上的月亮杯使用者,但還是會有不小心漏出一點經血的時候,在經期前幾天還是需要墊片衛生棉會比較保險。趁著手邊的拋棄式衛生棉用完後就直接換成可以重複清潔的布衛生棉。 必須說,我覺得布衛生棉的使用還是有一點門檻,在量大的時候可能一天還是得換個兩三片甚至三四片才能吸收所有經血,但換下來的布棉如果無法馬上清潔,就還得想辦法帶在身上。 搭配月亮杯,很適合我自己想要減少一次性垃圾以及減少買衛生棉的精神(我就懶),不過建議有想試試看布衛生棉的女孩,還是先從經期的中後段開始嘗試,可能比較不至於大崩潰。
June 六月
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被趴呢��去看了先知瑪莉的 live,我很喜歡《多雨的城市》,但 KTV 只點得到 《Cheer》,微可惜。
真的去了多雨的城市小旅行。 小時候有短暫居住過基隆,對於基隆的印象就是下雨下好下滿下下叫(?) 這次去主要是看看城市博覽會,展覽超棒! 利用城市發展過程中逐漸廢棄的工廠或漁會大樓,從造船產業到漁業飲食文化到社區再生,很全面的讓人瞭解基隆是個怎麼樣的城市 而且展場的佈置非常有巧思,不是走沒有內涵的拉皮路線 身為文化美學沙漠金錢豹城居民的我好羨慕啊⋯⋯
我喜歡Pizza Rock的海鮮披薩
雖然越寫越隨便,但2022的上半年過得好像滿充實的欸!? 劇透:認真看一下下半年,我到底是怎麼撐過這一年還沒累死的啊?
0 notes
potteresque-ire · 3 years ago
Dear Pie,
I hope you’re doing well! C-ent seems to be going up in flames. The govt is trying to purge the ent industry i guess? It would be lovely to hear your thoughts on this. Esp on their take on BL dramas. The govt seems to be making their move. https://twitter.com/zhaoxiaotango/status/1430723789289967618?s=21
Hello Anon!! As usual, I'm late to answering this ...
I’ve included my thoughts on Dangai’s future below the cut. I’ve also, in the ... not-so-grand tradition of this blog, gone on tangent and talked about “C-ent going up in flames”.
(TW: due to the nature of the historical event described, the second half of this meta may be unsettling to read—it has been demarcated with a fake cut.)
With the latest notice from the Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party (CCPPD), also known as the Propaganda Department (中國共產黨中央委員會宣傳部, 中宣部 for short), the future of Dangai dramas is rather dim...
The notice actually included only one quick mention of Dangai:
But, with the rapid development of the entertainment industry, issues such as sky-high paychecks, "Yin-yang contracts", tax evasion have resurfaced, executed with new methods and means. New situations and problems, such as traffic-above-everything, deformed aesthetics (Pie note: referring to “sissy” men), the chaos of fan circle culture, and the fad of Dangai, have appeared one after another...
In the current climate, however, this is enough for observers to believe that Dangai dramas have been dealt a fatal blow—the kind of Dangai dramas most people are familiar with, at least, in which the creative team "plays edge ball” by subtly supplying hints of a M/M romance; in which the marketing of these dramas translates these hints into “candies” to popularise CPs (character, and real-person); in which the CPs bring in loyal fans not only for the drama, but also for the actors...
These observers include the state censorship apparatus, the production studios and distribution platforms, social media where promotions would take place. They'll all likely raise the bar for Dangai dramas to make it to airing and promotion, even if the ban hasn’t been made explicit. 
This kind of ... the government hints, people guesses the hint and takes it (much) further is a tradition passed down from China’s dynasty days. Emperors often kept their wishes mum, or vaguely worded, and waited for his subordinates to find out what the wishes were, interpret what they wanted. The extra time and effort needed for the interpretation boosted both the Emperors’ image and his status—Look, our Emperor is kind, humble enough to not speak his mind! Look, our Emperor is important enough that his wishes, unspoken they may be, should all be met!! 
This practice also allows the ruler—be it an ancient Emperor or a modern-day authoritarian regime—to play “the good guy”: they didn’t ask for the ban, did they? It wasn’t, isn’t their fault that the people agree(d) with the hint so hard that they went / go on to prohibit the stuff. The Emperor, the regime remain the open-minded one, and more importantly, the guilt-free one, if the outcome of the ban is less than ideal.
Strictly speaking, Dangai the genre will likely survive; "Dangai” 耽改, after all, only means “adapted from a Danmei source material”. Adaptions after this CCPPD notice may nonetheless turn the material into strict brotherhood stories, or even heterosexual romances. The dramas that are in the process of shooting, or have completed shooting, may have to modify the script, re-shoot scenes such that the project can pass the inspection by the NRTA (National Radio and Television Administration 國家廣播電視總局; the “censorship board”), such that the production studios and their investors can still air the products and cut their losses. Tencent, for example, already has 4 Dangai dramas completed (Immortality 皓衣行,Winner is King 烽火流金 / 殺破狼, The Society of Four Leaves 張公案,Chasing the Light 撒野 / 左肩有你) and one in the works (今朝萬年長); to shelf all of them will be a financial disaster, especially after its already having to shelf one “S+” grade (big budget) series this year—The Golden Hairpin (青簪行), with Kris Wu 吳亦凡 as its lead.
Anon, maybe this is what you’re wondering about too—will the state’s expressed displeasure with Dangai affect already-aired dramas and their participants? 
Here’s my thought as of today (2021/09/05) ~ for now, I’m cautiously optimistic. The current upheaval in c-ent, as well as in multiple other industries (for example: big tech, private tutoring, real estate), seems to be targeted at the so-called “Capital” (資本), the ultimate power players in c-business and the (domestic and international) stock markets. Already aired Dangai dramas are unlikely to be golden eggs for the companies involved and the power-player investors behind them—most of their profits have already be made. Actors who have risen to fame via Dangai are young and haven’t really had the time to accumulate the wealth, the power to be considered Capital. 
(Being Capital needs more than affluence—it also needs influence in both business and political circles.) 
(Back when the Zheng Shuang tax evasion scandal erupted earlier this year, “helpful” melon-eating c-netizens researched the list of companies c-ent celebrities own, under the oversimplistic-but-not-entirely-faulty logic that ownership of an abnormally high number may equate ... financial “magical trickery” (especially pertaining to tax evasion). Our ❤️💚 boys were on the search list, and they came up clean :) ).
That said, I feel I also shouldn’t sugarcoat things and say that things will remain perfectly peachy for aired Dangai’s and their actors, their associated “peripherals” such as CPs and fandom communities (such as the supertopics). The reason, however, isn’t because of their connections with the Dangai genre; the effect, also, isn’t limited to those with connections to the genre. 
This has to do with what’s happening beyond c-ent. 
I shall try to explain a little about this below. Please note that ... some parts may sound a little scary, especially to those who aren’t familiar with the turbulence, the violence of post-1949 Chinese history and politics. Please proceed carefully, and remember: this meta is only one pie’s word, and will be around if there’re better times to read it than now. Some people are comforted by having a sense of the worst that may happen, some aren’t like that at all, and both are perfectly all right. Taking care of yourself is the most important ❤️💛💚.
(Below the cut: c-ent’s “Bitter Cold Winter”, “The New Movement”) (TW: Dystopian Darkness)
The future for actors, directors, creative teams... workers of the entertainment industry in general, goes hand-in-hand with the financial health of the industry. A perfectly peachy future requires very good financial health.
C-ent is heavily reliant on and connected to the “Capital” the state is currently targeting. The tech giants Alibaba and Tencent are both its major players. If the Chinese government fails to exercise moderation in its efforts to rein in these “Capital” (and the Chinese government ... isn’t really known for moderation), if it breaks them rather than tames them, it can spell significant hardship to c-ent—adding frost to the snow that has already settled on the industry since 2018.
(”Adding frost to the snow” 雪上加霜, is a Chinese idiom meaning layering hardship upon hardship.)
What happened in 2018?
As an aftermath of the 2018 Fan Bingbing tax evasion scandal, Chinese tax authorities demanded the Chinese film production companies to “self-correct” their tax history, and pay back what it believed it owed accordingly. To avoid a full audit, the industry coughed up a total of USD $1.7 billion in back taxes in the end—a third of China’s domestic box office revenue.
The Chinese government wasn’t wrong in wanting to eliminate the rampant corruption and tax evasion from the industry. However, its approach was widely considered to be too heavy-handed. Having to pay their massive back-taxes in one go, production studios had to halt or cancel productions while the audit took place, while they figured out whether they had the funds for the taxes. Some companies had to liquidate eventually. Banks refused to finance the companies while the latter needed it the most, fearing associations with an industry that had just displeased the government. Celebrities of the industry (famous actors, directors etc) lay low, fearing the state would train its eyes on them, turn them into the next Fan Bingbing. C-ent was paralysed.
And it never fully recovered. From 2019 on, the Chinese film industry, and c-ent in general, has been said to be in a “bitter cold winter”. Thousands of companies have been shut down, and more people unemployed. The simultaneous restrictions on creative freedom, with the Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party (a.k.a, the Propaganda Department) taking over the regulation of Chinese TV and film industries in 2018 and the further tightening of censorship rules, have made recovery even more of a challenge—hits that surprise and delight, even just cater to the audience have become increase difficult to make. For example, period dramas about infighting queens and concubines (宮鬥劇), a perennial favourite among Chinese audiences, were pulled off TV schedules in January 2019 after Beijing Daily criticised the genre for “glamorising lavish imperial lifestyles and palace intrigue instead of promoting "socialist core values".
Behind the films and dramas we love, therefore, behind the seemingly lavish shows and ceremonies, is an industry that is struggling. Production studios, in particular, need a proper budget to create media products that have an actual chance of becoming popular—the Chinese audience had already got used to extravagantly-designed sets, costumes, makeup etc—but the money is no longer around. 
New business models have emerged to keep these studios afloat. One of them, for example, involves what is known as “bet-on agreements” (formal name: valuation adjustment mechanism VAM 對賭協議), signed between the smaller, money-short businesses in c-ent (production studios, management companies etc) and “Capital”, the power players of the Chinese business world and the major investors of the industry.
My poor business knowledge may mean I’ll likely never understand VAMs enough to talk about it intelligently, but the rough idea is this—for a production studio, for example, to get an investment, they must promise its investor (for example, a big tech) that they’ll hit a certain profit target for each year of the contract. If it fails to hit the target, it’ll have to pay the difference from its own pocket.
VAMs appear to be a win-win—the invested gets the funds it needs, while the investors are protected from high loses, become more willing to invest—but they also introduce their own problems. The time pressure associated with VAMS is *huge*. In desperate need to hit the profit target for that year, the invested may have to make decisions that may save them in the immediate future, but are not in their best interest in the long run. Production studios, for example, may have to cut corners, release their products at less than favourable time. They may have to be very aggressive in their marketing, copy proven-successful formulas—innovation, experimentation takes time and they do not have that.
Have some of you heard of 割韭菜 “cutting chives”? It’s a popular c-slang that describes how companies try to earn as much money from their customers as quickly as possible, by means that aren’t criminal, but morally objectionable. Fans are among the most talked about, most ... laughed at “chives”; they’re easy targets with their youth and passion, with the peer pressure from their fan circle to contribute to the sales numbers for their favourite celebrities. 
While there are certainly evil Capital schemes behind the chive cutting, not all participants on the seller’s side are necessarily evil. Some, too, are under immense pressure themselves. 
There’s Capital with a C, and just ... capital: businesses that aren’t small in the eyes of a common folk, but small compared to the financial risk that is the nature of their business. And capital in c-ent has not been doing well.
As a more tangible example of the kind of challenges Chinese production studios have already been facing before this summer ... please allow me to introduce a rumour that circulated around the release for The Wolf (狼殿下). As most rumours of such nature are, please bear in mind that it has never been confirmed, and never will be. The reason I’m spreading this rumour is because its truthfulness is no longer of consequence—this will be explained later.
Many of us may remember that all episodes of The Wolf were released within one day in November, 2020. A hypothesis I saw circulated in our fandom was this: to make sure the antis had no time to campaign against the series.
That made sense.
Outside fandom, meanwhile, another rumour circulated, and concerning a much-talked about VAM among c-ent business watchers: the one between China literature (閱文集團) and New Classics Media Media (aka Xinli Media, NCM 新麗傳媒). 
China literature, a book publisher, became a subsidiary of Tencent in 2015. In 2018, it—and, most c-business watchers believed, Tencent’s Capital behind it—acquired NCM, a TV and film production studio. The VAM was part of the acquisition agreement: NCM promised to deliver the net profits of 500 million RMB (~77.3 million USD), 700 million (~108 million) and 900 million (~139 million) to China Literature in 2018, 2019 and 2020 respectively. 
NCM had already failed to hit the profit target in both 2018 and 2019. Nonetheless, market watchers had remained optimistic about its performance in 2020. You see, my fellow turtles, NCM had produced three to-be-aired-in-2020 TV series named The Wolf, Douluo Continent, Oath of Love and That Cute Dude who starred in all of them? He got popular … like, really, really popular in the second half of 2019.
But then, 2020 came, then late February, 2020 * sighs *. The airing of the three series had to be held off. Late Autumn that year, another NCM production, the classic Wuxia series The Deer and the Cauldron (鹿鼎記), ... didn’t do so well.
The rumour went like this: NCM had to immediately release The Wolf to make up for the commercial failure of The Dear and The Cauldron. The end of 2020 was drawing near, and it soon had to report to China Literature a 900 million RMB net profit. It had to release a series with That Cute Dude; it didn’t matter that, perhaps, the studio could’ve made more profit by delaying its airing just a little longer, with more marketing and fanfare. It had to try to hit the target.
In retrospect—the “hindsight-is-twenty-twenty” kind of retrospect—November 2020 was probably the right time to test waters for The Return of That Cute Dude anyway, and to clear the 3-year-old The Wolf off NCM’s shelf. But it was impossible to know then; testing waters means ... there was a significant chance of failure, of backlash. In all cases, however, this was a story with a happy ending (hence, the truthfulness of the rumour no longer mattered): NCM managed to make its target profit in 2020 after China Literature had agreed to relax the target because of COVID, which had led to a major decrease in revenue from commercials.
And here’s the thing: it was a close call, and NCM is no small potato; founded in 2007, it was already an established, well-reputed media production company before 2018.
Production studios run a high risk, high return business. A hit, and they get to sustain themselves for a while; a flop, and they may never recover. Meanwhile, in China, they also have little control of the release schedule—an argument against the truthfulness of the rumour would be this: The Wolf couldn’t have aired without the NRTA already having given the series its approval, without the online platforms agreeing to distribute (and turtles know how ... complicated this process can be).  
Similar VAM stories, in which the invested barely made it, or had to pay a substantial sum of money after failing to hit target, have also been heard in the film production arm of the industry, the management arm. In the case of the latter, the management company may have to accept low quality projects for its artists just to hit the target—projects that can become dark spots in the artists’ career.
C-ent isn’t really well-positioned right now to take another hit in its income source. After decades of propaganda that capitalism is communism’s mortal enemy, talks of the term “Capital” (資本) in China often carry a negative connotation. And “Capital”, indeed, has been associated with corruption, under-the-table deals, bribery, getting people out of wrongdoings, getting people into wrongdoings. One may say, “Capital” has acquired a strange reputation in the country—as a thing people both dream they're part of and hate the idea of—that some of us may have heard c-fans trying to dissociate their favourite stars from the word. 
However, stripped from the moral, ideological judgements, Capital is simply lots of money, and any entertainment industry without lots of money isn’t all that peachy, limited in the types of high quality productions it can make, the choices its actors, writers, directors, artistic teams etc have. 
(Period dramas, Wuxia and Xianxia dramas tend to be significantly more costly to make. C-ent therefore has had a near monopoly on them these recent years. Cash-poor Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment industries have focused on cheaper-to-make modern dramas instead.)
Fear is another major challenge to a peachy future for c-ent and its workers.
If the fight between The State vs The Capital continues to escalate, if the pressure on Capital from the state continues to increase, fear may eventually become the prominent motivator behind business decisions pertaining to c-ent, overtaking common sense and financial incentives that are more comprehensible and predictable. In this case, anything can happen; anything that is thought to displease the government—even if the government doesn’t actually care—can be axed, offered as a “sacrifice” to get the government to get off the offerers’ back. 
This risk is, again, not limited to those who have participated in aired Dangai dramas. As one may see these days, the list of things that has displeased the Chinese government is long. Things that once pleased the government may become an offence in a few years time (example: fan culture).
The more practical question to ask, then, is: will the pressure on Capital continue to increase? Will the tech giants, for example, have to continue to haemorrhage their company’s worth to the government? Will more billion-dollar industries be uprooted? 
This has been a very hot issue among c-politics watchers. 
Those who have lived under the rule of the Chinese government, or are aware of its policies, may know that it’s actually common for the Chinese government to interfere with  ... everything every now and then, with loud opinions and louder (but not always useful) new rules. These people may know, too, that it is just as common for everything to simply return to the status quo after a while of sound and fury. 
The return to the status quo may still be the outcome for this round of c-ent’s “regulation”. Why are so many people watching then? And on the edge of their seats?
Many c-politics analysts and watchers—those who cannot usually tell one idol from another—have been watching because of what some have suspected, or feared, about Xi for years. And before I get into their (worst) fear, I’d like to emphasise this. Political analyses are often speculative, and political analyses pertaining to China, especially so. Trying to guess the motivations of a government that lacks transparency always requires ample guesswork, piecing together subtle hints and shaky rumours. Word choices are dissected, compared to historical texts; key terms are counted one by one 
(It’s not unlike how turtles excavate candies, sometimes). 
This care is necessary. Too liberal an approach, and the conclusions become conspiracy theories. Too conservative, and they miss the important warnings—warnings that, if ignored, can ruin the lives of some people. When the government works in obscure ways, when its policies can change over night and important people can override what is written in the laws, these analyses, speculations are often what their audience rely on to make their decisions.
I’m not much of a follower of these analyses for that reason; I'm often uncomfortable with speculations. I’ve also, therefore, refrained from talking about them, spreading them. However, I’m making an exception this time because the following viewpoint, as I mentioned, has circulated for years and among multiple analysts who understand the Cultural Revolution well, some as first person. The same viewpoint has also been whispered in the recent grumblings of unhappy c-netizens. 
More importantly, I’m making an exception because this viewpoint offers insight as to why, despite many of the recent criticisms made by the state have actually been made before (example: ”fan circle”: 1, 2, 3 from 2020; “sissy”: 1, 2 from 2018), c-ent is reacting so strongly to them, putting in so much effort to comply.
Why, in other words, the industry appears to be so afraid. 
Perhaps, a good place to begin is a Maoist commentary published online on 2021-08-28, which caused an uproar among c-politics watchers. Written by a small time writer, the commentary was nonetheless reblogged by all the important Chinese state media (the original text is found here). 
This article went into more details about why the commentary drew so much attention both domestically and in the Chinese diaspora. The TL;DR version is this: those familiar with the “May 16th notification” (五一六通知) that started the Cultural Revolution in 1966 found the language and content of this commentary similar. This commentary was therefore viewed to be possibly historic, the first shot fired for a New Movement similar to the Cultural Revolution—the New Movement postulated by many that Xi has been trying to make happen, based on the accumulating list of current events; the New Movement that some, for simplicity’s sake, has named the Cultural Revolution 2.0. 
The Cultural Revolution (1966-76) has been widely interpreted as a power struggle between Mao and his once heir apparent, Liu Shaoqi 劉少奇. This New Movement, these c-politics watchers have postulated, will be the battle between Xi and Capital.
How is c-ent relevant to this? Why are people watching c-ent to see if this hypothesis—that A New Movement is about to take place, or is already taking place—is true?
This has to do with the role played by, and the fate of the arts and entertainment during the Cultural Revolution.
What was memorable, and terrifying about the Cultural Revolution was this: in the name of attacking the 'Four Olds' of Chinese society (Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Customs), the movement ... almost destroyed China itself. The “Four Olds” included every pre-Communist element of China that, supposedly, was getting in the way of the Communist revolution; almost all adults were therefore connected to them in some way—”Old” was often just their habits, their background, their jobs, their favourite pastime. Association with the Four Olds was, therefore, an easy “crime” to accuse anyone of. And to carry out this attack of the Four Olds—and remove Liu in the lawless chaos that would result—Mao mobilised the Red Guards, student youths whose fervent worship of Mao made the fan circles of 2021 look like bored passer-bys. 
Intellectuals, anyone with ties to the West, with the former Nationalist / Kuomintang government were killed, tortured or publicly humiliated; books old and new, historical sites, cultural relics were destroyed. Laws, ethics and moral codes of the society, common sense ... they were no longer relevant (story); sinners and not-sinners were judged by one criterion—perceived loyalty of the accused to Chairman Mao, determined by the Red Guards who would then oversee, execute their punishment.
(The ”Three loyalties, 4 Infinites” slogan will demonstrate this in a bit.)
It was a period of extreme unrest, and extreme violence. 
It affected all levels of the Chinese society. Arts and entertainment, however, were the first sectors to be purged. They were already intricately tied to Old Ideas and Old Culture; Chinese opera, for example, the favourite pastime of commoners of the time, was almost two millennia old. Back when literacy was very low—and that was true for most of China’s history—these plays and their related forms of storytelling were how folk lores and histories, especially those omitted in the official source, were passed down from generation to generation. 
Chinese operas were filled with the Old—stories of Old dynasties, Old imperial courts, Old war heroes and Old scholars and Old trials and Old romances. Old songs. Old poetry. Old costumes. Old dances.
As it is the case now, however, the Chinese government during Mao’s era saw its arts and entertainment as tools of propaganda. Propaganda tools are to be controlled tightly, and early especially if a war, a quest for power is to be waged. The corollary, one may say, to this logic is this: before, or at the beginning of the war, the quest for power, perceivable shudders are expected in arts and entertainment. 
In the case of the Cultural Revolution, may considers the first shudder to be Mao’s denouncement of a popular Chinese opera named Hai Rui Dismissed from Office 海瑞罷官, written by the historian and Beijing politician, Wu Han 吴晗, in 1961. 
The play, about an incorruptible official in the Ming Dynasty who had dared to impeach the Emperor for his corruption, was meant to encourage officials to be upfront about the challenges they met during the implementation of state policies; Wu wrote the script at Mao’s request to create something for that purpose. However, in 1965, an opinion piece appeared in the press—commissioned by Mao’s wife Jiang Qing 江青 and approved by Mao—that panned the play as a veiled criticism of Mao’s dismissal of his former defence minister Peng Dehuai 彭德懷, who had been fired in 1959 after telling Mao that the Great Leap Forward had not succeeded.
(”Not succeeded” was a vast understatement: the series of failed policies in the Great Leap Forward (1958-62) led to death of 15-55 million people).
Artists connected to Hai Rui were arrested, their possessions seized; they were publicly humiliated, tortured, killed. Wu Han died in prison in 1969 for his “crime”; his wife was tortured to death the same year and near the end of the movement, his daughter committed suicide in a mental asylum—a common final destination for those who survived the torture. The main actor of the play, the beloved, legendary Ma Lianliang 馬連良, was also tortured to death.
The targeting of artists and entertainers would continue for the rest of the Cultural Revolution, while creative expression came to an almost complete complete halt. The need for extreme political correctness, in combination with the severe punishment of those accused of not being sufficiently correct, led to, perhaps, the largest scale, most brutal “Canceling” in history. Soon, only a handful of Revolutionary Operas (aka Model Operas 樣板戲) were performed in China.
How many is a handful? 
There were eight original Revolutionary Operas, listed in the editorial of People’s Daily on 1967/05/31, named 革命文藝的優秀樣板 “The Fine Models of Revolutionary Art”. By the end of the Cultural Revolution, the number was twenty-six.
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Advertisement by the Anhui Revolutionary Committee, celebrating the performance of all 8 original Revolutionary Operas in their province.  (Source)
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Stage photo from 智取威虎山 “Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy”. Performers in Revolutionary Opera wore modern costumes. (Source)
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The legendary Chinese opera actor, Mei Lanfang 梅蘭芳 (1894-1961), known for his lead female roles (Dan 旦), in a traditional Peking Opera costume. (Source)
*Nods *. For almost 10 years, 800 million people watched the same, two dozen stories over and over again. Chinese operas sung those stories; ballet dancer danced those stories; orchestra played the the music of those stories. Performances of these stories was considered essential to show devotion to the early Cultural Revolution slogan 三忠於四無限 (”Three loyalties, 4 Infinites”), the three loyalties being:
忠於毛主席 (Loyalty to Chairman Mao) 忠於毛澤東思想  (Loyalty to the Thoughts of Chairman Mao) 忠於毛主席的無產階級革命路線 (Loyalty to the Road to Proletarian Revolution by Chairman Mao)
The 4 infinities were as follows, describing attitudes towards the 3 loyalties: 無限崇拜 (Infinite worship) 無限熱愛 (Infinite adoration) 無限信仰 (Infinite faith) 無限忠誠 (Infinite loyalty)
”Three loyalties, 4 Infinites” highlight the Chairman Mao craze in China during the Cultural Revolution. They also highlight the critical differences between the Cultural Revolution and the political climate in summer, 2021 ~ why other analyst believe that, even if there is a New Movement, it won’t be a Cultural Revolution 2.0.
Two key differences are, for example:
1) Worship for Xi in 2021 is nowhere near in fervour compared to the worship for Mao in 1966. Relatedly, Xi’s words have not demonstrated the power to mobilise the masses to the point of completely overriding laws, ethics, moral codes and common sense. Mao was a very charismatic leader; more importantly, he was the founding father of Communist China. Xi, meanwhile, has not had any major political accomplishments, or scored important military victories during his 9 years in office (some believe the military aggression against Taiwan has been waged for this reason). 
2) While Reporting (”Ratting out”) Culture has returned with a vengeance, the Red Guards who were permitted to dole out punishment based on the reports and their whim have, so far, not re-surfaced. There are no parades of torture and public humiliation on the streets. The Cultural Revolution was a social movement of the masses; the re-distribution of power proceeded from the bottom towards the top of the power hierarchy. Right now, the state’s take down of Capital runs in the opposite direction: the state is at the top, acting against Capital on a lower rung. 
ETA: What has NOT happened in 2021: a public humiliation party (批鬥大會). Wu Han is at 00:15 of the clip. Note the size of the crowd and their young age.
Regardless of their opinions, c-politics watchers are watching c-ent closely. They’re watching not because they believe the artists and entertainers of 2021 will be publicly humiliated or tortured, but because arts and entertainment, by having to face their audience public, offer a relatively transparent window to the opaque workings of the Chinese government. Because history has informed these watchers that, if a New Movement is indeed about to happen, arts and entertainment will be among its earliest battlefields, and where the first well-known casualties will likely be found—similar to Wu Han and Ma Lianliang from Hai Rui’s Dismissed from Office. Because the industry, in being the state’s propaganda apparatus, means the message it sends (and doesn’t / cannot send), via its stars, its media products, will have to be clear to be communicated—it isn’t difficult to guess the take-home message of the opera Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy just from the stage photo above. These messages will offer vital clues about the direction, and more importantly, the intensity the state is intending to move—whether it’ll stop at “trimming” Capital, or it’ll only stop at the latter’s destruction.
Does Capital, the power players in business and the stock market believe that the state is waging a New Movement against them? I’m far too distant from them to know. 
But, movement or not, the Chinese government has already shown a willingness to make significant economic sacrifices, shake the pillars, the very foundations of its economy in the battle. Capital, therefore, has a reason to be afraid, to be super careful about what they do, play the very obedient child for the time being.
Things are therefore volatile right now in all areas where Capital touches; c-ent is just one of them. This volatility, however, isn’t likely to have truly stemmed from the “incorrectness” of Dangai, or “sissy’s”, or the list of “cancelled” stars and their mistakes, or “fan circles”, or even, from the Clear & Bright campaign (which is actually in its 2nd year; there was a Clear & Bright campaign 2020 that few noticed). They may be cited as the reasons, but the volatility is part of the pressure system of the overall political climate of the country. 
And people are watching, alarmed because of the backdrop, because other billion-dollar industries collapsing in the background. How truly afraid is c-ent itself? A simple thing to watch, perhaps, may be how the state-issued criticism against “sissy’s” will translate into action. As mentioned briefly, the same criticism has already made its round once in 2018, the lasting legacy of which is the (in)famous earring ban that while making little sense, has also done little harm. 
(As with this time, the industry had little idea of how the state defined “sissy” in 2018.).
What will happen this time may serve as a gauge of the atmosphere in c-ent. How much fear, how much anxiety it actually contains.
With all that said, what are us fans to do then? Is there anything we can do to help?
The best thing we can do—and this is my humble opinion, as usual—is to keeping doing what we usually do. Keep fanning. Keep loving. Keep our corner of fandom calm and happy. Whatever is happening, whatever will happen, is way, way bigger than any of us, than fandom, than even the entire Chinese entertainment industry. And should something less than peachy happens to our favourite things in China, to our sibling communities, I hope everyone will consider remembering this—and this is, perhaps, the message I hope to send with this meta—it’ll very unlikely be the fault of anyone, any subgroups within our fandom(s), even though the blame may be laid upon them. Scapegoating is common at uncertain times like this, mob mentality even more so, and the most precious qualities one can combat them with are independent thinking, and a good memory of what, and who, we’re here for.
(Love. Gg and Dd.)
The giant cogwheels of Chinese politics are turning, as they’ve always been. Are they beyond our control? Yes. Can we pitter patter on the teeth of the gears, and for the more nimble ones among us, hiphop, lock, pop, break, urban?
(My move: King Tut. Um, the King Tut in Egypt, not the ones in SDOC4 :D.)
Keep calm. Carry on.
That’s what turtles do. That’s what turtles are born to do. ❤️💛💚
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swiftie1016 · 2 years ago
天使聖物 骸骨之城
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1. 我需要有人親口證實 Jace & Clary 根本不是兄妹 雖然前面就有講只是陰謀了 但你們這樣害他們兩個沒有辦法專心談戀愛!
2. Simon被吸血鬼咬的那兩點會怎麼樣嗎
3. 為什麼學院裡的博士嗎還是什麼 兩邊都幫啊?請交代。
4. Alec活下來了嗎?
5. 狼人們的後續
應該還有更多這些是我目前想到的 但不怪誰 只有資本主義該負責(# 這部原本應該會像暮光之城那要多出幾集的只可惜當時票房太慘
這兩個人比 Edward &Bella 更值得美好的愛情啊啊啊啊 好想看原班人馬拍續集(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)但已經不可能了(這是2013年的電影)
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再來是我原本以為大概就是部普通的科幻電影吧 出乎我意料各種效果都做得很精美 唯一比較拙劣的是狼人的牙齒 有被點噁到了 打鬥場面也是各種精彩上陣 會讓我屏氣凝神地那種
唯一小可惜是想要塞很多小說設定到時長不太夠的電影中 有時候稍嫌混亂了(所以我說如果有續集就不會有這個問題了嘛!)
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不得不提愛情方面的處理實在是太中我了!!顏值撇開不說 男女主角演技在線 各種微表情的刻畫一絕 劇組營造的場地漂亮 氛圍唯美 叫人不心動都難🥺女主人設又是各種討喜 不會在那邊猶豫是不是喜歡男二 愛誰就是愛誰🤣
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順便說一下 Lily Collins & Jamie Campbell Bower分分合合了大約六年 要不是莉莉已經死會 我就要變成CP粉了這邊先大哭(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
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aidonotknow · 3 years ago
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Y型十字,哥德式十字架的一種,又名crucifixus dolorosus、furca、ypsilon cross、Y-cross、盜賊十字(robber's/thief's cross)。
於13、14世紀的神祕主義影響下出現,在德國萊茵地區尤其常見,在當地也被稱為 Gabelkreuz(叉十字)、Mystikerkruzifix(神祕主義釘刑)、Gabelkruzifix(叉釘刑)、Schächerkreuz(盜賊十字)或Pestkreuz (瘟疫十字)。
據信叉型十字代表了一棵樹,確切來說,就是為世���帶來原罪的知善惡樹(the Tree of Knowledge)。而原罪已被耶穌在十字架上的苦難擊敗。典型的神祕主義十字上會強調耶穌的痛苦表情以及受創、衰弱的肉體,喚起信徒強烈的敬畏和恐懼。
[節譯自Wiki:Forked cross]
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考慮到拒絕服從上帝的背景,描述亞當違反禁令的用詞是他將「注定一死」 (doomed to die) ,在希伯來聖經中這常是宣判死刑的一種形式。
"the knowledge of good and evil"在現代學術中有各種解釋:智慧、全知、性知識、道德判斷、心智成熟等等。有學者主張將其概括為「管理獎勵與懲戒的知識」,暗示上帝禁止人類獲得的正是「運用終極力量的智慧」。
在基督教的傳統中,樹及果實本身都不是邪惡的,因為神創造的一切都是好的。是亞當夏娃的「不服從」使得造物陷入混亂,人性因此繼承了罪咎。在基督教藝術中禁果常被描繪成蘋果,可能是源自拉丁文mālum(蘋果)和malum (邪惡)的雙關。
[節譯Wiki:Tree of the knowledge of good and evil]
然後Knives最後放棄和兄弟道別,選擇在他的蘋果樹旁消散......這到底是........? 那樹還是Y型的.....
當然有可能只是巧合,不過朝這方向考慮的話,Legato一些很奇怪的特徵: 金瞳、很狂的用餐方式、特別長的舌頭和嗅覺....就有了其他意思。 他是蛇。
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他可能是想找個邪惡的形象套在人類身上,從人類的瞳色得到的靈感吧....結果到最後把自己也套進去了🙄 明明蛇也有誘惑的意思,你的潛意識在咆嘯啊大哥!
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soonre627 · 3 years ago
【Adler x Stitch】
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maoyuyy · 4 years ago
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按了另外一處申請帳號又好像可以真的搞不懂這網站orz ←圖文無關again
KH的眼鏡梗一開始忘記是在哪看到的了…‥不過看了Sam Pauly的幾個影片之後就很想畫,嗯就……可愛……可愛(←沒有要解釋)也看過一些KH喜歡閱讀的同人也很可愛,覺得KH會是個對包括閱讀在內各種東西都感興趣的年輕人。
記一下之前想著beheaded cousins同居+AB經營Youtube+獨立音樂時的腦洞:
*原本應該是要管理各社群留言的KH,最後發現留言區或討論版上最先找麻煩或挑釁好像都是自家站長(a.k.a AB)……頭很痛←
(KH: Anne....please..........stop.......... ( ˘ω˘ ))
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suzumebear · 5 years ago
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