#CLW news
stockspredictor · 2 years
Charter Hall (ASX:CLW) buys stake in geosciences Australia
Charter Hall Long WALE has acquired 25% stake in Geoscience Australia property.
For 25% stake in the property, the company has paid AU$90.9 million.
The acquisition to be funded from sale proceeds of Hopper Crossing, Victoria.
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fmarkets · 7 months
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Clearwater Paper Corporation Sees Profitability Soar with $66M Tax Refund https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=CLW&date=2024-02-21120830&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Finally I'm back to list all of the evidence that Peaceful Property On Sale is gay, actually!
This week again, our boys were fighting out their differences. But while last week they were fighting about class differences and the arrogance of the rich, this week their fight seems a little closer to home (pun intended) as we're talking about (chosen) family and home-cooked food as one of its signifiers. But more on that later. For now:
Pangpang's audience have seen Peach and Home interact like three times but they already ship it. Seeing as we, the show's audience, have seen even more of their interactions, and more intimate moments at that, we clearly have to ship even harder.
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Home is still going with the pigtail-pulling strategy to deal with his crush.
He tries to make Peach say he's handsome:
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And then he makes Peach dance for him:
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All the while pretending he's doing all of this because he's some kind of old-school Bond villain and not because he likes him.
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Aside from their more serious fights, Home and Peach keep bickering in a way that is supremely couple-coded.
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Pangpang has also noticed.
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Peach, at one point, is so busy complaining about Home that he even forgets to be scared of ghosts.
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Speaking of people being uncharacteristically unscared: Home also experiences a moment of courage in the face of Peach trembling all over the place, when he steps up to deliver the coffee to Ride.
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The fear only comes back when the ghost appears next to Peach, so. Make of that what you will.
Back at their base of operations, Home, very subtly, marks his territory by just plopping down on the siblings' new bed, while the bed owners in question sit on the sofa instead.
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This is now the second time Home has actively chosen to lay on their bed. (It is also the second time he proceeds to stand on their bed once he goes back to fighting with Peach) One has to wonder why he feels so comfortable making himself at home (höhö) in Peach's bed. (It's because of gay, clearly.)
Relatedly, Home has given Peach and Pangpang a home in his place. He could have had them move into any of the many properties he owns, but he chose to let them stay in the one place that is "reserved for" him, that clearely means something to him.
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We can see how much this place means to him, both from the flashback and from the fight he starts with Peach over the gas burner. Because it is important to him, he doesn't want it endangered by open fire. However he doesn't just say this, maybe because he doesn't want to appear weak or thinks that the others wouldn't understand or maybe because he's not fully aware of it himself. Instead, when his order is met with protest, he gets grumpy, starts a fight with Peach and leaves.
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Because this bar is important to him and, (even though he might not fully admit it at this point), so is Peach's opinion, he gets visibly disappointed when Peach talks negatively about it after Home offers to let them stay somewhere else,
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only to perk up again and reminice about his grandpa when Peach says that he wants to stay anyway.
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Honestly this, coupled with the ep 1 grandpa flashback about the meaning of "home" is giving me CLW vibes of recently dead (grand-)father meddling from beyond the grave to get his (grand-)son a boyfriend.
Once Home has calmed down from his immediate anxiety over the safety of his bar, and has come back because he was lonely and scared by himself, he attempts to genuinely understand why cooking is so important to Peach and why his "solution" of "Just order takeout" was not met with agreement.
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We can even see that he feels a little bad about Peach having to cook with a microwave,
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leading to him compromising and getting them an electric stove at the end.
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(Of course he's still disguising his kindness as a gotcha moment)
We learn that Home has been pretty lonely since his parents died, symbolised by his having to eat alone. While he's alone in the masion he doesn't even want to admit his lonelieness out lout to just himself. But when he's talking to Peach in the next scene, he talks about it easily and freely with little to no prompting from Peach. Because he feels safe with Peach.
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This is also why, after Home gets lonley and scared in the mansion, he comes to Peach and Pangpang in the first place. Not to his uncle or Kan or Suradech (we see later in that scene, that he's clearly not too worried disturbing people outside their working hours when he calls Kan). Because being with them (especially Peach) makes him feel safer and less lonely.
In parallel to Thansai, who did this with Ride, the guy she liked, Home uses the excuse of having ordered too much food to spend more time with Peach (the guy he likes).
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Credit to almayver for this point, not sure I would have caught that myself.
Adding to that, after the first time where Thansai lies, she does actually order extra food to share with Ride. Home, meanwhile, has ordered too much food from the beginning (sharing it with gramps the first time). He's always orderd extra food because he's always wanted to have someone to share it with. And now he's finally found them (him ^^).
After Home opens up to Peach, he lets Home in a little more, in turn, by inviting him to help him with his cooking.
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And even though he words it more like an order than an invitation, Home clearly recognises the olive branch and gets to looking for the soap to wash some vegetables, without any complaint. (Oh Home you sheltered little rich boy) (Although I can't make fun of him too much for this. It sounds exactly like something I would do had I never cooked before)
This leads to the wonderful, very subtle moment of the two of them cooking together under the "Cok Long" sign. (And since there is such a clear shot of this, no one can convince me this wasn't done with full intent)
Peach continuing to warm up to Home, is further exemplified by his willingness to play along with his BS after the successful exorcism
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and the fact that he unconciously prepares a fourth plate for Home at the end of the episode. For which he promptly gets called out by Pangpang.
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Peach feels safe with Home. He has (maybe subconciously) taken note of the events of the previous episode, as he's now turning to Home when he gets scared by the ghost.
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Interesting to note, even after he confirms that Ride has left, he doesn't fully let go of Home. Someone's looking very comfortable clutching Home's arm even though there's no ghost anymore.
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I think the entire scene of Pangpang calling them the mother and father of their little family speaks for itself.
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It's okay boys, Thailand passed gay marriage, you can both be the dad.
And then we get another moment of absolute boyfriend behaviour in the end credits when Home steals Peach's glasses to play with them.
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Him putting the glasses on Kan at the end is also the only moment this episode that could maaaaybe be interpreted as slightly flirtatious towards Kan, but if you do interpret it that way, you also have to admit that he was flirting with Peach a lot more in that scene.
Peach didn't punch anyone this episode, so instead I'm bringing you
It startet with them holding hands last week as they fled from Rak
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and turned into bickering over whether or not Kan gets scared by ghosts. (A topic which I assume will give these two grounds for further bickering for at least the next couple of episodes.)
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(Judging by the smirks on Peach and Home's faces whenever these two go at it, Pangpang might not be the only shipper in the group anymore)
When Home doesn't want to come to her party, she proclaims that she "has got Kan", so that's okay, and then batts her eyelashes at Kan.
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Pangpang said "I see your 'emotionally constipated boys trying to pretend they don't like each other' and I raise you 'unashamed and uncompomising flirting sunshine x grumpy style'"
Looking forward to see how Kan will answer that going forward.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
The GMMTV Kissing Multiverse, an Update
EDITED: Hey everyone - update posted here! Follow along with all updates at the tag here
Hello everyone! Thank you all for your help with the GMMTV Kissing Multiverse project so far. I thought I would give an update.
The first draft is here.
Must be lip to lip contact
Must be shown on screen in a GMMTV tv series (no kisses from ads, promotional content, etc.)
Poll Update
I enlisted all of your help deciding if the WaiKorn sorta kiss from the Bad Buddy x ATOTS Our Skyy 2 episodes actually involved lip touching and if the HeartLiMing kiss from Moonlight Chicken should be included.
The results are in: you voted that Jimmy and Drake's lips do NOT touch, therefore their kiss will be NOT be counted in this project. The HeartLiMing poll resulted in an exact tie (!!!) so I am here to be the tie breaker - upon careful review, if we don't see the lips touch, the kiss doesn't count (I think that will be easier for decision-making in the long run). Therefore, the HeartLiMing kiss will NOT be counted in this project. Thanks everyone for participating!
Breakdown by Show
So far, I have looked at 47 individual shows (in brackets is the short-form I've been using):
A Boss and a Babe (ABAAB): Book/Force, Fluke Pusit/Ohm Thipakorn
An Eye for an Eye (AEDAE): Dao Phimthong/Ohm
A Tale of a Thousand Stars (ATOTS): Earth/Mix
Bad Buddy (BB): Nanon/Ohm
Be My Favourite (BMF): Gawin/Krist
'Cause You're My Boy (CYMB): Drake/Frank
Cupid's Last Wish (CLW): Earth/Mix
Dark Blue Kiss (DBK): New/Tay, Gawin/Pod
Dirty Laundry (DL): Film/Nanon
Double Savage (DS): Film/Ohm, Film/Perth
Enchante: Book/Force
Enigma: Prim/Namtan, Prim/Win
F4: Bright/Tu
Friendzone: AJ/Plustor, Nat/Singto, Plustor/Singto, Aye/Apple
Fish Upon the Sky (FUTS): Phuwin/Pond, Louis/Neo
He's Coming to Me (HCTM): Ohm/Singto, Ohm/Gigie
Hidden Agenda (HA): Dunk/Joong
Mama Gogo (MMGG): Drake/Ciize, Joss/Gigie, Lee/Cris
Midnight Museum (MM): Bright/Pat Chayani, Nanon/View
Moonlight Chicken (MLC): Earth/Mix, Earth/Papang, First/Mix
My Dear Loser (MDL): Namtan/Sing
My School President (MSP): Fourth/Gemini, Satang/Winny
Never Let Me Go (NLMG): Chimon/Phuwin, Phuwin/Pond
Not Me (NM): Film/Gun, Film/Mond, First/Gawin, Gun/Off
Only Friends (OF): so far... Drake/Neo, Neo/Mark Pakin, Book/Force [only counting the ones we have seen so far - so this is going to change!!]
P.S. I Hate You (PS IHY): Guy Sivakorn/Papang, Jan/Lee, Jan/Pearwah
Star in my Mind (SIMM): Dunk/Joong, Dunk/Pepper
Sky in your Heart (SIYH): Mek/Mark Jiruntanin
Slam Dunk: Drake/Sing
SOTUS: Krist/Singto
The Eclipse (Eclipse): First/Khaotung, Louis/Neo
The Gifted (Gifted): Namtan/Lee
The Jungle (Jungle): Krist/Lee, Krist/Lookjun, Lee/Mook, Lookjun/Off, Mild/Nanon, Nanon/Punpun
The Player (Player): Chimon/Namtan
The Shipper (Shipper): First/Ohm, First/Prigkhing
Theory of Love (TOL): Gun/Off, Gun/Boom, Nok/Off
Turn Left Turn Right (TLTR): Nanon/Puimek
Tonhon Chonlatee (Tonhon): Khaotung/Pod
UMG: Nanon/Namtam
Vice Versa (VV): Jimmy/Sea
Warp Effect (Warp): Ciize/Sing, Fluke Pusit/Gigie, Fluke Pusit/Thor, Gigie/Guy Sivakorn, Jan/Silvy, Mark Pakin/Best, New/Fah, New/Fluke Pusit, New/Gigie, New/Silvy
Waterboyy: Earth/New
2gether: Bright/Win
Still 2gether: Bright/Win, Mike/Toptap
3 Will Be Free (3WBF): Joss/Tay, Joss/Mild, Mild/Tay
55:15 Never Too Late (55:15): Arm/View, Khaotung/Pawin
10 Year Ticket (10 YT): Ohm/Tu
Breakdown by actor
I currently have 66 actors whose kisses I have recorded (a moment of thought for Aou, Gunsmile, and White who are listed on my spreadsheet but don't actually have any kisses listed yet).
AJ: Plustor (Friendzone)
Arm: View (55:15)
Book: Force (ABAAB, Enchante, OF)
Bright: Tu (F4), Pat Chayani (MM), Win (2gether)
Chimon: Phuwin (NLMG), Namtan (Player)
Drake: Frank (CYMB), Ciize (MMGG), Neo (OF)
Dunk: Joong (HA, SIMM), Pepper (SIMM)
Earth: Mix (ATOTS, CLW, MLC), Papang (MLC), New (Waterboyy)
First: Mix (MLC), Gawin (NM), Khaotung (Eclipse), Ohm (Shipper), Prigkhing (Shipper)
Fluke Gawin: Krist (BMF), Pod (DBK), First (NM)
Fluke Pusit: Ohm Thipakorn (ABAAB), Thor (Warp), Gigie (Warp), New (Warp)
Force: Book (ABAAB, Enchante, OF)
Fourth: Gemini (MSP)
Gemini: Fourth (MSP)
Gun: Film (NM), Off (NM, TOL), Boom (TOL)
Guy Sivakorn: Papang (P.S. IHY), Gigie (Warp)
Jimmy: Sea (VV)
Joong: Dunk (HA, SIMM)
Joss: Gigie (MMGG), Mild (3WBF), Tay (3WBF)
Khaotung: First (Eclipse), Pod (Tonhon), Pawin (55:15)
Krist: Gawin (BMF), Singto (SOTUS), Lee (Jungle), Lookjun (Jungle)
Lee: Cris (MMGG), Jan (P.S. IHY), Namtan (Gifted), Krist (Jungle), Mook (Jungle)
Louis: Neo (FUTS, Eclipse)
Mark Pakin: Neo (OF), Best (Warp)
Mark Jiruntanin: Mek (SIYH)
Mek: Mark Jiruntanin (SIYH)
Mike: Toptap (2gether)
Mix: Earth (ATOTS, CLW, MLC), First (MLC)
Nanon: Ohm (BB), Film (DL), View (MM), Mild (Jungle), Punpun (Jungle), Puimek (TLTR), Namtan (UMG)
Neo: Louis (FUTS, Eclipse), Drake (OF), Mark Pakin (OF)
New: Tay (DBK), Fah (Warp), Fluke Pusit (Warp), Gigie (Warp), Silvy (Warp)
Off: Gun (NM, TOL), Lookjun (Jungle), Nok (TOL)
Ohm Thipakorn: Fluke Pusit (ABAAB)
Ohm: Dao Phimthong (AEFAE), Nanon (BB), Film (DS), Singto (HCTM), Gigie (HCTM), First (Shipper), Tu (10 YT)
Papang: Earth (MLC), Guy Sivakorn (P.S. IHY)
Pawin: Khaotung (55:15)
Pepper: Dunk (SIMM)
Phuwin: Pond (FUTS, NLMG), Chimon (NLMG)
Pod: Gawin (DBK), Khaotung (Tonhon)
Pond: Phuwin (FUTS, NLMG)
Satang: Winny (MSP)
Sea: Jimmy (VV)
Sing: Namtan (MDL), Drake (Slam Dunk), Ciize (Warp)
Singto: Nat (Friendzone), Plustor (Friendzone), Ohm (HCTM), Krist (SOTUS)
Tay: New (DBK), Joss (3WBF), Mild (3WBF)
Thor: Fluke Pusit (Warp)
Toptap: Mike (2gether)
Win: Prim (Enigma), Bright (2gether)
Winny: Satang (MSP)
Aye: Apple (Friendzone)
Best: Mark Pakin (Warp)
Ciize: Drake (MMGG), Sing (Warp)
Cris: Lee (MMGG)
Fah: New (Warp)
Film: Nanon (DL), Ohm (DS), Perth (DS), Gun (NM), Mond (NM)
Gigie: Ohm (HCTM), Joss (MMGG), Fluke Pusit (Warp), Guy Sivakorn (Warp), New (Warp)
Jan: Lee (P.S. IHY), Pearwah (P.S. IHY), Silvy (Warp)
Lookjun: Off (Jungle), Krist (Jungle)
Mild: Nanon (Jungle), Joss (3WBF), Tay (3WBF)
Mook: Lee (Jungle)
Namtan: Prim (Enigma), Sing (MDL), Lee (Gifted), Chimon (Player), Nanon (UMG)
Prigkhing: First (Shipper)
Prim: Namtan (Enigma), Win (Enigma)
Silvy: Jan (Warp), New (Warp)
Tu: Bright (F4), Ohm (10 YT)
View: Nanon (MM), Arm (55:15)
Figures and Discussion Section
Our leaders as of now for "most different pairs kissing in one show" are:
Warp Effect (10 pairs)
The Jungle (5 pairs)
Friendzone and Not Me (4 pairs)
Only Friends (3 pairs [so far 👀])
Mama Gogo, Moonlight Chicken, P.S. I Hate You, and 3 Will Be Free (3 pairs)
2. Jojo has an... outsized impact on the number of kissing pairs. He directed 5 of the top 9 shows with the most different kissing pairs - and roughly 17% of all the shows analyzed - but his shows contain about 30% of kisses present in the data set (note: I am just looking at kissing pair iterations here not at unique kissing pairs, e.g., Phuwin/Pond are a pair in two shows (once in a Jojo show and once in a non-Jojo show), so they are counted twice. Otherwise I would have to think about in what show/under which director a kissing pair first originated, how many different shows/directors they've kissed under... this section is mostly a quick exercise in showing how Jojo has a lot of different kissers in his shows so I'm not trying to be that statistically accurate.)
The median number of "different kissing pairs per show" of a Jojo show is 3.38, compared to a median of only 1.69 "different kissing pairs per show" in non-Jojo shows.
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3. There were more same gender kissing pairs than mixed gender kissing pairs, though not by much. This may also reflect the data set used (I know I am more familiar with QLs than het GMMTV shows)
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4. Our leaders for actors with the "most kissing partners" so far are:
Nanon (7 people)
Ohm (6 people)
First, Lee, New, Film, Gigie, and Namtan (5 people each)
Krist, and Fluke Pusit (4 people)
Bright, Drake, Earth, Fluke Gawin, Gun, Joss, Khaotung, Neo, Off, Sing, Tay, Jan, and Mild (3 people each)
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Bonus! Which of the GMMTV boys has kissed the most men?
First and Singto are tied for the win (4 each)
Then Earth, Fluke Gawin, Khaotung, Krist, Neo, and Ohm (3 each)
Then Drake, Dunk, Fluke Pusit, Gun, Mix, New, Papang, Phuwin, and Tay (2 each)
Thanks to all those who contributed!!: @airenyah, @alsoran, @bengiyo, @burnmyself, @catboykacchan, @catsundmaus, @chickenstrangers, @crowie, @dribs-and-drabbles, @jeonghanurl, @kpinhiding, @lurkingshan, @maibpenrai, @nieves-de-sugui, @non-binarypal7, @sollucets, @userneos, @tiistirtipii, @waitmyturtles, @williamrikers, @zeesqueere
and @blmpff asked to be tagged in updates!
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generalstore-emotes · 2 months
Heya, an intro on this blog feels nessacary.
Im claws, my main is @claws-robotics
This is an emoji blog!
I have a glitter graphic hoard where I make web graphics and decor @claws-glitterhoard
And a couple other blogs linked on my main.
A claws emoji storage server currently now exists for the public!
There is now an archive! https://toyhou.se/28943433.clw-s-f2u-emoteemoj-archive Emote rules:
You may not use these emojis if your on my dni
You may edit emojis with credit and for personal use only.
You may not trace them, only edit.
Please do not use my emojis for nsfw edits
You may request new emojis
Guidelines for requesting:
If you don't go into specifics I might not know what you want.
Please dont request ocs, if you want emojis of your oc dm me about commissions!
I will do pretty much anything except for most Fandom cause I dont know much about them.
Do note my hand writing is very bad.
Fnaf. The Walten Files, MLP FIM, CEC RAE SHOWBIZ PIZZA/ animatronics in general, Dsaf.
here is my DNI
Pedos, Zoos, literally anyone who thinks its okay to do that shit to beings that can't consent
Racists, Homophobic, Transphobic/TERF, Abelist
Endogenic systems not welcome here.
Anti agere, anti petre, anti alterhuman, anti neopronouns, anti xenogenders.
You actively promote s/h and the like
People with nsfw and the like on the blog they follow from.
I am going to try my best to stay out of drama, only bring your concerns to me if its very serious and im involved already or need to be made aware
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
5 Songs - QL Show Edition
Tagged by @thatgirl4815 - thank you for tagging me!
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL media that you actually listen to.
🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series.
🎶Non-western tracks only. Let’s support Asian music and languages!
🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating.
🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
So I challenged myself to only put one song per artist/show here, elsewise over half of the answers would be the same artist, lol.
Anyway, without further blathering, my list:
Over the Moon (Eclipse OST) - hands down one of my favorite songs ever, not just from QL. I love everything about it, and it's one of the few songs I never skip, even if I'm not really in the mood. It has the ability to take me right back to watching The Eclipse for the first time, and how much I loved that damn show (and Akk, favorite character in just about anything ever). It just puts a sort of wistfulness in my chest and then just makes me want yet another rewatch. Also I just love Khaotung's voice. I said it. I don't think I've heard an OST he's done and not loved it.
It's Always You (Between Us OST) - Pretty much same as the above, really. I know that this show wasn't for everyone but it caught me and caught me hard, and this song will take me right back to that feeling every time. Just hearing the intro makes me a little misty, lol.
Follow (My Beautiful Man OST) - It was really a tossup between this one and "Bitter" from S2, but this is the OG and I was obsessed for a long long time so it nudged it out. I just love it - it's Kiyoi Sou, right there in a song - all arrogance and confusion and desperate need to be adored. Impeccable.
Sunshower (Eternal Yesterday) - Yet again, a song that just flings me right back into the place where I was watching this show that I knew was going to break me and yet unable to stop because it was just that good. I adore this song - it's wistful but hopeful at the same time, and despite how much that show broke me I can't listen to this without smiling (now, that is). Also just have to plug the show for a sec - it's so good, great chemistry and amazing performances and has the best confession scene I've personally watched yet. Third episode is perfection and honestly I can't recommend it enough if you can handle it. I love it so much (might actually be time for a rewatch).
Closer (Cupid's Last Wish OST) - Have I ever gone on here about how much I love this show? Because I do. It's so much fun, and this song perfectly encapsulates that. Every time I hear the song I get a little happy inside, and it's also really great to put on while driving. It's a song made for montages, lol. And it's got all the charm of the show - no seriously, CLW is super charming, I can't believe I almost didn't bother with it because I was afraid it would do the "I love you, not your body" thing (fine in theory, not my favorite thing when it comes to queer media specifically). Now it's one of my comfort shows. Rewatch it all the time when I need to smile. Mix's and Earth's voices complement each other really well, too.
Honorable Mentions: Let's Try (I can't with that high note okay I just sat there gaping at my PC the first time I heard it), I'm Not Boring You're Just Bored (introduced me to Tilly Birds, thank you Jojo (and trailers totally count hush)), Your World, My World, Strange Days, Go Sign, Bitter (as mentioned above), Kiyoi Sou's Theme (instrumental but it's so good),
Not tagging anyone because I don't know who has been, but if you are reading this and you haven't been tagged please consider this your invitation to play. But please tag me so that I can read the answers!
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turbobuckeye · 2 years
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#SuperchargedSunday 🍁🍂 Custom Wrapped Ram 1500 TRX. 702hp, Supercharged, 6.2-liter HEMI. 📷: @lago_trx | www.ramtrucks.com⁣ ⁣ @ramtrucks @stellantisna @officialmopar #RamTrucks #Mopar #TRX #RAM #HEMI #RamTough #trucklifestyle #truckswithoutlimits #RamTRX #Ram1500TRX #LXBN #tyrannosaurusrex #🦖 #supercharged #Ram1500 #RamNation #702hp #RIPFordRaptor #black #newyork (at New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clw-o3_N1qK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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morathicain · 2 years
It’s 5 min to midnight and I can’t believe I’m sitting here, for the very first time by myself, scrolling Tumblr and trying to write another Clw fic. I’m fine actually, but it’s weirdly weird :P
Anyways, to everyone a gentle and happy new year. Feel hugged and loved and may your wishes come true <3
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avomagazine · 2 months
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Every week, we bring you a treasure trove of captivating music videos from lesser-known, new and intriguing Japanese artists who deserve your support! Join us on this extraordinary musical journey as we shed light on the artists who often go unnoticed but leave an unforgettable impact. We also maintain a YouTube Music playlist
This week we highlighted music videos from: 🍙 Summer Whales 🍙 CLW 🍙 Tweyelight 🍙 kurayamisaka 🍙 mel 🍙 鈴木実貴子ズ (Suzuki Mikiko Zu) 🍙 Griev fib
Since 2020, AVO Magazine has been curating a list of seven music videos by Japanese artists and bands across various genres, from pop and rock to metal.
Enjoy the music!
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Watch Home impeachment inquiry enters essential week as Republicans put together for key vote | News Channel 3-12 - U.S. Politics News
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blogynewz · 1 year
"Unveiling the Epic Vande Bharat-inspired Locomotive: A Game-Changer for the Common Man's Train"
Indian Railways is planning to introduce a new train that will utilize the push-pull locomotive system. Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw shared a preview image of the push-pull locomotives that are being manufactured by Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) for the new train. The Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai is also involved in the production of the upgraded train, which will feature…
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"Unveiling the Epic Vande Bharat-inspired Locomotive: A Game-Changer for the Common Man's Train"
Indian Railways is planning to introduce a new train that will utilize the push-pull locomotive system. Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw shared a preview image of the push-pull locomotives that are being manufactured by Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) for the new train. The Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai is also involved in the production of the upgraded train, which will feature…
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inkparkco · 2 years
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IRANHA PLANT!! New Mario logo flip!!! This one is UP FOR GRABS!! Email me if you're interested in purchasing this design! If you need custom work feel free to email me or DM me here… [email protected] #illustration #mascot #logo #character #Litten #college #ncaa #football #basketball #cartoonmascot #gaming #sportslogo #fittedhats #5950 #music #graffiticartoon #sneakerhead #kicks #adidas #mdn #jordan #bison #clothingline #branding #inkparkcreation #nintendo #mario #smashbros #upforgrabsinkpark https://www.instagram.com/p/Clw-Xizv19m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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galleryantiques · 2 years
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New to my #etsyshop #Spode Blue Room Collection #Vintage #Cycling Blue and White earthenware #Coffee #Mug #cyclist #bicycles c.1990s #etsy #vintagetableware #blueandwhite #coffeemug #etsyseller #eshopsuk #shopsmall #etsysellersofInstagram #vintagesellersofinstagram #etsysellersoninstagram #vintagedealersofinstagram #etsyvintage https://etsy.me/3Ox64ht (at Gallery Antiques) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClW-nNZIasd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aflashbak · 2 years
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Ralph Steiner : Clothes lines, New York, 1922 #nyc #1920s #newyork #newyorkcity #photo #photos #photography #photographer https://www.instagram.com/p/ClW-VULs20j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qtcomicsblog · 2 years
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My new baby cousins #happythanksgiving2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClW-JOQO0rC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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