talomacblog · 10 months
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whatisreggieshortfor · 4 months
Lesbian Hunter
For Reddit’s prompt
Claudia x MC
Fantasy AU
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witchblade · 1 year
ezio being the ONLY character that visibly ages
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footballers-wags-kids · 6 months
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24.03.2024 welcome baby Chloe Buendia to the world 🎉💗👶🏻🍼
Pic: Claudia Fernandez
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labrecha · 7 months
El PRIAN y sus Prácticas de Acarreo... pero Morena También
#ElColor de la #VisitaDeSheinbaum El PRIAN y sus Prácticas de Acarreo... pero Morena También
Los souvenirs de AMLO en la visita de Claudia Sheinbaum en Villa de Reyes. ** Claudia dio muestra del mimetismo con Andrés Manuel López Obrador, y no sólo del discurso. Villa de Reyes, S.L.P. / Mariel Sánchez / Marzo 6 de 2024.- Durante sexenios, el Presidente de la República, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ha criticado diversas malas prácticas de lo que él llama la derecha, entre ellos, el…
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wosoluver · 3 months
There's a place for you hc
Part 3
Claudia Pina Masterlist
Patri Guijarro Masterlist
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Between the three of us
"Finally!" you said jumping on the bed you saw in front of you.
You, Claudia and Patri were traveling together this summer, just for a couple of days until you had to meet with your other friends. You had booked a villa and getting there you guys did the usual 'first to get to the best room gets it' and you were the first to enter it.
"You cheated!" said Patri, coming in to the bedroom.
"I didn't, you were the one who offered to carry our bags in!"
"Yeah, she's right. Also let her be, she never wins anything!" said Clau laughing.
"Hey!" you faked offended, throwing a pillow at her, who easily dodged it. "I don't know about you two but I'm going for a swim!" getting up to look for your bikini.
"What about lunch though?" asked Patri.
"We can cook something!" said Clau exited.
"Count me out!" said the midfielder.
"What? Your the one who brought it up!" argued the forward.
"I'll help! We are better off without her, she can't even fry an egg." you said poking some fun at Guijarro once again.
"You are so lucky I'm not in charge of food, I would poison you!" she yelled while the two of you disappeared to the kitchen.
"I think I need a siesta after that spaghetti." said Clau.
"That makes us two."
"I'd say it makes us three but I'm going to clean the dishes. I'll be right back." said Patri.
"Do you need any help?" you offered.
"No. Just make sure you don't fall asleep in the sun again! You look awful as a shrimp."
You only looked her way and showed her your tongue as usual, as Clau only laughed and shook her head. Moving to lay by the pool.
"Here let put some sunscreen on ya."
You only followed her request, lying on your back as she softly massaged the cream on you. Making you shiver under the 30°C sun, just with her touch.
Again, only doing best friends' things. So why did it feel so much more intimate than that?
The three of you spent the rest of the day there, enjoying the weather and the water. When the sun started to set you decided to go in for a shower.
when you came out into the bedroom Clau was sprawled over the big bed.
"You showered already?"
she nodded. "You're the only person I know who takes one hour showers at least twice a day."
you gave her a small laugh as you layed down next to her.
"Why does the water makes us so sleepy?"
"And hungry! What are we ordering?"
"I don't know, wait till Patri comes out of the shower. She'll probably want something different again."
You both laid there peacefully, for another 20 minutes.
"Hey! What are you guys doing!" said Patri throwing her hair brush at the two of you lightly.
"We're just chilling." Clau answered her. trowing a pillow at her.
"What about me?" she argued back with a big pout, throwing the pillow across the room again to hit the other.
"Don't fight! My heart is big enough for the two of you and so is the bed." you said jokingly trying to reason with them.
But soon you realized they went a bit quiet.
"Ay, what's with the faces? It was just a joke!" you say again, looking between the two girls, Claudia with a somewhat serious look swallowing hard and Patri with a slight panicked face. "What are ordering for dinner?" you asked trying to change the subject.
"Good morning." said Pina walking into the kitchen, going to give Patri a small peck in the lips.
"Be careful!" she whisper yelled.
"Don't worry, you know she'll probably only wake up in a couple of hours.
She's the most not morning person to ever exist."
"I don't know how she manages to make it to training." she said pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Probably only because she gets paid to."
Pina agreed. "Yes, but I think we need to talk about something."
"She keeps hitting on us."
"I'm not bothered, are you?"
"Of course not. But we should've told her already."
"I know but what if she gets upset? What if she distances herself? I don't want that."
"Me either, but she deserves to know."
By now you guys might know what they are up to, no? 🤫🩷
like & share & request!
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ancientcharm · 4 months
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NERO. The end of the Julio-Claudian dynasty (Last Part)
January of 63, 1 year and a half before the terrible fire in Rome.
According to Tacitus:
"Nero welcomed with something more than mortal joy the birth of a daughter by Poppaea, Claudia whom he called Augusta, the same title having also been given to Poppaea."
After listing all the religious celebrations, spectacles, and distinctions that were made in the baby's honor, Tacitus says that the baby died four months later and adds "The emperor was as excessive in his grief as he had been in his joy."
Historian writes about the acts carried out by Nero after the fire. Measures to prevent fires and changes in the design of the city. According to Tacitus: "These changes which were liked for their utility, also added beauty to the new city."
And about of Domus Aurea:
He erected a mansion in which the jewels and gold were not so marvellous as the fields and lakes, with woods on one side to resemble a wilderness, and, on the other, open spaces and extensive views. -Tacitus
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Domus Aurea- Digital reconstruction- Work by J.R CASALS -Digital Heritage
The conspiracy of the year 65
Tacitus writes in detail about a conspiracy to assassinate Nero and replace him with Senator Caius Piso; "planned by senators, knights, soldiers and even women; out of hatred of Nero as well as a liking for Caius Piso".
Historian also accounts that they planned assassinated Nero in the Villa that Piso had in Baiae "whither the emperor, charmed by its loveliness, often went, and where, unguarded he would enjoy the bath and the banquet." But Piso refused "to stain with an emperor's blood the sanctity of the home and the deities who presided over it."
They decided to carry out their plan in April, on a special day of games at the Circus, held in honor of Ceres.
The plan was that Scaevinus, approaching Nero as if to ask him something, would stab him once with his dagger, others would cover the wound with bandages to hide the blood and quickly carry him out of the circus; Another would lie to the audience by saying that the emperor was ill. They would then announce his "natural death" days later.
The day before the treacherous attempt, after a long conversation with Natalis, Scaevinus returned home and took from its sheath a dagger and complaining that it was blunted from long disuse, he ordered it to be sharpened on a stone to a sharp, shiny point; This task he assigned to his freedman Milicus. -Tacitus
The historian writes doubting whether Milicus was unaware of the conspiracy and became suspicious, or whether he knew it and was faithful until then, and imagining the benefits he would obtain by alerting the Emperor, he decided to betray Scaevinus.
Milicus went to the Servilian gardens, and, finding the doors shut against him, said that he was the bearer of important and alarming news. Upon this he was conducted by the gatekeepers to one of Nero's freedmen, Epaphroditus, and by him to Nero, whom he informed of the urgent danger; And showed the emperor the dagger -Tacitus
The story about the arrests and interrogations is too long. The investigation lasted weeks.
Tacitus writes that one of the conspirators, Natalis, during the interrogation was the first to give the names of everyone, including Seneca; And claims that Natalis was the only accused who denounced Seneca, while the others didn't mention him at all.
After being accused, Seneca decided to take his own life. According to Tacitus, he first drank the 'philosophers' poison' (hemlock) and then cut his veins while getting into a hot water bath exclaiming: “I offer this liquid as a libation to Jupiter Deliverer.”
Philosopher Seneca died on April 12th of the year 65. His wife was absolved by Nero.
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'Death of Seneca' by Manuel Dominguez Sánchez, 1871
There were several executed, the majority committed suicide, many were exiled, others were pardoned. Tacitus accounts: "Nero rewarded with immunity the prompt information of Natalis. Milicus became rich with gifts and assumed in its Greek equivalent the name of Saviour."
The brief and curious explanation according to Suetonius:
It happened that a comet had begun to appear on several successive nights, something that was commonly believed to portend the death of great rulers. Concerned about this, and knowing from the astrologer Balbillus that kings used to avoid such omens with the death of some illustrious man, he resolved on the death of all the eminent men of the State; but with greater firmness and with some semblance of justice, after the discovery of a conspiracy.
But Tacitus, who wasn't exactly a fan of Nero, gives a very different explanation:
Nero summoned the Senate, addressed them in a speech, and further added a proclamation to the people, with the evidence which had been entered on records, and the confessions of the condemned. He was indeed under the lash of those who said that he had killed innocent men out of jealousy or fear. However, that a conspiracy was begun, matured, and conclusively proved was not doubted at the time by those who took pains to ascertain the truth, and is admitted by those who after Nero's death returned to the capital.
Nero on the stage
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According to Suetonius:
While Nero was singing no one was allowed to leave the theatre even for the most urgent reasons. And so it is said that some women gave birth to children there. While many who were worn out with listening and applauding, secretly leaped the wall since the gates at the entrance were closed. Others feigned death so they could leave, and were carried out of the theater as dead on the way to their own funeral ceremony.
According Tacitus:
The Senate offered the emperor the "victory in song," and added the "crown of eloquence," that thus a veil might be thrown over a shameful exposure on the stage. First, he recited a poem on the stage; then, at the importunate request of the rabble that he would make public of all his accomplishments (these were their words), he entered the theatre, and conformed to all the laws of harp-playing.
For the Roman elite, theater was a thing of "unmanly Greeks" and the "vulgar entertainment of the plebs." So for them what Nero did was a shameful and scandalous action, and for the worse since the emperor was the artist, they were forced to attend these shows. But the plebs were delighted.
The Mystery of Poppaea
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It seems strange to me that not even experts in the History of Ancient Rome, can tell us when exactly this empress died. "Someday in the year 65" everyone says.
About her death.
After the conclusion of the games Poppaea died from a casual outburst of rage in her husband, who felled her with a kick when she was pregnant. That there was poison I cannot believe, though some writers so relate, from hatred rather than from belief, for the emperor was desirous of children, and wholly swayed by love of his wife. - Tacitus
Tacitus acknowledges that Nero loved his wife and was desirous of children. And wrote about the happiness that Nero felt at the birth of his daughter and his extreme pain at her death, so such a violent attitude putting the life of who was going to be his second child at risk isn't credible. As most modern historians think, Poppaea probably died from complications of a miscarriage. Tacitus also accounts that Poppaea was not cremated "according to Roman custom but embalmed according to certain foreign customs" and that Nero was distressed by the loss of his wife and unborn child.
The last of the Dynasty
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In the year 66 (or 65 ?) Nero, following the death of Antonia, became the last member of the dynasty.
According to historians, Antonia, the only surviving daughter of Emperor Claudius, his eldest daughter with his second wife, unjustly sentenced to death by the emperor.
According the official history: "Under false accusation of conspiracy, Antonia was executed because she refused Nero's marriage request after Poppea's death".
She was a 36-year-old lady who, after two marriages, had not been able to have children. She had only one pregnancy many years earlier, a child who was born weak and died shortly after. So why the 28-year-old emperor would be interested in marrying a woman who obviously couldn't give him an heir.
I wonder if the fact that they cannot say the exact date of the death of the empress, nor that of a lady as important as Antonia, is precisely due to an alteration of history.
Tacitus wrote about a rumor that the conspirator Piso, once he managed to be proclaimed emperor, would immediately marry Antonia precisely because she was the daughter of Claudius and that would give more authenticity to his position, and that she would agree.
And Tacitus adds:
Piso, meanwhile, was wait in the sanctuary of Ceres, whence he was to be summoned by Faenius, the commander of the guard, and by the others, and then conveyed into the camp, accompanied by Antonia, the daughter of Claudius Caesar, to evoke the people's enthusiasm. So it is related by Caius Pliny. Handed down from whatever source, I had no intention of suppressing it, however absurd it may seem, either that Antonia should have lent her name at her life's peril to a hopeless project, or that Piso, with his well-known affection for his wife, should have pledged himself to another marriage, but for the fact that the lust of dominion inflames the heart more than any other passion.
I think the historian, even without wanting to say it, said it all
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Whatever Tacitus wrote about the final two years of Nero's reign has been lost, so the only remaining source is Suetonius and other sources more distant from Nero's reign.
In 66:
He married Statilia Messalina. Nero literally undertook an artistic tour, along with his "musical band" through specially the south of Italy and Greece. His wife accompanied him. Nothing is known about his relationship with this third wife, only that she survived him.
The First Jewish Revolt broke out in Judea. Nero, despite never having shown interest in the army, understands how dangerous this rebellion is due to the important location of that territory and chooses one of the best generals, Vespasian, to stop the revolt. Vespasian goes with his eldest son Titus, both future emperors.
In 67:
According to Suetonius, Nero ordered a young freedman named Sporus to be castrated, and treated him as a wife. Many modern historians, and I agree with them, believe that this is a myth.
Besides, the same historians account that Nero since his teenage years had a slave girl lover, later another who was an actress, plus his love for Poppaea, and another mistress named Actea.
In March of 68 (according other sources in winter 67-68)
Vindex, governor of Gallia Lugdunensis, rebelled against Nero's fiscal policy. According to Suetonius, Nero was in Naples, and learned of the this first rebellion against him "on the anniversary day of his mother's murder."
Nero sent Verginius Rufus, governor of Germania Superior, to quell the revolt. Víndex requested support from Galba, governor of Hispania Tarraconense, but in May Verginius Rufus defeated Víndex who committed suicide. Most of the legions supported Nero, especially in the Eastern Provinces.
The story that Nero sent an army of prostitutes like Amazons is also from Suetonius, that is, another sensational myth.
June of 68: Otto, former friend of Nero and ex-husband of Poppaea, after 10 years of resentment as Governor of Lusitania, where Nero sent him almost into exile, taking advantage of the conflicts, made his own "revolution"; Although in Lusitania there was only 1 legion ( it was a really boring place).
While Galba, in southern Spain, had his own military adventure; And although Galba didn't have much more than Otho, the Senate, who hated the singing emperor who had so offended them, finally saw an opportunity. According to Suetonius, the Senate declared Nero a "public enemy" and proclaimed Galba as the new emperor.
The suspicious death of Nero
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'Death of Nero' by Vasily S. Smirnov, 1888
Suetonius, in his style writes the final chapter accounts things like these:
He awoke about midnight and finding that the guard of soldiers had left, he sprang from his bed and sent for all his freedmen. Since no reply came back from anyone, he went himself to their rooms. But finding that all the doors were closed and that no one replied to him, he returned to his own chamber and cried: "Have I then neither friend nor foe?" and ran out as if to throw himself into the Tiber.
Then Suetonius writes that a freedman of Nero named Phaon offered the emperor his villa in the suburbs and Nero went on horseback, along with his freedmen Epaphroditus and Sporus, and two assistants.
But didn't the writer say that Nero was alone because everyone had left?.
Suetonius accounts that Nero entered the villa secretly, through a kind of tunnel in which they had dug.
Then, crawling on all fours through a narrow passage that had been dug, he entered the villa and lay down in the first room; He came to, on a couch with a common mattress, over which an old cloak had been thrown. (..) He wept and said again and again: "What an artist the world is losing!" - Suetonius
Suetonius continues a long story that describes Nero hesitating to take his own life, scared, weeping, lamenting; In the mentality of the ancient Romans this was unworthy, cowardly, shameful, despicable. Not to mention the detail of crawling on all fours through a dug passage to wake up on an old cloak.
He entreated someone to help him to take his life; anon he reproached himself for his cowardice. (..) And the horsemen were at hand who had orders to take him alive. When he heard them, he quavered. And he took the dagger to his throat aided by Epaphroditus, his private secretary. He was all but dead when a centurion rushed in, and as he placed a cloak to the wound, pretending that he had come to aid him, Nero merely gasped: "Too late!" and "This is fidelity!" With these words he was gone, with eyes so set and starting from their sockets that all who saw him shuddered with horror. -Suetonius
" And Nero met his death on the anniversary of the murder of Octavia"- Suetonius
It also had not failed of notice that the last piece which he sang in public was "Oedipus in Exile," and that he ended with the line: "Father, mother, wife, drive me to my death!." -Suetonius
His ashes were deposited by his nurses, Egloge and Alexandria, accompanied by his mistress Actea, in the family tomb of the Domitii on the summit of the Hill of Gardens. - Suetonius
Incredibly, or perhaps not so much considering the contradictions, after an extensive book full of stories recounting in detail unimaginable atrocities committed by this emperor, Suetonius ends his book by writing this:
"People for a long time decorated his tomb with spring and summer flowers, and produced his statues as if he were still alive and would shortly return and deal destruction to his enemies. Nay more, Vologaesus, king of the Parthians, when sent messengers to the senate to renew his alliance, earnestly begged this too, that honour be paid to the memory of Nero. In fact, twenty years after his death, when I was very young, a man of obscure origin appeared, who claimed he was Nero; And the name Nero was still in such favour with the Parthians that they supported him vigorously and surrendered him with great reluctance."
Why is his death suspicious?
1: The source that recounts his death is full of fanciful stories and the writer's personal animosity.
2: Three months earlier, Nero reacted without hesitation or concern to Vindex's rebellion. The new "rebellion" against him was a 70-year-old governor of a small province, part of Hispania, supported by senators and a few legions. Nero had all the people, the most of the legiones and even the Parthian empire on his side, so the decision to flee and take his own life is inexplicable.
3: There was an intricate conspiracy in which they planned to assassinate him in a public place and pretend in front of the people that the emperor was feeling sick, get him out of there and then give the false news that he died due to illness. So why couldn't they do something as easy as kill him inside the palace (others emperors died that way), then say that he fled and committed suicide.?
4: After his death, the rumor spread for more than 20 years that he was alive, that is, people DOUBTED the official version given by the Senate. This is something that did not happen with any other emperor. Not even with Decius, who died in battle at the hands of a barbarian tribe and his body was never found.
5: Suetonius accounts that the Senate proclaimed Galba emperor (June 8) and some centurions had orders to capture Nero alive. But he also accounts that around midnight of that same day Nero was sleeping peacefully in his palace in Rome and when he suddenly woke up there was no one there, not even the soldiers who should have captured him in the morning or afternoon. They are like two pieces of a puzzle that definitely don't fit.
Without Nero knowing what they were up to with Galba, they could have killed him at night in his palace or they could also have captured him and taken him prisoner to one of those islands of exile as revenge. Many senators, as Tacitus accounts, mourned a son, a brother, a father, at the executions for the conspiracy of the year 65. Many had enough reasons to do something horrible.
Official history says that Emperor Nero took his life somewhere outside Rome. Therefore until archaeology, perhaps, discovers something fascinating that changes history, I must to say that his end was suicide, despite my doubts.
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Nero was 30 years old. The Julio-Claudian dynasty died with him
Part I
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bloodyjuls-blog · 1 year
You don't understand
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"Hi girls" y/n said as they entered the locker room. "Hi honey" Alexia said, giving her a kiss on the cheek as the other girls looked at Alexia and y/n suspiciously. While changing out of her street clothes into her workout clothes Claudia says "how about some beers at the bar downtown" "for the day off" to which most agree except y/n.
Alexia looks at her funny and asks "why can't you go?" "because I'm meeting my sister I'm going to take care of the kids while she does some extra hours at work" y/n's sister is a doctor at the Vall D'hebron hospital. Alexia nods, not very convinced but she knows about your love for children, especially your nephews, so she doesn't say anything. "Any problem with that my love?" you say. "no none, i miss them".
The training session goes by, more exhausting than the others 'maybe it's because of the sun' you thought. When patri comes in, scoffing, she says "when are you and Alexia going to get married?" "I don't know, when she proposes" you say in a funny way but hoping it will be soon.
Hours later at home with the little ones
"Ruppert don't run down the stairs you might fall" you said to your 5 year old nephew while you were putting 6 month old Augustine to sleep in the living room. "tia y/n/n alexia said to go upstairs to play mario bros" "well kid but you don't have to run, because you fall down there and what do we do eh" you say between angry and joking giving the little one a hug. "Babe, let Ruppert climb up to beat Mario," says Alexia, teasing the boy. You laugh and let him climb up.
For Alexia these moments are worth gold, she visualizes herself married to you, living in a villa in Castelldefel with a couple of kids running around in the yard and you teaching them how to play soccer.
The next day your sister picks up the kids around 11 am. You spend the day cuddling with Alexia at home, watching movies and eating dirty food.
Wednesday came and with it the training. There was Irene with little Mateo around, so I went straight to play with the little one while the girls finished showering. I must admit I'm a little picky because I always have to shower first. While I was playing with Mateo I heard Crnogorcevic says to Alexia "can you imagine when you and y/n have babies running around the house" "you don't know how excited I am about all that, seeing one or two little ones running around the house" "soon we will have another little one to play with mateo eh alexia" you panicked while playing with mateo. How could Alexia take it for granted that you want children if you haven't talked about it. That made you very angry. First of all because even though you like children and you are fond of them, you can't imagine being a mother, even less with your tight schedule and the constant trips you have, secondly, you are afraid of what pregnancy entails and even worse, you are afraid of hospitals. You'll have to talk to her, you thought.
When you get home you decide to talk to her.
"hey ale, I overheard a conversation in the dressing room today and I swear it was unintentional" you said. "Oh yeah, what did you hear?" said Alexia in a relaxed way "you were talking to Ana about kids and stuff, taking for granted that I wanted to be a mother" "Of course I want kids with you y/n, you are so good with the little ones and the only person I see in that future is you" "look Ale, I will be very honest with you, because we have been dating for about 4 years now and I just don't want, it terrifies me, to have kids, a human being under my responsibility. I said it a few years ago and I stand by it, I don't feel like having children with anyone" you said that a little bluntly. "You think after four years together it's time to say you don't want to have children? what's wrong with that? You are very good with it, even your nephews adore you and see you as a second mother" she says hysterically. "I'm sorry Ale, a little late yes, but it is what it is, I don't think I can change my thinking at some point" you said starting to feel weird, like out of place. "you know something y/n, I think I can't spend years of my life wanting something next to a person who can't be more flexible with that, I can't want to marry you when your plans and mine are different. I think it's better to break this thing we have and look forward with no hard feelings or anything" Alexia said sadly. "Why, what do children have to do with what we have created as a couple" "I just see myself with you, without children but with you" you said in tears. "You don't understand, I want to share my achievements with my FAMILY, with my descendants, with my children, so that they can see that their mothers were successful women and that they can follow the path. I don't want to be left with the legacy alone, you understand that, I want after this whole soccer thing is over there is something else to focus on." "You're being a bit selfish Alexia, you can't want children for such invalid reasons" you said crying, watching your life you thought you had figured out go down the drain. "selfish you y/n, you who are not at the same stage as me, you who prefer partying, traveling, alcohol before me as a partner and family" alexia said raising her voice. "You have no idea what you are saying" you said hurt. "y/n get out, get out of my house, I can't believe you threw all the plans we had out the window".
You left the house angry, sad, hurt and you did the best thing you could do, you called the only person who understands why you don't want to have children. The English captain, your best friend Leah Williamson. But since not everything can be so easy, that night while you were driving something happened...
Part 2 ✅
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longbobmckenzie · 7 months
LITG S8 Spoilers
Disclaimer: Fusebox doesn't upload anything for future episodes anymore - no sprites, no outfits, no backgrounds, definitely no Casa Amor postcards. Booooo!
But I was going through the document I found during S7 which lists the S8 islanders names, and I'm kinda mad I didn't do this the first time I found it, because I found some additional info.
It's just crumbs, really, but it's better than nothing, right?
Spoilers under the cut!
Okay, we already know who the OG boys/girls are:
Theo, Oakley, Jin, Jack / Emel, Sophie, Luna, Claudia
Now I can confirm the Casa Amor boys are:
Kyle, Liam, Max (Emilio), Shawn
And the Casa Amor girls are:
Shannon, Hazel
All the Bombshells are:
Tyler, Hari, Bea (Beatrix), Logan
It's not really anything new, but we can draw a few conclusions. There are currently 4 couples, and there are 4 CA boys, which means of course there will be 4 couples going into Casa Amor. We don't know when the next bombshells are coming or if we're getting 1 or 2 (my guess is 2 - Hari and Bea, with Logan coming in later a la Toby), but for every bombshell that comes in before Casa, someone's gonna get dumped. One in, one out - two in, two out.
And with two Casa Amor girls staying in the villa that means two boys are switching. Which ones? We don't know, of course. I wouldn't be entirely shocked if MC's partner switches just because they have to do *something* a little different from previous seasons... at which point maybe the Theo/Claudia route opens up? Hmm... Just speculating, of course.
One final note is that it does seem like we'll be getting the heartrate challenge and Snog, Marry, Pie again - but those have become season staples so that's hardly a surprise. Oh, and don't be surprised if the box of "goodies" in the Hideaway makes another appearance...
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totaly-obsessed · 7 months
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Welcome to 'woso appreciation' where @alotofpockets and I simp over woso players, and then share our favourites with you in the form of an appreciation post. Enjoy :)
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Leah Williamson - Arsenal pt. 2 Alessia Russo - Arsenal pt. 2 Lotte Wubben-Moy - Arsenal Beth Mead - Arsenal Teyah Goldie - Arsenal Lauren James - Chelsea Niamh Charles - Chelsea Millie Bright - Chelsea Jess Carter - Chelsea Ella Toone - Manchester United Mary Earps - Manchester United Millie Turner - Manchester United Maya Le Tissier - Manchester United Katie Zelem - Manchester United Grace Clinton -  Tottenham Hotspurs pt. 2 Beth England - Tottenham Hotspurs pt. 2 Lucy Bronze - Barça Keira Walsh - Barça Georgia Stanway - Bayern Jordan Nobbs - Aston Villa Rachel Daly - Aston Villa Ellie Roebuck - Manchester City Esme Morgan - Manchester City Lauren Hemp - Manchester City Chloe Kelly - Manchester City Jess Park - Manchester City
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Katrina Gorry - West Ham United Mackenzie Arnold - West Ham United Kyra Cooney-Cross - Arsenal Steph Catley - Arsenal Caitlin Foord - Arsenal Sam Kerr - Chelsea Hayley Raso - Real Madrid Alanna Kennedy - Manchester City Ellie Carpenter - Olympic Lyon Charlotte Grant - Tottenham Hotspurs
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Ona Batlle - Barça Mapi Leon - Barça Alexia Putellas - Barça pt. 2 Aitana Bonmatí - Barça Patri Guijaro - Barça Cata Coll - Barça Jana Fernández - Barça Bruna Vilamala - Barça Claudia Pina - Barça Vicky López - Barça Jennifer Hermoso - Tigres Femenil Misa Rodríguez - Real Madrid Leila Ouahabi - Manchester City Laia Codina - Arsenal
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Fridolina Rolfö - Barça pt. 2 Zećira Mušović - Chelsea Amanda Ilestedt - Arsenal Stina Blackstenius - Arsenal pt. 2 Magdalena Eriksson - Bayern
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Daniëlle van de Donk - Olympique Lyon Victoria Pelova - Arsenal Vivianne Miedema - Arsenal pt. 2 Kerstin Casparij - Manchester City Jill Roord - Manchester City Daphne van Domselaar - Aston Villa Jackie Groenen - Paris Saint-Germain Wieke Kaptein - FC Twente Esmee Brugts - Barça
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Lena Oberdorf - Wolfsburg Jule Brand - Wolfsburg Laura Freigang - Frankfurt Sara Doorsoun - Frankfurt Sydney Lohmann - Bayern Klara Bühl - Bayern Giulia Gwinn - Bayern Lea Schüller - Bayern
Feli Rauch - North Carolina Courage
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Tobin Heath pt. 2 Heather O'Reilly Sam Mewis Mia Fishel - Chelsea Kelley O’Hara - NJ/NY Gotham Alex Morgan - San Diego Wave Trinity Rodman - Washington Spirit Christen Press - Angel City FC Emily Fox - Arsenal Kristie Mewis - West Ham United Mallory Swanson - Chicago Red Stars Alyssa Naeher - Chicago Red Stars
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Find them Here! (Masterlist has gotten too beefy)
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talomacblog · 9 months
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maskedtruths666 · 2 years
Part 8.1 of the paid story! Will Jared find out what a whore Denise is?
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As Denise followed Michael and Henry into the room, she was anticipating actual work. However, she soon realized that both of them made up an excuse to bring her away from Jared because they missed her pussy sorely and they both wanted a threesome for the first time.
However, before the threesome began, Denise pouted and said, “Why do your partners hate me? They’ve been giving me the cold shoulder and they seem hostile to me.”
Michael immediately responded by saying, “That’s cause they view you as a threat.”
Henry added on by saying, “Think about it, you know what you’re worth. You know you’re pretty. Sure, you may not have the biggest tits or perkiest ass, but you’re so god damn fine.”
That seemed to lift her spirits up. Denise smiled as she took command of the situation.
“This is my turn to reward my bosses for treating me so well.” Denise said as she ordered both Michael and Henry to lay down on the bed naked. With both bosses laying down side by side, Denise knelt down in front of them and took each cock in one hand and started gently jerking them off.
“The one that cums first, will not be able to fuck my pussy for one week.” Denise announced.
Amazed by her dominance, Henry and Michael did their control their cum. Although both of them are so horny for Denise, they kept it in.
Soon, Denise began sucking them off. A minute at a time. Whilst she was sucking Henry off, she’d jerk Michael off. Vice versa. This went on for a good five minutes. At this point, you could see both Henry and Michael really keeping it in. Their self restraint is commendable.
“Now, both of you have been good boys. I shall reward you with my pussy. It’s been yearning for your cocks and I’m so wet right now.” Denise said as she fingered herself in front of them. Both of them, as if in a trance, were staring at Denise and were so hooked onto her fingering herself that they did not realize what was about to happen.
Both Christina and Claudia were about to enter the villa from the side door when they saw Denise seducing their partners. This confirmed their suspicions that Denise is nothing more than a cum depository for their partners. They both were outraged at the start but as they watch Denise seduce their partners, they consoled each other by saying that this is nothing more than their partners using Denise as a stress relief tool. They then decided to record the whole thing so they’d have leverage over their partners and can use this to show Jared and humiliate Denise.
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With Denise ready to get fucked, she said went over to Henry, pushed him down and slowly positioned her wet pussy on top of his throbbing cock. She slowly sat down on his cock and started riding him. As she was riding him, she could feel just how hard Henry. Her pussy walls tightened on his cock as if she so desperately wanted him to cum faster. She then beckoned to Michael and Michael stood up to let her suck his cock. Whilst Denise was riding Henry and sucking Michael’s cock, she never felt so desired in her life. Both men here want here and she could feel it.
While this was going on, Christina and Claudia, who were both recording this, were turned on as well. Or rather, a mix of jealousy and being turned on filled them up. Both of them started fingering themselves whilst recording this.
As she was riding Henry and blowing Michael, she suddenly stopped and said, “I want to try something very hardcore. I hope you’re both up to it.”
Both Henry and Michael eagerly agreed to it without even asking what it was.
“I want both of you to fuck my pussy at the same time. Shove both your massive dicks into my pussy and I want the three of us to orgasm at the same time. If the three of us achieve orgasm at the same time, I will personally be your fuck toy every day for the rest of the year.” Denise said, smiling at the both of them.
They both agreed and positioned themselves well. First, Michael bent Denise over and put her in the doggy position. Next, Henry went under her. So it was like a human sandwich where Denise was in the middle. Both had their throbbing cocks at the entrance of her pussy which was stretched wide at this point. With one finger to stretch her pussy wider, both Henry and Michael managed to penetrate her at the same time. The three of them, let out groans and moans. They didn’t care if anyone heard them but they just started thrusting in unison. Whilst it was extremely tight because there were two cocks in her pussy, she felt extreme pleasure after the initial pain.
Upon seeing this, Christina and Claudia could not believe their eyes because this is something that neither of them could do. This made them all the more jealous.
As Henry and Michael were thrusting into Denise, denise was moaning so loudly in extreme pleasure. Within minutes, Henry announced that he was about to cum. Michael too was about to achieve his climax too. Denise at this point, was almost at her climax point too. With great coordination, both Henry and Michael managed to orgasm at the same time which resulted in Denise having the mother of all orgasms. As the three of them achieved their respective orgasms and were twitching and throbbing in the aftermath of the pleasure, they finally pulled out of Denise. At this point, her pussy was already stretched so wide and was still throbbing and twitching from the pleasure. She was filled up with cum and she could feel the warm liquid still in her pussy. The three of them just lay side by side, recovering from their first threesome.
Upon seeing the end of it, Claudia and Christina hurried off to find Jared. They managed to find him in his hotel room after asking around.
The girls went in and announced they’re ready for round two and wasted no time sucking him off. They badly needed to get fucked after witnessing the threesome.
“So Jared, I’ve got something to show you. But you promise you cannot tell Denise.” Claudia said as Christina was sucking him off.
Unable to focus because Christina was just so damn good with her mouth, Jared agreed.
With that, Christina started sucking like her life depended on it as Claudia showed the video to Jared.
The end! What will happen next? Stay tuned to find out.
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whatisreggieshortfor · 3 months
Lesbian Hunter
Chapter two especially for @queen-of-boops
Hope you like it!
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cxhleel108 · 7 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: Hmm…
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• First off, LOVE this!
• Oakley kinda really don’t give a fuck about Emel omg poor girl.
• The new hairstyles being paywalled. It’s like they want people to hack the game.
• No new swimsuits. They saw y’all dragging the clothes and said ooh maybe we should take our time with these.
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• Why don’t you ask him what he rates the kiss we had last night on the daybeds😊
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• I woulda let him kept going personally💁🏽‍♀️
• Me getting an 8 and Emel getting a 9…see what happens when you go against a try hard?
• Claudia knowing I don’t want Theo so she’s really just encouraging me to take these bitches men like she’s so queenie!
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• Watch this.
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• Thought so!
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• What is his issue😭😭😭
• Oakley gushing about his nieces was so cute omg. Also girl dad alert🚨🚨🚨
• How Emel still end up making her admitting she has unrealistic love expectations into a romantic drama😭
• How many times I gotta tell Sophie that I don't want reverse Thor?
• I NEED Claudia's closet like she has not missed yet.
• Outfit time😛
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• These are so cute!
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• Don't piss me off...still a cute dress tho.
• Oakley's evening wear fit uggghh my man my man my man!
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• Why he ate her up I'm crying.
• Theo and Claudia really my villa siblings I love this. I pray he doesn't start flirting with me again (He will).
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• Wait...Edinburgh...
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• This lie. Ok Theodore.
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• Now THIS is how you be a gracious loser. I need some of these past hoes to recognize that.
• Ugh why she being nice I actually feel bad now😕
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• Oh here they go starting shit for no reason...
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• How Jin and Luna gon say Oakley and I aren't right for each other and we out here on the daybeds acting like we been married for 10+ years???
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• OH-
• I know every Gary stan just screamed.
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Emiliano Buendia and Claudia are expecting their third child together 🎉🔜👶🏻🍼
Pic: Claudia Fernandez
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mrsbsmooth · 2 months
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New Fic posted
You don’t have to worry about anything, love.” He said. “You’re ticking all my boxes so far, alright? My head isn’t going to tur–”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jin’s jaw drop. Jack’s eyes widen. Oakley stop mid-throw.
The girls seemed to take a collective breath. Claudia was looking past him, her face paling, and her lips parting. Theo had said his head wasn’t going to turn, but his gaze followed everyone else’s.
Directly over his shoulder.
Read now on Ao3
(Yes it’s the Theo villa fic 🤭)
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