canuckus · 1 year
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solardrake · 1 year
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Firefighter Airplane Dragon 👩‍🚒🛩️🌲
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koorinokujira · 6 months
Logs from the OC Database: Sunrise ( TF IDW1)
(Finally decided to make a little introduction post for my main Transformers OC, Sunrise. This will most likely get updated often as I keep reading the IDW comics and learn new information).
The lovely art below is made by the amazing @the-prince-of-vos, aka Akkalis! Thank you again for bringing him to life!
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"No matter how far I travel from it, Earth will always be my first and only home. After all, home is where the spark is, eh?"
Bright, loud, cheerful, and so energetic that it causes concern; those are just a few ways that the Autobots have described one of their newest additions to the faction. This friendly, large mech is sure to steal your attention with his cheeky personality, unapologetic love for the things and people he's fond of, along with the desire to do good, no matter how impossible it gets. A skilled fighter with a fondness for learning new things, Sunrise is definitely someone you call when you need a helping hand, or just a friend to talk to.
Names, Nicknames, Designations...
"Sunrise is the name, and brightening up your day is my game!"
Sunrise was a name chosen by himself, shortly after his unceremonious crashlanding to Earth. While it was mostly the natural phenomenon itself along with the color of his frame that inspired the designation, it is also a reference to his late predecessor and doctor, Sunset, and the small sliver of hope he felt that he refused to lose. It holds great significance to him, and he is more than determined to live up to it.
In the past, he was referred to as Aeroflare, or simply "Patient Zero", as he was the first (and only) documented case of a condition simply referred to as an "Acute Partial Spark Disconnect". While he doesn't actively use either of these (the second one for very obvious reasons), some Cybertronians know him as such thanks to the aformentioned Sunset and his Conjunx, Cloudwave, who took care of the unresponsive Sunrise. The name "Aeroflare" was created so they'd have a better way of referring to him.
As for nicknames, those tend to be either shortened or slightly altered versions of his name (Sun, Sunny, etc.). However, some humans have also likened his appearance to that of a moth because of his headshape, finials and the way he folds his wings. Variations of nicknames that include the insect aren't too uncommon thanks to that.
Important Physical Attributes
"You know... I worry about the humans sometimes. I'm pretty good at moving around them, but... what if I step on one on accident?"
Discounting his finials, Sunrise is around 36 feet (10.97 meters) tall. While his exact weight is unknown, he seems to be on the heavier side, despite being a jet. His bulkier, sturdier build easily supports his weight. The main color of his frame is a warm orange, with red, black, and sometimes even yellow/gold as his secondary colors. His face is mainly a lighter, metallic grey, with the sides being a grey-ish white. His optics seem to have a color somewhere between yellow and orange, and are particularly bright in comparison to some other Cybertronians.
Sunrise's alternate mode is based on a Canadair CL-415 plane, which is designed for aerial firefighting. Of course, his altmode is quite a bit smaller than the regular plane (which has the length of rougly 65 ft/19.81 m and a wingspan of rougly 94 ft/28.65 m), so the length of his altmode is almost 36 feet with a wingspan of around 52 ft (15.84 m). So, not as big, but forest fires still cower before him!
As for his weaponry, he prefers to get up close and personal, which tends to mean a blade or two. He eventually gets an inset blade in his right arm. But his firepower is nothing to scoff at, either, as his most used weapons are two massive energy cannons. Those are separate from his body unless he is in his altmode, however. In that case, they tend to take up some space in the compartment where the plane stores water. More often than not, his servos are also an effective weapon because of his large size.
Sunrise's spark is of a bright orange color, which occasionally seems to fade into red or blue.
His holoform is that of a young, tall man with freckled skin and wavy, fiery red hair. His eyes have a very light brown, almost orange color. His physique is nothing short of impressive, and even appears to have some tattoos and scars. Sunglasses are an often used accesorry.
Oddities and Anomalies
"Me? Oh, c'mon! I'm just a regular guy. Or mech? Ah, doesn't matter. Just don't treat me like I'm something special or awesome. Others deserve that more than me."
While Sunrise seems like a fairly regular (albeit tall) mech, many of his fellow Autobots very quickly found out that he's anything but ordinary. After some time of debating, Ratchet eventually classified him as an outlier. Everyone, including Sunrise himself, is still struggling to make sense of how his abilities make sense and come together. Most of them seem to have to do something with the spark itself. These are anomalies that have been verified to happen at least once:
Extreme stamina: While he is not that much stronger than his comrades, everyone will tell you that he can do everything for much longer than anyone else. He does need to refuel more often, but his body seems to distribute it with almost concerning effectiveness. His recharges are short and rare. And as any medic in his vicinity quickly finds out, he doesn't seem to realize when he's tired, either, which tends to result in him collapsing every few days (and sometimes even longer than that) in the middle of whatever he's doing. It has been debated whether this is an actual outlier ability, or some strange side effect of the Acute Spark Disconnect, or the current lack thereof.
Spark-hearing: Sunrise's hearing is already extremely good (purely through meddling with his audials and processors), but this ability is something completely different. It is a type of hearing focused purely on sparks; as he himself puts it, every spark has its own unique rhythm that can tell you a few things about its owner, and he insists he can hear it even without the use of any external tools. This was already a bit strange, but it got all the stranger when he admitted that from Optimus' Prime he not only hears a beat, but a melody as well. A short experiment proved that even when he was deprived of regular hearing, he could still hear sparkbeats of others around him with incredible accuracy. He never really divulges what exactly the rhythm tells him, but he has been known to be more perceptive to the moods of others, and many internal ailments have also been discovered when he noticed that someone's spark beats "wrong".
Spark-meld: So far, there has (luckily) only been one instance of this happening. An occassion where Sunrise's spark completely melded with two others despite a ridiculous distance between them. This essentially allowed him to "be" those other two mechs, as he heard, saw and felt all they did, and he even had access to their memories. It was, of course, an overwhelming and traumatizing affair that he had zero control over, and whenever he speaks about it, he insists that he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy.
Faction and Role
"Mhm, I'm a proud Autobot! Whatever that means..."
Sunrise is an Autobot, though he could have been counted as neutral for a few years. He takes loyalty to his allies incredibly seriously, but he doesn't mind extending a friendly hand to a Decepticon that wishes to redeem themselves. He's quite disconnected from the entire conflict, and has been known to abide by a certain moral and honor code (such as not killing an opponent who cannot fight back).
As for his role in the faction, he is somewhat of a universal helper. He doesn't mind doing menial tasks if it means everything runs smoothly, and often goes around asking others whether they need help with something. He's an avid learner, so he slowly becomes a jack of all trades over the years, with a bit more focus on medical support as Ratchet teaches him how to help others. He's also unanimously considered to be a morale booster, as he's a great listener and his positivity is infectious to most.
"Well 'course I'm all happy and smiley! I'm not named after the Sun for nothing!"
On the outside, Sunrise is a bright, happy-go-lucky mech that often acts before he thinks. Boisterous and sometimes even a bit mischievous, he unapologetically goes through life doing whatever makes him the happiest. He's a friendly chatterbox, and every room is full of him once he enters. While he is a tad annoying to some, most don't say anything, as he's too endearing to interrupt while he speaks. However, this also often has the effect of some thinking he's a mech of the... simpler variety, and that he's very naive, which he most certainly isn't.
However, this bright exterior hides many complexeties, many of which aren't exactly happy ones. He often feels disconnected from his fellow Cybertronians and the entirety of their conflicts, leaving him feeling left out and lonely. Thanks to his previous ailments, he has missed much, and so he struggles to keep up with his peers. He rarely shows it, but his self-esteem is quite low and he tends to put others miles above himself. His ability to express negative emotions is also not the greatest, which he usually resolves by walking out of the conflict and losing himself in one physical activity or another. As more and more fellow Autobots come to him with their troubles, he feels trapped and a need to constantly appear strong, until he finally reaches a breaking point.
Some traumas have left him with some underlying feelings of paranoia, and he often needs guidance because he feels lost. Anger issues have been a problem in the past, not so much now.
"Did you know-"
If you ask Sunrise about what he likes the most, he'll probably pretend he's thinking for a few seconds, before he excitedly yells out "Earth!" or "Humans"! If it's related to our dear blue planet, he'll adore it, or at least be interested. He finds humans to be extremely adorable, even after years of living among them, and will talk your audial (or ear, if you have those) off about this or that human culture, or express his admiration for their inventiveness.
But his interests don't just stop with humans, as he's really into learning about nature, particularly animals. Nature documentaries are his favorite genre of film, and Sir David Attenborough may as well be a saint to him. His favorite books are sappy romances and he mostly likes upbeat, energetic music genres. The only exception are chansons, which have a calming effect on him.
He's also always interested in learning more about the home planet he never really got to know, and talking with older Cybertronians about what they've seen.
Tinkering with whatever he gets his hands on is therapeutic to him. It only becomes concerning when he learns more of Cybertronian anatomy and tries to give himself strange upgrades...
"Hi there! No need to be scared, I'm harmless, just really big! Wanna be friends?"
The jet makes a point to always start out friendly and respectful when meeting someone, and to not judge a book by its cover. He considers all Autobots to be his friends, and tries to give a chance even to some Decepticons when they seem harmless.
He has a talent for awakening something akin to paternal instincts in most older mechs, which often causes humorous misunderstandings and someone always being there to try to teach him about this and that. This effect was always particularly strong with Ironhide, Kup, and even Ratchet to some extent, as he feels responsible for his wellbeing.
Sunrise is quite close with Optimus Prime and Ratchet and trusts them with everything. Hot Rod and Jazz are always welcome company to him, and he later also becomes good friends with Drift, with an extended friendliness and respect to the other Wreckers.
His relationship with Ultra Magnus is cordial, though it can't be said they're the best of friends considering Sunrise's ignorance of most laws and tendency for harmless mischief.
The only Autobot Sunrise has a fairly bad relationship with is Prowl. At the start, the both genuinely despise each other, until Sunrise lets it go and is satisfied with driving Prowl up to wall with his antics and witty banter. No one really knows where they stand in their relationship currently, and everyone is too afraid to ask.
An important part of Sunrise's inner circle is also a very unlikely friend; a troubled Decepticon seeker named Dustbite, with whom he forms an unlikely friendship based on them both sparing each other's lives. With mutual respect and understanding, their bond eventually becomes so deep that they become each other's Amica Endurae.
As for who he cares more than just a friend... well, only time will tell.
Other Fun Facts
When it comes to the chansons, Sunrise's favorite singer is Jacques Brel.
He himself is a fairly talented singer, though he mostly just hums to himself.
Sunrise's Cybertronian somehow has a vaguely Canadian accent.
He speaks Hand very fluently and uses it to express himself when speaking is difficult.
Even though he seems very innocent, the mech swears like a sailor when he can, even making horrible amalgamation of human and Cybertronian swear words and insults.
He dislikes Primus, blaming him for his previous illness.
Later on, he becomes a good friend and "calming agent" to Fortress Maximus.
He uses his (usual) enhanced hearing to check malfunctions in all sorts of machinery, including cables running through walls. However, he still struggles to find an appropriate way to announce it. "I hear it in the walls" is not something he should say to alert someone of a fried cable, he's been told.
His optics can get blindingly bright when he's very happy. On the other hand, they grow dim when he's feeling under the weather.
His voice claim is Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds.
Story/Story Involvement
(Empty for now... but some short scenes and chapters from his life will hopefully come soon).
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boeingboingboing · 18 hours
So I'm working of some firefighter OCs, and I'm trying to make sure the models are those which Piston peak's air attack base can handle. Considering their biggest aircraft being Cabbie and dipper, when we consider their takeoff distance you get 580 and 850m respectively. But considering their overall biggest was the C-130 seen in the "wall of fame", that gives us a takeoff distance of 1,110 m (C-130's varies from 1,005-1,095 m).
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-> I wasn't gonna take the Martin Mars into consideration because even though they're the biggest, Martin Mars aircraft is not amphibious like the CL-415 (Lil' Dipper), they always had to land in water. However @jigsaw173 posted this certain picture:
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And in the picture you can see the Martin Mars aircraft has gears. Considering their size and huge weight, I'm considering they'd need the runway to be near or above 2,000 m cause landing and takeoff distances vary, and takeoff distance is often higher.
[Again, credits to: @jigsaw173 for finding this and posting it]
-> Ok now taking consideration of the largest jet seen at Piston peak would be Siddeley (or that guy who does look like Siddeley, if it's not him), his model is inspired by a Gulfstream V, whose takeoff distance is 1,570 m.
I don't know what to do with the lodge's runway, but if it's that long, then certainly the air attack team's base should've had such a long runway too.
-> Why am I blabbering about this?? Cause I wanted to make a DC-10 Air tanker OC but due to their size, I wondered if they could land and take off from the base. Did I get my answer? No not exactly but I feel like the runway should be near 2,000 m long so I'll take it and somehow work them out.
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onyxsboxes · 4 months
I just saw 2 Canadairs CL-415 practicing refilling water.
I've always loved seeing them, but it's even better when I'm deep in the Mota fandom 🤩😍
They look like this (not my picture)
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claudiosuenaga · 11 months
Claudio Suenaga: Uma rápida apresentação de todos os meus livros e como adquiri-los
Agora você pode adquirir os meus livros Contatados, 50 Tons de Greys, Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal e o inédito Lua de Pedreiro em formato e-book diretamente em minha loja no Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/suenaga/shop
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Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre? Campo Grande (MS), Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas de Discos Voadores (CBPDV), 2007; (Coleção Biblioteca UFO). Editor: Ademar José Gevaerd. 292 p. Para adquirir, entre em contato diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos? Curitiba (PR), Editora Monalisa, 2018; (Coleção Biblioteca UFO). Editor: Ademar José Gevaerd. 415 p. Para adquirir, entre em contato diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal. São Paulo, Bira Câmara Editor, 2020. Brochura, 227 páginas, formato 14 x 21 cm, ilustrada. Para adquirir, entre em contato diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
Conspiração Corona: A Pandemia da Mentira. São Paulo, Clube dos Autores, 2020. Também intitulada CoronaV de Vorazes: A Pandemia da Revolução 4.0. Adquira no Clube dos Autores: https://clubedeautores.com.br/livro/coronav-de-vorazes
As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria Uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel? Tietê (SP), Editora Revista Enigmas, 2022. Editor: André de Pierre. 152 p. ISBN: 9786500531473. Adquira na loja da Editora Revista Enigmas: https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
Encuentros Cercanos de Todo Tipo. El Caso Villas Boas y Otras Abducciones Íntimas; trad. de Luiz Ruiz Noguez. Santiago (Chile), Ediciones Coliseo Sentosa, 2023. ISBN: 9798378086948. Editor: Diego Zúñiga. 386 p. ISBN: 9798378086948. Adquira na Amazon de vários países:
Amazon.com (envios a todo o mundo desde os EUA): https://amzn.to/3Lh93Lb
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Agradeço ao meu irmão Rogério pela edição deste vídeo.
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superwingnj · 2 years
Did you know that some SW characters resemble from real-life planes?
Donnie resembles a Canadair CL-415.
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Bello resembles a Dornier Do-27.
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Jerome resembles a Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet (Blue Angels livery).
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Let me know if there's more!
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eucanthos · 1 year
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"Seagle" by Roadfour SA (BE)
The strange bird called “Seagle” will be able to carry up to 12,500 liters of water, twice as much as the current Canadairs CL-415 which have a capacity of 6137 liters. The plane’s “gull wings” keep the engines high above the water. Its “side skirts” forming a floating platform, it does not need wingtip floats.
s: https://www.paudal.com/2023/01/29/a-european-competitor-to-our-canadairs/
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pedropascalito · 2 years
Thank you!
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nawapon17 · 24 days
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xhemilbeharaj · 3 months
Zjarret në Dropull, Greqia vjen në ndihmë me 2 avionë zjarrfikës
Dy helikopterë zjarrfikës të tipit Canadair CL-415 të Forcave Zjarrfikëse të Greqisë po asistojnë në operacionin për shuarjen e zjarrit të madh në Shqipëri. Helikopterët që do kenë bazën e tyre në aeroportin e Korfuzit ndodhen tashmë në ishullin grek nga ku u mëngjesin e sotëm. “Dy avionë të tipit Canadair sapo nisën ndërhyrjen nga ajri për fikjen e flakëve në Dropull dhe Finiq. Avionët grekë,…
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paquinsblog · 1 year
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Διευρύνεται η συνδρομή των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων στις προσπάθειες κατάσβεσης των πυρκαγιών
Όπως έγινε γνωστό από το ΓΕΕΘΑ, στα ενεργά μέτωπα των πυρκαγιών σε Αλεξανδρούπολη – Δαδιά, ‘Αργος, Διαλεκτό Καβάλας, Μακρακώμη Φθιώτιδας, Μοσχοπόδι Θηβών, Πρόδρομο Βοιωτίας, Υλίκη Θηβών, Φάρσαλα Λαρίσης, Φυλή (Χασιά) Αττικής και Ψαχνά Ευβοίας επιχειρούν συνολικά 6 πυροσβεστικά αεροσκάφη CL-215, 5 πυροσβεστικά αεροσκάφη CL-415, 11 πυροσβεστικά αεροσκάφη PZL και 4 ελικόπτερα CHINOOK. Εξακολουθούν…
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Φωστήρες: Εστειλαν Canadair για επιθεώρηση στη Γαλλία ενώ καιγόταν η Ελλάδα
Ενώ η Ρόδος, τα Δερβενοχώρια, η Περαχώρα Λουτρακίου, η Σαρωνίδα, η Νέα Αγχίαλος είχαν παραδοθεί στην καταστροφική μανία των μεγάλου μεγέθους και έντασης πυρκαγιών («mega-fires» κατά το κυβερνητικό αφήγημα) του περασμένου μήνα, οι δυνάμεις πυρόσβεσης στερούνταν των πολύτιμων υπηρεσιών δύο πλήρως λειτουργικών αμφίβιων αεροσκαφών αεροπυρόσβεσης, ενός Canadair CL-415 με αριθμό σειράς «2049» και ενός…
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Φωστήρες: Εστειλαν Canadair για επιθεώρηση στη Γαλλία ενώ καιγόταν η Ελλάδα
Ενώ η Ρόδος, τα Δερβενοχώρια, η Περαχώρα Λουτρακίου, η Σαρωνίδα, η Νέα Αγχίαλος είχαν παραδοθεί στην καταστροφική μανία των μεγάλου μεγέθους και έντασης πυρκαγιών («mega-fires» κατά το κυβερνητικό αφήγημα) του περασμένου μήνα, οι δυνάμεις πυρόσβεσης στερούνταν των πολύτιμων υπηρεσιών δύο πλήρως λειτουργικών αμφίβιων αεροσκαφών αεροπυρόσβεσης, ενός Canadair CL-415 με αριθμό σειράς «2049» και ενός…
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greekblogs · 1 year
Φωστήρες: Εστειλαν Canadair για επιθεώρηση στη Γαλλία ενώ καιγόταν η Ελλάδα
Ενώ η Ρόδος, τα Δερβενοχώρια, η Περαχώρα Λουτρακίου, η Σαρωνίδα, η Νέα Αγχίαλος είχαν παραδοθεί στην καταστροφική μανία των μεγάλου μεγέθους και έντασης πυρκαγιών («mega-fires» κατά το κυβερνητικό αφήγημα) του περασμένου μήνα, οι δυνάμεις πυρόσβεσης στερούνταν των πολύτιμων υπηρεσιών δύο πλήρως λειτουργικών αμφίβιων αεροσκαφών αεροπυρόσβεσης, ενός Canadair CL-415 με αριθμό σειράς «2049» και ενός…
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