debonairboys · 2 years
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Rebecca Van Hove by Mélanie Mauro
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PIC(S) INFO: Part 2 of 3 -- Spotlight on more shots of model (and complete babe) Jana Kruger in a photo-shoot titled "Local Onlys" for "C-Heads" magazine, c. 2015, Sunshine Coast, Australia. 📸: Janneke Storm.
Source: www.sticksandstonesagency.com/agency/locals-only.
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xixyn · 6 months
yvie and her boyfriend broke up lmaooo they were engaged and they were getting married after lazarus graduated from college...
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cheadarchesse · 11 months
Can't believe I thought I was straight while reading about types of love and aligning myself with the Greek concept of "pragma" love
You know, the kind where up choose who to love based on logic and reasoning
Well anyway, now I think I'm aro
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Tá 'speak your language day' inniú. Is bearla é mo chead teanga ach is breá liom gaeilge. Tá sé an-tabhacht i mo shaol agus níl mo gaeilge go hiontach ach úsáidím sé gach lá.
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melissa-titanium · 1 year
whatare your h9omestuck hegith chead canons i think for humans its rose < eg = dave <jade (but only slightly. it varies during thecomic) andalpha hkids dirk = jane << jake = roxy  OKAY goodnight *flies away into the wind*
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the-clockwork-three · 2 years
Day 15: Numbers
Tags: @bella-daonna @rusalkaandtheshepherdgirl @grimalkinsquill @charlataninred @unseeliethot (ask to be added or removed)
Dia daoibh, mo chairde. Inniu, táimid ag caint faoi na huimhreacha. Today we are talking about numbers and how to count in Irish. 
Counting conceptually:
Or Cardinal numbers
These are the numbers you tend to think of first. It’s numbers for the sake of numbers. You use these numbers when you are counting and doing maths, when you are telling the time, and for numbers on doors or rooms (seomra uimhir a trí)
A Náid - zero
A hAon - one
A Dó - two
A Trí - three
A Ceathair - four
A Cúig - five
A Sé - six
A Seacht - seven
A hOcht - eight
A Naoi - nine
A Deich - ten
A hAon Deag - eleven
A Dó Dheag - twelve 
A Trí Deag - thirteen 
A Fiche - twenty
A Fiche is a haon - twenty one
A Fiche a dó - twenty two
A Fiche a trí - twenty three
A Tríocha - thirty 
A Daithead - fourty
A Caoga - fifty 
A Seasca - sixty
A Seachtó - seventy
A hOchtó - eighty
A Nócha - ninety
A Chead - a hundred
A Míle - a thousand
Counting things:
This is used to indicate a number of things you are talking about, but not people. 
Now I mentioned that numbers cause mutations, and these are the culprits. 1-6 adds a séimhiú, and 7-10 and an urú to the object being counted. If you have five coats and eight cakes then you would say “tá cuaig chóta, agus ocht gcáca agam”, and the noun should be in its normal singular form.  … indicates that the noun you are using goes. 
… ar bith - zero/none
… amhain - one
Dhá … - two
Trí … - Three
Ceithre ... - Four 
Cúig … - Five 
Sé … - Six 
Seacht … - Seven 
Ocht … - Eight 
Naoi … - Nine 
Deich … - Ten
Aon … déag - eleven
Dhá … déag - twelve
Fiche … - twenty
Aon … is fiche - twenty one
And continues in that pattern
Counting people:
Or personal numbers.
Special words for counting people! This includes counting people without saying the word person, like two brothers “beirt dheartháireacha”. Please note that animals and other living beings do use the “counting things” system, not this one. Any nouns being counted in this system are put in the genitive plural. Beirt applies a séimhiú, but no other number in this list applies a mutation. 
Duine ar bith - nobody 
Duine - one person
Beirt - two people
Triúr - three people
Ceathrar - four people
Cúigear  - five people
Seisear - six people
Seachtar - seven people
Ochtar - eight people
Naonúr - nine people 
Deichniúr - ten people
Aon duine dhéag - eleven people
Dáréag - twelve people
Trí dhuine dhéag - thirteen people
Ceithre dhuine dhéag - fourteen people
Fiche dhuine - twenty people
Duine is fiche - twenty one people
Dhá dhuine is fiche - twenty two people 
And following that same pattern.
Or Ordinal numbers.
This one is fairly simple, and it directly translates to English as first, second, third etcetera etcetera.  
Céad - first 
Dara - second
Tríú - third
Ceathrú - fourth
Cúigiú - fifth
Seú - sixth
Seachtú - seventh
Ochtú - eighth
Naoú - ninth
Deichiú - tenth
Aonú … déag - eleventh 
Dóú … déag - twelfth 
Fichiú - twentieth 
Aonú …. Is fiche - twenty first
And so on so forth.
Things you can say now:
Your age! Through the format of “Tá mé  ___ bliana d’aois”.  So if you are 18, you say “Tá mé ocht mbliana deag d’aois”, if you are 25 you say you say “Tá mé cúig bliana is fiche d’aois”, and if you are thirty you say “Tá mé tríocha bliain d’aois.”
The rules for which version of bliain (year) you use if the number ends in a 1 or a 2 use bhliain, ends between 3 to 6 use bliana, ends in 7, 8, or 9 use mbliana, and if your age ends in 0 then you use bliain. 
Date of birth! Use ordinal numbers for the day, and cardinal numbers for the years. 
“Rugadh mé ar an [ordinal number + urú] lá (deag/is fiche/is tríocha as appropriate) de [month + séimhiú], [year of birth in cardinal numbers]”
For example: “Rugadh mé ar an gcúigiú lá is fiche de Dheireadh Fómhair, dhá mhíle is a dó.” I was born on the 25th of October, 2002.
How many people are in your family! There are two words for family: Clann and Teaghlach. Clann is the family that is you, your partner, and your children, and teaghlach is the family which is you, your parents, and your siblings. There are, unfortunately, no gender neutral words for siblings, so you have to use “dearthair” (brother) and “deirfiúr” (sister). You can use the personal numbers to describe your family. 
Today’s seahfhocail is “Is fearr an tsláinte ná na táinte” or “health is better than wealth”.
See you all tomorrow for the tuiseal ginideach, a concept I have mentioned about five times because it's really important but also very finicky. Slán libh!
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monowritestoomuch · 4 months
Ultimate Fandom Showdown Round 1: Group 16
don’t ask I used a wheel to pick
you thought I was done lol
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rymoleksa · 5 months
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New art ✨
"Beam pulled him closer, mentally afraid of his actions. Chead is just like a kitten, make an extra movement and he will run away in an instant".
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jubaer01 · 8 months
VIETNAMESE Official Urgent Electronic Visa
Online Vietnam Visa - Visa dealanach Bhietnam air-loidhne luath is luath, Visa Turasachd is Gnìomhachais Bhietnam an Riaghaltais Oifigeil
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nubblins-sawyer · 53 years
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hum um yum! Another delicious MEAT DISH 😁 i love chead cheese
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ensf2l · 1 year
Let Faped
Let Faper() Card Middle-Class, StarCraft, Aliens 등 게임 중 캐릭터에게 장착할 수 있는 카드. 챠드(Chead)와 마스터(Master) 카드는 특정 스킬을 가지고 있으며 카드를 많이 소지할수록 더 강한 효과를 발휘한다. 마법사의 경우 마력카드를 이용해 마법을 걸 수도 있다 Let Fap 바로가기: Let Fap에 대해 더 알아보기 – Skills : Help Description (지불능력), Change Definition (이름변환 능력)을 말하며, Tab의 Score, Advanced Shotgun과 같은 특수효과도 사용할수있다. [펌] 나들이하기 좋은 5월엔! 어린이날로~! ‘5월은 가정의 달’이라는 말이 있을 정도로 자녀들과 함께 즐길 만한 행사가 많다. 그…
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sectumsemprae · 2 years
non posso credere di aver detto irl le parole "OMG SHARPEST LIVES LA CANZONE FROCIA DURANTE PROREV QUANDO SE MENANO PE FINTA" al concerto dei mother mother mi giustifico dicendo che un* tip* mi ha detto chead un altro show ci avevano fatto una cover e sono impazzita bizzarro tralaltro fare una cover di sharpest lives cioè di solito non è proprio la prima canzone che ti viene in mente se dici mcr
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underthecovershop · 4 years
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“Remember those golden days” 🖤 A new issue of @cheadsmagazine is here and we’re in love with it! This issue pursues the concept of ‘Happiness’ through the contributions of talented photographers and writers. Limited print run of only 1300 copies. Tap the photo to buy. You can choose Worldwide Home Delivery or Store Pick-up (weekdays from 12:00 to 16:00). #cheadsmagazine #cheads #underthecovershop (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_MnBJNH2w_/?igshid=131hxo3512ywo
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mika-ef · 5 years
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double portrait: Anna & Nadya, Hamburg 2019 . . . . . #monochrome #bw_lover #blackandwhite #fineartnude #fineartnudeportrait #fineartnudes #fineartnudemodel . #photography #photo #igersbnw #bwoftheday #bw_society #bnw #originalphotographers #portrait #bw . #nudeart #artnudemodel #nude_magazine_print #cheads #rektmag #pmagazin.co #mikaef #nebula.andromeda #grabowska_anna6 (hier: Hamburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/mikaef.68/p/BxW4JlpppRX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h4138gf36k7q
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panthirina · 5 years
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Last summer imprints from the project K^E with Nave Siryo.
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