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jadeazora · 2 years ago
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CGWorld's interview with Creatures Inc. over the SV models is now live online.
The models were redone in 60fps, and may be used in future games. Here's a comparison video of Passimian between Sword and Shield and Scarlet and Violet.
Edit: There's a third part now 👍
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noctswife · 1 year ago
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love the way they posed him here. insufferable whore pose
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deadly-glamourtail · 2 years ago
While we're waiting for the big news, CGWORLD released an article with tons of concept artwork of Hi-Fi RUSH!
Huh, turns out the Prototype outfit was indeed Chai's prototype outfit
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good on them for pushing the pink pants this far
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shinjiro-aragaki99 · 8 months ago
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Palworld concept art from August 2024 edition of CGWORLD magazine.
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yazzydream · 1 year ago
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CGWORLD vol.283, March 2022
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evangelioncollector · 2 years ago
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CGWORLD Evangelion cover
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jeffreely · 6 months ago
i got more magazines! 2 macworld and 2 ymu. i accidentally got cgworld when it was actually a magazine called graphics world that i should have been looking at the whole time… i’ll scan them later though
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thrilling-oneway · 4 months ago
Every few months someone rediscovers that prsk has a tcrf page and the cropped cgworld scans start doing the rounds again
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alma-amentet · 2 years ago
FYI because I feel compelled to spread this info, people completely misinterpreted that shot of Malenia and Radahn in the trailer. Radahn wasn't winning because they hadn't fought yet, that was in fact the start of their fight. In CGWorld 286 there's a comment by Takaaki Yamagishi (From animator who supervised the trailer) next to animatics. He says (p. 25, over an image of their first shot with Malenia adjusting her arm): 「ラダーンと対峙したとき、すでにマレニアは満身創痍でしたが、敵を認識して再び立ち上がります」.  “When she faced off against Radahn, Malenia was ALREADY black-and-blue-head-to-toe, but when she recognizes/BECOMES AWARE of an enemy she rises once more" (this caused a stir on JPN Twitter when it came out; search "マレニア CGWorld" if you don't believe me). Malenia looks tired because she was already wounded before Radahn arrived, presumably from slaughtering his knights, as we find their weapons at the battle site (it also parallels Radahn's state as he's also visibly wounded; the spears in his back are already there, so they seemed to have been the last ones standing on the battlefield). This means the context of the shot is pretty much the complete opposite of what some people were assuming it was. Radahn was trying to pick off a heavily-wounded foe after throwing his army at her. He still got stalemated, stabbed, and floored even before the bloom (the issue also shows an animatic that makes it very clear that Malenia jammed nearly the entire blade length into Radahn's neck and chest, bracing the tint against her shoulder to push it in him further, which explains why he drops his weapon and kneels in the following shot).
Well I knew this before, and yes, it's all kinda intetesting. But together with the guy who revealed it to me (he also shared a storyboard page from a japanese magazine) we agreed that Radahn might have just fought with his gravity magic, that's why he was less wounded. He was standing as if he'd proclaimed his terms and was waiting for response. It's most likely he offered her to surrender (wanted to hold her captive for a while, maybe, marry her...) Obviously, Malenia didn't accept/agree.
That guy wrote some nice fanfiction, btw, with his own interpretation(sadly it's not in English).
I see no reason to argue because it's all still open to interpretation, and after all, it's just fiction, for fun, not fight. I'm always open to any theories, ideas, headcanons, if it's all nice and peaceful.
Thank you, anon, for a chance to recollect all that info.
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atomic-crusader · 1 year ago
A behind the scenes article for Godzilla Minus One from CGWorld. Features some nice looks at the 3d model of Godzilla
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noctswife · 1 year ago
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also from the cgworld magazine. ain soph aur storyboard ft low res lucisan embrace.
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months ago
After seeing the fun fact about Becoming Potatoes, I now wonder how far back does the process of one event is from conceptualizing it to fully releasing it. Is it months? Years? I know development and planning can be long but how far back are things planned for Proseka's events in spesifics.
i have an extra fun fact about that song that i don't think i've mentioned before: it's the only song to never have a teaser before it's released in-game, probably because there was no point in it since the vocaloid version had been released months prior. annoyingly, neru never did a corocoro producer interview, so it's basically impossible for us to know what exactly went down in the development of that song.
here's some stuff i can tell you about event planning and such (most is song related lol bc there's far less interviews with the writers):
in an old Q&A around the 1st anniversary, the writers said it takes around 6-12 months to complete an event after conception
in the same question, they said they immediately have to prepare a summary after commissioning so they can pass it on, suggesting the commissioning stage comes first
i know i usually don't mention leaks but these aren't leaks anymore. back in early 2023 around the time of Little Bravers, the song titles and producers for commissions up until Samsa leaked. The producers for Hug and Regulus also leaked 1-2 months in advance. p sure there used to be a staff leaker LOL but at least they confirmed the comms are finished a fair amount in advance
for early events though, some accounts make it sound like vocaPs were being commissioned like years in advance. PinocchioP, Oster Project, NayutalieN did not receive a story summary.
NayutalieN also said that he was contacted very early on in development, only being shown character designs for MMJ. He literally says that "nothing had been decided and he was fed more details as they were finalised". and later in his interview mentions that the "omoi no kakera" lyric was not an intentional reference [to what is known as wish pieces on EN], since those didn't even exist yet.
Syudou says that Jackpot Sad Girl was made in 2020, not very long before the launch of the game, so there's a little less time there.
Surii said he was commissioned ~6 months before launch, so around a year before Pale Color ran. It's also worth noting that he was given story details at this point in time, meaning Pino/Oster/NayutalieN were commissioned before this point.
The designs were completed in early 2019 according to CGWorld's prsk feature, so we can assume that the vocaPs who weren't given story details were commissioned around this time
The story has a planned ending and has had this since early development. The overall story has always been decided but only as an outline, more specific details and the actual events are written as the game goes one.
However certain details, such as Mafuyu running away, were planned in advance.
Apparently it takes about a week to get to the final draft of an event story, after going through checks with other staff and re-drafting (same source as the "specific details" link)
Additionally: card art. According to that 1st anniversary q&a i mentioned earlier, the art team takes two months or more per card. might be longer now because of the higher art quality. The art team sometimes bases set themes off the commission (such as Hitsuji ga Ippiki & kiuan set), or off the event story, which again gives us an indicator of how far in advance this stuff is finished.
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my0memo · 3 months ago
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gamedoinc · 3 months ago
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2024.11.21 創作意欲を高める
今年もこの季節がやって来ました!今週の月曜日から5日間(11月18日~11月22日)にわたって開催されている『CGWORLD 2024 クリエイティブカンファレンス』。CG・映像クリエイター向けのオンラインカンファレンスです。
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omenfailure · 4 months ago
Radahn never "offered malenia grace on the edge of defeat" becuase neither of these things happened. From's cinematic director, in CGWorld 286, talked about the trailer and specifically noted that the shot we see of them squaring off (where Radahn does the exact same taunt he does at the start of his DLC fight...) is the START of Malenia and Radahn's fight, her first becoming aware of his presence on the battlefield. She was wounded before she met him, fighting through other enemies (presumably his knights, going by all the Freyja-like swords we find at Aeonia). This comment, plus him talking about Malenia's determination and character in the same entry and the accompanying animatic and storyboard showing Malenia stabbing Radahn, make it pretty darn clear that the actual intent of that scene is "Radahn is an arrogant anime villain about to be humbled by the plucky hero."
Well, thank you for sharing with the class.
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susichirasi · 9 months ago
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