leehallfae · 1 year
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fire walk with me (1992) dir. david lynch // shadow of a doubt (1943) dir. alfred hitchcock
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georgeington · 1 year
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dakotacoie · 6 days
is anyone up thinking about pre-canon/s1 dakota cole on this friday morning
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^ dakota and his aunt
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^ dakota and ashe but. also dakota and katori. i’m gonna bite something
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doomednarrative · 1 year
Personally I cant do really early days STARS/RPD era Chreon for a lot of reasons, one being I'm just not interested in it because theyre cops at the time, but the other reason is that like. Part of what Compels me about these two as a pairing is seeing them years down the line when theyve already been in the fight for awhile against bioweapons and all that and theyre on equal footing in their own right. Chris is a BSAA captain, Leon is a capable agent, it puts them on equal ground but it also means that they've already seen so much shit that they Know what each other has been through this whole time.
I think both of them struggle with the notion of wanting a relationship, and even just with friends at times, because they don't to involve anyone on the outside of the fight who doesn't understand the depths of things. People who don't understand that this will probably end in death or heartbreak, or even just watching someone you love get hurt a lot and having to deal with that pain. And its That unique situation that makes Leon and Chris compelling to me personally, because here's two guys in the thick of it who Know the risks and the threats inside and out and they chose to say "No, I'm going to care about you reguardless because its better to go thru this together than alone, even if it hurts" and I dunno man, something about that kind of defiance, especially with how headstrong they are just as separate individuals, it gets me.
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0bituarius · 5 months
My Personal Alastor Headcanons
Not because I'm a simp or anything ahahahah.... All SFW aside from some cursing of course. :)
I am sleep deprived and stupid so some of these maybe shit and have terrible spelling errors. My mind is running at 3% and some of these were spontaneously made up because that's how my mind works. Enjoy.
📻 Viv let us play with Alastor's sexuality and so I hc he is demisexual (totally not me projecting and basing it off my own experiences, nahhhh...) and he rarely falls for anyone, but when he does he falls HARD.
• That being said, the flirtation begins. He is terrible at it... He respects boundaries and is incredibly respectful but he 100% butchers pickup lines because he genuinely thinks our generation likes those.
- "If you were a vegetable you would be a cucumber."
- "Do you have an extra heart? Mine was stolen."
- Can demons have strokes? That's probably what you are saying
- Angel Dust hears and DIES. Surprisingly gives some solid advice.
- "Stop with the pick-up lines. Just be yourself and it'll work, trust me, ya weirdo..."
- So he does. AKA secretly follows you, will randomly spawn to open doors for you or pull out chairs, chivalry isn't dead, dear! Also tells you about his grizzly murders in his lifetime, if anyone disrespects you prepare for your knight in shoulder pads, will be slick and dedicates one of his radio shows to you and plays an old song from his day. Makes you SWOON. Angel is proud.
- Also likes dates to Cannibal Town and introduces you to Rosie. She thinks you are the cutest thing in the world, prepared to be coddled by both.
📻 He likes to play dress up with you if you let him. Picking out your wardrobe is SO fun for him.
📻 Is a top tier cook. Usually prefers meat and will cook that for you, but if he finds out you are a vegan/pescitarian/etc he will do that. Gets excited when you compliment his cooking.
📻 He learns words and if it's not from Rosie... Be prepared because it gets bad and gets cringe.
- "Ah! Darling, I heard some demons today as I was on a stroll, they were from your era. What is a mee-mee?"
- "I see... I see. They also said the word "gyatt" to a woman, I assume that is a compliment, so my dear, you have a-"
- You stop him right there, explains what that means and he short circuits. He walks over to the corner and just places his head against it. "I would like to be alone for a while..."
- "If mama knew I said this she would beat my ass to next Tuesday..."
📻 I know it says he's not big on touch but I HC he really doesn't care. He never seems to show any recoil from it, but maybe its just if its strangers?
📻 Will educate you on everything he knows on the macabre and morbid.
📻 Will FORCE you to sit down and check out vintage stuff. Watching TV? Not anymore, there is a microphone cane through it. Charlie has bought you like six phones now...
📻 He is overall an attention seeking puppy.
📻 Does things that get him praise. He WANTS his ego boost and knows you'll give it to him.
📻 Gossips with you about everyone and anything, listens to you rant and will give some genuinely good advice unless its like about an ex or something.
- "Simple, dear! Just kill them."
📻 Jokingly (?) tries to get you to sell your soul to him.
- "All in jest, don't worry! I think the look on your face is HILARIOUS!"
📻 If he sees you upset he tries to make you smile.
📻 If you are short he will put things on the top shelf and stifle a laugh as he watches you try to get it. Bless Husk and Angel for getting it for you.
📻 Angel is the only male he doesn't really have a problem with, hence when he hears about Valentino he has a bit of anger, also just because he thinks hes gross and perverse. Someone like that doesn't deserve to be breathing.
📻 Whiskey is his forte. VERY picky with his drinks, he doesn't like the cheap stuff like Husk does. A lot of people say he drinks wine but I imagine he only likes the hard stuff.
📻 He is the type of man to leave the toilet seat up. Vaggie has voiced her opinions on it.
📻 When he got Niffty out of that toilet he probably waited until the bubbles almost stopped. He's a little bit of an asshole.
📻 Actively pranks Husk. Someone save the cat-man...
- Switches his alcohol with non-alcoholic and sees how long it takes him to realize or get drunk even though he's not.
- Plays poker against him but will actively cheat to make sure he wins 100% of the time.
- Puts cucumbers down to scare the shit out of him.
📻 Since he is a deer demon (a Stag at that) he is VERY territorial, especially of the Hotel. This is HIS home. Will never admit it though.
📻 ✨Sweet Southern Boy✨ (Not really a HC I just wanted to say that, nor is he really sweet)
📻 He hides his accent. It will come out though when he is extremely extremely angry or when he is extremely relaxed.
📻 Will wake you up by staring in your face, you may or not have screamed once.
📻 Bullies Sir Pentious. He's still pissed about him ripping his tailcoat and he holds a grudge.
📻 Also not a headcanon but doesn't mind personal space, will come into the bathroom as you shower for conversation and draw on the steamed mirror. If you ask him to stop he will and completely understands.
📻 Sits and stares at a wall sometime.
📻 Gets everyone to taste his coffee, it is mostly coffee grounds.
📻 Has ate a dog demon on more than one occasion. Unapologetically.
📻 You know those compilations of like people getting hurt on youtube? If he used the internet that shit would be the funniest thing in the world to him.
📻 Uses 1920s slang to confuse everyone.
📻 Jealous.
- Plationic: Um... He's your best friend, right? Why are you giving attention to others when he is RIGHT THERE. Oh? They can do that, well he can do it ten times better. Watch what else he can do! Yeah, he's the coolest, right?
- Romantically: Time to butt heads and flex every possible way. Will RUIN the person's confidence, the psychological warfare begins. He is the better one and he must make it known. If they start flirting with you, blood will be spilled.
📻 When people try and lecture him it goes in one ear and out the other.
📻 His hair tufts are his ears, that may actually be canon, not sure.
- If he gets comfortable enough and you scratch behind they he MELTS. It scared him at first but once he first fell asleep it was nice.
📻 Will tell you about his mother constantly. Bases a lot of his morals and being a gentleman off how his mother taught him and treats women like ✨queens✨
📻 I HC one of his biggest problems with Lucifer and why they had tha number was because he was absent in Charlie's life so much and since his dad left him and his mother he believes absent fathers are the worst. He believes you have an obligation AS A FATHER to be the best you can be and raise your child.
- Absent father? Will bully so hard. He hates them to a fault, even if it wasn't their fault. He refuses to take criticism on it and its one of the things he is most stubborn about. Man got some daddy issues he doesn't want to talk about.
📻 His daddy issues lead to abandonment issues.
📻 His mom passing away will make him be extra attentive if someone he cares about is sick.
- Will check in and only really care if it's the girls.
- Will probably tell the guys to suck it up. Rip.
📻 Touch and affection starved and just doesn't show it. I don't care if it's not in character, let me project my issues in peace.
📻 Says the most out of pocket shit just for shock value.
📻 Rosie teaches him things he isn't allowed to say.
📻 His favorite body part to eat is the heart. He thinks it's poetic.
📻 Owns a record player because of course he does.
- If you want him to try modern day music, you best be getting vinyls.
- If you pull up Spotify he will feel betrayed.
- "So... My radio show isn't good enough? You need some... Application to play music for you?"
- Will guilt trip you and not feel bad. You already use phones and social media, like... Will only indulge if you play HIS type of music, and even then he will bitch about how it sounds better on the record player and how he play it on his show instead.
- I clearly know nothing about how radio shows work and I don't care.
⚠️Mildly suggestive depending on who you are:
📻 Likes boobs, he just likes sleeping on them. He was a mama's boy and he probably rested his head on his mother's chest all the time growing up.
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this is long but js bare with me please. i had this idea for an azriel x reader but this could be paired w anyone. so the reader is an archeron sibling. shes nesta’s twin and when they get Made in the cauldron they both take something from it. Nesta taking the power of Death and the reader taking Life. the reader logically id say is like the opposite of Nesta. She’s just so joyful, happy and fun to be around, probably had the most to lose in the transition from mortal to high fae and when she switches to fae life she adapts fairly quickly (or so it seems). id also like to add that nesta is really protective of her probably more so than she is of elain. the reader has a talent for music and loves to sing, through which she expresses her actual feelings for being Made (i was kinda thinking my tears ricochet would be perfect especially the line “i can go anywhere i want anywhere i want just not home”) so she just kinda plays the piano and sings to herself about these feelings until one day when azriel hears a melody coming from a particular room of the house and hears the reader singing. idk if this is goofy but since i cant write (or maybe i can i just havent tried it) if any writers are interested in writing about this id love to see ittt and if u do please tag mee💗💗
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ambcass · 4 months
ᴊᴀꜱᴏɴ ᴛᴏᴅᴅ || ᴛʜᴇ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛᴄʜ.
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬. (𝐏𝐓.𝟏)
warnings: mentions of throwing up, cursing, OCC (maybe), Y/N being a lil shit, fake friends, shit talking?, mentions of ED, arguments, stalking (in the sense that!..)
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They called me a disappointment. My so-called "friends", teachers, and family. All because I couldn't be #1. I tried, I really did but I just couldn't. Ever since I lost my best friend, MY Jason.
"It's been years Y/N. Why can't you get over it? I got over it when my mom died and-" I cut her off. "How are you making this about you right now, Eveling? Your mom died when you were 5 but I've known Jason since-like forever! I snapped back. She stayed quiet and didn't dare to speak. We got to a bus stop and sat on a bench. In silence.
"I-I didn't mean to talk about your mom like that. I know it must have been hard for you" I comforted her. I didn't mean what I said. The "it must have been hard" part. I only said it because I felt bad. She turned and softly smiled at me.
"It's ok, Y/N. I know you didn't mean it." Excuse me? What did this bitch mean? "I know you didn't mean it" Is that supposed to mean something?!? I brushed it off. The bus arrived. I waved goodbye to Eveling and hopped on the bus. I gave the bus driver exactly $1.25 and sat myself in the back. It took 30 minutes to get home. I didn't mind waking up early to get ready for school but never in a million years would anyone would think a bus would be at full capacity at 6:00 AM!
I got off at my stop and headed home. I unlocked the door. Great. No one home again? On the dining table was a note that stated,
*Back home late. (1 the latest)
*Left leftovers in the fridge.
*Be in bed by 10.
Love, Mom.
okayyy. I walked towards my room. Starting my homework while trying to get rid of the thought of giving up. Not even 27 minutes later, I gave up. I went to the kitchen to heat up the leftovers. My phone started ringing, and Eveling wanted to call. I picked up my phone.
"Hello?" I spoke. In her usual bubbly self, she replied to me in an enthusiastic voice. "Hi! Y/N, I'm at a sleepover right now but it's pretty boring so I decided to call you." The majority of the call time went from her telling me what was going on during the sleepover and me responding with many mhms, cool, and yeahs. I thought the call was going perfectly fine. Our calls were always like this. I listen while she talks. My stomach started to ache. I felt nauseous. I wanted to throw up.
"Eveling, I'm going to the bathroom," I ran to the bathroom because I was sure that leftovers were causing me to feel so sick. After multiple attempts to throw up, I finally got it out of my system. I washed my face and walked out to the kitchen counter.
My phone was on speaker. My phone was always on speaker. She knows this. So, why did she say those things about me? I walked into Eveling telling her friends shit about me.
"Y/N? I think the only reason why she rushed to the bathroom so quickly was because of her eating disorder!" she was giggling. Laughing even. My heart sank to the core of the Earth. Tears were being held back. I slowly walked back to the bathroom. I shouted,
"I'm doneee!" My voice was about to crack but from the speaker, I could hear her friend ask, "Are you sure she didn't hear?" and to that she responded with "We would have heard her fatass stomp around." They all laughed. At this point, I was done. Fuck this- you know what.
"You know what we can all hear? YOUR fatass stomping around for food. Get your fee, fai, foo, fum ass the fuck outa here. Y'know damn well, I'll run your shit. So, don't testtt mee." I retorted at her and hung up. I stormed to my room and slammed the door. I was too mad to cry. I fell to the ground and brought my knees to my chest. The few minutes of desired silence were interrupted. Knock. Knock. Two knocks came from my window. I didn't pay much attention, I thought it was squirrels.
Knock, knock, knock. This time the knocks became more intense and repetitive. I got up, walked up to my window, and opened my curtains. A man with a red helmet, leather jacket, and a suit with a red Batman symbol on it. I flinched and closed the curtains. The man knocked on the window again. He spoke,
"Y/N, don't be so scared." His voice. It sounded like a deeper and huskier version of Jason's.
He's dead. That's not Jason. THAT'S NOT JASON. I tried telling myself this but for some reason no matter how much I tried to restrain, I walked closer and closer to the window. I reopened the curtains.
I took another step and opened the window completely. I allowed this unknown man, who was pretty muscular into my home. He entered my room. The two of us meet eye to eye. He took off his helmet, it released steam, and it had a click to it.
"It's been a while, hasn't it Y/N?" I raised my brows. A man who looked 6'0, with short black fluffy hair and a white streak asked me. He looked like Jason? I thought, but he would never dye his hair with a conry white streak in it.
"I don't know you..." I was lying. I knew who he was but I just needed the confirmation.
"So, you would let a random stranger in your house? What? Is it cause I haven't been there to protect you all these years or is it because you know who I am and you're just playing dumb?" He asked.
It was truly him. He was back and I had so many questions but he's back. My Jason is back and I'll make sure he won't leave me again.
a/n: i was gna post last week but :)...
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invidiia · 1 year
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❐ - yandere!dazai comforting his darling who's afraid of thunderstorms
note ; hey florida weather, what the fuck?? what happened to our sunny summer?? anyway, it's thundering here pretty badly and scaring my dog and i, so let's do this!! short cause my brain went sooo blank, i think i'll do a chuuya version sometime soon thoughh
warning ; soft-ish!yandere!!! implied kidnapped reader 🥹 so sorry to anyone who was hoping for normal hcs about this LOL!! i condone NONE of this irl.
masterlist - rules - previous
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dazai often kept you home while he worked late. it was unusual, actually - he normally came home as soon as possible, even trying to get off work early because he has something else to do.. but he really just wants to see your face.
it was a bad night, really, he was kept inside the agency building while rain poured down roughly on the sidewalks. with just an umbrella, dazai tried to get to his place the fastest he could while you were curled up in a blanket waiting for the loud thunder to subside.
the thunderstorms in yokohama weren't terrible, but this one in particular made you just want to crawl under the tables and not come out until it was over.
so when dazai unlocked the door and opened it, he half expected you to run to him because he knew that the loud, inconvenient noises of the thunder bothered you, which was why he always tried not to make loud noises when he was with you.
he understood, too - he wasn't the biggest fan of thunder, but he didn't mind it. the only other reason he didn't like it was because it scared you. dazai would do something about the weather if he could, he'd do it in a heartbeat - but he couldn't, so he could try to console you instead.
dazai entered his home slowly, closing the door quickly behind him and locking it, just to be safe. he didn't full trust you, after all.
but he was quick to notice how instead of doing anything, you were on the sofa in the corner, curled in a blanket while covering your ears. usually, you'd hear when dazai came home, but this time, you only realized he was there because the door opened next to you.
"my dear, what's wrong? i'm here, the thunder can't hurt you.. what? don't look at me like that. nothing can possibly stain your beauty.. but i can't stand to see you upset, belladonna. i just love you!"
dazai was right, thunder couldn't harm you.. i mean, lightning could, but that wasn't really the issue at hand. the taller man bent down, grabbing your chin and pinching your face with his other hand. he thought you were just so cute when you were scared.
you did try to evade his touch - but lightning struck again, and seconds later, you heard a loud bang. dazai took his hands off your face and reached to hug you, but the thunder had shaken you up, causing you to jerk forward and into his arms. correction.. his chest, since he was taller, and standing up.
"ah, you're hugging me, darling, i thought this day would never come-!" dazai laughed, wrapping his arms around your frame and holding you closer, even while you tried to pull back after realizing that you were hugging him.
you wanted to yell at him to shut up - but another lightning bolt had struck, creating another loud noise. maybe it was nice, being held like this. it caused you to just hug him tighter. dazai just laughed at you, kissing the top of your head before sitting down next to you, pulling you down a bit so you could lay in his lap. he hadn't bothered taking his coat off, but it wasn't an issue.
he didn't do anything else.. he just sat there. his touch wasn't awful. maybe it wasn't that bad.
you and dazai sat there in silence. he would have commented on how you didn't do anything to get out of his hold, but he didn't want to spoil the moment. he didn't, and neither did you. it was somewhat comforting.
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a/n: my mind went sooo blank after this, please forgive mee
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AOT girls (+hange) react to you coming home late
aot girls x reader // mikasa, annie, pieck, hange, hitch.
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ mikasa
- she’d be so worried oml. Mikasa would have such a parent reaction too lol. She’d basically be having an anxiety attack just waiting for you to walk through that front door. And the second you do, she’s scolding you about how late it is and how bad you scared her.
- “i thought something bad happened to you, why weren’t you answering my calls!?” she was about to go out looking for you. Awwww don’t scare her like that again! 😭
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ annie
- “where the hell has your ass been!?” uh oh Annie’s mad. Only cause she was scared for you. She knows how dangerous it is out alone, and especially at this time of night!! “God are you crazy y/n! Do you know what could’ve happened to you!?”
- she’d be mad you didn’t tell her how long you were going to be and stays grumpy the rest of the night. Oops sorry Annie! But awww you were worried for mee
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ pieck
- she’d kind of have the same reaction of mikasa. She’d wait for you, lights on and all at 3am, barley aware just to make sure you come home safe. And when you do she hugs you and tells you how concerned she was for you.
- when you told her your phone just died, a big sigh of relief would come over her. After that, she’d always remind you to pack your charger so stuff like this doesn’t happen again lol.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ hange
- “gosh it’s late, I was wondering when you were going to get home,” she’d shout from her office. They’d stay up doing work, but wouldn’t go to sleep until you were home. Of course they were a big worried, but Hange knows that you’re strong and you can handle yourself. Oh and trust me if she even felt like for a second something bad happened to you she’d have a search party out looking for you in a matter of minutes.
- peck you on the cheek and tell you she loves you. Theyd also sigh and be like “FINALLY I CAN SLEEP”
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ hitch
- “and you say I stay out late!?” Hitch would say. For the past hour she’d already called all your friends, family, their friends, mutuals, basically anyone you’ve ever met in your entire life lol. Hitch has her ways. But she was just worried! You don’t normally stay out that late!
- tells you she’s glad you’re okay. :)
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ sasha
- you walk in to find Commander Erwin and an annoyed captain levi at her side. “Uhmm… whats going on…” Sasha would practically jump on you, glad you’re home. “OH MY GOD Y/N I THOUGHT SOEMTHING BAD HAPPENED SO I TOLD THE COMMANDER AND CAPTAIN TO SEND A SEARCH PARTY AND-“
- “you did what now 😀” you’d say. “I told you I’d be home a bit later Sasha.” You’d hear Levi tsk and mumble a ‘what a waste of time’ and Erwin’s just like “glad you’re safe y/n!”
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something about… mee maw’s burden. and it being of survival. of responsibility. of a sacrifice you made, of your own volition, and told no one about.
the first time we hear it, of course, the titular time, is when mee maw comes clean to moonshine about having crick rot. a burden she has carried for an indeterminable amount of time. one that she’s willing to shoulder, until it kills her, because she has to keep helping the cricks who are sicker. she knows it’s eating her alive, and she couldn’t tell anyone. until moonshine.
i’m skipping a lot here because of a point i’ll get to in a moment but one of the more prolific scenes it’s used under is “how long do half elves live?”. now, obviously, there’s an obsession with that moment for hardshine reasons, but moonshine’s point is about something much deeper. she took on an ability, quietly, that would extend her lifespan beyond the realm of comprehension. she’s doomed to survive that long if something doesn’t kill her first. and she’s willing to do work that takes time, things that will slowly rebuild the world, work that will make it all worth it. but she never wanted this. she was planning to learn a new type of magic to avoid it, the burden of living beyond all your friends, of knowing that there’s one day, sooner than you’d like, where everyone who ever meant anything in your early life is long gone. and she tells mee maw. who gets it, who has to get it, because she’s dealing with the same thing.
when we jump ahead to the far too many (for the part of me that doesn’t like weeping before 8am on a friday) uses for gowan kilde in campaign 3, it’s a little subtler. for the most part, it’s used as he’s talking to calder about his responsibilities as ranger general. the things he owes to the village. the things he owes to his mom. in retrospect, he’s talking himself into justifying his decision to make the deal with alexandrite. his burden lies with the protection of the village. his duty as leader (much like mee maw’s) to stand up and do what needs to be done for their at large survival. and maybe if he can explain some of it to calder, it’s off his plate.
most of the crick songs, and by this i mean the ones about crick people and not as much those from the elemental chaos, have an element of hope to them. some sort of positive you can spin from it. gunslinger’s girl is about reminiscence, the bittersweet aspect of it, and how there were good times once. greener shades has an aspect of looking to the future, one that particularly comes from its use with balnor’s letter, where things are unknown but will be better. hell, even prodigal sister, a deeply devastating death dirge, has that component where you can feel that this person is returning home to the crick. for mee maw’s burden, it tends to be an element of relief.
because a burden shared is one that’s less heavy. that’s the final element of the song, it’s not simply about the devastation of a burden of surviving, of leading, of making a choice no one else could. it’s about the relief you feel when you share it. moonshine and calder are the ones who directly stop the bad thing that their family member is going through. jolene is able to commiserate with moonshine, to reassure her, because she’s doomed to the same sort of life.
to put it through an evil twist, it’s what plays when calder asks ultrus for the deal. because he’s looking out at an impossible fight, where callie is practically alone and sol is seconds from death, a thing his friends are certain to lose. and he can’t lose them, even if they lose. so he asks ultrus for help. and ultrus provides that relief. he takes a lot, too, but the relief is there.
with mee maw’s burden, you’re going to survive. you are perhaps doomed to. that deal you made will crush you under an enormous weight. but maybe, just maybe, the person you talk to about it can supply just enough leverage that you can get free.
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sanctus-ingenium · 5 months
I’d love to hear Finbarr’s story. All I’ve seen are just the little tidbits here and there about what happened between him and Olivier, but I’d love to know his whole deal.
OKAY so the basic gist is that it's a story about the foundation of Inver as a country, but really it's about how Esk (the viper) learned for the first time that humans can die and how that affected it, but really it's a story about how trans men are often their own worst enemies and looove to tear one another to pieces.
Finbarr is forced to be stealth; he has a secret he can never reveal to anyone, otherwise he will be cast out from his clan. Women warriors exist, they're common actually in his culture, but he is an outsider whose father used to be the clan leader's shieldbrother. Finbarr's father Fionnán abandoned the clan to go be with a witch, and they had a daughter. That's all the clan leader, Aodhán, knew before he went and killed that witch. Anyway, with nowhere else to go, Fionnán took young Finbarr back to the clan and passed him off as a boy instead, and not the daughter of the witch. This was partially on Finbarr's suggestion so it wasn't against his will.
And now as an adult in a matchmaker-arranged marriage, he's dying with the stress of it all. His dad passed away and now nobody alive knows that he is a transexual. Yay. Finbarr as a person seems... nice? He's fine? He's mid? But that's all he is to other people. He's the type of person who hangs out with the group and you think you know him but afterwards, in hindsight, you realise he has never given a single piece of information about himself. In reality he's a chronic people pleaser and rather cold, he is completely self-absorbed in his own suffering, in himself, and it warps into a sense of superiority, look how good I am at suffering, if you can't suffer as gracefully as me then you're weak. He controls himself so strictly that in a culture that celebrates battle rages and berserker modes, he never loses himself, remaining precise and deadly at all times. Finbarr is the guy who purges every hint of femininity and hates it in others because he hates himself.
Olivier belongs to the Tanet sect which has a very different culture. They are lycanthropes, but public knowledge is that lycanthropy is a male condition - mainly because the women are cloistered and are not allowed to meet with outsiders. It is a very repressive and misogynist culture. Olivier's younger brother Corentin is next in line to take over the Tanets. Instead, Olivier does his most famous stunt of challenging his father, eating his heart in front of everyone, and then claiming that this makes him inherit his father's lycanthropic spirit, which makes him a man, and because nobody can contradict him without revealing the existence of female werewolves the Tanets (and Corentin) just have to accept this. Word goes out to everyone living in the region - Olivier Tanet is now King Tanet.
This is a major problem for Finbarr because only the Tanets and other werewolf sects are obligated to formally respect this decision. Finbarr's first encounter with the concept of Olivier is anger, annoyance, how dare you make things more difficult for me. Now everybody's gossiping about ugly women with beards and laughing in disgust at the idea of any woman marrying Olivier. He attracts a monstrous amount of widespread ridicule at first, and he knew this would be the case. So Olivier quickly makes himself into someone you never want to be on the bad side of.
He is very intelligent and manipulative and adept at using shock tactics to brow-beat his opponents; making himself out to be completely bloodthirsty and warlike, someone who'll kill you if you disrespect him. But this sets him on a difficult path of making connections with the other kings, promising favours in return for alliance. He tries to be smart about it and he is, he's smarter than most, and he manages to stay ahead of consequences for a long time. So by the time he and Finbarr meet, when they're in their early 20s, Olivier has clawed himself into a fearfully respected position in this political landscape.
Olivier beats the shit out of Finbarr's shieldbrother Conn at a gladiatorial match, and Conn is a whiny baby about it to the point where Aodhán, his dad, goes "stop whining, I'm fostering you with the Tanets right now so that you can learn how to behave". Bearing in mind that the Tanets were always at war on their southern border with Aquitan, so had more experience with direct combat. Finbar had to go along too, being attached to Conn at the hip as his shieldbrother. Olivier, in turn, gets lessons in the Hibernian language from them, because Tanet women are not taught that language and he needed to learn Hibernian. In these lessons FInbarr found that they hit it off pretty well and Olivier was a lot less violent and bloodthirsty in person, behind closed doors, and instead tended to be excitable, passionate, and generous. Olivier found that Finbarr, when given the freedom to actually talk, is quiet and thoughtful and proud. Anyway they sort of fell in love and Finbarr told his secret to Olivier.
So these two guys are like the only two people in the world clinging to the same life raft, and each envies the other to such an extent that it makes them sick. Finbarr thinks Olivier's life is so much better; no secrets, just freedom and respect. Olivier feels the same about Finbarr. Having nobody to talk to about these things but each other, they become codependent and privately resentful of one another, while also being basically obsessed with eachother. Olivier is typically manipulative; he sees Conn and Finbarr's other friends as a threat and starts trying to isolate him, aware that he could out Finbarr at any moment to destroy his life and cement himself as the only person Finbarr could go to for shelter. It's not strictly successful but it is enough to keep Finbarr coming back, whenever he can, even though they live largely separate lives most of the time on different sides of the country.
Finbarr can never defend Olivier in public, however, without feeling like he may be implicated. He publicly condemns Olivier all the time while showing affection behind closed doors - he's a bit of a snake (ha ha) about their relationship.
Important to note about Olivier is that he pulled the ladder up after him - his position as No Really I'm A King is SO tenuous and fragile and exists in a state of hyper-scrutiny, and improving the lives of the Tanet women would immediately reveal his lie to the public. So he can't. He keeps them cloistered, he tells them that he was a unique case and nobody could ever do what he did.
Fastforward like 20 years and oops Olivier gets caught in his own web. King D'Ouilly, leader of another werewolf sect, has announced his plans to annex the territory of one of a former ally, King Cervoy. This is huge news at the big gathering in Invergorken one year, and D'Ouilly is basically laughed out of the room. The other kings are like lmao you don't have the support to even try this. But Finbarr, who is in attendance, knows that Olivier owes D'Ouilly a favour. He begs Olivier to stay out of it - Cervoy's daughter is Finbarr's wife. Olivier swears an oath to Finbarr that he won't back D'Ouilly's bid for power.
Olivier then turns around and backs D'Ouilly's bid for power - he has no other choice. He has to. And so the civil war begins with a surprise attack from Tanet werewolves on the Cervoy keep, where Finbarr is currently posted with Conn. Finbarr races to the keep and finds Olivier in the midst of trying to kill his wife and manages to stop him. Finbarr then swears an oath of vengeance, as you do, and promises Olivier that the next time they meet, Finbarr will kill him.
Any act of aggression Olivier makes is seen as disproportionate and unjustified, but if anybody attacks him it's fine to attack the nasty pretender king; Olivier is backed into a corner with no other option than to do something he deep down doesn't want to do - join D'Ouilly as an ally alongside Carhaix and start taking Inver for the werewolves, while still, in some way, struggling to impress Finbarr and catch his attention.
The civil war is pretty nasty, lasts a long time, and consists of a whole lot of Olivier and Finbarr (in their late 40-early 50s at this point) singling out one another on the battlefield and fighting. Finbarr meets and gets the aid of Esk and makes his bow (that's a majorly important plot thread but also um spoilers so we'll gloss over that), specifically a bow that harms werewolves, and things just sort of devolve from there. Both Finbarr and Olivier burn through any other friendships and relationships they might have had so that even now, with two broken oaths hanging over their heads, they have nobody at all but each other. They care about nothing else but each other and, maybe, there is a way out - maybe they can just abandon this terrible war and society. Maybe they can leave together. It does end in tragedy, but that would have been obvious even to them.
Basically I wanted a story about evil old man yaoi but also a story that explores how toxic bonds form between trans men who are otherwise isolated. When there's only two crabs in a very big bucket, it can be indistinguishable from the sea.
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xandytheghostface · 15 days
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my headcanon about habit n evan, hear out mee
he is pansexual fr, where there is a hole, he has a goal (in my native language it is "those who ignore holes are city hall", I don't know if you understand)
he is definitely Damian from SP
he has already tried to pierce his ears and so incredible as it may seem: IT DIDN'T WORK
his love language is physical touch and quality time
he loves horror films and spends nights just judging the special effects of films/series
he often uses Kyle's swearing vocabulary in SP for obvious reasons , and his jokes are like Cartman, lmao
he hates waking up early, even though he doesn't even sleep, when Evan's body passes out, he has to sleep for two days (?) and he usually wakes up in the morning, he hates the mornings
he likes old bands, beatles and Freddie Mercury
he plays FNAF, his favorite animatronic is Bonnie
he has no way with children and always scares anyone who makes too much noise.
he judges those who like alex g/mitski, because evan listens to it all the time and the habit just gets fed up LIKE "BRO, DON'T YOU HAVE OTHER SONGS TO LISTEN TO?"
he watches hello kitty & my little pony
he LOVES scaring others and playing pranks
he is a discord user (this is a joke
he has pointy canine fangs
he thinks it's stupid but his favorite flowers are purple hydrangeas
his latest taste is phonks
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different from habit, evan is a morning person
(if habit is not in possession) evan is always awake for five to seven hours in the morning
he is a light sleeper, but due to lack of rest and insomnia, he began to sleep extremely heavily
his muscle memory is to protect Jeff, despite Habit being much stronger than his will.
he is so lana del rey, billie eilish n melanie martinez coded
he is afraid of insects, especially cockroaches
In elementary school, he was the kind of nerd who was too studious but also the one who kept interrupting classes because he talked too much to his friends
your favorite season is autumn
he is aromantic, doesn't care about gender, what matters for him is the reciprocity of love in a relationship and daily communication
he has daddy issues and isn't that fond of alcohol.
he loves sharks
he has red hairs on the back of his neck
his favorite animal is cats, regardless of color/race
he may be agnostic or catholic
he is afraid of thunder
his preference for white chocolate is clear
he loves Annabelle films
he has practiced volleyball
he started school early due to his parents' strictness and reads TOO quickly
bro has astigmatism but didn't take it seriously and doesn't like glasses
in his childhood he had asthma
he tries as much as he can to stay physically healthy
It's 4:24 am and I'm insomnia, someone help me, my arms totally hurt 😭💔
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one-idea · 3 months
I love your wado ichimoji pov posts! Your only in whisky peak and show devotion well in an inanimate object well "my dumass son" (affectionately) *less than 2 weeks after starting to travel with others, the captain still believes after them losing badly*: I have 2 to protect now my son and a little king. What I'm really looking forward to 1. resignation at some point is that Sandai Kitetsu is going to continue to be here 2. the treasure trove of Timeskip on Mihawk's creepy would produce 3. sibling time with enma (Christ they have been made by the same person but wados going to be the only voice of reason between the 3).
Thank you so much!!! Sorry this took me a hot minute to respond to.
I really love that au and I want to work on it more.
As I am only in Thriller Bark I can’t speak in earnest about all of your ideas (yet) but I can hit one.
1. Wado excepting that Sandai Kitsune is here to stay.
They come to a begrudging understanding at the end of Whiskey Peak. Wado still doesn’t like Sandai and hopes Zoro gets ride of it, but at least Sandai has respect for the captain now.
It’s Alabaster where Zoro learns to cut steal when the two finally start to have a smidgen of respect for each other. After all Zoro uses all three blades to cut steal, if Sandai was truly a weak blade she would have broken by now.
Through Jaya and Skypia all three blades are focused on protecting Captain and crew. Gaining respect for some of the other crewmates (namely Robin) though throughout it all Wado is still waiting for Zoro to find a better sword.
It isn’t until Water 7 and Enies Lobby. When all three blades are in unity fighting to save one of their own. Because their King and Master wants the Archaeologist back. Because the King has lead them to an incredible fight, a test of their Skills. Because their King keeps asking them to do the impossible with total confidence that they can, they won’t let him down. (The sea train is going to be fun)
It isn’t until Yabashiri is destroyed that Wado realizes she wasn’t ready to lose either companion.
It’s been so long since she had traveled with companions who had voices. These were the first blades Zoro had, besides her, that had distinguishable voices. To hear one of those go out rattles both Wado and Sandai.
The rust man could have grabbed any of them but he grabbed Yabashiri. Her voice was gone. It takes sometime for both Wado and Sandai to come to terms with that.
While Wado is still annoyed with Sandai and her violent tendencies, she’s mellowed under Zoro’s care. Her bloodthirsty now matches his own. And while she does occasionally cry out for blood, it’s normally because of a threat to King or crew. She no longer calls for the blood of just anyone, only outside threats. Problem is those threats haven’t always attacked them yet. (Sandai’s more of a if we kill it before it can attack it can’t hurt them, sort of protector)
Wado and her still butt heads, but Sandai made it this far as a Grade blade, she’s not going anywhere soon.
Once in Thriller Bark, once they gain Shushi, another one of the 21 Great grade blades, a fully realized black blade, and Wado’s sibling to boot. Things get shaken up again.
Where Wado is motherly and protective of her dumb son’s dreams and loved ones. Aligned with Zoro in dream and crew, knowing him the longest and living up his values.
And Kitsune is Zoro’s bloodthirstiness. His violence but also protective fury. Zoro changed her from pure bloodshed to reflect his own violence. She reflects his more aggressive side.
Yabashiri was quite. One to follow Wado’s lead but still had its own personality. In that offered caution. She reflects Zoro’s observation. The ability to tell what is and isn’t a threat and when to act.
Shushi is different. Shushi already had a master take it to the full extent of its power. He is stronger and more durable. Increasing Zoro’s strength and forcing the others to rise to his level. Zoro cannot take this blade farther, rather he must rise to meet its strength and durability. Harding himself and his other blades to become the strong unbreakable protector of the crew.
Wado and Sandai are not (yet) black blades they can still grow and rise with Zoro’s power. Shushi is both a greatly needed boost and a challenge to rise to. He often thinks back on his prior master and compares Zoro to him. (He is quite pleased to be wielded by a descendent of his beloved Shimotsuki Ryuma)
Once I get to Zoro training with Mihawk I’ll talk more about them. But it’s going to be really fun to write all three swords interacting with Yoru. But it’s also going to be hard on Wado. Up until then Zoro favored her as his one sword style blade. But after his time with Mihawk it switches to Shushi. A stronger more durable blade. While the switch makes sense, I’m sure it was a hard transition for both Wado and Zoro. And I’m excited to write on it.
I am so excited to get to Wado and get Enma. It’s a needed change for Zoro to push forward. While Enma has great power on its own, it’s not yet a permanent black blade. There is still room to grow and strengthen along side Zoro. Shushi couldn’t grown anymore. Zoro had mastered it, he rose to the challenge and surpassed it. Now he needs to bring his own blades to the top.
(I really hope one of his blades becomes permanently black by the end of the show. I want it to be Wado)
Right now I’m in Thriller Bark, but the platform im watching on only has the show up to Marineford/ASL adventures so once I get through all of that, I will either rewatch all pre-time skip and start writing my Wado Ichimoji POV au and Reverse Strawhats while I wait for the platform to put up more episodes or I’ll crack and get a new subscription to watch post time skip. Only time will tell.
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fewtrell · 4 months
inspired by eve @bright-and-burning <3 im pretty sure i did this one years ago but lets just forget that
drop an audio of:
Your name and username.
Where you’re from.
Pronounce the following words: aunt, roof, route, theater, iron, salmon, caramel, fire, water, New Orleans, Pecan, both, again, probably, Alabama, lawyer, coupon, mayonnaise, pajamas, caught, naturally, aluminum, GIF, Tumblr, Crackerjack, doorknob, envelope.
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
Choose a book and read a passage from it.
Do you think you have an accent?
Would you rather be a wizard or a vampire?
Do you know anyone on Tumblr in real life?
Name your favorite driver and your favorite team :)
End audio post by saying any THREE words you want.
i hate hearing my own voice but LOVE listening to other peoples so whoever wants to do it please do & tag mee!!!! im gonna tag @carlando @boyyeahright @vroombeams @geooooooorge @leclerrari @gxtzeizm @santicazorla @formulapisces u can do this if u wanna no pressure tho :]
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llettucestuff · 8 months
i love the finale of season 3 rb ITS SO GOOD and it hurts my heart but it’s so sweet and RAHH I WILL NEVER GET OVER ITTT
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Like Heatwave gently but firmly telling Chief “With all due respect, sir, it’s not your call to make” AND THEN THEY GO AND BASICALLY SACRIFICE THEMSELVES knowing FULL WELL that they might never recover from this AUGH
Heatwave carries so much respect for Chief Burns and we see that respect form and grow and it all leads up to this point where Heatwave is essentially like “we all care about this family so much, we’d do anything for you guys” and then THEY DO and then we see how upset Cody is and how upset KADE is ohhh don’t get me STARTEDD because I will never stop
It’s the culmination of all the soft moments, all of the rescues and hardships the entire Burns family (including the bots you cowards they ARE family, it’s not “the Burns and the bots” it’s just the Burns at this point so when I say Burns I mean THE HUMAN BURNS AND THE BOTS CAN ANYONE HEAR MEE) has led up to his moment of loyalty and respect and straight up love and it’s so plain for anyone to see it.
And that’s why Frankie putting the unedited video into the time capsule is so important, not just for the future residents of Griffin Rock to see the kind of good people the Burns are, but for the whole world to see the character of the family. It’s also a declaration that these guys, the Bots, are important to us and our family lineage. We have loved them and they have loved us since day one, that’s why we think it’s important to have that notion in the future as well, yk what I mean?
The Burns and the Greenes family are SO IMPORTANT TO ME and the Bots are just as much family as any other human in that fold, and they were prepared and entirely willing to sacrifice themselves for that family, no matter the protest
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tomholland1996simp · 1 year
I loved your blurb! I don’t know if you do or have done a Tom Holland x daughter reader.
However, if you can could you make a blurb?
Summary: The toddler is clingy to her dad, Tom. And she cries whenever he’s not next to her and she just wants to be attached to his hip.
Clingy || Tom x daughter reader
Never done a fic with the reader being Toms daughter so let me know you all like it and if you want more
Y/N and Tom were cuddling on the sofa, the little girls chest moving up and down lowly as small snores escaped her lips. They were watching the film Lion King, it being her favourite to watch. Tom had been noticing y/n’s behaviour recently, she had always wanted to be holding onto her dad.
Whether he would just go out to the shops or be in the shower for a little while, she would seem to be so clingy she’d cry. His daughter hadn’t always been clingy to him, she’d love spending time with her other family members, but recently it’s been different. He didn’t really mind it though, he fount it quiet cute of her.
There was a knock on the front door, Tom slowly getting up trying not to wake the sleeping toddler. He invited his brothers and friends over, him not long ago coming back from filming for a couple of months. Y/n visited him with his mum, Nikki, a few times, she couldn’t stay with her father sadly. Even when she did visit him he was always too busy.
“Yo it’s been a long time” Tuwaine and Harrison gave him a bro hug each, missing there best friend. Next his three brothers Harry, Paddy and Sam walked in, greeting him and then looking for the little holland girl.
“Where’s y/n?” Paddy asked.
“Sleeping on the sofa, hey listen I need to quickly go get us some drinks and i’ll be back. Just watch her for me” The boys nodded there heads. “Thank you” Tom grabbed his keys from the counter, putting his jacket on.
“I’ll come with you” Paddy said, walking out the door with Tom. The other boys decided to sit in the living room, trying not to be too loud to wake the girl up. After ten minutes, she began to stir awake. Y/n’s hand went to touch behind her where he once was cuddling her. When she didn’t feel anyone she began to panic, she sat up rubbing her tired eyes.
“Daddy?” She called, and then just saw the boys in the front room but no sign of her father. “Daddy?!” Her lip began to tremble, standing up off the sofa to find Tom.
Harrison looked over to the little girl seeing her calling for his best friend. “He’s just gone to the shop, he’ll be right back” He assured her sad state.
“No, no. Daddy!” She ran away from the boys, looking through the rooms to find him. When she saw no sign of him she began to sob, she walked slowly back into the living room, blanket in on hand and her stuffed animal in the other.
“Hey, hey. Sweetheart don’t cry, he’ll be back in a few” Sam picked her up, holding her on his hip trying to calm her down, she never stopped crying.
“Y/N just breathe, Daddy will be back, want me to call him?” Tuwaine suggests as she nods still sobbing. Tom doesn’t pick up the phone, making the girl cry even more and her chest rising more quickly than usual.
“Fucking Twat” Harrison mumbled about Tom the girl hearing him.
“Daddy lwft mee” she wiggled out of Sams hold, running back onto her space on the sofa. Tessa jumped up onto it with her cuddling her side, y/n hiding her face in Tessa’s body. The boys tried to reassure her he will be back but she would scream or cry at them.
Finally the door opened moments after, Paddy and Tom walking through the house with bottles of beers, drinks and some snacks for everyone. They heard the screaming and crying when they came in, trying to quickly place the bags down on the counter. Y/N peaked her head up from the dogs body, seeing Tom taking his jacket off as quick as possible. She ran off the sofa, crying along the way to him.
“D-Daddy” She cried, Tom crouched down with a worried expression thinking something happened to her when he was gone. She sobbed into his arms whilst Paddy asked what happened to the others.
“Hey, baby. Hey, hey. What happened?” He asked, he hated when she cried. “Y/n?”
“I-I….I woke up-y-y” She hicupped.
“Take your time, shhh. Let’s go sit on the sofa.” He told her, picking the toddler up and placing her on his lap on the sofa.
“I t-thought you lwft me again” She sniffled into his chest, the man’s heart breaking. He didn’t know that her clinginess was due to him being away for filming.
“I would never leave you, I never have. Is this about daddy going to work?” He pulled her head from his chest so he could see her face. Y/N nodded her head. “I had to work, baby. I know you missed me but don’t you ever think i’ll leave you, I love you too much” He smiled softly, wiping her tear stained cheeks.
Y/N smiled a little, “ I love you too” she kissed his cheek, playing with a few strands of his hair.
“I brought some snacks, I got some strawberries, want some?” He asked as the girl squealed knowing she loved strawberries. “Yes, pwease” she smiled, Tom stood up placing her onto the sofa as he went to get the snacks and the beers for the guys.
“Thank you” She nodded when he gave her a bowl of fresh cut strawberries, Tom sat back down beer in one hand as the other wrapped around his daughter. Y/N cuddled into his side, wanting to be close to him at all times.
After a few minute of silence Y/n spoke again, “Daddy?” She questioned he hummed in response looking down at her, everyone’s attention back onto her.
“What’s a ‘Fwcking Twat’?” She asked, Tom nearly choking on his beer. Harrison eyes went wide for a second, knowing he called Tom this earlier, not thinking the girl heard.
“Y/n, you can’t say that, it’s bad words” He said the girl apologising straight away knowing she cannot say bad words. “Who did you hear say that?” He knew she wouldn’t just come up with the two words.
“Uncle Haz called you it” She bit into another strawberry.
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