changingplumbob · 3 months
Deanna York (She/Her)
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My Sims and their Spectrums
Romantic Orientation: Alloromantic, Lesbian Sexual Orientation: Allosexual, Lesbian Gender Identity: Cis Female
Growing up with two older siblings who weren't cookie cutter straight let Deanna know that the world is filled by many different types of people. The York family is a close knit one (that could also be a pun because Calista, Devin and Joey knit... we're going to pretend I did that deliberately) so Deanna has always felt open talking to her siblings about her crushes, all of which have been exclusively women.
Her best friend Reece is gay and she's glad she'll be able to keep his friendship through life's ups and downs without anyone thinking they should be romantic. Her first girlfriend led to many firsts for Deanna, most recently her first heartbreak. With time she's come to think she wasn't in the relationship for the right reasons.
She is feeling like dipping back into the world of dating though. Her friend Tamika thinks they should go speed dating. While Deanna identifies as a lesbian she does think she could be attracted to non-binary people as well if the right one came along.
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Once Upon a December - The Invitation - Walter x Reader - P10
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this took too long to write so i hardly beta read it-so any mistakes? they don't exist. kapeesh? 
warning; murder, blood, drinking of blood, derealization, manipulation 
Why does my heart cry? Feelings I can't fight You're free to leave me, but just don't deceive me And please, believe me when I say I love you
The day she disappeared, the day I lost my grip on her hand; I had never recovered from it, I couldn’t feel my body as that cart full of servants raced away from my beloved. That sickening crack that sounded from her head echoed in my mind through the centuries, never truly leaving me.
I never slept nowadays, I didn’t need it, but when I did; I only had nightmares of her screams, the possibilities of what the townsfolk did to her, her voice calling my name; pleading for me to save her. Her wedding ring hung from a necklace that was always around my neck, only to be seen by my eyes. It had held tight in my hand when I lost my grip on hers, the silver band decorated with flowers and vines just as beautiful as the day I picked it up from my elder sister.
I wish she was still around; she had always been my guiding star other than (y/n); she had been my rock in the years after (y/n)’s disappearance. She nor Calista had any children, so the Deville line had fallen to just me in the late 1100s, but it only just made me remember how (y/n) and I wanted kids.
Over the last 900 years, many times I had debated on…ending it all, life had become so dark and bleak without her, the spot on her side of the bed forever cold, my hand aching to hold hers, my lips just wanting to press against hers once more. Even if it meant death.
But each time I tried, I backed out at the last moment, knowing she would not want me to waste the life she had so lovingly gifted me. My brides over the years never knew about my wife- Viktoria, Irene, and Serena; the first three brides were the only three to ever know about the legend; they didn’t know more than that.
And now Viktoria - who was the only one to last, the only one to have some semblance of knowledge of (y/n); was all too suspicious when…when she came back.
I could feel my heart beat back to life, going so fast I could hear it in my ears, my blood pumping through my veins as her eyes looked into mine for the first time in 900 years, just as beautiful, just as I remembered. Her hair was a bit different I admit, and her fashion choice was different, but it was the 21st century, not the 12th; of course, she would look different.
When I took her hand after Evie noticed the cut on her finger, it felt like lightning went down my spine, something igniting in my chest. I knew then it was truly (y/n), my darling, my love, my wife. She had truly returned to me, but alas; she had lost her memories. Probably from that-stupid rock that had cracked her head open, she apparently still had a scar from the incident.
I had to wonder -after I left her to her room that I made sure be built, on the tiniest hope that still sat within my heart that she would return-where had she been? Where had the townsfolk taken her? Did they bind her and bury her as the book had been?
Had she been that damn close all this time?
Had I given up right when I was about to find her?
I felt like a damn coward, and a fool; I checked the wych elm when I left her to her room, covering my eyes as I pulled up the chains and white ribbon that had bound her for so many years, my jaw clenching. She had been right.there. The whole time, 890 years of suffering, which I could’ve removed if I had just been brave enough to check. I knew she hadn’t died; my life was tied to hers; for her death meant mine.
Some thought that a stake, or beheading, or fire could kill me, but nay; that would do for my brides. But not me, only the death of my beloved, my anchor could kill me, and even then I would become human first.
I must’ve sat next to her ‘grave’ for hours, the chains and ribbon that had bound her arms and legs laying gently in my hands, my tears hitting the dirt-ridden metal and fabric. I suppose I should be grateful that she had no memory, she didn’t remember the trauma of-this-she didn’t know the monster I had become.
She still had the necklace, the heart of her spell, our bond in crystallized form. Upon seeing it, I nearly broke down in front of her, the urge to just-hold her-so intense I had to physically hold myself back; I nearly broke the kitchen counter.
Gods I love her, I fucking love her so much, my heart aches even now, sitting in my study; writing one last letter to her as Harrison Deville. The last one I had written was just a few hours before the blood-pact between me and the three families. That was 500 years ago. With that letter, I dug out the silver pocket watch/music box I had commissioned for (y/n) in the late 1700s, it had my lullaby to her, one I had made up on the fly to comfort her when I went away during our teen years.
Honestly, I had mostly made it for myself, as a-simple reminder of who I used to be, and who she loved. Now I could give it to her properly, and maybe…just maybe-she would still love me as she had 900 years ago. But I would have to wait until she remembered, until she found the letters.
And so I did, for the next four days, I waited; watching as memories returned to her little by little, by the smallest things. A gesture there, a laugh there, a smile there, a painting, a book, a word, a sentence; the tiniest things having the biggest impact. I could see the love returning to her eyes, the flush on her cheeks as she took her favorite flower from my hand, or that book I had come to love because it reminded me so much of our beginning. Princess bride; a farm boy and a beautiful woman. It was probably the only movie I had ever seen in my lifetime; I despised technology, but-it was the only movie I had decided to keep, the only one I would ever watch.
It was almost funny…as you wish…the same line I spoke to her when she told me to come back safe, or to simply hold her hand. “as you wish” I would say, and it had the same meaning as in the book and movie. “I love you” I had said it before I had even come to terms with my feelings, a boy of only 12 years old; still growing and learning how to deal with his emotions. And yet, love, had been the easiest of all for me; because-what is not easier in the world, than to love (y/n) Godkin, the young lady of Carfax Castle?
I still couldn’t believe she had picked me, me! The farm boy of the dirt-poor Deville family, we had nothing to our name, nothing but the oldest blacksmith daughter, a scrawny middle-child boy, and the youngest; a sea-faring girl. And yet (y/n) looked at us, and found it in her heart, to scoop into her everlasting reservoir of kindness; and give it to us, and found it in her to love me. The boy who couldn’t give her more than his heart.
And yet-she decided that was just fine, that she wanted nothing more than that. It made me wonder; would she still love me today? If she remembered everything, and then see everything I had done during her absence; feeding on the innocent and those of the lower class, something she made sure we never did.
Back then, I didn’t even need to, only a few drops from her would feed me for a year, but when she disappeared; I had to resort to feeding off anyone else, and I could bleed someone dry before even feeling the slightest bit satiated.
I’m rambling again…I haven’t done that in years…I guess she brings that out in me.
Harrison smiled at the thought, running his hands through his hair as he sat back against his chair, his formal-Victorian style inspired jacket resting across his desk. The rehearsal dinner was less than two hours away, and he was still debating about whether or not to go through with it all.
He knew if you hadn’t arrived with Evie, he would have no hesitation, no doubt; which…just made him feel worse. Were you really all he had to his morality? His humanity? Would he really have cursed Evie to live a life eternal, feeding off the innocent? Of those who had lived nearly the same life as her?
He would’ve.
And...he hated that.
Because he knew you would hate him for it.
Harrison sighed, running his hands through his hair again then rubbing his face, staring off at nothing as his leg began to bounce. He really didn’t know what to do, he knew he shouldn’t go through with the wedding, or even the rehearsal dinner where everything would be revealed to Evie in a…not very nice way.
He wished he could talk with you, your mind was calm when his was a whirling storm, and the same was true for the reverse. You were each other's rock, calm when the other was out of control.
You had stopped him before, when he had lost control of the very form you had gifted him; you hadn’t even needed to use your magic. Just your words and hands alone had calmed him to return to his human form. His eye twitched remembering that day, it was a form he hardly took, and he had only used it to protect you; someone had come to take you-for your magic-and he had taken a form that granted him the name; ‘son of the dragon’.
Suddenly-it felt like his heart-no-his soul-was put into chains, and he suddenly felt empty; just as he had 10 years ago, just as he had for the last 900 years. But before he could connect the dots, he was thrown out of his thoughts when someone knocked on his bedroom door and he sighed, knowing it was Lucy. “Enter” Walter muttered, knowing she could hear him even if he only whispered the word. Lucy stepped in a moment later, her hair already done for the rehearsal dinner later that night.
“Hi,” she muttered, holding a crumpled piece of paper in her hands. He furrowed his brows, noticing how Lucy was shaking, was it fear? She hadn’t been scared of him since she was human, she had some fears about him but once she was wed to him, she had lost her true terror for him. no-this wasn’t fear of him, this was fear of how he’d react to something. He had seen it when she would report how Viktoria would talk behind his back, or when Viktoria would step beyond a boundary he had set.
“What's wrong?” Walter asked, holding out his hand as she walked toward him, taking it with her free one “What’s that?” he nodded to the crumbled paper.
Lucy just swallowed, looking unsure if she wanted to give him the paper; but she did-placing the crumbled paper in his hands. He carefully unfolded it, recognizing his wax seal on one of the edges “This is,” he whispered, recognizing it as the letter he had written you a few days ago, and left at the castle with all the rest.
He re-read what he had written quickly, flipping it over to see your writing-it was different than it had been back then-but you had lost your memories, he couldn’t expect you to have the exact same handwriting.
He felt his heart break as he read your words.
‘I remember, you’ve become a monster-how you could hope I would love you again-I will never know.
And that was it, that was all you wrote, and that empty feeling he had suddenly been thrust into, turned to sadness, his nose burning as tears trailed down his cheeks “oh, oh please don’t cry” Lucy whimpered, resting her hands on Walter’s shoulders. He didn’t sob, didn’t choke on his breath, just-tears of disbelief and a heart-gripping feeling of cold showered over him.
“There-there was this too” Lucy whispered, setting the silver pocket watch in his hands, and Walter closed his eyes, turning away from the item; letting it drop to the floor with the letter-not noticing the still drying white paint just next to the words from “you”.
He sat there for a few minutes, tears soaking into his pants as they dripped off his chin, Lucy’s hand’s on his shoulders as he cried silently. Then he took a deep long breath, his eyes blank as he stood and grabbed his coat, sliding it on and stepping away from his desk. “Come,” he muttered, holding out his hand to Lucy “we have a rehearsal dinner to get ready for”
Lucy swallowed harshly, glancing back at the letter and pocket watch, then grabbed Walter’s hand, following him out of the room. “How did the spa day go?” Walter asked, his voice practically empty, only curious about how Evie did during the day.
Lucy closed her eyes for a moment, this was wrong-Viktoria had been wrong-she shouldn't have followed her orders.
Why couldn’t have she just let Walter be happy?
“fine, Viktoria freaked her out a bit though” Lucy whispered, pushing down that feeling of dread as Walter just hummed, pushing open the doors to the dining room, nodding as he walked through; not noticing as two of the butlers looked very nervous, their brows furrowing at the empty look on Walter’s face and eyes.
“Will she be coming to the rehearsal?” Walter asked, turning towards Lucy as she nodded slowly “yes, I uh-checked up on her after Viktoria went to get ready, she was trying to leave but um-I somehow convinced her to stay?” Lucy muttered, fiddling with her fingers as Walter nodded, glancing away from the extra seat that was set just on the other side of Evie. “remove that one” he muttered, pointing at the chair meant for you.
One of the butlers nodded and took the chair, leaving only the one next to the head of the table.
Walter stared at the empty space until the servants moved the chairs accordingly and he turned to Lucy, nodding a bit “thank you, you can return to your room” Lucy slowly nodded, backing away until she was out of sight, then let out a shuddering breath.
Oh, what had she done? What had Viktoria done?
Evie hummed to herself as she got ready, she really didn’t know how Lucy was able to convince her to stay; but-unlike Viktoria, Lucy was genuinely nice and…well-Genuine. Besides, it was only one more day, what’s the worst that could happen?
Evie texted grace that she would be offline for a bit and smiled when she got a thumbs up, switching over to your text chat and typing up a message ‘hey, dinner’s in like 15, you ready?’
She set the phone down, pinning up the last of her hair; and when she was done, she realized she never got a response. In fact-she hadn’t for the last day; Walter had told her that you had gotten hurt by something getting into your room, but you would be okay by dinner.
But why hadn’t you responded to any of her texts? She picked up her phone again, quickly messaging you “hey, you okay?”
“hey, answer me or I will break your door down.”
“don’t make me get Walter.”
Evie huffed, no response to anything, so she set her phone on the charger and marched her way to your room, knocking on it several times as she called your name “(y/n)! you in there!? Dinner’s starting soon!”
Nothing, not even the rustle of clothes. Evie huffed, grabbing at the handle; expecting it to be locked but stumbling as it pushed open with ease “(y/n)?” Evie called out again, worry starting to set into her bones. She stepped closer into the room, seeing you nowhere in sight “(y/n)?!” she saw your suitcase still sitting under the bed where you had put it after unpacking, your clothes still in the dresser and closet, and your toiletries still in the bathroom.
“where are you?” Evie muttered, crossing her arms, it was almost as if you just-straight up disappeared from the face of the earth. She knew you wouldn’t leave without her, or without your stuff, so-you had to be around the house or on the grounds somewhere.
Maybe you were hanging out with Walter?
Evie pursed her lips, tapping her heel against the floor; cursing to herself as she saw the time on your wall clock. It was almost time for dinner, and she really didn’t want to be late since she had been late for everything else.
She picked up her dress, stopped by her room to grab her mask, and then made her way to the dining hall. She took a deep breath as she stood in front of the grand doors, hearing everyone sitting inside and a single instrument playing. She knocked on the door, and the double doors opened, revealing her to everyone and everyone to her.
And everyone was staring at her, all wearing masts that ranged from elegant to devilish. Walter was the only one not to be wearing a mask, and (y/n) was nowhere in sight. Evie furrowed her brows, gazing across the chairs, there wasn’t one for (y/n), Evie could see an open spot right next to Walter, which-Evie had to assume was for her.
Evie swallowed harshly, a feeling of dread sinking into her skin as she held her head high, Walter standing with an odd smile, his eyes….blank. why did they look blank? “There she is~” Walter cooed, clapping his hands together as Evie nodded in greeting, lowering her mask and making her way over to Walter, hating the feeling of everyone watching her as Walter gestured to the chair next to him.
“Just there, the festivities are about to begin” he whispered, his eyes flashing with something that sent a shiver down her spine; it felt like she was watching one of your horror movies, but instead she was in it.
“Okay” Evie whispered, taking the seat next to Walter, her eyes flickering about, looking for any sign of you. She hated the feeling that had settled in her chest, dread. “Someone surely does look the part,” Oliver said, making Evie furrow her brows. Part, what part?
Evie then realized how it looked with her sitting on Walter's left and she bit the inside of her cheek, feeling like someone else should be sitting where she was. And that someone was nowhere to be found.
“my dear friends” Walter began to speak, facing the families sitting at the grand dining table “my comrades. I would like to formally welcome the great families to New Carfax” He smiled at everyone, then began to gesture to each end of the table “The Billington’s of Whitby”
Evie frowned as they all end their first two fingers to their mouths in an odd sort of…greeting? Salute? She didn’t know, but-major cult vibes “Klopstock’s, Budapest” that family did the same thing, two fingers to the mouth. “and the Alexander’s; of London” once again, everyone did the same salute/cult thing, everyone but herself, Oliver, and Great-uncle Alfred.
“Let the feast begin!” with that, the guests loosened up and that feeling of dread began to disperse as they all took off their masks and began to eat. Walter turned to her, a small smile on his lips “You look amazing,  Evie” he whispered, and Evie smiled, knowing it was a simple compliment “Thank you” she whispered back.
She turned to the table, looking around for the bride and groom, Cecile and Marvin? If she remembered correctly, but she saw no new faces; and over the last few days, there had not been another Deville other than Walter. “So where are the bride and groom?” she asked, and Walter stared at her for a moment, and it almost looked as if-hesitation-went through his eyes. He glanced away from her, licking his lips as he went to lean forward to grab a knife when Evie caught his shoulder “Also-have you seen (y/n)? I haven’t seen her since this morning, in your study, and she’s not answering her phone.”
Walter’s body felt like it had been dunked into an ice bath, and he glanced back at Evie, furrowing his brows “She-she left?” he muttered, sounding confused. Evie just shook her head, adamant in the knowledge that you wouldn’t leave without at least telling her. “Impossible, all her stuff’s still here, including her phone and passport; besides, she wouldn’t leave without telling me.”
Walter just stared at her, his heartbeat suddenly pounding in his ears. He felt a small tap on his hand and he turned, seeing Viktoria, staring at him. She glanced between him and the families, then at Evie. The message was clear.
Get on with it.
Walter swallowed hard, suddenly feeling as if-everything was wrong.
He turned back to Evie, his eyes telling her ‘play along’, he mouthed it as well, and Evie slowly nodded; watching as Walter tapped the knife on his glass, leaning back in his chair as he took a deep breath after graining everyone's attention “If you’ll all indulge me for one more moment” he said with a smile, though it seemed much more forced than it had been the moment before.
No one seemed to notice that fact.
Walter stood, rubbing his hands together and licking his lips before he spoke. “Our four families have served each other, for generations. But as you all know, someone has been missing from this table” the sentence was-odd-to Evie, that feeling of dread returning while also confusing her. It felt like Walter’s words had a double meaning. And Evie, for a moment, thought it meant (y/n). but when Walter continued, even if he did tell her to ‘play along’, she couldn’t help but get truly scared.
“Someone, vital, to our alliance” Evie looked around, seeing everyone staring at her, Viktoria looking especially peeved yet smug at the same time. Lucy only looked….guilty? as if she was hiding a dark secret, glancing between Viktoria, Evie, and Walter over and over again. “and we’ve all felt the strain of this, imbalance.”
Evie looked back at Walter, swallowing harshly as that feeling of dread in her chest dropped down to her stomach, her palms beginning to sweat as Walter looked about the table, calm as ever. Play the part, play along. What did that mean!? Play along with what!? “But tonight,” Walter continued to speak and it only made everything worse, his voice had taken on an almost-dark-tone, instead of that soft wispiness it had before, especially when you were around. “that once-broken bond will be renewed, refortified”
Walter turned to Evie, staring into her eyes for a strong moment, once again telling her with his eyes ‘play along’ as he smiled down at her, the smile unnerving and making her skin crawl. Evie just swallowed, watching as Walter turned back to the families. “when Eveyln Alexander and I are wed.”
Evie felt like she was dunked into a bath of ice water, her ears starting to ring as the table burst into applause, Oliver congratulating her for something she didn’t even know was going to happen.
What the fuck?! Play the part?! Play along!? With what!? some sick fantasy of his?! Had he strung you along all this time, to make a joke out of his long-dead brother?! How sick was he?! “Walt” Evie whispered, her panic lacing into her voice as she tugged at his sleeve “Walter, what-what are you doing?”
He glanced back down at her, once again telling her with his eyes; ‘play along’. But Evie didn’t want to ‘play along’, this shit was freaking her out! “Refreshments, please!” Walter called, gesturing towards the door, where Mr. Fields and one of the numbered maids came out, the maid holding three glass goblets; setting them on the table next to a large glass bowl.
Evie’s breath caught as Mr. fields took out a knife and slashed the maid's throat, her gasp and gagging sending Evie into a stake of shock and panic, hearing everyone around her laugh as the maid died right before their eyes. She looked at Lucy and Viktoria, eyes widening as Viktoria cackled, her FANGS in full view, along with Lucy’s.
And Viktoria’s hands were clawed, CLAWED!! Evie felt her breathing pick up, looking up at Walter to see him being the only one not laughing, in fact, he almost looked- conflicted. He glanced down at her, and waved his hand gently, his eyes soft and apologetic before they turned cold and empty again; holding out his hand as Mr. Fields tossed the now dead maid away, pouring the collected blood into a glass and carrying it over to Walter.
He took it, licking his lips before speaking, his nails black and sharp like Viktoria’s, fangs just barely peeking out behind his lips. Blood, fangs, and claws; they could only lead to one thing. “vampires” Evie whispered to herself, still stuck in her shock and panic as Walter’s muffled voice echoed in her ringing ears. “For as long as I care to remember; you lovely mortals have provided me with the gift of wives. Three brides. One from each family. And in return, you and your families enjoyed safety and prosperity; for generations. We are at our strongest when there are three.” Walter glanced at the spot next to Evie, where your chair had been removed, and he had to hide a harsh swallow “We thrive when there are three; when Emmaline, my Alexander bride, chose to leave us; our union was compromised”
The words echoed in Evie’s panicked mind, and she felt herself spiral out of control. Was it really all just a trick? To lower her defenses? To use you to gain her trust? And what had he done with you? Were you just-in a ditch somewhere, your throat slit like the maid on the dining room floor?
Her panicked mind wouldn’t allow her to register or remember how truly confused Walter had been when Evie told him; you couldn’t have left. Her unfocused vision floated about the room, looking at everyone as they easily continued to eat; as if someone hadn’t JUST been killed, as if the man next to her and his- brides-all sat there with goblets full of blood.
“Tonight we celebrate the blood-pact your ancestors made over 500 years ago, and welcome a new bride to the family.” He turned to Evie, but she couldn’t focus on him, tears burning in her eyes but unable to fall through her shock “so I propose a toast, to my new bride; Evie”
The families all toasted on her and the sudden wedding, Lucy and Viktoria easily drinking the blood from their glasses. Walter didn’t drink from his, just raising it to his lips, and then setting it down before he could get the smallest bit in his mouth. He glanced back down at Evie, watching her carefully as she stood on shaking knees “i-I have to go”
Everyone watched her as she walked around the table back to the doors, two butlers suddenly blocking her way “please” Evie whispered, terror and panic gripping her senses, leaving her weak yet running on nothing but adrenaline. “please-let me go-please”
Walter closed his eyes for a moment, leaning forward in his seat as Evie begged to leave. She turned to look at him, tears streaming down her cheeks “Was this all just a trick?” Evie asked, her voice whimpering and cracking. “All of it? The-the gifts-the-niceness-everything?”
They all just stared at her, Oliver almost looking bored “Why are you all just-sitting there-help me!!” Evie screamed, her hands shaking as no one moved, only Mrs. Swift staring in concern. The same was hidden in Walter’s eyes, his sudden knowledge of your not-so-truthful departure, had set something off in his mind-and suddenly he could hear your voice, calling out to him, begging him to help you-to not hurt Evie.
“You’re all monsters, all of you!” Evie screamed, pushing Mrs. Swift away as she tried to comfort Evie, shoving the two butlers aside and pulling at the doors, finding them to be locked. Walter told his guests to not worry, that she was just dealing with the shock of it all, they just laughed, going back to their meals as Evie banged and pulled at the doors, screaming for help.
Walter suddenly was at her back, grabbing her and spinning her around to slam her into the door, one of his hands cradling her head so it didn’t hit it hard “you’re doing a wonderful job, I’ll explain later-just-don’t break” he whispered into her ear, his warm breath fanning across her face. Evie sobbed, trying to get out of his impossibly strong grip.
Evie screamed again, kicking and screaming against Walter’s larger form “let me go! I want to go home!” she screamed, her voice already losing its power from how loud it was. Walter just held her there, staring; the others just going on as if nothing was happening; as if this was normal. “you-you killed (y/n), didn’t you?” Evie sobbed, Lucy’s shoulders tensing at the words as Viktoria smirked from behind her glass “you sick fuck-you murdered her-you monster! She was my friend!!! Your brother's lover!!! How fucking dare you!!!”
Walter just stared at Evie, his chest rising with a short shaky breath before he backed away, turning to Lucy and Viktoria “Get her prepared, tonight is yours. Tomorrow is mine; welcome our new bride to the family.” He smirked, nodding at Viktoria as she raised her glass in acknowledgment, Lucy adverting her eyes to stare into her glass.
Evie just glared at Walters retreating back, her chest burning with pain “(y/n), where are you?” she whispered to herself, collapsing to the floor as Viktoria and Lucy stalked towards her, Viktoria only looking proud in her victory, of what? Evie didn’t know, but she was suddenly grabbed, gagged, and blinded by a sack. She was shoved into a chair, and bound to it before being carried out of the dining room.
Everything was fading out of reality as she was carried down an echoing cold path, unable to see and only able to hear her own sobs. Finally, she was set down, albeit roughly, and the sack was tugged off her head, leaving her alone in what seemed to be the cellar, surrounded by moonlight and cold stone.
Evie sobbed through her gag, just wanting go find you, or at least find out what happened to you; and go home. This was all her fault, why had she been stupid enough to trust a man, a white man no less-even if he was family, enough to just-go abroad for a week-and…and doom her friend in the process?
Evie wondered what was going to happen to her when Viktoria and Lucy entered, Lucy’s brows furrowed in concern while Viktoria just looked smug “Welcome to your bachelorette party, Evie~” Viktoria cooed, leaning against the wall behind Evie as Lucy quickly pulled down the gag from Evie’s mouth, shushing her with what she hoped were comforting words “hey, no no no, don’t cry~ we’ll soon be just like sisters, three perfect little dolls for the master~!”
Evie wanted to throw up at how, bubbly, Lucy sounded, as if being a doll for Walter was a good thing. as if she should want it. “please just-let me go” Evie whispered, her jaw clenching as Viktoria rolled her eyes, scoffing at Evie; as if her reaction wasn’t completely rational for any sane human being.
“Enough already” Viktoria groaned, glaring down at Evie “even your great-grandmother wasn’t this difficult…till she refused to feed on the help.” Evie stared hard at Viktoria, the panic and fear still coursing through her veins making her unable to glare “a truly selfish act, she put us all in jeopardy.”
“Emmaline was lovely” Lucy interjected, trying to calm Evie down enough to make her think ‘rationally’, giving a small side glance to Viktoria as she quietly cackled “and we were such great friends, but-she became confused”
Evie didn’t care for the backstory, tilting her head away from Viktoria as she tried to touch Evie’s cheek and hair “But you, you won't let us down like she did, now will you Evie?” Evie leaned heavily away from Viktoria’s claws, narrowing her eyes at the vampire as she stalked away, moving to sit on a window ledge “what-what did you do with (y/n)?” Evie asked weakly, taking a shuddering breath as Viktoria giggled, coming to a realization at the same time “you-you were the one who hurt her, last night”
Viktoria looked too proud of that, spinning the plain gold ring on her finger “mmm, she was bewitching the master; but-it was just a little fun, no harm done” Evie nearly launched herself onto the floor attempting to punch Viktoria “you slashed open her back, you bitch” Evie hissed, more tears trailing down her cheeks “Why? Why did you do that to her, why are you doing this to me!?”
“She was in the way, and, for your blood; of course” Viktoria cooed, staring right into Evie’s fury-laced eyes. “Our bloodlines are rare, special. And the combination of them makes the four of us, all-powerful. Immune to the effects of time. Immortal, in layman's terms”
Lucy once again tried to comfort Evie, but her mind was reeling with the fact that she would be forced into immortality, she didn’t want to live forever; who in their right mind would? Living forever meant being stuck on a loop, seeing endless conflict, Evie wanted to grow old, to have adventure, to live. Immortality wasn’t living, just avoiding death.
“What did you do with (y/n)?” Evie muttered again, interrupting Lucy’s “comforting” words. Viktoria just rolled her eyes, examining her nails “She bewitched the master, so I took care of her…not that he knows that, he’s…attached to her, for some-odd reason.” Viktoria spat, the jealousy she hadn’t been hiding coming out to play “he even stopped feeding, that maids blood was the first he’s had all week.”
Evie suddenly remembered how-shocked-Walter had been at the dinner party, when she told him you had never left. He genuinely thought you had left the manor and him telling her to ‘play along’; might mean he wasn’t as much of a monster as she claimed him to be.
Lucy suddenly jumped into an explanation of how the ceremony would go, she would drink Walter’s blood, he would drink hers, and they would all be bound together for eternity. Evie was still hung onto the fact that Walter was being genuine in his confusion, and processing that he might’ve been-acting-during the dinner party.
Everything that happened within the next few minutes felt like a blur, Diya came charging out of the shadows, scaring the life out of Evie; Viktoria was about to eat her only for Evie to plead for Diya’s life. Then she was presented with a coffin, A COFFIN, with her maternal family's initial on it. Evie was then forced inside by Viktoria, the elder vampire laughing as if it was all a fun game as she nailed the coffin shut, ignoring Evie’s begging cries.
Lucy glanced back at the coffin, swallowing harshly as Evie screamed to be let out, for help. Lucy closed her eyes tightly, forcing herself to follow Viktoria out of the room; not seeing the red-gleaming eyes in the corner of the room.
-end of part 10-
 another cliff hanger mfs’ hope you liked the chapter, i did my best~ sorry if things felt rushed in the end-i didn't feel like writing another scene that would just be the same in the movies other than some minor changes-also yeah-Walter/Harrison heard-everything-but he’s smart-he waits for the opportune moment~ also; just in case yall didn't get the hint; Walter/Harrison’s humanity, is directly linked to (y/n), considering his soul is directly tied to her; so with her being in bound sleep once more-he’s just-not human anymore, he could put up a mask just fine-but all his emotions, his real emotions, and his empathy, and anything like that-are shut off-at least until he learns (y/n) never left-and it jump starts him. oh and the letter is the real letter, Viktoria(duh) just whited out (y/n)’s words and replaced them with her own. 
perm Walter/Tommy taglist!
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
OUAD taglist!
@anti-herosprettybby @miniaturehideoutmentality @disneyfan50
@reallysparklychaos @reallystressedhoneybee @rebellbelle
@libbymouse @soulsfrostedheart18 @zane2408​
@austynparksandpizza​ @tati-the-fangirl​ @habblez-the-babblez​
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cami-stuffs · 1 year
Pushing Towards You
Chapter 7: Life Changing
"I guess you'll get tired of the school, mum. You're coming here every day." Ártemis passed her arms for her mother's shoulders and kissed her head. 
They were heading to the yard. It was a Sunday, and the next day, faculty members would be back. Larissa thought it would be nice to have a last feast outside. 
"I'll never get tired of Nevermore." Calista looked around and spotted Larissa and Gaia at the table, chatting before dinner. "Good evening, ladies."
"Good evening." Larissa and Gaia cheered in unison as Calista sat beside Larissa with Ártemis beside her and between her mothers.
"Did you get some rest?" Larissa whispered to Calista.
"I did, thank you. What about you?" Calista wanted to know.
"I did. We'll start the planning week tomorrow, so I decided to take this last day off." Larissa sipped her wine and winked at Calista.
"Do you have any plans for tomorrow, Mumma C?" Ártemis crossed the conversation. 
"I don't. Do you? Would you like to do anything?" Calista was willing to lie on the sofa and watch a movie all day. But, if Ártemis was up to something, she'd enlist.
"No, I don't." The girl answered. "Thanks, God!" Calista thought. "I plan to spend my day in my room and organize myself. Maybe I'll go to the library. Do you care? If I stay here tomorrow, I mean."
"Not at all. By the afternoon, we can have some food at The Weathervane. What do you think? Gaia and Larissa could come with us if their staff meeting ends." Calista suggested to the group.
"Good idea, but I'm depending on the Principal?" Gaia said jokingly, glancing at Larissa.
"Well... We have a meeting right after lunch, but as if it is the first day, I won't take your time too long. We can meet you two at The Weathervane." Larissa agreed.
That night, Gaia went to bed earlier. Calista didn't mention it, but she knew the woman was nervous about meeting her colleagues the next day. Ártemis followed Gaia minutes later. The girl had a full week.
"Shall we move it to my office?" Larissa suggested as she and Calista remained at the table having their wine.
"Sure. Let's go." Calista went after the blonde.
Calista could look properly at Larissa's office without the pressure of the first meeting. The structure was the same as in her time, but the furniture was more stylish now. The room smelled Larissa's perfume mixed with the wood materials. The fireplace was lit up, and light also came from the lampshades. Calista chose one of the chairs in front of Larissa's desk. To her surprise, Larissa sat right beside her in the other chair. 
"I was trying to come up with a conversation starter, but after seeing you every day for the past week, I have to reach the point." Larissa sat and reclined in the armchair. "What happened that night? After the school reunion. Why you left me? We had a perfect night, and the next day, you're gone even before I wake up."
"We did have a perfect night, and that was the problem." Calista began. "After 10 years apart from you, my feelings were unchanged after graduation. I wanted to be with you. But you were doing so great in your career. That night, you didn't mention Morticia even once. You were all about your job and research."
"Well... I was succeeding. I was proud of myself. Did that bother you?" Larissa was in defense mode now.
"Not at all. I could see you were happy." Calista resumed, taking Larissa's hand. "Larissa, I've never hidden from you that I thought you were brilliant. And if you can remember, being shadowed by Morticia was always an issue between us. That night, at the reunion, you seemed free of all that judgment and comparison. I saw the real you."
"Okay... But why? Why leave?" Larissa anticipated. 
"I spent the night awake. I wanted to be with you, but I couldn't ask you to stay and leave all behind. And, honestly, I was not ready to give up my profession and go after you wherever you were." Calista admitted. "So, I decided for both of us. At school, I couldn't have you because of Morticia. Then, I couldn't have you because you were finally showing yourself to the world. And trust me, the world needed you."
"I must say it was selfish of you." Larissa has a saddened voice. "I've called you many times after that. I would have stayed, you know that." She lowered her eyes from Calista.
"I know. That's why I never answered your calls. I know you'd leave all your life behind and follow me. But, I guess I didn't want that responsibility, you know? Making you give up on your job, and eventually, you'll regret it." Calista finally gets to the end of it. "I could not deny that to you for my benefit."
They felt silent. Calista could see Larissa battling inside her mind. Her selfish decision led to this moment. Larissa was the Principal at Nevermore, but she was also lonely. Calista had a family instead. 
"Have you ever imagined how it would be if you didn't flee from us that day?" Larissa kept her eyes on the fireplace. "If you have allowed me to make my own decisions." That was bitter, even for Larissa.
"Every single day since that morning," Calista confessed. 
They looked at each other, and there was nothing left to say. Twenty-two years were clarified in minutes of conversation. From now on, they were a blank page. None of them could tell what would happen. Suddenly, withdrawing them from their thoughts, Calista's phone rang. It was Ártemis.
A: Hey, mom. Are you still at the school?
C: Hey, babe. I'm at Larissa's office. Why? What happened?
Larissa looked up, concerned.
A: Nothing happened. I'm fine. I was just wondering if you can stay the night. Here, with me.
Calista heart sank.
C: Hold on. I'll put you on the speaker, and you ask permission from your Principal.
Ártemis repeated the question to Larissa.
L: Of course, darling. Your mother can stay the night with you.
Larissa gave a soft smile to Calista.
A: Thank you, Ms. Weems. I'll wait up for you, Mum.
C: I'm on my way, precious.
"I think it's better if I go now." Calista stood up. "Good night, Larissa."
"Good night, Calista," Larissa answered, still on her chair.
Calista turned around and headed to the door. She put her hand on the doorknob, and before opening it, Calista backed off and went in Larissa's direction. The blond kept an eye on her, unable to make a move. Calista then straddled Larissa's lap with one leg on each side, cupped her chin, and kissed her. That kiss was a passionate one. It was from two people who were held apart from each other for a long time. 
Larissa kissed Calista in return, putting the hand on her back and pulling them closer enough so their front touched. They sustained the kiss until they reached for breath.
"Could you shift now?" Calista asked, panting, touching her forehead to Larissa's.
"Shift?" Larissa was puzzled. And then, she realized. "Wow...shift. Are you sure?" Larissa smirked.
"More than sure, Riss." That was the push Larissa needed. The pet name. Larissa always enjoyed it when Calista called her 'Riss.'
"Remove the pants and undergarments for me, darling," Larissa said between kisses. And so Calista did it, standing up but keeping her lips on Larissa's, making the blonde lean forward.
As she did it, Larissa took the opportunity to lift her dress and lower her panties. And there it was where it should be Larissa's wet slit was a height-matching knob.
"Let me lube it up for you." Larissa was about to spit on her hand when Calista sat, letting it slide inside her.
"There's no need for lube," Calista said with a smirk. She kept still for a few seconds to adjust before it became unsustainable; she started grinding.
"Oh, my goodness, Lis, I've forgotten how wet and tight you were for me, darling." Larissa was with both hands on Calista's hips, helping her on the riding. "I won't last long." She was breathing heavily in Calista's neck crook.
"Oohhh...me neither." Calista was speeding her movements. She was feeling something rise from her core. Her muscles were contracting while the orgasm was being built. "Riss... I'm gonna cum."
"Could you hold on, babe? I'm almost there." Larissa quickened the pace even more, forcing Calista's hips down. "Oh, Lis, I missed so much." She panted. 
"I missed you, Riss. With all my heart." Calista said back, grabbing Larissa's shoulders.
That was it. This tenderness exchange was enough for both of you to cum together. Larissa embraced Calista and put the head on her panting chest. They kept it that way for a few seconds, feeling each other's body. Calista felt the emptiness when Larissa shifted back. 
"That was..." Calista started.
"Heaven." Larissa completed, making the other chuckles.
"Yeah...That was." Calista whispered. "I'm afraid I have to go. Ártemis is waiting for me." She stood up, putting her clothes back. "Thank you." She pecked a kiss on Larissa's lips, smiling softly. 
"My pleasure," Larissa smirked, rubbing Calista's cheek with her thumb. "I'll take you to the door to enjoy more of you."
Larissa embraced and lifted Calista from the ground. Calista seized the chance to intertwine her legs around Larissa's waist. Larissa giggled and carried the woman between kisses to the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow, then," Larissa whispered, rubbing her nose on Calista's as their forehead touched.
"Yeah...Good night, Riss." Calista said softly as Larissa put her on the ground.
"Good night, darling." Larissa kissed Calista's lips one more time.
It came to a hand that Calista knew the school corridors. She could not remember how she managed to get to Ártemis quarters. In a blink, Calista was knocking at the girl's door.
"Hey, Mum." Ártemis received her mother by the door. "Sorry to call you at the last minute. I was just fancying your company tonight." She hugged Calista tightly. 
"Ohh...babe, that's okay." Calista kissed Ártemis' head, and the girl put it in her chest. Despite the height difference, Ártemis knew exactly how to bend and suit Calita's embrace. "I would have come even if I were in Jerico already."
"I love you," Ártemis said.
"I love you too, my precious." Calista was caring for the girl's hair. "I'm glad that you are taller than me, you know. Because I'll have to borrow your clothes to sleep."
"Haha...Yeah. You can choose from the wardrobe. Would you like to take a shower? You seem hot." Ártemis looks intensively at her mother's cheek. It was reddened.
"Yep. I need a shower, indeed." Calista smelled Larissa's scent and could not say if Ártemis could too. "Wine makes me feel hot."
Calista was lightheaded. All she could think of was Larissa. After 22 years, they finally repaired the misunderstanding, and now she was eager to know what the future reserved for them. Calista was conscious that this future depended on the job application. If she stayed in Jericho, she and Larissa could figure out what kind of relationship they would like to have. But, if she didn't get the job, she could not tell if they would like to have a relationship from a distance.
"Good night, my pretty girl." Calista returned from the shower and sat beside Ártemis. "Thank you for the invitation to stay with you."
"Good night. I'm glad you're here, Mum." The girl answered. "I wish you could stay for good."
"Me too, honey." Calista held her tongue to not tell her about the job. She didn't want to give hope to her daughter. "Sleep tight, Angel." She kissed Ártemis' on the forehead and lay on the spare bed.
Before set to sleep, Calista checked on her phone. Once it was Sunday, her job application didn't receive feedback. Nevertheless, she was expecting exactly what she found. A message from Larissa. 
L: I can't stop thinking about you.
It was sent minutes before she went for a shower. So maybe Larissa was already sleeping. 
C: That makes two of us.
Calista was not waiting for a reply, but gladly, it came.
L: I wish you could be here by my side. But I'm glad I'll be able to see you first thing in the morning. See you tomorrow for breakfast. Sleep well. Xx
C: See you tomorrow, Riss. Sleep tight. Xx
And then, Calista hit the bed.
The next morning, Calista was preparing herself for breakfast and waiting for Ártemis to finish her mourning routine when she saw an income e-mail in her phone notifications. It was from the job application. They would like to see Calista for a meeting lunch that day. It has to be a good sign, isn't it? Calista wondered.
Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
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hannahhook7744 · 9 months
Yen Sid and Quinlynn Hearts Headcanons;
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His full name is Yaz Sorcerer of Enchania.
Lil Yaz is a childhood nickname and his wrapper name.
He has two maternal cousins under the name of Zim and Zam and one paternal cousin named 'Calista'.
He is the son of Yzma and Cedric the sorcerer of Enchania.
He has two siblings (Yzla and Zevon).
His mom's nickname for him is 'Little Cat'.
He is 19 years old in d1.
Lil Yaz died of Appendicitis before Wicked World.
He is more morally grey/neutral than his cousins and siblings.
He was a laid-back guy and often came off as apathetic to those around him.
He was more focused on living his life to the fullest when he was alive.
He was the closest to Yzla when he died.
He collabed with the Bad Apples a few time and was apart of Harriet Hook's crew.
Lil Yaz has a pet cat named 'Maisy'.
He was apart of the isle santa intuitive.
He was really good with kids.
Lil Yaz always wanted to see the cats of the world and the Kuzcovian Empire if he ever got off the isle but he was never able to.
He had a crush on Diego but was turned down.
This led to him being too nervous to ask Quinlynn Hearts out and led to him putting it off until he was unable to (due to his death).
He was very close to his mother and a tad resentful towards his father because he could leave the isle when the rest of the family couldn't.
He was taken to the isle in year 2 when he was a year old.
His favorite colors are blue, purple, and gold.
He hates his maternal grandmother but loves everyone else in his family.
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Her full name is Princess Quinlynn Mirana Hearts of Wonderland.
She has two younger siblings. A brother named Hart who is in Uma's crew and a sister named Red (who goes on to time travel in Rise of Red). She also has an older brother named Jack somewhere and some cousins.
Despite the fact they look nothing alike, they are all actually full-blooded siblings (as far as they know anyway).
She is apart of Harriet's crew and works at her mother's saloon.
She likes doing nails, playing cards, baking, potions making, chemistry, doing hair (especially crazy hair), listening to music, and dancing.
She bitter and disillusioned with love because not only did Lil Yaz die before she could tell him how she felt but after she tried moving on with Cheekbones Stabbington, he died too.
After losing them, she swore she'd never love again and she might just keep that promise.
After losing Lil Yaz, she and Yzma fell into a kind of tradition where they have tea and spinach puffs on Friday nights and reminisce about him. These nights almost always end with both of them in tears.
Quinlynn also goes to a grief counseling group once every two months with her crew mate, A.J Slade, her almost sister in law, Comsia Athanasiou, and others like them who've lost their romantic partners. They meet in secret.
She likes Pop music but prefers rap and jazz.
I'll add more if I think of any.
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Milo Manheim as Lil Yaz.
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Piper Curda as Quinlynn Hearts (suggested by and the edit made by @darkshadow7 ).
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aiodenhunt · 1 day
Father into your hand, I commend my spirit.
Trigger warning for: Child abuse (CJ Is 13) so idk
Inspired on a roleplay but hook is trying to kill CJ because of a misunderstanding, he thinks cj is Peter pan, Harriet intervenes.
CJ knew that trying to confront her father required strength and bravery. Specially if her father was angry, like he was now.
She was told to go to the Jolly Roger and wait for him there.
She had messed up. She tried to pick up valuable stuff from the barges, failed and therefore they had lost resources. Hook was not happy about it.
CJ was walking around the deck in circles, sometimes glancing at the plank. Wondering if that would be her destiny. Until she finally heard her father’s footsteps come closer.
She stands up straight when she sees her father in front of her. A fake confident smile on her face.
“If you didn’t know how to pick up resources from the barges, why did you do it?!” James growls, slightly coming closer to CJ.
She tries to play it cool. Maybe that’ll calm him down. “I wanted to help. For the hell of it. Maybe even achieve becoming your favorite child?”
Hook frowned. He didn’t calm down. “You’re nothing but a useless child, Y’know that?”
CJ tried to copy Harry’s mania for the ocassion. Maybe that would calm him down. She laughed. “Maybe I am! Maybe as useless as the grown man who couldn’t kill some magic kid.”
It didn’t help the situation.
In fact, this was one of the few times where CJ saw her father’s eyes glow red.
“You’re nothing but a useless child. And soon, you will be a dead child.” James said.
CJ grinned, getting ready for a fight. “You wouldn’t. You wouldn’t try to kill our own child.”
“You are not a child of mine.”
“You don’t have the guts to do it. Try it.” CJ had seen Harriet fight against their father time and again, why would she lose the fight?
She had managed to avoid being stabbed by her father’s fake hand her entirely life, and tonight she was succeeding. Dodging most stab attempts with a smile. She never hit back. CJ was trying to play around and then find a way to escape, not to hurt Hook.
Yet she didn’t. Soon, CJ was cornered against a wall and before she could blink, her father’s hand was doing pressure in her neck. He was strangling her.
She tried to laugh at first, as she still had air and still could breathe.
Nonetheless that air was becoming scarce to the point where she had to fight back. Whether she wanted it or not.
CJ did her best to try to kick her father away, or to squirm away from the single hand stealing the air from her lungs, yet it was useless.
“Don’t fight back, Pan. I’ve been wanting this my entire life.”
CJ tried to speak up to clear things up but it was useless, she couldn’t really say anything.
Her eyelids became heavy. She was beginning to lose strength.
Her ears were ringing, until she heard a voice different from the one cursing her and hurting ber.
“DROP HER. NOW.” The familiar voice spoke firmly, almost in a scream. Harriet.
Harriet was pointing a sword at her father’s neck. It was usual to see that at least once per year now.
CJ let out a huge gasp as she was able to breathe again, falling to the floor as the restraining grip wasn’t there anymore. Her throat hurt like hell.
She was on her knees, still processing the situation.
“To my ship. Now.” Her sister’s voice could be heard again.
“But, Harrie-“
“Calista Jane Hook. Run to my ship. Now.” Harriet was still pointing the sword at her father.
CJ managed to get back to her feet in a tremble, running away to the Crimson Zephyr while trembling. Her chest rising and falling as she managed to get there.
She could feel her heart pumping out of her chest. This didn’t feel real.
She stayed in the cabin meant for her inside her sister’s ship. In shock.
Harriet entered the cabin an hour or two after the event. Calista didn’t pay attention to the time. The least thing she wanted to do while scared was looking at a clock.
Her older sister came back without a single fresh wound on her. Unlike CJ, whom’s throat was still hurting.
Harriet didn’t say anything, she just sat on the bed, next to CJ.
She rested her head on her sister’s shoulder, hugging her. She was thankful that nobody in the isle could see them now.
Harriet hugged back in a sigh.
She wasn’t going to complain about it. Calista needed it.
CJ was on the verge of falling asleep when Harriet mumbled something to her. “You’re thirteen, CJ. You shouldn’t be going through this.”
“I wanted to prove my worth, be worthy of being his favorite child.”
Harriet laughed. “His only favorite child is the Jolly roger.”
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mossy-mushrooms · 3 months
The dark harvest
Pt 8
"Ryu!" Calista calls out as she runs a bit to get to him. He looks over to her and the other two trailing behind her.
"Did the teacher hold you up or something?" He asks as he looks down at her "Oh yeah, you know the whole spiel about how the bell doesn't dismiss us, she does." As Calista said that Ryu groaned "Yeah no I get that, so annoying honestly".
"Let's not stay at this institution any longer than we need to" Mikey said as he patted Zane on the back to get him going.
As all four of them walked to the cafe Ryu hung in the back as he pushed his bike while he mostly listened to their chatter which then came to the topic of donomic, nothing better than hating one person together.
"Donomic talked to me before you guys came" The raven haired teen commented off handedly as he looks at the various houses and the little shops. "What??" Mikey immediately responded and the other two whipped their heads back to look at him. "Are you good? Did he threaten you??" Zane quickly chimed in But Ryu waved them off.
"I'm okay, he asked me my name. I guess he wants to look into me to see if he can make my life hell or something.. I doubt that he asked just so he can 'put a name on a face'." Ryu said as he made air quotes but the others still looked uneasy.
"Listen you have to avoid him as much as you can, do you even know why he treats everyone like the dirt under his feet?" Calista shakes him by the shoulders and he pushes her off slightly.
"Okay calm down, I get it he's some powerful prick because of his daddy, I heard the spiel more than once about other people from different towns" he sighs as he starts to push his bike again. "I know that he will try to get some kind of dirt immediately but he won't. It's outside of his range if I have any."
The other three teens look at him reluctantly as they starts walking as well.
"Let's get to the café yeah?"
"Isn't it cute??" Calista looks up at Ryu to gauge his reaction to the quaint café. Ryu  looks up silently at the café name " Café love letter? yeah it seems nice" he mumbles as Mikey passes by him to walk in first.
"Any recommendations? Since you seem to come here a lot" Ryu asks as they sit down at a booth in the corner of the cafe.
"Ah well I like the sandwiches! They have a lot of options actually" Calista chirps happily and Mikey adds on "I like the hot chocolate and the coffee" and Zane just looks at the menu.
As all of them eat they talk about the things they talk about their pet peeves.
"Oh I absolutely hate it when i say I don't like tomatoes and the person starts acting like I committed an unimaginable war crime!" Calista huffs as she leans back in her seat. "Right? Like sorry that my taste buds don't like it" Zane agrees with her as they vent about their frustrations.
"What do you hate Ryu?" Mikey asks as he tries to include him, Ryu looks up from eating his sandwich"oh uh... Hospitals." He mutters hoping they won't probe but that was just wishful thinking.
"Mm why?" Zane asks as he looks over at Ryu, "uh.. just a bad taste in my mouth.. especially the needles"
"I feel you I hate those, they're to sharp and ughh" Zane says but the black haired teen just smiles slightly "uh yeah.. something like that."
"Bye!" Calista waved as she and Zane went on their route to their homes. Ryu just waved "See ya!" Mikey yelled back as he turned to walk with Ryu.
They walked in silence as the sun started to set, that is until Mikey broke it.
"Want me to walk you halfway to your place?" Ryu looked up at him and shrugged "I mean do you want to go into the woods? I live in a lodge.." Mikey just stared ahead "I.. insist"
Just from that Ryu realised something was up as he saw how Mikey was trying to be calm, Ryu looked over Mikey's posture and saw how he was rigid.
"...Alright" they're eyes met and it was clear that Mikey wanted to tell him what it's about.
They broke through the forest line and stayed on the dirt path in an unsettling silence. "Uhm here look at this, Calista sent it to me" Mikey said but it was just the notes app on his phone. 'i think Donomic and two of his dudes' Ryu tries not to make a face as he looks up at Mikey.
"Right... Uhm if you want you can stay at my place it's getting dark" Ryu says as he tries to look out of his peripheral to see where donomic is. "Ah no need I'll head back after you're halfway to your place" Mikey continues walking again but he keeps his gaze ahead and Ryu follows suit.
"So see you tomorrow?" Mikey mutters awkwardly as he has his eyes trained on Ryu. "Uh yeah, text me when you get home so I know something didn't get you" he tries to joke but Mikey just knocks him on the top of his head.
"Don't joke with me man" he groans but then ruffles his hair "but yeah I'll shoot ya a text." Ryu waves to him as he gets on his bike. He started cycling back home through the dirt path.
But before he could make it even a bit further he suddenly hears a shout.
"Hey!" Ryu hears Donomic's distinct voice. He takes a breath in and pulls on the break, stopping his bike.
"Donomic? Why are you here?" He says as he turns to face where he heard Donomic's voice and his blood ran cold. There was no one that's when he realised, Donomic was supposed to be behind on the trail.
Not to the side of him in the woods. Ryu immediately drops his head low as sweat beaded at his forehead, his hands felt clammy as he tried to think of what to do now. 'am I fucked? Can I pass it off as actually talking to donomic?' he shuddered as he heard footsteps to his side. But then he also heard footsteps behind him, his possible saving grace.
"How'd you know I was behind you freshmen?" Donomic says as he gets near Ryu who was still keeping his head down. "Hey are you listening??" Donomic scoffed as he put his hand on Ryu's shoulder who just hesitantly looked up at him.
"Mikey.. told me you were behind us so.." the older teen looked at him with suspicion. "Why'd you look to the side if you knew?" Ryu gripped onto the handle bars and tried to keep his eyes solely on Donomic. "Ah well-" they both heard more rustling and cracking of branches.
Donomic's face hardened and he dropped his hand, his eyes looking over to the side so quickly it could've been missed. "You two. Head home, I'll talk to Ryu by myself." As Ryu heard that he looked incredibly confused. Just as he was about to protest Donomic grabbed the middle of Ryu's handle bars and pulled so that the bike would move forward.
"It's the echo, I get it." Donomic said suddenly but Ryu sputtered "echo? Uh- oh yeah I get confused sometimes where I hear stuff from yeah-" he shuts his mouth before he messes up.
The rhythmic crunching of the leaves in the forest beside the path never letting up.
"So um.. Why'd you come to the forest?" Ryu tried to keep up a normal conversation, "to talk to you"
"Oh uh about what?" Donomic looked over to him, his dark brown eyes cold and halflidded. "Why did you move here?"
"Uh.. my guardians say it's for work." He mutters "yeah is that so? Listen. You should keep to yourself outside of school" donomic said plainly.
"Uh excuse me?" Ryu made a face as he heard that. "Most people do. Don't- don't talk to the older people, most of them are fucking weirdos" Ryu just felt more confused, why was Donomic seemingly giving him advice?
"Why are you telling me this?" He squinted at Donomic, trying not to let his eyes wander at what is behind the older teen. "Because you haven't grown up here and I don't need some dumb kid going exploring where they shouldn't. Especially since your place is close to the grove." He puts a hand over his mouth to stop himself from saying too much.
Ryu hopped off his bike as they stood in front of the old gate doors. "Can we talk more in school? I want to.. know more" he chose his words carefully because he had an itching feeling that Donomic knew a lot more than he was letting on.
The older teen clenched his jaw but sighed "Fine. At lunch you will come sit with me nad we'll talk. after that you'll get out of my sight" Ryu put his hands up as the bike rested on his stomach "yeah you got it. Head home quickly it's dark now.." the the teen with slicked back hair just scoffed "yeah I'm not an idiot."
As Ryu closed his gate after getting in he watched as Donomic walked down the path and he couldn't help but glance in the forest trees.. The wretched gaunt creature now in the trees was stalking Donomic who kept his head down.
He shivered as he made himself look at Donomic again until he was out of eyesight. He went and parked his bike under the awning before heading into the once again empty dark lodge.
He sighed as he didn't even bother to turn on the lights as he made his way to the bathroom, the floor boards creaking and reminding him of his old home when he lived with his mother. He shook his head to rid himself of those less then pleasant memories of the trash and the disgusting creaky floor.
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calofhearting · 1 year
What is something Calista currently misses?
It's probably a cliche but Calista misses the security that came with having a twin. Before Cato went to the Capitol as a tribute in the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games, Calista had never known a life without her brother. He was born first and he took his duty as the 'older' twin very seriously. Whatever the other kids thought about Calista didn't matter because Cato was the ringleader and she was always included. She knew that the other kids thought she was weird and she didn't fit in, but they looked the other way because she was Cato's sister. There was comfort and security in knowing where she stood and knowing that there was someone there who would always have her back. Cato didn't judge when she begged her father and the teachers at the Academy to let her out. They had both known that she wasn't volunteer material. She wasn't like Cato. But that was okay to him. That was okay to her.
This life without him is confusing. It's dark and scary and she never quite knows where she fits into things. Calista is enjoying her time in the Capitol, but there is a darkness that surrounds it and she knows that there is danger everywhere. Calista misses Cato because he would know what to do. He would know what side to be on, and she could always mirror what he thought. She didn't have to think for herself when she had Cato. She misses that. She misses when things were simpler and when she didn't have to worry about every single thing she said and to whom.
Calista really just misses Cato.
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uroborosymphony · 1 year
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For the infamous Queen of the Night, Daughter of Hecate, Sovereign of the Ghouls, and Witch Killer to end in prison - How Ironic. The day of Calixtus Orion's arrestation made history in the world of the Night. Celebrations accross the material and immortal realms thrown, towns covens and villages brought back to life - while her Council, her Armies of vampires and other servitors have, just like her, been arrested, locked, damned. It took weeks for the Mothers of all Covens, the King of Hell and the Immortal Knights of the Moonlake Order to decide which establishment Calista should been locked in awaiting for her trial. An establishment where even the gods powers were magically cut, ineffective. "A mistake. Magically restrained is not enough for a criminal like of her calibre. We will all regret it, sooner or later." Spoke Mother Yokhulan, the Grand Priestess of Yatsugatake - yet a line the Moonlake Order's first knight decided to contest and still agree Calista should reside here, in this retreat for the time being. Wasn't the Mother Witch always right with her foreseeing? Perhaps they all should have listened to her. Her first days at the facility passed, slow, empty as Calista's head does nothing but spiraling into despair. Her war made history and became one of the biggest and most admired croisade one has lead in the eyes of her fanatics and followers who were still waiting for her on her outside., Yet in her eyes? An humiliation to have been stopped before reaching her goal : to find the power that could end her immortality and terminate herself. In the facility obviously the word spread that the war criminal would sit among the other minor deities being punished, just as well. Funny she thought, for them to be Oh so scandalised and fearful of her when truly, their powers are quite frankly on the same level. Calista is no Goddess but a Daimoness only, her real weapon is her intellect. If her reputation built from her manic laughters echoing from the hills of her battles, it is her mind one should be careful about. It's only a matter of time before she cracks the code of her way out, her escape, the only thought keeping the Lamia's head alive. As usual in the afternoons, she is sitting away from her group as they stand meters away in the grass. She is thinking. Watching. Observing. From an outside point of view there is nothing more sinister than the pale skinned blood manipulating creature, with her white immaculate hair and perfectly straight spine, staring in nothingness for hours without a bink, the palms of her hands on her knees. Every single peace of her brain is constantly running, going through all the possible scenarios until finding the perfect one to escape, her thin and sharp nails still, even though they haven't lacerated a neck in a very long time - she misses that. A presence is felt by her side, on that bench in the outside gardens, one that seems to take place right besides her. Perhaps the only other soul who ever addressed a word to Calista since her arrival : Love. The lamia clearly isn't the most social creature yet she appreciates the other's company, finding her smarter and more interesting than the rest of the convincted ones here. They have lunch together sometimes. Not that Calista can absorb anything besides blood and flesh, she simply watches Love eat in silence. Came conversations later down the road, of their tales, interesting ones. Their mutual wish to get out of here has been shared too, perhaps the birth of an alliance. "Have you been assigned to the displeasure of being my partner for the next grass sitting and emotional sing along? I should have tried killing myself a little harder." It is the Lamia's very own way of debasing and mocking the activities offered by the place. To "rehabilate" them, oh what a joke. As if exploring her inner bucolic self would stop her from remaining a mass murderer once out. "I must warn you though." Calista speaks, her head mechanically orientating to the side to catch the other's eyes, a cynical pinch to her lips. "I do not hold hands."
            for @dollypardonne
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ruffledfeathers89 · 2 years
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𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬: Height at 6'4", dark brown hair that's long for a male, muscular and thin.
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: Sam is a very comforting soul, when he has his soul. He is someone that is easy to talk to, easy to approach. He is kind hearted and will do his best to provide any comfort. But, Sam does have anger issues and when pressed or letting it build, he will explode. He is one to seek out vengeance. And when consuming blood, he will become increasingly more violent.
𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲: Sam's mother Mary died when he was only six months old. His father, John, was mostly absent, hunting and trying to track down the demon Azazel that had k/ lled his wife, leaving only his older brother, Dean to watch over him and raise him. Sam is very close to his brother and would do anything for him.
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: Married to Calista (Castiel's Sister/OC) @grumpylumberjacksworld
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝: Sam's mother was m/ reded when he was a baby, by the demon Azazel. The demon gave him demon blood, creating Sam into a monster without his family's nor his knowledge. John, his father raised both Dean and him to learn hunting and how to protect themselves, but failed in the aspect of being a father. He (and I see it this way for my muse) was highly abusive towards Dean and Sam, neglecting them and being a very stern figure in their lives. Sam and Dean found more comfort in Bobby, a close family friend and fellow hunter that they felt took up the role of their father better than John Winchester himself. Sam was a very smart kid, studying constantly, regardless of how many schools he and Dean had to move to through the various hunts. Sam graduated with high honours and the second he did, he left John and Dean to go to school, in doing so, cutting ties from them. No matter how much it hurt leaving Dean behind, Sam didn't want to be in the hunting life. He wanted a normal one. He would attend Stanford University, studying law. There he met a girl whom he fell deeply in love with, Jess. A girl whom he intended to marry one day. However, Dean came to him telling him of their father's disappearance and Sam found himself tugged back into the hunting world with the supernatural. Only on their return from the first hunt, Sam lost Jess in the same manner as his mother. She d/ ied and Sam took up revenge, wanting to find their father alongside Dean and back to being a hunter, leaving law behind. Sam would discover these demonic powers he had, causing nightmares of people dying to come true, alongside other abilities such as Telekinesis and more. Later, you'll find that him consuming demon blood (which does become an addiction for him) that turns him into a monster, one that could reign hell and exorcise demons without touching them, without reciting the exorcism itself. Much of hell would learn to fear him due to Azazel's outlined purpose for Sam to lead an army of hell. Sam Winchester is the vessel of Lucifer, the devil himself. He has a constant battle with the archangel when manipulated in releasing him. The devil does torture him, torment him, and constantly tries to get Sam to say yes to being his vessel. He succeeded once and Sam then was able to take control and send them to hell together. He would return to Earth soulless by the hands of the angel Castiel, Sam becoming cold and uncaring and using torture methods and things he normally wouldn't do with a soul. His stamina is very high when without a soul. Sam would get his soul back, but in doing so, many memories of his past torture in hell by Lucifer himself floods in. (There's much more to add on, but I haven't the patience right now).
𝐌𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐦: The man is traumatized and has quite the guilt, blaming himself for everything and nothing. He feels like he is a screw up and he won't ever be good enough for anyone. He feels he is bad, a freak, a problem. One that shouldn't exist in the world. He and Dean have a viscous cycle of saving one another, whether it creates an apocalypse or not. They will do anything for one another. Sam's quite the avid hunter and he fights with his addiction to demon blood and angel/archangel blood(my unique twist). Later...he decides to go and be a cop, still perusing law to legitimize his hunting and no longer have to lie about being a fed or an agent; rather he can show an actual badge and sort cases from being humans or the supernatural. He manages both, being a hunter and a cop/ranger.
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A scene I really enjoyed writing because it was an exploration of 'it's not romantic but it's important'.
Setting is two people who helped save the world going back to normal life, helping each other cope with not being extraordinary anymore.
It finally felt like they were starting to settle in when Keet came to her with a plan for a long trip, going around all the old places he used to stay. Nearly three months he'd be gone, if everything went right, and Lilla's mouth went dry. "I've asked Calista to come with me, don't worry," he reassured her, mistaking her silence for concern. And on some level it was, even if his health and overall self preservation was better now than it had been when he went to the High Lakes, but there was something else that made all her feelings go quiet.
"That's a really long time," was about all she could mustre in reply, and he nodded hesitantly as he rested his folded arms on the kitchen table, their breakfast briefly forgotten.
"I know," he mumbled, picking at a thread on his sleeve. "But there's stuff out there that I want to go and get. It's important."
It wasn't like she could stop him from going, but he must've expected a different response than stilted uncertainty if his own uncomfortable silence was anything to go by, and not much else was said on the matter.
She wanted to be supportive but she found herself lingering in bed longer and longer the closer the date came, which hadn't been far off in the first place, until suddenly it was tomorrow he was leaving and there was no time left. They'd been sleeping separately, barely talking to each other since he initially brought it up, and a desperate need to go and break the silence overcame her near midnight.
Disturbing him was the last thing she wanted to do when he had to leave so early but she wanted to do something for him, something meaningful. Something by ways of an apology for the past few days. By the time he came downstairs, with dawn barely lighting the sky outside, she'd managed to finish what she had in mind.
Eyes wide in disbelief at the sight of her at the table he hopped down the last of the steps and dropped his bag by the door, and as he approached she held the little spoon out in her aching hand for him to take. "Promise you'll come back safe," she said firmly as he examined every little carving she'd made, of leaves and vines trailing down the handle to the fox face that made up the back of the spoon itself.
He nodded and assured her once again that he'd be fine but she stood up from her seat and stood stern in front of him, eyes stinging from staying up all night as she stared him down and repeated herself. "I can't come and find you this time, so please--"
"I promise," he cut across just as firmly, before taking hold of her hands and pressing gentle kisses to her knuckles that helped ease the pain with the warmth it brought to her skin. "I'll be back, I swear. I'll send you messages at every stop-- you'll be sick of hearing from me by the end of the first week, I guarantee," he said with a little laugh, but she shook her head as she pulled him into her arms instead.
"Not going to happen." After days of giving each other space a simple hug meant so much, and what started as a comforting hold turned into a tight squeeze on both sides.
Clutching her tightly he placed a kiss to the side of her head, rocking her gently back and forth. "You have to promise me too, though," he said, and moved apart enough to look at each other face to face again to smile at her-- one of those warm, sweet smiles that she felt she hadn't seen in too long. "Look after yourself. Get up every day, even if it's just to go stand in the garden in the morning, alright? Make yourself something nice to eat, walk into the city and go see your friends-- do stuff for yourself. I want to hear all about the stuff you're doing."
Mumbling about difficult promises to keep he shook his head to stop her from saying anything more, and sropped her with a kiss that caught her breath in her throat. It was so much softer than she was used to and it left her in a bit of a stupor when they parted, but not so much that she couldn't close the gap for another. Three months without... she curled her fingers into the fabric of his coat at the thought, bitterly kicking herself for spending the past few days pouting like a child instead of enjoying the sparse time they had left.
"You sure you can manage three months without your closest friend?" he teased, though his lightheartedness was betrayed by his refusal to let go. But she couldn't help laughing at his phrasing.
"I'll have to manage until you get back," she replied, and hugged him tight again. He was so warm where her cheek rested against the skin of his neck, the faint smell of coconut lingering from his wash last night. Unless he left some of his soap behind she was really going to miss that smell.
No, that wasn't it. "I'm going to miss you," was the honest truth, grumbled miserably against his skin, and worst of all he said the same back with bittersweet melancholy.
"I'll be back before you know it," he promised, and flashed her another smile before suggesting she go get some sleep. There wasn't much he could do when she refused-- he was still here until he caught the train and that was time they could use to make up for the past few days, walking arm in arm through the dark and frosty morning to Bazagyscar and the train station at its heart. One more time he made her promise to make an effort for herself, one more time she made him promise to not push himself too hard, and one more time they shared a tight hug before he disappeared through the compartment door.
It was hard to watch him leave, but it felt better to have made up before he did. She stayed and waved him off until the train was out of the station and out of sight, on towards the distant docks nearly a day away, but instead of heading straight back to the house she stayed.
Sitting on one of the benches on the platform she waited and watched as other trains rattled in and out of the old station, wondering how it would feel to hop on one and disappear from the city. Motivation departed with Keet and left hollow sedation, a sense of calm with no peace. It wasn't sadness; that passed, eased with new experiences and let happiness grow in its place. She was by herself now and that didn't pass. When she walked home she was by herself. In the house she was by herself. All that was left in the kitchen were the shavings from the spoon she'd carved, which she cleared away by herself. At least when Keet was here she knew he wasn't far off, and although he was coming back three months felt long.
Working helped. Everyone was eager to talk and they didn't seem to mind that she didn't respond, happily listening to the sounds of their own voices as she lost herself in focus, pushing through the pain from carving so diligently all night. Whenever Keet was brought up she'd tell them he was away for a few months: mostly the responses were positive, but the few that needled for more information, feigning concern and reassuring her that men were fleeting, had silent treatment so intense she could feel the discomfort seeping out of their pores. It was a small reprieve from the nothingness until nightfall, where dinner was forgotten and she climbed the whole way up to his room in the loft.
He always kept it so tidy, the faint scent of incense lingering from that morning and bringing the first moment of peace back to her. All of his things were still here, including all the little objects she'd carved for him since she'd taken up the hobby; his ocarina, his own old carving kit, and the notebooks he'd filled with writing and drawing since coming back to Bazagyscar. She didn't agree with his concept of a bed-- blankets and cushions heaped in the corner like a nest-- but that never stopped her from sleeping in it, and tonight was no different. Knowing he wasn't here, he wasn't just a short walk or a train ride away, made sleep hard to find, but when at last she drifted off it was a small comfort to dream of him sleeping alongside her.
In the morning it was hard to get up, but in her gut she knew he'd never let her live it down if she just wallowed in bed for the next three months. She had to do things, even if it meant finding new problems to fix, even if it was just standing out in the front garden. He was right and she knew that, and he was expecting messages from her too about how she was doing. She had to do things to fill those letters, make him wish he was still here without actually making him turn for home, remind him that she was still here and still looking after herself. It was the least she could do after he spent so much time making sure she was alright when they first came back to Bazagyscar, and more than anything she wanted him to be proud of her. Proud of all the things she got done despite wanting to lie down and not do anything until tomorrow, and thanks to the house there was still plenty to do when she wasn't working in the workshop. She could do it; she would do it, just to show herself she could, and let him know there was nothing to worry about while he was away.
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withgirl-sq · 9 months
And what kind of life does Calista have under these circumstances? What kind of person is she by the time Frey meets her again?
Well she's only 2 by the time Frey comes back so I'm not sure how much she understands but I think she would get the sense that there is something missing?
Like she would desperately want to meet this mother she hears about every night and this would get even stronger as she starts to exhibit signs of powers, like being able to Flow when she first tries to run?
Having Frey around to guide her would definitely help her a lot and would relax Auden who would have been worried that she couldn't handle a Tanta toddler on her own
I do think that Calista would know how much she's loved though and there would have been a lot of people in Cipal (Johedy, Pilo etc) willing to help Auden out so she was never a lonely child she just knew that there was something missing until Frey came home
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cami-stuffs · 1 year
Pushing Towards You
Chapter 1: Back to Nevermore
Calista was in the middle of a meeting when a message came in. It was from her ex-wife, Gaia.
"G: Hey. I have some news. Let me know if you are free to have dinner with us tonight"
By us, she means her and your teenage daughter, Ártemis. Before you can answer, Ártemis texts you as well.
"A: Hey, mum. Mumma G wants to have dinner with us tonight. She said she had big news to share. I hope you can make it. Love you."
"C: See you later, babe. Miss you and Love you." You answered to your daughter.
Only then do you remember to reply to Gaia.
"C: Hey. It settled. I'll be taking the dessert. See you."
Calista was a pharmacist. She is a professor at the University of North Carolina, where she graduated and received her doctorate. She was also an outcast, although her colleagues didn't know about this part of her life. It took a bit of effort to hide what she was since telekinesis was a power that came to a hand sometimes. Nevertheless, Calista was aware of the relationship between normies and outcasts. That was a constant subject of discussion with Gaia, who never missed the chance to express her thoughts about how normies are arrogant and prejudiced.
Gaia was a botanist whose powers involved mimicking plants' essence and features as long as she was in contact with them at least once. For that, she had a free spirit and mind. This freedom included the speech of her thoughts and her feelings toward people no matter what. Calista admired her ex-wife for being so herself, but this wasn't enough to keep the marriage going. Over the years, the differences became too apparent. For the sake of their daughter, they decided on a friendly divorce and maintain a healthy relationship. 
Consequently, having dinner together weekly became a tradition, especially when one had something to share with the other two. Tonight was no different, and Calista was heading to Gaia's apartment with the promised dessert. Ringing the bell, she heard a yelling from inside.
"It's open! Come on in!". Gaia was in front of the oven, finishing what looked like a Spaghetti Carbonara.
"Hey, you!" You greeted her. "Hmm...That smells delicious." You simply loved good pasta.
"Well, since I was the one who sent the invitation, I felt the need to spoil my two Italian girls!" Gaia said, smiling at you.
"I'm not your girl anymore, but thank you anyway." You replied.
"Yeah, yeah... Sorry about that. It's just a habit." Gaia said, blushing lightly. 
"That's ok. And where is Ártemis?" You asked, changing the subject.
"In the shower. She just came back from the gym. I guess all these exercises are making her feel better. She seems so relaxed!" Gaia pointed out. Ártemis had a bad year at school. Turning fifteen brought some unpleasant changes in her point of view, but expected ones in her mothers'.
"That's awesome. It makes me glad to see her feel better about herself. But I've been thinking, and I guess it's time for us three to consider Nevermore an option for her education. After all, we both studied there. It is the right place for outcasts. I know is far away, and we will miss her,  but..." Calista was interrupted by her daughter entering the room.
"Hey, mumma C! How are you? Who are you going to miss?" Ártemis asked, embracing her mother from behind.
"Hey, my precious. I was just saying to your mumma G about sending you to...Wow!" Turning around to face Ártemis, Calista was startled by her height. "I swear that you look higher since the last time I put my eyes on you, and It's been what? A couple of days?" Ártemis was indeed taller, and that growing-up speediness was one of the reasons why she felt so uneasy lately.
"Yeah...Well, I am taller,  yes. But, as you can see, I am also stronger!" She said playfully, exhibiting her muscles.
"I can see! My pretty little monster!" You replied, laughing at her.
"So...what were you two talking about?" Ártemis asked, sitting on a stool in the kitchen.
"I was just telling your mother that maybe It's time for you to study at Nevermore." Calista said, looking from Ártemis to Gaia, seeking support. 
"Wait...are you serious? Oh my goodness, thank you!" Ártemis jumped out of the stool and held her mother close in a tight hug. Calista searched for Gaia's great green eyes, waiting for her to say something. "Are you both aware I would be almost a thousand miles away from home? By my own! Is it okay?" Ártemis asked, stepping back.
"I was saving all this conversation for after the dinner, but you two are in a hurry to discuss this. So, I called you both today to announce that I am the new Botany Professor at Nevermore Academy!" Gaia was beaming in joy. Returning to their old school was in her life plans after graduation, but marriage and Ártemis made her delay it. 
"Heeey... What a great news, mom! Congratulations!" Ártemis hugged Gaia.
"Well done, G! What an achievement! A whole life dream. I'm proud of you!" Calista cheered her ex-wife, indeed. 
"Thank you for the support. From both of you! I was interviewed by the deputy headmaster last week after I applied for the position. And today, the big news came!" Gaia was beyond happiness. "That's why I wanted to talk to you. As a member of the school staff and a mother, Ártemis has a vacancy there. And I agree with you, Calista. Nevermore is the right place for her, for all outcasts, in my opinion." Gaia completed.
Dinner time passed smoothly. Calista decided to go on vacation to help Gaia and Ártemis move to Vermont. Ártemis was thrilled about going to a school for outcasts. She wanted to know all about the school. Her two mothers happily fulfilled such a task. They told her about the school, the events Nevermore held, and their outcast fellows. When they mentioned their friends' powers, Ártemis became quiet and with a distant stare.
"Temis, darling, what is going on?" Calista was worried about her daughter's sudden change in mood.
"Do you think they gonna accept me? Me and my powers?" Ártemis asked Calista and Gaia. The mothers exchanged glances. 
"I must admit that we haven't met any shapeshifter back in our time, right, Calista?" Gaia reached for her ex-wife.
Calista has met a shapeshifter at Nevermore. Larissa Weems, her teenage crush. But Larissa made Calista promise never to tell anyone about her, so Calista never did. Including now. Seeing her daughter and her doubts about herself made Calista heartache, but Calista kept the promise. Shapeshifters were not well accepted, including among outcasts. Exposing one on behalf of the other was no use for Calista. But she came up with an idea. Maybe Larissa, wherever she is, could help Ártemis find herself and understand her powers. Making a mind note, Calista decided to call Larissa at another moment and ask her for assistance.
"Shapeshifters are rare. But we are very supportive at Nevermore. Rivalry and fights occur for common reasons, as with the normies. Powers are never used as a form of bullying. I am pretty sure you're going to fit in. Besides, if you don't feel confident enough to tell your friends about your powers, just don't. Take your time." Calista reassured her daughter. "In my opinion, you should be worrying about having your mother as your botany teacher." Calista joked. Ártemis bulged her eyes, suddenly remembering this "tiny" detail. 
"Oh my goodness! Mumma G, will you take it easy on me, please?" Ártemis pleaded with puppy eyes. 
"Have I ever taken?" Gaia smirked. 
"Not that I can recall." Ártemis seemed defeated.
"There you go, your answer, child. But I feel you won't need any help from me or anyone. " Gaia winked affectionately at her daughter. 
"Good luck with that, babe." Calista wished to Ártemis playfully. The dynamic between the two was very well-known for Calista. Gaia was stern to Ártemis. Ártemis was clever and skillful, but her low self-esteem stood in her way. She didn't trust herself. So Gaia tried hard to make Ártemis see her greatness. Sometimes, Gaia tried too hard. Keeping the balance between them was a role played by Calista. And now, with their departure, all she could do was wish good luck to both.
"Well...I think we call it a day. Tomorrow, I'll ask for my vacation and be free to help you guys pack." Calista declared. "Now, bed!" She pointed out to Ártemis.
"Can I have a hot chocolate before bed?" Ártemis required. 
"Hot chocolate? Really? After this marvelous dinner and a panna cotta for dessert?" Calista exclaimed incredulously. "I am still trying to figure out where this taste for hot chocolate comes from. It's not from me. I am sure." Calista pointed out. 
"It's a cozy drink, almost an affectionate one. I don't know why." Ártemis said dreamly.
"A whisky is a cozy drink for me," Gaia whispered. 
"Can I try it? Maybe I'll change my cozy drink." Ártemis asked, half playful, half expectant.
"Of course not! You're fifteen. I'll make you a hot chocolate, and then, bed!" Calista finished that strange conversation about cozy drinks.
Later, at home, Calista decided to call Larissa. It's been a while since they last spoke. She dialed the numbers and anxiously waited for Larissa to answer. 
Larissa Weems' answering machine: "Hello, you've reached Larissa Weems. I'm unable to come to the phone right now. Leave your message, and I'll return your call when I'm free. Thank You."
"Hey, Larissa. It's me, Calista. Calista Cos'Anto, by the way. It's been a while. Guess what! I have a daughter who is coming to Nevermore Academy this year. Can you believe it? Well, I'm calling to ask you for some help. I know I have disappeared since the last time we've seen each other, but only you can help. Ártemis, my daughter, is a shapeshifter, and you are the only shapeshifter I've ever met before her. Don't worry, I still keep my promise. No one knows about you. But Ártemis has trust issues and doesn't know how to control her powers. I was wondering if you could help her. I don't know if you are back in England or still live in the US. Call me back if you feel you can help me. I hope you are doing great. See you. Bye."
Well, that was it. There was no turning back. Calista's mind was spinning. Too many emotions for just one day. Her beloved daughter was going away; she had just sent a message to her former crush, and now she was returning to Nevermore, even if it was just for a few weeks.
She could barely wait to see her old school again and make sure it would be a home for her daughter as it was for her.
Chapter 2
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seraphinium · 3 years
Stargazing (Ghirahim x OC/Reader)
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This story is also available on my Wattpad: MorningSeraph
This was meant to be a Ghirahim x Reader but I ended up making the reader an OC.
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  Chapter 1
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I was on the oversight of my castle deep within Faron woods. Monsters and some Hylians lived peacefully here. I looked at the black large sword I held then looked back towards the horizon. It was nightfall, the time the stars came out, that's when I planned to tell my twins about their father and I.
"It's a lovely night, isn't it?" I asked the sword, not expecting an answer back of course
But I knew him enough to know that his answer would be:
"The night maybe lovely but it's nothing compared to you, my Angel."
I smiled and blushed lightly at the thought of him and his voice.
"Darling, I hope Zelda can find a way to bring you and Fi back to us for a time." I say softly
In truth, I just wanted him back, I want to apologize to eachother for the role we had to play in this life. I just want us to live happily with our children. They remind me so much of him, and perhaps some of me when I was younger.
"MOTHER, MOTHER!" I heard two voices yell at the same time
Speak of the devil, they're already here.
"Mother, our promise! It's tonight!" Calista, my daughter, exclaimed.
"Yeah, tell us the story already!" Azriel, my son, exclaimed.
"I plan to my darlings, however I must warn you they might have to be separated into different nights." I say in amusement.
"We don't care, we just want to know about you and dad!" Calista said honestly
"Yeah, no offense mom, but you're always so distant or avoid the subject completely when we talk about dad." Azriel nervously said
"I'll never forget the night Azzy got emotional about dad saying he never loved or cared about any of us and you gave him the biggest scolding that's ever been scolded." Calista said with a light giggle
"Alright, alright I get it. I'm touchy when it comes to your father." I say rolling my eyes with a small smile
"Touchy wouldn't even be the right word in my opinion." Azriel mumbled thinking I wouldn't hear
"Azriel my dear are you saying you want to spend time with Faron to teach you proper manners? My son you never cease to surprise me with all these things you keep wanting to do! I mean mumbling to yourself is obviously a cry for help for wanting to learn proper manners. I expect you to start working on your own first before I ask Faron however, is that understood, Azriel dear?" I say darkly with a sweet smile
I saw Azriel shiver, I almost broke character and busted out laughing.
"Yes ma'am I'll improve my behavior immediately!" Azriel said loudly
"Good! I'll hold you to it then sweetie!" I say happily
I turn the kids around and lead them to my room. Once we made it they both ran and jumped on the absurdly large bed and giggled as they got under the sheets waiting for me. I sat between them and they nuzzled into me. The sword was leaning against the bed.
"Now then, are you both ready?  Because this is going to be a long, long story." I asked
They both nodded in response.
"Well then, let's start from the beginning shall we?"
I woke up with a loud knock at my door I fell out of my bed and groaned out
"Who is it?.."
"Only your best friend in the entire world!" A familiar female voice replied
"Zelda for Din's sake the sun hasn't even risen yet!" I groaned out
"Don't be such a grump and come on, you promised Link and I you'd celebrate New Years with us!" She said with her ever cheery voice
"I know, I know just meet me at the statue ok? And don’t get caught sneaking." I replied irritably
"Alright see you there! And if you fall back asleep Tia we will know and we will pour cold water on you!~" Zelda said in a sing song tone that made my eye twitch
I sigh and pick myself up. I drag myself to the closet and drag out my knight uniform. I recently got promoted to senior class recently, my job usually is working night shift in the skies. Only reason I could this early on is because I flew so many times at night when I wasn't supposed to.
Can you blame me though? I love the stars and moon at night. My violet loftwing flying through the sky practically glowing at night. It's just nice and relaxing, the cool breeze, the silence of the night. Unfortunately now I have to take my job seriously but at least I get to enjoy the coolness of the night.
I looked in the mirror at my uniform, it was a dark crimson, I had golden triangles around the skirt of the tunic with Nayru, Farore, and Din's symbols inside of them. Don't ask why I made that decision for my uniform, it just felt right. There's actually a 4th triangle on the skirt with my own symbol on there, I don't know about you but the three triangles just didn't feel right so I added a 4th. I wore black boots and white jeans under my tunic. A black button up shirt under the tunic along with my gauntlets.
Call it a main character outfit, call it too extra. But maybe I like being extra, who are you to judge?
I put on my red hat and head outside, sneaking around knights that are patrolling. Honestly, they looked so bored and who could blame them? We never get any action around Skyloft, seriously never. I went to the statue and couldn't find Zelda or Link, I looked up and found those two on the damn perch of the statue. Those idiots are going to get me in trouble.
I went to a nearby drop off and jumped off. I whistled for my loftwing, Starlight. Didn't take her long to come, we flew up to the perch and landed there. I pet her and thanked her for the flight. She chirped in response and took off. I turn to face the Dumbass twins and glared at both of them. Link looked nervous and Zelda just stayed as chipper as always.
"You two are going to end up getting us in trouble you realize that?" I say in a sisterly tone
"Sorry.." Link mumbled
"Oh come on this is the perfect view to celebrate New Years!" Zelda exclaims
"Zelda, the celebration was 3 hours ago!" I retort
"I know that silly, but it wasn't midnight when it ended, I want my first moments of the New Year to be with you two!" Zelda says while wrapping her arms around mine and Link's neck.
I sighed and smiled at her kind words. I looked over at Link and I could tell he felt the same as I did. Put simply, we were completely happy at this moment.
We talked for a while about the Academy and bragged about our Loftwings. No one could beat Link's though, his was the best I've ever seen. Although I wouldn't trade my Starlight for any other Loftwing in Skyloft.
I glanced up at the moon, if I was correct, I'd say it's about 11:55 PM.
5 minutes until New Years.
I mentioned this to Link and Zelda who seemed to have lost track of time. Both were excited that the New Year was so close. I was excited as well until I heard-
I know that wasn't Link or Zelda for that matter, I tried looking for where the sound came from. It sounded like it was directly below the clouds, but that's impossible.
"Celestia... Come to us..."
I looked back up at the moon.
3 minutes until New Years.
"Hey Tia, are you ok? You seem bothered.." Link said worriedly, making me jump a bit.
"I'll tell you both after midnight." I say waving it off
"2 more minutes guys!" Zelda exclaimed
I looked at the moon and watched the seconds go by. This voice has been appearing on and off for about a month now. Obviously I haven't talked about it because if you say you're hearing voices from beneath the clouds, imagine the looks you'd get.
1 minute before midnight
I think I'm going to go look for the voice tomorrow. I would tonight but I don't want to fall, not to mention it's cold as hell out here.
The voice is getting louder.. It's hurting my head..
Zelda's smiling up at the moon while Link keeps glancing back at me in concern.
I think I saw a green light in the clouds. Could this perhaps be Green Lightning? Or am I just trying to convince myself not to be curious with logical answers?
I see a monster appearing out of the light?! What the hell is it?! Can they see it?!
Why does it look familiar?..
It's rushing at me... What's going on?..
"Happy New Ye-.. OH MY GOD CELESTIA!" Zelda cried out as I fell of the statue
I was too shocked to call my loftwing, it all happened so fast...
All of a sudden I landed on a somewhat soft surface.
"Celestia are you okay?!" Link asked holding me tight while on his loftwing
"I... I don't know?.." was all I could respond with
"Maybe we should get you back to the academy, you look really sick!" Link said, navigating his loftwing to the academy.
I didn't even want to argue, in truth, this was the worst I've ever felt in my life.
Before I knew it I was wrapped in blankets staring down at some hot tea Zelda made me. I was shivering and looked sick, but I didn't even feel anything.
"Tia... I've never seen you this out of it before. It's not like you, if there's anything we can do to help or if there's something wrong?.." Zelda asked worriedly
"You did say you wanted to tell us something back at the statue, I think now is a perfect time to tell it, if you're up for it that is." Link says rubbing my back
He's never this talkative.. He must be really worried..
I gave a shaky sigh before explaining what I saw, down to the last detail.
They both looked more concerned than ever. It felt like they were judging me.
"I'm being serious! This has been going on for months and I don't know what to do.. I just want it to stop, but the only solution of mine is going beneath the cloud barrier." I exasperate
"Tia, that's forbidden!" Zelda exclaimed
"I already know that Zel, I'm dumb but I'm not that dumb." I say rolling my eyes
"I never said you were, I just don't want you to do something out of impulse and end up leaving us.." Zelda said holding both of my hands looking at me with genuine worry
"Zelda I'm not going to do anything, but I do need to figure this out, and you and Link can't stop me." I say sternly
Zelda sighed in annoyance and stomped out, I could hear her crying as she left.
"... You know she's just worried right, we both are." Link says rubbing my back.
"I know, I know.. You don't need to though I'll be fine, alright?" I say in a comforting tone.
He sighs and gives me a small smile.
"I trust you Tia, we should sleep, it's been a long night. I'm sure Zelda will be over it tomorrow morning." Link says tiredly
"Alright, goodnight sleepyhead!" I say as I give him a tight hug before he leaves.
He gives a nod and leaves the room.
I turn to walk to my bed, but then the voice came back. Goddammit can I not get any peace?!
Sorry, Zelda, Link. But I need to figure this out now. This is getting out of hand. I open my door quietly to see an empty hallway, I shut the door and head outside. I run through the town avoiding the Keese and ChuChus and those Remlits.
I stood in the plaza by the Light tower the monster?.. Was still there, it was looking in my general direction but I couldn't tell if it was looking at me. It didn't have any eyes from what I could see.
I ran off the plaza and called Fleur. Immediately she came to my aide but she seemed off, as if she was scared.
I guided her to the monster, I could feel her hesitation with each flap of her wings. I was starting to change my mind. I was starting to turn her before I heard her squawk in fear.
We were being pulled in by a giant black tornado. Fleur tried her hardest to fly away, I held on tight but not tight enough. I ended up losing my grasp on Fleur.
I screamed during my fall, for Fleur, Link, Zelda, someone to help me. But nobody came, and I fell beneath the cloud barrier.
I looked during my fall to see a bunch of trees covered in white, was there really life below the clouds? Regardless, I won't be able to find out, there's no way I'm surviving this fall.
Tired from screaming I passed out and went to the void of my mind.
~*Time Skip*~
I woke up in a bed of... Well I don't really know what to call this? It's all white and cold. It was falling from the sky too. I was freezing, I had to find somewhere warm. I looked around to see myself in what seems to be a huge hole. At least it had a way up, but that wasn't the strangest thing. The strangest thing was there was a type of pillar not too far from me it's presence filled me with fear and some recognition.
Why do I recognize this??
I walked up to it and felt a warmth embrace me, it felt really comfortable. I decided to place my hand on the pillar tracing the symbols in it, which I recognized to be the Goddesses symbols.
I decided to stay beside it since it was keeping me warm and making a safe spot for me to lay down even if it was just the ground, it's better than nothing.
"I don't know what you are but, you must be good right? Otherwise you wouldn't be keeping me warm. I'll stay with you until the sun comes up, then I'll have to find out what to do." I said talking to the pillar which I know sounded crazy but it felt like it was living.
I laid down on the ground trying to get comfy and stay warm.
"I hope Fleur is okay... Maybe she's sent for help somehow, or maybe someone will notice I'm gone and come help me.. Anyways, good night... Whatever you are.." I said softly before closing my eyes.
Before I fell asleep though I could've sworn I heard someone say;
"Goo.. nigh.. Tia.."
Maybe it's just my imagination.
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regnantlight · 2 years
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Character trivia meme
[Rules: describe 10 random headcanons about your muse of choice that will rarely ever have the chance to naturally come up in threads. Go wild, go random, go meta!]
[tagged: @shiroi---kumo​ ]
[ Tagging: anyone wearing the color green ]
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1. Zelda’s lovely skin is not solely the result of fortunate genetics. As part of her morning and evening regime, she has a skincare routine that includes a gentle washing morning and night followed by a moisturizing lotion, rosehip oil in the evening post-lotion, and exfoliating with charcoal two-three times a week depending on the humidity. 
2. Even as a very young child, Zelda was mostly easy to handle and stayed quiet/well-behaved. There was only one time where she threw a major fit, stopping and screaming and crying, and that was when her prized miniature guardian was deemed a distraction and taken away from her. Unlike in AoC lore, however, Zelda’s mother was alive at this time. While Rhoam was the one who took the guardian away, it was Calista who reprimanded Zelda for acting out. It was the one and only time that Zelda felt afraid of her mother, and Calista’s disappointment in that moment is something that shaped Zelda into adulthood. 
3. The only reason that Zelda does not develop carpal tunnel or a hunched back in her old age is because she does take care to stretch regularly. This is something that she learned from her writing tutor. 
4. She used to have a nervous habit of shaking her hands as though they were wet that her nursemaids quickly scolded out of her. It still comes out when she’s particularly nervous in the way she rubs her thumb and forefinger or how she’ll tear scrap paper into tiny pieces when no one can see. 
5. She has eaten numerous meals considered “gross” by local standards, including bugs and different parts of animals, during her travels both in and outside of Hyrule. As a royal, it goes against etiquette to decline a meal provided by her host or show distaste for it, though she’s allowed to stop after half of it is gone. 
6. In her default verse, she has only traveled across the sea once, back when her mother was still alive. They went to celebrate a royal wedding and, unbeknownst to Zelda, a possible arrangement between herself and the young prince. In the end, however, Calista and Rhoam didn’t feel that the alliance would benefit Hyrule enough, and so the engagement never came to be.
7. Once, around the time of her mothers death, Zelda thought she saw the ghost of a beautiful woman down in the royal family crypts. Though she tried to catch a second glimpse of the ghost, it never appeared, and it became a lost memory once she dedicated herself to training. 
8. Zelda’s ladies-in-waiting are partially responsible for ensuring that Zelda’s beauty standards are upheld while she focuses on her training. They used a special soap and oil treatment on her hair three times a week, hair removal creams to keep the skin on her legs, arms, and underarms smooth, and were supposed to inform the cook to adjust her food portions if she began to gain weight (though they never did.) 
9. There is one person Zelda trusts to watch over her plants when she’s gone, and one only: her lady-in-waiting, Esha. Zelda leaves her very detailed instructions on how to care for them and has her jot down notes on their progress. 
10. Zelda has had the same tailor all her life who custom creates her clothing. This same tailor created clothing for her mother. 
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calofhearting · 1 year
[Interrogation] Is that so? We have reason to believe that your twin brother's passing may have deeply impacted you. He would understand the sacrifice given that he was a volunteer, unlike you.
Confusion flooded her features. Of course, she had been impacted by Cato's death. What kind of person wouldn't be? It had been so hard for Calista. It still was. She was sure that she would miss her brother for the rest of her life. But what did it matter to the Capitol? How did her grief for her brother get turned into her not being able to understand the sacrifice that he had made when he volunteered? Of course, Calista wished that Cato was still here and that he had never volunteered, but that was the selfish part of her. And she had never said those words out loud. How could they even know that she had ever had those thoughts?
"I mean...of course, it's impacted me. I miss my brother every day. But that doesn't mean that I participated in treason! You are right, my brother's death was a sacrifice, and participating in treason would make his sacrifice for nothing! I'm proud of my brother. He made it to the final three of the Hunger Games. I grieve for him, but that doesn't make me a traitor!"
Do you think your family would vouch for your innocence, Miss Hearting? Word on the street is you've become soft with the games.
Would her family say that she was innocent? She couldn't imagine what her mother would say if they came to her home back in Two and told her parents that she had been deemed a traitor. She would be mortified to think that a Hearting could be a traitor to Panem. Her heart started to race at the thought. And her father...he had already lost so much, losing Cato. Would losing her kill him? Or would he be expecting it? Calista knew that he thought that she was weak, would he be glad to be rid of her?
What would they do to her if they decided that she was a traitor? Would they cut off her tongue and turn her into an Avox? Calista felt like she couldn't breathe. The Capitol knew that she was soft, but was that treasonous? She did everything that she was supposed to. She said all of the things that her family had taught her to say, and she watched the Games. She did! Calista had dutifully watched as the mutts had torn Cato apart, sobbing all the while, but she hadn't run to her room to hide.
"My family would say that I am loyal," Calista finally said, her voice soft. "I know that I am weak where Cato was strong. I don't know why that is. I never volunteered because the Academy deemed me unfit for it. They didn't want to waste resources on someone who was not going to be able to handle it. But I do my duty to Panem in other ways. I watch the Hunger Games every year and I celebrate the sacrifices that our tributes give to Panem. If that makes me a traitor then I don't know what I can do differently to convince you that I am not a traitor. I knew nothing about the treason that happened at the Quarter Quell. My family knew nothing. I still know nothing."
We have your brother's autopsy results. Have you seen them? Well we actually just have the photos here today. Maybe seeing them will remind you just of what the girl on fire is capable of, and how the rebels are not meant to be trusted.
Horror bloomed on her face when the interrogator pulled out the sealed envelope. Cato had been in such bad shape that they had advised a closed casket service for him. Calista hadn't wanted to see her brother like...that. The mess of a body that had been returned to her wasn't her brother. She preferred to think of her brother as the strong man that he was when they sent him off to the Games. It had been terrible enough seeing it on the screen, she hadn't wanted to see him in person. Calista thought that her father had looked inside the casket, but he had never spoken of it. Calista knew that they could do miracles for the victors in the Games, but they didn't afford that same honor to the fallen tributes.
Not even ones as spectacular as Cato had been.
Tears rolled down her cheeks and she felt like she was going to have a panic attack as the man pulled the photographs from the envelope. He laid them down in front of Calista and she couldn't look away. Her brother...Cato. The images were grotesque and if Calista didn't know that it was Cato she wouldn't have believed them. But there was the outfit that Cato had been wearing in the end. She could see hints of blonde hair. But that was all that resembled her brother.
Maybe seeing them will remind you just of what the girl on fire is capable of, and how the rebels are not meant to be trusted.
Did they know about her interaction with Peeta at the start of the Games? They couldn't know that she had wanted to thank Katniss for taking Cato out of his misery, and for ending the Capitol's torture. They couldn't know.
Calista knew deep down that Katniss had not done this to Cato. It had been the Capitol that had doomed her brother to that death. But she had been in this interrogation room for hours, with question after question, under the bright fluorescent lights, with no food or water and she was feeling so turned around. Everything was swimming in her head; all of their questions and demands. She didn't know which way was up and which way was down. And there was the picture of Cato's mangled body on the table, right in front of her. She couldn't look away from it even though she desperately wanted to.
"I don't know her, I swear. I never spoke to Katniss Everdeen. She killed my brother, what would I have to say to her? I don't trust the rebels, I support Panem. Why don't you believe me? I just want to go home."
The sobs that had been building up finally broke through, and Calista finally broke down, putting her head in her hands as the sobs wracked through her body.
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uroborosymphony · 2 years
Discussing verses.
I'm beyond satisfied with my the verses on this blog. As in, with four verses I get four universes that are so different and each one feels incredible complete. Especially thanks to the amazing plots with amazing roleplayers, all the verses feel so alive and I can't wait to keep on writing them, keep on developing them and plotting more and more! I've completed their bios by adding connection pages and aesthetics boards for each.
Ilana, verse 1, the songstress.
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I'm happy I brought ilana back and revamped her, focusing her bar singing and her motherhood makes so much sense to this muse. She is unstable for sure but is very loved and her plots mainly revolve around getting in troubles yet sticking together with muses that are equally struggling, I like that and her relationship with her daughter is so dear to me. I used to write ilana as a very Lana Del Rey universe woman, very dependent on her love and passion for Men and being loved by them. I got utterly disappointed by the ships that came with this verse so I dropped them and re routed the muse. Now I'm satisfied she found the real love of her life : her daughter. What I want to write more with her :
More of her music / More threads with her daughter / Going deeper into what she did to have a criminal record and why she's hand tied with the bad side of the city - I want to dig into her secrets.
Quinn, verse 2, the vigilante.
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Quinn's universe is THE crime universe of my dreams to me. There is this obsessive amazing layered love she shares with her partner in crime Taiyang, and I'm amazed by how they have an entire universe built with their gang, the underground life, their dream as vigilantes. This verse feels bottomless in terms of possibilities and connections. I'm also getting to know her, she's a toough girl with her walls up but with a good heart until she's not fully corrupted. Intimidating yet caring. Severe but tender. It's truly the muse I can connect with everyone else's because she's very versatile. With Quinn I soon want to write more of :
A game she would play with the police by taking the take identity of a fake junior detective to protect her gang / The evolution of her undiagnosed schizophrenia / Her relationship with her mother (who's in psych) / To develop friendships! I want Ara to have friends / To develop allies and enemies on the underground scene / To develop how her morals will twist from wanting justice to wanting to punish / Whispers Taiquinn's crime wedding yall invited
Calista, verse 3, the immortal.
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Calista's universe is the most mind bending to me. It's supernatural meets modern times, with this possibility to write the epic past, the adventures of the present, and the apocalyptic future she's going to cause. Yes, she's powerful, she's maniac and insane, she's That malefic bitch however suicidal and obsessed with her own end to the point I get to go really deep with her, it gets philosophical. Grand questions about life and death, immortality. What I want to write more with her :
The past with all the cool plots I have for her involving the Witch War it's fucking amazing / Different sides of her softer sides of her as yes she's a warrior and a ruthless one but there are people she cares about even tho she's the opposite of an empath / Fights! I want to write epic fights with her she's a warrior after all and a swordfighter / The future verse in a an apocalyptic setting after she casts powers from the God it would be mind blowing
- I'm realizing the Witch War was quite something. Calista exterminating witches for centuries. I'm wanting to write a witch on my multimuse blog, from a powerful bloodline Calista had great battles with, using Kiko Mizuhara as fc. It can take life if anybody is interested / has witche muses!
Ruby, verse 4, the nine tailed fox.
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I'm finally using my Gumiho/Kitsune verse more and I'm loving how with other muses we're writing in this yokai/anime like/folklorish world, it's very gentle and summerlike. I think Ruby is my softest verse so far, I usualluy write Bad Girls, Ruby can be one too but she does have a lot of empathy for humans, she wants to be human yet has to absorb their vital energy to survive, it's conflictual. What I want to write more with her :
I want her to understand her origins better as she has been casted out by other Gumihos she's unaware of everything she can do and her place in this world / More adventures with other yokai and supernatural entities / Her less pretty side, her appetite, her using humans to sustain herself even though she said she would not / Her losing her shit too due to this hunger she cannot control
More verses? Verse 5?
I had a verse 5, the Lady of Tjelra, that I deleted due to the inactivity of the attached plots. I think starting now if I do create new verses it will with other muns so we can truly build something for the verses. I also use different hair color for each verse of some noticed, it's a little amusing and somehow helps make a real difference between each. If I were to add another verse and have a verse 5 again, it would be the pink haired one. I for now have enough on my plate but just a thought. She's giving me dark fairy, she's giving me siren, she's giving me nymph, she's giving me priestess. She's giving me ancient magic, she's giving me dystopic feelings. As her name, Sybille or Pandora.
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