boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: @Jinx, you have vlogs rubbing yourself off to Cait? Isn't that just porn? lol tf (Had to lol)
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“Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, Hey, Hey, Hey, HEY!!” Loose wavey hands joined Jinx’s vocal efforts in cutting the other THE FUCK OFF, like, seriously: “First of all: you weren’t supposed to KNOW THAT!! And second of all: I make the vlogs to remember what I did and how I felt! What better way to capture that, and never forget how badly even the THOUGHT of Cait made my TOES CURL than by just DOING IT!!” ...... Pause. Eyes shifting, avoiding, dipping down to her grimy boots as they kicked at the cracked pavings of The Sump. “IIIIIIIIIIII saidtoomuch...” ....... Another pause. “B-Besides, it’s not even any of your BUSINESS how I spend my time! If I wanna make porn, I’ll make porn -- GOT IT?!” ......... “AAAAAAAAAND ON THAT NOTE, Imma go teach some of the Lost Children how to pickpocket. Might help them NOT DIE before they get older!!” And just like that: JINX. WAS. OUTTA THERE!!
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zaunkids · 3 years
some ship names ive been thinking about for caitlyn and jinx:
Cinx (a favorite of mine), Caitlynx, Jinxlyn
More creative ones:
Sharpshooters, Misfits, Triggerhappy
anyone have any thoughts?
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sassisofi · 9 years
reblogged your photo and added:
“Yep. Kamala is definitely me. ^_^ Lockjaw is so cute!”
I told you, Sofi… Or did I tell Will that you were...
No you definitely told me that I was like her, and as I read more of the comic it’s becoming more apparent that I really am a lot like her or I am her! XD
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: ❤️- For a secret crush
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SIGH. “I thought about her again today...” She’d clearly edited this video, cut out the intro with the ever-more BORING camera start up procedure. Clearly... Becuase this PARTICULAR VLOG began with a front on shot of Jinx lay on her stomach, chin in palm, legs kicking up and down behind -- Filling the room and flooding the microphone with ECHOES CLANGS, like a ship falling apart. “I don’t even know why! Didn’t even get to SEE HER!!” Probably the reason, if the psychopath was being honest, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT since this was JINX we were talking about... “I just... I don’t know... It wasn’t supposed to BE like THIS -- Wasn’t supposed to think about it, or, or, or -- OR MISS HER, Y’KNOW?!” Hand curved from chin, across cheek to blanket her forehead, thumb and middle finger stretching to rub aching temples before falling back in place. “Well, anyway, some gang warfare shit spread all over the Sumps. We won, whatever, I don’t care.” Hands reached out now to shut it off. And some few seconds later only audio is heard. “Where the fuck WAS SHE?!” Jinx is heard before the briefest pause. “...SHIT! I forgot to cut the audio...” Had she? Maybe subconsciously she WANTED THAT to be heard. “Fuck it. Whatever. Leave it in. I’m going to bed.” White noise can be heard for a full hour after, broken up only by noises of RATS, BANGS & RUSHING GUTTER FLUID.
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: 📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
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Fingers framed the camera perfectly, first capturing a MANIC grin with full eyes spread WIDE. “Welcome once again, boys and girls!!” Not that there actually WERE any boys or girls watching as the blue-haired minx pirouetted away rather dramatically. “Say hello to your host, JINX!!” Who happened to be the only one who’d ever be allowed to lay her weary magenta eyes upon this clip. No, not even EKKO -- Who originally gave the crestfallen amnesiac the IDEA for this after she rather grumpily noted her desire to have Ekko’s time-manipulation prowess so as to NEVER forget any of her past anymore -- Would be granted permissions. They were everything to Jinx -- LITERALLY: Every last moment of pride, joy, mania, fame, infamy -- THE VERY REASONS SHE LIVED ON TO THIS DAY. That feeling of not wanting to scream or die, for once. “In today’s episode I have a bit of a CONFESSION TO MAKE. Yurp! That’s right!! Zaun’s Most Controversial Resident, must CONFESSSSSS.” Oh, how she loved the theatrical masquerade. Wouldn’t lie, the Hextranet had gotten word of Jhin’s LATEST artpiece. And boy was it MARVELOUS.
“So here goes: Dear Diary, I killed a rat today... And...” Hands clasped rather forlornly over her achey-breaky heart -- CRUMPLING UP AS(IF) THE PAIN HIT. “And it just... I just...” Sniffle. Sniffle. Voice break. “I can’t get it out of my head... Can’t... Stop thinking about all the time he had left... And all the family left back at his little ratty nest waiting WORRIEDLY & HUNGRILY for his impending return, bearing fruits of his SUCCESSFUL scavenge in the warehouse within which I accidentally crushed him...” Down to her knees -- THUD,SCRAPE -- One day she’d remember that the sewer she called home happened to be made out of METAL. Ouch!! “Beneath six pallets and a shelving unit... I tried to save him but I just... I was too late... He was already MUSH!! And it’s just so, so sad...” Words lingered for a few moments, forearms now covering those pink irises as she forced out three THROAT-BURNING false-sobs only to smirk, peek herself out from behind bony flesh, & scream the word:
Laughter burst forth, all raucous, obnoxious-like. But damn did that joke NEVER grow old. After more minutes than Jinx cared to (or truly was able to...) count the flow of hysteria came to a HALT, followed immediately by a DEEP SIGH that rattled through fragile marrow. “What ISN’T a joke, however, is that annoying girl known only as HAT LADY. God, she gets on my NERVES!” Ferocious growl and a kick to the spray can lay empty on the floor. “Why does she always HAVE to be like... Y’KNOW -- LIKE THAT?!” Wasn’t that counterproductive? How the Hell was FUTURE JINX supposed to know something PRESENT JINX couldn’t even describe? “I just... I don’t know what it is about her... Y’know?” AGAIN... “Maybe that’s why the bitch is still alive. She INTRIGUES ME. And I fucking HATE HER FOR IT.” -- Lies. Deep down, Jinx knew as such --  There’d been a reason she’d left FISHBONES out of today’s vlog. Stupidly overconscientious boring ass mean ass DEATH LAUNCHER. “But she keeps me thinking. On my toes. And that’s a RARITY FOR ME!!” Typically, Jinx didn’t like to THINK. Mind got all bored & nihilistic & existential, and before she knew it she’d be three Jaegarbombs deep, bombing the nearest landmark. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m OVERTHINKING AGAIN! Maybe she’s right. Maybe once I’ve fucked her, I can finally kill her and be DONE WITH IT!!” Hand reached for the camera but hesitated prior to curling away. “Or maybe not. WHO THE FUCK KNOWS at this point?” CLICK!!
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: 🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
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                                             “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!                                                               BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!                                                                     AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!                                                     BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
Could you imagine that? Like? Could. You. Imagine. JINX with a heavy, emotional secret? Like? JINX!! Jinx didn’t have emotions! And she damn sure didn’t have any secrets!! Right? RIGHT?! Of course not!! You know... Apart from that SHADOW looming over her head, painting the world a near perpetual gray that she had to literally BLOW COLOR INTO WITH A ROCKET LAUNCHER. But other than that? Nah. She was clean. Pristine. So pure and see-through -- INPENETRABLE. Just... Don’t go into that little room she hollowed out behind one of those aluminum panels that made up the SEWER TRENCH she (rarely) slept in. No one could ever find out about that little tinkered up Hextop that housed every last second of CHRONICLED EMOTION -- Captured in time, where it could never, EVER escape the vortex of her mind like they used to so easily before. Every last time she ever felt GOOD -- About herself AND in life. Those could never, ever be shared. And if you haven’t seen Jinx in a while? Double don’t dare even APPROACH her domain. Sometimes she just... Didn’t have the energy to empty out the Void... And no one could EVER know that. “You REALLY wanna know my heaviest secret?” Uh-oh. “I’ve got a girl that I can’t get off my mind. And I don’t have the slightest fucking clue why...” Wait. That was it? No prank? No laughter? NO MANIA OR CHAOS? Well, shit... There ya have it... “Now get the fuck out so I can hate this whole mess.”
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said:  @Jinx, how do you feel about hat lady choking you with ur own braids from behind while she rams into you?
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She couldn’t lie, she wouldn’t lie, oh the fuck was she kidding? OF COURSE SHE COULD LIE!! Sheer description had her stomach burning ablaze, fresh fire sending shivers up her spine, and causing pussy juices to DRIP. Thighs rubbed in search of FRICTION, canine finding tongue, & as that hard lump slipped down her FRAGILE THROAT, Jinx subconsicously lifted spindly fingers up to trace the harsh red chain that Hat Lady would inevitably BURN into pale flesh. Decision time: Did she tell the truth? Admit to the sheer THRILL & AROUSAL the thought ignited right through her bones? Getting her hips a-BUCKING. Nope. Instead she snorts out loud and gives a haughty little laugh waving off the idea as PROPOSTEROUS. “Hat Lady? The Mayor of Snoresville? As if!!” Why did she lie? Well if one were to ask Jinx, she’d simply reply: BECAUSE SHE COULD. In truth, the ferociously horny little imp bitch may still have been SMARTING from the last time Cait gave her BLUE BALLS before going to fuck Jayce. (PRICK!!!)
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: "You know, If I take you in to the station, I'll be required to do a cavity search." Was that meant to inflict fear or entice Jinx?
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Had the younger girl not already DARED THE SHERIFF, maybe the psychotic megalomaniac that called herself JINX would have bit back in defense of SHEER PRIDE. After all, the truest keyword in that sentence had been the IF -- And if ANYTHING Piltover and, by extention, Hat Lady, had proven themselves entirely incapable of apprehending Zaun’s Loose Cannon even applying LETHAL FORCE. But they’d already begun. The game was afoot. And so teeth bit tongue, throat swallowed pride & ego took the hit. “A cavity search, you say? I’ve had one of those -- NEVER!! -- What're they like?” Of course the off-the-handle and over-the-cliff chem punk had NO IDEA. Hadn’t ever seen one performed. Suffice to say it had her... INTRIGUED. “Wait, wait, wait, why ya saying that like that? Either ya warning me not to give myself up. ORRRRR, if I’m not boldly mistaken -- And I’m NEVER mistaken -- Piltover’s Favored Wife might just be FLIRTING with Everyone’s Favorite Pariah! Oooh, what a SCANDAL THAT would be!!”
                                                                                                ----- IRREVERENT, TO THE VERY END.
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: “We need to change your bandages soon.”      
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Things had started clearing up -- ALCOHOL, CHEMICALS & PAIN ALIKE. So strange the feeling of being atop the cliff after a night like that. Stranger still that it had been HAT LADY of all people (even without conflict with FATHANDS) who’d taken her up. Away from the fear, fumes and fury of Zaun, City of Iron & Glass -- Yes, FEAR -- Progress Day had been utterly TERRIFYING for Jinx, with more than a few reasons why. “Again?” Voice scratched painstakingly at the back of her throat, meeker than usual but forever irreverent -- A TRUE (WILD)CHILD AT HEART. “I swear they’re fine...” She spoke in total seriousness, pointing toward a soggy bandage turning crimson just beneath her left tit. Someone had REALY went for the heart -- Thank the Void they’d MISSED. “Fine. Let’s get it over with.” Not that she didn’t ENJOY the other’s ATTENTIONS & AFFECTIONS but it did make her feel kind of PATHETIC to be needing bandaged up PERIOD -- Let alone by a Piltovan. (Had to be the Zaunite in her.) “Two question, though: Why did ya do it? And where the fuck actually am I?” Psychotic had passed the fuck out all over again before even reaching the top of the conveyor. With luck, they were NEITHER in a hospital nor in some kind of police infirmary -- Which would seem to be the case considering Cait’s continued PRESENCE & SUPPORT. Unless she’d purposefully been visiting? Helping out? Either way, Cait had dedicated herself to PERSONALLY TENDING to Jinx IN SECRET or actively taken time out of that busy Sheriff Day to VISIT. Yeah, shit just kept get weirder, and Jinx & Cait  continued to deny the WRITING ON THE WALLS. Instead, the younger woman pushed herself up to a seating position and pushed aside the COMFY AS FUCK blanket, baring a pretty simple crop-top & short-shorts form to the other.
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
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“So that’s why you weren’t WOWED by the Red Velvet Cake I stole for you? You’ve got a SOFT SPOT for Grammy’s Cupcakes. It all makes sense NOW!!”
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: “Why do you know how to get bloodstains out?”
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There’d always been somewhat of a THRILL to be had being around the Wardens and Piltover’s Sheriffs & Enforcers, knowing that ANY SECOND NOW one of the dumbfucks would FINALLY peg her as the one to have caused SO MUCH of the mayhem that had ground the CITY OF PROGRESS to a SCREECHING HALT for the first time in HISTORY. Such ordeals got her adrenaline a-pumpin’ through veins in ways NOTHING ELSE did -- Y’know, aside from the crimes themselves an’ all that. But something was different with this one -- An extra crank on the gear that made everything hit just that little bit HARDER. Probably cause she was pretty. Had to be. Sex on legs wielding a HELL of a rifle, and judging from the inquiry -- Had the BRAINS to match. “In a world like THIS? You can never be too careful. People have accidents or get hurt or in fights, like, ALLLLL THE TIME.” This one she’d eyed up in Zaun’s upper levels, freshly wounded -- assumedly from some kind of FIREFIGHT -- and decided to take her in... To SOMEONE ELSE’S HOUSE. (Well she could hardly take the bitch back to the SEWERS NOW.) “You always this rude to Good Samaritans? Where did YOU learn how to handle a weapon like that -- HUH?!” Quick pop of the bubblegum she’d be chewing with MOUTH OPEN. Quick pause. “Ya know your clothes are never comin’ clean with you still IN THEM.”
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: “Whose blood is that?”
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Curious quirk of Jinx’s every feature, head shifting VIOLENTLY to the side. Why did Hat Lady care? “Why do you care?” Duh!! She’s clearly worried that it’s SOMEONE ELSE’S!! “Would it make ya feel better if it was mine?” To be fair, some of it likely WAS. But fuck if she could remember. Zaun’s pollution had a way of KILLING emotion and pain -- Or maybe the blue-hair minx had her UNCERTAIN PAST to thank for that. “If not then I plead the fifth.” Meaning, tonight’s latest storm of chaos proved UNWORTH branding with her ever-more-infamous name. There wasn’t any PRIDE to be had in fighting other Zaunites... (Just another Friday Night.)
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
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Smirk. Jinx had never been one for so-called “PLANS”. She lacked the organization, calculations, desire to be so fucking bored out of her mind, and the psyche to pull them off... USUALLY... That said: Stars had fallen before, moons turning blue, & red seas parting -- Like the day she’d wholesale ROBBED the treasury. Then again, the part where Fathands ended up destroying the entire damn place hadn’t been FACTORED IN AHEAD OF TIME. (Just a HAPPY COINCIDENCE.) All of a sudden, Zaun’s Loose Cannon,  was proving the goddamn point: Within seconds the explosive, blue-haired minx had gotten from thinking of today’s plan to musing over all the WHACKY & WEIRD & WONDERFUL WAYS it could go horribly wrong -- And the THRILLS therein. Still, the third bell chimed, Sun Gate closing, sealing Jinx inside of Piltover for the night. Fresh Hexchem mines wired up in a few little places for... REASSURANCE. But, in truth, for once in her godforsaken fucked up little life, the psycho didn’t intend to USE THEM. Instead, centering the grand plot around... Just... Memorizing Hat Lady’s patrol route AAAAAAND jaywalking right along it. But a matter of BORING TIME later and she’d finally gotten to lock vibrant pinks upon PALE & PRETTY blues. “Fancy meeting YOU here.”
                                               (SHE WAS SOOOOOOOOOO GETTING ARRESTED.)                                                           (...OR SHOT...)                                                                          (...PREFERABLY THE FORMER...)                                                                                                    (.....PREFERABLY NEITHER....)
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
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There was NOOOOOOOOO fucking way this was gonna work. But then again. If Jinx pulled the brakes on every plan she ever doubted, WELLLLL, the treasury would still be standing. So a call she made, requesting the immediate presence of SHERIFF CAITLYN. Little did the Lady of Hats know that awaiting her would be the PUNK QUEEN OF ALL PRANKS: JINX. Heart hammered, tummy got all achey-butterfly-y -- Just the way Jinx LIKED IT. Nothing could ever make the blue-haired minx feel more ALIVE than getting under Hat Lady’s skin. Especially at the risk of HELLA CONSEQUENECS. “Just a minute!!” Voice feigned that same stupid Piltovan accent the dispatcher had heard over the radio. “Well, HELL. O. There, Officer!” Door swung open and Jinx spun theatrically from behind its frame -- GRIN BIG, PROUD & TOOTHY. “Fancy meeting you here.” And suddenly the penny dropped. ...Cait had a VERY literal kind of mind. She wouldn’t miss the joke and assume JINX was the criminal... WOULD SHE? “Gotta admit I MAY not have thought this one, through...” Pause, nervous laughter, itching at the back of her ear. “It was me on the phone?”
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