#CA Human Resource Management
modernhr · 10 months
7 Steps to Becoming a Pet-Friendly Workplace
People love their pets, and they love being allowed to bring their pets to work! When someone brings their pet to work, their stress levels drop right away. Petting a cat or dog, playing with them, feeding them or taking them for a walk can induce a sense of well-being. Additionally, pet guardians love to talk about their pets, and this can help employees to socialize with each other. Even people who don’t have pets can get the benefit of petting or playing with a pet in a pet-friendly workplace.
The disadvantage of a pet-friendly workplace is that it can get dirty pretty quickly. Pets might track in mud, leave a lot of hair on the furniture, relieve themselves in places where they’re not supposed to etc. Plus, if you have staff members who are allergic to pets, then a pet-friendly workplace might not work for them.
Making Your Workplace Pet-Friendly
If you want to become a pet-friendly workplace, make sure that everyone who brings their pets to works understands the rules.
Noise Level: Make sure everyone knows not to bring very loud and aggressive dogs to the workplace as this will disturb everybody.
Potty Training: You can make it a rule to bring only potty-trained dogs and cats to the workplace to make sure that they don’t relieve themselves where they’re not supposed to.
Separate Areas for Pets: Consider separating the office into two areas—one in which pets are allowed and one in which pets are not allowed. This way, people who are allergic to pets can sit in the pet-free area.
Dogs vs. Cats: If you’re going to allow both, dogs and cats, into the workplace, then you might also need to separate the office into a dog area and a cat area, unless the dogs and cats in question are able to get along.
Pledges/Applications: The Washington Post also suggests that you get pet guardians to sign a pet pledge or application to indicate that they’ll follow the rules surrounding pets in the workplace. This can get rid of liability issues.
Walking Dogs: It’s also important to make sure that there’s somewhere where dog guardians can take their dogs for walks, close to the office.
Vaccinations: You’ll need to make sure that all pets have had their vaccinations, to make sure that they’re safe for people in the office to play with.
Once you’ve covered the basics, there are so many things you can do to create a pet-friendly workplace. Make sure you keep some pet food and pet toys. You can get scratching posts and cat litter for cats. Also keep some cleaning supplies on hand in case the pet ends up making a mess after all.
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Modern HR brings clarity and simplification to the art of human resources, enhancing our Clients’ culture and allowing them to focus on business growth and prosperity.
Modern HR works with many different industries all over the country. We are proud to say that we have been doing what we love for more than 35 years! Our Services
SO MUCH TO DO, SO LITTLE TIME! sound familiar? This is a common theme that we hear frequently from all business owners. Whether it is payroll, benefits, recruiting or training, the administration of HR Outsourcing Los Angeles                                can take up a lot of your time and distract you from building your business. At Modern HR, it is our business to help you focus on your business. We can develop a customized package of Human Resources California that will meet the needs of everyone in your organization. We offer solutions to a wide variety of the day-to-day challenges you face.
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CA Human Resource Management are designed around our client’s specific needs from sourcing through to human resources management.
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1emon1ime · 2 months
Dominance Hierarchy (Koba x Human!Reader)
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(art by me)
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57723100/chapters/146903323
In this new world of predator and prey you are no longer the dominant species.
Rating: 18+ Pure smut. MDNI!
Warning: Non consensual, Gun Play, Interspecies Sex
There's dirt on your clothes. There's blood on your face. Bruises on your knees and grazes on your arms. There's dry soil on your skin, sticking coldly and clammy to your sweat. And there's a lump in your throat that just wouldn’t go away, no matter how many times you've tried to swallow it.
You suck in a huge breath of air and look up to the sky; the only semblance of color in a sea of green and brown. The trees that loom over you are still, the wind has left and all that's left is a cold hollow silence. Your lungs fill with cold air, and the chill hits your chest like a dagger.
You're lost.
How many hours-- How many days has it been now?
You can't even recall the faces of your parents. What they looked like, sounded like. It's been so long since they succumbed to the virus. But you-- You were still here. Somehow, you'd managed to make it this far. But... 
What was the point?
What was the point of anything anymore? You're tired, you're hungry and you're scared. So scared.
You're alone. 
And no matter how many times you tell yourself to keep going, the tears just won't stop coming.
You had been with a small group of survivors for the past year or two and while it was company; you could never really get along with them. Humans become violent and animalistic when resources were scarce. You had witnessed people kill one another for things as little as scraps of food, cannibalize one another to feed their family.
Man was only empathetic and kind when he had a a surplus of food. Now he was just as dangerous as any other predator out in the woods.
The last person you had been travelling with had died yesterday. You watched them keel over from fatigue, they just couldn't go on anymore. Hypothermia quickly set in that night and that was it. In the morning, you left her body and set out to look for an exit. You weren't even that close, death had become a constant part of your life now.
"I swear there's still game in that forest." She had said. Industrial agriculture had long collapsed, desperation had led many here, but you knew the truth. There were probably no animals left in the forest. The moment big supply chains had shut down, hoards of hungry people had caught everything, from street rats to deer. Their populations had no time to rebound. It was an endless cycle of ecological overshoot.
Perhaps not this area though.
Because there was something else, the reason you were reluctant to even traverse into this patch of forest in the first place.
The rumors . 
"They say that this area is heavily guarded," you had told her, "no one ever returns from here with their life. Least not their mental state." 
Damn it.
You should have listened to yourself. You should have stayed back.
But what was there to even go back to ? More violence and desperation? More chaos and collapse? There had to be something more out there-- something beyond the boundary. 
At this point, you probably didn't have much time left. You were growing weaker and malnourished with every day that passed. Not only that but you were completely on your own now, no weapons and no means to defend yourself. It was dangerous to stay here and it was dangerous to go back...
All you focused on at the moment was survival.
You wandered deeper into the forest, desperately searching for some relief: food, water, maybe even an old abandoned village that you could pillage for supplies. But the further you traversed, the more disorientated you became. Everything started looking the same. The trees all looked identical and the ground was so uniform that any footprints or other signs of human presence would be easily missed. Even worse, you couldn't tell which way the sun was facing. It was always behind the canopy of branches.
As you stumbled through the woods, a sudden movement caught your eye. Just ahead of you, a deer darted from one side of the path to another, sensing something that you had missed.
Rustle, rustle.
You froze, head sharply turning to the source of the sound.
You felt your heart race, the beat echoing between your ears as you turned around and felt relief wash over you when there was nothing there. A lone human girl with no weapons or defence was as easy picking as a deer. Without the safety of your community or your weapons, you were defenceless. Your species, once the apex predator of the world, free to pillage the Earth until it had been plucked bare had been reduced to a mere prey item on the menu for one of the many predators that lurked in the forest.
It felt like you had been walking for hours but it must have been a couple of minutes at the most. Your body shivered, the chill air stinging at your exposed flesh and making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
You shivered, your clothes had gotten torn up in the thick bush, leaving you even more exposed to the elements.
Was it even worth it to keep going? You had nothing left but your survival instinct kept you from killing yourself. The hope that maybe one day you would be able to escape and find a place where the virus could not spread, a place where people had not gone insane. 
Right. Survival instinct. Embedded deep into the most primal part of your brain.That part that kept you turning your head every time you heard a strange sound, or start running when you spotted a predator out of the corner of your eye. But even your ancient instincts were failing you. That rustling sound appeared again. Someone-- or some thing was following you.
Rustle .
There it was. That sound again. The movements continued and this time, you could not ignore it. Something was definitely there.
Your hands trembled and your vision blurred. You felt sick, dizzy and weak. The cold air made you light-headed and your heart was pounding loudly in your chest. The only thing you could focus on was that sound and try to make out where it was coming from.
You could hear your own breath, heavy and ragged as you tried to calm down. The sound echoed through the silence, a deafening noise. Your legs began to shake and buckle under your own weight. The ground trembled beneath you and the air filled with the sound of something moving through the trees, something big. It could only be one thing. The source of the rumors and the reason why nobody ever returned from this forest.
You were the prey now.
You were prey and he was the hunter.
Your eyes widened as a creature stepped out into the open. It was not something that you were expecting to see at all. The look in his eyes was different from any bear or lion prowling the bush. Almost as if he were sapient.
He moved toward you. A large, scarred ape, standing upright and pointing a handgun directly at your head. He was a hulking presence, a brute of an animal that was more than capable of tearing you limb from limb if he so desired. He was also far more intelligent than any mere animal, an unsettling air of cunning being his eyes as he considered you. His lips pulled back in a snarl, revealing his sharp fangs.
You stared back at him, wide eyed in disbelief at what you were seeing. So the rumors were true after all … How long had he been tracking you? Had he been waiting for you to come here so he could ambush you? What was he going to do? Your mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation but your body wouldn't move, frozen in fear. Afraid that if you did anything he would kill you instantly.
Koba's eyes raked over you in a calculating, almost clinical way. He could see the way you shuddered and trembled under his gaze. You were terror incarnate, your fear and hopelessness filling the air like a sweet fragrance. He could sense your rapid heart rate, see the way your body tensed up in a futile attempt to flee from him.
"Don't. Move." 
He spoke, voice low and raspy. Hearing those words leave his mouth threw you off. The sound of his voice sending a shiver down your spine like a jolt of electricity.
You couldn’t move– even if you wanted to.
He took a step towards you and you stumbled back, tripping over your own feet and landing flat on your ass. The ape took a second step and then another, moving slowly and deliberately. Taunting you and revelling in your fear. What a pathetic creature you were, without your community, without any defence, you were weak. An even easier catch than a mere rabbit.
He grunted as he came to a halt right in front of you, a mere foot or two from your face. Koba stared down at you with his good eye, casting daggers at your own with so much malice, and for what? What did you ever do to him ? The scars littered along his body were the first thing that you noted about him, especially the large one that ran down over his eye. Each scar told a story, you longed to know more about. What on Earth was he?
He stared you down into submission as he came within striking distance. Gaze travelling over your body, appraising your form and making your skin crawl. He gave you the ill feeling of being stalked and caught under the prowler's strong grasp.
What a monster, you thought.
"You. Weak."
‘I know .’ You wanted to say. ‘ I am so weak, so pathetic, so alone. Please just kill me and get it over with .’
But every time you tried to talk, the words got caught in your throat. All you could manage was a pathetic whine.
The ape was standing less than a foot away from you now, his scent overwhelming. He smelled of blood, sweat and earth. A primal, masculine scent that made your stomach twist and your heart beat faster.
Koba crouched down slightly so that he could get a better look at you. He tilted his head to the side a little as he watched you closely with his intense stare.
Your eyes flicked down to the weapon in his hand and you wondered if you could grab it before he shot you. It seemed unlikely.
Ever observant, he noticed the way you eyed the gun.
"Don't bother." He growled and grabbed one of your wrists, holding it in a tight grasp, hard enough to leave a bruise.
Many armed men had passed through this patch of forest and Koba had dealt with them before they had even reached the colony. He had picked them off one by one, like shooting fish in a barrel. He had the advantage of being able to aim at them from the tree tops, they would never see it coming. Over time Koba had honed his hunting skills to perfection. He was praised within the clan for defending the territory and being able to take down large prey by himself. Not only was it a source of pride for him but the thrill of stalking and tracking down his prey, landing that killing blow inflamed his body with adrenaline. It felt good . Especially to kill humans.
He loved the thrill of the hunt.
Most days, he would return with a deer or some other small herbivore but today he was feeling extra bold and something in the air smelled off. Koba had been plotting for months to find another human trespassing through their patch of forest and traumatize them so badly that they would never return again. 
He had not anticipated finding one so early in his daily hunt, however. A human female, no less. Most who passed through here, as rare as it was, were armed men. But this girl was weak, alone and had no means of defence. Almost pitiful, like a rabbit waiting to be caught in a snare. Her weakness made him curl up his nose in disgust.
Koba made a mental note of her direction and swore quietly under his breath. The girl wouldn't be going anywhere soon. He could have just killed her on sight, but he wanted to play out every part of the story, even the beginning. She was now his prey and he intended on playing it out perfectly.
He had already decided that he wanted to make an example out of this intruder; a warning to others that this land belonged to the apes and anyone who tried to cross it would pay a steep price.
The first thing he noticed was that she was alone. He knew instinctively what that meant. She probably came looking for someone, maybe her friend? A lover perhaps? Where there were one human there always had to be more not far behind.
Koba could sense your nervousness, he could smell the fear radiating off you, you were not a threat to him like the others and yet–
He didn't need to kill you to make you pay. 
You knew that something was off by how long your execution was being drawn out. Why was he hesitating? He could have already killed you easily by now but he hadn't. Why? You shuddered, imagining what sort of plans a monster like him could have for someone like you.
"P-Please don't hurt me!" You begged, pathetically. Tears were almost welling in the corners of your eyes. How did you end up in this situation? You just knew that you would end up dying here. You had somehow survived the virus outbreak but so carelessly fell prey to a bloodthirsty predator. No-- he was more than a predator, he knew what he was doing. Every move had been carefully calculated. An exacted revenge.
His hold on your wrist tightened even more. He inched closer, his face now just inches from yours. 
"Shut up, human." Your pleading had clearly angered him. "You belong to Koba now.”
Koba released your wrist and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him defiantly.
"Koba?" You blinked, stunned.
He laughed darkly. Koba was on a power trip, something he had always dreamed of. Capturing a live human, alone and vulnerable making them feel all of the pain and misery that he had been subjected to. Being the one in control for once in his life. You just unfortunately had to be the one to fall into his sick plan for revenge. You had been there in the wrong place at the wrong time.
With his free hand, Koba grabbed one of your arms so violently that you felt it almost dislocate.
"Ahhh!" You yelped as you were dragged across the ground for what seemed like forever. The foliage and loose branches causing fresh cuts, tearing more of your clothes off. Your whole body ached, and every step he took made you feel as if your bones were about to break.
After a long and uncomfortable trek, Koba stopped at the base of a large tree surrounding an open grassland, he tossed you to the ground like a piece of garbage and spat at you.
You looked up at him with a mixture of anger and fear. You were shaking, your heart racing, the sound of it echoing between your ears.
"Now. We have fun." He grinned, baring his teeth.
"W-What are you talking about?" You backed away from him, scrambling to get to your feet, but he grabbed you by the hair and slammed you face-first into the tree, tossing his gun to the side momentarily. The impact made your vision go black for a few seconds.Your nose was bleeding and you could taste the coppery blood on your lips. Then, you felt something; he had tightly seized both of your wrists and began binding them together with rope.
"You humans. Think we animals. You keep us in cages. For your amusement. Experiments."
Koba spat the words with venom, his rage burning in his eyes as he pulled the rope tight as it could go.
"Please... I don't understand."
Your confusion only instigated his rage further.
"Now--" Koba leaned forward, his thick fur warm against you. "You will know. What is it like– "
He tore your clothes off, shredding the fabric, leaving you completely exposed. The last part of your humanity, gone.
"to be hurt."
You closed your eyes, tears rolling down your cheeks. This wasn't happening. There was no way that this was real. 
"No! Please stop!"
Your pleas fell on deaf ears.
Koba whipped you around so that you were facing him and he could get a better look at your naked body. You noticed him staring down your form, studying all of the details. He had never seen a human naked. Wondered why they always covered themselves with clothes. He reached out to touch one of your breasts, entranced by the way your nipples stiffened in the cold, how the microscopic hairs on your arms stood up as you shook under his large and imposing shadow.
He grabbed you by the throat and pinned you against the tree.
"P-Please, don't."
"You are mine now." He spoke through shallow breaths "And I will enjoy-- Taking you."
You shook your head, the tears flowing freely now.
"I don't want this."
"Too bad. This is happening."
Koba began to fondle one of your breasts and you backed up but he pulled you back toward him and growled. A clear warning, you understood.
“I– Ahhh What are you–!?” You groaned through clattering teeth as he began to suck on one of your nipples, squeezing your breasts, kneading the soft flesh. “--Why…”
You couldn't help but moan, telling yourself that you didn't want this but why did it feel so good? You felt utterly debased, humiliated beyond belief. This is what you had been reduced to. A plaything for this ape. But you had also been touch starved for so long and your body unwillingly began to respond to the touch.
He ignored your pleas and continued groping you. Your nipples hardened under his touch, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Koba glared at you before scanning your entire body. He leaned in, intense stare intimidating you. So much he wanted to do. To exact his revenge. To give you the same scars that had been inflicted onto him. To make you ‘ugly’ with marks, cuts, bruises, ugly like him. Why should he have been the only one to suffer? 
He had no intention of being gentle with you.
The rage whelmed up in him and he sank his teeth into your collarbone, leaving a raw wound. You yelped, wincing in pain which he seemed to enjoy. What a sick and twisted monster, you thought. You couldn’t read him. One minute he was growling at you, revelling in your pain and the next he was almost… gentle.
Your body tensed as his hands travelled down and cupped your buttocks, kneading them, digging his fingers into your flesh.
Koba looked at you with a hungry, predatory gaze. The way that touching you in various places had you responding so positively was only making his urges stronger. Not only had Koba been frustrated by years of pent up anger toward humans but he was also deprived. He was deprived of the affection that he was due, deprived of being in control and deprived of having sex.
He reached out and caressed the side of your face, the rough pads of his fingers tracing the contours of your jaw and the hollows of your cheeks. His hand then moved lower, down to the crook of your neck, where it rested. You felt his warm breath against your skin, the heat radiating from his body enveloping you.
You could hear him inhale deeply, taking in your scent.
"Please don't..."
You could feel his erection growing larger and harder, his excitement palpable. The bulge rubbing against your belly.
Koba reached down and began to rub his large hand over your pussy.
"No. No! Please!" You thrashed to the side, almost escaping, if only it weren't for the fact that your arms were still bound and one of your ankles had been wounded in the struggle that made outpacing him all but impossible.
The ape wasn't pleased with your attempt to deny him. Suddenly, he lunged at you, pinning you to the ground and knocking the air out of your lungs.
You gasped for breath, struggling against his hold. His body was warm and solid against yours, his weight crushing you.
"Stop struggling," he growled.
You stopped, staring up at him with wide eyes and h e grinned, satisfied at how you resisted when he demanded. Perhaps you were finally starting to learn. To be obedient. 
Koba got up and coaxed you onto your knees in front of him.
A large hand cupped your chin and forced your head up to look at your aggressor. You squirmed in place, kneeling in front of him, your bloody knees shook below you, barely keeping you in position. Rope burning uncomfortably against your bound wrists. The hand let go and grabbed your hair, pulling harshly. It seemed to amuse him every time you flinched.
You looked at the creature towering above you and he snarled, showing his sharp fangs. Your eyes fell to the ground and stayed there. You were so tired and hurt, you couldn't find the strength to fight against it anymore.
That was, until something cold, hard and metal was pressed against your lips, snapping you out of your stupor.
You froze instinctively, heart hammering against your chest.
You felt the click of the safety be released as the vibrations tingled your lips.
"Open. Mouth." Koba demanded, dragging the gun across your cheek to rest firm against your forehead. He gripped the base of his cock with a steady hand and angled it towards your mouth.
Nothing felt real.
"W-What?" You asked, dumbfounded.
The gun was pushed harder against your temple. That was it, it was final. You couldn't say no even if you wanted to, you didn't need a gun pressing into your forehead to remind you of how low you were. So utterly debased and humiliated.
Koba didn't say a word, instead thrusting his cock between your lips, forcing you to stretch your jaw to accommodate his length. You felt like you could throw up.
"Tongue. Out." Koba commanded and you obeyed, sticking out your tongue.
You gulped, slowly bobbing your head. Your body trembled and a cold shiver ran down your spine. Terrified that he might slip up and accidentally pull the trigger. Your life could end at any moment. In some ways, it already had been.
You felt so low. So dirty. So entirely worthless and ashamed.
Steel bit into your skin as you started lapping and licking the underside of his cock, swirling your tongue around the tip.
Tears streamed down your red and swollen cheeks as Koba grunted in approval.
"Good. Keep going."
You sucked on his cock, bobbing your head up and down, trying not to gag as he thrust his hips, but not once did you stop your movements. The gun against your head wouldn't allow you to.
“That’s… it…” He moaned and nudged the gun lower on your face, stroking your bruised cheekbone.
Praise. The words were hollow, but… Praise. Praise.
You winced slightly at how he stroked your cheek with the cold metal weapon, making sure that you didn’t stop massaging his length with your tongue. Maybe if you did a good enough job, it would all be over soon and he would let you go– or kill you. Whichever came first.
He must have been close, the way he began to groan above you, breathing in short bursts, his cock fully engorged and twitching in your mouth.
You were given no warning as the gun was tossed to the side and Koba’s hands gripped tightly into your hair and he began to slam you down on his edging cock. You spluttered and gagged, but Koba paid no mind, furiously pulling you forward and backward, fucking your mouth earnestly. 
With a final set of delirious, frenzied thrusts, Koba very suddenly pulled your head back, fist still grabbing hard into your hair, a string of saliva still connecting your lips to his cock. He gripped his dick, stroking himself a few more times. Once, twice, you steadied yourself, knees shaking as if they’d give out at any moment.
Koba grunted again and pulled his cock out of your mouth, stroking it with his hand, aiming for your face.
"Keep mouth open–" He growled and you obeyed.
With a low grunt, he came, splashing his hot seed all over your face and into your mouth.
You tried not to gag, swallowing his load and looking away in disgust.
He looked down at you, smiling.
"Clean. With tongue." He commanded, his voice firm and unyielding.
You shuddered, but complied, licking his cock clean.
Your whole body felt like lead. Your shoulders were aching and your knees were screaming from kneeling on the floor. Your mind was still struggling to process everything that had just happened.
The ape laughed lowly as you finished licking him clean.
"Good human. Now, on ground. On all fours. Head down, ass up."
"P-please, I–" You uttered, uselessly.
Koba interrupted,
"P-please...I-I can't." You stammered, "I don't want to, I..."
You tried to protest, but he was not listening. 
Koba's hand shot up and gripped your hair, yanking you roughly to your feet. You screamed in pain, tears streaming down your face as he dragged you across the floor and threw you onto the long grass.
You could feel his hot breath on your skin, nails digging into your flesh leaving fresh bruises.
"No... please..." You pleaded, "please don't do this."
Your voice was shaking, as if he cared. You knew begging and crying was useless, made you look even more pathetic to him.
Koba gave a satisfied grunt seeing you cower under him, bare and filthy. Truly lower than any animal in the forest. “What a pathetic creature”, he thought. How had he ever let himself be controlled by one of these things? They were weak and cowardly without their weapons. He was living out his ultimate revenge fantasy. No longer was it him on the operating table, no longer was he the one being beaten, inspected and abused. He had captured his prey and wasn’t letting go. And the power trip was only turning him on more. To have a weak, powerless human under his fingertip. An eye for an eye.
He mused at all of the things he was going to do to you, grinning at how you winced in terror when he wrapped one of his large hands around your neck and squeezed ever so slightly.
“You. Are so weak.”
His hand roamed lower, reaching between your legs.
You squirmed, trying to wriggle free, but he held you firmly in place.
He moved his hand, pushing his index finger inside of you and then added a second before you could even register what was happening.
"Nnng, no.."
You moaned and squirmed as he slowly pumped his thick fingers in and out of you, his thumb brushing against your clit.
You bit your lip and closed your eyes, trying to focus on anything else but the fact that this ape was about to violate you in the most intimate place.
Koba grinned and pressed his thumb firmly against your clit.
Your body reacted involuntarily, your hips bucking and pushing against him.
Koba watched your reaction, a mixture of amusement and lust playing on his face. He was enjoying teasing you.
Your cheeks burned with shame. How could your body betray you like this? How low... how could he possibly reduce you to this. He kept up his pace, thrusting his fingers into you harder and faster, rubbing your clit in circles with his thumb.
"S-stop." You pleaded desperately, feeling as if you would collapse under the pressure, "please... nghhhh,"
Your body tensed as his hands travelled down and cupped your buttocks. Koba began grinding his crotch against yours, the bulge of his erection rubbing against your wet pussy. No longer could you hide how aroused you were when the ape above you could see it clearly, could hear it in your voice.
"Ahh... N-No. Please, stop..."
He smirked, enjoying your pleas and desperate resistance, how you tried to deny how good it felt. He was going to take what he wanted from you whether you let him or not. He was the top predator here, after all.
You whimpered as his cock rubbed against you, the friction causing sparks to shoot through your body.
"N-not that--"
Koba ignored your cries, pushing his length inside of you.
Your breath caught in your throat, the sudden sensation of being filled by his thick cock overwhelming you.
"It hurts!"
As if he cared-- he was enjoying your pain, your screams. You were his prey, his capture, his toy to play with. 
His grip tightened, his nails digging into your flesh and leaving marks, bruises that would show the next day, if you even lived to see it.
Koba growled as he pounded into you, his cock stretching your tight hole, filling you. And with your wrists still tightly bound behind your back, there wasn't anything you could do to stop him. You weren't used to this kind of rough treatment. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion, his nails digging into the soft flesh, drawing blood. 
Koba pulled out and then slammed himself into you again. He fucked you like he had been pent up for months, releasing his sexual frustration on you. Your pussy ached and throbbed, the pain turning to pleasure. You moaned and cried out as he thrust into you, hitting a spot inside of you that felt good .
So good that you allowed a loud moan to escape your lips that definitely didn't go unnoticed. 
He grabbed you by the hair and pulled your head up, forcing you to look him in the eyes. To understand who your superior was. That you were beneath him. A filthy lowly human, only good to dump cum into.
You could hear the sound of his grunting and growling, the sound of his heavy breathing and his heartbeat pounding in your ears. You felt as if you were going to pass out, your body unable to cope with the shock and pain of being so utterly and brutally violated.
Koba continued to fuck you, his pace quickening, the sound of his ragged breath filling the air.
Your body began to shake and tremble as your orgasm built up inside you. Your mind was screaming at you, telling you to stop, telling you not to give in, but your body was betraying you, taking pleasure from the ape’s violation.
The tension inside you reached a breaking point and you cried out, the sound escaping from your lips.
Koba continued to pound into you, his grip on your hips tightening, his pace becoming erratic, his breathing becoming more ragged.
You felt his cock pulsing inside you, his seed spilling deep inside of you as he finished. You gasped and panted, the feeling of being stretched so much was driving you insane.
Your body was trembling, your legs shaking and you felt as if you were going to pass out.
Koba finally withdrew his cock from you, the sticky warmth of his cum dripping from your abused hole.
He released his grip on your hips, leaving you laying in a pool of his seed, your body quivering.
Koba stood over you, a smirk spreading across his face.
"Filthy. Human." He sneered.
At least, finally, it was over. You thought.
Until he gripped onto your hips again, pulling you flush up against himself. No, Koba's stamina was relentless. The day was just beginning. 
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anyreiart · 11 months
Timestamp for Terminal Velocity
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12185754/chapters/27664650
Summary: A lost angel is shown the value of humanity, and ultimately himself, from an accidental encounter with one infuriatingly optimistic human. And a downtrodden, broken human is shown (by a changed angel) how to live again, instead of merely survive.
Notes: For everyone who wanted to know the backstory of the spoons
Warning: Violence
It was the end of the world and – first of all, that meant learning to be creative and having to use all of the resources that were at one’s disposal.
A draugir, probably one of the most hideous demonic creatures that Hell provided in the battle against Heaven, tried to attack the newly repaired walls around the human camp.
Cas had attacked the demon head on and his angel blade was stuck in the monster’s skull. He had obviously hurt it, if the high pitched screeches and green blood that was spurting from its wounds were any indication. But he hadn’t managed to slow him down.
He needed iron. He knew that was this demon’s weakness. The draugir charged the walls again and Saeed and Jill were trying to shoot it, while Kyle was throwing rocks at the demon’s head.
But the bullets didn’t even penetrate the hard as stone scales that protected the demon’s skin. He needed more force and to be in closer proximity. But first of all, he needed a weapon.
He looked up at Kyle and noticed Sarah right next to him, looking pale. “Kyle, I need something with iron. Quickly!”
Kyle nodded and vanished into the warehouse. Cas tried to distract the demon from attacking the wall. It was difficult because this demon was stubborn as Hell. Cas rolled his eyes at his own stupid pun.
He jumped onto the demon’s back, trying to pull him away, but the the monster just threw him off with an angry huff.
“Cas!” Kyle yelled from above. He held a box in his hands and dropped it down in Cas’s direction.
Cas caught it and quickly pulled whatever Kyle had found that was made from iron out of it.
He froze when he realized that it was a box of spoons.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t find anything else as quickly!” Kyle yelled as Cas grabbed a handful of them.
“It’s alright. They will do!” Cas yelled back before he threw the first one directly into the demon’s eye.
The creature screeched and Cas used the opportunity to attack it again, stabbing its face over and over with a handful of spoons. It was a lot more effective than he would have thought.
In under a minute he had completely destroyed the demon’s face with the spoons, at least half a dozen were buried deep into its skull through its eye sockets, until the demon no longer moved under him.
When he pulled out the spoons, pieces of the demon's brain splattered against the wall and all over himself. Cas slowly turned around and looked up to the others, holding up the spoons. “The spoons worked really–”
Before he could even finish, Sarah vomited all over and down the wall, prompting Cas to quickly jump back in confusion. Jill grimaced and rubbed her hand over Sarah’s back before she shook her head disapprovingly at Cas.
He wondered what he did wrong as he looked at the spoons in his hand just in time to see what was left of the demon’s eye sliding off of one of them.
Cas thought Sarah would be happy that he had so efficiently destroyed the demon. “Spoons make a really good weapon. I should use them more often.”
“Oh, fuck no!” Sarah groaned from where she was still leaned over the wall. Cas had never heard her curse before. “You will never get another spoon again,” she added before she vanished behind the wall, still looking pale.
“What?” Cas looked up at Kyle and Saeed, who were hiding their laughter behind their hands.
Humans were weird. He shook the brain pieces from the spoon and held them up. “They are still intact if you want to use them for food again.”
He had no idea why they laughed even louder after that comment.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Walter L.Watson, Jr was an SR -71 RSO. He was the first and only African-American to fly the SR-71. I didn’t know him because he was stationed at Beale Air Force Base after my family left. BUT, I have watched videos of him. Check out YouTube. m.youtube.com/watch?embeds_r…
Watson was born in Columbia, South Carolina, he was the oldest of four children of Walter L. Watson, Sr. and Mildred Platt Watson. After graduating C.A. Johnson High School, he attended Howard University in Washington, D.C where he earned a Mechanical Engineering degree and commission as an Air Force Officer through the ROTC program. Watson later obtained a master’s degree from Chapman College of Orange, CA in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management.
He entered the Air Force as an avionics maintenance officer, but in 1973, he was selected for aviation training, beginning a diverse and distinguished flying career in the Air Force. His first assignment was flying the C-130E in Southeast Asia. He later became a flight instructor, flight examiner, and flight commander in tactical fighter and strategic reconnaissance squadrons that flew F-4C/D/E, F-111D, and SR-71 aircraft. Watson was the first African American and only one to qualify as a crew member of the SR-71.
After completing his flying career, Waston continued to serve in the Airforce in production and training. As Commander and Professor of Aerospace Studies at North Carolina A&T State University, his leadership helped his unit to achieve the following production milestones: 1) 20% of all African-American Second Lieutenant Pilots, 2) 50% of all African-American Second Lieutenant Navigators, and 3) 25% of African-American female commissioners in 1993. These accomplishments led to assignments to a number of leadership positions at HQ Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFROTC at Maxwell AFB, AL). As the Chief of the AFROTC Scholarship branch, he supervised all scholarships for over 5,000 students across the nation with an annual budget exceeding $22 million.
Colonel Watson also served as a key decision-maker for Air Force Relations with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). He received numerous awards and medals over his career time. He was awarded the Brig Gen Noel F Parrish Award which is Tuskegee Airmen Inc.’s highest national award for service and impact.
Thank you Walter for your decision to become an SR-71 RSO. Thank you, Harris Wilson for your idea posted on SR-71Blackbird
Linda Sheffield Miller
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ajayblog12 · 5 months
B.com vs BBA
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Certainly! Let's delve deeper into the comparison between B.Com and BBA:
1. Core Subjects:
  B.Com: The curriculum typically revolves around core subjects like accounting, economics, finance, and business law. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of financial principles, taxation, auditing, and commercial laws.
 BBA: This program covers a wider spectrum of subjects including management principles, marketing, human resource management, organizational behavior, operations management, and business ethics. It offers a holistic view of various aspects of business administration.
2. Skill Development:
   B.Com: Emphasizes on analytical and numerical skills required for roles such as financial analysts, accountants, auditors, and tax consultants. It enhances proficiency in areas like financial reporting, analysis, and auditing techniques.
   BBA: Focuses on developing managerial and leadership skills necessary for supervisory and executive roles. Students learn strategic decision-making, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and project management skills which are essential for managerial positions.
3. Career Trajectory:
   BCom: Graduates often pursue careers in accounting firms, financial institutions, banking sector, taxation departments, and corporate finance departments. They may work as accountants, auditors, tax consultants, financial analysts, or investment bankers.
   BBA: Opens up opportunities in various sectors including marketing, sales, human resources, operations, consulting, and entrepreneurship. Graduates can work as marketing managers, HR specialists, operations managers, business consultants, or start their own ventures.
4. Industry Focus:
   B.Com: Primarily caters to industries related to finance, accounting, banking, insurance, and taxation. It prepares students for roles in financial management, auditing, taxation, and corporate finance.
  BBA: Offers a broader perspective and is applicable across industries including retail, manufacturing, IT, healthcare, hospitality, and consulting. It equips students with versatile skills needed to navigate diverse business environments.
5. Further Education:
   B.Com: Provides a strong foundation for pursuing advanced degrees such as Master of Commerce (MCom), Chartered Accountancy (CA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in finance or accounting.
  BBA: Acts as a stepping stone for postgraduate studies like MBA or specialized master's programs in areas such as marketing, human resources, operations management, or international business.
In summary, while B.Com focuses more on finance and commerce-related disciplines, BBA offers a broader understanding of business administration and management principles. Your choice should align with your interests, career aspirations, and the specific skills you aim to develop.
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bmenvs3000f23 · 10 months
Personal Ethics and the Environment - Blog 10
Describe your personal ethic as you develop as a nature interpreter. What beliefs do you bring? What responsibilities do you have? What approaches are most suitable for you as an individual?
The world can be intimidating and scary. Navigating through personal issues, paired with what is going on in the outside world, can be overwhelming and bring negative thoughts. News articles about the environmental catastrophes around the world, ranging from floods to droughts to uncontrollable wildfires. People are being evacuated from their homes, and people are dying due to the lack of availability of resources. Social media posts are being rapidly shared about war and violence, paired with updates about the rapid global warming of the environment driven by anthropogenic climate change. Sometimes, it's all too much to wrap your head around. Sometimes, our bubbles burst here in North America when we read or hear about what is going on globally. We all know that life isn't always butterflies and rainbows; negative things will happen. However, it is essential to view these situations, whether firsthand or from a distance, and think of a solution or solutions to fix the problem. Humans are equipped with solid morals naturally, and ultimately want to see peace and harmony in the world, even though the news articles about the negatives often cloud this. This week's blog prompt calls us to reflect on our personal ethics. Ethics are linked to morals, which determine people's actions. We all have beliefs on how we want to live our lives and see our world, and for this reason, the environment governs many of my morals and, therefore, my way of life.
Currently, I am a student in the environmental science program at the University of Guelph. I care for the environment, want to learn more about its processes and resources, and I am driven to make changes to repair the anthropogenic, destructive actions that have harmed our environment. These are my ethics. For issues such as climate change, I am driven to think of future generations and how unfair their situation will be, as they will be left repairing the mistakes and damages we have caused in our generation. They will likely face resource shortages as humans have overexploited or polluted essential resources, such as water, we have stripped our soils of nutrients, we have amplified the abilities of pests and pathogens, we have exhausted our food crops, we've cleared forests, and we've left our waste to accumulate in landfills. I can recognize that humans have caused irreversible damage to our environment and ecosystems. However, I am not discouraged that there is hope for future generations. Through nature interpretation and education, young generations can learn about the state of the environment and the consequences of climate change and pollution, and be motivated to make changes. Teaching children the actual state of the environment, the issues humans have experienced related to land use management, and proper ways to make sustainable choices in our daily lives can lead a whole generation to reverse and mitigate the damage prior generations have caused. I am responsible for acting as an "environmental mentor" and educating the youth and our elders about the state of our environment and suggesting ways to live greener. This could be by sharing in person or even on social media, giving suggestions on how to lower our greenhouse gas emissions, such as carpooling, using public transit, reducing our meat intake, avoiding unnecessary air travel, choosing more sustainable vehicles, or even limiting our energy usage in our homes or preserving our water sources. These suggestions can encourage people to take action to leave lower carbon footprints and use less energy. Proposing ideas about how our daily lives can be powered by renewable energy sources rather than fossil fuels, or avoiding the consumption of fish products that are unsustainably harvested can also positively impact our future and future generations that are soon to come. Highlighting that little actions are just as successful and meaningful as big actions is also important when thinking about sustainability, as often, it can feel as if our decisions do not make an impact. I often read comments on social media about how some countries are stuck with paper straws to reduce our environmental impact, yet music stars contribute to high carbon emissions due to frequent air travel. There is no doubt that the constant air travel by celebrities contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions, but it does not undermine the impact that the reduction of plastics has had on the environment. Sea creatures are now safer due to reduced single-use plastic use, and inputs into landfills of plastic products are reduced, proving that using paper straws ultimately has an impact. Obtaining a mindset that change is possible, no matter how daunting or negative things may seem, ensures that hope in reversing our climate crisis remains.
So far, I've learned that guided nature interpretation walks or videos, social media posts, podcasts, radio shows, or readings can be powerful vessels for spreading environmental education. In diverse ways, ecological knowledge can be shared through the arts, such as music and theatre, or through history by highlighting how nature was in the past. My responsibility, especially after taking this course, is to share this information with friends, family, and followers. I have always believed that the sharing of information can help educate and dictate people's actions, especially as it is likely that people are unaware of things related to the environment, including the impacts of climate change and the depletion of earth’s resources. Nature interpretation is a beautiful way to connect to a vast array of audiences in various ways that support the different learning styles we've learned about through this course. Nature interpretation is accessible, can be light-hearted and fun, can include real, deep information about negative issues, and creates many opportunities to communicate environmental information and allows audiences to find the beauty and awe in nature.
Ultimately, I believe that we all have roles as humans to educate ourselves on the environment and the resources it provides for us, as it will allow everyone to find an appreciation for nature. Taking time to think about your ethics also allows for a deep connection between yourself and the environment to be formed. I aim to create a bright future with an abundance of natural resources for generations to come. For this reason, I will ensure that I spread thoughtful information about the environment to my peers, young and old, and play my part in trying to reduce my emissions, whether it is by cutting out meat products more frequently, walking or biking rather than driving, reducing my consumption of unnecessary items, especially plastics, and appreciating the nature that I see around me daily, whether it's the diversity I see in my front yard to a lush forest in the country. Enjoying nature can highlight your ethics and ultimately shape your life choices. I am curious to know about your ethics and whether the environment impacts how you live your daily lives!
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P.S. Great blogs this semester, everyone! I really learned so much through everyone's unique and beautifully curated posts. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors! Brigette
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kyndaris · 1 year
Mother Knows Best
For someone that plays video games as much as I do, you begin to pick up on a lot of common themes and tropes that are often used in the medium. What took me by surprise was facing Lilith in not one but two games in such quick succession. It's not often that I face the exact same antagonist. After all, both were demonic entities seeking the destruction of the world. Both were referred to as 'Mother' throughout the in-game dialogue and banter. And both had a connection to the playable character.
But while Lilith in Diablo IV gave birth to the Nephalem, the progenitor to humanity in the world of Sanctuary, she could only connect to the playable character due to a ritual involving her blood petals. Lilith in Marvel's Midnight Suns has a much more direct connection to the playable character, known only as The Hunter, as their birth mother. The other major difference here is that in Diablo IV, Lilith is trying to rule over Sanctuary while in Midnight Suns, Lilith serves as the agent of Chthon, a slumbering Elder God hoping to destroy the Earth and recreate it in its image.
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Coincidences aside, Marvel's Midnight Suns was a game that I picked up in December last year and was one of the many tactical role-playing games I'd intended to get through before reaching the meat of the 2023 gaming experience. Alas, travelling and being bombarded left, right and centre with lengthy games distracted me from it until about 8 months later.
And when I finally booted up the game on my PlayStation 5, I found myself asking why I was indulging Firaxis's attempt to recreate what they had with XCOM but with a Marvel skin. What immediately struck me were the character models that I felt were less than stellar. Nor was I that impressed by the voice acting.
True, it was not like the game studio were going to bring back the actors of the MCU films to reprise their roles for the superheroes (or use their likeness), but I wanted something more than the somewhat janky character models that we received. In fact, I almost put down the controller, unsure if I wanted to continue with the game.
But persevere I did.
With time, I grew accustomed to the character models and the voice acting. After all, the cast is pretty stack with the likes of Yuri Lowenthal (reprising his role as Spider-Man from the Marvel's Spider-Man games), Erica Lindbeck, Courtney Taylor, Josh Keaton, Laura Bailey, Steve Blum, Darin de Paul and Matthew Mercer to name but a few.
Once I managed to get over that initial hump in the road, I started to enjoy the time I spent hanging out with a few of Earth's Mightiest Heroes and their more supernatural compatriots, the Midnight Suns.
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Like many Firaxis games, Midnight Suns is a tactical/ strategy game. One that would have been better, in my personal opinion, as a handheld game. However, given that the playable characters are heroes with a multitude of abilities, Firaxis mixed up the traditional tactical/ strategy gameplay with the use of cards to denote special abilities and skills.
Gone were percentages detailing whether or not my character would hit the enemy. Gone, too, were Overwatch abilities that would allow my characters to attack an enemy as they dashed across the screen. Instead, Firaxis introduced a card deck system which was drawn up to a maximum of six at the end of each turn. Cards could comprise of attack, skill or heroic abilities. Many of them also included a variety of status effects to buff or debuff both allies or enemies, bringing with it another layer of strategy as most of these ended within a round of combat.
But the most important ones were those that refunded cardplay like the 'Quick' effect. Other cards allowed you to draw additional cards and these were important especially if you didn't have a good hand. Redraw too, was a resource that could be expended to power up abilities or to replace unwanted cards.
While it sounds complicated in theory, the gameplay of Midnight Suns was simple. You played three cards each turn (occasionally four) and tried to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible.
What was important to note was that while you were limited in the number of cards that could be played each round, your heroes could also deal damage via the environment. Unfortunately, to perhaps balance the use of environmental attacks, such actions were gated behind another resource: heroism (which were also used for heroic cards).
This meant that players had to carefully consider which cards to use when and where to maximise the damage on enemy Hydra agents and Lilin creatures and reach objectives for each mission.
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Firaxis, though, are not content to simply sit on their strategy/tactical gameplay. Like many of their other games, Midnight Suns also included base management. Simpler than their incursions into the XCOM universe, Midnight Suns allowed players to research particular upgrades that could give their heroes an edge for their next battle against the forces of evil.
More importantly, though, Midnight Suns also allowed for team bonding. And as someone that wants to be friends with everyone, I spent many hours trying to boost my friendship levels with each and every hero that was recruited to the cause of stopping the rise of Chthon by giving them gifts or hanging out with them in an activity that they liked.
Heck, I was even looking up a Steam guide to know which dialogue options that each character preferred.
What was most unfortunate, though, was that there was no way to romance any of the superheroes. Why did Blade and Carol Danvers have to get together when I wanted both of them to myself as The Hunter?
Admittedly, I did think the romance between Caretaker and Agatha Harkness was great. The Hunter and their two mums. Who could ask for more except for some more lesbian representation in media please. True, some might argue that it did have a 'bury your gays' trope since Agatha is dead, but she comes back as a ghost and seems to be fine chilling around in the library. Something that Caretaker doesn't really take issue with after the Grey Seneschal ritual that binds Agatha a bit more to the land of the living (though still in spirit form).
Beyond that, I liked being able to explore the Abbey grounds and uncovering the secrets of the past, along with discovering new chests that could present me with another cosmetic for either The Hunter or the other heroes in my roster.
Still, what didn't make sense was that although the Abbey had a Forge and CENTRAL ops, a training yard and pool to lounge by, it had no kitchen or bathrooms. Given that Robbie Reyes had installed a TV to watch movies and play video games on, WHY WERE BASIC AMENITIES MISSING?
The fact that there was no kitchen also made it confusing when an upgrade to The Hunter's bedroom left a plate of bread and fruit on their bedside table.
Why? What? How?
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From a plot standpoint, I felt like much of the conflict came from poor communication skills between Hunter, Sara (Caretaker) and your mother, Lilith. If Lilith could have explained her plan better, maybe she and the Hunter would have stood beside each other from the start instead of fighting against each other.
Caretaker, too, needed to learn to trust the wards under her charge instead of holding grudges.
But without these factors, of course, there would be no central conflict. Which, in turn, wouldn't have brought all of America's Mightiest Heroes (with the occasional Transian witch and Russian mutant) along for the journey. It wouldn't have allowed me to simply chat with these characters and watch them grow. Nor would it present me with an intriguing plot to drive me ever onwards to the end.
And that's another thing that I take issue with. The fact that a majority of Marvel's heroes are Caucasian. True, we have Robbie Reyes's Ghostrider, Eric Brooks and Nico Minoru showing off minority representation but almost all of the other heroes are blue-eyed Caucasians!
And they're all American. Or, at the very least, live in America. With most of the missions revolving around New York and the American South-West with only the final act in the fictional European country of Transia.
Now, this isn't an issue with the game, of course, but rather the state of affairs when it comes to superheroes in general. Yes, I know that there are heroes and villains from all over the world but the vast majority of them are Americans. Which, in all honesty, is likely to stem from the fact that a vast majority of comic book writers are American. And consequently, they write from an America-centric viewpoint.
But I've noticed that in many of the games I play, America also serves as the be-all and end-all for settings as well. Take Horizon: Zero Dawn and its sequel Horizon: Forbidden West. Or even The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto, Fallout, Days Gone, Saints Row and a myriad of other games.
In any case, Marvel's Might Suns was an interesting take on a mishmash of genres that worked well with its superhero aesthetic. While I feel like it might have been better if they could increase the cardplay usage or the damage the heroes dealt for certain (we are talking about superheroes here, not foot soldiers), I enjoyed trying to figure out how best to place my heroes to deal with the enemies before me so I could put an end to Lilith's plans.
Soon, I'll tackle Fire Emblem: Engage. I promise. Just a few short games and it's the long haul for me.
I swear it won't be for too much longer!
And then I can tackle all the other triple-A video games that released in 2023...
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lindamarry1 · 1 year
The Big Apple's Slimming Secret: NYC's New Weight Loss Injection
New York City, often referred to as "The Big Apple," is known for its bustling streets, iconic skyline, and diverse population that represents cultures from around the world. It's a city that never sleeps, is always on the move, and continually evolving. One of the latest trends to sweep through the city is the use of weight loss injections. 
In this article, we will explore the phenomenon of weight loss injections in New York City, shedding light on their effectiveness, safety, and their connection to Mounjaro Weight Loss, a leading website in the field of weight management.
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The Rise of Weight Loss Injections in NYC
The Battle Against Obesity in the Concrete Jungle
Obesity is a global health concern, and New York City is no exception. The fast-paced lifestyle, abundance of tempting street food, and stressors of city living can contribute to weight gain and obesity. With nearly 1 in 4 New Yorkers considered obese, there's a growing need for effective weight loss solutions.
Enter Weight Loss Injections
Weight loss injections have gained significant popularity in recent years, offering a convenient and potentially effective way for city dwellers to shed those extra pounds. These injections are designed to assist individuals in their weight loss journey by suppressing appetite, boosting metabolism, and targeting stubborn fat deposits.
Types of Weight Loss Injections
There are several types of weight loss injections available in New York City, including:
B12 Injections: These injections contain vitamin B12, which is believed to boost energy levels and metabolism, aiding in weight loss.
Lipotropic Injections: Lipotropic injections consist of a blend of compounds like methionine, inositol, and choline that help break down fat in the body.
HCG Injections: Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injections are often used in conjunction with a very low-calorie diet to promote rapid weight loss.
Saxenda (Liraglutide) Injections: An FDA-approved prescription medication, Saxenda, is gaining popularity as an injectable weight loss solution.
Mounjaro Weight Loss: A Beacon in the Weight Loss Journey
The Trusted Source for Weight Loss Information
Mounjaro Weight Loss, a website dedicated to providing reliable information on weight management and healthy living, has become a beacon of hope for those seeking effective weight loss solutions in New York City. The website offers a wealth of resources, including articles, expert advice, and user testimonials. Visit our website Mounjaro Weight Loss for more information.
Expert Advice and Guidance
Mounjaro Weight Loss features expert advice from nutritionists, fitness trainers, and medical professionals who share their insights on weight loss injections and other methods. Visitors can access articles, videos, and interactive tools to better understand their weight loss options.
User Success Stories
Real-life success stories are a testament to the effectiveness of weight loss injections and other methods discussed on Mounjaro Weight Loss. Readers can find inspiration and motivation from individuals who have achieved remarkable transformations.
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The Effectiveness and Safety of Weight Loss Injections
The Science Behind Weight Loss Injections
To understand the effectiveness of weight loss injections, it's essential to delve into the science behind them. These injections often target specific hormonal pathways or metabolic processes to promote weight loss. Saxenda, for example, mimics a hormone that regulates appetite.
Weighing the Pros and Cons
Like any weight loss method, weight loss injections have their pros and cons. It's crucial to consider factors such as potential side effects, cost, and long-term sustainability before embarking on this journey.
Pros of Weight Loss Injections
Rapid Results: Some injections, when combined with a healthy lifestyle, can lead to rapid weight loss.
Convenience: Injections are generally easy to administer and can be integrated into a busy urban lifestyle.
Appetite Control: Many injections help in reducing cravings and controlling appetite, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet.
Cons of Weight Loss Injections
Cost: The expenses associated with weight loss injections can add up over time.
Potential Side Effects: Some individuals may experience side effects like nausea, diarrhea, or injection site reactions.
Not a Long-Term Solution: Weight loss injections may not address the root causes of obesity, and their long-term effectiveness is still under study.
The Future of Weight Loss in NYC
The Evolving Landscape
As New Yorkers continue to seek effective weight loss solutions, the landscape of weight management in the city is evolving. Advances in medical research and technology are likely to bring about new and improved methods for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
The Role of Mounjaro Weight Loss
Mounjaro Weight Loss will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in disseminating information about these emerging weight loss techniques. Their commitment to providing accurate, evidence-based information will empower individuals to make informed choices about their health.
New York City's hustle and bustle may have contributed to its battle with obesity, but it's also the birthplace of innovative solutions like weight loss injections. As the city strives for healthier lifestyles, websites like Mounjaro Weight Loss serve as invaluable resources, guiding New Yorkers toward safe and effective weight management strategies. The future of weight loss in NYC is promising, with a combination of medical advances and trusted information sources leading the way.
In the city that never sleeps, achieving a healthier weight is not just a dream—it's a reality within reach, thanks to the convergence of science, technology, and dedicated resources like Mounjaro Weight Loss. 
Whether you have questions about weight loss injections, need personalized advice, or simply want to share your own success story, we're here to listen and help. Your path to a healthier lifestyle begins with a single message or call.
Remember, you're not alone in your journey to a healthier, happier you. Contact us today and let's take the first step together. Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we look forward to being a part of your success story.
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lyndztanica · 2 years
In Lieu of Twitter Going Dark Pt. 4
I wasn’t intending on doing this again on Tumblr, but given what could happen with Twitter, and people’s interests, I figured I would do a big charity thread for as much as I can fit in a post. I may have to split them into multiples, at which point I will edit this one to provide links to the others.
If you find this type of information important and want to learn about new charities (or submit others) I have a discord server that I will also link to in this to join. As always, the goal of this is to showcase places to donate your money or other resources to. Again, they might need more than money! Maybe they need a social media manager. Maybe they need someone else to offer rides or information. If you find yourself in a position to do something but you’re broke don’t let the money stop you.
Mutual Aid
Austin Area Urban League :: https://aaul.org/ - [Austin-centric] Local affiliate of the National Urban League, they provide a variety of services to underserved communities in Austin and the Central Texas Region. These include Education, Youth Development, Workforce and Career Development, Healthcare, Housing, and Justice and Advocacy.
Corpus Christi Democratic Socialists of America Mutual Aid :: http://www.corpuschristidsa.org/mutual-aid.html - [Corpus Christi-centric] One of the working groups of the DSA, they cover expenses of people in need with the funds which covers everything from groceries to rent to medical expenses. 
DFW Mutual Aid :: https://www.facebook.com/DFWMutualAid/ - [Dallas/Forth Worth-centric] Mutual aid collective that provides financial support and online resources. 
Houston Houseless Organizing Coalition :: https://linktr.ee/htx.hoc - [Houston-centric] Mutual aid group that provides meals, clothing, hygiene products, and financial support to help people stay housed or get housing.
STRIVE :: https://strive.org/ - [US-centric] Black-led organization that helps unemployed Black members of their community find job training and new, better employment to escape poverty. 
For Our Farmers :: https://forourfarmers.com/ - [Philippines-centric] organization formed in response to Covid-19 to help rural farmers and their families to have enough to eat and have other important needs met. 
Emergency Workplace Organization :: https://workerorganizing.org/ - [US-centric] organization that gives workers the knowledge and resources to organize and advocate for a safe working environment for them and their coworkers. 
Asian Pacific Labor Alliance :: https://www.apalanet.org/ - [US-centric] Labor organization formed by and for Asian and Pacific Islander workers in the United States. 
Freedom Community Clinic :: https://www.freedomcommunityclinic.org/ - [Oakland, CA-centric] clinic that operates out of Oakland, CA to serve communities typically left underserved or mistreated by the medical industry. 
National Alliance on Mental Illness :: https://www.nami.org/home - [US-centric] non-profit organization that provides education, support groups, a help line, and advocates for people with mental illness and their caregivers (should they have caregivers). 
Water Mission :: https://watermission.org/ - International group that works to provide accessible clean water for drinking and sanitation to communities in need due to inequality or disaster. 
International Relief Teams :: https://www.irteams.org/ - International group that strives to restore infrastructure and provide supplies to communities in need. 
RIP Medical Debt :: https://ripmedicaldebt.org/ - [US-centric] Founded by two debt collectors, RIP Medical Debt is the organization used by John Oliver to buy up $15 million dollars of medical debt and clear it. 
Humanity First :: https://usa.humanityfirst.org/ - International organization dedicated to alleviating human suffering where and how a community needs it most. This leads to a variety of efforts -- digging water wells, aid in the wake of natural disasters, etc. 
World Food Program USA :: https://www.wfpusa.org/ - International organization dedicated to alleviating hunger in times of crisis and working to solve world hunger in the long run. 
Take This :: https://www.takethis.org/ - [US-centric] organization that provides resources and help for members of the game industry, which is infamous for its slew of mental health problems. 
Islamic Relief Pakistan :: https://islamic-relief.org.pk/ - [Pakistan-centric] organization dedicated to aiding citizens of Pakistan in the wake of any disaster that strikes the country. 
Post One. Post Two. Post Three.
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thewolfisawake · 2 years
Branches of the Bastion
So I’ve been forgetting to do this post for like....forever but since I remembered...here it is. The Bastion of the Veil is an international organization but despite this, every region doesn’t operate the same. This is some combination of type of beings where they live and the origins of the that region’s branch. They do help each other out, connect their resources, coordinate for incidents that occur everywhere and the like. However they also have their own dynamics and pitfalls that they have to face. 
European Branch
This is the region that founded the entity that is the Bastion. It was founded within the 1400s from around the mass hysteria related to the witches and other creatures supposedly prowling around. They started as a human defense against everything else with a kill or be killed mentality. This did manage to change as years went on and with the influence of one of their earliest families, the Lindgren, being elves that covertly (and succeeded) spearheading that change.
In general, European branch hunters are thought to be more well-rounded and do a lot more work since it seems there’s always bustle there. Since it is where it started, it is also where the largest wealth of information on the supernatural can be found. It is where the largest population of hunters are from so if there were a wide scale event, a lot of hunters would be mobilizing from this branch. Their strength of history is also their weakness as it is also choked by the age old ties. Families of the Bastion hold the most power and influence because goddammit without them it wouldn’t exist. So far too much goes unchecked with them. It’s internal corruption that could be for ultimate well-intention but still is wrongdoing. 
Asian Branch
This branch of the Bastion came from a group of omyouji within a network of omyouji that existed for almost as long as the European. They were ones that saw a benefit in information and cooperation from outside of their country. The biggest negotiators being the Sumeragi clan. Eventually they became the Bastion and splintered from this network, which is where the grudge with the Marufuji clan stems.  
Asian branch hunters are more adept at dealing with incorporeal and spiritual sort of beings since they’re much more common in the Asian regions. This is also where a lot of the exorcists come from since it is a) needed for more of their cases and b) it appears more with the necessary sight and/or capacity are born in this region. However what tends to not go well with them is passivity with their own branch and others. They do not make any waves nor changes so they are stagnant. And as such, they also feel it all is the same so they don’t find a need to call for help from other branches even if the extra numbers could save their hunters, especially exorcists from some of their assignments. 
African Branch
This branch of the Bastion actually has a history prior to the Bastion’s founding. They were a coalition of shamans and diviners that had come for common purpose of betterment for their people. They were actually very secretive and had come into the Bastion about a century or so after its founding when they came together after a severe supernatural occurrence that happened within the continent. Despite the alliance, the African branch is fairly private but are compassionate people. 
African branch actually has the most hunters with specializations. Intoners are the most common of them. The African branch is strong because of their sense of community, they are very respondent to their hunters reports of changes and as such can resolve many problems before they get out of control. However on the flip side they are isolationist with the other branches. They are reluctant to be involved especially with the European branch because of cultural, economic and personal issues with hunters from that branch. Yet at the same time for any wide scale event that threatens everyone, they are first up on the call. 
Oceania Branch
This branch is treated like a splitting of the Asian branch but they are very much their own identity. This is mired by the fact Oceania is the smallest branch of the Bastion so they often do not have the resources to keep nor train as many hunters despite their desire to. Their founding came in the 1700s, a few centuries after the Bastion’s founding. 
Oceania Branch unfortunately has the least amount of data on it due to its staffing and hunter retention. But it believed those that came from the Oceania branch are the most adaptable hunters and have good instincts of dealing with their situations. Summoning appears to be a specialization they are good at.
North America Branch
The North America Branch was founded a couple decades after the founding of the US. It was a ‘necessary evil’ (the full connotation of the Bastion wasn’t understood by those not in it until they were in it) to deal with the supernatural to expand the country. However despite its roots, it eschews from any sort of families, not wanting to be like the European branch. But that may also be because, as nicely as it can be put...the American branch can be crazy. They’re where a lot of innovators and free spirits within the Bastion went to. 
NA branch hunters are...tough. Like physically tough due to how violent and unforgiving their supernatural can be. They are explorers and tend to volunteer for expeditions into unknown territories or mess with unknown or forgotten territories. Interestingly enough, the NA branch is also where the main form of the Bastion’s ‘prison’ and biggest form of laboratory is located. There’s such a wide expanse of land within the US where they can be left undisturbed. Because of all this a lot of Lusus Naturae work at this branch. 
South American Branch
The South American Branch is another branch whose entity existed before the Bastion did. They were not any network nor coalition however every civilization held their own form of defense and practicality against the non-humans around them. Very self-sufficient for a long time. They came into contact with Bastion with the heavy migration within their countries and it had formally be organized around the same time as the African branch. 
The South American branch actually has the highest number of Locus out of all the Bastion. Which is quite a feat considering the Locus is difficult specialization to begin with. They also have quite a number of Intoners from them as well. Unlike a lot of the Bastion, the SA branch does not have as many barriers between the ‘surface’ and the ‘underground.’ It is an open secret as to what hunters of this branch do to the regular people. And so long as they continue to do their job, they aren’t really bothered. It is a freedom that is unprecedented within any branch and had been the strongest proponent of sharing the secret of the supernatural to the rest of the world. However this comes as a double edged sword since this open secret allows for goings on related to non-humans go on like regular business. Both positive and negative. 
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finmattress · 10 hours
Comprehensive Guide to Digital Signature Certificate Service in Chandigarh: Secure Your Business Transactions with Finmatters
In extremely-modern-day rapid-paced virtual age, safety, authenticity, and comfort are vital for corporations and individuals whilst dealing with professional documents. Whether it’s signing contracts, submitting tax returns, or taking component in e-tenders, having a regular, legally binding signature is crucial. This is wherein Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) come into play. If you're in want of a reliable digital signature certificates service in Chandigarh, Finmatters is right here to help.
With years of experience in providing efficient and honest monetary offerings, Finmatters offers seamless digital signature services in Chandigarh that cater to businesses, specialists, and people. In this entire manual, we are able to cover the entirety you want to recognise approximately Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs), their benefits, how they paintings, and the manner Finmatterscan assist you in acquiring a virtual signature certificate in Chandigarh resultseasily.
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What is a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?
A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is an digital same of a physical signature that lets in customers to signal documents digitally. Issued by way of certifying government (CAs) recognized with the resource of the Government of India, a DSC guarantees that the signer’s identity is authentic and the document hasn't been altered after the signature is carried out.
In Chandigarh, corporations, experts, and people significantly use digital signature certificate for numerous purposes including e-submitting of earnings tax returns, taking element in on-line auctions or tenders, and authenticating documents in digital format.
Types of Digital Signature Certificates:
Class 1 DSC: Used widely speaking for securing e mail verbal exchange. It verifies the purchaser’s call and e-mail address.
Class 2 DSC: Used for submitting profits tax returns, GST registration, and extraordinary crook filings. It verifies the patron's identification against a depended on pre-validated database.
Class three DSC: Used for excessive-safety transactions such as e-tendering, e-procurement, and participation in on-line auctions.
For most companies and professionals in Chandigarh, Class 2 and Class three DSCs are the most normally sought-after certificate.
Why Do You Need a Digital Signature Certificate in Chandigarh?
If you are strolling a employer or are a professional in Chandigarh, using a virtual signature certificates can save you time, streamline your tactics, and upload a layer of protection on your digital transactions. Here’s why you can need a digital signature certificates in Chandigarh:
1. Secure Online Transactions
In nowadays’s digital landscape, protection is paramount. A virtual signature guarantees that files signed electronically can't be tampered with, imparting more safety for sensitive corporation transactions and prison agreements.
2. Legally Compliant Signatures
A virtual signature certificate is recognized by regulation under the Information Technology Act, 2000. It provides the same prison validity and authenticity as a handwritten signature, making sure your commercial enterprise meets regulatory requirements in Chandigarh.
3. E-Tendering and E-Procurement
Many authorities and private corporations in Chandigarh and during India have moved to e-tendering and e-procurement methods. A Class three DSC is compulsory to participate in such online auctions, tenders, or contracts.
Four. Filing Income Tax and GST Returns
Both humans and companies in Chandigarh can use Class 2 DSCs to document earnings tax returns and complete GST registrations. It simplifies the method and decreases the danger of errors, saving you from potential consequences.
Five. Efficient Document Management
Digitally signed documents may be stored, retrieved, and shared speedy with out the want for physical paper trails. This complements the performance of commercial organization operations and ensures easy workflow control.
Benefits of Digital Signature Certificates for Businesses in Chandigarh
Businesses in Chandigarh stand to benefit several benefits by means of choosing digital signature certificates. Here are some key benefits:
1. Cost-Effective and Time-Saving
The use of digital signatures receives rid of the need for physical documentation, printing, courier offerings, and other expenses. It also quickens the approval process, as files may be signed and despatched interior mins.
2. Enhanced Security
A virtual signature affords encryption, ensuring that the signed file can not be tampered with once it is signed. This offers a higher degree of protection than traditional paper-based signatures.
Three. Faster Government Approvals
Government departments in Chandigarh increasingly decide on digital documentation. A digital signature certificates guarantees faster processing of applications, licenses, and lets in.
4. Global Validity
If your commercial enterprise operates internationally, a digital signature certificates offers the introduced benefit of being diagnosed globally, making it easier to sign and verify files across borders.
Five. Environmentally Friendly
By lowering the need for paper and bodily signatures, digital signature certificates contribute to green commercial enterprise practices, helping groups limit their environmental effect.
How to Obtain a Digital Signature Certificate in Chandigarh with Finmatters
If you are equipped to take the next step in the direction of digital security, Finmatters offers a easy and efficient technique for acquiring your digital signature certificate in Chandigarh. Here’s the way it works:
1. Choose the Right Class of DSC
The first step is to determine which kind of digital signature certificate you need. Whether you require a Class 2 DSC for tax submitting or a Class 3 DSC for e-tendering, Finmatters will manual you in deciding on the ideal elegance primarily based to your requirements.
2. Submit the Required Documents
To apply for a virtual signature certificates, you'll want to offer:
A authorities-issued ID proof (Aadhaar, PAN card, and so on.)
Proof of deal with
Passport-sized image
Completed application form
3. Verification Process
Once your documents are submitted, they undergo a verification manner with the aid of the Certifying Authority (CA). Finmatters ensures that every one files are submitted efficiently, rushing up the approval technique.
Four. Receive Your Digital Signature Certificate
Upon a success verification, your virtual signature certificate may be issued, and you'll get hold of the personal key through a USB token (also called a DSC dongle). This token allows you to use your virtual signature to documents securely.
5. Installation and Support
Finmatters gives whole support, together with putting in the DSC on your machine and supporting you with its utilization. Our group is to be had to help with any queries or technical issues you would possibly come upon.
Why Choose Finmatters for Digital Signature Certificate Services in Chandigarh?
At Finmatters, we pleasure ourselves on imparting trouble-free, short, and reliable digital signature services in Chandigarh. Here’s why you should choose us:
1. Expertise and Experience
With years of revel in in the field, Finmatters has a deep expertise of the DSC application method and all its nuances. We live up-to-date with the latest regulatory adjustments to ensure clean and compliant service.
2. Personalized Support
We understand that every business is precise. Whether you need a Class 2 DSC for personal tax submitting or a Class three DSC for business transactions, we offer personalised aid tailored in your needs.
3. Quick Processing
Time is cash, and we recognize that. Our streamlined tactics ensure that your digital signature certificate Service in chandigarh is issued quick and effectively, with none useless delays.
4. End-to-End Service
From supporting you pick out the right DSC to completing the paperwork, filing the application, and installing the DSC for your machine, Finmatters looks after everything so you can awareness for your middle enterprise.
Digital Signature Service in Chandigarh:
1. What documents are required for a DSC application?
To observe for a virtual signature certificate in Chandigarh, you'll need to post identification proof (together with Aadhaar or PAN card), cope with proof, and passport-sized images. Finmatters helps you with all the important paperwork.
2. How long does it take to attain a DSC?
Typically, it takes 1-3 working days to issue a digital signature certificate after the files are confirmed. Finmatters guarantees the system is completed as speedy as viable.
Three. What is the validity of a Digital Signature Certificate?
A DSC is typically legitimate for one to two years. Once it expires, it is able to be renewed thru Finmatters with none trouble.
4. Can I use my DSC on more than one devices?
Yes, you can use your DSC on a couple of gadgets via moving it through the USB token supplied for the duration of the issuance of your DSC. Finmatters offers technical help to help you control your DSC on various systems.
In an era where maximum business and private transactions are conducted on-line, having a digital signature certificates is important for protection and legal compliance. With Finmatters, acquiring a virtual signature certificates in Chandigarh is a easy, brief, and reliable procedure.
From digital signature Service in chandigarh to personalised assist during the registration system, Finmatters is your relied on partner in securing your on-line transactions and streamlining your business operations. Contact Finmatters these days to learn greater approximately how we will let you get your virtual signature certificate and enhance your commercial enterprise’s digital protection.
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A Detailed Overview of XLRI Jamshedpur: Fees, Courses, and Admission Process
XLRI Jamshedpur is one of India’s most prestigious business schools, known for its high-quality management education, excellent faculty, and industry-ready programs. In this article, we will dive into the fee structure, popular courses offered, and admission procedure at XLRI Jamshedpur, providing aspiring MBA students with essential details to make informed decisions about their higher education.
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Courses Offered at XLRI Jamshedpur
1. Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM):XLRI offers several PGDM programs, which are equivalent to MBA degrees and focus on developing well-rounded business leaders. The key programs include:
PGDM in Business Management (BM): A two-year, full-time residential program that covers all aspects of business, from finance and marketing to operations and human resources.
PGDM in Human Resource Management (HRM): This two-year, full-time program is regarded as one of the best in India for HR education, providing deep insights into organizational behavior, labor laws, and strategic HR management.
2. Fellow Programme in Management (FPM):This is a full-time doctoral-level program designed for those interested in pursuing careers in teaching, research, and consulting. Students specialize in areas like finance, marketing, operations, or organizational behavior.
3. Executive Programs:XLRI also offers executive MBA and diploma programs for working professionals. The popular ones include:
Executive PGDM (General Management): A 15-month, full-time program designed for working professionals who aim to accelerate their careers.
Executive PGDM in HRM: Tailored for experienced HR professionals seeking advanced expertise in human resource management.
Fee Structure at XLRI Jamshedpur
1. PGDM Programs:
xlri jamshedpur fees: The total tuition fee for the PGDM in Business Management (BM) and PGDM in Human Resource Management (HRM) programs is approximately INR 23-26 lakhs for the entire two-year duration. This includes tuition, course materials, and other academic fees, but excludes accommodation and food expenses.
Additional charges, including hostel fees and personal expenses, typically add up to INR 3-5 lakhs for the two years.
2. Executive Programs:
The Executive PGDM (General Management) has a total fee structure of INR 20-22 lakhs for the 15-month program. This fee includes course materials, tuition, and accommodation, but excludes travel and personal expenses.
3. Fellow Programme in Management (FPM):
For the FPM program, students receive financial support in the form of a fellowship or stipend to cover their academic expenses. The tuition fee for the FPM program is generally waived, and students receive stipends in the range of INR 25,000-30,000 per month.
Admission Procedure at XLRI Jamshedpur
1. PGDM Admission:
Eligibility Criteria: Candidates must have a recognized bachelor’s degree in any discipline with at least 50% marks. Students in their final year of graduation are also eligible to apply.
Entrance Exam: Admission to the PGDM programs is based on the Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) scores. XLRI also accepts GMAT scores for international candidates.
Selection Process: After qualifying for the entrance exam, shortlisted candidates will be called for a group discussion (GD) and personal interview (PI).
Final Selection: The final selection is based on the candidate’s academic profile, entrance exam score, work experience, GD, and PI performance.
2. Executive PGDM Admission:
Eligibility Criteria: Candidates must have at least five years of managerial or supervisory work experience and a bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
Entrance Exam: Admission is based on XAT, GMAT, or GRE scores, followed by an interview process.
3. FPM Admission:
Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must have a master’s degree or an equivalent qualification with at least 55% marks. Exceptional candidates with professional qualifications like CA, CS, or ICWA are also eligible.
Entrance Exam: Admission is based on XAT, GMAT, GRE, or UGC-JRF scores, followed by a personal interview.
XLRI Jamshedpur is a premier destination for management education in India, with a rich legacy of producing business leaders and HR professionals. The fee structure, while significant, reflects the quality of education, facilities, and career opportunities offered by the institution. Aspiring business leaders can benefit from the industry-oriented courses and a comprehensive admission process that evaluates both academic performance and personal attributes.
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amitypunjab · 4 days
BBA at Amity University, Punjab: Your Gateway to Success in Business Management!
It is truly wonderful  to think of pursuing a career in the field of business and management! Be it joining a successful company or becoming an entrepreneur the possibilities are endless. Right now is the absolutely perfect time to get into the  world of commerce and finance. Deciding to study a BBA degree opens up a bunch of opportunities in  the fields like finance, management, business and  much more. It's more than just learning business tactics; in fact it's more about polishing your critical thinking, analytical skills, and preparing the leader in you. Bachelor of Business Administration not only prepares you for the workforce but also for pursuing higher education, specially MBA. The curriculum covers important subjects that are much required for necessary business knowledge.
While there are a number of top BBA colleges in Punjab, Amity University's BBA program stands out if you're looking for a career in the field of business. You'll be a part of  important valuable subjects such as finance, management, sales, marketing, and human resources, and also prepare yourself for actually facing challenges in the outside world. The professors here are not just instructors, they are professional faculty who bring in their industry expertise to the classroom, guiding every student through practical, theory, internships, along with research and brainstorming.
Studying Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at Amity University Punjab offers several advantages. Some of the key benefits are:
Learn and Develop Managerial Skills: The BBA program provides a solid foundation in management. You’ll be getting to study main areas like sales and marketing, strategy management, and business communication.
Industry-Oriented Course: Amity’s BBA program emphasizes both theoretical and practical knowledge, preparing you for real-world challenges and working on your skills.
Excellent Growth Prospects: With a BBA degree, you’ll have plenty of career opportunities in various industries, including finance, marketing, human resources, and more.
Amity University is reputed for its faculty, facilities, and placement opportunities, making it one of the great choices for pursuing BBA. 
Amity University in Mohali, Punjab places as a top-notch Bachelor of Business Administration college in Punjab offering related options like B.Com Honors programs, providing academic standards and great industry connections. With a focus on practical learning and a powerful alumni network, graduating from Amity opens doors to international career opportunities in finance, consulting, marketing, and entrepreneurship. The university's vibrant community caters excellence and innovation, complemented by a beautiful campus amidst the Shivalik Hills, offering a rich cultural and recreational experience.
Amity's BBA program emphasizes managerial skills through courses in sales, marketing, strategy management, and business communication, preparing students for diverse career paths. Similarly, the B.Com Honors program blends theoretical knowledge with practical training, equipping future business leaders with industry-ready skills and a sharp business acumen.
Known for its comprehensive curriculum and high placement record, Amity University Mohali ensures holistic development through its faculty expertise, modern infrastructure, and career support services. Whether aspiring for advanced studies like an MBA or professional certifications such as CA or CS, Amity University provides a solid foundation for personal growth and professional success in commerce and finance.
Choosing Amity University means embarking on a journey that combines academic excellence with a nurturing environment, ideal for realizing career aspirations in the dynamic world of business. It's a strategic choice for those seeking a transformative educational experience and preparing to leave a mark in their chosen field.
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/top-bba-colleges-in-punjab-/home
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idigitizellp21 · 6 days
Your Guide to choosing the right career after a B.Com Degree
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Completing a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) degree is a significant milestone, offering a strong foundation in business, finance, accounting, and economics. It opens the door to a variety of career opportunities, but with so many paths available, deciding on the right career can be overwhelming. The good news is that a B.Com equips you with relevant skills across multiple industries, making you well-prepared for a range of top careers in today’s market.
This guide will help you explore various career options after b.com.
1. Assess Your Strengths and Interests
The first step in choosing the right career is understanding your strengths, interests, and values. A B.Com degree gives you the flexibility to pursue careers in finance, marketing, management, and entrepreneurship, among others. Ask yourself:
Do you enjoy working with numbers and analyzing data?
Are you interested in managing projects or leading teams?
Do you prefer creative problem-solving or working within structured frameworks?
Identifying what drives you will help refine your choices. For example, if you enjoy working with numbers and data, finance, accounting, or investment banking could be a good fit. On the other hand, if you are more people-oriented, careers in marketing or human resources might suit you better.
2. Popular Career Options After B.Com
There are several career paths you can choose after completing your B.Com. Here are some of the most popular ones:
a. Chartered Accountancy (CA): One of the most sought-after career options for B.Com graduates is becoming a Chartered Accountant. The CA qualification opens doors to roles in audit firms, financial consulting, and corporate finance departments. While pursuing a CA requires dedication and clearing multiple levels of exams, it offers lucrative opportunities and high job security.
b. Company Secretary (CS): If you are interested in corporate law and governance, the role of a Company Secretary might be appealing. A CS is responsible for ensuring that a company complies with legal and regulatory requirements, and acts as a key advisor to the board of directors. Like CA, CS also involves clearing exams, but the career prospects are excellent.
c. Financial Analyst: Financial analysts work with organizations to assess economic data, trends, and performance, helping companies make informed business decisions. They are typically employed by investment banks, mutual funds, and financial advisory firms. If you have a strong analytical mindset and enjoy working with economic data, this might be an ideal career path.
d. Investment Banker: Investment banking is one of the highest-paying career options for B.Com graduates. Investment bankers help companies raise capital by issuing securities and providing advice on mergers and acquisitions. This career demands strong financial knowledge, communication skills, and the ability to handle high-pressure situations.
e. Marketing and Sales: For those who prefer a more dynamic and people-centric career, marketing and sales offer great opportunities. B.Com graduates can work in roles like brand management, sales executive, or digital marketing. These roles involve promoting products and services, building brand awareness, and engaging with customers.
f. Human Resources (HR): HR professionals are responsible for recruiting, training, and managing employees. They ensure that the company has the right talent to achieve its goals. If you enjoy working with people and have strong organizational skills, HR could be a fulfilling career option.
g. Banking and Insurance: The banking and insurance sectors are always on the lookout for B.Com graduates. You can work in retail banking, corporate banking, or insurance companies. Some popular roles in this industry include loan officer, credit analyst, or insurance underwriter.
h. Government Jobs: Many B.Com graduates opt for government jobs, which offer stability and various benefits. You can apply for roles in public sector banks, civil services, or financial regulatory bodies like SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) or RBI (Reserve Bank of India). Preparing for competitive exams such as the UPSC or SSC is essential for this career path.
i. Entrepreneurship: If you have a business idea and a passion for creating something from scratch, entrepreneurship could be your calling. A B.Com degree equips you with the financial and managerial knowledge to start your own business. Many successful entrepreneurs come from a commerce background and have used their education to build thriving companies.
3. Pursue Further Education
If you are still unsure about your career path or want to specialize in a particular field, pursuing further education might be a good option. Some popular post graduate courses for B.Com graduates include:
a. MBA (Master of Business Administration): An MBA is a popular choice for B.Com graduates looking to advance their careers in management. Specializations in finance, marketing, operations, and human resources are available, allowing you to tailor your education to your career goals. An MBA can open doors to leadership roles in top companies.
b. M.Com (Master of Commerce): An M.Com is a natural progression if you want to delve deeper into subjects like accounting, taxation, and finance. It’s ideal for those looking to pursue teaching or research in commerce and finance.
c. CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst): The CFA certification is globally recognized and highly respected in investment management and financial analysis. If you are aiming for a career in finance, particularly in portfolio management, research, or equity analysis, the CFA is an excellent credential to pursue.
4. Consider Your Long-term Goals
When choosing a career after your B.Com, it’s essential to think about your long-term goals. Do you want to climb the corporate ladder, or are you more inclined toward entrepreneurship? Do you seek job security or creative freedom? Align your career choices with your vision for the future, keeping in mind the lifestyle you want, your financial aspirations, and your interests.
Select the Right Career for Your Future
A B.Com degree from Patuck Degree College provides a solid grounding in business and finance, opening up a diverse array of career paths. Whether you choose a traditional route such as Chartered Accountancy or venture into emerging fields like digital marketing or entrepreneurship, success depends on aligning your career with your strengths and interests. Reflect on your long-term goals, seek further education if needed, and make a well-informed choice to set yourself on the path to a rewarding and successful career.
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primaverse · 10 days
Cultural Considerations in Global Engineering Outsourcing
Unlike the old times, it is common for people from different cultures and geographical areas to work together in the same workplace. This is going to increase even more in today’s global economy. This could be a great platform to learn from each other and improve productivity but on the other hand, it could also lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. To maintain a positive work environment, it is very essential to manage these cultural differences. 
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1. Cultural Differences 
It is very essential to understand the cultural differences in the workplace. This includes their values, beliefs, and style of communication. It will benefit to learn the cultural background of the team members and how it may impact their behaviour. 
The Harvard Business Review published a study that mentions organizations that fostered an understanding of cultural differences and encouraged cross-cultural collaboration observed a 45% increase in innovation compared to organizations that did not prioritize diversity and inclusion. 
So promoting culturing awareness by conducting training sessions, workshops or even team-building activities will benefit. This will create a more inclusive environment and help colleagues to better understand and appreciate each other’s differences. A survey conducted by the Society of Human Resource Management found that companies with diverse and inclusive cultures perform much better. 
2. Communication 
Encouraging open and honest communication among colleagues. Take feedback at regular intervals. Give opportunities for discussion among team members. Effective communication at the workplace is of prime importance for managing cultural differences. This prevents misunderstanding and ensures everyone is on the same page. According to the Harvard Business Review study says that companies with good communication practices are likely to have a low turnover rate of as low as 50%. 
3. Stereotypes 
Making assumptions about colleagues based on cultural background should be avoided as it can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in the workplace. Focus on individual differences and strengths. Everyone should be treated with respect and consideration regardless of their cultural background. A report from Harvard Business Review says that those employees who feel stereotyped or marginalized due to the aforementioned reasons are more likely to disengage from their work and experience lower job satisfaction. 
4. Conflict 
Differences of opinion and conflicts between employees do happen in any workplace. It can be more serious and challenging to tackle even more when cultural differences are involved. When conflicts arise they need to be addressed promptly and respectfully. Team members should be allowed to speak openly without diluting the facts about their concerns. This would work faster if the team managers brought the members together to find a solution that would cater to everybody’s needs and concerns and be more open-minded and honest. Studies have found that with effective conflict resolution strategies employee satisfaction can increase by 25% and absenteeism and turnover can reduce by 50%.  
5. Ethnic and cultural diversity 
Companies must view diversity as a strength rather than a challenge. Cultural differences can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection. All employees have a right to be accepted and acknowledged. Heads and managers should observe to check that there is no monopolization done by a certain ethnic race of community and nobody is favoured. Providing cultural support can help colleagues to feel more comfortable and included in the workplace. This can include providing translational services and creating diverse communities to address cultural issues. Celebrate cultural holidays, show interest in their social customs and rituals, and be sensitive to their emotions and needs. Diversity can bring ideas and new perspectives to the workplace which can lead to greater innovation and success.  
Study shows that there is a direct correlation between diversity about increase in the number of females, ethnic and cultural composition, and the financial performance of companies. Not just profitability in terms of earnings before interest and taxes but also longer-term value creation. A study by McKinsey & Company says that companies in the top quartile for ethnic and cultural diversity in their workforce were likely to have a profitability of about 33% than companies in the bottom quartile. Companies must celebrate the unique contributions of each colleague and encourage a culture of inclusivity and respect. 
6. Flexibility 
To manage cultural differences in the workplace the prime requirements are flexibility and adaptability. Employees and employers should critically appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others equally. Employees must put in a conscious effort to adjust to the different communication and management styles to accommodate differences. A more positive and productive work environment for everyone can be created by being flexible and open-minded. Harvard Business Review states teams that exhibit high levels of adaptability and flexibility have finer cross-cultural collaboration and achieve their goals more successfully.  
7. Expectations 
Clear expectations for behaviour and communication in the workplace is very essential to be set. This will have everyone on the same page and prevent misunderstandings between employees. It has to be ensured that everyone understands what is expected of them in terms of communication, teamwork, and respect for cultural differences. Harvard Business survey says that employees who receive clear communication from their superiors are more likely to be engaged and feel that their contributions are valued. 
8.  Feedback 
Taking and giving feedback is a very helpful tool to effectively manage cultural differences in the workplace. One must be open to suggestions accept criticism positively and improve communication and collaboration. By seeking feedback and acting on it, you can create a more inclusive and productive work environment for everyone. A survey by Deloitte mentions that companies with a culture of feedback are 3.3 times more likely to outperform. 
9. Training Management 
Management training would benefit the administration on how to manage diverse teams, how to promote cultural awareness, and how to resolve conflicts between members of the team. Importance is given to organizations to have a diverse staff. Glassdoor survey says that 76% of job seekers prefer diverse workplaces. Training can help managers to support their colleagues and lead the team to greater success. 
With the rising global economy, companies will have employees from diverse cultures, ethnicities, and geographical areas. This can be considered as an advantage rather than a challenge. If this situation is capitalised well the company stands to gain in profits and employees will be happy and low attrition. This requires a joint effort by the employees and management team. Clear and effective communication with regular feedback and appreciation of the work done should be religiously followed. Getting together to ease out the stress and cultural activities will imbibe a more comfortable ambiance for employees to know each other well. Everybody should get a feeling of being heard and cared for which will improve their work efficiency and in turn the company’s productivity.
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bfitgroup · 25 days
Top 10 Career Options After Completing a Bachelor of Commerce
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A Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) degree is one of the most versatile & sought-after undergraduate programs worldwide. It equips students with a broad understanding of business principles, accounting, finance, economics & management. This foundational knowledge opens doors to a plethora of career opportunities across various industries, making it a popular choice among students who aspire to build successful careers in the business world.
The B.Com degree is not just limited to traditional roles in accounting or finance, and with the evolving business landscape, graduates can explore diverse fields such as marketing, human resources, information technology & entrepreneurship. This flexibility allows B.Com graduates to tailor their careers to their interests & strengths.
With that being said, now let’s dive into the top 10 career options you can pursue after completing your B.Com degree from a reputable Bachelor of Commerce college in Dehradun.
1. Chartered Accountant (CA)
Becoming a Chartered Accountant is one of the most prestigious career options for B.Com graduates. This profession involves providing financial advice, auditing accounts & ensuring compliance with financial regulations.
To become a CA, you need to clear the exams conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) & complete the required training period. This career offers excellent growth prospects & earning potential.
2. Company Secretary (CS)
A Company Secretary plays a crucial role in ensuring that a company complies with all legal & regulatory requirements. They act as a bridge between the board of directors & regulatory authorities.
To pursue a career as a CS, you need to complete the CS course offered by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). This role is ideal for those interested in corporate governance & law.
3. Business Consultant
Business consultants provide expert advice to organizations on various aspects of business operations including strategy, management & efficiency improvements. This career requires strong problem-solving skills, business acumen & the ability to analyze complex data. A B.Com degree, combined with relevant experience & possibly an MBA, can lead to a rewarding career in business consulting.
4. Financial Analyst
Financial analysts evaluate investment opportunities, analyze financial data & provide recommendations to businesses & individuals. They play a vital role in helping organizations make informed investment decisions.
Additionally, a B.Com degree coupled with relevant certifications like the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation can pave the way for a successful career in financial analysis.
5. Tax Consultant
Tax consultants provide advice on tax-related matters, help individuals & businesses comply with tax laws & assist in tax planning. This career requires a deep understanding of tax regulations & strong analytical skills. B.Com graduates can pursue further studies in taxation or obtain certifications like the Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA) to advance in this field.
Click on the link for more information - https://bfitgroup.in/top-10-career-options-after-completing-a-bachelor-of-commerce/
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