#C: i build bridges with these arms ; i will not build a fortress (emma rory)
revivedlegend · 6 years
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Sara’s Children 2 / ? - Emma Laurel Rory
“I build bridges with these arms, I will not build a fortress. In the circle around the kitchen table, I say my “amen” because I feel blessed. Secretly hoping while joining hands that you can’t feel my trembling fingertips.
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revivedlegend · 7 years
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...So, um...
Phoenix and Ice Queen, anyone?
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revivedlegend · 7 years
I lowkey have kid feels so
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Starter call for Sara’s kids?
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Feel free to specify kid in the replies. Also open to people not the kids’ parents or relatives!
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revivedlegend · 7 years
Tag Drop - children
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revivedlegend · 6 years
@burnedlegend / @icedlegend / @mindsunmatched
          Being the captain of a team of time travelers often meant Sara didn’t have enough time to focus on watching her children - especially given that there were FIVE of them. Which, truthfully, suited the Lance-Rory-Snart just fine. Even WITH three parents to police them, they were outnumbered, and it left the children to their own devices more often than not.
          Which, on this particular day, included a series of elaborate and intense war games.
          With their parents being who they were, it made sense that the siblings took this so seriously, even if - to outside observers, it might seem rather nonsensical. Especially given that young Leo Rory was sneaking around the Waverider as if an ACTUAL threat was around and not JUST the twins. But he was out doing recon on the Snart twins - tacticians following in their father’s footsteps exactly - and the extra precaution was warranted.
          “Status report?” Emma Rory questioned without looking up from the monitors; Gideon, at least, was still letting them use camera feeds. She had threatened to cut that privilege off after their last battle had resulted in a small fire in the kitchen.
          “Lily’s got the cold gun,” he whispered to his younger sister, glad to be back safe in their base of operations. Well, safe for a moment anyway, before an incredulous Emma fixed her brother with an open mouthed stare for a beat before yelling out, “OKAY, TIME OUT!”
          As if on cue, two dark haired, freckled faces popped up from around the corner, identical brows cocked inquisitively. “Lils, did you really take Dad’s cold gun? That’s not fair!”
          “Says the meta! How’re we supposed to compete with your fireballs, Ember?” Luke’s quiet retort of “with water guns, like I suggested,” was only met with a glare from his twin sister.
          “It’s not my fault I have powers and you don’t! We agreed not to use Dad’s cold gun, Papa’s heat gun, or Mama’s staffs.”
          “We’re criminals, Em. We break rules.”
          It was a long moment of staring between Emma and Lily, stubbornly facing off in silence while Leo and Luke slowly retreated to their respective bases to prepare for the inevitable retaliation. “Ugh! Fine! Time in!” Emma called, fire shooting from her palms and leaving a scorch mark on the floor as Lily backflipped away from the blast and back towards safety. And so, the battle recommenced. 
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revivedlegend · 7 years
Nothing sums up Emma Laurel Rory more than Gabe just going:
“omfg ember no”
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