#c: dirty mind ; dirty mouth ; pretty little head (lily snart)
revivedlegend · 7 years
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Sara’s Children 1 / ? - Lily Bianca Snart
“sister, bring it hither, push it down below catch yourself a looker, let him go, go, go wanna have your baby but i’m so, so slow well, don’t you worry honey, cause i can’t say no.”
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revivedlegend · 7 years
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...So, um...
Phoenix and Ice Queen, anyone?
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revivedlegend · 7 years
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“I don’t get it. You and Uncle Mick and Auntie Lisa take things from stores and banks and stuff. So how come I get in trouble for taking Stacey’s jump rope at recess?”
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revivedlegend · 8 years
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At her cousin’s compliment, Lily glanced up at the speaker, then at the coat in question, fitted snugly around her frame, before turning back to the other girl with a bright smile.
“Thanks! It’s nice, right? Dad stole it for me on his trip to Coast City a few months back.”
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revivedlegend · 8 years
I lowkey have kid feels so
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Starter call for Sara’s kids?
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Feel free to specify kid in the replies. Also open to people not the kids’ parents or relatives!
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revivedlegend · 7 years
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          They only had one shot.
          The first rule of time travel was never to interact with a former iteration of yourself - and Mom would have both of their heads if they caused another time breaking anomaly. Then again, if they failed and didn’t jump back into the future before the Occulus was destroyed, then Mom wouldn’t be able to get mad at them.
          Because they, along with their father, would be dead.
          Lily turned to her brother, fingers clutching the cold gun tightly in her grasp. Luke’s area of expertise was in martial arts, like their mother; it’d be easier if Lily fended off any potential time masters attempting to stop them from leaving. Luke, meanwhile, had the portal watch to give them an entrance to the Vanishing Point. In his pocket, weight reassuring and hopeful, rested their father’s salvation - a simple clamp meant to hold down the self-destruct trigger and allow their father to escape back to the waverider, back to Uncle Mick, back to their mother.
          The twins didn’t need to speak their fears; they can see it in each other’s eyes. So instead, Lily and Luke Snart merely nod at each other encouragingly before Luke opens the portal and they rush in.
          Almost immediately the younger (by ten minutes) twin heard his sister’s gun go off, defending their way out. Luke didn’t dare look back, as much as he wanted to. They were running out of time. Immediately sliding next to his father, part of Luke is quietly taken with how young he looks. He has Lily’s frown. Luke’s eyes. But now wasn’t the time for sentimentality. 
          “Hey!” he called out, against the sounds of battle and malfunctioning machinery. And belatedly, Luke will revel in getting the chance to order his father around - a rarity because, as the saying go, his father often did know best. Fumbling for the clasp briefly, he retrieved it and held it up to show it to the (future) patriarch of the Snart clan. “Let go! We got this!”
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revivedlegend · 8 years
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revivedlegend · 8 years
give me the deets of their child please
If they had a kid meme // @sncrt
Jewel, I’ve made like 6-ish kids for Sara and out of all of them, the Snart twins are the most developed. Somehow. I’ve barely used them, I’ve only made starters for Gabe’s Len with them, and yet somehow, they’re the loudest voices out of Sara’s kids.
Mostly though, it’s Lily who begs for attention so lemme talk about Lily, who I named before I knew about Stein’s daughter oops.
Name: Lily Ariana Snart
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Straight, long blonde hair. Dark eyebrows. Blue eyes. Light complexion. Slight freckles across her cheeks and shoulders. 
Personality: A little more calm headed than her twin brother, Lily tends to fight back with her words before her first. Caustic and witty, she’s been known to cut down the egos of adults twice her age. She also takes a bit after her Aunt Lisa, taking a liking to pretty and shiny things and her own beauty.
Special Talents: Lock picking, knife throwing, good singing voice.
Who they like better: Len
Who they take after more: Sara
Personal Head canon: Len wanted to name her Leia, because he’s a movie buff and her twin brother’s name is Lucas…nicknamed Luke. Sometimes, when referring to Sara, Lily and Len call her Padme instead of Mom / your mom.
Face Claim: Katelyn Tarver   [X]  [X]  [X]  [X]
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revivedlegend · 7 years
Tag Drop - children
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revivedlegend · 7 years
@burnedlegend / @icedlegend / @mindsunmatched
          Being the captain of a team of time travelers often meant Sara didn’t have enough time to focus on watching her children - especially given that there were FIVE of them. Which, truthfully, suited the Lance-Rory-Snart just fine. Even WITH three parents to police them, they were outnumbered, and it left the children to their own devices more often than not.
          Which, on this particular day, included a series of elaborate and intense war games.
          With their parents being who they were, it made sense that the siblings took this so seriously, even if - to outside observers, it might seem rather nonsensical. Especially given that young Leo Rory was sneaking around the Waverider as if an ACTUAL threat was around and not JUST the twins. But he was out doing recon on the Snart twins - tacticians following in their father’s footsteps exactly - and the extra precaution was warranted.
          “Status report?” Emma Rory questioned without looking up from the monitors; Gideon, at least, was still letting them use camera feeds. She had threatened to cut that privilege off after their last battle had resulted in a small fire in the kitchen.
          “Lily’s got the cold gun,” he whispered to his younger sister, glad to be back safe in their base of operations. Well, safe for a moment anyway, before an incredulous Emma fixed her brother with an open mouthed stare for a beat before yelling out, “OKAY, TIME OUT!”
          As if on cue, two dark haired, freckled faces popped up from around the corner, identical brows cocked inquisitively. “Lils, did you really take Dad’s cold gun? That’s not fair!”
          “Says the meta! How’re we supposed to compete with your fireballs, Ember?” Luke’s quiet retort of “with water guns, like I suggested,” was only met with a glare from his twin sister.
          “It’s not my fault I have powers and you don’t! We agreed not to use Dad’s cold gun, Papa’s heat gun, or Mama’s staffs.”
          “We’re criminals, Em. We break rules.”
          It was a long moment of staring between Emma and Lily, stubbornly facing off in silence while Leo and Luke slowly retreated to their respective bases to prepare for the inevitable retaliation. “Ugh! Fine! Time in!” Emma called, fire shooting from her palms and leaving a scorch mark on the floor as Lily backflipped away from the blast and back towards safety. And so, the battle recommenced. 
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revivedlegend · 7 years
Friendly reminder that I love making next gen kids for my muses and that I would die for Lily S.nart
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revivedlegend · 8 years
Sara absolutely refuses to let Len named their daughter “Leia” but that doesn’t stop Len from calling Sara “Padme” a lot.
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