#C: Black Pete
polar-equinoxx · 10 months
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pollyna · 2 years
The Sunnyside of the Iceman
- tattoo shop!au: Sundown and Iceman are the owner of the most ridiculously named tattoes shop in Miramar;
- they were both pilots, but racism and the commie witch hunt did the trick on them. Doesn't matter that Ice was the best and Sundown already flown more mission that he could remember;
- Slider used to be his RIO and now he's Goose's and Ice swears in seven languages (that he speaks) that if one of them isn't going to ask out to the other he is going to do that for them. It's fucking embarrassing. Ice loves his best friend but he can't live with all that secondhand embarrassment for much longer;
- Sundown says that Chip says that they even get worse since they were called in Top Gun and Jesus, seriously Sunny? (Chip is Sun's boyfriend and he's knows all the little gossip that makes Ice laughs for days at time);
- Sun and Chip met two weeks in the program and it took them three years to speak about feelings. Ice would like to know if every single navy pilot is emotionally slow;
- they bought the shop for almost a penny because the lady didn't know what to do with it and Ice knows how to smiles when he wants to;
- Ice's first tattoo is on Sun's left wrist, the silhouette of a Tomcat F-14. Sun's first is on Ice's biceps, a colourful little things that he says represent the patch of Iceman's first squadron. Tom finds himself looking at it for hours, even if it's already four years old;
- They're close on Monday but once a month it's on Sunday because Marcus has his monthly meeting with his granma and he takes Ice with him because it's hilarious watching his 95 years old granny telling her friends, and the pastor, that this is the white Jewish boy I adopted! Ice looks pleasantly embrassed and his humor gets better and better everytime his plate gets filled;
- they hear about Maverick, for the first time, a cloudy day where half of Miramar is in their shop and Slider has his arm around Goose and their noses are so closed they could kiss, even without trying. Chip says he's half crazy up in the sky and that Merlin actually prayed during their third hop. They see Maverick for the first time four week in to the program and the first thing he says to Iceman is it's all your fault if Goose isn't my RIO and the silence is the only sound he hears back and then he's out of the door before anyone can move;
- Sun brings out the heavy alcohol for that night and Iceman finished between Slider and Goose, drawing new tattoes and trying to know knock his friends head together. The next morning the designs are still pretty cool, Slider&Goose are cuddling but nothing happend. He hoped Sun had made his special eggs, he deserves a treat;
- Maverick is back a week later, looking like someone had just kicked his dog and with a pie, a I'm sorry pie apparently. It was uncalled for, I'm sorry he says before shifting half of his attention to the last schematics Ice draw. I-would you be willing to tattoo that on me? It's freaking awsome and Marcus' job are great but I want to first one to that, Ice is almost going to say no to him but the pie is an apple one and Maverick is looking at the drawing like he's seeing something sacred and he can't tell him no. (For visual is something like this);
- so, as Sunny whispers to Chip adding the last details to his last tattoo, the Mitchell-Kazansky drama is beginning. Chip laughs before kissing him, and we have the front row tickets;
- Mav becomes a regular in the shop and in their lives long after the tattoo is done and he has the propensity of moving people around to be as close to Iceman as he can;
- they, Chip&Sun&Slider&Goose, bet on how much time is going to take them to realise that Mav kissing Ice's forehead when he's sketching is something 'friends do' and what the two assholes are going to do about that;
- in the end, and fucking finally Iceman would say, Goose asks Slider out for a date and it goes so bad they're back in the shop the very next afternoon screaming at eachother until Chip doesn't gently shows Slider against Goose's chest and than it's just so perfectly quiet. Because they're kissing. Ice brings champagne out for dinner, they all deserve it and maybe, maybe, he's going to find the courage to take Mav's hand in his and kiss him before the end of the night;
- Sun doesn't want to know, he just wants their shop free of drama, and let his boyfriend take him up in the sky after hours.
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vocesincaput · 9 months
We were all Roach in this moment.
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longlistshort · 2 years
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Pictured above- Call Me Mrs. Mary E. Pleasant: The Midas Touch by L'Merchie Frazier- a portrait of entrepreneur, civil rights activist and benefactor, Mary Ellen Pleasant who made a name and a fortune for herself in Gold Rush era San Francisco. Her timeline from 1814 to 1904 begins in racial slavery as an indentured servant girl with no formal education. She ascended to a self-made millionaire, amassing a fortune in her lifetime of over $30 million, ($900 million today).
The second image is A Good Soldier: Thomas C. Fleming, America's Longest Serving Black Journalist by Rosy Petri- At the time of his retirement in 1997, California journalist Thomas C. Fleming was the nation's oldest Black journalist with the longest consecutive period of publication.
Both of these quilts are from Black Pioneers: Legacy in the American West at The James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art. Organized by historian, artist, and curator Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi, it includes 50 pictorial quilts created by members of Women of Color Quilters Network, a group founded by Mazloomi in 1985.
Mazloomi's statement at the exhibition entrance-
American history is incomplete without the stories of African American men and women, from our enslaved ancestors to our societal challenges. The role of African Americans in the movement toward westward expansion has been largely overlooked. This exhibition of original pictorial quilts brings into focus the rich and diverse stories and achievements of Blacks in American western history. The timeline begins with Esteban's 1528 arrival in the West and continues through the Civil Rights Movement.
At the end of Reconstruction in the South, discrimination and segregation caused African Americans to seek opportunities where there was less prejudice. In the 1800s, they moved by the thousands to the American West. Some went West as slaves, while free African American men joined the United States Army or became ranch hands, fur traders, cowboys, or miners.
Why quilts? Quilts and quilt making are important to American, and Black culture in particular. The art form was historically one of the few mediums accessible to marginalized groups to tell their own story, to provide warmth for their families, and to empower them with a voice through cloth. Using quilts to tell these stories accentuates the intersections of African Americans in the Western frontier while at once informing about the art form and its role in Black history. It is this often unknown and underappreciated shared reality that must be voiced if we are ever to truly value the unique contributions diverse groups make to the fabric of our nation.
The impressive quilts on view educate viewers with stories of individuals and events in African American history that may not have previously been familiar, and present new perspectives on those that are. It's a wonderful way to utilize a visual medium to captivate, inform, and often inspire.
This exhibition closes on 1/8/2023.
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carterashofficial · 2 years
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Mr. Philosophy over here with his single braincell contemplating the difference between bark and bork
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serious2020 · 1 year
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milunalupin · 8 days
— all-american
james potter x reader ★ 869 words
"Can you two stop giggling? People are staring."
The boys followed the tallest Marauder through the streets of muggle London, on their way to some American diner Peter had told them about. The purebloods couldn't help but 'ooh' and 'ahh' at all the unusual things they didn't have back in their world. A large neon sign came into view, the 'C' in 'Nick's Diner' flickering on and off. The loud jingle of the bell as they opened the door announced their arrival, only a few other patrons scattered around the diner. A voice from somewhere back in the kitchen called out.
"Welcome in, take a seat anywhere you'd like!"
They decided on a red leather booth near the back corner, a 'Taxi Driver' poster plastered right above the table. The black and white checkerboard flooring and jukebox made it feel like they were in that film 'Grease' their friend Lily makes them watch every other week.
"Evening boys, how's everyone doin'? My name is Y/N, can I get anyone started with a drink?"
James thinks he must've gotten hit by a muggle car crossing the street to get here because he believes he's seeing an angel in person. You just look so pretty, in your little red dress and white apron, curly hair tied up in a ponytail. Your smile. Merlin, he was going to need to get his eyes checked again after dinner because your smile was truly blinding. Were those wedding bells he was hearing?
"I think James over here is good, all that drool should last him a good week or two."
A hard slap on the back took him out of his daze. His eyebrows pinched together and he was about to say something back to Sirius when he realized he was drooling, quickly wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his sweater before turning back to you with red cheeks and a sheepish smile.
"A Coca-Cola for me, please."
You think the blushing boy before you couldn't get any cuter. You grinned and nodded, telling them you'd be back with their drinks as you strolled back to the kitchen.
Once James finally took his eyes away from your swinging ponytail, he was met with three shit-eating grins. He glares back but their smiles do not falter, causing James to scoff with furrowed eyebrows. "What."
Dinner goes by in a flash with the friends enjoying their meals and sneakily changing the music from the jukebox, wands hidden under the table. The boys notice they just so happen to have a very attentive waitress, your lovely self coming around to their table often. It was interesting that even after they'd finished eating, you would appear to fill their almost overflowing cups with water or drop off extra napkins. James did nothing but send a dopey grin your way, and he does consider talking to you but freezes the second your big brown eyes stare back at him.
Remus groaned as he watched his friend be so pathetically consumed by you, setting down his now empty mug. "Prongs, tell me. Are you going to ask her out or just sit there with your tongue out like Padfoot begging for someone to throw him a bone?"
"I do not beg!" The dog animagi sputtered, hitting the dirty blonde beside him, "Tell 'em Pete!"
"Piss off Moony, it's not that easy. She's perfect."
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Your shift was over, and truthfully it could've been worse. The table of four boys really made up for the more sour customers you had earlier in the day. The disappointment on your face was obvious when you had gone to clean their table and there was no number left behind on any of the napkins.
After finishing your closing duties you walked out the back door and turned the corner to find a large eagle owl perched upon the diner's bike rack. It wasn't too common to see owls in this area, but the shine of its feathers and well maintained claws tell you it's not from around here. Taking careful steps towards the bird, you offer your hand. It expanded its wings and flapped them twice at you before butting its head against the palm of you hand. You smiled and smoothed the beautiful creature's feathers back, now realizing there was an envelope sitting between the owl's talons. Taking the envelope and opening it up, you find a letter written to who you presumed to be yourself.
Dearest Y/N,
You have me infatuated with your beautiful smile and killer table waiting skills. I'm pretty funny and can show you a good time. Not like that though, unless you wanted t
What I mean to say is, I would throw all of England's tea in the ocean again if it meant I could win the honor of taking you out. On a date that is, not like killing you. I promise to make the night magical. I'll come by the diner next week with flowers and hopefully you don't punch me in the face for being a creep.
James Potter
Smiling to yourself, you gave the owl one last pet and a thank you before pulling your wand out and disapparating home.
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ptergwen · 2 years
peter parker in glasses owns my heart. can you write something about him in glasses and reader is all over him. (doesn’t have to be smut but can it be a little spicy?)
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w/c: 699
warnings: 18+, a lil angst, explicit language, suggestive, and implied smut
a/n: oh absolutely! i had to use tom as my reference because his peter never wears glasses :/ also not to sound like a broken record but pls join my new taglist besties
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peter’s lips twitch into a frown as he opens up his new glasses case. he picks the glasses up by their bridge and looks them over, debating whether or not to put them on.
he used to need glasses before he got his powers. the spider bite gave him perfect vision, so he stopped wearing them and hasn’t since. now that he’s older, though, his vision isn’t what it once was. he’s been straining his eyes all these years, squinting through the eyes of his spider-man mask and staring at computer screens for college assignments. it’s back to glasses he goes.
he’s not too upset that he has to wear them again. what he’s worried about is what you’ll think.
the thick, black frames peter wore as a kid were dorky and often got him teased. they were all he could afford, and it’s not like he’s rolling in the dough now either. the new pair he purchased is hardly an upgrade.
you didn’t know peter before he was spider-man. the two of you met and began dating in college, well after he got ripped, taller, and lost the glasses. if he starts wearing glasses again, what if you’re not attracted to him anymore? what if you see him as the nerd everyone else did?
there’s a knock at peter’s dorm door. it must be you. you two have a date later. peter inhales, a deep breath, and opens the door.
“hey, pete.”
“hi, baby. come in.”
you set a hand on peter’s cheek and greet him with a quick kiss, smiling. he smiles back and shuts the door behind you. you take a seat on his bed.
“are those your glasses?”
you point to the pair in peter’s hand.
he’d told you he needed them, but he didn’t tell you they were ready. he was hoping to avoid you seeing him in them for as long as he could.
“uh, yeah. i just picked them up.”
“put them on, i wanna see.”
“i dunno, y/n. i don’t know how they look on me. i haven’t tried them yet.”
“well, then now’s a good a time as any. put them on!”
peter’s face scrunches up, mouth opening to protest. you jut out your bottom lip.
“please? for me?”
as much as he wants to, he can’t say no to that.
“okay, but i warned you.”
peter unfolds the glasses by their hinges and slips them on, adjusting them so they’re behind his ears. he pushes them up on his nose by the bridge. he finally meets your eyes from across the room, teeth clenched nervously. you ogle him for a solid amount of time without blinking, mouth hanging open.
“are they that bad?”
peter starts to take his glasses off.
“no, leave them!”
“but i thought you didn’t like them.”
“are you kidding? i love them!”
you get up from peter’s bed and walk back over to him. peter’s features hold shock. your hands come to either side of his face, lips forming a grin.
“they look so good, pete. they really suit you. and they’re actually super sexy, too.”
“you think they’re sexy?”
“uh huh. they make you look all mature. feel like i should call you sir or something.”
“sir is good. but be honest, do you actually like them? because i think they’re kind of embarrassing.”
you leave a kiss on peter’s nose, just under his glasses.
“i like you with or without glasses, peter. there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, okay? not with me.”
peter cracks a smile and loops his arms around your middle.
“thank you. that made me feel way better.”
“of course.”
one of your hands moves down peter’s body, two fingers inching their way up to his chest.
“seriously, though. the glasses are turning me on. what time does your roommate get back?”
“not til late, why?”
you beckon peter closer. he turns his head so you can whisper in his ear. his brows raise, grip on you tightening.
“oh… oh, shit. but i thought we were going out?”
“not anymore. we’re staying in.”
peter lowers his glasses. you push them back up.
“the glasses stay on when we fuck.”
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tags: @mystic-writings @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @lnmp89 @jenoslov @crvshnburnn @yourlocalomlette @starlight-starks @belovasheart @liltimmyst @eviewriites @hollandsangel @parkerctrl @eichenhouseproperty @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @varshhyy @ellebutnotwoods @magicalxdaydream @tayyx @parkerdadda
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The Bet
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pairing: college!Peter Parker x Reader: 18+ , fake dating
word count: 9k
summary: You find yourself in attendance of a Gala with Peter Parker as your (fake) date. The two of you end up making a bet: Peter tries to make you fall for him by the end of the night.
a/n: sorry, i found myself in the worst case of writer’s block i’ve had in awhile. ANYWAY, i hope this makes up for it
“All I’m saying is that you’re going to look ridiculous,” Tony spoke. The rim of an almost empty glass of whiskey sat against his smiling lips, “Even Nat’s bringing a date and you two are two sides of the same coin. I don’t see how you can’t put up with a man for just one night,” Your gaze made him choke on his drink slightly, “or, or a woman?” He questioned, unsure of the reason for your deadly glance.
“I-I could get a date,” You stuttered, bringing your own glass to your lips. You crossed your legs, the black dress sat tightly against your knees. A pair of equally dark heels sat on your feet. The shoe dangled off your elevated foot, “I just chose to go stag, more of my vibe, you know,” You laughed it off.
“You’re a real lone wolf,” Tony spoke, “Are those still called bitches? Or is that just dogs?”
“Fuck off,” You groaned, finishing off your glass, “I’ll find a guy at the gala, alright. Spare me,”
“No, spare me,” Tony spoke, placing a hand on his chest dramatically, “Stark bringing along a virgin of an intern. All brain and no game,” He almost slurred, “But I guess that modest dress makes you kind of sexy in a mysterious way,”
“Forgive me for not breaking out my little black dress,” You told him, “It’s a gala. At an art museum, it’s not like we’re going to some night club”
“Oh, we’re not?” Tony questioned, “Then why are you totally pregaming with me right now,” He poured you another glass of whiskey with a shit eating grin.
“It’s the only way I can deal with you,” You admit with a smile, “This way you get a little more tolerable,”
“Glad we’re on the same page,” Tony spoke, raising another glass. However, his toast was cut short as someone caught his eyes, “Ah! Pete! Perfect, absolutely perfect,”
You turned your head, your loose, y/h/c waves twirling, “Come on, Mr. Stark,” Peter spoke, a sigh passed through his lips as he noticed Tony’s buzzed state, “There’s still like, an hour ‘til we leave,”
“Yeah! Perfect, enough time for you to have a drink with us,” Tony smiled, walking towards Peter. He took hold of Peter’s arm, dragging him into the lounge.
Peter wore a black suit, nothing fancy besides the luxury brand Tony had paid for. His hair was gelled into place and it made you laugh to yourself, “What?” Peter questioned as he heard you almost giggle. A subtle blush sat on his freckled nose. A drink found a way into his hand as he stared at you, “Mr. Stark, you know I won’t feel a thing from this,”
“Humor me, kid,” Tony spoke, “Er- us,” He motioned towards you.
You were reclined on Tony’s expensive couch as you bounced the heel that sat loosely on your foot, “Please, I’m being held here against my will,” You spoke, making Peter smile. You extended your arm, placing it on the back of the couch. Stretching, you pinched your shoulder blades without a thought. However, Peter’s thoughts were racing, the position pushing out your chest, drawing all of Peter’s attention to you. He did not think you could consume any more of his thoughts than you already did, but here he was. Knocking back whatever liquid was in the glass Tony had given him, he swallowed it in hopes of also swallowing his dirty thoughts. As he expected, it did not work.
“Y/N needs a date tonight,” Tony spoke as you took a large sip, making you instantly choke. The action was not comical, like in the movies and books, but had you embarrassingly gasping for air and coughing up a lung, “As charming as she is in this very moment, do you think you could do me a favor and not let her show up like that,” Tony spoke, “She’s my intern and I’d hate to have her overshadowed by me, and Pepper, of course. So what better than my intern showing up with my totally-not-an-Avenger, and totally real intern,”
“Are you sure this isn’t another, against her will sort of situation?” Peter questioned as you continued to cough, physically unable to say no.
“She’s not objecting,” Tony placed his hand on Peter’s shoulder, giving him a drunken shake.
“After the carpet, I’m finding the drinks and leaving your ass,” You spoke, “I don’t care if people think I’m alone, okay.”
“Yeah… right,” Peter spoke as he sat next to you in the long limo. The two of you sat somewhat isolated from the others. The group was paired off and in their own world, leaving the two of you to realize just how alone you really were, “Me too, I wanted to come alone anyway,”
“Me too,” You added, repeating your previous claim. Your hand found the vodka cranberry that the limo’s bar provided, “I’ve always been alone,” You informed as you brought the glass to your lips, “Why start now,”
You felt your stomach turn as the camera flashed. You had yet to place a single one of your black heels on the red carpet of the gala and you instantly regretted the drinks you downed to calm your nerves, “Hell no,”
“You’ll be fine,” Peter spoke, “They probably won’t even bother us if Mr. Stark’s around, not to mention everyone else,” He spoke, “Literally everyone but us,”
“That makes me feel so much better,” You almost laughed, “Thanks,” Your word was blunt. You were used to being in others' shadows. You rushed before Peter, wanting to spend the night the way you were used to: alone.
“Hey,” Peter spoke, unsure how he had upset you. 
Since Peter could remember, you had always been standoffish, never reaching out for company at the compound. Always shutting yourself off in the lab, you would get your work done and leave if it was not too late of a drive. You would crash on the couch whenever Tony refused to let you leave after 1am. Tony never wanted to feel guilt of you overworking yourself in the lab only for you to fall asleep at the wheel on your drive home.
Peter recalled the sight of you sprawled out on the lounge’s large couch, a blanket tossed over you as it barely covered your exposed skin. Peter could not help falling for you after he caught that sight more than a few times. He had helped you through a few too many drinks, holding your hair as you emptied your night into Stark’s million dollar toilet. Peter was unsure if you remembered nights like that.
Peter knocked into you, bringing him back to reality as you stood frozen in front of the flashing cameras, “You’re Tony Stark’s intern, aren’t you?” Someone from the crowd questioned, voice booming over the other shouts, “Is it true you work on the Avenger’s upgrades?” The man asked.
“Y/N calls all the shots for Avengers’ upgrades,” Peter spoke next to you. Your head spun, not only from the attention, but towards Peter, “I- They’d be lost without her,”
He was not wrong. You fixed nearly all the flaws you found in Spider-Man’s suit. They were only flaws due to Peter’s way of thinking. Tony had designed the AI with himself in mind and not Peter, “Smile,” Peter whispered in your ear, sending a shiver up your spine. You could barely see, the white flashes blinding you. Reaching out, Peter placed his hand on the small of your back. Your lips parted, about to snap a sarcastic remark at Peter’s advancement, however, you felt his clammy hold through your dress’s thin fabric, making you smile.
“So,” You said, “You’d be lost without me?” Your question teased Peter as the two of you finally made your way into the gala’s main room.
“I can admit it,” Peter spoke, “I don’t have some weird complex like you, or Mr. Stark,”
“Don’t compare me to Tony,” You told him, still a little buzzed from not only the alcohol in your system but also the camera flashes, “God, if I get that bad kill me,”
“If you didn’t fix my suit, I might have by accident,” Peter admitted. He had eventually gotten the hang of his suit’s AI, however the changes you had made allowed him to fully master his potential, “but, yeah,” His words were smooth, “I would be lost without you, honestly,”
“Including now?” You questioned, now realizing you did not wish to face the night alone. Especially now that you have seen the amount of older men that would surely harass you if you found yourself alone, “so, leaving you behind would be a terrible idea,”
“Absolutely terrible,” Peter played along, a smile threatening to curl his lips. He knew your games and when you were hiding your true emotions, “I’m not sure if I could make it through this boring gala by myself. You’d be doing me a huge favor,”
“Yeah?” You questioned, “Then you owe me,” Your eyes searched for any amount of food you could ingest before you had more drinks to get you through the night.
“How is that fair?” Peter laughed, however, he had not made it known that he knew the facade you were putting up, “You know what, fine,” He gave in, “I owe you, whatever you ask,” As soon as the words left his lips he caught you smile, “No, no, no,” He rambled as he heard you laugh.
“Oh you can’t take it back,” You laughed, “This is going to be fun,” Peter followed you at your heels as you searched the huge gallery for food or drinks, “Maybe I’ll hold this over your head for a while,”
“Y/N,” Peter groaned, meeting your eyes. His regret faded as soon as he saw your smiling eyes and grinning lips. He was just glad that you were having a good time.
“Miss Y/L/N,” Your name was called out, attracting your attention as well as Peter’s to a man who seemed to be in his late thirties. He was cute. Peter must have read your mind, or maybe caught on to your swooning gaze, as his hand found the small of your back once again, “Pardon my interruption,” the man questioned Peter’s touch.
“No interruption,” You spoke, stepping out of Peter’s warm touch, “Just simply company, to get me through the night,” Peter stiffened at your words but your back faced him, unable to see the consequence of your claim, “Y/N Y/L/N,” You spoke, extending your hand.
The man smiled at Peter’s misfortune, “I’m glad to have caught you, I’m the gallery’s director,” He watched as your eyes lit up for a moment, “Phil Weston,” Phil introduced, “I was wondering if we could rent some of your work. Give you your own exhibition,” He watched as you stumbled over your thoughts before him, “Or should I be going through your assistant here?” He motioned towards Peter, “That’s what you are right?” He almost degraded.
“I’m a little more than that,” Peter spoke, unable to shine light on just how important he truly is. But you knew, he was sure you would back him up.
“Sure,” Phil spoke, “Well, Y/N,” Turning, he retrieved a tall glass from a woman who appeared behind him mid conversation. The glass of champagne made its way into your hand, your rings knocking against the thin glass. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small card, “Here’s my card,”
“Thanks Weston,” You smiled around the glass. Sticking the card between your two fingers, you flashed it to Peter, “Keep this safe for me,” You jokingly instructed, “assistant,” You heard Phil laugh as he departed.
“You’re ridiculous,” Peter spoke, not taking the card out of your grasp. The dark paper still waved in front of his face.
“Me?” You questioned with a bat of your lashes, with a smile you took a large sip of your drink.
“I know we’re playing a part here,” Peter spoke, “but you’re just standing there while that guy humiliates me,”
“I’m not playing a part,” You told Peter, “I call the shots, remember. And you owe me, I could have said something but then you’d owe me even more,” Alcohol coated your words as you studied the Avenger. A laugh bubbled between your lips as you began to tuck the business card into the small purse that sat at your side, “Forget it, Parker,” You informed, finishing off your champagne, “just help me find something else to drink,”
“I think you should eat something,” Peter spoke. Watching you walk away from him he reached out, taking hold of your wrist, “I mean, with how much you’ve been drinking,”
“Are you worried about me?” You asked with a sly smile, “I know you’re my fake date, but you don’t have to act like it,” Your eyes found a large table ordained with finger foods and drinks, “but I’ll humor you,”
“I just don’t want you finding yourself doing something you regret,” Peter spoke, thinking of Phil. He knew that you had more confidence when you drink. Hell, he hated it. You flirted with Peter almost every time you had one too many but in the morning the two of you could be mistaken as strangers, “Or make a complete fool of yourself,”
“That so?” You questioned as the two of you crossed the tiled floor of the museum.
“Wouldn’t put it past you,” Peter spoke from where he followed at your heels, “Little do you know, I have a decent amount of blackmail on half the compound. Sure it sucks that I can’t get drunk like the rest of you but, not going to lie, I think I have more fun watching you all make fools of yourselves,”
“What are you, a masochist?” You tease as you turn to him, drink in hand. You caught Peter’s stern glance, “Right, right,” You raised your free hand, retrieving a small sandwich, “See, food,” You stuffed the sandwich between your red lips, “Yum,” You spoke sarcastically, mouth full of food.
“How’d I land such a classy date?” Peter questioned, taking a drink from the table. He knew the alcohol would not affect his system but he did not want to look out of place.
“You wish you could land me,” You washed your food down with a large sip of wine.
“Ouch,” Peter spoke around his wine glass. He was unsure if he was just experiencing placebo from the wine but found himself speaking with newfound confidence, “I could land you… if I wanted,”
“Yeah?” You laughed, “I’d like to see that,” You admitted. You would be lying if you said you did not find Peter attractive. You have seen him at work, in the gym, you have seen him change in and out of his suit right in front of you. Peter might have not known but each time, you glanced at his toned body and mentally drooled. You would not mind if Peter pursued you, you just knew better. Peter was awkward and did not show much interest in you until tonight. He was just doing you a favor, keeping you company. He never spoke to you in the compound besides when he needed to, or when he said hello whenever the two of you passed each other in the large building, “But I know better,” You smiled, “know you better,”
“You think I won’t?” Peter questioned, watching you shrug your bare shoulders. He watched as another glass found its way into your hand, making his job a lot easier. You were a horny drunk and he was about to use that to his favor.
“Are you betting me?” You questioned almost excitedly, “Is this a bet? Please tell me you’re giving me another thing to hold over your head,”
“Sure, it’s a bet,” Peter spoke, taking another sip of wine, “But you have to be completely honest with me. No burying your feelings for me,” He informed, “Any time I ask, you have to tell me exactly how you feel,”
You almost gagged, but Peter was right, you should play fair, “Fine,” You rolled your eyes, feeling yourself begin to sway, “When’s the game start?”
“Right now,” Peter spoke, finishing off what was in his glass. Setting it down, he took yours from your grasp watching you shoot him an angry glance, “and you need to start off by telling me exactly how you feel about me,” His words were smooth, somehow forgetting that he normally had to build up the courage to just say hello to you but in this moment he was closing the space between the two of you, “I want to know what kind of a chance I even have,”
“I don’t think you have to work too hard,” You smiled, your lips beginning to numb. You stared up at Peter. Your eyes were able to count almost every freckle on his boyish face and god did you want to kiss them. Kiss him, even, “I’m kind of drunk,”
“Yeah,” Peter smiled, “I figured that much Y/N,” He whispered as if it was a secret.
“And it’s making you look cuter,” You whispered back, watching your words shoot through his heart like an arrow, freezing him in his tracks, “Even cuter than before,”
“Good to know,” Peter muttered to himself as he watched you take the wine glass back from his hand, your fingers brushing against his clammy hand.
“How’s the lone wolf holding up,” Tony questioned as he had excused himself from a conversation Pepper found herself in; checking in on you and Peter, but mostly you. Tony’s eyes followed you as you swayed, Peter’s hand supporting your lower back, “I see you’re holding her up,” He motioned towards Peter as you took another sip of wine, “How much has she had,”
“I lost count, but you know her,” Peter spoke, “She’s almost as bad as you,” He somewhat joked, watching Tony smile.
“I’m fiiiinne,” Your voice drew out, “I’m just bored, so I’m drinking. Sue me,” You groaned, turning to Peter, you studied him and how close he stood next to you, “Can we go dance,”
Peter’s eyes widened as he met Tony’s gaze. Tony sent him a suggestive gaze, “Yeah Pete,” He smirked, “You two should go dance, that’d be a much easier way to hold her up,”
“Pleaase,” You almost begged, “I can’t drink if I’m dancing,” You set your glass down, throwing up your hands in your defense.
“I guess that’s true,” Peter agreed, “Excuse us,” He spoke to Tony who sent him a lovey-dovey look, “Mr. Stark, please,” He muttered, leading you away from Tony and to the gala’s live string quartet.
“I love the violin,” You drunkenly gushed, ��I’ve always wanted to play,” You twirled out of Peter’s hold as you entered the floor, bumping into a couple who slowly swayed to the sound. A laugh bubbled from your lips.
“I’m sorry,” Peter spoke, “Sweetheart, be careful,” He played along with your roles for the night.
“Hm, sweetheart?” You questioned as his hands fell against the fabric of your dress, “Out of all the pet names, you pick sweetheart?”
“What? You want me to call you dear? Like we’re sixty and unhappy,” Peter’s claim made you laugh, “I know better than to call you baby,” He spoke quietly, watching your nose wrinkle, “That’s what I thought,”
“It’s just so formal,” You teased, “I thought the gala was formal enough, but sweetheart? I’m swooning, darling,”
“Ah, darling,” Peter spoke as you brought a new pet name to light, “I still think sweetheart fits you,” The two of you moved in sync without a second thought as your conversation could barely be heard over the romantic strings.
“I know,” You smiled, “I’m a delight, the sweetest at the compound,” You played along.
“No,” Peter continued, “I think that’s Mr. Stark. But you’re a close second,” He spun you in his hold. His eyes studied you as you twirled before him, your hair bouncing as you smiled, a laugh falling between your lips. Your red lipstick no longer sat evenly on your skin from the amount of drink you had. Peter wondered if he should tell you, wondering if you wished to reapply the seductive red shade, however his eyes took you in instead, “You’re pretty,” The words slipped almost silently past his lips.
In an attempt to cover his claim, Peter pulled you back in, making your head spin. His action was quick, or so you thought, maybe you were just drunk, “Did you- did you just?” You stuttered, somehow his quiet claim made your heart flutter slightly. Peter’s dominant hand left the small of your back as it found its way to the side of your neck.
“How do you feel about me right now?” Peter questioned, it took everything in him to hold your eye contact, his body begging his gaze to fall to the necklace that sat against your skin.
You stared into his brown eyes, his gaze reflected sickly sweet puppy love back into your lone glance, “You called me pretty,” Was all you managed to speak, lost in Peter’s imploring gaze.
“Yeah… yeah I did. And how’d that make you feel?” Peter questioned, “Do you like it when I call you pretty?” He was no longer hesitant, realizing you probably will not remember most of the night, in the morning. Peter stared at your stunned expression, taken aback by his words, “You’re not saying no,”
“I’m just-“ You stuttered. The room twirled and you were unsure if it was from your moving feet or Peter’s sweet words. Returning to Peter’s hold, your hand fell to his chest defensively.
“I-I didn’t think you could get any prettier,” Peter spoke, words intertwining with the playing strings. Clearing his throat, he attempted to recover from his stuttered claim. Although he we determined to win your bet, you always managed to make him nervous, “Your hair looks nice curled and your eyes,” Peter rambled, “Your eyes are somehow making me more nervous than usual,” Your gaze was soft and intent, “and your dress,”
“Spare me,” You spoke, “Tony already gave me shit,” Your fingers fell from the fabric of Peter’s suit, touch trailing. Hand falling, it smoothed over the curve of your hip, “I guess I should have gone shorter,” Your eyes found a handful of women in short dresses.
“No-” His voice was almost desperate, “no- I mean. I like this dress,” He watched you raise your brows, eyes narrowing. Peter pulled you closer to him, building up the courage to express his next claim, “I’d rather think about what’s under it,” His voice was somehow smooth, “rather than seeing you in a short dress,”
“Y-Yeah?” You questioned, looking up at Peter’s blushed complexion. You felt your system warm, the alcohol still having an effect over you, “Want to see what’s under it?”
“W-What?” Peter questioned, his dancing pace slowing, “Y/N,” He laughed nervously. You were doing it again, being a horny drunk, “You’re drunk,”
“And you’re winning,” You admitted, “as much as I hate to say it,” The two of you stood on the dancefloor as the others danced around you. Your hands found their way to Peter’s chest, snaking up to his neck until your fingertips brushed against his warm cheeks, “You’re hot,”
“Y/N,” Peter spoke your name, as if he was trying to make sure that all of this was not a dream.
“Bathroom,” You interrupted.
“What?” Peter questioned, wondering if he heard you correctly, “Bathroom?” He watched you nod, feeling nerves rush through him, thinking all that alcohol finally caught up to you, “Yeah- yeah okay,” He helped you navigate your way off the dancefloor.
“Slow down,” You spoke, a little out of breath from keeping up with Peter’s gate in your heels.
Peter felt your fingers tickle against his skin, not realizing he had grabbed your hand to lead you through the crowds. He felt his confidence begin to crumble as he grew further and further away from the crowd.
The two of you traveled down the museum’s large stairs to the lower galleries and bathrooms. You felt the room begin to spin as you attempted to navigate the large concrete steps, “Shit,” You laughed, “These stairs are going to kick my ass,”
“Here,” Peter spoke, his hand fell from your hold. Reaching out, he wrapped an arm around you.
His hold steadied you but equally weakened your knees. Peter’s fingers dug into your shoulder as you looked towards him.
“What?” Peter questioned. Your gate slowed as you studied his face. You never thought he could get more handsome, but here he was helping you down a large staircase like you were some princess in a giant castle. 
Did that make him the prince? Of course it did.
“I’m fucked,” You laughed, your claim was under your breath, however Peter’s hearing still picked up on it.
The claim, unknown to him, was because you found yourself falling even harder for him; however, he thought you were about to get sick. Slipping his free hand behind your knees, he easily scooped you up, literally sweeping you off your feet.
“What are you-“ You felt your face heat up at the sudden advancement, “What if someone sees- there’s cameras-“
Peter did not respond, he was far too focused on getting you to the bathroom. The remaining flight of stairs passed quickly under his shiny black shoes. Turning the stair’s corner, he brought you to the bathroom door that was tucked under the concrete stairs.
“What-What was that?” You questioned, hands gripping Peter’s shoulder, while the other found his hand that gripped underneath your thigh.
“I- What? What do you mean?” Peter questioned right back, “I thought you had too much to drink,”
“I just wanted to freshen up,” You stared back at him, realizing just how close the two of you were.
“Oh,” Peter spoke, embarrassment reddened his ears as he stared right back at you. Walking towards the wall, he pressed your open back against the concrete wall.
“Pete-“ You vocalized as the cold wall touched your heated skin. Your back arched away and towards him in his hold. Realizing your tone, your gaze fell to the floor.
Peter watched as your chest rose and fell heavily in front of him. The skin of your chest was peaking out with each intake, and it silently begged for his lips. He wanted to kiss you- well, he wanted to kiss you every moment he spent with you- but especially in this moment. Rounding his shoulders he brought his face in front of your downturned gaze. He grew closer and closer with each passing moment, eyes fixed on your own. He breathed a shaken breath, palms growing sweating as he inched closer to your lips.
Like ripping off a bandage, Peter was quick and rough. His lips pressed against yours, pushing you against the museum’s wall. You groaned against him in response to the impact, before kissing him back slightly. However, before you could fully reciprocate, you heard a pair of heels descending the stairs.
“Peter-” You stuttered against his lips, hands pushing against his chest. You buried yourself further into the wall in an attempt to escape his advancement, “Get- Let go-” You watched as your words finally registered in Peter’s brain, his hands dropping you to the floor. You struggled to keep your balance in your black heels. Without a thought, you turned and rushed off into the bathroom.
You placed your hands on the porcelain sink as you stared at yourself in the mirror. If you were not wearing makeup you would have probably splashed your face with cold water, or hell, you would have even slapped some sense into yourself. Suddenly the sound of the bathroom door made you stand up straight. You did not dare to turn your head, to check if it was Peter. You watched as a woman, a little older than you, smiled at you through the mirror. You gave her a weak smile in return, head still spinning in response to the kiss.
You needed to pull yourself together. You were slipping right into Peter’s grasp, not that it was a bad thing, you were just way too competitive. You wanted to win. Opening your small purse, you removed your lipstick. As you applied the shade to your lips, you were far too lost in thought. Staring back at yourself, you were surprised to see that you had mindlessly applied the satin formula.
The woman who had made her way into the bathroom now stood next to you at the sinks. You rubbed your lips together, blending the color evenly, “Having a good night?” You questioned her, preparing yourself for any conversation you would have with Peter.
“Oh yes,” She smiled, washing her hands gingerly, not wanting to bump her diamond bracelets against the porcelain, “I’m sorry for asking- you probably hear this a lot but, what is it like working for Tony Stark?”
Peter rocked up and down on his expensive dress shoes. You were taking fairly long. Peter had already calmed himself down in the men’s room after your heated kiss. But now, he knew he would have had time to relieve himself instead. What was wrong with him? It would not have been the first time he had touched himself to the thought of you, but it still felt wrong.
He kicked at the concrete floor, frustrated that your kiss was interrupted so quickly. Suddenly, Peter was pulled out of his thoughts as you exited the bathroom with the woman. You laughed beside her as you locked eyes with Peter, “It was a pleasure talking to you, Y/N,” The woman smiled, lightly setting a hand on your arm, “I’m sorry for keeping her,” She spoke to Peter.
Peter nodded out of courtesy as the two of you watched her climb the large stairs, “What was that about?” Peter questioned, taken aback by the sound of his own voice.
“Oh,” You spoke almost too casually, “She was asking me about Tony. Wanted to know what he’s like outside of the public eye, you know?”
“Yeah?” Peter laughed slightly, “I can imagine you only said nice things,” He joked, knowing how you and Tony bicker, “Obviously,”
“Oh of course,” You joked back. You reached out, placing a hand on his arm. You watched Peter laugh beside you, leaning into you, and that is when you remembered the kiss. You must have visibly stiffened because it caused Peter to freeze as well.
“Y/N,” Peter spoke, watching you hesitate to meet his eyes.
You wanted to touch him, pull him against you and into the kiss that was so rudely interrupted. You wanted him to fill your free time, to watch his eyes squint whenever he smiled at your crude, dry humor, “You win,”
“What?” Peter questioned, laughing slightly. Then it registered, the smile faded on his lips and a slight red flush occupied his ears and cheeks, “Oh,”
“Yeah,” You nodded slowly, “It pains me to say it, but,” You groaned, “God I hate this,” You felt Peter’s fingers tickle the skin of your wrist. Your gaze flashed to the skin on skin contact and then the bathroom door.
“What?” Peter questioned again.
“Peter,” You motioned towards the door with your eyes.
“W-Wha- No! Y/N,” Peter stuttered, “No,” His voice was assertive as you almost pouted in front of him.
You bounced on your feet, silently pleading with him. He stood his ground, “Fine. But maybe I’ll change my mind later,”
“I don’t think you will,” Peter spoke, watching you physically wither, “Come on,” He took your hand and began to lead you up the staircase. You reluctantly followed at his heels, dreading what was to come next.
You have made it through three separate conversations with complete strangers, all while Peter’s hand rested on the small of your back. To make matters worse, you now locked eyes with Tony. The fake smile that once parted your lips completely faded in his presence, “The kid still needs to be holding you up?” Tony teased as you gave Pepper a genuine smile.
“Pepper, I don’t know how you put up with him,” You spoke, “Sadly I’m sober,” Tony raised a brow at your statement, watching Peter’s hand return to his side.
“I’m surprised she didn’t bite your hand off,” Tony smiled as a woman approached your group with a tray of champagne, “Thank you,” He spoke to her before he passed the group glasses. He brought his lips around the rim of the thin glass, “You starting to warm up to my intern?”
“He’s tolerable company,” You smiled back, taking a large sip of champagne, “Couldn’t say the same about you though,” The tension between you and Tony hung in the air as Peter and Pepper both apologized to each other silently.
“Why don’t we get some air,” Peter suggested, hand returning back to you. He watched you finishing what remained in your glass before giving him a pressed smile.
“Sure,” You nodded, “Nice seeing you Pepper,” Your eyes did not dare fall over to Tony. You watched his hold tighten on Pepper as Peter’s did the same to you.
The two of you made your way towards a secluded exit, avoiding the paparazzi that waited for everyone outside, “Can’t you just play nice for a night?” Peter questioned after your long silence.
“It’s not like- He does that shit on purpose,” You spoke, motioning back towards the door you found yourself outside, “He always has something to say- something to get under my skin. And it’s not like you stepped in and told him to stop,”
“I like seeing you all worked up,” Peter spoke, not realizing how his claim sounded until it passed through his lips. You looked up at him, “Not- Not in a weird way- Well-“ He stuttered. Peter did like it in a weird way. He liked seeing you flustered.
You watched Peter stumble over his words, his gaze falling off of you, “Mm,” You hummed, your tone was teasing.
“I said not in a weird way,” Peter spoke, watching you lean into his, studying his blushed skin, “Y/N,”
“How then?” You questioned, “I’m dying to know,” Bringing your fingertips to a hair that hung against his forehead, pushing it back into his gelled hair, “Your hair looks so dumb,” You teased.
Taking your wrist, he brought you around the building’s corner, out of sight from anyone who would exit the door. He listened to your mumbled complaints before he took hold of both of your arms. Peter pushed you against the concrete building. The cool surface made you hiss before Peter’s hands snaked up your arms to your face. He cupped your cheeks roughly as he brought his lips to yours for a second time.
And you were so glad he did.
Your hands found his black tie, tugging on it. You loosened the fabric, feeling Peter sigh out of relief. You do not know why you started undressing him, but now your fingers fumbled against his white shirt’s small buttons, “Hey, hey,” He almost laughed against your lips, “Slow down,”
“I just want to touch you,” You admitted, pushing aside the white fabric, studying the soft skin of his neck and chest.
“I thought you loved Prada,” Peter joked. He watched you study the suit. Your eyes scanned his body before falling right back to his skin. Little did you know, Peter had asked Tony specifically for a Prada suit after he heard you obsessing over their latest campaign.
“I-I do.” You spoke, “But… I told you- You win,” Your hands held both sides of his shirt’s collar, “Swing me somewhere,”
Peter watched as you pulled yourself closer, your eyes studying his lips. He was clearly an idiot, not acting on impulse. Peter had wanted you for so long, and he hated how this was all happening now, “I, I don’t have my suit on me,” He rambled, watching you pout in front of him. Words mumbled past your lips as you tried to protest, “It’s not like I can just swing you off as Peter Parker, Y/N, I’m an intern tonight. Right? So I can’t just swing you through the city to do whatever I want to you,”
The words fell from Peter’s lips, making yours curl into a subtle smile, “What would you do?”
“What?” Peter questioned, watching you lean back against the building.
“You’d do whatever you wanted to me?” You repeated, “What would you do to me?” Peter stood, disheveled in front of you. His once pressed and buttoned shirt was wrinkled by your hands.
Peter took a step back from you, “Please,” He mumbled, fixing the collar of his shirt. Your eyes studied him before wandering, “What?”
That is when you spotted Tony’s empty limo.
“Y/N,” Peter’s voice warned as you took hold of his wrist.
“Please?” You questioned, dragging him towards the parked limo.
“Someone will see,” Peter argued back, however, he still allowed you to drag him into the lot of limos and cars.
“Yeah, in a self driving, tinted, bomb and bullet proof limo,” Your words were sarcastic and the two of you neared the limo, “Friday,” You spoke, reaching out to the limo’s hidden keyboard.
“Y/N,” The system responded, “How may I be of service?”
“Unlock the limo please,” Your hand slipped from Peter’s wrist to his sweating palm.
“Mr. Stark has installed a security protocol for you entering the limo,” Friday explained, making you scoff, “The question is: Who is the world’s greatest boss?”
Your lips pressed into a line as you dreaded answering the question, “Tony Stark,”
“Incorrect,” Friday spoke, making you groan out loud.
Your hold on Peter’s hand tightened, “He made me say it and then- and then he just made the answer some bullshit I won’t figure out-“ You felt Peter’s fingers slip between your own, calming you for a moment, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Hey, Friday,” Peter spoke, “Hey. It’s- It’s me, Peter,”
“Hello Peter,” Friday spoke.
“Yeah, h-hi. Would you be able to let us in please?”
“Of course, Peter,” The two of you watched as the limo door opened.
Turning towards you, Peter studied your annoyed expression, “Still want to go in?” He questioned with sweaty palms.
“I’m not letting Tony kill the mood,” You scoffed, bending your shoulders in order to enter the low limo, “I bet he planned this,”
Peter followed you, listening to your mumbled complaints, “Friday, could you go offline? Please?”
”Of course Peter,” The system spoke, “All audio and video recording will be offline until further instructions,” You whipped your head towards Peter, pampered hair twirling slightly, “Uh- Unless you don’t want to do anything anymore,”. He felt his heart rate begin to accelerate as you crawled towards him on the leather seat.
“I thought there was so much you wanted to do to me,” You teased, watching Peter’s shoulders stiffen slightly, “Unless you don’t,”
“I do,” Peter spoke at an embarrassing rate, “I mean… yes,” His words slowed as he studied the fabric of your dress. His gaze trailed over the dark fabric until it found your neckline, the fabric dripping as you leaned in front of him. Peter quickly brought his eyes to yours, not knowing which sight made him more nervous.
“Okay,” You responded. Picking up your knee, you brought it over Peter’s legs. You slowly lowered onto his lap, “This okay?” You felt as if your heart could pound out of your chest.
“Yeah,” Peter chuckled nervously. Your actions were killing him and he did not know if he would be able to hold back. Peter felt the weight of you on his lap, hoping you would not feel just how hard you were making him. Bringing his hands to your thighs, he pushed past the soft fabric of your dress. The fabric pooled around his wrist as his hands trailed up your legs, “shit,”
“Peter,” His name fell quietly past your lips as you placed your hands on his chest, fingertips on his collarbones. You heard him hum in response to his name, “What- What are you going to do?” You attempted to keep up the act, however, being this close to Peter was making you crumble.
“R-Right,” Peter breathed out, feeling his lungs shake as he took in a sharp breath. He studied the skin of your neck as you stared at him. Peter closed the space between the two of you, lips finding the skin he had been studying. His kisses varied, some soft yet some hungry. Peter’s lips parted, his kisses becoming more sloppy as his fingers dug into your plush skin coaxing a whimper from your lips.
The limo air hung heavy with every heated kiss and breath the two of you exchanged. Bringing your hand to Peter’s head, your fingers took hold of his hair. You pulled him away from your neck before you brought your lips to his. Your kisses were equally as hungry and making up for lost time. Hands still exploring his hair, you raked through the gel that held it in place. 
You let out a sigh of relief as you messed with Peter’s gelled hair. A slight smile curled on your lips as you kissed him, “What?” Peter questioned, lips not even an inch away from yours. His eyes studied your smile, teeth appearing between your lips.
“Your hair,” You spoke, leaning back to study it, “Did Tony tell you to wear it like that?”
“N-No,” Peter replied, “I always put gel in. I just used more this time,”
“Yeah well,” You played with a piece of hair that hung out of place, “I like it better like this,”
“Yeah?” Peter smiled.
“Mhm,” You hummed, fingers running through his locks.
“Then I guess I’ll have you do my hair for the next gala,” Peter added.
“Okay,” You answered quietly, eyes now falling to his lips.
“Alright,” Peter smiled, leaning back into you. His lips found yours once more, finding the rhythm the two of you previously shared. 
Peter had no idea how he ever survived this long without kissing you. The feeling of your body and lips pressed against him was enough to drive him insane. He melted against you, fully giving into you. His touch continued to trail up your skin, fingers now tracing the curve of your hips and waist, “Y/N,” Peter breathed out, “Are we doing this? Because I feel like I’m losing my mind-“
“Y-Yeah,” You stuttered, coming back to reality, “We better hurry before Tony realizes we’re gone,” You watched as Peter’s brows furrowed for a moment, “What?”
“I want to take my time with you,” He admitted, “I’m not really a quickie kind of guy,”
“Quickie? What are you, a teenager?” You teased slightly, “You can have me when we get back to the compound,” Peter’s gaze fell from your eyes to the tinted window out of embarrassment, “Yeah? Sound fair?”
“Yeah,” Peter spoke, hands leaving your waist and falling onto the fabric of his dress pants. The sound of his zipper made you realize that you were actually about to fuck him and none of this was a dream, “Let’s make this quick then,”
You brought your lips to his in a rough kiss, pushing Peter’s back fully against the limo’s seat. You raised yourself off of Peter’s lap, allowing him to push the fabric of his pants down his thighs. Suddenly, you felt Peter’s finger push your underwear aside, finger running through your wet folds. This caught you off guard, making you jump, body freezing against him.
“You’re so wet,” Peter almost laughed, “How long have you been like this?”
“The Prada got me pretty quick,” You admitted slightly.
“Yeah?” Peter smiled, “It wasn’t the fake dating?”
“S-Shut up,” You stuttered as Peter’s touch returned for another swift motion between your legs, “We d-don’t have time for this,” You spoke, hoping Peter’s teasing would cease as embarrassment flooded your cheeks.
“Right, no foreplay,” Peter spoke, “Not that you seem to need it right now,” He teased, watching your brows furrow, “Right, right,” Peter spoke, pulling a condom out from the inner pocket of his suit jacket.
“You, you brought a condom?” You stared at the foil in disbelief, for some reason Peter’s action stirred the butterflies that sat in your stomach.
“Y-Yeah,” Peter admitted, “I have one on me if I ever think I have a chance with you… and also when I don’t,” Opening the condom, he attempted to distract himself from your quiet laughter above him.
The laughter continued to bubble past your lips. You were not laughing at Peter, but at how stupid you were for waiting this long to act on your feelings. Somewhere between your laughs, Peter had rolled the condom down the length of his dick.
“What?” Peter questioned your laughter as he pushed the fabric of your underwear aside.
“N-Nothing,” You stuttered, catching your breath from your laughs, “I just- I feel like I don’t deserve you,”
Reaching out, Peter covered your mouth. He somehow felt himself grow even harder as the claim left your lips. His dick bounced, attracting your gaze. You felt your face heat up as you took in the sight before you.
Removing his large hand, Peter caught you in a heated kiss. It was a kiss by definition, however it was sloppy and hungry with barely any rhythm to it. As you lost yourself in decoding it, Peter had lined himself up underneath you and began to enter you.
“S-Shit,” Peter stuttered at how tight you sat around his dick. You were so wet for him and he entered you easily, “fuck,”
“P-Peter,” You returned his stuttering, his name falling past your lips as you felt the size of him, “God- shit, you’re big,”
“Right,” Peter laughed as you gave him the classic, cliche line. But he was big and you were not sure if you could thank the spider bite for that or not. 
However, as the single thought crossed your mind, it soon left as Peter began to bounce you above him, his fingers digging into the skin of your thighs, “Ffffuck,” You moaned from the pressure of Peter’s hands combined with the rhythm he started.
“God you sound so pretty,” Peter groaned as his head tilted back against the seat’s headrest. Your hands, once bunching the fabric of his dress shirt, now traveled to his collar. Your fingers fumbled to unbutton his shirt, hungry for the sight of his soft skin.
As soon as the skin of his chest was visible, your shoulders rounded and lips attached to his collarbone. His skin passed your lips as your teeth marked him, earning a moan from his parted lips.
“Y/N-“ The pain from your mark making only made Peter thrust into you harder and faster, “shit,”
Your hands fell to either side of Peter’s head, holding onto the seat as Peter fucked you. Peter was still holding back, but at this strength, you were still going to be hurting in the morning. You bit into the skin of his shoulder, trying to suppress your moans that only grew louder; screams threatening to replace them, “P-Peter-“ You somehow attempted to speak his name.
“I-I,” Peter almost stuttered, “hate to say it but I’m really close,” He watched as you pulled your face out from his neck, now studying him. He was falling apart below you, everything about you making him weak. Somehow, he felt as if he was becoming weaker just at the sight of you, “Y/N,”
Peter looked as if he was holding on for you, brows furrowed as his teeth dug into the skin of his bottom lip. As you studied his lips, you decided to bring yours to his jaw, showering him in kisses. Some were sloppy and some were rougher than others as you attempted to help Peter over the edge he was holding onto, “Want you to cum,” You whispered against his skin, “Cum for me. Please?”
“S-Shit,” Peter breathed out. The curse rang with a slight laugh as you relieved him. With a few more rough thrusts, Peter filled the condom that was deep inside of you, “I-I wanted to last longer,” He informed, however his claim was cut short by your lips finding his own.
“Later,” You reminded him, “If you still want to-“
“I do-“ Peter interrupted. Clearing his throat at his desperation, he spoke again, “Yeah, yeah I’d like that,”
“Yeah,” You smiled, “I’d like that too,” You studied him as you still sat on his lap. However, that is when you remembered where you two were, “Shit-“ You raised yourself off of his lap. A shutter traveled through you as Peter quickly exited you.
“W-What?” Peter questioned awkwardly as the filled condom fell against the fabric of his shirt. Pulling it off of his dick, he tied it off before tossing it in the limo’s trash.
“How long has it been?” You questioned, nervousness rushing through you at the thought of the gala being over.
Your question made Peter’s shoulders round, wishing the limo’s seat would engulf him, “Was… was I that bad?”
“What?” You questioned as you collected yourself, looking out of the limo’s tinted window, “Wh- No- No. I-I meant how long have we been in here,” 
“Oh,” Peter spoke, attempting to make himself look presentable as well, “We should get back to the gala, “Hey- hey Friday, could you come back online please,”
“Of course Peter,” The system spoke as you placed your hand on the limo’s handle.
“W-Wait- hold on I’m almost-” Peter spoke but his claim was interrupted by your low voice.
“Maybe we shouldn’t get out at the same time… in case anyone sees,” Your words were cautious as if you were dancing around an insult, “Anyone being like the media… or-”
“Or Phil?” Peter questioned quite quickly.
“You know what I mean,” You spoke back defensively, “We don’t need any attention drawn towards you or a Stark controversy,”
“I know,” Peter responded, however you were already halfway out of the limo’s door.
Stepping into the cool night air, you took in a sharp breath. You did not mean to hurt Peter’s feelings, but it was just second nature to you. You always said the wrong things and somehow found yourself in arguments, but Peter was the last person you wanted to upset.
“Needed to cool off?” You heard Tony’s voice call out.
“Not now,” You groaned, however you dropped the attitude as you saw the rest of the group not too far behind him, “Party’s over?”
“Yeah you missed it. Where’s Pete? Was he holding your hair after all those drinks?” Tony asked, eyes scanning for Peter. You walked back towards the limo, hoping to warn Peter of the group’s presence before they could catch up. Opening the door you stuck your head into the vehicle, “I’m surprised Friday even let you in there,” Tony spoke as he approached you from behind. He waited for a remark from you. After all, he programmed the question just to mention you, however you were silent. Sticking his head in, he caught the last glimpse of what exactly was going on in his limo.
You pushed Peter away, who as soon as you entered the limo had caught you in a quite passionate kiss, “Not- not now-“
“Do I even want to sit in this limo?” Tony’s voice questioned, making you jump away from Peter’s hold. You sat down, putting a seat between the two of you, “My limo, may I add. God, I don’t even want to think about what you two did in here. And where you did it”
“Mr. Stark,” Peter spoke, the group’s presence unknown to him after he stopped you in your tracks as you entered the limo to warn him, “We didn’t…”
“Yeah Pete, real convincing,” Tony looked around as he climbed into the limo,  calculating where the safest place to sit might be, “Could you please just let me know if I’m about to sit in the splash zone or something,”
“I…I swear to fucking god,” You groaned, fingers now rubbing circles into your temples, “Can we all just get in and leave?”
“Why?” Tony questioned, attempting to hold eye contact with you as the rest of the Avengers piled into the limo, “Is there just something you’re dying to finish when we get back?”
“If something did happen tonight, shouldn’t you be glad? Took them long enough,” Natasha spoke, giving you a slight grin. Her red hair, once pulled back taut, now had a few loose pieces that fell against her cheekbones, “Plus, spare me. I’m getting a migraine from all that wine,”
“I’m trying to spare you” Tony spoke, fingers falling against his chest. Raising his opposite hand, he flashed the foil wrapper that sat between his fingers, “I don’t know what seat is safe,”
“Peter,” You groaned, covering your eyes as Tony tossed the wrapper towards you. You rubbed your temples as you heard Peter stutter from where he sat on your left.
“I mean,” Tony spoke, pouring himself another glass of whiskey from the limo’s bar, “I didn’t think you’d actually do it. Good for you kid, she’s way out of your league,” Taking a sip, he looked towards you. “So much for lone wolf,”
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thepunkmuppet · 9 months
just finally got to watch workin boys and OH MY GODDDDDDD I HAVE THOUGHTS
jeff as hidgens is so. he’s just so
chad’s name stayed the same even though it was changed to workin’ girls everyone clapped
hidgens backstory oh my fucking god. what the hell this man has suffered more than jesus
the songs are amazing I wasn’t expecting to want to buy the album but now I actually need it their vocals are all SO GOOD mariah bryce and kim are absolutely incredible
bill and ted are on a date and you cannot convince me otherwise (I am delusional). also I love that ted loved it bc he was fucking INTO IT in tgwdlm
still need to know why hailey was dumping ass so much
I love the detail that paul didn’t want to go with bill lmfao
ted got brutally murdered again. I knew they would do it but it’s still hilarious
they really said ✨dutch angles ✨ huh
their real stage manager played the stage manager 😭 I love it he has a self insert hatchetfield oc
linda’s the only person who auditioned but didn’t get in lmfao hidgens really said #eat the rich
I love ruth SO MUCH rip queen (again). lauren managed to make her even more cute and pathetic than she is npmd, what a top notch blorbo 100/10
bailey wearing his uniform and taking his gun to a community theatre production why is he a himbo and why do I love him
I know I’ve already said this but sweet jesus mariah and kim’s voices are actually the best things ever they are so perfect in every way
grace just cannot do anything without discovering her passion for violent murder and lethal weapons and honestly girlboss
“our wet sinewy bodies” “I just came”
hidgens’ death scene was absolutely stunning oh my god
the fact that richie and grace went together to support ruth?? so cute to me. this obviously isn’t in the npmd timeline so it’s just adorable to me that they actually became friends in this timeline, I’m obsessed.
also they had an opportunity for pete and steph and tom and becky to be there on dates but OH WELL
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Fang/Lucius/Pete/Izzy — Modern AU, Fluff, Mall Santa And His Elves
Fang signs up to be the Santa Claus at his local mall every year because he has the time and likes making kids happy. Lucius is one of Fang's helper elves this year as part of his community service for getting caught pickpocketing. Pete is one of Fang's helper elves because he showed up as moral support for Lucius. Izzy is one of Fang's helper elves because he lost a bet with Fang. Somehow this leads to all four of them ending up in a polycule.
Fill: None
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theramseyloft · 18 days
Can you explain why most ferals have skinny black eyelids but captive birds have white or skin toned eyelids
That's pretty much natural selection at its finest.
I have seen a bit of research on the pattern of city pigeons and how it tends towards darker colors, and the general consensus is just that it does.
My observation of feral populations has led me to believe that it's a product of predation.
Pigeons' primary predators are accipiter hawks and falcons. (Raptor folks, please correct me if these should not be differentiated, or if my spelling is incorrect!)
Barred and barn owls will also hunt them at night.
The ten or so local feral populations I am familiar with forage primarily in strip mall and gas station parking lots, which are paved black.
Pigeons have four different pattern genes.
Blue Bar is the Rock Dove Wild type.
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There are a few different subspecies of Columba livia.
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This is C. livia targea.
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C. livia palistinae
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C. livia canariensis
Note fow fine featured the face of a wild Rock dove is compared to
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a domestic feral from a continent that has never seen wild Rock Doves.
Normally, wild type coloration is dominant over everything else.
But in their domestication, Rock Doves were interbred a few times with Spectacled Pigeons:
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From these, came both the Checker and T-check patterns, and very likely the Ash Red base color, all of which are dominant over the Rock Dove's blue bar.
They also got the genes for a big, thick cere around the eye.
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Cheeto has the same t-pattern as the Spectacled pigeon above.
He's not from the local flocks.
Here are all the birds I've had who are:
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Shadow: Blue Bar, expressing the darkening modifier called Dirty.
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Coal and Orion: Checkers
Coal is expressing Dirty and Sooty.
Orion is expressing neither.
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Panther: T-check, expressing Dirty, Sooty, and smoky
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Fiona: Blue Bar
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Licorice: T-check, Dirty, Smoky, and Sooty
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Pierce: T-Check
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Archie: T-check
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Bridget: T-check
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Pete: Blue Bar
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Masnud: blue Bar
T-check is dominant over all four patterns.
Checker is recessive to t-check, but dominant over bar and barless.
Bar is recessive to t-check and checker, but dominant over barless.
Barless is recessive to everything.
So, on the one hand, the darkest pattern is dominant.
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Ash Red, like lost homer Charlie here,
Is dominant over blue.
So why don't you see this dominant color absolutely everywhere in feral flocks like you do T-check and Checker?
My bet is because it's the easiest to pick out of a crowd and see against the blacktop.
Blue bar is easier to see than T-check or checker, but it's a recessive gene, so it can still crop up in a feral population even if all of the breeding adults are t-check or checker.
But Ash Red being dominant means that: once every bird expressing it visibly is picked off for being too easy to see, the gene is wiped completely out of the population.
The long and short of it is: the darker the feather pigment, the darker the skin pigment tends to be.
And darker feathers are harder for hawks to see over black top and harder for owls to see under a bridge or in an eve or overhang.
A predator will always take the easiest prey, so the prey animal that is harder to catch by any means or degree is the one that survives to raise offspring.
Pigeons in human care, despite being the same species, simply do not have the pressure of predation shaping their color, builds, or behavior.
Their care takers breeding program shapes them.
And humans tend to find contrasting colors and interesting shapes aesthetically pleasing.
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roxannepolice · 10 months
Thanks for the tag @swamp-cats-den Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people.
R - Roxanne by The Police :3
O - Out of the Blue by Elton John
X - X-Kid by Green Day
A - Another Brick in the Wall part 2 by Pink Floyd
N - Nowhere Man by The Beatles
N - Not to Touch the Earth by The Doors
E - Enter Sandman by Metallica
P - Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones
O - Outlaw Pete by Bruce Springsteen
L - Love in the Dark by Adele
I - I Fought the Law by The Clash
C - Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen
E - Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode
Tagging: @ainomica @alexmey-does-an-arts @phytine @imdoingawesome @whovienne @freezerpen @veraynes-blog @anonymouscatloaf @salmonidos @sneakertin @isqueedmyself @hobgoblinns @a-sky-of-diamonds but everyone who thinks they can come up with as many songs feel free to grab :)
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saiyanprincessswanie · 5 months
SaiyanPrincessSwanie Reading List Week 181 & 182
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Welcome to Weeks 181 & 182
A/N: Thank you again to those who gave me recommendations for fanfics. 💜 This week had me reading 40 fics. Absolutely amazing stuff here.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal-boosting them. The author is listed next to the title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
For my Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers
Header by @fictional-affairs
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Jungle Cruise- (Bucky x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie
Give Me a Name - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Stray - (Steve x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Enjoying - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Promises - (Destroyer!Chris x Reader) - @nano--raptor
Santa Baby - (Bucky x Reader) - @gogolucky13
Christmas Compromises - (Bucky x Reader) - @rookthorne
Rose Petals - (Frank C x Reader) - @fluffyprettykitty
Daisy chain - (Steve x Reader) - @sunshinebuckybarnes
Big girls don't cry - Part 1 - @holylulusworld
Tutor - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Unsavory - (Pete x Reader) - @labella420
Heat Inducing - (Steve x Reader) - @navybrat817
Obedience - (Lloyd x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Built Differently - Pound the alarm - (Stucky x Reader) - @rookthorne
Collared part 29 - @spnexploration
Collared part 30 - @spnexploration
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet - Chp 1 - @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Switched Sides - Part 1 - @deliciousangelfestival
Your Mark On Me - Part 3 - (Steve x Reader) - @georgiapeach30513
Back in my Arms - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
The Dad Diaries: Welcome Home - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Juxtaposition (Part 2) - (Bucky x Reader) - @tuiccim
Spoiled - (Andy x Reader x Ari) - @stargazingfangirl18
Swell with pride - (Lloyd x Reader) - @biteofcherry
Fallen Together - (Bucky x Reader) - @gotnofucks
Snow bunny (1) - @holylulusworld
Dark Concepts - (Andy x Reader) - @hansensgirl
Bind - (Frank C x Reader) - @fluffyprettykitty
His Inheritance - Part 31 - (Steve x Reader) - @jtargaryen18
Secret reunion - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
she's a good girl - (Andy x Reader) - @sunshinebuckybarnes
The Rest of the Year - (Bucky x Reader) - @pellucid-constellations
black shirts and soggy cereal - (Bucky x Reader) - @sergeantxrogers
Oh, Little Cottontail - (Bucky x Reader) - @rookthorne
Blood magic - (Brock x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Burn - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Shelter - (Robert P x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Drip - (Stucky x Reader) - @biteofcherry
Slip Inside - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
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h-c-u · 1 year
Sharing is caring
Summary: Hangman has a huge and unprocessed mommy kink, but he's too afraid to ask for it directly. Fortunately, happy accidents happen.
Pairing: dom!Pete “Maverick” Mitchell x switch!fem!reader x sub!Jake "Hangman" Seresin
W/C: 8.6k
Rating: +18, voyeurism, dirty talk, praise kink, threesome, marking, dom/sub, oral sex, anal sex, double penetration, rank king, mommy kink, a sprinkle of a breeding kink
TWs: Mentions of regular bodily fluids that are present during adult encounters
A/N: I blacked out, honestly and it just appeared in my file. The reader here is very comfortable with her sexuality and doesn't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks. Even though there is a clear dom/sub dynamic, dom is definitely of the 'pleasure' kind. Age of the reader is not stated, but I've intended for her to be around Hangman's age. Also, I know that on the gif Mav is young, but the fic he's definitely  not, but I just didn't have the energy to find a more fitting one... Maybe later.
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You were never that much into committed relationships, and honestly, you kind of view them as selfish and narcissistic... The conviction that you'll be able to satisfy your partner in every area of your life, and expect the same from them, sounded exhausting, especially with different love languages and full-time jobs. That's why when you discovered that something like polyamory and open relationships existed, you jumped on that train immediately. It was something that fit extremely neatly into the life you've made for yourself here. People came and went, some stayed for a time and then left, some were always there, but sometimes closer and sometimes further away. And somehow your needs were always met and you did your best to give your partners a safe space to relax and forget everything that was happening outside of your studio.
It was as if you were the Sun... A center of the galaxy, with planets circulating around you at different distances, and with comets sometimes entering your peripheral. You were there to warm them, to give them energy, and they kept you company; a perfect exchange. 
That's why when you heard that some of the old familiar faces would be coming back to the academy, your plans for the afternoon immediately changed. It didn't take you long to get ready, and you even managed to squeeze in a thorough shower. You chose a loose yellow sundress which for once wasn't covered in paint drops. Or maybe at this point, you just stopped seeing them everywhere...? 
As soon as you got into Hard Deck's parking lot, you were swept into the strong arms of the naval aviators, who patiently took their sweet turns greeting you. All of the interested people knew exactly what was needed and expected while entering your orbit, and they either could say yes or no; you would never pressure someone into something they were uncomfortable with. But with pilots - or rather soldiers overall - with all their deployments, training, sudden moves... A lot of them enjoyed the simplicity of someone who cared about them without feeling guilty about leaving you alone. Plus some of them REALLY made up for their long absences in your life when they finally started orbiting closer. 
After grabbing a beer from Penny and playing some billiards, Jake was the first one to sweep you away, which was not that surprising, because that man was needy as a newborn kitten when given a safe space. That's why you were currently laying in the backseat of your car, one leg over his shoulder and the other seeking support on the car floor. He was kneeling on the outside; one of his arms tightly wrapped around your thigh, pulling you even stronger into his tongue. And the things he did with his tongue... divine... he already made you come once, and now he was alternating his attention between stimulating that bundle of nerves on the outside, sucking on your lips and biting them gently from time to time, submerging his tongue between your folds as deep as he could, barely reaching that sweet spot inside while his nose was crushing your clit and leaving hickeys on the inside of both of your thighs... If you didn't know he's a pilot, you would have had to guess that he's a marine, because the time he could go without taking a breath was truely impressive. 
It was hard for you to keep quiet, but fortunately singing from the pub drowned most of the louder ones. You knew that something like that might happen even before you got ready, that's why you've parked almost behind the bar, with the passenger door facing the wall, so even if someone somehow took a stroll in the cool air of the evening to sober up, they wouldn't be able to spot anything that was happening inside of the car. What you didn't predict was the fact that someone would unceremoniously open the other door, but fortunately, you knew that face as well. 
- Hi PeEEHEEeeet... - your inhale mixed with a loud moan when Jake sucked harder on your clit, looking up. - Don't you dare stop. - you've said harshly when you felt that he slowly started to move away from you. He immediately stopped in his tracks, but he was still unsure. 
- You've heard the lady... - Mav said with a cheeky smile, and it was enough for Jake to dive right in, forcing small gasps and moans from your mouth. - Hi princess... - the older man squatted in front of your face, took his aviators off, and kissed you hungrily, which was not an easy endeavor for either of you because you were basically upside down. - Slow down, Seresin... Enjoy her... - he instructed the younger man, and Jake immediately followed his instructions. Pete was able to tell what you needed and what was being done to you, just by looking at your expression and listening to the sounds you made. After all, he spent hundreds of hours studying every inch of your body in the past. - How's he doing...? - Mav asked, his gaze still intently focused on your face. 
- He's being such a good boy... - you whispered, reaching back over your head, and placing your hand on the back of his neck. - So obedient... So eager to please... - you continued praising the man between your legs loud enough that he wouldn't have trouble hearing you and that worked as intended because even if he didn't pick up speed, the force of his movement increased, squeezing a loud moan from your mouth and Pete was right there to drink it directly from your lips. 
- If only he was such a good boy during exercises... - you knew that tone well, and it did fit perfectly in this growing dynamic. - Do you think he deserves to feast on you...? - you couldn't help but smile when he said it directly to your ear, his forehead resting on your cheek. 
- He's been good to me today... Captain... - Pete growled and bit your earbud, while Jake was doing his best to get you closer to orgasm without increasing the tempo because the dynamic indeed shifted, and he was surprised to find himself in this new role with his cock stiffer than it ever was. 
- Faster, Seresin, make our princess come... And you... Again... - that was enough for the younger man to speed up as if his life depended on it. He moved his tongue so quickly that you could have sworn it was vibrating against you, and the added pressure from his nose on your clit was just enough for you to forget how many people were near. You knew that Mav asked you to do something, but it took you a second to process it with Jake slurping your juices with a passion. 
- Yes, captain, I think he deserves that... - you whispered. It didn't matter that you were in the parking lot of a local bar; the intimacy tightened between you two, and all he did was rub your foreheads and cheeks together, wanting to be as close to you as possible when you'll finally reach the peak, and you were getting there faster and faster with Jake's every move. It was easy to lose yourself in the moment mostly filled with loud, heavy breathing and your soft moans against Maverick's stubble. 
It wasn't long before your heel dug deeper into Jake's back, trying to pull him even closer, but in such a tight space, it was simply impossible. At the same time your back arched and your fingernails dug deep into Pete's neck. You've registered that he said something to Jake, who was slowly cleaning your juices with a huge smile on his face. 
- There you go, princess... - Pete placed a soft kiss on your forehead and started to pull away, but your hand didn't allow that. You still needed him close to come down from that high... Your breath was heavy, and your heart was trying to jump out of your chest. 
- That was hot... - you've finally whispered, your pussy still twitching from time to time, with Jake cleaning it with short, gentle licks. Not enough to stimulate, yet still incredibly intimate. - Thank you, Jakey... You did really well... He did, didn't he...? - the last part was directed to Mav, who smiled devilishly. 
- He did... He made you moan so prettily, princess... - you saw the younger man's eyes melt a little bit. - And you've said he did it twice...? Mmmm... That might even deserve a reward, what do you say...? - Pete just knew you two were on the same page because it wasn't your first rodeo with someone else, but Jake... 
- I agree... - you smiled, getting up just a little bit, supporting yourself with elbows against the backseat, and Maverick's face was just next to yours. You both looked at Lieutenant who was still in between your thighs, unsure what else was allowed. - Do you want to get a reward, love...? - corners of your lips curved in a devilish smile. There was a second of hesitation on Hangman's face. 
- Yes, I would like that very much, ma'am. - he finally said with confidence; it was still there, just stripped from all the usual cockiness and arrogance. Both you and Mav smiled at this sweet boy, who just needed... well, to be needed. 
- Well, gentlemen, I'm too fuck out to drive... The keys are in the ignition. 
- I'll drive... - Mav said almost immediately. - Seresin, upfront. - it was perfect that way, because you technically didn't even have to change positions, and you could rest, if only for a bit, but you would definitely need it before the rest of the night. 
Getting to your apartment didn't take long, and when you got there, Mav shot you a questioning look, and you replied as wordlessly as he asked. You wouldn't mind if he helped you, but there was someone who needed it more.
- Jake, be a dear and come help me get out... - you said with a smile, and he just materialized next to the open door, grabbed your extended arms, and pulled you up. Without saying a word he grabbed your sandals from the car floor and gently slipped them onto your feet. It was a bit weird seeing him so quiet, but you suspected that he was still processing his emotion. - You know that we can stop at any time, right...? - you knew that he knew that. Sometimes hearing that reassurance out loud was needed, but in this case, he only nodded and helped you get out of the car. You suspected that if you didn't grab his arm, he would sheepishly follow you to your apartment. It was on the top of the old building without an elevator, but you wouldn't change it for anything else. It was the tallest building in the small town with two walls made completely out of giant windows. Someone in the past compared it to an aquarium, but with a one-way foil strategically placed on the glass, you weren't afraid that someone would peek inside. Besides - because of the angles - they would have to be on the other tall building, and entry there was restricted. So your whole apartment was basically a sunroom with plenty of plants. 
- Right... First - shower... - you decided. Technically you knew that this effort will be ruined during further activities, but you'd much rather lick a skin that didn't taste like alcohol and cigarettes. - Jake, do you want Mav to wash your hair...? - he froze like a deer in headlights, but he honestly contemplated the answer and looked at his captain unsure what his answer should be, and how the older man will react, but Maverick only smiled gently. 
- It's your decision... - he said softly. Theoretically, the situation here should be uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing, but somehow... it just wasn't. Sure, it definitely required some getting used to, but this was a safe space to explore anything that needed to be explored. 
- Yes, please... - if you were taller, you would place a kiss on his temple, but instead, you pressed your cheek against his bicep. 
- I'll get everything ready and join you in a moment... - Jake went into your bathroom first, but before Mav followed, you grabbed his wrist and whispered. - Be super gentle, I've never seen him so deep into his subspace, ok...? - you didn't have to explain exactly why exactly Jake went there so easily, because your request was enough for Mav to follow it to a dot. He nodded once and went to the bathroom, leaving the door open. 
You sighed quietly and smiled just a little. You knew how intense the rest of the night will be, both physically and emotionally, so ahead of time you prepared water to drink, hid a few chocolate bars and wet wipes in the nightstand, got fresh towels from the closet, and finally headed to the bathroom, where Pete was finishing rinsing the rest of the shampoo from Jake's hair. 
You placed the towels on the washing machine, undressed, and joined them both under the hot stream of water. The shower was almost bigger than your bathtub, but it was designed especially for you - you wanted a place where you could lie down and feel the water fall onto your whole body from the ceiling, simulating rain, which was incomparable to anything, especially during hot summers. You turned that option on the dial and allowed the water to cover your body. 
- Do you want to wash our princess, Jake? - Maverick asked, and Jake nodded enthusiastically. It was so nice to be pampered from time to time, and tonight you were getting it all. Your muscles were relaxed to a point of mush, you've had two gorgeous men in the shower with you, and the night ahead... You simply couldn't wait. 
You leaned against Pete's body behind you, allowing the younger man to gently wash first your arms, then your breasts, and when he focused just a little bit too much on your nipples, you sighed while Mav just let a soft "tsk, tsk, tsk...". 
- Captain, I thought we've established that Jakey deserves a reward... - there was a huge smile beaming on your face, even though the lieutenant moved from your breasts as soon as Mav disapproved. 
- Indeed... So the sooner we'll get out of the shower, the sooner he'll get it... - Pete laughed against your neck, not even trying to hide the fact that his cock twitched as soon as you called him 'captain'; you both knew exactly which strings to pull, to get a desired melody from each other, but that's just what almost 8 years on and off will do to you. - So please, love, hurry up... - it was hard not to notice the giant blush that flowered on a younger man's face when Mav used a pet name. You suspected that for a few days, their relationship in Top Gun might just be a little tense, and you would lie if you said you didn't want to see that happening. 
But he indeed hurried up, carefully washing your abdomen and still sensitive pussy. He was careful not to lose himself in you this time, and it wasn't long before he was scrubbing your feet while kneeling on the floor in front of you. 
- Look how well-behaved and thorough he is... - you cooed, pressing your cheek into Mav's shoulder. He was holding you tightly, so you wouldn't slip standing only on one foot. - Such a sweet boy we have here... - There was a shadow of a smile on Jake's face, for the first time in a good moment; he was slowly getting more comfortable, accepting that he needed something entirely different. And watching him come to terms with that was... just something else. And you knew that Pete also caught it because he hummed in agreement. 
- Come here, love... - Hangman was sitting on his heels when you said that, but he rose up a bit, to meet you in the middle when you leaned down to kiss him softly, holding your hand under his chin. It was different, kissing him now. Usually, he was hungrily devouring everything you were giving him, but now... he was much more gentle, letting you completely control the intensity and speed because he was confident that you will give him exactly what he needed. 
Mavs hands gently squeezed your hips, letting you know, he'll be turning off the water, since all of you were clean. One of the things you loved about your relationship with Pete was how seamlessly you communicated without words. He wasn't the only one, but it was definitely nice to have someone who understood and anticipated your moves, because everything you did together became a dance, and right now you had someone joining your pair because Jake was quickly catching up. You put just a little bit of pressure under his chin, letting him know, he can get up now, and he did. You took your time drying his body with a fresh towel, spending an absurd amount of time on his hair because he seemed to melt whenever you did anything near them, so he was kneeling again in front of you again, apparently really comfortable with that dynamic, while you were gently massaging his scalp through the soft material. He was so lost in that sensation, that he tilted his head back and rest it on your belly. 
You were happy that he felt safe in your company to give in to what he needed deep in his heart, but at the same time, you couldn't help feeling sad, because it was painfully obvious that there was no one in his life that was giving that to him. 
When you've finished, you placed a small kiss on his forehead to which he reacted with a smile; it was nice to see him settling in. 
- Bed...? - you didn't have to ask, but yet you still did, trying to maintain just a little bit of structure. You saw Jake hesitating before he got up and you knew just what he needed. - Do you want to be a good boy and crawl to bed...? - you asked, but you already knew the answer, even before he nodded. - Go on then...! - you encouraged him and he slowly leaned forwards, exposing his backside to the both of you, and slowly, a little bit unsure started going on all fours to your bedroom.
- Did you...? - you quietly asked Mav when Jake disappeared around the corner because you weren't sure if you saw what you thought you saw.
- Didn't have to, he was already prepped. - this time you growled deeply. - Maybe he thought mommy would peg him tonight and got all nice, stretched out, and clean, just for you...? - Mav teased and bit you harshly on the shoulder forcing a small gasp from your mouth. Hard enough to leave a mark, but not hard enough to break the skin. Seeing how Jake behaved... It wasn't that much out of the realm of possibility. And you were sad that you didn't catch it earlier. 
- Let's not keep him waiting. - you smiled, harshly pulling Pete away from your skin by his damp hair. You knew that there will be a bruise there tomorrow, but you definitely didn't mind that. - And you better behave, because if not... Well... Let's just say that mommy might come up with something you wouldn't be exactly happy with. - you easily played into his comment. Without releasing his hair from your fist, you playfully snapped at him with your teeth, as if you wanted to bite him, but for you, it was more of a game than anything else. You didn't mind being covered in hickeys and bitemarks, but you personally preferred to leave other types of marks. 
It was really easy to fall back into the relationship you had with Maverick, even if you haven't seen each other for over a year now, but with the right people - you just worked like that, as if no time had passed. 
When you came to your bedroom, Jake was patiently kneeling in front of your bed, with his legs spread and hands behind his back, as if not entirely sure if he was allowed on the bed. He was so polite, almost as if someone in the past trained him well. 
- So good for us... - you praised him with a soft voice, and his posture immediately changed. He wasn't unsure, shoulders slumped; he straightened up and puffed his chest and of course his smile... It was really nice seeing it reach his eyes this time. - Perfect little boy, even when he knows he's already earned a reward... - you added, closing the distance between you and taking his face in between your hands. Mav also got closer and got onto the giant mattress first. He positioned himself right next to the headboard and you knew the exact position he had in mind. It was going to require some work, but it will definitely be worth it. 
You kissed Jake gently, turned both of you around, and pulled him onto the bed with you. You slowly moved backward until you felt a warm body welcoming you from behind. 
- So hungry for your taste, princess... Do you think he wants to taste your delicious juices again...? - Mav said, pulling you just a little bit higher. He also hooked his ankles under your knees and spread them just a little bit more. 
- I'm not sure I'd be up for anything else after that. - you laughed quietly in between your kisses. 
- But he's been so good, such a perfect sweet boy... You've said it yourself... - he teased and his warm breath danced on the back of your neck. - You can go lower if you want to, love... - but before he did, the younger man stopped and looked at you, silently looking for your permission as well, which you gave with a single nod, and it wasn't long before he was focusing all of his attention on your nipples. - Even when he should be the one being pampered, he still focuses on you... - Maverick almost purred, intensely observing how your skin stretched when Jake sucked on one of your nipples a bit harder. - Tell me how it feels, princess... - a simple request, but apparently it did something to Jake because suddenly he started working his tongue even faster as if he wanted to prove something to both of you. 
- It feels really good, captain... - you've reached with one of your hands behind you, placing it on Pete's neck, pulling it closer, while your other hand found its way into Hangman's hair. - He's quickly circling the top with his tongue, and when he sucks it a bit more, my pussy clenches... - you described what was happening to your body, even though the older man already knew how it reacted, but he just love to hear it from your own mouth, especially with the soft gasps interwoven with your words. 
- Bite on it gently and pull it with your teeth, love... - the request was followed immediately this time, forcing a loud moan from between your lips. - You hear that, love...? Mommy here enjoys it a bit rougher in that area, so don't be afraid to give it to her... - he advised, and you looked at Jake, curious how he'll react. He stumbled for a second, the word catching him by surprise so much, that he released your nipples. But before either of you was able to add anything more, he dove right back in, with even more ferocity... Sucking, stretching, biting, pulling, and abusing your nipples so much that you were melting into the body behind you. You could feel how wet you were getting from all that stimulation and all your moans were somehow motivating Jake even more. - Such an eager boy, doing his best to please mommy... - your fingers dug into Mav's skin after a particularly hard suck, and you were almost sure that you drew blood this time, but you couldn't help it, your body reacted without your permission. 
- Stop. - Pete said abruptly and Jake indeed stopped, even though you knew he didn't exactly want to, but the need to please was much stronger. - Look at her, really look at her... - a simple request, and you smiled widely seeing how Jake was hungrily devouring you with his eyes. - See how quickly and deeply she's breathing...? That means you did a good job and got her all ready and flustered. It also means that mommy is ready for more... Are you ready for more, love...? - he asked, gently rubbing his cheek on your head, and you just gave into that; your muscles were slowly turning into mush again; you needed a moment to collect your thoughts, but Jake was already nodding enthusiastically. - Gently spread her pussy and dip your finger in... See how wet you've made her... - when you felt his soft touch, you couldn't help but twitch, and if Pete's legs weren't holding your own, you would definitely hook them behind Jake. Your reaction drew a deep hum from Mav's chest and you could feel almost vibrating behind you. 
- Now take your cock in your hand, and slide just the tip through her folds... Spread her juices all over you, but no dipping yet. - now that was just cruel. Not for any of the men, but for you... Because when Jake's dick was sliding in between your lips, it also stimulated your clit, drawing a sweet whimper from you with every slide. 
- You're doing soooooo good, love... - you've said in between deep breaths, your voice containing more air than actual soundwaves. - So good for mommy... - it was extremely easy to lose yourself in all the pleasure he was giving you, and even if you didn't share that specific kink, you definitely didn't mind accommodating his needs.  And that was enough for him... Hearing Mav calling you that was one thing, but hearing the word from your own mouth was something else and it sent him into a frenzy. 
He slammed into you with one sweep move, not caring that he technically didn't get permission to do so from either of you. He was chasing something primal, something he couldn't quite describe. His left hand dug deep into your hip and he leaned forward, hooking his right arm around your shoulder to find more leverage because he just had to be as deep inside you as possible. With every move, he dragged along that sweet spot inside you, drawing moan after moan from your lips and making you arch into his body, not leaving any space between you two, and by doing so, you got a bit further away from Pete, but his legs were still holding yours spread open, allowing Jake to do whatever he needed to you. 
Pete started slowly stroking his cock, observing the two of you with intensity, analyzing your every move, and making himself remember every moan, every twitch, every gasp that you shared. But at the moment, you truly didn't give a fuck what he was doing, because that beautiful boy was disassembling you into smaller and smaller pieces, but you knew you could cum just yet... You had to give him one more thing... 
- Cum in me, baby boy... Fill mommy to the brim... - You put your arms around his neck, pulling him closer and allowing him to suck on your skin again. You've felt his moves become more erratic, more desperate with every second until he finally slammed into you one last time and bit your skin so hard that tears appeared involuntarily in the corners of your eyes. You did your best not to yelp from the pain, your own release getting further away, but that wasn't important, not now. 
You were gently playing with his hair allowing him to ride his own orgasm to the fullest, with his face still buried in your breasts. You were hugging him when you felt his body starting to shake, which he tried to hide from you. 
- None of that, sweet boy... - you've said, pulling his face away from your body and forcing him to look you in the eyes. His own were filled with tears and he held you so strongly in his arms as if he was afraid that you'd disintegrate if he won't be crushing you. - You were so good, and I'm not going anywhere... I could never leave you... - you placed a soft kiss on his forehead and pulled him closer to your chest again. 
Pete put his hands on your shoulders and pulled you back, so you could lean on him again. It was hard not to notice how hard he was, but now there was no time for that and both of you knew it. Jake eventually had to work through that trauma and currently, there was nothing more important than that, so you allowed yourself to melt into Pete's body again, with the younger man still buried deep inside you. But you didn't mind that one bit and started whispering sweet nothings into his ear, while Mav gently massaged your shoulders.
It took some time, but Jake finally started to calm down, with your arms still embracing him and rubbing the skin on his back. His quiet sobs stopped and he relaxed in your arms a little bit.
- 'msorry... - he finally whispered, when he realized how hard he bit you. His voice was deep and raspy from all the crying. There was already a deep crimson mark forming on your skin. He softly traced it with his tongue and gently blew on it, trying to ease the pain with cold.
- Now none of that, love... - you've said and placed a soft kiss on the top of his head.
- No, I bit too hard... I should have controlled myself better. - his voice was dripping with guilt. 
- It's ok... You were processing something and I'm happy I was able to be here for you... - you reassured him, still gently rubbing his back. - And just so we're clear - I'm not going anywhere, you understand...? - you forced him to look you in the eyes and he finally nodded. You didn't know if he was dealing with losing someone, or maybe being abandoned, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that he had a safe space to release his bottled-up emotions. - You're good, we're all good... - you continued whispering when you felt Mav humming in agreement from behind you. - And take all the time you need, we don't have to do anything else tonight, I know how exhausting that type of emotional release can be. - you were glad he became verbal again but hearing him blaming himself for basically allowing himself to feel strong emotions was... heartbreaking.
Mav finally unhooked his legs from under yours, and you felt him reaching for something, and then you heard a sound of a bottle opening, and you were so grateful to have him here with you tonight. He handed you the water and you took a sip. It was still so pleasantly cold and refreshing... 
- Face up, love... - you've said, and when he followed your instructions, you pressed the rim of the bottle to his lips, allowing him to drink. - You look beautiful, being so vulnerable with me like that... - you've complimented him, and he almost choked, but you've felt his cock twitch. - Gorgeous... - and there it was again... - Absolutely divine... - you've enjoyed the effect your words had on him, especially when he was trying so hard not to show it, but he was brutally betrayed. - And so ready for the next round... - you laughed gently, finally taking the water bottle from his mouth and wiping the remaining wetness from his cheeks with your thumb. You meant it when you said that you didn't have to do anything else tonight, even considering the fact that the captain's erection was currently leaking precum on your lower back; after all, he was the only one who didn't get to come today, but you knew he understood what was happening because he was in a similar position in the past. - Are you sure you're ready to go again...? - you asked after taking one more sip and passing the bottle to Mav. 
- Yes, ma'am... - he simply replied, and started moving as if he wanted to slip out of you, but you stopped him. Since he was already inside, there was no need to change that, so instead, you leaned forward and bent your legs, so you were able to put your weight on your knees and his thighs and started gently grinding, not moving much at first because you didn't want him to slip out of you completely. Plus feeling him fill up inside you was... curiously pleasurable. But even though you didn't move much, his cum started leaking from you, and you could feel it slowly spreading on your thighs.
- Such a sweet boy, letting mommy use his body for her own pleasure... - you've tested the waters with that word, and it still was affecting him more than he cared to admit. He didn't lose it this time, not even a little. He just leaned and embraced you stronger, barely giving you room to move. 
You felt the weight on the mattress shift behind you, and within a few seconds, you felt Pete's hands on your ass, kneading and spreading it gently. You couldn't help but smile at his idea, because it was something you didn't have the occasion to do for quite a while now. His hands disappeared for a moment, and before he touched you again he warmed the lube between his fingers. 
He was kneeling right behind you, with his left hand gently resting on your breast and his face hidden in the nook of your neck, while his right hand was gently stretching your hole, preparing you as best as he could. You knew he was able to feel Jake through the thin wall inside you, and you caught the moment when the younger man realized what was happening. For a very short second, there was panic in his eyes, but seeing how your body was reacting to that assault, he instantly relaxed and let you ride him. Thanks to your own movements, Mav didn't have to do much, because you were slowly impaling yourself both on Jake's already hard cock and his fingers. With every fall you were getting more and more frustrated, but you didn't change the tempo, because you didn't want to finish too quickly, and with constant pressure against that sweet spot inside you, it was extremely difficult to remain composed. 
It took a few minutes (definitely more than you wanted) of your gentle movements for Pete to be satisfied that you'll be able to take him without any issues. He let you know that he's ready by placing his hand on the small of your back, just where his precum was smeared from before. You gently pushed Jake backward and leaned over him, making space for Mav to move even closer behind you and line himself up with your entry; leaving the rest up to you. 
When you started leaning backward and slowly but surely sinking into his hard cock, his arms were waiting for you and he embraced you with his whole body, while you welcomed him inside you. 
You had to stop for a moment, overwhelmed by the intensity of all of it. Everything was happening both too fast and too slow, while you were stuck in that hypersensitive state in the middle, aware of everything that was touching your body. You just felt so... full... 
You've rested your forehead on the top of Jake's head, trying to catch as many breaths as you could, but you just weren't able to get full lungs of air, catching only short, shallow gasps, as if the two men buried inside you forced the air out of you. 
- You alright, princess...? - He said so quietly that you barely heard him. Or maybe the loud hum of blood rushing through your veins somehow muffled outside sounds. 
- 'mfine... Just... Intense...  - your own voice betrayed you by coming out almost broken. Neither of them rushed you, patiently waiting for a moment you'll be able to move again, and when you did, you couldn't help but moan so loud, that you almost startled yourself. - Fuck it feels so good... - you added when you rose again, and when you sank yourself onto them, the cry of pleasure that came from your mouth was caught directly by Jake's lips. With every move, you felt them drag and push all the right spots, slowly turning your muscles into mush to the point where you were barely able to get up after you unceremoniously dropped onto them again. 
You've felt Pete's hand reaching around you and stopping on your bulged stomach, feeling the movement inside you through your skin, and when the younger man realized what was happening, his own hand followed Mav's, and you couldn't help but join them, covering both of them with your forearm. You've put your right hand on Jake's shoulder, trying to find more leverage, and it helped for a while, but with every move, you were getting more and more lost in the pleasure, so when you felt Mav placing his right arm below your thigh and Jake doing the same with your left side, you sighed with relief, because even though you were still doing most of the job, you didn't have to rise on your own, they were there to help you in any way they could, and you could go much faster thanks to that. You even rest your elbow on Jake's shoulder and pulled his head closer to your breasts, letting him know that they were all his if he wanted. And oh, how much he wanted them... Even though he still felt guilty for leaving such a nasty bitemark on your skin, he almost instantly started sucking on your nipples, biting them, and pulling them just as you liked it, and that was enough to pull you to the top of your release, but what pushed you over it, was a rough bite from Mav on your left shoulder. Pain mixing with pleasure drew a loud scream from you, and without anyone to drink it from your mouth, you didn't doubt that someone definitely heard it. Your nails dug deep into Jake's skin, and you weren't fully registering what exactly was happening because you were still lost in that blinding light in your brain. 
You slumped down, officially unable to move anymore, and while you felt a second load of warm cum inside your pussy, Pete was still hard as a rock. Damn, that man had both patience and stamina... 
- Love, would you like for the captain here to fuck you while you're still inside mommy...? - you asked. - I know you were a good boy and you got all stretched and ready for me... - your tone was gentle and sweet because you didn't want to force him to do anything he was even a little bit uncomfortable with. 
- I would like that very much, ma'am. - you smiled softly and pulled him higher, so you could kiss him properly. 
- You heard our boy... - you didn't have to repeat yourself, because Pete was already slipping out of you. But before he moved behind Jake, he placed a few small kisses over the bitemark he just left on your skin, making you smile.
You didn't even have to move much, because your bed was more than big enough to accommodate the change of position. You leaned back, essentially laying down with your left leg hooked around the younger man's hip and your right one laying flat in the bed. You felt him adjusting his position, and when you opened your eyes, you saw that it was Mav maneuvering his body as if it was made out of clay. He helped him bend his knee, so it was almost under you. His second leg was placed over your stretched one, giving Mav more space to move freely behind him. Plus being intertwined like that meant that even if Jake remained soft inside you, he wouldn't slip out, keeping you nice and plugged. 
You saw Mav pushing him down, so his face was yet again in your breasts, not that you minded, although the skin there was already covered in deep red hickeys, bitemarks and your nipples were so overstimulated that even the lightest touch, resulted in a mixture of pain and pleasure, which you loved. 
Even though Jake was technically already stretched, Pete took his sweet time, making sure of that. Because it's not like all that slow attention was an excuse for the fact that he loved teasing his partners. 
It wasn't long before he started moaning into your skin, while you were gently playing with his hair with one hand, and tracing unrecognizable patterns on his back with the other.
- Tell me exactly what your captain is doing and how it feels... - it wasn't a request, and you couldn't help but smile devilishly when Mav caught your gaze; after all, it was more for him than for you. He returned the smile and went right back to massaging Jake's walls from the inside, this time not breaking eye contact with you. 
- He's so meticulous, and doing everything so slooooOHly... It's driving me crazy... - It wasn't hard to tell when Pete rubbed his fingers against the prostate. - He has two fingers insiiiihide me and is spreading them... - his moan sounded so delicious and for a quick moment he sucked on your nipple before he continued describing to you what was being done to him. - I think he's gonna add another finger, mommy... can you please tell him to add two...? - it was the first time when Jake... slipped...? He was careful not to use the word himself, but he was so desperate that he didn't even notice. 
- Captain, please don't be mean to our boy, he was so well-behaved today... - you finished the request with a huge smile on your face, and Mav bit his lower lip, even though he would much rather prefer to close his mouth around something else. He only hummed in response and indeed sunk four of his fingers into the lieutenant's body, drawing a loud squeal from him. 
- Well, love... You got what you wanted from the captain... And what do we say when someone gives us what we want? - you were maintaining eye contact with Pete, and you just knew he was going to fuck you so hard next time, you'd feel it for a week because you were riling him up so well. 
- Thank you, captain... - Jake mumbled from around your nipple, not even bothering to release it from between his teeth. 
- Now, now... It is rude to speak with your mouth full, isn't it...? And you don't want to be rude, right...? - you were playing all the right strings and it was a pleasure to hear the melody. 
- Noo... - he sighed heavily and turned his head around. - I'm sorry, captain... Thank you, captain... - he mumbled and as soon as he finished talking, he went straight to your other nipple. You couldn't help but wonder if he'd be even more interested in your breasts if they were filled with milk... But that definitely wasn't a conversation for today. 
- Such a sweet boy... - you've said more to Mav, than to Hangman, who was giving his full attention to your breasts. 
- He is so good... Next time you should be the one to fuck him, princess... - he replied and you hummed agreeably in response. You noticed that he removed his fingers from Jake and was getting a condom on and rubbing lube over his member and you couldn't help but stare just a little from over the younger man's head. He knew he didn't have to do that with you, you established that boundary a long time ago. But he still respected it with other people, even in a heat of the moment. 
- Can you ask nicely for the captain to fuck you, love...? - Jake looked you in the eyes, suddenly unsure, but not about the action itself... He shook his head, unsure of your response, but you just kissed him on the forehead. - It's ok, love... You don't have to say anything... Would you like mommy to tell him to be good to you...? - he nodded, more confident than a second ago. 
- You heard that captain... - huge grin sprawled on your face. - Make our boy feel really good... - you knew that even if you didn't say anything, he would do that without missing a beat. You didn't see exactly what was happening, but you still felt a sharper suction on your skin, so you assumed that Mav dipped his tip. You saw how gently he moved, how his fingers held Jake's hips, not even making any dips in his skin, exactly what the younger man needed. You felt how Pete's moves affected him, not only because he sucked your nipples harder, whenever Maverick dragged his tip against his prostate, but because every time that happened, he became just a bit harder inside you. How the hell both of them were able to get it up so quickly...? What did they feed them in the academy...? 
- He's getting hard again... - you informed Mav and his huge grin matched your own.
- Goooood... - he almost purred, and you bit your lip at that sound. - Do you think you can handle it a bit faster and rougher, love...? - he asked, and Jake nodded his head enthusiastically, You saw that Pete grabbed his hips harder, pulling Hangman closer to himself, but when he snapped his hips forwards, you were the one that moaned a little in surprise, because he was essentially using Jake to fuck you, and your moan finally broke the spell that was hanging over the younger man's head. His eyes instantly became more clear and more aware, and he started moving his hips on his own, meeting Mav's thrusts and then entering you again. He was trapped in the most delicious sandwich he'd ever witnessed and he did everything he could to help get you both off. 
Mav leaned forward and moved one of his hands to your hip, trying to pull you closer to Hangman whenever he was thrusting into you. Finding a good rhythm took you all a good moment, but it was all worth it because as soon as it happened, none of you really cared about all the noises either of you made, all that mattered was selfishly chasing that orgasm. Jake was the first one to finish... You weren't sure if he actually had any sperm left, but his whole body twitched and collapsed heavily on top of you, while Mav was still pounding into him mercilessly, turning him into even more liquid jelly. 
- Im gonna be back, love. - you whispered directly into Jake's ear and swiftly got away from under him. Mav observed your movements, focusing his gaze only on you, and understanding what you were doing, quickly got out of Jake and took off his condom, while you quickly straddled him and guided his hard cock into your ass, since he was already there before. Being extremely horny didn't mean that you were open to vaginal infections from unsafe sex. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you in one place while he was slamming again and again into you with a strength that could have been scary under any other circumstances. You didn't give a fuck about how loudly you were moaning and screaming, because he was making you feel so good, that you forgot about the rest of the world. 
You felt him getting closer and closer, and when you finally were sure he was going to cum any second, you whispered a simple four words in his ear... "Come for me, captain..." and he spilled all over your insides, holding you tightly in his arms and digging his teeth into the soft muscle on your right shoulder, one of few places on your torso that was without any marks. That was until now. And that was enough to push you over the edge for the fourth time today. You weren't sure what came over you, but you bit him harshly as well. In the place where his neck met his shoulder, so you knew it would be painful, but he only squeezed you tighter in his arms, as if he was afraid that you would disintegrate if he dared to let go just for a second. 
When you finally started climbing down from cloud nine, you realized that your breaths and heartbeats synchronized, because you could feel his through his skin, and you were sure that if you realized that, he did as well.
- Hi, captain... - you've finally said, still trying to calm your breathing down. 
- Hi, princess... - he replied and kissed you gently. You gave yourself a few more seconds just the two of you, embracing each other bodies, pressing your foreheads together, so there was no space for anything else in between you. That small moment of intimacy was exactly what you needed before both of you came back to Jake, who was still basically high on what happened tonight. 
- Wipes in the nightstand... - you've said to Mav since he was closer to them, and you snaked one of your arms under Jake's head, so you could hold him close. You hummed in surprise when you felt Mav pulling your leg up and putting it on his shoulder, while he warmed a wet wipe in between his hands, so it wouldn't be so cold on your skin and started wiping the mess that all of you made. Fortunately, the wipes were of good quality and didn't have any trouble taking care of the mix of your own juices, lube, and cum. They definitely couldn't replace a good shower, but for now -they were more than adequate. Mav also leaned over you and gently cleaned the mess that was left on Jake's body, and the younger man tried to growl in response, one squeeze from you, and he was behaving again. 
After cleaning both of you, Mave pressed and opened the water bottle to your lips, making sure you'll drink enough, and after a moment you did the same with Jake, who was still coming down from his high. It was adorable how fucked out he was and after you returned the water bottle to Mav, you hooked one of your legs on the younger man's hip, pulling him just a little bit closer to you. 
- Can you please open the window...? - you requested quietly and Mav obliged. During sex you didn't mind how hot your bedroom was, but after... It was a different conversation. It was still hot outside since it was the middle of July, and with two radiators-aviators in your bed, it was bound to get even hotter, in the literal sense, because you knew from experience that both of them radiated extreme temperatures, so you knew no matter what, you'll wake up drenched in sweat. 
But before Mav joined you, he gently removed a messy top sheet, trying not to move either of you too much. 
- Just leave it anywhere, and c'mere... I'll wash it tomorrow... - you said with your eyes closed. You were slowly dozing off, but Mav obliged before you were completely gone and lay behind you, wrapping his arm around you and gently resting it on your breast. It wasn't sexual, more of a comfort thing, and it made you smile. 
- Pervert... - you whispered jokingly and he chuckled in response, pulling himself closer to you and placing a soft kiss on the bitemark closest to his mouth, but this one you haven't felt, the exhaustion finally catching up.
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bleach-your-panties · 7 months
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:・゚✧:・゚→˚₊· 🤎black-coded reader if you squint, but anyone can read!
✨️warnings: modern university au (4years), jealous sex, degradation, dirty talk, oral (f! receiving), messy sex, kinda angsty, but happy ending. y'all should know by now, 18+ and mdni; it's nnn for pete's sake (who's pete?)
・゚✧:・゚→˚₊·🤎first time writing for geto!
✨️banner made by me in pic collage. ✨divider: unknown via picgifs
:・゚✧:・゚→˚₊· 🤎5.1k words
▶️addiction - ryan leslie ft. cassie, fabulous
▶️my boo - usher ft. alicia keys
▶️who booty - john hart ft.iamsu
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You and Suguru have been best friends since high school. 
Getting introduced to him by a certain, snow-haired, crystalline-eyed troublemaker in your first year at Jujutsu Tech had to have been the highlight of your life at the time.
He was in stark contrast to his other best friend, Satoru Gojo, but that may be why the two of you got along so well.
Gojo and Shoko joked around about how similar the two of you acted and that you should drop the 'best friend' facade and just date already. 
Your tight-lipped presentation paired with Suguru's quiet reticence allowed the two of you to shrug off their suggestions fairly easily and keep it pushing.
All that began to change though once the four of you graduated high school and started college.
Gojo, with his lovable loud-mouthed self, continued his relentless teasing  of Suguru throughout the first two years of college. Shoko effectively took over with teasing you, but you continued to just laugh them off.
“Really, you two? If Sugu and I wanted to date each other, we could have done that ages ago! Since you’re both so invested in love, why don’t the two of you go on a date, huh?”
That shut them up pretty quick.
Thankfully, because you didn’t know how much more of their sad attempts at matchmaking you’d be able to handle.
When the third year of university rolled around, there was a drastic change to you and Suguru's dynamic.
It started off innocent: late-night study sessions in the library that ended with you spending the night in his dorm room.
He didn't want you walking across campus to the women's dormitories in the dark by yourself (why didn't he offer to walk you?), so staying over with him was obviously the only option.
With the two of you having been friends for years, initially, there was no awkwardness; only warm, comfortable silences while the both of you studied together.
Suguru had decided to major in religious ministry and planned to pursue a Ph.D. in the subject once he finished his undergraduate studies. His logical and emotional intelligence are both above average, so you know that he'll excel in his chosen program. 
With you always having had a love for science and medicine, much like Shoko, you opted to pursue a degree in biology with a pre-medicine concentration, though you haven't quite made your mind up about whether you'd rather pursue medical school or another type of graduate school.
No awkwardness, right?
That was true until one fateful night in his dorm room.
The two of you were studying, per usual, but something in the air seemed off. Finally, Suguru spoke up.
"You know, Y/N, I think that Satoru and Shoko are partially right."
You were nose-deep in an anatomy book before his smooth voice broke through the silence in the room.
"Huh, partially? About what?"
The book closed with a soft plunk and your e/c eyes were now focused on Suguru's face.
He looked pensive like he was trying to put his full thoughts into words before expressing them to you. His black square-framed glasses slipped down and rested on the bridge of his nose. You wanted to lean forward and push them back up.
"About us. How we should date or whatever." 
"Oh, and what makes them right after what, nearly 6 years, now?" You asked in an amused tone.
Suguru chuckled softly and then began to rise from his black leather desk chair. His slipper-clad feet padded towards you until he was kneeling on his bed, his left knee situated right between your thighs.
"Su..?" You asked breathlessly as he steadily moved closer to you. His taller frame enclosed around you, like a massive tree hiding a small bird within its branches.
He leaned down until his cowlick was touching your forehead.
Then in the next moment he was kissing you.
He tasted exactly how you expected: like black tea and mint.
A startled gasp left your lips as he pressed his harder into yours, smearing your Chapstick. 
With shaky hands, you carefully brought them to rest on his neck. 
Suguru smirked against your lips, sucked your bottom one into his mouth and gave it a harsh suckle.
Suddenly, you were pushed onto your back with Suguru sitting up on his knees, your thighs on either side of his hips.
"Mmm, Su, wait…what's all this about?" You peered up at him through lidded eyes with mink lashes attached. Bottom lip red and swollen from his urgent kisses.
He swiped his tongue over his teeth, revealing the head of that sinful tiger eye tongue bar.
"I just want to…test a hypothesis if you will indulge me, pretty girl…" 
You felt your face beginning to burn from bashfulness at his insinuations as well as the use of the scientific jargon.
He moved back so you could fully sit up. 
"Okay, I'm listening." 
"Well, I don't know if you've felt it, but there's an undeniable amount of chemistry and sexual tension between us."
"There is?" You made your face look surprised, your brows furrowing and your mouth contorting into a small "o"
Suguru rolled his dark onyx eyes at your obliviousness.
"I just had my tongue tickling your palatines while you reciprocated eagerly, yet you think there's no sexual tension there?"
You scoffed a laugh. "You have really got to stop reading my anatomy texts." 
"But why? They're quite interesting." He smirked. 
"Yeah, but quoting them while we're getting hot and heavy? So not sexy, Su." 
He gripped your thigh, squeezing the fat of it through your spandex shorts before rubbing his hand down your leg to your pedicured foot.
Suguru massaged your toes gently, rubbing his rough palm over the sensitive soles; it felt so good, especially since you'd been up and down the campus all day, trying to locate your new classes for the semester. 
A deep sigh/moan escaped your still-wet lips and you ran your tongue over them to savor the lingering flavor of Suguru's kiss.
He put both hands on your thighs and wrapped them around his lower back before continuing to massage your legs and feet. 
"Huh, you like that, baby?" He asked with an air of arrogance in his tone,  eyes crinkling in mirth through his glasses as he stared down at you.
"Gosh, yes, Sugu. My feet were killing me. Thank you."
Suguru only chuckled softly before grabbing both your ankles and bringing your legs to rest on his shoulders, just to watch the expression on your face change from relaxed to surprised.
"Hmm, don't start screaming my name just yet, little one."  
And that was the very first night that you two fucked.
Throughout the rest of the year, that was how the two of you continued on.
Those late-night study sessions in Suguru's dorm room turned into late-night sex sessions.
He still gave you those foot massages followed by eating you out until your voice was hoarse from calling his name.
Whenever Suguru had a rough day in class, he'd text your phone and you'd know to immediately head to his room after your evening classes.
He'd waste no time grabbing your throat and pinning you against the small armoire, throwing one leg on his hip and slotting himself in between so you could feel his angry hard-on.
The one that only fucking you could satiate.
Or some days he'd come to your dorm to help you study for your lab exams and memorize organic molecule configurations.
He'd reward you for correct answers with long drags of his tongue through your folds and hard sucks on your clit while you gazed down at him from under your notebooks, hands trembling and slipping from the pages.
As the year dragged along, you found yourself falling deeper in, whatever this was, with Suguru.
You once asked him exactly what 'this' was and where the two of you were going and he simply replied:
"We're just having fun. No pressure, no labels."
So you left it at that.
Third year ended and now the two of you are finally seniors.
It's that midpoint between fall and winter, mid-November, and the holidays are fastly approaching. 
Which for you means end-of-term lab exams.
Luckily, you and your lab partner are meeting up today to study for the organic chem lab.
You'd met him on your first day of the dreaded class, a credit required in order for you to graduate with all the prerequisites needed for med school. 
At first glance, he seemed like someone who'd drop the class in the first couple weeks and change their entire major just like you'd seen many of your former classmates do.
As you got to know each other throughout the semester, you warmed up to him and grew a small crush on the intelligent male.
Intelligence, a trait that you quite admire in your men.
To be honest, he reminded you of Suguru a bit.
Suguru, who you haven't really talked to or hung out with since your little falling out at the end of third year.
You didn't know if you'd both silently agreed to break off your little arrangement or if you were just avoiding him. 
Probably the latter.
It wasn't hard to do since you're both in different majors and have no classes in common; you can just write it off as you being extremely busy, which isn't actually a lie.
Continuing on to your dorm room after last class, you made yourself some instant ramen in your microwave before you started getting dressed for your lab review session. 
You sit at your little vanity table to do your makeup. Soft, pastel eyeshadow to compliment your beautiful e/c eyes and to match the pastel-colored cardigan laid across your bed. 
Despite the chilly weather outside, you opted to dress cute in your cardigan with a white turtleneck sweater underneath, black leather miniskirt, white thigh-high thick socks, and black Mary-Jane style slanted wedge heels.
Your fashion sense often earns you many sneers from your peers and questioning looks from your professors, but ask if you give a fuck.
To top off your look, you added some dainty silver jewelry before grabbing your bags and leaving for the chemistry building.
Suguru sighed and stuck his phone back into his pants pocket.
He's a coward.
He can't even bring himself to click on your contact name to draft a simple 
'can we talk?' text.
The biting cold in the air made him hurry along to the campus coffee shop where Satoru had asked to meet him. 
I was hopin' you'd notice 
The way that I like to have you around 
Around, yeah
Listen and you will find that your heart beats for me
Girl, I hear the sound, and it only gets better 
It started off with a kiss (uh huh)
Never expectin' this (uh huh)
And now I'm here copin' with
My addiction, addiction
The little bell over the door jingled and Satoru's snow-white head shot up from where he was almost asleep (and drooling) on his class notes.
"About time you got here! I was beginning to think you'd stood me up!" He perked right up and swiped his sleeve over his mouth, putting on a bright smile.
Suguru just sighed and pulled back the wooden chair before plopping unceremoniously down into it. His backpack clunked to the floor.
"What's wrong with you? I mean aside from your usual aloof asshole tendencies. Something is actually going on, I can feel it." The blue-eyed male asked in concern.
"Nothing is wrong, Satoru. I'm just tired and stressed about midterms, graduation, and a whole lot of other shit."
Like you.
He didn't mean to hurt your feelings or make you feel unimportant when he said that the two of you were just having fun.
'What a fucking idiot I am. Of course no girl worth her salt wants to hear that she's just a nutty buddy.'
He lamented in his head before slamming it into the table. He groaned when the elastic keeping his hair in a bun snapped, covering his face completely in inky, blue-black locks.
Surprisingly, his glasses didn't break. 
"Oh damn, that bad, huh?" Satoru asked. "Hey, can I get a triple shot of espresso on that frappe, please! I think you're gonna need it to get through the rest of the day." He murmured as the waitress walked over.
And Satoru was right. He did need that coffee to make it through his last few classes, but he still felt like shit and now he was wired and not to mention completely pent up and horny.
After you two fell out, Suguru fell into a pit of despair. You stopped talking to him, studying with him, and even stopped responding to his texts.
Of course he missed hiking your legs up and eating you out, fucking you on every surface in his room, and then making you take his cumshots all over your makeup, but honestly right now…
He just missed your presence in his life.
To pour even more salt in his wounds, his two other best friends had begun dating people on campus, which often made him the fifth wheel when it came to hangouts.
Usually, Satoru would always have Shoko attached to his hip and Suguru would have you, but now that was all  over because of his wreckless choice of words.
He kicked one of the flimsy metal chairs outside of the library over with the toe of his boot causing some freshmen students to give him frightened looks.
"Got something to say?"
They shook their heads.
"Thought so."
He hoisted his backpack up higher on his shoulders so he could begin his trek across campus to get to the warmth of his dorm room when he saw you moving quite urgently towards the chemistry building.
He knew that you were likely heading to prepare for one of your lab exams, but the outfit that you had on alluded to this being much more than just a casual meet-up to study. 
Oh no, with the way that skirt was gripping your hips and just barely covering your ass, you had to be meeting up with someone special.
And the fact of knowing that it isn't him lit his entire soul on fire.
"Oh, hell no."
So he followed you.
There's always that one person 
That will always have your heart
You'll never see it comin'
'Cause you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me
It's clear for everyone to see
Ooo baby…
You will always be my boo…
You hummed softly to yourself as your heels clicked along the tiled hallway floor of your least-favorite building on campus.
Your partner had texted you to let you know that he'd be running late, as he had a test to make up that he'd forgotten about. 
That made you roll your eyes, but nevertheless you carried on to the empty lab room so you could start studying by yourself. 
Once inside, you set up your materials on the desk and began to work. 
After only a few minutes of you working, you heard the door to the lab room creak open.
Thinking it was your partner finally having finished up, you lifted your head with a smile only for it to drop once you saw Suguru's tall frame lingering there at the door like a nervous ghost.
"What are you doing here?"
He froze at the ice in your tone; yep, you're definitely still mad. 
Almost shyly, he moved into the room, making sure that he shut the heavy door behind himself. It closed with an echoing 'boom'. 
"What, am I not allowed within twenty feet of you now? Did you file a restraining order on me, too?" He bit with more than a hint of sarcasm. 
"Very funny, Suguru. So what-
“Suguru?” He cut in. 
You never called him Suguru. Only 'Sugu' or 'Su'. Never Suguru.
You looked up as he began stalking towards you, the thud of his boots much louder in your ears than they should have been. 
He now hovered over you, a mean and irritated look plastered across his normally cool, stoic features.
(a/n: the pic in the banner is how he's looking at you🙈)
You only continued with your original thought, though your tone was a bit less sassy now.
"So you came here in search of me because why? Couldn't get your nut off by yourself?" You sneered, making his jaw tense.
A large hand slammed down on the table, making you flinch. 
"Stop with the attitude, Y/N. I'm already fucking pissed." 
Now you were confused because, who is he talking to?
"Okay and what does that have to do with me, Suguru? You-"
His other hand gripped the wide collar of your cardigan and pulled you up out of the chair you were seated in. 
Your face smashed against his chest and you were engulfed in the deep scent of his woodsy cologne.  He pushed you back slightly to examine your face up close. 
"Stop calling me that." 
"Your name?" 
He gazed down at you with his black eyes hardened.
They slowly roamed over your body, taking you in as a whole since he hasn't seen you up close in so long.
“So you wore this for him?”
"Him?" You put a hand on his chest and he allowed you to push him back so you could have space.
His eyes shifted from your face to your thigh-highs.
"Your boyfriend. The one you're waiting here for."
Is this really happening right now? It couldn't be. 
Shaking your head with a chuckle, you regarded Suguru with an incredulous look.
"My boyfriend, oh right, you mean my chemistry lab partner."
You crossed your arms underneath your bust and his breath hitched as the movement caused your breasts to shift upwards and strain against the material.
"If that's what you want to call it, you don't have to hide it from me." He shrugged and stuck his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. 
“Well don’t let me interrupt your little date.”
“It’s not a date, Suguru, we’re just studying for our lab exam. He is my lab partner, after all. We've worked together for this entire semester."
His jaw clenched. So this guy had been around you and not only within school grounds, most likely.
In a split second, you were flying backwards, with your back rubbing against the cold surface of the lab table.
Suguru was back between your legs, the position mirroring the one from your first ever sexual encounter last school year.
"You let him fuck you?" He asked with a hard edge to his voice.
"You heard me, Y/N. Did you give him a taste of what belongs to me?"
He lowered himself to a kneeling position right between your spread thighs. 
"Knees up."
Immediately, you complied, making Suguru smile and show all of his perfectly straight white teeth. He then grabbed hold to the sides of your panties and began shimmying them down ever so slowly.
"My favorite panties, too. What a shame; you're really showing out now, aren't you, darling? Trying to get daddy's attention?"
You pressed your lips together causing him to click his tongue in annoyance.
"Huh, you want my attention, so you parade yourself around campus dressed like how you are? Answer me." 
He spanked your pussy hard with the back of his hand, making your back arch off the table.
"Suguru, please!"
"I said to stop fucking calling me that. Now lay your ass back down."
You obeyed but your lower lip quivered just slightly. He was mad and when Suguru was mad and sexually frustrated, you knew it wouldn't be a short night for you.
"I'm going to ask you again, Y/N. Did you let him fuck?"
You quickly shook your head side to side.
"But you wanted to, right? You were going to, right? Answer right now or I'll leave you here with a wet cunt and no orgasm."
"No, Su, I promise. We're just partners, I swear!" 
"Hmm, lying slut…" He murmured, eyes transfixed on how your pussy lips were sucking in the damp material of your underwear. He was ecstatic that you had stopped calling him Suguru, though.
With two fingers, he hooked them under your panties, right on top of your mound. The backs of his knuckles scraped against your throbbing clit, causing your left knee to shake.
"Such a sensitive bitch, you've got to be telling the truth then, because you only tremble like this when you're needy. Right, baby?" 
You whimpered out a weak 'yes' and 'please' 
Lil' mama, I know what you want
Begging me to beat it 
Like the bass in my trunk
I'm a lil' nasty, I ain't even gotta front
Lick you from your head
Down down to your butt
Suguru decided to finally indulge you, but first he ripped your panties off in one swift movement, fully exposing you to his greedy eyes. 
He spat a thick, wet glob of saliva onto your pussy, the sound making your face warm with shame.
"You don't have to act so shy, love. I know I'm the only one who knows how to eat this shit just the way you like it." 
His long fingers slid through your folds, collecting your creamy, translucent cum on them. 
He scissored his fingers apart, watching the strings stretch but never break. 
His dick is as hard as a brick, but he'll take care of that in a minute.
Next, his mouth was completely covering the bottom of your cunt while those two fingers worked your clit, rubbing your mess back and forth over the pulsating bud.
The ball of his tongue ring poked at your asshole periodically as he ate you out and you clenched everytime, fearing that he'd stick it in.
French-polished nails reached for his hair and Suguru, whose eyes never left yours, grabbed your hand with his free one to tangle yours in his navy blue locks.
"Su! Su! Su!" You chanted like a cheer, cheering him on as he ate your pussy so sloppily and made a mess of you and the table. 
Juices leaked down your legs and his chin from his combined saliva, your slick, and your cum from the multiple times that he had you squirting, just from his tongue and two fingers.
He could eat you out like this for hours, but he doubted he'd have that much time before someone discovered the two of you. 
Rising back to his full height, Suguru looked down at you and admired the shaking, wet mess that you'd become.
You were covered from your lower abdomen down to your knees in a mixture of your own squirt, cum, and his saliva. Even your socks were soaked and now sticking to your skin.
He never thought you looked more beautiful.
"Su…" You whined up at him, body growing cold from the waist down and aching to have him fill you up and make you warm.
"What, bitch? Want my dick now? You think you've earned it after ignoring me for damn near the whole semester?"
Your eyes drooped sadly and he stopped, cursing himself for not knowing when enough was enough.
"No, no, no…I'm sorry, baby…look, listen to me. I…"
"I'm sorry, Sugu. I'm sorry for ignoring you instead of just coming out and telling you how I really felt." 
He stopped completely then and rested his hands on your hips, right above the top of your skirt and massaged small circles into the pudge that poked out there.
Dark, slanted eyes locked onto your e/c ones to let you know that you had his full attention. 
I was in love with you when we were younger, you were mine (my boo)
And I see it from time to time
I still feel like (my boo)
And I can see it no matter how I try to hide (my boo)
And even though there's another man Who's in my life, you will always be my boo
My oh, my oh 
My oh, my oh, my 
My boo
My oh, my oh 
My oh, my oh
My boo
"I knew the moment you kissed my lips in your room that day. That you were the one I could put my entire trust in and spend the rest of my life with. There's no one that I trust to have my heart more than you, Sugu. I love you."
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
He fucked up.
'I fucked up'
"I fucked up." He finally said out loud. Your eyes raised to meet his again.
"I fucked everything up when I said that stupid shit that I said." 
You wrapped your arms around his neck while he stood between your legs.
"Every day that I couldn't be around you was fucking hell. You consumed nearly every waking thought. School, hanging with friends, work; hell, even jacking off became torturous knowing that I wouldn't be hearing from you throughout any part of my day."
He chuckled lowly.
"Do you forgive me, baby? You have nothing to apologize for here, and I love you, too.." 
You nodded slowly and he pressed his forehead against yours before tilting his head to capture your lips in his.
The tangy taste of your cum covered your taste buds as Suguru began exploring every inch of your mouth with his expert tongue.
His tongue bar clinked against your teeth ever so slightly with his rushed and hasty movements; it was like he was trying to savor every bit of that sweet confession that you'd just spoken to him.
"Mmm, Sugu…" You breathed once he parted for air.
His hands moved to your waist and he flipped you over, pressing you back into the table with both of your wrists trapped in one of his strong hands.
The sight of that tight, black leather hiked up over your ass cheeks had him in a frenzy to undo his belt and drop his pants.
Once his cock was free, he tapped the leaking head on both cheeks.
He couldn't help himself, he just had to ask:
"Whose pussy is this?" 
Your reply was immediate: 
"I-It's yours, Sugu'..f-fuck! Please put it in!"
"Hmm, not good enough. Fucking convince me."
Even though he said that, he was already sliding his thick ass dickhead between the messy folds of your cunt.
"Please, Su…it's yours, baby, all yours. Please fuck me." 
"Shit…!" He almost collapsed on top of you and sent the whole table crashing to the ground.
You let out a collective moan when he finally slid in, sheathing his dick deep inside you.
Grabbing your hair and twisting it around his hand, he pulled you up into a perfect arch with your ass flush against his thighs.
"Again. Whose is it?" 
Slide in that thang, real deep game
Bust it so good, girl, what's my name? 
Hit it from the back, headboard swag
When I talk shit, shawty answer right back
I be on her like:
Who booty is it?
Who booty is it?
Who booty, who booty, who booty is it?
Who booty is it?
Who booty is it?
Who booty, who booty, who booty is it?
Usually Suguru was a rough, fast thruster, but right now he had you confused because he'd start out with a few quick hard thrusts that had you face-planting into the table, then he'd switch it up and slow grind you, pressing his hips so far into your backside that you'd have imprints of his hip bones.
"Su…S-s-u…SU! Fuck fuck fuckkkk!" You screeched while your nails scratched the surface of the table that was sliding back and forth but hadn't broken down.
He only thrusted harder and faster. It wouldn't be long before he came all over that dirty pussy.
“Sturdy ass table.” He chuckled. “Perfect for whores like you to get fucked on.” A groan from deep within his chest emerged as his thighs shook.
"I'm…fuck…I'm going to ask you one last time, Y/N. Whose. Fucking. Pussy. Is. It. Y/N?"
Each word was punctuated with a deep, brutal thrust.
Your breasts were sore from being pushed so hard against the cold surface of the table and your thighs sticky and wet from Suguru eating you out.
"I- GOD, I…y-yours!" You managed before your orgasm took over.
It was so strong you almost blacked out, no doubt the strongest one you'd ever had thus far.
But Suguru wasn't quite done yet.
He pulled out and slapped your ass hard with his palm while the other fisted his dick furiously. 
"Turn over. Open your legs for me, wide, like a slut. There you go." 
He came with a shattered groan, ropes of white hot cum splattering against your already bruised and messy folds.
When his balls were completely empty and you were covered in white, he scooped some onto his fingers and brought them up to your lips.
You sucked.
"Good fucking girl, fucking slut. Whore." He attached his mouth to yours and dipped his tongue in to taste your sweetness combined with his essence. 
You both made out sloppily, swapping cum until he pulled back and spat the snowballed cum back into your mouth followed by patting your cheek lovingly. 
"Now swallow."
And you swallowed.
With a deep sigh and a satisfied smile displayed over his handsome features, he began searching the room for paper towels to clean the two of you up.
Once you'd gotten your bearings, you locked the door behind yourselves. 
Suguru pulled you into his chest and kissed the top of your head.
"I wonder what happened to my partner? I guess I got stood up after all!"
The man beside you couldn't resist rolling his eyes and then answering in a smug tone.
"Or, he heard you screaming my name from all the way down the hallway and decided to just fuck off." He snorted.
You giggled and elbowed his side, but he was dead serious. 
"No, really, baby. I saw him peek through the window on the door when I was giving you backshots. The look on his face was fucking priceless." You gasped.
"Sugu, you didn't!" He only laughed harder.
"I mean, really. I didn't even have to ask who it belongs to. Lucky for you that I showed up, or you could've started dating that guy and been screaming out SU everytime he fucked you."
*ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ!
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