Currently thinking about how us bylers will actually win.
Like this isn't me just being obsessive over a fan ship w like 0.1% chance of becoming canon (my zukka obsession is destroying me lowkey) but there's too much proof at this point that it's crazy. It's not just within the actual shows but the creators and cast.
Like wtf was up w them never putting both finn and will in an interview together despite SPENDING THE WHOLE SEASON TOTGETHER AS A LITTLE DUO. like the fuck!? There's no other logical explanation for that. They literally put him in an interview w priah, caleb and Sadie. He has very few scenes w caleb and Sadie and zero w priah. Like I'm genuinely just over here like 🤔😑??
Also all those realllyyy specific tweets. Suspicious.
Also Finns gay lil STurn playlist and the byler pic leaks in pride month ✨️ 👀
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userbbh · 26 days
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[SCAN] harper's bazaar men aug. 2024 photocards (1,2,3)
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pup-deaddove · 18 days
This is 100% gonna be my new space to dump thoughts...
aughhh brat taming Alex Kralie sounds so fkn fun good lord
Regardless, the idea of Billy Loomis. With a slip chain. But he's on the receiving end.
Do with that what you will
They're both such big brats, gosh
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allmyloveminho · 2 years
me when I turn 21 in a couple weeks:
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libertyprint · 2 years
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Bimba y Lola
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shodneme se na tom, že nejvíc hot člověk na jakýkoliv český bankovce je božena němcová?
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vedlejsak · 9 months
"adhd je moderní výmysl!"
princezna zpěvanka v roce 1955:
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cistota · 4 months
Jednotlivé fáze čtení tohoto článku:
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Zde Saturnin pro ukázku:
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louielle · 4 months
A tale of two halves:
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teplejtrouba · 5 months
jsme v muzeu, kamarádka se kouká na pochybně provedenou dřevěnou sochu Josefa s Ježíškem, komentuje Josefův výraz: "On vypadá hrozně utrápeně."
muzejní pracovnice právě procházející kolem: "Však to dítě není jeho..."
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karel-iv · 5 months
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Testuji nové módní styly. Nevím, co znamená ten text, ale snad to ničemu nevadí. Co si myslíte vy?
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pup-deaddove · 5 months
Billy loomis
giggles and kicks my legs
Billy Loomis.... With a knife
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kakushitpost · 5 days
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spiderlegeyelashes · 2 years
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lesoldatmort · 2 months
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Něco pro české fajnšmekry... mnozí z vás už mají jak samolepky, tak odznáček doma. Kdo ne a usuzuje, že se bez Švejk merche neobejde, dveře mého obchůdku jsou vždy otevřené.
ENG: my new merchandise with popular czech book and movie character Good Soldier Švejk.
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