#Buy Video Chief Review
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Read Bring No Clothes by Charlie Porter. If I followed the rule "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything", that would have been the only sentence in the review. Well, really, it wouldn't have existed, implicature is still a form of speech. For a while it didn't exist, since I read this book some time back now, but not out of moral concern, but rather simply because I'm not allowed to use the computers at work for personal shit anymore, and that's where I wrote these. So I finally got around to buying a new e-book reader instead, expect more reviews shortly, written from home this time. But I digress.
Bring No Clothes is a truly awful book about the fashion of the Bloomsbury group. I struggle to think of any redeeming features. It is shorter than the hardback makes it seem, but this is simply false advertising, and not a virtue. It chooses to give each chapter heading its very own entire page to sit on, to blow the letters up to an absurd size with liberal line spacing in the style of a panicking high school student, to pepper the book with black and white photos of dresses remarkable for their color. The hardcover copy I read pretends to have 340 A5 pages, and I would be surprised if it got to 100 with reasonable formatting. In truth it is a nothing but a handful of hastily concatenated half-written filler articles and a couple of unpublishable magazine features stuck between two hard covers for no apparent reason, an unfilmed script for a "video essay" (read: summary) that would be too long to watch and too short to say anything.
It is really quite literally a series of magazine articles. Charlie Porter is a fashion journalist, and his work on the book speaks to his total inability to adjust his writing style to the medium, the astonishingly poor standards in fashion journalism, and the seeming absence of any editing whatsoever on the part of the publisher. Though possibly it was edited, and earlier drafts were even worse. Somehow. There is no coherent theme to the book, no throughline connecting the individual chapters. There are entire chapters that are obviously unnecessary and poorly conceived, which would presumably have been removed if not for the desperate need to pretend the book is so much longer than it really is. Lastly, for some reason image descriptions are done in-line rather than through captions. Is this common in fashion journalism? It sucks to read, in any case.
The writing is shit. It's so unbelievably bad. Borderline unreadable, the structural issues with the book as a whole are reproduced even at the level of individual sentences. Porter's chief flaw is that he is preposterously self-absorbed. He is either unable or unwilling to separate his own impressions and delusions from reality. He spends substantial sections of most chapters writing about the personal experience of researching and writing the book, and plenty of other insufferable personal trivia besides. To pull that trick off without boring the reader takes extraordinary talent, personal charisma, and varied and interesting life experiences, none of which Porter seems to have. Not an amazing range of vocabulary on display either, and somehow I doubt this was a deliberate effort to keep the reading difficulty down. The miserable structure, constant pointless personal asides, and general inability to express what few ideas Porter may or may not have render the book a truly tedious slog.
When reading a non-fiction book, I would like to be able to pick out something I learned about the topic, some basic point of interest. It is impossible in this book, which contains nothing but boring accounts of relationships between seemingly insufferable people. Porter's narration does bring his protagonists to life in places, with some help from direct quotes. Unfortunately, they are brought to life as some of the most annoying egotists you've ever met in your life, which admittedly seems quite plausible for British upper class twits (well, mostly twits). Still, I don't put too much stock in that characterization, as it could very easily be projection by the blatantly self-absorbed author.
I generally try to recommend books to sorts of people who I think would like them, whether or not I was a fan myself. I suspect I am a poor judge of appeal, ultimately, but I try nonetheless. I think nobody should read this book, ever, for any reason. It is not that the book is evil. Reading evil has merit. The book is just bad. There are people who would like it, probably. Those people, in particular, should not read the book, as I suspect it would inhibit their development. Everyone involved in the production and distribution of the book should feel shame proportional to their degree of responsibility for what they have inflicted on the world in general, and on me in particular.
#book report#Bring No Clothes#not gonna author tag#given how hateful I've been that would be unnecessarily rude
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[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A24 - Eat, Smile, Have a Blast
*crowd chattering*
Momiji: Wow~ so many people! It looks like all the tourists have gathered here!
(Everyone travelled for the festival, huh. …I'm really glad it opened without issue.)
Customer A: Excuse meee, I'd like to buy a three pack of baby castella with the special syrup.
Ushio: Right, hold on a moment…!
Customer B: I'll take a five pack!
Ushio: R-right…!
Customer C: No way! This is delicious! The special syrup is pretty good! I'll get it as a souvenir! Sir, make it a ten pack~!
Ushio: -…! Ri…! Right!
Momiji: Amazing. It's busy as hell…
Nanaki: Hey. It's been like that since the festival started.
Momiji: Nanaki-kun, Kiroku-kun! Good work!
Kiroku: …Good, work… to you… too…
Nanaki: Um, Chief. If it's alright… well. Our hands are free at the moment.
We were thinking we could help Kurama-kun out with the stall. The waiting customers are gonna get bored at this rate.
…Will that impact our grade?
Kiroku: … We'll … do our… best.
Momiji: Huh!?
(Nanaki-kun and Kiroku-kun came to offer help themselves…)
-… Of course! Just ask if there's anything you don't understand! Let's do our best to provide hospitality!
*omotenashi battle*
Momiji: Thanks for the help, you two! Our dear customers seemed very happy! Right, Ushio-kun!
Ushio: …Well, they got sold quicker than if I did it alone. It's a natural result of multiple people maintaining it… …
…It helped. Here, as thanks. It's the castella I'm selling.
Kiroku: …You're… thanking…
Nanaki: Here's hoping it doesn't start raining again. …Thanks for the food.
Chew chew… …!?
Ushio: …Hmph.
Nanaki: The moment the mild syrup flavour enters your mouth, an aroma spreads out like you're on a prairie…
The gentle sweetness of the sponge softly creeps up on you, like flowers garnishing a pure dreamscape…
A miraculous harmony that wouldn't be possible without both—a magnificent combination of saltiness and sweetness, with a somewhat nostalgic feeling…!
What is this… until I swallowed it, I had a Jimu Hen* guitar solo running through my brain…
Momiji: Amazing! Looks like you've got a talent for food reviews too, Nanaki-kun!
Nanaki: Ah, no, it was just too good, so I ended up…
Kiroku: … …
… …
Momiji: (Kiroku-kun's fully focused on eating. …Cute.)
Oh right, Ushio-kun.
Ushio: What.
Momiji: The lady who prepared the baby castella machine was praising you. She says you should have told them that you'd properly brought all the ingredients with you, instead of going "I forgot the syrup~".
"It's the first time I've had such delicious sweets" she said, so she's thankful.
Ushio: … I mean, I just did what I was supposed to.
Momiji: (So he says, but his cheeks are turning a bit red. He's embarrassed, huh.)
—Everyone really put their all into this. The fireworks were also a wonderful success, and both the tourists and the locals were very pleased. You really livened things up!
Nanaki: The music did?
Momiji: Of course! The sound source was far better than the one they'd been using before, and both young and old people enjoyed it!
Nanaki: Really!?
Momiji: Really. There's already a video online. They're saying the way it's matched with the fireworks is the best, and the number of views is doing good.
Nanaki: I see!
Ah, no. …It's because I worked hard. Yeah.
Momiji: Kiroku-kun's lantern is also really popular, it's addictive eeriness is considered cute—
Kiroku: …Huh…
Momiji: It seems like it's become a photo spot. Lots of pictures are being uploaded to social media.
Kiroku: Re… …rea, lly…? But… it's not… fin… ished…
Momiji: Being unfinished isn't as bad as you think.
Kiroku: …
Momiji: The clear skies brought a good turnout, and the management side was pleased too. Everyone's having so much fun—I, I'm so moved… …
Ushio: …You're quite the crybaby, for an adult.
Momiji: S-sorry. Looks like the sea breeze got in my eyes.
(At any rate, the kid who did the most to ensure everyone's efforts bore fruit like this was—)
Akuta: He~y there! 'Tis I, the man who will completely eviscerate the competition for the Kurodemy** Director Prize!
Muneuji: Good work, everyone.
Momiji: Akuta-kun, Muneuji-kun, good work!
Akuta: Ah~ this takoyaki is seriously good! The okonomiyaki's cooked all fluffy, and the oden's so flavourful~! Stall food is the best!
Nanaki: Aaah, you've bought so much, even though Sakuchan-sensei said we'd go out for food at the after party…
Akuta: Nope~ I remember that clear as day. When I passed in front of the stalls, I got 'em for free!
Ushio: Bet you were looking real greedy. Or like a starving puppy.
Kiroku: Isotake does… make you want… to give… food… to him…
Muneuji: As they're a representation of everyone's kindness, we couldn't refuse. Though I did say to not eat them now, and save them for later.
Momiji: He couldn't help himself, huh.
Akuta: No problem! My stomach is infinite! It's still only ten percent full!
Sakujiro: Ah, here you all are. It seems the store will be ready soon. We will be going to the same place we got Hishio bowls at on the first day.
Momiji: Since we'll be leaving Shodoshima tomorrow, we should absolutely all eat together this time.
Akuta: Hi-shi-o! Hi-shi-o!
Kiroku: …
Nanaki & Ushio: …
Muneuji: We'll all be participating, then.
Kiroku: … It… seems… that way.
Muneuji: …
Ushio: …
Kiroku: …Will you two… be… o… kay?
…You won't…… get into a…..
Akuta: What's that? You'll share half your Hishio bowl? With me? Hooray! Thanks!
Kiroku: …!? That's not—
Akuta: Huh, did you say you'll share your miso soup too? You're seriously a god, Kiroku! Thank you thank you~~~!
Kiroku: …I, didn't… say…
Momiji: (It somehow feels like they're not on the same page…)
At any rate, let's set off!
Nanaki: What do you mean you launched the egg!?
Akuta: Yep! It went boom!
Momiji: Hm? What did?
Nanaki: Nothing, we're discussing a movie.
Don't yell.
Muneuji: We negotiated with the egg, and this is how things turned out.
Nanaki: You mean it could communicate? The egg? I didn't think it seemed much like a living creature.
Muneuji: If you're asking if it reacted like it had a living body, it didn't. However, I could sense some kind of purpose from it.
Akuta: It was like a space communication device? Controlled remotely, like a radio controlled car~
Nanaki: So now, the egg is…?
Akuta: We searched the mountain for a bit, but couldn't find it!
Muneuji: I fear it may have burst into tiny pieces.
Nanaki: Wow… seriously…?
Akuta: No way! It doesn't have such a weak nature! It's an egg.
We'll definitely meet again someday. Somehow—I can just tell.
Nanaki: You're really confident about a baseless assumption. …Well, it's fine. Whatever you do, don't let Kinugawa-kun know.
He seemed really attached to the egg. I'm sure he'll be hurt if you tell him it might have burst.
Muneuji: Understood. I shall tell him that it returned to the sea itself.
*ジムヘン/Jimu Hen is a reference to Jimi Hendrix, often abbreviated to ジミヘン/Jimi Hen in Japan
**The Kurodemy Prize is a real thing, but it seems to be a manga award with no subcategories, so I'm not sure it's actually a reference to that
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#18trip translation#18tlip#18trip#main story: bitter sweet sixteen#akuta isotake#kiroku kinugawa#nanaki nanamegi#muneuji kaguya#ushio kurama#momiji hamasaki#sakujiro karigane
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Information about The Bill for use in fan fictions or anything similar. (aka: how I found out there's a character limit on Tumblr) This will be edited, please feel free to comment anything you want adding or editing.
Part 2
Nicknames for the police/officers:
The Old Bill, Bizzies (busybodies or 'too busy to help'), Feds, Bluebottles, Coppers, Bobbies, Rozzers, Peelers, The Filth, The Fuzz, Dibble (Officer Dibble from Top Cat), Pigs, Plod, Plonk (Person Of Limited Or No Knowledge), The Thin Blue Line, Bacon ("Can you smell bacon?") "The Babylon" (Jamican slang), Boys In Blue, Hawaii 5-O, Woody/Woodentops, The Scum, PoPo, The Law, Gammon.
In the earlier series, CID would refer to Uniform as Woodentops and Woodentops would refer to CID as Superstars.
Community Support Officers: CHIMPS (Completely Hopeless In Most Policing Situations), Hobby Bobby, Plastic Policeman,
Police Lingo, acronyms and abbreviations
ABE: Achieving Best Evidence - recording a victim of serious sexual assault on video for their first statement so it can be played in court to show how they were/the state they were in and try and limit the victim having to be there in person/cross examined etc.
ABH: Actual Bodily Harm
AMIP: Area Major Incident Pool (now Specialist Crime And Operations)
ANPR: Automatic Numberplate Recognition
AP: Agrieved Person - Victim
ARV: Armed Response Vehicle
ASBO: Antisocial Behaviour Order.
ASNT: Area Searched No Trace.
ASP: Baton
Big Red Key: The enforcer
BIU: Borough Intelligence Unit - this is where they could check facial recognition, check through CCTV and use the computers to check for suspects and find out peoples backgrounds.
BLO: Borough Liaison Officer
Blues and twos: Lights/Sirens on police cars
CAD: Computer Aided Dispatch
CIB: Complaints Investigation Bureau, later DPS (Directorate Of Professional Standards)
CID: Criminal Investigation Department
CIM: Critical Incident Manager - Inspector usually who oversees all the big jobs and makes decisions to keep things rolling smoothly rather than lots of chiefs making conflicting decisions.
Civvies (normal civilian clothes - ie a PC changing for an obbo)
CO19 (Used to be SO19 - armed officers. Smithy and Max used to be CO19 officers.) Apparently now MO19!
Code 11: Off Duty
CPS: Crown Prosecution Service
CPT: Child Protection Team
Crimint: Criminal Intelligence
CRIS: Crime Report Information System
CS Spray: Sprayed at criminal resisting arrest. Temporarily makes them unable to see properly and irritates their respiratory system. to enable them to be arrested. Sometimes now called PAVA spray.
CSE: Crime Scene Examiner (was SOCO- Scenes Of Crime Officer)
CSU: Community Support/Safety Unit Now joined with DVU and called SODAIT - Sexual Offences And Domestic Abuse Investigation Team
CLO: Community Liaison Officer
D&D: Drunk And Disorderly.
DVU: Domestic Violence unit. See CSU.
ETA: Expected Time Of Arrival "ETA, 5 minutes."
FATAC: Fatal Accident
Fence: Someone who buys and sells stolen goods
FED REP: Federation Representatives. Officers trained to support officers who are accused of crimes or otherwise want to take the service/bosses on.
FIU: Financial Investigation Unit
FLO: Family Liaison Officer (supports the family members/person who is going through a horrendous time. IE: Jim when Eva's daughter when missing and Smithy to Leanne Samuels when her daughter Carly was murdered)
FME: Force/Forensic Medical Examiner (Police doctor who reviews and treats criminals (and occasionally injured staff) who have gotten hurt, have complex medical issues or who need medication)
FPN: Fixed Penalty Notice - an on the spot fine.
GBH: Grievous Bodily Harm
Grass: informing on someone who has done a crime. Handling: someone who has accepted/bought stolen items either knowingly or unknowingly dependant on circumstances.
IBO: Used in later years instead of the CAD room, the Integrated Borough Operations handled non emergency telephone calls, CCTV viewing, contacting officers and similar. The CAD room was not needed as emergency calls were answered at Scotland Yard or Hendon and then sent to the relevant IBO Operator for the borough (which would be at Bow Central Communications Command) who would then send it to Sun Hill's IBO so all information can be relayed to the officers attending. Much like CAD, the IBO has a Sgt and PC's who would monitor the CCTV and IBO computers and assign officers to calls.
IC1-6 This is how the officers described skintones when searching for suspects/victims/witnesses.IC1 is White skinned european. IC2 is Dark Skinned European. IC3 is Afro Caribbean appearance, IC4 is Asian appearance (Indian Pakistani or Bangladeshi), IC5 is Chinese or Japanese appearance and IC6 is Arabian/Egyptian appearance.
Index: Vehicle registration - spelt out phonetically
India 99: Police helicopter.
IRB: Incident Report Book (Notebook) apparently now it's a force/work phone!
IRV: Incident Response Vehicle
LIO: Local Intelligence Officer
LEO: Local Enforcement Officer
LOS: Lost or Stolen
Misper: Missing Person
MIT: Major Incident Team (Used to be Murder Investigation Team)
MP: Met Police Information Room (Scotland Yard)
NCPA: No Cause For Police Action
NCS: National Crime Squad
NFA: No Further Action
NOIP: Notice Of Intended Prosecution. You're not arrested but the police are coming to take you to court soon.
Nonce: Sexual Offender - most used for Paedophiles.
OBBO: Observation - Keeping watch on suspects
OP: Observation Point
PACE: Police And Criminal Evidence Act - The police are bound to act by all rules, objectives and codes of conduct of this act of parliament in every part of their work.
PANDA: Normal police car that's not used for pursuing other cars. That's generally left to the Area Car or an IRV.
Pimp - someone who takes money from a woman on the sex trade. Also known as living off immoral earnings.
PIT: Precision Immobilisation Technique Manoeuvre (usually they try using a stinger to burst the tiers of a car thats speeding away from the police but it's not always possible. Where the road is wide enough and no one will become endangered by it,advanced drivers who are TPAC trained can do a manoeuvre to the car they're chasing and put it into spin to stop it. It CANNOT be done to busses/trucks/motorcycles etc and it's advised to not do it to a car you fear may be carrying armed occupants but to be honest it's not a massively used thing in the UK.)
PNC: Police National Computer = Real time checks on criminal records, outstanding warrants, missing and wanted people, registration checks etc.
PolAc: Police Accident (Ie car crash or hitting a pedestrian etc when it's a police officer involved)
PR: Officers police radio.
Refs: Refreshments/break time
Ringer - A vehicle that has been made up of parts of other cars or identity changed. Sometimes called a Cut n Shut.
RJ: Restorative Justice - a criminal doing something instead of being cautioned/imprisoned - like painting over their graffiti with a new coat of paint.
RTA/C: Road Traffic Accident/Collision
Rule 43 (Now 45): Vulnerable Prisoners in a prison. Smithy endured bullying to avoid being put in this as it means segregation and would bring him more attention and also a lot of isolation. This is for prisoners who are sex offenders, mentally ill, have a target on their back for grassing or being a convicted police/prison officer etc.
RUI: Released Under Investigation - bailed but the case is still being investigated and can be rearrested at any moment. The police hate this but the government have got touchy over bailing people.
Section 59 - Anti Social Behaviour Vehicle Seizure - you've kept driving like a prat so they're taking your car.
Section 165 - Seizing a car for no insurance. Most likely to be crushed.
Shout: A call out/incident communicated over the radio.
Sierra Oscar: Sun Hill Station Call Sign
Snout: Registered informant who gets paid for giving info. NNo sometimes CHIS - Covert Human Intelligence Source or Informant.
SO10: Now Covert Operations - Undercover Policing - can be long term and go really deep undercover. Stevie used to be in this dept. Now includes Counter Terrorism.
SOCA: Serious And Organised Crime Agency
SOPO: Sex Offenders Prevention Order (useless essentially!)
SOR - Sex Offenders Register
Stretch: Prison sentence.
TIU: Telecoms Investigation/Intelligence Unit
TOA: Time Of Arrival "Show me TOA 13.23"
Tom: Prostitute
TPAC Tactical Pursuit And Containment - trained officers who bring vehicles to a stop - like boxing cars in etc.
Trojan Unit: Armed Police
TSG: Territorial Support Group
TWOC: Taking a car without owners consent
VIN: Vehicle Identification Number
VRN: Vehicle Registration Number
Phonetic Alphabet Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebeck, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Xray, Yankee, Zulu.
Areas Of Sun Hill/Canley Wharfs/Docks Jubilee Wharf, India Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Old Jubilee Dock & Boatyard, Masters Wharf, Dockland Pier, Skippers Wharf
Council Estates Aldbourne, Bronte, Abelarde, Antrim Green, Canley, Farley, Parkmead, Jasmine Allen, Coal Lane, Cockcroft, Whitegate, Hardie, Larkmead, Tankeray, Copthorne, Netherlake,
[The earlier series had Riverdale Estate and one of the blocks was called Elizabeth Garret Anderson]
Other Stations Barton Street (Sierra Bravo) , Spicer Street, Putney Green, Stafford Row (Sierra Charlie), Tottenham (Echo Oscar) Diplomatic Protection (Delta Papa)
[Tower Wharf mentioned in series 2]
Industrial Estates
Cheetham Road Industrial Estate
Streets Trafford Way, Loftus Road, Leermont Road, Gatley Street, Purchase Road (Red light district), Brands Square, Jamaica Lane, Larkway Street, Godwick Street, Sun Hill Road, Shadwell Street, Harlow Street, Dunsford Street, Brown Square, Victoria Road, Dorral Road, Alforn Street, Mallan Street, Ashon Street, Brim Road, Rudcus Street, Cheetam Road, Cheetham Side, Jessop Street, Halpern Street, Tallow Street, Hoxton Road, Backhouse Street/Lane, Mournemouth Street/Avenue, Rudkin Road, Bagford Street, Brunell Avenue, Askill Road, Limefield Walk, Railton Street, Canley High Street, Ida Lane, Tubbs Lane, Claydon Street, Woodley Heath Road, Ballina Road, Starkwater Road, Calico Street, Tedder Street, Greenroad Way, Greaton Road, Mooreland Road, Ibbot Street, Rudleigh Road, Westway, Abbey Road, Broom Lane, Foundry Way, Humber Street, Muston Street, Valance Street
Prisons Longmarsh
Hospitals St Hughs
Cheetam Primary/Junior School, Shad Thames Infants School, Elcott Primary,
Canley Comprehensive, Harvey Wallace Comp, Deansgate Comprehensive, Cheetam Bank,
Canley Arms, Askill Arms, Rose And Crown, The Green Archer, The Bears Head, The Elcott Arms, The Seven Bells, The White Swan, The Scales, The Grape And Bottle, The Dog And Gun, The Pikes Head, The Thames Tavern, The Pikes Head, The Tully Arms, The Boat Inn, The Tug, The Emma Hamilton, The Cock And Crown, The Sultan. Lord Banbury
North Canley Sports Center, Canley Fields, City Farm, St Ann's Church, Cheetham Community Support Center,
Earlier series
Miskin Manor High School (mentioned series 5)
Bob Cryer's youngest son attends Medway Comprehensive.
St Clements is a hospital mentioned in series 5.
FME is first called 'FME' in Bad Company (series 5) before then it is divisional surgeon.
#the bill#alex walkinshaw#dale smith#smithy#roberta taylor#gina gold#smiffina#ray steele#reg hollis#steve loxton#rod skase#jim carver#iain fletcher#tom butcher#mark wingett#jeff stewart#cass rickman#suzanne maddock#scott maslen#phil hunter#diane parish#eva sharpe#sam callis#callum stone#stevie moss#lucy speed#kerry young#beth cordingly#kim tiddy#honey harman
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found the manga magazine cover that gerard was holding in this picture. It went by both MangasZene and MangaZone It looks like a majority senin/josei fan magazine, with some focus on shojou and and shonen. According to the translated wiki page (below), It also was one of the earlier european manga/anime magazines to focus more generally on japanese youth culture outside of manga or animation, including fashion music and video games. It also had a strong fan driven bend, as a few of the covers and centerfolds seem to be fanart, and the mag had fan letters, fanfiction, and dojinshi involved as sections in the comics (more info under the cut)
Common inclusions mentioned are clamp (xxxholic and chobits both appeared on covers either by name or in the cover art) ghost in the shell, a manga I dont know called the geisha (or "die geisha" in german), and Nana amongst others. Gerard almost definitely bought this because it had a cool goth girl with a fuckass bob and huge boots on the front curled up next to an androgynous probably-vapire-maybe-dude character with VAMPIRE in all caps printed directly next to them. I know his ass can't read german.
I haven't been able to find any scans of the inside or any articles outside of the front cover centerfolds and occasionally the fist page of ads. This post is also just a quick and cursory few google searches, so maybe I'll find more info if I keep digging.
Here you can find the original german language wikipedia article which discusses mangasZene (rough google translate english translation below the cut, but I can't confirm its complete accuracy as i know zero german)
Here are high quality cover scans for seemingly every issue on an auction site called lastdodo
If you want to send me money so I can bid on and buy a copy of the german language japanese culture magazine that gerard way read once in 2005 so I can do a youtube video reading and discussing it donate to my buy me a coffee
MangasZene was a German-language specialist magazine for anime (Japanese animation) and manga (Japanese comics), which appeared regularly from 2001 to 2006 and was discontinued after another special issue in autumn 2007.
MangasZene was founded by former editorial staff of the anime and manga magazine AnimaniA. The first two issues from January 2001 and March 2001 were still published as MangaZone before the title had to be changed for naming reasons.[1] When it was founded, MangasZene was the first German-language magazine that went beyond concentrating on Japanese comics and cartoons and also shed light on Japanese youth culture as a whole. In addition to anime and manga reviews, it offered reports on games and Japanese music and lifestyle. In addition, the reader should be given the opportunity to contribute and help shape the magazine through discussion corners, letters to the editor, fan gallery, dōjinshi and fanfiction corner and the opportunity to write guest contributions.
At the end of 2006, the publication of the magazine, which had been published every two months, was abandoned in favor of the plan to publish special issues limited to a specific topic at irregular intervals, each with an adjusted size, price and circulation. However, this was only realized with a special issue about Yuri and Yaoi in September 2007. In October 2007, insolvency proceedings were opened at the district court in Cologne against the publisher Erbschläger & Holzer. According to a statement from the editor-in-chief, further publications by the MangasZene in printed form are no longer planned.[2]
Other editorial activities The MangasZene editorial team has also organized the “Bonenkai” anime convention several times (2001 in Karlsruhe, 2002 in Leverkusen, 2004 and 2006 in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse). At the end of 2002, the DVD label Anime House was launched. Since this label no longer belonged to the Erbstosser & Holzer publishing house, it was not affected by the insolvency proceedings. Sources Burkhard Ihme (ed.): Comic! Yearbook 2008. Comic Interest Group ICOM, 2008, ISBN 978-3-88834-938-6, foreword (comic-i.com – quote: “A circulation of at least 15,000 copies is reached by the MANGASZENE, but only appears regularly with themed issues."). Statement of the editor-in-chief on the bankruptcy proceedings on December 9, 2007 in the MangasZene forum
#barry.txt#that last part is mostly a joke#like i'd do it but dont worry about it#I just saw this pic and realized I could use the power of google if I felt like it#this is a great crossover of my 2 interests. gerard way and niche early 00s anime fandom paraphernalia/fan projects#it doesnt say in the wiki but I wonder if it printed translated chapters of manga as well as articles interviews n fan works#posting this without proofreading a damn thing. thumbs up
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TikTok Inspires Holiday Gift Ideas for 55% of U.S. Users
According to recent reports from foreign media, a new survey conducted by the marketing agency MGH highlights TikTok's critical role in inspiring and facilitating holiday gift ideas and purchases for consumers.

MGH surveyed 1,142 U.S. adults aged 18 and older who watch TikTok videos. The findings reveal that over half (55%) of respondents stated they have found inspiration for holiday gifts this year through TikTok. Additionally, 39% of respondents specifically searched for holiday gift ideas on the platform.
Nearly half (47%) of respondents reported purchasing items for themselves through TikTok Shop, while 37% had purchased items for others. Content such as unboxing videos, user experiences, and reviews also play a crucial role in shaping purchasing decisions. Notably, 69% of respondents considered these types of videos important when deciding whether to buy a product.
Overall, the most popular gift categories searched by U.S. consumers on TikTok this year include food and beverages (45%), personalized gifts (42%), tech products (41%), beauty and personal care items (39%), clothing and accessories (39%), DIY gifts (38%), home goods (36%), experience-based gifts (36%), and children’s toys and games (33%).
Ryan Goff, Chief Marketing Officer at MGH, noted that TikTok now has over 170 million users in the United States, with projected sales expected to grow tenfold this year to reach $17.5 billion. Goff emphasized TikTok's undeniable influence on generating holiday gift ideas and shaping purchasing decisions. As the competitive holiday season approaches, content creators and brands should capitalize on the opportunities TikTok provides by leveraging engaging content and compelling reviews to drive consumer purchases.
TikTok's growing influence on holiday shopping trends demonstrates the power of social media in shaping consumer behavior and driving purchasing decisions. With over 170 million U.S. users relying on TikTok for inspiration, the platform has become a crucial touchpoint for brands to connect with their audience through engaging content and authentic reviews. As consumers increasingly seek creative and personalized gift ideas, businesses that embrace TikTok's dynamic ecosystem can gain a significant competitive edge during the holiday season and beyond.

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Introduction DFY Suite 5.0 Agency Review: Is It Worth To Buy Now?
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With compliments from, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph. 99201390.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Orders to Launch a Crackdown on the Making, Selling and Buying of a Chemical String
LAHORE, March 24:
Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has ordered to launch a crackdown on the making, selling and buying of a chemical string. CM presided over a high-level meeting in which law and order situation of the province was reviewed. IG Police gave a briefing about the law and order situation. CM sought a report on the crime situation on a daily basis and directed to submit a report after evaluating performance of the police officers. Maryam Nawaz ordered to adopt a zero tolerance policy about the chemical string. CM ordered to undertake immediate action to ensure implementation on the law to stop open display of arms. It was agreed to formulate a foolproof mechanism for the drug peddling during the meeting. Maryam Nawaz directed to frame cases with an irrefutable evidence against the big drug-peddlers adding that the need to formulate a legal mechanism in order to check the online supply of drugs in the educational institutions should be reviewed. CM stated that the permission to establish no-go areas anywhere in Punjab will not be granted. She expressed her concern over the frequent occurence of kite flying incidents and stated that she felt heartily grieved over witnessing the video of the deceased child due to chemical kite string adding that the lives of the parents of the innocent child got ruined as well. CM maintained that a law exists for the eradication of kite flying but even then people are loosing their lives. There is a need to undertake steps on a war footing to ensure implementation on the prohibition of kite flying law. Mere registring a case is inadequate, the accused must also be punished. CM directed to undertake a stern action for the reduction in the molestation cases. The accused should be awarded strict punishment in the molestation cases. The unending torture incidents of children, servants and domestic violence is highly deplorable. Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Former Senator Pervez Rasheed, Provincial Minister for Information and Culture Azma Bokhari, Special Assistant Zeeshan Malik, MPA Sania Ashiq, Chief Secretary, IG Police, Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, CCPO and Advocate General attended the meeting. Secretary Home, Divisional Commissioners, RPOs, Deputy Commissioners, DPOs participated in the meeting via video link.
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'Soon you’ll be able to watch the atomic bomb go off from the comfort of your own home.
Christopher Nolan’s blockbuster movie “Oppenheimer” has set its digital release date, arriving on Nov. 21. It comes exactly four months after its theatrical release on July 21, when “Barbenheimer” took the world by storm and broke box office records.
Fans of “Oppenheimer” will be able to buy the 4K Blu-ray DVD physically from Amazon, Best Buy, Target and Wal-Mart. Digital storefronts like Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, Vudu, Xfinity, YouTube, Microsoft and Verizon will also make it available to stream.
So far, it’s surpassed $940 million at the global box office, which is unheard of for an R-rated, three-hour biopic. It’s also expected to be a major Oscar contender, with nominations for best picture, director, lead actor, supporting actor, supporting actress, adapted screenplay, production design, cinematography, editing, sound, visual effects and score in play.
Nolan’s movie has gotten positive reviews since its release. Variety chief film critic Owen Gleiberman wrote in his review, “Oppenheimer, of course, had every right to be haunted by the weapon he’d created. But he also possessed a kind of masochistic naïveté, forgetting the key lesson of the revolution he was at the center of: that human beings will always be at the mercy of what science makes possible. ‘Oppenheimer’ tacks on a trendy doomsday message about how the world was destroyed by nuclear weapons. But if Oppenheimer, in his way, made the bomb all about him, by that point it’s Nolan and his movie who are doing the same thing.”'
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Microsoft's revised offer to buy Call of Duty-maker Activision Blizzard has been approved by UK regulators.
The Competition and Markets Authority said the deal addressed its concerns, after the watchdog blocked the original $69bn (£56bn) bid in April.
The green light marks the culmination of a near two-year fight to secure the gaming industry's biggest-ever takeover.
But despite approving the takeover, the CMA criticised Microsoft's conduct.
After the competition watchdog blocked the takeover earlier this year, Microsoft's president Brad Smith hit out at the CMA's decision, which it said was "bad for Britain".
CMA chief executive, Sarah Cardell, said: "Businesses and their advisors should be in no doubt that the tactics employed by Microsoft are no way to engage with the CMA.
"Microsoft had the chance to restructure during our initial investigation but instead continued to insist on a package of measures that we told them simply wouldn't work. Dragging out proceedings in this way only wastes time and money."
Under the re-worked deal, Microsoft will hand the rights to distribute Activision's games on consoles and PCs over the cloud to French video game publisher Ubisoft.
But while a concession has been made, Microsoft will still control games such as Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Candy Crush that will provide the firm with huge revenues.
The CMA said the revised deal, which paves the way for the transaction to be finalised globally, would "preserve competitive prices" in the gaming industry and provide more choice and better services.
It has proved controversial and received a mixed response from regulators around the world, but has already been passed by regulators in the European Union. The US competition watchdog recently saw its attempt to pause the purchase rejected by the courts.
But the CMA's Ms Cardell said with the sale of Activision's cloud streaming rights to Ubisoft, which makes Assassin's Creed, "we've made sure Microsoft can't have a stranglehold over this important and rapidly developing market".
"We take our decisions free from political influence and we won't be swayed by corporate lobbying," she added.
'Final hurdle crossed'
Mr Smith said Microsoft was "grateful for the CMA's thorough review and decision".
He said the "final regulatory hurdle" had been crossed for the tech giant to complete the deal, while a spokesman for Activision Blizzard said the approved deal was "great news".
Microsoft is paying cash for Activision at a premium price of $95 per share, meaning the chief executive of the World of Warcraft maker, Bobby Kotick, is set for a $400m payday, with chairman Brian Kelly earning $100m, based on the shares they own.
Under the restructured agreement, Microsoft has agreed to transfer the rights to stream Activision games from the cloud to Ubisoft for 15 years outside the European Economic Area (EEA). This includes EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
After the 15 years is up, Ubisoft will no longer hold the cloud gaming rights for Activision's content, but it is understood the regulator believes the time span will see rivals become established for the cloud gaming market to be more competitive.
Microsoft remains hopeful the takeover will boost demand for its Xbox console and enable the tech firm to add more titles to its Xbox Game Pass service, where members pay a subscription fee to access a catalogue of games from the cloud - either by downloading or by streaming.
The deal with Activision also means Microsoft will own its studio solely purposed for mobile games, with hopes of expanding on the successes of titles such as Candy Crush.
The takeover marks a huge shift for the games industry. It further cements Microsoft as a video game giant, which could catapult it ahead of Nintendo to become the third-biggest player in the industry behind Sony, the owner of the PlayStation console, and market leader Tencent.
Sony strongly opposed this deal over concerns that big Activision titles like Call of Duty could become Xbox exclusives over time.
The PlayStation currently outsells Microsoft's Xbox but like all entertainment platforms, the key to success is access to the best content.
Sony is also not averse to buying up successful studios. But Activision Blizzard is in a league of its own, and Microsoft knows that.
'More choice'
Nicky Stewart, a consultant and former commercial director of cloud services provider UK Cloud, said the decision to approve the takeover was "great news for gamers".
"[It will lead to] more choice, more innovation, better value and improved gaming experiences and a healthy, competitive market.
"The CMA has forced Microsoft to make concessions in the UK that other regulators have not. This is good news for the UK's nascent gaming industry," said Ms Stewart, who is also a former head of ICT at the Cabinet Office government department.
Following eight years in development and much anticipation, another large studio called Bethesda, which is owned by Microsoft, launched its new game Starfield in 2023 - but only on Xbox and PC.
After the CMA rejected Microsoft's first attempt to acquire Activision, the two companies hit out at the watchdog, saying its initial decision had contradicted "the ambitions of the UK to become an attractive country to build technology businesses".
The CMA's Ms Cardell told the BBC: "We were clear that that deal couldn't go ahead, because it would have harmed competition, and that would have been bad for UK gamers.
"We stood our ground. We were prepared to defend that decision in court, but Microsoft came forward with a major concession."
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Interview with Li Wan (2010)
Li Wan is a well-known music critic. Born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province in 1966, he was admitted to the Department of Journalism at Fudan University in 1985. He is currently the editor-in-chief of "People Report" at the Changjiang Daily News Group. He has authored many music review collections.
Phoenix Entertainment: What are your expectations for Faye Wong’s comeback tour? Will you go see her concert?
Li Wan: I won't deliberately go. If it's convenient, I'd like to see it. Faye Wong’s concerts are, of course, first-rate. Compared to other concerts, I look forward to Faye Wong’s. It can convey something that is not found on records. What is Faye Wong like? I have a lot of assumptions about her and I want to verify whether these assumptions are true. In records, music videos, and concert videos everything is filtered and processed. A live concert is different. Although it can also be carefully produced, the singer is in front of you and you can feel subtle things.
I am curious about Faye Wong. She is worth studying. With other singers, I just listen to their songs and I am not very interested in who they are. Faye Wong is interesting to me. I am uncertain and unsure about her. She is abstract. She has charisma and I want to understand her.
Phoenix Entertainment: After not singing for many years, do you think Faye Wong can reproduce the spirit of the past?
Li Wan: I believe that she will be as good as before or even better. Judging from her performances of "Virtues of the Silent Orchid" and "Heart Sutra" in recent years, she has risen to a certain level. She deconstructed her [singing] skills and didn't use techniques as much.
Phoenix Entertainment: Why do you think it’s so difficult to get a ticket for this concert?
Li Wan: I don't know and I can't answer. I'm not a ticket seller, so I can't guess.
Phoenix Entertainment: Do you think her comeback is a pure musical act or is it a “cash grab”?
Li Wan: It should be called both but this question is a bit harsh. For a singer, singing is her method of earning a living, and it is her job to exchange concerts for payment. This is very normal. Because of her profession, it is a musical act. Because she can profit from it, it is a "cash grab". Because the market is willing to consume, no one forces you [to buy], so this is not stealing money, but making money.
Faye Wong is a person who loves music. She hasn't released an album or performed in a long time. I feel that this is a long-awaited musical event, both for her and for me. It is a serious way to feel the music. Just like when you read a good novel, you wouldn't think that the author is "robbing" your money when you read it.
Phoenix Entertainment: Why is Faye Wong so unique? What do you think made Faye Wong? The opportunities of the times or personal characteristics? How much did each account for?
Li Wan: Faye Wong is unique because her music was unique. She was fortunate to have gathered music elites from Beijing, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, demonstrating the highest artistic achievements of Chinese pop music at that time. If you analyze her as a person, then I think her uniqueness comes from her persistence and integration. She had the good fortune of living in the post-1960s era and it blossomed and bore fruit in the extraordinary era of the 1990s.
Each of us is a product of history and so is Faye Wong. In the process of making Faye Wong, if we look at the whole process (since 1969~), then the opportunity of the times accounts for 100% because personal characteristics are also a product of the times. If we only focus on the part of Faye Wong's arrival in Hong Kong and gradual development into a "Heavenly Queen", then in my view, the opportunities of the times and personal characteristics each account for 50%.
Faye Wong is very true to herself. She is persistent, confident, and liberal. At the same time, she has the qualities of collaboration and integration. As a result, she entered the music industry and formed a dialogue and interactive relationship with music. This further formed a relationship between herself and the entertainment industry, herself and the record company, and herself and the times. This formed the intriguing media manufactured public image of Faye Wong that we see in the mass media.
Phoenix Entertainment: Do you think Faye Wong is deified by the masses and media?
Li Wan: That's for certain. A characteristic of the mass media is "second-hand". Vague and made-up things on the basis of "second-hand" are falsely and infinitely magnified. "Second-hand" is characterized by indirectness, fragmentation, incomprehension, or one-sided understanding.
We do not have first-hand experience and the audience even less so. They don't even have a "face-to-face meeting" [with celebrities]. They relied entirely on wishful thinking to put together fragmented and distorted information to create the image of the idol in their mind.
Phoenix Entertainment: Have you been in contact with the real Faye Wong?
Li Wan: I have not been in contact with Faye Wong, but we are of the same generation. It can be said that our experiences were similar until we reached adulthood at the age of 18. It can even be said that there are many Faye Wongs in my life. The life of those Mao Zedong Thought in Literary and Art Propaganda Teams, school life in the 1970s and 1980s, and city life were the same for everyone. I can almost imagine her when she was a child, knowing the earliest influences in her growth process.
Phoenix Entertainment: Faye Wong has a lot of two-sided things, such as music. Although influenced by Europe and the United States, she is at the forefront of Chinese music. Although her music is called alternative, it has never really deviated from the mainstream. For example, Beijing and Hong Kong are almost completely different. These opposite cities have left a deep mark on her, such as her personality. Sometimes she feels arrogant and glamorous (to the media and the public), sometimes she feels very kind or even humorous (on Weibo). Her life seems to be unpredictable and mysterious. But in fact, she often goes shopping and plays mahjong. Which one do you think is the real Faye Wong? How do you see this “dual nature”? Is the gap between the two Faye Wongs due to over-analysis or misunderstandings by the media and the public?
Li Wan: Haha, the real Faye Wong is Faye Wong. All we know are just fragments of her revealed in public. I don't know the real Faye Wong, I'm also just guessing. But I don’t think there will be much difference between her and myself, my classmates, and my generation. She was a mainland woman who was born in the 1960s, grew up in the city, and later met many worlds. So her Weibo, her shopping, her mahjong, and her chamber pot dumping in Beijing alleys were all natural and completely expected. My classmates and friends are like this, and they even talk like her and make the same jokes as she does.
I guess the real Faye Wong has the following characteristics:
——She is very independent. She will not go against you, let alone fight with you. But she never gives up easily.
——She has a calm disposition. She stays on the sidelines and drifts away from the outside. In unfamiliar situations, she is reluctant to speak. She is indifferent to people and things, and seems not very engaged. Her inner psychology may be: if she doesn't understand, she never pretends to understand. If it has nothing to do with her, she never engages.
——She is reliable, trustworthy, and able to cooperate. Generally speaking, she is gentle and friendly.
——She is smart and sensitive, but these two traits are hidden deep within her. Her appearance is dull, or in other words, expressionless. Her heart is very deep. One thing will be put aside until it is transparent in her heart, so what she does will be simple, accurate, and straightforward. It seems cold and arrogant. However, her actions are basically correct and measured because she thinks about it carefully and it’s natural when she does it.
—— She is casual and not deliberate. Her opinions are simply her own and she sees nothing wrong with it, and she does not feel that it should be changed. She will not be polite just to please you.
——She is lukewarm on the outside. But in her heart, she is deeply attached to what she likes. This is manifested as a lasting spirit.
——Because of the above, she has a certain degree of self-containment, self-confidence, self-righteousness, and follows her own feelings and perceptions.
——She has a serious outlook on life. She does not treat life and art like a game. She can be serious, inquisitive, and likes to explore. The meaning and depth of the world is more attractive to her than the world of entertainment. But this seriousness is not so tense. It's okay to have fun and be playful.
——Her life has always been perplexing. Her values have been obscure for a long time. Lin Xi said that Faye Wong during the "Fuzao" era "did not know herself well and wanted to understand herself better." In fact, Faye Wong in the deepest place has always been like this. She grew up with confusion and has not resolved it thus far. But she has also reached a state of peace and tranquility.
Putting these characteristics into the Hong Kong entertainment and music industry has created this phenomenon.
Faye Wong's "dual nature", the two Faye Wongs, are illusions. What the entertainment industry wants to create is an illusion. This is what the media and the public do. No one has ever answered "Who is the real Faye Wong?". If you really want to ask, this question cannot be answered by the media.
In this regard, I think it is necessary to reflect on it. We must reflect on the mass media, reflect on the false nature of the mass media, reflect on the state of our modern life and its meaning. In judgments, true and false take precedence over others, no matter what kind of judgment it is. Our lives are fake, fake in many ways, and we live in this illusion willingly, unconsciously, and happily.
Faye Wong is not a product of "conscious planning".
Phoenix Entertainment: The word “Faye Wong” is already a brand and no matter if it’s record companies, performance companies, fans or the media, they all benefit from it. In addition to her personal talent, Faye Wong’s success is inseparable from the company’s successful marketing of her. How do you evaluate Faye Wong’s “unique marketing approach”?
Li Wan: Faye Wong's "unique marketing approach" is a special case. She is not manufactured according to industry standards. She felt out-of-place in that manufacturing process.
Phoenix Entertainment: Faye Wong finally returned to Beijing, both in music and life. Is it possible to say that no matter how far Faye Wong’s legend spread, her spirit will always belong to the city of Beijing?
Li Wan: Beijing is her hometown where there are a group of people she really feels comfortable with, people who she really knows and who really understand her. This is the result of a common life experience and living environment. There is no substitute. No matter how long she travels abroad, her core nature will not change much. This just shows that her roots are deep. Obviously, Beijing is also the hometown of Faye Wong's soul.
Phoenix Entertainment: From a musical perspective, since Faye Wong’s debut, what is her biggest contribution to pop music? After she quit, what did she leave for the entire music industry?
Li Wan: She refreshed the taste of Chinese pop music, introduced brand new vocal styles, and improved the music taste of the public. Together with her collaborators, Faye Wong nurtured and perfected a new era style. Since Faye Wong, there have been almost 10 years (1994-2003) in which the appearance of Chinese female pop songs has changed.
Faye Wong has left behind a number of classic albums, so it is impossible to pick out one in particular. It can be said that each one from this period is worthy.
Phoenix Entertainment: Behind Faye Wong’s “infinite nostalgia”, does it also reflect the regression of the music industry?
Li Wan: I don't know whether Faye Wong is "infinite nostalgia". But after Faye Wong, Chinese female pop songs have become light-weight and more superficial. The music only blindly entertains. Those female singers will almost always disappear.
It's not all about the regression of the music industry. It can only be said that the environment of the music industry has changed and this is the result of changes of the times.
Can Faye Wong still create classics? My answer is yes, but there will be no reaction. Faye Wong will no longer have any more classics that are a symbol of the times. In our age of great change, this window only occurs once. There is no second act.
Phoenix Entertainment: From a cultural perspective, what kind of symbol do you think Faye Wong represents among Chinese people across the Taiwan Strait?
Li Wan: Faye Wong is a kind of "idol of an era". They are symbols that go beyond the scope of music and have universal popular significance. This is the most unique space that she occupies.
For example, in American pop culture, the biggest "idol of an era" is Elvis; in China, the biggest "idol of an era" before Faye Wong was Teresa Teng.
As an "idol of an era", Faye Wong is one level below Elvis Presley and Teresa Teng.
1. She was the biggest pop star during this period (1994-2003). She brought together the great figures of an era in Chinese pop music, which together reflect the best achievements of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait at the turn of the century, including rock and electronic music. And in the form of pop music she has made the most widespread and powerful popularization to the public. This can only be achieved by "idol of an era". More original and serious music acts and creators may be more prominent in music, spirit, and art, but they cannot take on this role.
2. She was the biggest representative of China in the wave of music globalization at the end of the 20th century. With keen perception, she integrated the cutting-edge achievements of contemporary Western music into local creations, leading the trends and innovating fashion, without losing her individuality.
3. She was one of the most popular examples of the turbulent generation in China that changed dramatically in the second half of the 20th century. Her songs can be viewed as fashion items and can also be analyzed and experienced as a fruit of life. As Faye Wong's true personality continues to evolve, the connotations of these songs are still growing.
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I've been hearing a bit about this game during the latter part of 2022. I don't remember how exactly it got on my radar, but a friend did end up saying that it was free on mobile for Netflix users. It was also free on Xbox game pass! I tried it for a bit there and ended up buying it on Steam when I decided that the concept of a game pass wasn't for me.
Sam Barlow strikes me as a sort of game auteur. I played Her Story a couple years ago and enjoyed it very much. I haven't tried Telling Lies, but I skimmed the Steam reviews and it seemed like a flop. Immortality though seemed very promising. And I am glad to report that it is indeed a very good game! I've written this review to talk a bit about the game. Refer to the content warnings above, and if you are comfortable with them, let's get to reviewin'!
STYLE (Gameplay, Graphics, Music)
Immortality presents itself as a film restoration project wherein you have to restore three films. Starting out, you are given a short tutorial on how to navigate the software, after which you can start gathering clips. Your main objective is to answer the question: What happened to Marissa Marcel, actress of all three films?
You start out with one clip available to you, and you discover more by interacting with objects and people within the clip. To interact this way, you have to pause the video and get into symbol mode first. While in symbol mode, if you click on an actor's face, you will be brought to a different clip with the actor in it. If you click on, say, a chair, you will see another clip with a chair, though it may not necessarily be the same chair and may not necessarily even be in the same movie! With the tools you have, you then have to judge how to properly restore the film while finding out the core mystery of the game.
The gameplay for me is simple enough to understand, though the finer points of using Shift to rewind/fast forward footage in a slower manner was a bit lost on me. I think the game would have benefitted from a slightly better tutorial OR slightly better controls.
Despite the simplicity of it though I enjoyed it enough because it really worked with the game. If I wanted to know more important things I just click on important seeming objects like guns. If I wanted to know more about certain actors or even certain crew members I just click on their face. There's still room for you to feel like a detective while preserving the chief feeling of being someone who's restoring long lost footage!
The graphics of the game is, well, actual film! It's very cool because the films you see are three separate ones with their own aesthetics, and it shows! They all have different aspect ratios, different lighting, different fashion choices, and other stuff that set them apart from each other. And each have a solid story. The music is nice, but it’s just filler music you hear as you investigate. It changes though depending on what you view! Overall, I like the way this game presents itself. Sam Barlow’s games are FMV games, but this one is even bigger in scope now, which I respect.
SUBSTANCE (Story, Characters, Impact)
Immortality is a film restoration project. You are to restore three separate films: Ambrosio, a film that tackles religion and was shot in 1968, Minsky, a detective film shot in 1970, and Two of Everything, a film about pop stardom shot in 1999.
As you restore footage, you also discover more about the story of each film. And it's not just the story told within these films, but the road to making them. You'll see table readings, auditions, even scenes to test the chemistry between the main actor and main actress. It is very interesting for me to see the behind the scenes of movie making.
It discusses a lot of mature themes. The nature of art, the costs of making art, the unfairness of it at times, the unsavory parts... a lot is tackled that I enjoyed hearing about. This game is about film, about the process, about how disgusting the process is at times, but it also discusses the beauty of art itself.
There's a lot to discover in this game. I'm not going to talk about it much further beyond this, but the way the game reveals clips and information to you is at times very gripping.
I loved discovering the characters, their arcs, and what happened to them. I loved slowly unfurling the story. It felt like with more new clips I discover something more that at times redefines all that I’ve learned about the game up to that point. It’s marvelous writing! I think a potential problem lies in the in-built nature of the way we find more clips. Since the developers can’t really predict what objects the players will click, they will definitely find different clips and will have different experiences. This can be frustrating for some... for me though it was Okay. Overall, I was amazed by the story!
The way you interface with the film is easy enough, and the gameplay itself is very light. But the enjoyment I derived from playing this game was from getting all the pieces together and thinking about how each piece contributes to the overall picture. People will interpret this game in different ways, as is the nature with art, but the journey to arrive at that interpretation is something I very much enjoyed.
This game is a love-it-or-hate-it kind of game. It is nonstandard yet very bold. I love the uniqueness of it and how it asks the question of what a game actually is. Some won't consider this a game and think of it more as an interactive movie, but as a person who is very interested in the narrative potential of games, I appreciate the bold experimentation that this game pulls off. Sam Barlow has been doing this kind of game since Her Story (2015), and I feel like he has perfected the formula here, though I wonder how he will make another game like this.
If you have a Netflix subscription, it's free on iOS/Android! I very much recommend everyone to play it despite its experimental nature.
Door Rates Immortality: 5/5!
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A 25-year-old man with a criminal history was arrested and charged with a hate crime for allegedly firing BB pellets at a Jewish father and son outside a kosher Staten Island market over the weekend, police announced Tuesday.
Jason Kish was charged with assault as a hate crime, reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child over the Sunday attack that came amid a rash of Anti-Semitic hate crimes across the Big Apple.
Kish allegedly drove past the pair, who were wearing yamulkas and other traditional Jewish garbs, and fired shots from the driver’s side window, police said. The duo was returning a shopping cart in front of the Kosher Island market in Meiers Corners when they were attacked.
Surveillance video captured the moment the 7-year-old boy was clipped in the ear. He ducks, covers his head and looks at his father in confusion. His father, who was struck in the chest, lets go of the cart and tends to his son as the drive-by shooter speeds off. They were both treated for minor injuries.
Police began canvassing for Kish’s Mustang as soon as the crime was reported, Detective bureau chief Michael Baldassano said Tuesday. Kish was pulled over about an hour into the search, ID’d and released.
After reviewing the security footage of the shooting and comparing it to bodycam footage of Kish being pulled over, police realized both Mustangs had the same distinctive marking, Baldassano said.
Ring footage taken from a home a few blocks away from the kosher market also captured Kish allegedly holding a pellet gun out the window of his mustang.
“A father and son, simply going to the store to buy groceries for their families, like I did the day before in my neighborhood, were shot at by someone who was acting — we believe and we will allege in court — out of hatred,” Staten Island District Attorney Michael McMahon said at a press conference Tuesday.
“And while we thank God that no one was seriously injured, this violent incident underscores the alarming increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes that we see, and from its rhetoric, in our country, in our city, in our state.”
Anti-Semitic hate crimes jumped 125% in November compared to the same month last year, stats show.
There have been 278 reported anti-Semitic attacks this year, a 52.7% increase from the same period last year, NYPD data shows.
“You have to think about the impact of this,” Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday. “No severe injury, but emotionally the severity is real.”
“That young man may never walk that street again without thinking about that incident.”
Kish has had other run-ins with the law; he’s been previously charged with petty larceny and menacing.
Adams encouraged New Yorkers to not only report crimes and provide information to police, but to create posters to show that the city is against discrimination.
“We are not going to allow hate to run our city,” Adams said.
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Hakuoki Shinkai: Ginsei no Shou - Saito Chapter Four
Well, this is probably my 2nd favourite chapter from Ginsei no Shou... Final edits will be done later as always. Need to go over the punctuation and some of the sentences which were compounded in the translation I used so I also need to review that... though it’s probably going to take a while before i get to the subtitled video for this since my finals are literally next week, with the last one being on friday and im only about 3/5 done with the timing for the first chapter.
Chapter 4 occurs in Edo.
Hakuoki Shinkai: Ginsei no Shou - Saito Chapter Four
Translation by KumoriYami
Twelfth month, third year of Keiou.
The Shinsengumi was very busy following the aftermath of the Battle of Toba Fushimi and other political affairs, and was very busy......
However, in comparison, the current political situation has undergone even greater changes. [check jp mtl. reword later].
The Edo Shogunate which had been provoked by Western vassals, had been unable to completely suppress them, finally accepted the Imperial Restoration Order [check jp mtl].
In name, the shogunate was abolished and a new government was established [reword later].
However, the Shogunate, which had held power for so long, naturally refused to give it up [check jp mtl].
At the end of the third year of Keiou, many soldiers had been stationed in Kyoto and Osaka in order to prevent the Sat-cho's forces/armies/troops from entering the capital.
The Shinsengumi which had been stationed at Toba-Fushimi, also confronted the Sat-cho's forces.
Then, on the third day of the first month, before the atmosphere of the New Year had yet to dissipate——
A single gunshot started the Battle of Toba-Fushimi.
Until now, the Shinsengumi which wielded blades, could have been regarded as invincible.
However against the Sat-cho which with the latest weapons and equipment, they had been unable to make up the gap in performance granted by guns [reword later.].
The warriors fell down one after another before they even stepped into the attack range of a sword, and their dead bodies piled up like a mountain.
Watching how he was no longer able to rely on his battle-honed swordsmanship, could only watch as Kyoto, which he had guarding with all his heart, turned into a sea of flames, I had no idea about what Saito-san had been thinking [reword later].
I had always viewed the Shinsengumi as samurai, and so, their defeat felt like it signified the end to the age of samurai......
I wasn’t able to put this into words, and was only able to watch in silence.
After, in order to avoid pursuers, we decided to retreat to Osaka Castle.
In addition to Amagiri-san, who had been repeatedly fought against.
because I was the target of that male oni——Kazama-san, we ended up being obstructed once again.
The fighting with the Sat-cho forces had ended up [with them] being completely suppressed by the latest firearms [check jp mtl].
Yet even the katana that he had always believed in was unable to resist the strength Kazama-san wielded as an oni......
Even so, Saito-san was like a well-tempered steel blade, completely unyielding——
In order to fulfill his orders to protect me, he drank the Ochimizu, became a rasetsu, and was finally able to drive back Kazama-san.
We arrived at Osaka Castle, and met up with the rest of the Shinsengumi.
We followed Yoshinobu who retreated to Edo [check jp. pretty sure this is Yoshinobu being mentioned here], and vowed to make a comeback from Edo.
The reason why I was living with the Shinsengumi was originally to find my missing father.
Now, since there wasn't much meaning in doing so, I didn't seem to have a reason to follow them anymore......
After pulling myself together, I took [my] sword [check jp for kodachi] from Saito-san, and decided to follow the Shinsengumi.
This must have been because of being in contact with them all the time , the Shinsengumi had become my home.
First month and a half, Fourth year of Keiou [uh... reword later.].
We finally returned to Edo, and borrowed a hanamoto's residence/mansion [check game for the term they use] to use as our headquarters to regain our strength.
But, it wasn't easy to restructure/reorganize a severely damaged organization.
Kondou-san and Hijikata-san, in order to negotiate with the Shogunate, were attending meetings all day.
Inoue-san and Yamazaki-san had sacrificed their lives, and Okita-san was still recuperating......
The greatest burdens naturally fell onto Saito-san.
After turning into a rasetsu, he would feel unwell from simply being awake during the day, but he still never complained and devoted himself to working all day and night/tirelessly working.
Second month of the Fourth year of Keiou
One day during the second month of the Fourth year of Keiou, when I saw deeply distressed over how Saito-san was working and reluctant to even sleep, the following story occurred.
Second month of the Fourth Year of Keiou
During the first month of the year, the former/old shogunate army, which had been defeated at/in the/during the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, retreated to Edo, was waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback.
The Shinsengumi, who had also returned to Edo, first stayed at a hotel in Shinagawa, then borrowed a hanamoto's residence in Edo to use as their headquarters.
In order to revitalize/restructure the situation [reword later. think that reads oddly], every day was very busy.
About a month after returning to Edo......
Yukimura: Um, I remember that this box should have......
I was in the middle of hastily organizing all sorts of things that had been bought for the/at the new headquarters/I was at the new headquarters and arranging all sorts of things that had been purchased [check jp mtl].
However, I couldn't waste too much time on this.
Because I still had to go shopping, and there were many other things that had to be done——
Yukimura: Ah……!
Because of how flustered I was, I accidently knocked down a pile of luggage.
Yukimura: Ah……
Those things need to be put back/returned to their original positions as soon as possible.
Thinking this, I quickly/hurriedly picked up the luggage. Just then/At this moment, someone opened the door, and a cool/clear/cool and clear [check jp mtl] voice came [echoed].
Yukimura: Ah, Saito-san. I thought you went out, but it turns out you were here [reword later].
Saito: I just returned....... putting that aside, I heard a loud noise just now.
Yukimura: Ah...... I'm sorry, I wasn't careful and knocked some of the luggage down [reword later?]. I'll clean it up right away, so don't worry about it.
Saito: It'll be difficult for you to do this by yourself, so I'll help you.
Shortly after he spoke, he picked up the luggage and returned it to their original positions [reword later].
Yukimura: But, Saito-san, shouldn't you be very busy……?
Saito: I'm not so busy to the point that I don't have time to put these back.
Yukimura:……Thank you, Saito-san.
Shortly after, we finished packing the luggage [thesaurus later].
Saito: Anyway, Yukimura.
Yukimura: Nn, what's wrong/what is it?
Saito: Are you the only one sorting out the luggage here?
Yukimura: Yes. It's because the other warriors have their own work to do. In the past, Inoue-san would help me clean up, but——
After saying that, I quickly stopped myself.
Yukimura:…………I'm sorry.
Saito: No, you don't need to apologise.
Inoue-san and Yamazaki-san, they died during the Battle of Toba Fushimi.
During such normal daily circumstances, to suddenly think of……
It was depressing/I couldn't help but feel depressed [check video].
However Saito-san and the other warriors would never publicly express their grief.
That's why...... I try to not to mention Inoue-san to them as much as possible.
Saito: Anyway, Yukimura. I would like to take you somewhere later....... Do you have anything you need to do?
Yukimura: I was planning to go buy food for dinner after....... I was just thinking about which of the warriors I could go with.
Saito: In that case, I'll go with you. Afterwards, I hope that you can accompany me.
Yukimura: Alright, that's fine, but where are we going?
Saito: Matsumoto-sensei. So I can see the circumstances of the wounded.
Yukimura: Ah, so it was like that....... But, is that okay for you? It's still early.
Having become a rasetsu, Saito-san would feel unwell in the sunlight [check jp mtl 'during the day'?]
But, he still......
Saito: That doesn't matter. Please get ready as soon as possible.
Although I was very worried about him, but...... [check game]
Yukimura:.......I know.
I'm afraid that telling him to rest now, would instead be more painful.
I silently convinced myself, and decided to go with him.
Afterwards, we visited Matsumoto-sensei, confirming the/Matsumoto-sensei to confirm the circumstances of the wounded......
Yukimura: The majority of people seem to have recovered from their injuries, which is good [check jp mtl].
Saito:......Yes, it can be said that this is good luck/blessing despite misfortune. In order to prepare for the next battle with the Sat-cho, it is necessary for as many soldiers to recover from their injuries as soon to regain [their?] combat effectiveness.
Saito: Unfortunately, Souji......
Hearing Okita-san’s name, I froze.
Just now, according to Matsumoto-sensei, Okita-san's seems to have seriously/significantly deteriorated——
In the future/From now on, I'm afraid that/perhaps he will never be able to hold a sword [ever] again.
Saito: The Chief and Vice-Commander hope that they will be able to fight against the Sat-cho again soon, but I do not know if they will be able to fight alongside Souji the day that hope becomes a reality...... [check jp mtl. difficulty with translating]
Even Saito-san, who rarely expresses himself, couldn't help but feel extremely regretful when he thought of never being able to fight alongside Okita-san again.
Shortly after, he shook his head.
Saito:......Sorry, I’ve upset you by saying that. [check jp mtl. Tl is more literally: Sorry, for saying that, hearing that upset you]
Yukimura: No, how could that be…...
Saito: [We’re going] back to headquarters [check jp mtl], there is still work that needs to be done.
Just as Saito-san finished speaking, and was about to move [tl is “to take a step”. Check jp mtl].
Saito: Guh……!
Suddenly, he winced and groaned in pain.
Yukimura: Saito-san!?
I rushed forward to support him.
Saito:......No, you don’t need to worry, I was just feeling dizzy [check game for punctuation].
Yukimura: But......!
After Saito-san turned into a rasetsu, even/just walking in the sunlight would cause pain beyond imagination/would be accompanied by unimaginable pain.
Yukimura: After we return to headquarters, why don't you go rest for a bit? You've recently been busy with work, and don't seem to have enough rest [reword later.].
Saito: There is no time to rest now.
Yukimura: But, if you continue like this……!
Saito: I said that you don’t need to worry. Now, we’re going back to headquarters.
From the bottom of my heart, I could not accept Saito-san's words.
But, I also knew that the work he was doing, was something only he could do.
For that reason, I didn't say anything, and returned with him to headquarters.
Following that, it seems that Saito-san seemed to be reluctant to spend any of his time on sleeping/reluctant to even sleep, and buried himself in his work.
It wasn't like visiting the injured soldiers yesterday, or dealing with various trivial matters, such as allocating the necessary supplies for headquarters, would do anything to raise the funds that were needed to pay for the expenses during this period of time, or anything/and so on [check jp mtl. had difficulties with this sentence]..
Additionally, preparing money/funds for new clothes and bedding, the purchase of weapons, preparing medicine, arranging for food ingredients [reword later. check jp mtl. "money for clothes." word i have can be translated to a money-related word or "change" as in 'change of clothes']...... There were a lot of things that needed to be dealt with.
Of course, I also wanted to help as much as possible.
Despite that though, I am unable to completely do everything.
If only he would take a day off for his health......
At this moment, I heard some noise from in front of the entrance.
Those voices, it couldn't be......
I hastily ran over to the entrance.
Opening the doors, standing in front of me were——
Yukimura: Nagakura-san, Harada-san, are you heading out?
Shinpachi:: Nn? Ah, yeah. I was planning on asking/inviting some of the soldiers to something good to eat/to eat something nice, to(/and) cheer them up [reword later].
Yukimura: That's it/That's......
If only doing something like that could encourage/cheer Saito-san up. [check jp mtl. Don’t think “cheer” is appropriate for Saito though that’s an accurate translation. thesaurus later?] .
Seeing how I was unusually lowering my head, Harada-san looked at my face.
Harada: What’s wrong? Did something happen?
Yukimura: Actually......
I told them about what I thought when I went out with Saito-san yesterday. [reword later?]
Harada: A way to cheer up Saito…...
Shinpachi: What can we do about that [though?]? Even if you told him to rest, there's no way he would just obediently do that.
Harada: Yeah. There'd be no choice but to use force to get him to sleep, right? [check jp mtl]
Yukimura: Fo-Force/By, by force?
Shinpachi: Hey hey, you're talking nonsense, Sano. How can a girl compel Saito with brute force? [check jp mtl]
Harada: We also should be helping [check jp mtl], but, it's not good to leave the other warriors to themselves......
Yukimura: The other warriors, are they too busy that they don't have time to rest......?
Shinpachi: Well...... we were ultimately defeated in battle. There are a lot of guys who are constantly accumulating resentment [reword later].
Harada: After all, they're all vigorous youngsters/young people, if they aren't allowed to drink and vent their frustrations, I really don't know what they might do.
Yukimura: That’s…...
Harada: Once we come back, we'll take on/share a portion of Saito-san's work. We can't always leave the entire burden on him/all the responsibilities to him...... right?
Yukimura:......Nn, both of you, thank you.
The two men walked shoulder to shoulder.
Watching their backs, I suddenly got an idea.
Yukimura: Letting them drink sake to vent/express their frustrations......
I didn't know if such a thing would work with /if such a method would be effective for Saito-san.
However, compared to doing nothing....... perhaps it was worth trying.
Thus, later that night.
Yukimura: Saito-san, are you/did you fall asleep?
I asked the question from behind the sliding door. [reword later?]
Saito: Come in, Yukimura.
Yukimura: Yes, excuse/pardon me.
Saito-san still looked too busy to pay attention to me/still looked too busy to me...... [check jp mtl]
Without looking away from the/his desk, he remained focused on writing a letter.
Saito: It's very late, is something wrong? [reword later]
Yukimura: Saito-san, are you busy right now?
Saito: There are still matters that must be completed [reword later]. Western-style training and weapons must be arranged for as quickly as possible.
Yukimura: Then when that is finished, will your work for today be done?
Saito: No, after that's done, even though that is finished, there's still work that needs to be done and it is best to start sooner——
Turning his head, when he saw me, his expression instantly hardened/froze.
Saito: Yukimura, what is that?
Seeing how speechless he looked, I replied with a smile.
Yukimura: It's sake——I'll wait for you to finish that letter, there will be drinks tonight [check jp mtl. had difficulties with this sentence]! I'll be accompanying you too!
When Saito-san's work finally came to an end......
I hurriedly explained my intentions, and poured the sake into a cup.
Saito:.......What is this/this for. What on earth are you thinking?
Yukimura: The letter's done. You can finish the rest of your work tomorrow.......
Saito: Even if it's not urgent/an emergency, it's better to finish this early.
Yukimura: But, can't you have a drink? It's important to rest properly.
I pushed the cup of sake in towards him/in front/before him.
He hesitated doubtfully for a moment, [but?] he still took the cup.
But he still didn't drink.
It was difficult for someone to drink by themself, I thought, so I poured myself a cup, and drank it without the slightest hesitation.
Yukimura: Ah...... It's, it's good sake! Saito-san, please [check jp mtl. word i have is "please" but it can also mean 'to ask/invite' or 'request'. maybe change to 'please have some'?]!
Saito-san’s brows furrowed tightly, as if he was thinking for a moment......
Saito:......In the end, what is your purpose? [reword later? i don't like how that reads]
Yukimura: Actually, I——
How should I answer that?
[It's to get you drunk] <-
[I just wanted to drink with you]
Yukimura: Because…… it’s to get you drunk.
Presumably it was because my answer was too startling, that Saito-san fell silent/was speechless [probably change to the latter].
Saito: To get me…… drunk? Are you able to drink a lot [tl is more “hold your liquor/have good capacity for drinking. reword later]?
Yukimura: Th-That's......
How was I supposed to say that I almost never drank, but was I being too bold to try and get Saito-san to be drunk? [reword later]
Yukimura: If I don’t do this/If this isn’t done, you’re never going to rest. If you continue like this, you’ll definitely collapse one day. Please, just for tonight, please listen to my request and drink this sake/drink this [check game]!
Saito: Wa-Wait. You're not making any sense. Considering that....... you're not actually drunk, are you?
Yukimura: I'm not drunk! I only had one cup. Rather than me, you should be drinking this, Saito-san! This sake was specially prepared for you!
Saito:......Apparently, you won't let me go if I don't drink [reword later?].
He finally raised the cup of sake to his mouth.
Yukimura: Saito-san, did you drink it......?
Tonight's goal was to get him to rest properly.
If I was the only one that got drunk, then it was meaningless.
While I only had one drink, I wasn't sure if he actually drank anything......
Yukimura: Saito-san...... what do you think of this? [how is it]
Saito: Ah, aah......
Although I felt dizzy, I felt comfortable, like I was soaking in a warm bath.
Yukimura:.......By the way, Saito-san, you always, always...... act recklessly. Do you know how upset I get watching you...... No, you don't know.......
Saito: Even if you say that you are suffering/upset, as a member of the Shinsengumi, I must follow the Vice-Commander's orders.......
Yukimura: Then, when you were fighting against Kazama [check for -san], your entire body was covered in blood...... At that time, I really thought that you were going to die.......
Saito: I, I see....... Sorry.
Yukimura: Since coming to Edo, you've obviously been unwell, but you've been working so hard...... That's why I hoped you would be able to rest, and at least have a drink.
Saito: I understand.
Yukimura:....... Re-Really?
Saito:......Yes, I ended up drinking. But, you drinking in order to get me to drink feels odd....... For forcing yourself to drink to get me to drink, I apologize. [check game]
Yukimura: No......! I don't need you to apologize to me....... I just....... wish that you would cherish your body a bit more......
After that, Saito-san began drinking, and while I didn't know how much time passed......
I was hit by an intense feeling of drowsiness, and I couldn't even sit properly——
I fell onto the tatami like that.
I felt so weak and couldn't get up. [reword later]
If I relax a bit more, I'll probably fall asleep like this.
It was only out of a sense of duty that I wanted Saito-san to rest, and I then opened my mouth to ask a question.
Yukimura: Saito-san...... how are you......? Are you asleep......?
I heard quiet breathing from the person sleeping beside me.
Yukimura:......That's great......
Although this method was a bit rough [thesaurus?], Saito-san finally slept.
I felt relieved from accomplishing this and I couldn't help but say what was on my mind. [check game]
Yukimura: I.......
Yukiura: I've always been worried about you....... You drank the Ochimizu, and now have a body that loathes the sunlight, and it's my fault...... that you've become a rasetsu.
Yukimura: But....... if you didn't drink the Ochimizu and become a rasetsu then....... I would no longer be here...... and I would never see you again.......
Yukimura: So even though it's painful...... even though I feel sorry...... and even though I feel sad...... I still want..... to thank you....... for protecting....... me.
Saito:……………………Are you asleep, Yukimura?
Saito:……Really……to think that you'd talk to yourself if the other person was asleep....... I don't regret drinking the Ochimizu in the slightest. I only made the right choice for my own honour, and to protect you.
Saito:.......But you're worried about this and my body. However when I think about the Shinsengumi's situation, I cannot rest...... Nevertheless/Even so....... I'm very happy for you to have broken into my heart like this. Thank you, Yukimura.
……That night, I dreamt that Saito-san was saying something into my ear [reword later].
His voice, which sounded more gentle than usual, seemed to whisper [reword later].
It sounded so comfortable, so full of affection/care......
I slept like this until the next morning [reword later].
- The End -
*happy sigh*
Well, in kyoka-roku, during one of saito’s char perspectives, he does say that he might have been attracted to Chizuru since they talked in that alley…
#hakuoki#hakuouki#hakuoki game translation#Saito Hajime#Yukimura Chizuru#hakuoki shinkai#Hakuoki Ginsei no Shou#Hakuoki Ginsei no Shou Translation#harada sanosuke#nagakura shinpachi
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January 10, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Unbelievably, it was only a week ago—last Sunday—that we learned Trump had called Georgia’s Secretary of State and pressured him to change the results of the 2020 election. Trump demanded that Brad Raffensperger “find” the 11,780 votes Trump needed to win Georgia. The news of the attempt to get an election official to overrule the will of the people was astonishing: at the time, it was the worst domestic attack on our democracy ever, coming, as it did, from a sitting president.
At the time.
Over the past several days, the picture of what happened on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, has become clearer, and it’s bad. While Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser gave a press conference Wednesday night, there has been not a single official briefing from the White House, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, or Capitol Police.
The federal government has gone dark.
What we do know is that on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, egged on by Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, Alabama Representative Mo Brooks, Don Jr., and especially Trump himself, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol just as Congress was meeting in joint session to confirm Democrat Joe Biden as our new president. They overpowered the Capitol Police—perhaps with the help of some of the officers—breached the doors, and smashed their way through the historic building, shouting for Vice President Mike Pence—whom Trump insisted was at fault for not overturning the count-- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and “traitors” who were counting the electoral votes for Biden. While many of the early pictures from inside the Capitol showed rioters gawking like tourists, ones released this weekend showed violent thugs, carrying plastic handcuffs and seeming to have information about where to find specific members of Congress. They breached the Senate chamber at 2:16, just a minute after the senators made it out.
The Capitol Police got the lawmakers to safety, but were not in control of the building. Lawmakers huddled quietly behind barricaded doors waiting for police that took hours to come. When they did arrive, they cleared the area and regained control of the Capitol. After janitors had cleaned the building, lawmakers counted the electoral votes that established Democrats Biden and Kamala Harris as the next president and vice president of the USA.
As videos have emerged and timelines been established, it has become apparent we came perilously close to seeing our elected representatives taken hostage or even executed on the makeshift gallows the rioters set up outside the building.
But here’s the thing: these were not outside insurgents; they were supporters of the Republican president. Trump enflamed the insurgents but he did not create them: years of demonizing Democrats and suggesting they must not be allowed to govern did that. As NPR reporter Kirk Siegler noted, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, infamous for years of standoffs with the federal government, wrote on Facebook that Trump “pointed towards Congress and nodded his head… [and said] go get the job done.” Republicans are now caught in a vise of their own making. They have to stand either with their own voters or with democracy.
The night of the attack, more than 100 Republican members of the House of Representatives and several senators, led by Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Ted Cruz (R-TX), continued to endorse Trump’s lies by voting to reject the electoral votes for Biden in key states. The next day, Trump’s supporters tried to argue that the rioters were “Antifa,” despite their Trump garb and the fact Trump invited them, incited them, urged them to go to the Capitol, and after the riot told them he loved them. (An AP investigation establishes that they were right-wing agitators.) When that didn’t take, supporters tried “whataboutism,” comparing the Black Lives Matter protests of this summer to the storming of the Capitol.
They are trying to rewrite the history of this week to downplay that we have suffered an attempted coup that killed at least five people, and that the people behind it are still in the highest levels of our government.
The realization that we are in the midst of a coup, abetted by Trump’s use of social media, prompted Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to ban Trump permanently, and to take down QAnon accounts. That, not the Capitol attack and the murder of a police officer, has created outrage among Trump, who is allegedly “ballistic,” and Trump supporters. Republican lawmakers spent the weekend noting how many followers they were losing as Twitter took down QAnon, Nazi, and fake accounts. (Trump opponents noted that this was not actually a good thing to call attention to.) Parler has lost almost all of its supporting businesses and might go out of business itself.
Democrats are appalled by what Trump has wrought, and they are joined by plenty of Republicans. In the National Review, for example, Ed Whelan called the Capitol attack “an outrage that ought to have every genuinely patriotic American seething with anger.” He blamed Trump for inciting the attack, and said that “impeachment and conviction of Trump is an appropriate, and probably a necessary, response.”
In a powerful video, former Republican Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger called the Capitol attack the American equivalent to Kristallnacht, which marked the beginning of German Nazis’ systemic destruction of the Jews. To puncture the idea that the sort of behavior on display on Wednesday was manly, Schwarzenegger told the private story of his abuse at the hands of his father, who had been swept up in the Nazi movement in Austria, and celebrated the sword from his starring role in the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian as a symbol not of toxic masculinity but of democracy, tempered by adversity. He called on all Americans to rally around Biden and to work to make his administration a success.
White House appointees’ resignations show which way the wind is blowing. Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney took to Fox News Sunday to say he had no idea that people might actually do something like attack the Capitol. “People took him literally,” Mulvaney told MSNBC. “I never thought I’d see that.”
Similarly, the rioters themselves, once found and arrested, are either apologizing and saying they were swept up in the moment, or denying they were part of the mob. One man apologized for his “indiscretion.”
Both Marriott, the world’s largest hotel chain, and health insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield have suspended their donations to lawmakers who voted against the counting of Biden’s electoral votes late Wednesday or early Thursday morning. The anti-Trump Lincoln Project has promised to target companies that donate to any lawmakers who voted against the counting of the electoral votes. Hitting closer to Trump, Stripe, the vendor that handles online credit card payments for Trump’s campaign, has announced it will no longer handle his account. And tonight, the Professional Golfers Association of America Board of Directors took the 2022 PGA Championship away from Trump Bedminster, his New Jersey club.
At the end of last week, Democratic leaders set out a three-part plan to punish the president for inciting an insurrection. They gave Pence an option to begin the process of invoking the 25th Amendment, which, considering the president had tried to get him killed, was not necessarily a long shot. Pence refused. They gave McConnell the weekend to convince Trump to resign. Trump refused. They announced that, if both of those things failed, they would begin impeachment proceedings on Monday.
McConnell promptly noted that the Senate could not take up such a proceeding until the day before Biden’s inauguration at the earliest. He is bargaining. It is possible to hold an impeachment trial even after a president is out of office, but he knows that Biden does not want the beginning of his term crowded with more Trump business, especially as coronavirus is raging and Biden wants to get it under control. McConnell doesn’t want Republicans to have to vote either for or against the president because such a vote will slice the Republicans in two and make it clear that some of them stand for insurrection. In the Senate, only Republicans Mitt Romney (R-UT), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Pat Toomey (R-PA) have endorsed impeachment.
McConnell is hoping Pelosi will blink and the moment will pass.
She will not, and it will not. She notes, correctly, that the president is “an imminent threat” to “our Constitution and our Democracy,” and she is trying to give the Republicans cover to do the right thing. Tonight, she announced that the House tomorrow will begin proceedings on a resolution by Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) calling on Pence to mobilize the Cabinet to activate the 25th Amendment within 24 hours. If he declines, the House will turn to impeachment. She has asked for unanimous consent for the resolution to enable the Republicans to avoid a vote. If they refuse, the measure will go forward the next day anyway.
She also fired a shot across the bow of Republican lawmakers by asking her colleagues for their views on the third section of the 14th Amendment, the one that prohibits anyone who “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States, “or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof,” from serving in Congress.
As I watch Republican lawmakers try to slip away from the crisis they have made, I think of Black Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman, armed only with a nightstick, luring the insurgents in the wrong direction to buy the time Senators needed to escape with their lives.
#sedition#national emergency#Letters From An American#Heather Cox Richardson#insurrection#political#election 2020#corrupt GOP#criminal GOP
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I didn’t want to reblog another long post, so I’ll just say my own thing here.
Gatekeeping fandom is good, ackshully.
Especially since we have a certain pattern of person, call them, “SJWs” if you want, that deliberately creep into a fandom with their values and shamelessly, deliberately, use it as a platform. They CONSCIOUSLY do this. They DELIBERATELY do this.
And then they have the audacity to see false positives and imagine dog whistles everywhere of things outside THEIR orthodoxy in the fandom being -isms, or -gnies. Accusing the people already there of being “out of date” and “toxic”, when it’s neither toxic nor uninclusive- it just isn’t rearranging itself to accommodate Intersectional Feminism or giving Intersectional Feminists voluntary control over everything from how something works to how it’s defined.
That to them is tantamount to being Nazis. And that’s kind of how you can tell they’re the same sort of daft, disingenuous fucks that wrap up socialist or ancom shit in supposed social progress. And if they could they’re reshape EVERYTHING to match their sensibilities, because their sensibilities are, “our way or you die.”
If you spend enough time peeking through academic papers and colleges you even learn there’s a thing many of them do. Which is, “Queering,” characters on purpose, to make them unpalatable or untouchable to cis/het people. That’s culturally like raising a flag on something to annex it and landgrab it.
And if you say, “hands off, this character isn’t gay?” They pivot and declare you’re just a homophobe whom is afraid of change, tell other people that and then talk in the broad bruckstroke about, “society is really so homophobic/afraid of new ideas. :c”
These people don’t even want to be part of that fandom for the sake of being in the fandom. They just want it because they want the fandom to perpetuate their values and parrot their beliefs and spread it to everybody else that wants to participate in that fandom. Do you like this popular thing? Okay, you can have popular thing, but only if you hug this Courtney Love doll and buy it and pet it and love it as part of the package deal!
And as part and parcel of the demanding to not just define the fundamentals and parameters of a fandom, they also demand to reinterpret the history of said fandom based on how out of orthodoxy to their values they find it to their own beliefs. So, was the hobby primarily done by white men in the past? Then naturally they’ll automatically paint it with a broad brush and say, “this hobby was very unwelcoming to non-whites and women in the past because of icky homophobic and misogynistic men!” Regardless of how many authors were beloved by the fandom that were female, regardless of how many women were equal fandom members before- they weren’t the Intersectional Feminist types of fans, so clearly they were “closer to the Daughters of the Confederacy than real people,” right? That’s how that works, apparently.
So yes. We had a taste of this in the 90s, but the feminists/radfems at the time weren’t trying to infiltrate the fandom and take it over to be about feminism. They were shaming boys and other girls for liking the big booby comic book girls as sexist and objectification and trying to get comic fans to abandon comics in order to pressure the companies economically into changing.
“These comics are written and drawn by MEN! MAAAAALE GAAAAAAAAAZE!!! Sexualized girls are only okay when WOMEN are drawing them and writing them for the authenticity!” And there were not many women that either liked comic books or wanted to BE in them, so they’d maintain that impossible standard to try and coerce the boys to FIND women for the sake of having a woman on staff, just to assauge their, “icky boys aren’t allowed to do this without me declaring it wrong” qualm.
And true to form for Progressives, give an inch and within a short period of time they just want more, and declare what was offered before was just to mollify or patronize them. “Oh so women can tidy up and do the low work. Why no female CEOs in the company yet? Why not Editor in Chief?”
But the way the Intersectionals do it is new. Rather than just stay outside the fandom because “yuck it offends my sensibilities, it shouldn’t exist,” they try and appropriate the fandom and then contribute rules and policies for it.
We saw this in the years leading up to Gamergate. The Subverters infiltrated video game journos, got incestuous and buddy-buddy with both Triple A industry people and independent game creators and traded favors, financial, sexual and other, for good reviews. Folks like Anita Sarkesian trying to make a name for themselves by already being insiders and getting plugged by the conspirators to LOOK like she was anything more than a plant for that cause, using other peoples video game playing footage in her critique videos, styling herself a holistic “girl gamer” and waxing poetic about “those awful neckbearded dudebros questioning my gamer cred! Tch!”
And so that romantic boogyman became a thing that they perpetuated. “The gatekeeping, woman hating, manbaby Gamer.” Where they then added in racism and male chauvinism and traditionalism and transphobia because you know you can’t just leave it at “misogynist.” Not, “in this society.”
Gamers protesting and demanding that game journalist magazines state their relationships to the creators for full disclosure got them retaliating asymmetrically, though. The FBI investigated all those, “threatening and trolling social media messages” that supposedly got Zoe Quinn and Sarkesian to leave their houses, “for fear of an attack,” and they got nothing. A few of them were caught doxxing themselves on purpose on 4chan. Quinn herself being part of the SomethingAwful’s Crash Override forums, where they’d do shit like this to troll and harass people for fun. They KNOW how to false flag and make it look like a bunch of angry dudebros did it.
Statistically the number of harassing egg names was far lower than the messages either girl received that was NOT harassment or threats, merely replies they didn’t agree with or didn’t appreciate. And yet they still ran around screaming about “all those misogynistic dudebro gamers” that were “harassing and doxing them.” And that boogyman became the party line. That Gaming and Gamers were full of toxic, misogynistic, racist manbabies SOooOoOooOO intimidated by, “women finally in what they feel are THEIR spaces,” that they’d try to run them out.
That’s how they interpreted it and that’s how the history books they write will repeat it.
They try and make a great big public show about “entering this toxic space” to flip it and civilize it, but what they’re really trying to do is officially own it. As a fandom, as a space and as a culture. And that entails being able to say what goes, what’s acceptable and what’s not, and set the tone and culture for that space. Meaning, to be able to gatekeep the product.
Rather than just decry the product, they decide they’re just going to mutate the product by slow assimilation, until the product doesn’t even resemble the original product anymore. They do this shit with comic books, videogames, and now they’re working on doing it to beloeved novels and their fandoms. It’s like forcibly marrying them to terrible people, so you can never have a fandom WITHOUT those people in your space trying to insist their interpretations of things are original canon, ever again.
And the sickest part is, these people DO NOT stop at fiction. That’s why this shit is called Cultural Marxism. Because it’s not much different from the way communists and socialist guerillas act and operate when it comes to land, resources and industry. They take over public spaces and forums and use a combination of instittional corruption, terrorism and violence and vandalism in order to destroy or silence competition.
They’ve even infiltrated the Linux community and taken over most of that, via Linus Torvalds’ daughter. You can’t have ANYTHING around these people, because they just sit and wait and conspire to come in and make even a simple community mural to revolve around whatever social issue and specifically their philosophy’s take on it being THE only valid take on it that everybody else must now interact with, good or bad, but they can’t ignore it anymore.
This is, also, partially why they hate it when fandoms are gatekept by singularly powerful individuals. Like say, authors of their own works. They don’t like singular owners of enterprise and property, because it prevents the mob from taking them and then dictating TO the creator, “this is the PEOPLES property now. WE decide, as the most powerful clique, what is true and real with it and what isn’t.”
Because like what happened with Frank Oz of Jim Henson Studios. An activist gay writer declared that Bert and Ernie’s relationship was “canon gay,” because he wrote them as canon gay lovers. There was a great big information cascade as all these affiliated journo companies published articles about how “happy they were to see Sesame Street and the Children’s Television Workshop as representing LGBT people in public!”
Frank Oz spoke up, set the record straight, “These characters were made by me and a friend and were meant to depict a platonic male-male relationship. They aren’t gay but I’m glad you could identify with them.”
That poor old man caught so much shit. They called him a homophobe, said he was, “stealing Bert and Ernie from them,” that he should just shut up and “let people have this.”
No. Fucking no. These people are fucking conspirators, believe wholly in dominating and taking shit over by moving their people into a thing until they have the warm bodies and the institutional authority to crowd out oppositional voices, then have the audacity to SCREEEAAAAAAM bloody murder about the dangers of anybody else organizing to contest them because, “The Nazis are gathering to attack us poor innocent minorities!!” Counting on the ignorance and unsuspecting nature of people to not know such a thing is fake or the totality of the situation.
That’s why they’ll keep this shit on the downlow and call anybody that accuses them of doing shit like this a liar or a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. Demanding evidence, in bad faith, knowing there’s little to no way to PROVE any of this UNTIL they’ve done it, and then declaring you to be invalid since you can’t prove the conspiracy.
Because if you can’t prove it with evidence, they’ll simply say you’re a Nazi trying to smear “good people.”
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