#Buy online Flower Wallpaper
reachdecor · 2 years
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miririririri · 2 years
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꧁𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬꧂
➜ 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝙸 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍
Genre: major fluffff
bang chan
• MAJOR simp
• he would be super nervous to ask you out at first
• but then once he asked he was over the moon you said yes
•buys small sweets and candies for you
• back hugs are a must
• love to cuddle 24/7
• if you were to ask for cuddles he would drop everything to be with you
• honestly this boy loves you more than anything and is glad he's yours
lee know
• very low key
• i feel like he would be normal to you in public or in front of the guys but when you're alone he is a baby
• he loves to do stuff for you, even if it's just handing you something
• LOVES to see you with his cats
• he seems like the person who would give small kisses here and there
• like sometimes he would give you one on your shoulder and the next on your nose etc.
• i feel like he would be big on starting prank wars between you guys
• overall man love you and loves your company
• bro loves to tease - even if it's something small
• if you're shorter than him he'll tease you
• if you're tall than him he'll tease you
• i feel he wouldn't be too big on pda but sometimes just loves it
• he likes to let the members know how beautiful his s/o is
• "they're sooooo pretty and i'm so glad they're all mine"
• loves to take you out on gym dates or just a stroll in the city
• bro's whipped for you
• he loves to teach you new things - nothing big, just small things you need help with or smtn
• i feel he would be really big on helping you with mental health
• just being really sweet and caring to you
• loves to watch you play with Kkami
• takes you out to get ice cream often
• takes a lot of pictures bc he loves to just go back and look at them
• uses a lot of humor and loves your smile
• honestly thinks you are the epitome of perfection
• this boy is a handful
• loves small kisses, a lot more and more often then lee know tho
• KING of pda
• i feel like he would be the guy to take you to a trampoline park or smtn like that for a date
• if something is wrong bro freaks out and calls chan
• " idkwhattodoshehasareallybadheadacheandisjustsittingonthecouchwithherphoneandcomplainingggg"
• takes you to the most outrageous places just because he thinks they are cool
• mans is gonna make sure you never fall out of love with him
• felix will always make time to be with you even its smtn small
• he will clear his calendar just to come over and watch a movie with you
• he gives the best hugs and pep talks
• every date he gets you a little plushie that you keep on your bed
• he jokes you're assembling and army with the plushies
• loves to play online games with you and loves when you get really into the game
• literally the most iconic couples tiktok's are made by you two
• loves to see what you are interested in and incorporates that into everyday life
• this boy loves to see you smile
• he once got a picture of you and made it his wallpaper just so he could see your smile everyday
• i feel like he would take a lot of pictures for social media or for you guys and then print them out
• loves to dance in the rain with you
- just with comfy clothes on, no music, just dancing in the rain
• small hugs here and there
• takes you to a local cafe and just listens to you talk about what ever is on your mind
• loves to give hugs at the most random times just because he wants to
• he loves to show that he loves you and loves when you love him back
• he is a child on the outside but a full blown gentleman on the inside
• literal epitome of "treat her right"
• takes you on park walks, loves going to dinner with you
• buys flowers for you whenever he notices the last bouquet is drooping
• does the grocery shopping but loves to go clothes shopping with you
• he would love to see you talk about something you are passionate about and then agree with you even if he didn't
• loves to cuddle (maybe more than chan [probs not])
• will love you until he can't
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fulcrum-writes · 8 months
-OC x OC
-Character x OC
-Character x self insert/reader insert
-Character x character
sfw: $7 for 900-1k, $15 for 2k (other word counts can be talked about)
nsfw: 10$ for 900-1k, 20$ for 2k (other word counts can be talked about)
A reference of my work under the cut:
The engine sputters as the pick-up truck strains against its old, rusted frame to make it up the gravel hill. It has long gotten used to the pavement and asphalt roads from the large city, where it lived out cold winters and sweltering summers in an underground parking lot. 
Optimus Primal glances over at his husband, watching as his jaw clenches in irritation at his truck. Optimus places his hand on Dinobot’s arm, a reminder for him to stop biting the inside of his mouth when he gets frustrated. They both know it’s on it’s last limbs, yet Dinobot refuses to get rid of it. So many memories have happened in this truck. Some of Dinobot’s, some of Optimus’. Too many for his husband to even consider getting rid of the battered blue truck. 
Dinobot’s wide shoulders fall as he takes a deep breath and Optimus removes his hand. He turns back to the open window, the heat from the humid July weather still filling the truck, just as it had the entire six hour drive to their new property. 
He can see the farm house from here. The roof sticks out from the long grass that covers the winding acres of land that he can’t believe is his.  There’s no music playing from the speakers. They had given up trying to fix the radio. All they can hear is gravel crunching against the tires and the chirp of birds and the soft hissing of the bugs hiding in the grass.    It’s not an awkward silence, it’s an exciting one. He is so excited for the things to come. He has a husband, as insane as that sounds to his brain. He has a husband that is completely his. 
 The truck finally pulls up the hill and into the driveway. It shakes as it breaks, slightly faulty and engine overworked.  He unbuckles his seat belt and waits until the doors unlock before getting out. The sun is against his skin, and he has to squint to see the fading red paint of the farmhouse. 
Dinobot comes from the driver seat of the car, two duffel bags on each shoulder. Optimus takes one out of his hands. He looks back at the farmhouse, smile on his lips. 
“Are you ready?” he asks Dinobot without turning to face him. The question is for himself as much as it is for his husband. 
“Yes,” Dinobot responds, and Optimus can tell from his tone that he doesn’t understand how big of a deal this is for him. He’s back where he should be. Dinobot thought of his family farm as a prison, Optimus thought of his own as what it’s supposed to feel like. Home. A family. Any word that applies to a feeling of comfort. 
 The two make their way into the house, floorboards creaking under their collective weight. The home smells like mothballs, the air is stuffy and not affected by the warm Canadian summer.
The walls have a light blue with darker blue swirls as it’s wallpaper, and Optimus is already making plans on how he would change it. Dinobot doesn’t seem to care, face emotionless. 
The stairs make more noise than the rest of the house, groaning loudly as he walks up it.
 The upstairs doesn’t look any better, with pink flower wallpaper and every door in the hallway shut tight. 
Optimus only saw a few photos online of the home, but it was the acres of land for such a cheap price that made him buy it. He gives Dinobot a glance. “Let’s find a bedroom. At least then we can put our bags down and see what our sleeping situation is like.” 
Dinobot grunts a response, and Optimus guesses he’s not in the mood for conversation. Optimus isn’t either, but he fears that he has been left with his own thoughts for too long and craves the comforts his husband brings.   They step into what is supposed to be the master bedroom. It’s big, oddly big. It has depressingly blue curtains covering a large window that overlooks the driveway and some of the tall grass. The bed post is void of a mattress, but the actual frame itself has pretty designs carved into it. Optimus doesn’t know what they’re supposed to be, they look like flowers more than anything else.  “We’ll have to sleep on the floor,” he points out, “unless we can find a couch or you want to sleep in the truck.” The delivery guys wouldn’t get there until at least the next day, and that was him optimistically reaching. He knew he could have—and should have—waited until the moving company arrived, but he needed to get out of the city. 
Dinobot scowls a little at the thought of having to sleep on the floor. Optimus reminds him that they slept on the floor for a month in their first apartment. 
“We’d get eaten alive by bugs if we stay in the truck,” Dinobot says. The window in that load of shit didn’t roll up all the way, making for annoying winters. 
“That’s true.” Optimus still wanted to see the rest of their little farmhouse. Now realizing that it seems bigger on the inside than the outside. 
Optimus sets down his bag next to the bed frame, and Dinobot hesitates for two or three seconds before setting it down beside his husband’s. 
 In the span of a few hours, they had throughly explored everything, including the barn and the suspicious looking shed at the far edge of the property. The basement door is locked, there is no attic despite the pointed roof being perfect attic shape, and there is a closet that Optimus feels needs a lock in the master bedroom.  The kitchen, bathroom, and guest bedroom are completely normal — or, as normal as a room could get in a house like this. He wonders if the laundry room is supposed to be in the basement. 
 Once it starts getting late, they head outside and sit on the porch. They eat sandwiches they had packed for the drive up and then stayed to bask in the sunlight until it set down below the tree line. 
They stay out until the crickets start chirping and the mosquitos come out. The sky darkens after a while, not dark enough for the stars to peak out from the folds of the scattered clouds. 
Optimus rests his head against Dinobot’s chest, sharing his heat with his husband. His back is against the wood of the farmhouse, and he can see the forest through the gaps in the railway. 
He yawns, eyes shutting for a moment. When he opens them, there is two white dots staring at him from the darkness of the forest. He blinks. It’s still there. What is that? There is barely any light for an animals eyes to reflect off of.
An uncomfortable feeling rests in his gut. He stands up, and Dinobot sighs dramatically at the loss of warmth Optimus brung.
“Let’s go in, yeah?” Optimus suggests, because he doesn’t want to admit that two dots of white light out in the distance scares him enough to want to go inside. 
Dinobot gives him an odd look, opening his mouth to speak. He shivers before he can say anything and seemingly decides that being slightly chilly isn’t worth it. 
As soon as Dinobot shuts the door, the feeling stops. He is not being watched anymore. Although, thinking that he’s being watched is illogical. He is overreacting.  Optimus’ husband rubs his shoulder, then starts walking upstairs. 
“Will you join me on the floor, Optimus?” Dinobot inquires, a small smile on his lips, hand outstretched as if he is a prince asking his lover to a dance. 
Optimus smiles. “Of course.” He takes Dinobot’s hand, pulling himself onto the same step the taller man is on. 
Dinobot pulls him to his chest, kissing the top of his head. Optimus laughs a little, looking up at him, eyes soft. 
 The floor isn’t as uncomfortable as Optimus suspected it to be. It’s better with a blanket underneath to stop splinters from getting into Optimus’ bare back. It’s hot upstairs, and it’s hotter with another body curled up next to him.
Dinobot shivers next to him as if it’s they had just come in from a snowstorm. He presses his face into Optimus’ naked chest, feeling the warmth of his skin against his lips and nose. 
“Are you sure there isn’t another blanket?” Dinobot asks, his breath is making Optimus’ head feel fuzzy with love. 
“Yes, I’m sure. Do you need me to check again?” he questions, rubbing circles along his lover’s back. 
“Alright.” Dinobot’s request relieves Optimus. He knows that there might be another blanket in the truck, but he doesn’t want to go out there, in a place he still has yet to fully explore, with whatever wild animals could be lurking. He’s no stranger to creatures coming around, but this place makes him feel odd.  Dinobot snuggles closer to him, his hair tickling Optimus’ chest with each strand.   Optimus wakes up in the middle of the night to a clawing at the kitchen window. He ignores it. 
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scarabiaa · 2 years
OCs in a Haunted House
ITS SPOOKY SEASON, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS??? SPOOKY OCS anyways enjoy bc. I'm making them as stuff I've said in a haunted house that they'd probably say too and what they'd do (except ivy, she only gets a quote, and yes, let us pretend this takes place in universal studios for the jokes)
"I get that he wanted to be evil or whatever with his hotel and he killed people, but come on, be original. At least summon Satan."
Is the one everyone holds on to since she's the one that shows no fear
While she shows no fear, it doesn't mean she isn't scared; she's terrified but she does not show it
Sees the villains of this book series roaming around and immediately drags her friends to take pictures of them
Those pictures are posted on her empty Magicam, along with other pictures of her friends (her new wallpaper is one of her, Iris, and Meditrina posing at the camera while the Package Trio is behind them, screaming and covering their eyes)
She buys one of the really sweet drinks from the book series section and she immediately winces at how sweet it is
Passes the drink on to Valkyrie since she has a slight sweet tooth
For food, she orders a chicken sandwich and an Acid Pie Shake (immediately regrets it and gives it to Ignis)
Hates the escalators, they take forever
WILL take Miles with her next time and she's taking Allen too, she thinks that with his collection of knives, he could make some friends inside of this place
Lumi, texting Allen: I'm taking you to this event where you can make friends and meet the love of your life.
(When she says "love of your life", she means one of the stiltwalkers.)
"I do not need an umbrella or poncho, it's too expensive, I'd rather die."
Grips onto Lumi like she'll get lost (which she does and Ignis panics trying to find her)
She's having the time of her life screaming at the top of her lungs and she always comes out of the houses laughing
The flower in her hair changes constantly because she's either laughing or screaming
She's the kind of person that, once they're all in the haunted hoise, gets impatient when the line isn't moving
She likes the rides they went on before (she got so wet from one of the water rides and Iris was cackling because she warned her)
She's the one that knows her stuff when it comes to Latin food so she definitely gets a bunch of it
A worse judge than Gordon Ramsey, she sits there and goes, "This tortilla is drier than my texts with (insert person she hates from middle school)."
She says that she's taking Esteban with her next time, they're gonna be the cool cousins of the family going to a horror event and coming out of it traumatized
But #BetterThanYou is great for the Magicam
(Oh my God, she's been infected by Cater)
Directly at an actor that scared the crap out of him: "MOTHERFUCKER"
SCREAMS at the top of his lungs
Literally mutters under his breath, "If they keep asking for our bracelets, I swear to God I'm going to pay so they know our names and we don't have to show our bracelets."
Lumi has to explain that the bracelets let the people know that they paid for the Halloween event and Gale's going :D again
He's not picky about where he wants to go, he's been to some of these events back in his home world but never with such a large group of friends
He has to be stopped from using his Unique Magic to see what's ahead of them but he still searches online to prepare himself for what's ahead (he says that he needs to be prepared just in case)
To not be scared, he goes along with the scare actors; there was one time where one of the scare actors was behind a mask before he peeled off the mask and slowly tilted his head at Gale, Gale, out of terror, did the exact same thing so the actor wouldn't jump out at him
He can hear some people whispering about his eyes and how they're cool contacts, even though he isn't wearing any contacts
He orders grilled cheese because he is basic and knows what he likes; he just dips it in the tomato sauce that Ignis brought with him since the tomato sauce slaps
"I only know who Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are--BUMBLEBEE SAVED US? Hey 😏"
Restrains Gale from using his Unique Magic to see what's ahead of them because it's not fun that way
Definitely flirts slightly with the cashiers to get some free stuff (by the end of the night, he's given fake numbers to a bunch of people and gotten a bunch of plushies for his friends)
Screams when he feels a chainsaw near him and jumps into Navin's arms, who goes :|
Complains about walking but if any of the girls are tired, he's immediately carrying them on his back so that they can rest
Turns into a tiny dragon to sit on Astro's shoulder on one ride, regrets it immediately when the ride is going super fast and he's holding on for dear life
He gets grilled cheese, just like Gale, only he has tomato sauce that he made that is better than anything
When he gets tired, he just gets into Meditrina's backpack but by accident, he was put into a locker and panicked the entire time while the others were on the ride, so he sent a text to the group chat
Gale: Anyways so
No longer becomes a dragon after that, he has learned his lesson the hard way (and does not talk to Medi for a whole ten minutes because she's laughing so hard at him)
"If this dinosaur eats me, tell my cousin I hate [him]. Just kidding, don't tell [him] anything and leave [him] in suspense."
Studies the animatronics of everything and internally seethes because she wants to create this someday and she's kicking stuff, saying that if she got the chance, she could design an entire park on her own
The creator of a machine that glamors stuff; the stuff Medi and Ignis brought should've been confiscated by security by with Iris's invention, they were able to sneak in a whole picnic
She does get scared easily and screams very loudly before cursing heavily, no child should be near her and she is gripping Val and Onyx's hands for dear life
Hates waiting more than anything and instead of having Colette pay, she just creates something necessary for them to get little passes to get ahead of the line (shout out to Titus for hacking and getting the passes)
The food there is decent and she gets some sweet stuff, even though her friends tell her to get actual food (she does not listen)
That night, she cannot sleep (even though that's common for her)
Drinks a lot of coffee too and she's so funny in the mazes because she's saying all sorts of things that are out of pocket in mazes, but it's all because she wants to go to the next house, knowing full well the lines are packed
She hates lines. She's impatient. What a good duo!
Promises herself that she'll take Merrill next time just to see if he can handle everything
Fanboying over the actors and the prosthetics and the lights
(He's just too scared and won't admit it)
Sorry, Colette, but Navin is grabbing Titus's hand because 1.) He's short 2.) He's terrified 3.) He doesn't know where he's going
He actually gets lost in a haunted house; cue the entire group realizing once they get out that he's still inside and they are absolutely panicking
By the time he's outside, they're all back inside trying to find him
He gets stuck on a ride and it's hilarious to the others because it's his first time there so Navin goes along with the joke
"Hey, I didn't know us being stuck was part of the ride!"
"Oh yeah, it's my favorite part."
Although he tells the others to eat actual good and fusses over them like a mother, he's a hypocrite because he only gets churros
Meditrina is shoving food into his hands, there is no way their toy poodle is going to collapse in the rain
Navin asks, "Do you think I could be a scare actor?"
Ignis, like the idiot he is, goes, "If gnomes were the theme for next year, yeah."
Navin prays on Ignis's downfall
He's also really simple with his food, he just gets pizza and that's it, he's not picky at all and follows the others around wherever they want to go
"I either scared the actor or the actor was flirting with me. I think it's the former. I'm gonna be a scare actor!"
Her butterflies latch onto her hair and since they're constantly moving, people compliment her on her "costume" but she's so confused because she's not wearing a costume ?? What ??
When it inevitably starts raining, she immediately buys a poncho with pockets inside so that the butterflies don't get wet
She buys cotton candy, having never tried it before and she really does like it!
Of course, she screams too; yes, she likes horror but she will also scream here
Goes first into the scariest house and she's super excited about it, even leading some of them and holding their hands
She buys the chicken caesar salad, only, she lets Meditrina put all her spices in it because Meditrina always brings like a box of tiny spices (Blanca trusts her, the food is always good)
She's the person that stays on the outside of the group as a sacrifice and in one of the mazes, she made eye contact with an actor and she did NOT let the eye contact go until he let go first out of fear that this guy would go chasing after her
She immediately gets jumpscared right afterwards
There is one house she wants to go to, but unfortunately it was closed, so she makes a plan in her head to take other students with her next to around, including Malleus and her brother
"Why the hell is this place full of kids, don't you all have homework to do?"
Buys everything for her friends, no, they can't look at something for more than a minute because she's paying for them
She's the one that buys their food, their plushies, anything that they want, it's theirs
Not surprisingly, she's been to that park before, just not during Halloween so she's really having fun
Pretends not to be scared but is super jumpy and accidentally punched Iris one time when Iris tried to scare her
She also glares at the little kids all the time
She went with the girls to one ride while the boys went onto another ride: she had the time of her life and it was such a cute photo that it's now her lockscreen
The food there is decent to her, she'll buy it because her friends all like it; she's dainty about her food too, so she'll pick the ones that don't seem like they'll give her a sugar rush
Makes fun of couples behind their backs and it's a running joke between all of them where someone has taken a picture of Colette making a disgusted face in front of a couple (it seems like they're taking pictures of Colette, but overall, it's of the couple AND Colette)
In her fear in the houses, she says stuff like, "God, if you're chasing me that bad, at least take me on a date first" and the scare actor just leaves trying not to laugh
After not being scared by jumpscares but by hanging fruits with heads in them: "HOLY SHIT, WHAT IS THAT?"
He and Colette are the ones making faces behind couples' backs, being disgusted by them as though they aren't in a relationship
Onyx: You two are literally dating-
Titus: Yeah, except we're not like that.
Yes, he is holding a lot of his friends' hands and they're all crowding to him so that they don't get separated and they can hang onto him
Titus once hit his head on accident on the doorframe and he pretended to be fine, but he literally had to sit down because he swore up and down that he saw the ghost of the hotel owner (it was the ghost of the hotel owner, but it was actually an actor well hidden)
Carries Navin on his shoulders and it's hilarious because Navin pretends he hates it, but he's having so much fun on Titus's shoulders
Titus: I can let you get off-
Navin: NO.
He likes the Harry Potter ride, they all just had the unfortunate experience of getting stuck and he was so sarcastic about it, like, "Oh wow, I didn't know this was part of the ride, Ignis."
"Yeah, it's my favorite part."
"I think I'll come back for more of this."
He has won plushies for everyone, he's strangely good at the arcade games
"These guys are higher than a kite, but at least they're vibing."
Screams at the sight of the guides, they have cloaks and glowsticks and these guys scare Astro more than the scare actors
Also screams at the sight of his friends, specifically Val, he loves teasing her and he screams at the sight of her
Astro: Oh, Val! I didn't know you were a scare actor for the clown house!
He thinks he's hilarious and the Package Trio's giggles affirm that (they are also laughing when Valkyrie is chasing him)
Astro, of course, tries to flirt with everyone.
Does it work? Sometimes, but most of the time, the scare actors are there like :| bro ong you get no bitches
(Someone took a video and the other three of his idol group are RUINING him on Magical Twitter, no one slanders him more than they do)
He does not stay still in maze lines, he's vibing to the music or he's playing a game on his phone; most of the time, he's playing Heads Up on his phone with the others
Makes so many friends in the lines ?? It's crazy because they all think he's dressed up and he has a costume, but it's just his regular demon form, so no one even guesses it's him as Astro
He likes anything and everything from that place, although the others have to stop him because he'd get a lot of sweets and that's a REALLY bad pairing
"If you're going to kill me, not the head, please."
She's enjoying it here, having never been here before and she wasn't aware that people liked being scared for fun so this was a brand new experience for her
To her own surprise, she was the only one in the group to be stopped by one of the "monsters" and she was given a flower from this monster before he immediately sprinted away to find a new victim
Gale: Why's Val pulling entire monsters?!
Ignis: Because she's better than all of us, I guess.
She goes to sleep thinking about that interaction
There's this event that's just special effects that she wanted to see and then she saw the wait time and said, "Let us move on and venture to get nourishment."
She's simple and gets a sandwich, she likes the sandwiches there
Also, she REALLY likes the escalators. There's like four of them to get from the top of the park to the very bottom and she finds that more fun than any of the rides
Does not take pictures and if a ride takes a picture of her, she's super photogenic
Buys stuff that has to do with traveling, she looks like an entire tourist when she literally lives near there
The one person that everyone hangs onto; by the end of the night, she's literally carrying all of the others in her arms and it's an entire pile on top of her as she takes them around
"Listen. When I said I wasn't scared of La Llorona, that did not mean that I am going to go knocking at her door. I am intelligent, not scared."
He doesn't really flinch a lot in haunted houses, he's not scared by them as much as everyone else is
When the girls and the boys separated and he went with the boys, he, at the request of Colette, recorded everything that went on in the haunted house; cue the boys (except for him) screaming at the top of their lungs
He goes along with it because his friends drag him out, but unfortunately, his inventor was too good at her job, so now he can see the jumpscares and where people are
(Iris obviously fixes it when she realizes and she takes out her pocket toolkit so that he's as scared as the rest of them; it works)
Goes into the Llorona maze with the others, and at seeing Meditrina actually freeze up, Onyx is going, "Aw, hell no-"
(It was that bad)
He's very happy with his food, he's adorable because he's actually kicking his feet as he eats his cotton candy
Poor boy does not trust any of the stiltwalkers, he's gripping onto whoever is next to him and their hand, their hand might be a little sprained after this
Astro: See, that'd be great and all if it wasn't for you literally CRUSHING MY HAND-
"I am not waiting a long ass line for some pizza fries inspired by the Weeknd."
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wallsrepublic · 4 months
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lauracholeblogs · 4 months
Shabby Chic Decorating Tips
Shabby chic has a reputation for being expensive, but you can easily bring this style to your home on a budget. Whether you paint your own furniture or buy shabby chic pieces, all it takes is a bit of sanding and a few coats of paint to achieve the recognizable rugged, time-has-passed look of this decorating style.
Tips When Decorating Shabby Chic
When you're decorating shabby chic, a neutral color palette is key. Choose whites, creams and tans for walls and furniture to provide a calming backdrop that's a blank canvas for small pops of character in pastel hues like misty blues, barely pinks and washed-out mints. Natural textures like crochet, linen and lace add depth to this look.
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If you love the idea of shabby chic but find neutrals boring, earthy tones are a smart alternative. Shades of sand, taupe and grey feel neutral but warming and play up the laidback luxury aesthetic that defines shabby chic, reports Better Homes and Gardens.
Light neutral shades of blue, green and purple also work well with shabby chic decor. You can even create a soothing and relaxing space with soft floral patterns, including floral wallpaper, bedding and throw pillows. If you want to add more color, try painting a piece of furniture or using fabric paint pens to stencil flowery motifs on bedding and pillows.
Inspiring Shabby Chic Decor
Like the country cottages that inspired shabby chic, rustic materials and a worn-in appearance are important elements in this decorating style. Keep in mind, though, that the rustic ambiance should not become cluttered or messy. Instead, choose items that balance texture and material. For example, a quaint nightstand with chipped paint pairs nicely with a glass vase and coarse rope tabletop.
Similarly, pastels are often associated with shabby chic because they add a romantic and feminine touch to living spaces. Light greens, dusty pinks and sky blue hues work well for drapes, furniture, decor and wallpapers.
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The Finished Space notes that shabby chic is also an excellent choice for home lighting because it promotes natural light. This allows for a soft glow that enhances the beauty of wooden furniture and other rustic accents. It also complements the delicate colors of lace and floral patterns. Moreover, the natural light can highlight imperfections that make a room feel even more comfortable.
The Main Key to Shabby Chic Decoration
As shabby chic decor has evolved, many have come to embrace the cozy elements that this style is known for. Homebliss notes that a key component of shabby chic is the use of fabrics and textures that are soft to the touch. These can include ruffles, checks, stripes and flower-patterned patterns.
Other shabby chic decorating ideas often include using a combination of vintage pieces and comfortable slip-covered furniture. This is where flea market finds and thrift store pieces can shine, but you can also make use of new furniture that appears old through sanding and special finishes.
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The bed is often the focal point in a shabby chic bedroom, with a duvet, quilt or comforter featuring floral or other feminine motifs. Layer with throw pillows and shams in a variety of colors. A flannel bedsheet set adds to the warmth of this decorating style, but you can also go with linen or cotton instead. Visit several online property sales sites such as property.thegardengranny to get cheap chic houses.
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etsymarketplace123 · 1 year
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zeearchitect · 2 years
Luxury Interio - An Interior Designer
Luxury Interio is Best Interior Designing Company in Patna. Some Interior related points are:
The design of interiors is a major factor in deciding whether we want to stay inside or out. This includes everything such as furniture, appliances, wallpapers, etc. These factors play a significant role in our lives and make us comfortable. Our homes represent our personality and reflect our lifestyle. Interior designing is becoming a trend nowadays among many people. There is no fixed time frame for interior designing. It depends upon what kind of personality we have and how much money we have at hand. Today, there are many companies offering interior designing services. If we check online, we get various options. Different designs vary according to the budget you have. You can find different styles ranging from modern to traditional. You can choose the right style of furnishing depending upon your taste and preference. Modern-style furnishing requires less maintenance than traditional style. In case you have a spare room or a small office, then go for modern-style furnishing. On the contrary, if you have a larger space, then go for traditional style. A small change in the colour scheme or pattern can completely transform your house. To add beauty in your home, it is always advisable to use accessories. Make sure you keep these things in mind while choosing the type of decoration. One of the best ways of decorating your home is to decorate your walls with pictures. When you hang pictures on the wall, they brighten up the place. Pictures not only beautify your home, but they also help you relive your memories. Another way of making your home beautiful is to make it look clean and tidy. Cleanliness gives peace of mind. When we are surrounded by dirty surroundings, we feel uncomfortable. We tend to mumble words instead of keeping silence. To create a calm environment in your home, cleanliness is necessary. If you cannot afford to renovate your entire room, try painting some parts of your room. Painting rooms helps you achieve high returns. Paintings bring out creativity in us. You can buy paintings online and paint them over the existing wall. Adding paintings and photographs makes your home look attractive. If you love watching movies, then make your room movie-friendly. Hang curtains, cover table tops with fabric sheets, add cushions, and arrange lights. Choose colours that are soothing to eyes. Ensure that the light coming from each corner does not cast shadows. Lighting is extremely important in any room. If you do not have enough lighting, your room will appear dark. Try to avoid using bulbs with low wattage. Use lamps that provide good illumination without casting any shadow. If you wish to get rid of clutter, try buying storage units. You will never know when you need a particular item. So, storing items in separate places will help you save space. A clean kitchen (Best Interior Designing Company in Patna) enhances the appearance of your home. Do not allow dust and debris to accumulate in your kitchen. Remove cobwebs from ceilings. Sweep floors regularly. If you love gardening, then make your garden look beautiful. Use pebbles, concrete blocks, stones, and flowers to improve its appearance. Avoid using plastic pots and planter boxes. Instead, use clay pots. When planning to gift something to your loved ones, ensure that the receiver likes it. Select something that suits their tastes and preferences. You may try to match the style of the recipient’s room or outfit.
Contact Us Luxury Interio is Best Interior Designing Company in Patna.
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fairywrencottage · 2 years
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Anita rose from @treloarroses Bought bare rooted, sent in the post, new to the garden this year. A hardy climber, she is already flowering. Planted along the kitchen garden fence in full sun. Tucked behind the french pear tree Beurre de Anjou, with jonquils and snowdrops to keep her company in the early Spring. Iris, black currant, salvia, rhubarb and rosemary are in the same garden bed. Anita is flowering a little earlier than the Albertine rose and I keep detouring past both of these climbing roses, excited to see them bud and bloom. I’ve just added this photo to the Roses Wallpaper Series. See my Insta Highlight called Wallpaper or my Insta Stories. Love from the garden, Jude x • #bloomwhereyouareplanted #underthefloralspell #botanicalpickmeup #botanicalphotography #roses #rosesofinstagram #roseoftheday #anitarose #climbingroses #climbingrose #cottagegarden #cottagecore #organicgarden #beefriendlygarden #beefriendlyflowers #slowfloralstyle #slowflowermovement #slowflowersaustralia • This isn’t a paid advertisement. I know that a lot of people are hesitant to buy roses online. I’ve always had great success with buying bare rooted roses and having them sent in the post. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/e9gvZQO
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thecurtainstudio · 2 years
10 elegant bedroom curtain design ideas
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Have you always been a fan of interior design and want every room in your home to look as beautiful as possible? Here are some amazing ideas to bring the latest curtain trends to your bedroom. Keep reading:
Awning curtains
One of the preferred styles of bedroom curtains is to install a canopy. This curtain design gives your bedroom a royal feel that enhances the overall look. Canopy curtains can be layered or in smaller and larger styles with ragged top styles and speckles and tassels. Get subtle print designs online and update the look of your bedroom.
Warm neutrals
Do you need a space that speaks to your calm and serene nature? Opt for warm, neutral tones that add a touch of minimalist brightness. Neutral home design is a classic look that can be enhanced by adding solid curtains that complement your bedroom wall colors.
Four canopy curtains
Bring the feel of old Europe home by opting for the canopy look. You can create a frame over your bed and cover it with light curtains that give it an airy yet Victorian look.
Floral Window Curtains
The summer season always calls for refreshing decor, so it's a great idea to give your bedroom window curtains a floral makeover by adding beautiful curtains that showcase bright flowers on the surface. Buy some creative floral curtains online to bring the grace of the garden home.
Vintage Grace
Elevate your bedroom decor with heavy vintage jacquard curtains and baroque patterns. These delicate patterns go a long way in giving your space a sophisticated and stately look that fits right in with the grandeur of the current season.
One-hit elegance
One of the best ways to give your bedroom a chic look is to opt for a matching look. This means that the patterns of the curtains in the bedroom must match the sheets or tablecloths and pillows. All other upholstery items can also be cut from the same fabric for a complete look
Wallpaper Guide
If your bedroom walls have soft or fuzzy wallpaper, keep this as a guide when shopping for new curtains.
Use Patterns
Stylish patterns are also a good option to add a modern touch to your room. Go for small patterns that play with your room's overall decor for a look that defines your preppy nature.
Monochrome is the way to go
Are you a person without luxuries? Then the monochrome route gives your bedroom a classic yet minimalist appeal. Get black and white patterned curtains and pair them with a matching sheet for just the right look.
Light as a feather
What is the best way to spend summers and still make your bedroom look unique? Opt for lightweight curtains that let in the breeze and play with the light to create a brighter perspective.
Have you decided how to decorate your bedroom curtains? If not, do visit The Curtain Studio today! They are one of the best quality curtain fabric suppliers that will provide you with their best options according to your budget and room aesthetic. They also provide you with best quality roller blinds in Noida. 
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ekanshglobal0 · 2 years
Use Beautiful Decorative Product To Decorate Your Home
Fabricated decoration products add charm to your home, and these items' relevance as one of the most preferred home decoration items will certainly never cease. That is why people expect man-made design items online. It is simpler to take a look at them online on various websites as well as purchase them supplied to the front door. Ekanshglobal.com offer the best quality decorative product for living room. We provide affordable prices for the best quality products, furniture and interior design solutions.
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The fad of using artificial design items in embellishing residences is not new; this has actually been done by a number of our previous generations. Ekanshglobal.com is a US-based firm that uses a variety of services and products, consisting of house style items made in our factory.Modern homes follow a minimalistic pattern, and also your house proprietors do not desire to add much jazz to the interiors. Everyone is so hectic and also occupied with life that they want their residences to just give them with peace and comfort. This is what these minimalistic houses have been doing.
The indoor makes use of this color schedule; whenever a corner seems insufficient, a lot is included in complete the look. If you are keen on including this fake style thing to your insides, you can visit ekanshglobal.com for residence style stores online, consider the collection and obtain them supplied to your doorstep.Nonetheless, the residence decor fad changed again, and also now even interior developers demand adding vivid synthetic decoration things in the areas to beautify them like never before. decoration things are the only things that are offered in various shades and tones. 
 These modern houses do not have space for flower wallpapers as well as bold decorative accents however have the appropriate space for including design things to boost the overall mood. Along with this decoration product, modern homes make way for soft furnishings, pillows as well as pillows, candle holders, and also flower vases.
The most current style of synthetic style item offered online is glazed. The marketplace for this decor thing is arising. These decor products develop an impactful check out the petals, as well as they are crafted with such accuracy that they only give us with a look of glass. They are fairly versatile as well as resistant to any kind of damages. Ekanshglobal.com supply the very best quality attractive item for living area. We provide economical prices for the very best top quality items, furnishings, and also interior decoration options.
For More Info:-
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How to Pimp Your Living Room Without Spending Too Much
Living Room is one of the most noticeable areas in a house. Homeowners usually spend a lot of their time in the living room. Since entertainment is usually found in the living room and this is the first room a person goes to when entering a house. If there are visitors to a house, they are also more likely to spend their time in the living room. There are times that you might feel insecure about the design of your living room. However, it is perfectly normal.
 Improving the setup of your living room can be difficult if you are on a tight budget for decorations. Fortunately, there are several ways that your living room can have a high-end appearance without having to damage your budget a lot. Here are some ideas for homeowners that want to upgrade their living room setup without spending a lot of money.
1. Affordable Furniture
Most homeowners feel that the need to spend for a piece of new furniture is not a great choice and they tend to buy cheap once instead but regret it later on. In reality, when buying cheap furniture you are spending a lot of money instead. Low-cost furniture is also low quality since they are poorly built. On the other hand, furniture speaks for its price it is expensive because the process of building it is high quality. But furniture is still expensive to buy, that is why if there’s a sale in malls, discount stores, or secondhand stores, grab the opportunity to buy your new furniture as it will have a lower price but you can ensure that the quality is high and it will last for a long period of time.
2. Appliances
If you want to have a big flat screen television, PlayStation, surround sound, a working heater, or an air conditioner but are afraid to spend your money, worry not. There are several ways to have new appliances in your living room. Just like buying a piece of furniture, seek opportunities if there is a sale in stores or you can buy online for a lower cost. Since there must be entertainment in the living room, it is great to have new appliances.
3. Centrepiece
In a living room, usually has a center table that you can decorate with for example a flower vase. One of the most inexpensive ways to decorate your living room is having a centerpiece in the middle of the living room. You can get a plant or a flower, or put some books and magazines to add more texture to your living room.
4. Pillows
Adding a pillow to your sofa is a great way of tidying up your living room. It provides a cozy and friendly vibe in it. It can also serve a purpose. As an example, if your house does not have a guest room, your guests can sleep on the couch instead. Using a pillow in your living room gives your guests extra comfort. And, pillows add more elegance to the room and make it look more aesthetic.
5. Ventilation
Make sure that your living room is well ventilated so it will be relaxing to stay there even for a long period of time. Just like humans, a house also needs to breathe and proper ventilation will keep the air fresh and easier to breathe.
6. Adding more plants
Plants and flowers give an aesthetic of which room you’ve put it into. Having plants also give the room fresh air to breathe. It also balances the appliances’ radiation so even if you spent a lot of time watching television, the plants will decrease the radiation in the room.
7. Adding tiny details
Accessories to your living room like small cabinets, wallpapers, posters, and one of the least common decorations that a homeowner can do is to change the switch plates. Though it is just for utilities, having this least popular part of the house has a decoration that can really pimp up your living room. To make it look more expensive, there are brushed copper switch plate covers that look really elegant but it comes at an affordable price. So having these tiny details that don’t get noticed much can surely add more texture to your living room.
8. Windows
For windows, you would want to change see-through materials if you are using it. If you don’t have yet a budget for a tinted window, you can use rack curtains as a cover. It is highly recommended to have privacy in your living room. If you want a more modern approach, you can also use blinds that are made of bamboo or wood.
9. Rearranging the positions of your furniture
When rearranging furniture, gives you more creativity as you can experiment with what position is the best for your furniture and appliances. It is also a great exercise to do as it helps your mind relax while rearranging your living room. By also doing it from time to time, you can avoid having boring and repetitive arrangements in your living room.
10. Cleanliness
The last step is totally free and every homeowner will be able to do it. Avoid hoarding a lot of unnecessary things in your living room. If it can no longer be used, throw it in the trash or donate to someone else. Freeing up some space in your living room can make it more spacious and if you are into minimalistic designs, it's best to clean up your living room.
 The best way to pimp up a living room is to have the best comfort that it can offer. Expensive things aren’t primarily needed when you want to improve your home. You can just start simply by cleaning up your living room and rearranging the positions of your furniture to make it look new. As long as it gives you satisfaction, expensive stuff is not necessary for home beautification.
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zugunu-com · 2 years
Buy Home Decor Shopia Ring For Wall Nearby You
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It's time to decorate your home with our creative and new collection of home decor items which is v for wall, you need something that is unique and attractive. There are so many amazing ways to decorate an empty wall and tell a story. Home decor is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a home to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. Thankfully we have plenty of home decor items at Zugunu.com
We Offer All Different And Unique Pieces For Home Decor That Will Fill And Make That Space More Attractive.
Finding a perfect-looking wall decorative item is no longer a hassle for you we are here to serve you at all times. Lay hands on this decorative flower for the wall in an amazing-looking combination pattern. It is a blue and golden colour equipped with decorative flower wall art for your home to decorate the surroundings very well. It is a shiny flower wallpaper like a decorative item for you to enhance the outlook of any home surrounding wall you like. Simply lay hands on the best wall decoration ideas for the bedroom in the form of flowers of different sizes and patterns and catch the attention of others around. Ours is the best website to buy wall decor in India online. There are many wall decor styles and designs that you can choose from. Wall decor can be purchased online to save time, and you get the best price.
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The Latest Wall Decors Will Style Up Your House
Find wall decor items for every corner of your house You can fill empty walls with unique room decor items to bring life to your home. There are many options available: Wall decor items, stunning paintings, wall decor with contemporary designs, wall hangings that reflect your style, or wall lights that create the perfect atmosphere.
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Handmade Home Decor Items
Bring amazing home decoration items and enhance your home with Zugunu.com. Astonishing handmade home decor pieces that are unique in every form like In our new collection of showpiece light decor, table decor, key holders, wall clocks, candle holders, antiques and vintage and many decorative vases and many more items in bulk. These handmade home decor items are surely going to make your home look up to date with the recent trends. These also stand as a great gifting choice around festivals and celebrations throughout the year. All our fabulous handicraft items are handmade with love in India. The best way to buy home decor items near you is to visit the website of Zugunu.com, where you'll find home decor items made in different parts of India of different cultures. At Zugunu.com, you can provide home decor items near you or online through our website. With our wide range of items like wall hangings vases paintings and so on; it’s easy to find what suits your home and requirements perfectly!
If you’re looking for home decor items, look no further than Zugunu.com. Our new ideas and styles have something for your home decoration. View More Read the full article
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wallsrepublic · 4 months
Isn’t it exciting to bring and embrace the charm of natural flowers delight inside your home?
Well, off course it is exciting to infuse your walls with refreshing hues and spring vibes with flowers. The floral mural for walls is the perfect choice to infuse the walls with blossoming beauty.
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With the endless design options the floral mural has unmatched quality. It’s durable, sustainable and easy to maintain. They give the touch of elegance and have the numerous patterns. Mural wallpapers in floral prints have bold and vibrant flowers prints like hibiscus, lilies, daisies and some all time beauty like rose, orchids etc.
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etsymarketplace123 · 1 year
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eydi-andrius · 3 years
Trese Characters with their S/O would include...
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He is very quiet towards strangers but when it comes to you, he will talk non-stop about what happened today, how much he misses you and the pranks him and his brother did to Hank
Also, loves telling stories about his childhood. He is just an open book when it comes to you
He always surprises you with back hugs whenever he’s done with work for the day
He’s not a fan of PDA or open declaration of love but he ensures that you knew that he loves you by squeezing your hands three times whenever and wherever
A type of lover who will always bring home trinkets or pasalubong which he thought you will love or will looks good on you
Basically, he’s thinking about you 24/
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This guy loves teasing you so he do PDA or open declaration of love in public just to see you blush
However, if you decided to tease him as well or unexpectedly go with the flow of his teasing, his face will turn red like a tomato instantly
Whenever he has some free time during work, he will quickly dial your number to call and update you
If he can’t call you, he will try to text you and send you those cheesy stickers that can be found online
Speaking of texting, he can be a little bit of naughty sometimes (¬‿¬ )
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Loves cuddling with you after a long day with work
Also, opens up about her worries about the happenings in Karit-An and messing up her father’s legacy as a Lakan
She doesn’t have lots of free time but if she do, she will not hesitate to invite you to go out
If you can’t go out on her free time, she will try to cook and have an indoor date with you
Is very sweet and prepares her anniversary and birthday gift months before the actual celebration
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Since he is very dedicated to his work and can’t call you during work hours and overtime, he will make it up to you always when he have some day offs
Either by offering you with a massage or a take-out at night
His wallpaper is definitely a photo of you or the photo of you together
He will always go out of his way to buy you flowers every month
Is very shy but will continue holding your hand despite the teasing of his work mates
And obviously, the guy who will propose immediately when he knew you’re the one
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This the King of Cheesy so expect to receive pick-up and cheesy lines every time
Loves to brag about you during his shift to Diabolical
Will recruit The Kambal to sing kundiman (love songs) in front of your house
Write letters every day instead of texting because he believes that letters are sweeter
As a man of style, he will wear his signature purple tux during your dates
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You are the only reason why he choose to be part of the agreement with Anton
You have changed his heart when you decided to be his lover and he thinks being nicer to your race will help to know you better
Even though he was known to be a proud leader of the aswangs, he is softer when you’re around
He loves spoiling you and seeing you happy with his gifts
Surprisingly, even though he is possessive, he is a gentleman
He doesn’t sleep with you unless you agree to marry him and lead the aswangs together
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This is the prince of Tikbalangs were talking about so expect lots of gifts from him
He loves to brag about you so don’t be surprised if lots of otherworld creatures knew about you being his lover
Speaking of bragging, he loves to see you close and watch him win his races
Also, loves physical touch so prepare to be tired and sore every day (¬‿¬ )
Is very possessive so don’t be surprised if he propose to you after your first hot night with him
*I'm supposed to continue writing my side hustle today but I just need to write something with Maliksi and Dominic lol
Again! Any requests are welcome, I'll try to write it when I have some free time. Enjoy this ayuda muna! XD*
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