#Buy mini 2 charging base
greynatomy · 10 months
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katrina gorry x reader
based on this request.
harper’s gonna be a big sister!!!
part 1 part 2
You and Harper are at the store, buying things for Katrina for Mother’s day. It isn’t until tomorrow, but you wanted to get everything ready.
The next morning, you woke up extra early, leaving the comfort of your wife’s embrace, successfully not waking her. You walked to your daughter’s room, rubbing your hands up and down her back.
“Wake up, Harps. We gotta make Mummy breakfast.”
“Mmm, no.” She stuffs her face closer to the pillow.
“It’s Mother’s Day, remember.”
Harper sits up, gasping, suddenly wide awake.
“Mother’s day!”
You carry Harper on your hip to the kitchen, hair all over the place.
“What should we make Mummy?”
“Uh, pacakes, eggs, bacon.”
Harper helped you mix the pancake batter, reminder her to not eat it cause it’s yucky. You plate all the food and place them in a tray. Walking to the room carefully, you place it down on the table in the corner of the room, helping Harper up on the bed.
“Happy Mummy Day!” She yelled, going into Katrina’s space, cuddling her.
Katrina sits up, back against the headboard, eyes light in up at the sight of her family.
“Oh, this is amazing. I love it.”
You had a bit of a family day, Katrina saying she wanted nothing more than to relax with the two of you. She also did get you some goodies to celebrate you on this day too and you were more than grateful.
A month later, you were in London for some meetings. Kyra practically forced you to stay in her place instead of some hotel, saying “I wanna spend some time with my Papa.”
You couldn’t say no.
You arrived in the afternoon, looking for the spare key Kyra told you where, but it’s nowhere to be found.
“Woah, woah! Can I help you?” You hear near you.
“Yeah, just looking for the spare key, by I can’t find it.”
“Are you at the right place?” You can tell they’re a bit cautious of you from the tone of their voice.
“Of cour—”
“Papa!” A voice you recognize all too well yells, jumping into your arms. “You’re here!”
“Hey, Roo. How ya been?”
“Good. Good.”
You both are catching up, completely forgetting about the other two that came with Kyra.
“Why’d Kyra call her Papa?” Katie asks Caitlin.
“That’s Mini’s wife.”
The next day, you left the apartment before Kyra even woke up, leaving a note in the kitchen. It’s a busy day for you.
What you didn’t know was that Kyra was already up, texting your wife the all clear that she could come up. Opening the door, Kyra greeted her mother and sister figures.
They’ve decorated the whole place, having many, many breaks in between. Charli and Kyra were in charge of baking the cake, Mini obviously supervising.
It isn’t until a couple hours later that they hear keys unlocking the front door. They all get into places, lights turned off.
“Happy Father’s Day!”
You flinch in shock, not expecting this kind of welcome home.
“Harper!” You exclaim, excited to see your daughter after being away for a while. You carry Harper on your waist, walking over to where your wife stood. “Hey, baby.”
“Uh, hello? I’m here too.”
“Charli! You’re here!”
“Thanks! I feel the love.”
You didn’t expect to be celebrated on Father’s Day, don’t was an unexpected but appreciated surprise.
“I’ve got one last present.” You wife spoke up, handing you a small box. “Go ahead. Open it.”
She has a big smile on her face, which makes you skeptical, but open the box nonetheless. Carefully lifting the top off, you see a small little stick.
“What is this?” You ask, taking it out for further inspection. “Do you have covid?”
“Wha-no. I don’t have covid.” She looks at you as if you’d grown two heads.
“Two lines means covid though, right?”
“Huh? Let me see.” Kyra takes the stick out of your hands. “What! No way! Are you stupid?”
“What? What is it?”
“She’s pregnant!”
“What? Oh my god!” You carefully walk towards your wife, going down on your knees, pressing your forehead to her stomach. “There’s a baby in here?”
“Are you crying?”
“Shut up, Charli.”
“Harper! You’re gonna be a big sister!”
“Big sister!”
“Yeah! There’s a baby in Mummy’s belly.”
“Mummy eat a baby?”
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deanstead · 2 years
Murder Next Door || Part 3
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: no
Summary: When one of Jay’s neighbours is found dead, both he and Y/N find themselves right smack in the middle of what could turn out to be a very dangerous situation.
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Word Count: 3,321
Tags/Warnings: canon-typical mentions of murder, blood, idiots-in-love
A/N: A lot happens in this part but I decided not to drag it out and finish it up here! This was really meant to be a one-shot but I got carried away and wrote like 8k+ words so I just split it into three parts. Hope you guys have enjoyed this! Floored by the positive response to this!!! Hit me up and let me know what you think!
Part 2
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The timing of everything was hell, especially since they were right smack in the middle of a murder case. A murder case that you found yourself in the middle of. But even so, this silver lining was kind of a bright silver lining, so much so that you could almost forget about the looming threat.
Jay smiled at you as he put on his jacket.
“If anything happens, you call me.” Jay nagged.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “I’ll be fine, Jay.”
He opened his mouth again but you stopped him. “I won’t open the door for anyone but you, Will or Intelligence.”
Jay smiled. “Glad to know you were paying attention.”
You didn’t answer, but you couldn’t anyway as Jay gave you a kiss. “I’ll call.”
Jay left the house in a considerably better mood than all the other days put together, and with a newfound determination that he was gonna find this guy no matter what he had to do to smoke him out.
Jay didn't even have time to take off his jacket at the district before he and Hailey were on the move based off of the new information they had - they’d tracked the burner phones back down to the stores and although there were some CCTV images, they weren’t enough for facial recognition. Despite that, one of the store owners remembered that the guy who had come in to get one of the burner phones on the list had used a credit card for a different purchase.
Jay glanced at Hailey, rapping on the door.
“Hi, Ms. Austin? We're looking for your father, Freddie Austin? We’d like to talk to him.” Jay said, raising his badge that rested around his neck.
The young lady who opened the door frowned. “What’s this about?”
Hailey spoke this time, with a smile. “We found some charges on his credit card that we’d like to find out more about. We just need his help, and probably yours.”
The woman frowned but stepped back to let the both of them in, anyway.
Freddie Austin was seated in a wheelchair, looking like it would take a toll on him just to leave the house, much less visit different stores to buy several burner phones.
Jay didn't say anything, Hailey naturally taking lead in the questioning. “So we tracked the purchase of several burner phones to a credit card in your father’s name. Can you take a look at this?”
Hailey handed over the slip to Freddie’s daughter and her eyes moved swiftly over the page before she nodded. “Yeah, I was going to cancel it but then I ended up using it for his daily expenses, groceries and stuff you know? I pay the bills anyway, so it’s still an active card. But I don’t even know where to buy a burner phone, there must be some mistake.”
Jay leaned forward this time. “Is there anyone else who has access to his card?”
There was a pause before she answered. “Yes… I brought in a caretaker recently. You know, one of those nurses that help with the elderly? Mainly for the times that I have to be at work.”
Jay nodded. “We need his information.”
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On the way back now.
You sent the message to Jay, slipping your phone back into your pocket and glancing up at the darkening sky.
The meeting wasn’t supposed to have taken this long. In other words, you’d completely underestimated the time it would take, completely forgetting your editor was going to be there.
You pulled your jacket around you, quickening your footsteps just so you could make it out of the cold. Based on Jay’s last text, you figured he’d probably be home before you.
The rustling of bushes behind you made you turn just a little.
You’d been feeling like you had eyes on you for the most part of the day but you’d chalked it down to being a little paranoid in the daytime. But you weren’t sure you wanted to take any chances especially since it was getting dark.
It was the sound of footsteps next, shuffling footsteps which matched your speed, no matter if you went faster or slowed down. Now, you really were a little freaked.
You could feel your heart pounding against your chest and you wouldn’t be surprised if people on the street could hear it. Not that there was anyone around to confirm your theory.
You took one last glance behind you, barely registering the man behind you, his face hidden from view with a black cap, a mask over the bottom half of his face, his hands stuffed inside his pockets.
You turned back around quickly, glancing up to zero in on Jay’s building, mentally running your mind through what would happen if you started running.
Then you heard him start moving quicker.
You had no more time to think.
Slinging your bag across your shoulders more securely, you took off at a run, pumping your legs as hard as you could while reaching into your coat pocket for your bag so you could speed dial Jay’s number.
Focus, Y/N.
You weren’t sure if your call had connected but you took the steps up to the main door twice at a time, your fingers fumbling across the keypad that unlocked the door, panic really setting in when there was a beep indicating you’d keyed in the wrong code.
“Fuck.” You muttered, hearing the footsteps behind you sound like they were catching up with you.
You didn’t waste time, keying in the numbers again, hearing the door finally unlock with a click. You made it through, kicking the door closed with your foot and taking off towards the staircase, barely hearing the lock click behind you.
Even that didn’t stop you, as you reminded yourself that the last time someone had come in dressed as a police officer, you hadn’t beeped anyone in. Maybe he really had the code to the building, so you weren’t going to take any chances.
You stumbled up the stairs, hearing someone behind you, although you no longer knew if you were imagining it but you were too afraid to take a look.
You winced as you tripped, the impact of your knee hitting the floor buzzing through you but you scrambled back up to your feet and moved. The door to Jay’s corridor was right there and you pushed your way through it, colliding straight into someone, yelping in surprise.
Not anyone, your someone.
“Jay… someone…”
“What…” Jay glanced up behind you, noticing just a shadow that turned tail.
“Hey!” Jay yelled.
He looked down at you. “Get in the apartment now.”
You didn’t have the strength to argue. As Jay headed for the staircase, following whoever had been right behind you, you made the last lap to Jay’s apartment, closing the door behind you before you finally sank to the ground.
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Jay put in a call to Voight while he was still on the street, glancing up and down.
“He put someone on her. I’m going to kill him.” Jay growled into the phone.
Adam and Kim had brought Freddie Austin’s caretaker in and he’d been in the interrogation room when Jay had left to check in on you. Voight assured Jay that they were handling it before Jay hung up.
But when Jay got back upstairs and opened the door quietly, you were out of sight.
“Y/N?” Jay called, stepping further into his apartment.
He was greeted by a moment of silence before he heard your voice. “Jay?”
You crawled out from behind the kitchen counter and Jay exhaled in relief, nodding. “Yeah it’s just me. It’s okay.”
Finally feeling like you could breathe again, you got up unsteadily as Jay met you halfway, enveloping you into his arms.
As you felt his arms go around you, your knees gave way along with the dip in your adrenaline but Jay pressed you against him securely. “Alright, come here.” Jay whispered.
Jay led you gently to the couch, before you even realized you were already crying, the leftover adrenaline pouring out of you.
Jay didn’t say anything, just held you tightly against him, one hand protectively resting on the back of your neck.
When you felt all cried out, you angled your head upwards to look at Jay, who glanced down at you. Despite everything, you felt this warmth as you lay there, huddled into Jay’s side. “Sorry.” You whispered.
Jay’s eyebrows met in the middle again. “What are you apologizing for?”
You bit the inside of your cheek and he tapped your cheek. “Stop that.”
“What are you thinking?”
You smiled back at him. “Thank god I’m in love with my best friend and that he loves me too.”
Jay stroked your cheek with this thumb gently, giving you a soft smile in return.
That night, Jay took out some of the frozen lasagnas just so you didn’t have to hear anyone knock the door and barely left your side, even going so far as to tuck you in that night.
As he got up, you reached out impulsively, catching a few of his fingers.
Jay turned to look at you but you didn’t say anything.
“Shall I stay?” Jay asked quietly.
Your eyes flicked up to his. “Can you?”
Jay smiled. “Always.”
So he climbed into bed with you, fitting himself right behind you so that you’d drift off to sleep, encircled by his arms and his warmth.
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“Alright, we got a name.” Adam said, just as Jay walked in.
Afraid to get charged for anything more than petty larceny, the caregiver had finally spilled to Adam and Kevin, revealing that he’d indeed been the one to purchase the burner phones but he’d passed them on to someone he knew.
Jay took the document from Adam, scanning it closely, as Kevin quickly typed.
“Jay, I think this is it.” Kevin said, angling his screen towards Jay so he could get a better look.
Arthur Marsh.
“There’s one dropped complaint of stalking, that’s why the DNA didn’t turn up anything in the system but…” Kevin glanced up at Voight, prompting Jay to turn to look at their Sergeant too.
“Get the LKA and gear up.”
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Kevin glanced back at Jay, who nodded.
“Chicago PD!” Kevin yelled, raising the battering ram and hitting it against the door, as it flew open.
Jay headed in first, Hailey right behind him, as the rest moved through the house.
Shouts of “Clear!” resounded through the house one by one from each member of the team, before Kim's voice called for their attention.
“Guys! You need to see this.”
Jay frowned, looking around the empty house once more before he headed to one of the rooms towards the back where Kim was.
“What do you…” He trailed off as his eyes took in the dozens of photos of Abbie littered around - the walls, the table, even near his bed. He could even see the pattern of thought through the photos. Far-off photos from when he’d been admiring her from afar, more close-ups as he got braver and then a photo of her with a guy which ended in rage - her face had been scratched off.
“Jay.” Hailey called, her voice somber.
Jay glanced around, feeling his heart fall to his gut at the stack of photos of you.
“Son of a bitch.” Jay growled. “He’s going after Y/N.”
The words were barely out of his mouth before Jay was out of there, getting into his truck alone and speeding off, not standing around to wait for anyone.
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You were supposed to be halfway to Will’s by now but you’d gone a whole block away before you realized that you’d left the stuff for Will behind. You knew exactly where it was, which irritated you even more because you’d put it out to remind yourself and then walked right by it out of the apartment.
So you jogged up the remaining flight of stairs, diverting your mind from the memory of the night before and quickly entered Jay’s apartment.
It was a feeling that you had the moment you entered the apartment. Like something was off. But it was vague, so you just moved to reach over for the bag you’d left on the counter, lifting it and turning back towards the door.
You froze, as you saw him now, standing in front of you. In Jay’s apartment.
You felt the dread fill you, and you took a shaky step backwards. “Who…”
“I think you know.”
That voice sent chills across your body because you remembered it, like it was yesterday.
“Cold night, didn’t wanna have to dig around for my keys”
You stepped backwards, acutely aware it was taking you further into the apartment, but you didn't have much of a choice.
You could see his face clearly now as he stepped towards you, into the pool of moonlight that came in from the windows. Which could only mean he was here to do one thing.
You tightened your hold on the bag for just a second before you flung it at him, the weight of the cans of unopened beer and one bottle of wine hitting him with a thud and causing him to stagger backwards.
Taking that opportunity, you took off, thinking your best bet was to get to either yours or Jay’s room and lock it behind you.
You’d barely taken two steps when you felt him grab you, and you felt a sharp sting slice across your arm. You tried to sidestep him but he was faster, and stronger.
You felt strong hands grab you now, flinging your body against the wall to the side. The impact of your body hitting the wall winded you as you fell to the ground with a thud and you couldn’t catch your breath enough to move quicker.
He stepped up beside you. You smelt the leather off his shoes before you saw it, right in front of your face and you turned your face up to look at him, trying not to show fear.
“I always did like the feisty ones.” He said, dragging his words out, like he was confident he had all the time in the world.
He looked around, before he grabbed the one thing that was within reach that was heavy enough - a box that you knew for a fact was stuffed with case files.
You struggled to get up, the aches in your body protesting as he raised the box above you.
And, like he’d just appeared out of nowhere, Jay stepped in between the two of you, throwing a punch against the perp’s face. A punch that was hard enough to send him staggering, the box falling behind him and the case files scattering around the floor with a crash.
“Y/N, are you hurt?” Jay leaned over you now, his eyes scanning you.
Jay let out a growl as he saw the slash across your upper arm but he had no more time as he heard the perp scrambling to his feet right behind him.
You saw the glint of silver in the perp's hand now as he charged towards Jay, the knife brandished in the air. You took a sharp inhale of breath, unable to even take your eyes off them now as Jay struggled with him in the middle of his apartment.
Marsh charged at Jay and Jay launched him over his shoulder and onto the ground with a crash, the knife clattering away as you heard the arrival of everyone else.
You exhaled, as you heard Hailey and Kevin arrest Marsh on the spot, your eyes falling on the knife that was just a few inches away from you, the knife that was stained with blood. Much more than there had been.
Jay was next to you in an instant, even though you heard an involuntary groan escape his lips.
“J…Jay?” Your eyes traveled down to the darkening red spot just off to the side of his abdomen, the knife had missed the police vest by inches.
Jay shook his head. “I’m okay. I’m okay, alright?” He reached down to squeeze your hand, but you could tell he was not alright, even before he sank lower to the ground, unable to stop another groan from escaping his lips, his breathing getting just slightly shallower.
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“Can I see him now?” You asked, looking up at Will.
Given the choice, you knew Will would be in the next treatment room checking on Jay as well. But Connor had thrown him out so he was stuck here with you.
Other than a slight concussion, some bruises and the gash across your arm, you were none the worse for wear. But that was only thanks to Jay.
“You heard Maggie. Jay’s fine, he doesn’t even need surgery, alright? Why don’t I go and…”
“Will Halstead.” You warned. “Don’t you dare leave me here.”
Will took one look at the expression on your face and sighed. He knew that there was nothing he could say that would convince you otherwise.
“Fine. But you are sitting in here.” Will pointed to the wheelchair.
You gave him a look.
“If Jay’s awake, I’m the one who is going to get his ass kicked, stab wound or no stab wound.” Will complained. “And now that you guys are dating, he’s going to kick me even harder.”
You pressed your lips together to hide a smile.
“Alright, come on.” Will said, rolling his eyes as he helped you into the wheelchair.
You were finally able to breathe better when you finally lay your eyes on Jay.
“Y/N.” Jay called, propping himself up on his elbow but wincing.
“Jay, slow.” You said gently, not even having the heart to be any harsher as you looked back at him.
Will glanced at his brother. “What did I tell you about being wheeled into the ED?”
Jay looked at Will. “Trust me, I’m about ready to jump out of here. I hate it here.”
You glanced at Will with a smile. “Fat chance. You got stabbed.” You reminded him.
“Will.” Jay pleaded, turning to his older brother.
Will glanced at the both of you, knowing better than to hang around. “I’ll talk to Connor.”
As Will excused himself, Jay glanced back at you. “How badly hurt are you?”
You shook your head. “None the worse for wear.” You assured him.
Jay looked unconvinced. “You’re sitting in a wheelchair.”
“Will said if I don’t walk in here on my own two feet, you’d kick his ass. I’m just being a good friend and saving his ass.” You answered.
Jay let out a chuckle, followed closely by a wince.
“Sorry.” Jay whispered, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
You frowned. “What are you sorry for? You took a knife to the stomach because of me. I thought… I…” Your voice trembled a little.
Jay exhaled slowly before he reached for your hand. “I promised I wouldn’t let him touch you but…”
You just shook your head, pulling yourself up from the chair and perching yourself on his bed before you leaned in to give him a gentle hug, careful to avoid his wound. “I’m just glad you’re alright.”
Jay pressed a kiss to your temple before he sat up.
“But we got him, Y/N. And you’ll be okay now.”
You sat closer, reaching out to stroke Jay’s face. “We. We’ll be okay now, Jay.”
Jay smiled. “I love you, Y/N.”
You smiled back at him. “I love you, J.”
Jay just leaned forward, despite the tug in the stitches in his side, and pressed his lips to yours. And with the knowledge that everything would indeed be okay, you smiled at his touch, even before his lips left yours.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
Character taglists are open!
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HSA Tablet facts:
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-As mentioned each Tablet has an Icon of the Inspiration they are based off as seen here
-they are developed to not be damaged in any way and even weather can withstand it, its rare that one breaks and if, you get like 2 chances of getting another one but then you have to pay for a new one
-run on a new energy source so you hardly have to charge them at all
-they have all functions of a phone as well as apps related to the school, a map of it, the school rules, class management, activities, small mini games as well as the point System I mention... you get more points if you do well in class, do lots of club activities, and many small "Daily quests" you can say, Teachers can reward you with extra points and they all are used to get things at Sols shop
-You have a display how much points you earned and a whole app about how to earn more and where you can See those quests
Possible prizes and things you can get at the shop:
-all you could get at a supermarket to make it easier if you don't wanna go in a city
-branded items of the school may it be clothing, plushs of pherea, things representing the dorms, basically also a souvenir shop for outside people to get things here
-rare sweets mainly made by Angelica that can't be obtained in the cafeteria and have effects
-You can really see it similar to an Amazon, there will be weird things, stuff for your room, books, decoration... actually anything you can imagine makes School life a little bit more easier or fun
-There is even hoverboards and rollerblades available.
-Some students try to sell their own stuff too but to some Items of the shop you have to have permits from other students or teachers, if you don't have the permit, Sol won't hand it over: For example: If you are part of the gardening club you get access to some gardening items but without it you can't buy them, its a sign of trust
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Asked questions about the points:
Can you make these points into money?
-No they can only be used in HSA and can't be exchanged
Will these points expire?
-They will last for all 4 year you attend and longer if you do another year there but at your 4th year before graduation you should spend all you points
Can you keep the stuff you bought?
-yes its all yours... most of it was financed through sponsors and you can take all items to the new place you live after school
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brostateexam · 2 years
It’s also the kind of instant gratification business that for a brief moment in recent years seemed to have the potential to change e-commerce forever. “We’d build a plan and they’d [investors would] say you’re not spending enough,” Ilishayev says. “It’s easy to get caught up when you’re having a lot of things go right.”
Gopuff is part of a class of startups that soared during the pandemic, trying to solve a logistics and math puzzle that’s dogged Silicon Valley for decades: Can an e-commerce company whisk products to your house in under an hour? And more important: Can it actually make money doing so?
Flying cars and nuclear fusion it certainly isn’t. But the problem has confounded nearly everyone who’s tried to solve it, starting in the 1990s with Kozmo.com, whose bike messengers swarmed New York and a handful of other cities, offering free one-hour delivery of everything from magazines to 16-ounce Cokes, before it was vaporized in the dot-com crash. Two decades later, Covid-19 lockdowns created the perfect conditions for the model to finally work—billions of people trapped at home, desperate to have anything and everything delivered as quickly as possible, for almost any price. Nearly $10 billion of venture capital gushed into so-called quick commerce companies like Gopuff and the Istanbul-based Getir in 2021, according to PitchBook Data Inc. That didn’t include the exponential growth of delivery apps like DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Instacart, which ferried food from restaurants and supermarkets. Meanwhile, the biggest deliverer of all, Amazon.com Inc., was notching a 40% annual growth rate.
Gopuff, which had been kicking around since 2013, emerged with a different strategy than its DoorDash ilk, mostly middlemen apps that relied on a contract workforce and often skimmed a margin of up to 40% from the restaurants and retailers they made deliveries for. Instead, Gopuff had an Amazon-like approach of storing and stocking products in its own mini warehouses staffed by full-time employees, then using contractors to deliver products to people’s doorstep for $1.95 an order. Its founders, Ilishayev and Yakir Gola, each now 29, got to know each other when they were undergrads at Drexel University, where they started an online business selling hookahs and other smoking paraphernalia to other college kids (early slogan: “Puffin’ has never been this easy”). It wasn’t until 2015 that they entered the booze business, charging an additional $2 fee per order for alcohol, and gradually expanded their assortment and ambition.
By early 2020, Gopuff had 165 warehouses covering some 600 US cities. Then, in the span of two years, the startup raised an astounding $3 billion in venture capital from the likes of SoftBank Group Corp.’s infamous Vision Fund, acquired the 28-year-old liquor retailer BevMo!, and expanded into Europe by buying two smaller competitors. By 2021 its valuation had risen to a hyperbolic $15 billion, and the founders had cashed out by selling some of their shares to investors. They bought a private plane and decamped from Philadelphia to intracoastal mansions in Miami.
Paywall Free version here.
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After playing all the characters in the mercenaries here’s my personal ranking for them! Warning- I am simply mid at fighting games so you’ll see me complain about the difficulty and sorry if you can’t relate I just suck at games.
#4 Ethan Winters
He’s a classic and I love him, there’s no one I’d rather run through the plot for the millionth time with than him. He’s a sweetheart who just loves his family so much and when he was the only character you could play as in the mercenaries I often joked that his afterlife was just running through these levels so many times… because that’s what it took for me to ever get an A rank as him. I had to memorize the enemy placement to get a decent score on the village and even then I struggled. Headshots are what you need for a decent score and for that you really need the shotgun. I’d always get the basic one and upgrade both that and LEMI which was fine but now we have the others and that’s my gripe.
Ethan has one weapon that’s just okay. Anything else you have to buy and if you’re just starting with this character you don’t have a huge budget so to even do point worthy damage you have to upgrade it and usually getting it fully there you only get by the end stages if you’re lucky enough. He’s just him with his guns, he doesn’t have any special abilities beyond the perks you can get in stages. Maybe you can unlock some for him but as a base? He’s not that great. Love him dearly but not for the mercenaries.
#3 Alcina Dimitrescu
Ranking her this low partly because the other two outshine her, she’s not for my play style, and her ranged attack sucks. I’ll admit I do need to try playing as her some more but I was not too thrilled the first time. She’s so cool don’t get me wrong! I love her enjoyment of the bloodshed- me too girl it’s why I keep playing this mini game- and her manic laughs are such a mood.
It’s just that her fighting isn’t my favorite. She’s more strictly melee than the others. Her claws do more damage than Heisenberg’s hammer true and her thrill meter is unlike the onslaught, you can call her daughters to help which is neat but I don’t get to kill the enemies myself I save them for the bigger ones, and my least favorite of all is the fly ranged attack. It’s just so difficult to aim right and you have to wait on it to reload which is brutal on my combo streak. I dunno I wasn’t super impressed with her.
If you like her that’s fine! If she’s your favorite and main to play with that’s cool! She just isn’t mine even if she’s super fun!
#2 Chris Redfield
Okay look I was PEEVED when the dlc dropped and I had to unlock Heisenberg. He wasn’t in shadows of rose at all and finding out he had to be unlock made my blood boil and I cried because I’m not super good at these kinds of games. But I put it aside eventually and decided to play as Chris and ooooh boy.
First off? <3 Dragoon <3 my beloved <3 it’s my favorite gun and I was so happy it was already in his inventory along with the more powerful handgun in comparison to Ethan. It’s what makes Chris shine as a gun character compared to him because he already has these awesome powerful guns ready to go and you can add even more OP upgrades. Soon getting at least an A Rank wasn’t anything at all and I tore through enemies with ease after figuring out a method I liked. I don’t use his fists and that’s what irritates me is technically there is no blocking (my biggest beef with shadows of rose too) but you kinda don’t need to. He’s fun to play with and I need to try using the target locator at some point.
#1 Karl Heisenberg
Does he get a point because he’s my favorite character in general and I’m obsessed with him? A little bit yeah. But only a little bit. The reason he’s number one on my list is because he’s incredibly OP and a perfect mix of ranged and melee.
His hammer is so cool with how you can charge it and then bring it down to kill hoards of enemies in one go and get a massive point pay off for it, the saw blade is incredible for ranged AND closer attacks and the ricochet is hilarious, I don’t ever really use the magnetic field or the scrap I find them difficult to work with and slow me down/dont do do much damage but they are really cool regardless, and summoning the Soldat jet is epic when fighting against bigger enemies that would otherwise be a huge pain.
He’s fun and easy to play as and the point pay off is massive if you focus all your lei into upgrading the hammer and saw blade after getting his lil perks. Because it is worth it to buy the reduced hammer and soldat jet recharge perks right off the bat. At least in my experience. Heisenberg is just overall a wonderful balance of melee and ranged which I KNOW I already said but it’s true. He’s by far for my play style the best out of all of them.
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ladyirisreviews · 1 month
Drainus - Review
I'm very excited to review this, this is the third game of Team Ladybug, a developer team I am quite fond of, they made 2 of the best Metroidvanias out there and it might seem weird that their next game following 2 Metroidvanias was a shoot em up, but if you take a look at their 2 previous games, it does make sense.
Touhou Luna Nights is basically a fangame of the Touhou games, a bullet hell series, and Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth had elements that were heavily inspired by shoot 'em ups, specifically, the element change system, which is similar to how Ikaruga works.
So them making a shoot 'em up seems very logical to me.
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Another interesting fact is that this is their first completely original game, both of their previous games were based on an already existing franchise, so that makes this game even more special.
I'll start with a brief summary of the plot.
You follow Irina, a young woman who fights to destroy the evil galactic empire that has control over countless planets, she counts with the help of the incredibly handsome Gehnie, an artificial lifeform sent from the future.
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He manages to steal the empire's secret weapon, the Drainus, and contacts Irina so she helps him free the universe from the empire.
The plot is fairly straightforward, but the inclusion of obtainable disks scattered through the levels, that contain conversations between characters on both sides of the conflict, help flesh out the world.
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Now, moving out of the plot, because I don't want to spoil too much, let's get into the gameplay.
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When you boil it down, it's a very classic shoot 'em up, but it has some features that make it stand out a lot, for starters, the whole draining mechanic.
When you enter draining mode, you drain all energy-based projectiles you come in contact with, and when you exit draining mode or run out of meter, all of the stored energy auto-targets the enemies.
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It's very reminiscent of Ikaruga, like how the upgrade system is reminiscent of Gradius, but they add their own, very unique spin to the system.
You start with a basic weapon, and each upgrade item will unlock the next equipment you have equipped, it can be a different laser weapon, a fleet of mini ships with different properties, missiles, or even a stat boost.
You can unlock them with special points you get after defeating enemies, and after purchasing them you can equip them wherever you want.
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The equipment level you are currently into is displayed in the top middle by the power-up meter, once you get all of your equipment unlocked, any new upgrade items will charge your bombs.
You can also buy hard upgrades for your Drainus, like unlocking more equipment slots, increasing the draining gauge, and increasing the number of bombs.
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The upgrades also work like your life meter, when you get hit you lose your highest upgrade, and if you get hit while you have none at all, you lose a life, which I think is quite friendly for players who aren't that good at shoot 'em ups, like me.
But if you want a greater challenge, there is the option to enable 1-hit kills, making the game way harder.
You can also change the speed of your ship whenever you like, making maneuvering in tight spaces easier.
The actual levels are very dynamic, there's a wide selection of enemies, environments, and transitions that keep the level fresh and fun the whole time.
And as a cherry on top, the bosses are extremely cool.
Most of them have more than one bar of HP, and when it depletes they morph into a completely different machine, the music also aids these encounters greatly.
The whole OST is incredible, really.
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These are all the first boss!
The artwork is also incredible, it's in my opinion the best artwork in any of their games to date, it's something to admire.
So in a few words, this game has very tight controls, gameplay, upgrade system, and difficulty customizations, while also counting with an incredible OST and artwork.
So if you like shoot 'em ups, it's a must-play, and even if you don't play a lot of shoot 'em ups, it's a game anybody can enjoy due to its difficulty options, it's just that good.
I can see myself getting lost in doing challenge runs on this game, like I have been doing in Touhou Luna Nights and Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth, except on this game it's way easier to determine the rules because of the levels of customization.
I really mean it when I say: Go play this game.
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qocsuing · 1 month
Guide to Choosing the Best Forex Broker
Guide to Choosing the Best Forex Broker The forex market, known for its vast liquidity and 24-hour trading opportunities, attracts traders from all corners of the globe. However, to succeed in this dynamic environment, selecting the right forex broker is crucial. This guide will walk you through the essential factors to consider when choosing the best forex broker for your trading needs.To get more news about forex broker, you can visit our official website.
1. Regulation and Security The first and foremost aspect to consider is the regulation and security offered by the forex broker. A regulated broker ensures that your funds are secure and that the broker operates under strict guidelines. Regulatory bodies such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the US, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia provide oversight and protection for traders. By choosing a regulated broker, you can have peace of mind knowing that your investments are safeguarded.
2. Trading Platform A user-friendly and efficient trading platform is essential for executing trades effectively. Look for a broker that offers a platform with advanced charting tools, customizable indicators, and real-time market data. Additionally, ensure that the platform is compatible with your preferred devices, such as desktop computers, smartphones, or tablets, allowing you to trade on-the-go.
3. Spreads and Commissions Forex brokers earn their profits through spreads and commissions. The spread refers to the difference between the buying and selling price of a currency pair. A tight spread indicates a lower cost of trading, making it more favorable for traders. Similarly, commissions are charged for each trade executed, usually based on the volume of the transaction. Compare the spreads and commissions offered by different brokers to find the most competitive rates. However, keep in mind that low spreads and commissions should not be the sole determinant of your choice; other factors such as reliability and customer service should also be considered.
4. Leverage and Margin Leverage allows traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital. It can significantly amplify both profits and losses. Different forex brokers offer varying leverage ratios, such as 1:100, 1:200, or even higher. While leverage can be advantageous, it is crucial to use it responsibly and understand the risks involved. Additionally, consider the margin requirements imposed by the broker. Margin is the amount of money required to open and maintain a position. Higher margin requirements can limit your trading opportunities, especially if you have limited capital.
5. Customer Service Reliable customer service is vital when trading forex. Look for brokers that offer 24/7 customer support through various channels, such as live chat, email, and phone. Prompt and efficient customer service can help resolve any issues or concerns you may encounter while trading.
6. Educational Resources Educational resources are invaluable, especially for beginner traders. Many brokers offer a range of educational materials, including webinars, tutorials, and articles, to help you understand the forex market and develop your trading skills. Access to these resources can enhance your trading knowledge and improve your chances of success.
7. Account Types Different brokers offer various account types to cater to different trading needs. Consider the types of accounts available, such as standard accounts, mini accounts, and VIP accounts. Each account type may have different features, such as minimum deposit requirements, leverage options, and access to additional services. Choose an account type that aligns with your trading goals and budget.
8. Reviews and Recommendations Finally, reading reviews and seeking recommendations from other traders can provide valuable insights into the broker’s reputation and performance2. Online forums, social media groups, and review websites can be excellent sources of information. However, be cautious and consider multiple sources to get a balanced view.
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sailorofcosmos · 3 months
Rant. Very big rant. I am not @ anyone and mean no offense to any single person or entity. These are my personal feelings/viewpoints. If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing. If you don't like it, don't waste your time reading it.
To everyone who gives me shit over the fact that I shop on Temu:
Not everyone is privileged enough to be able to buy from whom they want to buy.
Would I like to buy from and support my local artisans? Yes! Absolutely! I was one of them once. I know how hard that is, how much time and love and energy goes into their craft. When I have a little more cash than usual, I love to look in artsy fartsy local shops. I frequent the crystal place off main street.
Can I afford a $15 pair of earrings sold at the artisan fair? No. Even when I have the money, no.
I am often at and below the poverty level. I can't afford to feed myself sometimes; I often get malnutrition symptoms due to being unable to buy food that is good for me. I have severe mental health conditions. Severe as in, I could use a service dog. My brain is MESSED UP and does not produce enough of certain hormones, and too much of others.
And sometimes I just want to treat myself. It's okay to want nice things. Pins for my backpack. Stickers for my car. Tiny Lego flower sets. Maybe I finally give in to my scrapbooking hyperfixation. And I can afford to do that every once in a while because of Temu.
And it's not just things I WANT either. My pillow that I bought on Temu has lasted me 2 years. I buy laundry soap, school supplies, a couple of mini things such as a handheld car vacuum and an air purifier. An air purifier at Walmart would've cost me $50 minimum. The one I got on Temu was $12. Why do I need an air purifier? The dorms are humid and a prime environment to mold growth. I had very bad mold sickness my first semester.
People have reported getting scammed by Temu. I always pay through a third party encrypted service, such as PayPal or Afterpay. I've never experienced such scams, but I'm careful. You should be too. Everyone should always be careful, regardless of where they shop. Amazon has been hacked before. There have been card skimmers at Walmart.
People have said it's bad quality. Some things are a miss, but most other things I'm shocked at the high quality for the price I paid. That makeup brush cleaning machine? Nope. My mini car vac? Wow, yes.
People have said they use questionable manufacturing processes. First, there's almost no way we can prove that. Everything I've ever heard about it was hearsay, and how can I tell if you're genuine or if it's xenophobia? Second, how can we prove someplace like Walmart or Amazon aren't using the same processes and charging fivefold? Most things are made in China. It's incredibly hard sometimes to find something that isn't. The difference is that the wholesaler paid that dirt price to China and then turned around and sold it to the retailer for threefold, who then turned around and sold it to us another threefold. Same item, same price, hidden by corporate greed. Would I willingly, with good conscience, buy from a manufacturer proven to use sweatshops and/or employ children? Absolutely effing not. Can I help/prevent it if something I buy uses that process and I don't know about it? Unfortunately, no.
Do you take me for a fool who doesn't understand economics? You'd be wrong. They are targeting Americans and undercutting our market due to individualistic consumerism, inflation, and people like me, unable to afford nice things, existing. They're selling their inventory at a loss in order to establish a customer base. Once they have said customer base, they begin to raise prices. I've already seen this start to happen. Most shirts now cost $6-12 on Temu instead of $4. Amazon did this exact same process when they started out. Look at how Amazon has taken over the American market. I distinctly remember when Toys R Us closed, due to being outsourced by Amazon.
"Oh but you're supporting China taking control of America." First of all, go off. Y'all need to remember that the difference between the CCP and the Chinese people is immense and the Chinese people are greatly suffering under their own government. Second of all, do I look like a politician? Do I seem like someone who has control over foreign policy? Didn't think so. I'm one out of hundreds of thousands or millions of people who use Temu.
"But that's the mentality of everyone and if everyone chose to stop shopping there one by one, they wouldn't have their customer base." First off, this is again a very privileged viewpoint. Second, I have no control over the other Temu customers. Neither do you. They aren't going to stop shopping there just because someone they don't know said so.
Third, it is human to put ones own welfare and survival over others. And for those with mental health issues, this can be very hard. If I spend $10 on Temu liquid pods instead of $30 for a container of Tide, that's $20 I can spend on food, gas, bills, or other necessities. If I decide to spend the $30 on Tide because I MIGHT be hurting someone who is already being hurt/used REGARDLESS of what I chose, I may not eat that day. I maybe can't afford ramen cups. I might not be able to put gas in my car (and as a delivery driver, that means I lose opportunity capital from not being able to work).
I am not financially stable. Maybe if I was, I would be able to purchase things that are knowingly made ethically. Maybe if I was, I wouldn't even want to treat myself very often because I would mentally be in a better headspace. Their is nothing like the stress of not knowing if you're going to be able to eat that week.
I do not need to prove anything to you. I do not have to explain my reasons behind my shopping choices. I do not need to defend myself against your accusations.
But I am tired of being looked down upon. I am tired of being labeled as someone who "doesn't care" because I shop on Temu. Go off! Like you cared before Temu, or SheIn, or AliExpress existed. But we are all victims of the same system. The only difference is that you have privilege and I don't.
That's all. Thank you 🙇🤷
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vapehk1 · 3 months
Top 10 Best Pod Kits in 2024: Discover the Premier Vaping Devices on the Market
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Explore the cutting-edge pod kit vapes of 2024, each tailored to elevate your vaping journey. As vaping technology advances, these devices blend innovative features with simplicity, appealing to a broad spectrum of users from tech aficionados to those favoring ease of use. Our meticulously crafted top 10 list highlights the best pod kits based on performance, build quality, and user-friendliness, guiding you to the perfect choice whether you're after durability, technological sophistication, or straightforward functionality. Navigate the diverse offerings in the vaping market with confidence. Our selections prioritize devices that not only meet but exceed expectations in their design and technological advancements. From durable models designed to withstand daily usage to those equipped with the latest tech features, our list ensures there’s a high-performing vape for every preference. Dive into the world of premium pod kit vapes this year and discover devices that redefine industry standards. Featuring superior power management, customizable settings, and sleek aesthetics, each model stands out for its innovative approach to vaping. Embrace the future of vaping with a pod kit that not only meets your needs but also enhances your overall experience, ensuring every puff is a step forward in your vaping adventure. 1 LOST VAPE THELEMA ELITE 40 Buy Now 2 VOOPOO ARGUS G2 Buy Now 3 UWELL CALIBURN G3 Buy Now 4 VAPORESSO XROS 4 Buy Now 5 VOOPOO VMATE MAX Buy Now 6 SMOK NORD 5 KIT Buy Now 7 VOOPOO ARGUS G2 mini Buy Now 8 LOST VAPE URSA NANO PRO 2 Buy Now 9 PRIMA FLIPPOD Buy Now 10 VOOPOO ARGUS P2 Buy Now Top 10 Best Pod Kits in 2024 1. Lost Vape Thelema Elite 40 - Best Overall The Lost Vape Thelema Elite 40 secures its position as our premier choice for the best pod kit vape of 2024. This sophisticated device is expertly designed to cater to a variety of vaping preferences, from mouth-to-lung (MTL) to restricted direct lung (RDL) styles. It features a robust 1400mAh battery, ensuring extended use with a single charge, and supports quick recharging via USB-C, minimizing downtime significantly. The Thelema Elite 40 comes equipped with two EP Plus cartridges: a 0.3Ω option for those who prefer a looser, more airy draw, and a 0.6Ω cartridge ideal for tighter, MTL vaping, each capable of delivering tailored power outputs—40 watts for the former and 22 watts for the latter. Both cartridges hold up to 3 ml of e-liquid, providing ample capacity for day-long vaping without frequent refills. The pod's single-button control system simplifies operation, allowing easy power adjustments, while the adjustable airflow feature enhances customization, enabling you to fine-tune the draw resistance and vapor output to match your vaping style precisely. With its versatile setup and stylish design choices in leather or carbon fiber finishes, the Thelema Elite 40 stands out as the top recommendation for an exceptional pod vaping experience in 2024. 2. VOOPOO ARGUS G2 - Best for Versatility The VOOPOO ARGUS G2 is a standout in versatility and advanced functionality, making it an exceptional choice for pod vape enthusiasts in 2024. It features a powerful 1000mAh built-in battery that supports extended vaping sessions and offers fast recharging capabilities through its Type-C port. This device allows you to explore a wide range of wattages from 5 to 30W, easily adjustable to suit any vaping style. The ARGUS G2 comes equipped with two pod options: one for direct-to-lung (DTL) and another for mouth-to-lung (MTL) vaping, accommodating vapers of all preferences. Each pod has a generous 3mL capacity and features a top-fill system that is both convenient and leak-proof, ensuring a mess-free experience. Additionally, the device incorporates an adjustable airflow control, providing precise management over the draw and vapor output. This pod system is not just about robust specs; it’s also about delivering a richer flavor and denser vapor, thanks to VOOPOO's continuous innovation in coil and airflow technology. With its sleek design, durable build, and versatile features, the VOOPOO ARGUS G2 is engineered to meet the demands of both new and experienced vapers looking for a reliable, high-performance vaping device. 3. Uwell Caliburn G3 - Best for Consistency Returning to the spotlight in 2024 after its notable presence in 2023, the Uwell Caliburn G3 continues to impress within the vaping community, accompanied this year by its new variant, the G3 Lite. This model is celebrated for delivering outstanding flavor and reliable performance, traits that have become synonymous with the Caliburn series. The Caliburn G3 is powered by a robust 929mAh internal battery, ensuring long-lasting use between charges, facilitated by fast and efficient USB Type-C charging. The device's design remains sleek and user-friendly, slightly taller than its predecessor but maintaining the same thickness and weight, which enhances its portability. A new addition this year is the OLED display, which clearly presents vital information such as wattage, resistance, and battery status, improving user interaction. With two pod choices—the 0.6Ω pod for those who prefer a more open draw and the 0.9Ω pod for a tighter, more restricted inhalation—the G3 provides some level of airflow customization despite the fixed nature of its system. This customization is achieved by how the pod is inserted into the device. While the device lacks adjustable airflow controls and replaceable coil heads, its straightforward design and the quality of vapor it produces make it a compelling option for many vapers. The Uwell Caliburn G3 sets itself apart with consistent performance and an emphasis on user-friendly features. For vapers who prioritize excellent flavor and a hassle-free experience, the Caliburn G3, along with its new G3 Lite version, offers a dependable and enjoyable vaping experience into 2024. 4. VAPORESSO XROS 4 - Best for Rapid Charging and Advanced Technology The VAPORESSO XROS 4 enhances the XROS series with its innovative COREX technology, larger 3ml pods, and swift charging capabilities. This new model builds upon the XROS 3’s success, offering a refined vaping experience that competes well with the XROS Pro. Equipped with dual activation modes—auto-draw and button—alongside safety features like a triple-click lock, the XROS 4 is both user-friendly and secure. Its COREX 2.0 technology optimizes heating for quicker, richer flavor delivery, improving taste by 30% and extending pod longevity. An adjustable airflow slider allows easy switching from tight MTL to open RDL draws, tailored to user preference. The device's durable aluminum alloy body and 3ml pod capacity reduce refills and enhance convenience for heavy users. With a 1000mAh battery and 2A rapid charging, it recharges fully in just 30 minutes, significantly minimizing downtime. 5. VOOPOO VMATE MAX - Best for Power and Portability The VOOPOO VMATE MAX enhances the VMATE series with a 1200mAh battery and a 30W power range, perfect for vapers who need robust performance in a compact package. This device is sized at 103mm x 29mm x 18.7mm and supports 5V/2A fast charging for quick power-ups. Featuring third-generation VMATE cartridges, the VMATE MAX delivers improved flavor and supports multiple vaping styles. It has a dynamic LED that indicates battery and power levels, adding a modern touch. Users can tailor their vaping with three output modes—SPT, NOR, and ECO—to balance cloud size and flavor intensity. Safety is prioritized with protections against short-circuits, over-temperature, and overcharging. The anti-slip silicone pad enhances device stability, preventing slips and falls during use. 6. SMOK NORD 5 KIT - Best for Direct Lung Vaping The SMOK NORD 5 Kit is ideal for direct lung vapers seeking performance and style. This iteration introduces a sleek design with an effective airflow adjustment switch and a durable 2000mAh battery that supports up to 80 watts. It's equipped with 0.15ohm and 0.23ohm coils, suitable for robust direct lung vaping. The kit features USB-C fast charging, refilling the device quickly, and a coil lock feature to secure the coil in place. Priced at £28.49, the NORD 5 offers great value, combining advanced features with ease of use in a compact form. 7. VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini - Best for Compact Power The VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini excels in blending portability with powerful performance. This compact device features a 1200mAh battery within a sleek aluminum alloy and PC frame, making it ideal for on-the-go vaping. It offers a straightforward, fixed power output and a practical 3mL pod capacity, ensuring a satisfying vape without frequent refills. Designed for ease of use, the Argus G2 Mini includes an airflow adjustment slider for customizing draw resistance, fitting both MTL and DTL preferences. Safety features such as overcharge and short-circuit protection ensure reliable use. With its robust construction and efficient design, the Argus G2 Mini is perfect for vapers who value both portability and performance. 8. Lost Vape Ursa Nano Pro 2 - Best for Versatile Vaping The Lost Vape Ursa Nano Pro 2 stands out for its adaptability and user-focused design, making it a top choice for vapers who appreciate flexibility. This pod system is powered by a 1000mAh battery and utilizes the advanced Quest 2.0 chip, enabling up to 30W of tailored output for a personalized vaping journey. Its construction integrates a robust zinc alloy and plastic frame, designed to offer durability without sacrificing style. The kit includes two Ursa V2 cartridges (0.6Ω and 0.8Ω), supporting both RDL and MTL vaping styles, and features an adjustable airflow control system that fine-tunes the vaping experience to individual preferences. A standout feature is the 0.42-inch OLED display, which provides clear and accessible vaping data at a glance, and a ring-shaped RGB indicator for battery status, enhancing the device’s functionality and ease of use. With a 2.5ml pod capacity and an easy refill system, the Ursa Nano Pro 2 kit combines performance with convenience, making it a superb option for vapers looking to maximize their experience with minimal fuss. 9. Prima Vape Flip Pod - Best for Foldable Design The Prima Vape Flip Pod revolutionizes portability with its unique foldable design. This compact device snaps together magnetically, making it exceptionally pocket-friendly for on-the-go use. It features a robust 1000mAh battery that supports all-day vaping and a convenient USB-C fast charging system. Despite its small size, the Flip Pod offers a powerful 30W output and a versatile airflow control system for customizable vaping experiences, whether you prefer tight MTL draws or open DTL puffs. Available in multiple stylish colors, the Flip Pod combines practicality with performance, making it an ideal choice for vapers seeking innovation and convenience in a sleek package. 10. VOOPOO ARGUS P2 - Best for Advanced Customization The VOOPOO ARGUS P2 excels in customization and durability, ideal for vapers seeking a tailored experience. This device features a 1100mAh battery for extended use and rapid USB-C charging. With its robust build using premium materials, the ARGUS P2 is both durable and stylish. It offers advanced control with Shift Mode, allowing for precise adjustments in vapor production and flavor intensity. The ergonomic design and intuitive display enhance user interaction, making it straightforward for both new and experienced vapers. Compact yet powerful, the VOOPOO ARGUS P2 is perfect for anyone looking for a high-performance, customizable pod system. Final Thoughts on the Top 10 Pod Kits of 2024 The pod kits of 2024 represent a significant leap in vaping technology, offering advanced features that cater to a wide range of preferences. From the robust, all-day battery life pod kit to the innovative foldable design of the pod system, each starter kit model on our list is designed to enhance the vaping experience. Whether you prioritize sleek design, ease of use, or cutting-edge technology, there is a pod kit here to meet every need. These devices not only promise exceptional performance but also introduce a level of customization and efficiency that sets new standards in the vaping industry. Read the full article
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sultanaislammow · 8 months
Switching to a service provider, the unit price per customer increased by 40%, and the messy fees were gone.
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▶Offline light food brand Douyin operation HE Tuber manager, over 50 offline stores in Beijing + Chengdu
We have also encountered pitfalls when looking for Douyin operators.
In April this year, the agent operator gave us our first live broadcast. The GMV of the five-hour live broadcast reached more than 200,000 yuan, ranking third on Douyin’s local group buying life list in Beijing. Sounds great, but there's no money to be made.
Because points are raised based on sales, the agent operation keeps the package price very low. For example, a burrito priced at 32 yuan is priced at 27.9 yuan in the store, and the discounted price is 27 yuan on Meituan Takeout and our mini program. During the live broadcast, they directly marked the price to 19 yuan, which is almost 40% off; there is also a 35 yuan burrito. The chicken breast meal is priced at 28 yuan, and they sell 50 yuan vouchers in the live broadcast room for 35 yuan, which is equivalent to a 30% discount, which is 24.5 yuan.
In Douyin Live, the sales price has been discounted by 40%. In addition, the platform deducts 2.5% and the operator deducts 10%. The total deduction is 12.5%. We will definitely make no money.
In mid-May, we switched to another agent and by the beginning of June we had done a total of 4 or 5 live broadcasts. Although the cumulative GMV was just over 400,000 yuan, the unit price per customer increased by 40%. We have also reached an agreement with the agent operator. We will not pay the pit fee for the experts to visit the store. We will adopt a pure commission model, and the commission will be included in the 10% commission we give to the agent operator. In other words, we do not pay any additional fees except the commission to the agent operator.
We have more than 50 light food restaurants in Beijing and Chengdu, with annual sales of nearly 100 million yuan. Takeaways contribute 60% of our revenue, currently Meituan is the main one. We do Douyin mainly for exposure and to increase the awareness of young people. At present, the proportion of sales is not large and the write-off rate is not high. In May, the GMV of our Douyin live broadcast was only 400,000 yuan, and 210,000 yuan was written off, with a write-off rate of just over 50%.
But Douyin is also solving the problem of in-store verification. Previously, we used an in-store verification system called HuaLaLa, but it did not support Douyin, so we had to prepare a separate mobile phone for verification of Douyin group buying coupons. At the end of February, Douyin was connected to Hualala, and store cashier computers can directly scan Douyin’s QR code.
In terms of time period, Douyin is also stimulating demand in "off-season" periods such as Mondays and Wednesdays. In May, our live broadcasts will also be held on Mondays and Wednesdays. They will also focus on node marketing. For example, in May, we did "Xindong 51". We labeled the products with event labels. If consumers place an order of more than 50 yuan, the platform will subsidize users 2 yuan.
At present, our main transactions are still with Meituan. Meituan has not taken any action yet, and the platform deduction points have not been reduced.
3. The write-off rate of Douyin Catering reaches 50%, and the write-off rate in one day accounts for 50%
▶The leading service provider of Douyin life services, operating GMV of hundreds of millions in 2016
This year, the GMV target of Douyin Local Life has tripled, and service providers with average strength also want to get a share of the pie. As a result, many catering businesses complained that the current agent operators of Douyin Life Service have chaotic management and chaotic charging.
Last year, at the Douyin Service Provider Conference, there were only 8 catering service providers around our city. This year, the number has increased to more than 200. In the past, most of those who transformed themselves into Douyin service providers were e-commerce service providers. But this year, all kinds of people want to get a piece of the pie, such as BDs from Meituan and Koubei, and catering businesses. Now, Douyin’s local life service providers have a low threshold and only need to pay a deposit of 100,000 yuan.
However, we feel that the chaos is only temporary. Douyin will gradually tighten its policies and eliminate a group of service providers with insufficient capabilities. Therefore, the confusion in management and fee exchange is only temporary.
At present, Douyin is doing whatever it takes to provide good services to KA and SKA merchants, trying to create a number of benchmark cases. We mainly serve KA customers. We hold a meeting with Douyin once a month to connect with the person in charge of operations of Douyin’s life service provider.
We charge commissions to catering merchants, usually 3%-8%. The larger the merchant, the lower the commission point. For example, if a customer like Cha Momo has sales of over 100 million in a single day, we would be happy to do it if the commission is 1%.
Compared with Meituan, Douyin provides merchants with resources, including traffic and low deduction points. Douyin’s deductions for catering merchants are 2.5%, beauties (including haircuts and medical beauty) are 3%-10%, entertainment is 3%-9%, travel agencies are 6%, cars are 5%, and shopping is 5%.
Now, Meituan has been reducing the deduction points, from the original 8% (catering package) to 4%. Some companies even waive the fee, while Meituan only charges a basic service fee. Correspondingly, they signed an exclusive agreement with Meituan. Either the price of other channels must be consistent with Meituan, or they must offline Douyin group purchase, but the agreement was only signed for three months. Meituan is not a charity, and it is also looking at the effects of these countermeasures.
In our view, Meituan’s measures have little impact on Douyin. Merchants should conduct live broadcasts and conduct promotions on special holidays. Because Douyin has made inroads outside of Meituan, through live broadcasts and short videos, consumers’ orders are entirely driven by content.
The write-off rate of Douyin’s catering sector has reached 50%, and this number will only be 30% in 2021. For Douyin catering packages (or vouchers), 50% are written off in one day, 15% 
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mavdrones · 9 months
What should I look for when Buying a Drone?
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Buying a Drone can be exciting! But before you take the plunge, there are some important factors to consider to ensure you choose the perfect one for your needs and skill level. Here are some key points to look for:
Skill Level:
Beginner: If you’re a first-timer, opt for a lightweight, smaller drone with built-in stabilization and obstacle avoidance features. These are user-friendly and less prone to crashing. Example: Mavic mini 2 SE
Intermediate: If you have some experience, you can consider heavier drones with more advanced features like follow-me mode, automated flight paths, and higher-resolution cameras. Example: Mavic AIR 3
Advanced: For seasoned pilots, high-performance drones with extended range, raw footage recording, and custom settings offer greater control and creative possibilities. Example: Mavic 3 pro
Aerial photography/ videography: Look for drones with high-resolution cameras, gimbal stabilization for smooth footage, and good battery life.
Racing/acrobatics: Choose agile, lightweight drones with powerful motors and responsive controls.
Fun flying/sightseeing: prioritize portability, maneuverability, and ease of use.
Key Features:
Camera: Resolution (720p, 1080p, 4K, etc.), field of view, gimbal stabilization, and recording format are crucial.
Flight time: How long can the drone stay airborne on a single charge? Longer flight times allow for more exploration.
Range: How far can you control the drone before losing signal? Consider your intended flying areas.
Controls: Different controller types (gamepad, app-based, etc.) offer varying levels of comfort and precision.
Safety features: Look for obstacle avoidance, automatic return-to-home, and low-battery warnings for safe flying.
Additional features: GPS tracking, follow-me mode, automated flight paths, and pre-programmed maneuvers can add fun and functionality.
Other considerations:
Budget: Drones range in price from Rs. 70k-3L depending upon the configuration on drones. Define your budget and focus on features within that range.
Regulations: Check drone laws and regulations in your area to understand restrictions and registration requirements.
Durability and repairs: Consider the drone’s build quality and ease of obtaining replacement parts.
Community and support: Look for drones with active communities and readily available customer support.
By carefully considering these factors, you can find the ideal drone that matches your skill level, budget, and purpose. Remember, safety and responsible flying are top priorities, so always obey drone regulations and fly with caution.
I hope this helps! Do you have any specific questions about drones or your intended use? I’m happy to provide further guidance.
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globallyfulfill · 11 months
The Art of Dropshipping Pricing: How to Price for Profit, Not Just Sales
Hey Tumblr folks,
Today, let's dive into the world of dropshipping and unravel the mystery of pricing strategies. It's not just about setting a price; it's an art form that balances cost, value, and profit. Let's break it down for all you aspiring e-commerce mavens!
Dropshipping: A Quick Rundown
Dropshipping is like being a retail matchmaker: You connect customers with products without ever handling the goods yourself. No inventory headaches, no shipping drama. Just pure retail bliss.
Why Pricing Matters in Dropshipping
Your pricing strategy is the heartbeat of your dropshipping business. It's what makes the difference between a thriving store and a struggling one. It's all about finding that sweet spot where your prices are attractive to customers but still leave room for a healthy profit.
Pricing Strategies by Product Tier
1. Low-Ticket Items
Think small but mighty. Low-ticket items are usually priced between $0 and $10.
The key here is volume. You want a price that's low enough to encourage impulse buys but high enough to keep your margins in the green.
Strategies to Consider:
Fixed Markup on Cost: This is like adding a constant sidekick to each product's cost. Simple and straightforward.
Free Plus Shipping: The modern-day trojan horse of e-commerce. Offer the product for free and charge for shipping. It's a psychological gem.
2. Medium-Ticket Items
These are your bread and butter, priced between $10 and $30.
The goal? Balance. You want to offer value while keeping your profit margins healthy.
Strategies to Play With:
Cost-Based Pricing: This is like being a financial chef. Mix in all your costs, add a pinch of markup, and voilà: your selling price.
Bundle Pricing: Bundle up related products and offer a deal. It's like creating a mini treasure chest for your customers.
The Real Deal: Strategy Application
Let's say you're selling, oh, let's go with fitness gear. A pair of dumbbells costs you $25, with $5 for shipping. Your Shopify plan is $29/month, and domain costs are $11/month. Add a 30% markup, and you're looking at around $40 per pair.
But hey, round it down to $39.99 for that psychological edge. It's all about making your customers feel like they're getting a deal.
Final Musings
Dropshipping pricing isn't just about slapping a tag on a product. It's a dance between cost, customer psychology, and market dynamics. Whether you're dealing with low-ticket impulse buys or high-value treasures, the right strategy can turn your store into an e-commerce legend.
So, dropshippers of Tumblr, what's been your go-to pricing strategy? Share your wins, your oops moments, and let's grow together in this wild world of online retail!
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azeemsafiofficial · 1 year
DJI Mini 3 Review: The Ultimate Drone Camera for Beginners
The DJI Mini 3 is the latest iteration of DJI's popular line of compact drones, designed with beginners in mind. It builds upon the success of its predecessors, the Mini and Mini 2, offering an even more impressive package for those looking to dip their toes into the world of aerial photography and videography.
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Read Article: The DJI Mini 3 Review: Best Drone Camera For Beginner
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Design and Portability:
One of the standout features of the DJI Mini 3 is its compact and lightweight design. Weighing in at just 249 grams, it falls below the regulatory weight threshold in many countries, which means you often won't need a license or registration to fly it. The foldable arms make it incredibly portable, fitting comfortably into a small bag or even a pocket. This makes it a fantastic travel companion for capturing breathtaking footage on the go.
Camera Performance:
The camera on the Mini 3 is a notable improvement over its predecessors. It boasts a 1/2.3-inch sensor, capable of shooting 12MP photos and 4K video at 30fps. The image quality is impressive for its size, delivering vibrant colors and sharp details. While it may not compete with DJI's more advanced models like the Mavic Air 2 in terms of camera capabilities, it certainly exceeds expectations for a beginner-focused drone.
Flight Performance:
DJI's Mini drones have always been known for their user-friendly flight experience, and the Mini 3 is no exception. It comes equipped with GPS and downward-facing sensors for stable and precise hovering, even in less-than-ideal conditions. The addition of obstacle avoidance technology helps prevent collisions, further enhancing its safety and ease of use for beginners.
Battery Life:
The Mini 3 comes with an upgraded battery that offers a respectable flight time of up to 31 minutes on a single charge. This extended flight time provides more opportunities to capture stunning aerial footage without constantly worrying about returning to the base for a recharge.
Read Article: The DJI Mini 3 Review: Best Drone Camera For Beginner
Buy On Amazon: Check Price
Intelligent Flight Modes:
DJI has included several intelligent flight modes that make capturing professional-looking shots a breeze, even for newcomers. QuickShot modes, such as Dronie and Circle, automate complex maneuvers, allowing users to focus on framing their shots. ActiveTrack 4.0 lets the drone autonomously follow a subject, while Smart Return to Home ensures a safe and accurate return even in challenging environments.
Controller and App:
The Mini 3 is compatible with the DJI Fly app, which provides an intuitive interface for controlling the drone and accessing various features. The included remote controller offers precise and responsive control, and it can hold most smartphones for a live view of the camera feed.
One of the most appealing aspects of the DJI Mini 3 is its affordability. It provides access to DJI's renowned technology and features at a price point that won't break the bank, making it an excellent choice for beginners or those on a budget.
In summary, the DJI Mini 3 is a fantastic drone for beginners and amateur aerial photographers and videographers. It combines portability, ease of use, and impressive camera capabilities at an affordable price. While it may not match the advanced features of DJI's higher-end models, it more than satisfies the needs of those looking to capture stunning aerial content without a steep learning curve. If you're in the market for a beginner-friendly drone that delivers on both performance and value, the DJI Mini 3 should be at the top of your list.
Read Article: The DJI Mini 3 Review: Best Drone Camera For Beginner
Buy On Amazon: Check Price
#The DJI Mini 3 is the latest iteration of DJI's popular line of compact drones#designed with beginners in mind. It builds upon the success of its predecessors#the Mini and Mini 2#offering an even more impressive package for those looking to dip their toes into the world of aerial photography and videography.#Design and Portability:#One of the standout features of the DJI Mini 3 is its compact and lightweight design. Weighing in at just 249 grams#it falls below the regulatory weight threshold in many countries#which means you often won't need a license or registration to fly it. The foldable arms make it incredibly portable#fitting comfortably into a small bag or even a pocket. This makes it a fantastic travel companion for capturing breathtaking footage on the#Camera Performance:#The camera on the Mini 3 is a notable improvement over its predecessors. It boasts a 1/2.3-inch sensor#capable of shooting 12MP photos and 4K video at 30fps. The image quality is impressive for its size#delivering vibrant colors and sharp details. While it may not compete with DJI's more advanced models like the Mavic Air 2 in terms of came#it certainly exceeds expectations for a beginner-focused drone.#Flight Performance:#DJI's Mini drones have always been known for their user-friendly flight experience#and the Mini 3 is no exception. It comes equipped with GPS and downward-facing sensors for stable and precise hovering#even in less-than-ideal conditions. The addition of obstacle avoidance technology helps prevent collisions#further enhancing its safety and ease of use for beginners.#Battery Life:#The Mini 3 comes with an upgraded battery that offers a respectable flight time of up to 31 minutes on a single charge. This extended fligh#Intelligent Flight Modes:#DJI has included several intelligent flight modes that make capturing professional-looking shots a breeze#even for newcomers. QuickShot modes#such as Dronie and Circle#automate complex maneuvers#allowing users to focus on framing their shots. ActiveTrack 4.0 lets the drone autonomously follow a subject#while Smart Return to Home ensures a safe and accurate return even in challenging environments.#Controller and App:#The Mini 3 is compatible with the DJI Fly app
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smartgear32 · 2 years
Best Wireless Chargers
Wireless chargers make life much simpler by eliminating the need to carry around a phone's charging cable. This may seem like an insignificant detail, but it can save you a lot of hassle if you're constantly on the go and don't have time to plug your charger into a USB port when out and about.
Some of the best wireless chargers are multi-device compatible, allowing you to charge both your iPhone and Apple Watch simultaneously without needing two separate pads. These "2-in-1" chargers make great choices for those who need to keep their gadgets charged while traveling.
Mophie's Dual Wireless Charging Pad can charge two phones at up to 10W each and features a fabric surface and rubberized trim for secure device attachment. There's an LED charging light to indicate when it's ready for use, as well as a USB-A port for recharging wired hardware.
Yootech's Qi Wireless Charger provides 7.5W to an iPhone 8-12 and 10W to Samsung S8 or newer smartphones, as well as AirPods, and it can charge through phone cases up to 4mm thick. Plus, there's an LED charging light that switches off once your battery has been fully charged.
Belkin's Boost Up Wireless Charging Pad is an economical option that doesn't compromise safety. It features a non-slip surface to prevent your phone from sliding, an impressive 7.5-watt transmitter coil for fast charging, as well a thermal protection sensor, and foreign object detection circuitry to avoid overcharging your device.
If you're just looking for the essentials, Anker's 315 Wireless Charger is an ideal choice. It has a slim design that's comfortable to hold and an uncomplicated charging rate of 10W. Plus, it comes with both a USB-C cable and Quick Charge 3.0 power adapter - ideal if you don't want to buy separate power adapters when purchasing one of these pads.
Anker's 3-in-1 Charger Stand is a great option, featuring both vertical charging and a 10W charging rate. While it may be pricey, it provides more features than many of its competitors and comes with an impressive 20W USB-C power adapter that lets you use it with any Android device or Apple Watch.
OtterSpot's wireless charging technology works with iPhones that support MagSafe, and it can charge an Apple Watch using its cradle (only the base one). While it doesn't officially support iPhone 13 mini or smaller phones, you should be able to find a version suitable for your needs.
It's worth keeping in mind that not all wireless charging pads are created equal; some vendors make an extensive effort to optimize their stands for specific products. Unfortunately, some vendors fail to take into account changes made annually to iPhones or Samsung Galaxy Watches, which may affect their compatibility with newer gadgets. For more information check smartgear.au.
About us
Are you searching for the ideal standalone pad, stand, or all-in-one charger that supports multiple devices? Whatever your style is, there's sure to be a charger here that meets your needs. From sleek, unobtrusive designs that blend in with your decor to sleek minimalist models that can be displayed on desks or nightstands alike, there are designs here that cater to almost any aesthetic.
With its heathered gray fabric top and metal-look case, the Moshi Otto Q resembles Scandinavian hi-fi equipment and would look perfect on any nightstand or dresser. This 10W wireless charging pad has three coils for landscape or portrait orientations.
The Twelve South PowerPic is an eye-catching charging stand that looks like something you'd find on a desk, nightstand, or dresser. Surprisingly well-built at an attractive price point, this model offers MagSafe compatibility and fast charging at 15W for iPhones (although it only delivers 9W to Samsung phones), plus support for AirPods. Unlike some of its competition, however, this model includes MagSafe compatibility and fast charging at 15W for iPads and iPhones (although it only delivers 9W to Samsung phones), plus it works with Apple Watches too.
The Belkin BoostCharge 15W boasts several impressive features, such as fast charging for both vertical and horizontal phones and an integrated power adapter. Priced at around $10 less than many competing options, this is a great value if you need to charge your Android or iPhone without using your cable.
BoostCharge's primary benefit is its MagSafe compatibility. Apple's own MagSafe chargers can be pricey, but this one costs just $80 with an included wall adapter and supports both iPhone 12 and 13's MagSafe wireless charging - a significant improvement over using Apple's standard certified adapter for charging on those phones.
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zalopetbridge · 2 years
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polhnitro · 2 years
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Aluminum Bluetooth Selfie stick with Built in Tripod, helps you to take self or group photos, also support for watching movies. The phone clamp is adjustable to fit almost all the phones. Por favor y muchas gracias, Best selfie poses for men, Awesome roller coasters. PREMIUM 2 IN 1 DESIGN : NUSTAR 6 is most stylish Monopod Selfie stick among ZAAP range. Supports up to 500 grams of weight - which covers all the smart phones available in the market today.
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If the native camera does not support taking pictures with the AUX cable, one can install Camera 360 App from Google Play. There is no need for Bluetooth pairing to use the camera nor any requirement to charge the Monopod. The X309 comes with an inbuilt AUX cable, when plugged into the 3.5mm jack - allows to take pictures seamlessly. 0.7435157895 Understanding the Basics The Button is Stuck. Be it for travelling, video blogging, wedding ceremony, sporting events or just for fun - the 4Charge X309 allows you to take amazing selfies at different angles. Rome was not built in one day Explore new places Clean your Cave. Buy Bay Selfie Stick With Bluetooth Remote Online Best Prices in India. over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, without using mail or a mass storage device.
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Enjoy Getting Clicked!!įeatures - Based On Hid Communication Technology - Suitable For Iphone With Ios 4.0 System Or Above/Smartphone With Android 3.The X309 Monopod is a must have mobile accessory - taking that perfect Selfie was never so easy. Fotonica 5 in 1 Selfiegraphy Kit Multicolor (Fish Eye+Macro Lens+Wide Angle. Adobe Spark is an integrated suite of storytelling applications for the mobile. It Doesn'T Matter, You Are On Holiday, Travelling, With Family, Alone, On Beach, Cruise, Climbing, Hiking Or Just Around The House, Now You Can Be In Picture Too With Backgrounds You Always Wanted. Wholesaler of Selfie Stick - Elegant Black Pocket Selfie Stick With AUX Wire To Click For Apple & Android Mobile Phones, Selfie Stick Monopod With Inbuilt Bluetooth Clicker For Apple & Android Mobile Phones - 2 Colors, Mini Pocket Selfie Stick With AUX Wire to Click For Apple & Android Mobile Phone offered by Mad Ventures Private Limited, Thane, Maharashtra. Buy Fotonica Selfie Stick With Inbuilt Bluetooth for Andriod & iOS online at a discounted price from.
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Praxan A34 Portable Remote Controller Bluetooth Shutter Button for Selfie. You only need to put your phone on the stand, then use the Bluetooth remote shutter to adjust the stick to your desired position. It utilizes a combination of the tripod and monopod Bluetooth technology, which makes it quite stable. Wireless Mono Pods (Selfie Sticks).Hurrrrrrrrrrreh!!! - An Innovative Mobile Accessory Which Will Change The Way How You Click.Its Getting Clicked Now.! No Need To Ask People Anymore, You Have Your Companion (Selfie Stick- Wireless Mono Pod), It Helps You In Clicking Unlimited Pics With Background You Always Wanted. boAt 228 Wireless BT Stereo Earphone with Rich Boosted Bass, Integrated. The Foneso is undoubtedly the best Bluetooth selfie stick for taking blurless shots. We Get Intimidated With So Pretty Scenic Beauties Around In Our Dream Vacation Places And We Want To Be There In Every Scenic Background.Damn!!!!It Becomes Embarrassing To Ask People So Many Times!! Here Is What We Have Got For You And For Your Mobile.
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Sold by ECO-FUSED and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Material: Stainless Steel & ABS Plastic See Instructions- Bluetooth compatible with iOS & Andriod 4.3+, for other versions, change phone settings or download camera 360 Ultimate App from Google Play Store Extendible Length: 97 cm Appox Foldable Length: 20 cm Approx Universal Attached Screw Non-Slip Foam Grip Compatible with all Android &amp Apple smartphones Tripod Included All the products. Every Time When We Are On Holidays, We Ask People To Click For Us. This item: Selfie Stick with Bluetooth Remote for Smartphones - with Universal Phone Holder up to 3.25 Inch in Width - Adjustable Handheld Monopod 11' - 40' - Light, Compact, Easy to Carry.
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