#Buy Xbox live Card
meiistheprimarynow · 1 year
Console girl lore tour 2
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The PlayStation family of console representatives, aka the Inoue family. They live in the Blue Station (name subject to change) Galaxy. (the PSP and Vita are not pictured here)
The sisters tend to stay in their own galaxy with the exception of Ynos who wanders around space doing as she pleases. They all travel to the location of game show events but will otherwise stay in their own galaxy. The Inoue sisters tend to be distant with other console groups (especially Xbox).
Ynos is the oldest of the Inoue family. Independent and does things her own way. She does not talk with her sisters often anymore, preferring to travel space, going where the wind takes her. She will show up for major events but will otherwise be gone since Ynos sees that her sisters can take care of themselves. She was born before the Blue Station Galaxy was fully established so some question her true origin, saying Ynos may be from another galaxy...
Emotion is the second oldest but the leader of the group, as Ynos is not around to fill that position. She is cool and collected, with a quiet confidence that many admire, even in other galaxies. She is the Inoue sister that started the trend of being reserved. Emotion likes to watch movies and listen to music. While she is calm is most situations, she has a hidden stash of memory cards and other data storage options, fearing another shortage.
Cell is right in the middle in terms of age and is a cheerful girl. She likes computers and builds pcs in her free time. She even made a super computer out of PlayStation 3 consoles. When a new console generation stars Cell will buy one of each console so she can take them apart and find out how they work. She is the most friendly out of her sisters as she wants to know how other Reps live their lives. Despite tearing down other electronics, she does not want to have her own systems tampered with by others.
Orbis is the second youngest and also popular like her sister Emotion. Orbis is more of a show off though, always ready to share her achievements online. She is rarely seen without some form of camera on her. She is confident in her abilities and has even pushed herself with 4k output with her super form being the PS4 Pro.
Tempest is the current console representative and the youngest member of the Inoue sisters that the public knows about. She is laid back and fun loving. She cares about audio quality to the point where she will get mad if she sees her sisters wearing cheap headphones. Tempest has her own pair of headphones that are attached to her hair and can wear them at anytime. She is still new to this console rep thing and is figuring out what it means to be a platform for games.
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blazehedgehog · 2 months
Another Million Dollar Idea
So lately I've been doing lots of listed and unlisted streams from the Playstation 5. Mostly unlisted. Previously, when I wanted to stream something to my friends, I'd have to open the Elgato on my desktop and pipe that in through Discord, which works but isn't ideal.
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For one, my PC is rapidly showing its age, so I have to dump the Elgato down to 720p30 because Discord chugs when capturing this window. Mostly it's good at auto-cropping to only the gameplay, but sometimes it gets confused and will capture the entire window, where you see the settings and buttons. So it kinda sucks.
The easier way to do that is to start up an unlisted YouTube live stream to my dump channel and link it to my friends on Discord. Whatever resolution I want, 60fps, no muss, no fuss. Quick and painless. Here's a stream from the other day where I showed a friend the new version of Asphalt 9 for PS5. It's just raw gameplay footage, no mic:
And, when I want to do a bigger stream, with all my alerts, pop-ups, sounds and rewards, I can always warm up OBS and stream to Twitch properly.
Recently, I house sat for a cousin for eight days. I treat this like a vacation. I can't really work on videos or games or podcasts very much, so I just kick back and chill out. And since these consoles can stream, I can do very long (like 6+ hour) streams easy-peasy.
But let's be real: streaming to Twitch through the PS5 (and the PS4) sucks. I'd have to go in and turn off all my alerts and buttons and overlays, because none of that works on the console stream. The whole thing feels extremely limited, and it's even worse on PS5, where it will automatically end your broadcast if you try to switch games.
But this time around I tried to get something going where I could still get all of my fancy notifications and graphics and still stream from the PS5. The hope was to use remote play on my laptop with the PS5 in the same room, but remote play is too thirsty on the bandwidth for that. Or my 13 year old laptop just can't hang running both OBS and Remote Play at the same time.
But it made me wonder: why should it have to be like this? Game consoles now are more like computers than ever before. There's nothing stopping these systems from supporting real streaming features, like overlays and pop-ups.
And it feels like a deeply untapped market, when you think about it. Imagine if, say, Microsoft came out swinging that the Xbox Series X was the one stop box for professional streamers. Full support for customizable Twitch alerts and overlays, a way to set up soundboards, browser sources, trigger ad breaks, run polls, etc. etc. etc.
Like, think about Elgato. Elgato sells streaming hardware for the PC. Capture cards, lights, cameras, shortcut decks, teleprompters, the works. Streaming and video production is a huge business for them.
If Microsoft or Sony cut in on that market a little bit and rebranded their console as The Only Streaming Hardware You'll Ever Need? Imagine branded streams and the loyalty that could generate.
And these systems have USB ports, obviously. They support common headset protocols through the headphone jack. You can plug professional equipment into them already. Why not have built-in hardware support for that?
The answer is that Microsoft and Sony probably only support Twitch begrudgingly, because some bean counter is annoyed they're "giving money away." After all, Microsoft owned and shut down Mixer. For a time they'd much rather you stay off of Twitch. When you see ads and buy subs they want some of that cut going their way, not to Amazon.
Which is ultimately very short sighted. Microsoft in particular has been rolling over and giving up a lot of ground the last three to five years. If they rebranded as the Xbox being the console for streamers to start and maintain a career over the long term, they could lock in a market that only exists on the PC right now.
If anyone at Microsoft or Playstation is reading this and uses this as inspiration I will take a one time payment of $250,000 for being the world's best ideas guy.
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pageseo2022 · 2 months
Back 4 Blood's Minimal Story and Basic Plot
Back 4 Blood is like the spiritual successor to the classic zombie shooter Left 4 Dead, and it’s made by the same devs. If you're a fan of the original and want to buy Xbox games that deliver a similar thrill, Back 4 Blood is definitely worth checking out. We’ve been waiting ages for a third Left 4 Dead, and even though Turtle Rock’s new game has a different name and some fresh features, it totally lives up to the hype, making it one of the top co-op games of 2021. The game’s story is pretty minimal—a crew of quirky “Cleaners” who are immune to infection team up to take on the Ridden. After a break, the zombie hordes are back in full force. The characters don’t grow much beyond tossing out cheeky lines, and the plot is pretty basic and unoriginal.
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Unique Moments Set Back 4 Blood Apart: Innovation in Co-op Shooters
Back 4 Blood’s level design is top-notch, creating unique experiences in every run so the game never feels repetitive. If you’re looking to buy PS5 games with standout design and replayability, this one should definitely be on your radar. Unlike many co-op games where you’re just fighting tougher enemies while moving from point A to point B—like in Outriders, which can get old after a while—Back 4 Blood keeps things fresh. The game mixes up its core formula to keep you on your toes. One level might have you defending a diner from a zombie swarm, while the next has you manning an anti-aircraft gun to take out a mine. Even the simpler A-to-B levels present challenges that are anything but straightforward. Take, for example, a level where you need to cross a river on a wooden ferry to reach a safe room. I ended up crossing solo and got taken out halfway, forcing me to watch as my teammates fought their way across the lake to revive me. These kinds of moments, which you don’t see often in other games like this, are common in Back 4 Blood and are a big part of what makes it stand out. The game proves that the co-op shooter genre can still be innovative and doesn’t have to just copy Borderlands or Destiny.
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Swarm Mode Falls Short: Zombie Control Lacks Excitement
Even though Back 4 Blood feels familiar to Left 4 Dead fans, it’s packed with unique features. The game mixes in a roguelite twist with its multi-level runs, where you only get one continue, adding a fresh challenge. To boost replayability and teamwork, Back 4 Blood includes a card system. You earn cards through levels and Supply Points, which you collect by completing stages. You then use these points at Fort Hope to unlock cards from Supply Lines, which you build into decks for your runs. Some cards are straightforward, like giving your character an extra 5 health for the run, while others are more complex, like healing you when an ally goes down. You can create various RPG-style builds with these cards—whether you prefer going all-out with melee and ammo-focused setups or want to focus on healing and support. Each character has unique abilities, so it’s crucial to strategize and pick characters that complement each other. The game’s AI throws Corruption Cards into the mix, adding tougher enemies, timed challenges, and extra bosses to keep things intense even on lower difficulties.
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Intense Gameplay and Memorable Characters: A Perfect Fit for Xbox Game Pass
Back 4 Blood’s competitive multiplayer mode, where you control the Ridden, falls short. The levels feel like recycled versions of campaign stages, lacking much creativity. Plus, the wait times between rounds are painfully long, with zombies stuck upgrading and waiting while players pick their characters and scavenge. A proper invasion mode like in the original Left 4 Dead games would’ve been a better fit. Back 4 Blood delivers all the essentials for a great zombie game: intense gameplay, smart level design, variety in runs, and memorable characters in a fun story. It’s a perfect match for Xbox Game Pass, so if you’re craving something to scratch that Left 4 Dead itch, definitely give it a go.
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Fable 2, once more!
"Today I found out there's two ways you can get flies around you... by having sex without a condom aka u get STDs, AND if you're corrupt... which I am currently cuz im making everyone give me 100% in rent"
"Holy shit, I soon got 10k! I went from like 5k... wait, does it keep going when the xbox is off? That's not possible... right? I gotta google"
"Yes... yes I do"
"After 10 hours of napping, I got 20k almost 30k muhahaha"
"Alright, I need a husband"
"Are all the monks bisexual?"
"Cmere baby"
Rob: its not a bad house
Me: it cost 10k its perfect stfu
"Okay apparently the house made me evil... gotta evict some people"
"Wow, my husband just said HE doesn't care bout my looks, but his friends make fun of him... I bet his friends also wanna bone me"
"Purification? This is the house for us"
"Alright, I'm a mom now"
"God, I feel so bad for Theresa... this isnt the last time she's gonna read those cards"
"Game made my daughter have the name Becky, and it makes me think of spy x family, so I like it"
"Yeees...yes... love me, child"
"Oh crap, I threw up on my child"
"Juuust gonna sleep a lot so people think I'm pure"
"Oh my god, there's so many people who love me"
Rob: I hope our love lasts longer than my parents
"Damn, monks are horny"
"Fiiine we can have sex"
Extra salted peanuts: two peanuts were walking down the street, and then they were assaulted. They deserved it
"Sooo, apparently if you buy lots of houses, log out of xbox live, set your date to several years and then start the game, I can get a lot of money? Let's do it"
"Okay idk how to sign out of live, so let's skip that"
"I managed to get off live"
"... okay I can't set date"
"Nevermind I set the date"
"Let's see if this works also this hack is so sad cuz it was posted 15 years ago, aka 2008, and they were like 'the highest u can set the time to is 2024' like ow, that's now"
"I'm so excited"
"It didnt work :("
"It says I'm in Feb, so I'll do Jan 2025, idk if I have to but I'll turn on and off xbox"
"wait... am I stupid? Oh god I am... I should do Dec"
"51k wow... I now have 111225 coins, just amazing"
"Now I'm setting the time back cuz it's gonna stress me"
"Alrighty, behold me, buying all the houses hehe"
Me: I have a lot of money!
The villages: so that means you're gonna lower the rents right?
Me: :)
The villages: ... right?
"I just need to buy all the houses and before, ya know I leave, I'll put them down to like less than 50%"
"Wow... I don't have enough money to do buy the pub... I thought I had like a lot of money now aww"
"I set my title to 'dog lover' and idk if I uh like it"
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shinovii · 8 months
Question: What do these...
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have in common with...
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Initially this was gonna be a simple topic on my mind to ramble about, but I guess with the latest words from a soft gaming executive hitting the community in 2024 I now have more of a need to talk about this than ever. It's funny how gaming over the past couple decades went from something rather simple and expressive to complicated and, admittedly, dull in some areas. Wait did I say funny, I meant "completely baffling" and the worst of it, imo anyways, comes from this pretty egregious push towards a digital only future we're seeing, with no consideration for physical media, storage space, possible alternative formats to use, or even us gamers wanting to actually possess and own our games. Yeah we live in an age where media is offered to us in such convenient ways, but with gaming it is a whole other beast entirely and as such it requires a different way of thinking in regards to convenience. Thinking that needs to address some of the issues I have with what's presented to us nowadays, starting with...
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Video games back then were pretty small in comparison to the massively large scale stuff we've seen these past couple generations, with every gen growing further and further to reach this point. However with that came this rapid race to pushing out not just the biggest of games, but the most visually stunning games as well...sort of. While there have been plenty of games that went for gorgeous stylized looks and graphical effects there have been way more games that aimed for graphics so realistic and lifelike, it resulted in detailed effects and textures that likely took up a ton of file space. Listen, I don't mind if a game looks great, but if the game's high resolution graphics and such are why it ends up with anywhere over 100GB of data to store then clearly we have a problem. I get it, 4K and 8K resolutions are indeed a thing, but to be honest it is not that much of a necessity in the grand scheme.
The overwhelming file size isn't just cause of graphics either, lack of optimization is just as prevalent and boy does it show. Okay sure, devs have to work under a deadline, gotta get as much of those release day sales as possible, but if optimizing a game to scale down the file size and keep it looking good and performing smoothly is a hassle, then maybe something has to give in order to make it easier to manage. Ya gotta know what's best to prioritize if you want the gaming experience feel fun for the player and save space for more, ya know?
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Remember how simple storing game data was, where all you had to worry about was simply having a memory card was all you needed to keep your progress and you had the choice to buy or rent a game to pop in your system? That's what my question earlier was about, stuff like SD cards, flash drives, SSDs and HDDs all store data like the memory cards of old, however there is one difference: the latter mostly stored save data and occasionally DLC for some consoles, the former can fully store games.
After the 7th Generation there definitely was a push towards being able to play games digitally but imo it always felt sloppily done even to this day, unless you played on PC where everything had a designated file directory you could set up of course. For consoles sure you only had to buy an SD card or SSD for extra storage, but it didn’t practically feel like a requirement until games started taking up more and more space. Add onto that the save data, update patches and loads of DLC, and you're piling on more and more files to keep track of with every game you get. That hits even more when you realize that the you fill up more space buying digitally than physically, though nowadays that applies more to Nintendo Switch owners since Playstation and Xbox have treated physical copies like glorified installer discs since the 8th Generation.
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Speaking of installer discs I should probably talk about the physical side of gaming, since now there's more of a prevalent discussion amongst the gaming community going on. I've always wondered why out of all the Big 3 in gaming, it was Nintendo that kept it mostly right on what format to use for games and how to store it, especially now. They had cartridges down to a science from the NES to the N64 (the handheld scene was well done too), their disc based systems were touch and go with the Wii being their best one, and when it came to the Switch they didn't follow the trend at all and went "cartridges are fine enough for what we're doing," kudos. I say all this because, for the most part anyway, all of the base game that gets released on Switch is in the cartridge, leaving you extra room for DLC and some digital games that may not take as much space in your storage. That's something I appreciated way more than one would think, as it let me pick and choose what games were worth buying physically and what won't eat up my SD card space, something I feel is greatly missing elsewhere to be honest.
Granted I know cartridges are probably more expensive to manufacture but it's clear the gaming industry wants to shy away from DVD/Blu-Rays as the years go by, however I do wish there was some consideration for not just cartridges, but other physical ways to store games and reduce all the clutter. SD cards are as abundant as can be and come in various capacities, I wouldn't think it'd be too hard to make great use of that and solely store games and DLC in em (shoot Sony themselves toyed with SD card-sized cartridges with the Vita before, they could've tried that format again without the Vita's failures weighing em down). A single SSD could potentially store those 100s of gigabytes that one game had and they're just as readily available to produce too, imagine a system that contained a slot for you to plug one in that had the game ready to boot anytime and could store any extra content.
The options are right there and they'd be great logical next steps in how to sell physical copies of video games, or any media for that matter, but man it's crazy how unnoticed they've gone. I just wish it were given some thought and considered at least.
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I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would dare say that gamers need to feel comfortable not owning their games, that is perhaps the biggest slap in the face to anybody who picks up a controller old and new. For decades it was pretty much an unspoken agreement between the gaming industry and the gaming community that we buy their games and thus we owned em until we either traded it, gave it away or sold it simple as that, but nowadays (since this past decade even) the industry has gotten bold. Between scummy business practices, horrible business mindsets and finding any which way they can to screw people over, it's disrespecting to the very essence of why we play video games.
Now I'm not gonna trash the very notion of digital gaming as a whole, it's here to stay and has been for a long time, but I cannot and will not accept it being the only way we play games when having the options and balance of choosing between it and physical titles in a better format is a perfectly fine way to go whenever we wanna buy a game.
The more limitations and restrictions you place on gaming and the more shenanigans you cause the more likely people are to relent against the industry, and when people relent well...
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Hey, a service issue is a service issue is all I'm saying, there are definitely people out there who won't mind the high seas if push comes to shove.
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asdear · 3 months
I'm so close to earning a $10 Xbox gift card from the Xbox app. I know I'm planning on buying a Sims 4 expansion pack with it.
But I don't know if I want to buy Island Living and recreate some parts of Cayo Perico...
Or Horse Ranch and create some RDR characters. 👀
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Because of how my financial situation looks, I can only buy one. But I'm not in a rush, so I have time to decide, though this seems like a hard decision lmaooo. 😭
I already have Seasons and the pet pack bundle, so at least I have the essential packs already. This is just a more fun pack I'm trying to decide on. 🙃
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jeffgerstmann · 2 years
Do you ever tally up the costs of games you bought on impulse but rarely played, then think about all the cool stuff you could've gotten with that money instead? Though I guess in your case it would be graphics cards.
It all kind of runs together and I look at it as a balance. Like... I probably paid for under 100 Xbox 360 games and the majority of those were probably Xbox Live Arcade games. But I have something like 600 Xbox 360 discs, because back when games were mostly physical, they showed up in the mail for review. Or, like, I have 100 or so Atari 2600 carts, but I think I only ever paid for two or three of them, because the rest were hand-me-downs or stuff that just kinda showed up in my life one way or the other.
The Neo Geo stuff is almost certainly my most expensive set of games, from an out-of-pocket perspective, because I deliberately set out to get a bunch of them. That led to buying Metal Slug carts for hundreds of dollars each or buying Mark of the Wolves for $1100 because I was standing there in the shop looking at it and it was mocking me.
So I end up viewing it as a situation where I have a lot of games that I didn't pay for, so it's OK if I occasionally go a little nuts and buy something pricey. This is kinda how I feel OK about, say, overspending on PC upgrades, though at that point you're also getting into tax writeoffs and, now that I'm running my own company, business expenses and so on. I don't know, it's not something I spend a ton of time thinking about, but subconsciously I think there's a part of me that wants to throw weird money at video games specifically because I've received so many for free over the years.
But I don't view collecting video games as an "investment" and I also don't care about all the junk that comes with collector's editions these days, so the things that might be considered "expensive" or "collectible" at the moment are pretty uninteresting to me. If I had more time and electrical know-how, I'd probably be one of those lunatics who just has some warehouse space somewhere with a ton of arcade machines in it.
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01leahgotti · 2 years
Xbox Redeem Code is here to help you get Xbox Live Gold, Xbox Game Pass, and others. Xbox redeem Code FREE [2023 Updated 100% Working]
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Xbox Gift Cards Generator 2023 No Human Survey And Verification Xbox Live is Also one of them Which is Home Based Gaming Network After Launched it has Come in lots of Variants Such 360 , one etc Free XBOX Gift Card Generator: To be honest talking, this free Xbox gift voucher generator acted the hero, when we required it the most. We were truly confounded, and we were becoming irritated as well. Inthis way, arrival on this site end up being a God-send blessing.
This post for sure will be one of the most popular here. It’s about getting Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Code 2023 with our tutorial. We develop a working Xbox Game Pass Ultimate code generator that will work for everyone. So, whether you play Forza Horizon 5, Minecraft, or any other popular game on Xbox, you will be glad to use and redeem Xbox Game Pass Ultimate code to purchase whatever you want from Xbox Store.
About Free Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Code So, what are Xbox Game Pass Ultimate codes? Those codes are developed to buy or extend Xbox game pass. They are made of digital numbers and letters and you can use only one at the same time. Now, the most amazing thing about this Xbox Game Pass Ultimate digital code is that you can use them on any Xbox product you have, for example, Xbox One, Xbox Plus, and Xbox 360. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate code free 2023 also can be used to play any game on Xbox Plus for a price of 0! When you generate a working Xbox Game Pass Ultimate promo code you need to use it in a few days, because if you not, it will expire!
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Code Generator Did you ever spend a few days or weeks searching google to find the way for a free Xbox Game Pass Ultimate codes? Well, we do. And you know what? We didn’t find a working way for that. Even Microsoft confirms there is no way to get them for free. But they are wrong. Our developers find the hole and make this generator which provides Xbox Game Pass Ultimate digital code for everyone who uses it. This discount code for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate work in a smart way, using random letters and providing them in a term of code. It’s one of the most popular tools in the United States right now. Even streamers share it around.
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boxingwatchlive · 1 year
Where Can I watch UFC 287 live stream?
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Are you looking to watch UFC 287 live stream for free? Want to stream the Pereira vs. Adesanya 2 MMA fight online without cable? Yess!! all the excitement comes to a head on Saturday, April 8, when Alex Pereira and Israel Adesanya face off at Miami-Dade Arena, Miami, Florida. Live coverage of the Main Card begins at 10 p.m. EDT. Prelims start at 8 p.m. EDT and Early Prelims at 6 p.m. EDT. So dear fans if you are crazy about UFC streams by your devices like android/apple TV, smart phone, Ipad/Iphone, Roku, Windows/IOS/Linux, Xbox, PlayStations and more from anywhere then here is the right place for you. Only you need to follow the steps bellow suits for you.
UFC 287 live, date, time, location
Date: Saturday, April 8, 2023
Time: Early Prelims-6 p.m, Prelims- 8 p.m and Main Card- 10 p.m EDT
Location: Miami-Dade Arena, Miami, Florida.
Watch: Anywhere Risk-free with ExpressVPN
Live Stream: ESPN+
Watch UFC 287: Pereira vs. Adesanya 2 in US
US UFC fans can watch UFC PPV events which are exclusive to ESPN+ PPV. Existing ESPN+ subscribers can buy the PPV for 80 USD, while new subscribers can buy the PPV fight and a monthly ESPN+ subscription for 87 USD. New users can also buy the PPV and a one-year ESPN+ subscription for 90 USD. Those don’t want to purchase the main PPV event, then you can tune into the prelims live on ESPN+, which costs 10 USD/month. ESPN+ is also available in a bundle with Disney+ and Hulu’s on-demand service for 14 USD/month
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novumtimes · 3 days
Anthony Joshua vs Daniel Dubois live stream and channel: How to watch fight online and on TV this weekend
Sign up to our free sport newsletter for all the latest news on everything from cycling to boxing Sign up to our free sport email for all the latest news Sign up to our free sport email for all the latest news Anthony Joshua will challenge Daniel Dubois for the IBF heavyweight title on Saturday, bidding to become a three-time world champion. Joshua, 34, previously held the unified titles twice, with his second reign ended by Oleksandr Usyk in 2022. Usyk then beat Tyson Fury this May to become undisputed champion, before vacating the IBF belt ahead of a rematch with the “Gypsy King” in December. Before Usyk gave up the IBF title, Dubois stopped Filip Hrgovic to win the interim belt, and the 26-year-old has now been upgraded to regular champion. And “Dynamite” puts the title on the line for the first time when he faces Joshua – who threatened to “put a chair across” his fellow Briton’s face in June. The undercard at Wembley features a number of high-profile names, too, including Joshua Buatsi, Josh Warrington, Liam Smith and Hamzah Sheeraz. That is due to Saudi investment, with this event representing the Gulf state’s second boxing card on foreign soil – and first in the UK. Here’s all you need to know. We may earn commission from some of the links in this article, but we never allow this to influence our content. This revenue helps to fund journalism across The Independent. When is the fight? Joshua vs Dubois will take place on Saturday 21 September at Wembley Stadium in London. The first fight started at 4pm BST (8am PT / 10am CT / 11am ET). Liam Gallagher will perform a short set between the undercard and main event at around 9:15pm (1:15pm PT / 3:15pm CT / 4:15pm ET), then the main event ring walks will be due at 10pm BST (2pm PT / 4pm CT / 5pm ET), so you can expect the first bell at around 10:10pm (2:10pm PT / 4:10pm CT / 5:10pm ET). How can I watch it? The fight will air live on DAZN worldwide, including in the UK and US. The pay-per-view is priced at £19.99, and you can purchase a subscription to DAZN here, with plans starting at £14.99 a month. New subscribers who buy the pay-per-view and sign up to a Monthly Flex Offer will receive a seven-day free trial; those who choose the Instalment Offer will get one month free; and those picking the Annual Offer will receive a 15 per cent discount. DAZN has apps available for all of the following platforms: Apple TV, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Fire Stick, Amazon Fire Tablet, Android Phone & Tablet, iPhone & iPad, Android TV, LG, Smart TV, Panasonic Smart TV, Samsung Smart TV, Sony Smart TV, SmartCast, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Roku. In the UK, Joshua vs Dubois will also air live on Sky Sports Box Office for £19.95, and on TNT Sports Box Office for £19.99. The TNT pay-per-view can be watched on discovery+, EE TV and Prime Video. Odds Anthony Joshua (left) and Daniel Dubois face off at a press conference in June (Jordan Pettitt/PA) (PA Wire) Joshua – 2/9 Dubois – 10/3 Draw – 18/1 Via Betway. Get all the latest boxing betting sites’ offers. The Independent vets betting sites for useability, security and responsible gambling tools. You can claim free bets here to use across a range of sports. Please read the terms. Full card (subject to change; ‘C’ denotes champion) Daniel Dubois (C) vs Anthony Joshua (IBF heavyweight title) Tyler Denny (C) vs Hamzah Sheeraz (European middleweight title) Anthony Cacace (C) vs Josh Warrington (super-featherweight) Joshua Buatsi vs Willy Hutchinson (WBO interim light-heavyweight title) Josh Kelly vs Ishmael Davis (middleweight) Mark Chamberlain vs Josh Padley (lightweight) If you’re travelling abroad and want to watch Joshua vs Dubois, you might need a VPN to unblock your streaming app. Our VPN round-up is here to help and includes deals on VPNs in the market. Viewers using a VPN need to make sure that they comply with any local regulations where they are, and also with the terms of their service provider. Source link via The Novum Times
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ttvnadeeta · 15 days
just wanted to apologize about not streaming sooner. i had to eat after work and then i had to do a daily in my game and i also had trouble with getting the capture card for the xbox situated. i got it situated now,so will go live in the next 5-30ish mins give or take. also i was wrong,i thought it was a double pack for the capture card. it's not. i re-looked at amazon,cuz i thought i only got 1/2 capture cards. what they did was,they were showing front and back pics of the capture card and stuff. i will need to buy a longer blue cord though,as the one that comes with it is very short. oh and i looked at the back of my tv and it looks like it has red,white,and yellow input. meaning that cord i ordered to be able to stream on ps2/wii should work. i will buy another capture card(as i did need one for the xbox one anyways),and i will test out the white plugin cord with the capture card(this won't be anytime soon btw),and hopefully it will work. cuz then i can stream on the wii,as it also plays gamecube games. so like i can stream wind waker,smash bros melee,twilight princess,spongebob,etc. cuz if it works in the wii,then that means i can stream/get one for the ps2 as well.
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pageseo2022 · 2 months
Back 4 Blood’s Deck System Adds Depth with Unique Builds
Back 4 Blood doesn’t front like it’s anything more than a chaotic zombie shooter. You’ve got four peeps, aka “Cleaners,” who are basically forced to turn into total badasses after a world-ending event, battling hordes of Riddens (aka zombies) in a co-op bloodbath. If you're looking to buy Xbox games with a similar co-op experience and relentless action, this one's a solid choice. It’s got the same vibe as the old-school games, but Turtle Rock knew they couldn’t just slap a new coat of paint on Valve’s stuff. These aren’t just random dudes with guns—they’re seasoned pros with unique skills that boost the squad. Take “Mom,” for instance—she’s clutch because she can revive teammates and give them extra lives. Each survivor has their own traits that hint at their role in the squad and what they should be doing. Plus, there’s a fresh twist: you can now build a deck of up to 15 cards each run, unlocking them as you smash through missions. These cards don’t just give you cool perks; they also let you specialize and play with different character builds, kinda like having separate classes.
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In-Game Shop Offers Essential Upgrades Without Pay-to-Win Elements
Back 4 Blood’s RPG vibes go beyond just the card deck. The game’s weapons come with stats and can fit up to four mods, so you can really dial in your gameplay. If you're into customizing your loadout and are looking for similar experiences, you might want to buy PS5 games that offer deep weapon and gear customization. You gotta decide whether to stick with a weapon that’s modded up or swap it out for one with better base damage, which is a cool little challenge. About those cards: you “buy” them using supply points at your base (yeah, the base is now a living thing). As you play, these cards level up and get more specialized. But here’s the catch—at the start of a run, you don’t get to pick any card you want. Instead, the game gives you five to choose from, and you pick one for each node (the mini-missions). The card deck system will get easier as you play and get more cards. The tricky part is when you’re just starting out and don’t have many good cards yet. The game’s current card sorting system is kinda basic—only sorted by type—so it can be a pain to organize your decks. New to the game are corruption cards that give the horde some boosts and offer rewards for players, adding another layer of strategy. Plus, there’s an in-game shop in each safe house where you can spend currency on first aid kits, ammo, weapons, mods, buffs, bombs, and more. The good news? You won’t find any pay-to-win stuff here—real money doesn’t mess with gameplay.
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Accessible Cross-Play and Smooth Performance Across Systems
These new features really level up what we’ve been wanting from the start. If you’re looking to experience this kind of progression in other games, consider using your time to buy PS5 games that deliver similar enhancements and innovations. The game’s fast pace, with barely any chill time in the safehouses, epic scripted moments, unexpected horde attacks, and last-second saves in tough spots—it’s all here. On the plus side, the variety of specials is cool, with different versions of the same elite requiring different strategies. The graphics aren’t exactly next-gen, but it doesn’t really mess with the experience. Consistent fps is way more important in a game that moves this fast than high-res models or effects. Since the game’s on Game Pass and is made to run on a bunch of different systems, its low requirements make it more accessible for online play. On the tech side, we were worried about smooth cross-play, but it works like a charm with no disconnects. Our team never had issues with gameplay. Any breaks we took were just us being lazy and not due to technical glitches.
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Mission Accomplished: Back 4 Blood Delivers Thrilling Zombie Action
For PvP, Turtle Rock dropped the Swarm mode, which is kinda mid in our opinion. Players split into Ridden and Cleaners, switching roles each round, and the team that survives the longest as Cleaners wins. So, you play as both sides in a single round and see how long each team lasts. Cleaners get cards for buffs and some time to grab weapons and ammo, while Ridden get to use the Zombie Mutation System, which is like a talent tree with upgrades from earned xp. It’s cool to check out, but don’t expect anything mind-blowing. Mission accomplished! Back 4 Blood delivered exactly what we hoped for. The thrill of taking down creepy zombies with headshots and the adrenaline from those intense co-op moments never gets old.
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spacevulpix · 3 months
long post about the aftermath of settling my grandma's estate
so my uncle was staying with us for about a month bc he had to move out so we could sell grandma's house after she passed and it was quite a ride. him staying here wasn't really a problem, but the entire saga of getting grandma's estate in order was a mess. My eldest aunt was in charge of everything and my uncle kept accusing her of being bossy and controlling when she kept telling him he had to be ready to move out by a specific date so we could get the house on the market and have a sale finalized before the deadline came to pay this year's property taxes, so the money from grandma's estate could go to her family instead of paying taxes on a house he could only afford to stay in because he was living there expense-free keeping my grandmother company and helping her around the house.
i learned in this process that the reason my uncle even came back to our state and moved in with grandma 10-15 years ago was because he was dodging child support! which surprised me, bc i had been assuming for all these years that he had some kind of disability or something that prevented him from being able to get a driver's license (his brothers and sisters had to make a rotation for who was going to buy groceries that week for grandma because she was too old and frail to drive) but it turns out the reason he never got one was because if he was in a government database, he could be found and forced to pay to support the child he helped create! imagine the horror!
like, this is a guy in his late sixties/early seventies who dragged his feet endlessly about moving out of that house. he wouldn't listen to his sister, so my aunt asked my dad to go over and talk some sense into him. because when his sister tells him "the realtor says you have to be out the last day of the month" she's bossy and annoying and doesn't know what she's talking about because he's sure the realtor is totally okay with him living there while they show the house but when his brother says "you have to be out by the end of the month so the realtor can show the house" suddenly it's a reasonable request that makes sense given that people typically want to see all the rooms they're buying when they buy a house, instead of seeing all but one because that's where this random guy plays tiger woods pga xbox games and scrolls social media all day between cigarettes! even when we went over there to give the final push on getting everything clean and all his stuff packed, he and i were supposed to pack all his kitchen stuff and i did 80% of the work because every 10-15 minutes he needed to step outside for 20 minutes for a goddamn cigarette
he has just been so petty to my aunt and keeps making vague references to "getting yelled at" because my aunt told him what the timeline was for selling the house (and it's not like this was sprung on him all of a sudden, grandma passed in december and we were making progress on clearing out the house and getting finances in order for about six months before it went on the market and sold in less than 2 weeks) and because she advised him to maybe throw out some stuff instead of keeping it. this dude hung onto an ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER because he has this fantasy about buying a house (again, has not worked in at least 10-15 years, is not willing to work) with the payout he gets from the estate. the area he's looking in does have affordable rates, but no way in hell is he going to have enough from the estate payout for a down payment (don't forget grandma had 13 grandkids who are also included in the estate payout), nor do i think he has the finances to pay a mortgage or maintain a house (and to that second point, he also lacks the ability and the motivation). not after settling the few debts grandma had (not very much but still a couple of thousand dollars from old credit cards she'd forgotten about, the woman was 93 when she passed you can't really blame her) and paying for funeral costs
he finally moved into an apartment yesterday, and he couldn't get that right either. foolishly we trusted that he could coordinate having movers on-site to haul his furniture up to the second floor, only to find out morning-of that he has no idea whether the movers will be there or not and he can't check his email to see if there's any confirmation because he didn't set up his email on the smartphone we got him and couldn't remember his password, and on top of that his computer was already packed away so he couldn't get on there to find out. so of course there's no movers when they arrive, and my poor 65 year old dad had to do most of the work (thank god the landlord's grandson was home and willing to help)
at least my dad gets to lie on the couch today and rest, but he still works a very physically demanding job where he's a very important employee so he doesn't get to recuperate long before he's back in the field tomorrow.
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solardick · 3 months
Lovely portent that was. A redwing’s mate guiding me to eye contact. The redwings themselves not being aggressive. Pretty, awkward, blond and slim.
Aside from that on the fallowing day. I give up at life. 40 years is too much. I suspect I’m not survive much longer. I don’t want to be alive anymore. I can’t do this anymore. I’m done. All there is is evil in life. I don’t want a part of it. Anymore. It only grows stronger. They wont leave me alone. There’s nothing to do. I hate life. I fucken hate. All it wants is to hurt me. 40’years is too much. Im done.
Go get my bottle of liquer. Throw the noose over door, step off the chair. Thats my future. Unconscious in a few long painful seconds. Dead in a few more.
If i cant develop and grow on my own fucken terms. Im not living at all. Keep my locked up in is mind raping prison. Im done.
Maybe my death will give a pause with hesitation in the next abuse victim they have an aim for.
And the cops are hareaing me with rheir pressence today. Again. Fun fun.
And blocking me out of xbox. On a roll with fucking with me today.
Lets go see if i can buy another fycken dictionairy. Cant even learn a new language without nazi cockskrs perverting with slut faget bs.
I dont care what i say anymore. Im goign to be fucked with either way. Km just an asshole who needs to be reminded how much im someones bitch everyday. Only been 40 straight fucken years. Its the reason im born. Theres no getting away from it. So fuck you amd uou and uou. The world decided yo make me its enemy the day i was born so fuck you too.
Neither am i able to buy an actual russian dictionary. Its only bilingual dictionaries. Which are all lackluster. So much for creating a russian tarot deck. Uh, i dont know why i still try and do stuff. Im not allowed doug. Anythign but doing this. Fuck you and fuck and you.
Should make another card of policemen, and crime mobs, raping men, hold billy clibs and knifes with severed cocks in their hands, laughing with a poor mother trying to protect her son. Replace waites gay death card with it. Half the victims smiling amd the other half crying.
And then people will be like. No, i don’t want to die. I want to live.
Maybe temperance fallowing will make a little more sense. The death card and gold. The italiano is better. Removal of all resources. Temperance becomes a mandatory. Instead of being thrown around from one incompatible place to the next, from one abusive place to the next, one supervised conditioning place after the next manipulative place. Constant cues of inevitability, this will happen. None of this, this may happen. I almost died three times in the last couple years. Then its the devil card. Being all like do it, do it. On the superficial retard level spoken by the lowcuning, who have no temperance themselves. To the narsicists and sadists. A constant line of attack that never ceases and hasn’t ceased in decades. Turning from the up front aggressive, to the back, side, friendly but, none of it is real. Everyones playing an act. No real genuine communication from anyone. The odd couple txts now and a -long -gain. The gain gets highlighted but its pronunciation is wrong. It’s not strong enough to count very high.
All sources of information, perverted. Conditioning, a veil to side track attention. Little prison cell made to fell like nothing is to blame and this is how it is. It’s destiny. У.
So much for ever learning how to act. Nope. You don’t get to. Wish i could act. Then id be a two-faced asshole. The french call them crosseur. Or somethign spelt like that. The french never did make me feel welcome.
And the only places that ever did. Had an agenda. That is currently still in play. Thats what now? 8 years stolen? On that scene alone. The whole homo agenda scheme, all part of the picture leading years in before hand. Best decision i ever made. Fuck you.
What’s next gonna hit me even harder? Im just a punching bag. Always was. My narcissist father thinks that kid of thing is funny. Used to talk about it all the time. How much he loved his punching bag.
Keeping an open dialogue to this. Intentionally. Aggravating, frustrating, shaming, while pleading temperance?
Fuck this prison cell. Get me out. Maybe id have somethign positive to say. Maybe they’d be no righteous belligerence in the face of outsode forces m that have not once stoped ever. For any amount of time on that entire line. Maybe my attention would phase out to soemthign else. Maybe id have a healthier mentality. Maybe id have aome someblamce of a life of my own creation. But no. Not allowed. Just this. This is where i belong. Being beaten on from above. Whoch isn t hard considering im in the gutter.
I choose to fuck death. Go back to where i came from, hell. Im not human. Never was.
The next card is the father given his son a gun. And the mother is sucking him off while he does it.
Go “Temperate” son.
Maybe, i wouldn’t be so kind to people. Helpful and generous. Even to the very people fucken with me. Like i’m not aware. I don’t have the strength left for that last one anymore.
No positivity is better than fake positivity or, hopeful positivity.
Looking at america from an outside perspective. Uou got the states alpha prick. And you got canada right besides him. His little bitch. Who can’t raise its voice and has to live by their alpha fag. And fallow his news. More than their own. And then you got mexico on the other side, his personal drug dealer that he keeps his guard up around. The Us the ultimate wife beater.
The oilers losed?! What?! No shit. It happened. Course they were going to lose. Their canadian in their own field. And they’re named after petroleum. Not going to give hype to pollution and carbon gases. Like the games are ‘t fixed to begin with. And with that all the fans and the beer drinking men lost some pride, again. Oh, no, the masculine spreading and hoping for toxic waste. You lose.
Where’s my boyfriend(s), i want to defy nature, and get fucked tonight. And then feel disgusted with myself and a shamed, so i desire more. Afterwards.
Tarot… whats the point of temperance. You meet the devil and you lose anyway. Fuck inhate tarot.
Shame on you for wanting the oilers to win. Go get shame fucked. Even though its just a name and has nothing to do with sport. But that diesnt matter to the magical world of rainbow land. Shining your true colours after being stormed through and through.
Think i need another covid injection.
Cheers to suffering for the rest of my life with no one. Just me and enemies. Cause i won’t do it. I don’t want to be alive anymore. 25 straight years of being beaten in and manipulated. Vicious circle. I was born in hell.
Wonder what being human feels like. ´ast thing i want is a life based on sex. Thats all the world is. Sex and abuse. Im done.
I’m done. Im not talking to or being friendly with anyone anymore. I tried. Tried for 30 years with my family. But that was a waste of life. All
Life does is try and rule over me and cause me harm. Àways did. Always will. Im
Done. I dotn want to be alive anymore.
Ok, its back to being a concrete game plan. Again. With this added pressure. It may just pull through.
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Hikaru Kimora Season 1 Interrogation Questions 
Q: Ideal date?
A: Gaming Together
Q: Favorite Spot?
A: The arcade just behind my old apartment complex
Q: What are friends to you?
A: Folks you can have a great time gaming with. And that aren’t overly annoying
Q: Thoughts on Kasumi?
A: As far as freaks in this prison goes, she’s tolerable
Q: Who is your ideal partner?
A: Someone reserved and likes gaming 
Q: Most prized possession?
A: The limited edition of Battle Galaxy 6 with all deleted cut scenes. It even included the death scene of King Hemindrone!
Q: What is a memory that sticks with you?
A: I dunno….never really did anything memorable….
Q: Who do you hold in high regards? A: I’m not really interested in 3D people….a video game character on the other hand….
Q: Any rations?
A: A gaming PC? Xbox? Literally anything that I can game on
Q: Hobbies?
A: If you don’t know by now, you’re living under a rock…..
Q: Is there something you regret?
A: It’s….complicated….
Q: How were your grades in school?
A: On my recent report card, I got two C’s, a D, and an F
Q: Family structure?
A: Mom and older brother. My dad died when I was twelve  
Q: Do you have a lover?
A: I self ship with Princess Gemina from Star City Three if that counts
Q: What do you do when you’re bored?
A: I game on that switch. Before I got it, I made paper airplanes from the textbooks that were in my cell
Q: Which prisoner is the most similar to you?
A: I gotta say Haruto
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: A streamer 
Q: If you received a fortune, what would you do?
A: Blow it all on games. And maybe buy a gaming chair
Q: Do you like yourself?
A: I’m a pathetic tumor in society….
Q: Do you think your family is proud of you?
A: What kind of question is that, of course not
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creations-by-chaosfay · 4 months
I'll have a pair of coasters and two pairs of placemats listed in my shop this weekend. After I finish sewing those this week, I'll focus on thr commissions. One is a mug rug and will take just a couple hours. Another is a FPP 18x18 inch crow miniquilt, and there will be a possible third with coasters. I'll be working on this in the morning, from about 6AM to 11AM.
Afternoons will be spent handquilting. I'll be getting that work done in the living room with the a/c blasting off. Tank top, shorts, and under several layers of batting and fabric because it'll be folded and rolled as I work.
Tomorrow, a trip to the fabric and quilt shop for batting in Star Story as well as fabric for the crow miniquilt. Hopefully these can be found at the fabric store. Less expensive, and my budget is very small. If I sell anything from my shop overnight, going to the quilt shop will be an option.
I find a lotta good stuff at the fabric store, such as one of fav designers (Tim Holtz), solids (Kona Solids) and most of my rainbow prints. Quilt shops have a better precut and extra wide backing selection though. I insist on extra wide backing because I loath pieced backing. Buy 4-6 yards, cut it up to make it wide rather than long? That's awkward and sometimes very expensive. Extra wide? 108 inches (3 yards) wide, no cutting up fabric to make it fit, just iron it smooth, tape it to the floor, and add the layers for basting. I end up cutting the backing a little shorter and save that excess for later.
Extra wide is usually around $22-$25/yard, and two to three yards is usually all I ever need. Standard width is $7-$15/yard.
If anyone fancies sending me fabric or gift cards for fabric, Joann Fabrics is ideal. Batting, fabric, sewing needles, books, sewing pins, and various other supplies. I use quilt shops for very high quality fabric and precuts, patterns, and extremely high quality thread. The thread is often waaaaaay outta by budget, but it's absolutely worth the cost.
Seeing as so many of you voted I spend the summer making low budget items and use jeweltones and rainbows. There will also be some finished quilt tops, and those will have the addon option of me turning these into completed quilts. Kinda like a commission. I'm hoping all these sell successfully, and before October. Get me closer to completing my ko-fi goal.
Speaking of which, I'm giving away two quilt tops if the goal is met by the end of June. Otherwise it's a single quilt if met by Halloween. I need my year to end on a high note with fewer debts, and fewer quilts left as well. Meeting the goal is my focus. When it's met, I'll be able to enjoy nice things, like gifting my husband an XBox Series X (he turns 50 in August), a tabletop quilting frame that will make it possible to machine quilt with a standard sewing machine, business cards for myself, a second pair of shoes (I have a single pair and they're white walking sneakers), paint the dining room and hutch (currently in our storage room), some nice watercolors, and possibly some new clothing for myself (my wardrobe gives me about ten days before I have to wash my clothes).
In the meantime, I'm seeing and taking necessary breaks. At some point, I may take a couple classes to learn how to make my own clothes. I can't self-teach this, videos and books aren't enough, so a class or two will be absolutely necessary. Maybe someone in the quilt guild can teach me? I'll find out in a few days! For now, finishing commissions and stocking the shop.
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