#Buy Waterproof Poncho
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butchvampireheimerdinger · 3 months ago
any sevika x butch reader hcs? :P
i see her as soooo butch4butch omg. Transgression is so core to her characterization and I think she would find gender non-conforming dykes soooo attractive. Anyways
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Butch4butch! Sevika x reader headcanons
✯ You’ve both got lil peach fuzzy moustaches and neither of u remove ur facial hair so when u kiss ur moustaches tickle each other a little bit.
✯ You’re both rather lesbian obviously and so your love for women n other queer people extends beyond romance. If some dude is bothering some poor chick at the bar, you become the Woman Protection Squad. You’re everyone’s lesbian moms/guard dogs.
✯ Idk who her parents are but she gives off military brat vibes/raised by a strict army father. Now she’s incredibly anti-military (”I didnt always see eye to eye with my old man) but she makes her bed meticulously army style. She’s disciplined like that.
✯ It drives her wild seeing you in “more refined” clothing. Which, for her, means pants without holes that are not jeans, and one of your gay little button ups you probably have. Especially when she becomes a counselor and you show up in Piltover all dyked out in your menswear. Old rich ladies are clutching their pearls and she could probably just take you right there.
✯ Your fav Sevika outfit is the rumpled boxers and wife pleaser combo. Nuff said. Also you share a closet and there’s not a really clear boundary with what belongs to who, except for a few items of clothing that are your “signature.” Like your leather punky battle vest. And her poncho.
✯ You guys would be the punky type of older lesbians that never fought for gay marriage because it was seen as assimilating to a heteronormative society and making queerness palatable to a straight audience. Regardless, you do refer to each other as life partners, domestic partners, sometimes wife. Not really girlfriend unless in a cutesy ironic sorta way.
✯ And as for cutesy nicknames? You call each other “my butch.” Or “my woman” or “my old lady.”
✯ If you did end up having a ceremony with friends and family to celebrate your bond, its double suits fosho. Not exactly matching, but complementary. Maybe borrowed parts from friends and family because who is gonna buy a new suit in this economy? We have a revolution to run!!
✯ It’s at The Last Drop obvs and you hop behind the bar and pour beers, getting your suit all wet. Instead of a bouquet toss, all the single people gather for a rapidfire round of blackjack for who’s the next to get married.
✯ Your “honeymoon” is camping in the nearest wilderness. its all either of you had ever dreamed of. You ride off on your shimmer motorcycle with a billion illegal modifications with cans hanging from it and a sign on the back that says “just hitched.” And you get to watch her chop wood. And she gets to watch you gut a fish. It’s like butchdyke brokeback mountain.
✯ Housework isn’t a masculinity or femininity thing to either of you. She can cook meat, you can do all the plants and veggies cause maybe ur like a gym bro health nut type. Her tendency to load up on protein and nothing else drives you up the wall. “Colorful plate, Sev.”
✯ She does vacuuming and laundry cause she likes to fold stuff a certain way. You do dishes cause neither of you are sure just how waterproof her arm is. And you pick up the clutter so she doesn’t irritate her bad back.
✯ She grills on the barbecue at the summer parties. You pour drinks and set up the trampoline and tetherball thingy/yard games for the kiddos
✯ Affectionate touches include: ruffling each other’s short hair. Pulling you in by the belt loops. Absentmindedly straightening ur rolled up sleeves. You like to rest your head in her lap when its the two of you on the couch and you don’t feel like talking. She uses ur head as a little desk for whatever she’s reading.
✯ You both wear gay little rectangular reading glasses. At night she reads whatever religious text Janna worshippers use in bed next to you and you gab. She peers over her lil glasses at u. Zaun is more religious than Piltover so maybe you both are people of the faith. But if religious trauma exists in this context and you’ve got it, she would always be respectful cause she knows what its like to feel like an outsider.
✯ Obviously you work out together, but neither of you have a consistent routine for that cause ur gay and probably have adhd and her line of work has inconsistent hours.
✯ You have a punching bag in the basement and sometimes the two of you let off steam by punching it back and forth like pingpong. (That’s not how punching bags move, but use your imagination.)
✯ It’s never been a plan for the two of you to have kids and i don’t see formal adoption/ivf/sperm donors being widely accessible in the undercity. But i can see it happening where a disparaged youth on the street adopts the two of you and you become parental figures in that way. Maybe you take in a young trans fellow with a rocky home life. also there’s isha.
✯ If you end up with a younger child in ur care, they call you mama sev or mama vika and mama y/n. Or a cultural name for mom if you have one.
✯ Sevika would be weirdly good with kids because she sees them as people with feelings. She wouldn’t talk down to them or anything. She would be the bad cop but also kind of a gentle parent type. And you know how people sometimes put their naughty kittens or puppies in “air jail?” She is buff enough to do that with her kid one handed until they’re at least ten. And she is the BEST at doing the airplane thing.
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It is well below freezing and snowing where I am, so I wanted to remind y'all on what to do if you lose heat either from the power or gas lines going out.
1) Cover your windows!! The best insulation would be to tape cardboard or styrofoam around the edges and glass of the windows. If you don't have either of those, nail blankets or sheets over them works as well, but do not sacrifice your blankets for sleep to cover the window.
2) Get yourself, your kids, your family members, your pets, whoever all into one room, preferably a room with no or few windows and no or few exterior walls. Living rooms work for this, so do bathrooms, even bedrooms if they don't have a bunch of windows and only one exterior wall. Huddling for warmth is your best bet for staying comfortable and alive during a deep freeze. Get blankets, sheets, sleeping bags, whatever, and try to spend most of your time in that one area.
3) If you go out to buy food to prepare for a storm or snow in, get food that doesn't require any amount of heat prep. Bread and peanut butter, granola bars, canned fruit, chip, jerky, anything you can eat straight out of the container without needing to heat it.
4) If you need to go out on the road during this time, drive slowly, carefully, and remember to pump the brakes, not slam them. If at any point you're driving and see a road and think "I can't drive that" do the smart thing and turn around or find a different route.
5) Stay dry. Wet layers must come off as soon as you're somewhere warm and be dried completely before you wear them again. Your outermost layer must also be waterproof, even if it's just a rain poncho thrown over you. Snow melts into water and water in freezing temps becomes ice and you don't want to be the temperature of ice.
Hopefully this helps, especially for people in areas that don't experience a lot of snow. Feel free to add more tips I may have missed!
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yangjeongin · 7 months ago
not the forecast saying thunderstorms for skz's day of lolla guess i better bring the BIG pack of plastic rain ponchos and buy that waterproof bag i was looking at 😭
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1solone · 5 months ago
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If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you live in Oregon .
If you've worn shorts, sandals and a parka at the same time, you live in
Oregon .
If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed the wrong number, you live in Oregon .
If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' and back again in the same day, you live in Oregon .
If you install security lights on your house and garage but leave both doors unlocked, you live in Oregon .
If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a 2 layers of clothes
or under a raincoat, you live in Oregon .
If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and road
construction, you live in Oregon .
If you feel guilty throwing aluminum cans or paper in the trash, you live in Oregon.
If you know more than 10 ways to order coffee, you live in Oregon .
If you stand on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" signal,
you live in Oregon .
If you consider that if it has no snow or has not recently erupted, it is not a real mountain, you live in Oregon .
If you can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle 's Best, and Dutch
Bros, you live in Oregon .
If you know the difference between Chinook, Coho and Sockeye salmon, you
live in Oregon .
If you know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup , Clatskanie, Issaquah , Oregon ,
Umpqua, Yakima and Willamette, you live in Oregon .
If you consider swimming an indoor sport, you live in Oregon .
If you know that Boring is a city and not just a feeling, you live in Oregon .
If you can tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Thai food, you
live in Oregon .
If you never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho, you live in Oregon .
If you have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain, you live in Oregon.
If you think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists, you live in Oregon .
If you buy new sunglasses every year, because you cannot find the old ones
after such a long time, you live in Oregon .
If you actually understand these jokes and share them to all your OREGON
friends, you live or have lived in Oregon .😅😂🤣😎
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rabbiteclair · 2 years ago
oh yeah, originally the central conceit of that story was gonna be that it was a collection of encounters they had while taking a multi-day trip to try finding the ocean. I ended up scrapping that, since some of these chapters just don't work with that kinda thing, but not before I wrote a prologue about Kozakura yelling at them
so hey, why not, here (the completely rough draft of) it is. Not like I'm ever gonna use it somewhere else.
“So, you’re really going to do this, huh?”
Kozakura’s voice, coming from the doorway to her house, caught me by surprise. I looked back, squinting to shield my eyes. The rising sun was behind her, casting long shadows over her already-dark expression.
She looked even less prepared to go out than usual, wearing her usual t-shirt and spats, but with messy hair, a pair of fuzzy slippers, and an oversized cup of soda. She looked out at the world with a bleary expression as she took a sip.
“Sorry,” Toriko said. “We didn’t wake you up, did we?”
“Other direction. I’m going to bed in a few.” Kozakura took another sip of her soda, then: “But you’re dodging the question.”
Between us, the AP-1 was sitting on the grass of Kozakura’s front lawn. Normally, we tried not to bring it over into the surface world—the less attention that people paid to her house the better, considering all the weird stuff we got up to—but this early in the morning, we thought it would be fine.
Besides, we had a good reason for it this time. The AP-1 was carrying the biggest load that we’d ever asked it to handle for us. The top rack was piled high with jugs of water, our collapsed tent, waterproof cases of clothes and toiletries, a toolbox, and loose tools like our ax. The smaller holding racks to the sides were carrying everything that we might want in a hurry while driving around—our guns, binoculars, bolts, reflective poles, a first aid kit, ponchos, and our food prep stuff. We’d even used the center arch for storage, hanging two rolled-up sleeping bags from it with hooks and bungee cords. Seeing it loaded up like that made me feel proud about our decision to buy it. Our cute little AP-1 was a hard worker.
“Yeah,” I said, rubbing the soreness out of my hands after loading so much on there. “It’s kinda late to back out now. Besides, we’re not doing anything we’ve never done before, right? We already took an overnight trip once.”
Kozakura tipped her cup toward me in lieu of pointing. “It was a dumb idea then, too.”
“Come on, Kozakura,” Toriko said. “How else are we gonna find out what’s out there? We’ve got most of the stuff within a few hours of the gates mapped already.”
Kozakura stared us down, like she was expecting us to relent. When we didn’t, she sighed and drained the rest of her cup. “All right. If your hearts are set on this, at least tell me where you’ll be going. That way, when I have to send a search and rescue team in after you, they’ll know where to start looking for the bodies.”
“East,” I said.
“East? That’s it?”
“Straight east. … well, not straight east. Compasses are kind of unreliable over there. But the plan was that we’d drive right toward the rising sun, and try to go in a straight line. That way we have a pretty universal gauge of our direction, right?”
“If you can expect the sun to follow the laws of nature over there, at least. That’s it? Just driving east?”
Toriko and I exchanged a glance.
“Um…” she said.
“… pretty much, yeah,” I said. “We’ve explored the area between this gate and the Jinbouchou one pretty well, and we’ve gone north and south a bit, but… we’ve never been east of that skeletal building.”
“Well, I have, a bit. I went that way some when I was looking for Satsuki. But that was before I met Sorawo, so I was nervous about even getting out of sight of that building…”
“And what,” Kozakura said, “could possibly be over there that’s worth an overnight expedition?”
“The ocean.” I paused to weather the withering expression that Kozakura was shooting toward me. “… I mean, it’s kind of weird, right? Jinbouchou is only a few kilometers from the bay, but we’ve never seen any sign of it. There aren’t even that many rivers over there. We know there’s an ocean in the Otherside though, so…”
“If you head straight east of there, I'm not sure if you’d hit the bay. It might be a bit to the north of it.”
“Close enough though, right?” Toriko said. “We should be within a kilometer or two, so we should be able to see it unless we’re in a valley or something. If we hit a river and follow it for a bit, that should take us there too.”
“If it exists. Otherwise you’re just wandering off into the wilderness chasing a river.”
“We’ll be planting reflective poles,” I assured her. “And we put a spotlight on that skeletal building, so we can see it from kilometers away. We both have class on Wednesday, so if we haven’t found it by the end of the second day, we’ll start driving back on the third. It should be a lot quicker after we’ve marked out the route.”
Kozakura sighed again and crossed her arms, giving us a look like a stern parent. “Three and a half days. If you’re not back by then, I’ll start planning your funeral.”
“Just one?” Toriko said.
“We won’t have bodies to dispose of, so we can combine the ceremonies.” She shot us another surly look, but her posture relaxed. In a somewhat less sardonic tone, she added, “… come back in one piece, okay? I’d tell you not to do anything stupid or dangerous, but you’re already doing that by default.”
“We’ll be fine, Kozakura. Promise.” Toriko shot her an encouraging smile. “Oh! How about we try to bring you back a souvenir?”
“Yeah, just stop in at the Otherside gift shop on your way back.”
“I mean it! If we find… I don’t know, something nice, we’ll bring it back for you.”
“Something nice,” Kozakura repeated after her, in a tone dripping with doubt.
“Yeah, you know! Like…”
Toriko trailed off, then looked to me for help.
Why would I know?! You’re the one who brought it up.
Besides, weren’t most souvenirs regional delicacies and stuff? I didn’t feel like we were going to find anything like that over there…
“You can have our leftover survival meals?” I offered weakly.
“No, you know what? If I’m going to be stressing out about you two for half a week, I do want a souvenir. Something nice. Don’t disappoint me here, or I’m going to pay some thugs to throw you into the real Tokyo Bay.”
She sure was fast to flip between concern and death threats.
“It’s a deal,” Toriko said. “Something nice. I think it’ll be fun! A little concrete goal we can think about while we’re exploring. Like a scavenger hunt.”
Judging by Kozakura’s expression, her opinion of us was currently at the lowest that it had ever been in her life.
“Yeah, sure.” She turned to face back into the house, and shot us a dismissive wave over her shoulder. “I’m going to bed. Don’t die. Good night.”
“Kozakura, it’s six A—”
I was cut off by Kozakura’s door slamming in our faces. A moment later, the click of the lock.
“Well,” Toriko said. “… I guess we should get going, huh?”
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uraandri · 1 year ago
went to the shops today to try and find those light plactic rain ponchos to drape over my backpack untill i get a proper waterproof one and ended up buying half a kilo of tortilla chips instead cause i couldn't find one. also payment finally came through
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deeisace · 2 years ago
I only have like 20 minutes worth of Eurovision gossip from a security guard who came in to buy I feel like it was a waterproof jacket but that might be getting mixed up with the stage-building fella who came in to buy rain ponchos for his lads the other day
Anyway, the one guy, he says Rylan smells amazing and Serbia's song is shite, there's some girl in a big dress who goes up on this platform but idk what country she's from (neither did he), and this one other country has this weird act where they're all attached by like space-suit air tubes and then there's a bit in the song where they get released and the singer in the rehearsal the one guy wr watchin got the mechanisms stuck
And that's all I can remember
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jewel81 · 2 years ago
HongGun Dog Raincoat, Waterproof Puppy Raincoats with Hood Dog Onesie Rain Jacket & Rain Boots Jumpsuit Dog Rain Poncho for Small Dogs
To buy this Products click Here
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staenless · 9 months ago
This feels like kinda a European take ngl southern Hemisphere homies who wear sandals 8 months of the year assemble.
Anyway jokes aside I had a pair of pumas I saved up for and bought because the looked nice enough I could wear them anywhere without being under dressed and if you buy decent sandals that aren't like, shower sandals or beach sandals they work as well as closed shoes do with all the neccisary support, waterproofing(rubber) and grip. Plus we already know elven fashion tends towards skimpy dresses and sandals, and we know she wore casual elven clothes at home until recently. I think the sandals are a nice way of showing Marcilles elven ancestry in her outfit which is very tall-manesque.
I know you made that post as a joke but as someone who joked up a mountain in my sturdy sandals (gone but not forgotten) I figured I'd weigh in so we could all learn more together. It's also my favourite part of her outfit because wearing that long sleeve dress PLUS pants PLUS a shoulder poncho in summer is a one way track to heatstroke in summer so atleast my grippers will stay cool when I cosplay her
I just can't get over the peculiarity of Marcille's outfit
Everything looks very practical and layered and comfortable. Sensible, tied back hair, warm overcoat with a hood, long dress that seems made of durable, dense fabric and heavy stitching, with a sturdy leather belt and at least what seems to be bloomers or longjohns underneath...
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.... and then you've got these fucking cheap ass basic bitch sandals. No insulation, no traction, no padding, no arch support, not water proof, no protection from anything whatsoever. You're going to run in THESE? You're going to traverse rock and stone and slime and ice and tall grass in THESE?? You're going to BATTLE FOR YOUR BLOOD SOAKED CHIMERA GIRLFRIEND, IN THESE!?
Girl you are AT LEAST getting hella blisters
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shopcluesindia · 1 month ago
Outfit Ideas for Every Season for Women
Every woman deserves to look like a diva! But selecting the right outfit for a season is surely a daunting task for ladies. Not one fabric or colour is suitable for all the seasons. Some are ideal for summers while some are perfect for winters. Wondering how to get the best outfit? Here, you will find some amazing outfit ideas for women. This fashion guide for different seasons includes several styling suggestions that could help you throughout the year.
Women’s Outfit Ideas According to Different Seasons:
It’s an art to dress perfectly all the time. Checkout the following outfit ideas to nail that art:
Summer Season
It is the hottest time of the year when everybody is sweating and yearning for breathable and light clothes. Cotton and linen are the most suitable fabrics for the season. Cropped tank tops, relaxed trousers, co-ord sets, shorts, jumpsuits and short dresses should be there in your wardrobe.
Colours such as sky blue, white, green, yellow, pink and orange impart cool vibes in the summer season. So, do give them some space in your wardrobe. You can also accentuate the cool quotient with loafers and light-coloured slippers. Also, don’t forget to add floral prints to your collection.
If you want to get your hands on the best summer fashion collection at budget-friendly prices, you can choose ShopClues.
Spring Season
It is the most beautiful phase of the year. Beautiful flowers, greenery and cool breeze symbolise the advent of Spring. When you choose an outfit, make sure that it is breathable. Cotton, rayon and linen can be considered the perfect fabrics for Spring. Nylon jackets, cotton tops and linen jeans or pants are some outfits that you might consider.
Fall Season
Leaves start falling and the temperature starts dipping when Autumn arrives. In this season, you may opt for full-sleeved clothing. Brown and orange are the colours of this season. You can buy jackets, ponchos and coats in these colours. To add a tint of glamour, you can buy a pair of boots.
Rainy Season
Choosing the right attire for the rainy season can be hard. It may rain any time, and you need clothes that dry quickly. It is crucial to choose the colour and fabric carefully. Nylon and polyester are the two types of fabrics that have moisture-wicking property. They are considered the best for the season. Orange, yellow, pink, blue and red are some trendy colours for monsoon. If you are planning to buy a new collection in the monsoon, then don’t forget to buy a midi skirt, trench coat, boots, light scarf, and waterproof jacket.
Winter Season
In this coldest time of the year, you can raise the heat by donning some stylish jackets, sweaters, caps, shawls and gloves. Clothes made up of wool and fleece are required to beat the chills in the winter season. In addition, you get many colour options such as deep blue, white, black, green and red. When you place an order for winter wear, do consider these outfit ideas.
Wrapping Up!
When we look good, we feel good! So, you can’t go wrong with your clothes. Right from fabric to colour, you need to consider all the factors before hand-picking the dresses. The outfit ideas for women mentioned in this blog can be great for you. To get the finest collection, you don’t even have to step out of your home. You just need ShopClues app. Within a few minutes, you will be able to explore and order an amazing collection for every season.
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prasadsharma7 · 4 months ago
Buy Men's Rain Gear Online. Choose from a Wide Range of Non-PVC Material & Fully Waterproof Rainwear Jackets, Raincoats, Suits & Ponchos Online.
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oliveplanet1 · 5 months ago
Essential Gear: Military Pouches, Rain Ponchos, and Surplus
When it comes to outdoor adventures or survival situations, having the right gear is crucial. Three essential items that can make a significant difference are military pouches, military rain ponchos, and military surplus gear. In this blog, we’ll explore how each of these items can enhance your experience in various environments.
Military Pouches :
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Military pouches are designed for functionality and durability. These pouches come in various sizes and styles, making them perfect for storing everything from tools to first aid kits. Whether you are hiking, camping, or in a tactical situation, military pouches keep your essentials organized and easily accessible. Look for pouches made from high-quality materials that can withstand rough conditions and provide reliable storage.
Military Rain Ponchos :
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Weather can be unpredictable, especially during outdoor activities. A military rain poncho is a must-have item that ensures you stay dry. These ponchos are lightweight, easy to pack, and can be quickly thrown over your gear. They provide excellent coverage and are designed to keep you protected from rain and wind. Many military rain ponchos are also made from durable, waterproof materials, making them suitable for extended use.
Military Surplus :
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When searching for military gear, consider exploring military surplus stores. These shops offer a wide range of high-quality products at affordable prices. You can find everything from military pouches to rain ponchos and other essential items. Buying surplus gear is a smart way to get reliable equipment without breaking the bank. Plus, you’ll often find unique and durable items that are perfect for outdoor activities or everyday use.
Conclusion :
In conclusion, having the right gear can make a world of difference during outdoor adventures. Military pouches help you stay organized, military rain ponchos keep you dry, and military surplus offers a budget-friendly way to equip yourself with high-quality items. Consider adding these essential items to your gear collection to ensure you’re always prepared for whatever nature throws your way!
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junesmith · 5 months ago
Necessary Equipment for Ghorepani Poonhill Trek
The Ghorepani Poonhill route offers a magnificent experience. The breathtaking vistas of the Annapurna range, the lovely forests, and the kindness of the local villages leave a lasting impression. However, as gorgeous as this walk is, being well-prepared is vital for properly enjoying it. I learned this the hard way on my first attempt, when I overlooked certain essential supplies and had to endure unnecessary discomfort. So, if you’re planning a stroll along this magnificent trail, here’s a list of must-have gear.
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1. Good Hiking Boots
A solid pair of hiking boots can make or break your trek. The trails are a mix of rocky paths, steep ascents, and sometimes muddy terrain. On my first day, I met a fellow trekker who had worn casual shoes. By day two, she had blisters and could barely walk. My heart went out to her as I saw her limping up the trail, struggling with every step. Don’t make the same mistake — invest in comfortable, waterproof hiking boots with good ankle support. Break them in before the trek so your feet can adjust to them.
2. Layered Clothing
The weather in the mountains can be unpredictable. Mornings and evenings are often cold, but during the day, you’ll warm up as you hike. I remember starting the day all bundled up, only to strip down to my t-shirt an hour into the trek as the sun came out. Pack in layers — a moisture-wicking base layer, a warm fleece, and a windproof jacket will cover most conditions. It’s not just about comfort; it’s about staying safe from the cold or overheating.
3. Rain Gear
Even if you trek during the dry season, rain can surprise you in the mountains. A poncho or a lightweight rain jacket is a must. On one of the days, halfway through our hike, clouds suddenly gathered, and it poured. I watched some trekkers scramble to find shelter under trees, but they were soaked within minutes. I had my rain jacket handy, and it made all the difference. Staying dry keeps your spirits high when the weather turns.
4. Trekking Poles
Trekking poles may seem unnecessary to some, but they were lifesavers for me, especially during the steep descents. Your knees will thank you after hours of walking down rocky steps. I remember feeling my legs tremble as we descended toward Tikhedhunga after a long day. The poles provided extra support and helped me keep my balance.
5. Warm Hat and Gloves
Poonhill itself is chilly, especially if you’re heading up for the sunrise. I made the mistake of leaving my gloves at the lodge one morning and regretted it while standing at the viewpoint with numb fingers. The panoramic view of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges was breathtaking, but it was hard to focus when I could barely feel my hands.
6. Headlamp
Power outages are common in the mountains, and many guesthouses don’t have electricity at night. A headlamp is crucial, especially if you plan to catch the early morning sunrise at Poonhill. On my second night, the power went out, and I had to fumble through my bag in complete darkness. A small headlamp would have saved me so much frustration.
7. Reusable Water Bottle and Purification Tablets
Staying hydrated is key during the trek, but buying bottled water at every stop can get expensive and isn’t eco-friendly. Carry a reusable water bottle and use water purification tablets. I felt a strong sense of guilt every time I saw the empty plastic bottles along the trail. It’s our responsibility as travelers to leave these beautiful places as we found them.
8. Snacks
Even though you’ll find plenty of teahouses along the way, it’s always nice to have some trail snacks. Energy bars, dried fruits, and nuts can give you that extra boost when you’re feeling tired. I shared some of my snacks with a fellow trekker who was exhausted after a long climb, and it felt good to offer some comfort. The simple act of sharing a snack can create small, meaningful connections along the trail.
9. Basic First Aid Kit
It’s always smart to carry a basic first aid kit with items like band-aids, antiseptic cream, and painkillers. On my trek, one of the hikers twisted her ankle, and having a few pain relievers on hand helped her manage the pain until we reached the next village. It’s a small thing, but being prepared can make a big difference for yourself and others.
10. Permits and Documents
Don’t forget your permits — the TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management System) card and the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP). You won’t get far without them, and trust me, the last thing you want is to be turned away at a checkpoint after all the excitement of starting your trek.
Final Thoughts
The Ghorepani Poonhill Trek is a relatively short and moderate trek, but the more prepared you are, the more enjoyable it will be. Having the right gear made my trek much smoother and allowed me to focus on the incredible beauty around me. There were moments when I stood in awe of the sunrise at Poonhill or the peaceful forests, and I felt grateful to be there, fully immersed in the experience without distractions.
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kaushalgoa-blog · 9 months ago
Everest Base Camp Trek Packing List
Merino (Inner Layer) - 5000 Rs
2. Fleece (Middle Layer) - 1100 Rs
3. Long Sleeve Shirt - 1000 Rs
4. Trekking Pant - 3000 Rs
5. Hiking Pant (Warm) - 1000 Rs
6. Down Jacket (-10 C) - 6600 Rs
7. Socks - 3400 Rs
Quick Dry Trekking Socks - 700 Rs - Trekking till Namche Bazaar
Woolen Socks - 600 Rs - Namche Bazaar onwards
Warm Hiking Socks - 1000 Rs - Wear after Dingboche
Merino Wool Socks - 1100 Rs - Wear in the Tea House at night
8. Backpack - 8000 Rs
9. Inners - 1840 Rs
Cotton - 400 Rs
Synthetic - 360 Rs
10. Quick Dry Towel - 600 Rs
Big Towel - 500 Rs
Hand Towel - 100 Rs
11. Gloves - 1800 Rs
Glove Liner - 900 Rs
Winter Gloves - 900 Rs
12. Sleeping Bag Silk Liner - 3000 Rs
13. Rain Poncho - 700 Rs
14. Neck - 400 Rs
Neck warmer - 200 Rs
Neck Scarf - 200 Rs
15. Head
Balaclava - 200 Rs
Monkey Cap - From local market
16. Head Light - 1000 Rs
17. Water Bottle - 2600 Rs
Thermos Flask - 1500 Rs
Camel Bag - 1100 Rs
18. Anti UV Category-4 Sunglasses - 1500 Rs
19. Trekking poles - 4000 Rs
20. Sunscreen 70+ SPF - 800 Rs
21. Aquatabs 49 mg - 1300 Rs
22. Ziploc Bags (2 Gallon) - 1000 Rs
23. Floaters/Sandals - 400 Rs
24. Cap - 450 Rs
25. Cosmetics -
Face wipes - 150 Rs
Body Wipes - 270
0 notes
faithnfrivolity · 1 year ago
If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you live in Oregon .
If you've worn shorts, sandals and a parka at the same time, you live in
Oregon .
If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed the wrong number, you live in Oregon .
If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' and back again in the same day, you live in Oregon .
If you install security lights on your house and garage but leave both doors unlocked, you live in Oregon .
If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a 2 layers of clothes
or under a raincoat, you live in Oregon .
If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and road
construction, you live in Oregon .
If you feel guilty throwing aluminum cans or paper in the trash, you live in Oregon.
If you know more than 10 ways to order coffee, you live in Oregon .
If you stand on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" signal,
you live in Oregon .
If you consider that if it has no snow or has not recently erupted, it is not a real mountain, you live in Oregon .
If you can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle 's Best, and Dutch
Bros, you live in Oregon .
If you know the difference between Chinook, Coho and Sockeye salmon, you
live in Oregon .
If you know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup , Clatskanie, Issaquah , Oregon ,
Umpqua, Yakima and Willamette, you live in Oregon .
If you consider swimming an indoor sport, you live in Oregon .
If you know that Boring is a city and not just a feeling, you live in Oregon .
If you can tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Thai food, you
live in Oregon .
If you never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho, you live in Oregon .
If you have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain, you live in Oregon.
If you think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists, you live in Oregon .
If you buy new sunglasses every year, because you cannot find the old ones
after such a long time, you live in Oregon .
If you actually understand these jokes and share them to all your OREGON
friends, you live or have lived in Oregon .
0 notes
shreyapost · 1 year ago
Maintenance And Care for Rainwear
Rainwear can be described as being an essential and reliable addition to our wardrobes and this is especially so when it is stormy and wet outside. It does not matter what you have in this regard – a rain jacket, rain pants, or a rain poncho – you need to take care of them and maintain them properly. This is essential to make sure that such clothing does what it is supposed to do – keep you comfortable and dry. Here we will try to explore some important ways in which you can care for and maintain your rainwear properly so that it can serve you for many years to come.
Washing and cleaning 
This is the first thing that you need to know about the care and maintenance of these clothes before you buy rainwear online. Make sure that you do both these regularly so that the product lasts long and performs as well as you would ideally want it to. With time contaminants such as oil and dirt can accumulate on the fabric and thus reduce its capabilities to repel water. For this you must unfailingly adhere to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer – you would normally find them in the tag or the label.
Restoring water repellence
With time, a rain jacket tends to lose its capability to repel water and this means that the fabric starts absorbing water rather than repelling it. One of the best ways to bring back this particular capability of your rainwear is by employing a waterproofing product. These days, you get various wash-in and spray-on waterproofing agents in the market and you can use one of them to rejuvenate the water-repellent coating of the product. However, make sure that you select a product that matches the material your rainwear has been built with.  You can be sure that if you follow these care and maintenance tips you will be able to keep your rain jacket, poncho, or pants reliable. Of course, it would help if you buy the product from a top brand such as Wildcraft as it would offer a high-quality product that would not lose its capability soon. This way, you would have waterproof rainwear that is capable of protecting you from the elements. You can be sure that if you care properly for these products, they will continue serving you well and keep you comfortable and dry during the rainy season.
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