#Buy Video Games Online at Best Price
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saijspellhart · 5 months ago
Guys, buy physical media it’s dying. They are taking it from us.
My local Meijer (a regional variant of Walmart) has stopped selling physical media. Like outright. It’s now gift cards for streaming services, and online shit. They are phasing out physical video games too. They are phasing out laptops, DVDs players, blueray players.
I know, I know, streaming services are so easy and convenient. But like, you don’t own it. You are at the mercy of the services. Once they kill physical media completely they can hike up the prices as steep as they like, $30, $40, $50 and more a month. Because it will be the ONLY way (short of pirating) that you can watch shows and movies. They will make it cable and satellite premium levels of expensive. And you won’t be able to stop them. They’ll hold your favorite shows hostage behind paywalls and micro transactions. They’ll vault up shows and movies and make them unavailable for long periods of time. You’ll have to have 7 different streaming services all costing $40 bucks a pop to watch the things you want.
You’ll have access to NOTHING without paying a premium. And remember, you already pay money to have an internet connection. Are streaming services really as affordable as you think? Internet price + the price of each service? That adds up. And they keep raising the price, and will keep raising the prices, because they know you’ll keep paying.
Having physical media means you get to watch your favorite shows and movies anytime. With or without internet connection. Broke as fuck? You can still watch it, because it’s yours. Did they lock up your favorite show or movie to make it more exclusive? You can still watch it with physical media because you own it. Want to let your friend borrow it? You can lend it to them, or burn them a copy. No need to fret about stupid services cracking down on password sharing. Want to watch the movie or show with online friends? You can stream DVDs over Discord so friends can watch with you.
(Am currently streaming Teen Titans the original animated series with my best friend over Discord. It’s mine, so neither of us pay anything to watch it together.)
Companies are writing off physical media as unprofitable. They are culling it. Taking it out of stores, making it less accessible.
People around me talk about all these movies and tv series they’d love to watch, but have to buy another streaming service to access it. And I offer to let them borrow the DVDs or Blueray, and they straight up tell me they don’t own DVDs or dvd players. Why?! WHY!? They subscribe to 4 or 5 different service instead forking out $50+ a month. But they put themselves at the mercy of these services, at the mercy of internet connectivity and access. They can’t even borrow a movie or show from me, because they are so dependent on internet and streaming.
Did you know there are literally ways to save your movies digitally and take them on the go? Streaming should be a neat little thing that’s convenient, it has its perks and uses, but it should NOT the only way to watch media.
Save physical media.
Buy a dvd player.
Buy movies.
Buy shows.
Own your media.
Stop renting it. Streaming is just glorified rental.
Stop renting it.
Because soon that’s all you’ll ever be able to do.
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blazehedgehog · 1 month ago
It's been all but confirmed that SEGA's upcoming reboots of Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi are going to be live service games with predatory monetization. Why would they do this? Why are live service games with predatory monetization still popular?
I mean this is the most naked example of capitalism.
Financially speaking, let's break down what a game means. If a company like Sega gets you to buy one game a year, that means you are giving them $50-$70 annually. If it's a game you really like, something that becomes your favorite game of all time, then it is the bar you compare all other games in the franchise to. Yakuza 5 is the best one? Well Yakuza 3, 4, 6, and 7 aren't as good as Yakuza 5, then. And maybe that means you eventually stop buying new Yakuza games, because you'd rather replay your favorite one.
In comes the live service game. You never buy it, it never ends. You can't say "Yakuza 5 was my favorite" because there is no Yakuza 5. There's just The Yakuza Game, and maybe season 5 was your favorite, but parts of season 5 are still in the game even though its season 28. Right? Season 5 never really goes away, not entirely.
An item in The Yakuza Game is $5. Maybe it's a shirt, maybe its shoes, whatever. And that's a lot cheaper than $60 for an entire game, right? So people are more willing to buy it. If you buy one $5 item a month, then Sega has made the same amount of money from you that they would have if you bought a full price game.
But the idea isn't just to make you spend $5 a month. Maybe you spend $10 some months. $15. Even $20. For $20, you get four virtual shirts, and that's cheaper than the price of one real-life shirt. Right? You feel like that has appropriate value.
But in Sega's eyes, all these small increments add up to you giving them more money over the long term. And on a game that lasts forever. $60-$240 a year, every year, in perpetuity.
They don't have to worry about a remaster in ten years, because if it catches on, then this forever-game will still be getting played in ten years. At worst, you can do what Fortnite, Overwatch and Apex Legends did, and have throwback seasons (and in those cases, you can charge people a second time for updated versions of items users might already have).
This is how Epic Games makes $20 billion a year. A live service game has the potential to vastly exceed the profits of a traditional one-and-done game by truly staggering degrees.
The catch being the same thing that happened in the mid 2000's. World of Warcraft exploded big time and everybody scrambled to make their own MMO to steal WoW's thunder. Turns out: people only have so much time in their day. Dozens of MMOs failed. Wild Star, Everquest Next, Tabula Rasa, Warhammer Online...
Remember when I said "Maybe Yakuza 5 is your favorite" and mentioned how many Yakuza games came both before and after it? Yeah. Now you aren't competing with other games in the series, you're competing with the pillars of the genre. For a live service game to succeed, you need to nail "the favorite" on your first shot. And there aren't very many games that do that, in any format.
And in a live service arena like this, where a lot of the profit is generated from entrenched, habitual spenders who burrow into one game and never leave? The odds of pulling them out of their comfort zone shrink, and shrink, and shrink. If you only play video games for an hour per day, why would you go somewhere new when all of your friends and items already exist in the current game?
But such is the siren call of profit. Why make $100 million on Jet Set Radio when it has the potential to be $1 billion, $5 billion, or even $10 billion? Even just a sprinkling of live service can sweeten long term earnings, after all. Users may not like it, but they'll tolerate being annoyed a little bit. And it's fine annoying them a little bit. And a little bit more. And a little bit more. And a little bit more.
Please, we only made $390 million on this game. We expected $1 billion. We can't make games that don't generate $1 billion in profit. $390 million is nothing. Nobody can do anything worthwhile with just $390 million. The investors are laughing at us. Throw yourself before the golden throne or you'll get the cattle prod again. Your favorite game franchises demand it.
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spewagepipe · 3 months ago
Spewage Litmus: Red Dead Redemption 2
I quit playing RDR2 shortly after the first tutorial chapter ended. I'll be the first to admit that I did not really give this game a fair chance, but, never has a video game filled me with such profound exhaustion and despair as RDR2 managed in just a few hours of play. I simply could not go on.
The moment that I quit the game was shortly after visiting the game's first gun shop, where I perused a catalogue of the game's weapons. For the most part, I could barely tell the different weapons apart, but I was able to apprehend quickly enough that there was a loose power-versus-price "Jedi Curve" going on. Cheap, crappy guns for the starting player, and then expensive, effective guns for the player who has earned more money (from using the crappy ones).
It was, for me, like staring at a treadmill.
I've played enough games to experience firsthand the well-documented psychological phenomenon where extrinsic rewards overwhelm and undermine intrinsic ones. That is to say: even if the gunplay is fun at first, over time you'll care less and less about the fun of using your current weapon. What you come to care about instead is how the current gun can help you earn enough cash to buy the next gun.
The idea of endless growth is exhausting, but what I find even more exhausting is the way that the compulsion to endlessly grow will destroy the intrinsic joy of the activity.
And yet, when you look at the catalogue, it's easy to fool yourself. The growth isn't endless! Just flip to the back page. There it is, The Final Gun. The end of the treadmill, for 580 pretend dollars. But, of course, by the time you have $580 to spare, you'll be lucky if there's even a single outstanding mission where you can use it. The Best Gun isn't something you're meant to ever play with, it's just bait – it's there to keep you on the treadmill until the credits roll.
I have no idea if any of what I've just said is actually true of RDR2 – as mentioned, I never finished the game. It's just the breakdown of some of the thoughts and emotions that passed through my brain in those moments as I flipped the pages of that gun catalogue. But at the time, I actually wasn't feeling exhausted. In fact, I was energized, because the reward from the side-quest I had just completed was any single weapon, free of charge.
I thought I was dismounting the treadmill. I would buy The Final Gun, for free, right here as the game was barely starting. There would be no growth; I would chase no upgrades. The compulsion would be silenced. I would be able to enjoy the gunplay for its own sake.
Too good to be true, I suppose.
Instead, I was informed that the gun I had selected was not for sale. Confused, I looked online for clarification, and learned that this particular gun, although shown in the catalogue, cannot be purchased until it is provided as part of a mission in the game's final chapter. So you can only have the final gun when the game ends – simple as that.
Frustrated and disappointed, I sifted through the other guns for a little while. After ruling out all the story-locked content, I found that the best gun available to me was... a modest improvement over one of the guns I already possessed. Ah. Now, I understood. What I had been given was my first hit of opium for free.
The magnitude of my disappointment – of having a joyful experience dangled in front of me and then snatched away like that – hit me like a freight train. I lost all will and desire to play, I uninstalled the game, and I went to bed.
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im-adrienne · 2 years ago
We're Kind of Doomed...Just a Little
Tonight while I was playing PVE DayZ, I came across a large gas canister that I didn't need. I typed out in the chat that I had a large gas canister that I didn't need and if anyone needs it then it's theirs. I would even leave it where they could find it later if need be. Someone responded with, "We can buy that at the Trader." This didn't exactly break my brain yet it started me thinking. Capitalism is a certain kind of brain rot that goes so deep into the psyche of a person that they impose its rigidity on a fucking video game.
I say this because that person and many other people on the server:
Believe that there should be no "hand outs".
Believe that community is not about sharing as much as it is about making a profit from others and expect rewards.
Find it foreign/baffling when a person doesn't want a reward or payment for something.
Get mean & aggressive when you want to share items with others. (Ex. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?!?!? THAT'S WORTH X-AMOUNT YOU C*NT!")
Cannot comprehend bartering or mutual aid.
What baffles me is that DayZ is about surviving a zombie apocalypse. Keyword being "surviving". Just because there are traders it does not mean that the survival aspect must be capitalistic. Helping people and building a communal aspect in a post-apocalyptic environment where you could be mauled to death by zombies, bears, wolves, etc at any time is the best survival option and not where one must depend on having enough cash on hand to buy every little thing.
The more I think about a zombie/post-apocalypse type scenario happening in a place like the United States or United Kingdom (or any hyper-nationalist capitalist state) the more I think we're kind of fucking doomed. Like just a little fucking doomed. Mainly because of the individualist, "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality that has gotten only the 1% farther in life yet brainwashed billions into thinking they are millionaires in-waiting while they get paid unfairly. Too many do not understand mutual aid...yet they set up GoFundMe accounts so they can pay off their medical bills. It's disturbing how around-the-facts people can go and for how long.
Even in a fucking survival video game where you loot to survive in a post-apocalyptic world full of stuff that wants to kill you there are people that put a price on everything and hold currency over necessity. If you've ever been in a WoW Guild it can also be this way too.
We all saw and were impacted by the Pandemic. We all saw what people did with hoarding supplies and buying up supplies so they could sell them online at a markup...during a global pandemic. The world is still recovering from that greed (and Covid-19 has not gone away at all). Supply chains are still fucked. Imagine if the Pandemic was worse. Imagine if The Last of Us came to pass. I don't even want to think about it not because of the clickers. No. I don't want to think of it because of the ultra-individualism of too many people that would become a faction of rabid capitalists without a world bank or a stable currency.
Just a little fucking doomed.
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trans-mephisto · 1 year ago
Mephisto x Trans reader headcanons!
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(Plain text: Mephisto x Trans reader headcanons!)
I'm not really into the x reader scene but just scrolling through the aoex tag made me realize how much of it is just x cis fem reader posts, so here's my contribution to diversify it a little as a trans man myself!
He's always buying clothes for you. You mention wanting some sort of clothes, and BOOM it's suddenly in your closet/dresser the next day, sometimes with a little note from him
Constantly spending money on you. He would even pay for HRT and gender affirming surgery if you wanted it, whatever keeps you happy and content within his care he would do for you if it's got a price tag on it
Helps you with HRT injections if you're on HRT. He puts a Hello Kitty bandaid over the injection spot and massages it for you so you're not as sore
Always jumps to correct anyone who misgenders you or deadnames you. He's also very blunt about it and leaves no room for the other person to try to argue or make excuses for their bigotry
If you have dysphoria and you're having a bad day with it, he calls off work and chills with you, playing video games or watching television together while cuddled up with junk food is something he always suggests
If you want to try out a new name, he sends you cute cards and letters with your new chosen name written on it to make you happy. He uses his best penmanship and covers the letters in stickers and glitter
Always will assure you that being trans isn't an issue for him at all. He thinks it makes you more human and adores you for it
Probably gets into online arguments with transphobes if they're targeting you, and usually wins said arguments. Always willing to defend you even if it's over something someone else would consider petty
Always doting on you. Even if he's busy with work, he'll send you flowers and little gifts while he's away
Would never misgender you or see you as the "wrong" gender. He sees you for you, and always tells you that. Whether verbally or simply through his actions
He has Belial style your hair for you if you're in need of a hair cut, makes sure it's absolutely perfect like something off a magazine
Is tacky about his affection sometimes and will get you things in the colors of the trans flag. He says he likes that it matches his aesthetic and reminds him of you at the same time
Tries his hardest to always make you laugh. He knows how hard life can be for a queer person so he wants to give you some reprieve from it
Always respects your boundaries. Understands when you need personal space but lingers around just in case you need him. He acts as an anchor for you
Loves introducing you to people. He's proud to have someone as cute and interesting as you as his partner, so he shows off a lot
That's it for this post, if I think of more I'll post em. I hope I kept it in character enough :]
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noonaishere · 1 year ago
Online/Offline [C.S] - ten | F, senpai
You sat, like every other time you streamed, in front of your computer with the room lights off, but a strip of soothing red LEDs on so you could still see your desk. You were a faceless streamer and could comfortably sit in the darkness since no one needed to see you. Your blue light blocking glasses rested on your nose as you set up the chat and everything else you needed for a hard night’s work of being silly on the internet.
“Oooookay. Can you hear me guys? One, two. One, two. Mic check, mic check. Sob in the mob with the Rob Bob Bob?”
A few people in the chat helpfully answered that your audio sounded too quiet. You adjusted it.
“How about that? Price check on prune juice, Bob. Price check on prune juice.”
Everyone started sending thumbs ups and happy faces, with a few saying “You’re good!”
“Thank you, kittens. I guess I have to do the intro, huh.” You took a breath and - as fast as you could - said: “Hey everyone it’s Jageun Geomeun Goyangi, JGG, the Little Black Cat, coming to you live out there in radioland. We got a great stream tonight; a few indie games, I might play an old favorite, who knows where the night will take us? I hope you enjoy the stream and I hope you enjoy the jokes and remember, no backseat gaming., or I’ll turn this car around! If you like the video, like it, if you dislike it, dislike it, but let’s waste no further time and get to gaming.”
You paused. and inhaled deeply.
“How long was that?”
This was an odd little game that developed between you and your chat. When you first started, you tried to make your intro as personable as possible and it just got longer and and more ridiculous. Now you said it as fast as possible to see if you could beat your best time.
The times rolled in.
LeaBea: 0:8.02 TheNicestGuy: 0:0:7.57 QuackIsWhack✅: 0:0:8.22 🗻of Namhae: 0:0:7.58 YangYangGangGang: 0:0:8.15 SleepySheepy😴: 69:69:69.69
“SleepySheepy you’re so full of shit,” you laughed. “But also: nice, nice, nice, nice.”
SleepySheepy😴: LOLOL
“And what’s with the disparities guys? I felt like that was under eight seconds and you’re all giving me weird numbers.”
🗻of Namhae: You didn’t tell us when to start, lol
“That’s true Namhae, I should start giving signals. That’s my fault. Anyway, we got a good stream for you tonight, a few indie games, I might play an old favorite--” You laughed.
🗻of Namhae: 😞 LeaBea: LOL SleepySheepy😴: F WackIsQuack: Haha! QuackIsWhack✅: Change your fucking name back, I swear to god
“No name trolling, you know the rules, ladies, men, and nonbinary friends: Be nice in the chat, the world is already too harsh.”
JohnnyYuta: Sorry, Quack QuackIsWhack✅: Thank you
“Okay, let’s see… if Keeho is alive… and awake. And then we can see who else wants to stream.”
JohnnyYuta: He’s already streaming A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: He’s been streaming all day QuackIsWhack✅: You know what that means…
“I don’t have enough money to buy chicken nuggets?”
The chat flooded with emojis of potatoes that were meant to be chicken nuggets. Truly a crime against humanity that there wasn’t a nugget emoji.
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 🗻of Namhae: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 QuackIsWhack✅: You gotta kill him
“I will, Quack… or should I say: Shane Madej. And then you can trap him in your ribcage like the demon you are.”
QuackIsWhack✅: LOL
“But if JohnnyYuta and Tree saw that he’s streaming already, let’s go raid him. Send him: the nuggets.”
You navigated over to Keeho’s Twitch page to find him, as your spies informed correctly, already streaming. As you and your chat made your way over to his, and his chat was suddenly filled with the same message of five nuggets in a row, over and over again.
🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 QuackIsWhack: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 🗻of Namhae: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 TheNicestGuy: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 I💚Keeho: Heyyyy, it’s Cat! A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 JohnnyYuta: The jig is up! JohnnyYuta: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 StrickenChicken: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 UltimateHyung✅: Oh noooo~~ a raid~~ lol UltimateHyung✅: Whatever shall we do with all these nuggets! I💚Keeho: Hi Cat! 👋 There’sARockInMySock: Cat!! 🗻of Namhae: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 QuackIsWhack: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 MinHoe: Sheepy, I thought you weren’t awake now?? SleepySheepy😴: I fucking LIED lol MinHoe: lol
“There’s what in the chat?” Keeho looked up from his game. “Ohh, Cat's on! Hi Cat!”
🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: ACCEPT OUR NUGGETS!! 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔
“Accept nothing. Accept my Discord invite, you pest.”
“Hiiiiiiiii~~,” you sang.
“What’s going on, Cat?”
“Nothing much. I thought you said you weren’t starting before now?”
“Ummm, did you hear there’s a new map in Tale of Tails?”
“That weirdo gumiho gacha MMO you play?”
You laughed. “No, because it’s a weirdo game for weirdos. Like yourself: a weirdo.”
“Okay, there’s no need to go so hard, what are my fans going to think?”
“That you’re a weirdo.”
“You can just admit you’re jealous, Cat.”
“I have no desire, nor need, to admit such a thing.”
He laughed. “I’ll get you hooked on it one day.”
“Some of us aren’t rich and can’t buy the best cards, my guy.”
“You don’t need to buy cards, my dude.”
“Is that what you tell yourself every time you hit ‘Purchase,’ champion?”
“It’s what I know, chief.”
QuackIsWhack: The girls are fightingggggggg MinHoe: Sheepy, answer my fucking message SleepySheepy😴: nah fam MinHoe: Don’t you nah fam me SleepySheepy😴: lolol 🗻of Namhae: Oooo MinHoe, so forceful 🗻of Namhae: Kabedon him against the wall next SleepySheepy😴: lolol, senpaiiiii~~~ MinHoe: I hate you, Sheepy MinHoe: 😞😞😞 SleepySheepy😴: 😎😎😎 LuciPURR: Cat, call him “buddy,” “guy” next
“They want me to fight with you more.”
“You just came here to fight with me?”
“No, I came here to fight you… in the realm of games!”
“I’m going to send you to the Shadow Realm!”
Both of you started singing the Mortal Kombat theme.
🗻of Namhae: MORTAL KOMBATTTT QuackIsWhack: daNA daNA daNA TheNicestGuy: daNA daNA daNA A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: DA DA DA DA DA DA DA JohnnyYuta: DA DA DA DA DA DA DA UltimateHyung✅: There’s the traitors UltimateHyung✅: I saw you sell Keeho out in Cat’s chat QuackIsWhack: Yo, but why are you stream sniping, boss? UltimateHyung✅: Are you defending them, Quack? QuackIsWhack: You’re all guilty of the same crime JohnnyYuta: You gotta do what you gotta do to get your fav streamers to stream together lol SleepySheepy😴: You gotta do what you gotta do what you gotta do, you know? LuciPurr: Do the Dew A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: I ship them 🥵 JohnnyYuta: My OTP 🗻of Namhae: guys… TheNicestGuy: GUYS QuackIsWhack: No shipping. I’m the mod, I say so UltimateHyung✅: Not in this house you aren’t QuackIsWhack: In Cat’s chat I am lol UltimateHyung✅: Lol QuackIsWhack: We should migrate back to our own chat anyway
“Thank you, Quack,” you said. “There will be no shipping in this house. Especially not drop shipping.”
“We’re in different houses.”
“There will be no shipping in either of these houses. Only a pox upon them.”
“You can’t tell me what to do.”
“I’m about to ship you with the wall.”
“By slamming your head into it.”
Keeho laughed. “You’d have to be here first. And on camera.”
“Fuck, my one weakness.”
“You’re like a vampire.”
You hissed like Nosferatu.
“Understandable. I’ll set up the game.”
“Kay kay.”
“Kee Kee.”
“Ho Ho.”
The two of you laughed.
As Keeho invited you to the game he read the chat. “‘Is Cat a vampire?’ Are you a vampire, Cat? Am I friends with a Dracula?”
You hissed into your microphone.
“Is that a cat hiss or a vampire hiss?”
You laughed. “Now I’m not sure.”
Keeho chuckled.
“But I’m a faceless streamer, person-in-Keeho’s-chat.”
“So you’re like a vampire or something and can’t appear on camera.”
“Vampires can’t go out in the sun, dude.”
“Twilight ones can.”
“You’re trying to make a point to me about vampires with the straightest, most boring vampires possible?”
He laughed.
“Where’s your sense of terrifying homoeroticism?”
QuackIsWhack✅: They do be like that tho There’sARockInMySock: The inherent homoeroticism of the vampyr 🗻of Namhae: Vampires are gay?
You laughed. “Yeah, they’re pretty gay, Namhae. At least the good ones are. Bram Stoker was closeted and stuff… he was best friends with Oscar Wilde… you know how it goes. Carmilla was like the OG vampire book and that was about two girls. Anne Rice’s vampires were pretty gay as well.”
“Why do you know so much about vampires?”
“Maybe I’m the Big Titty Goth Girlfriend we’ve all heard so much about. Ever think of that?”
“Then you are shooting yourself in the foot by not having a camera.”
You cackled.
“Plus, I know what you look like, and you’re not.”
“Oh shit, yeah. Damnit, if only we were never friends in real life.”
Keeho laughed loudly. “Let’s go back in time and not be friends, and then I’ll believe it when you say it.”
“Yes, that’s my fucking plan.” You laughed.
QuackIsWhack✅: Anyone who asks about her tits, gets the hammer JohnnyYuta: Dang, Quack JohnnyYuta: Punish me mommy QuackIsWhack✅: You trying to get banned? JohnnyYuta: Absolutely not, ma’am 🧍‍♂️ A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Crack the whip on him! QuackIsWhack✅: Tree? A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: No ma’am 🧍‍♂️
“What in the kinkery fuckery is going on in your chat?” Keeho laughed.
“Stop looking at my stream, dude. And I don’t claim them.”
“You have to claim them, they’re your chat.”
“Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
QuackIsWhack✅: Excuse you?
“Quack is my only monkey. I made a circus just for her.”
He laughed.
“She’s been around the longest.”
🗻of Namhae: I’ve been here since the beginning too QuackIsWhack✅: Yeah, haven’t you been here longer than I have?
“Wait, what? Namhae, you’ve been here the longest?”
🗻of Namhae: I think so. I remember back when you only had five subscribers, right when you started 🗻of Namhae: (One was me, btw. lol) QuackIsWhack✅: Yeah, I came in at like, 15 or something lol 🗻of Namhae: Lol 🗻of Namhae: This is the same account from back then too, go check how long I’ve been subbed JohnnyYuta: No lies Namhae? 🗻of Namhae: Lol, why would I lie? Quack can just check QuackIsWhack: Ohhh yeah, lemme check A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Did she have any other fans then? 🗻of Namhae: There was a handful of people 🗻of Namhae: I haven’t seen any of their names in a really long time though QuackIsWhack: Holy shit, you’ve really been here the whole time 🗻of Namhae: See? 😊 A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Yooooooo TheNicestGuy: Wow JohnnyYuta: Oppa! YangYangGangGang: Oppaaaa!
“Ohhhhh shit. You hear that, Keeho? I’ve got someone who’s been here almost as long as me.” You laughed.
“Shit, I’m so jealous. That’s so cool though.”
🗻of Namhae: 😊😊😊
“Aww, cute blushie smiles right back at you, Namhae. You know what? I should make you a mod, since you’re always around.”
🗻of Namhae: Really? 🗻of Namhae: I’d be honored JohnnyYuta: Oh shit TheNicestGuy: Wow… A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Senpai’s noticed him, AND he’s gonna be a mod? A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: I’m so fucking jealous
“Well, you know, stay around for five or so years and maybe you’ll become a mod too, Tree.”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Goals 🥲🥲🥲 JohnnyYuta: Living the dream, Namhae
“You’re so silly, Tree. Annnnnd, you’re a mod now, Namhae. Quack can message you and tell you the ropes.”
QuackIsWhack✅: We got so many ropes, you’d think it was the Scouts up in here 🗻of Namhae✅: testing…? 🗻of Namhae✅: Oh my god 🗻of Namhae✅: I have a check QuackIsWhack✅: Woowwww JohnnyYuta: Look at himmmm QuackIsWhack✅: How do you feel, Namhae? 🗻of Namhae✅: So special 🥺🥺🥺 A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Ahhh my TT QuackIsWhack✅: lolol 🗻of Namhae✅: 😤😤😤 🗻of Namhae✅: Who needs to get banned? Lemme at em! YangYangGangGang: There’s a new Oppa in town
You chuckled. “You’re funny, Namhae.”
“I’ve seen him in my chat occasionally when you’re not streaming, he cracks me up.”
🗻of Namhae✅: 😳😳😳 JohnnyYuta: BOTH senpais have seen him! 🗻of Namhae✅: I don’t know what to do with all this A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Go crazy! Go stupid! SleepySheepy😴: Go apeshit MinHoe: Sleepy, answer me dammit SleepySheepy😴: 😴😴😴
You laughed at the chat. 
“Heyyy, BrickTheBracken and MickTheMacken are here!”
“Hey guys,” Keeho said.
“Hey hey,” Bracken and Mick responded.
“Are you guys in the same room again? You’re a little echoey.”
“Sorry,” Bracken responded. “We just moved into the new place and we’re not totally set up yet.”
“I’ll take my laptop to the other room,” Mick offered. A few seconds went by and he could be heard shuffling his headset. “This better?”
“Much better.” Keeho answered.
“Do we know if Yeji or Ryujin are going to show up?” You asked.
“They should,” Bracken offered. “Maybe they had to stay late at their day jobs?”
“Don’t even fucking talk about day jobs,” Ryujin exploded into the chat. “I was watching you guys on the way home and I’m so mad I had to stay late. I wanted to be around for the nugget raid.”
You laughed.
“Love a good nug raid.”
🗻of Namhae✅: Everyone loves nugs 🗻of Namhae✅: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 QuackIsWhack✅: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 StrickenChicken: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 UltimateHyung: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 LeaBea: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 JohnnyYuta: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 TheNicestGuy: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 YangYangGangGang: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 SleepySheepy😴: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 LeaBea: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 JohnnyYuta: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 There’sARockInMySock: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 MinHoe: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 LuciPURR: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 JohnnyYuta: All hail the nugs!
“Ryujin, are you watching my chat?”
“I ammmm, thanks guys. Now I really feel like I was at the earlier raid.”
“My chat’s pretty sweet.”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: You’re sweet
“Oh, Tree, I’m blushing. My heart just went ‘doki doki,’ dude.”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: 😳😳😳
“Can you quit flirting with your chat and accept my invite?” Keeho asked.
“I’m not flirting with anyone. They’re all just lovely people.”
“Uh huh.”
“I don’t see an invite from you.”
“Huh? Oh, I didn’t add you.”
“HA!” You laughed loudly.
QuackIsWhack✅: F A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: F StrickenChicken: F UltimateHyung: F SleepySheepy😴: F I💚Keeho: F LeaBea: F JohnnyYuta: F TheNicestGuy: F There’sARockInMySock: F MinHoe: F 🗻of Namhae✅: F, senpai
“At least Namhae respects me.”
🗻of Namhae✅: I respect you, sunbaenim
“All I need is your respect, Namhae.” Keeho said as he held his fist to his chest and pretended to struggle with his emotions.
You laughed. “Close my stream, dammit!”
“I’m going to close it when we start playing.”
“Guys! I made it!” Yeji yelled, winded.
“Okay, okay, calm down.” Keeho responded. “Do you want us to play a round while you get situated or would you rather play now?”
“I need to play something and not think about the printer that I spent like three hours trying to fix because our office didn’t pay a bill and now the printer company won’t come fix it and no one else can or wants to fix it.”
“Holy shit,” you said. “You’re way too pretty for that, Yeji.”
“I knowwww, I should never have become an office worker. I thought it would be easy.”
“Aww, my baby.”
SleepySheepy😴: WE love you, Yeji I💚Keeho: Yejiiiiiii LeaBea: Aww 😥😥😥 There’sARockInMySock: Yeji! 💜💜💜 QuackIsWhack✅: We love you, bubbah A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Yeji is the prettiest JohnnyYuta: Love our girl StrickenChicken: I’m not wlw, but if I was I would pick you, Yeji UltimateHyung: Were I single, I would ask you out in a manly fashion 🗻of Namhae✅: You deserve better, Yeji
“Are you looking at my chat, Yeji?” You asked.
“Ryujin is showing me. Aww, you guys are sweet.”
“You do deserve better.”
“I know… UGH I have to interview somewhere else or make more money streaming so I can leave.”
“I think you can do it. I mean… I never went to college and here I am.”
“Living the dream, Cat.” Ryujin said.
You laughed. “Nah, I’m living the ‘a lot of hard work and a little luck’.”
“Dang right, hard work,” Keeho said emphatically.
“Now: Are we finally going to play?”
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thewolffairytaler · 5 days ago
Retro consoles & how to find them
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Does anybody actually own an old console that they used to have today, or is it second-hand? If yours is second-hand, you must have had a long story about trying to find it since old consoles like the original Nintendo DS are a rarity to find, even in good condition. I remember seeing a DS lite that was sold for 71,81 €/75,41 $ because the upper screen was slightly damaged. The pixels were black, and it didn't cover the whole thing, only a little bit, but it was enough not to sell for higher prices.
For a normal person, that might not mean anything to you. Yet for a tinker (video game repair technician) it means a lot. For the reason that they have all the supplies needed to make it brand new. So they could just buy any "broken" consoles, fix whatever the problem is, and then sell it for a higher price, maybe even make it custom made if the consumer demands it. However, that might make the sellers charge more in the end, simply since small companies do everything hand-made. It isn't so with all small companies, but don't expect it to be cheap.
I wouldn't recommend you to buy your own tools and do it yourself, I'm aware that there are guides on Youtube for a rookie to know what they are supposed to be doing. But even so, there's a high chance you might mess up your console even more if you decide to meddle with the motherboard. You could try, I'm not stopping you. Just try to do it with caution and some aid.
The games can be expensive too, like one shop decided to sell a Pokémon Soulsilver copy for 194,86 €/204,56 $. That's a lot of money for a used game, and even more for a game nonetheless. That's like the same price you could get to purchase one console. Of course, you could try to find an online market auction for less, like Ebay or your country's equivalent of it, but then there's a high chance that you'd have to compete for it.
Ironically, the best way to find something you want is from a flea market, or a garage sale, like the old days, but that's the least likelihood to occur. There are surely other places that you can look at that I haven't mentioned, but these examples are the basics of finding antique items. If you know any other places, do tell me, I'd love to read about them and get some advice from you guys as well, since it isn't easy to find a specific product you're looking for. Overall, I hope you have good luck with whatever kind of console you're searching for. You're going to need it. Perhaps even finding a rare version of that console, who knows? It isn't impossible.
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antihibikase · 10 months ago
Heyya Reese! I hope everything's going well for you. If its not, then i wish everything's going to get better soon :)
Also, for the ask game.. maybe 12, 20, 27, and 30
Hello hello, Maya! Thank you so much! ^^ My jaw is slowly getting better after I've clenched it so many times the past week, and my thesis defense is coming soon- which means, once that's out of the way, I will be a little more free!
And thank you for the ask! ^^
12.) describe your best friend?
Already answered here (specifically towards one of them because she was the one asking. Hi Mhizzy. /pos), but also! I have many best friends. :) I know a lot of people tend to only have one, but I have many! From online, from my childhood days, from highschool, etc.
It's hard to pick only one to describe, but I guess the easiest way to describe them is that they're kind to me. :)
20.) who was your very first artistic inspiration?
I think the first major artist that I really felt inspired from was korean artist Ramdaram! You may know them from their viral videos such as these;
She also animated the MV for Dareharu's Karma, Flowering, and Pure Blood!
I really admire the way she draws characters- even through such a simplistic artstyle, she stands out with how she utilizes color palettes and how she animates her videos! I like the retro vibe she has going on for most of her stuff, and her art was what inspired me to try digital art again!
27.) your latest obsession? and why?
Tamagotchi ... specifically angelgotchi ...
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I don't know what spurred me to buy an angelgotchi, but I found it online for a good price (around 30 USD), and while I wanted it, I didn't really find any reason to get it- but then I found out I did well enough in my last semester to be listed as a Dean's Lister in my college, and well. Treat for me. :)
I also just like angel-themed things in general recently. I'm attributing it to Slater, yeah, but also. The angelgotchi is just super cute aesthetic wise. And it's also really charming. :) I know the modern ones are just as lovely, but considering I'm terribly busy most of the time, having a vintage tamagotchi that's mostly just care + a single game (not counting the needier stages) and generally being low maintenance is nice.
I would really like a plushie of an angelgotchi! Probably Kuriten (my favorite), but also, Pukuten, Takoten, or Maruten ...
Another obsession is also Yumemiushi, but that's mostly tamer considering Yumemiushi are only plushies. Still, I love my little Potchi (my angel). <3
30.) favorite mythological creature? and why?
Technically, angels. Some don't consider them as such, since they're explicitly tied to religion- but well, it varies.
I had a religious upbringing, and though I don't believe as much anymore, nor do I practice as much as I used to (I still pray before meals though), I like the thought of having an assigned guardian angel looking out for me. :)
I like to think they're less humanoid looking, but not exactly biblically accurate. They're like little creatures to me. Like this.
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xpertsapp-blog · 10 months ago
Getting Started with WordPress Development — The Best Tips to Get Started
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In the world of digitalization, every business must focus on having a digital presence for their brand to increase their traffic for their business to retain more customers. One of the best ways to have a unique digital presence for your brand is through WordPress web development. One of the most known platforms known for creating a website is WordPress web development. You’re choosing to become a part of the WordPress user community worldwide. The platform is maintained by thousands of web developers who work tirelessly to add new features, enhance functionality, and strengthen security. Even better, it’s far more straightforward than you might imagine joining the WordPress community. You must follow the trend to stay under the umbrella of updates to track your business’s growth.
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How to build a successful WordPress website?
Once you choose WordPress web development, you must know about the requirements while developing a WordPress website to have a unique and distinctive digital presence for your target audience online and get to know about your brand. Today, launching a website is simpler than ever. The procedure still has several steps. If you pay attention to these steps, your site’s launch might run smoother than you’d like. Additionally, launching a website without any forethought is a formula for catastrophe.
We’ll go through further steps and tips in this article that must be completed before developing a WordPress website. Everything you need to do, from the planning stages of your website to its launch debut, will be covered.
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WordPress web development: Steps and tips to follow
Develop the Concept for Your Website
Every successful Website has a concept at its core. You could write about computer lessons, video game reviews, or even movies. Each of those suggestions ought to have a specific objective.
For instance, a website specializing in computer lessons may want to sell products or encourage visitors to enroll in an online course. Before starting to build your website, you must have a solid concept. Otherwise, you’ll aimlessly wander around and squander time.
What you want your website to emphasize should be listed in writing.
Define the main objective of your website (i.e., making you money, positioning you as an expert in your field, just a hobby, etc.).
Consider the demographic of your desired audience.
Think about possible names for your website.
It can take time to identify your intended audience, though. The key is to consider your target audience, which should constitute most of your traffic while choosing the type of material you wish to post. Finally, choosing a name for your website is a very subjective choice. However, since you’ll need to purchase a related domain, we advise sticking with something simple to remember and type.
Choose and Buy a Domain for your WordPress Web Development
Now that the conceptual phase of learning how to establish a website is complete, let’s move on to the technical side. You should sign up for a domain for your website. You can purchase a domain name in many different locations. We advise using a specialized domain registrar in most situations because they frequently have the best selection of Top-Level Domains (TLDs) at affordable pricing. Most of the time, because they are well-established options that people are familiar with, it is usually advised to stick with “.com” TLDs. It’s a minor investment for your website’s future to purchase a regular.com domain, which should cost you roughly $10 per year.
Identify Suitable WordPress Hosting
Finding the web host that will house your website is the next step in your quest. Your choice of provider will be significantly influenced by the platform you use to develop your website. Naturally, it is advised to use WordPress as your Website’s platform because it offers a wealth of tools, plugins, and themes that make it relatively simple to create a unique website. This is the significant role of WordPress when you think of developing a website for your business to have its digital presence. Therefore, the best choice one could make for hosting while developing a website for an online company to a vast audience.
Create the critical content for your website
The majority of new websites launch discreetly. The initial content is mainly ignored until traffic levels go up after an indefinite period. But that doesn’t mean it’s not crucial to start developing the most important content for your website immediately. A new website needs help to gain popularity, especially right after launch. In our experience, writing long-form web copy and blog content focusing on keywords you believe will rank well is the best way to increase traffic numbers.
To make this work, you’ll need to research Search Engine Optimization marketing (SEO) and develop several practical topic ideas. Next, try to write an article that is superior to anything the opposition has on the same topic. In the end, you want to become well-known right away. However, more than a single article will be required, which is where the final step comes into play.
Decide on the ideal theme for your website.
It’s time for your website to start taking shape now that WordPress has been installed and your actual content has been written. Installing a theme that fits the look you want for your website is the first thing we advise you to do.
You can utilize two different types of themes. Also, niche themes are created with a particular kind of Website in mind. You may also look at multipurpose themes, which focus on flexibility and the ability to fit almost any type of Website. Your theme selection should ideally be a long-term choice. In light of this, we advise you to choose the ideal option for you, try it, and proceed to the next stage only after. Your theme selection should ideally be a long-term choice. In light of this, we advise you to choose the ideal option for you, try it, and proceed to the next stage only after.
Install the Required Plugins
It would help if you used “plugins,” one of WordPress’s key selling features, to power the extra functionality on your website. They are simply add-ons, and the ones you choose will primarily rely on the functionality your site will have. The greatest thing you can do is take some time to explore around. The WordPress.org Plugin Directory alone contains over 50,000 free plugins. It has little risk in testing out a plugin if it intrigues you.
However, we advise avoiding plugins with ratings of fewer than four stars and those without any updates in the previous six months. Keeping this general guideline in mind is essential because those can have bugs that haven’t been patched and other vulnerabilities.
Make Your Site’s Design Specific to Your Content and Goals
This process step typically has a big head start because WordPress has a large selection of pre-designed themes and page builders. You get to start with the default design of your parent theme and then modify it to suit your needs. It will probably take some time to combine your site’s design, especially if this is your first attempt. However, it pays to ensure everything looks perfect, so the rest of your site’s launch goes smoothly. Keep in mind to constantly create each page and article to achieve that goal.
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What to do once the Website is live (launched)?
The Website is made once as it has gone through the whole development process. It would help if you created a schedule for new postings after publishing your new site’s first piece of content. An excellent strategy to grow an audience for a new website is to blog at least once every week. It makes sense to compose your website’s critical content before you even launch. As a result, you may devote your whole post-launch weeks or even months to marketing and link-building.
It would be best if you had a social media presence and backlinks to engage with your expanding audience and build an email list. You can launch campaigns and set up autoresponders using a list, which will eventually help drive visitors to your website. How you proceed from here will ultimately depend on your long-term objective. For instance, creating a “passion blog” is not the same as monetizing your website. Finding and fostering guests, however, is a constant concern.
It’s easier to set up a WordPress website than it originally was. Thanks to WordPress’s community-driven, ongoing platform improvements, you can now create a website in a few easy steps. However, you might still require assistance with the trickier aspects. In that case, don’t worry. We are available to you.
For all of your website needs, we provide 24/7 assistance. With the help of our Website Builder, we even further streamline the website-building procedure. Use our Website Builder to access XpertsApp and have your site up and running.
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sarthak2405 · 1 year ago
How Rocksteady Studios Ruined the Batman Arkham Series with Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
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Introduced on May 30 1939 Batman has been surrounded by many fans from all over the world (Including me). Thus it’s of no surprise that there have been multiple games ( 51 to be exact) on him but none have been as popular as the Batman Arkham series created by Rocksteady. In 2009 they created they're first Batman game called “Batman: Arkham Asylum”. The game Featured Kevin Conroy as the voice of Batman and Mark Hamil as the voice of Joker many may recognise them as the voices of Batman and Joker in the Batman animated series as well as some Justice League movies and shows. This game redefined the combat system of many video games of that time and has been an inspiration to many others , the most popular being Insomniac's “Amazing Spider-Man” series which features similar gameplay mechanics. No wonder this game won Game Of The Year.
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The popularity of the first Batman game gave the studio enough confidence to create their second game roughly 2 years later in 2011 called “Batman: Arkham City” This time the game took a different approach. Instead of the linear playthrough of the first game the studio decided to make this game open-world. This change was one of the best changes the studio made as this game has been known to many as “one of the greatest Batman games ever”. Spoiler alert to anyone who hasn’t played the game The Joker dies in this game.
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Warner Brothers which is the parent company of DC Entertainment wanting to capitalize on the success of the Batman Arkham series created another game called “Batman: Arkham Origins” This game was meant to act as the beginning point of the Arkham series as this series shows a young batman Just beginning his vigilante career of being the guardian of Gotham city. This time it featured Troy Baker as the voice of Joker and Roger Craig Smith as the voice of young Batman. This game featured one of the best boss fights in the series i.e. against Deathstroke
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To close the Batman Arkham universe Rocksteady decided to create their last and final game ( or so we thought) with “Batman: Arkham Knight” in 2015 this game featured a new combat system i.e. we used the bat mobile. This game was the studio version of the Red Hood story by DC Comics. It again featured Kevin Conroy as the voice of the Batman and Troy Baker as the voice of the Red Hood. In my opinion this was another underrated game if it wasn’t for the technical difficulties the game faced.
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Roughly 5 years later Rocksteady Studios announced another Batman Arkham game called Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League. The game was meant to be released in the year 2022 but got delayed twice due to complaints by fans, The game finally came out in February of this year and in mine and a lot of people’s opinion ruined the series. This was for two reasons i.e. the Voice actor of Batman Kevin Conroy passed away from Intestinal cancer at the age of 66 therefore this was the last performance of the actor and the way the studio went about handling the death of Batman. The other reason was that the studio decided to make this game a live service. Simply, a player could spend real money to buy cosmetics and overpowered weapons from the game store
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The studio could only save themselves by erasing this story, saying that Batman isn't dead, or saying that this game is not part of the Arkham verse. This game does have two popular theories namely the heroes we see dying are clones created either by the Justice League themselves or by Brainiac. and the second is that the game will slowly bring back the dead heroes because of hidden voice recordings found in the game's files. Whatever they do I hope they make Rocksteady make the right choice.
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vengeancect · 1 year ago
i don't really have thoughts anymore. just endless degraded feedback, like scrolling through a timeline forever. there's like a 1% of barely functional half-awake suicidal ideation buried under 99% corrupted unconscious junk data. i spend every day twitching and mumbling like a coma patient while replaying memories of watching videos or streams, little soundbites from movies or games, recycling them in my brain and pretending they're mine and i made them. it's always too loud, sleeping is hard. i try very hard to come up with any original thought or concept and even if i do it's impossible to do anything, gets eaten by the noise. my brain just ping-pongs between "i really wish sex weren't real" and "i wanna blow my brains out" as i drool all over myself and think about playing a video game (not actually doing it of course). there's only so many adjustments and corrections i can make to the same old stupid fantasies. i've eaten myself to the bone. i think about killing my parents a lot, especially my dad. i'm paranoid and jumpy all the time, my heart rate is way too fast, i hate the sound of thunder and rain hitting our roof and our dog barking and my parents old people yelling at each other. i don't have a job or education (though i did try to get them a few times over the last 2 years thank you very much!) and probably won't have one for the rest of my life. i won't be able to take care of my parents when they get old, i might even die before them due to my awful lifestyle
now that i think of it that period in 2019 where i went around actually making an effort to learn suicide methods was probably the most autonomy i've exercised in my entire life. i went outside a lot, learned how to buy things online, how to tie knots, put a lot of "effort" in, but pussied out when the time came to make a plan. oh no i have to fast for a while? but then i'll have to talk to my mom about it, and maybe reject a meal! and now, somehow, over 4 years have gone by. i don't know what to do about that. when i kept shopping for the stuff to kill myself with i was so unfamiliar with everything in the world that i had to keep googling to find out what a hardware store is. i had to check around everywhere i could for rope to buy, what kind of rope fits best. i would walk for miles into another city and then spend the entire time inside the store developing an alternate reality in my mind where i created an obscure japanese horror game from 1998. ordering shit online was mortifying and required weeks of planning just to hide it from my mom. a thing that everyone does every day was like a big autistic quest i had to bravely overcome. a year later i would learn how to turn a stove on and make grilled cheeses and it was like a revelation from god to the point where i'm legitimately nostalgic about it. (MAJOR UPDATE: just like last night i learned how to properly tie my shoes for the first time at age 24)
i had to write myself several unhinged reminders and memos like an amnesiac to remember how to tie a noose and do this or that. i shambled around two shopping malls like a tortured ape trying to find anywhere that sold kitchen scales, asking for the price and then leaving. i gave all these stores like 2 or 3 visits at least because i couldn't handle being unprepared for them. i had to talk to staff so many times, staff that were clearly my age, what an uncomfortable realization that was. i saw some disabled guy sitting at a mall cafeteria getting fed by his mom or aunt or whatever and thought "wow he's literally me…". i had to buy deadly chemicals from the internet and find a box to keep them stored in, then i had to get a padlock and key for it somewhere. then i'd walk to a random fuckin chemical storage facility because surely they'd sell me something right? then i would realize i've had my shirt on backwards for the past 2 hours. that Death Box is still there although very moldy. i want to use it but i know i won't, because i guess i don't have the mental fortitude necessary to commit suicide, and maybe never head 2019 was my 10th year being isolated. my most common thought back then was futility. that's all i could think about every time i walked back home. i am so far behind everything and everyone that even if i started "fixing myself" right now and giving it 100% it would still take another 10 years just to build a hollow resemblance of a normal life. i would "succeed" the same way that disabled guy at the mall succeeds at not choking to death on his food. the ever-present spectre of ngmi was now stronger and clearer than ever. nothing will change because nothing can. i was so desperate to die that i walked around a bunch of grassy fields trying to find a good angle and spot to do it where no one would find me. surrounded by bugs and wild horses. it didn't work. that was 4 years ago now. i can barely remember anything before that year (just to hammer the brainrot home even harder, this post was written over like two weeks while also copying another draft i'd written 4 months ago, then left to rot in my drafts for another month or two)
it's been 15 years since 2009. i guess that's when all of this "started" but it would be wrong to claim my isolation made me like this. this is just what i've always been. i am not a victim of neglect so much as a willing accomplice to it. i remember being 11 and browsing my grandpa's PC, looking up cheat codes or chemtrail videos or ytp's in his dark house and hearing the kids outside, seeing them to go school or back home, talking with their parents, and i'd think "hoo boy i hope this doesn't affect my life too hard!" i remember starting this blog july 2012, 11 years ago. i think i did it to follow some skype acquaintances and post "weird" stuff, trying to cobble a personality out of liking this or that insignificant media thing. everything i've ever done has always been a performance because i'm not capable of being real. trying to align this blog with my real thoughts only made it feel more forced and exponentially more painful because now various random people had access to my fragmented thoughts and could poke me with a stick whenever they wanted to skinner box my shit up. i awkwardly exposed myself to all manner of maladjusted weebs and soylennial irony nerds and blessedly ignorant normies and American art school gays, all of which i'm sure have now been subsumed into the workforce and developed conveniently docile, castrated lifestyles and philosophies as a way of preparing their brain for the horribly-but-sometimes-comfortably mundane rest of their lives. they'll get fat and lame but still act like they're 19, they'll try and fail to not become their parents. they'll breed and raise children and work as their brain is slowly dissolved in the murky primordial soup. they'll do all of that, and i'll still be here somehow. i'm just glad they're not pretending we're the same anymore. guess i should press post on this now
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vrankup · 1 year ago
Demystifying PPC: A Beginner’s Guide to Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Hey there It’s your digital marketing agency in dwarka, Vrankup! let’s dive into the world of PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, advertising. It’s like this magic trick in the digital marketing world that can seriously boost your business.
Alright, so here is this thing, imagine you’re playing the game and instead earning points doing task, you could just by them. That’s kind of how ppc works. you get paid every time someone clicks on your ad.
Now, The first thing you have to do is picking the right keyword. These are like the secret codes that lead folks to your ad. Let’s say you’re running a yoga studio. You’d want keywords like “yoga classes near me” or “beginner yoga sessions.” You catch my drift?
Next up, there’s this epic showdown called the ad auction. It’s where all the magic happens. When someone punches in a search on Google, for instance, it triggers a race. Advertisers throw their hats into the ring, but only a few will come out victorious. It’s like a digital gladiator match, but instead of swords, it’s all about keywords, bids, and ad quality.
Once the dust settles, the winners get their ads on the coveted spots of the search engine results page. It’s like claiming a prime spot in a busy marketplace. where you will decide what are their worth
Now, let’s talk About ad There are different styles you can rock. Text ads are like the OGs – clean, simple, and straight to the point. They’ve got a headline, a snappy description, and a link to your website. It’s like a mini billboard for the digital age.
Then, you’ve got display ads. These are the flashy ones with images or even videos. They pop up on websites or social media feeds. It’s like having your own personal paparazzi, but for your brand.
Video ads are where you can really show off. They play before, during, or after videos on platforms like YouTube. It’s like having your own TV commercial, but without the super expensive airtime.
And let’s not forget shopping ads. These are a blessing for online stores. They showcase your products with prices and images, making it easy for shoppers to click and buy.
How much does this party cost? Well, that’s where Cost Per Click (CPC) comes in. It’s like the cover charge for each click. The amount depends on a bunch of things – how competitive your keywords are, how good your ad is, and how much you’re willing to bid.
But here’s the secret sauce: ad quality and relevance. The better your ad copy, the less you’ll pay per click. Plus, it means your ad will get primo placement.
So why should you jump on the PPC bandwagon? First off, it’s like a sniper shot for targeting. You can aim your ads at specific keywords, locations, and even user behavior. No more throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.
Plus, the results are like a report card on steroids. You can track clicks, conversions, and a bunch of other nifty metrics.
And you know the best part?
It’s like instant gratification. Unlike waiting for organic search results to kick in, PPC gets your ad out there pronto. As soon as your campaign come into action, you’re in the game.
ohh, did You decide how much you wanna spend? Set a daily or monthly limit, and you won’t break the bank. It’s like having your own financial guardian angel.
In a nutshell, PPC is like having a magic wand for your online presence So, if you’re not already on the PPC train, it might be time to hop on board!
Catch you later,
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blazehedgehog · 1 year ago
Thoughts on the Microsoft Third Party news?
I mean if Xbox is getting to be a big enough brand that people are raising questions of whether or not exclusivity means monopoly, then yeah, spreading more of your games out across multiple platforms makes legal sense.
More and more of the game industry is regrettably going to be moving in the direction of "account ecosystem" rather than hardware platform. Years ago there was talk about how one day there would be no Xbox or Playstation console, just an Xbox or Playstation App you launch on something like a Roku.
The final disgusting endpoint in all of this "no more sales, just service" drive. No discs, not even local data, just a monthly streaming subscription. Forever. No ownership, no ability to mod games, no way to play offline.
Even in the best case scenario, we're looking at a Netflix where you stream 90% of what you play and only "buy" the 10% of games you truly love.
The only thing that flies in the face of that is, like, Steam. The state of movie ownership is what it is because Netflix got there first. The streaming arm of Netflix is the entire reason the "Hollywood Streaming Industry" exists right now. It predates Prime Video, it predates Tubi, it predates everything.
Fewer people probably remember this, but the original premise of Hulu was to get TV networks signed on to simulcast their newest shows online, because none of them were doing that yet. "Netflix Instant" (the original name for Netflix streaming) even predates that. Hulu was trying to fill a need that Netflix could not because Netflix did not actually stream TV shows at first. Not even syndicated rerun stuff. It was just movies. Streaming Seinfeld or The Simpsons or The Office was just outright impossible.
Netflix got in there and shifted the direction of an entire industry, before borders had been staked out or consumers had built up substantial libraries they were protective of. So we went from VHS to DVD to Blu-ray to Streaming, where "Streaming" usually means a subscription service and not any form of ownership.
But that's not the case with games. Users expect backwards compatibility, they expect their libraries to carry forward, and in some cases people may own hundreds or even thousands of games in a digital library. I know on the Xbox 360, I own at least $200 worth of digital games, because I won a sweepstakes specifically for a $200 Xbox gift card. And my 19 year old Steam account will gladly tell the entire world I own over 1600 PC games.
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That's just on Steam! Epic is still always giving away free games (200+), GOG is occasionally giving away free games and holding sales where you can get stuff for a couple bucks, etc. etc. etc. It's like the warehouse of mythical items from Indiana Jones over here.
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People own gigantic libraries of digital games they expect to keep and willingly modify in perpetuity. It's a lot harder to push people to stream everything off the cloud as a result. It's why the big selling point for game streaming is "No downloads!" and it's why it's struggling to catch on. Sure, a 100gb+ game is huge, but if I take my download limiters off, it doesn't actually take that long. A 90 minute download for a 30+ hour game seems like a pretty fair exchange, all told.
But Microsoft is still going all-in on "account ecosystem." It's like, think of it this way: every game publisher is in a constant war to have the one big holiday game that everybody buys. And for guys like Microsoft, that one big game a year is their primary moneymaker. If they can get everyone to spend at least $60 on their game once a year, they stay in business.
Game Pass is $60 a year. They side step having to put out that holiday season's biggest game and get to say, "Well for the price of one game, you can get access to an entire library." It changes the perspective on so much of their business model. Suddenly they don't need the big flagship holiday blockbuster, they just need to get more people to pay for Game Pass.
And the ultimate end goal there is probably to get Game Pass in as many places as they can. There's already a PC Game Pass. If they can launch some version of Game Pass for Playstation? Game Pass for Switch? They'll do it. The Xbox almost doesn't matter anymore. The subscription and the ecosystem does. It's why Microsoft rebooted the Xbox app on PC a few years ago -- it used to be a "Companion App" for your console, but now the Xbox App on PC is where all of their PC gaming and Game Pass stuff lives. Xbox isn't hardware anymore, it's a service you subscribe to, and that's where the real money is. Especially considering what a gigantic money pit hardware is; I don't think Microsoft has ever, even once, turned a profit on Xbox hardware (and neither has Sony, as far as I know).
Get rid of the need for hardware and that $60/year looks even sweeter, doesn't it? Especially when you start to consider that something like Game Pass Ultimate is actually $180/year. If you can lure people in on the $60 but upsell them to the $180... well, gosh, that's almost the price of a whole new console every year, isn't it? That's a lot of constant cashflow without needing the years and years of deeply expensive research, development, and manufacturing.
Getting people to spend a console's worth of money on your service without actually needing the console itself is massively desirable. They'd be saving millions, if not billions of dollars while making millions more elsewhere. There's a chart out there some executive is drooling over where a line goes straight up by something like 900%.
The only problem is the whole consumer rights/ownership factor. Which I am not a fan of. I objectively refuse to support Game Pass for what it's obvious goals are. I will buy and own every game I want to play. No compromises. I will buy physical if space and money allows. I will not be bled dry by temporary access.
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bookmyblog · 1 year ago
 Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 Review
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In recent years, Samsung has launched some pretty cool smartphones with foldable features, powerful batteries, and amazing cameras. The company is currently at peak innovation with the new and creative updates of smart devices. This year, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 was launched in July. The company did great work with materialising the smartphone with unique features, a foldable screen, dual camera, sensors, and accessibilities. Along with the usual upgrades like a newer processor, powerful battery, and embedded memory, Samsung has focused on improving the looks and feel of the smartphone. They have used new mechanisms that have helped bring down the weight and thickness of the phone. From bulky big smartphones to sleek and compact designs, the company is surely focused on making the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 a turnover. However, if you currently have a Galaxy Z Fold 4, you can easily cut on this generation and wait for the next model.
In this blog post, we are going to highlight the features of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 and compare it with other brand phones of the same range. 
For more comparisons, reviews, blogs, and articles, you can also visit BookMyBlogs.com which is an online journal and informational website run by professional entrepreneurs and writers.
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 price
The starting price of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 starts at the same expense as the previous generation’s model. At Rs. 1,54,999, you can purchase the  256GB model with 12GB of RAM. The company has launched the phone with two more variants with equal RAM but more storage. The 512GB variant costs around Rs. 1,64,999, while the 1TB variant is priced at Rs. 1,84,999. 
However, the Fold series cannot expand the storage so you will have to pay for buying variants with more ROM. For most users, the base variant should provide enough storage and is available in Icy Blue, Phantom Black, and Cream.
The phone does not come with the supreme Samsung's S Pen. The users will have to purchase the pen separately. You can also buy accessories for the phone such as covers, mobile grips, holders, and more. 
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 design
The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 comes with a sleek design and attractive appearance. Though you cannot easily distinguish it from its predecessor, upon looking closely, you will find slight modifications such as the placement of the LED flash, colours, folding notch, camera looks and more. 
The phone is one of the best horizontally built folding phones with shatter-resistant glass on the front and the best quality aluminium frame on the back. The upgraded hinge also allows the two halves of the phone to sit nearly adjacent to each other when folded. The gap has also been remarkably reduced with an IPX8-rated body for water resistance.
Both the screens on the Galaxy Z Fold 5 are very similar to the Fold 4 with minor exceptions such as the brightness of the folding display, which is upgraded to 1,750 nits from 1,200 nits in the previous generation of the phone. However, the screen dimensions are similar to the previous generation which includes a 6.2-inch HD+ AMOLED outer display with a 120Hz refresh rate. Additionally, the size of the screen is the same as the Fold 4 generation i.e. 7.6-inches QXGA+ display with 120Hz refresh rate.
Display Reviews
Both displays of the phones have good flexibility and under direct sunlight produce vibrant and catchy colours. The outer display can be effectively used for simple tasks while the big screen can be used for office work, reading, multi-tasking, and much more. Users can use multiple apps at once for gaming, watching videos, listening to music, reading, working, etc. However, the crease is still there and can be easily spotted from different angles. 
Accessories in the Box
With Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5, you don't get many accessories. The phone comes with a box containing a SIM eject tool, a USB Type-C cable, and some user guidelines. Considering the price of the phone, the user expects brilliant accessories such as a S Pen for higher performance and style.
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 software
Similar to the S23 series, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 uses a custom Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC. It's a strong and power-efficient processor that delivers a smooth experience and performance. The software of the phone functions on One UI 5.1.1 based on Android 13. Various software features from the Fold 4 are included in the Fold 5 generation, such as Flex mode and multi-app usage. However, there are some new functions such as showing recently closed applications in the taskbar. The users can enable this function from the settings manually and customise their mobile phone based on their preferences. 
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 Battery
The battery capacity of the phone is similar to that of last year which is marked at 4400 mAh. The phone can be charged using a 25W wired charger or a 15W wireless charger. It supports fast charging and once powered can last a whole day of multi-tasking. However, the prevent battery drain, it is important to take care of your battery and retain its life for long-term use.
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 cameras
In the phone, there are no noticeable changes from the previous generation phone. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 contains a camera panel of three rear lenses including a 50-megapixel wide, 12-megapixel ultra-wide, and a 10-megapixel telephoto with 3X optic zoom. 
On the front screen, there is a 10-megapixel selfie camera installed and a 4-megapixel lens under-display camera. These can be used for selfie photos, video calls, visual meetings and more. 
The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 is a remarkable update to the previous generation models. However, it has little to no similarities to last year's version Fold 4 model. Except for a few minor changes the phone is almost similar with the same functions, processors, cameras, and more. In this blog post, we have highlighted the features and functions of the newly launched Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5. 
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the price of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5?
The cost of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 starts at Rs. 1,54,999 and goes up to Rs. 184,999.
When was the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 released?
The phone was released on 11 August 2023.
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aeoki · 2 years ago
Machina - Test World: Chapter 4
Location: Season Avenue (SSVRS) Characters: Mika, Sora & Makoto
< A few days later. Season Avenue inside “SSVRS”. >
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Sora: HaHa~ HiHi~ HuHu~♪
There’s only a few more days left in Sora’s winter holidays! Sora will play until the very end~♪
Maybe Sora will have a walk around in the fantasy world where the “Phantom Airship” stage is. Umm, the closest teleport point is…
Oh. Mika-chan-san is online~
He’s been online a lot recently so maybe Sora should check up on him?
Being unable to leave the game world is a pretty common theme in MMOs, though.
If he ends up in some sort of trouble because he’s way too into the game, then Sora would feel bad since it was Sora who introduced him to the game~
If he’s wanting to make something, then he should probably be shopping around here…
Makoto: Ah, you’re here too, Harukawa-kun. Hello.
Sora: Yuuki-sensei~!
You’re playing video games every day too, huh~ Thanks for always testing it out for us!
Do you have any idea where Mika-chan-san might be, by the way? There are a lot of shops you can buy materials from in this area, so Sora thought he might be here~?
Makoto: Yeah. Harukawa-kun, about that…
Mika: Hello, I see you two are here today!
I got some “VL$” from makin’ stuff so I’ve opened a store. Some people said they wanted to buy some of the stuff I made with virtual currency.
It looks like there were quite a few people interested, so I used the auction (?) feature in the “Test World” and put a price on ‘em. But they fetched for a high price.
I’m glad I opened up shop in the best place in Season Avenue ‘cause of that ♪
Sora: HeHe~ Looks like Mika-chan-san has really made a name for himself as a creator in this “Test World” ♪
Makoto: No. It might be even bigger than that.
I looked things up a while ago, but it seems Kagehira-kun’s work has brought people’s attention to the “Test World” and the value of the “VL$” has increased.
Thanks to that, the “Test World” is becoming more and more popular and it’s even caught the media’s eye now that a lot of people are interested in it.
Mika: Oh, really?
I was just makin’ stuff like usual, though. But now that you mention it, all the stuff I’ve got up in the shop have bids placed on ‘em.
Well, I’m not makin’ art ‘cause I wanna make money. I’ll use the “VL$” to make up for the production cost.
I’ve got more than enough inspiration than I can handle, so I can’t talk to you guys for long. If you’ve got some time, feel free to take a look around~♪
Sora: HoHo~ You’re a true artist, huh, Mika-chan-san.
Every nook and cranny of your shop is filled with your artwork – it’s flourishing~♪
Sora wants to decorate Sora’s house in the “Test World” with one of Mika-chan-san’s artworks! 
Yuuki-sensei~ Let’s take a look at the artwork and bid on one we like.
Makoto: Sure. This is the “Test World”, so it might be worth the challenge to try and win something.
The “Test World” gets really colourful and prosperous with creators like Kagehira-kun.
It sounds pretty interesting to have an item and know that it’s designed by Kagehira-kun. I guess I’ll bid on this one.
Mika: Thanks so much. I’ll use that money to make even better artwork ♪
[ Location: Shuu’s Atelier (Paris) ]
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Shuu: …………
Strange. Kagehira isn’t picking up…
It should be evening in Japan right now and he shouldn’t be working, either.
I don’t mind if he’s focused and working on something. Oddly, he wasn’t able to answer straight away yesterday, either. He should have nothing on in the meantime, seeing as he wanted to focus on his work.
…How troubling. I had intended on asking Kagehira how his work is going.
Should I give him another call…? No, I feel awkward calling Kagehira over and over again.
I have a feeling he might act overconfident and say, “Oshi-san, you’re such a worrywart”. That would be quite irritating in itself.
…I know. I’ll return earlier than planned.
Fortunately, the beginning of the New Year ended up being right after “SS” finished, meaning we’re quite free at the moment. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to check how Kagehira is doing as a surprise.
It wouldn’t be too late to contact Kagehira once I’ve arrived in Japan. I’ll change my flight right away.
…Oh? What’s the matter, Mademoiselle?
I’m just paying attention to Kagehira and have forgotten about you, you say…?
Tis but a misunderstanding, Mademoiselle. I’m not paying attention to him in the way you think I am – It’s my duty as his mentor.
This is Kagehira we’re talking about here. If he’s leading a self-indulgent lifestyle out of my sight, then I must talk some sense into him.
Non, as I said, this is not out of worry. I simply want to keep an eye on him to see whether Kagehira is slacking off or not…!
Trust me. I’ll get ready to leave Paris – there are no hidden meanings behind those words. I simply decided to return earlier than planned due to my aspirations for art. That’s all.
Now, enough sulking. Will you get your change of clothes and prepare for our return, Mademoiselle? As his mentor, I have an obligation to see his work with my own eyes.
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smmpanel2 · 2 days ago
How to Choose the Best SMM Panel for Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram
Social media marketing has become an essential part of growing businesses, influencers, and brands online. With billions of users engaging on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram, leveraging an SMM panel in India can be the game-changer for boosting visibility, engagement, and brand credibility. However, choosing the best SMM panel can be overwhelming due to the numerous options available.
In this guide, we will explore how to choose the top SMM panel for Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram, while ensuring affordability, reliability, and quality service.
What is an SMM Panel?
An SMM panel service is a digital marketplace that provides social media marketing services, such as likes, followers, views, and comments, at competitive rates. These platforms help businesses, influencers, and marketers enhance their online presence quickly and affordably.
Benefits of Using an SMM Panel
Cost-effective social media growth – Many cheap SMM panel providers offer affordable services for boosting engagement.
Saves time and effort – No need to manually grow your audience; an SMM panel automates the process.
Enhances credibility – More followers and engagement attract organic audiences.
Supports multiple platforms – Most SMM panels cater to Instagram, YouTube, Telegram, and other major social media sites.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an SMM Panel
With many SMM panels available, selecting the right one can be challenging. Here are crucial factors to evaluate:
1. Reputation and Reviews
Before selecting an SMM panel in India, research its credibility. Look for online reviews, testimonials, and ratings from real users. A top SMM panel will have positive feedback regarding reliability and service quality.
2. Services Offered
The best SMM panel service should offer:
Best SMM panel for Instagram – Services for increasing likes, followers, and story views.
Best SMM panel for YouTube – Solutions to boost video views, subscribers, and watch hours.
Best SMM panel for Telegram – Options to buy Telegram subscribers and increase channel engagement.
Ensure the panel provides high-retention engagement and not just bots.
3. Pricing and Affordability
A cheap SMM panel doesn’t necessarily mean low quality. Compare pricing across different panels to find the best balance between cost and quality. Many SMM panels in India offer budget-friendly plans for startups and influencers.
4. Customer Support
A top SMM panel will have reliable customer support available 24/7. Check if they provide live chat, email, or ticket support in case of issues with your orders.
5. Speed of Delivery
The best SMM panel service should offer instant or fast delivery while ensuring gradual engagement growth to maintain authenticity.
6. Secure Payment Options
Ensure the panel supports secure transactions with trusted payment gateways like PayPal, UPI, or cryptocurrency.
7. Refund and Refill Policies
A trustworthy SMM panel in India should have a refund policy if services are not delivered as promised. Some panels also offer auto-refill services in case of follower drops.
Top Features of the Best SMM Panel for Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram
Best SMM Panel for Instagram
Instagram growth requires real engagement. A quality SMM panel in India should offer:
High-retention Instagram followers
Organic-looking likes and comments
IGTV and reel views boost
Story views and shares
Best SMM Panel for YouTube
YouTube success depends on watch time and engagement. Choose an SMM panel service that provides:
High-retention YouTube views
Real YouTube subscribers
Watch hour services to monetize faster
Likes, comments, and shares for videos
Best SMM Panel for Telegram
Telegram is a growing platform for businesses, influencers, and communities. Look for an SMM panel that offers:
Real Telegram subscribers
Channel views and engagement
Group members to grow your community
Top SMM Panels in India
To help you make an informed decision, here are some of the top SMM panel providers in India:
SMMBuzz – A reliable SMM panel in India with competitive pricing.
BulkFollows – One of the best SMM panels offering a variety of services.
SMM Raja – Known for providing a cheap SMM panel with fast delivery.
SafeSMM – Ensures organic-looking engagement across platforms.
GrowFollows – A trusted name among SMM panels for influencers and brands.
Choosing the best SMM panel for Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram requires careful research. Look for a panel that offers genuine engagement, fast service, affordability, and reliable customer support. A cheap SMM panel doesn’t always mean the best option—prioritize quality and security over price alone.
By selecting a top SMM panel, you can boost your social media presence effectively, attract a larger audience, and grow your brand in no time. Always choose an SMM panel service that aligns with your goals and offers a seamless experience for achieving social media success.
Need help choosing the best SMM panel in India? Compare services, read reviews, and invest wisely in a platform that guarantees quality engagement and growth!
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