#But you can all have candy and lil guys and get booped
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somegrumpynerd · 4 months ago
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I'm too lazy and forgetful to do inbox trick or treating so I'm leaving out a bowl of candy and skeletons, feel free to take as much as you like :D
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reddielibrary · 5 years ago
Gotta Catch ‘Em All
Written by @pawprinterfanfic
Gift for @greenornaments
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Word count: 9,500
Rating: Teen
AO3 Llink
Eddie Kaspbrak never knew loving someone could hurt so much.
He was eighteen when he found out. It was his first year of college, and his insufferable roommate managed to worm his way into his heart. 
(Fuck that guy.)
Richie was everything he should’ve hated — he was messy, and loud, and annoying. He did hate him. He hated his crude jokes, and his trash mouth, and his smile that caused his heart to skip a beat, and his gorgeous eyes, and his ability to make him laugh at anything, and how his heart was seemingly always in the right place, and—
Yeah. Eddie was a goner. 
At eighteen years old, he knew that he was in love with Richie Tozier. Now, at twenty-one, Eddie realized how awful it was.
He was in love with someone who didn’t love him back. 
It was torture, and Eddie hated it more than he hated much else before. It felt like he was doomed to be friends with the idiot for a long time — which was fantastic because Richie was a great guy — but it also sucked ass, because he really, really, really wanted to kiss him more than any friend should.
Don’t get him wrong; he was happy being Richie’s friend, because being anything with Richie was worlds better than being nothing with him. He’d gladly silently pine over him for years if it meant he could have his friendship. He was his best friend, and he wouldn’t trade that for anything.
Having a massive crush on his roommate may or may not have had anything to do with his current situation, which involved getting dressed up to go dance with a bunch of sweaty adults, drinking alcohol that tasted like shit, and staying out half the night.
“It’ll be fun,” Richie repeated, following Eddie as he moved around their tiny apartment. 
After spending freshmen year living in the college dorms together, they pooled their resources and rented off-property, which was probably one of their better decisions. Usually, they shared one brain cell when they were within ten feet of each other. 
“If you say that one more time, I will kill you.” Eddie dumped his armful of freshly washed clothing onto the couch before turning to make his way to the kitchen, not stopping to give Richie a spare glance. “It’s not going to be fun. Dancing in someone’s dark and moist little basement will never be fun. You can quote me on that.”
“Please, for the love of god, never say moist again.”
Eddie pulled the tag off the bag of bread and plopped two pieces into the toaster. Richie hauled himself onto the counter, his feet swinging back and forth like he was a kid on a swing set.
“Moist is a fine word, Richard. Just like phlegm, and panties, and ointment, and—”
“Ew.” Richie gave a violent shudder and sent a sour look at the other man. Eddie tried to keep the corners of his lips from twitching upwards. He found bothering Richie fun. Sue him. “You really know how to kill the mood, don’t you, Kaspbrak?”
“There never was a mood, dipshit. Besides, I was just listing a bunch of perfectly normal words in the English language. I didn’t know you were going to gag at them.”
Richie tried to scowl. Eddie almost would’ve believed it, save for the smile curling his lips. “I hate you,” he said.
Eddie pursed his lips. “Do you, now?”
The facade cracked easily. The scowl disappeared, leaving Richie grinning widely. “You’re right. I’m a liar. I love you. My lil’ Eddie Spaghetti.”
Richie made a move to press his lips to Eddie’s cheek, but he stepped out of the way. The butter knife, covered in soy butter, pointed in his direction. Richie must’ve anticipated his response, because he gave an exaggerated wink and ruffled Eddie’s hair.
“If you’re trying to convince me to come with you, you’re doing a shitty job,” he pointed out. His heart was still pounding from when Richie made a move to kiss his cheek, and he hoped his body wasn’t betraying him with a blush. “You’re annoying the shit out of me, Rich.”
“But you luv me,” he sang, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Sure, like I love wet socks, maybe.”
Eddie Kaspbrak was a liar.
Richie wasn’t deterred and continued to pester him. “It will be fun. I’ll be there. Bill will be there. Stan will be there. Mike will be there. Bev will be there. Ben will—”
“I get it. Everyone will be there.” 
Eddie reached around Richie to grab a glass from the cupboard behind him. He moved out of the way of the swinging door, thus moving right into Eddie’s space. He bit his tongue and forced his eyes to remain on the task at hand.
Don’t get distracted. Don’t look at him. Don’t look at—
Fuck, he has really pretty eyes. And his stupid smile, god, I want to kiss that stupid smile right off his face. And—
Wait! No! Fuck!
Eddie jolted backwards, pulling his glass with him. Richie didn’t say anything and only raised an eyebrow as he slid back against the cupboard.
Eddie’s heart was pounding. Being so close to Richie was unhealthy — all he wanted to do was tell him how in love with him he was, and that was guaranteed to end in disaster and embarrassment.
“It’s our last year in college, Eds, and after this we’ll be adults.” Richie wrinkles his nose at the word, like it thoroughly disgusted him. “How many opportunities do you think we’ll have as fucking adults to go to a Halloween party? Do you think we’ll ever be able to get dressed up in shitty store-bought costumes and eat so much candy our stomach hurts ever again?” He didn’t wait for him to respond. “No! We’ll be old and boring by Halloween 1998. This is our last chance!”
“First of all, you’re a dramatic bitch, Rich. Secondly, I’m fairly confident adults have Halloween parties.”
“Are you an adult?”
“Well, I am twenty-one years old, so—”
“Are you an actual graduated adult living in the real world, and not this weird in-between pre-adulthood thing called college?” Richie cocked an eyebrow, already knowing the answer. “Exactly. So how confident are you that actual adults in the real world celebrate Halloween?”
Eddie was silent for a long moment because, well, he wasn’t entirely sure. His mother had been a pretty big downer when he was growing up, and she hated Halloween with a passion. She never let him go trick-or-treating, just in case someone put razor blades in his Kit Kat — he couldn’t ever imagine her going to a Halloween party.
“Exactly.” Richie adjusted his glasses on his nose after he jumped off the counter top. “I know you hate Halloween and shit, but it’ll be fun.”
“I don’t hate Halloween.” Eddie didn’t bother to tell him off for saying that it was going to be fun again. Knowing Richie, he would start saying that more just to annoy him. “I just don’t like it.”
“You once told me that you’d rather sleep on the public bathroom floor than celebrate Halloween, Eds.” Eddie cringed at the visual. Public bathrooms were disgusting, and don’t get him started on the floor!? Ew, ew, ew, ew— “I arrest my case.”
“Okay, maybe I do hate Halloween, but that’s because it’s so boring. What? I’m supposed to dress up as something? And walk around, asking strangers for candy? And then eat that candy? That sounds horrible!”
“Sorry to break it to you, Eds, but I think we’re a tad too old to be trick-or-treating. No talking to strangers for you this year, unfortunately.”
Eddie sat down in the kitchen chair ungracefully, the plate clattering to the table in front of him. He gave Richie a deadpan look. “Ha ha,” he said sarcastically.
Richie slid into the chair opposite to him and stole a slice of toast from his plate. Eddie didn’t comment. Richie jacking his food was more common than he’d admit.
“Halloween is great, you just don’t know it yet! We will go to this party together and, since I’m the master of all things spooky, I’ll show you just how great Halloween is.” He took a bite of toast, sending crumbs flying.
Eddie nibbled on the piece of bread in contemplation. Richie watched him, his eyes wide and leg bouncing.
Finally, Eddie gave in. “I don’t have a costume.”
Richie must’ve sensed that he was beginning to consider it, and he pounced. Seeing how excited he was about Eddie going with him to this stupid party almost made his heart skip a beat.
“I can get you a discount on costumes,” he said, crumbs going everywhere. 
That was Richie’s newest gig — working at Oh My Spooky at the mall, a seasonal store that popped up every August, claiming the empty of buildings of deceased department stores, like Kmart.
“The party’s in like… two hours, Rich. Spooky is closed.”
“Right, right.” He waved his hand, dismissing the idea. “I’ll just let you borrow one of mine. We had to wear costumes on shift, right, so I have like a shit ton of costumes in my room.”
“I know, idiot. I live with you. Your room is a disaster.” 
It was true. Richie’s room was a disaster year round, but it looked like the sight of a natural disaster during the month of October. If he got desperate, Eddie was sure Richie could make a good buck by selling all the costumes he accumulated.
Richie grasped the rims of his glasses and squinted his eyes dramatically, giving Eddie a once over. Eddie had been friends with Richie long enough to know he should just let him do his thing. He continued to nibble on the toast.
Finally, their eyes met again. “But, you’re like, really fucking tiny, Eds, so—”
“Fuck off,” he said, tossing a piece of crust at his head. Richie grinned and caught it in his mouth. “I’m not really fucking tiny.”
“Aw, you are, sweetheart, you just can’t face the facts.” Richie had the audacity to lean across the table and boop Eddie on the nose. “Cute, cute, cute!”
He swatted Richie’s hand away from him. His heart was racing. Butterflies were rolling in his stomach. He felt his cheeks burning, and he was sure Richie was going to tease him about it.
Before he could, Eddie tried to cover his tracks. He narrowed his eyes and pointed threateningly at Richie. “I will murder you.”
“See! You have the Halloween spirit!” Richie leaned back in his chair, grinning wider than Eddie could remember. His stupid smile made Eddie want to smile. Fuck him. “Are you in, then? You’re coming tonight?”
Maybe it was because Richie’s smile was doing something funny to his brain, or maybe it was because he wanted to go to a party with Richie before they graduated, or maybe it was because he was a little curious as to why everyone loved Halloween, but he nodded.
“Fine,” he huffed. “I’ll come tonight.” Richie let out a little whoop and jumped up from his chair. “But I won’t enjoy it!”
“You’re so cute when you’re stubborn,” Richie said, reaching forward to boop his nose again. Eddie’s mouth ran dry because—
Fuck, Richie calling him cute was one of his favourite sounds.
“Call me cute again, and I’ll— I’ll—” Fuck, he didn’t have a comeback. Richie seemed to love the fact Eddie was rendered speechless, and laughed a little harder.
“Cute, cute, cute!”
“Asshole,” he muttered, shoving the last piece of toast into his mouth. Richie grinned brightly at that, and it was the final straw for Eddie. He felt a smile of his own spread across his face. It was hard not to smile with Richie in the room.
“Wait there. I’ll get your costume.”
Richie was already running out of the kitchen before Eddie swallowed his toast to respond. “Nothing with less fabric than—”
“Your mom’s underwear!? Got it!”
Eddie’s head fell to his hands. “No, Richard, I wasn’t, in fact, going to use my mother’s underwear as a reference, but thank you! I was going to say—”
Richie peeled back into the kitchen before Eddie could finish his sentence, two costumes strung across his arms. “Doesn’t matter. Here.”
He tossed the first costume at Eddie’s head, and he managed to catch it before a metal belt buckle could whip him in the eye. It took him less than three seconds to examine the fabric and come to a verdict.
“Absolutely fucking not, Richard. What the fuck!? Why the fuck would I want to go as sexy Robin? That makes no fucking sense!” Richie is doubled over from laughing so hard, and Eddie was finding it exceedingly difficult not to join in.
“I just wanted to see your expression,” he managed to get out between laughs. “Fucking classic!”
Eddie felt a smile pulling at his lips, and he was desperate not to let Richie see it. 
(Because, to be honest, if Richie saw the reaction he invoked in him, he never would shut up.)
(And, yes, that was it.)
(No, it had nothing to do with the fact he was helplessly in love with him and smiling at him like he hung the stars in the sky would give that away.)
(Eddie Kaspbrak was many things, but a liar was not one of them.)
“Why the fuck did you have this in your room!?” he questioned, hanging onto the threads of annoyance. His question made Richie laugh harder. Fuck. Knowing he was the one making Richie laugh did funny things to his heart. 
“Your mom loves role-play, didn’t you know? She— Ouch! Fuck!” Eddie had thrown the costume at Richie with a glare.
“Shut up,” he said, but it was no use. The two of them were looking at each other, and Eddie couldn’t keep his smile down any longer. He shook his head fondly and leaned back in his chair. “Please tell me you have something better than sexy Robin?”
Richie lifted up a red and blue outfit, his eyebrow raised in question. Eddie pulled a face when he realized it was supposed to be Mario from Mario Brothers. When Eddie insulted the costume, Richie looked personally offended.
“You don’t want to go as this godly man!?” Eddie didn’t ask Richie why Mario was so godly, but he took it upon himself to explain. “He saved the world — multiple times, may I add. He fights bad guys, he dodges those green shell dudes, he eats a shit ton of mushrooms, he fights for his princess, he can drive. Holy shit, Eddie, he can drive!”
In the end, Richie gave up on trying to sell the Mario costume.
The next pair of costumes to come out were Popeye the Sailorman, which got an immediate no from Eddie, and Scooby-Doo, which also got an immediate no. 
Richie stuck out his bottom lip and gave a poor impression of Scooby. “Ruh roh,” he said, his voice rough. “Reddie roesn’t rant to rear me!”
“I was unsure before, but now that’s a solid no.”
This went on for longer than Eddie would care to admit. Richie would bring out a few costumes at a time and, each time, Eddie would find something wrong with it. “I hated that cartoon.” “If I wanted to be a ghost, I’d just cut holes out of one of our sheets.” “Am I supposed to know what that character is?”
Richie was patient, and all Eddie could think of was how good he was, willing to spend forever going through costumes with him, joking all through it, never letting Eddie’s sour mood tarnish his.
Fuck, he couldn’t stop thinking about him. How his lips would curve into a smile that made him want to smile too, how his eyes sparkled like they were part of the ocean, how his freckles spanned his pale skin like stars in the sky. He couldn’t stop thinking about pressing his lips against his, or running his hands through his curls, or feeling his hot breath against his face, and—
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He was so far gone, it wasn’t even funny. When did he turn into a sap? Like, what the fuck?
Eddie was so thrown off guard that, when Richie came with the next costume, he said— “Yes.” Richie’s eyes widened the slightest bit, and that was when Eddie realized he had no idea what he was agreeing too. He cleared his throat and sat a bit straighter. “I mean. Maybe.”
“Oooooooookay then.” Richie adjusted his glasses on his face and continued to watch Eddie carefully. “Listen, man, if you don’t want to come tonight, that’s fine, I don’t want to make you, but—”
“No,” he said quickly. 
He didn’t want Richie thinking that he was being forced to do something he didn’t want to because that wasn’t the case. He wanted to go. He wanted to see why Richie liked Halloween so much, and he wanted to get dressed up in a shitty costume and drink shitty alcohol and eat candy that may or may not make him sick. It was going to be fun.
Besides, it meant he got to spend the evening with Richie, and that was good enough for him.
“What’s the next costume?” Richie cocked an eyebrow, and Eddie realized he had no idea what he had been saying only a minute ago. “Sorry, what did you say? I was distracted by the fact that you own a concerning amount of Halloween costumes. I mean, seriously, Rich, this is kind of baffling.”
Richie slid into the kitchen chair opposite from him again. “I have some bad news for you, Eds.” He looked almost… serious. It threw Eddie, just a little bit.
“What? What is it? What’s wrong?”
He leaned forward, stretching his arms across the table and taking hold of Eddie’s hand. All the air left Eddie’s lungs at the contact because, shit, he was holding Richie’s hand. It was cold and clammy, but that seemed to fit him perfectly.
Finally, Richie spoke.
“That’s it. That’s all my costumes. Looks like you have two options from here; go stark naked, or wear what you usually do and say you’re dressed as a nerd.”
Eddie flicked the palm of his hand and crossed his arms. “First off, fuck you. Second off, fuck you.”
Richie smirked. “I take it you don’t want to go naked? C’mon, you’re depriving the world of—“
“No, I’m not going naked, you dumbass. How is going naked a viable solution to this problem anyways!?”
Richie winked. “You caught me. I just wanna see you naked, sweetheart.”
Eddie tried to keep his expression blank, but he could feel his face flushing. Fuck Richie, fuck his ability to flirt with anyone, fuck his stupid body for giving away how affected he would get from his flirting.
“I mean, I do have one last option.”
When Richie returned to the kitchen, he was carrying a yellow onesie. Upon further inspection, he noticed a tail in the shape of a lightning bolt, and pointed ears with black tips, and—
Eddie moved across the room quickly and dragged his fingertips over the fabric. He was right, the costume was for Pikachu, and it was perfect. He loved the little guy because how could you not? He was a badass, and an immeasurable amount of cute.
“Sold!” Eddie said, snatching the costume fully from Richie’s hands. “Shit, why didn’t you start with this one? You know how much I love Pikachu.”
Maybe Richie was right earlier when he called him a nerd. If liking Pokémon more than he liked his own mother made him a nerd, then so be it!
“Yeah, well, it comes with a catch.” For the first time, Eddie realized how unsure and hesitant Richie looked. He was shifting his weight from foot to foot and had his hands buried in his pockets.
Richie was actually nervous.
“Please tell me that the butt isn’t cut out or something.” Eddie flopped the costume over to check and — nope. All pieces to the costume were there.
“No, there’s nothing wrong with it,” he assured Eddie. “It just isn’t alone.”
“... What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Richie puffed out his cheeks. “It means that it’s part of a set. I, uh, have the costume that matches it. Hold on.” Seconds later, Richie reappeared with his costume in hand.
Oh, fuck.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’re going as Ash?”
“Hell yeah, man. Gotta catch ‘em all, you know?”
“That makes no fucking sense, Richie, so no, I don’t know.” Eddie tried to ignore how his stomach was twisting. If Richie was going as Ash and he was going as Pikachu, and Richie claimed it was part of a set, that meant— “Wait. Is this a couples costume?”
The words slipped out of Eddie’s mouth and a cold dread settled over him.
Fuck. Just mentioning the word ‘couple’ to Richie felt like he was crossing a line — a line that he drew, one that he was desperate not to cross. Don’t cross this line, he told himself, or you’ll fuck up your friendship.
Richie’s expression was one he hadn’t seen before, and it made his heart race for a completely different reason than before. Was it weird that he suggested it was a couples costume? Or was he being paranoid? Because it felt like mentioning the word ‘couple’ to him was normal, but then again—
“Uh. Yeah. It came as a set, like… a couple costume.” He adjusted his glasses on his nose — a nervous habit. He was looking at him, like he was waiting for him to say something. Eddie’s mouth had run dry and his tongue darted out to wet his lips.
“Oh.” He was racking his brain, trying to figure out the best response in this situation. Finally, he settled on an answer. “Well, that’s okay. I can always wear the ghost costume, or — even better — the sexy Robin.”
Richie didn’t smile at his attempt at a joke. In fact, he looked almost hurt. “What? You’re not going to wear Pikachu?”
Eddie was confused. Of course he wasn’t going to wear a couples costume with Richie — that felt like it was crossing a million lines. Maybe if he wasn’t completely in love with him, it would be a different story, but he was in love with him. 
“But you were excited about it?” Richie’s next smile was forced — Eddie could tell by the way it didn’t reach his eyes. “Why not?”
This felt like some weird alternate reality to Eddie. This wasn’t happening, was it? Richie wasn’t asking him to explain why he didn’t want to wear a couples costume with him, right? He couldn’t exactly say ‘because I’m in love with you, and this is crossing that invisible line I set so I don’t fuck things up.’ 
He was screwed.
So, he lied.
“People will think that we’re… together if we show up in a couples costume.” Now that he said it out loud, it didn’t sound like a lie, and it didn’t feel like one either.
Yeah. Shit. People will think we’re together, and the night will be filled with Richie indirectly shooting me down all night.
He could see it now; Richie would explain to everyone how they’re not together because how could they be? He couldn’t love that mess of a human! 
Shit. This quickly replaced his fear of crossing the invisible line. He doubted he could handle a whole evening filled with Richie explaining to strangers how they were not — and would never be — a couple. 
Richie’s answer felt like a punch in the gut.
“Is there a problem with that? With people thinking we’re together?”
This was a sick joke, Eddie decided. Richie knows I’m in love with him and he’s being an ass about it.
Except, Richie wasn’t an ass — not about things that mattered, anyways. Sure, he would joke about fucking his mom and try to annoy him to death, but he wasn’t an asshole about important things.
“Yeah, of course that’s a problem.” His words may have come out harsher than he intended. Eddie shuffled awkwardly and looked anywhere that wasn’t at Richie. “We aren’t together. We’re… We’re friends.”
“Right. Friends.” Eddie’s gaze flicked to meet Richie’s from how deflated he sounded. It must’ve been his mind playing tricks on him though, because Richie was beaming and bouncing on the balls of his feet. “There you have it, Eds! We’re friends, so it doesn’t matter. This is just what friends do. I know you have, like, zero childhood friends and you don’t know this shit, but—”
“Fuck off,” Eddie said, but his voice didn’t have any venom in it. Richie was right — going in a couples costume together wasn’t a big deal for two friends. They were just friends. Bros. Pals. Buds. “Fine, you’re right, I’m being weird.” Because I’m totally fucking in love with you. “I’m going to change.”
Richie’s smile made warmth bubble up inside of him. “There ye have it, good ol’ chap! Time to get our spook on!”
Eddie was incredibly nervous, and he blamed the asshole beside him.
Richie looked good, which was extremely strange considering he was dressed in the Ash costume. But he also wore a grin so wide that it made Eddie’s cheeks hurt from just looking at it. His eyes were dancing with excitement. He looked so carefree in that moment, walking down the street with a skip in his step, and it made Eddie’s chest warm.
He was also nervous because he hadn’t gone to a party for a really long time, not since they were both freshmen and Richie was set on dragging Eddie everywhere he went. He would be the first to admit that he wasn’t in tune with current pop songs, and his heart lurched when he realized he might not know any song.
No, that was ridiculous. Richie blasted pop songs at two in the morning some days, so he would at least know those songs.
“Did you eat something before we left?” Eddie asked, breaking the silence of the night. Richie was a few paces ahead of him as they walked to the party, humming what sounded like Space Jam theme song. “Drinking on an empty stomach can be dangerous, you know, so...”
Richie turned around and continued to walk backwards. He was smiling softly and it made Eddie’s heart flip. It wasn’t often that Richie looked so open — so vulnerable. Usually he looked like the little asshole he was.
The change made Eddie feel completely out of his depth. 
He loved it.
“You take such good care of me, my Eds Spagheds.” He blew a kiss. Eddie scowled.
“I just don’t want to be dragging you home drunk, fucker. Don’t mistake my words for concern. It’s purely selfish.”
“Right, of course.” Richie spun back around. “I did eat though. Wouldn’t want to have you carrying me home. We’d never make it up the block.”
“Shut up. Like you could carry me.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized his mistake. “No, Richie, don’t even—“
It was too late.
Richie was laughing like a maniac when he scooped Eddie off the ground and into his arms. Eddie clutched at the collar of his blue and white striped shirt to balance himself and Richie’s arms wound under his knees and around his back. All the air in his lungs came out in a whoosh and he could feel his blood rushing to his cheeks.
His knuckles were white from how tightly he was holding his collar. His heart was pounding so loudly that he was sure Richie could hear it.
Richie took off in a sprint and Eddie clung to him out of fear, all the while shouting for him to put him down. 
Yet, he wanted the exact opposite of that. 
He really didn’t want Richie to put him down.
He could feel each one of Richie’s breaths ghost along his face, and he could feel his palms digging into his back. His body was warm and he smelled distinctly of syrup, which was fitting, considering he once witnessed him eat a full box of Eggos in ten minutes.
From the angle he was in, it looked like he was glowing. The streetlights blurred around him. The sharpness of his jaw and the slope of his nose stole the breath from his lungs. It felt like his whole body was buzzing from being pressed against him.
He was gone. 
So far gone.
As they approached the house the party was being held at, Richie set Eddie back down on his feet, a smug smile tugging at his lips.
“Easy peasy,” he said, sounding slightly breathless.
Eddie tried to keep his expression blank, but fuck, Richie made him want to smile. 
The closer they got, the more nervous he became.
He pulled at the hem of his yellow sleeve. Maybe he shouldn’t have agreed to come with Richie tonight; it seemed like he was getting nervous about everything. He was nervous about the stupid couples costume, and he was nervous about how he acted with Richie earlier, and he was nervous about the music, and dancing, and—
“It’ll be fine, my Eds Spagheds.” Richie slung his arm around his shoulders as they made their was up the driveway to the house the party was being hosted at. “We look smashing. We’ll be the bells of the ball.”
“We do not look smashing. We’re dressed as characters from a children’s cartoon. Which brings me to my next point; why the fuck is Ash and Pikachu a couples costume? Isn’t Ash, like, Pikachu’s owner or some shit? And isn’t Pikachu and Pokémon, which is basically an animal? This seems entirely inappropriate for a couples costume, considering they’re not romantic and one is an animal, so—”
His thoughts died off when Richie leaned forward and planted a wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek. He jolted away and gave him a wild look because—
“What the fuck was that!?” Eddie swiped at the slobber left behind on his cheek while his heart raced. He wanted to shove Richie against the front door and kiss him dizzy.
“You’re just so cute, cute, cute! Look at you — dressed as lil’ ol’ Pikachu, ranting about how unsexy you are. Whew. Taking my breath away.”
Eddie scowled. Richie was a flirt — he knew that from day one — but he was laying it on thick right now, and he really wasn’t in the best mood to deal with that. All while Richie was flirting with him, he had to live with the knowledge that it was all play, and it hurt.
With that, they entered the house.
Eddie will admit; Halloween was pretty sweet.
(Which was an awesome pun, by the way, because his stomach was currently hurting from eating so many sweet pieces of candy.)
Beverly burst out laughing when she originally saw his and Richie’s costumes, commenting how cute they were.
“I’m not cute,” Eddie insisted. Richie attempted to boop him on the nose again, and he flipped him off.
Stan rolled his eyes.
Eddie spent the first part of the night dancing with their group of friends, and drinking shitty alcohol, and eating way too much candy. 
While they danced, Richie hovered by his side. Every once and awhile, he’d lower his lips to his ear and whisper to him, each time causing goosebumps to erupt along his arms. None of the whispers were of importance; it was just Richie fucking around, talking about different costumes they saw, or bringing up one of their jokes, or doing a poor impersonation of a cowboy singing the lyrics of the song blaring from the speakers.
Without fail, Richie was able to get Eddie laughing. It didn’t take too long for Eddie to feel more comfortable moving around the basement (“and yes, Richie, is moist, thank you very much”) and enjoying himself.
That was the thing about Richie. He was always able to bring Eddie out of his shell, encouraging him to be brave and be himself. His carefree attitude made Eddie want to be carefree too. 
When the dance floor (basement) got too crowded, their little group moved to sit on a pair of couches on the (not moist) ground floor of the house. It was a tight squeeze, but all seven of them managed to fit on the furniture. Eddie wasn’t going to complain about the fact Richie was practically in his lap because, truth be told, being pressed against him wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
Richie had his arm draped around his shoulders and legs on his, squishing him into the armrest. As the night stretched on, he became louder, his jokes grew worse, and his mouth trashier. Eddie loved how his cheeks flushed red, and how his hands were clammy on his arm, and how he seemed to laugh more than talk.
When Bev started talking about an upcoming movie she wanted to see, Richie turned his full attention to him.
“What do you think, Eds? Having fun?”
Not wanting to give Richie the satisfaction of being right, he wrinkled his nose. “It’s alright, I guess.”
Richie saw through it easily. “Fuck off. You’re having the time of your life.”
“Fine. I’m having fun.”
“Ha. Fucking told you it would be fun!”
Eddie was about to shoot back at him, but a guy from his sociology class leaned over the couch and poked him in the shoulder, drawing his attention away from him. “Hey, Eddie, right? Candy?” He lifted a giant bowl of individually wrapped candies and chocolates.
He glanced in the bowl and tried to suppress a frown. The one thing he did hate about Halloween was the ungodly amounts of nutty chocolate everywhere. Of course, the one food he was allergic to had to be in every goddamn chocolate bar sold on this dumb holiday.
And, worst of all, was trying to figure out a way to explain to strangers that no, he didn’t want their candy and, no, it wasn’t because he was on a diet, and, no, it didn’t matter that they only had a little bit of nuts in them. Then, he’d spend the next ten minutes trying to educate them about allergies because they were confused, and it usually ended up with him fending off passive-aggressive comments from them. 
People that didn’t know him seemed to love getting personally offended by his allergy.
Before Eddie could respond to the offered chocolate, Richie leaned forward.
“We’re more sophisticated than that, Chad.” Richie pushed the orange bowl away from the two of them. “We brought our own.” As if to demonstrate the fact they had a secret stash of chocolate, Richie pulled out a Kit Kat from his left pocket and waved it.
When Chad was out of ear-shot, Eddie turned to Richie. “But we didn’t bring our own.”
Richie unwrapped the chocolate bar and split it in two as he spoke. “Maybe you didn’t. Plus, that dude doesn’t need to know the real reason you don’t want to eat his precious chocolate.” He lifted half of the chocolate bar in offering. “You want?” Richie stuffed the chocolate bar between Eddie’s parted lips. The action felt extremely intimate and made Eddie flush. He hoped the darkness hid it. “People are always assholes about that shit, so I came prepared.”
Eddie’s heart felt like it had flipped a few times in his chest. Richie knew how uncomfortable it made him to explain his medical condition to completely random strangers, and managed to come up with an explanation to save him from that.
Fuck, he loved him.
“Aaaaaaand,” Richie drawled, patting his left pocket, “there’s a lot more where that came from. I’ll fend off any nut carrying assholes for you.”
Eddie’s expression softened. He felt overwhelmed with affection by that simple action.
“I— Uh— Thank you, Rich.”
“Anything for you, my lil’ Pikachu.”
Eddie wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but it felt like hours. His sides hurt from laughing so much. His head was a little fuzzy from the alcohol. He ate way too many half-melted Kit Kats from Richie’s pocket.
Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off of Richie. He was a very animated storyteller and managed to make any story hilarious, even if said story was about him.
“And I swear — I swear, guys — I never saw the lil’ shit run faster than in that moment. Fuck, I wish I would’ve got that on video and sent it to Guinness World Records or some shit. He probably broke the sound barrier.”
The other five Losers were in stitches around them, unable to form coherent sentences. Even Eddie could barely speak, and Richie was ripping into him. 
“Hey, asshole, it was terrifying,” he argued. “I swear to god, that dog had rabies.”
“It was a Pomeranian, first off, and it had just finished a bowl of whipped cream that you gave it!”
“I didn’t give it whipped cream.”
“No! My bowl filled with whipped cream merely fell to the ground, and I was too slow at picking it up.”
Somehow, Eddie’s version of the story made Bev laugh harder. Richie was barely keeping his laughs contained, and a goofy smile was stretched across his face.
“I’m going to get another drink.” Eddie pushed Richie’s legs off of him and stood up from the couch. As soon as he did, he missed the warmth that came with cramming beside him. 
Richie hooked his ankle around his before he could leave and threw a Poké Ball at him. It bounced against his stomach and rolled to the floor. Before he could ask what the fuck he was doing, Richie gave him a shit-eating grin.
“Caught you! I told ya’ — I gotta catch ‘em all!”
It was a stupid joke, but it made Eddie grin.
Fuck this. Fuck his dumb feelings. Fuck Richie Tozier and his cute face and his stupid jokes.
Eddie turned and made a break for it before he accidentally said something stupid in response. The further away he moved from Richie, the better. He needed time to refocus, and the drink table was his salvation. 
Except, it wasn’t.
He was in the middle of pouring himself a glass of orange juice (which was definitely only at the party for mixing purposes) when a girl he didn’t know approached him.
“You two are cute, by the way!”
He barely heard her over the roaring music. 
When Eddie did make out what she was saying, he almost wished he couldn’t.
“You and your Ash! You two make a cute couple!”
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck.
Abort mission. Abort mission.
Eddie’s face felt exactly how it did after spending a whole day in the sun without sunblock. He was burning and—
Fuck!!! He knew this would happen!!!!!!
“Oh, uh, well—” He stumbled over his words, suddenly too shocked to make a full sentence. “We’re actually not dating — Ash and I.” He pointed to his yellow chest. “I know. Confusing! Right!?” His laughter was forced because dammit, it felt like he could explode from embarrassment. 
(Not because someone mistook him for dating Richie, because, damn, that was the dream, but because he wanted to be dating Richie and now had to explain how he wasn’t. It was all too close to the feeling category for it not to be embarrassing.)
Eddie continued to speak. “We’re just wearing a couples costume because this is all we had. We’re not really together. He’s, uh… Well, he’s the Ash to my Pikachu… because they’re not romantic partners… because one’s an animal… and they’re fictional.”
The girl raised her eyebrow and took a long sip of her drink. Finally, she said, “well, you could’ve fooled me.”
What the fuck did that mean?!
By the time he made it back to the couch, he was still thinking about it. 
His stomach was twisting because that random girl’s words could only mean one thing; he, Eddie Kaspbrak, was terrible at pretending not to love Richie Tozier.
It hit him like a punch to the gut. 
He was too obvious with his feelings. He was flirting too much, smiling too hard, laughing too easily. If some random girl was convinced they were dating because of how big of a crush Eddie had on Richie, then he was fucked.
He sunk into the couch, his jaw slack and hands shaking. He needed to get a grip — on his response now, but also his massive crush on his roommate.
Within three seconds flat, Eddie came up with a set of rules to get him through this evening.
1) Don’t look at Richie. 2) Don’t think about how nice it is to have his arm around your shoulders. 3) Avoid physical contact at all costs. 4) Don’t laugh at any of his stupid jokes. 5) Insult him!!! Insult him to throw him off the scent!!!
It was a solid plan.
It lasted for approximately five minutes.
Richie was telling the story of the time he nearly got a concussion from trying to kill a spider in the shower, and it was getting harder and harder not to laugh, especially when he pulled out his silly voices. 
Rule number 4! Rule number 4!
Richie laughed at his own joke and threw his head back from the force of it. Richie laughing was always endearing to Eddie; his whole body seemingly was thrown into it. His head would fly back, and his arms would wrap around his torso, and his knees would pull closer to his chest the slightest bit.
The corners of Eddie’s lips quirked up. His laugh was infectious — and that was the only infectious thing Eddie welcomed into his life.
Even after he finished laughing, Richie kept his head thrown back, a smile of sheer joy on his stupid face. The conversation continued on without them, moving to talk about Stan’s half-burned lab report from a Bunsen burner accident. Richie rolled his neck, shifting so his cheek was pressed against Eddie’s shoulder.
And there went rule number 3.
“You okay?” he asked, his voice softer than it was moments before. The intensity in his gaze made Eddie’s mouth run dry. “You seem… off.”
“I’m fine.” He hoped his smile didn’t look as forced as it felt. “Don’t worry about it.”
“We can go if you want?” Richie offered. “I think it’s passed your wittle bedtime.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, but couldn’t fight the smirk. Before he could respond, he remembered rule number 5.
Insult the shit out of him.
“The only thing ‘wittle’ between us is your dick.”
Yeah, what the fuck was that?
As soon as the words left his mouth, Eddie realized his grave mistake.
Richie’s eyes had widened and his head lifted off his shoulder, as if, he too, realized how massive of a mistake Eddie just made.
Eddie tried to backtrack.
“Not that your dick is between us.” Fuck, nope, that wasn’t the right thing to say. “Or little.” Nope, that wasn’t the right thing to say either. “But, I mean, it’s not like I’ve seen it because— Fuck. Never mind.” He admitted defeat and buried his face in his hands.
It took approximately three seconds for Richie to break the tension and burst out laughing.
“Jesus, Eds, how much have you had to drink?!”
Clearly, not enough.
After Eddie tried to drown himself in an ungodly amount of Kit Kats from Richie’s pocket, his resolve strengthened.
He would not fuck up anymore tonight! Richie was a bro-only zone. He was his best friend and roommate — nothing more! Richie + rules = success.
He wouldn’t laugh at his jokes. He wasn’t going to lean into his touches. He wasn’t going to smile at him like he hung the stars. He wasn’t going to—
It all went out the window when Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie’s middle and leaned into him.
“What the fuck, Richard?” His tone may have been harsher than he intended.
“I caught you,” he said, his voice muffled against his shoulder. “I threw a Poké Ball at you. You’re mine now. It’s the rules.”
“You already used the Poké Ball joke on me earlier, smart ass.”
Still, he made no move to push Richie off his shoulder. Maybe he could let rule number 3 slide. Just this once.
He couldn’t pull his gaze away from Richie’s face, either. He really loved him like this; soft, touchy, and carefree.
(Then again, he also loved the boy who earned the nickname Trashmouth, and picked fights he knew he couldn’t win, and swung bats at bullies.)
(He loved the fiery Richie, and the annoying Richie, and the stressed Richie, and the terrified Richie.)
(He loved his terrible sense of direction, and his late night dancing, and his ability to stub his toe on every piece of furniture they owned.)
(He loved him for his emotions, and for his heart, and yes even for his terrible jokes.)
(He loved Richie.)
(All of Richie.)
(Every Richie.)
Eddie’s jaw clenched and he shifted an inch away from Richie, his emotions suddenly hitting him so hard that it hurt. 
The plan!!!! Remember the fucking plan!!!!!
“Like what you see?” Richie wiggled his eyebrows. “I know I’m pretty, but no need to stare, Eds.” Eddie jolted away from him and felt his heart lodge into his throat.
Richie caught him staring at him.
Fuck. Abort! Abort!
“Yeah, you’re pretty. Pretty fucking annoying.”
Richie grinned. “There he is! I was afraid my wittle dick scared you off.”
Eddie wanted to fade into the darkness.
“I thought we both agreed never to speak of that again.”
“I did no such thing.”
It happened again.
No, not the dick thing. 
The ‘you’re a cute couple’ thing.
It was after the majority of the group went home, leaving Beverly, Ben, Richie, and Eddie to occupy a single couch. Why half the remaining group didn’t spread to the second couch was beyond him.
Someone he didn’t know slid into the couch opposite of them and launched into an in-depth conversation with Richie surrounding accuracy of historical events portrayed in some sort of video game. 
Eddie couldn’t bring himself to even pretend to pay attention to what they were saying. All he could do was watch how Richie’s eyes lit up as he spoke, and how his lips would twist with each word, and how his nose wrinkled as he spoke, and how his gaze carried an intensity that made his heart pound, and—
“When did you two start dating?” 
Eddie jolted away from Richie, putting as much space between them as possible (which, granted, wasn’t much considering they were trapped on this couch with Beverly and Ben).
“What?!” Eddie said quickly, his eyes wide and heart racing. “No. No, we’re not dating. We’re not together. Nope, no way.”
He never understood how his palms got so sweaty so quickly in these situations. He rubbed them on the yellow fabric along his legs vigorously.
“My sweet Eds,” Richie cooed as he leaned closer to him, his voice mockingly sweet.
Eddie wasn’t having it. He batted Richie’s face away from his own and scowled. 
“No. We’re not dating.”
Richie pouted. “Is it because of my wittle dick—”
“I will punch you,” Eddie warned.
“But I wanna make you my luvah, Eds. My Eds Spagheds.” He turned to his friend. “Don’t listen to him, Johnathan. Eddie and I are very much together, confirmed by this awesome couples costume we are wearing.”
Eddie scowled and shoved Richie onto Beverly’s lap. “Fuck off, Richard.”
“I’m tellin’ it how it is! We’re two peas in a pod!”
The friend on the opposite couch gave them a wary smile. “Good, because, I mean, you two are practically dripping with sexual tension, and I was getting a little worried that I crossed a line and mentioned something I shouldn’t have, but I assumed it was fine because you’re wearing a couples costume for fuck sake, and—”
“No!” Eddie sat as straight as he could manage it. His heart was pounding in his chest. His cheeks felt like they were on fire. Because fuck you, Johnathan, you did mention something you shouldn’t have!!!! “Richie is fucking with you. We aren’t together, or lovers, or whatever other shit he said. We’re just friends. That’s all we are, all we have been, and all we ever will be.” To really drive home the point, he stuck his nose in the air. “Thank god! I mean, does anyone ever see me dating that!?”
Finally sticking to the plan! Eddie thought triumphantly. Now they really won’t think I’m into Richie. Ha! I wi— Wait, why the fuck is Richie running out of the room?
Richie had pushed off of the couch and took off towards the backdoor without another word. While Eddie couldn’t see his face, he knew exactly what he was feeling from a single glance at him. Tense body, shaking shoulders, uncharacteristically silent—
He was mad. Or upset. Or both.
“Wait, where’s Richie going?” He turned to Beverly, who was staring at him with parted lips. “What happened?”
“I love you, Eddie, but sometimes you’re such a dumbass.”
Eddie quickly ran through what he said moments before and immediately realized his mistake. In his rush to throw everyone off his scent, he insulted Richie.
“Oh, fuck.”
Eddie was quick to follow Richie outside. It was colder out now than before and the only light cast on the street came from a dimly lit street lamp. He caught sight of him across the street, already starting to make the journey back home.
Eddie wanted to hit his head against the nearest brick wall. He was an idiot.
“Richie!” he called, jogging after him. The other man didn’t turn when he called his name. Hell, he didn’t even flinch! Eddie pumped his legs faster. “Richie, wait up. Rich! Richie!” He finally caught up with him, but hovered a few paces away. “Where are you going? What happened?”
He very well knew what happened, but those were the first words out of his mouth.
“Not now, Eddie. I’m going home. I’ll talk to you later.” He didn’t turn to look at him. 
Eddie was terrified — he doubted he had ever been more terrified than in that moment. Seeing Richie walking away from him, clearly hurt, scared him.
“Richie, I’m sorry.” He reached forward and caught hold of his elbow. Richie jolted it out of his grasp, making hurt flare up in Eddie’s chest. “I didn’t mean to insult you, I just—” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’m sure anyone would love to date you.”
Just saying those words out loud made Eddie’s stomach role. Not anyone. Him. He wanted to be dating him.
Finally, Richie stopped walking. He spun around to face Eddie, his face screwed up with emotions. Eddie could see anger in there — it was the way his shoulders were hunched together and his fists closed at his sides — but he could see hurt too. Definitely hurt.
“Do you really think I’m upset because I thought you were implying I was undateable?” His voice was rough and thick with emotion. Eddie’s chest felt like it was going to cave in.
Richie was holding back tears.
“I— What? I mean… Of course? Why else are you upset about?”
Richie opened and closed his mouth several times, but no words followed. Eddie shifted back and forth on his feet, waiting for the shoe to drop.
Finally, he spoke. He sounded so tired and so done. “You know what? Never mind, Eddie. That’s why I’m upset. Of course I’m upset because I’m undateable! Not because of any other reason. You’re so right.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes. “I’m not stupid, Richard, and can smell your sarcasm.” That didn’t make the most sense, but neither one of them were in the mood to point that out. “I want to make up for what I said, but I can’t if you won’t tell me! If it isn’t because I insulted you, then… what? What’s wrong?”
“‘We’re just friends. That’s all we are, all we have been, and all we ever will be,’” Richie said, throwing Eddie’s earlier words right back in his face. Eddie had to suppress a flinch hearing them come from Richie’s mouth.
They hurt.
He swallowed thickly. “Well, it’s the truth, isn’t it? We’re… We’re just friends.”
Richie rubbed the bridge of his nose and tilted his head to glance at the night sky. After a long moment, he spoke. “I know. You love reminding me of that fact.” He sighed and locked eyes with Eddie. “It’s okay. I’m just being… me. Go back in and have fun.”
“You’re fucking kidding,” he said hotly. “I’m not leaving you when you’re clearly upset, and especially not for a Halloween party.” He stepped closer. “I care about you, Rich, and I want to help. I’m sorry that I upset you, and I really want to—”
“I love you.” The words froze Eddie to the ground. Richie’s eyes widened, like he, too, was surprised by them. “I— Fuck. Forget it.” He shook his head. “You know what? No! I said it. I mean it. I love you, Eddie. I’m in love with you. I love you so much that it hurts, and I know that’s ridiculous, but it’s true. And… And I get it, okay? I know you’re not interested. I know we’re just friends — you don’t need to remind me every five minutes, by the way, — but I’m so in love with you, Eddie. And—”
“Wait, hold the fuck up.” Eddie held his hand up, palm towards Richie. His fingers were shaking. He was sure his heart was about to give out from how fast it was racing. His mouth was inexplicably dry. “You— You love me?”
Richie’s eyes were wide. “Uhm… I— I—”
Eddie couldn’t tell anyone where the confidence came from, but he stepped forward, closing the distance between the two of them. The air left his lungs. He struggled to find the words, but he decided he didn’t really need words for this moment. And, finally— 
He surged forward, capturing Richie’s lips with his own. The kiss was short and shallow — it was more of a brush of the lips than a kiss, if he was being honest — but it made his head spin.
Eddie pulled away, his eyes wide and his breath coming out in small pants. His hands were clutching at the collar of Richie’s blue and white shirt. His legs felt weak under him.
His eyes scanned Richie’s face, taking in the slight part to his lips, and the flush of his cheeks, and the wideness of his eyes. He was looking at Eddie in pure shock, and that was when he found his voice again.
“Richie, I love you, too.”
A long beat of silence passed between them before Richie’s head dipped down. Their lips connected for another kiss — this one much longer and sweeter than before. Richie’s hands cupped the side of Eddie’s face, cradling it gently. His ached from the amount of love and affection he had for the man in front of him.
The kiss stole all the air from Eddie’s lungs and all the thoughts from Eddie’s mind. When Richie pulled away, his lips were curled into a wide smile — a true, genuine smile that made his eyes crinkle and seemingly reached into Eddie’s chest and squeezed his heart.
He shook his head, his dark curls bobbing across his forehead. Richie gestured exuberantly towards the house they both ran from. “What the fuck was thaaaaaat!?”
Eddie stepped out of Richie’s grasp, his hands flying into his hair, panicking to hell. “Shit! I was trying to throw you off my trail! You know, like, try to be a dick to you so you don’t think I’m totally into you! Which I am, by the way — totally into you — like an embarrassing amount. And I just—”
“You, Eddie Kaspbrak, are a huge asshole and I love you for it.” Richie stepped forward wearing a silly grin. The hand that had been tenderly holding Eddie’s cheek booped Eddie on the nose.
“What the fuck, Rich?” He wrinkled his nose. Richie didn’t pay any mind to Eddie’s reaction — he pulled the shorter man into a crushing hug and rested his head on top of his.
“I caught you, Eds. You’re my lil’ Pikachu.”
Eddie scowled. “You’re a loser. I’m in love with a loser.”
And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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nochiquinn · 5 years ago
campaign 2 episode 96: what’s a mood whiplash
[insulin fund]
my day sucked, this episode better be amazing
(it will be mostly combat, so my expectations are not high)
oh no liam in a lab coat
is taliesin wearing an eevee shirt
my roommate caught a shiny ninetails, I missed all of that
oh, the banner has the traveler symbol, cool beans
wtf my boyfriend has been singing that all week. I haven't heard it in years and now it's everywhere
cad jumps in a six-foot pool, water comes up to his shoulders
"it's a pinata, guys, you get candy!" matt
jester quick offer it a cupcake
oh well shit
moves shrimp chips away bc I'm stress-grazing
(the battle map camera has been really dynamic and on-point lately, a+)
wingardium leviosa
this is horizon zero dawn now, hit the glowy green part
can decompose make it rust
moves shrimp chips back towards me bc I'm stressed
nott throw the oil like a grenade
yasha: battle cry travis: :EYES:
I play my Gorgon in Attack Mode
"seven players, everything stacks"
oh good I'm not the only one who instinctively does the nickelodeon jingle
I knew at least one was gonna get smashed BUT THE GRAVEL, MATTHEW
look it's still smashing stones
marisha communicating fjord's hp across the table with her face
save a fjord, ride a death cow
someone hug taliesin
look at him, he's gonna combust
tal don't chew your nails they look too nice
hey! no take-backsies!
beau embraces hydroelectricity
"I dunno" "YES YOU DO"
stress level: marisha has forgotten how to chair
"that's how you make a statue!" "and a steak!"
I thought sam had cheeto dust on his fingers but no his nails are orange
"you've got a little Nott here on your back"
"not my thing"
there is not a little kima in calliope
aww, him mom love him
official cad family art when
"please don't break my aunt" too late for THAT
liam: [reading intensifies]
boop of restoration
is fjord's other half elf
I enjoy cad's little dope slap
beau what the actual hell
haha I didn't realize what my blood pressure was doing until I stood up, whoof
calliope u lil shit
beau do not fuck cad's sister
yasha do not fuck cad's sister
"no relation" prove it
"we've krunked dead people tea"
found the cannibalsim
"I've roasted fjord a bunch of times"
beau do NOT
oh look it's my dad
jester no
lmao laura's face
nott :(
oh wow no
that's gay
"the people are frozen. go on."
"beau your marisha is showing"
"I run"
cad :(
I love calliope
"not arguing with that"
designated prankster
"your body is a cloister"
"I'm not answering this question"
"your PARENTS watch this show" sdkjhfsk
you know what they've known her her whole life, they know what she's like
hey, she learned how to pitch it
just hide ur confession in a conversion pitch it's fine
(jester loves everyone, that could mean NOTHING, but beau's gonna be catatonic for the next four hours minimum)
🎶last night I told you I loved you, woke up blamed it on the vodka🎶
I love them
he has shit on them forever
that's fma is what you're talking about
"what's rexxentrum" whoooo boy
I love her
make matt act like reani
yessss that's all I wanted
beau also realizes that jester is haruhi suzumiya
"he has a face I wanna punch"
cad :(
"I'll be home soon" stop throwing death flags caduceus
"you're the only one that could have done this"
oh god. oh god he's carver from da2.
I love her
listen to matt, he doesn't trust her anymore
jester keeps her gd promises
pot/kettle, beau
if they do nott’s ritual at the live show I’ll be really upset, I want to watch it
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 5 years ago
FFT: boop; curtis axel
This was sent to my main’s ask by @markostuntthesehoes​ and the idea came to me and it was cute so.. Even though it’s old af and got buried beneath every other post on the main, I had to move it here. Because it’s one version of curtis and carly’s story.
Carly likes to flirt. Curtis is oblivious. Something has to give, right?
Curtis Axel x OFC, Carly.
flirting and fluff and one oblivious guy.
Tumblr media
“What the hell are you doing up there, Carlie? You’re gonna break  your ass.” Big E’s statement made Carlie jump a little and as a result, she did wind up almost losing her footing. She got the radio off the shelf and lowered it down to Big E.
“What the hell was this doing up there, lil bit?”
“I put it there.”
“Say what?” Big E raised a brow and Carlie gave a sheepish laugh and hopped down from the counter, smoothing her hands down the front of her jeans. She tilted her head to the side and dragged her fingers through her hair and explained casually, “I put it there to have an excuse to get Curtis in here.”
“Curtis.. Oh, Axel.. Wait, why?”
“Because.. I don’t know, okay?”
Big E thought back to the past few weeks since she’d gotten a spot on the glam squad with the main roster. His eyes lit up and he chuckled, closing the door to the room quickly.
“You’re crushing on him, huh?”
“Yes and it’s the only frickin way I can think to… Interact with him. He keeps to himself way too much.  Unless Bo or Heath are around.”
Big E chuckled and teased his friend gently, “You do realize you could just talk to the guy, right? You don’t have to keep climbing things and putting things out of your own reach.. Or tripping.”
“Hey, that wasn’t planned. I’m clumsy, remember?”
“Riiight little bit. Riiiight.” Big E was teasing her again and Carlie sent her hand lazily against his upper arm, giggling.
“You hit like a girl.”
“Uh, duh?” Carlie teased.
She bit her lip and glanced at the open door when she thought she heard Curtis and Bo laughing out loud in the hallway.
“You’ve got it bad, girl.” Big E assessed and Carlie muttered quietly, “It seems I do, Mr. Big.” as she tore her eyes off the doorway. Big E nodded to the radio that sat on the highest shelf in the room. “Talking to the guy is always an option too,  little bit. Think about it, maybe?”
“I will, just.. Doing this kinda.. He always gives me this amused smirk and it makes my day.. Besides, I kinda feel like.. Maybe.. Forget it, it’s stupid.”
“No, what?”
“ Maybe he likes it when I ask him to do little things like this? Like.. we both know that he’s been frustrated as of late.”
“I take it back. You don’t just have it bad, Carlie.. You have the worst case ever of having it bad.” Big E chuckled to himself as he walked out of the room.
The idea hit him halfway down the hallway.
Maybe he could do some sleuthing around and find out if Curtis felt the same way.. And maybe if it turned out the guy did, maybe Big E could maneuver events so that the two wound up actually having to interact a fair bit more.
And maybe, he found himself smirking at the thought, maybe things would finally click.
He saw the way Carlie lit up around the guy and he remembered her last relationship and a few others prior. All he wanted was his friend to have everything she wanted. To show her that she wasn’t unlucky, she just didn’t have the guts to actually go for what she really wanted. He wanted her to see that when she did go for what she actually wanted as opposed to just settling, things could be so much better.
And it wasn’t a secret that Curtis had been going through it lately, either. Maybe having someone around the guy who believed in him and bought him out of his shell and made him go outside his comfort zone like he knew Carlie well enough to know she would.. Maybe that would be good for him too.
So, Big E set off to find Heath and Bo and hopefully, find some answers.
Curtis happened to walk past her work area and Carlie called his name, stopping him. He chuckled when she stepped out, shuffling her feet and tilting her head to the side a little to look up at him while explaining that somehow, the idiots in charge of setting up her work area put her radio on a shelf over her head.
“And you want me to get it down, huh?”
He’d never own up to it but he kind of.. No he really liked the way she always seemed to ask him to do these little things. He realized  that she probably only did it because no one else ever happened to be around and he had to admit that his tendency to linger close to her might well be the reason she never bothered to ask one of the other guys in back, but this small sliver of hope always rose up whenever she’d ask.
Carlie nodded and then opened the door to her workspace and stepped out of his way.
“It’s up there.”
Curtis eyed the shelf and then her and she bit her lip, mumbling an apology as she held his gaze.
She had this look in her eyes again. She always looked like she was on the verge of saying something else to him but she never did. Curtis shook the thought from his mind and cleared his throat.
“That’s the fourth time they’ve set your workspace up with things out of your reach.. If you want me to talk to ‘em, darlin..” Curtis reached up, grabbing the radio and sat it down on the countertop beneath the shelf as he turned to her and realized just how close she’d been standing behind him when he found himself body to body with her. Carlie shook her head and sighed. “Won’t do any good. I swear they only halfway listen.”
She was migrating a little closer, her fingertips toying with the strings on his hoodie. He swallowed hard and shook his head, staring down at her.
… If she had one tenth of a clue… she’d probably laugh her ass off… the thought jarred him back into the present and out of his own mind and he cleared his throat, nodded towards the door. “I should umm.. Go get ready for my match.”
“You’ve got this big guy.” she was staring up at him and she rose to tiptoe, booping the tip of his nose playfully and smiling at him.
… she has the prettiest smile…
“Not according to the higher ups. I gotta take another L tonight.” Curtis grumbled, shaking his head. When she  stepped a little closer, he almost gasped at the way she brushed against him.
… you’re imagining things do not overthink this…
“Screw the higher ups. They’re idiots. I tell Big E this all the time.” Carlie threaded her fingers through the strings of his hoodie again and for a few seconds, she caught the look in his eyes again, the frustrated lost one and she almost went for it, pressed her lips against a strong and stubble lined jaw.
His cologne lingered in the air between them and she breathed in deeply, taking in as much of the crisp and clean scent she could.
“Yeah, well.. Anyway.. I’ll see you around.” Curtis raised a hand, rubbing it over the back of his head before stepping out into the hallway where he was taken off to the side by Big E, Heath and Bo.
“Tell ‘im what you were tellin us, E.”
Curtis looked from Heath to Big E and waited. “Well?”
Bo grumbled and then spoke up before Big E could even open his mouth because he was just that excited for his friend. “E thinks.. No, he’s pretty damn sure that Carlie has a thing for you too! That’s great, right? Now you can stop dragging your ass and do something before you drive me and Heath insane.”
Big E turned an intent gaze to Curtis who grumbled at Bo, “Thanks big mouth. Thanks a lot.”
“What? It’s the truth and you need to do something about it.” Bo shrugged, not even bothered by Curtis’ words. Bo spoke up again, nodding to the closed door of Carlie’s workspace. “Did you actually talk to her for a change?”
“Yeah, I mean.. Kinda.. One of the backstage guys put her radio on a shelf out of her reach. I swear I’m gonna talk to ‘em about doing that shit.” Curtis happened to glance towards the door just in time to see Carlie walk out and then go down the hall into catering, sandwiched between Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss, the three of them talking and laughing a mile a minute.
Big E chuckled  and shook his head at the answer Curtis gave. He could have spoken up, he could have told Curtis the truth, but given what he gathered in talking to Bo and Heath, the guy was completely oblivious.
And it was amusing as hell to Big E.
Now he just had to figure out a way to get the two interacting.. And he might just have gotten the perfect idea.
Now all he had to do was drag Carlie to the next UpUpDownDown.
He chuckled to himself and made an excuse to duck out of the conversation, setting off to explain to Kofi and Xavier what was going on.
They’d probably wanna be in on it too.
She’d seen the match end and she bit her lip, shaking her head at the screen. “They’re wasting so many of these people, I swear.”
Knowing Curtis was probably going to be in a mood, she made her way down to catering and upon spotting him after grabbing her bottled water, she made her way over.
“It was still a really good match.” she sat down next to him and toyed with the top on the bottle, making it seem as if she couldn’t get it open. It  wasn’t entirely a lie, her fake nails made it damn impossible to do anything. Grumbling, she sat the bottle down and Curtis chuckled, taking it, twisting off the top. He glanced  at her nails and she bit her lip, raising her hand so he could see them better.
“I.. got bored during that whole nonsensical spot with Shane. So I stupidly put these fuckers on. Forgot just how little you can do with fake nails in the way.”  she gave a sheepish smile and Curtis laughed, shaking his head.
“I can imagine.” he mused, taking a sip of his own water. She was leaning in a little and the faintest hint of cotton candy scented perfume filled the air. It was more than a little comforting if he had to admit it.
… just do something for the love of fuck…
… but what if she isn’t flirting and only sees you as a friend…
A throat cleared and Xavier, Kofi and Big E took up the seats on the opposite side of the table. Xavier spoke up.
“So, we’re on for upupdowndown later?”
Curtis eyed him and then Kofi reminded him that he was supposed to be playing Seth again.
Big E eyed Carlie and mouthed, “Well? You could come too.. Becky’s gonna be there..” and Carlie gave Big E a look but surprised herself by speaking up.
“I think I might check out this show of yours, E.”
Big E smirked and nodded. “Finally. I’ve only been trying to get your ass to show up for a thousand years, little bit.”
“I don’t know shit about video games but from what I’ve seen when I watched it on youtube, it looks like fun.”
Kofi smiled, nudging Xavier who added, “Actually, we were thinking.. Since Seth’s gonna have Becky there and Carlie just said she’d finally come sit in.. Maybe Carlie could play with you? We could have games against each other or play teams against Seth and Becky. Pretty sure those two will be down for whatever.”
“You don’t wanna do that, he’ll lose because I promise you,I have not one fucking clue what to do with a video game…” Carlie started but Big E spoke up, cutting her off before she could try to back out.
“We’ll pick something easy.”
Carlie eyed Curtis and Curtis chuckled and nodded as he told her, “I’d be fine with it. I mean if you really want to.”
“Okay, but I mean it. I’m going to be the reason you wind up losing at whatever we play.. If you’re okay with that, I’d like to.” Carlie found herself migrating a little closer, giving a playful look as she answered Curtis. Big E chuckled to himself and spoke up again. “It’s gonna go down tonight. When we’re all set up back at the hotel. I think we’ll be able to use that one lounge area. Carlie, you could bring the cupcakes….” he gave his best friend a hopeful look and Carlie giggled quietly and nodded.
“I dunno where I’ll bake them, but I can try.”
“Cupcakes?” Curtis asked, looking from Big E to Carlie  who shrugged. “My mom made cupcakes once when these three stopped by. I rode with them from one town to the other and she fed us all. Made them her famous cupcakes and now Big E asks for them a lot since he figured out that I bake too. I mean not nearly as good but I try.”
“Girl.. Do not even.” Xavier spoke up over her, telling Curtis, “This woman is really good at baking. Don’t let her lie to you, man.”
“Okay, alright. I’ll bring cupcakes. I think I can get Brie and Daniel to let me use the stove in their RV.”
“Awesome! We’ll see you two tonight then!”
As New Day walked away, Carlie gave Curtis a sheepish look and asked, “You’re sure you’re okay with a potential loss?”
“We might not even play teams.. Might wind up playing against one another.” Curtis mused, giving a playful smirk as he added quickly, “But don’t worry.  I’ll take it easy on you.”
“If they’re playing Mortal Kombat though..”
“ So you have played a video game before.”
“And I was pretty damn good at that one. That and Mario Kart. You’re on, Curtis. You are on.”  Carlie flirted, flashing a playful grin as she did.
“You realize she only asks you to do all that stuff, right? And she’s only askin you for a reason.” Heath tried to point it out to his friend and Curtis raised a brow, shaking his head. “It’s because I’m usually the only one around.”
“No, no it’s not.. Not according to Big E.” Bo started, but Heath gave him a look and shook his head. Curtis saw the look and the way Heath shook his head and he turned his attention to Bo.
“What do you mean not according to Big E?”
Heath grumbled and Bo shook his head. “I’m not going to keep this to myself. Something has to get through to the idiot, Slater!”
“Hey, I am standin right here, Bo.”
“And you’re an idiot.. Now do you wanna hear what I was told, Axel, or are you going to continue to foolishly insist that you’re right and we’re all wrong?”
“Okay, fine.. Color me curious.”
“The stage hand didn’t put that radio out of her reach. She did.”
Curtis started to laugh and when he saw Heath and Bo’s serious facial expressions, he stopped and raised a brow. “Why would she do that? She didn’t, that’s stupid…”
“Oh but she  did, man. E said he caught her doin it. And that he thinks it ain’t the first time, either. That maybe quite a few of her incidents are.. Her trying to make an excuse to be around you… Like the whole ‘oh crap, my swimsuit top came untied?’” Heath smirked as he watched Curtis attempting to process  what he and Bo were saying.
“But..” he trailed off, Bo and Heath weren’t going to listen to reason and maybe hearing them out wasn’t that bad of an idea.
“No buts. I’m telling you, she’s flirting. Why the hell do you think when I asked if she needed help with her luggage at the airport she said no to me but then you walked past and she’s suddenly wanting someone to help her? I mean.. It makes sense, Curtis. Think a little, jesus.” Bo sighed and shook his head, giving a know it all grin.
“And the little nose boops, man.. Or the way she fluffs your hair and stuff. She’s always touchin you and.. She’s not touchy. At least, not with anybody else but you.” Heath added, staring his friend down intently -almost daring him to make an argument against what he said. Curtis could deny,deny,deny all he wanted, but Heath was convinced that Big E was on to something.
Because after Big E asked the questions he had earlier, it really got both Bo and himself thinking and talking about the  situation with their best friend and his feelings for Carlie.
And her little cues were kind of hard to miss unless you were totally oblivious.
“You guys really think so?”
“We wouldn’t have even mentioned it if we weren’t.” Bo assured him and then a second later he asked the million dollar question.
“What are you going to do now that you know what you know?”
“I don’t know. I really don’t know.”
By the time that night rolled around, he’d at least halfway come up with some kind of game plan. He found himself both excited and extremely anxious about it because there was the chance that his friends and Big E were totally wrong.
… but Big E caught her moving that radio herself…
… you can attempt flirting and see what happens. Couldn’t hurt…
He happened to get behind her while waiting on the elevator and he sniffed the air, eyes settling on the muffin tin with cupcakes in it.
“Take one. It’s not a big deal.” Carlie offered as she shuffled her feet and tried like hell not to stare at him like an ass.. Or his lips, rather. Because as he took a cupcake and bit into it, the whole process only drew further attention to his mouth and before Carlie could stop herself, she’d sort of… Gasped quietly.
She felt her cheeks going red.
Curtis heard the little gasp and he bit his lip, staring at her while she was staring down at the floor. He groaned as he ate the cupcake.
It practically melted in his mouth.
Just as she looked up, he licked the icing on his finger off and she swallowed hard. Took a small step closer. The ding of  the elevator signalled that they were arriving in the lobby and he cleared his throat, nodding at the doors as they slid open.
“And we’re in the lobby. I can carry those..” Curtis nodded to the muffin tin and took it, falling into step beside Carlie who stopped about halfway and leaned against him as she took off a pair of impossibly high wedge sandals she was wearing. He chuckled and stared down at her.
“You’re really short.”
“Oh hahaha bite me.” Carlie teased, adding in her mind, … actually, anywhere you wanna bite me is fine if you ever wanna take me up on that… but not daring to say it. She felt his hand at the small of her back and she glanced up at him, tempted beyond temptation to raise to tiptoe, pull him down into a kiss.
She settled for simply booping the tip of his nose playfully when she couldn’t resist touching him in some way. Curtis leaned in closer and took a deep breath, mentally prepping himself to do what he’d been thinking he’d do.
Start small.
He raised his hand and brushed back some hair out of her eyes, catching and holding her gaze, giving her a playful smirk as he reached around her, lightly pressing into her from behind and opened the door to the room upupdowndown was set up in.
Just as he went to step into the room he muttered against her ear, “Relax, Carlie. It’s gonna be fun. If you need any help figuring things out…”
“Oh believe me. I’m going to take you up on that. I have not one fucking clue how to operate one of those..” she nodded at the gaming console  sitting on a low table in the middle of the room.
Seth called out to Curtis and Becky gave a knowing grin to Carlie who waved back.
“Least ah’m not t’ be th’ only girl.” Becky gave a laugh and then nodding at Curtis she mouthed, “Are y’ a thing?”
Carlie shook her head and mouthed back, “It’s tricky.” and Becky gave her a thumbs up.
After Xavier explained how they’d play and what game they were going to play, Carlie jumped up in excitement when he said it was going to be Mortal Kombat to start off with.
“Curtis, do you and Carlie want to go against each other first?”
“Ready to lose, darlin?”
“Bring it on, Axel. Bring it on.” Carlie joked.
Given there wasn’t much room to sit, Carlie settled on the floor with her back against Curtis’ knees. After a few failed attempts at making a combination move -and not being able to figure out how to make Jade move to begin with, Curtis decided to try stepping it up.
He reached around her with both arms and paused the game, telling Xavier, “Maybe if we played teams and took turns? That way I can help Carlie get used to this controller.”
Big E chuckled to himself. Maybe he’d been right.
Maybe things were going to fall into place, and a lot easier than he thought.
They were down to the last two games. And it was down to Curtis and her. Carlie’s competitive streak kicked in and she decided that maybe since it seemed like Curtis might be flirting a little, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to do it in return.. In the name of distracting him from the game.. Or so she’d tell herself that.
She  settled herself between Curtis’ knees and looked back at him, winking.  “What’s the matter? Too close for comfort? The score, I mean..”
“Oh no, not at all. If you think I’m rattled, darlin.. You are dead wrong.” Curtis did a combo and won the round, earning him a pout from her. Carlie bit her lip and rose up, leaning over him to reach behind him and grab another slice of pizza. When she did, it put them body to body and Curtis smirked up at her. “Besides, I’m up two wins now anyway.”
“Not for long, Axel.” Carlie challenged, settling back on the floor between his legs. She leaned back against him, the back of her head resting against the couch next to him awkwardly. He chuckled and muttered against her ear, “Ready for me to hit start again?”
“I was born ready.”
“Oh really.” his lips brushed her ear and she wiggled against him, giving a teasing grin as she met his gaze. “Really. Hit start, Curtis.”
“Okay, you asked for it, darlin.”
… if you had any idea what I’d actually ask for… she thought to herself, but shoving the thought aside, she tried to focus on the game.
And she’d have been good at it but he rose to a sitting position and the end result was her, having to sit up straighter. His arms went around her so he could hold the controller a little better and she couldn’t refrain from the quiet purr that slipped out.
Or maybe the slightest wiggle against him that put them even closer together.
Curtis sucked in a breath. So far, he’d been flirting all night and every time he’d do something,  she’d do something a little more in retaliation.
He rested his chin on her shoulder and muttered quietly, “You’re gonna.. No, that’s not a good idea. Because then I can do this,” he got Scorpion into a position to drag Jade towards  him to do the finisher, “And I’m now up three wins, Carlie.”
“Just wait.” Carlie gave a mild shrug and smirked at him. Her heart was literally about to beat right out of her chest because the feel of his lip against her neck, the stubble on his face brushing against her skin, it was… really doing a number on her concentration.
Seth said something about him and Becky going for a drive and they left, leaving only Curtis and Carlie. Big E, Kofi and Xavier had gone down to pick up some drinks and wings they’d ordered to eat and it left Carlie alone with him.
Which left the couch they were propped against unoccupied for the time being. So Carlie stood and moved to sit behind him, a leg on either side of his arm. Curtis barely stopped himself from growling. He turned his head to look at the door and his lip brushed right against her thigh. Carlie dropped the controller because she hadn’t been expecting it.
Curtis chuckled and Carlie explained through a mouth full of pizza, “Ticklish on my thighs..” sheepishly.
He paused the game and turned to face her.
“How about we play for stakes, hmm?”
“I’m curious.. Tell me these stakes of yours?”
“ Winner gets to pick whatever they want.. Anything goes.”
“Anything, huh?” Carlie mulled it over, gazing at Curtis intently. He gave that little smirk and rubbed his chin. “And darlin, since I’m 3 ahead.. I know exactly what I want.”
“Awfully confident, aren’t you?”
… not really, but this gives me an excuse to go for it… he thought to himself, but instead of saying it aloud, he gave a cockier than usual grin.
“One more game.. Shall we?” Carlie picked up her controller as she thought to herself, … I wonder what he’s up to?… Maybe I was wrong… maybe he is starting to finally catch on?…
They’d gone best four out of five and Curtis’ character went in for a finisher on Carlie’s character. The cut scene showing the finisher played and Carlie giggled.
“So.. you won.. Any idea what you’re going to do with your win?”
“Mhmm.” Curtis was staring at her mouth intently, leaning in closer. His hand cupped her jaw, pulling her face closer to his and he muttered against her lips, “Stop me..”
“I didn’t deliberately lose the last two games to stop you.” Carlie answered, leaning in closer, moving so that she sat in his lap, pressing against him. Her mouth brushed his and he groaned quietly, his other hand tangling in the ends of her hair, tilting her head so that the kiss deepened. Her lips parted willingly and he asked with a quiet laugh, “You really lost the last two games?”
“Mmm, yeah? I wanted to see what you’d choose.”
“Not even.”
“Well,” Carlie grinded against him, making him growl and swear quietly as she did so, “ personally.. I’ve wanted to kiss you a really long time now and I’m basically getting my way right now, so it’s a win for me either way.”
“I like that.” Curtis muttered as he gripped her hip, grinding her against him all over again.
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lyricsbylincoln · 7 years ago
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-̗̀ —   “ i come bearing edible encouragement. ”  lincoln moves to set the cooke tray onto the countertop, but he can so much as blink, whole thing clatters to the ground. a musical laugh bubbles past upturned lips. “ crap. clearly, i am incapable of being slick. so now we’ll just have to make due with encouragement of the verbal variety, huh? ”
or alternatively :  whaddup, my dudes !!  it is linc comin’ atchu with my songwriter beb #2, LINCOLN MONROE .  you know what to do! don’t forget to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below !
(KEIYNAN LONSDALE, CISMALE, HE/HIM) i hear LINCOLN MONROE has a link to ALL OF THE BANDS. the TWENTY-FOUR year old is a SONGWRITER, apparently. he's so PACIFIC and CHATOYANT, but can also be kind of TRACTABLE and INGENUOUS. i hope he finds success with the band. i'm kinda interested in hearing more about them. 
gonna format this v simply in bullets this time, since i have to leave for work relatively soon & i wanna get it out here!
lincoln grew up in upstate new york after being adopted by kirsten & peter monroe when he was just an infant. they provided a very stable, lovely home. like?? his mother was the unofficial Neighborhood Mom. all the kids were always at the monroe household, sippin’ kool aids, snackin’ on homemade cookies. kirsten monroe is literally the ultimate affectionate, beautiful soul. in fact, when lincoln was 4, she convinced her husband to adopt lincoln’s adopted sister after her family was killed in a housefire three towns over. she’s about six months older than him, and honestly would be a lovely addition to the rp if y’all wanted to bring her in? essentially after the monroes adopted her, she and lincoln grew positively inseparable. 
lincoln expressed an interest in dance by the time he turned 5, so his parents eagerly enrolled him in dance lessons! pretty soon he hopped studios to a competitive school and began competing in contemporary/ballet dance competitions.
then came a full-ride scholarship to a performing arts high school in new york city. his parents weren’t going to say no  ( the monroe’s are characteristic people-pleasers )  so they made the three-hour drive to the city & dropped lincoln off for his first year. many tears were shed, hugs were exchanged, and his mother made lincoln promise not to forget about them back home. he’d skype them every freakin’ night.
at this school, lincoln became captain of the contemporary / hip hop dance team. they took national and international titles like they were kids in a candy store. this squad was insane. and with lincoln’s choreo, the awards just kept on coming. after he graduated, lincoln auditioned for the traveling cast of the wiz and snagged an ensemble role. he traveled with the cast for seven months until he decided it was time to put down some roots on the west coast.
at this point, all was well at home. he continued his daily contact with his family, and the monroe group chat was always booming. so lincoln didn’t think to suspect anything was going on at home beyond the usual. his mother spoke about neighborhood baking parties; his father spoke about the work he was doing at the state house as attorney general. all was well.
( tw: illness, hospitals, terminal diagnoses )  the phone call came on the eve before his 21st birthday, after the opening night performance of rent at los angeles theater. kirsten was in the hospital. she’d collapsed while helping to set up for the local church’s benefit concert. his father wouldn’t disclose much information beyond that lincoln should not fly home. against his better judgment, lincoln finished out the two-week run of rent before booking a ticket back to new york. he expected his mother to be out of the hospital by that time, and she’d indicated as much over the phone.
when lincoln’s plane touched down, no one was there to pick him up. kirsten was back in the er -- but lincoln only found that out by pressuring his sister until she caved and told him what was really going on:  three months ago, kirsten had been diagnosed with stage 3 leukemia. and no one in the family had thought to give lincoln a proper notice. 
kirsten was in and out of treatment for several years, reaching short periods of remission before her levels went awry again. lincoln visited home when he could, but once he began booking more consistent jobs, the cross-country flights became more difficult. he still talks on the phone to his mother each and every day, and will absolutely cancel plans to check in on her if need be.
i imagine he started songwriting as side thing, something to post online for fun back in college while he was studying composition? and his youtube channel probably gained lots of steam. following one of his larger runs in the la theatre scene, he was probably approached about entering a professional contract for a song for one of the groups. and he was probably elated about the prospect. 
since then, he’s been contracted for all of the groups, with pieces ranging from pandemonium’s chaotic rock to dream tsunami’s sunny electro-pop vibe. lincoln plays a grand total of twelve instruments & he’s always generating new material.
in addition to songwriting for these groups, he’s also an up-and-coming solo artist himself!! he performs at open mics, local coffee shops, etc. while also uploading things to youtube/soundcloud and performing in la-based theatre productions!
lincoln is ebullient -- his presence practically effervesces wherever he is. he’s always ready to shine, as cliché as that might be. he’s just got this heart full of love and joy and optimism and he’s eager to share.
currently has bleach-blonde hair, because it’s super cool. 
so speaking of that popular youtube channel! there, he’ll post choreographed routines to his favorite songs, little covers, original pieces, and vlogs with the bands he works with. fans probably eat it up and constantly ask for more.
his dancing. gah.  this boy just loses himself in it. catch him at a bjéar concert all-out contemporary/interpretive dancing in the crowd. frick, music just.... consumes him.
his favorite color is green!! why?? does he need to have a reason???
he takes his coffee with whipped coconut cream on top, garnished with a dash of nutmeg & cinnamon. he always gets lil whipped cream mustaches, and he’ll apologize every time.
apologizes a shit ton. will apologize for apologizing, and then apologize for doing so. it’s a spiral. someone stop him.
he’s all easy smiles & spring breezes, the cleared air after rain. it’s very difficult to get him angry, and some people ( cough nikolai cough ) find that absolutely infuriating.
cannot hide when he falls in love.
falls in love once every 30 seconds.
absolutely goes to florist shops to check in on the owners, ask about their favorite memories, and smell the roses. maybe he accidentally nose boops the flowers sometimes. it’s okay. it’s all part of the experience.
allergic to shellfish & negative vibes !!!
speaks fluent french. bonjour, my dudes
blushes v easily !!  will duck his head and smile so wide. compliment him & watch the magic
lowkey voiced prince naveen in the princess and the frog ... ribbit
some examples of original work he’s performed in the area / uploaded online:    x    x    x    x     x       
lincoln is that friend who’ll show up for you, even at 4am, with takeout and a shoulder to lean on. going through a bad time? he’s the one you should call.
lowkey fashion icon ???  let him take you thrifting.
if you get sound bite previews, you’re one of The Trusted Few.
at berklee, he was lauded by his professors and fellow students -- there’s a reason this guy can write so diversely. he’s virtuosic. he’s not afraid to make major leaps. catch him tossing unconventional chords into conventional genres, because the music industry needs a spark and he feels honored to be able to contribute.
you know how some people give birthday letters or cards? lincoln writes original birthday songs. every year. yep.
volunteers at a local dog shelter.
i would love a roomie for him? pls?
i seriously want all the connections so pls hmu on discord or here!! ily all sorry this is such trash on a stick
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trendingnewsb · 7 years ago
50+ Adorable Snake Pics That Will Change The Way You Look At Them
When you hear the word “cute,” snakes are probably the last thing to come to your mind. There’s just something so cunning about them that we’re unable to look past their slick skin and venomous fangs to see their true beauty.
However, Bored Panda is here to prove you that snakes can actually be charming and adorable too! We’ve collected some of the cutest snake pics, from tiny baby snakes to grown up serpents wearing quirky hats, in hopes that this list might just help you conquer your fear of them.
Keep in mind that snakes can be very dangerous so you should never try handling a wild one, no matter how cute it might look.
If you’ve snapped a pic of a cute snake like these, don’t forget to share it with us and upvote your favorites, too!
Dangerous But Cute Little Snake… Definitely Worth Aww!
Image credits: SSTheShashank
That Is Just So Damn Cute
Image credits: oldwhitebelly
Young Ground Snake In My Wedding Ring
Image credits: snakebuddies
Is Snek Wat Usersub What Usersub Want!?!
Image credits: fhatnutz
You A Dad, Snek
Image credits: zdarlights
Snek Is Preparing For A Happy
Image credits: HeadTurdL
Cute And Happy Snek
Image credits: I_Shit_Gold_Bars
An Adorable Just-Hatched Snake
Image credits: reddit.com
Baby Snek
Image credits: iamyourgrandmaandtotallynotawolf
I See Your Snake In A Sweater And Raise You A Snake In A Top Hat
Image credits: hannahftw
Sweater For A Snake
Image credits: teap0ts
this is a little snake in my backyard. I thought he was cute…
Image credits: Allison-inlove
It peered at the camera from behind my ring finger long enough for me to get this adorable shot.
Image credits: Scutigera
My Snake Used To Yawn A Lot As A Baby, And It Always Made Her Look Like She Was Laughing
Image credits: HurricaneJen
Ticklish perhaps?
Image credits: KikisConstrictors
A Cute Ring Snake I Caught
Image credits: reese4
A Snake With A Pumpkin On Its Back…
Image credits: rsantos11
We Posting Cute Snakes Today? Here’s A Little Northern Ring Neck I Found Earlier This Season.
Image credits: Oblivion615
Snake With A Unicorn Hat
Image credits: StillbornFleshlight
I’ve Never Seen A Cute Snake Until I Bought Steven. The Bloodred Corn Snake.
Image credits: Glj0892
I Didn’t Think Snakes Could Be Cute, Until…
Image credits: miko123789
Snakes Can Be Cute!
Image credits: GobbleGoose
Snakes Can Be Cute Too Right?
Image credits: Krypticreptiles
Didn’t Know R/aww Was Interested In Snakes. Here Is My Alexander On His 1st Birthday Party.
Image credits: Onikrex
Here’s A Cute Snake I Found In My Yard.
Image credits: GreedyJungle
Pastel Checkered Garter Snake.. Cute Little Girl.
Image credits: HowardTheTegu
Snakes Can Be Cute Too!
Image credits: codydeleeuw
Baby Snakes Are Cute Too!
Image credits: Dasdude42
Meet Quinn, The Baby Cali King Snake! Sweet As Candy And Cute As A Button.
Image credits: themushroomkingdom
Cute Snake
Image credits: samdaman172
Cute Baby Snake
Image credits: spaceekitty
Just A Cute Baby Grass Snake (Natrix Natrix).
Image credits: Roxxelana
New Baby Pinstripe Ball Python! Who Says Snakes Can’t Be Cute?
Image credits: cwertin
Whenever Someone Says They’re Afraid Of Snakes, I Automatically Wonder How They Can’t Love Baby Snakes
Image credits: ragerlol1
I Found A Baby Snake!
Image credits: positivevybz
Thirsty baby snake drinking water
Image credits: AWwOOooOOo
Not Your Typical Aww, But Look At This Baby Hognose Snake In A Cup
Image credits: AnimeFanAddict
My Lovely Snow Corn Snake
Image credits: mattarnster
If This Isn’t The Most Adorable Snake Out There..
Image credits: lovinglogs
This Might Be The Most Adorable Snake I Ever See
Image credits: lovetricks
Oh Look An Adorable Tiny Snake
Image credits: zimgodo
Snakes Have Adorable Puppy Faces
Image credits: WindThroughNoHair
Blind Snek Is A Friendly Snek
Image credits: fatherramon
And People Say Snakes Aren’t Cute…
Image credits: Eagle981
“Hi mom!”
Image credits: _mother.of.snakes_
Nagini likes sleeping in my pocket
Image credits: _mother.of.snakes_
Who goes there?
Image credits: erinopteryx
Two in one week! While perusing my garden I stumbled onto this little lady. This individual represents the second northern rubber boa (Charina bottae) I’ve seen in a week.
Image credits: ksbigfoot
Snakes and Stones
Image credits: snake.ig
Cute snake
Image credits: serpentspirithealing
Cute Snake
Image credits: michaeldouglaswarrington89
Cute snake
Image credits: thatnursewiththezoo
Cute snake
Image credits: casper_de_robles
When hide and seek is your favorite game, but you’re really bad at it
Image credits: vicki1701
Cute snake
Image credits: k.e_d.a
Bought a clay pot for Kifli
Image credits: gorothy
you’re a wizard, Harry! Happy Halloween from the snakies! . . .
Image credits: snake.revolution
I think I taste good
Image credits: siegepypops
Cute snake
Image credits: humongouslife
Just look at the sweet little face I can’t take it!!! Eeeekkkk!
Image credits: cnoelleor
Cute snake
Image credits: k.e_d.a
Sheldon is so cute
Image credits: vrsensationgermany
Found this tiny snake while mowing this morning. He’s so cute!
Image credits: fatty_skipper
When bae looks at you with those eyes
Image credits: lyxil
Cute snake
Image credits: ylime_bon_
Cute snake
Image credits: reptiles.addict
I told Simra she was famous, she says she wants dinner please
Image credits: prairieclan
Cute snake
Image credits: eekside
“Don’t boop to hard..”
Image credits: animatorwriter
Throw back to Villian getting a snoot boop
Image credits: kittykat2496
Oh hey there. You thought you were going to go to sleep at a decent time tonight. Thats funny because I decided tonight is the night I poop everywhere in my tank. Still cute though see
Image credits: b.dewald93
Here you go hooman
Image credits: relatablephotosofsnakes
Cute snake
Image credits: relatablephotosofsnakes
Image credits: kolachekreations
I think it’s so cute when he slides in between my thumb and pointer finger and then pushes his head into my hand so he can get up!
Image credits: nachashandhephaestus
I think it’s so funny/cute when he slides in between my thumb and pointer finger and then pushes his head into my hand so he can get up! • • •
Image credits: nachashandhephaestus
A little snake my mom, sisters and I found on a quick hike through the woods
Image credits: pieceocake
Henlo friendo
Image credits: relatablephotosofsnakes
Dis my snek Harley he is my stringbean and I love him
Image credits: furry.pebbles
Like a cat
Image credits: insta.da.filipa
I see you!
Image credits: vicki1701
Snuggling is a necessity for all kinds of pets
Image credits: leiathesnake
I realized I didn’t have a picture of our Trans-pecos on here! This is Noodle, isn’t he the cutest? My mom hates snakes but even she admits he’s pretty cute.
Image credits: andydome
My Mother-In-Law Knitted My Wife’s Snake A Christmas Sweater
Image credits: mlkey11
Snakes Like Warm Computers Too
Image credits: Noerdy
Baby Asian Vine Snake!!
Image credits: DawnOfArkham
Cute snake
Image credits: tmermie
Image credits: tmermie
Cute snake
Image credits: michaeldouglaswarrington89
Image credits: joeaesusthehognose
Caught him mid shedding I swear his little ‘oooo’ face is the cutest thing
Image credits: thehappynumpty
Image credits: vettech.girl
Nose, Tongue and Belly
Image credits: PaganFireSnake
Typical guy, trying to steal the remote
Image credits: angel_lorrice
Brave Little Brown Snake
Image credits: SnakeGeisha
Snake ring
Image credits: draw_anime_pets
Snakes Can Be Cute To
Image credits: redditloversh
For My Cake Day Take This Cute Snake!
Image credits: TrickedFaith
Who said snakes can’t be cute?
Image credits: TheNinjaSammich
Super-Cute E. Ribbon Snake From This Weekend.
Image credits: PariahDogmeat
Snakes Can Be Cute Too!
Image credits: Tailes
Adorable Snake!
Image credits: Sarsoar
Oh Look An Adorable Tiny Snake
Image credits: funkjporn
An Adorable Little Garter Snake
Image credits: apidologie
Tiny Snake, No Boops Yet
Image credits: The-Force-B-With-Poo
One Of My Favourite Little Sneks
Image credits: Kelfezond
Psbattle: This Happy Little Snake
Image credits: Who_Cares_What_I_Say
You Guyz Liek Smol Sneks?
Image credits: DR_LG
Cute Snek
Image credits: OHHELLOIMJIN
Cute Little Snek.
Image credits: A_Riot_Shausser
Cutest Heckin Snek Couple Ever.
Image credits: hawaiianshirts01
Happy Snek & Happy Human
Image credits: Krillin_Died
Baby Snek Doin A Stretch
Image credits: therealslimshady19
This cute face
Snake with a Unicorn Hat
snake peek
Image credits: meaty-ochre
Like a Ssssir
Image credits: Shannon Hammer
oh hey there
Image credits: long-boys
hello yes i like to sleep in my moms sleeve
Image credits: folkgf
She likes this spot the best when riding with me
Image credits: sweetsnoots
the hissing booth
snek mlem
Image credits: banefulqueen
I was trimming grass next to the side of the house and I found the tiniest snake I have ever seen
Image credits: torn-by-dreams
I gave her a small leaf hat to shade her eyes while she ‘splores’
Image credits: literal-cinnamon-roll
he’s not the smartest
Image credits: frootloopyboy
Found This Cute Little Noodle Today
Image credits: pigeones
My snake is so freaking adorable
Image credits: natjwoods
Baby Snake Found A Cute Place To Hide
Image credits: savagesharksandwhich
Image credits: dogpantry
Secret friend
Image credits: spaghetiiheaven
lil snake snoots
look at him
Image credits: william-snekspeare
“hmm hmm yes very good”
Image credits: kenta-rin
“how could i live in the same house as this vicious monster?” – i’m trembling with fear
Image credits: exotic-noodles
Image credits: william-snekspeare
This baby Mystic Banana Ball Python at
Image credits: repti_girl
Asian vine snake
Image credits: cutesnakes
Everyday is Halloween
Image credits: volkshibazaki
you’re a wizard, Harry! Happy Halloween from the snakies!
Image credits: snake.revolution
This is the cutest picture I have of him
Image credits: long_time_no_spooning
Who is getting spooky!?!
Image credits: relatablephotosofsnakes
Ghost Fun fact: he’s actually not being defensive or preparing to strike here, he’s just curious what mama is doing. Fun fact
Image credits: sneks_onaplane
Cute snake
Image credits: Michael Carroll
Staring In The Eyes Of Danger
Image credits: Dennis Weinand
White Snake
Image credits: Enrique Ramos López
White Snake
Image credits: Peter Comninellis
Cat And Snake
Image credits: Frank Zhao
Cute Snake Caption
Image credits: Sergio Emilio Sánchez Castillo
You’ll always be safe in momma’s hands my little one!
Image credits: lilith.and.eve
Slaty Grey Snake (Stegonotus Cucullatus)
Image credits: Wise Lum
Little Raja is getting a bit bigger, just look at those eyes!
Image credits: loz_jeffrey
Cornsnake In The Dark
Image credits: Simeon
Working On My Tan
Image credits: Sean Thomas
Pareas Carinatus
Image credits: Darrell Raw
Mystic Potion
Image credits: Courtney Wilson
Braveheart ???
Image credits: Jiti Chadha
Spotted Bush Snake
Image credits: Jelle Van de Veire
Vine Snake
Image credits: Matthieu Berroneau
Boomslang Dispholidus Typus
Image credits: Magnus Forsberg
Cute snake
Image credits: Tom Lambui
Little Snake
Image credits: Christoph Schaarschmidt
Endemic Beauty
Image credits: Bhavya Joshi
Snake With Flowers
Image credits: Andri Priyadi
The Green Vine Snake (Ahaetulla Nasuta)
Image credits: Nikhil kanojia
This present snake
Image credits: picturesofanimals_
Snakes with hats are amusing. • • •
Image credits: stungbyhoneybee
Say hello to Mizuki, my room mate’s new child. She’s precious and adorable.
Image credits: aroashton
Measured this little guy tonight. Turns out he’s not so little. Stretching out to 53 inches give or take a millimetre or 2.
Image credits: _k_e_n_d_a_l_l_e_
Snake Life
Image credits: Pavithra Ram
Juvenile Boomslang
Image credits: mike529
Leliana is here to spread peace and love
Image credits: i-m-snek
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2zEu5yY via Viral News HQ
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obdurare-archive-blog · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
I've been thinking about doing this for a tic so I'm just gonna hop right on in with this bandwagon and put a trail of candy to my door to see who might be interested in it, since there's been a couple of these going around the last few days.  I've been here a While at this point, and have met so many great people, and it just feels like A Thing To Do, and I'm entirely too much a shy marshmallow to boop anyone's heart, so I’ll just leave my own little offering here.
This is, for the moment, kind of an interest check!  Idk why you'd want my idiot as a main for anything but hey.  It never hurts to see.  So what is a main to Amanda.  Well, let's start what it is not:  Exclusive.  I'm not twisting your arm to deal with my Hector and only my Hector.  God knows that would be cruel.  What it is, however, is a thing to keep me on track, focused, and push out what needs to be pushed out in a prioritized order.  Which means if you're a main, I'll hit your stuff up first, be it starters, memes, stuff I'm tagged in, whatever.  It also means I will occasionally magically appear on discord or im to pester your like an awkward, recalled marshmallow.  It's also permission to tag you in things and to randomly drop things willy-nilly in your ask.  And the best part is, you get to do all that back to me and make me suffer, if you want. 
Anyone who's a mutual.  And the best part is, you don't have to be a PotC mun.  This is open to all fandoms, all across the board, and ocs, too, because sure, why not.  Again, this is a way to help me break things down in smaller chunks to Get It Done because guess who thought next semester started a week later than it does I realized I need that structure or I'll just fuck off and do whatever.  And also because man, you guys are fabulous and I want to.
So, again, open to anyone, any fandom, as long as we're mutuals.
I'm following @roipirate's example in this and, for now, thinking no more than two mains per character.  That way it keeps it manageable for me, and fairly open to most of you, which is a good, fair balance, I think.  My preference is that we've at least talked a few times, and maybe have something on the burner, but it's not a hard fast requirement like being mutuals is.  So yeah, if you'd be interested in such a thing with lil' old me, hit me up, friendos, via im or discord.
Fallout Courier Six - @changing-roads (Hector's companion verse is exclusive.)
Pirates of the Caribbean Elizabeth Swann - @roipirate Jack Sparrow - @pearlsparable
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pomnoichu · 8 years ago
Big Bad Tag
I got tagged six times in the span of 24 hours. //Stare
Lemme just put it all under the cut. Click if you’d like to learn a buncha random stuff about lil’ ol’ me. ♥
@dart-the-llama tagged me in a buncha questions
1. How old?  ----is my cat? Jk, I don’t have a cat. Am 22, turning 23 in August~
2. Current Job? Gave up my part time job last year to study art. Right now I earn the monies through patreon and commishies.
3. Dream Job? Full-time character designer/illustrator, concept artist or (if we’re dreaming big) art director.
4. What are you talented at? Drawing 8) I like to bake, I can sing a little bit and I’m pretty good on the auditory memory department. I can also curl my tongue. Ah yeah and also taking care of Ren from time to time is my talent yes yes. Gotta make sure she doesn’t die of infection //cleans out teeny tiny scratch
5. What is a big goal you are working towards/ have achieved already? A) Becoming a full-time artist (it’s a work in progress) B) Visiting @renrink​ (it’s happeningggg)
6. What’s your aesthetic? oH BOI ok. Floating things, glowing things, shiny things, anything to do with stars, autumn and the color of caramel. Also Steven Universe backgrounds.
7. Do you collect anything? I collect mugs and hats. B)
8.  What’s a topic you always bring up in conversations? uhhh—Ask how my mutuals are doing?
9.  What’s a pet peeve of yours? I tend to play with my hair a lot and I always tap my feet or move my leg when I’m sitting.
10. Good advice to give? “People will always want to give you advice from their own point of view and their own experiences, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s something that applies to your life.” © my teacher
11. Recommend 3 songs or more: Hm. Three lesser known songs I hold close to my heart: Eine Kleine cover by Rachie, Fine on the Outside cover by Lizz and With You from the musical Ghost.
But my recent jams are Rockabye baby, Closer by Halsey and Welcome to the Black Parade.
 Now that we’re talking ‘bout music ‘n stuff. Here’s a music shuffle tag @azenzeph​ tagged me in. :T
1. Natsuzora - opening theme | Ah, I loved this movie~ 
2. Candy - Robbie | Williams. //boops head
3. Lucy - Tom Dice | Belgian artist, I love his music a lot ♥
4. The Apology Song - Book of Life | hhhHHH ♥ 
5. Becoming Popular - MLP? | Lowkey forgot these were on here? From a few years back now I think? Still catchy af
6. Wake Me Up - Avicii | A classic~ 
7. Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing - Set It Off ft. William Beckett | BAAH BAAH BLACK SHEEP HAVE YOU ANY SOUL
8. Up Where We Belong - Joe Cocker ft. Jennifer Warnes | //slows with a bottle of water
9. The Faster The Treadmill - I Fight Dragons | Yesssss love this band
10. Say Something - A Great Big World | constantly thinking of removing this one but then not doing it but then again...
Last tag. 11 facts about moi. I got tagged four times in this one like wow you guys must really be eager to learn about me //laughsss Tagged by --adjusts fake glasses-- @azenzeph @museconfused @ultimatenightcore and @wodah-shet who I can’t tag for some reason ._.
1. I dislike uneven numbers. So I’ll do 10 or 20 or something (not 44 nopenopenopenope). 
2. For some reason people put their height in these. I’m 1m67 small.
3. I’m actually very very bad at this ajlksdf
4. Dance in my room / in the house when nobody else is present. Like. 80% of the time. 
5. I blush very easily, especially if I have to talk to a group of other humans. Especially if they like my art. Screams. 
6. I reaaaally don’t like it when people call me “senpai”. Or a diminutive of my name/username. :,)
7. One of the things I dislike most in life, is getting gifts early. jsldfk 
8. My main occupation right now is running from adult life and responsibilities //thumbs up
9. My best friend lives on the other side of the world c:
10. I have very keen eyesight. My eye doctor is always v impressed with me.
11. I also have a not so common hair color apparently. My hairdresser is also v impressed with me. 
12. After every shower I just kinda lie on the ground in front of a heater and think about life. 
13. My username is an inside reference to my late gramps, who taught me how to shade and mix colors from an early age. ♥
14. I talk to myself a lottttt. 
15. I think that’s enough for today
16. If you read through all this, I’m v v impressed with you
17. I tag @azenzeph because revenge @spooksmoose who is a big bad cutiepatootie ♥ and @sunsetfemke aka a total sweetheart and bae <3 you guys can choose whicheeeever tag you wanna do, you don’t gotta do all of them sheeshhh 8)
Adieu~ //rolls off into the horizon
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
His name is Allegro and he's a shiny i got on pokemon go abd i just got SO ATTATCHED to him cos of the way evolution works in the app. I feel like this is the first time i ever actually experienced the intended experience of magikarp, yknow? Like its supposed to be weak and take a lot of effort to evolve. But in later games simply levelling it up has become much easier and honestly it wasnt even very hard in the original. Just boring,cos you had to keep it in slot one and keep switching it out. Like its exactly the same as just training other pokemon but with a boring thing added. It feels like this poor magikarp doesnt have a part in its own evolution! But in pokemon go you have to catch 400 magikarps to evolve it and its a way more difficult challenge that takes potentially months of real time and encourages you to go out and explore more places to find them. And you can put the magikarp as your buddy pokemon and have it follow behind you to earn bonus evolution candies, so its really like youre earning it together!!!
So thats why im SO PROUD of allegro and i love him so much!! Also i was doing all this running around for magikarps back when i was in a very low mental health state and working on making progress. So i seehim as a personification of my recovery and a big kind happy friend who helped me through it! Going on more frequent walks each week did help a lot, and having this game as a goal was a great way to distract myself from feeling all anxious and awful and staying inside instead of following the doctors orders. And now im more able to go outside on long journeys without the game's help so i think maybe its time to transfer Allegro to the console games? Cos i can see him in full 3D and ride on his back through the ocean!!! Its a shame the latest game doesnt let you cuddle all of your pokemon though, only pikachu. But i can have him follow me everywhere on happy ocean trips and chat to him and just have a grand old time! And find out what his stats would even be in a regular game, lol. I mean even if i get unlucky in the transfer and he turns out to be the weakest gyarados ever i dont give a fuck cos I LOVE HIM! Oh oh oh and he could follow me around in real life again in a different better way! I got the pokeball plus controller so i can upload him into that and do the pedometer minigame exvept this time this one gives him levels instead of evolution. He's gonna be so damn powerful from my love!!!!
Oh oh oh and i think his personality is cute! I know gyarados's personality is supposed to be 'angry all the time' but i just picture allegro as a super calm and peaceful one. He's maybe not too outwardly affectionate but he loves you a lot, yknow? Like a kind of quiet and solitary cat whose way of showing love is just to hang out in the same room together and roll over on its belly to show its not scared of you. I think theres probably a communication difference like that with gyaradoses, theyre a mon whose way of being happy isnt as similar to humans as stuff like dogs or pikachus.so they get a bad rep of being evil and scary and always grumpy when theyre just trying to show you how they feel and theyre sad you dont understand. Like, maybe they boop each other with headbutts as affection and dont realise humans are so much weaker than them so it takes a while to learn how to boop their new friend softly. But when they just hear RARR RARR I AM PUNISHING YOU FOR BEING NICE theyre like ??? and learn to be scared of showing their affection. And then you call them emotionless for it!! And maybe theyre also like a mix of dogs and lizards? Like they lay around a lot being "lazy and bored" when really its just that they need to regulate body temperature when outside of the water by sleeping more hours a day than a human does. And they get yelled at for wrecking stuff arpund the house cos theyre trying to curl up in a shady spot and their bigness means they knock over the sofa. And they move around a lot during their naps cos they need to find cold/damp spot to go to sleep and then lay down half awake for a little while in a sunbeam to get energized to start the day. So of course theyre gonna be a bit fidgety if they dont have their own room with a specialized bed, and of cpurse theyre gonna sleep even longer if they get so exhausted finding a sleeping spot! And then i think theyre very hyper and playful when theyre awake and thats the real cause of their reputation as angry evilness. They just wanna play and they dont understand a lot of the human world and its all so small and fragile. Theyre not doing it on purpose!! Oh and i think maybe similar to scorpions theyre not actually dangerous because theyre aggressive but because theyre scared? Most venomous animals only sting you when they think theyre in danger of dying,cos they only have a limited amount of venom and wouldnt wanna waste it unless its necessary. But scorpions are easily scared of humans so they think we're murderous fiends if we just stand near them, lol! Its understandable cos i mean all they can see is a massive foot and some towering infinate shadow and feel all the quakes it makes in the sand as it approaches. People are spooky! So i think maybe gyarados are very curious critters and tend to get spooked by the stuff they stumble into, like that vid of emus poking the ball toy and running away screaming when it moves. And also gyaradoses can only investigate stuff by forehead bumps, taste and sniffing by wiggling their lil mustache antennae. All things that tend to look like OMG SCARY THING IS ATTACKING ME from a human perspective. Also theyre very big and evolve from something very small so they dont know their own strength! And everything looks so new and fun!
GYARADOS DEFENDER FOREVER they are just big fishie babies and i lovv they
Anyway anyway for Allegro i was thinking of a headcanon of my pokemon trainer sona going through the same stuff i did IRL? Like, an anxious adult who used to be a trainer as a kid but went through a lot of abusive parent stuff and lost their confidence and also lost all their belongings in the process of running away. So that led to trainer-me being all depressed and living in a small crowded town having a boring life and feeling like id never be good enough to start my trainer career all over again. But i find a sparkly fishie of cuteness in the pond and i keep him as more of a pet than a battler but through the power of his love i start taking him out on walkies and training myself to be worthy of being the trainer he needs, yknow? Like 'i hate myself but i cant stand anyone else hating themself'. Cos magikarp is the weak pokemon and maybe he heard humans all talking about that and he felt he'd never get a human friend because of it. Also maybe magikarps are like koi fish and they dont get their full colours until teenagerish age, so shiny ones are just regular orange for the first few years and he didnt even know he was special. And his specialness shined through as we were training together but i loved him even before i knew he was special, just cos he was such a kind lil guy!! And then he earned his big fancy sparkly evolution and now we fly majestically thru the skies on the power of self confidence~! Also similarly to how i got my baby photos back from finding my sister after all these years, trainer-me eventually got reunited with their childhood pokemon and now has eighty bazillion powerfulnesses again. And they all met allegro and they love thier lil bro and now we're going on a revisiting kanto adventure together and everything is great.
And i just think allegro is very kind and soft and peaceful and curls around everyone in a big hug when he goes to sleep and I LOVE HIM and he flies majestically and he really loves it after dreaming of it for so long. I named him a music word cos i was thinking of 'what would you call Splash if it was actually a powerful move?' Splash = jumping = ballet? So he is a graceful squiggly weird wind kite snake worm dragon koifish and i love him and i cherish him and HE IS THE REASON HE IS SPECIAL NOT THAT HE'S LITERALLY A RARE POKEMON. cos the rare coloured gyarados is a gyarados thats the same colour as a.magikarp! Its such a good symbol for the same thing you were self concious about being what everyone appreciates about you, yknow? I love him and he is peaceful and happy and shy and i bet if you hugged him it would be so weird cos its not like you often get to hug a fish that isnt wet. And i mean he's like a half fish half dragon? So it must be like a.lizard but with very prominant scale texture and a leathery whale blubber body or something. And big pointy elephant tusk teeth and the forehead horn thingie! I wanna cuddle him so much aaaaa
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years ago
50+ Adorable Snake Pics That Will Change The Way You Look At Them
When you hear the word “cute,” snakes are probably the last thing to come to your mind. There’s just something so cunning about them that we’re unable to look past their slick skin and venomous fangs to see their true beauty.
However, Bored Panda is here to prove you that snakes can actually be charming and adorable too! We’ve collected some of the cutest snake pics, from tiny baby snakes to grown up serpents wearing quirky hats, in hopes that this list might just help you conquer your fear of them.
Keep in mind that snakes can be very dangerous so you should never try handling a wild one, no matter how cute it might look.
If you’ve snapped a pic of a cute snake like these, don’t forget to share it with us and upvote your favorites, too!
Dangerous But Cute Little Snake… Definitely Worth Aww!
Image credits: SSTheShashank
That Is Just So Damn Cute
Image credits: oldwhitebelly
Young Ground Snake In My Wedding Ring
Image credits: snakebuddies
Is Snek Wat Usersub What Usersub Want!?!
Image credits: fhatnutz
You A Dad, Snek
Image credits: zdarlights
Snek Is Preparing For A Happy
Image credits: HeadTurdL
Cute And Happy Snek
Image credits: I_Shit_Gold_Bars
An Adorable Just-Hatched Snake
Image credits: reddit.com
Baby Snek
Image credits: iamyourgrandmaandtotallynotawolf
I See Your Snake In A Sweater And Raise You A Snake In A Top Hat
Image credits: hannahftw
Sweater For A Snake
Image credits: teap0ts
this is a little snake in my backyard. I thought he was cute…
Image credits: Allison-inlove
It peered at the camera from behind my ring finger long enough for me to get this adorable shot.
Image credits: Scutigera
My Snake Used To Yawn A Lot As A Baby, And It Always Made Her Look Like She Was Laughing
Image credits: HurricaneJen
Ticklish perhaps?
Image credits: KikisConstrictors
A Cute Ring Snake I Caught
Image credits: reese4
A Snake With A Pumpkin On Its Back…
Image credits: rsantos11
We Posting Cute Snakes Today? Here’s A Little Northern Ring Neck I Found Earlier This Season.
Image credits: Oblivion615
Snake With A Unicorn Hat
Image credits: StillbornFleshlight
I’ve Never Seen A Cute Snake Until I Bought Steven. The Bloodred Corn Snake.
Image credits: Glj0892
I Didn’t Think Snakes Could Be Cute, Until…
Image credits: miko123789
Snakes Can Be Cute!
Image credits: GobbleGoose
Snakes Can Be Cute Too Right?
Image credits: Krypticreptiles
Didn’t Know R/aww Was Interested In Snakes. Here Is My Alexander On His 1st Birthday Party.
Image credits: Onikrex
Here’s A Cute Snake I Found In My Yard.
Image credits: GreedyJungle
Pastel Checkered Garter Snake.. Cute Little Girl.
Image credits: HowardTheTegu
Snakes Can Be Cute Too!
Image credits: codydeleeuw
Baby Snakes Are Cute Too!
Image credits: Dasdude42
Meet Quinn, The Baby Cali King Snake! Sweet As Candy And Cute As A Button.
Image credits: themushroomkingdom
Cute Snake
Image credits: samdaman172
Cute Baby Snake
Image credits: spaceekitty
Just A Cute Baby Grass Snake (Natrix Natrix).
Image credits: Roxxelana
New Baby Pinstripe Ball Python! Who Says Snakes Can’t Be Cute?
Image credits: cwertin
Whenever Someone Says They’re Afraid Of Snakes, I Automatically Wonder How They Can’t Love Baby Snakes
Image credits: ragerlol1
I Found A Baby Snake!
Image credits: positivevybz
Thirsty baby snake drinking water
Image credits: AWwOOooOOo
Not Your Typical Aww, But Look At This Baby Hognose Snake In A Cup
Image credits: AnimeFanAddict
My Lovely Snow Corn Snake
Image credits: mattarnster
If This Isn’t The Most Adorable Snake Out There..
Image credits: lovinglogs
This Might Be The Most Adorable Snake I Ever See
Image credits: lovetricks
Oh Look An Adorable Tiny Snake
Image credits: zimgodo
Snakes Have Adorable Puppy Faces
Image credits: WindThroughNoHair
Blind Snek Is A Friendly Snek
Image credits: fatherramon
And People Say Snakes Aren’t Cute…
Image credits: Eagle981
“Hi mom!”
Image credits: _mother.of.snakes_
Nagini likes sleeping in my pocket
Image credits: _mother.of.snakes_
Who goes there?
Image credits: erinopteryx
Two in one week! While perusing my garden I stumbled onto this little lady. This individual represents the second northern rubber boa (Charina bottae) I’ve seen in a week.
Image credits: ksbigfoot
Snakes and Stones
Image credits: snake.ig
Cute snake
Image credits: serpentspirithealing
Cute Snake
Image credits: michaeldouglaswarrington89
Cute snake
Image credits: thatnursewiththezoo
Cute snake
Image credits: casper_de_robles
When hide and seek is your favorite game, but you’re really bad at it
Image credits: vicki1701
Cute snake
Image credits: k.e_d.a
Bought a clay pot for Kifli
Image credits: gorothy
you’re a wizard, Harry! Happy Halloween from the snakies! . . .
Image credits: snake.revolution
I think I taste good
Image credits: siegepypops
Cute snake
Image credits: humongouslife
Just look at the sweet little face I can’t take it!!! Eeeekkkk!
Image credits: cnoelleor
Cute snake
Image credits: k.e_d.a
Sheldon is so cute
Image credits: vrsensationgermany
Found this tiny snake while mowing this morning. He’s so cute!
Image credits: fatty_skipper
When bae looks at you with those eyes
Image credits: lyxil
Cute snake
Image credits: ylime_bon_
Cute snake
Image credits: reptiles.addict
I told Simra she was famous, she says she wants dinner please
Image credits: prairieclan
Cute snake
Image credits: eekside
“Don’t boop to hard..”
Image credits: animatorwriter
Throw back to Villian getting a snoot boop
Image credits: kittykat2496
Oh hey there. You thought you were going to go to sleep at a decent time tonight. Thats funny because I decided tonight is the night I poop everywhere in my tank. Still cute though see
Image credits: b.dewald93
Here you go hooman
Image credits: relatablephotosofsnakes
Cute snake
Image credits: relatablephotosofsnakes
Image credits: kolachekreations
I think it’s so cute when he slides in between my thumb and pointer finger and then pushes his head into my hand so he can get up!
Image credits: nachashandhephaestus
I think it’s so funny/cute when he slides in between my thumb and pointer finger and then pushes his head into my hand so he can get up! • • •
Image credits: nachashandhephaestus
A little snake my mom, sisters and I found on a quick hike through the woods
Image credits: pieceocake
Henlo friendo
Image credits: relatablephotosofsnakes
Dis my snek Harley he is my stringbean and I love him
Image credits: furry.pebbles
Like a cat
Image credits: insta.da.filipa
I see you!
Image credits: vicki1701
Snuggling is a necessity for all kinds of pets
Image credits: leiathesnake
I realized I didn’t have a picture of our Trans-pecos on here! This is Noodle, isn’t he the cutest? My mom hates snakes but even she admits he’s pretty cute.
Image credits: andydome
My Mother-In-Law Knitted My Wife’s Snake A Christmas Sweater
Image credits: mlkey11
Snakes Like Warm Computers Too
Image credits: Noerdy
Baby Asian Vine Snake!!
Image credits: DawnOfArkham
Cute snake
Image credits: tmermie
Image credits: tmermie
Cute snake
Image credits: michaeldouglaswarrington89
Image credits: joeaesusthehognose
Caught him mid shedding I swear his little ‘oooo’ face is the cutest thing
Image credits: thehappynumpty
Image credits: vettech.girl
Nose, Tongue and Belly
Image credits: PaganFireSnake
Typical guy, trying to steal the remote
Image credits: angel_lorrice
Brave Little Brown Snake
Image credits: SnakeGeisha
Snake ring
Image credits: draw_anime_pets
Snakes Can Be Cute To
Image credits: redditloversh
For My Cake Day Take This Cute Snake!
Image credits: TrickedFaith
Who said snakes can’t be cute?
Image credits: TheNinjaSammich
Super-Cute E. Ribbon Snake From This Weekend.
Image credits: PariahDogmeat
Snakes Can Be Cute Too!
Image credits: Tailes
Adorable Snake!
Image credits: Sarsoar
Oh Look An Adorable Tiny Snake
Image credits: funkjporn
An Adorable Little Garter Snake
Image credits: apidologie
Tiny Snake, No Boops Yet
Image credits: The-Force-B-With-Poo
One Of My Favourite Little Sneks
Image credits: Kelfezond
Psbattle: This Happy Little Snake
Image credits: Who_Cares_What_I_Say
You Guyz Liek Smol Sneks?
Image credits: DR_LG
Cute Snek
Image credits: OHHELLOIMJIN
Cute Little Snek.
Image credits: A_Riot_Shausser
Cutest Heckin Snek Couple Ever.
Image credits: hawaiianshirts01
Happy Snek & Happy Human
Image credits: Krillin_Died
Baby Snek Doin A Stretch
Image credits: therealslimshady19
This cute face
Snake with a Unicorn Hat
snake peek
Image credits: meaty-ochre
Like a Ssssir
Image credits: Shannon Hammer
oh hey there
Image credits: long-boys
hello yes i like to sleep in my moms sleeve
Image credits: folkgf
She likes this spot the best when riding with me
Image credits: sweetsnoots
the hissing booth
snek mlem
Image credits: banefulqueen
I was trimming grass next to the side of the house and I found the tiniest snake I have ever seen
Image credits: torn-by-dreams
I gave her a small leaf hat to shade her eyes while she ‘splores’
Image credits: literal-cinnamon-roll
he’s not the smartest
Image credits: frootloopyboy
Found This Cute Little Noodle Today
Image credits: pigeones
My snake is so freaking adorable
Image credits: natjwoods
Baby Snake Found A Cute Place To Hide
Image credits: savagesharksandwhich
Image credits: dogpantry
Secret friend
Image credits: spaghetiiheaven
lil snake snoots
look at him
Image credits: william-snekspeare
“hmm hmm yes very good”
Image credits: kenta-rin
“how could i live in the same house as this vicious monster?” – i’m trembling with fear
Image credits: exotic-noodles
Image credits: william-snekspeare
This baby Mystic Banana Ball Python at
Image credits: repti_girl
Asian vine snake
Image credits: cutesnakes
Everyday is Halloween
Image credits: volkshibazaki
you’re a wizard, Harry! Happy Halloween from the snakies!
Image credits: snake.revolution
This is the cutest picture I have of him
Image credits: long_time_no_spooning
Who is getting spooky!?!
Image credits: relatablephotosofsnakes
Ghost Fun fact: he’s actually not being defensive or preparing to strike here, he’s just curious what mama is doing. Fun fact
Image credits: sneks_onaplane
Cute snake
Image credits: Michael Carroll
Staring In The Eyes Of Danger
Image credits: Dennis Weinand
White Snake
Image credits: Enrique Ramos López
White Snake
Image credits: Peter Comninellis
Cat And Snake
Image credits: Frank Zhao
Cute Snake Caption
Image credits: Sergio Emilio Sánchez Castillo
You’ll always be safe in momma’s hands my little one!
Image credits: lilith.and.eve
Slaty Grey Snake (Stegonotus Cucullatus)
Image credits: Wise Lum
Little Raja is getting a bit bigger, just look at those eyes!
Image credits: loz_jeffrey
Cornsnake In The Dark
Image credits: Simeon
Working On My Tan
Image credits: Sean Thomas
Pareas Carinatus
Image credits: Darrell Raw
Mystic Potion
Image credits: Courtney Wilson
Braveheart ???
Image credits: Jiti Chadha
Spotted Bush Snake
Image credits: Jelle Van de Veire
Vine Snake
Image credits: Matthieu Berroneau
Boomslang Dispholidus Typus
Image credits: Magnus Forsberg
Cute snake
Image credits: Tom Lambui
Little Snake
Image credits: Christoph Schaarschmidt
Endemic Beauty
Image credits: Bhavya Joshi
Snake With Flowers
Image credits: Andri Priyadi
The Green Vine Snake (Ahaetulla Nasuta)
Image credits: Nikhil kanojia
This present snake
Image credits: picturesofanimals_
Snakes with hats are amusing. • • •
Image credits: stungbyhoneybee
Say hello to Mizuki, my room mate’s new child. She’s precious and adorable.
Image credits: aroashton
Measured this little guy tonight. Turns out he’s not so little. Stretching out to 53 inches give or take a millimetre or 2.
Image credits: _k_e_n_d_a_l_l_e_
Snake Life
Image credits: Pavithra Ram
Juvenile Boomslang
Image credits: mike529
Leliana is here to spread peace and love
Image credits: i-m-snek
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2zEu5yY via Viral News HQ
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