#But yeah why did I not notice that in the first run of Drac Daily???
immediatebreakfast · 1 year
I have been wondering something after reading @jasonsdeli's wonderful analyzes of Dracula using his speak, manners, and the rules of hospitality to basically begin to trap Jonathan in his castle.
Why does Count Dracula uses double speak combined with his actual actions as a "start" the second Jonathan enters the castle? Is he, as a vampire, so bound by the rules of hospitality that he must do that in some kind of magical sense? Because in this turning point, there is no one that can purposefully punish Dracula for not following those.
Or maybe Dracula is seeing if Jonathan catches on how exactly he is laying the power dynamics of this stay, like as a way to determine how much Jonathan can tolerate. More now that Dracula has that dreadful letter sent by Mr. Hawkins.
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
The Fantastic Adventures of Glitter Ghost and Killer Lux - Chapter 7
Co-Written with @mariawritesfanfic
Author’s Note: We were having such a good time...
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The next morning, Glitter made her way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast when she saw Punk sitting at the kitchen table. "Morning, Punk." 
"Morning, GG," Punk yawned.
Glitter sat down next to him. "Is everyone out on a mission or something?" Glitter had noticed that it was just the two of them again.
"Yeah, they left very, very early this morning. They were mentioning something about going to talk to some contacts to get information. I'm not really clear on the specifics as it was very early." Glitter laughed because she knew that Punk wasn't an early bird. 
As Glitter and Punk sat in silence, she was deep in thought about last night with Sandman. While she was thrilled that they had taken their relationship to another level, she was also a bit hurt that he had left before she woke up. She was thinking about all the things that she could've done wrong when the front door of the hideout banged open.
"Punk! Glitter!" Novocaine was yelling.
Glitter and Punk hurried to the front of the hideout. Rounding the corner, Glitter noticed that Sandman was bleeding from his lip and it looked like he had a black eye forming.
"Sand! What the fuck happened?!" She yelled, looking at Phoenix and Novocaine as they helped him into a chair.  
"We were out meeting with some of our contacts, looking for information." Phoenix paused, "about the 'joys and Lux."
Glitter stopped fussing over Sandman and looked at Phoenix. "What? Why would you do that?"
"We wanted to see if they heard if anything had happened with them, they're our friends as well," Novocaine argued.
"Did a Drac do this? Do we need to on the run? How did Sandman get hurt!" Glitter yelled while rounding on Novocaine and stalking toward him. She could feel herself getting furious, and when that happened, not only would she would cry, but she would also throw punches.
Even though Novocaine had his hands up in self-defense, he was also poised to grab Glitter in case she decided to swing at him. "Sweetness, please listen to us!"
"Don't Sweetness me-" Glitter started.
"I got hurt because someone insulted you and Lux," Sandman finally spoke up from the chair causing Glitter to turn quickly.
"What do you mean?"
"One of our contacts made a comment about how we should drop you and Lux off a BLI checkpoint let them have you two because you, and I'm quoting them said 'They are nothing but two walking blow-up dolls who deserve what they get.' Unquote." 
Glitter turned to Phoenix and Novocaine, and they were both nodding in agreement as Sandman continued. "I wasn't going to stand there and listen to this fuck talk about you and Lux like that, so I punched him," Sandman looked up at Glitter with sadness and anger in his eyes. 
"Oh, Sandy" Glitter kneeled in front of him. "So you got into a fight protecting mine and Lux's reputations? That's adorable." Glitter smiled as she kissed his forehead. Glitter turned to Phoenix and Novocaine, "I'm sorry for snapping at you guys. I should've let you finish your story. Did you guys learn anything the 'joys and Lux?"
Novocaine sighed, "It's ok, Sweetness, you were worried. And nope. Nothing to report on the 'joys and Lux front."
"At least you guys tried," Glitter said as she went back to fussing over Sandman's injuries.
It was late afternoon, and the sun was starting to dip toward the horizon. Kobra and Lux were sitting behind the diner in the shade. Kobra had his arm around Lux's shoulder, and she had her legs draped over his. They were periodically making out, with breaks to talk about whatever was on their minds.
"Lux, I was wondering, are you ever gonna tell me where you and Glitter came from?"
"Was this why you got me to like you?" Lux laughed. "Just to learn about my deep dark secret past?"
"Come on," he laughed while pulling her closer. "Is it really a secret?"
Lux shrugged. "Like I said before, me and Glitter are from far away. We heard about the war and the Killjoys fighting against BLI, and so we decided to come to fight, but by the time we got here, it was over. We've been cruising the Zones dusting Dracs and causing a little mayhem ever since. When we overheard some other 'joys talking about what kinds of experiments BLI was running in that lab, and we decided we were the best women for the job and figured out how to blow it up. And well, you know the rest."
"Of all the diners in all the Zones," Kobra smiled.
"All one of them," Lux grinned back. Kobra leaned down and captured her lips against his. Lux grabbed the unzipped edge of his red leather jacket and pulled him toward her even more. Since the Killjoys were supposed to be protecting Lux while maintaining their usual daily activities and eventually getting her car running, she and Kobra didn't really get a lot of time alone together, but they snuck off whenever they could.
Kobra ran his hand through her hair as his other hand roamed across her back and she sighed happily. The sense of security Lux got whenever she was with Kobra was more than she ever expected to feel from another Killjoy. 
As the kiss deepened, she shifted, so she was straddling his legs, wrapped her arms around his neck and she could feel the smile on his lips. Lux was so happy with him and the secret moment behind the diner that they were sharing that she felt like her heart would burst.
"Well, it's about damn time!"
Lux and Kobra both jumped, looking up at the corner of the diner where Party was leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. Lux stammered, trying to think of how to respond and looked back at Kobra.
Kobra looked back at his brother before blurting out, "It's been a while!" Lux looked at him aghast.
Party shoved off from the wall and made his way over to the couple who had scrambled off the ground. "It's fine, we've all been expecting it for ages. Just remember, we don't want anything to happen to you, so don't get too distracted, either of you."
"Don't worry, I'm awful at talking about how I feel," Lux shrugged, but only received blank stares back from the brothers. "What?"
"I told Kobra the night you arrived, that you seemed interested in him," Party replied.
"You might not be able to say it easily, but you wear it on your face" Kobra sheepishly, and Lux just groaned.
"I thought only Glitter could tell because she knows me so well."
"If it makes you feel better, I knew Kobra was into you too from the moment you walked in," Party offered, causing Lux to grin smugly as it was Kobra's turn to be embarrassed. "Anyway, you two watch out for each other. And be careful."
Kobra and Lux nodded.
"No, I mean, be careful," Party replied, wiggling his eyebrows before walking away.
"Oh my god," Kobra muttered, and Lux just covered her face with her hands.
"Hey Geeg, get up," Sandman whispered in Glitter's ear.
"No, I am tired, and the sun isn't even up yet," Glitter rolled back over to sleep, but Sandman was already pulling her blanket off her.
"Get up, I have something for you."
Glitter sighed and begrudgingly got out of bed. She followed him to the kitchen where they were away from the others. "What is so important that you had to wake me up before the sun?"
"Let's go watch the sunrise, I know this perfect spot."
Glitter looked at Sandman like he was crazy. "The one night I can sleep, and you pull this stunt. Ugh, you're lucky that I like your face." 
Sandman just smiled as he lead Glitter outside. They started to head to the edge of the neighborhood the record store once stood in. It wasn't a long walk, and by the time they arrived, the sun was just beginning to lighten the eastern sky.
Glitter and Sandman found a bench to sit and snuggle against each other. Sandman pressed a kiss onto Glitter's pink hair affectionately, and she sighed contentedly. Suddenly the silence of the morning was shattered as a blaster shot whizzed over their heads.
"Get down, Glitter!" Sandman shouted as he pulled out his blaster, looking around, trying to figure out where the shot came from.
Glitter had pulled out her blaster as well. "Do you see any Dracs?" Glitter whispered from where she was crouched down.
"I don't," Sandman whispered, "but I'm sure they are around here. We need to get to a more covered area."
Sandman and Glitter raced for the nearest building that could provide some shelter until they could figure out what was happening. After Sandman and Glitter barricaded the door, they huddled close with their backs to a wall.
"Sandman" Glitter whispered.
"Yea, Glitter?" 
"I'm scared. Do you think we were too distracted? Should not have been out by ourselves?" Glitter could feel herself starting to cry.
"Geeg" Sandman wrapped an arm around her and wiped away her tears. "Please don't cry. We had no idea this would happen - we didn't have intel that they were looking for you." Sandman kissed the top of her head, "I will stay in here forever with you if I have to."
Just then they heard a crash as something had broken through a sky light. 
"I love you, Glitter Ghost."
"I love you, Sandman."
Suddenly the room was engulfed in bright light and a loud echoing bang.
Lux felt an overwhelming sense of relief as Kobra drove them out into the desert. They had been tipped off about the whereabouts of the last part that was missing to fix her and Glitter's car, and they were on their way out to check it out. It was the first time since she and Glitter blew up the lab that she had really been out in the daytime. However, she was suddenly snapped from her peaceful daze when a blaster shot whizzed past them. 
"Are you ok?" Kobra shouted over his shoulder.
"Yea, I'm fine. You?"
"Yea, where did that come from?"
Then Lux spotted the white suit of a Drac on top of a rocky outcropping in the distance, taking aim at them again.
"On the right, up head!" Lux shouted.
Kobra pulled over to the side of the road as another shot whizzed past them. "Get behind the bike," Kobra said as they got off and sheltered behind the frame as more shots hit the ground around them.
"We can take him," Lux grinned before popping up and taking a shot at the Drac, but missed. "Shit."
"Let me show you how it's done," Kobra replied with a smirk and turned to fire. Before he could get his shot off, he was hit square in the chest and knocked into the dirt.
"Kobra!" Lux shouted in panic, diving in the dirt where he was laying. Tears instantaneously started to sting her eyes. "No, no, no no, not like this, not today," she whimpered as she put her fingers on his neck and found a pulse. She was immediately relieved when she realized they had shot him with a stun blast, knocking him unconscious.
"Ok fucker, let's dance," Lux shouted as she grabbed Kobra's blaster off the ground. When she turned back to pick off the Drac, her eyes went wide as she saw the Dracs piling out of a white van. 
"Shit," was the last thing she uttered before the stun blast hit her and she dropped to the ground.
As Kobra began to come to, his vision was still blurry. "Lux?" He murmured as he sat up. He saw both blasters laying in the dirt, then he heard the sound of the van starting up, heading back toward the city.
"Lux? Lux!" He shouted as he scrambled to his feet, firing toward the van, but it didn't stop. Lux was gone. The lone Drac had been a trap, and now BLI had Lux, and it was all his fault.
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