#But this is just how I imagine the confession would go if Deuce does it
0ann3 · 10 months
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During online class, I tend to do doodles just so I won't get sleepy, but idk what came over me to do a drawing of this instead 😭 altho I have a feeling it's bcs I'm in shock that there's almost no drawings of these two when I check the tags??? + all I've been doing recently is doodles/sketches so I need to remember how to draw lolol
I also do not know if Azul's blush being blue is canon or just a popular hc, but Imma just roll with it and edit it out if it's red KASJHAKSJh
Bonus doodle of something like moments before this disaster and a clean version of the img for fun:
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Almost forgot to tag @thehollowwriter kJAHSAKJSh
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Hi !! I love your writing! I think you've nailed the twst characters personalities really nicely <33
So if possible, I'd like to have some hcs Sebek, Ruggie, Jack, Jamil and Deuce would realize that they have a crush on the reader (in which the reader is basically their closest friend atp) and how'd they'd react to it. Would they be the type to shove it back down or get it over with? Something else entirely, maybe??
Hope this isn't too much. Thank you in advance! Take all the time you need!
hii first off thank you so much!! <3 and ofc ofc I LOVE pining (and friends to lovers?!)
pomefiore part
summary: how they would have a crush on you type of post: headcanons characters: deuce, jack, ruggie, jamil, sebek additional info: romantic, reader isn't specified to be yuu except in sebek's part because I found it funny, reader is gender neutral, deuce is a cutie patootie
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𝐃𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞
oh, he is in utter turmoil about this
on one hand: he really, really likes you
you're such a wonderful person
the kind of partner he'd be proud to introduce to his mom
on the other hand...
he really, really doesn't want to mess this up
you already have such a great thing going on as friends!
if he ruined that, he would literally never forgive himself
and Ace would make fun of him for it until the very end of time itself
so, of course he just sits on these feelings. maybe if he focuses on something else, they'll go away?
spoiler alert: they do not
they definitely do not
if anything, trying to ignore them just makes it worse for him; suddenly he's becoming an entirely different person around you
it's like a switch is flipped the second you're in the room
he becomes clumsy, easily flustered, can barely string a sentence together
Ace gives him hell about it, of course
and when there's no hope of hiding it any longer, he just confesses
(not that it wasn't obvious already... but for his sake, you'll have to pretend like it's shocking news)
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥
he's actually... pretty upfront about it?
once he's got his feelings on the matter sorted, anyway
...which takes him a few weeks
when he first recognizes his crush on you, he pours himself into his training
not as a distraction, really; he just finds it easier to think when he's working out
he really does want to think this one through
much like Deuce, Jack understands that he'd put the friendship at risk if he were to confess
unlike Deuce, however, he's somewhat aware that ignoring and hiding is a coward's way out, and will only push you away
so, once he's very sure about his feelings, he confesses
it's not exactly like a confession, though
more of a... lecture?
just informs you that he's developed feelings, doesn't want them to affect the friendship, and leaves the decision up to you
won't freak if you don't reciprocate, but... he might be a little bummed out
okay... more than a little
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𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢
first thought: he doesn't have time for this
Ruggie has a job, school, and a whole neighborhood to feed back home
now a partner? no, that's completely out of the question
besides, it's not like you'd ever reciprocate. who'd wanna spend every date eating dandelion salad?
no one, that's who
of course he doesn't bother asking, but he assumes that goes without saying
but he's busy enough to put those feelings on the back burner and deal with them some other day
...if only he wasn't so distracted by thoughts of you, that plan might have worked!
by his third slip-up, Leona's had enough and demands he's gotta sort out whatever's bothering him if he ever wants to show his face there again
(he might've been in a bad mood)
but, unfortunately, Ruggie knows he's right
it's better to be rejected now than to spend the rest of his school days mulling over it
so, he just spills the beans, as plain and simple as possible
tries to walk away as soon as he's done so he doesn't have to see the look on your face
you can imagine his surprise when you pull him back
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𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥 𝐕𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫
actually has a pretty similar reaction to Ruggie
Jamil can't possibly fathom having a partner in a world where he doesn't even have his own freedom
in a sense, he just doesn't want to drag you into his life
in another, more important sense, he would be devastated if you rejected him
so he just... ignores it
of course, Jamil knows that pretending the feelings aren't there won't do much, but he doesn't really have a lot of options
he's not one to talk through his feelings, after all
not that anyone asks...
and his ability to interact with you as if nothing is different is astonishing
even if it feels like he's melting inside
though, you may catch him smiling more at you these days
he just can't help himself
when he's got his other stuff sorted, you'll be next on the agenda
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𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤 𝐙𝐢𝐠𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭
you claim to have no magic, and yet you bewitch him into caring about you just as much as his liege?!
well... maybe not as much...
but close! very close!
even admitting that to himself feels like high treason
nonetheless, you have to be something very special to distract him from what he calls his "true purpose in life"
he sees you and feels... ill?
he's light-headed, he's dizzy, his stomach feels funny...
and he's been thinking about you more so than usual
yes, you're friends... he'll even admit he's grown quite fond of you in comparison to the other people you call "friends"
but this is... unusual
surely, you've placed some kind of curse on him!
Silver is the first to hear about it
poor boy is too tired to deal, and so he passes on the problem to Lilia
who just chuckles and makes a lot of odd references and metaphors that no one of this century would understand
no, Sebek has to come to the conclusion that he likes you all on his own
(like-likes you)
and after some pestering from Lilia, he admits that perhaps you and he could protect Malleus... together!
(he's going to have to work on the wording of that confession)
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harzilla · 7 days
So I love me some romance but I also love platonic love. Like you can love somebody but not BE in love with them. I just like watching friends willing to be petty for you. Cause you know they would.
I was thinking about this with the house wardens/dorm leaders and thought of an idea. Somebody decides to pull a prank. Maybe it's done because they're trying to be funny or maybe it's done to be vindictive.
But imagine one day you find what appears to be some kind of gift with a love note. Could have been stuck in your desk or left on the doorstep of ramshackle. Wherever you find it, it's clearly labeled for you. You read the note and it appears to be a love confession from one of the dorm leaders! Even apparently signed by them. Except you immediately clock that the love confession is a load of bull. Because one. You happen to be friends with said dorm leader and he's never shown any romantic behavior towards you and two... This letter and gift? Absolutely something they'd never do. Whoever tried did a pretty poor job of imitating them.
Riddle? Letter doesn't sound like he wrote it at all. He has an extremely polite and carefully worded ways to write and y'all know that's not how the queen of hearts rules dictate how to confess your feelings! How could somebody not give you the proper 16 roses per rule #41 of "The Queen's rulebook of traditional romanticism, courting, and all things hat making" revised edition #2. Showing Riddle and he's more upset then you are! How dare somebody pull such a tasteless prank, what disrespect towards you and him! You're not actually hurt by it but you still appreciate his concern. Afterwards he offers to burn it for you, but you end up showing Ace and Deuce and the three of you spend the evening mocking whoever tried to prank you while enjoying a leftover tart while Riddle is looking into how to discipline the perpetrator.
They really thought they could try to make you think Leona would write something so sappy? What are they, stupid? The lion rolling his eyes before dusting the stupid fake love note with his UM after reading just one paragraph because, God it's written so badly he's almost offended by reading such garbage. You want him to dust the flowers for you as well? If not you can go dump them in the dorm's kitchen trash. Don't be surprised if you find out later that Ruggie pranked the perp because Leona was irritated by the ass who pulled him in this.
Azul, who you already know he ain't interested in love. You know full well if he was interested he'd have planned something better then this, you know how much he calculates and plans things. So you end up showing Azul the love letter and of course he didn't write it. Floyd and Jade who end up in the office and of course they're going to tease. "Oh Azul, you suuurreee you don't have a crush on shrimpy?" Jade and Floyd who grab the letter and Floyd starts reading it out loud. The two really getting into the dramatic flare. Floyd who throws himself on the couch as he declares his "love as deep as the sea" ohh whooo is he! Won't you take pity on this sad eels heart? You and Azul who end up both laughing afterwards. Don't be surprised if you notice Jade or Floyd seem to be really interested in a certain student these days, I wonder why?
You really think Kalim of all people would confess with a letter? Does the prankster know Kalim at all? Kalim, who offered you a 15,000 madol carpet for free the other day because he thought the color reminded him of Grim's ears? That Kalim? He's not sure why somebody would pull this as a prank, but your feelings aren't hurt are they? Please talk Kalim down from offering you a shiny new piece or jewelry or trinket to cheer you up. He'll give you something much nicer so you'll feel happy every time you see it.
Is the person trying to prank you trying to humiliate you by using Vil? The guy is already used to being typecast as a villain and somebody tried to use him to hurt you. Well, congrats because they just activated Vil's petty diva mode. The guy knows how to work social media and he's gonna be vague posting just enough that his fans will know what he's posting about and it'd be absolute social destruction if the prankster is ever stupid enough to admit what they did.
Welp. The prankster is getting doxed. The Shrouds can be pretty damn petty when they want to and Idia is no exception. First Idia's shocked, you don't think he wrote it right? No? Ohh good. Because he'd never write something that cringe and why would he write it on a letter when email or text would be just as good? Not that he would though! The perp can run but he can't hide because this amateur thinks he can try some weak prank? You got a genius like him and one of the most powerful AI's in the world via Ortho as friends. Give them an hour at most and the perp and every embarrassing thing they can find about him is going to blasted over every digital screen in NRC.
Oh dear oh dear. They really didn't think this through before trying to use Malleus in a prank? Another one you have to calm down. He doesn't like the idea of your feelings be used for another's amusement at all. You're thankfully he doesn't seem to be angry but then you recognize that look and ohh, "No Malleus I'd rather you not curse whoever tried to prank me. Please don't turn them into a slug." He might pout about it afterwards though. Revenge comes later in the form of Sebek. You don't have to say a thing because everybody will find out somebody was stupid and pathetic enough to try to use Malleus Draconia of all people in a mean spirited prank. Congrats, hope the perp looks forward to the paranoia of what Malleus will do to them if they're ever caught.
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caterkinnie · 2 years
Hi, may I have some hcs of Deuce and Malleus having a crush on the same person (gn) that's completely oblivious to either of them liking them in a romantic way?
Technically a love triangle?
❥ ⌗ characters: Deuce Spade, Malleus Draconia.
❥ ⌗ tags: they both like you, but you're too oblivious to realize their feelings. sliiiightly angsty in some parts, mentions of insecurities, you decide what happens basically, malleus slander if you squint (affectionately)
❥ ⌗ a/n: love this idea this is an unusual pair of characters like with a prompt like this I would have imagined leona or smthing but this is so much more creative tbh also you can tell that im biased
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Malleus wasn't surprised nor he felt intimidated after finding out about your friend's feelings.
After all, it only was a matter of time before one of your friends eventually fell for you, since they spend so much time around you. Actually, he was actually surprised about Deuce being the only one with feelings for you.
But Malleus does not think this is a problem, instead it's an opportunity to show how capable he is above all your other classmates. It's clear he doesn't think of Deuce as a rival.
It's so obvious he tries to one-up Deuce with his big gestures. Constantly giving you expensive gifts. Honestly I have no idea how you still haven't noticed how down bad he is for you.
Deuce on the other hand is oblivious to Malleus liking you, until Ace points it out.
He greatly respects Malleus, but this makes him feel awkward around Malleus, and the prince's attitude towards him doesn't make it any better… He's seen Malleus ominously staring at him more than once and it unnerves him a lot.
He won't make any advances on you, that's not his thing. Even if Ace tried to force him (until he found out about Malleus) he literally CAN'T be smooth and confident like Malleus. His endearingly awkward attitude is his forte, since he constantly makes you laugh (in a good way) and Deuce can't help but go simp mode every time he sees you smile.
Both of them are… incredibly obvious, and you've noticed how every time those two are in the same room everything feels tense. Not Deuce's fault though, he's mostly nervous trying to act tough—
One day Ace started joking about how he shouldn't give up and that maybe he had a chance, and y'know— Deuce took it seriously!
So he started taking this weird rivalry seriously...
While Malleus' easiest love language is gift-giving, Deuce's love language is acts-of-service, so he's constantly trying to be useful to you.
Now that the rivalry has settled up… What's next?
It's been quite a while since both of them started courting you but… the problem is that you're totally and completely oblivious to everything.
Everyone KNOWS except you, and that's extremely frustrating for them. They're constantly asking their friends for help, but their only advice is to just confess!
After like 3 months of trying they're just like 🤝 and it's like— you're not going to notice, the one who confesses first wins. The problem is…. confessing.
It takes a lot of preparation for one of them to confess.
While they like to act tough on the outside, both of these guys are terrified of rejection. Neither of them would like to have their friendship ruined by their unrequited love.
But if they do confess…
Malleus would write a love letter; he wishes to tell you how you make him feel, how special you are to him and how you changed the way he views the world. You took his loneliness away and everyday Malleus craves to see you, and he only wishes to make you happy, to make you feel the same joy you give him.
Deuce on the other hand would try to confess and get incredibly nervous— then start improvising, and it'd work!
You see, he trusts his friends greatly, even though they're awful at giving dating tips.
They constantly try to teach him how to be 'attractive' and 'cool' and he tries his best— but it just never works!
He had this cool and romantic cheesy confession planned. But he got nervous and forgot every single thing he was supposed to say. His only option was to improvise, it didn't matter how hard it was going to be, he just needed to tell you about how he truly felt.
Deuce always wanted to tell you how grateful he is to have met you. Whenever he feels insecure you're there for him, motivating him to continue even when he doesn't feel like he's good enough. Deuce admires you A LOT, and that admiration is now his strong love for you.
In conclusion: Malleus is an idiot who thinks he's incredibly attractive and cool and definitely the best option while also just relying on subtlety and refusing to be direct, and Deuce is a hot-cold going between being confident about having a chance with you and overly insecure after just existing near Malleus.
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merakiui · 2 years
Azul, Riddle, Idia probably write some really cute love letters they will never send, and literally any other dorm leader probably has a journal on how beautiful you looked today, what you ate, what you wore, just squealing and thrashing their legs about as they wrote their daily log.
Now imagine a girls boys sleepover with all of them together just fangirling, meanwhile in ramshakle a seperate sleepover is held with Floyd, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek, maybe Ortho and Rook.
They just complain about their housewardens, how annoying they are and such (except Sebek 💀) and doing sleepover things.
Epel just going feral over snacks, eating so many marshmallows, fries from mostro lounge leftovers, cream filled pastries from Trey, and sandwiches you made, Vil would never let him eat any at all, he monched on those treats like a starved man.
"Woah easy there little guy." Ace said concerned.
"SHUT YER MOUTH I AIN'T LIL!!" Epel yelled with his mouth full.
"ACE YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH EATING MY EGG SANDWICH THAT PREFECT MADE FOR ME?" Deuce who just realized Ace was eating his sandwich.
"Relax Deuce I can make some more... Ace apologize to Deuce." Prefect said to stop the argument.
"It's not my fault loosey Deucy is so timid!" Ace snorted.
"YOU ASKIN' FOR A FIGHT?" Deuce's delinquent persona comes back.
"That much is to be expected from lowly humans. Us fae are the superior specie. Bla bla bla...." Sebek huffs.
"Eeeeeeh Croccy, surely you didn't forget about me, I am far diffy from humans y'know." Floyd questions.
"Guys that's enough." Jack sighs.
"Thank you Jack." Prefect finally being able to rest.
The real chaos starts after 8pm when Jack falls asleep...
Idia watching from his monitor just sighs as he looks behind him seeing those housewardens mutually fangirling, until a certain fae decided to remark about how prefect fancies him best, another wave of chaos begins.... Tonight is gonna be a long night....
Aaaa yes!! Azul's love letters are always written in standard letter format, complete with his swirling penmanship and closed with a pretty wax seal of Octavinelle's crest. He even sprays some of his cologne on the envelope or letter so that you'll be reminded of him even more when you open the letter. Now if only he could actually send these letters...
Riddle is so confident in his lexicon, yet he struggles to coherently piece together everything he wants to say, which means he's had to restart a dozen letters until he perfects the one he wants to send (which never gets sent). He's designed a few love letters that are actually crossword puzzles, though he's not sure if you'd enjoy solving them like he does and so he never sends those either.
Idia tries to write a love letter without any gamer lingo or internet slang and fails horribly, so he just resolves to write a love letter in binary because it feels cooler than normie love letters. He doesn't have the courage to send it to you, but there was one time Ortho took notice of this and forwarded it to you and Idia wanted to shrivel and die. Luckily, you didn't understand the message; you even came to him asking for a translation. He tells you it's just a bunch of nonsense; a binary keyboard smash, if you will.
The idea of the Housewardens having a sleepover, but all they gossip about you is so fun to think about. I guarantee they’re all ready to fight each other because some are bragging and boasting about how close they are with you while others are going on about how they know you best. They act like obsessed fans when they discuss how cute you were that one time you fell asleep in class or how you’re simply so sweet when you greet them in the halls.
And a sleepover with the first years and Floyd… so chaotic omg. A recipe for silliness. I can imagine Ortho just innocently confesses how much Idia likes you while the others are all like, “Oh, is that so? :) tell us more.” Poor Idia… Ortho’s exposing Idia’s love for you. Omg and Rook being there. He probably shows everyone all of the candid photos he’s taken of you on his phone and they’re all salivating over them like they’re the only meals in the world.
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You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth...
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↣ Deuce will never know why you chose him out of everyone in Night Raven College. But maybe, he doesn’t need to know. (d.spade x gn!yuu)
↣ Ace does not know how he got so lucky as to get not just one, but two adorable partners. Or the one where Yuu and Deuce try to defend Ace’s honor and Ace falls more in love with his idiots. (a.trappola x gn!yuu x d.spade)
↣When a late night talk about the Prefect leads to a potential confession aka the one where Deuce is sad, Ace is a fool in love and the night is the perfect time to talk about certain things. (a.trappola x d.spade)
↣ can i maybe get some ace content? i have no idea why i like him so much honestly since he's a lil shit (affectionate), but i do and i have to live with it now. (a.trappola x gn!yuu/ gn!reader)
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↣ (coming soon...)
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↣ Mafia!Octavinelle saving MC who's being held hostage by some organization (mafia!octavinelle and gn!yuu)
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↣ Just some things about the Ramshackle Prefect and Scarabia’s vice-housewarden <;3 (j.viper x gn!yuu)
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↣ You are blissfully unaware of how deep exactly Rook and Vil’s affections run for you; of the extents they would go for you, and the boundaries they would cross in your name. (yan! v.schoenheit x gn!reader x yan! r.hunt)
↣ If someone had told you an hour ago that Vil and Rook would attempt breaking into Ramshackle, drunk out of their minds, you would have laughed and waved off their words. Well, that was what you would have thought an hour ago. (v.schoenheit x gn!reader x r.hunt)
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↣ (coming soon...)
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↣ The story about a prince and a traveller <;3 (m.draconia x gn!yuu)
↣Things that come in my head as I play through Diasomnia's chapter (chp 1- 37) (chp 38-55) (chp 56-68)
↣ Every year, the youngest students of the only school in the village are taken to a forest behind their little village to learn how to navigate the woods and forage without potentially upsetting their non-human neighbours, particularly the faefolk that were rumored to despise humans disturbing and trespassing on their territory. (Name)'s journey into the woods, however, brings them a lot closer to the faefolk they could have imagined. (diasomnia boys and gn!reader)
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↣ Random thought 1
↣ TWST Yuusona: Minthe
↣ Imagine going home after everything that happened in Twisted Wonderland.
↣ Little dream about Vil <3
↣ The Prefect's Obsession. (yan! yuu and gn!reader/player)
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mintylunee · 6 months
My Honest Thoughts about Deuce Spade and why I really like him so much as a character.
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W/N : Before you read my random rant about him, please understand that my English is kinda broken and there's some grammatical errors because English is not my first language, thank you in advance! :3
Okay so, where do I start explaining about this guy? I have so many reasons why Deuce is a great character, one main reason is because of his backstory in [Chapter II : Badboy in Sepia!] where he explained that he's a "Hopeless delinquent" back in his middle school days before he enrolled in Night Raven College.
I admire that he confessed to the MC that he makes so many mistakes and often breaks the rules but after he hears that his mother is making a call with his grandmother, her mother cries as she says "Where did I go wrong with him? Maybe a single parent can't raise a child". Okay imagine you're in Deuce's position at the moment, this is honestly so heartbreaking to the point that he blames himself and realising that his actions are wrong all this time.
And then after that incident Deuce became self aware about himself and he actually changed himself for his mother, like what a great guy he is, he even studied hard so he can enroll in NRC- and so he did, it makes his mother happy also.
He swore that he will make his mother never cry because of him ever again, like the effort! Man all I see is green flag over the place.
Even though there's a moment in the game where he snapped and almost had a huge fight with his fellow classmates lol, I can see that he still has that habit when he was still a delinquent, I mean dude he can fight but he's trying to be reasonable even when his temper going out of control (also, the duality of this man).
The second is his attitude towards his friends, there's a lot of proof that he's that friend who will always be there for you even though you did something stupid (like look at him with Ace and those shenanigans they pull), he seems really cared about MC in the game and always look up for them, also when he's not afraid to tell that he has high hopes and dreams to become a model student. And yes, of course he would kick someone's asses if they're trying to hurt his fellow friends.
I think that's my opinion about him, he has his own flaws just like everyone else's but his backstory somehow makes me feel emotional that he's even more considerate and care for his mother, also he always gives 110% effort to become a model student lol.
Thank you for reading my rant until the very end, well this is my opinion of how he does like, if I miss something else please do tell me! Love ya <3
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robo-milky · 1 year
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[Tag List: @v-anrouge @ashipiko @br3adtoasty @pinkrozezzz ] <3
General Love Forecast:
65% of Sun
Before Relationship:
• Epel fell for Cloche first. He always felt a strange connection to her since the first time he saw her. He’s forced to wear ruffles, she’s cursed to wear a maid outfit, he’s short and feminine looking, she’s shorter and more feminine looking, he has to hide his country dialect, she must address everyone formally— they were just so similar! Epel thinks Cloche is another boy mistaken as girl who is forced to put on a polite mask, like him. Epel’s self-projection on Cloche is what attracts him to her. Epel wanted to just-be-friends until it spiralled to him falling in love, and hoping to free Cloche from her so-called shackles. It’s questionable if Epel truly loves Cloche, or if it’s for a complex of some sort— of wanting to be the bigger person and having someone to show-off to.
• When they first met, Cloche thought of Epel as a child, someone below her. It wasn’t until he stayed in Ramshackle for VDC, did she finally have the opportunity to take another crack at his character. Even after some heavy reconsiderations, Cloche is still driven away by Epel’s definition of masculinity, and his impulsiveness. It’s hard for her to want to be around someone who would see the things she like as inferior. While she does question why Vil would make Epel hide his rural background, Cloche doesn’t feel bad for Epel’s situation— since she thinks ‘he brought it upon himself.’
• Cloche was initially unaware of Epel’s feelings for her, even in denial of it. After the first years spilled the beans to her, she set up little tests to see if what they said was true. Cloche was surprised Epel liked her out of anyone else— expecting him to fall for Jack or Sebek instead. Cloche feels like they have nothing in common. To her, it’s draining to indulge in Epel’s interests of sports, Magift, Magic Wheels, and to hide her personal interests in fashion and cutesy stuff. It doesn’t help that Epel is very far from her ideal type. Cloche believes that Epel could have chosen someone better, someone who actually appreciates him.
• From an outsider’s perspective, Cloche and Epel are almost like long lost twins. Both so sparkly and mysterious. They’re often seen eating lunch together and discussing the latest topics they’ve just learned. There are no arguments to ever come out of them— or at least publicly. The students of NRC ship them together, much to Cloche’ dismay.
• Epel and Cloche are both go-getters who don’t like beating around the bush. Epel admires how Cloche keeps her cool, always unbothered and thinking of a solution under pressure. Cloche recognizes and values Epel’s grit and determination to always push through. Their relationship is generally stable.
• How did they even start dating? I can see Epel finally confessing after consulting the first years; Deuce, Sebek, and Ortho supported him. Ace and Jack are the skeptics of the relationship in their own rights. Ace’s skepticism comes from knowing Cloche the longest— he finds it hard to believe they can truly get along. Jack’s skepticism comes from his own values, since he genuinely cares for Epel and has trouble imagining Cloche as someone family oriented like they are. The biggest red flags Ace and Jack tried to warn Epel about is Cloche’ strange admiration for Rook. Epel knew Cloche liked his senior, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
• Cloche rejected Epel but finally gave him a chance after giving into his persistance. Considering the circumstances, she thought that was the best choice— as a rejection might sour their relationship and make things awkward in the first years’ circle.
“Master Epel, you’re asking the wrong person if you want true love. I don’t belong in Twisted Wonderland and I may leave at any time… Can you accept that? A relationship where we can break off cleanly without any hard feelings? I’m not going to abandon my previous life for you, …but I can share the time I have left with you.”
• Cloche doesn’t have any particularly strong feelings for Epel, since she accepted his confession on a whim, and because it seemed beneficial to her. Plus, what’s the point of chasing after someone you can never have? Epel was the safer option. Cloche knows that to make it in NRC, she needs allies and people to rely on. Ever the worst-case-scenario planner, she will go to extremes to feel secure. To her, this relationship gives her a reputation and protection. As long as Cloche can play her part, she’ll be safe. Cloche does not feel much guilt about using Epel’s feelings for her, because she was never dishonest with him. She has given Epel many warnings. Though Cloche wouldn’t personally classify her feelings for Epel as ‘romantic love’, she does care for him to some extent.
• Epel really looks up to Cloche and her mental fortitude. It does sting to know Cloche is so indifferent about his love, but if this relationship is temporary, then that just means he has the make the most of it, right? They were getting along so well as friends before— so why wouldn’t their romantic relationship be just as good? If not even better? If Epel were honest, he sometimes question the point of this romance— if it can even be called that. He’s always putting so much effort into giving, yet Cloche treats and brushes him off like she does with everyone else. Epel finds it unfair that he’s been so vulnerable with Cloche, yet Cloche never showed him a bit of her vulnerability in return.
“Why did you even kiss me if you felt nothing? All the hugs? The talks we had at under the stars? …When you cheered me on during the Sledathon…?”
“I don’t know; I can’t say.”
“Whaddya’ mean ya can’t say?! Were ya just leadin’ me on the whole time? …Ah’ don’t know if ah’ wanna continue this if ah’ feel like ah’m draggin’ ya around…”
“You are dragging me around.”
AU: Cloche Falls for Epel? *special
• This Cloche is more responsive around Epel. While she is still her deadpan self, Cloche is more accommodating around Epel— even going as far as giving him unsolicited advice or infantilizing him a little. Cloche walks by Epel, making sure he doesn’t act out of line or else Vil will give him another scolding to again. She’d go out of her way to preen him (fix his hair, bow tie, clothes), even if she knows Epel hates it. Epel can tolerate handle a bit of annoyance if it means he wouldn’t get in trouble, right? Cloche would make more of an effort to talk to Epel and ask him about his likes and interests— but her hollow tone of voice and token-sounding praises turn him away. With this Cloche, she means it when she says “tell me more, I’m listening”.
“I don’t think being compared to the Crabapple is a bad thing, Master Epel. The crabapple— Malus fusca, is a wonderful species. I don’t know about Twisted Wonderland, but there are groups from my world that cherish this plant for its medicinal properties and spiritual symbolism.”
[Notes: This was kinda fun! Kinda winged it so I hope it’s coherent?? If you made it this far- thank you!! I’d be happy to answer questions if there are any :0 Feel free to suggest a ship or even throw an OC]
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nami-moittli · 7 months
Okay, since [3] people liked my post, here’s the charts for my
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Though, I will admit, I feel like the shojou influence may lessen after the first group, but oh well. It’s the drama filled romance twst AU.
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So, the freshman gang is the main one, along with the only one I bothered to add text in the image itself.
These guys are also the only ones who have any real semblance of a plot going on, and I imagine if this was an actual shojou romance anime, there’d be two seasons, so dynamics get changed and two more characters (Grim and Yuu!) get added into the mix. But I haven’t made that chart yet, so I won’t talk about it unless someone asks
Anyway, Ortho would be the main character here, as she was the reason why I decided to make this AU at all lol. (Btw, she’s 16 just like everyone else here, so don’t worry about it) Epel and her are best friends and as such I decided to give him his own side plot as well!
Since I wanted Ortho and Epel to already be established as best friends, I decided to mash their hometowns closer together, and I also wanted to make them know Vil for awhile too, so Idia, Ortho, Epel, Vil & Jack have all known each other since elementary. The others they only met in HS. Why? It’s probably a really prestigious one like in canon or smth, idk
Bc of this, Epel’s been crushing on Jack since, idk, elementary? Middle school? Awhile now, that’s for sure. Ortho’s been making fun of him for not being able to confess for years now, and he finally decided to ask him out in HS, but by the planned time comes, Oops! He likes Sebek now too! Ortho is understanding, but loves to make references to cringy manga and anime that have love triangles/harems in it. That is, until she falls for both Ace and Deuce, and suddenly Epel can have payback.
There’s definitely more to this, but that’s all I feel like writing about rn for them.
Onto the next ones!
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Now this description will have less in it cause I definitely think of these guys the least, but I will say that one love square ends in two couples, and the other in polyamory, so,that’s fun!
Also, to balance out the gender ratio, Jade and Floyd are Jade and Floyd, Riddle, Kalim, Azul, Jamil & Ruggie are all girls. Silver can be the token guy. Or I could change my mind and make her a girl. Idk.
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I do have a bit more to say about the juniors tho!
First off, I didn’t know where to fit in Cater & Trey, so they’re kinda just in the background. Maybe Trey & Vil had smth but now Trey and Cater are dating? Idk, but they’re here!
Anyway, back to the exes, yk how I said that Vil, Jack, Idia, Ortho & Epel all knew each other? Yeah, back in middle school, Idia and Vil dated for, around a (school) year (plus summer) I wanna say? Maybe a bit less than that. But in their freshman year they broke up, leaving them not really speaking, then about two weeks later Vil and Leona started dating, so that just kinda rubbed salt in the wound for Idia and he went back to staying in his room 24/7 again. Though he does show up at school more often than his canon counterpart does, I feel. Simply bc this is supposed to be a no magic AU, so flying tablets are a bit harder to get from class to class with lmao
Anyway, after who knows how long, maybe for like 6 months or so? Vil and Leona break up. Not sure how long after that, maybe a month, little more than that? Anyway, then Leona and Malleus date for like, a week? Idk, Leo & Mal remind me of two middle school boys who hate each other, so do with that as you will lol
Second year maybe you could fit in the Trey thing but idk. Anyway, Vil & Rook have been going strong since then, and Idia’s recently gained a crush on Malleus. Shenanigans ensue
The only other thing I’ll note is that Lilia doesn’t attend school with his kids, maybe he’s a teacher? Part-time substitute? Idk, but just like in canon he’s Mal & Silver’s dad (and Sebek’s too lol) and online friends with Idia. So that’s fun!
Anyway, that’s all for now, if anyone wants to know more, feel free to ask!
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grimreaperems15 · 2 years
This also reminds me of when an egg beat Kylie Jenner as the most liked photo in Instagram. So I don't know if it'd be funnier to tell Vil about it or to convince idia to like fuck with a system and have the same thing happen in Twisted.
Okay so here’s how I imagine this scenario going down:
Melody is scrolling through Magicam when she sees one of Vil’s posts of himself getting millions of likes
She then remembers how an egg became the most liked photo on Instagram, beating Kylie Jenner
Since she isn’t sure which photo of Vil has the most likes cause he posts so much, she decides to try and see if a picture of an egg can get more likes than Vil’s recent post just to troll him
Her justification: The other day she was trying to show Grim how much Pocky (or whatever the equivalent of Pocky is in Twisted Wonderland) she could fit in her mouth during their lunch break
Vil happens to walk by and sees what Melody is doing, promptly marches over and makes her spit them out, confiscating the sweet snack and throwing it in the trash while telling her that she could choke by doing that and that she needs to cut back on the sweets
Melody of course is not happy about this (when is she ever when Vil lectures her) and decides to prank him
With her idea, she goes to visit Idia and tells him about her plan
Idia, thinking it’s a great idea, having remembered all the times Vil has lectured him (also cause he sees Melody as his best friend and one of his gaming buddies)
Both of them snicker as Idia makes a fake Magicam account while sending messages across other social media websites about having a picture of an egg getting more likes than one of Vil’s selfies and commenting “egg🥚” on one of his posts
The Next Day:
Vil posts a photo of himself as usual to Magicam, getting millions of likes, only this time, something is a bit…off in the comments
Usually the comments are filled with adoring fans telling Vil how beautiful/handsome he is
While those comments are there, there are many that just say “egg🥚” , often accompanied by the tag @egg
When someone taps on the tagged account, they are directed to a Magicam page with one singular photo on it: a stock image of an egg
Vil is confused. What is this nonsense about an egg getting more likes?
At NRC, all the students can talk about is the egg, telling all their friends to like the picture of an egg and comment “egg🥚” on Vil’s photo
Thinking on who would possibly do something like this, Vil came to one conclusion
The culprit was Melody
Melody often acted childish around him, sticking her tongue out at him behind his back when she thought he wasn’t looking and running off whenever he tried to fix the mismatched buttons on her uniform or brush her hair (she doesn’t like brushing her hair. Think of Epel but a lot more feral in some ways.)
Deciding to confront her, Vil stands right behind her at lunch as she is sitting at one of the tables with Grim, Ace, and Deuce, laughing about the egg
Gripping Melody’s shoulder tightly, he tells her with a very tight smile and gritted teeth that they needed to talk, a menacing aura radiating off him scaring the others at the table
Melody agrees to go with a smile on her face, knowing that she is totally busted as the two of them leave the cafeteria and go out to the courtyard
However, she’s no snitch
While Melody does confess to coming up with the idea, she doesn’t rat Idia out
With a sigh, Vil tells her that she is too old to be pulling off these childish pranks
As punishment, Vil makes Melody sit still on a bench while he brushes and styles her hair, Melody scowling the entire time as Vil brushes the knots out of her hair
While he suspects that someone else helped her, he decides to not press the issue as he knows she is loyal to her friends
The Aftermath:
The egg ended up getting more likes than Vil’s selfie
Sorry this took awhile! I wanted to try and flush out this idea more with what would happen! I hope you enjoyed it! 😊
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How Vil sees Melody 😂
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kyupidos · 1 year
08/??/23’s delivery 🏹✉️ twisted wonderland
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a crush on youヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ,ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ ;; summary. ‘how they are when they find themselves infatuated with you.’
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characters. heartslabyul : riddle rosehearts , trey clover , cater diamond , ace trappola , deuce spade ( separate ) ;; romantic . 🖇️ tags. reader is gender neutral ( you/your ), reader is yuu, light angst ( cough cater cough ) romantic fluff
📡 _a/n. ahh finally, a romantic, basic as the premise may be. anyway..heartslabyul, my second fave dorm! i’m surprised i haven’t done something for them sooner, but better late than never.
— i honestly think of him to be one of those people who struggle a bit as to figuring out whether or not they really do have romantic interest in a person. also, i don’t think he’s really open to the idea at first either, whether because he isn’t sure of being in a relationship or because of his own personal reasons.
— though, he will eventually end up accepting this fact— sooner or later. and i imagine the feelings all start from the very moment he takes a step forward to fix your tie in book 2. honestly, i can’t imagine it happening at any other time. it just seems right, you know? ( but that’s just when it starts, trust me. there’s lots more happening that gets him to realize his interest in you. )
— really, it’s just something about that single moment that gets him. it felt like nothing at the time, after all he was just fixing your unruly appearance, as he said then. but if it were to even cross his mind now, after everything that’s happened between you since then, his face feels hot and his heart feels like it’s beating faster than it should be. and for some reason one of his first fleeting thoughts is, ‘can i make that happen again?’
— it’s probably after some time of this happening late at night when he’s trying to sleep that he slowly but surely gets the hint as to what’s going on with him. and the idea gnaws at him ever since he comes to that realization. would he like to be in a relationship with you, a real and committed one? would he be up to the task of making you happy, like he longs to do?
— truly, he’s not sure. not about the former question, he really does think he wants to be with you, he knows that now. but as for the latter..it might take a bit of convincing from trey and cater, and perhaps a bit of pushing from you too, especially if you fell first, but eventually, he will finally be able to get it through that he’s ready to confess to you.
— trey, i think, is someone who’s just a bit more emotionally aware with romance than the rest of the quintet. he comes to realize and accept his feelings for you far quicker than most might, and he certainly shows it as well. when exactly does he fall for you? i can’t think of a specific moment, really. he just..does, after the time he’s spent with you and the things he’s done with you.
— although, while he may be more accepting of his feelings than others, it may take him some time to relay that to you. he’s a bit worried as to whether or not you’d really accept his feelings for you, so he relaxes and tries to observe you more to see if you feel the same way. before anything else, he wants to make sure.
— it’ll take a week, maybe two. he hangs out with you a bit more than he usually does in this time, smiling all the while as he talks with you and bakes with you, even if you’re not all that good at it. he might even find it in him to ask ace or deuce about your feelings, but won’t fret if you knew he might beforehand and made sure the two wouldn’t end up spilling the beans.
— and, eventually, he’s ready. he knows for a fact that he likes, or perhaps even loves you, and he’s quite sure that he can provide for you too. he’s well aware of your highs and lows, the tumbles you’ve taken and the mountains you’ve climbed whether with ease or strain. he’s seen much of you, yet even so, all he hopes is that you can accept his request to be with you.
— social media lover cater diamond, is in some ways similar to trey with romance and yet in other ways also extremely different. surely, he’ll realize his feelings rather quickly, albeit those feelings wouldn’t have formed quick. though whether or not he’s ready to accept those feelings is a rather..different story.
— there’s no doubt in my mind that he wants to start a relationship with you. i’m sure he does, after all he didn’t willingly get close to you and let you get close to him for no reason. that’s not something he does for random strangers that he knows he’ll never see again. but honestly, there’s a part of him that just doesn’t know.
— he doesn’t know if he’s ready to commit to a relationship, even if he wants to for you. he has to admit, he’s not sure if he’s ready to even be honest with himself, let alone for another person that he’s romantically involved with. so, just like with riddle and trey, it’ll take some time. some nights, some weeks, or perhaps it’ll even take him some months.
— in all seriousness, his mind is racing with questions for how to deal with his love for you, a love he can’t even be sure is requited. he’s probably going to look for advice online, asking questions on throw away accounts, vaguely venting about his feelings and love for you on his private account, whatever possible to maybe just ignore whatever has his chest aching.
— before of course he is faced with the only and honestly inevitable solution to all his problems; to take in a deep breath and find it in himself to get over his fears, and tell you. to get over his fears, and tell you about how much he’s in love with you. and that he hopes you feel the same.
— well, this is certainly embarrassing for him if not anything else. or, that’s his first thought, at least. after all, he didn’t even mean to befriend you, let alone fall in love with you. after all, after introducing himself and the great seven to you, what was his first course of action? laughing in your face and calling you lame, of course. so safe to say his feelings for you are at least just a little unexpected, putting it mildly.
— ah, but don’t be fooled, for he is not a fool himself. after fighting a phantom alongside you, asking to sleep with you multiple times ( though teasingly and without bad intent of course ), being saved from work by you and crossing deserts just to get to you, by now there’s no doubt in his mind that he loves you.
— now, what could possibly be his only issue? the fact that he has barely any clue how to get this simple fact across to you. now, he could of course just tell you his feelings..but when were things ever that easy? it’s not like he’s scared to, no, that’s not it. he’d certainly rather admit all his wrongdoings and rule breakings to riddle because really, he truly isn’t scared.
— but every time he finds himself trying to tell you, trying to catch you in a setting that’s as romantic as possible, too ( because he has experience! he had a girlfriend in middle school after all! ), he simply..doesn’t say anything. and he gets angry at himself every time because it’s so, so, simple, and yet the words get caught in his throat every single time.
— eventually, though. eventually he’s going to be able to find you at a time that makes sense and has the perfect atmosphere for what he’s planning, and he might fumble with his words, but eventually, he’s going to tell you those few simple words he’s always been meaning to say. ‘i love you.’
— as for deuce, he’s likely one of the more unsure and inexperienced among the quintet. after all, he was a delinquent for most of his time before night raven. whatever attraction a person might have had for him would never have the chance to be spoken aloud, considering his intimidating demeanor to just about everyone.
— he’s a changed person now, though, and he intends to see that through. honestly he’s most likely the most in love with you of the quintet, especially in game. inviting the prefect out on a secret date for your birthday isn’t the most slick way to profess that, deuce. still got to love for those moments though, because he’s trying and he’s succeeding.
— truth be told that with him, it’s all about learning. he’s doing his best to become a good person, and he hopes you can be there to watch him grow too, so that maybe he can also do his best to become a good boyfriend. that’s all he wants, to be in a loving relationship with the person he’s come to love so much.
— surprisingly, his confession is most likely the quickest to happen out of the quintet, even despite the fact that he’s a little late to processing his feelings. he takes a few deep breaths, makes sure he looks presentable, as a model student would, and though his appearance doesn’t exactly match his rather nervous behavior, he sucks up all his nerves and tells you clearly without misconception, that he hopes you can accept his request to be his partner.
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acey-wacey · 2 years
if it's not too much trouble, would I be able to request the first years trying to confess to a dense reader? (if ur requests happen to be closed then feel free to ignore this lol)
It's no trouble at all, lovely! Thank you for requesting!
❤️ Ace Trappola ❤️
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To be completely honest, Ace has liked you since you got him and Grim out of big trouble on the first day.
Ever since, he's been flirting shamelessly, hoping you would get the hint.
Every time he flirts with you though, you just smile and roll your eyes.
You think that's just how he is with everyone and that it doesn't mean he likes you, even though he very obviously does.
After months of flirting with no response, Ace finally decided to up his game.
He would come to class every day with your favorite candy or a treat snuck from the Heartslabyul kitchen.
You definitely appreciated the treats but you figured he was trying to butter you up for his next ridiculous scheme.
When you finally told him your assumptions, he was speechless.
Is that really what you think of him?
Yeah, he's a little mischievous but he's not that shallow.
"It's because I like you! Queens, Y/N! I'm only like this for you because I really, really like you!"
Now you were speechless.
He had liked you this whole time?
A part of you always knew in the back of your head but you continuously pushed it away, too afraid to let yourself get your hopes up.
But here he was, confessing his love to you just like you had imagined.
Years later, he would still be teasing you about how you were so slow to realize his feelings.
♠️ Deuce Spade ♠️
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The pair of you are rather oblivious.
Both you and Deuce been trying to confess for almost 2 years but neither of you get the hint.
Ace has to hear lovestruck ranting from both sides and he's sick of it but he promised not to say a word.
It's so frustrating to watch you dance circles around each other with no idea that you could be dating already.
After Ace, finally fed up, hypes up Deuce to confess to you, the blue-haired boy decides to ask you on a date.
As you can guess, it goes very poorly.
Despite practicing numerous times in his mirror, as soon as he spotted you, he started to get increasingly nervous.
You just looked at him, thoroughly confused, as he stuttered through what should've been a confession.
He meant to start with "you have really pretty eyes" but instead he just said "you... you have eyes".
You raised an eyebrow, concerned at his radiating nervousness.
You assumed it was because he was intimidated of you, though why an ex-punk would be intimidated of his magic-less best friend of 2 years, Seven knows.
You apologized for making him uncomfortable and turned to leave.
He grabbed your hand and spun you around to face him, a panicked look on his face.
He closed his eyes and nearly yelled at you,
"I like you, Y/N! Please go out with me!"
You were stunned for a moment but your expression quickly broke into a wide grin.
You pulled Deuce into a hug which surprised him greatly.
He had expected rejection but this was so much better.
🐺 Jack Howl 🐺
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Now you knew when you met Jack that he kept his cards pretty close to his chest.
It took you a while just to break his shell enough to befriend him but once you got to know him, it wasn't long before you developed a big fat crush.
You tried to bottle up your feelings since you knew you didn't have a chance with someone so attractive and admirable.
Little did you know, Jack was doing the exact same thing because there was no way someone as kind and brave as you would go for a jock like him.
Despite being so determined not to be more than friends, you couldn't keep your distance no matter how hard you tried.
Jack has always been very subtle with his affections, not wanting to be too obvious but still hoping to see that smile on your face.
He makes time to see you, despite being busy all the time.
He even goes out of his way to walk you to your classes even though he needs to be on the other side of the school.
Though he is always content to just listen to you talk, he's more inclined to have an actual conversation with you than anyone else.
You, of course, haven't noticed that any of these things are out of the ordinary.
This is just how he treated all his friends, right?
You feel a sliver of doubt and decide to consult Ace and Deuce.
As soon as you bring it up, they give a hard no, a little jealous that you get the pampered treatment from their tsundere friend.
Neither of them want to spoil the surprise but that won't stop them from nagging Jack until he says something.
He finally got sick of them and marched right up to you.
"Y/N, I like you."
*cricket noises*
"Oh, like friends?"
He actually facepalmed right in front of you.
When you looked at him again like a lost puppy, he gently grabbed your shoulders and looked you straight in the eye.
"If you would let me, I would kiss you right now."
*more cricket noises*
"So not like friends?"
He's never going to emotionally recover from this.
🍏 Epel Felmier 🍏
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Initially, you only noticed his charming appearance.
Once you got to talk to him though, he let you know that he hated when people called his pretty.
You tried your hardest to repress your feelings but the more you got to know him, the more attractive he became.
At first, it was just because he was pretty but once you became friends, you fell in love with a whole different side of the "delicate flower".
Once he felt more comfortable around you, he began sharing more about his life in Harveston and you couldn't help but smile.
His accent is so cute and you think it's incredibly admirable how he wants to become stronger.
You're one of the only people he really feels comfortable around.
He feels like he can tell you anything and you won't judge him.
Eventually, he realizes with an italicized "oh" that he really, really likes you.
Upon this revelation, he does the worst possible think any lovestruck individual could possibly do.
He asks Rook Hunt for advice.
Rook obviously has very old-fashioned and romantic ideals.
He suggests a serenade outside your window, which Epel doesn't really like but agrees to it anyway all for the chance to impress you.
In the dead of night, you heard a clink on your window.
You opened the window to find Epel standing below with a bright red face.
He attempted to serenade you in a "princely manner", as Rook had suggested, but he got too embarrassed and buried his face in his hands.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. This was stupid. I just... I just like you a lot."
Your eyes widened in surprise as the boy turned away in mortification.
You yelled, stopping him in his tracks.
"Wait right there!"
You ran away from your window and bolted down the stairs, not bothering to shut the door behind you.
You hurtled toward Epel, not caring when he shrieked as you toppled him over with a hug.
"I like you a lot too, Epel."
"Because I'm pretty?"
You swatted his shoulder for that.
"That too."
🐊 Sebek Zigvolt 🐊
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Sebek is honestly the densest one here.
He won't even admit that he likes a human.
Sure, his stomach feels all funny when he sees you and all he wants to do is impress you and sometimes in class, he zones off thinking about holding you but he definitely doesn't like you!
Because of the way he is dead set on not getting close to you, you automatically assume that he hates you.
I mean, he practically recites "humans are inferior" like a mantra on the daily.
You attempt to keep your distance but you're drawn to the half-fae like moth to flame.
Despite your reservations, you keep trying to make friends with him, which isn't doing wonders for his heart.
Eventually, the perpetual heart palpitations when you're near become too great for Sebek to ignore.
He had to tell you about his feelings.
He is physically incapable of telling you in person without his face turning red so he writes you a letter.
"Dear Y/N,
I regret to inform you that I have, as Lilia says, fallen for you. Though it is against my better judgement that I have developed these feelings for you, I write you this letter in the hopes that it will provide me peace of mind. I do not anticipate a reply of any sorts nor do I expect you to reciprocate said feelings but I only wish for you to know the way you make me feel. When I see you, my heart palpitates excessively and I cannot seem to find the right words. Though I have my reservations against humans, you have made me feel more nervous and excited than anyone in the world. You may do with this letter what you will. Perhaps burn it. Yes, please burn it.
Yours Truly, Sebek Zigvolt"
You were shocked when you received the letter but after reading the contents, you realized it must not have been meant for you.
You found Sebek and handed the letter back to him.
"I believe you made a mistake and sent this to the wrong person. I'm very sorry for reading it, but whoever it's for must be pretty special, huh?"
"Yes, they are."
You were entirely taken aback by the intense look on Sebek's face.
"I don't make mistakes, human."
You felt heat begin to fill your cheeks.
"So all that in the letter..."
"It's meant for you."
"...I make you feel nervous and excited?"
"I said to burn it!"
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ariyucake · 2 years
Hello since i couldnt find if ur requests are open You can delete this (also if it goes agaisnt your rules)
Ehem. Soft Yan!Riddle with an mc who thinks he's hot while angry and doesnt really mind his Yandere behavior since they wanna be pampered and protected by him
- - > I've never done a soft yandere before but I hope this fic is just how you'd imagine how I'd write it, aha (´∀`;)
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- - > 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 [ 𝐆𝐍 ] 𝐌𝐂 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 ' 𝐡𝐨𝐭 ' 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐫 '𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐦 .
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┊How in the world do you find it hot when he's angry ? ? ? Is it because his voice becomes - * get's slapped by air * ahem . . . I mean, is it because of how adorable or y'know . . . whatever your reason is, I don't know how to explain it . What type of kink do you have there, dear GN reader ?
┊Riddle feels really happy when you accept his confession saying that you don't mind of his obsessive behaviour while being tied to a chair, the ropes weren't tied tightly tho .
┊His mama doesn't like you tho, whatever, he can just go off with her head and you both can have your happily ever after, nice .
┊Trey is just watching you and Riddle eat together and do everything together, he's impressed that you're not getting bored of Riddle as you two did almost the same things everyday together, he'd sweat dropped whenever you tell him that Riddle was the most adorable person you've ever met, while Riddle is punishing a random student for going near you to just simply talk to you .
┊Cater sees you both in the most awkward way ever . Yeah you two look adorable and all but whenever Riddle uh . . . ' punishes ' someone for going near, trying to talk, trying to steal, and trying to take just any pictures of you . . . he slowly disappears into thin air as you congratulate Riddle for successfully getting rid of those creeps and he smiles softly at you whenever you praise him, woo .
┊Deuce is too busy causing trouble, but whenever he causes trouble including you in it . . . he's in for a lot of chores now . Pray for him to not get heavier punishments . . .
┊Ace looks at you both and sweat drops as he does so, he's always responsible for dragging you into trouble and get's double the punishment than Deuce, you do forgive him but Riddle doesn't . Riddle sometimes do lessen Ace's punishment . . . but not always little potato .
┊Does Riddle think you and him would be a perfect couple ? Yes, yes, yes . . . and he's actually correct, you both look cute together <3 You sometimes join in to punish those weird creeps with him, nice .
┊Riddle treats you gently and delicately like you're a very fragile thing, in which, you aren't since you're human like him, but he doesn't think that way since , , , y'know, he's such a soft yandere for you and all <3
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- - > This was one of my favourite requests, happy that you requested it lolz .
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floral-poisons · 3 years
*crashes in* Hi Flora (I don't know what name to call you by but if there is a name you prefer over the one I just shortened from your url, please do tell me-)! May I please ask for hand-holding hcs with the first-years (separate, gender-neutral)? Would they initiate it or does reader-san have to do it first? How would they feel about it, and would they be reticent of their feelings? These questions are just little ideas to get you going- And you're free to decline this if you're not up to it :3
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hey alice!! you can call me whatever you want. floral, flora, pois, florpois (as my twst username is in-game). just whatever you want really. but of course you can get hand holding head canons!!
sebek’s calm and cool. he’s very well composed emotionally and therefore, he wouldn’t initiate handholding at first. i would imagine he’s not the biggest fan of pda so if you want to hold his hand, you’re going to have to do it. he’s also definitely confused about his feelings at first. so he’s definitely reticent and you might believe he doesn’t feel the same way. but after clarifications one day after school, sebek assures you that he really likes you and he would like to hold your hand.
ace is terrible at trying to stay calm with his emotions. you notice that his cheeks are always red and ears were pink. he’s always embarrassed around you. but you didn’t realize that he had a crush on you until trey and cater pointed it out. well that’s what happens when you’re a little bit oblivious! that’s okay. honestly, either one of you could initiate hand holding. you probably hold his hand randomly one day which causes him to become as red as a tomato. but he smiles as he squeezes your hand back while you go on a rant about pies.
deuce, most definitely, is not reticent. he’s going to make it very obvious that he likes you and say it to your face upfront. he’ll have a little bit of a pink blush dusting his cheeks as he admits it and then asks to hold your hand. it makes you laugh as you nod. he takes your hand and the two of you enjoy each other’s company. it’s a lot more straight forward than ace.
epel’s hiding his emotions very well. his face? you can’t read it. you don’t know what he’s thinking half the time. but what’s glaringly obvious is how much you like him. and how much he likes you. and that’s only visible to vil and rook who tease him about it on occasion. epel, i presume, is quite shy about his affection. so you’re going to need to initiate hand holding first if you want to hold his hand. he gets a little flustered but easily accepts it, squeezing your hand back.
jack does a lot of self reflection whenever he has the time. running lets his thoughts wander. he thinks back to the time you guys held hands. jack is most certainly not the most expressive but he makes it quite obvious that he likes you. he thinks it’s cowardly to hide his feelings so when he figures it out, he goes straight up to you to confess that he likes you. jack’s also the one to initiate handholding and he doesn’t really consider it pda so he does it all the time.
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fairestwriting · 4 years
Hello! Welcome to the twisted wonderland community! I really loved reading your head canons you have up 👏👏😍😍
Can I request headcannon with malleus, Vil, riddle, and rook with their s/o (feMC preferred but GN is okay too) in a soulmate Au? It doesn’t matter the type (red strings, words, etc) I just want them happy and loved 🥰
thanks so much!! im glad you enjoyed them ^_^<3 i’m doing a different soulmate au type for each one of them, i hope you like it!
Malleus Draconia
Lilia tells him about the red string of fate forever ago, when he was rather young, and since then, it’d never left his mind.
A part of him didn’t think he’d ever find his soulmate. It felt like just a silly little tale. He’s alone all the time, no one seems to truly want him anywhere, so how would he actually find his supposed soulmate? It just didn’t feel realistic.
How would he even feel when he met them, too? He’s heard all that whispering about it, people saying how it’s like electricity goes through your body the moment your eyes meet for the first time. As Malleus ages, he sort of just doesn’t believe that existed, having lived for so long without feeling anything like it, and he thought it was fine this way.
So you can imagine how floored he was when he was taking a stroll around Ramshackle Dorm, and he just happened to bump onto her.
Malleus knows not to show it, but it felt like seeing colors for the first time. Immediately, he feels his heart sink at the possibility that you’d be scared of him -- But he sees how your eyes gleam, knowing you’ve met the one.
Your introduction to each other is a little strange. Malleus is uneasy in a very unique way, he keeps his poise, but is very careful to not scare you off. He hesitates on giving you his name, but you tell him yours fearlessly as he helps you up after running into him, the feeling of your hand on his making him feel warm.
You’ll have to take it slow, he’ll want to follow at least some fae courting traditions to be sure he’s doing everything properly, but while he’s not ready to call you his yet, he’ll be happy to take you for night walks, holding your hand and watching your eyes sparkle as you talk about something you love. It’s really love at first sight for him.
Vil Schoenheit
It takes him a while to warm up even to the concept of soulmates itself.
Vil just doesn't like the idea of something that can't change with effort. What if his soulmate interfered with his work? Would he still have to be bound to them despite that, just because fate said so? He stares at the name on his wrist with narrow eyes. He's convinced he'll bend fate if he needs to, refusing to be with his so-called soulmate to continue his pursuit of beauty.
Still, he always feels this weird longing when looking at the name on his wrist. He wouldn't say it out loud but just your name makes him feel a little fuzzy, it sounds beautiful in his mind.
When you meet, he's busy as usual, it's VDC season, so he's setting up the application area with Rook in a classroom when you walk in with your friends who wanted to audition.
Oh, look, it's that girl people talked about. He doesn't think much of it at first, he should be leaving the classroom now, actually, to take care of something else, but then you introduce yourself as you talk to Rook, and the name he's thought about so much rings in his head.
He glances at you before he leaves, discreetly checks the name on his wrist just to confirm. It really is you, and he feels so strange about it -- Have you noticed who he was, too? What would you do about it?
Won't outright pursue you, again, he doesn't believe in fate very strongly, but he couldn't deny that he's interested. Whether you were there to perform or to support your friends who would, you two end up seeing each other a lot, and he's surprised to find that your presence feels so relaxing.
It'll take him a while, but Vil will end up learning that it's okay for him to just let things run their course this time. The more he learns about you, the more you feel like home. The day where you finally talk about being soulmates is happy and warm, and whether Vil confesses to you or you confess to him, he'll find himself being very glad he's finally met you.
Riddle Rosehearts
Having a timer on your arm means the constant awareness that as soon as its out, you’re meeting the person you’re meant to love. Riddle did think about it often as he grew up, but after he becomes Heartslabyul’s dorm head, he doesn’t think much about having a soulmate -- That is, until the first Unbirthday Party of his second year.
He’s walking around, making sure everything’s in place, when suddenly you walk in after the two new freshman, Ace and Deuce. He’d heard about you before, the first girl to attend NRC since forever. The second your eyes meet, he gets a strange feeling, instinctively knowing what it was about -- And he lifts up his sleeve, discreetly checking the time, to see it had ran out.
Riddle isn’t sure how to approach you. You might be sort of scared of him at this point, being the strict dorm leader that he was, and he does his best to keep his composure in front of other students. But because you’re often at Heartslabyul, he ends up having to see you a lot, and his heart races, he really wants to get to know you, despite everything. He wonders if you’ve noticed your timer ran out, too. 
Doesn’t bring up the fact that you’re soulmates until he gets to take you out on at least one date, though. He just wants to take it slow, romantic love feels sort of alien to him at first, but everything about you makes his heart melt. He plans out the confession, taking you out for tea that day, but ends up just blurting it out, face red and hand shaking as he holds the cup.
After that, early dating might be a little awkward, romantic love feels a bit alien to him. Riddle does his very best, though, and knowing you’re meant to be, he’s determined to make you the happiest girl in the world.
Rook Hunt
Being unable to see colors until you meet your fated pair is something a bit bothersome for life as a hunter, but Rook makes it work.
While he hasn’t met you, he finds the thought of having a one true love waiting for you somewhere quite exciting, and thinks about it often. What sort of person would she be? What are the things she loves? What does she look like? Questions about you are in his mind often. Regardless, he’s sure that no matter what their answers are, you’ll be the most beautiful person he’s ever laid his eyes on, inside and out.
You meet just outside the Pomefiore dorm, he's about to go outside and you were supposed to deliver some papers, neither of you paying attention to each other until suddenly, the world fills with color for you both.
Rook stops on his tracks. Finally, he's found you! His eyes are so wide, he'll walk up to you and gleefully introduce himself, if you've dropped the papers in shock, he'll pick them up for you and press a chaste kiss to your hand. Here he is, mademoiselle, your very own hunter of love.
He's so excited to meet you. From now on, he'll be around you all the time, determined to win your affections. It does take him a bit to actually fall in love with you, but for the whole time he really wants it to happen, he's happy to have met you, and he honestly feels warm inside at the thought of your presence being the thing that lets him see even more beauty in this world. It's just so magical to him.
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merakiui · 2 years
Lmao not Deuce and Riddle having hedgehog therapy. Riddle lowkey made a new new rule where you can’t disturb the queen on Tuesday’s and Saturday’s all because Ace walked in on him sobbing to the hedgehogs one time and promised him he wouldn’t collar him (that day) to keep him hush hush. Deuce found out and joins because they both drink that maidenless behaviour juice. The others join too , especially Azul, and it just turned into one of those therapy circles sessions. And tbh if Yuu/MC found out they would be proud that they are working on solving their issues, even thought they’re the wrong issues. Also the ones who do get bitches totally (do)n’t take advantage of this and completely wreck you during those times (yea…I got brain rot, damn. I get the vibe that Trey and Rook have definitely tag teamed you in the Heartslabyul kitchen a few times, and when questioned why he’s there (after a session) Rook holds up a little box of sweets saying that Vil asked him to pick it up from Trey. The same applies to the tweets, once Monstro lounge is closed they try to make new recipes for drinks, as per Azul’s wishes, except Jade makes you cockwarm him while he taste tests the drinks, Floyd makes, with you and won’t move or allow you to move until Floyd finally makes one, which is pretty bad when his mood changes and he doesn’t want to make drinks anymore)
I imagine the main question that arises during hedgehog group therapy is: how can we be less maidenless?
(nsfw, cucking, mention of sex tapes)
Trey and Rook absolutely tag team you and they probably make good use of the sweets Trey made beforehand! The risk of getting caught just makes it all the more enticing. Not only do you taste so sweet from the chocolate they spread on your lips like lipstick, you look absolutely ravishing sandwiched between them, with Trey behind and Rook in the front. Riddle and Epel are too busy with the hedgehog group talk to bother with what’s going on in the kitchen, but anyone else in the dorm runs the risk of seeing the explicit scene if they happen to come down looking for a snack. If Trey and Rook seem considerably happier after that and their dorm leaders question it, they just shrug and say something about how exercise really does improve one’s body, mind, and soul. :)
I like to think the twins cuck Azul on a daily basis. <3 They are always going at it with you whenever they have the chance. Meanwhile Azul’s stuck in his feelings because he just can’t work up the courage to confess. And that allows the twins to pull you into the storage closet during work hours for a quickie, slow after hours sex, even sex in Azul’s VIP room when he’s out. They probably record some of it, too, and they have no problems selling it to Azul for the right price. Temptation is a nasty devil and they know just how much Azul cherishes you. What’s worse is that Azul absolutely knows they’re fucking you. This man celebrates having his first naughty dream about you while Jade and Floyd have already fucked you in a dozen positions. He needs to catch up.
Aaaa but cockwarming Jade while he and Floyd come up with new drink concoctions is so good omg. Every time you squirm and insist that he just fuck you already, he’s tutting at you and telling you to be patient. Floyd gets annoyed with your little whines of desperation and he’ll flop back onto the booth cushion with his arms crossed. Now he doesn’t want to make drinks anymore; he’s tired. You’ll be shuddering whenever Jade’s thick cock so much as twitches inside you, but Jade has so much patience so he could do this for hours. Truthfully, he likes seeing you all desperate and teary-eyed as you beg him for release. But he’s also meant to be making drinks, so he’ll have to convince Floyd somehow (if he can even be persuaded out of his foul mood). Your mouth can be used for other things aside from sampling drinks.
Omg and Leona having you ride him in the botanical gardens while fully aware of Malleus’s interest in you. >:) he’ll erase any scent of Malleus and replace it with his own. After all, you’re Leona’s mate. You even agreed, albeit through incoherent ramblings, that you belong to Leona and that he’s the only one for you—that you love his dick and can’t get enough. Good. It looks like his herbivore has come to their senses. 
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