#But the way the fandom absolutely endorses them??? that makes me want to eat my eyes
random-conspiracy · 9 months
Having a normal one with bad shows today ahsahshasa. I know that fandom is a cruel beast but seriously, the third season of Umbrella Academy, the second season of Good Omens, Wednesday, the 60 years aniversary specials of Doctor Who, and something more that I'm probably forgetting.
All of those I was hoping with real genuine curiosity and emotion and was terribly disappointed. THEY HAVE GOOD THINGS don't get me wrong! And I know that's a pleasure to analyse the dynamics and all of that but FOR GOD'S SAKE can someone make a good show?? ahsahshasa
And with all the pain of my heart even the 4th season of my beloved Doom Patrol is (sadly) pretty mid (to not say bad).
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waxingrunes · 9 months
i’m sure you get plenty of asks like these when you receive the shit about bottom remus and top sirius, but i still wanted to send it.
i think the way people continuously have been giving you and others shit for liking a big remus/small sirius or, dom remus/sub sirius dynamic is silly. i’m not deep in this fandom, i enjoy from a distance but it’s rare i see “your side” (for lack of a better phrase) give the other shit like they give you. who fucking cares. personally, i enjoy a bigger, dominant remus, and a smaller, submissive sirius. if i come across art or a fic where remus is subbed out and crying will i be interested? probably not. will i give the creator shit? absolutely not. why? because these people are NOT REAL. this is fiction! and it’s THEIR work. if you want a submissive remus, find a creator that makes that and enjoy their content! don’t try to fucking force a creator who doesn’t do that to switch their style for you or a little subsection of the internet. personally, i don’t believe there’s any harm in a request, but if the creator declines, respect that and move on. don’t hate on their content in a little discord group.
people have their preferences, and at the end of the day we’re all just perverted (a good chunk of us at least) nerds that like dead gay wizards. everyone should just be able to enjoy what they want to enjoy, and let others do the same. there are bigger issues in the world than the size of remus lupin’s dick or whether or not he should be calling sirius daddy. enjoy what you want to enjoy, let people create what they want to create. who fucking cares.
sorry for the rant. rarely scroll along on here and coming across all the shit you’ve been getting irked me and i needed to comment. just know you have plenty of people supporting you making whatever fucking content you want to create. we’re all just happy to see whatever work you give us, you’re talented and that talent is not wasted in the slightest.
Fuck, thank you. You and all the others (I was a bit overwhelmed coming back to all the asks you glorious bunch) have my heart. Happy to be floating around in the relaxed side of the fandom that endorses liking what you want to like. Seek out what does it for you and enjoy it, smear it all over your feeds, eat it for all your meals I don’t care. Online is not fucking real and folk need to let go some of this anger over people busting their nut to something fictional they don’t like.
Also, I’m a big time pervert and love my boys how I love my boys. Big soft boy Remus and smaller smart mouthed Sirius will always be my visual brand, no matter their positions in the bedroom.
My life is busy and full offline so I’ve been lacking in engagement here. Generally, I don’t do well keeping up with social things, I barely scroll anymore, I just like to draw and churn out my boys when my brain gets tickled. But thank you to all the people who have sent me messages, I read all of them just won’t be clogging up my followers feed with all your love because that’s obnoxious and GOOEY.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
i meant white/western audiences are slow to understanding the subtext rather than asian fandoms, when i was a kid i remember most asian countries didnt even have "kiss scenes" in movies or dramas, for us the "subtext" was normal for straight couples too (I've seen a few white folks think cql is a story abt 2 straight friends). the issues with the poor production and it has shit production coz of the budget but the drama wasnt supposed to be a big hit. also like how u just made it the "idol drama"  as if most kdramas and cdramas arent full of idols. I mostly agree with ur cql fandom hate too but to me it seems like u sometimes just want to prove that cql is worse than it is just coz the fans it brought in. I dont blame u either, I've seen some shit metas and the cql fans who hate the novel and call the writer homophobic are also funny. What makes me irritated is that the amount of hate cql gets on here is equal to the amount of hate novel gets, when the drama made alot of things possible for asian LGBTQ audiences. This is the first drama that my gay asian friend (who isnt out) watched with his parents and got them to fall for all the ppl and support the couple. Novels have our imagination in them but dramas need to make a lot of ppl happy and also keep censorship at bay. for me personally cql seems like it made it possible for alot of closeted kids be comfortable talking abt a gay couple with their parents, as novels are limited to a fandom. (Like I've not read a single harry potter book but I've watched 4 of the movies 😚)
I'm not trying to attack u but I'm trying to tell u that just coz the drama brought in a shit ton of weirdos in the fandom it still helped alot more ppl than u can imagine...
Hi anon, 
One thing where we seem to be of a different opinion is that criticising cql as a work of fiction, or highlighting the political economic context surrounding it, in no way negates what it can mean for people. I personally consider that these are completely different matters. These things often have nothing to do with the inherent quality of a thing, or even how good “queer rep” it is--they are relative to people’s specific and personal experiences, or a particular moment in the media landscape. All the things she said holds special meaning to me because it was the first time I got to see two women kiss on tv and it felt revelatory. I vividly remember sitting cross-legged right in front of the tv and refusing to come eat until the end of the music videos--at a time when I could not articulate why I was so fascinated by it. I know that this song is still meaningful for a lot of queer people my age, even if many people hate it for being a straight gaze fantasy. Regardless of what it personally means to me, I’m not going to argue that the music video is a masterpiece, or be blind to the reason why the kiss was included in that music video. CQL is very meaningful to your gay closeted friend, and allowed him to discuss wangxian as a gay couple with his parents, and that’s absolutely great. But I personally think it’s a little bit far-fetched to suppose that the same couldn’t have been said of any other live adaptations of a danmei novel who didn’t shoehorn in a het romance: if the timing had been different, perhaps the first drama with romantic subtext between two male characters he would have seen with his parents would have been Guardians, or the incoming adaptation of TGCF. Hell, H2O was so popular that they might have just watched that one together as well, even if the subtext “romance” is between two side characters. 
Let me be clear as well that I am not trying to argue that MDZS is this groundbreaking piece of fiction wrt “gay rights” or queer representation in China that changes minds and sways public opinion. It’s one of many danmei novels--it just is one that has a lot of literary merit. I simply think it’s disingenuous when people in the western fandom claim that a subtext romance is better “representation” than a canon gay couple who get their happily ever after. CQL is more impactful because it is mainstream, but it does not mean the representation it offers is inherently better. It is also ridiculous sometimes because the hurdles faced by a danmei authors vs the government-backed media giants who benefit financially from putting out censored version of their stories is just..... not something that should be ignored in my opinion.
Asian audiences being more used to romance depicted through subtext does not, at least in my opinion, negate the power of heteronormativity or compulsory heteronormativity to influence readings of that subtext by a portion of the audience. Chinese people are absolutely creative and innovative in the ways in which they manage to circumvent censorship, but a webseries financed by a media giant is not going to be a transgressive attempt to pull the wool over the censors’ eyes--at the end of the day it needs to be a safe investment. 
You seem to suggest that I am hard on CQL for being an idol drama but do not bring the same criticisms to other idol dramas. I find this weird because it’s not like I’ve ever praised an idol drama, and I know I haven’t because I simply don’t think they are competent works of fiction (although sometimes the camera work and editing is at least competent, compared to cql where the production quality is kind of poor). The closest I’ve come to doing that is praising My Mister, which is not in any way an idol drama, but which I suppose features an idol (IU) in the cast. When I said the first jdrama I watched was Hana Yori Dango, that was not an endorsement of how good it was--because honestly it’s one hot mess barely held together by the chemistry between the two leads--it was just a statement of fact. 
I am very critical and judgemental, I’ll give you that, but I don’t think that equates to “hate”. Yes, most of my discussions of CQL sprout from existing discussions within the fandom. But most of my posts indirectly reference or respond to something I saw. What’s the difference between me addressing a common novel fanon and me addressing a common opinion on cql’s virtues? 
TLDR; a work of fiction being significant to people is something to recognise but it should not preclude being able to discuss that work critically, especially wrt how it executes its story since the inherent quality of the work as art has no direct correlation with its impact, be it on individuals or on a specific media landscape. Moreover, the impact of a work on queer people or on the social perception of queer people is not inherently proportional to how “good queer rep” it is: it has usually more to do with the context (ie people don’t remember Brokeback Mountain because it was the best movie with a gay love story ever made until then--there was more at play). 
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pynkhues · 5 years
I adore you+you are such a treasure in the fandom. I was thinking of C&C, how at least twice Rio commandeed attention of the kids easily+Beth was (little?) envious of this. Why/how does he do that so easily? Sexism at work that we take men more seriously/respect them more? The kids see Beth more as a softie? Something else? I
Ah, thank you so much, anon! You’re making me blush.
And totally! Rio does command the kids attention, and Beth is absolutely jealous of it in C&C. I’m so happy that comes across, because it’s a really deliberate thing that I write and a characterisation steeped on my interpretation of canon, haha. So there’s a few reasons for it. 
Firstly, and perhaps most simply, I think Rio is somebody who’s naturally commanding and has a charismatic, collected, authoritative presence that people respond to, whether they realise it or not. In particular when it comes to Beth and her kids, I don’t see that sort of personality as being one they’re used to at all, and while it manifests in Beth both in the show and most of my writing as something she responds strongly to, resents, and tries to emulate (to varying degrees of success), I think the kids are at an age where they just really respond to it. 
The second reason - and probably the main reason - is that I think on a sort of fundamental level, the Boland kids were born into a house where their mother and everything she does was never respected by their father. In not being respected in that way, I think she was both devalued and lost any real authority over the kids.
I actually tend to think about the moment in 1.06 a lot, where Beth comes back from the park and dumps the money on Dean, as being incredibly telling as to the dynamic in that household before Beth’s Boss Bitch Rise, and it’s actually not because of her speech. It’s because:
1. Dean changed the locks without telling her.
2. He could see her struggling with the ‘groceries’ and didn’t bother even offering to help, let alone moving his ass off the couch to do it.
3. He didn’t even pull his attention away from the TV to tell her something that was fundamentally about to change the shape of her days - that he was going to stop working late, and be around more not to help her, but to protect her. 
4. And he did points one and three without ever talking to her about it.
In that, Dean treats Beth as some combination of child, maid and trophy/doll. Which is....pretty indicative of their dynamic overall really. For the kids, seeing your father treat your mother that way - and having your mother ultimately having been complicit in that behaviour for most of your life - not only endorses that behaviour, but I think probably encourages it in them too (i.e. Kenny telling her she can’t do math in 1.02). 
And it’s not just Beth being complicit for years in Dean’s treatment of her, it’s also the fact that she’s a total mollycoddler and I feel like it’s canon Beth really struggles with discipline generally. After all, we’ve seen Ruby and Stan discipline Sara, and Annie discipline Sadie. Beth’s kids misbehaved twice in s2 alone - Jane hiding in the closet while search parties rolled out for her, and Kenny eating the teacher’s cake at school, and in both instances, Beth took all the guilt and blame onto herself and let the kids off the hook. 
This is to say nothing of the fact that there is no way Dean’s ever been anything other than a ‘fun dad’. 
In C&C, Rio’s slowly becoming the primary male figure in the Boland kids’ life, so I’m having a lot of fun exploring how that dynamic rolls out. I think, particularly early on, half of their attention to him is because he’s new and commanding, like I said above, but also because he doesn’t let them off the hook, and he represents a marked shift in their homelife and how Beth’s treated. Rio - at least in C&C - treats housework as something everyone does because everyone lives in the house, and I think respect generally is something that’s incredibly important to him and in how he relates to people. (He is absolutely the sort of dad who if a kid refuses to eat their dinner, they’re either getting it cold for breakfast in the morning, or they’re not going to be making their own meals until they can respect the chef, haha) 
I think Rio’s typically pretty fair too with the kids, and willing to talk things out like we’ve seen him do on the show with both Marcus and Kenny (I am DYING for scenes of Rio with Emma and Jane in s3!) which I think garners him a better response from the kids too as opposed to Beth’s tendency to placate and smooth over and make the kids happy? Like, just as an example off the top of my head, I can see Kenny trying to get out of chores while he’s in exams in highschool because he’s stressed, and Beth immediately getting that and letting him do it, and encouraging him to study, while Rio is like ‘No, let’s sit down and look at your schedule and work out how you can better manage your time so that you can do well in your exams and also mow the lawn, thanks.’
It’s definitely a complicated transition for everyone, particularly since that degree of accountability, and Beth trying to be better at not picking up after everyone and being more of an authority figure, is something they’re all so unused to. It’s certainly something Beth and Rio argue about a lot, a fact made worse by Marcus picking up some of Jane’s bad habits and attitude (and maybe working out on his own that Beth is a much softer touch with punishments and rules than Rio is, haha). 
And the thing is, I think Beth does want to be tougher with them too, just she’s got a lot of history to try and overcome with that, and so much baggage, and it’s really going to take her a long time to get there (if she ever really does at all). 
Phew! That got long! Sorry, anon! Thanks for the question, I hope that answered it. :-) 
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caladhel-iarian · 5 years
LFC Caladhel/Kaito(Final Fantasy Edition)
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What I’m Looking For: People to deal with this curmudgeon. He needs more friends, rivals, enemies, fans, and interaction in general.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV.
Server: Crystal data center, Balmung server.
Venues I Actively Roleplay In: Tumblr, Discord, Google documents.
Favorite Type of RP: I’m not entirely sure what this means, but my favourite stories tend to happen when the ball rolls “from nothing”; as in, little, one-line joke posts that snowball into full-blown story wholly driven by the characters.
Triggers: I have none, but I will respect yours if you do.
**Things I Will Not RP **(IE: NSFW, Torture, Romance, etc.): There is very little that makes me uncomfortable; I have no problems separating writer from the subject matter written and I don’t believe that if you write something, that means you--the author--endorse that topic you’ve written about. That said, I’d like to know your limits so I can work within them to help us create a story we both enjoy writing. I’m not out to make anyone uncomfortable.
RP Strong Points: I’m easy-going, patient, adaptable, and capable of writing stories both episodic slices of life and involved, epic plots. Whatever your preferences, just let me know and I will work with you. 
RP Weak Points: I probably write too much and drone on, so if you feel that way about any of my posts, please let me know; I’ll adapt them to make you more comfortable. I can also be really slow with my posts because I want to give you the best I’m capable of creating. I’m not the greatest with fast-paced posts, but I can try to accommodate if that’s what you prefer.
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IC Information:
Name: To his father’s side of the family who come from Amagawa Prefecture in northern Othard, he is called Fujiwara Kaito ( 藤原介人 ). To his mother’s side of the family in Ishgard, he is called Caladhel Iarian. Although he typically introduces himself as Professor Iarian, he uses Kaito as his stage name for the band.
Race: Elezen.
FC (If Applicable; Picture Optional): Aoi (of the Gazette).
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Can Currently Be Found In: When not on tour with his band, he usually divides his time between Ishgard, Yoshiwara-to, and Kugane.
Would They Be Known: Absolutely. He’s the vocalist for Discordia, a popular band loved all across the Source. In his downtime, he’s also an adjunct professor who teaches in Ishgard during the fall semester and Kugane during the spring semester.
Neat freak.
Control freak.
With an innate talent for frost magic and a deep, abiding love for his mother’s homeland in Ishgard, it’s no wonder why many people assume Dhel must be a snowman. Those who’ve met him often use words such as “cold,” “aloof,” and “icicle up his ass” to describe him, but he has his reasons for being harsh, biting, and slow to open up to others.
Language(s): He’s fluent in both Eorzean Common and Hingashi, and in his spare time, he studies Meracydian and Gelmorran.
Height: Eight feet. 8′. 244cm. They grow ‘em big where he's from.
Body Type: Dhel boasts plenty of lean, ropy muscle and the athletic build of a man who can outrun a cheetah on cocaine.
Eye Color:  A brown so dark they might as well be black. In the sunlight, they sparkle with hints of gold and resemble a tiger’s eye stone.
Hair Color:  Blacker than a moonless night. His hair shines with azure highlights in the sun.
Age: 35.
Notable Scars, Marks, etc:
Thick, knotty scars cover his ankles, his heels, and his soles. They appear to be the results of serrated knives.
A long, thin scar runs up the back of his left calf; it’s the result of a tree-climbing accident as a child.
His knuckles bear the marks from a stupid game of “does it hurt?” he used to play with his brothers and other students when he was a kid. The game involves rubbing a pencil eraser over the knuckles until the victim either cries uncle or bleeds.
A thin scar spans the length of his left palm. Made by Bren’s treasured pocket knife, its’ the reminder of a blood pact he made with his brothers as children.
Tattoos/Piercings: This man is covered in tattoos. Left arm:
Family crest on the inside of his forearm. It’s a massive wisteria tree on a hill with the sun rising behind it.
Infinity symbol curling around his wrist. It looks like a musical staff with several notes.
A trio of fox kits chase a red butterfly down the outside of his forearm.
Musical staff around his bicep. The staff contains notation and a few lyrics written in Hingashi.
Right arm:
Azure Ourobros on the outside of his forearm.
Slumping marionette with severed strings on the outside of his bicep.
Fleur de lis on the inside of his wrist.
A Punch ‘n Judy stage with the titular characters on the inside of his bicep.
Words from his favourite poem on the inside of his forearm.
Full body:
From his jawline to his toes, he is covered in runic tattoos that are only visible when he uses magic. They glow a vivid violet during his spellcasting and should you catch a glimpse of them, the runes come from a language thought long dead.
First Appearances:  An enormous elf in a three-piece suit with impeccable grooming. If his expression isn’t telling the world he eats lemons for every meal, then it’s probably telling you that you’re wasting his time... and his time is not cheap.
What To Expect: Expect him to be a caustic son of a bitch. Dhel is a paranoid, guarded man and he has no interest in sugarcoating anything. Expect the cold, hard truth as he sees it, expect plenty of snark, and expect him to be difficult to get to know. He’s not the sort of grump just waiting for someone to be nice to him so his ice will thaw--don’t expect him to be a sweet, loving person after only a couple of meetings. But if you do manage to get on his good side and work your way into his inner circle, expect him to move heaven and earth for you.
Where I RP: Tumblr, Discord, and Google Docs mostly. I don’t do much RP in-game.
I’ve been told I am intimidating and people are afraid to approach, but I can assure you I am insanely shy and about as intimidating as fighting a feather pillow. I am quiet and have some trouble keeping a conversation going if I think I’m bothering you or think you aren’t interested, but I’m polite and I won’t bite your head off. So if you want to RP with Dhel or any of his brothers, just send a message. Or drop a starter in the inbox. Either way.
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sidespromptblog · 6 years
Morality’s Remorse: Part 1
(Note: This is a sequel to Deceit’s Hunger, if you want to know what the heck is going on here, please read that story before this one. It’s on AO3. That is all.) 
As much as Patton had wished that everything had resolved itself after he had brought Deceit back from the clutches of the dark sides, as much as he had wished that they had gone on to be one big happy family, he couldn’t have been more wrong about it. He couldn’t even lie to himself and say that things were just a little rocky, because there were times when he was in the same room as the others that Roman, as well as Logan, would either just up and leave, or they would refuse to look at him. What hurt the worst though, had to be with Virgil, he had happily watched as Virgil and Deceit professed their love.
When Deceit had been laying on the carpeted floor of the hallway after they had just narrowly escaped Despair’s clutches, he had watched as Virgil cradled Deceit’s face in his hands a look of intense worry curling over his face. Just for that worry to immediately turn to embarrassment on Virgil’s face as soon as Deceit opened his mouth and spoke.
“God I love you…” Was what the deceitful side had uttered, while his eyes had a seemingly impossible amount of wonder, Deceit looked at Virgil like he was looking at the moon and night sky like the first time. Deceit looked at him like he couldn’t believe that Virgil was kneeling there in front of him, like some dark mysterious knight in shining armor, and Virgil looked back at him.
To be honest, it was exceedingly adorable as Virgil had gripped the front of Deceit’s button up shirt, the collision of their lips had been a messy and uncoordinated one but that had seemed to make it all the better for them. As Virgil finally pulled away from the kiss, his eyes were swimming with tears, but at the same time, he had the kind of smile that at one time Patton had only been able to pull out of him.
“Do..Don’t you ever do that again you hear me? Don’t you ever leave me again.”
Another kiss sealed that promise, but all the while Patton’s ribs ached and burned when he breathed in, and as the two new lovers were professing said love Patton attempted to stand up. Just to garner the attention of the others as he finally moved.
A stare, a single solitary stare was what said it all for Patton, the burning stare from Virgil, Logan, and Roman was what had told him right then and there.
The guilt, pain, and near crushing disappointment pressed down on his chest like a heavy stone intent on crushing him. It should have been obvious at that very moment, but it took him nearly a week later to understand what that look meant.
They didn’t forgive him, even with how he had helped Deceit in the end and how he had brought him back to Virgil, they would never forgive him for what he had done in the past.
Patton gripped his pillow now, and biting into it as he heavily breathed out the moral side attempted to muffle the weary sobs that were coming up faster and faster. His ribs protested the actions, as they did with anything that required him to breathe heavily or in this case cry until he had nothing left to cry about. His entire upper torso felt like it had been placed in a vise lately, with practically everyone ignoring him, it had become impossible to make any conversation with anyone.
Even just a hello! At this point, he would take even that if it meant one of the sides would talk to him.
His fingers clenched the fabric of his pillow tighter and tighter, it physically hurt to curl up into a ball at this point, so he just laid there weeping into his feathery soft pillow, as the memories of nostalgia floated freely around him. Trying to suck him in, trying to make him stay, because if he stayed then he wouldn’t have to go back out and see how the others were ignoring him. Come to think of it-
That traitorous line of thinking was one that he would not endorse again, if he stayed here then there was a good chance that he wouldn’t ever leave again, and despite it all, he was needed, Patton, Thomas’ morality was very much needed. Even if the others didn’t like him, and even if they only saw his mistake, he was a needed facet of Thomas’ mind and his critical thinking, as Logan had once told him.
He couldn’t just stay here and never go back out, as tempting as the notion was for him.
It was then that a sharp pain pinched his stomach along with a low grumbling noise, it was usually around the time that he went downstairs to get something to eat for dinner. Adjusting his schedule had taken a while, so that he didn’t accidentally intrude on the others dinner. He had made that mistake once and only once, when he had gone downstairs the moment that he had smelled something absolutely fantastic cooking. Just to find that four plates had put out.
One for Logan, one for Roman, one for Virgil, and...one for Deceit.
They hadn’t even thought about including him or even coming to get him when Roman had finished cooking, and it had hurt all the more to see what else, but spaghetti on their plates, and most likely his own recipe from his cookbook that he kept in the kitchen.
That night he hadn’t cared about the pain in his abdomen as he curled up tight, he tried to remain as silent as possible as he cried. But he had always been a loud crier when he was in any sort of pain, and now it was kind of his downfall, to be honest.
As per usual he took his time when getting up, making sure to take slow and steady breaths as he did, once he was up things went a lot smoother and a lot faster. Creaking the door slowly open, and holding the knob in the usual way so that it squeaks when returned to its original position.
Patton held his breath, listening for the sound of voices downstairs, or any of the usual sounds that came with a group of people occupying one space. Silence answered his own silence. He was good to go.
Although, his careful movements didn’t end with him shutting the door, as he made his way down the stairs, skipping the usual steps that would squeak or groan when stepped on. He would hate for any sound that he made to wake one of the others up, and then..then he’d have to deal with them looking at him, and he wasn’t sure if he could deal with that same flat stare that said nothing and everything all at once.
When he made it to the kitchen Patton felt the sigh of relief that had been pent up inside of him rush out all at once, which certainly didn’t help his sore midsection either. But it was a pain that he learned to ignore for the time being as he made his way over to the fridge.
There’s gotta be some leftovers, maybe I’ll have cereal tonight or..or I’ll cook some eggs or an omelet!
Squinting his eyes at the glare of fridge’s internal light, Patton brightened up at the methodical nature that came with just looking for something to eat. If he was cooking then it was almost like he could pretend that he wasn’t just making food for himself, that he’d have other people to eat with and that he’d get to share. Or that he wasn’t really alone right now.
The suddenness of the new voice started him, making Patton raise his head abruptly thumping it against the top of the fridge before he hastily drew it back out, ignoring the throbbing of his skull as he spun back again.
The words died in his throat at the sight of Deceit, with his hand awkwardly holding his arm while he looked to the floor, Deceit was already in his pajamas. The cute silky button-up pajamas that was spotted with top hats and snakes, and Patton would have made a remark on the outfit, about how it seemed to suit Deceit, or even how the green of the base color brought out the color of the other’s snake eye. He would have, he really would have. But he felt the rubber band ball of those words lodging itself firmly in his throat, refusing to let anything pass.
Deceit must have seen the sheer nervousness on his face on his face, as he then smiled. “Virgil isn’t asleep, I didn’t just come down for a glass of water...can I not join you?” The words despite only some of them being lies, were pretty easy to decipher and the moment that he did, Patton felt his tensed up shoulders sagging in relief before he hastily nodded his head.
Watching Deceit clamber onto the counter, sitting much like Virgil usual would, warmed something inside of Patton. He was being talked to, Deceit was talking to him without giving him that stare, he had smiled at him without a hint of malice.
Deceit though, seemed to watch his every move as he cracked the eggs in the pan, adding chopped up bits of basil, chives, and parsley. Before then adding a good helping of cheese and everything else that normally went into making an omelet. Deceit’s eyes followed the movement of Patton’s hand, as he flipped the cooking egg mixture over and over a few times.
“You know…” The deceitful side eventually broke the silence between them. “I totally told you my name did I?”
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