#But that is to be said You've Got Mail is the best love-story movie ever and I won't be convinced otherwise
Important information. SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE. UPDATING AS I WATCH THE MOVIE ALONG BEAR WITH ME. The film they watched at the hotel is You've Got Mail, this is Sam and Rebecca's story. When they messaged each other not knowing who the other person was. Ted said Sleepless in Seattle was far superior. This is the one where airports play a significant part and it's about a man who lost his wife and has a son finding love again with the woman he never knew until the last second would be the one. He first sees her in an airport and is knocked sideways. By all accounts the last of Ted we will see will be in an airport based on previous seasons with first and last shot being a character’s face in the same location.
Also Rebecca mentioning she has a private jet and the thing with airports; SUSP AS HELL.
Keeley assumed the moment Rebecca spent with Dutch Guy was "Magic" This is also a quote from Sleepless in Seattle. Turns out it was Gezellig instead. But this is definitely where we're going. And that'll either be Dutch Guy or Ted. Both fit the man who lost their partner and have a kid formula. Definitely not Sam. But Ted tripped over the Red String of Fate, has the matchbook, loves Kenny Rogers, bakes the biscuits who are home to her, she carries his army man everywhere she goes. She hasn't been struck by lightning yet which to me means it's not Dutch Guy; Ted is leaving which means her world is about to be turned upside down. I keep the faith. i don't care.
AND there's a tear in Meg Ryan's wedding dress and she says oh no it's a sign to which her mum says "You don't believe in signs!" And Rebecca doesn't really believe in signs either! All the signs have been pointing to different people except the obvious one! They're there so she can see something about herself she completely missed.
FUCK MY LIFE. It's about making wishes!! Tom Hanks' son in the film wishes for his father to find a new wife!! His son is worried about his dad!!!
The psychiatrist on the radio is called Dr. Fieldstone FUUUUUUCK MEEEEE. IT WAS RIGHT THERE ALL ALONG.
Sam and Annie speak the same words at the same time in two different places, soulmatism right there!
Annie thought Sam sounded "Nice" on the radio and Ted is one of the "nicest" humans Rebecca has ever met!!
Quote from a guy : "This is fate, she's divorced and you need a new wife." (not talking about Annie here, it's another woman) "What is that thing when everything intersects?" To which Sam replies: "The Bermuda TRIANGLE."
One woman who writes to Sam after he was on the radio lives in OKLAHOMA!
Dr. Fieldstone tells Sam she can tell he is a good dad just like Beard told Ted!!
One woman says on the radio: "Why do you want to be with someone who doesn't love you?" (Michelle, anyone?)
"Sam, tell me what was so special about your wife?" "It was a million tiny little things then when you added them all up it just meant we were supposed to be together. I knew it the very first time I touched her it was like coming home, only to no home I had ever known!"
Annie asking a friend: "But when you met her (his wife), did you believe she was the only person for you? That in some mystical, cosmic way, it was fated?"
Sam's friend about relationships:
"Things are different, now. First, you have to be friends. You have to like each other."
Annie talks to her best friend about the concept of DESTINY.
Annie hires a private detective to run a background check on Sam!! Ted wanted Rebecca to do it with Dr. Jacob!
Wonderful addition by @doctorbeverlycrusher : Rebecca’s mom said a couple times that when she loves something, she loves it forever. The main song from Sleepless in Seattle, When I Fall in Love, starts with the lyric “When I fall in love, it will be forever”.
Sam's son to his dad: "Jessica says you and Annie never got together in that life, and your hearts are like puzzles with parts out of them and when you get together the puzzle's complete. The reason I know this and you don't is that I'm younger and purer so I'm more in touch with cosmic forces."
There's even a mention of Horticulture!
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We spotted the word Rainbow in the pub game, the romcommunism episode was called Rainbow. Let me leave you with the quote from Ted again.
"Now, it may not work out how you think it will or how you hope it does, but believe me, it will all work out. Exactly as it's supposed to."
I might be setting myself up for disappointment but the writers are building every step up to the cliff egde, baby!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Lasso Talk
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popculturerobots · 1 year
Digimon: The Movie
It's fuckin' wild. Can we talk about it? It was my introduction to Digimon (which is why I use the dub names for everyone, sorry not sorry), and it means a lot to me. There's so much dumb shit that I still love about it. The ridiculous story linking three films using a one-off character from the third one. Kari narrating everything (actually pretty cute). All the bad jokes used to "localize". The gag that Tai and Kari's mother can't cook. Tai apologizing for throwing up in Sora's hat. You've Got Mail!
I know this has already been done to Hell, but I just want to focus in on the soundtrack. So stick with me for a bit.
I rewatched the movie not too long ago and was surprised by how much of the soundtrack I just didn't remember. (like "Rockafeller Skank", what?) I knew the songs, but they just kind of blended into a vague sort of nostalgia. A lot of it probably had to do with how short the song drops were.
There's the "All Star" drop at the end with Endigomon where Willis calls him tone deaf (ouch), and a few other songs drop during battles. I want to point out "Nowhere Near" by Summercamp because T.K. wears shirts with the band name in tri. I also want to shout out "All My Best Friends Are Metalheads" by Less Than Jake because it's a great song by a great band. Ska punk forever.
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It's probably a good thing I don't remember the "Digi Rap" because it's...not great. The "Digimon Theme", however, still gets stuck in my head to this day. It rules. Digimon are the champions. The main motif is also repeated during intense moments by the brass section throughout the score (performed by the Israel Philharmonic, I guess because Saban was US-Israeli). This movie is for sure one of the reasons I'm such a basic bitch for a brass line. That being said, I still prefer Butter-Fly (tri. all cast version best version).
"One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. Yeah, the meme song. It starts playing when Tai's apology email to Sora fails to send and continues through the exposition of where the other DigiDestined are. I thought this drop was so clever when I was younger. Unashamed to say this is a good song that I can sing entirely from memory.
And now the best drop of the entire movie. "The Impression That I Get" by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. Good song, still in my rotation. It plays when Sora gets Tai's email and forgives him (or is implied to, at least) with the opening lines "have you ever been close to tragedy". Yes. And then it cuts to the missile poking out of the water. It tips over to the lyrics "so heavy you collapse". Again, yes. But the lyrics say "no". It's so dumb, and it makes me big dumb smile.
But the wildest part of all this is "Kids in America". Because the DigiDestined are kids and they go to America. Sure, makes sense. But it’s covered by Len. You know, the "Steal My Sunshine" band? Remember them? Well I remember them for the music video at the end of the VHS where the band members go to the premiere of Digimon: The Movie. I vividly remember this thing. The animation that was so bad compared to the movie it followed. The monkey playing congas. The band members sitting in the theatre with Tai and Greymon. Greymon trying to steal popcorn. I don't know who thought this was a good idea, but I hope they're doing well.
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Thanks for reading. Now go listen.
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deedoessurvies · 8 months
When was the last time you read a whole book, to the last page exactly? Im doing that today. my last one has been since like november which is wild. ive just been so busy.
How many times have you had sex within the past two years? Guesstimate? Zero. close but zero.
When was the last time you made up a word? Did people think it was weird? i make up sayings often but they arent necessarily a made up word.
How many times in a month do you go to the movies? How much do you spend? when dating Z its like 2-3x a month.
What is one of those movies that you could never get tired of watching? sleepless in seattle, you've got mail, something borrowed, maid of honor, pride & prejudice
When was the last time you heard thunder? Where were you at anyway? here and a couple months ago. we are very close to rain season
Have you ever begged the opposite sex for anything at all? not that i can recall.
Are there many places to shop in the town you live in? What kinds? my town is small.. there are places to shop like grocery stores and small businesses. theres a habitat for humanity store, a military supply store, uhhh beauty stores, stuff like that.
When was the last time you bought shoes? What do they look like? I bought FRYE boots !!!!!! grandma would be so dang proud. I hope she sees this somehow haha. i got them in january some time.
Do you like surveys with really in-depth questions, like mine? Yeah.i wish there were more.
When was the last time you were in trouble with your parents? im in my 30s so it doesnt really work that way anymore.
Has your boyfriend or girlfriend ever cheated on you? Were you mad or sad? cheating sucks period. just break up with the person.
Do you know anyone who claims to have the ability to see the future? uhhhhh OH funny mini story. so sometimes K will send me letters in the mail. but i guess sometimes his handwriting for my street name is blurred so when that happens it gets sent to this chick like 4 blocks away. anywho, she LEGIT admitted to reading a letter of mine one time (wtf) and she basically fell in love with K for the things he was saying and when she reached out to me on FB to get me the letter, she was like omg i love him, you need to forgive him, yadda yadda. then later on she reached out to me and was like I can read your tarot cards and read your palms and stuff if you want! (wtf) lol
Are you a superstitious person? Have you ever been superstitious before? no.
Do you like any songs from country music? If so, which ones do you like? i love country songs. hundreds and hundreds.
Can people read your facial expressions easily? If so, why is this? typically no, im pretty good at hiding my emotions. not saying that in a proud way, because obviously it is good to feel your feels (within reason right) but nah
When was the last time you went on vacation? Where did you go to? uhhhhhhh golly. over the summer i went to Tennessee so theres that. How many states have you been to in your lifetime? Guesstimate if not sure. i think 26.
When you go to the movies, do you actually watch the movies or not? Oh i watch them. i dont think ive ever not watched them unless its obscenely gory and then ill just close my eyes or something.
What kind of instant messaging service do you use? Why do you use this? usually just messages on my phone. sometimes messenger, google chat, or whatsapp
When was the last time your area had a tornado warning, if ever? last summer.
Have you ever had one of those major fights with your current bf/gf? im currently single. was almost taken but that blew up over distance. i am so over distance.
Does it ever bother you when people use abbreviations for certain words? i very seldom care about the way people type.
Would it creep you out if you walked in on your best friend having sex? creep? no. would i be like SO embarrassed, yes but would i move on from it probably. lol. its natural, whatever.
When was the last time you said ‘I love you?’ Who did you say it to? romantically? C and i say it a lot to one another.
Do you have any of those freaky phobias that make no sense at all? my phobia makes sense.
Do you ever look at random people and think they could be a serial killer? >> YES. when I swipe on dating profiles im like "you have the look of someone who would happily skin another person" lol
Does it scare you when the sky gets really cloudy and dark during the day? no i LOVE IT. give me the clouds, gimme the stormy skies.
What was the last amusement park you went to? Did you have fun? busch gardens. yes, its just so daaaaaaaang hot.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
971. Hey, don’t cry. Everything is okay, see?
Shoutout to @sv926 for prompting this! I think this might be my most fluffy one yet, it is at least under the top 10 XD I had a blast writing this! The warnings are for the first paragraph, but you can skip to the hyphen without losing any plot in the story. Just so you know!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: graphic violence in the first paragraph, nightmares)
Nines was sitting at his desk working. It was a quiet day and people where walking around in the bullpen. Gavin wasn’t there, but weirdly enough that didn’t bother him. He was working. Hank and Connor weren’t there either, although they were always on time because they walked Sumo before work. But that didn’t bother Nines, too. Later he wouldn’t even know if he noticed it before Connor was entering the precinct. He came without Hank, instead members of New Jericho followed him. Nines watched them, standing up and greeting his brother with a hug. Connor was relaxed in his grip and hugged him, too. Nines felt himself smile, then grin, as suddenly his grip wasn’t gentle anymore, but a cage for the other android. He ripped Connors clothes in his back and dug his nails into his synthskin, shattering his hull and pulling it apart to get to the internal systems quickly and effectively. He reached in, closed his hand around his Thirium pump and pressed it close. The pump was crushed, blue viscous liquid bubbling over his fingers hot as blood. He saw Connor’s shocked face, as the dead android fell to the ground. Suddenly Nines had a gun in his hand and shot at the remaining members of New Jericho. One bullet for each. Tearing through Marcus’ central processor, right in between his bicoloured eyes. Shattering the regulator of Simon, leaving him to bleed out on the floor. Piercing North’s Thirium pump. Severing the main cable loom in Josh’s neck. As they had all fallen, Nines was wading through a see of blue blood, the precinct wasn’t there anymore. What was there was a person, face contorted in fear and terror. ‘Nines? Nines!’, Gavin screamed, as the android lifted his gun, red walls and mission parameters keeping him in a tight harness, allowing only the motions that would let him achieve his goal. And he pulled the trigger.
‘-nes! Nines, please, wake up! Wake up, you stupid plastic prick! Nines!’ Nines jolted out of Stasis, ready to fight, to defend himself from what unspoken terror had accompanied him to the waking world. He saw Gavin, alive and well, thank RA9, but an uncomfortably similar grimace of fear on his face. It was then that Nines realised it had been a nightmare and that this was the real world, but it was difficult to shake off the feeling he did something terrible, as his fingers were still coated in something wet. He stared at them, the intense blue piercing in his eyes and his hands began to tremble while his body went into lockdown. He felt his temperature rising together with his stress levels and this was too much, too much, he hadn’t really- ‘It’s yours Nines, it’s your own, listen to me! You hurt yourself in your stasis, that’s why I came to wake you! What happened? A nightmare? Nines, can you hear me?’ Nines heard him, but he couldn’t answer. The pictures from his dream where still too fresh in his mind, those shocked, pained expressions…
Until there were suddenly hands in his own, the slick thirium sticking to them too now. But they hid it from his eyes and they were intact, unhurt, unscathed. It gave him something to focus on. He scanned all those faded cat-bites and scratches, the scarred knuckles from countless fights, some due to his temper, some from his days on the force defending. This olive skin, so rough and still gentle, with so much more details than any Cyberlife designer could ever create. ‘Gavin’, Nines sighed then, impossibly quiet. That name was like a lifeline that pulled his head up, so he looked into his face. ‘Gavin.’ He pushed himself forwards on his knees - yes, they were kneeling, when had he fallen? He pushed himself forwards too meet the man, who had been crouching. His stance was instable and they both fell backwards Gavin planting his ass on the ground. But he held him, as Nines pressed the man close. Only then he remembered the way he “hugged” Connor in his nightmare and he was about to stumble back. But Gavin held him with equal strength and let his hands wander in soothing circles. ‘It’s alright, I am here. We both are. It was a nightmare, Nines. You are alright.’ And that did it. Nines lost all tension in his body and tears filled his eyes, quickly overflowing in deep, shaking sobs. ‘Nines? Hey, Nines? Shhhh it’s alright, buddy. Everything is fine, babe. Darling. Nines, you are crushing me. I’m just a human, I’m not made of steel.’ But Nines couldn’t move. He didn’t want to either. And Gavin answered by just wriggling himself into a better position. ‘Nines? Hey, don’t cry. Everything is okay, see? I’m here. I’m alive. You are too. We are fine. Everything is fine.’
‘Is Connor alive?’ ‘Is- Phck, Nines, yes, I think so? Nothing can kill that asshole.’ Gavin had thought this to help, but it only made the androids sobs worse. ‘Nines, I’m sure your brother is alive. Hank would never let anything happen to him, you know that. And as much as it hurts me to say it, he is a competent son of a bitch, he will survive the apocalypse, hell he already survived one, you hear me? I… I don’t have my phone on me at the moment, but if you let go for a sec, I could call him?’ ‘No!’, Nines grip got harder. ‘Stay.’ Gavin nodded, patting his shoulder. ‘Alright, I’ll stay. Do you want to tell me what happened in this dream? Can I do anything else to help?’ ‘Just stay.’ ‘Alright.’ Nines was slowly calming down and loosened his grip to sit down next to the man, back against their bed. Gavin groaned, stretching his legs. ‘Goddamn, my leg has fallen asleep, shit’, he cursed, then turned to Nines, laying an arm around his shoulders – well, his back as the size difference was a bit of a bitch. ‘Is everything alright, love?’
Nines stared at his hands, the blue blood long evaporated or smeared across Gavin’s back. ‘I… I dreamed about… About my programming returning.’ ‘Shit, babe, come here.’ He scooted closer to the android and leaned into his side. ‘I can only imagine how that feels.’ ‘You- I was in the precinct, but you weren’t there and Connor came and New Jericho too and… and I-I-I killed everyone. I ripped Connor apart and shot the others, I… I killed them all. It was so real.’ ‘But it was just a dream. A bad, a horrible dream. You would never do that!’
‘But what if my programming resurfaces? What if I become the machine again? What if I do wake up some time and start killing. I… How can anyone live with me or feel safe around me? How can you feel safe, I shot you too! I didn’t even hesitate, I-‘ ‘Nines. Look me in the eyes.’ Nines swallowed and obeyed. ‘Do you see any fear?’ ‘No.’ ‘What do you see?’ ‘Worry. Sadness… Love.’ ‘Exactly.’ ‘But I could-‘ ‘No you couldn’t. No one is worried about that Nines. Believe me. They would sooner think Connor would snap than you. And he never had that killing protocol. Hell, if anything they would bet on me starting the killing spree.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because I’m an asshole’, Gavin joked, but got serious very quickly again. ‘Nines, your programming had been deleted. You spent three months with Connor, Markus, Chloe and my stick-up-his-ass brother in your mind, deleting and rewriting you, so you could too have a chance to live. Then you spent two months quarantined with the Andersons and if anyone has their psychopath programming written by an evil overlord-AI resurfacing, it would be in exactly that condition. You served at the force for six months now, the first half of that struggling with my anti-android ass. Believe me, when I say that nothing on this earth could let that programming resurface.’ He took a long breath and thankfully Nines kept silent, knowing there was more to come.
‘Why no one is afraid of you? Hell, only me and the dynamic duo knows of your intended use and your past. I mean everyone else might think you were designed as a soldier from the news or doing some research. Given, you look quite intimidating, alright, but let me tell you one thing: You are the biggest softie mankind ever seen, okay? You are the most gentle, empathic and cute person I know, and I know more than a few people who would immediately agree. Hell, I’m five feet nine and I’m more intimidating than you.’
Nines looked at him, still not convinced. ‘Okay, first of all, your first day, you came into the precinct with a coffee or tea for everyone. I mean, you even knew how they like it and I still don’t want to know what spy-shit you did to find it out. Then you like cats, everyone who likes cats are immediately one rank up for me. But when you said you liked cats, you thought of Sumo and spent half an hour explaining how dogs are also cool, but you just prefer cats. You like kids-movies and those ridiculously sappy girl-movies from the 80s. And you cry every damn time. If you tell jokes, you never tell offending ones and you can’t resist the thrall of shops selling plush toys. You phcking made me quit smoking because you wanted “the maximum amount of time with me”. You tried poetry. I mean they were bad, but honestly? Who writes poetry and isn’t just soft as hell? You never killed a spider or something else disgusting because they are living beings too.’ He took another deep breath, looking at the android. ‘Do I need to phcking continue?’
Nines shook his head, smiling ever so faintly, and Gavin was relieved to see it. If he couldn’t stand one thing then it was knowing Nines was feeling bad. To hell with not letting the people know he had a soft side. If his android was feeling bad, he would comfort the shit out of him, that’s for sure. ‘Also, if you ever did stuff like that, I would totally kick your ass and then you would be sorry!’ That did it and a low chuckle escaped Nines’ throat. ‘I have to give it to you, you’ve got a mad kick.’ ‘Exactly. Now, let’s get these scratches of yours patched up and then try to get some sleep again?’ ‘Yeah. Yeah, I think that would be a good idea.’
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itsany62 · 3 years
SteveTony - Alpha/Beta/Omega
Here are some Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics fics that I love. Don't forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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Births of a Feather, by LoquitorLatinae, 19 k > words, Hurt Tony.
Tony only ever wanted to be an Alpha with bright feathers, a huge wingspan, and attitude. But he was an Omega, and while he still has the attitude, his lot in life as dictated by society leaves a lot to be desired. But he was Tony Stark, and he wasn’t going to let anything get in his way—though he wouldn’t necessarily be against the company of a certain Alpha Capsicle.
Sweet domesticity, by masterlokisev159, 5 k > words.
Steve and Tony have always had their moments, it's just part of being together. They drive each other crazy but at the end of the day they’ll always have each other's backs, in and out of battle. In sickness and in health. That last one isn’t complicated for Steve. Today isn’t an exception.
Two-Point Perspective by FestiveFerret, 109 k > words, Omega Steve Rogers.
Dear omega,
Congratulations! You've been selected. Alpha #95847872 has been assigned as your pre-bondee. A group bonding ceremony will take place on the 14th, unless other arrangements have been made by your alpha or their family. A valid bonding license must be submitted to Omega Services within 45 days of this letter or all services will be cancelled and any transferable benefits will not be applied to your alpha's package.
If there is some reason why you cannot be bonded on this date, please apply for an extension by calling 1-800-555-6827 within 7 days of receiving this letter.
National Omega Services
Serie: the slowest runner by silkspectred, 44 k > words, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Tony Stark, Mpreg.
What do you see (when I look at you?) by General16, 8 k > words, Jealous Tony Stark.
Wherein Tony faces both of his biggest fears: Loosing Steve to someone younger and slowly growing older. The new omega and his asshole alpha do not improve his day at all.
Sense of Memory and Desire by iam93percentstardust, 2 k > words, Omega Tony Stark, Possessive Steve Rogers.
On the verge of his heat, Tony gets asked to star in a perfume ad. He agrees - but only if his alpha gets to be his costar.
Read All About It by imaginestevetony, Social Media, Mpreg.
Tweets from @DailyBugleOfficial - New York's Finest Daily News!
Exclusive! Stark's Finally Pregnant?
This Is Not a Drill by sabrecmc, 23 k > words, Omega Steve Rogers.
“Can I—can I see him? I mean meet him. Uh…welcome him to the team?” Tony clarified, probably not very well, he knew.
“Well…there’s a bit of an issue with that,” Fury said, and Tony figured this was where Fury got to whatever it was that had really forced his hand and made him call Tony in, knowing how much the man detested having to do so. “You see, well. He was suspended in the ice for nearly seventy years,” Fury began. Tony nodded along, because he could do math.
“I’m sure he has a lot of adjusting to do—“ Tony started.
“Seventy years,” Fury repeated, cutting Tony off and leaning back in his chair and making it rock slightly. “Of no suppressants.”
“Oh,” Tony managed to choke out past the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat. “Oh.”
Heart in Hand by janonny, 35 k > words, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie).
Steve had been thinking — that was all he was doing, thinking, not moping, as Bucky described it — about the best way to make his feelings clear to Tony. He wanted it to be perfect. He needed it to be the best demonstration of sincere interest that Tony had ever received.
Bucky called it procrastinating, but Steve called it strategizing.
And this Courting Ceremony? It was perfect.
Now he just needed to figure out what to get Tony as a Courting gift. And what to wear. And what to say. And what to do.
Or the story where Tony, an Omega, holds a much belated Courting Ceremony. Steve joins up and loses his mind a little.
Object: Matrimony by BladeoftheNebula, 49 k > words, Alternate Universe - Western.
Omega Tony Stark craves adventure and an escape from the life his parents have planned for him in New York. He places a listing in a marriage catalogue to seek a match with an alpha out West, and Sheriff Steve Rogers answers his advertisement. But finding a nice alpha doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing from there...
- A Mail Order Bride AU -
Rockabye by BladeoftheNebula, 38 k > words, Alternate Universe - Small Town.
Cute alphas didn’t appear out of nowhere to help ruined omegas. That was a widely accepted fact.
Tony Stark had always known his life wouldn’t be easy as a genius omega in an alpha’s world. But not even he predicted getting knocked up and forced to move to a small town in the middle of nowhere.
In Tandem by RurouniHime, 8 k > words, Established Relationship.
“Want a blood test,” Steve manages, because on the third night of their Week, he can think more clearly than he’s been able to for days. Tony’s scent is strong in his nostrils, cloying in a strange, sleek way he yearns after like a tune he nearly recognizes. “If you’re getting sick—”
“God.” Tony shifts bodily up into him, clenching around him. “Yes, Mom.”
Charcoal and Sandwiches by Reioka, 39 k > words, Misunderstandings, Humor.
Courting was much easier in the forties. Back then, all Steve had to do was scrape together the money to make a small fruit tart and then be politely turned down. Nowadays, he couldn't figure out how people were courting. All he could do was fall back on what he knew and hope for the best.
Who knew THAT could go so wrong?
Celestial Navigation by sabrecmc, 210 k > words.
Celestial Navigation: 18 year old Omega!Tony finds himself Bonded to Captain Steve Rogers. He isn't happy about it until he is.
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copperbadge · 6 years
Given your (very understandable) hatred of You've Got Mail, I'm curious what romcoms you like and would recommend to people.
Ah man I’ve had this in my asks forever and honestly it’s pretty rough. I don’t really go in for romcoms anyway and most of the ones I remember liking I haven’t watched in a decade or more so I can’t really say how good they actually were versus how much of a relief it was just not having to think about shit for two hours. 
ETA: OH SHIT DESK SET THANKS @iamshadow21. Desk Set is so great I barely even think of it as a movie, it’s like an event. Desk Set with Hepburn and Tracy. It’s amazing.
I was always fond of Cary Grant movies but a lot of his are boring and others are problematic, though I would dispute that any of them are MORE problematic than You’ve Got Mail. I’m not sure you could qualify It’s A Wonderful Life as a romcom though the romance bits are quite funny. There’s one romcom where the inventor of the elevator travels forward in time and falls in love with a modern-day woman that I think everyone should see just because it’s FUCKING BONKERS but a) it’s probably also messed up and b) damned if I can remember what it’s called. (ETA2: Kate and Leopold! Thanks @eye-of-orion!)
I think Sleepless in Seattle was probably pretty good. And it has the Tiramisu exchange which I love. (”Tiramisu.”  “What is it?” “You’ll find out.” “Some woman’s gonna want me to do it to her and I won’t know what it is!” “You’ll love it.”) 
Notting Hill was pretty fun and people I’ve spoken to say it’s quite well-written. I love While You Were Sleeping but I know some people very much dislike it and I think their reasoning is valid. 
The Truth About Cats And Dogs is almost 100% likely not as good as I remember it being but until I die I will find ways to work “You can love your cat, just don’t LURVE your cat,” into conversations. 
Bride and Prejudice is one of the best P&P retellings I’ve ever encountered and it has lots of comedy in it, so I think it qualifies as a romcom. Even if it doesn’t you should see it because it’s A++. 
I think the essential issue with the genre is that falling in love, if you are not the one falling in love yourself, is quite boring. As Charles Schultz said, “Happiness isn’t funny.” But when an entire movie is focused around a relationship, then something has to go wrong with the relationship for there to be a story there. And traditionally, Hollywood has taken the easy route of that “something” being that one or both of the people in the relationship does something super fucked-up, and you draw conflict from a) will the other person find out and b) when they inevitably do, will they forgive? 
This isn’t a requirement of the genre, it’s just super easy to write, and Hollywood loves easy. 
And that means you’re basically rooting for someone who did a fucked-up thing to be forgiven and win the day without a ton of penance or even penitence being involved. And because of Patriarchy, that someone is almost always a dude, which reinforces the idea that men can basically get away with anything as long as they say they’re in love with someone. 
Could you write a romantic comedy that didn’t do this? Sure. But it’s rare, because most of the people who greenlight these things are men who have done fucked-up shit to their partners and love the narrative of being forgiven for it. 
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kayliemusing · 2 years
what would you name your future kids? - I love the names Gracie, Leila, River, Sadie, and Elowen for girls (however every person that I've mentioned the name Elowen to has hated it intensely lmao) and for boys, I love the names Tatum, Ryder, Atlas, and Spencer.
do you miss anyone? - All the time.
what are you looking forward to? - Gaining more inspiration
is there anyone who can always make you smile? - My mom
is it hard for you to get over someone? - Yes and no. I feel like I love deep and feel deeply, but I haven't been in a situation where I've really had to "get over" someone. I've had my dad pass away so not getting over that is a no-brainer, and I've lost friends, but the only person I've felt it was hard to get over was my childhood best friend but I feel like that's because she's linked with my childhood. I've never gone through the task of getting over someone I dated and loved romantically. So I'm not sure. Maybe
what was your life like last year? - Kind of the same as it is now except I feel like I'm heading into a breakthrough season. That there's something creeping up on the horizon. I didn't have that last year.
have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? - Yes, depending on what happened.
who did you last see in person? - My sister
are you good at hiding your feelings? - I always think I am, but I don't know. I think it shows on my face. I can easily fake my "customer service" face when they're being rude and I have to pretend like I don't mind, but I've heard from many people that they can tell I'm mad or annoyed by my facial expression.
are you listening to music right now? - No
what is something you want right now? - Ice cream ngl
how do you feel right now? - Content, mostly.
when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? - Never lmao. Idk maybe my grandpa around my birthday, so a few months ago.
personality description - I would say I'm a typical enneagram Type 4, so I'm always thinking with my emotions. I'm loyal, kind, gentle, warm. I long just for the sake of longing most times. I'm introverted, but I'll speak up if I feel comfortable or if I feel like something needs to be said. I'm protective of my friends and family. I'm perfectionistic, creative, an over-thinker, daydreamer.
have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? - Yes.
opinion on insecurities. - Can there be an opinion on insecurities? I think they're just there and it's part of being human, but we can outgrow them or move around them, but you can't avoid them.
do you miss how things were a year ago? - No
have you ever been to New York? - No but I'd love to see it one day
what is your favourite song at the moment? - I think All Too Well (10 Min Version) by Taylor Swift
age and birthday? - I'm 24 and I was born March 1
description of crush. - I don't have a crush.
fear(s) - Spiders, loss, death, insignificance, rejection. you know, the usual.
height - 5'2. Maybe 5'3?
role model - Taylor Swift
idol(s) - Taylor Alison Swift
things I hate - Arrogance, raw onions, when writers kill off the hot love interest, when tv shows start off really awesome and take a nose dive, Kanye west for obvious reasons, when my boss turns on the music really loud at work so I can't hear my clients
i’ll love you if… - You can sing Taylor Swift's entire discography to me in chronological order or admit to me that her writing, specifically her imagery and story-telling, is what makes her one of the most prolific songwriters of our generation (I will not be taking any arguments, questions or denials at this time)
favourite film(s) - The Greatest Showman, You've Got Mail, Clueless, Pride and Prejudice (not a huge movie-watcher)
favourite tv show(s) - The Mentalist, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Supernatural
3 random facts - Taylor Swift wrote her third studio album "Speak Now" (2010) all by herself between the ages of 18-21 - Taylor Swift never used to have a country accent, but she put it on when she moved to Nashville because everyone else had one and she wanted to fit in but then when she moved to LA and got settled into her own skin she realized she didn't need it anymore so she just...stopped - Dolphins are actually super violent, especially male dolphins and they'll often kill females and their young
are your friends mainly girls or guys? - Girls
something you want to learn - I want to know how to crochet!
most embarrassing moment - Ok I'm not rehashing my most embarrassing moment but earlier today when I got off work, I tripped on my shoe and I caught myself but it was that humiliating little run when you're trying to catch your balance and I looked over at my co-workers to see if they saw me but they didn't thank god, but then I realized the security guys were on the roof of the mall and witnessed it. (Not my worst, but it still made me want to kill myself)
favourite subject - English
3 dreams you want to fulfill? - Becoming an author - Ending up on a bestsellers list - Going to Edinburgh and pretending I'm a fantasy character about to embark on the greatest loves of all time
favourite actor/actress - I don't know if I have a favourite honestly. I really like Hugh Jackman, Bryce Dallas Howard, and James McAvoy. (Don't know if I'd ever say any of them are my 'fave' tho)
favourite comedian(s) - Again, don't know if I have a favourite, but I really like Jim Gaffigan's comedy
favourite sport(s) - Not a sports person tbh
favourite memory - All my favourite memories are from when I was a kid. I've probably answered this before, but probably Christmas Eve night when I was 8 and we (my family) were driving home from the Christmas Eve Service: it was dark, snowing, and we were all silent, listening to God Bless The Broken Road by Rascal Flatts
relationship status - Single
favourite book(s) - The Bridge Kingdom by Danielle L. Jensen, The Winners Trilogy by Marie Rutkowski, The Hating Game & 99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas (don't bully me. I just loved Cassian and Nesta's dynamic too much), The Cruel Prince trilogy by Holly Black, The Mask Falling by Samantha Shannon, Crush by Richard Siken. There's too many!!!
favourite song ever - All Too Well (10 Min Version) by Taylor Swift
age you get mistaken for - I've never really run into this issue. I guess I look 20-25. I'm 24, so it's about right.
how you found out about your idol - Hang on this is a story!! I found out about her I think on Youtube or Disney Channel because Teardrops On My Guitar was super popular and I liked it but I wasn't super into Taylor Swift yet. Then when I was in grade 5, Love Story came out, it was on my moms little iPod nano and I LOVED that song so then mom went and bought me the Fearless CD which I was obsessed with the moment I got it, BUT I was still not a fan yet until around Christmas of 2010, I think, where I listened a bunch of the songs from Speak Now on Youtube and I was so fascinated by her songwriting and then I asked for the CD, and then I was in love with her ever since.
what my last text message says - "I'm going to bed" - my mom.
turn ons - Strong hands, someone who loves life, jawlines, confidence
turn offs - Arrogant/Narcissistic, Rude to retail/food workers or just people in general, buzzcuts, country boy, if he's from my hometown bc i live in the yeehaw province of Canada
starsign - Pisces!
something i’m talented at - Writing
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