#But she has to clean the gunk out of her gears afterwards
madmewmewofficial · 2 years
Ignore that Anon they’re just trying to be annoying
Thanks, mew. (Some people just can’t get the fact that I’m NOT ORGANIC through their HEADS. Sigh… I guess some people will always have a screw loose. Shame. Shame! SHAME!!!)
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bestnewsmag-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bestnewsmag
New Post has been published on https://bestnewsmag.com/beauty-this-blogger-used-dental-floss-to-extract-blackheads/
  Blackheads occur as a result of excess naturally-produced oil and dead skin cells on the skin clogs the pores. A common BLOGGER  misconception about blackheads is that they are caused by dirt. And, a FLOSS  blackhead is created if the pore is open and the clogged up pores turn black as the air hits the open, clogged pores
. Scrubbing your face vigorously or many times a day will not get rid of blackheads. If anything, that will dry out your skin and cause irritation. It will also cause more oil to be produced, which will then cause more blackheads. It can be a vicious cycle. For this reason, do not use the facial scrubs or pore strips more than two or three times a week. Luckily, there are some easy, natural remedies available to get rid of those annoying skin woes.
Bentonite clay is a smart product to use when attempting to get rid of blackheads. It does a great job of drawing out the dirt and impurities in your skin, while nourishing your skin. Simply mix about a tablespoon of bentonite clay with enough water or apple cider vinegar to make a paste. Massage onto your face and let it sit for anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes. Rinse the mixture off with warm water, and use a light moisturizer afterwards. If your skin is prone to drying out easily, use water instead of the apple cider vinegar.
Egg whites can be used to create a mask because they are less drying to your skin, and they have many nutrients that are good for your skin. First, separate the egg yolk of one egg from the egg white. Rinse your skin and gently pat dry. Apply a thin layer of the egg yolk onto your skin. Then, place a strip of toilet paper or facial tissue onto the area. After that, dab one more layer of the egg yolk onto your face. Apply a small amount of tissue over that layer. Let the mask dry, and remove the tissue. Wash your face with warm water, and pat dry with a clean towel.
The last great home remedy for blackheads is a mixture of milk and honey. Both have properties that do wonders for your skin. Mix one tablespoon of raw organic honey with one teaspoon of milk. Microwave for 5 to 10 seconds, and then mix thoroughly. After checking the temperature, apply a thin layer and then gently pat a thin layer of cotton strips. Let it dry (about 20 minutes), then take the cotton strips off and rinse your face with cool water. Pat your face dry and moisturize.
As you can see, there are many safe, gentle, inexpensive, and effective ways to get rid of blackheads. Try any or all of these remedies the next time you see the dreaded blackheads starting to form. Your skin will thank you!
This article is originally written by me. I am civil engineer and a part time freelance write
Lately, splendor blogger Suki Mann used dental floss to extract blackheads from her nose and – wonder, surprise – it definitely labored!
Powered via GIPHY Don’t trust us? Test the video yourself. First, Sukhi places a warm towel on her nose and holds it there for a few minutes or so. That is to open up the pores and put together them for extraction. Then, she receives to an enterprise, going for walks a disposable floss select down her nostril, urgent firmly in opposition to her skin as she is going. not most effective are Sukhi a beauty blogger, she’s glaringly a thoughts reader as properly. Why? properly, we secretly wanted her to show us the gunk that she eliminated from her nostril and WHOOMP! There it is! In all seriousness, even as this technique did work for Sukhi, it’s not the quality manner to exfoliate your face. Gear inclusive of extractors and in this example, dental floss, can cause unintended scarring.
Brushing and Flossing Are Not Working
  We’ve all been told by our dentists and parents how important it is to brush and floss our teeth on a regular basis, but an expert in the dental industry recently claimed that, if performed incorrectly, these cleaning techniques can do more harm than good.
According to Emeritus Professor Robin Seymour, of Newcastle University’s Dental Sciences at Newcastle University, flossing your teeth can be a waste of time because most people are doing it incorrectly. As a matter of fact, neglecting to floss properly can do more harm than good and includes the risk of developing gum disease.
This isn’t necessarily surprising news, because if you’ve ever flossed your teeth, you know that it can be challenging to manipulate the floss, getting to all those hard to reach places towards the back areas of your mouth. That, and the fact that the majority of people simply don’t take the time to do it well. In addition, if performed incorrectly flossing can actually end up pushing the plaque down deep in between the teeth and into the gums, lodging it there (the last thing you want to do), instead of removing the plaque. Another common problem when it comes to flossing is dragging the floss back and forth in sawing like motions. This not only doesn’t effectively remove the plaque, it also traumatizes the gums.
The main problem with flossing is that because it’s so difficult to do well, it’s also one of the least popular dental care tasks when it comes to keeping teeth healthy and clean. As a matter of fact, it has been found that less than 20% of us floss on a regular basis, let alone properly.
Even if you’ve been brushing since you were a child, you’ve probably developed some bad habits. One such habit is brushing too forcefully to create grooves or crevices along the gum line, exposing the root surface which then causes sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet or sour. Other bad habits include ignoring the back teeth and/or only brushing once a day instead of twice. Not doing a thorough job leaves bacteria on the teeth and around the gums where they multiply exponentially in a few hours, resulting in plaque build-up.
Besides cleaning your teeth at home – which is crucial to good oral care – it is essential to the visit the dentist at least twice a year. And if you are a woman, professional dental cleanings every three months are now being recommended to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Men or women with periodontal disease should also get professional cleanings every three months. If plaque builds up it will eventually cause inflammation and disease. This oral infection in turn increases your risk of systemic diseases such as heart, diabetes, COPD, cancers and reduces your longevity.
How to Build Your Email List by Guest Blogging
  Whilst websites need traffic to survive, blog sites do too. Bloggers are constantly seeking new ways to improve traffic to their websites. Popular methods include advertising, SEO, syndicating articles, and submitting posts to authoritative sites, such as eHow.com and ezine articles
But all these take time, cost money, or both.
As a result, an increasing number of Internet marketers are turning to guest blogging to drive traffic to their own webpages. Guest blogging is when you write a blog post and offer it to another blogger to post on their blog. While this arrangement doesn’t cost either party any money, it can be hugely beneficial to both.
So why would you want to write on somebody else’s blog for free? And why would an established blogger want to publish your blog on their website? The answer to that question is easy: Traffic.
Build Your Email List by Guest Blogging
Win/Win for Blogger and Guest Guest blogging benefits both the blog’s host and the person writing the guest blog. For the guest, posting on an established blog can lead to a lot of interest from the hosts readers. If the guest blog provides high-value content, readers may want click the links to the guest bloggers website, products and services.
For the host blogger, allowing a guest blogger to publish on their blog allows them to provide high-value content to their readers without having to do anything themselves., They enjoy the same level of traffic without having to research and create original content.
Creates New Backlinks Blogging on a host blog also allows guest bloggers to obtain new backlinks to their landing pages. Readers who find the content of the guest blog of value can follow the links back to the guest blogger’s landing page.
These links also increase the value of the landing page in the eyes of the search engines – such as Google, Bing and others. If the host blog site is considered to be an authoritative site with a great Alexa rank, Google especially likes this. This authoritative backlink increases the guest bloggers page ranking of their landing page.
Google wants to provide value and importance to websites which have a lot of links from authoritative sites. They distinguish these websites as reliable and trustworthy, so they rank them at or near the top of the SERP (search engine results page) for their niche.
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