#But now I need that pirate au
davastationart · 2 months
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A pirate queen and a bar wench meet in an alley…
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i-am-a-fan · 4 months
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Concept sheet for pirate au macaque
close ups under cut!!
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nalidyne · 1 year
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“ Stupid, selfish man. Amelia caught him in her net. Beyond caught. Tangled him. Strangled him in it” Caught in Her Net - @demonicpiano
It’s finally doneee—sorry for disappearing for a month haha here’s my love letter to this fic and the author 🙏 I remember being so happy whenever I would see the notification of a new chapter coming out and dying everytime these two would interact, honestly that was the best feeling.
I already read the entire work twice, but it’s so good I wish I could forget everything and re-experience it 🥺
There were so many good scenes to pick but I couldn’t possibly fit them all—- Big thanks to dp for creating such great content and being patient with me asking a million questions to make this piece happen 💕
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valeovalairs · 2 hours
//Thinking ab that pannel that you did with the future Chip AU but his vision glitches and he sees Gill and Jay in them for a split second//
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Sometimes he thinks he sees them again, when he looks at them. He’s always said they haunt the Albatross, haunt him, but it feels more real now.
(also omg I can’t believe people think about my silly little AU sometimes that’s crazy… that panel specifically hurt so much to do but I was also grinning like an idiot because mmmm one sided fnc)
For anyone who doesn’t know this is from my legend of the riptide pirate AU- aka: Chip is undead and basically immortal- and a myth now. Two kids, the new “chosen one” and a Ferin both accidentally meet while simultaneously attempting to run away, and wind up meeting Chip more than a century down the line.
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freckledfenrir · 3 days
just a small sketch of Doll chilling in the crows nest with her parrot. The crows nest design is gonna stay how it is but I’m not sure how I’m gonna make the Jolly Roger look so for now it’s just generic pirate flag.
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anyways while I’m here, here��s more info for this au. I’m like really bad at putting my thoughts into words so please bear with me.
Joker and the others decide to stop in a coast side town for more supplies before heading off to a new island to loot more buried treasure. Snake and Dagger decided to just walk around the island while the others got supplies and Snake spotted an old cave. They got curious and decided to go inside where they found Doll. It didn’t take long for them to figure out she was alone and decided to bring her back to Joker after spending a hour gaining her trust. After mulling it over with everyone else Joker decide to bring her back to the ship and let there on ship doctor look her over and make sure she was ok. Joker did spend a good few hours talking to Doll where he did confirm she was abandoned and living alone, after this he immediately decided he’d bring her along as he wasn’t gonna throw this poor girl back out into the wilderness especially after her telling him that it was her 16th birthday . Joker and the others after learning it was her birthday wanted to give her something to make her feel safe and cared for, the only problem is they just spent all there money on supplies. Noticing her ragged clothes Joker said he’d give her his old vest until they could buy her some gifts. Upon receiving the gift Doll ended up bursting into tears as it was the first time in ten years anyone has given her something and now she refuses to take the vest off.
Jumbo and Dagger spent a good few weeks teaching Doll hand to hand combat along with how to use swords and knives. She is a surprisingly quick learner and it only took her 4 weeks to become efficient enough with swords and knives to the point that everyone feels safe enough letting her wander off on her own when visiting towns. while Doll doesn’t engage in combat often she will jump in to defend her new family and friends if needed.
Doll is an extremely talented acrobat and because of this she’s a very viable asset to the team. Getting up to places that only Peter and Wendy typically could and being able to balance across fallen over trees and bridges with only a rope left handing with zero issues. She is even able to crawl up and down ropes without struggle, because of this she’s the one who typically fixes the mast and ropes that get tangled up on the ship.
The crows nest is Dolls favorite place on the ship spending most of her time relaxing with her parrot Annabel. Doll will always be looking out for islands while she’s up there or just anything of particular interest.
Doll spends also spends lots of time with Snake and loves to bound with all of his snakes. She’s the only one on the crew who feels comfortable picking up all of his snakes and letting them wrap around her. So Snake and Doll will talk a lot and spend lots of their free time together playing games or reading. Sometimes Doll will even yoink random snakes she finds and brings them back (much to Daggers dismay).
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mothtral · 1 year
in one world, scar is the captain of a pirate ship. his crew rowdy but each member is dear to his heart, alongside his faithful companion, jellie. scar tries to hide it, but something was wrong as they sailed across the sea.
one night after he sent his crew to bed for rest, insisting he was able to man the ship for a few hours on his own, he hears voice. it’s low, barely heard over the crashing of waves. scar is inclined to think he’s just hearing things, it’s been a long time since he’s slept, when jellie hisses at something.
when scar peers over the railing, black void eyes stare at him from from the water.
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diamondsheep · 1 year
Laterly I've been thinking about an OP AU in which all the Straw Hats are artists ? So i made a list of which type of artist all of them could be / what would they enjoy to draw 😅
I still don't know if this AU would be a modern AU or something like that but i wrote these ideas as if it were one but i could modify so it adjusts to canon lol
Anyway here !! Have my ideas ( later i will add more ) :
Luffy and Usopp could be art students that want to create a comic about pirates ( heh )
Luffy's artstyle probably is a little bit childish/ wonky but he is really good at creating characters ( based on his friends of course ) and along with Usopp ( who is really good at drawing ) both of them are extremely good at creating stories
Chopper is really good at drawing cute animal creatures and is pretty good at noticing anatomy inaccuracies, even though he is not the best at drawin humans lol, also he is a big fan of Luffy's and Usopp's comics
Zoro is Luffy's best friend who is obsessed with kendo but he is really good at designing fight scenes and weapons ( idk why but i was thinking that he could also be interested in traditional japanese art and Jinbei teaches him about it lol )
Sanji could be a culinary arts student but as hobby draws beautiful ocean illustrations and he is also pretty good at fashion design and  of course drawing food
Nami would be a cartographer of course lol, Luffy would ask her to draw treasure maps all the time for his comics
Robin could be an archeologist / history of art teacher, she tells the other straw hats legends about mysterious islands and interesting art facts about older civilizations, she is surprisingly good at drawing petroglyphs and drawing fossils ( Usopp, Luffy and Chopper love the latest)
Franky is a naval arquitect and of course Luffy asks him to design boats for him lol
Brook could still be a musician but he is really good at punk visual art, i think that maybe Luffy loves his posters and idk he could design comic covers and maybe bounty posters lol
Jinbei could like a tattoo artist or just an artist whose artstyle is based on traditional japanese art / tattoos and his specialty are sea creatures
As an extra : Law is Jinbei's client and one time Luffy saw the cool doctor with tattoos bring his own designs for a new tattoo and since then Luffy hasn't stopped bothering him ( Luffy saw a cool submarine design and some of his tattoos remind him of a Jolly Roger )
As always i gotta add a bit of ZoSan to this, so i thought about Sanji losing a bet to Nami and he had to get a tattoo designed and done by Zoro. So now Sanji has a tattoo based on Cooking utensils ( like knives). Sanji says that it is ugly but in reality he thinks that it is cool.
Normally both Zoro and Sanji insult each other's art but secretly they admire each other's art <3
Aaaand this is what i have at the moment 😅
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
It’s time to read more about tomb raider! Let them meet again after the almost drowning incident and let there be teamwork fighting against a group of treasure hunters! :D
"Will you stop?!"
Thena - surprisingly - stopped squirming behind his back against her own binds. Her chair stopped rattling against the floor as she stilled. She huffed. "I'm sorry, were you trying to get some sleep?"
He joined her in her frustration. "I just mean conserve your energy. We don't even know how long we've been down here, let alone how much longer we have ahead."
She went quiet, and he was quite sure he was more uncomfortable with it than she was. Thena spoke two languages: yelling, and sass. He was unfamiliar with any quieter sides of hers.
"I'm sorry."
The simple words gave him chills. He whipped his head around but all it did was hurt his neck, and he couldn't even get a glimpse of her anyway. "What?"
"They followed us all the way out here and I had no idea."
"I didn't either," he interjected.
"I was the one who came up with the plans. The next time they come down here, I'll tell them I can guide them, but only if they release you." Now she was really talking crazy.
"What the hell are you talking about?" he grumbled, now starting the game of fruitlessly tugging at his binds again. "You think I'm going anywhere without you?"
"We may not be afforded another option," she bit back, also turning her head. He could feel her ponytail against the back of his neck. "If at least one of us makes it out, there's a chance of escape."
"There's no way you believe that if you cooperate they won't hurt you," he snorted.
"I didn't say I believed that."
He jerked his shoulders, attempting to get a look at her again. The backs of their chairs clanged together, although they were still technically bolted to the floor. What little movement they did get on them was from the general state of the ship's disrepair. "Don't be stupid, Thena."
She didn't even have a scathing retort about him assuming such a thing about her Ladyship.
"Once they come back, we'll reason our way through this." Sure, he didn't totally believe what he was saying either. But it was a better solution than Thena giving herself up as a bargaining chip for his life. "All they want is the bounty, right? Your plans were solid, and I doubt any of them can dive for as long as you can. We'll-"
She was right, there were few options they had which might lead to their escape. They knew the risks, running in the circles they did. There was always a risk.
"You have connections on the mainland," she continued to talk him through things like she was coaching him. "Tell them that they can collect your bounty if they return with you."
Rather then killing them both and leaving them somewhere.
"And what about you?" he just barely dared to ask.
She took a damn long time to answer, twisting his gut all the way around itself. "Karun and Druig always know the risks of our field. They have instructions should I fail to return one day."
Gil scoffed loudly, rolled his eyes, shook his head--all of it. Anything to convey to her just how ridiculous this was. "I am not going to just leave you here, let alone with those-"
"They slapped you, Thena," he reiterated, since that didn't seem to matter to her as much as it did to him. "They backhanded you across the face. I'm not exactly counting on them to uphold a gentlemanly agreement."
He leaned forward, pulling at the legs of the chair, still bolted to the floor by a couple of rattling brackets.
"It wasn't how I saw our collaborative efforts ending," she tried putting on a lighter tone, as if that would distract him from the gravity of all this. "But I must admit, we make a good team, Gilgamesh."
He huffed, leaning as forward as he could, "don't 'Gilgamesh' me."
"Could we not spend what might be our last time together arguing?"
He paused in his efforts, partly to catch his breath, and partly to twist his neck again. "I thought you loved arguing."
"I love anything at which I can win."
Well, there was the Thena he knew and tolerated.
Her tone changed again, and he felt her hands move from being tightly balled up fists. Her fingers fluttered around, as if searching for his. "But arguing with you was always a byproduct of the job. Your company from the same side is far preferable."
If he didn't know better, he could think she was admitting to some fondness for him. But he did know better, and beyond that, this was not going to be the pre-burial-at-sea confession she thought it was.
"Who said you could talk?!"
The door slammed against the back wall. All the hinges in this place were falling apart. The men filtered into the room, fully armed and just as dark in expression as when they had found them.
Thena glared at them of course. "You didn't gag us. I don't see how you expected us to remain silent."
"Silence might do you some good." The same one who had struck her before raised his hand again, just barely in Gil's periphery.
He jerked in his chair, "don't touch her!"
They all laughed at his noble effort to protect her. The hand changed from an open palm to grasp her chin instead. She jerked back like a caged animal, but he grabbed harder. "Is she your pretty little treasure?"
Thena practically growled at them even with her cheeks smushed.
"That's all you want, right--the artifact we got sent here to find?" he clarified, doing everything but snapping his neck right off his shoulders to try and see what they were doing. "I'll take you, but only if she's unharmed."
"Relax, big guy," another one instructed, even slapping the grabby one's hand away from Thena's face. "The bounty from the artifact is only half of it. There's also the matter of you two."
Thena must have made a face, because they glared at her again. "We have no insurance policies on us, if that's what you're after."
"Not at all, girlie," he chuckled at her. "The museum will pay his ransom, surely. And as for you...you're sitting on an old family estate, aren't you? That will do nicely."
Gil was desperately trying to think of something but if anything, Thena relaxed. He kept his mouth shut though; they hadn't mentioned Druig or Karun, which meant they didn't know about them. They hadn't done reconnaissance on them or anything, they just happened to be their lucky catch of the day.
"You're right, you will guide us to the artifact." The men began gravitating towards the door again, one with his hand already on it. "And when we have it in our possession, then you'll make the ransom call for us."
The grabby one rattled the handle in his grasp. "We might have to rough her up some, just to make it believable."
Gil launched forward. The chair came clean off the floor as he cried out in his rage. He hunched forward, swinging the legs around as a line of defense. He turned, charging at their captors.
His shoulder jabbed into the most dominant one, crushing him against the handle of the door and doing some good damage to his back. He slumped down. He turned as fast as he could, using the legs of the chair to do some damage to the other two.
The grabby one grunted as he got hit in the gut. Gil positioned himself better, throwing himself back and ramming the legs into his shoulders. He screamed at the top of his lungs but Gil did little more than grimace. "Relax, it's not like I stabbed you."
He tried to get a sound out, but the wind had been knocked out of him. Gil looked down at him, holding out at a hand as if to plead for something. Unfortunately for him, that was the hand he'd used to slap Thena, and Gil wasn't feeling particularly forgiving.
Thena winced as he rammed the chair leg into his open mouth. "I never took you for the sadistic type."
But he didn't have a witty retort for her. He knelt down, feeling around the mess of bodies for a knife. "I'm tired of him yapping."
Thena sighed as stood again. "I suppose it's a better option for us. We still don't know how many of them are out there."
"Let's not be tied up when we find out," he groused. He walked back around her. "Got it?"
She did have it, grasping the knife firmly, passed from his hands to hers behind their backs. "You seem confident I won't slice anything essential"
"Like you say, we may not have a better option," he conceded. He strained the ropes tired around him, pulling as Thena attempted to pressure the blade against them. It wasn't a great angle, or a serrated blade. But he continued to pull as she worked, eventually pulling them apart before she could slice through the middle.
The knife clattered to the floor between them.
"Okay," he sighed as he finally pulled his arms around to his front again. They hurt, and usually it would be more ideal to move them slowly. But he swung them around, desperately needing their full range of motion sooner than later. "I've got you."
He worked at Thena's ropes more gently. They were tied tight, but he could see the red irritation in her pale skin more. "Do you know how far out we were when they found us?"
Her ropes snapped apart, and he immediately grasped her shoulders, rolling them forward for her slowly and gently.
"Well, someone was hogging the radar," he commented, and was rewarded with her turning in the seat, skipping over examining her wrists in favor of glaring at him. He grinned, "but I know the jetski you used to get to the boat is still being towed. If we can get to a railing, we can definitely swim under the ship and get to it in time to get outta here."
It wasn't his most risk-free plan, but they both knew the risks--had just gone over them, in fact.
Thena nodded, rubbing her wrists but wearing the usually determined expression he had come to expect. "Lead the way, then."
He planned on it, and not out of some need to protect her or anything. It just made good sense.
They hugged the walls all the way up. He really didn't know how many of them were on board, but he dreaded to think about the possibilities considering the expected crew for any boat this size. He looked over his shoulder and nodded his head.
Thena showed her understanding; they weren't far now.
He held out his hand. She gave him a look but he shook it at her. He wasn't going to let them get separated again. Begrudgingly, she slipped her hand into his. It was cold.
Gil looked both ways before dashing across the deck and to the railing. No life boats, of fucking course. He climbed over the railing while Thena crouched between the top and middle bar. He looked at her. "Ready?"
She didn't reply, but she let her hand give his a squeeze.
"Don't let go." He didn't know why he said it. There was no need, but he held her hand, getting ready to free dive into the water and potentially be chased down like wild animals.
"I won't." That was much more assuring than anything she could have said about them making it. She looked ahead, resuming her usual role of being the one to pull him along.
And despite their rivalry, he would follow her anywhere.
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what-aboutno · 10 months
Pirate Wriothesley and Childe who are rivals out at sea with mermaid Diluc who they're both trying to capture,,,
Diluc saved both of them at seperate points. Wriothesley fell in sea and Diluc thought it was cruel for a human to die for no reason.
But with Childe imagine he isnt fully human 👀 so when he falls and Diluc is apprehensive about it all but helps since he's hurt. Now they're both trying to see him again while fighting with each other
Some other ideas for this
-Wriothesley and Childes rivalry comes from the fatui attacking Wriothesley's ship all the time. He tries to stop it and meets Childe who challenges him. And it kick starts their whole rivalry
- Diluc likes to watch the ships pass so it's only by chance he saved Wriothesley and Childe. But he got really intrigued by them and started to check up from time to time in the shadows.
- Diluc finds it really amusing how these two humans are looking for him and purposely does things to throw them off. But at some point both of them see the tail and know it's him
First kiss
- Diluc's first kiss with Wriothesley was to make sure he didn't drown. He used his own powers to try and save him. Wriothesley only remembers seeing red hair and a tail after he woke up and feeling a little dazed, but he was determined to find Diluc again.
- With Childe, he was only semi conscious when he was in water. Diluc does the same but since Childe isn't fully human it wasn't needed and Diluc gets really embarrassed when Childe wakes up and teases him. The only reason Diluc didn't run away was because he still wanted to save Childe.
- Wriothesley and Childe made out once when tension was really high between them. They don't talk about it
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pathetichimbos · 11 months
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nooo don't kill me for breaking into your home while fleeing the royal guards I just thieved from you're so sexy haha
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dark-orca-dynasty · 10 months
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I made some really fancy buttons/stamps for funsies, I put a lot of effort into the metallic borders but it was my first time doing that kind of thing from scratch, so I hope it looks okay.
One is for Ant, the actual heir of Lemuria, and the other is for Alpheus, who is my favourite.
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i-am-a-fan · 5 months
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I caved in. Have some more concept arts for the pirate au! plus a zoom in on toddler mk.
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hershelwidget · 7 months
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hey boy why you looking at me like that boy
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closet-of-bones · 9 months
Okay the tsams space pirates au is happening I've thought too much about it, have a story to tell and two character designs done already - working on the next one effective immediately. I have the ideas planned for 11 characters already...I have to draw 11 of them because I am a masochist
Man I already have some semi-cohesive world-building for this stuff. I started rambling on and on to myself in my notes app like any sane person would. The beginnings of the story are being set. And a way of including y/n's if anyone's down to interact with the funky space robots. Just let me get started I'm already on a roll-
Maybe I should just go to therapy... ( . _.)✍️
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seethesunny · 2 months
*taps mic* where's the tessjoel pirates au
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ronihilator · 6 days
writers block has me fucked up because it doesnt put my creative inspo on pause. wdym i have an in detail, world built, fully fleshed out story in my head but the second i sit down to write? open that doc? i wanna tear my jaw off and cry because WHATTHEFUCKK
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