#But nooooo I had to be a glass cannon
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teaboot · 7 months ago
I have never been an athletic gymbro track student whatever a day of my goddamn life and yet I have always been strong as fuck.
Not fast, or coordinated, or fit, or with good endurance, just super dense muscle for no reason.
Like. My WHOLE life.
People used to try and pick me up as a toddler only to drop me cause I was unexpectedly heavy. At summer camp I could pick up ten-foot logs and carry them around on my shoulder while other kids needed a partner to help them. I can lift my 195lb brother off the ground. I can lift my 200lb father off the ground. I don't have a car so when I buy new furniture I often carry it home myself.
And I am NOT IN SHAPE. I can sprint, but im a terrible runner. I can't do push ups. Or burpees. It takes me like 50 minutes to run a 5k. I'm very lazy and spend most of my free time reading, painting, or thrift shopping.
But in anticipation of surgery I have begun lifting weights and yall. YALL. MY BICEPS CAME BACK IN A WEEK
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marsbutterfly · 9 months ago
(not a request) Mars I have this head cannon that Hanji loves spicy food. Or for those that don’t think that, Hanji fr would force herself to try to withstand the heat if her crush liked spicy food. Tears in her eyes like yeah this shit tasty. Thoughts? 😩😩😩
you said not a request but this came to me in 15 minutes, i couldn't help myself once i saw the vision safoapsofps
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"There are tears in your eyes," you say, slurping up some of your noodles. Your face is somewhat serious, a bit concerned actually by how red their facial expression is, but Hanji refuses to back down. They continue to dip their food into the sauce, mouth wide open in an attempt to let out some steam.
"Nooooo, I'm fine," they respond, placing their silverware down and drinking some water, trying their best to hide the fact that they are dunking their tongue in the ice, "besides, I told you I could do this and I totally can."
"Hanji," you say in a somewhat laughing voice, trying your best to be supportive, "I know you like spicy food. I've had my mouth burned a fair share of times accidentally trying your food, you don't have to do this."
Their gaze lifts to meet yours, stubborn tears burning in their eyes but they shake their head, their grip on the glass tightening before they take another bite of their food, an intense and determined look taking over their features as a somewhat smug response exits their swollen lips, "this isn't about you."
You arch your eyebrows before placing your silverware down, using a napkin to wipe the corners of your mouth before leaning forward on the table, all ten of your fingers lacing together as you place your elbows on each side of your plate, chin propped up on the back of your hands as you respond in the same smug tone, "Oh, really? Then what's it about?"
They look up at the clock, then back at you, then back at the clock, then finally back at you. They don't respond and you are suddenly worried that they've lost the ability to speak due to the heat. That is until you realize what they were signaling to and your face falls flat, an almost angry twitch to your eye.
"You want your picture on the damn wall, don't you?" You say, trying your best to sound serious but the need to laugh is nearly overpowering your senses. With an embarrassed snort, Hanji nods and that response alone causes you to run your fingers through your hair, your palms resting above your face as they cover your eyes, "Hanji!"
"We come here too often!" They respond, taking yet another eager bite out of the food. At this point, they are nearly done with it, maybe less than a third left to go, there is no way in hell they are backing down. Once they swallow, they continue to speak, "besides, the meal will be free AND I get a t-shirt. Wouldn't it be so hot if you could tell people your partner beat this challenge?"
You sigh, leaning back on the chair with a defeated expression, "no, it would be hot to tell people my partner is still alive!" You don't expect them to back down, after all, they've come all this way. So you just reach in your purse, searching for your small medicine case where you keep everything you need: three different kinds of pain killers, nausea medicine, some back-up of your medicine and lastly the two you are looking for - gas pills and a lot of antacid.
By the time you look back up, Hanji has one minute left on the clock and just two more bites but you can see by the way they are sweating that they can barely handle it. You want desperately to say something along the lines of "I told you so", but you don't.
Instead, you decide to stand up and walk behind them, both of your hands on their shoulders as you squeeze the area gently. Your voice coming out in a soothing yet loud tone so they are able to hear you through the loud cheers that erupt across the restaurant, "YOU GOT THIS, SUNSHINE!"
That's all it takes. If you had blinked, you would have missed it. With just three seconds left, they shoved the last bite of food in their mouth and swallow it, taking a massive sip of water right after. The entire restaurant begins cheering like a player has just scored the final point in a decisive match.
You hug them from behind, burying your face on their neck as they lean back against you while still sitting down. You can't help but smile brightly, weirdly proud of their small accomplishment. Well, calling it "small" would be diminishing the hell they just went through.
"You did it!" You say in the most cheerful tone you can find, using a clean napkin to wipe away the mixture of the tears and sweat that falls down their face, "I am so impressed! Might have to show you how hot that was when we get home!"
They smirk for a second before reaching for the glass of milk that has been placed in front of them. They dip their tongue in the liquid, allowing it to soothe their burning pain while they keep their eyes closed for a moment, their body temperature so high that it fogs up their glasses to the point where you have to remove the item from their face.
It takes Hanji a few minutes to recover but, as promised, both of your meals were on the house and, with their new t-shirt on their body, Hanji finally got to have their picture taken and plastered on the wall of your favorite restaurant.
As the two of you begin making your way home, Hanji stays mostly quiet, allowing you to do the talking. It isn't like them to act this way but you just assume that they are too full to even begin talking, so you just continue to yap away - about what tv show you are watching when you get home, what kind of ice cream you are getting, if they want to stop and get something at the convenience store down the road.
But you stop your rambling when Hanji suddenly stops in their tracks. Their free arm wrapped around their stomach as they look at the floor for an instant.
"y/n?" They say in a timid voice, hand still connected to yours as the two of you find yourselves at the middle of the sidewalk, about to turn into your street. You turn around to face them, only to be received by the biggest puppy dog eyes you have ever, ever seen in your entire life.
"Yes?" You respond, biting back a laugh as you already know exactly where they are going with this. The small pouting of their lips giving their next words away.
"My tummy hurts."
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libidomechanica · 2 years ago
Then where so
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into her a praise. But to displease     that needs she fills and then t wilt though not blown that me,     all exuberantly
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wind twins of she watched you know that     glorious not at our fears—but though the glen. Heaven be     his heaven’s man no man.
0 notes
k-llama-llama · 5 years ago
Ice Cream Interruption
Seventeen AU: 14th member
Rei x Seventeen
Domestic fluff of Rei & her boyfriend
Rei is not a permanent addition so if you have requests let me know…but she’s just an idea I had. She is NOT cannon with the rest of my AUs.
Requests are OPEN!!!
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“Tell me that’s my girlfriend and not a burglar.” 
Rei laughed, sitting up on his bed. She’d got there a few hours ago, and decided to make herself a tea and curl up under the covers while she waited for him to finish his practice.
“You told me the passcode for a reason.” She shouted back at him.
“Yeah, so you’d stop harassing the guy in the lobby.” Her boyfriend stood in the doorway of the bedroom, leaning against the wall. “Cozy there?”
“It’d be cozier if you were in here with me.” Rei suggested.
“I’m all sweaty.” He pouted. “I need a shower.” His eyes widened slightly. “You could join me?”
“Nooooo.” Rei whined, rolling over and pulling the blanket up to her chest. She was also fully aware that the way she’d rolled strategically showed that she was only wearing underwear under her oversized sleep shirt.
Taemin groaned, but moved towards the bed. “I’m going to get my sheets all gross.”
Rei propped her head up on her elbow. “Am I not worth it?”
He snorted, peeling off his sweaty shirt and climbing into bed next to her. “Of course you are.”
He grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a kiss, and she felt him smile as their lips met. They were only together for a few seconds before Rei pulled back, wrinkling her nose. “You are sweaty.”
“I told you!” He laughed, reaching to pull her into a hug. “So this is your fault.”
Rei struggled out of his grip, but still scrambled so she was sitting on top of him, straddling his waist. She reached down to push his hair out of her face, smiling as his fingers started to trace the outside of her thighs.
“How was practice?” She asked quietly.
“Boring.” He answered. “I missed you.”
She rolled her eyes, but still smiled. “Liar, how was it really.”
Taemin grinned. She could read him like a book, which typically spoiled his attempts at being cheesy and sweet. “You really want to know?”
“Obviously. I’m pinning you down, aren’t I?” She tilted her head.
“I was kinda hoping that was for another reason....” His fingers just barely grazed the edges of her underwear before she swatted him away.
“Tell me about practice. And then shower. And then maybe I’ll let you.”
He groaned playfully. “Urgh, fine. Practice was horrible. I have so many ideas for the choreography but none that I think would work well for music shows, or that my dancers are comfortable with.”
“Well...” She yawned, finding herself sleepy despite the nap she’d taken earlier. “If I know you....you’re going to go for it anyways.”
Taemin smirked slightly. “You aren’t going to tell me I should be accommodating and people-pleasing?”
She looked at him knowingly. “You’d never be happy if you put out anything that was less that perfect. So go for it. Your fans will love it.”
“That’s kind of what I was thinking too.” He pulled the tshirt down to cover her. “But I needed to hear it from you.”
“That’s what I’m here for.” She leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Now go shower. You’re not getting a better kiss until you’re clean.”
“What if I promise to order Jajangmyeon tonight?”
“Your post-shower kiss will be extra nice. But you’re disgusting right now.” She rolled off of him, grabbing her phone in one easy motion and facing away from him.
“I’ll be here when you’re done.”
She felt him grab her shoulder as he leaned over her. 
“I love you.” He kissed her quickly on the temple.
“I love you too. Now go shower so I can love you more.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She felt his weight disappear off the bed.
She heard the shower turn on, noticing he’d left the door open as some of the steam seeped into the room.
“Oppa?” She called.
“WHAT!” He shouted back, obviously trying to be heard over the water.
“Do you still have ice cream in the freezer?”
“If you left it there.”
Rei pushed herself up off the bed, sliding into her slippers and making her way through the apartment. In the year that they’d been together, Rei had spent many days and nights at Taemin’s apartment. There was a drawer of her things in his dresser, and she almost single-handedly kept his snack cupboard stocked. 
When she opened the freezer, she found a small pot of strawberry ice cream. She opened it and grabbed a spoon, intending to return to bed and wait for her boyfriend to get her food. 
A thought popped into her head, and she found herself veering towards the bathroom instead. It was hot when she stepped inside, but she stepped over Taemin’s gym clothes and right up to the shower, swinging open the glass drawer.
“So you decided to-” He took in her appearance. “Wait, why are you dressed?”
Rei held out a spoonful of ice cream. “You want a bite?”
“I’m in the shower.”
“I know.”
“I’m literally naked with shampoo in my hair right now.”
“I know.” She nodded. “Do you want a bite or not.”
“Of course I do.” He leaned forward, pushing his hair back to make sure no water got on her as he took the bite. “I really love you.”
“I know.” She winked. “I’ll be in bed.”
“Wait, can I have more?”
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sonicringbond · 4 years ago
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 30
It’s finally here, and Happy New Year everyone 👋
2021 is finally here, and it’s the perfect time to wrap up the first cour with the big confrontation with Doctor Fukurokov. It should be the last major action for a while (though with this AU one can never say), so please enjoy...
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    Sonic was far from in top form, and gathering Rings was proving to be far more time consuming than he had planned. Compounding matters was that he was having a hard time even holding on to his rings.
    “ACHOO~!” Sonic sneezed fiercely, a moment later a shot from a Battle Kukku cannon relieving him of his gathered Rings and sending him flying. Crashing headfirst into the wall of another airship, Sonic let himself slump down and sigh. “Well, the ole danger sense is working, but I’m definitely off my game today. Tearing up all of these airships manually is taking too long too.”
    Pulling himself free from where he took his short break, Sonic grabbed a nearby Ring and casually leaned to the side, letting two bird soldiers shoot each other. “Or maybe the danger sense is a little slow to– AHCHOO~!”
    Rubbing his nose as he walked to the edge of the airship deck, Sonic looked at the burning fleet. He had done plenty of damage in a surprisingly quick amount of time, but the presence of so many Rings made the ships forged with Rings in their development easy to repair with the golden loops.
    “Never thought I’d complain about there being too many Rings,” Sonic mused as he looked around for a solution to his problem. “No way I can gather that many fast enough to make a long-term dent in this fleet either before Amy gets herself in over her head. That Red Star Ring is going to cause me more trouble than it’s worth. …!? Wait a second!”
    With a sudden moment of realization upon him, Sonic turned his eyes towards Battle Kukku Island which now hung above him below the ever-mysterious tiny planet that loomed in the daytime sky. “Heh! I should have thought of it sooner. I can wake up all the Rings in the airships and let them crash on their own. The chaos from the ships crashing into each other and the Ring Gates formed in the process should be more than enough to put these guys out of commission.”
    Pulling the Ring Gate Rosy leant him in its dormant state from where he had hidden it in his spines, Sonic twirled it on the end of his finger while he checked the device he wore on his wrist. Pushing his glove cuff out of the way, he smirked as he noted the location of Rosy’s matching device. “Not bad kid.”
    Looking up at the island, Sonic tossed the small Ring out and missed it grow into a Ring-framed portal he could step through as he was taken over by another sneeze. As he looked up it was just in time to see an arrow come through and expend the gate’s energies.
    “Woah!” barely dodging the projectile, Sonic looked back at it as it lodged itself in a wood plank in the airship’s side. “Well, so much for Plan A. Guess I’m running instead. Fine by me, but what type of trouble did you get yourself into this time kid?”
    The trouble Sonic questioned about was in fact caused by his spectacular timing. The Ring Gate he opened had appeared just in time to catch the arrow Draw fired and the machine holding the Red Star Ring stood unscathed. “This is why I hate Rings!”
    Draw’s shout was accompanied by him desperately reaching for another arrow as Doctor Fukurokov dove over a low wall and began pulling a series of levers. In response the entire lab started to shake and the contraption that held the Red Star Ring rose up through the opening ceiling.
    “Wait!” Rosy called out, but she could not get her footing as the whole of the room started to collapse.
    “It’s over for you interlopers!” Doctor Fukurokov called from above as the giant propeller on the island’s underside came into view below the collapsing floor. “A shame I won’t be able to make use of you now, but no matter. When my armada rains terror upon the whole world unchallenged, the fool fox will surely know who the true rulers of the skies are!”
    Bursting out into maniacal laughter as rocket thrusters on the underside of the main platform of the once enclosed lab came to life, Doctor Fukurokov felt on top of the world. Or would have except for two things. The little planet hanging in the red sky above him, as though it were mockingly looking down on him, and an ever-irritating voice belonging to a cute, leotard clad, pink hedgehog girl.
    “Sorry, but my destiny is with Sonic!”
    “He’s dead!” Doctor Fukurokov shouted as he rushed over in the direction Rosy’s voice came from.
    “He looked pretty alive when I met him,” Draw countered from a different direction and pulled Doctor Fukurokov’s attention away from where Rosy’s voice came from.
    Looking back and over the edge of the main platform, Doctor Fukurokov’s eyes widened in horror as they followed a massive cable back towards the main wall of the shaft above the impossibly large propeller. “Get away from there!”
    “Oh?” Draw questioned with a sinister smirk. “Is this oversized wire important?”
    “So, we should break them then?” Rosy asked as she tilted her head and pressed a raised finger into her cheerfully smiling muzzle.
    Though he screamed it out of panic, Doctor Fukurokov knew he had made a mistake. Adjusting his glasses, he took a deep breath and tried pleading with the two troublemakers who threatened to unravel his ambition. “Perhaps being allowed to be left alive by the Battle Kukku Armada is enough to convince you to leave peacefully. Perhaps?”
    “What do you think Draw?” Rosy asked and revealed she had been standing on the central column that had lifted the lab out of the chamber it had been in. Doctor Fukurokov could hardly believe that the design oversight had given her a safe place to survive the collapse of the island’s center, and one that gave her access to where the four massive cables that fueled the whole island connected to the main platform. For all his terror, he knew he had to pay attention to the conversation taking place though.
    “You say Rings are taboo, and this one is threatening to give a bunch of mean old pirates way too much power.”
    “Then let’s break it.”
    Draw may have gained the speed to keep up with Rosy, but he lacked her spin attack and was effectively helpless. Doctor Fukurokov was not so similarly inhibited, even as Rosy’s spin attack shook the whole platform as a cable was knocked free and crackling red energy erupted from the exposed socket. Instead, he managed to grab a jet pack and immediately flew about opening fire with integrated machine guns on Rosy.
    There was barely any room to build up the speed she needed to leap to safety, and with Doctor Fukurokov firing on her it was unlikely Rosy would make it at all. Fortunately, Doctor Fukurokov had to dodge another fired arrow from Draw.
    “Hi!” Rosy cut off Doctor Fukurokov as she landed on his shoulders and offered him a pleasant wave. “We don’t have to do this you know. If you just turn off the machine and give me the Red Star Ring… Though you should give up this life of hurting people too. There are plenty of other exciting ways to live where you help people too. You’re really smart–!”
    Trying to dislodge Rosy, Doctor Fukurokov’s erratic flight instead allowed her to jump out and land on one of the outer cable ports. Turning to open machine gun fire on her anew, he was greeted by her pulling down on her eye and sticking her tongue out at him. That and an arrow which ruptured one of the twinjets of his pack.
    As he struggled to recover and return to the main platform, Doctor Fukurokov refused to give up and continued to fire as he spiraled upward wildly. Rosy was more than fast enough to evade him, and then one and two more cables fell as she Spin Attacked through them. The last cable would not go immediately as she had to get herself and Draw safely up it to the main platform. This afforded Doctor Fukurokov the time he needed to land and turn his full attention onto Draw as he was tossed up over the railing.
    “Gyah~!” Dancing about to avoid the machine fire, Draw ran and leapt over a massive pipe to take cover on the other side of the device that held the Red Star Ring. He nearly over did his jump as Rosy’s attack on the final cable coupling caused the platform to wrench fiercely before the rockets holding it afloat were overwhelmed with power and launched the three who occupied it with tremendous velocity towards the little planet above.
    “Not like this!” Doctor Fukurokov denied the impending doom that was but a few seconds away from him and scrambled towards the main control console. As he approached a golden light which bested that of the Red Ring appeared above him and he looked up to see a Ring Gate spin open well above him and soon on top of him.
    “Sorry I’m late,” Sonic greeted everyone as he fell through and gave them a two fingered wave as he extended his other hand towards the Red Star Ring. “Woah!”
    As his outstretched palm neared the out-of-control Ring, the entire platform came to a sudden a stop. For a moment everyone hung in the air and Rosy turned her questioning eyes on Sonic and called his name.
    “Mote!” Draw called out a different name as his fairy companion took advantage of the momentary pause to fly between Sonic’s outstretched hand and the Red Star Ring as it suddenly stopped spinning and fell on its side. No sooner did it fell flat did it start to rotate perpendicular to its axis and start to grow rising up into the sky. As it passed Mote and Sonic, everyone fell to the platform, though Sonic scooped up the suddenly exhausted fairy.
    “Don’t know what you did little guy, but I hope it didn’t interfere with what I was trying to do. Anyway, time to go! Kid! Tyke! Grab on!”
    Running in their general direction, Sonic put his arms out for Rosy and Draw to grab, but Rosy took advantage of them both and jumped into Sonic’s arms while Draw latched himself onto Rosy’s back.
    “Really you two?” Sonic asked with an awkward laugh as he found himself carrying two people at once bridal style. Though with Draw clinging to Rosy’s back, Rosy was free to wrap at least one arm around Sonic as she nuzzled him joyfully. Her other hand was required to hold onto Mote who she pressed tenderly to her chest to keep safe. Sonic noted the motion and smirked a moment before growing more serious and putting on a fierce look of concentration. “Whatever. Just don’t let go!”
    Vaulting the railing, Sonic fell with the other’s hanging on into the collapsing shaft as everything seemed to transform into Rings around them.
    ~I never even saw the Ring Gate there were so many Rings. I didn’t know what Sonic had done either, and though I think Mote told Draw, he refused to tell me. Whatever it was that happened though, there was no denying that the entire world would know the consequences of Sonic’s actions that day.
    ~From the mountain peak we appeared on, and likely from anywhere else too, the Red Star Ring could be seen filling the sky. It was massive unlike what I had glimpsed of the last one Sonic used. But the effects of the Ring Shifts on the world were indisputable. I could see them happening everywhere I looked and there was no stability to the world at all. Even the Red Star Ring was not safe from the chaos it wrought.
    ~In a flash of red light, it exploded and a rain of red motes of light rained down all over the world. Beyond it, and that sinister little planet that was always watching me, a red crack appeared in the sky, like a bolt of lightning frozen in time that arced across from one horizon to the other. If you looked closely enough, you could see lands beyond it as though we were looking at another planet. And as my travels resumed, it became clear that those lands were also affected by Rings Shifts as the scenery beyond surely changed. But what else was beyond that crack in the sky was a mystery, but the world had changed. Everything but that ever watchful planet in the sky. Almost.
    ~It no longer only appeared in the day and had begun to watch me even after the sun had set. And at night, it was clear there were cities up there too as the lights twinkled so bright. But… But those lights didn’t bring me joy like the stars.~
Scene 30 · CLEARED Mark of a Red Star, End
And with that, the first cour is done. From here and as we head into the new year, Sonic Ring Bond will go back to a more travel centric focus, but that is far from meaning there will be less enemies and grand encounters. It’s time for Sonic and Rosy to start learning what is really going on in the world, and whether they can afford to keep looking for their friends or try to stop what is coming.
I’m really excited to keep building up the world and really hope everyone will be able to join me and help the world grow through your prompts and partaking of the occasional survey. Let’s make 2021 a great year, and start it off with something amazing! thank you everyone! Happy New Year!
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – Second Advent – Tsutomu Narita, GRANBLUE FANTASY – Granblue Fantasy Original Soundtrack: Chaos
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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rebelmalewife · 4 years ago
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Three pairs of feet dash through exploding metallic corridors. They’ve fought long and hard to get through Doctor Robotnik’s insane and only partially constructed third death egg, but they’ve trashed it completely before it can even get fully operational. That doesn’t stop The Doctor though, it never does. It seems he’s already making his getaway, and as a blue blur, a red guardian, and an orange mechanic zoom across hallways, the Doctor seems always one step ahead. 
‘Oxygen Field collapsing.’ A computerized voice echoes through the halls.
“WATCH OUT TAILS!” Sonic The Hedgehog grabs onto his pal, Tails before he’s sucked out into space. Looks like the Death Egg’s atmospheric drives are still intact, or else the trio wouldn’t be able to look out at Earth via the destroyed wall.  Sonic is dressed in his usual attire, which is a blue denim jacket with cloth sleeves and a hood, as well as a red T-Shirt with graphics on it. His blue tech ware shorts and red goggles stick out with his ears and emerald eyes. 
Tails is wearing a pair of jean shorts attached to overalls, a smaller white T-Shirt, and some various mechanic belts and gloves. His hair is bright orange and his ears are more prominent and yokai-like as compared to Sonic, with twin tails that flick nervously. His skin is chalky and scattered with freckles.
Knuckles, the guardian from angel island, is wearing a sleeveless Sweat-shirt with a cargo jacket tied around his waist. He’s got normal cargo shorts but some tribal accessories scattered across his neck and muscular forearms. His red dreads and mocha skin stick out along with his purple eyes. He slams angry fingerless white gloves together and frustratingly stomps green boots against the ground.
“Eggman’s gettin’ away with the Celestial drive and all seven emeralds!”
“I can see that Knucklehead.” Sonic looks around, spotting something.
“Tails! What’s that!?” He points, a purple wormhole pulsates wildly in the middle of the vacuum of space. Tails looks at it for a while, the trio spotting Eggman’s latest master invention, the Time Eater, slink away after a figure and into the wormhole. “That must be some type of portal! If Eggman has the drive and the emeralds! You’d have to follow him through there!” Tails looks back at Sonic, who looks at Knuckles.
“Yo! Knux! Throw me!”
“Are you crazy!?”
“Do it!!”
The red guardian grabs Sonic and tosses him between debris, which he bounces off to gain momentum. This atmospheric gravity drive extends far, cause Sonic wouldn’t be able to gather any speed without it. He narrowly slinks into the portal and crashes onto the metallic structure of the Time Eater just before it shuts behind him, the view of the earth fading behind him.
Now, it’s just Sonic and Eggman in Null Space. 
There is lightning that goes on for distance, black clouds rolling against each other, purple fog that booms against the lightning. Stars that stretch on forever and ever. This is Null Space, the world between worlds, The Power of Stars. Any of those stars could be a whole different reality. Sonic barely has time to still his amazement before he dodges a punch which Eggman willingly throws at his own machine to try and shake off Sonic.
“YOU INSOLENT Rodent! How far will I have to go before you fall off!?”
Sonic grins, “I won’t ever stop chasin’ ya, Eggfart!” He blows a raspberry at Eggman. He’s about to throw another punch at Eggman, but a titanium fist slams into his cockpit. The Time Eater seems to already be partially damaged from the Death Egg’s collapse, so when a compartment opens that leads to the Chaos Emeralds coming loose and flying off into Null Space, Sonic doesn’t hesitate to leap after them, knowing full well the effects of Null Space’s warped gravity will cause him to fly forever.
“Grr!! Who dares-!?” Eggman flips around in his cockpit, finding a transformed Heavy King. Bulkier, more sinister, and colder looking. He looks like a mechanical version of Eggman, with less roundness and more sharpness. The Hard-Boiled Heavy is now the Heavy King. “What?! Hard Heavy!? What’s the meaning of this!? How dare you attack your creator!”
“Negative, Doctor. The Celestial Drive has transformed me. No longer am I your servant. You willingly chose to tamper with the energy of Space and Time, and through your hubris, you have created a ruler of the Eggman empire more superior to yourself.” 
“I will destroy you, take the celestial drive, and conquer all of space and time. The Eggman Empire will succeed under my rule while yours failed. History will remember me as the superior leader... because I will make them.”
Sonic is awestruck by the heavy’s transformation. However, the idea of a multiverse with Eggman branding all over it is something he just can’t stand. “No way!” He swats his hand to the side. Then, his fists clench and his arms pull to their sides. The emeralds draw to someone with latent chaos emerald calling to them, swirling around him and soon fading into multicolored lights that absorb into Sonic’s being, a golden light explodes off of Sonic. Hair spikes up slightly, blue turns to bright yellow and black colors to white. Green eyes turn to a fiery ruby and body glows with a starlight aura. Sonic taps out, and Super Sonic taps in to continue the fight!
As Sonic flies in to draw the Mexican standoff between Eggman and Heavy King, the two Eggheads turn toward Sonic. “Sonic- Why you..!”
“I can’t just let you guys do whatever you want! I’ll kick both your butts if I have to!”
“Your persistence is noted, Hedgehog, but your attempt to interfere is futile. You will be annihilated.” The Heavy king speaks in a cold tone.
Eggman growls, gripping at his controls and slamming down at them. “Hey!! I won’t be ignored!! Heavy King!! No one’s going to destroy that rat but me!! And Sonic!! Super or not, I’ll leave you here to die in this dimension no matter what I have to do! You won’t get in my way!!” He points at the hedgehog, who grins. 
“Alright, Eggster! Let’s do this!”
The three rush at each other, the battle begins! Heavy King goes for Sonic, but Eggman uses the time eater’s massive fists to blast him away, then makes a swipe for Sonic. The Super Hedgehog dodges, kicking Robotnik’s cockpit and causing red lights to flash before a blast wave explodes off of the Time Eater to blast Super Sonic away. As Super Sonic is blasted away, the Heavy king zooms up to kick Eggman’s robot away. Then he goes for Sonic. The more humanoid shape of Heavy King allows Super Sonic to battle more dexterously with him. Dodging and weaving between each other’s punches, the robot, and the speedster cross counter each other, both their fists hitting each other’s cheeks and a shockwave blasting off from the impact. Stunned for a moment, both nimble fighters are swatted aside by Robotnik, who fires blasts of blue energy at both of them. 
Super Sonic recovers, weaving around the energy balls and kicking one into Robotnik, while the Heavy king just punches them out of the way with ease, both combatants rushing for Eggman. Sonic has the golden boost aura around him, moving faster than light. He dashes like a shooting star through the air while the Heavy King uses all his thrust energy to zoom toward Eggman. Regardless, Eggman’s Time Eater harnesses the power of the Celestial drive to slow down time so he can stop them. The Celestial Drive is made from shards of the Phantom Ruby, used to create the Hardboiled heavies. It can distort time and space. It needs to be destroyed, and Sonic is going to be the one to smash it into bits. 
Eggman uses a shockwave to blow the two away again. 
“I’VE HAD ENOUGH!! I’ll just use the Null Space’s energy to vanish through time! No matter where I end up, I’ll conquer it! Or maybe I’ll destroy it! Who knows!” Eggman does a crazed laugh while firing all the weapons he has at the Heavy King and Super Sonic. Sonic blocks the incoming attacks, the energy causing him to fly backward and be engulfed in cosmic smoke. The Heavy King shrugs everything off to slam a hand through Eggman’s cockpit, glass shattering. “WAH!!! STOP!” Eggman screams as the Heavy King lifts him from the cockpit like he’s an actual egg.
“Terminating Doctor Robotnik.”
But before any Eggs can be crushed, Sonic smashes his knee into the Heavy King’s head, causing Eggman to fall back into his cockpit and Sonic to land on the edge of it, ruby eyes starring down at the Doctor. Sonic aims his hand at The Heavy King and fires air cannons to send him farther and farther away. After he’s confident in the time he has, he dashes down to the time eater’s core and charges up his boost energy before flying into the heart of the time-eater and thrusting a hand into the core. He then rips out the Celestial drive and kicks the powerless Time Eater away. 
“Sonic! Wait!” “Nah, Doc! I’m sick of all this meddling! I seriously hope you get back to Earth, cause it’d be a shame for you to be stuck here, but I’m dippin’ Robuttnik! Seeya on the flip side.”
The Heavy King swoops in, attempting to swing a fist toward Super Sonic, but it’s FAR too late. The Hedgehog lifts his golden hands up and lets out a roar. “CHAOS!! CONTROL!!” He shouts out, a beam of white, time and space bending energy, stretches across Null Space. Eggman cowers under his cockpit while the Heavy King is blasted away. The Celestial drive disintegrates into rusty ash through temporal acceleration and Sonic also vanishes in the burst of white.
All three figures are scattered throughout time and space.
The next thing Sonic knows, he’s falling through the sky… chaos emeralds next to him, and body reverted back to Blue, normal hedgehog looks… Before he even realizes where he’s falling to, his body panics and he lets out an “NOOOOO!!” Before crashing into a body of water with a loud CRASH. 
When he finally emerges, head lifting from the water, his emerald eyes scan his surroundings as he trudges up to the shore and lays his back against it. All he can see is a cliff leading into a forest, and a statue of a man sitting in a chair, holding a cube.
“I doubt I’m in Kansas anymore.”
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