#But neo likes to downplay the consequences of shinjuku :(
randomszzz · 2 years
I really wish neo had a dedicated endgame area.  It’s such an effective part of raising the drama of a game’s finale, but neo just had the same streets but DARKER, turn up your screen brightness and squint. 
Mixed feelings on the overworld song choices too, maybe I can give twister a pass but that was someday’s worse incarnation.  I adore calling but we’ve been listening to it for the last several days.  Leaning so much on old songs hurts it from establishing its own identity, couldn’t they throw in divide or compose something new? 
Best I can say is that neo’s approach saved square some bucks.  Given neo’s under performance, I can only hope choosing not to develop dead god’s pad / shinjuku / room of reckoning / wherever for the finale resulted in enough of a modest profit for square to not abandon twewy, but I’m not holding my breath.
(also, OH WHERE IS SHIBA WE HAVE TO FIND SHIBA.  facepalm)  Alright, maybe there’s a way to spin it as fitting that (2/3) final confrontations are in the scramble, and there’s a value in the familiarity.  But I still miss the excitement of exploring a Dramatic End Game Area.
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