#But maybe a lorelie
withascaleandafeather · 7 months
Apparently my answer for depression/my ex acting up/difficulty in general is to submerge myself in the bath like some sort of bisexual ambush predator.
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lgbtqreads · 11 months
Hi! I was wondering if you have wlw recs more in the NA category? Or maybe old YA books
I’m 23 and reading some of the newer releases of YA seem too juvenile for me so I’m looking for books with MC & LI around the same age as me too
The thing is every time I think I found one the MC is paired with an older woman, I do not like age gaps anything more than a 4 years old gap is an automatic no for me
I’m also not a big fan of fantasy/magic themed books
Thank you and I’m sorry I know I’m a bit picky
Yep, I gotcha! Try these:
Out On Good Behavior by Dahlia Adler – P (Amz)
Chord by Chelsea M. Cameron
The Belle vs. the BDOC by Amy Jo Cousins
Take Them By Storm by Marie Landry
The IHOP Papers by Ali Liebegott (19)
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Take Me Home by Lorelie Brown
The Good Girls by Teresa Mummert – B
Looking for a Complication by Tamsen Parker
Black Iris by Elliot Wake w/a Leah Raeder (Amz)
Exception to the Rule by Cindy Rizzo
Catch and Cradle by Katia Rose
The Devil Wears Tartan by Katia Rose
F*ths by G.L. Thomas – B
Treasure by Rebekah Weatherspoon (Amz)
Hairpin Curves by Elia Winters
Vow of Celibacy by Erin Judge
Body Grammar by Jules Ohman
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
Gilmore Girl anon back. Wait... Can we agree that maybe Emily and Richard match the Diaz parents ' energy with taking Chris. I have the unpopular opinion that Richard (after the boat stealing) got played by Rory, and Emily went along. It wasn't evil. So honestly, it's also how I view the Diaz parents in this scenario. So maybe what I'm asking for is a scene like at the diner where Lorelie asks him to marry her. Like Buck is over this version of Eddie letting Chris stay in TX. Instead of the whole we bring her to every class.. Buck is like nope we are going there, and you are pulling your magic dad shit and we are getting our son back, do you want me to pack for you?
I like the way you think. I really like the way you think. Buck being all Buck and Eddie just looking at him like he got hit in the head because damn he loves Buck and Buck is just this solid presence in his life and he just blurts out an I love you or whatever. That would be nice. I can see it. Nice vision. Great vision. Amazing even. Where do I sign?
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sourpatchgrapes · 10 months
I feel like talking shit about Marvel Sigyn stans. Not only do they think Ikol should be held accountable for his dead past self's actions he probably can't remember (they've been shown to have memory issues). They blame him for America acting in self-defense towards one of the hostile exes that tied him up to hang from the ceiling upside down. What? Now they want America to let herself be harmed for fucking Sigyn?
If Sigyn didn't want to get beat up, maybe she should have gotten out of America's way and not ganged up on Ikol with the rest of the hostile exes. Also, I fucking cringe at how they scream "misogyny" because "they erased Sigyn!!" when she's got no personality. And they use her misogyny and try to brand it as "quirky." One thought it was funny that she slut-shamed Lorelei, and that she seemed pleased that Amora was forcefully being given to a giant.
Anon,if you told me them ikol isn't sigyn Loki's they gonna say "well, it's old canon and it retconned now" like no bitch it isn't that canon is still there.
As for the Lorelie and Amora thing I personally wouldn't have thought much of it wasn't for the fact they judge every other woman for shit sigyn dose. If sigyn gets to be a misogynist so can everyone else,you don't get to pick and choose.
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agentofagony · 2 years
Okey so a question poped into my head? who's in the marvel universe is more likely to be a threater kid? Loki, amora, lorelie, Wiccan, Clea, doctor doom and doctor strange are obvious answers , they just have that thing about them that screams obviously threater kid.
Megnato is a maybe? But not so sure.
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bakloyd · 1 year
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After crossing paths with the cold and mysterious Loki and being coerced to join th QED club, her high school life has never been the same. Join the partners in crime as they unravel the threads of mysteries, unmask evil intentions and put together the pieces of the puzzle in their adventures.Welcome to the world of Mysteries, Murders, and Mayhems! It is a story of young students who have the guts to solve mysteries and crimes like Detective Conan and Sherlock Holmes.In this story of young students who have the guts to solve mysteries and crime like detective Conan and Sherlock Holmes.Their main quest is to find who Moriarty/ Mori/ Moriya. The incidents that they are encountering are connected to the main quest of the story adds spice to it
has an interesting plot and settings are scenes solely happen inside the school.My heart goes to Lorelie knowing that Loki can't move on to what happened to his friend,Rhea.towards the end another person has become a member of a club and that's Jamie Santiago the girl who was pretended memory and yes moriarty identity has been revealed but is he the real one This story seems Sherlock Holmes inspired because of the names used especially with the main antagonist. It is written in Taglish but you will see how formal the story is thru its deep English terminologies. Because of its choice of words, it looks like I'm reading a book because of well-chosen words and idioms. It contains different cases that they need to solve but those cases are still connected with the main case. It was fun as a reader to solve cases with the characters. I think that is one of the reasons why I enjoy reading it.
There were a lot of names involved but you will never get a hard time getting familiar with them. The pictures of each character helped me visualize their looks based on the character's view and description. There are parts where I got bored maybe because of too much conversation and not spilling the tea
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fangirl-imagines · 4 years
Dating Luke Danes Would Include...
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If you like coffee (I’m assuming you do as a Gilmore Girl’s fan after all) then Luke will be on you all the time about how you’re going to kill yourself by drinking that stuff. 
Really anything you like that’s really sugary or bad for you he’d probably be rolling his eyes and lecturing you. 
It comes from a place of love though. 
Stealing all of his flannels. Like he is getting ready for work one morning and suddenly realizes he is missing half of his flannels because you’ve “borrowed” them. 
When you give them back you just steal more so his wardrobe is constantly being roasted through with different flannel shirts. 
He will grumble about this a little but really he thinks you look really sexy wearing his shirts. 
Like grabs you by the waist and presses up against you for a deep kiss kind of sexy. 
He isn’t into PDA at all. He thinks it's tacky and tries not to partake in it. 
He will kiss you goodbye sometimes and will sometimes hold your hand in crowds but that's really as far as his public displays of affection go. 
In private though he is more clingy, keeping his arms around your waist and not having any problem kissing you. 
You would have to almost constantly be playing referee between Luke and Jess. 
Jess would be breaking up moments between you and Luke a lot too. Like the amount of times he has walked in on you and Luke kissing or something and just loudly announces his presence is ridiculous. 
“Get a room you two!” 
“We had one, you just don’t know how to knock.” 
“I live here!” 
Luke would always be kind of nervous when it comes to offering affection. He has almost no experience with it so he’s still feeling out his own boundaries. 
He likes to think his shows of affection can almost fly under the radar so if you try and bring attention to it by teasing him he will get all grumpy.
He does small things usually like bringing you flowers or making your favorite dessert for the diner. 
When you give him gifts or do things for him he acts like they are the best thing that he’s ever gotten/anyone’s done for him. 
Idk why but I see you giving him a cord bracelet or something you made and he would say something about that being for kids at sleepovers but then proceeds to put it on and never ever take it off. 
Lorelie is the absolute worst about teasing the two of you though. Like she will never let Luke live somethings down even though she thinks the two of you are adorable. 
Lowkey she is jealous though. 
He will treat you right though! 
Like he will always be reminding you to eat and bringing you food if he thinks you haven’t. 
Stressed out? He is right there trying to help you trying to get things fixed so you’re not in it alone. 
Not sleeping enough? He will make you tea and talk to you to try and help. 
He is a great listener and is always willing to talk things out with you if you’re upset about something. 
He is a sweet man and must be protected. 
Luke is usually pretty busy with the diner so date nights with him would probably include things like watching movies on the couch in your pajamas, cooking dinner together, maybe even going on a walk together. 
I feel like one of the best/worst things about dating Luke is getting a front row seat to him going off on one of his lectures about (insert issue here). 
At some point in time Taylor has turned to you after one of his and Luke’s talks and told you to “control your man” before storming off. 
When Luke finds out he has a daughter he will need your help so much. Like he suddenly has a daughter and has no idea what he’s doing so he needs advice and someone to tell him he is not a terrible dad. 
Rory would also have to approve of you for Luke to have gotten serious with you in the first place. 
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Silver Touch- Gojo x Fem! Reader
A/N: This was a Soulmate AU I did for a @konoblog-simps server collab. I did collaborate with the beautiful and talented @titanialev for the picture.  This was fun to write and I hope you all enjoy.
Click here for the artist photo
Word Count 2.5K
Another year down and it was a failure. Another year that ended terribly. During the Christmas season, you had heard your older family members ask when you would find your soul mate. Most of your family members that were of age had already found theirs. What was wrong with you? It drove you mad that you had a soulmate at all. Obviously, the words written on your palm gave that away.  Every time you looked at them you always wondered where and when it would happen. Not knowing when you’d see, or touch them made it a lot more unbearable. Yuji, you idiot. For the umpteenth time, you read it. That perfect writing, it drove you crazy. If you had only a countdown to when you’d meet, a place, or any clue honestly it would be helpful.
Soul mate marks were taken very seriously. The soul marks were always wherever your soulmate would first touch you. The mark also contained the first words your soulmate would speak to you and glowed silver. They appeared after birth, some immediately after, as in your case. Some people were born without them and they appeared after their soulmate was born, as was your father’s case. Most people found their soulmates by the time they were 18. You being in your early 20’s hadn’t yet. This embarrassed your mother greatly, and you’re sure your father would probably disown you if you lived at home for much longer.
Your friends, who most found their mates already, would gently push you to date, so you wouldn’t be awkward when it came time to actually meet your mate. While hoping that maybe one of these people would be your soulmates. They really did mean the best for you, but even you know that wouldn’t help. You did enjoy a few people here and there but knowing your soulmate was out there still you lost interest quickly.
With your terrible New Year’s Eve date you had behind you, most people were looking forward to Valentine’s Day.  It was common knowledge that more soulmates were found between the 12th and the 16th of February. You had no hope, you never really did. So when you started noticing more pink, purple, and red decorations and advertisements around town you internally gagged. It made your stomach hurt looking at all the goods sold to soulmates.
Today, though, you have a bit more energy than normal. You dressed for your errands for the day. Deciding on wearing a super thick gray sweater with jeans and a baby blue scarf to bundle against the cold winter, which quite honestly, besides black, was one of your favorite colors it had always been, but you never knew why. It didn’t make sense, but you never questioned it more than that, because when you thought about it more, you knew it was just something about it that you liked. It made you feel happy and peaceful.
After a quick look in the mirror, you grab your purse and walk out the door. All the different shades of purples, pinks, reds, and white assaulted you as you walked by the many stores. Today, you were stopping by the pharmacy to pick up some headache medicine. After walking in and audibly groaning at the terrible displays of cheap displays of love you decided you were going to treat yourself to  (your favorite hot beverage) to help combat the cold.
Just across the street was your favorite place to get (beverage of choice). The people were always very kind and friendly, and if you wanted to be honest, you liked that they knew you by name here. You didn’t always order the same thing every time, but since the events of the past few months left you embittered, you were going to go with your most favorite, and comforting drink. The familiar scent of coffee and tea filled your nose as you inhaled deeply feeling calmer than you were outside. Standing in line for a moment, the sweet blonde barista, Lorelie, greeted you.
“Hello Y/N! How are you doing today? What can I get started for you?” She chirped happily, and that familiar greeting, whether it was her or anyone else working always left you feeling like you belonged here.
“I am doing well, Lorelie, I hope you’ve been doing alright. Can I please get a large (name of a favorite hot beverage)?” You smiled back trying to sound as happy as Lorelie did. You couldn’t help but feel like her warmth was infectious.
“Sure thing! I’ll bring it to you when it’s ready.” Lorelie said automatically. A small gesture that you always appreciated. You looked around the little shop while many were covered with Soulmates ads and gifts, here there was very little mentioned. Frankly, you were happy this place was void of any such nonsense. After a few moments, Lorelie came walking up with your order and a treat. Of course, it was a brownie. She always seemed to give you little moments of happiness. You thank her and start leaving the little shop.
As you walk out, a handsome man with white hair holds the door for you, with a smile.  It usually wouldn’t bother you but he had a mask over his eyes. How did he know where he was going? You were lost in your thoughts and not paying attention to another man who came running behind you. He seemed to not notice you at all. When he crashed into you, he forced you to fall forward right into the man holding the door. You felt your ankle twist forcing your scarf to fall over your face and obstruct your eyesight. You felt your beverage and brownie escape your grasp. You tried to catch yourself but felt your hand hit something fleshy and you held on for life.
Everything had happened so fast. After you decided that sitting down would be better after hurting your ankle. You pulled your scarf just enough to see. You saw the man holding the door with a frightening glare on his face. You weren’t sure if it was at you or the mess of your beverage all over his shirt.
“Oh no!” You said with dread. Looking at this mess you had made and probably could’ve avoided if you were just paying attention, you knew the shirt this man was wearing was expensive and would take a month’s pay just to replace it. The man’s face changed after you spoke. He started taking off his mask to look at you. You felt your face grow warmer and you just wanted to leave. His bright eyes never leave your face.
“Yuuji. You idiot.” He kept looking down at you. Your breath caught in your throat. You froze for a moment. Your mind and heartbeat raced. You were desperately trying to remember where you’d seen those words before. You looked down at your palm and saw the words glow silver. You then looked  back at this man. The look on your face must’ve given everything away.  You looked up and saw the words on his hand glowing as well. When  he finally looked up at the man named Yuuji he stared at him intently .
“Where are your manners?” Your soulmate scolded Yuuji. You started trying to stand up to get out of this situation. You couldn’t wrap your mind around the fact that this extremely handsome man was your soulmate.
   “What? I didn’t see her.” Yuuji stated and he didn’t look the least bit concerned for you.
   “Here, let me help you up.” The white-haired man held his hand out to help you up. You nervously took it and pulled yourself up. His hand was warm and was the smile he was giving you.
   “My name is Gojo.” You stood as still as you could even though you felt dizzy. You felt yourself wobbling, the pain in your ankle increasing. Gojo noticed and swept you off your feet carrying you bridal style into the shop you were just leaving. He gently places you in a chair. The look of worry spreading over his face. He left you and went to ask Lorelie for some ice.
After a minute, Gojo returned and checked your ankle for any swelling, bruising, or a broken bone. His touch was soft and relaxing, he gingerly touched your ankle and noticed nothing unusual.
“It doesn’t look broken. I think perhaps you just sprained it.” He spoke softly. “I can bring you to the doctor or hospital if you’d like...Sorry I never did catch your name.”
“Oh, I am sorry, I never did say it. It’s Y/N.” You say sheepishly, noticing the color of your scarf and Gojo’s eyes are the same color. The whole world suddenly becomes a little bit brighter as you’ve come to accept that you’ve found your soulmate.
   Looking back on the last year of your life you never would’ve expected it to go so smoothly. After meeting Gojo, and the terrible incident caused by Yuuji. You and Gojo spent the day talking and getting to know one another.
After three months, Gojo decided to ask you to move in, and you gladly accepted. The first few weeks were nerve-wracking, but you both seemed to make it work. The way Gojo always seemed to be silly and playful when you didn’t want to be or weren’t in the mood made you fall harder. He would bring you flowers, or little gifts when he came back from work trips, and he would just do anything for you because he missed you.
   After eight months together, he planned a small weekend getaway for the two of you since he had been working a lot. He made sure the entire trip was to your exact liking including drinks, and food. This was when you were sure you loved him, despite being soulmates. The first night there under the starry sky and a small bonfire, he proposed to you. The moment was perfect and you didn’t hesitate to let him know exactly how you felt. When you returned home, you planned your wedding. Gojo had a lot of rules for the wedding, but knowing him he probably only meant one or two of them since  he loved to make you flustered.
   The day of the wedding the sun shone brightly, the sky was the perfect shade of blue, and cloudless. The wind was light, and the temperature was perfect. The aroma of late spring flowers blooming softly mingled with the fresh air. In a few short hours, you were going to marry your soulmate.
   You took a deep breath to gather your thoughts. Your bridesmaids were giggling as they sipped on mimosas, and chatted. You were definitely nervous, and you knew you shouldn’t be. There was a knock at the door signaling the make up artist and hair stylists arrival. Everything was coming together.
The time came for your makeup and hair to be done. You decided on wearing your hair down but softly curled, placed upon your head was a silver vine tiara made with pearls and crystals. Your make up was soft and natural, except for your lipstick, which was a Ruby to match the roses. You stared at yourself for a moment and actually felt like a queen. Your bridesmaid’s were all wearing their makeup understated as well, but all of them had their hair done in a sophisticated bun with a french braid on the side. Each one had a hair pin to match your tiara.
The dress was one that you never imagined would look good on you. It was the first one you tried and just fell in love with. It was an A-line ball gown with a small train. The bodice was a corset with the sleeves that were off the shoulder. It had a lot of lace and the bodice. Though it was a bit heavy, you knew that Gojo would absolutely die in it. The dresses for the bridesmaids were all floor length chiffon dresses that also matched the roses you chose. Seeing yourself in your dress, and the bridesmaids in their dresses you knew that this dream was going to become reality.
A knock on the door jolted you out of your thoughts and frenzied the bridesmaids. As they hush each other, your maid of honor answers the door. She talks quietly to the person on the other side for a brief moment and closes the door.
“Everyone and everything is ready,” She said quietly. You nod to her as you place your veil over your face.” You hold your bouquet of red roses in your hand and inhale deeply. You couldn’t imagine your life at this moment. From meeting your soulmate to being married to him. It all seems to have flown by in the blur of life.
You walked to your holding place. Your bridesmaids all waiting along with the groomsmen and your father. The music began and you felt like you were floating on a cloud. You couldn’t believe the overwhelming urge to cry. The voice inside your head told you that you needn’t cry because the amount of time and makeup used to make you look ‘natural’ was surreal. You took one look at your father, who normally was stoic, and expressionless. Not right now, he had tears streaming down his cheeks, and snot running down to his chin. You smiled at him. Knowing how hard giving away his only daughter would be for you, you patted his arm where yours was linked with his.
The music changed to the song you chose to walk down the aisle to. You took one last deep breath and looked ahead. The door swung open to the outside. You noticed the beautiful archway of flowers draped in the deep red roses you chose for flowers. Something you didn’t plan, and you felt your stomach flutter knowing Gojo was behind it. The walk down the aisle looked like it was going to be forever, but in reality, it was very short.You heard the ooo’s and ah’s of the guests. The quiet whispers of how beautiful you and your dress looked.
You kept your eyes locked on your soulmate. You knew that everyone would be looking at you. As is traditional but you didn’t want to ever forget this moment where you swore you saw tears in your soon to be husband’s eyes. The rest of the ceremony went rather quickly. Gojo’s vows made all the women cry, and your vows to him were sweet. You’d invite everyone to a reception following the ceremony. While the guests were guided to drinks and appetizers before a meal, you, Gojo, and your wedding party were whisked away for photos. As the photographer took pictures, your smiles never faded, the memories would last an eternity, and you couldn’t wait to see what your future held.
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Harry and y/n plan a date night for themselves, but lorelie gets sick and harry is like "sorry love, she's burning up, i need to cancel" and y/n is like " :((( can me and milo come over? I can help you take care of her"
They would bring over chicken noodle soup they got on the way there and Milo would bring her his favorite toy or his favorite stuffed animal 😭
They would all huddle on the couch (Loralie probably half asleep), watching a Disney movie while Harry gets up every five seconds to get something for Loralie
Or maybe Loralie is laying in Harry’s bed so he has to get up all the time and check on her and he’s always coming in with new cups of water, Gatorade, small snacks, even tho she didn’t eat or drink the last ones. He’s going to take her temperature every five second even once she falls asleep and y/n would come in and be like “babe,” pulling the covers over Loralie. “Let her be. You just got to let her sleep off whatever bug she caught” ☹️
Omg this would be so cute to actually make into a blurb 😭
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mistifybyart · 4 years
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Did a digital rendition of a draw i did of Lorelie undertaker and Doc Carver. I got the idea for the drawing based off a old fanfiction I wrote about them. It’s essintally about how the two of them are angry and arguing with each other cause Lorelie is being really stubborn about getting one of her strings fixed. Or at least that’s part of the story. Maybe I’ll share it in the future. Leave a comment if you guys and gals would be interested in that. Till then hope ya’ll like the drawing and remember to stay epic tata!
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Court Story
Eight months ago in December of 1991, Lucy Marie Langdon and her accomplices, Talia Doe and Leon Yanks, were arrested for the murder of Lorelie Snow. Cops were called to the residence of Snow and her mother, Mabel White-Snow, on 90 Black Drive in Lancaster. Injuries such as a number of defensive wounds and telephone cord wrapped around her legs were discovered on her body. Snow and her mother were first separated when White-Snow got a call stating she had to meet at 7 a.m. the next morning in regard to an incident with her daughter Lorelie Snow. White-Snow followed these instructions during the time of the attack. Lorelie Snow was murdered on December 19, 1991, but the story actually begins the day before. On December 18th Mabel White-Snow, the mother of Lorelie Snow, was at work when she got a call requesting, she’d come to the junior high school for a meeting. The subject of that meeting was about her daughter and an incident that occurred outside the school’s gymnasium. The next day White-Snow left for that meeting while Lorelie did her hair. When Mabel White-Snow arrived at the school she found there was no one there to meet her so she left. However, during this time, Lucy Marie Langdon, with the help of Talia Doe, sliced Lorelie’s throat. They left her to die with multiple other injuries. As Mabel White-Snow reentered the condo and walked up the stairs, she found the body of Lorelie Snow lying bloody on the bedroom floor and a bloody bread knife next to her. As the mother screamed for help neighbor Edna Incredible called 911. Some of Lorelie’s last words were “Lucy did it”. When arresting officer Lt. Judy Doughnut of Lampeter Township PD arrived, she found the victim bloodied and gasping for air. Lucy Marie Landon is charged with murder in the first degree and eight months later a trial is held. On July 20, 1992 Honorable John Steele of Lancaster is the presiding judge assigned on this case. Landon is counseled by her defense attorney Christine Rain. During the trial a pair of sweatpants worn by Landon with blood proven to belong to Snow were found. According to accomplice Leon Yanks testimony, he “…did not know Doe and Landon’s intention to kill, just to harass.” This would all result in Lucy Marie Landon convicted of first-degree murder and criminal conspiracy. Landon was sentenced with life in prison without the parole. Her defense attorney Christine Rain plans to appeal this sentence. If you didn’t know the importance of attendance maybe the decisions of Talia Doe can teach you something. On the morning of the murder Doe arrived late to Penn Manor High School at 10:15 a.m.. Jamie Spangler, A gym teacher at the school, testified to seeing Doe’s face covered in scratches. Don’t commit a crime while you’re committing another crime.
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leal-alchemical · 4 years
Casually came out as nonbinary as coworker number 2 today!
Maybe at some point it will be a bit less of a word vomit, but not yet I guess.
I also brought up to my mom that I had considered going by a more neutral name/nickname. Pyper is great, but widely assumed to be fem.
She said she almost named me Lorelie-lee (however it's spelled) and mentioned that my middle name (Leal) was influenced by the numerous men and women on her side who had some variant of Lee in their name.
So uh, contemplating asking people to call me Lee? It's a shortened version of my middle name (you try saying Leal, rhymes with reel. It's hard.), and it has some family history to it, and was going to be part of my name until my mom changed her mind at the last minute.
Any opinions?
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lgbtqreads · 6 years
Hiiii! Do you have any books about people finding love a little later in life without having had experience before? Maybe because they were in the closet? I’m sorry if this is a weird ask, but I’m in my twenties and in the closet and I’ve never really had a relationship before, so I’m looking for something that I can relate to. Thank youuuu
Far From Home by Lorelie Brown is about this, yep, though the main character’s anorexia recovery and demisexuality also feed into this experience for her, so just a heads-up on that. The love interest in Out on Good Behavior has this experience, but she’s only just 20, so I’m not sure if that’s quite as useful. I know there must be more, but most books along those lines tend to be about having dated men and only just realizing now that whoops, that was not the right path, like When Katie Met Cassidy by Camille Perri. I’m gonna tap some others in here because there are definitely more I’m just not thinking of... @bibliosapphic? @biandlesbianliterature?
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a-witches-curse · 6 years
This showed up in my Tumblr recommendations today, and since I love a good interactive fiction I decided to check it out. And hot dang do I love this so far. I haven't gotten that far in the story yet but I'm already in love with L, thanks for that. :D
Ah! Everyone is being so sweet. It makes me smile! I’m glad so many people love L! I put a short little snippet of a story about them under the cut:
(I’ll use Lorelie because I can I guess?)
The evening of Lorelie’s 6th birthday was a strange affair.  A large party was thrown. Which Lorelie liked. She got to wear her favorite blue dress and mother braided her hair to make her look like a grown up. She watched in awe as tens of hundreds of people she had never seen before filtered in and out of the dining room. It was more people than she’d ever seen before and they all looked so pretty. Although, she noticed that there weren’t any other children around, she didn’t mind very much. The cook had made sweet rolls and she got to eat as many as she wanted because she was the birthday girl. 
Right now she sits in a chair and watches the people move around. Everyone is dressed in pretty colors and smiles at her when she catches their eye. Some of them pet her hair or shake her hand. Others give her gifts. Most of them don’t talk to her though, instead choosing to crowd around her father.  He hasn’t talked to her yet tonight, but if she stays here maybe he’ll see her and make those other people go away.
Lorelie can’t help but to think he looks like royalty as he stands proudly, straight backed, dressed in shades of green and black. Green because he likes it. Black because he’s in ‘mourning’. Mother says it means he’s sad. But he doesn’t look sad right now. He’s smiling, and Lorelie can’t help but smile as well. Mother said once that she’s inherited her father’s smile.
She watches him talk to the other grown ups for what feels like forever before a maid ushers her off to bed. Lorelie cries the whole way. Father never even wished her a happy birthday.
Later that night she gets a stomach ache. The back of her throat tastes sweet but its stings when it comes back up. She decides she doesn’t like father’s parties very much.
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agentofagony · 2 years
The amount of logyn shippers that's pissed at the fact that sigyn didn't get to beat up Loki in pride month short story is very concerning. You are aware her Loki is fucking dead right? And this Loki has literally nothing to do with her right? I bet dude can't even remember who the fuck is she.
The one that deserves to get to beat up this Loki is Leah, he killed her lover people he actually have personally effect the girl life. I can't believe that there is someone who thinks Leah doesn't have the right to beat him up.
Maybe also the cat guy but I don't know what's his story entirely is beside Loki might have turned him into a cat by mistake or maybe not by mistake.
Lorelie I have no idea why even is she there.
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amazon-me-bitches · 3 years
Talk about the first ship you ever had. I THINK it was Kurama/Hiei from YYH
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. well KuramaxHiei being the first one was important bc I had not been exposed to much gay media in general and I started reading fanfiction and came across it and was just gobsmacked.  SamxDean is a longtime one. for a LONGGGG time I shipped Peterick too.and other bandom ships ((pisst: I still lowkey think Ryden happened))
What’s your current OTP? Sanders pairings change all the time for me but put on the spot I would sayyy ThomasxVirgil hands down -What’s your current NOTP? uhhh I’m not so much into Rociet I think Janus was manipulative and mean to Roman and Roman deserves better than that.
Do you have any poly ships? um everything? LAMPTDR plus sleep and Picani and anyone else that happens to walk in and sit on the couch with them for movie night? xD im not picky.
How do you feel about love triangles? As long as no ones feelings get hurt and it all ends in poly good snuggles im good with them (=
How do you feel about RPF? ALL DAY EVERY DAY, just don’t harass people irl and you are good to go my dude.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? lol I think way back when but I’m more of the ‘let the other 2 hot characters kiss while I just watch and cheer in a fireman’s hat.’ kinda girl. 
Do you have many ships that never got together at all? well yeah lol almost all of them thats why we write the fanfiction man lol.
Do you ship any characters that have never met? yes and no I have before as a crack ship but I like some chemistry.
Talk about your favorite first kiss. currently? Luke and Lorelie from Gilmore Girls. bc I have put off watching that show for years bc i thought I wouldnt like it and now I love it and GOSH IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? nah im a simple person.
Has a ship ever broken your heart? I mean maybe RyanxBrendon from Panic!atd
How do you feel about will they/won’t they? it worked for Gilmore Girls lol
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Sam and Dean honestly the second Dean had him by the jacket in his face on that bridge I was ALL IN BABY.
Talk about a ship you initially disliked. Prinxiety ONLY bc I thought the shippers would be obnoxious about it like Destiel but that didn’t happen and I started to love them and their dynamic
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically. Jd and Dr Cox....IT WAS A PHASE AND MY WIFE WONT LET ME FORGET IT!!
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. I mean the state of Moxiety is turmoil rn but I still ship them. They will make up and hug and kiss and Patton will make them after sex brownies and and all will be cool again....if I believe hard enough.
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself?I said I wasnt going to ship Remrom but hey ship happens.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. I wish MORE people Shipped Thomas with the sides.
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? that’s Destiel for me, the fans are really the only reason I don’t like that ship, they are crazy and most are horrible... but hey If Cas wants to hop in bed between some Winchester bros, I’m not going to be blocking the door.
Which of your ships have the best chemistry? Sam x Dean or LoganxVirgil
Which of your ships deserve better writing? Bandom about All Time Low, bring up your JALEX GAME GUYS.
Do you mostly ship canon pairings? nah I dont care about Canon
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? Guilty as charged.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? Yeah I like to refer to it as. “ the strong must protect the sweet”
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life? I still ship Hiei and Kurama the only difference is now I like them with Yusuke too lol.
Does shipping come easily to you? always
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic? nah but it helps
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Golden Girls
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. I’m a sucker for Virgil getting all kinds of comfort and attention and love when he joins the light sides them all just fawning over him and making him blush. Him being so anxious about his first movie night with Thomas and Thomas pulls him into his lap and just holds him and drops kisses along his neck throughout the movie.
Share five must-read fics. dude I have read so much fanfiction I truely can’t lol.
Name your favorite fanartist(s). again too many to count. you guys are so talented holy frick!
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. you mean my MP3 player? lol
Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs. too much work I rec go to the tag of your ship and look around you will find MAGIC, my friends.
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships? Yes I write but rarely share them im shy but I have fanfiction sitting in my Aol email that is from 2006, no im not kidding. there is also over 400 of them.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? Anything where Virgil or Thomas gets fiercely protective. or when Dean threatens someone's life or sacrifices someone else to save Sam.
Do you like and use ship names? yeah all the time.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? nah I got me the best ship of all time Bierra which is BethxSierra and let me tell you guys its the DOPEST ship out there. lol its me and my wife.
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? They should flirt more and or fuck more. thank you for your time.
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