#But like idk I think it would be depressing if Theo lost him too right after the painting
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sarastellasari · 15 days ago
wait guys how old was Popchyk 😭
cause Xandra owned him for at least a little bit before Theo went to Vegas right (I don’t think he was a puppy?) and then Theo was there for a year
and then there’s the time skip to like 10/12 years later ish right? So hes like around 12/13 years old I think?
According to Google the average lifespan of a dog is 11-13 years (I’m sure it depends on the breed and stuff but like… I don’t think it was ever stated)
So would he have died soon after the book ended?
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lolbtsaus · 7 years ago
85 Truths Tag
Rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people. Idk who to tag and I’m too lazy/exhausted to go in and tag my friends on here so I’m just gonna tag everyone who wants to do this!!
1. Drink - Water
2. Phone call - from a random number that I don’t know and didn’t answer
3. Text message - my mom
4. Song you listened to - “Mayores” by Becky G ft. Bad Bunny
5. Time you cried - a week ago
6. Dated someone twice - nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - nope
8. Been cheated on - nope
9. Lost someone special - yes
10. Been depressed - maybe??? I don’t think so though I’m not completely sure
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - nope
Fave colours:
12.  Pastel anything
13. Blue
14. Pink or yellow
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - yes !!!! and I love them with all my heart
16. Fallen out of love - wasn’t in love to begin with
17. Laughed until you cried - yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you - nope
19. Met someone who changed you - nah??? I’ve changed myself
20. Found out who your true friends are - yeah
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list - don’t have facebook
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - don’t have facebook
23. Do you have any pets - a doggo and a kitty girl
24. Do you want to change your name - no but I used to
25. What did you do for your last birthday - it was just my parents and I and we went to dinner and then came home and played Catan aka my ideal fucking night I’m such a board game person
26. What time did you wake up today - :))) okay s e e that’s a trick question bc I accidentally fell asleep at like 7:30 am and then woke up at 9:30 am and stayed awake until like 4 pm and then fell asleep and woke up at 7 something pm so basically I’m a mess
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - probably played a game on my phone, either solo or with my friends
28. What is something you can’t wait for - my liCENSE and to move out of this damn city:’)))
30. What are you listening to right now - music
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - no I don’t think so but I know a Theo does that count
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - lately??? um my sleep schedule??? tired of staying up too late and sleeping in too late and missing some of my friends while they’re awake
33. Most visited website - probably youtube
34. Hair colour - brown
35. Long or short hair - short fuck long hair I look terrible with it and it ruins my damn curls my hair gets too heavy to curl if it’s long and I need my curls bc it’s like my fall back since I don’t do makeup or getting ready at all
36. Do you have a crush on someone - no one I know irl but definitely my Tae tae
37. What do you like about yourself - my hair and I’ve been working on liking my smile you guys be proud of me I also like my dimples which come with the smile so that’s helping
38. Want any piercings? - ye s I wanna start with ears but I’m just hesitant to get them bc I’m a side sleeper and I’m like worried about sleeping on my ear when it’s freshly pierced wouldn’t that fuck some shit up I can’t sleep on my back I wake up every twenty minutes so I’m waiting on that
39. Blood type - don’t know
40. Nicknames - Sae and pet names, everyone ends up calling me some form of baby or bub/bubby/bubu etc. also get called kid a lot
41. Relationship status: :’) what’s a relationship ya bitch can’t even get the online “idek you” playful flirting from anons that disappear two days later let alone real pEOPLE 
42. Zodiac - pisces
43. Pronouns - she/her
44. Fave tv shows - Game of Thrones, Bob’s Burgers, Vikings, Spongebob, probably more but I can’t think of them 
45. Tattoos - not yet but I will one day I want so many but like money, healing and also indecisive
46. Right or left-handed - right
47. Ever had surgery - nope
48. Piercings - none yet
49. Sport - I did archery for a month I did dance for a couple years I did horseback riding for another lil while and my god do I miss them all I miss horses so fucking much :((( they’re so sweet and emotionally connected to you and I love them so much
50. Vacation - Sweden
51. Trainers - ??? idk what this means tbh is it like a personal trainer or trainers like shoes?? bc idk what brand I use
More general
52. Eating - nothing rn but I just had mini oreo thins
53. Drinking - water
54. I’m about to watch - you know I don’t really know I think some fetus!BTS videos bc I’m trying to do research for a post
55. Waiting for - my license and day 5 in mystic messenger to come bc I just started playing and damn it I just wanna see my sunflower son (Ray) but he’s like the last to unlock apparently so I have to get through a whole bunch of the others to get to him when all I wanna do is comfort him and give him a hug
56. Want - my license, to move and a girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other
57. Get married - would I ever get married??? Yes I have nothing against marriage but my grandmother advised to never get married before 25 so I’m gonna try to stick to that idk if I will
58. Career - I wanna do lab work in paleo anthropology or work in a museum
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - hugs with forehead kisses
60. Lips or eyes - eyes
61. Shorter or taller - taller
62. Older or younger - older
63. Nice arms or stomach - I guess arms bc I love a soft tummy but I also qualify that as a nice stomach so ?????
64. Hookup or relationship - relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger - nope
67. Drank hard liquor - nope
68. Lost glasses - I once lost them at 3 in the morning bc in my sleep, i suppose I had picked my glasses up and flung them across the room and I had to go wake my mom up to find them for me bc I can’t see without them
69. Turned someone down - you gotta be confessed to do that so n o
70. Sex on the first date - h A
71. Broken someone’s heart - negative
72. Had your heart broken - not really
73. Been arrested - no
74. Cried when someone died - yes
75. Fallen for a friend - not really
Do you believe in
76. Yourself - yeah I feel like future me really has her shit together
77. Miracles - idk man
78. Love at first sight - attraction yes, love no
79. Santa Claus - I want to so badly
80. Kiss on a first date - depends on how good the date was
81. Angels - again idk
82. Best friend’s name - Gavie or Jade or Eva
83. Eye colour - brown
84. Fave movie - Jurassic Park or Quest for Camelot
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just-jordie-things · 8 years ago
Being the Bait - Theo Raeken
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word count: 7090 summary: you’re tired of theo constantly breaking your heart, but the idea of losing him again just doesn’t seem like an option.  (set in 6A but not everything follows the episodes exactly) warnings: swearing, angsty depression, night terrors, murder a/n: this isn’t the song used for the lil prompt below, but i listened to this a lot while writing this imagine.  idk if y’all even click those link or not but i thought you’d want the same experience
[you’ve taken my heart by storm / i’m lost in your love / i can’t hold back anymore]
You blinked, not sure if what you were seeing was correct.  You raised your fists to your eyes, rubbing them as though to clear your vision.  
But nope, Theo Raeken was still standing there in front of you.  All chained up by Liam and Hayden.  A strip of duct tape over his mouth, which you were thankful for.  He couldn’t sweet talk out of this one like he’d done with you before.  He looked the same, the same dirty blonde gelled hair, the same muscular frame, same perfect jawline-
You snapped back into reality of the situation, and glared between the sophomore werewolves.
“What the hell did you do!?” You screamed, punching Liam in the shoulder and giving him a growl.  “Scott is going to kill you- hell, I’m gonna kill you! What were you thinking!”
“First of all, ow” Liam muttered.  “And second of all, Theo’s the only one we got who could tell us anything about the Dread Doctor's experiment” You sighed, and rolled your eyes.
“Liam… goddamn it” You pinched the bridge of your nose, shaking your head as you looked down at the ground.  “Are you fucking kidding me” You sighed.
“He’s right” Hayden piped up.  “He’s the only leverage we have for figuring out what these Ghost Riders want” You looked from Hayden, and shot a glance at Theo, who had his eyes set on you.  You kept his stare for a moment, before looking up at the sky, trying to process through your wild, thought jumbled head.
“Okay” You sighed, looking back to Liam.  “Okay” Your eyes wandered the woods that they’d told you to meet them at.  “But why here?”
“We’re searching” Hayden shrugged.  When you stole another glance at your ex boyfriend, you found his eyes were still on you and you quickly turned away.
“Fine.  But no promises that I don’t maul him when this is all over” You said, flashing your ice blue eyes at Liam.
You all began walking, and you weren’t quite sure where it was you were going.  Just that the betas on either side of you were determined to get somewhere.  Liam kept telling Hayden about what he’d learned so far about the Hunt, but you’d zoned out of the conversation, falling a bit behind the both of them as you were swamped in your own thoughts.
Mostly memories, of your time with Theo before his true self was revealed.  The day that you’d found out he was working with the Doctors, your entire being felt shattered, and your heart broken.  But if you were being honest with yourself, you cried yourself to sleep many nights after you’d watched him get dragged down to the pits of hell.  And your heart was still broken.
You jumped and spun around when you felt a small nudge on your arm.  You saw that Theo had awkwardly put the back of his hand against your forearm, while still in his handcuffs.  You kept his gaze again for a moment, wishing that things weren’t the way they were.
But that wasn’t going to change, and no matter how sorrowful he looked at you, neither were you.
You looked away, and walked quickly forward, trying to join the conversation with Liam and Hayden again.
Theo Raeken needed to be out of your life, even if you needed to carve him out yourself.
You ended up in the middle of nowhere.  It was dark now, and you were in the middle of the woods, having no idea where it was you even are.
“Liam” You grumbled, putting your hands on your head.  “I am actually going to murder you in these woods” Hayden stepped defensively in front of him, but you just rolled your eyes.  “Well give me a reason not to!” You yelled at them both, and Liam sighed.
“Because Scott would be-”
“Oh, he’d be just as pissed as I am right about now” You said in a growl.  “Not only, did you lead us all out here so we’re lost in these woods” You angrily through your arm towards Theo.  “You brought back this fucking psychopath!” Your heart tightened at the words you’d used, but you’d known it was true.
“y/n, breathe for a sec, okay?” Liam said, putting his hand on your shoulder.  You huffed in frustration.
“And why should I do that when I’m stuck out here with the last person I want to be with, ever” You said angrily.  Liam handed his end of the chain to Hayden, and she proceeded to tie Theo up at a thick tree.
“Maybe because your claws are digging into the palms of your hands and your eyes are..” Liam trailed off, and you closed your eyes tightly, willing the color to go away.  You hated their new color.  “Look if you want help with control it took me a while too-”
“No.  I don’t need it” You snapped back at him.  “Just let me breathe on my own” You said, walking away, and running your hands through your hair, pleading with your inner self that you could shift back to being human.  Tears welled in your eyes as your mind flashed back to the worst night of your life.
Not only had Theo been ripped away from you to spend his eternity beneath the surface of the earth, but you’d lost the beautiful yellow color of your shifting eyes.  They’d gone from a golden color, to a sky blue one, in a matter of seconds.  And it was a complete accidental incident.
You could hear thrashing and metal clanking behind you, and looked out of the corner of your eye to see Theo struggling against his restraints, pulling and yanking.  He was mumbling under the duct tape, but no real words came out.  You tilted your head just barely towards the three of them, listening to what Liam and Hayden were saying.
“We’re not letting you free damnit stop trying!” Liam said angrily, and Hayden tightened the chains around the tree.
“Hey” You called so they’d hear you, but your voice was soft as you wiped your sleeves over your eyes.  “Let’s just get going” You said, taking their attention away from the chimera so they’d stop yanking on the metal cuffs around his wrists.  “I think I could get us out of here if we backtrack enough” You told them, and Liam sighed in relief.
“Thank god” He said, and began to undo the ends of the chains where Hayden had tied them around the trunk of the tree.
“I got it” You said, taking over and unlooping them with ease.  Liam reached out to take them, but you held onto them with a firm grip.  He didn’t question you, and neither did Hayden.  Because all four of you knew that Theo was much less likely to run away if you were the one holding onto his leash.  In fact, both you and him knew he wouldn’t even think about it if you were holding the chains.
You’d gotten everyone to the entrance of the preserve, where both yours and Liam’s cars were parked, and everyone felt both relief and exhaustion.  You checked your phone for the time.
“Jesus it’s ten o’clock” You sighed.
“There’s no reception… I wonder if Scott tried to contact us” Liam said worriedly, but you didn’t care so much about Scott at the moment.
“Where’s he gonna stay..?” You asked with a nervous tremor in your voice.
“Well we can’t just let him go off to… wherever the hell he lived” Liam said.  You almost corrected him by telling him that Theo had a small apartment but kept your mouth shut.  “Don’t look at me, my step dad would kill me if I just showed up with him at my house” Liam said with wide eyes towards you.  “Besides.  He’d kill me in my sleep in an instant” He said in disgust.  Your ears picked up in the slowed pace of Theo’s heart beat, but no one else seemed to notice it so you didn’t mention it.
“My sister hates when I bring Liam home, you think she’s gonna let some eighteen year old boy stay the night?” Hayden scoffed, crossing her arms.  Your hands tightened on the chains in your hand, bending the thick links as you came to a realization.
“Your parents are still on vacation right?” Liam asked, and you tilted your head, giving him a glare.
“Oh, you can’t be serious” You growled.
You shoved Theo into the back seat of your car, slamming the door, not even checking to see if he’d pulled his legs in or not.  But by the lack of bones crushing as you whipped the door shut, you figured he’d moved inside just in time.
You spun around, and punched your fist hard across Liam’s jaw, and he stumbled back, but it barely fazed him.
“You’re lucky to have your life tonight” You said angrily.  Liam rolled his eyes.
“You’re being over dramatic.  At least he won’t kill you if he stays at yours”
You swung at him again, but this time he dodged your punch.
“Great, now keep up that aggression for when he’s there” Liam said, giving you two thumbs up before dragging Hayden quickly away towards his car.
“Well fuck you Dunbar!” You yelled after he shut the door and turned on the car’s engine.  When he drove away from you, you flipped him off.  “Fuck you!” You yelled again, then stormed over to your own car.  You angrily opened the door and slammed it as you got in.
You put your hands on the wheel, catching your breath as you realized you were panting from the frustration boiling up inside of you.
“Blue’s a new color on you” You heard an all to familiar and calm voice say from behind you.  Your eyes flicked up to the rearview mirror, thankful to see that they were back to their normal y/e/c.  But not so thankful to see Theo, with his duct tape in his hands.  You cursed internally upon realizing his hands weren’t bound by anything now.  Thought the cuffs were still on them, he could remove the tape easily.
“If you think that I won’t kill you in an instant if you put me, or my friends, into any danger, then you are sadly mistaken” You said, finally jamming your key into the ignition and turning it.  You instantly began to drive away.
“And if you think that I’d intentionally hurt you in any way, then you know even less about me than you thought” He said with a slight chuckle.
“I don’t think it’s in your best interest to crack jokes about all the lies you fed me” You grumbled, going five miles more than the speed limit to get home faster.
“y/n I-”
“I don’t care Theo” You said, keeping your expression as blank as possible, and refusing to look back at him.  With that, he shut his mouth, and was silent the whole rest of the ride back to your place.
When you got here, you let him walk himself behind you to the door.  You knew he wouldn’t try to make a run for it.  He carried all the chains in his arms, and stayed silent as you unlocked the door.  He closed it behind him, and locked it again.
“You have the couch” You said, pointing to the living room before going upstairs to change into pajamas.
You stalled in your room, trying to calm down the wave of emotions you were currently drowning in.  Yes, the feelings you’d had for Theo were still all there.  All the passion and love and adoration you’d had for almost half the year.  But now, it was mixed up with something new, and cold.  A hatred, a boiling anger.  You knew in your heart of hearts that Theo Raeken was a manipulative liar, but that you still had feelings for him.  And you had no idea what to do about it.
With a sigh, you decided to bring down a pillow and blankets for him.  You went down the stairs to see he was lying there, on his back, his hands folded over his chest with all the chains sitting there on his stomach.  Some hung down and swung near the floor.  When you entered the room, he looked over at you as you held out the items you’d grabbed for him.
“Here” Was all you could manage to say as you set them on the coffee table in front of your couch.  You crouched down in front of him, pulling a bobby pin out of your hair and picking the lock on his handcuffs with ease.  Theo gave you a small grateful smile as they fell off, and he rubbed his wrists immediately to relieve the sharp pain of the bruises there.
“Thank you” He said, and you looked at him, but didn’t say anything.  When you finally tore your eyes away from his green ones, you stood up, tugged down your sleep shorts awkwardly, and headed back towards the stairs.
You didn’t get much sleep that night, mostly tossing and turning and your mind jumping with the thought of Theo sleeping in your house again.  But every time he’d done so before, he was always in your bed.  His arms protectively holding you against him, a few kisses pressing into your hair as he fell asleep.
It felt weird to have him here without him holding you.
After the long restless night, you took a long shower the next morning before putting on your outfit for school.  You went downstairs while adjusting it, and was surprised to see Theo just sitting on the couch.  His blankets and pillow neatly folded and stacked back onto the coffee table.
“Uh, you want breakfast?” You asked timidly, pointing off to the kitchen.  He nodded his head, and followed you in.  “I’m making toast… is that okay?”
Why should it matter if that’s okay with him, he’s my prisoner, you thought to yourself, but didn’t take back the offer.
“Toast is fine” He said, and sat at the table while you put bread in the toaster.  It was silent as you got down the plates, and pulled out butter and a knife as well.  But he was the first to speak up again.  “You know if.. If you want to ask me questions or something I’d answer one hundred percent honestly” He told you.  You looked at him for a moment, testing to see if he was lying.
You didn’t find a tell that he was.
But you looked back at the toaster, waiting for the bread to pop up.  “No thanks” You said, twiddling the knife around between your fingers.  “I actually don’t want to know a single thing” You added.
Breakfast was silent.
The car ride to school was silent.
He kept in step next to you on the way into the building.  He felt weird, seeing that he was in the same clothes as he was yesterday, and had no school books with him.  But he didn’t dare question you or whatever it was your plan was here.
You met up with Liam Mason and Hayden, and Mason was the only one who reacted upon seeing the chimera.  Instantly jumping behind Liam.  Who explained it all to his friend.
“I still don’t trust him” Mason said simply, and headed off.  Liam followed after him, causing Hayden to go as well.  You sighed, heading to your own locker instead.  Theo still right behind you.
“It feels weird being here again” He told you, filling the now awkward silence as he stood at your locker.  He looked over the crowd of students, who all gave him a weird look.  He could hear all their whispers, and he knew you could too.
“Where did he go?”
“I thought he like… died in that whole library wolf incident”
“Maybe he should die.  He was so cocky and rude”
“Are him and y/n still dating?”
“I hope not, that way I actually have a chance at prom king and queen with my boyfriend”
“He looks like he just crawled out of a hole”
You looked up at Theo as his eyes raked over the halls of people.  You frowned having heard what the other students were saying.
“Don’t listen to them” You told him against your better judgement.  “Just ignore them.  They don’t know anything” He looked at you, a slight surprised expression on his face upon realizing that you were easing his hurt feelings.
“Well congratulations y/n” He sighed.  “You aren’t the only one who wants me dead”
You didn’t say anything, just got the books you needed and headed off towards the library.  You were supposed to meet with Scott, Lydia, and Malia there.
Let’s just say it didn’t go well.  But you had somehow convinced Malia not to kill Theo.
At the end of the day, he was just sitting on the stairs outside of the school.  Since he was no longer technically in the system, he’d spent the whole day in the library, then headed outside when the final bell rang.  You were a little late coming outside, having been stopped by Scott.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be the one watching him” Scott told you.
“Yeah, and I’m the only one who can do it” You’d replied.  “And the only one he’d actually comply to “ You added.
“You think he wouldn’t try to hurt you and free himself?” Scott asked, not believing it as much as you did.
“I don’t” You said, before heading towards the doors.  “I’ll see you later McCall”
When you went outside, Theo was the only one there, sitting on the steps and wringing his hands together.
“Come on” You said quietly as you walked down, heading towards your car.  Theo got up and followed after you.  “Let’s go home”
The next two days, the silent tension between you two had faded away, and you’d grown used to having him in your home.  You’d gone to his apartment one night so that he could get all his clothes and other things he’d need during his stay at your house.
You were sitting in the living room, on the recliner with your legs criss crossed in your lap, a book in your hands as you read in silence.  Theo was on the couch, laying so that he was facing you as he messed around on his phone.
“It’s weird” He told you.  “It’s been awhile since I’ve had this, and I barely know what to use it for” You looked over at him as he tapped on the screen.
“Well what’d you need it for before?” You asked him, and he chuckled quietly to himself.
“I’d only ever used it to talk to you” He said, stealing a quick glance at you, and catching you with your cheeks pink and a ghost of a smile tugging at your lips.  But you looked away, trying to remove the expression from your features.
“Sounds like a waste of money” You said blankly, your eyes staring down at your book, but unable to read a word.
“It wasn’t then” Was all he said.
Another hour spent in a more comfortable silence passed before you decided it was time for you to go up to bed.  You were halfway up the stairs when you stopped, and turned around.  You thought through what you were going to do next, before descending back down and going to the living room.  You found Theo already getting comfortable on the sofa under his small blanket and pillow.
“Hey-hey Theo?” You called nervously, and upon smelling the anxiousness on you, he looked at you worriedly.  “I… I was thinking that if… if you want you could st-stay upstairs in the guest room” You told him, and his brows rose in shock.
Was it just him, or were you warming up to him again?
“You know with the whole Ghost Riders thing and-and it’s storming and the couch just seems to small and uncomfortable-”
“I’d love to stay in the guest bedroom” He cut you off from your nervous rambling, and a breath of relief blew from your lips.
“A-alright then” You said, and he gathered his blankets and pillow up before following you upstairs.
And to think the last time he followed you up these stairs, it was so you could sneak into your bedroom for some mischief before your parents came home.
“It’s here” You said quietly, opening up the door that was across from yours.  Theo followed you in, and smiled at the bed.  He missed sleeping in a bed.
“Thank you” He said sincerely as he set his things on the mattress.  You nodded, looking down at the carpeted floor.
“Yeah I just figured it’s… time” You said, and he didn’t ask for clarification on what exactly you thought it was time for, but he smiled at your kindness towards him.  He sat on the bed, setting up his pillow and everything, but you hung back at the door hesitantly.
“Uh… Theo? Can I ask you a question?”
“I told you I’d tell you anything you wanted to know” He said, and you nodded at the memory of him saying that.
“Is Stiles real? Do you remember him?” You asked the question that everyone had been wondering lately.  Theo smiled at you, and laughed, but you didn’t get the joke.
“Oh he’s real” He told you, and your face lit up.
“He is? Were we friends?” You asked, stepping a little further in the room.  Theo nodded from where he sat on the edge of the bed.
“You were very close” He told you.  “Like brother and sister.  Scott too.  You were all like a family” He said, and your heart swelled at the idea.  All this time, you were worried that Lydia was just going bat shit banshee crazy, but she was telling the truth.
“Can you… could you tell me about him?” You asked, and he nodded again.
“He was.. Very sarcastic, all the time.  There was no off switch on his mouth.  But he was also very smart” You nodded, eagerly drinking up an information he had to offer.  “He never liked me he sorta… he sorta saw through the act” Theo said, beginning to quieten a little as he looked down.  “He actually told you a lot to break if off when we were dating and he’d… he’d threaten me a lot” You bit the inside of your cheek as you tried to think of these memories, but nothing came up.  “He care very much about you y/n, that’s what’s important” He said.
“Thank you” You said softly, and he nodded, a sort of sad smile on his lips.
“Yeah, yeah anytime” He murmured.
“Are we going to win?” You asked him.  “Do you think we can… beat this? The Ghost Riders?” You asked, needing an honest opinion.  Scott’s ‘we can try’ speech was getting old and you needed real feedback.  Theo sighed before replying.
“I think it’s a long shot” He told you.  “But I’m not letting you get taken by them.  Any of you” He added the last piece quickly, but cared more about your safety than anyone else's.  You nodded, a gentle smile pulling at your lips as you looked down at your feet again.
“Goodnight then, Theo” You said quietly before heading back out of the room.
“Goodnight y/n” He responded before you shut the door.
It was getting easier for you to sleep.  In the few days he’d been there you’d felt safer, even though Beacon Hills was becoming more dangerous by the minute.  With a Nazi Werewolf running around and taking Scott’s pack one by one, and the Ghost Riders taking out anyone in sight, the fear was amplifying every day.
You’d already lost Mason, Corey, Liam, Hayden, Melissa, Argent and Stiles.  It was just a matter of time before they got to you too.
But the next night, when the house was quiet and it was late, you woke up screaming and thrashing in your sheets.  Theo had been there in a matter of two seconds, not even bothering to knock.  The only instinct he’d had was to get to you as fast as possible.
“y/n, y/n look at me” He sat on his knees in front of your bed as you sat up, tears streaming out of your eyes as he held your head in his hands.  “Hey… hey it’s alright” He whispered to you, brushing away your tears with his thumbs.  “It was just a bad dream, your safe, no one’s here” He told you in a soft tone that he’d used many times before.  Remembering your many nightmares and difficulty with sleep.  He knew exactly what to do, that all you needed was someone there to hold you, to coo to you, to tell you that you were safe.
But now, he wasn’t exactly sure of what you wanted from him.  So he sat there, his eyes staring into yours as you cried and he kept his hands cupped around your cheeks.  You surprised both him and yourself when you reached for him, slipping onto the floor onto your knees in front of him, your hands, clenched into fists, sliding around his neck as you held onto him tightly.
“Don’t let go- don’t let go” You mumbled, your eyes closing tightly.  He let out a shaky breath and wrapped his arms around you, holding you just as tightly as he used to.
His eyes closed, relishing in the memories of having your small body in his arms so casually before.  In the halls, on the couch, when sleeping, while waiting at your locker, hugging hello, hugging goodbye, in the kitchen, everywhere.  All the time.
“I won’t” Was all he could say as he ran his hands up and down your back.  “I won’t, I promise”
You stayed like that for a long time, sitting on the floor holding onto each other.  You’d never needed to be in his embrace more than now.
When more time than he thought he’d have you passed, you slowly released him, but didn’t move away, just wiped your eyes with your sleeve and stared at your lap.
“I got taken” You said quietly, opening up about what it was you’d dreamt about.  “They took me a-and no one else was there.  I was alone” He nodded, letting you pour it out before speaking.
“They’re not going to take you y/n” He said when you were quiet for a long time.  “I promise they won’t get you” You looked up at him with wet eyes, unsure of what to say to him.  Of course you didn’t believe it, there was no way he could stop them from getting you.  “I’d throw myself in front of them before ever letting you get taken, okay? He said, his hands framing around your face again.  Your eyes shot up to his, surprise and fear and what he’d recognized as adoration all inside of them.  For a moment of his staring, you thought he was going to kiss you.
But he didn’t.
He lifted you up, and set you back in bed, even covering you back up with the blankets you’d kicked off of yourself.
“Go back to sleep” He murmured, caressing your head with his hand gently before pulling away to leave.
And he left, going back to his own room, staying awake the rest of the night in case you’d need him again.
But as much as you wanted to call for him to come stay with you, you fought against yourself, and went to bed alone.
This time, feeling more lonely than ever.
You ran up to Scott desperately trying to catch your breath.  The hospital was pretty much abandoned, except for the pack, who was trying to fight back against the Ghost Riders.
“y/n!? What are you still doing here?! You were supposed to get Lydia and Malia and get out!” The alpha yelled, worry evident in his tone.
“I couldn’t leave! And neither could they-”
“Get back!” He yelled, grabbing you and pulling you away from the crack of one of the Riders’ whip.  “Run! Find Theo, and leave!” He roared, before turning back to the phantom cowboy, and growling.  You sprinted off before they began fighting.
You ran through halls, flickering lights and papers flying around.  It was like it was storming inside of the building.  You searched for Theo, your heartbeat racing as you looked everywhere.  Tears welled in your eyes in fear and worry.
What if he’d gotten taken? What if he was gone for good?
No, no not again.  You couldn’t let it happen again.  You’d lose yourself if you lost him again.
Upon sprinting around a corner, you ran into something, and fell back.  But they caught you.
“y/n!?” Theo’s nervous shriek rang through the hall.  “What’re you still doing here- you have to go!”
“No-no I couldn’t leave” You told him, but he shook his head, his hands coming around your arms as he tried to move you away.
“You can’t be here- you can’t be here y/n you have to go” He begged you, grabbing your hand and running with you to the nearest exit he could find.
“I can’t leave! I have to help!” You said, and he brought you to a hall where Malia and Lydia were.
“Oh thank god” He muttered.  “Lydia! You gotta get her out of here!” He called, and she came up to you both.
“We figured it out, we know how to stop them” Malia said as she jogged towards you too.  “Someone’s gotta be the bait”
“Yeah, and it’s not gonna be y/n, so get her out of here” He said.
“Uh, we sorta don’t have time for that” Lydia nodded off to two Ghost Riders who turned down the hall, a gun in each of their hands.  Theo cursed, grabbing you again and sprinting you as quickly as he could to the elevator at the end of the hallway.  He slammed the down arrow, and stood in front of you as the doors opened so that you couldn’t possibly be shot at.
“No, no don’t make me leave” You begged him, tears in your eyes.  “I’m not losing you again” You said, grabbing onto his shirt so he couldn’t get you into the elevator.  “Don’t make me go” You said breathlessly.  “Theo I-”
“I know” He said, his hand coming around your cheek as he stared into your eyes and brushed away your hair.  “I already know” He told you, and when you leaned in to press your lips against his, he shoved you into the elevator.
“What are you doing?!” You panicked, scrambling to get out, but he’d already pushed the button.
“Being the bait” He said, and all you saw before the doors closed, was the whip of the Ghost Rider wrapping around his arm, and a puff of green smoke go up.
And just like that, you felt the same way you had the night he was dragged to hell.  You couldn’t even hear your own screaming as the elevator descended down to the first floor.
You didn’t try to get out, just let it sit there, the doors closed as you sobbed and banged against the doors in anger.  Your claws were digging into your palms, canines grown out and eyes a dangerous shade of blue as you dented the metal elevator door from continuously pounding against it.
How could it be that the boy you couldn’t help but love so deeply, be ripped away from you again?
It had been days, and you hadn’t gotten more than an hour of sleep.  You stopped going to school, and you were too weak to go out Ghost Rider hunting with the rest of the pack.
It was unfair that Liam came back.  That Hayden came back.
You were in the school when Stiles returned, relief flooding over you as memories of him returned.  You’d hugged him desperately clinging to him, only for him to pull away from you and look at you seriously.
“Theo” He said, and your heart went mad.  “I saw him, I talked to him- y/n I’m so sorry I ever pushed you to leave him” Your lips parted as you stared at the boy who was much taller than you.  “y/n he loves you, he loves you so much e told me everything- he told me when I got here to find you and make sure you’re safe he wasn’t even worried about the goddamn train station from hell he was in” Your eyes welled with tears at the words, your hands covering your mouth.
“He-he told you all that?” Your voice cracked, and Stiles nodded.  You looked from him, to Scott to Malia, to Lydia, all of them wearing the same surprised, but happy expressions on their face.
“Alright alright happy moment over, you’re supposed to get to Liam so he’s not fighting these by himself” You nodded, flicking out your claws and glowing your eyes before running off to the sounds of Liam’s grunting.  You figured he was already fighting somebody.  You got a running start, before leaping up and grabbing the railing of the balcony, and pulling yourself up slightly, but struggling a little.
A hand grabbed you, and pulled you up over the railing, and when you looked up to see who had sat you back on your feet, you were surprised to see him there.
“Th-Theo?” You asked unsurely.  This just had to be an illusion, like Claudia Stilinski turned out to be.  He couldn’t be real.
“In the flesh” He said, and you gasped, looking over to see Liam had already taken down the Ghost Rider you’d heard him fighting.
“Fucking hell” You muttered, your hands reaching out to grab Theo and pull him against you, crashing your lips against his hungrily and desperately.  His hands flew into your hair, kissing you back with as much passion and force as he could.  You were holding onto each other so tightly, but it didn’t matter.  “Stiles told me, he told me all of it” You mumbled against his lips.  “I love you so much” You cried out, and he cupped your face in his hands like you’d done for him.
“I never stopped” He replied, kissing you longingly.
You were surprised to have made it out of the mess alive, and with everyone back home where they belonged.
It had been a long night of emotions and fighting on practically zero hours of sleep, but you were happy to be able to go home with Theo, to hold onto his arm as you both went upstairs.  He planted a kiss on your forehead before going into his room.  You followed him, watching as he went through the dresser where he kept the few pieces of clothing he had.
“Theo?” You called quietly as he found a pair of sweatpants to sleep in.
“Yes love?” He asked, turning to face you.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” You asked, and he smiled and nodded.
“I’ll get changed and be right in” He told you, and you nodded, heading into your own room to put on comfier clothes.
There was a soft knock on your open door a few minutes later, and you looked up from where you sat on your bed to see Theo standing there.  You smiled, a sense of calmness coursing through you.  He walked in, wearing only his sweatpants as he came over to you.  Until he was in front of you, but you still had to look up at him since you were still sitting.
“I’m glad you’re back” You told him softly, and he took your hands, before leaning over, and pressing a gentle kiss against your lips.  You tugged on his hands, pulling him closer to you as you shuffled back on the bed.  His hands steadied himself on either side of you, your legs in between his.
You didn’t know how to describe it, it wasn’t a hot makeout session, it wasn’t desperate or needy, it was completely soft, and slow, and gentle.  Even with him held over top of you, it wasn’t sexual whatsoever.
It was like you were just getting back into the swing of normalcy.
“Don’t leave again” You whispered, and he pulled away from you, his hand cradling the back of your head against the mattress, the other holding himself up over you.  Your eyes flashed blue momentarily.  “I can’t do any of this without you” You said in an even more hushed tone.  Theo smiled softly down at you, his thumb rubbing circles over your cheek.  He didn’t have to say anything for you to know he was promising never to leave you again.
It was quiet for a few minutes, the both of you staring at each other and holding on to the other, before Theo moved off of you to lay down, pulling you into his chest and winding his arms around you as your buried your face into the crook of his neck.
“I killed one of Satomi’s betas” You confessed.  Theo looked down at you, your eyes large as you thought back to that night, and full of tears.  “Her name was Hayley, Hayley Reid” He didn’t say anything, just listened intently as you told him the story behind your eyes.  “After you… after you were… taken away” You said taken away, but you both heard ‘dragged to hell’.  “I was angry and… and the wolf just-just amplified my anger and… and my mourning”
She mourned over me?
“I went out one night, to walk to-to clear my head” You continued.  “I didn’t even know I’d gotten so far into town it was just supposed to be for a few minutes but she was out too, just outside that place their pack all lives” You licked over your lips slowly, unable to meet his eyes.  “She asked me if I needed a ride home, that it was going to rain and she didn’t want me to get soaked” Theo raised his hand to your cheek, wiping away the few stray tears that had slipped onto your skin.  “I told her I wanted to be left alone, that I needed time to myself.  It was like… it was like I was drunk in all these awful feelings” You breathed deeply, taking another pause.  “She kept- kept asking and it just annoyed me I was so frustrated and I turned and I growled at her and-”
Theo kept quiet, still stroking your cheeks as you told him everything.  Your eyes slipped shut.
“I told her if she didn’t fuck off then I’d rip her throat out” You choked.  “And-and I-” Another choke as you trembled a little in his arms.  “I did. I did it I did it and I wish with everything I fucking have that I could go back and take it back, thank her for the ride home…”
He stroked his fingers through your hair, a small sigh coming through his lips.  All he could think about was not only your own tragedy, but all the times he’d committed the same crime.  Without second thought, and not even regretting it until he saw the way it had torn apart his life.
But you weren’t like him.  You were sweet, and caring, and always kept in mind what’s good for the community.  You’d risk your life before letting even a stranger get hurt.  For a werewolf, you were incredibly human.  With human qualities.  You were genuine, you tried your hardest to do everything from school work to saving Beacon Hills.  You had more love in your heart than anyone he’s ever met, and you proved it to him every day.
“I sat there, in the storm, I held onto her so tight and just begged for her to wake up, I just… I just remember apologizing over and over” Theo held your face in his hands again, pressed his forehead against yours as you cried, your closed, long lashes dripping tears over your face.  “They burned so bad, I was screaming, gripping onto her and screaming it was like… like my corneas were being scorched” You told him.  “But I deserved it”
“No, no y/n” He placed a kiss on the top of your head.  “It wasn’t you, okay? It wasn’t you, and it was all my fault”
“No it wasn’t, it was mine.  I shouldn’t have left.  I should’ve stayed at home, I shouldn’t have lied to the pack and said good riddance when you left.  I should’ve done something why didn’t I do something?” He kissed your head again, then wrapped you up in his arms and cradled you close to him.  “I barely knew her, but she really didn’t deserve what happened to her it was so.. So brutal.  And I always think about it… every day”
“Look, y’n, what i need you to know, is that you never meant for it to happen.  It was an accident, really.  You didn’t want her dead.  You didn’t know what you were doing”
“I mean yeah but-”
“That’s all you gotta know.  That it was an accident” You sighed, not knowing what to say to that.  Theo kissed your cheek softly, then hooked a finger under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him.  “And I want you to know, that everyone still loves you, I still love you, and you should know that nothing will ever change that” You smiled timidly,your hands splaying on his cheeks as you pushed your head against his, your noses bumping together.
“I love you too” You whimpered quietly, kissing him chastely then nuzzling your face back into his chest.  Theo smiled to himself, closing his eyes as he listened to your steadying heartbeat.
“Just go to sleep baby” He said, his lips pressing to your head and lingering them there for a moment.  “I’ll be here when you wake up, promise” He said.  You smiled, completely relaxing against him, your mind already drifting off to sleep.
And when you woke up the next morning,
he was there.
ah so long and angsty theo angst just comes so easily to me
( dedicated to liv bc she’s my soulmate and the lydia to my alli :) )
xoxo - jordie
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So I took a walk last night listening to Desire and here’s some word vomit about it for my own health and sake because I can’t keep it inside
After going through it quite a few times I still get nothing from it, like honestly noffin
and if this was any other band I would not play it twice and I would not turn around and ask for the name of the song if I heard it randomly in public Really this album is one loooong song that is an ok background track I guess Meaning it will do well in movie credits, tv shows, you’ll hear it in Zara or H&M while looking for knee socks and maybe it even does good on radio if force-fed down collective ears often enough
But will it go well with main fanbase idk and ironically I don’t even feel the desire to buy the album ??
Like it is listenable but do I want to play it not really As for the comments I saw these days, People mention it’s sort of the continuation of Surrender and I get it because of the “lightness”, but for me it’s kinda incomparable because Surrender still has some unique sounds you’d always recognize and want to hear more of, even be it Rolling Stone’s turbofolk solo or demonic closing voices of Policewoman
I mean I adore WOTW  to this day and Lights is a one of a kind creation, so Surrender was experimenting and it was easy accepting it as truly that
Desire offers nothing new plus it kinda lacks the depth of the emotion, I heard each of these songs in so many other bands and will hear them again and songs like these are made every day Using obvious mainstream trends of the moment and oversimplifying everything is evolving, really? Changing yes (and change is a good thing!), but evolving hardly Nobody’s wanting depressed ballads all the time either. It is possible to write good, smart pop that is insanely catchy, and still stay true to your own values. I’m thinking about what Marina did with Electra Heart. Seems they watered down their essence so much it accidentally washed away down the drain
Also, I’m afraid it won’t be impressive live, especially put between old songs to compete with
Like there’s too much laid back non distinctive instrumental parts that I can only imagine doing awkward swaying hands left to right to Onto the individual songs, skipping the ones we already heard: People Like Us - catchy leading beat! kept wanting bit more of it, to grow in intensity and kick in hard, but it never delivered; needs more of that strange pronunciation at the end; nice earworm, should’ve been a single, with a video about people faking happiness in a relationship
Something I Need To Know - bit forced, in the likeness of Blind, Wings, STDF; it goes on forever, not feeling it, something Emeli Sande could sing better Thinking Of You - so basic. too basic Wherever You Go - damn that’s a weird one, and in a good way! the melody makes me wanna do something and I’m not sure what, but by the chorus it becomes total lyrical cringefest; i don’t want to like it but it keeps me interested; I really appreciate the sentiment, but it’s like reading love letter from a schoolboy, he’s cute but it’s awkward as fuck; also it gets me because my life is a joke and it’s a reminder that truly wherever I go he’ll be the one
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haunting in every way possible (I just randomly looked at left and I swear that’s his spirit self trolling me for not feeling this album, I mean who is even genuinely named Theo in this country) Chaperone - I hate it; below basic; Love Yourself by Justin Bieber and the rest of those in the same manner; don’t even get me started on fedora guy lyrics
Boyfriend - I can’t this one; they think they’re Prince and INXS and so smooth and cool but really someone just spent too much of his free time with Healy and the1975; this song is written at least 30 times so far in history and what’s the use of them making another one Walk Away - hello Charli XCX; “eo eeoh eo eo” WHY; oh and that intentional accentuated part at the end which we will all repeat on gigs while they instruct us to clap along eeeek
Wait Up - started nice musically like yes this could be the one and then those lyrics oh my god HOW DARE THEY combine smooth jazzy rnb with such asshole fuckboy lyrics ?! I am so angry; actually congratulations on making me feel at least some real emotion, amazing, I want to hear it never again; what am I supposed to do with this song, what is the occasion to listen to it? putting it on when getting frisky with a partner? fancy hearing about some jerk while you’re getting touched how you like? consulting it when debating whether letting some sleazy slimy excuse of a man humiliate and ruin your life? listening to it while reminiscing worst times in your failed relationships? sing along at gigs god forbid?
Spotlights - I’m torn on this one; maybe I’ll like it when I see the lyrics, I can’t decipher all; music gives me Vegas casino vibes idk why
Magnificent - melody reminds me of Love Is All Around (intentional?) and message is so sweet; it’s about us and them and about the two of them and it will be soooo beautiful singing it together at gigs like the family we are; I’m confused by “you held my heart in your hand while it was still beating”  tho; like, is it not beating anymore? what did they try to convey here? someone enlighten me
(oh and as this song was starting, out of nowhere comes a stray dog behind me and bumps into me and I startle and jump a little because I had earphones in and didn’t hear him, and he looks me with that silly super excited dog smile and there comes another one waggling his tail at me and suddenly they’re now chasing one another and playing on the freshly kept almost fake looking grass in front of a closed shopping mall at 11pm to “so take a look around it’s so magnificent this love of ours is something brilliant” and it looks like a bizarre hallmark postcard so much that I start laughing out loud like a maniac which just excites and encourages them even more and from that point on they would not leave me and they walked beside me and we roamed empty streets listening to Hurts together lol and then I started following their lead like hm just for the fun of it let’s see where they would go and we go into this little street and there’s a table and I glance over it and it says Jure Kerosevica which can be translated as something along Chase Doggovich Street AND I JUST LOST IT LAUGHING) Anyways, I’ll adore them till the day I die and I’ll always run to see them whenever they come and I’ll support their efforts, but in general this is the direction I was hoping they will not choose to take. I can mentally appreciate certain things, but I’m still not feeling it much. Sadly, it doesn’t move me at all. If I have to name favourites those would be (in no particular order) Hold Onto Me, People Like Us, Wherever You Go and Magnificent. Good that may come from this is that they satisfied whatever particular ambition they wanted to satisfy and in future they move onto something else and completely different. Also if there’s anything autobiographical in it, I hope this helped them exorcise their complicated love affairs and demons akin, because most of the lyrics are damn deceptive and when you think about them, in the way certain lines are folded, where they’re placed and how they’re sang, they show an immature, self-indulgent, reckless and borderline insulting narcissistic behavior. Kinda telling why their faces on the cover are hiding and perfectly telling why Desire. Visually too, it advertises itself as Valentines Day chocolate candy, but it’s half empty inside. Careful what you call love and who you fall in love with :)
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princessbun-head · 8 years ago
His True Intentions
Ok so you need to listen to this while reading it, maybe it fits in, maybe it doesn’t. But I think it’s a cool song. PS If any of you make Teen Wolf music videos, you should totes make one with this song, I have yet to see one with this song and it would make me very happy.
Plus I’m a little nervous about this because at points, the characters may seem out of character and idk I’m super nervous because this took me a long time to do (maybe two weeks tops) and id be really sad if you guys didn’t like it (I’d bury myself in a hole and gently pass away lol jk). This was an idea that has been in my head a little over three months now and I’m glad I finally put it into a story so it could stop bothering me lol
Summary: New guy, Theo Raeken, shows up to Beacon Hills and takes an interest in (Y/N) (Y/L/N), which the pack is not fond of. Against their wishes, (Y/N) brushes them off and returns the interest. When she learns of his true intentions, she wants nothing more to do with him… That is until Theo kidnaps Lydia, forcing (Y/N) to deal with him face to face.
Warnings: Idk, death? Some cuss words, possible out of characterness?
Word count: 9,072 (19 pages, guys!)
                “I’m okay.” Allison choked out, blood splattering around her lips. She obviously was not okay and you knew it. It happened in slow motion, while fighting; an oni had run a sword through Allison. You had caught her before she fell to the ground.
                “No, no you’re not.” You cried, pressing your hand down harder on her open wound, but the blood kept coming out. “Allison, please! I’ll get you help, just hold on.” You pleaded, but she shook her head no.
                You shook your head, tears falling down your cheeks. You looked to Scott who was sitting on the opposite side of Allison, “Help her, please!”
                “(Y/N), you know I can’t, I tried…” He said, voice raspy with emotion, hands bloody from his attempt to heal her.
                “Well try harder!” You yelled, in hysterics now. You began sobbing when Allison weakly reached her hand up and put it on your forearm, trying to comfort you. She pulled your hands off her wound, knowing that her time was up.
                “It’ll be okay, (Y/N).” She quietly said, her breathing becoming short. “It’s okay.” She grabbed Scott’s hand and said, “I’m by my first love and my cousin, it’s okay.” She smiled weakly and said before she took her last breath, “It’s okay…”
                Her body lay there while you cried over it, Scott moving to the other side, bringing you into an embrace while tears fell down his cheeks. The pack around you had tears coming down from their eyes, in loss of their friend and pack mate.
                Somewhere in a dark corridor, you heard Lydia scream Allison’s name while you cried for her.
                You shot up into a sitting position, tears coming down your cheeks as you hastily wiped them away. This was the second time this week you woke up crying from a dream that involved Allison.
It has been two years since you lost your cousin and it took a toll on you in the beginning. You were depressed because you grew up with Allison, both of you were the same age, so you did everything together.
Everything meant being involved in the hunter business. Both of you started training at the same age. Allison was good with archery while you were excellent with the sword.
You came out of it after a few months, the pack encouraged you to take your time recovering because they knew how close both of you were. You were motivated to train harder so no more of your friends die, not under your watch at least; you made it your job to protect them.
Right now, you looked at the clock, which read 3:15AM. You groaned, rolled your eyes and fell back onto your pillow. You figured if you went back to sleep now, you would not want to wake up in time for school. Nevertheless, if you stayed up, you would be too tired for school.
You chose to go back to sleep, hoping there would be no more nightmares. Thankfully, there was not.
Stiles picked you up for school around 7:30; you grabbed your bag from the chair in the kitchen while bidding a goodbye to your uncle who was cleaning the hunting equipment.
“Have a good day,” He said, concentrating on the weapon in front of him.
You got into Stiles’ jeep and noticed he was staring at you. “What?” You asked, feeling a little self-conscious.
“You look tired.” He finally said, putting his jeep in reverse and then driving off.
“Always am.” You sassed playfully.
Stiles chuckled, “Me too, (Y/N), me too.”
The rest of the ride was quiet, except for Stiles asking if you finished your math homework so, he could copy it, but you had not finished it either, prompting both of you to ask Kira when you get to school.
As soon as you pulled up at school, you started searching for Kira. You found her standing with Scott at the front entrance, his arm around her shoulder while they talked to Lydia. You got out and quickly made your way to the pack, Stiles in tow behind you.
“Hey guys,” Scott said, acknowledging both of you as you made your way up the steps.
“Good morning.” You said, then turned your attention to Kira, “Hey, did you get the math homework finished?”
She rolled her eyes and gave you a look of ‘really?’ Kira slung her bag off her shoulders and dug out her math book, handing you the piece of paper inside. “You told me you were going to do it, (Y/N). It’s not that I don’t like helping you, but what if I wanted to copy from you?” She said, joking about the last part.
“Oh please,” You snorted, “All my answers would be wrong and you know it.” You and Stiles hastily wrote down the answers and you handed Kira her homework back, “Besides, I would’ve done it, but I was training last night.”
“I’m sure you could’ve done it afterwards,” Kira offered.
You stayed quiet because you were up all night training, the pack told you to take it easy because they knew you were a good fighter and you did not need to train more.
“You were up all night, weren’t you?” Lydia answered for you.
You nodded sheepishly, “Yeah.”
They moved on to a different conversation when an SUV pulled up to the sidewalk, and a boy stepped out, slinging a backpack over his shoulder. His eyes landed on the pack and he waved as if they were friends.
“Who is that?” Malia asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
“Seems suspicious.” Stiles said, his eyes narrowing.
“Kind of looks familiar, but I’m not sure.” Scott offered.
                You were sure that you and the new person locked eyes for a second, but soon averted your eyes to the pack, a blush on your face. He was cute, but he could also be an enemy. You could not trust anyone now days. However, he was cute.
                “Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you blushing?” Lydia asked, looking at your cheeks with wonder.
                You shook your head and tried to make the blush go away, “Nothing!” She did not press anymore, but she still wondered.
                The bell rang and all of you began your walk into the school, bidding good byes until study hall, which was after lunch in the library.
                You headed to your locker and look out your books for your morning classes. AP Chemistry, Pre-Calculus, Government and English. While putting your books in order, you could hear someone struggling with their locker a few doors down from you. You peeked over from your door and noticed it was that boy that waved at you and the pack this morning.
                “Hit it up top first, and then yank it.” You offered nonchalantly.
                He tried it, his hand clenching into a fist and hit the top of the locker and then he yanked it, the door opening with ease. He smiled a charming smile and turned to you, “Thanks, Princess.” He said with a wink.
                You rolled your eyes, obviously not amused by the pet name. “Sure thing.” You said before shutting your locker door and headed past him to go to your first class.
                “Hey wait,” He said when you made it five feet past him. You stopped, a little hesitantly and turned to him. “My name is Theo.” He offered the same charisma as before.
                “(Y/N).” You replied with a raised eyebrow, you wondered what his intentions were and you did not know if you wanted to know.
                “Such a pretty name for a pretty girl.” Oh, that is what the intentions were.
                You rolled your eyes at the cliché line and began to turn, “I need to get to class.” You stated while giving him your best attitude-sass you could give.
                Theo pushed his locker door shut and began following you, “Maybe I can walk you to class?” He suggested.
                “I think I can find my way.” You smirked and strode past him, heading to your first class; AP Chemistry.
                THEO POV
                As she strode away with confidence, I began to wonder about (Y/N). She was different from any other girl, and it was obvious. She carried herself in a way that displayed self-assurance. It intrigued me and I wanted nothing more than to get to know her. Maybe she could even help me in my plan to become Alpha, but she did not have to know that yet.
                I shook my head and began heading to my first class, which was AP Chemistry. I finally found the classroom and walked in, my eyes falling to the little beauty by the window, I knew she wouldn’t like it if I sat by her, so I took a seat behind her.
                “So, (Y/N), it looks like we have AP Chemistry together.” I said, leaning forward to speak to her.
                She turned around and looked at me, “Are you following me?” She asked a little confused. I quickly handed her my schedule to let her look for herself. Her (E/C) eyes scanned the page when a look of ‘you got to be kidding me’ appeared.
                “What?” I asked, taking back my schedule.
                “Nothing,” She mumbled, turning to face the front of the room.
                I looked at my schedule and read it myself. What was wrong with it so she looked so annoyed? It did not bother me so I sat back in my seat while a teacher gave me my book for the class.
                The rest of class when by like a blur. You did your work and made sure not to turn back, because you had a gut feeling that if you turned to look back, Theo would try to speak to you, and you did not want that.
                The bell rang and you gathered up your stuff. All the classes were a big blur, each one Theo had and you weren’t too thrilled about it. He would watch you. You freaked out a bit because why the hell is he watching you? What was his problem?
                Theo, on the other hand, had no problem watching you. He enjoyed watching you for some reason. You were interesting. He saw your little quirks during class. How you would tap the end of your pencil on your chin because you were trying to figure out a question, or how you would get your hand ready to raise when you knew the answer. You were fascinating to him.
                You quickly grabbed your stuff and headed out of the classroom before Theo could stop you. You had hoped your sass and attitude would offset him but it only made him more interested in you and that is not what you wanted, at least you thought it wasn’t.
                “Wait, (Y/N)!” You heard, behind you. It was Theo and you walked on and pretended you couldn’t hear him. “(Y/N), I know you can hear me.” He said a bit closer now.
                You finally stopped and turned to him. He wasn’t going to leave you alone, was he? “What?” You asked, acting as non-interested as possible.
                “Listen, princess.” He started and you rolled your eyes at the pet name.
                “I’m sure you call all girls princess, but go on.” You said with your arms folded in front of you.
                Theo smirked and leaned towards you, “You jealous I call other girls princess?” He asked a smile on his face.
                You rolled your eyes again and thought to yourself that he was irritating. “Yeah right.” And began to walk away before he called after you again. “Really, what?” You asked, actually irritated his time.
                “Why don’t you like that I call you princess? It really fits you.”
                “Because I feel like the name is insulting.” You crossed your arms in defiance, “I feel like you don’t respect me when you call me princess. I only liked to be called one name, and that’s my real name.”
                The fact that you demanded respect caught Theo off guard in a good way. He liked that you knew what you wanted and it made him like you more. “Go on a date with me.” He finally said a playful smirk at his lips.
                “Excuse me?” You asked, caught off guard.
                “You heard me. Go on a date with me.”
                You narrowed your eyes at him, “Why?” You asked suspiciously.
                Theo laughed, almost as if the laugh was saying ‘are you serious?’, “Because I want to get to know you better.”
                It was your turn to laugh, so you did. You put a hand on Theo’s upper arm and leaned in so only he could hear you, “You don’t want to get to know me.” You patted his arm and let go, heading to the lunchroom and turning back. “I’m nothing special, princess.”
                He caught up with you before you could reach the lunchroom, “Oh, I think you are something special, (Y/N). No excuses, I’m picking you up at seven tonight. Be ready.” He said with a charming wink and left you at the entrance of the lunchroom to find your friends.
                After figuring out what just happened, you shook it off and headed to the table your friends were sitting at. You sat down and must have had a weird look on your face because you became aware that Liam was watching you. “What?” you asked.
                “What’s up with you?” Liam asked his mouth full of bread.
                “Nothing,” You said, a little bit too much on the defense. “Why would you ask?”
                Lydia slid her tray up and rested her arms on the table, “You’re blushing again.” She smiled and started questioning you, “What did you do? Does it have anything to do with a boy?”
                You were trying to hide your blush, unaware that you even had one. “It’s just really hot-“
                “Don’t lie, you reek of embarrassment.” Malia said, placing some of her food on Liam’s tray. “What is it?”
                It was obvious that the pack wasn’t going to give up on you so you finally caved. “The new guy asked me out on a date.” You said, feeling your cheeks heat up. They were all staring at you, and you weren’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. “What?!” You finally asked.
                Lydia broke out in a smile, “Aw, (Y/N) was asked out on a date, so cute! Who was it?”
                “It’s not.” You mumbled, keeping your head low so they couldn’t see your blush grow. “And his name is Theo, the one from this morning.”
                The table shook and you looked up to find Stiles abruptly standing up, but soon sitting down again, “No!”
                You and Lydia looked at Stiles, wondering why he had a problem with you and Theo dating. It’s not as if you were planning to date him anyway. One date and you could probably get him out of your hair, right?
                “What? Why?” You asked, feeling the blush leaving your face. “What’s wrong with him, Stiles?”
                He didn’t miss a beat, “Because he seems suspicious, (Y/N)!” He raised his voice, causing you to jump a bit because Stiles never really raised his voice around you. It caused some of the people in the cafeteria to stare at the table.
                “Well, I didn’t say I was going to go on a date with him, I just said he asked me out!” You said back to him, trying to keep your cool since Stiles kind of lost his.
                He sat back down, his demeanor a little bit calmer, “Oh,” He said, “Well, he’s still suspicious.”
                Liam finished the food on his plate, “Everyone is suspicious to you.”
                “Yeah, that’s true.” Scott agreed, nodding his head.
                Stiles scoffed, “I do not.”
                “You thought I was a danger when I first showed up,” You stated, looking for your pencil in your bag. You pulled it out and continued, “Because I accidently punched you.”
                Liam giggled, “You punched him?”
                “Yeah, he scared me and it was my first instinct.”
                While Liam made fun of Stiles for being punched by a girl, you finished your homework until the bell rang. When it did, you gathered up your stuff while Lydia approached you, “I can help you get ready for your date.”
                You groaned a displeased look on your face. “Lydia, I said I wasn’t going to go on a date with him. Plus you heard Stiles, he’s suspicious.”
                “But he’s also cute, and interested in you.” She pressed, “I’m not going to let my friend miss out on a chance with a cute guy. Who knows, maybe Stiles is wrong!” She gently gripped your arm and pleaded, “Please, (Y/N).”
                You stared at her, hoping she would give up, but Lydia wasn’t the type to give up. You rolled your eyes and sighed, “Fine.”
                She smiled with excitement and pulled you out of the lunchroom, telling her about the plans she had for you. How she was going to do your hair, your make up and asked where he was taking you. You weren’t sure, but she opted for somewhat casual, somewhat glam.
                The day went by without a thought. You were nervous about your date with Theo. The nerves were building up because on one hand, some people thought he was a bad guy, but you had a feeling he wasn’t. You weren’t sure, but you knew that one date couldn’t hurt, right?
                You were currently sitting on Lydia’s bed while she looked through her closet for something for you to wear since she didn’t like the clothes you had. You were a little offended because you thought you dressed decent.
                She handed you an outfit and told you to put it on. Everything fit you perfectly and it looked good. She picked out a pair of ripped black skinny jeans (so unlike Lydia, you were surprised), a grey tank top and a dark green button up shirt left unbuttoned. She curled your hair so it was wavy and left your make up, as it was (plain cat eye.)
                Both you and her got into an argument about wearing heels. You didn’t want to because you couldn’t walk in them, but she wanted you to because it would tie the outfit together. After showing her that you couldn’t wear heels (you nearly face planted on her soft carpet) she let you wear your white converse.
                You went back to your house and waited for Theo. It was almost time for him to pick you up when the doorbell rang. You ran downstairs before your Uncle Chris could answer it. He met you at the door, a suspicious look on his face, “Where are you going and who are you going with?” He asked with a fatherly voice.
                You bit your bottom lip, your hand on the doorknob. “On a date… with a boy…” You said a little slowly, hoping he wouldn’t ask any more questions.
                He narrowed his eyes at you, “What’s his name?”
                It’s not that your Uncle Chris didn’t want you to go out; he just didn’t like you hanging out with guys because he just assumed they were trouble. Moreover, you weren’t too fond of your uncle meeting guys that you liked, or any guys in general.
                You were pulling your ear out of nervousness, and you knew your uncle could sense it. “Theo.”
                He nodded as if to say ‘oh, okay’, “And when do I get to meet him?” He finally asked his arms crossed over his chest.
                “Right now, if you want.” You offered, turning the doorknob to reveal Theo, who was respectfully waiting.
                “Hey, (Y/N).” He smiled, until your uncle cleared his throat, catching Theo’s attention. “Sir.” He nodded, reaching a hand out to shake. “I’m Theo.” He said.
                Chris stared at Theo’s hand for a second before reaching to shake it. “Chris Argent.” He said his grip a little bit too strong for Theo. Your eyes widened a little bit when you saw your uncles hand tighten around Theo’s, who smiled uncomfortably.
                “That’s a strong handshake you got there, sir.” He said, chuckling nervously, shaking his hand out after they let go.
                Chris nodded his head, not saying anything but looking at Theo, who looked a little bit uncomfortable.
                “Well, we better get going before it gets too dark,” Theo said nervously, unsure if he could put an arm around you or not. He nodded to Chris before leading you out the door, “Sir.”
                You thought it was going well until you heard your uncle clear his throat. Both you and Theo looked back to see Chris pull a handgun out of his holster. He loaded it while saying, “Have her back by 11.”
                Theo swallowed thickly, trying to hide the crack in his voice, “Yes, sir.” He gently placed a hand on your back and led you to his vehicle.
                You looked back at your uncle incredulously, who smiled and waved at you, “Have fun, kids.”
                Theo opened the door for you and you got in, he got in soon after and let out a sigh, “So your uncle…”
                “I’m sorry.” You apologized, “He’s done that to all the guys I brought home. He’s actually pretty harmless.” You said, mentally laughing because you knew otherwise.
                “Okay, cool.” Theo laughed, “So, I was thinking pizza and my place?”
                Now it was your turn to laugh, “You said it was going to be a date!”
                “Yeah, Netflix and pizza!”
                You raised your eyebrows, “We are just watching Netflix and eating pizza. Nothing more. If you had the idea that there was going to be something more, I will kick you where the sun doesn’t shine, got it?”
                Theo nodded, a small laugh leaving his lips, “Got it, princess.”
                You rolled your eyes, “You know how I feel about the nicknames.”
                “This one suits you, trust me!”
                You rolled your eyes and let him go. It was obvious that he was going to call you princess even if you didn’t like it or not.
                He was right about the date. He picked up two pizzas and some cookies and went back to his place. Theo was very respectful of you, hell; he was even nice to you, which was kind of a shocker. He took you back home after the movie had finished, respectively having you back at 10:30 PM.
                On your porch was where you shared a kiss with Theo, it ended quickly when your uncle ripped the door open with the threat of kicking Theo’s ass. You were a little horrified, but later on laughed about it with Theo over the phone.
                Lydia, of course, asked for details of the date and was disappointed even though you told her it wasn’t anything big. Nonetheless, she was excited for you, despite the bad feeling she had about it. She brushed it off for your sake. The pack soon followed the feeling she had.
Despite the pack telling you that dating Theo was a bad idea, you stupidly brushed them off. You both even shared the secret that you were a hunter and he was a werewolf, he assured you that he was on your side. You thought nothing of it and carried on. Your first date turned into a second, then a third. You two were never deemed a couple, just two teenagers flirting a lot. He was so sweet and gentle to you, you idiotically considered yourself lucky.
                The thing that bothered you about the pack being upset with you dating Theo was that Lydia was upset too. You were mad at her because she was the one who pushed you to date him.
                “What the hell, Lydia?” You shouted angrily. A pack meeting was called because they were worried about you dating Theo; they wanted to put a stop to it in case Lydia’s feelings were right.
                She jumped a little bit at your tone, but managed to stand her ground. “I’m just getting a bad feeling about him, (Y/N). Really bad.”
                You scoffed, looking around at the pack who were gathered in Scott’s kitchen. “You were the one who told me to date him, why didn’t you tell me then?” You were angry and hurt, why wait so long to tell you?
                “I’m sorry, (Y/N), I really am. However, the feeling didn’t come up until recently. I felt it when you bought him over to my house. He doesn’t have good intentions, (Y/N), he doesn’t.” She explained you could see the sincerity in her eyes.
                Scott stepped in before you could say anything else, “You’re a good addition to this pack, but we can’t keep you if you won’t heed a warning. I’m sorry, but you’re out.”
                You were too stunned to say anything; all you could do was look at the pack. Liam looked disappointed, Stiles and Kira looked torn, Lydia was apologetic, Malia was annoyed, and Scott was stern.
                “Fine.” You said quietly, grabbing up your stuff and made your way to the door. No one said anything and you were hurt that no one even tried to call for you back.
                To clear your head, you headed over to Theo’s house. You and Theo were laying on his bed, finishing an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. He was comfortably sitting against his headboard while you were lying next to him, your head resting on his chest. Meredith finished her speech and the episode ended. You sat up and stretched, looking at Theo. “I should get home.” You said, a little bit sad for leaving.
                He pulled you back down to lay by him, “Just a few more minutes.”
                You inhaled in cologne and allowed ten more minutes, then you would have to go home, otherwise Uncle Chris would have his head. “I can’t stay too long; otherwise my uncle would kill you.”
                Theo chuckled, “Nah,”
                You laughed, sitting up and grabbed your purse off the floor, “Yeah, he would.”
                Theo sat up with you, his arms snaking around your waist. He pulled you close and whispered into your ear, “I have something to ask you,” He said, tone serious.
                “What is it?” You asked the same volume and tone as him. You turned your body to face him and looked into his eyes, “What’s wrong, Theo?”
                “I need you to help me with something, and I know you could do it.” He said, more serious than ever. He grabbed your hands and looked you straight in the eyes, “I want to become alpha, (Y/N), and I can’t do that without your help.”
                He didn’t even give you a chance to speak before continuing, “In order for me to become alpha, that’s where you come in. You have to help me kill Scott, now I know you might be against killing him, but that’s my job, I just need you to lure him-“
                “STOP!” You said, before he could finish. You were disgusted that he would even ask that of you. You shook your head, “No.” you pulled your hands out of his grip.
                “No?” Theo repeated, unsure if he heard you right. He went to reach for your hands again, but then you pulled away. “(Y/N), you can help me. You’re a hunter!”
                “I am not helping you kill Scott, he’s my friend.” You were furious now, you tried to slow down your breathing and he reached for your hands again, “Don’t touch me!” You yelled, expertly smacking him away.
                Theo grabbed his face where you hit him, a chuckle escaping his lips, “You’re going to regret that.” He said darkly.
                You quickly got off the bed, gathering your stuff, thankful that he didn’t make an intention to follow you. “My friends were right, you were trouble. I should’ve listened to them.” You looked at him, feeling slight nausea just looking at him. 
                You got halfway out the door when Theo said, “And you know what the funny thing is, (Y/N)? I actually liked you. I mean, I didn’t at first, until I got to know you. I was like, damn this girl is something else, you know that?”
                You bit your tongue, choosing not to reply to him, and walked out of his house.
                You don’t know how, but you found yourself at Scott’s door. You knew you couldn’t go home, not yet. You had to tell Scott what Theo had said. The night was quiet and all you were trying to do was remember what Theo had told you so you could give the correct information.
                All while remembering, your mind went back to when he told you that he used you just to get to Scott. You knew it looked weak, but the tears started falling and the door opened to reveal a concerned looking Scott.
                “(Y/N),” He said, a little caught off guard that you would show up, “(Y/N), what are you doing here?” He gently pulled you into the house and embraced you.
                The tears wouldn’t stop and you weren’t even sure if Scott could hear you past the tears, “You were right, I’m so sorry!” You sobbed into his chest. “He was just using me to get to you, I’m so sorry, Scott.”
                He pulled out of the embrace to look at you with concern, “Who?”
                “Theo.” You hiccupped. “He only dated me so he could become alpha. He wanted me to help him and I told him no!”
                Scott pulled you back into a hug, he felt your sadness and he accepted your apology. He wanted nothing more than to comfort you, because he knew that’s what Allison would’ve done. “It’s okay, (Y/N), I forgive you.”
                You nodded silently, “Thank you.” You whispered.
                A pack meeting was called into effect a few minutes after you calmed down. A lot of them looked displeased that you were there because they were still angry with you, that you were (or had) dated the suspicious guy.
                “What’s she doing here?” Liam asked, obviously annoyed with you.
                “Liam,” Scott warned to the young wolf. He got quiet, but still had the ‘you’re not welcome here’ face.
                Everyone in the pack was there, except Lydia. Everyone had texted her, but no response, and it was beginning to worry all of you.
                “Look guys, I understand that you’re mad at me.” You began, until Malia cut you off.
                “Yeah, you dated a guy that we clearly told you to stay away from.” She spat. “Traitor.”
                You were angry, with yourself, and with them because they weren’t open to hear you out. You looked to Scott who calmly told everyone to listen to you. You continued, “I know what I did was wrong, but if I was a traitor, I wouldn’t be telling you guys this.”
                They all waited, “Theo only dated me to get to Scott. He wanted to kill him in order to become alpha, now if I was a traitor, I’d be with Theo, not against him.”
                The information seemed to have sunk into the rest of the pack, they were all quiet and no one spoke for a long time. Kira was the first to speak.
                “I forgive you, even though I wasn’t really mad at you.” She smiled, shrugging her shoulders.
                Stiles sighed deeply, “I forgive you, but I don’t.” He nodded, “But mainly I do… But I don’t.” He narrowed his eyes and pointed at you, as if to say ‘you get what I’m saying?’
                You looked at everyone around you, “I don’t blame you for not wanting to forgive me now, or ever because what I did was dumb. I didn’t heed a warning, but I stayed long enough to know what his intentions were. If I didn’t find out, we would all be in the dark about this.”
                Everyone was quiet as if to contemplate his or her thoughts. You knew that only Malia and Liam were going to be the hardest ones to convince. You understood where their anger was coming from because you have felt that kind of betrayal before.
                “Like I said, you don’t have to forgive me now,” You repeated quietly.
                The room was silent before someone spoke up, “So, where’s Lydia?” Kira asked, “I texted her but I don’t know where she could be?”
                Malia nodded, “Yeah, I called her but it went straight to voicemail. I could smell everyone’s nervousness before the meeting started.” She went through her phone, looking at the messages she sent Lydia.
                Stiles was the next one to speak up, “She doesn’t turn her phone off. Something is off.”
                You noticed his hands becoming jittery, your first instinct was to comfort him and you did. You made your way over to Stiles and put your hands on top of his, it wasn’t much, but it helped calm him down. He nodded thanks to you. “We’ll find out where she is, okay?”
                Just as you said that, your phone lit up with a number you did not recognize. You furrowed your brow and answered it, “Hello?”
                “I told you that you would regret it.”
                You were beyond confused; your heart rate picked up because you knew this wouldn’t be good. “Who is this?” You eventually said, the pack now watching you.
                “Princess, how could you forget my voice so fast?”
                Your heart dropped and your hands shook. “What do you want?” You said, rage in your voice. You tried your best to keep your voice even.
                He clicked his tongue at you, as if it was like ‘shame on you’. “Wow, and I thought we could fix this, but it looks like you’re not interested so we have to settle this the hard way.”
                “What do you mean?”
                “(Y/N)? (Y/N)!” Lydia cried into the phone
                You stopped breathing as soon as you heard her voice; the terror in her voice enraged you. “Lydia? Lydia! Theo, what the hell?” You shouted into the phone. “Why the fuck would you do this? You better not hurt her, I swear!”
                Theo didn’t give you much of an answer, but instead told you to meet him at the old warehouse near the school and hung up. You heard the three small beeps after he hung up and you couldn’t do anything but stare at your phone in disgust.
                “Theo has her.” You said at last, you looked at the outraged teens in front of you and could feel for them. Theo hit a low; if you and he were going to settle a fight, why bring someone else into it?
                It was only 7:15 but you knew it was going to be a long night. Lydia was missing and every one was on edge.
                “We need a solid plan, guys.” Stiles started, his palms coming down on the table rattling all the things on it. His anxiety was noticeable, “We can’t just leave her.”
                “We know,” Scott said quietly, his thoughts jumbled up inside his mind.
                “We wouldn’t be in this position if someone didn’t go and date the guy we told her not to date,” Malia spat, her salt obviously directed towards you.
                You raised your eyebrow angrily, “Oh, so you think it’s my fault now?” You exasperatedly asked your hands now in fists. You took a taunting step towards Malia who returned the same gesture.
                The pack knew neither of you were not scared to fight, let alone each other.
                “I’m not thinking, I know it is.” She said her tone furious.
You laughed and started making your way to Malia, but before you two could get any further, Stiles pulled Malia back, Scott pulled you back, and Kira stepped between the space of you two so you didn’t kill each other.
                “Okay, that’s enough!” Scott said, laying authority down. “We are not going to get Lydia back if you two are fighting! I don’t care if you guys make up or not, right now we just need to focus on Lydia, okay?”
                You and Malia glared at each other. Stubbornly, you both nodded, vowing to stay away from each other until you could come to your truce. Which might take a while.
                After everyone settled down, ideas were thrown on the table. Theo mentioned that he was going to kill Scott, and you had the slightest suspicion that he would bring his pack to help with the job because they probably assumed Scott would bring his.
                That was plan A, to assign a pack member to a certain person. It wasn’t made clear who gets who, but Liam was tossing the idea of who gets who. Scott would get Theo, but you spoke up.
                “No,” You mumbled loud enough for the pack to hear you, your eyes locked with Scott’s eyes, “I’ll take Theo. He’s mine.” The vengeance in your voice evident. You grabbed your sword off Scott’s moms table and headed towards the door. “That son of a bitch is mine.” You growled.
                You and the pack arrived to an abandoned warehouse. Theo and his pack, who included Josh, Tracey, and Corey, stood waiting for you. Lydia stood in the middle, being held by Theo, his claws to her neck. She looked completely terrified, but unharmed.
                You felt guilty because Malia was kind of right. If you didn’t date Theo as they told you, you all wouldn’t be in this situation. However, you were sure you all would have been anyways because you were sure he would’ve tried the plan out without you. You were just ahead of the game.
                “Let her go.” Stiles yelled the first one out of all of you to say anything.
                Theo chuckled while Lydia tensed up. “Oh, Stiles. Always trying to be the hero, huh? I’m sorry, but this fight is between (Y/N) and I.”
                “Then why did you bring Lydia into this?” You growled, it took all you had for you not to rip into him right there, but you knew that if you did then he would hurt Lydia, and that’s not what you wanted.
                He snorted, “How else was I going to lure you to me? Obviously my first plan didn’t work out, because you were against helping me kill Scott.” He took his claws away from Lydia’s neck and pushed her behind him. “You know, (Y/N), you’re a smart girl. But you weren’t smart enough to see through my plan.”
                “Shut up!” You hollered, your grip tightening on your sword that was casually sitting in its holster on your hip.
                “Square up, Theo.” Stiles mumbled in response to you, somewhat attempting to put humor in the situation, somewhat serious.
                Theo’s demeanor changed from joking to serious, he locked eyes with you, taking steps towards you. “Bring it, Princess.”
                And you did. You ran to him, all the anger you had built up was finally going to be put to use. Josh and Corey ran at you while you ran to Theo, but you dodged them easily. When you were ten feet from Theo, you leaped up and kicked him square in the chest, knocking the air out of him and knocking him down in the process.
                That was when all hell broke loose, everyone began to attack. Corey and Josh took on Scott. Kira and Malia took on Tracy while Stiles went to get Lydia. Claws were out, teeth were bared, and weapons were uncovered.
                Theo sat up, resting on his elbows while he caught his breath. You hand your sword pointed to his neck and he laughed, “Didn’t know you had it in ya, Princess.”
                “You’re lucky I didn’t mess up that pretty face of yours,” You countered back, but you weren’t as playful as he was.
                Tracy went flying past the both of you while Malia and Kira chased after her. She hit the building hard, but you had no worry because she was supernatural and could probably survive it.
                Theo’s hand swiftly wrapped around your wrist and he pulled you down to the ground, your sword clattered on the pavement. You landed on your side about ten feet from Theo. You both locked eyes with each other before scrambling to get up to try to grab it.
                Theo got to your sword first, deciding not to use it against you, but to ruin it. He bent the metal so it of no use to you anymore. He thought that was your only weapon, but he thought wrong. “No more sword for you.” He taunted a smile at his lips.
Since your sword was gone, you pulled your dagger out of the holster in your boot. You went to go and stab Theo with it, but he caught your right wrist before the blade could even touch him. His hand turned into a fist and he was getting ready to punch you.
                Before his fist could punch you, you grabbed his wrist with your left hand, spun him around so his arm was painfully pinned behind his back. You kicked him in the back on the knee and he went down, groaning in pain.
                He rolled onto his back, but you didn’t stop there. You kneeled on top of him, making sure your knee was digging into his chest while your dagger was pressed against his neck. Theo’s hands were held up as if he was surrendering, but you knew that he wouldn’t go down that easy. “You thought wrong.” You remarked, pressing your knee down harder.
                Both of you were breathing heavy, but he managed to chuckle, then it turned into a laugh, “What’s so funny?” You asked, annoyed that he would even be chuckling.
                “You’re just so adorable, Princess. I don’t know why I didn’t keep you around.” He sarcastically announced.
                His arrogance was annoying you, so you pressed all your weight down onto Theo, his laugh turning into a groan of pain. “Because I wasn’t going to let you kill Scott, remember, sweetheart?”
                Theo rolled his eyes and effortlessly tossed you off him. You landed with a thud on the hard pavement, the wind knocked out of your lungs. He got up and brushed his hands off while you held onto the wall for support, gripping your dagger tightly. Theo strolled towards you until your back hit the wall, slightly pushing you into it.
 “I could kill you right here, right now, princess.” Theo sweetly sneered, his mouth dangerously close to your ear. He pushed you into the wall some more, you squirmed as a whimper escaping your lips from the pain.
It made you laugh in a way because he was so gentle with you before he found out you were a hunter and avoided you. Now everything was changed, he was cold and distant from you, but you weren’t going to let him kill Scott.
“Oh, you don’t want to do that, sweetheart.” You mocked back, pushing off the wall and in the process, pushing Theo off you. He stumbled back and caught himself before falling to the ground.
He laughed almost sarcastically, “You’re a feisty one, aren’t you, sweetheart?” He came at you again, but you didn’t have time to react. He grabbed you from around your waist so you were facing him, it almost looked intimate, but you knew it was far from that. His hand was painfully gripping your wrist, causing you to disarm your dagger. He kicked it away from the both of you so you didn’t have a chance to grab it in case you had more tricks up your sleeve.
“Isn’t this sweet?” He asked a sickly sweet tone in his voice. “This is how we were standing when we kissed, don’t you remember, (Y/N)?” He dug his claws into your thigh, causing you to let out a sharp cry of pain.
Your mind flashed back to when you two first kissed and it left a bad taste in your mouth. You two had just come back from getting pizza and eating it at his house. He had defied your expectations about him. Theo was so gentle and sweet with you. It was a surprise because he was an arrogant asshole to everyone, but you.
“Let me walk you to your door,” Theo said, putting his truck in park.
You took a deep breath and looked at him; you stared into his lovely hazel eyes. You were thinking of a sassy comeback, but let your guard down. You could let him get away with this one sweet thing, right? “Okay.” You finally said, unbuckling your seatbelt and waited for him to open your door.
You two made it up your driveway, his arm protectively slung around your waist. You stopped at your porch, giving him a chance to talk, “So, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” He asked, a playful smirk on his lips and his hands gently grasping your waist while your arms hung on his shoulders.
You smirked back at him, “Hmm, I guess not.”
“Would you go out with me again?” He asked, a little more hope in his voice.
You smiled and blushed, you have never met a guy who was so interested in you, “I suppose,” You shyly said.
Theo chuckled, his voice becoming softer and he popped the question of, “Can I kiss you?”
“No.” You said; a defied look on your face. You smirked when Theo looked taken back, then you giggled, “I’m surprised you even asked. Yes, you can.” You granted permission.
Theo gently caressed your face and leaned down so your lips met his. Your stomach was doing flips out of excitement and you felt like you couldn’t be happier. Your doubts about him were wrong.
You forcefully pushed the memory to the back of your mind and tried to keep the tears from coming up. You felt your legs trying to give out from the pain and you instinctively grabbed his shoulder to keep yourself from falling even though he had his arm around your waist, preventing you from falling anyways.
Theo chuckled darkly and pushed you off him, your blood dripping from his claws. You landed on your side, your hand shakily pressed down on your leg, attempting to stop the blood flow but it was gushing out between your fingers. You swallowed thickly and tried to stand up, but felt too dizzy to do so.
You looked around; everyone was too busy with his or her own enemy. There was no one to help you, but you tried to tell yourself it was okay because you could take care of yourself. The only thing you wish you had was Scott’s healing, that would help so much.
“(Y/N)!” You heard someone shout, you turned your head to see Stiles coming towards you to help you. You mentally rejoiced because you were weak, and you needed help to stand up.  
Stiles gripped an arm around your waist and helped you up; you used him to steady yourself until Theo started coming towards the two of you, a displeased look in his eyes. Stiles and you attempted to back up away from Theo, but he strode up to Stiles, who tried to protect you by keeping himself in front of you.
“You’re scared, both of you.” He smugly stated. Both you and Stiles tried your best to look brave, but it was faltering. You were mentally battling the fact that you were scared now, and you shouldn’t be. You were a hunter, heck; you were a part of the Argent family. Argent’s weren’t scared, Argent’s were brave.
You shook your head, “No.” You trembled out.
He sauntered towards the both of you again, your heartbeat picking up and your grip on Stiles tightened. Stiles began to walk backwards, avoiding the evil in front of you. He came up and shoved Stiles away from you, your only protection gone and knocked out in front of you.
Theo smiled darkly at you; you tried to get away from him only for him to catch you. His hand came up to your throat, clenching his hand around the delicate skin. You gasped for air as he slammed you against the wall, knocking more air out of you.
“You don’t look so tough now, princess.” He said, almost maniacally at you.
It was true. You were tired, your adrenaline was wearing down which made you feel all the pain in your body. You had no more room to fight, at this point you could only wish for a miracle. The only fight you had left in you was to scratch at his wrist to let you go. It was a small and almost laughable attempt because you knew if you had more energy, you could get out of his grip.
He let go of your throat only to tightly grab a hold of your chin, forcing you to look at him. “I told you that you were going to regret it.”
 You jerked you head out of his grasp, “The only thing I regret is wasting my time on you,” You said, your breath catching up to you. Your boot-clad foot attempted to kick him away, but he swiftly stopped you to more claws to your thigh. You squealed in pain as he slowly twisted his nails out.
Claws were pulled out and you were breathing heavy, “No more.” You whispered, your body shaking from pain.
His eyebrows quirked up, “What? What was that? I didn’t hear you?” Theo mocked, but he knew what you said, he just liked hearing you say it. He liked hearing that you are weak when you have had this persona of being strong, tough, and never afraid. "Did I hear you say that you're giving up?"
Your body could only take so much abuse before it would give out. Every bone in your body hurt, your muscles ached and you felt like giving up. “I said no more.” You were sure that if it wasn’t for Theo holding you up, you would just be a crumpled heap on the ground.
By then, your cries of pain had caught the other pack member’s attention, but none could come to your aide. You couldn’t blame them; they were just trying to stay alive like you. You noticed Scott trying to finish Josh so he could help you.
Without warning, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. A small gasp escaped your lips while blood spilled out of your mouth. Everything felt like slow motion. You looked down to see Theo’s hand in your stomach and you looked back up at him with regret in your eyes.
You could hear Scott yelling your name while Theo twisted his claws, slowly removing them from your abdomen while you coughed up more blood. As he removed his hand, he stepped back and casually shook your blood off his hand.
Your hands found your wound and you attempted to stop the bleeding but you knew all too well that it wasn’t going to work. Slowly, you slid down the wall. Before you reached the ground, you felt strong arms grab you and stop you from hitting the dusty pavement.
You heard Liam and Malia screaming at Theo, but you didn’t see anything. However, you did hear Malia viciously throwing Theo around; Liam had to stop her before she killed him.
You looked to see Stiles, who now had a bruise on his face, but was overall okay. You were breathing heavy and your body shivering. “Did you f-find Lydia? Did you put her somewhere s-safe?” You gasped, more worried about your friend than yourself.
“Yeah, she’s fine. But you need help, (Y/N).” He said, his hands hastily pressing over yours to help stop the bleeding. His pale hands were now stained with your blood that was flowing out too quickly.
Scott skidded to a stop in front of both of you, his mind flashing back to when Allison was dying. He remembered seeing her fall to the ground before he caught her, he remembered her face going pale from the lack of blood, and he remembered the pain of losing her.
In a panic, Scott took Stiles’ and your hands away so he could try to heal you. In the back of his head, he knew that you needed actual medical attention, but he was determined to save you right here.
“I can’t feel your pain, (Y/N).” Scott said his voice in a panic.
You smiled softly at him, “T-that’s because I’m not h-hurting.” You gasped, your hand going up to caress the face of your friend who has done all he could to protect you all these years that Allison was gone.
Tears were running down Scott’s face while he put his hand over yours. “I can save you, just let me try.” he said, meaning that he could bite you, turning you into a werewolf. But that posed the risk of your body rejecting the bite, meaning you would die regardless.
You shook your head, your brows furrowed as you let out a cough. More blood splattered all over you, some onto Scott and Stiles, but they didn’t care. “You can’t… and that’s okay.” You whispered, your voice raw from the abuse you had gone through.
In the wake of Allison’s death, you couldn’t understand how she was telling you that it was okay when it clearly wasn’t. You were losing your cousin and you knew it wasn’t okay… Until now.
Your body was warm, as if the sun had come out and showered your whole body with cozy warm rays. It occurred to you that you weren’t in pain, “It’s okay.” You said, ultimately understanding why Allison had said that to you… Because it really was okay.
To the pack, you were shivering and your hands were shaking as you went to grab Scott’s to tell him one more thing, because you knew it was going to be the last thing he heard, “T-thank you for taking c-care of Allison and I.” You gasped unevenly, trying to smile as best as you could.
The pack watched as you took your final breath, that everything was still. Stiles sat across from your body, his hands resting on his lap as they shook with rage. He angrily got up in search for Theo, but Malia stopped him, telling him that she and Liam took care of Theo.
Kira came up behind Scott and hugged him while he hugged your lifeless body, his own body shaking with sadness. She murmured how it was going to be okay to him, but he couldn’t hear it. Your death mirrored Allison’s too much, it wasn’t okay. He wasn’t okay.
Lydia came running up, to the group, nearly tripping but Stiles caught her before she could fall. The strawberry blonde collapsed in tears in Stiles’ arms when she saw your bruised and lifeless body. As if on cue, Lydia screamed your name while the pack cried for you.
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