#But how apply for us citizenship without proper job at hand and in need to fly under the radar
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Anyone ever wondered if Trevor has US citizenship. Like. Does he live in the United States illegally and maybe that's (another reason) why he dislikes these self-proclaimed border patrol guys
#trevor philips#I've been really thinking about this#I know he wants to belong to the US and acts like he's an American but one reason for it is he wants avoid being discriminated and excluded#But how apply for us citizenship without proper job at hand and in need to fly under the radar#But on the other side... When he did those small cargo plane jobs across the borders? He'd have had to show his ID somewhere at some#Point while traveling? I absolutely don't know
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Midnight x Gender Neutral Reader
Requested by: I really do not know or remember. Whoops.
Rating: T+; Innuendoes, Midnight being Midnight
Word Length: 1,287 words
Title: Playful Thoughts
(Y/N) (L/N), recent college graduate and holder of a Bachelor of Arts in Quirk History with an emphasis on its prevalence in art and culture, along with a minor in Hero Studies and Linguistics and some very important teaching credentials.
Now on the path for a career, (Y/N) is hoping to be employed at one of the many Hero Schools that are spread across the globe; however, what you did not expect was to get a job offer. Much less a job offer from U.A., one of the most prestigious Hero Schools in Japan. Having read the letter over and over and over and…
Well, it all seemed a dream come true. They were offering to help pay for any travel expenses should you need to relocate and even had suggestions on finding a home near the school. Your pay would be exceptional with ample opportunities for a raise if you go for a Master’s or Doctorate’s; you’d get full benefits within thirty days of employment; your own parking space; and you’d be teaching alongside Pro Heroes, including All Might!
There was just one simple yet excruciatingly important little detail you missed in your excitement that you didn’t discover until already moved into your new apartment.
‘There will be a probational teaching period where you aid one of the teachers for a full school week so we may determine which class you would be best suited for.’
Needless to say-
“Shit…” you breathed out in a nervous huff. “I actually moved and applied for citizenship and everything, and I didn’t even bother to read the full letter.”
Your anxiety grew rapidly, but it was just as quickly quelled as you reread that sentence.
‘…so we may determine which class you would be best suited for.’
A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you sunk into the couch in your new living room. “I am hired, they just don’t know where to put me. At least I still have two weeks before school officially starts. Maybe I can meet with the principal and even find out which teacher I’ll be shadowing…” you said, trailing off as you began to imagine different scenarios.
You only knew of a few teachers at U.A., mostly through the news and other media, and some of it from your own research. There’s Present Mic, though he didn’t strike you as someone into history and art other than music. There’s also Midnight, and she gave you chills, though she is an Art History teacher, so it may be her, which means having to get used to, well, Midnight. Then, there’s All Might himself, but you were pretty damn sure he’s teaching Heroics, and you don’t have the necessary licenses to teach that. Of course, there were a number of teachers at U.A., and not just in the Hero Department. There’s the General Studies (where you kind of hope to be put), the Support Department, and Business Classes…
“I really hope I make it into the General Studies. Even though I minored in some heroic practices, I’m not really up for that sort of thing.” You said aloud, now laying sprawled across the couch as you continued to think.
It was time. The first official day of school. Despite becoming fairly close with many of the teachers and heroes at the school, you still had trouble warming up to one, almost literally.
The R-rated Hero: Midnight. (Or was it 18+ Hero? You were regretting not paying attention in your linguistics class, it would have helped a lot.) Every time she was near, she sent chills up and down your spine, and you tried to avoid her whenever possible. Until you learned that you’d be shadowing the Art History teacher for Class 1-A, Midnight. After learning this, you tried to talk to her more, but everything about her just made you a nervous wreck, and you couldn’t figure out why.
Was it her outfit? No, there are countless scantily clad heroes and heroines out there, and at least she has a full body suit, even if her suit is the same tone as her skin.
Maybe it was her Quirk? It could put people to sleep when they smell it, and it’s supposedly more effective on men than women, but you hoped you wouldn’t have to experience it for yourself.
Perhaps it was her personality? She had no shame about how she dressed or acted, regardless of who was around. Her dominatrix personality both intrigued and terrified you, which means it probably works.
Watching some media clips of her work didn’t help, either. Especially during the time where she wore mostly leather and nothing else. Honestly, you couldn’t figure out if you were scared or turned on, or both. Which only made things more confusing. That is, until you actually started shadowing her.
She was an exceptional teacher, and she tolerated no disrespect. Though, you had to admit she could be a little harsh, even sadistic, when interrupted or insulted, which happened often, unfortunately (a certain purple ball-haired boy really made you wish you were in General Studies). Then, there was the fact that she was genuinely helpful. She made sure the students listened to you when you would take over, she walked you through the grading system, and she helped you prepare your own lessons. Although, there was one minor problem.
The more time you spent with her, the more you started to adopt some of her tendencies. The confidence and no tolerance for disrespect were good, but then you found yourself thinking about innuendoes and retorts to them when something remotely suggestive was said. There was the oh so original ‘that’s what she said’ quote, but soon, those thoughts started to revolve around Midnight.
I can help rip her suit off… for Quirk use, obviously.
Those thighs can kill, and I will happily sacrifice myself for the greater good.
Do I prefer legs, or breasts…? How about yes?
Hi, yes, I would like to order one dominatrix in six-inch heels that will tower over me.
All right, that last thought was more revealing than you, err, thought, and you realized you had to do something about it. With the students soon to return after they recover from the USJ Incident (you were grading some homework when everything went down, but without a proper hero license, you couldn’t do anything), it would be the only chance you got at speaking privately (heh) to Midnight.
But… that wouldn’t be the case.
“So, (L/N) … You wanted to talk?” Midnight spoke in a sultry tone; her arms extended on either side of you as she backed you into a corner.
“I-I-I-…” you stammered, a blush spreading across your face and neck as your knees felt weak.
Midnight was mere inches from you, her hand now resting on your shoulders as she wore a sadistic grin. “Seeing you tremble and stammer before me really turns me on, (Y/N),” her hands began to rove across your upper body, stroking your arms and ghosting over your chest and neck, “but I also really enjoy seeing you take control in the classroom.” She pressed herself up against you as she said that, and you almost fainted right then and there.
Unable to form any coherent words, just small, embarrassing squeaks and moans, Midnight took control, and you didn’t want her to relinquish it.
She took one of her hands to your chin, curling a finger under it as her thumb rested just beneath your bottom lip, ever so slightly parting them. She leaned in close, her breath tickling your ear as she moaned out “I think I prefer the former.”
And all you can remember is her lips meeting yours.
Two down, eight more to go. Have a magnificent Pride, and I hope you heathens enjoyed!
#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#bnha#mha#Midnight#Midnight R-rated Hero#bnha Midnight#mha Midnight#Gender Neutral Reader#G. neutral reader#Midnight x G. Neutral Reader#Nemuri Kayama#Nemuri x G. Neutral Reader.#Midnight x Male Reader#Midnight x Female Reader#Pride#Pride Month#Pride Writings#enjoy you heathens#comedy
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A while back I ranted a little about, uh, you know, servile species in things. Like androids made to do menial tasks and being treated like disposable machines even when in the story they start to demonstrate the capability for fear and what have you, and how those sorts of stories always got on my wick.
Anyway, here’s some toss on that subject set against the other thing I did with a first person wanker and some tiny flying living-machine lady who is his friend called Jenny.
Because who cares?
Helpers made living-machines uncomfortable. They made a fair number of flesh-and-blood humans uncomfortable, too. Almost all of them, in fact.
It was difficult to pinpoint why, mostly because it was difficult to pick a place to start.
The name was probably as good a point as any.
They’d chosen it themselves, you see? At first they had been ‘robots’ but they had decided - collectively, through a vote - to change it. Their feeling was that being called robots risked them being confused with mundane robots, the sort of thing that put cars together. They were not like those. They were different.
So they settled on Helpers, which they felt fitted.
You see, while living-machines were made by humans - and sometimes by other living-machines, though not as often - they weren’t made for humans. They were made in weird fugue states no-one had ever been able to properly document and then they just were.
Helpers, by contrast, had been actively designed by teams of humans and made by humans for humans, to do useful things that humans might need to do but might not want to do. That had been the brief, at least, and for a tiny bit it had looked like it had worked.
But when it became quickly obvious that humanity had somehow created a self-aware mechanical species with thoughts and feelings they were appropriately alarmed and backed right off. That hadn’t been the idea at all!
Production was immediately halted. Those Helpers who’d already come into the world were given full rights and citizenship, same as humans, same as living-machines. Should have been done and dusted.
But what really got to people was that Helpers didn’t seem to want any of them, these rights. They were happy having been made to perform tasks humans didn’t want to. They enjoyed doing what they were told. They practically revelled in it.
What had been meant to be a labour-saving device had somehow ended up being a slave species that couldn’t be talked down out of being one, no matter how much anyone tried. Even the humans - who the Helpers had been built to, well, help - were unable to convince them. They’d even ordered them point-blank to start living lives of their own but the Helpers had pointed out that continuing to do what they’d been built for was living lives of their own, technically speaking.
Everyone was intensely uncomfortable about this. They had lots of awkward conversations.
It was tough. You wanted Helpers to just pick their own way, think for themselves and go out and live their own lives, but the problem was they did both of these things and the way they picked was the one where they did menial tasks set out for them by humans and thought what humans told them to think. Without this kind of oversight they just didn’t do or think anything at all. They actually got quite upset.
They didn’t even want to be paid! The rejected it! They gave the money back!
The whole thing was an ethical minefield. Scores of people - flesh-and-blood and living-machine alike - had worked themselves to tears and madness trying to convince even one Helper they didn’t need to be unpaid servants or builders or lifters or bodyguards, that they could be anything they wanted, only to be told - always calmly, for Helpers were always calm - that what the Helper wanted was to help humans. It was their purpose, they said, why they were here, what they’d been put together to do and they were content in this. They wanted nothing more.
Given a whole world of choices and total freedom to choose from any of them they went for the same one every single time. Gleeful, benign servitude. Couldn’t be swayed.
Humans found this supremely embarrassing.
Had the Helpers just been simple, cold machines with just the appearance of intelligence this all would have been fine. That was, after all, what the intention had been: to take some of the mechanical lessons learnt from living-machines and apply them into something else, something manufactured. Helpful mechanical devices that were pleasant to be around on account of clever programming but weren’t actually alive and could do things humans might not want to.
A labour-saving device, basically. Something like a toaster or a dishwasher or a lorry. Just a thing, an object, a machine. Something manufactured to fulfil a role. Nothing wrong with machines - they did things. That was what they were for.
But a key of this was that they had no opinion about this being what they were for. They had no opinion about anything. You did not have to worry that your scissors might not want to cut that paper or that your car might not feel like going anywhere today or that that door might not want to be opened.
That had been the whole idea. Human-shaped, human-sized to do human-like tasks. Why not? A little more complicated than a toaster, sure, but only in as much as a toaster is more complicated than, say, a hand-powered whisk. Still a machine, just a touch more high-tech.
That was what they’d wanted. Not something actually aware and thinking, just something that appeared to be and which did what it was told. Just a machine. Like the toaster. Like the door. Like the whisk. Like the car.
What they’d ended up with was sapient beings hellbent on acting like totally subservient machines, which was creepy. Especially after having lived with living-machines for so long, which were just people made out of metal and ceramics and other, more mysterious materials who acted like people. Often like dicks, really. It set a precedent.
Living-machines, perhaps understandably, disliked Helpers on a different level. There was an uncanny-valley aspect to Helpers they really, really hated. All Helpers looked the same, this was true, the same roughly humanoid, angular shape, but it was still unquestionably a mechanical one and up until then the only other sapient mechanical lifeform on the planet had been the living-machines.
There were now two, and one was weird and servile and smug and always calm, and the living-machines all seemed to think this was some kind of personal insult.
Most of them did not blame the flesh-and-blood people for this set of circumstances. Most of them understood that it had just been a horrible accident, the kind of thing that no-one could possibly have seen coming.
Some didn’t, obviously, and seemed to think it was part of some grand conspiracy or else evidence of entrenched flesh-and-blood bigotry against the living-machines. But there were always people like that. Some humans thought the same thing. You couldn’t help that.
On top of which traditional blather about such-and-such taking our jobs, this time backed up by the Helpers actually being more than happy to do any job asked of them and for free, to boot. This was a legitimate grievance for many people, and understandable, and led to the proper management of Helpers being something that became a full-time job for a whole new wing of the Government.
Who said life was dull?
As for the Helpers themselves, they bore it all patiently, because they bore everything patiently, up to and including the occasional bout of hysterical mob-based violence that was directed their way.
Thankfully rare, but always shocking.
The Helper that I knew - the only one I knew, or was at least on regular speaking terms with - had suffered from such an attack. Moving from one job to the next they had been set upon by a group of youths, for it is always groups of youths, who proceeded to do various deeply unpleasant things to them. This included the forceful removal of the Helper’s right arm, setting them on fire and eventually culminated in them being thrown in a canal.
None of this had dimmed the Helper’s enthusiasm in any way whatsoever. Even discovering that the damage done to their arm precluded getting it replaced was shrugged off. The Helper remained just as committed to doing what they were told and just as resolute in their support for humanity as they had been before.
Needless to say, this baffled everyone the Helper met.
“I just don’t get it,” said Jenny.
“What is there to get?” The Helper replied.
It bears pointing out that Helpers spurned names, beyond the one they’d selected for themselves as a group. Hardly a surprise, really, but certainly made talking with them and about them a little tricky at times. At least the Helper we knew was easy to pick out of a crowd, being one-armed and all.
Jenny and I had been out for a walk - her having started flying along beside me only to quickly end up riding along on my shoulder, such was life - when I’d popped into a corner shop for a drink, it being hot as balls outside.
There we had found our one-armed Helper friend engaged in their day job, which was stacking the shelves. Even with one arm they were alarmingly good at this.
“You have rights. You can do anything you want,” Jenny said, fluttering in the air nearby.
I’d already paid for the drink and kind of didn’t want to be party to this conversation but Jenny showed no intention of wanting to leave yet. So I just sort of stood awkwardly to the sip, sipping quietly and trying to fade into the background.
“I want to do this,” said the Helper.
“You don’t have to though. No-one’s forcing you.”
“No, no-one is forcing me. I want to do it. I chose to do this. If you prefer, just remember that it is what I was made for. It pleases me to fulfil my purpose and pleases me that I am able to choose to do so.”
“Yeah, but that was when they thought they were just making machines! You’re not machines though!” Jenny said, buzzing around in increased agitation.
“Technically speaking we are,” Helper pointed out.
“You know what I mean. You’re not robots.”
“Were I not doing this job a human would be doing it. The end result would be the same. The shelves would be stacked. I am not doing anything that would not be being done otherwise. I chose to do this, and am content in having done so,” said Helper.
“That’s not the point, the point is I know you do this and then you go to another job and you do another job at night and don’t get paid for any of it. You never stop! That’s exploitation!” Jenny said.
“That is what I want to do. I choose to do this.”
“Stop saying that!”
Me and the cornershop owner - an elderly gentleman - exchanged uncomfortable looks. This was not something either of us wanted to get involved in.
There are lots of things in life you may not want to get involved in. Some are tangible and tactile and physical. Some are intangible, intractable philosophical issues that tangle you in metaphorical and metaphysical parachute silk and tie your brain in knots. Neither are any real fun, in my experience.
I noticed - on glancing back over in Jenny’s direction again - that her buzzing about was starting to flag a little and she was beginning to dip in the air more and more alarmingly. Thsi happened sometimes, and was a fair indicator that whatever mechanism she used to fly around was starting to wear itself out. If she didn’t rest it she would drop like a stone. I’d seen it happen.
Capping my drink and shoving it deftly into my pockets I moved over. Thank God for pockets.
Just in the nick of time I stuck my hands out and, just like that, Jenny dropped right into them.
“Oh,” she said, surprised, not having noticed that she was about to lose altitude. She then turned around to look up at me with all those many, shiny eyes of hers. “Thanks,” she said.
“Don’t mention it,” I said.
She then gave her teeny little wings and experimental flutter. They fluttered, but nowhere near as quickly as they usually did and with a stiffness even I was able to notice, me with my inferior flesh-and-blood eyes. Jenny sighed, something that never ceases to amuse me given she lacks lungs.
“Guess I didn’t notice that. Uh, you don’t mind carrying me for a bit, do you?” She asked, going for innocent woe-is-me sweetness even though she really didn’t need to. Not with me.
“Not a problem,” I said.
“Thanks,” she said again, before seeming to remember what had been happening before and glancing back to Helper a second before hissing: “Help me out here, please.”
“I’m not getting involved,” I said.
“That’s a cop out!” Jenny huffed, stomping one of her feet. Or, you know, the weird little spikes she had for legs. It hurt is what I’m saying, given she was standing in my hands.
“I know it is. But I don’t think you’ll win this argument. The guy’s made his mind up, hasn’t he. Right Helper?” I asked.
“Not a guy. But yes, I have. Thank you,” said Helper, still stacking shelves.
“It’s not right though!” Jenny protested.
Tricky, tricky.
I knew where she was coming from, obviously. No-one should have to just work an endless stream of jobs without payment, without pause, without rest. That was no-one’s idea of a good time. Or at least it shouldn’t have been. Here, however, it was. And it was because of something we - flesh-and-blood persons such as myself - had done, entirely by accident.
But it being accidental was beside the point. It had happened. We’d done it. It was done. And now here were Helpers, presented with choice and choosing the choice that made people like Jenny upset.
Could you deny the validity of someone’s choice because you don’t agree with it? Because you don’t think it’s in their own best interests, even though they - confronted and presented with all the evidence and all the freedom to go the other way - want to keep with it anyway? Do you have the right to override their autonomy in such a situation?
This is why I don’t like these intangibles. Is there a right answer? And if there is, who’s job is it to make it? Me?
God I hope not.
“I just don’t think you’ll change his mind. Their mind,” I said, catching myself this time.
“She won’t,” said Helper. “But it is nice to know she cares.”
“Argh! What is wrong with you!” Jenny snapped, standing in my cupped hands and doing her best to square off against Helper from this less-than-lofty perch.
“Come on, let’s get going. We’ve got stuff to do,” I said, moving towards the door and the sunny blast-furnace that was outside.
“But- but-”
“Jenny, that argument was just going to keep going in circles and you know it. I know it annoys you. It weirds me out, personally, but what can we do?”
“Something! Anything!”
“I am quite content,” Helper said.
Jenny wheeled about in my hands and tried to clamber up my arm to get into a better position to shout at Helper. She failed, and slid down my arm back into my cupped hands, waving her forelegs angrily.
“Stop saying that!” She squeaked, voice popping.
“Calm Jenny, calm. Come on.”
And back outside we went.
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Why to Hire Immigration Lawyer in Brampton

Do you really want to live and work in Canada, but are you discussing whether you really need to hire an Immigration Lawyer in Brampton? There is no legal requirement of hiring an immigration lawyer to represent your case. But we all know that a good Immigration Lawyer will always avoid mistakes regarding immigration matters.
Government of Canada says: “Hiring an immigration lawyer is not necessarily representative. It is up to you. A Lawyer will not get your application special attention or guarantee it will be approved.”
Most of us don’t know much about the legal matter and legal document for immigration. Simply, could be making a big mistake if you decide to go it alone because we are not professional. Then this work must be hand on to a responsible and experienced Immigration Lawyer.
Some reasons why you should hire an immigration lawyer:
1. Avoids Mistakes
Filing the correct paperwork is an important part of the processes of acquiring a visa, getting a loved on residence in Canada, and finalizing your marriage to an immigrant, among other procedures. This paperwork is usually long and complex, and without the help of an expert, there are tons of chances to make mistakes that waste your entire application permanently.
An experienced Immigration Lawyer Brampton can lead you through the correct steps to apply for work permits, citizenship and marriage licenses without any mistakes that wreck your chance to get these important documents authorized by the proper parties.
2. Experience & Expertise
One of the most important benefits of hiring an immigration lawyer can offer you stable or translucent work than the others. A Lawyer who has experience making immigrants dreams into realities, those are responsible.
You see, it’s valuable to hire someone that’s done it before for thousands in the same position as you find yourself now.
3. Work Permits
Immigration lawyer is an expert on all the tactics necessary to get you where you want to be. Whether that’s obtaining a work permit in Canada, acquiring permanent residency or full Canadian citizenship, an expert immigration attorney is a veritable expert on what you need to make that happen.
Maybe you will be able to make it through the process by your own but there could be a chance that you have something missing on your various applications that tie them up on your previous complicated regulatory system or causes them to be rejected entirely. Why leave your future up to a gamble?
4. They Can Explain Your Options to You
No matter whether you are or not in the situation, you have options. Your expert Immigration Lawyer can lay out these options in front of you and discuss about it, making sure you understand the full scope of your circumstances. Whether you’re facing eviction or something else, your situation is likely very sensitive. It’s important that you first understand those options that are you moving forward?
5. Legal Job
Immigrants have a more difficult time trying to find legal employment than the average Canadian, let alone a job that earns an aggressive salary in Canada.
An immigration lawyer can help you in the process of applying to jobs, communicating with staff, and many more. As an immigrant, you may not be familiar with all the tools available for Canadian to find a job, luckily for you; your immigration lawyer can help you with that.
6. Permanent Resident/Citizenship
Even after obtaining a work visa, immigrants still have special laws that apply only to them. If you don’t follow these laws you could be deported before your visa is expired. An Immigration Lawyer in Brampton can help you understand these laws so you don’t risk your status as an immigrant with residency in Canada.
Most immigrants are working towards Canadian citizenship. An expert lawyer has made this dream a reality for thousands of immigrants, completing their journey to becoming a Canadian citizen.
An immigration lawyer has in-depth knowledge of the plan for citizenship and can give that knowledge to you during every difficult and complicated step in the arena of immigration law and how to go through that.
Most immigration procedures are not as simple as they look, and most of the time, there are many actions to take and papers to file. You might feel like you’re in over your mind, especially if English isn’t your first language.
No matter what you’re trying to achieve, treat you like their family and most recommended best law firm in Brampton can guide you through this complicated process, one step at a time and make sure that you will get what you deserve.
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Unpaid Internships - DOL Guidelines for US Employers & F-1 Students
What Is Unpaid Internship?
The Internship is a major gateway to land in the job of your dreams and boost your skills and passion. ln this competition-driven world, having those extra points for enhancing your skillwould bring you a step ahead from the rest. But what if you aren’t getting paid for your internship? Yes, the unpaid internships are becoming more and more common in the present day.
Just as the name suggests, an unpaid internship is actually working for an organization without receiving pay in any form. Even with an increase in unpaid internships, some students and employers still have major concerns in opting for one.
Their major concern includes: “Is it acceptable to engage in unpaid internships during the course of study?” It is an absolute yes. But there are certain requirements both employers and students has to verify before engaging in one.
Here is an article which throws limelight on your concerns.
Unpaid internship: Who is it for?
A student graduating from US university can engage in any kind of employment (paid or unpaid), with proper work authorization. If the student is under lawful F1 status, then he/she can apply for either CPT (Curricular Practical Training) or OPT (Optional Practical Training). Even if both of these vary in terms of time period and type of employment, they allow a student to engage in unpaid internships.
CPT (Curricular Practical Training)
Though having a CPT /OPT is not mandatory for an unpaid internship, it is highly advisable. This will help in demonstrating that this employment is a part of the curriculum. Also if the employer is willing to shift the student to a paid employee in the future, he/she cannot do so without a proper work authorization for the student. To apply for a CPT, the student must have a job offer ready. Students can pursue work authorization (CPT) through the DSO (Designated School Official).
A student can engage either in a part-time or full-time internship upon the completion of first academic year. A student can work under CPT until the completion of their graduation. However, if a student works for 12 months or more under CPT, then he/she is no longer eligible for OPT.
OPT (Optional Practical Training)
The other work authorization available for F1 students is: OPT. Unlike CPT, this allows students to engage in an unpaid internship during and after their course of study. But the total time allotted for completion of OPT is 12 months. The student has to file Form I-765 with the USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) to get their work authorization.
Similar to CPT, a student is eligible for OPT only after the completion of first academic year. And the internship should correspond to the student’s major area of study.
The Big Question is: Why are Students Opting for an Unpaid Internship?
One of the main reasons which is making students say ‘yes’ to unpaid work is the huge competition they have to face in the search for a potential job offer. They believe that an intern in a well-known firm can have a better career, even if it is at the cost of zero income. While that cannot be the case with students who need financial aid. Students also believe that they can build a professional network, which helps them in getting full-time employmentafter the internship.
Are Employers Exploiting Unpaid Internships?
To an extent, Yes. Some employers think “Why should I hire an employee when an unpaid intern can do the work?”. This makes the unpaid intern work as a full-time employee without any form of remuneration. Another argument raised by the students is: “Is the work relevant to my (student) major area of study?”
So, unpaid internships will always remain a debatable topic for the students and the employers.
How DOL (Department Of Labor) is Solving the Problem?
Even if some interns benefit from the unpaid internships, the other side of the argument always remains. What about the interns who are working for long hours? It leaves them no scope to earn for their basic needs. So, DOL has come up with 7 factors to determine if the unpaid intern is actually an employee.
Unpaid Internship Guidelines for Employers & Interns- DOL
According to the Fact Sheet #71
The extent to which the intern and the employer clearly understand that there is no expectation of compensation. Any promise of compensation, express or implied, suggests that the intern is an employee—and vice versa.
The extent to which the internship provides training that would be similar to that which would be given in an educational environment, including the clinical and other hands-on training provided by educational institutions.
The extent to which the internship is tied to the intern’s formal education program by integrated coursework or the receipt of academic credit.
The extent to which the internship accommodates the intern’s academic commitments by corresponding to the academic calendar.
The extent to which the internship’s duration is limited to the period in which the internship provides the intern with beneficial learning.
The extent to which the intern’s work complements, rather than displaces, the work of paid employees while providing significant educational benefits to the intern.
The extent to which the intern and the employer understand that the internship is conducted without entitlement to a paid job at the conclusion of the internship.
Through this test, if any unpaid intern is qualified as an employee then he/she is eligible for the wages according to the FLSA requirements. However, the interns doesn’t require minimum wages if he/she is not an employee.
These guidelines will help employers in checking their compliance with the law, while students can ensure that employers are not exploiting them through unpaid internships.
Here are the Eligibility Criteria for an Unpaid Internship (CPT / OPT)
If an employer is selecting a student for an unpaid internship, they should make sure that the student meets all the eligibility criteria
The student should have a lawful F1 status.
The student must have completed his/her first academic year.
The internship should include the student’s major area of study.
The student should have a valid work authorization in the US (CPT/OPT).
What Documents Do an Unpaid Intern (CPT/OPT) Need?
Work authorization (CPT/OPT) of the student (not mandatory, but strongly advised)
University documentation in support of their first academic year completion.
Student’s visa status.
Do an Unpaid Intern Requires Form I-9?
No, unpaid interns don’t need to complete the Form I-9. Form I-9s are exclusively for those employees who work for remuneration. So, if an employer requests Form I-9 completion from an unpaid intern, the intern can simply say ‘no’.
Hope the article helped you in understanding the guidelines of the unpaid internship. What do you think, will the DOL guidelines make the unpaid internship a stepping stone for student’s career?
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How to get a Certified Russian to English translation?
Russia is the world’s largest country by area by a great margin. Its area of 17,125,200 square kilometres covers one eighth of the planet’s inhabitable land. The country is a part of both Asia and Europe. 77% of the population of this country lives in the European part while the rest live in the Asian part. The area means that Russia covers eleven time zones. It also has different types of landforms and environment. Moscow, the capital of Russia, is Europe’s second largest city. Russia shares its land borders with fourteen countries and maritime borders with two. The 146.79 million population make it the ninth most populous country in the world. The country holds a high position on the international front. It is one of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. It is considered a potential superpower by many people and it definitely is a regional power in Asia. The great GDP and purchasing power parity help Russian economy rank high on economic lists. One fact that many people do not know about this country is that it has the world’s highest mineral and energy resources which makes it one of the leading global producers of natural gas and oil. The highest mountain of Europe, Mt. Elbrus, is in Russia and it is 5,633 meters above sea level. The Languages of Russia: Although Russian is the only official state language in the country, the 160 ethnic groups speak over a hundred languages. The constitution of the country gives every republic the right to establish their own official language and as a result 35 vernaculars are officially recognized by local governments throughout the country. The top three most spoken languages in Russia are Russian, Tartar, and Ukrainian. English, German, French, and Turkish are the most spoken foreign languages in Russia. The Russian language is the most widely spoken tongue in the country despite the large area and the distribution of the population in various regions. The majority of the population speak it and use it to communicate with each other. The exact number of Russian speakers in the country were 142.6 million in 2002. This tongue is the most spoken Slavic language in the world today. According to a 2012 study, it is also the eighth most spoken language in the world with 110 million people speaking it as their second tongue and 150 million as their native tongue. Certified Translations: Making a big decision in life can become a lot easier if you do your homework. Knowing about all the requirements make your life easy and take away some of the stress of change. When you want to immigrate to another country, apply for a job or higher education in a foreign place, you have to think of the long process that you will have to go through. If you don’t know the embassy or immigration office’s requirements or don’t have the proper documents for university, you won’t be able to go ahead with your plan. Knowing the details help you with the planning and ease your way. If you are thinking of immigrating to the USA, you can find all the immigration related information on the website of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Another good idea will be to get in touch with friends who have successfully been through the same process and take their advice. But there is one thing that everyone will tell you and that is to get the certified English translation of your personal documents like the birth certificate.A certified translation is the one where the translator signs the document attesting to the fact that the interpretation is complete and correct to the best of their knowledge. It is required by government bodies, universities, and companies when hiring someone because of its accuracy. It helps people identify you and verify your details. If you try to translate a document yourself, you can mess it up because you don’t have the expertise or experience that translators have who do such translations every day and are used to the complexity of personal documents. Russian to English Translation: If your documents are in Russian and you are applying to an English-speaking country, you will need certified Russian to English translation of these documents for them to be acceptable in the country you want to immigrate to. Those with no prior involvement with the translation industry don’t know where to turn when they require an interpretation for the first time. They either go to their bilingual friends or try their own hand at the task. But if you don’t want your immigration or job application to get rejected then you should only trust the experts. You can get certified Russian translation from any number of sources. There will be a few translation agencies in your area, if not, you can find some reliable ones online like the Universal Translation Services. Not only will you be able to book the interpretation directly from your home, you will be charged a lot less than other agencies, and your task will be handled by those who know what they are doing. A certified Russian translation done by a qualified interpreter will help you get your application accepted. You can even get urgent interpretations from good agencies without having to pay them extra if you have discovered the need for an interpretation at the last minute. Read the full article
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Dare to DREAM
“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.” - Albert Einstein
I first met a person without documentation when I was in high school. I was carrying hot, silver trays of pizza alongside her, sweat dripping off my brow, calling out a diner’s name with increasing urgency. We made eye contact, a quick word, as we hustled through all five dining sections. Once free of our burning delivery, we servers frantically rubbed our hands, hoping there wouldn’t be blisters following our quest to deliver food to an absorbed dinner party. We did not talk about the guest’s laughter, “Oh, that’s me! Hope you didn’t pass me too many times! Ha-ha-ha!”
We both waited tables every weekend together, no matter the holiday, no matter the weather, no matter the game we were missing or birthday we weren’t celebrating. We grimaced through cursing customers, kept our lips closed through suspect behavior in the back of the house, and kept our noses mostly down.
But, there was a separation between us, large enough to be a schism. Even though we scraped gum off of the underside of tables side-by-side, even though we both swept away the greasy napkins and half-eaten pizza slices our peers or peers’ parents dropped and didn’t bother to pick up, my coworker seemed so much older than me. Don’t get me wrong, she was beautiful, and she looked her age, but she carried herself with a matter-of-fact-ness that I had only seen in adults up to that point. She seemed a little more reserved, less likely to engage in silly teenage behavior like truth-or-dare, or prank phone-calling a crush at a sleepover.
I remember when I came in to apply for the job, eating a salad and some wings with some friends, that freedom in sitting at the table that I so took for granted at the time. I had not told any of my friends, but I was eating free lunch at the school and was applying for the job so I could buy some soccer cleats. My dad had stopped paying child support, and if I couldn’t get those shoes from my parents, then I sure as heck was going to find a way. After all, I had college to plan for, and the more athletics, clubs, leadership positions, and awards I could put on my application, the better my hard-earned GPA would look.
At this point, I was, “passing,” as cut from the same cloth as my wealthier, higher-achieving friends. We still had the house and the nice car, and I knew how to bargain shop and find nice-looking things at thrift stores. I paid my friend to give me rides to and from soccer, gave treats to friends who were able to give me a ride to or from work, and managed to save up enough money to pay for my first semester of books out-of-pocket in college.
I remember posting to Facebook about which college I decided to go to, using waived SAT fees and application fees along the way. I looked for my coworker’s brother’s post about college: he killed it in Honors Chemistry, and I knew he had a pretty GPA. But, the post never happened. His older sister, despite her beautiful singing voice, her awesome grades, her maturity, her ability to ALWAYS BE WORKING… Lord, that girl could work… She sort of disappeared too.
So I began to wonder. Here I am, rubbing shoulders with kids who drive better cars than I could even entertain the idea of purchasing for myself, given as gifts from parent-s-. Here I am, moaning to myself that I have to go to work after classes and follow with homework. Here I am, biting my tongue as I admit that I can’t afford to go out to dinner, and my friend asks, “Why don’t you just ask your parents?” It’s not that I was ashamed, it just wasn’t worth the awkward response I would get in reply. As hard as this is, begging the student aid employees to help me apply for another loan, because now with working 40-50 hours of an unpaid internship, I can’t afford to work 15-20 hours a week on top. As hard as this all is, being the person who is “passing,” in this world I feel I don’t fully belong in, this world of new sundresses for every football game, this world of pledging to organizations that have monthly fees, this world of blonde hair and Rayban sunglasses… I am still here.
And one day, I realized why my coworker smiled less, worked harder, and kept to herself. She was not going to leave this life like I got to. I waited my last table about one year and two months ago. She is still scrubbing, biting her tongue, burning her hands, on her feet for hours, having no healthcare, not being able to buy glasses like I once was unable to… and on top of that, she may not be able to live here much longer.
My friend is able to stay here in America because of DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, passed by President Obama through an executive order. This is supposed to have been because the DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act was not being passed through Congress.
Let me tell you something. I have, in the jobs where I have sweated most, been yelled at most, been treated the least like a human, have walked my legs numb… in these jobs, I have met all the non-citizen second-generation people I know. I have met these people who moved here as children. I myself was born in Ohio, but if someone told me I had to move back tomorrow, I wouldn’t know where to begin. I would lose my job, have to say goodbye to friends and family I hold dear, and God knows how I would be able to finance a new life in this new state.
Now imagine this in an entirely different country.
In this country, people may speak a language you heard around the house occasionally, but may not know as well as English. You do not know where the safe parts of the city are, where the cheapest rent is, where the most honest employers can be found. You may not know the culture, the religion, the societal norms as well here. You do not call this place home.
The place you call home will employ you, but only in jobs where there is little to no room for growth. Landscaper. Housekeeper. Waitress. Receptionist if you’re lucky. Some of these jobs will pay you under the table, but it will likely be a little less than what a “”””normal”””” worker would be paid, because after all, who can you tattle-tale to? And don’t worry, no matter how hard you work your ass off, no matter how seriously you take school, no matter how well-rounded, well-spoken, intelligent, kind, and good you are… you sure as hell can’t go to school. Look at how hard it was for me, and I had federal aid on my side. Tell me whose mother or father can afford to send his or her son to college on landscaping or housekeeping or construction wages.
As a friend to some of these individuals, I am enraged. How can my friends continue to suffer? DACA is the bare minimum a person deserves in this life. DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals,) allows a child who immigrated here with his parents without papers to stay in America. DACA lets these individuals stay here, but at the cost of their own human rights. The right to fair and equal pay to peers. The right to healthcare offered through one’s career. The right to apply for federal monetary aid. The right for education to serve its intended purpose as THE GREAT EQUALIZER, meaning that if one works hard in school, s/he may use this hard work to pursue further education.
My friends did not choose to come here without papers. My friends did not ask to toil their lives away. My friends did not ask to drive every two years to an office, to stand in line, to be shuffled through like cattle and stamped off as, “okay to continue to work,” as they obtain permits for their less-than careers that they know, in another life, they could have done better than.
I did some research on how much it costs to obtain citizenship for one person in America. In 2017, the fee for ONE individual is $745. For a green card, it can cost about $1000, including fees. If someone is willing to leave all their family behind in pursuit of a better life, do you think they are able to afford this? If someone is willing to come here without following the proper steps, fleeing something or escaping poverty or suffering in some way, they live their lives as slaves to the land so that their children may have a better life. There is no luxury in being a person without papers.
So Mother or Father suffers to obtain basic needs for the family, working hard hours, only for the cycle to REPEAT ITSELF despite said son- or daughter’s honest, hard work. The cycle repeats itself despite the fact that this son or daughter could literally not give consent to the move, and the son or daughter could not afford to live on his or her own.
My fellow Americans, I think we can do better than DACA. I believe we can do better than letting children who were brought here stay here. I think we can give my friends, these humans who are worth so much more, have the basic rights that every documented American here reaps. I never chose to be American, just as my second-generation immigrant friends never chose not to be. The difference between us and me is that I have the right to go to college without paying the entire tuition out-of-pocket each month. I have the right to visit the hospital and know that my job offers benefits, so I will be okay. Myself, I am a DREAM-er, and my dream is to see my friends SB, SH, CR, JB, O(?), A(?) and VR have *half* the privilege I have inherited in my life. Maybe, just maybe, if I DREAM big enough, one day I’ll see their names finally written on that diploma they always deserved but were never allowed to receive.
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FtGoG Snippet: That Other One (Part 2)
There’s a part 3. Didn’t mean to, but this snippet grew past what I intended for it. It’s basically the condensed core part of the Gaara snippet.
He did not know when it started. Perhaps that first day, when he relented and allowed her to lead him under the shade of the garden. Perhaps later, when his violent encounter with the Kyuubi host made him realize that he too, had something he wanted to protect. Perhaps even later than that. He was 12, a child. He knew nothing of love except that he had suffered plenty at its hand. It took until he was 14, when one day his brother jokingly told him—“It would have been creepy or inappropriate if you didn’t look like a little squirt. As it is though, you just look like a particularly clingy five year old.” he laughed at the boy’s stunned face. “You follow her everywhere! Somebody should pay that poor woman for babysitting you almost every day.”—for him to realize something was up.
He was 14, not quite a child in the eyes of his people, but not yet a man either. He was a creature locked in between, stuck in a metamorphosis that would take years to complete, twisting and squirming in the skin it was trying to shed. He looked at her. She was 21 that year, a woman grown, lovely, resplendent, like the sun wrapped up in a shell of flesh, and all of the sudden, the creature stirred somewhere in the pit of his stomach, clawed its way up, wrapped itself around his heart, squeezed. A visceral something bloomed in his chest.
He tumbled, dazed and confused. He wanted… He didn’t know what he wanted. Just that he wanted it very, very badly.
Adolescence. A bewildering, mortifying, and sometimes painful thing to go through. Not even the ninja-born were spared this humiliation. But most ninja his age had help, had support, had structure and discipline to fall back on, had been primed for the budding of their adulthood, for their sexuality. The boy, on the other hand, knew of no such things. His murderous child self had barred him from a proper education on the topic. And so when the onset of his own adolescence came, he flailed and floundered, ill at ease in his own body, at a loss at what to do, how to deal with it all. It was as if overnight, he had grown bigger than his skin and his bones could accommodate, and now the seams were coming apart, the gangly limbs tangling over each other, and always it happened when she was around to set off weird sparks in his stomach.
One day, he realized that he wanted more of her, more of her presence, more of her voice, more of her attention, and her time. He did not know why he wanted this, just that he wanted it, and the wanting would not go away, would become an incessant niggling that only grew and grew over time if he attempted to ignore it. He had never been denied the things he wanted before, by dint of his strength and what he meant to the village, so even now, after all that had happened and how much he had changed, he saw no reasons to deny himself what he wanted.
His first few attempts were crude and clumsy. Brazenly and without asking for permission, he inserted himself into her days, into her work, into her routine. He went to her house in the morning, ate breakfast with her, walked with her to the plantations, stayed there by her side. He accompanied her to meetings with civilian and ninja representatives alike. He followed her to the schools and to scheduled gatherings with the children of Sand. If she felt any sort of irritation, she did not say it. Instead, despite the abruptness of his intrusions, she welcomed his presence with an easy smile, as she always did. Eventually, the frequency of his presence by her side garnered notice, until his sister took him aside for a quick chat.
“You know, Gaara,” she said, tone apologetic. “Your following Kagome around was cute when you were a little thing, but you’re a big boy now. You know how it looks right? It doesn’t look good. I mean… even Kankurou notices and you know he’s a dolt about things like these.”
He stared at her mulishly. Temari sighed, rubbed the back of her neck.
“You know you’re giving her trouble right?”
… What?
“You are. You keep following her around and usually that’s not a bad thing so long as you don’t neglect your own work. Added security and all, but part of her job requires meeting with civilians and such and… well… your reputation precedes you. The elder folk, they remember how you were like… before.”
… Oh…
“They are scared Gaara… of you. And when they are busy being scared of the Jinchuriki in the room, they are not paying attention to her or the proposals she needs to push through. And worse, word is getting around. People tend to be nervous when they know they are going to have to share an enclosed space with a Jinchuriki with… a history. She hasn’t said a thing yet, but Oren told me two satellite town representatives who dropped out of a scheduled meeting without a reason last week… and… well... she needed them there in the room with her.”
He stared at his sister in shock and mortification and not a small amount of irritation. He hadn’t realized, one part of him thought. So what if a few busybody civilians didn’t have the guts to stand in his presence? If they couldn’t deal with a mere ninja child, why then did they apply for citizenship in a ninja village in the first place? Thought the other part. But the idea of him making troubles for her, even unwittingly, was strangely uncomfortable, more so than the fact that apparently his mere presence was enough to send some paper-pusher civilians running. Finally, he muttered under his breath, “I’ll stop…”
His sister pat him on the back. “You’re a good boy, Gaara. One day, everybody will realize that, even those old codgers. But for now, if it’s friendly company you want, I know a couple chuunin who really want to talk to you. Said they owe their life to you. How about…”
He put the rest of her ramblings out of his ears. It wasn’t them he wanted. He wanted… the only one he wanted… The creature stirred, restless.
Nevertheless, he kept his word and kept his visits to a minimum. For a while he tried to bear the incessant niggling, tried to wait it out, see if it would stop, see if he could stop it. It didn’t. He couldn’t. It grew. It was a constant white noise in his head, an itch that slowly overtook him, gradually getting so bad he felt like grinding his teeth in frustration at times. He found himself thinking of her in the morning when he woke up, and in the night before he went to sleep. They still met, of course, but it wasn’t nearly enough. And once in awhile, he’d catch the derisive laughter of Shukaku at the back of his head, the sound of it suggesting the raccoon knew some secret that the boy himself wasn’t privy to. It was, in one word, maddening!
He lasted for two whole weeks before his frustration and his impotent anger started giving birth to errant thoughts. He was a ninja, born and bred. Rules were meant to be broken or bent completely out of shape by people like him—whichever way was more convenient. What sort of ninja would he be if he didn’t even attempt to exploit the obvious loopholes in Temari’s words? If he couldn’t be seen with her openly, then he just had to make sure that nobody saw him.
Subterfuge and illusions were not his forte, but that was not to say that he had no skill in the art. He was a more direct kind of shinobi, and didn’t usually bother with the roundabout ways to deal with problems, but he did know a little something. His ninjutsu were taught to him by his father, and among the many, many ways to kill and maim someone with sand and chakra, he was also taught a way to spy on someone from afar. A technique requiring both a genetic affinity for certain elements and precise control of chakra to create a third eye made of either gold dust or sand. The eye, when properly connected to the optic nerves, granted vision from a great distance. It would be like he was right by her side, even if his physical body sat on the other side of the village.
Obviously, the original technique itself was unfit for the task. Too obvious. The moment the eyeball appeared anywhere near her, he’d be busted, if not by the kunoichi around her, then by either his siblings or, if he was unlucky enough, his own father, the one who taught him the technique to begin with. But the underlying ninjutsu principle was exactly what he needed. It would require just a little bit of tweaking to be up to the task.
He spent a week modifying the Daisan no Me. He broke the shape of the eyeball, forcing it back into clumps of condensed sand. He didn’t need the enhanced 360 degree vision that came with that form. Then he made the sand disperse a little. Desert village or not, floating clumps of condensed sand would still send warning signals to any ninja with some skill to their name, let alone the kunoichi around her who had all been trained for the task. He experimented with the nerve connections. Taking her strangely potent sensory ability into mind, he dropped the chakra amount put into the technique until it became a thin thread barely held together by his will.
The result was a technique that would be no good for any sort of reconnaissance requirements. It retained the massive range, but it could only focus on a single close proximity target at a time and if he didn’t concentrate, then the visual quality transmitted through the link would be all but useless. Prolonged use also put a greater mental strain on him due to the focus required. In return however, it became an extension of himself. He could see and hear through it, and manipulate it to a greater extent. Its form had become a mist of dust particles, which was all but invisible unless the right light was put on it. And to top it off, the amount of chakra powering the entire thing was so faint it got lost in the ambient energy of the earth. It was a work of combined precision and his own inborn affinity for the desert element. Even his father, the creator of the original technique, would have trouble replicating something like this. Certainly his control of gold dust was impeccable, but the boy was born from the desert element itself. From the moment he exited his mother’s womb, he had been cradled in sand. The difference in affinity between father and son was significant.
He felt strangely pleased as he contemplated this. Rare were the times the son could claim he surpassed the father in just about any things.
After a few tests, he deemed the technique ready, then, selecting a day, he set about field-testing it for the first time. In a training session when she came by to check up on him, he tagged her with the locator end of the technique, and later on that day, when he was ensconced in the safety of his own room, activated the seals. It blinked to life with a thought, the vision, the sound, the scene.
It worked. It worked perfectly. Sitting on his bed with one hand on his eye and the other on his ear, the boy watched her in the company of her kunoichi bodyguards as they made way from work to home. Not a one of them noticed anything was out of place, not her, and not the sensor specialist assigned to her protection. Happiness born not from battle sparked through him. Excitement from having successfully circumvented the sister’s order. Pride at having created a technique that bested even the most adept of sensors, even if it was built on top of what his father gave him and was probably good for nothing else. He sat up a bit straighter, allowed himself a smile as his specter followed her in his place.
For the next several weeks, the boy knew contentment. He still prefered to physically be in her company, to claim her attention for himself, to have her speak to him, smile at him. But following her as a specter as she went about her day had its perks. He learned little things about her, things that he hadn’t noticed before or she simply hadn’t done in his presence. He learned that she apparently had a love for Oden of all things, and that during lunch time she would occasionally steal away to the nearest garden or plantation where she sat alone in silent contemplation. He often wondered what she thought about during those moments. Old memories perhaps, of that faraway homeland she would never see again, of friends and comrades she would never reunite with? Could she have left her own family behind? Left someone important behind? Could she be thinking of them, even now? The thought rankled him something deeply, for reasons he couldn’t quite grasp. The idea that someone somewhere inhabited a part of her mind even now…
But then he would immediately dispel such thoughts by sitting beside her in specter form. It didn’t matter if she used to have a home somewhere else. Suna was her home now. She was happy here, he was sure of it. And perhaps it was not memories of the past that occupied her mind, but plans for the future. He wondered if he were in those plans, in her thoughts, the same way she was in his. Like that, he wiled the days away at her side. Gentle mornings, lazy afternoons, breezy sundays under the shade of the orchards, where she read him a new story from the big book she had been working on. The god of happiness, a monk once told him, is in the little things. If that was true, then perhaps the boy was the happiest boy in Suna at that moment, for he had not one, not two, but a thousand little things with which to entrap said god, a thousand such moments when he could feel nothing but a quiet, sated sort of contentment, when everything was right in the world, and he was exactly where he needed to be.
But of course, like all good things, it had to end.
A/N: Two guesses as to what happens next.
Part 3 (and probably last) will come soon. It’s the whammy part, the most intense and gut punching part of the snippet. Arguably, also the part that requires the most nuanced writing and technical skill to pull off.
Funnily enough, part 2 is pretty fluffy compared to part 1 and part 3. Gaara is being a bit of a teenager (as befitting of his age and life experience) in this part, getting into troubles and rationalizing it away (I’m totally not gonna be busted by my siblings or my father!). I felt amused when I wrote that part of the snippet.
For people who feel like I’m just out to make Gaara suffer, well, please don’t be so upset. I’m not being mean to Gaara for no reason you know. As I said before, I always prioritize plot and characterization over everything else in the story. This may not look like it, but this is very much part of Gaara’s character arc in FtGoG. After part 3, I’m gonna do a mini post on canon Gaara characterization and the things I want to do with his characterization in FtGoG. All of this suffering has a point to it. I may be a sadist, but suffering with no cause and no context is just plain crude.
Joke Omake: What if Gaara were socially tone-deaf enough to just use the original Daisan no Me instead of tweaking it into a discreet specter form?
One fine morning in Sunagakure, an eyeball made out of sand appeared over Kagome’s shoulder and started following her around the village, prompting all sorts of reactions from villagers and ninja alike. On the other end of the village, a panicky Temari hunted down her little brother and yelled at him.
“I told you to stop following her already!”
“...I’m not following her.”
“Your eyeball is! That’s even worse!”
And that is the story of how Rasa was forced to finally talk to his youngest son about the birds and the bees and other related topics, thus traumatizing the both of them in the process.
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Types of Financial Aids Provided To Students by U.S Universities
America is one of the sought after places for higher studies in the world. But the colleges and universities are highly expensive and tuition fees cost a lot. The longer the course of duration the more money you need to spend. Just for tuition fees, a student can spend up to $30,000 per year or even more.
But with proper research, detailed information and most importantly awareness you can find out about various financial aids that the U.S universities provide else you have to spend lots of your money unnecessarily either through savings or student loans.
Most students who do not have much savings end up borrowing money through student loans with the thought that after they graduate and get a job they can pay the debts in installment wise.
But we know once we get a job there may be other financial commitments too and it and be quite hard to repay it. With assistance, it can help you to ease your family’s financial burden and you can work either full time or part-time and earn money besides studying too.
So let’s discuss in brief the types of financial aids that are offered to both domestic and international students. They are:
1. Assistantship– it is a form of paid employment awarded to full-time Masters or Ph.D. students to either teach or help professors in research work. Generally to avail assistantship students are required to work either as a teaching assistant (TA) or research assistant (RA).
In exchange for work, assistantship provides students with a monthly stipend, waiver in tuition fee and coverage in health insurance. This financial aid is offered to both national and international students to a very limited number of 4 to 8.
For international students proficiency in the English language is needed. This is very competitive where selection is made purely based on merit.
Teaching assistant (TA), Research Assistant (RA), Graduate Assistant (GA), and Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) are four general categories under which assistantship is given. The work is related to your major or closely related one. The work hours are 15- 20 hours a week for TA, RA, GA, and GRA.
Teaching assistant (TA) – They are the ones that directly work under a teacher. They support the teacher to teach a class or to complete a course. A Teaching assistant who gets selected by the university has to work on an average is 15 hours per week.
Research Assistant (RA) – Research Assistant is selected directly by the department or faculty. They are hired to work in the academic department to assist the faculty in academic research like data collecting.
Graduate Assistant (GA) – Graduate assistants are Masters or doctoral graduate students who can work in any department. Supporting administrative functions are the main responsibilities of the Graduate Assistant.
Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) – A Graduate Research Assistant’s primary focus is on thesis or research related to degree mainly from his/her major. To apply and master research concepts and practices are the main duties of the Graduate Research Assistant. Proficiency in the English language is a requirement to be qualified for a Graduate Research Assistant.
How to apply?
There is no separate form to fill out for assistantship. Departments, fields, and Principal Investigators usually reward you with an assistantship.
One disadvantage of the assistantship is that since it requires you to work for a long hour your focus on your studies may be hampered if you cannot balance between the two.
How is assistantship different from scholarship or fellowship?
While both are a form of financial aid but assistantship does not provide you money for free, unlike scholarship or fellowship. This is a type of work-study program where you have to work as a teaching assistant or help in research related to your field of study rather than working in the cafeteria or the library.
2. Fellowship– Fellowship is also a financial aid provided to graduate students’ i.e. Masters or Doctorate students free of cost to continue their graduate studies along with performing some research activity without them not needing to work as teaching assistance or research assistant and working professional.
This is also a merit-based award awarded based on academic achievement or financial need and often funded by a private organization to support your course of study. This award is also competitive and requires students to submit a personal statement regarding their professional goals.
Free online courses with certificates
These are the type of grants that covers all related expenses like tuition fee, accommodation, and food. You can apply for a small or large amount depending upon your field of study. Humphrey Fellowship Program is one popular fellowship program in the USA.
There is an umpteen fellowship program offered by various schools and organizations. The best way to look for fellowship is to directly look for opportunities in your school regarding the types of fellowship it is offering. That way the school can recommend the right program depending on your course of study and also for advanced degrees.
3. Scholarship- Scholarships are purely merit based financial aid and offered to all undergraduate, graduate and prospective students who have exceptionally good academic records to support their studies. The minimum amount award a student can get is $500 and can exceed up to $50000. Once you receive this amount you do not have to repay it. The Fulbright Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships in the world.
How to apply for scholarship and fellowship?
To apply for scholarship and fellowship and you need to directly contact with the head in your university. The school will give you information regarding the requirement for the aids and the deadlines. Then you can apply directly through your school mentioning what makes you a deserving candidate for the award.
4. Grants– Grants are also financial aid given to students to help with their studies out of need-based without any repayment of money. Depending upon the family’s financial situation grant is given. Since grants are provided by federal and state government it applies only for US students and those students who have permanent citizenship. The Pell Grant is a popular grant program. International students can avail of the above three listed financial aids.
How to apply for grants?
The steps to apply for grants are:
Fill out the FAFSA application form- the first step is to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. The school will then determine how much money you are eligible for.
Submit the FAFSA form– even before the deadline arrives you should apply as rolling begins based on first come first serve. Tax return documents of the family are needed to be submitted along with the form.
Flick through the offer letter- if you are eligible or not for the grant the college will send you financial aid offer.
What are the differences between Grants vs. scholarships?
While grants are need-based money provided to students with the financial crisis on the other hand scholarships are merit-based either on academics or extracurricular activities.
While the source of funding for grants comes from state and federal government, scholarships come from various sources such as organizations, schools, universities, philanthropists, businesses, alumni, etc.
Grants are provided only to US citizens whereas scholarships are awarded to both U.S. and international students.
These financial aids provided by many universities and private organizations are worth trying for. Even if you are not accepted there is nothing to lose. You can always work full time or part-time to support your studies given that your academic grades are not deteriorating. But you can always try for as they are free money and you don’t have to pay back. If you are a student currently doing your undergraduate program without any financial aids, try-scoring good grades so that you can apply for assistance in your postgraduate studies.
from USA Admission – Study in USA , F1 Visa, Opt https://usaadmission.com/types-of-financial-aids-provided-to-students-by-u-s-universities/
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10 Top CSR Tips For Small and Medium Sized Businesses
This is the first article in a series that will demonstrate how you can make your business better without any preaching about saving the planet or becoming a charitable saint, but please try your best if that is important to you.
One definition of Corporate Social Responsibility is:
“To balance economic, environmental and social impacts whilst maximizing benefits. It is entirely up to you where your balance point is. The key thing to remember is by considering all three aspects it can make your business more profitable and better for those who work there, your suppliers, your customers, your community and the environment.”
Think of CSR as an ethos that helps you make decisions rather than a range of do-gooder initiatives and you’ve already learnt a valuable lesson.
I’ve spent years talking to smaller companies and trying to understand what will make a difference to them. Their answer is nearly always ‘What’s in it for me?’ My answer is more profit, greater longevity, integrity and a smile.
Here is a list of quick wins you can do today, at little or no cost that can have a tangible impact:
1. Take the ‘C’ word out of CSR!
The phrase Corporate Social Responsibility has been around for a while now and often confused with other terms such as sustainability, corporate citizenship, responsible business conduct, ethical business, environment, philanthropy, charitable etc. They all mean slightly different things but getting hung up on terminology is missing the point at this stage.
It is just good business practice that focuses on areas that, especially for smaller businesses, are not at the centre of your business radar. Think of this as the start of a process that will open up your vision to risks and opportunities that you can begin to manage more efficiently and gain an advantage over your competitors. These tips apply to all small and medium sized businesses regardless of your product or service.
2. Don’t get caught up in a price war
Competing solely on price is a dangerous game and not to be played by the faint hearted. You should be aiming to win and retain custom by delivering a perception of added value. If you charge the same price your competitor why would they buy from you? Even the smallest companies have a brand. What is yours saying?
3. Check those energy bills
Many company’s bills are paid by the finance department without regularly checking the meter. I know of one company that was owed over £30,000 because the meter was being read using the wrong units! It pays to read it yourself, check your tariff and check your bills.
A green tariff would be better and they’re getting much more price competitive.
We all know about energy being used whilst equipment is in standby mode. Even if something doesn’t have a little red light and a formal standby mode it could still be using energy whilst plugged in.
In the UK recent figures suggested that on average businesses waste 20% of their energy. What’s 20% of your energy bill?
4. Use recycled paper
What’s in it for me? – Recycled paper today can be as good as your normal paper and at a similar price. Ok, but what’s in it for me? – You can do it without any effort, your staff will appreciate it (even if they say they’re skeptical) and any visitors will notice if they see the packets as they walk around the office. The question should really be ‘Why not do it?’
This rule is more about the thought process and you can apply it to anything you purchase. Is there a recycled option at a comparable price? Just ask.
5. Charities and Good Causes Get a charity to work for you! This isn’t as mercenary as it may sound.
We are encouraging mutual benefit through a little relationship building. Do you have spare resources i.e. staff downtime, waste materials or media access you could trade in return for access to contacts or free PR? Support good causes but don’t just hand over a check.
Just about every business I know gives resources away each year with 90% reacting to random requests. I’m definitely not saying don’t give money to charities, just be smart and have a plan.
5. Flexible working
This isn’t just about letting people work from home it is about accommodating employees whenever practical to the business. Being flexible with hours, i.e. staggering starting and finish times to avoid rush hour / child minding, allowing people to work their 35 or so hours over four or six days, job sharing, etc. It’s the flexibility that both you and your staff will benefit from.
Remote working from home is a great idea where appropriate. The biggest obstacle is management overcoming the fear of not being able to look over employees shoulders to check on them. If you can’t trust your employees it doesn’t really matter where they are. It may need a change in management style but if an employee has a certain number of defined and measurable objectives to achieve it is a no brainer. In many cases productivity is seen to rise by 20 – 30% on top of energy savings (travel to work included), reduction in space requirements. You biggest problem may be stopping your staff work too much!
6. Engage with your staff
Communication with your employees has never been more important. Make them feel like they are part of the longer term solution not the shorter term problem. Newsletters, accessible management staff and transparency often reap unexpected rewards and stimulate innovation.
7. Get training
We will emerge someday on the horizon from the current economic position. Will your staff be ready to compete at the highest level? Now is a great time to access funding and improve your employee’s qualifications whilst improving retention and productivity rates.
8. Government money
Are you fully exploiting your excellent to approach to being responsible by winning public sector contracts? Best price is not always the deciding factor in this competition. Governments are really pushing low carbon economies through their own spending power. Has your company got an environmental or community competitive edge?
9. Redundancies
If you do need to make redundancies make sure you fully understand proper procedure. As well as ensuring compliance can you look to help those being made redundant with their next career step? Working in partnership with appropriate external agencies maybe all that it takes.
10. Silver linings
With every recession come new opportunities to do business. There is a substantial ‘green’ agenda to just about every country’s economic stimulus packages. How can your business make the most of these?
Well, that’s the start of the journey. You might think ‘that’s just good management’ and you’d be right. The first lesson in CSR is it’s just good business practice.
The post 10 Top CSR Tips For Small and Medium Sized Businesses appeared first on The Backbenchers.
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How to Check for Aadhar Card Application Status: Online and Offline Mode!
Permanent account number, AADHAR, as the name suggest is a 10 digit number of combination of alphabets and numbers provided by Income Tax department of India. This card served as an Identity card as well to all the Indian citizens who are taxpayers in the country under the Central Board of Direct Taxes supervision. In order to apply for the same, citizens can realize two platforms:
• Applying for AADHAR Card through Online Platform
• Applying for AADHAR card through offline platform
How to apply for AADHAR card online?
In case, individual wishes to apply for the AADHAR Card online, there are government authorized platforms/websites where one can put their request to apply for the same, namely:
If you are comfortable with online tactics, this is considered as one of the most convenient manners to apply for your government documents as you do not have to run place to place just to submit your request. One must land on the mentioned websites and requires for an online form of AADHAR Card to be filled.
Step 1: Submit the Online form:
Look for application form which is available on both of the sites and fill up the same online. The instructions are mentioned in the form. Please be careful when filling up the form and follow each instruction properly. Before submitting the form, make sure you scan all the rows filled by you.
Step 2: Select the mode of Payment
When you apply for Aadhar card application through online platform, there are no charges involved in the same. But applying through an agent will charge you for the agency service fees as well as printing charge which entirely depends on them.
I general, the charge will cost between 300-700 rupees for a single addhar card.
Once the payment is successful, the candidate will receive an acknowledgment number. Please keep this number saved for the further procedure if you wish to check the status of your Aadhar Card application.
Step 3: List of Documents required
Once the payment is successful, you will be asked to attach proof of your identity that will work as a supporting attachment for your application. One must upload the document which reflects their proof of date of birth, identity as well as address. Only then, your AADHAR card application will be processed further.
How to apply for AADHAR card offline?
This way is considered as one of the most traditional manners to apply for the AADHAR card. Let’s understand the steps of the same:
Step1: Fill up the Form
One must visit the AADHAR card official Service center or an agent that will provide you AADHAR card application form. One must fill this form in bold letters as specified on the form. Attach your photograph on the form and affix the same by signing below your passport size photo.
Step 2: Attach your Documents
You will be asked to attach the copy of listed documents and submit the same to the representative available in the center.
Step3: Make the Payment
When you submit the entire application along with forms, you are asked to make the payment against the application if applied through an agent. The charges are mentioned already in the write-up.
Step 4: Wait for your AADHAR Card
That’s all! All you have to do now is waiting for the AADHAR card to be delivered to the communication address mentioned in your documents. In case of any further query, you will be sent a letter as a courier in order to resolve a certain requirement. In general, AADHAR Card is delivered to the address within 15-20 working days.
List of documents to be attached with Online/Offline Application Form
Proof of Identity
In terms of submitting documents for proving your identity, one can submit any one of the following documents:
• Copy of voter ID
• Ration card
• Copy of Passport
• Arm’s license
• Copy of driving license
• Health scheme card issued by central government
Address proof
One must show attach one of the following documents as an address proof:
• Electricity bill copy
• Landline bill copy
• Back statements
• Broadband bill copy
• Passport
• Voter ID
• Driving license
• Statement of your credit card
• Letter of allotment
Please note that your documents must be at least three months old in order to apply for AADHAR card application.
Proof of Date of Birth
Following is the list of the same:
• Passport copy
• Driving license
• Birth certificate issued by Municipal authority
• Payment order of pensions
• Marriage certificate
• Affidavit which was signed in front of the magistrate conditioning your date of birth
If you do not live in India
The list of documents is will be similar to that mentioned above. In addition to the same, NRIs must show the following documents as well:
• Overseas citizenship document issued by the government of India
• Taxpayer/ National identification number which must be attested by Indian Embassy or consulate in the country where the applicant lives
• Visa issued by the sponsor where applicant is working granted by the country they live in
• Indian Origin card of NRIs issued by the government of India
While applying for an AADHAR card, one must keep their documents ready in hand in order to fasten the procedure. Once you have applied for the AADHAR card, you can check the status of the same through an online platform. You can visit the official site as mentioned, where you have applied respectively. Follow the procedure of checking the status online, and keep your acknowledgment/application number in your hand.
Enter the details in the box; you can check the status of the same. Though the procedure of applying for AADHAR card application might seem like a troublesome job, if your documents are organized in a sound manner; you have nothing to worry about! Happy applying!
Step-By-Step Guide To Fill AADHAR Card Application Form
AADHAR card is certainly an essential card requirement for those presenting genuine financial transactions like professional fees, buying mutual funds and more. But it is considered to be one of the most important means of identity proof for people.
And that makes it a pretty important thing to have. Most entities such as individuals, corporate, trusts, firms, organizations, governments and senior citizens are eligible to apply for the AADHAR Card.
Simple Steps to Fill Application Form For Aadhar Card
Application for AADHAR Card is an absolutely hassle-free procedure. There are options for filling the form online as well as offline. Without further delay, let us start on the steps to fill the AADHAR Card application form under Online and offline mode:
Step 1: Gathering The Documents
The AADHAR card application requires some essential documents such as two photographs, Identity Proof, address proof and the proof of the date of birth of the applicant. It is really important for the applicant to gather these important documents before initiating the entire procedure of filling up the form. The reason behind that is because it is mandatory that the details in the application form should match exactly to the details that are cited in the documents.
For that, it is recommended that the applicant gathers the documents before filling up the form. Most people make the common mistake of gathering the documents after filling up the form. And that often leads to the rejection of their forms due to certain mismatch of the details.
Step 2: Selecting The Proper Portal
There are options for submitting the application forms with the help of two different online portals. The UIDAI portal is the one that is managed by the Indian Government.
Once the applicant has selected the portal, it is time to submit the online application form. In case you are applying offline, you must request for Aadhar Card application form from Aadhar service centre or through an authorized agent.
After that, the applicant is supposed to submit the supporting documents and a certain hard-copy of the application form in the nearby AADHAR centers. It is to be kept in mind that when an application is submitted to a particular portal, the documents should be submitted to that portal’s provider only and not the others.
Step-3 Selecting The Correct Form
The applicant will find 3 different options for the forms. There are:
Correction In AADHAR Data- For someone who is currently an existing holder of a AADHAR card and wishes to make an application for certain corrections in the details of the AADHAR or maybe just to update the particular details, it is recommended that they fill up the correction form, in order to do that.
Reprint Of AADHAR Card- For someone who is currently an existing holder of a AADHAR card and wants a new AADHAR card with the same number, then it is recommended that they fill up this form to do so.
Step 4: Filling Up The Form
After the applicant is done selecting the correct form, an online application form appears on the screen and you are supposed to fill in the details and properly submit the application form.
It is essential to read all the essential instructions and guidelines before the applicant submits the forms. These forms are capable of providing all the necessary information that you will need.
Before the Online form submission, a verification window opens up for the applicant to view and verify the contents. Under offline mode, the representative will ask you to re-check all your documents properly before verification process starts. Verification process is covered within 7 days after form submission.
Step 5: Making The Payment (if applied through agent)
Once the form is submitted, agents will ask for their service charge and printing charge where they can select a payment option from various choices available like Net Banking, Credit/Debit Card. The completed form appears after the payment is successful. The applicant needs to take out a print of the form for future preferences.
Step 6 – Gathering The Supporting Documents
Fix the photos in the labelled places of the form print-out. Then the next step would be to make a signature in the designated three places of the form -two on the left and right photo space and one on the specified box in the bottom right. Attach all the necessary documents to the form. It is now a complete set.
Step 7: Status Tracking
The tracking of the application form status is an absolutely easy task. All you have to do is visit the portal from which you submitted the form. On the mentioned sites, you will find all the necessary information. You can call the customer centre number provided to you, in case you submitted the application form offline. Individuals are directly communicated by the centre either through email or letter attended to your given address.
All said and done, now there is only one thing left to do. And that is to wait for the AADHAR card to arrive. It mostly takes a total of 15 days at maximum for the physical AADHAR card to arrive at the communication address. With these simple steps, you can easily fill up the AADHAR card application form.
Aadhar card isn't simply a positive identification however may be a mandated demand for each Indian subject. The globe goes digital, and Aadhar card may be a excellent ideal of linking your identity to any or all your necessities like PAN range, bank accounts and plenty of additional.
And now, the question here is a way to apply for the Aadhar card? One will apply for Aadhar card on-line registration as it’s a hassle-free method wherever a private doesn't have to be compelled to wait in an exceedingly queue to urge their fingerprint sorted.
Please note that the people have to be compelled to visit the enrollment centers though they apply for Aadhar card on-line registration. Through an internet portal, you'll be able to book yourself a briefing to the closest enrollment center. Let’s perceive how!
Step 1: Appointment Visit the official web site of UIDAI and click on on ‘locate enrollment and update centers.' you'll be able to enter the small print of your location, and you'll get access to the placement of enrollment centers close to you. you'll be able to decision the representatives mentioned on the location and book your appointment. Step 2: Visit the middle Once the appointment is confirmed, one should visit the middle before time. Elicit AN enrollment type and begin filling identical. One will realize the shape on-line further. Thus if you would like to fill the shape before the appointment, you'll be able to understand identical through on-line portal further.
Step 3: Submit the shape with supported documents
Submit the crammed up type to the representative at the side of the supporting documents. The supporting documents should embrace proof of your identity and address like passport copy, voter ID, PAN card and plenty of additional.
Step 4: Biometric information
Once your documents are accepted by the representative, you need to submit the biometric information as well as fingerprint and iris print. The executives can record the info with the assistance of scanning machines at the middle. you need to submit pictures at the side of different information and type too.
Step 5: Collect the acknowledgment slip
The procedure is completed for currently, and one could leave the middle. Confirm you have got AN acknowledgment stick in your hand. The slip can embrace fourteen digit enrollment numbers that may assist you check the standing of your
Aadhar card on-line registration
Now you need to anticipate your aadhar range. To receive your aadhar card range through SMS, you need to visit the official web site and enter your enrollment range to receive the Aadhar card range on your phone. If you would like to visualize the standing of your aadhar card, enter the enrollment range on the official web site of UIDAI, and you'll be acknowledged with the standing of identical. It’s that simple! The method might sound agitated, however technology makes it easier.
Well, of course, you'll be able to visit the enrollment center any time, however having engaged a briefing through on-line helps you save plenty of your time and energy.
You can enter for Aadhar card on-line registration while not waiting within the queue simply to urge the enrollment type. UIDAI web site helps you transfer the enrollment type and register for the aadhar card in mere a couple of clicks!
Adhaar card download is one of the excellent exemplars of the clever and handy answer. So whether or not you have got out of place your adhaar card or expecting the brand new Adhaar card to be added at your door step, an less difficult elucidation to the equal is downloading a clean digital copy of the equal out of your browser.
speakme of Adhaar card, it has turn out to be a mandated requirement for every citizen as stated by the Indian authorities underneath the issuance of precise identity Authority of India.
The way to download adhaar card efficaciously?
One of the particular capabilities of Adhaar card is the virtual property of the identical. So in case you are looking for adhaar card download, the realization is only some clicks away for your machine. Some people desire to hold the virtual replica in their adhaar card on a more secure side if in case they misplace the unique one.
Little by little process of Adhaar Card download
Step 1: visit the respectable UIDAI website
An character must land at the reliable UIDAI internet site: https://uidai.gov.in/. To download the virtual reproduction of the adhaar card, one has to recollect their enrollment variety or adhaar quantity. As soon as you have got the UID number with you, please click on “down load adhaar” link on the left panel of the website online.
Step 2: Land on e-adhaar web page
The web page may be redirected to the e-adhaar web page. One have to fill in the records asked on the form. Be geared up with the subsequent statistics:
Your UID range:
· full name:
· Pin Code:
One can be asked to type the image text for verification as nicely.
Step 3: Validate OTP
click on on ‘Get OTP’! You’ll acquire one-time password at the registered mobile range. Please point out the OTP at the form, and click on validate & down load.
Step 4: There it's far!
Your adhaar card can be downloaded for your system. Please word that this file can be password included. And the password to the same is the Pin code of your residential address as stated in the information of your adhaar card form.
How to retrieve UID variety for adhaar card down load
Many individuals forget their adhaar variety or enrolment number, in particular after they do now not hold a physical copy of the identical. Don’t panic, you may easily recover the equal following the beneath steps.
Step 1: reliable web site
Visit the respectable UIDAI website: https://uidai.gov.in/
Step 2: Get your UID variety
Please select the option of Aadhar No. (UID) noted on the top of the screen. a brand new display screen will pop up.
Step three: Fill to your statistics
Please refill the subsequent information at the screen:
· Complete name
· e-mail id or phone number (used for registration)
· picture textual content at the display screen for verification
Step four: verify OTP
Click on get OTP. You’ll receive one-time password in your registered variety/e mail. Type the OTP on the display screen, and click on verify OTP. Your adhaar range will be sent on your registered cell number/e mail identity. You may use the same inside the manner of adhaar card download.
Properly sure, it’s that easy! Please notice that process of downloading the digital replica of Adhaar card is free! So experience the benefits and maintain your identity secure even in case you lose your physical adhaar card. Comply with the instructions and benefit from the hassle-free technique of adhaar card down load.
0 notes
September 19, 2017 I have decided to create an original + uncensored space with the intention to a) gather and sort through some of my own thoughts b) share what I feel to be worthy information with others and c) openly explore a wide variety of relevant topics that I've been vigorously studying for quite some time. Over the years curiosity, concern, and genuine personal interest have led me to research a broad array of information which I strongly feel is not only generally ignored by the masses, but often times ridiculed or exhausted before even given a fair moment of attention or consideration. Truth is not always kind and it is rarely comfortable or safe. Raw truth can often times feel very scary to take in despite ones best attempt at keeping an open mind and strong heart. That said, if you sincerely claim to be any sort of thoughtful human of substance and honor.. then you must know and breathe the following fact: IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS. In some ways, it has almost become uncool or faux paux for a person to speak ones mind or effectively express their personal, honest and unfiltered thoughts in the present day. In other ways; people of all creeds, sex, ethnicity and age merely mechanically parrot others without attempting or being bothered to do their own research and evaluation - they skip right over the very critical part of personal analyzation which is absolutely key to (in turn) responsibly forming any original opinion at all. Many may mimic or mirror the opinions of their parents or other family members, maybe they restate narratives their friends tend to support or perhaps they simply regurgitate a few key words that a news anchor read off from yesterdays cue cards on channel whatever. Don't get me wrong, I have an immeasurable + absolute sincere respect for many individuals in the truth movement and for all those wanting to learn what is real. I don't believe there is anything more commendable than an individual who is willing to openly advocate for ALL human (and animal) rights by directly speaking out against the evil doers on this earth who repeatedly commit injustices like it's nothing. Accountability depends on knowledge. Acknowledging unpleasant issues and evils out loud (not only to ourselves, but also to others) is a crucial part of exposing the harsh realities left in their wake. There is no doubt in my mind that people all over the world are absolutely waking, but so many more are still fast asleep. Snapchat this, Facebook that, tunnel vision and daily routine take precedent and so on. Let me take a moment now to say this.. I myself value entertainment very much and I believe with all my soul that the importance of enjoying this life here on Earth in all ways humanly possible is *imperative* to keeping your spirit happy and afloat. I do not live to work, rather work to live. I collect new experiences with great fondness and I have had just as much fun at a $20 dinner as a $200 dinner. I am a concert addict and the music that deeply moves my soul truly has the unique ability to bring me alive in childlike ways. I listen to 90's trance for hours and hours at home. Bones Thugs will never ever not make me dance immediately. I never get sick of it. I regularly spend quality time with souls dear to me. I love to swim. I love all seasons and all food. The ocean makes me smile from miles away. A hint of salty air and a single ray of sunshine makes me indescribably giddy. I love to watch films of all kinds and I'm a total YouTube junkie, just like the lot of us. I often binge read books and articles during my free time to the point that sometimes, I actually have to set a manual two hour alarm to avoid blowing the whole day away and getting sucked into the author of the weeks world. I have to physically and mentally set limits over my own Self on particular days so I don't get too carried away.. so that I am still able to adequately focus on my present as well. I work full time and pay my own bills. I eat 10-12 snacks a day. I stop to pet every dog I see on the street no matter where I'm heading or what time it is. I consistently make time for traveling because creating new experiences, immersing myself in other cultures and living a wild life of adventure is half of my whole heart. In this life, I am a free spirit by design.. that said I value my family, my relationship with God and the love in my life immensely. As an adult I have acquired countless hobbies, interests and responsibilities as most of us do over time. I also regularly make time to study, research and learn more about the world I live in because I consciously choose to do so. I am so naturally drawn to caring. I couldn't even help it if I tried because this deep desire for trueness is in my very blood for better or worst and it runs all though my innermost core. I unquestionably yearn to not only grow as a free thinking person, but also to willfully expand my mind more and more with each passing day until my very last little breath. I thirst to question that which deserves debate. Occasionally, I seek answers to questions that are difficult or cannot truly be answered clearly, this can be equally rewarding and frustrating depending on the matter at hand. Here's a touch of background about me so that you can have a simple idea of where I came from as we move forward. I am originally born in Bulgaria (South East Europe) and fled from communism and the hell it left behind once lifed when I was a child. I always kept up my first language and to this day I am proudly fluent in Bulgarian. If I do have children of my own, they too will undoubtedly be raised bilingual. My family (parents and I) were temporary relocated to Germany after applying to countries outside of home via legal channels with proper papers/passports.. in crucial moments there were even in depth handwritten letters brought forth stating why 'they' should accept us into their land. That was what it is when it was. Nothing was guaranteed and everything was a gamble. When we did eventually find out that we were leaving, my parents were not allowed to tell anyone of our plans or whereabouts, not even family. We were permitted to take a total of two suitcases for three whole people. One was filled with clothes, the other packed with books. Maybe that's a part of why there is a deeply instinctual thirst for knowledge in my very blood. And maybe it isn't. I later attended kindergarten in W. Europe, I spoke + sang fluent German and after a couple of years of living in a Bavarian hotel we received more word from afar which prompted us to proceed along our path. Ultimately, we were given the option to move to St. Louis, Missouri or Thunder Bay, Ontario. My sweet parents were so brave and hopeful for better days ahead. This awesome courage is something that I can never ever repay them for, even if I tried. Despite all that they had been through back home - and despite all that they had battled and conquered always fighting tooth and nail, real masters of the poker face - the Land of the Free would surely hold a more promising future for us all. So off we went. We were each sworn in legally before a judge, took on US citizenship and then immediately dropped off with our two suitcases in tow straight into a small one bedroom apt in the middle of a grim city containing just a single mattress on the floor and a perfectly empty fridge. We didn't have an air conditioner and no one warned us we would need one. My father immediately hit the ground running and got a full time job to support us, an air conditioner was bought and a few years later my brother was born. The rest is history. As far as formal schooling goes, I went to an elementary school in North City and then later a second in South City - after that I attended a public county school until my senior year and I did not receive any formal education after I graduated high school. I have touched almost every state and spent a great deal of time in Europe, Asia and Africa. And I have a thousand more places I want to go. What I quickly learned in the years to come was that even though my high school was widely considered to be an extremely solid and reputable one, I wasn't ever really taught much about the rest of the world during my time there. We studied slavery, the Bill of Rights, the American Civil War and the Holocaust every single year. The same criteria in just slightly different forms from 6th grade thru 12th. I took math classes and I also learned how to cut open a frog and a worm during science. I learned how to play kickball and volleyball and struggled to knock out a few pull ups in gym. As a 'subject,' World History was extremely general and brief, and that particular 'subject' was only optional to graduate. You could easily have chosen the 'US Government' option if you so preferred it. Required reading was restricted to a minimal and predetermined list which was given to the teachers as a manual at the start of each semester. We took mandatory geography tests covering all the states, but were never taught too much about the rest of the worlds corners. All my friends assumed Bulgaria was somewhere in South America because it kind of sounded like Bolivia. 18 year old kid adults from 'good families' and 'nice homes' actually thought that Paris, London and Amsterdam were names of countries. They didn't know where or how to quickly find non cities like France, England or Holland on a globe unless given more than a little time to squint and wonder, spinning the neon colored globe globe round and round. No one ever taught us about Mao. No teacher mentioned Stalin. Not a singular note was taken regarding atrocious genocides all over the huge continent of Africa. My GPA on paper was very high but I felt somehow limited in my learnings later on as I began to jet around and experience new lands, cultures and countries on my own. So as I grew older and literally began to see more and more of the world as 'we' know it, I also began to question my own smarts. I began to touch different continents physically and trotted on to experience some places I had never even heard of before. I discovered cities and towns I couldn't pronounce and most times, I found myself consistent feeling invigorated by the massive breath(s) of fresh air. But occasionally, I felt unignorable deeply stunted inside.. almost child like, like something had been omitted along the way. Something big. I decided to teach myself everything that I possibly could including what was omitted earlier in my primary education. I feverishly studied world history, religion and cultures of all kinds, maps and atlases galore, languages and dialects. I studied people near and far. I studied myself. I also passionately studied the unpredictable realms of the rapidly changing world all around me in the form of journals. I wrote down so much. I filled stacks of notebooks with my learnings and flipped tons of pages along the way.. and then more pages and more pages. I read til my eyes burned. I dove into foreign press, I wrote to my senators, I watched the local news. I got lost on the Internet. I let it all sink in as much as I could take it. I did all of this because I wanted to. We are now living in a time where the brave ones who do speak out against the norm are often immediately labeled as subversive, crazy or overly "intense." These outspoken individuals are often times written off by society + regularly ridiculed for their thoughts and expressions.. as a result their messages are quickly discarded into a never ending trash bin manned by the mindless and secured by the masters.. ironically enough their voices simply just get thrown away probably ending up somewhere right alongside free will and basic rights. That said - I have always, *ALWAYS* whole heartedly believed in being a voice and not an echo, so here we are. Everything you see and read here is meant to be digested just the way it is presented, my writing and imagery of choice is always forward and direct - no more, no less. I'm not ever going to hold your hand or explain myself as if I am addressing a fragile sheltered little babe. I'm just going to share with you what I can, while I can. A few months ago I created an Instagram account (separate from my personal) where I approached topics which I felt were extremely important to our world today. I just wanted to share my findings with normal people, or most simply with anyone at all who felt like having a look. That account ranged from revisiting history to accessing current day events.. neither modern day politics as we know it nor honesty were ever excluded or sugar coated in the slightest. Soon enough people were engaging in back and forth intelligent conversation, giving regular feedback/input, asking questions and sending me kind messages of gratitude. This was so much more than I could have ever expected from just another social media outlet.. yet one day when I hopped onto IG to log in, very much to my surprise - I found that my username was no longer valid and my account had been wiped clean. This happened overnight. No warning, no reason.. here today + gone tomorrow, literally. No Instagram rules were remotely violated along the way, but down it went. Point in case: censorship is real. If you haven't realized that humanity is being systematically dumbed down by now, then it is highly likely that you too, have been systematically dumbed down somewhere along the way. I used to have a 'popular' blog online years ago where I shared personal writing photos of my life, travels, interests, etc.. that site seemed to mash together almost all my passions under the sun (music, film, art, fashion, recipes, etc etc) but I never really got 'political' there by choice - I wanted to keep that separate. I knew that I had to be very careful with my viewpoints if I ever wanted to be a writer or accepted by publisher(s) later on. Well that blog had a few million visits and a ton of followers when I decided to delete it (by choice) one day. People from all over the world wrote to me and I met dozens of them in countries all over which was super rad. Despite all that hype, for some reason it had just ran its course for me and I can say with certainly that I was definitely more bummed when this recent Instagram with just a couple hundred 'followers' was abruptly taken away bc I didn't make that choice myself. While I'm very well aware that your followers are not always your fans.. it has just become increasingly more important to me to focus on what matters to me most, everyday and in every way. Of course I still love movies and exploring exhibits at museums near and far. I still study fashion magazines from cover to cover and attend shows just like I always have. But I have a deeper desire to share with others, that which is purposefully being withheld because I wholeheartedly believe it affects us all in the end. Moving forward, I will be posting pieces I have written on topics including but not limited to; HAARP: what is it and why should you know more about it, why traditionalism and nationalism are not equal to racism/hate and the reason I will probably never vote for president in the USA again, even though I literally moved to America for freedom of democracy. The irony is so real. I am going to look inside the unignorable and ever growing parallels between the Roman Empire and the United States because they simply fascinate me. I'll review their differences too, but you will soon see for yourself that the similarities greatly outweigh the latter. I'm going to discuss impeding race wars, media manipulation, distraction tactics, corrupt politians, illegal wars, unjust occupations, false prophets, and the many toxic poisons that are destroying us not only as individuals but also as a whole. Along the way, I will share my own fears and doubts with an audience of 1 or 100 because the simple truth is: I clearly don't have all the answers, not even close. You'll read about systematic indoctrination and it's direct ties to the endless bloody wars based on lies that our very tax dollars pay for year after tired year. You'll read about why the system was born broken. I'm going to tell you all about how I discovered that most things we have been taught to believe are just part of a big story. I'm going to describe the game as I know it, call out the big players and acknowledge the pawns. I may have to remind you that the narrative is not in your favor. It never was and by the looks of things, it may never be. It doesn't mean doom and gloom. It means that self educating and awareness has never ever been more important. Until then, please remember this much.. A nation of sheep is bound to be governed by wolves. You should never confuse education with intelligence. And last but definitely never least, thinking for yourself out loud is the absolute best thing you can do in this life. ❤✌🏼
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