#But hey here's my shameless selfpromo again
abouttomellis 6 years
There鈥檚 also an Instagram account you can folllow if you like. 馃槆
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gentlemanmendes 6 years
Fanfic Fanatic
A/n: I write this ages ago and then tumblr deleted it so it's not as good but I still wanted to post it.聽
warning: shameless selfpromo聽
"Hey babe." Shawn greeted y/n as he threw his gym bag aside glad聽to have finally finished his work out and get some time to himself.
When he had gotten home he had been quite surprised by the fact that the place was so dark and had figured y/n was asleep but when he entered the room he found her tucked into bed with only the light of her phone illuminating the room.
"Hi." She mumbled as if on autopilot while she continued looking at her phone not even paying attention to her boyfriend which was rather strange. He switched on the light causing y/n to groan in response as he shuffled around the room getting ready to shower, and yet y/n's attention never left her phone.
"What are you doing?" Shawn asked curiously interested in what had caught his girlfriends attention hostage and wasn't letting her go.
"Tumblr." She responded causing him to sigh with an eye roll. Of course she was on tumblr, was she ever on anything else?
"Since you're always on tumblr I think I might join, if it's do interesting." He stated not really meaning it but at the same time wanting his girlfriends attention. This seemed to do the trick because for the first time since shawn had entered the room y/n's gaze left her phone and met him, an amused snort leaving her as she started at him in disbelief, her eyes gleaming with humour. This raised a defensive side of shawn as he questioned her with a confused 'what'.
"Nothing. It's just you couldn't handle tumblr babe." She laughed before turning her attention back to her phone. It retracted that he had lost his girlfriends attention yet again to a stupid app shawn left to go have a shower.
As he washed away the sweat from his work out and the efforts of the day and tensions it had brought along with it he couldn't help but replay what y/n had said over and over again. What did she mean by he couldn't handle tumblr? He could handle lots of things, he was positive he could handle anything, a stupid app would be nothing.
He shut off the water in the shower and wrapped a towel around his body before reaching for his phone on the basin. He would prove her wrong, besides y/n was always spending her time on tumblr so clearly it just be entertaining. His fingers worked quickly as he went into the AppStore and found the app before hitting the download button. While the app downloaded he took that as his opportunity to finish drying himself off before pulling on a pair of sweats and making his way out of the bathroom taking his phone with.
He got comfortable on his side of the bed before clicking on the app and began his work. Typing in his email address, ShawnMendes for a user name, and y/n1998 as his password. He clicked on the create account button only for it not to work. The username was unavailable, someone had that username already? Instead shawn typed in mendes1998 and that didn't work again. Every name he could think of was taken even y/nandshawnthehottestcoupleever had been taken. He typed in a random word and decided to settle when it worked.
Y/n was right, tumblr was a tricky little thing, he had struggled creating a username who knew what he would find now that he created an account.
He didn't know what to search and when he looked over at y/n he found her too busy scrolling, he would not give her the satisfaction of asking her for her help. Instead he had an idea, he would find the culprit that had stollen his name. He searched shawn mendes in the search bar only to be met with millions of fan pages and photos of himself. He liked a few and followed some blogs before he spotted something that caught his eye captioned 'Beauty behind the Madness.' By someone who went by the username gentlemanmendes, a great URL shawn had to admit.
He began reading the authors note where he found a link captioned 'previous chapters can be found here' and was taken to a page filled with a random list of titles with links to them. He would come back to those later, right now he was curious as to what beauty behind the madness was. He scrolled down until he found it right at the bottom. Twenty-five parts, that was a lot. Like any normal person he started with zero.
'"Shit he called the cops" breathed out Andy as we stared at the house next door. Although we had run out of the house over fifteen minutes ago my heart still thumped hurriedly in my chest. Before Andy had spoken all that could be heard was our heavy breathing as we stared out of my bedroom window at the house next door. Yelling hadn't stopped since we left. None of this was Arleigh's fault. She didn't ask for this. She didn't deserve this. Tears prick my eyes yet again as I remember the hurt in her eyes as I looked over my shoulder and ran. I left her and now I'll never get her back, as forgiving as she is. Yet I deserve nothing less.
The loud music coming from downstairs seemed so far away and blurred out. The guilt over taking everything inside me.
"He said he would" laughed Mitch. He's laughing. Not one ounce of shame or regret. I knew he was heartless but this was just too low.'
Who was Arleigh, and Mitch, and Andy? Why had someone called the cops? What was going on? Shawn had a million and one questions but he kept reading knowing that was the only way he would find out what was going on.
'I watched as Mr Axle opened the front door for the cops. He looked beyond furious as he spoke to the cops. They looked over at my house. Mr Axle closed the front door and stepped out of the house.
One of the cops said something to him which unwillingly made him reopen the door. As the cop walks into the house I realise he's going to check on Arleigh.
Along with the other cop Mr Axle makes his way to my house.'
A lump formed in shawn's throat. What ever this was it wasn't going to be good.
"What are you doing?" Y/n quizzed her brows furrowing together as she looked over at her boyfriend. Never had she ever seen him focus on something so intently.
"Shhh, I'm on tumblr." He huffed in response focusing on his phone. Whoever this gentlemanmendes was she had him hooked.
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise at shawn's response before she backed away. She didn't want to know what this boy had gotten himself into.
For the next few hours shawn continued reading. His heart hurt at how sad some parts of the story was but he couldn't stop reading because he needed to know what fictional shawn had done to Arleigh. It was eating him alive inside, he would not stop reading until he knew.
Y/n had fallen asleep by now yet with ten more chapters to go shawn knew he wouldn't rest. He made sure to leave likes on every part because this gentlemanmendes was a talented writer and deserved to know it. He was amazed that one of his fans had such talent and was using it on him, they should get paid for being in his fandom.
"What the hell!" Shawn yelled so loudly that it woke y/n up.
"What's wrong?" She huffed annoyed turning over in her sleep irritated by the fact that she was awoken at two in the morning after she had only been asleep for a few hours.
"There's no more parts to read! I need to know what happens next. What about Arleigh? Is she okay? Mitch is a dick and shawn is kinda pathetic. If I were shawn I would beat me up." Shawn ranted. He needed to talk about this story to someone. So much had happened and his mind was racing with different scent ails. He needed the rest of it now.
Y/n's brows furrowed together as she let out a long huff. That's why he woke her up, because he needed the ending to a fanfiction.
"You'll just have to wait until she updates." Y/n explained wishing she had never opened her mouth this was all her fault.
"When will that be?" He asked like an addict.
"Shawn this may come as a shock to you but you're fans have lives." Y/n retired not bothering to hide her irritation. "Maybe send in a nice anon, that might motivate them to update more." And with that y/n turned over and hide herself under the blanket letting shawn know she was done with this conversation and going back to sleep.
Shawn did just that. He went onto gentlemanmendes page, made sure to hit the follow button before clicking on the message thing and typing up a message letting the writer know just how much he had liked the story though he highly doubted he would act that way in real life if the scenario ever took place.
What now? Shawn thought to himself. He felt like his whole life had been put on hold and he would now have to wait for this story to be updated before it continued. Who knew how long that would be.
Even though he doubted anything would beat beauty behind the madness he had to admit this gentlemanmendes was great and went back to the post labeled masterlist. He started from the top and worked his way down until he reached a piece called 'fun in the sun, smut'. Smut? What was a smut?
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abouttomellis 6 years
This first day back on Lucifer has brought us so much already. This cast is one amazing cast.. And can we thank Aimee and her need to Instastory the hell out of everything!聽
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