#But hey atleast I'm drawing again
kinun · 3 months
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twost3ps · 5 months
Since ya doing au and made Emily Michael and Adam's daughter what about an au where Charlie is Lucifer and Adam's daughter just curious how that would come out of your artistic mind. Love ur art is PEAK bro
But totes I’ve had thought of this b4. Thank you for giving this prompt so I had an excuse to draw and write it out!!!
An au where Adam and Lucifer are Charlie’s dad… umm well there are a couple of ways this could go….
But the first that comes to mind is the one where Adam falls with Lucifer and they have Charlie. Idk if either Lucifer seahorses it and has the baby or if Adam is the one that carries. Idk first man sure, but yk maybe god was like: hey idk what genitals to slap on this guy so let’s do both and gave him both. When Lilith’s gender was determined, it was a flip of a coin. Adam could have just been the mother if it landed on the other side lol. Or maybe if he falls, god strips him of his title as a man, like Lilith, and swaps his genitals. So basically intersex Adam.
Either way, silly girl Charlie, here ya go! (I don't draw her enough)
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Even as Adam's kid, I don't actually think Charlie changes all that much. Personality wise, at least. She is very much like her dad lucifur- a silly lovable dreamer- but some of Adam still leaks through, obviously. She's definitely a mommy's girl, and in this case, I'd like to think Adam is the mom figure. So instead of taking liliths more regal and more elegant choices of fashion and way of goinh, she takes on more of a punk and grunge look with a mix of her original style and a bit more agression.
For her looks I think she'd have dirty blonde hair and it would be short (it's my preference, lol), and her clothes are a bit more... punk? She dresses much more losely imo , def because of Adam. She keeps her horns out for the fun of it and her emo face still kinda stays with her, especially after Adam praising her for her look when she was in that phase. She does some sick eyeliner and eyshadow. She HAS to play an instrument so she knows the bass and strangly enough the keytar. I also think she's a bit chubbier because she maybe shared her dad's appetite idk.
But overall, she is still a sweet girl with a dream to help sinners. She's just way more assertive and quick tempered.
I won't lie, I got inspired by one of my friends' relationships with her dad and both lovingly insult each other to death. They talk about how much they "hate" eachother, but everyone clearly understands that both would die for one another for sure, especially Adam.
He may say something like. "Oh Charlie? Yeah if it were up to me I'd sell her for a new guitar" right infront of her but she's laughing so hard as Adam holds her close in a side hug because she knows he's joking.
Idk how to explain it but ifkyk, they lovingly talk bad about eachother but somehow it makes you understand that they really do love eachother as parent and child.
As for Adam and Lucifurs relationship, I genuinely dunno. I kinda want them to be a bit strained because even after the fall, Adam is still loyal to heaven. He's not lilith, who wants freedom - Adam likes security, and even if rule under heaven is restrictive, atleast hes safe. Charlie, to Adam, is one of the only good things that ever came out of the fall, and he would fall again and again just so she could be his. Like Lilith, Charlie is mainly parented by Adam, but it's because Charlie was the only shining light Adam had down in hell. Overtime Adam and Lucifur possibly heal and truly get together, but when Charlie was really young, they were not an item at all.
Then there are other options of Charlie being Lucifur and Adam's baby-
Charlie is born under an angel Adam and fallen lucifur and Adam decides to take Charlie and raise her in heaven
Adam is in no way related to Charlie, but one way or meets her and kinda just adopts her. Lucifur doesn't know why but Adam stakes claim ig
There are more potential ones but I'm not really a writer or an idea maker lol. IM NOT THAT CREATINVE SJVDEHBSBS But I think that this is just a great concept lolol a bit harder to work with than the secret royal family stuff but still fun to think about overall
I might come back to this one day o3o
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
A not so silent apology
modern au! scaramouche x reader (hurt/comfort)
Nothing could deter his pride as a person, but he'll be damned if you keep ignoring him when he is in desperate need of your presence.
It wasn't unusual for arguments to occur in your relationship, but what WAS unusual was for you to slam your bedroom door right in his face and then continue to spend the rest of the day ignoring him. He understood you were still mad at him, so out of the goodness of his... very being, he left you alone. It was alright the first few hours until he called you down for dinner.
A boiling pot of your favorite meal sat atop the stove, and before it is a man with his hands on his hips, glaring at the rising bubbles with his eyebrows scrunched together in deep thought. You weren't always like this, heck, this was the first time you reacted that brashly to one of your guys' petty arguments. Well, perhaps you thought of the matter differently from what you used to, which is what ended up with him having to prepare such an extravagant meal just for you. His way of apologizing. So caught up in his thoughts he failed to hear the ringing of the doorbell, and a sneaky little figure going down the stairs.
"Y/n! I seriously think you're taking this a tad- no, you are taking this too far." He'd been calling out your name for ages, the food had gone called and you still refuse to answer him when he was right. damn. there. infront of your guys' shared bedroom. The tapping of his foot became more erratic, a new worried look finally taking over his former features. Were you really going to do this all night? aren't you hungry? fine, twisting the door knob he made it his very mission to drag you down those flight of stairs if it meant you could atleast fill your stomach, even if you were still mad at him.
To his suprise, he was met with an empty room, and the faint scent of "Take out? since when did-" in the trash were a few boxes of cardboard and a plastic cup, the sight made his stomache churn and his chest tighten. His first thoughts were how dare you choose take out over his obviously much more better cooking, but his initial thoughts were, if you went to such lengths— was it more than that you were mad? did you hate him?
Before he knew it a single tear slipped past him, and then another, it was frustrating seeing your significant other act this way. Anyone could deduce from the lights coming from the guest room and the lack of your pillow on your shared bed you've settled on sleeping in the next room.
It took him awhile, a long while before he could see straight again.
He's drawing the line at this, and with shaky fingers he dialed the one number he'd never imagine calling in his state of mind.
ring, ring, click!
'It's yah boy Childeee! ho-'
The ginger was caught off guared by the sound of whimpering and aggresive, (from what he could hear) wipping of tears on the other line
'the sound of your voice is grating.'
'Hey, you're the one who called! And you can't say that when you're the one sounding like a kicked puppy off the side of the streets— anyways, what's wrong?'
'Just- meet me xxxxxxx in an hour and *sniff* no questions'
Oh he had many, but with how shaky and the amount of voice cracks it took for scara to finish those few sentences he silently agreed.
click! beep beep
You hear loud suffling outside your door and to make sure you weren't hearing things, you took a peak outside a little while when the suffling dissapeared, and the sight shocked you.
A mountain of purple flowers(which was just a boquet) was layed on the floor, across your ceiling were balloons atatched to a string with the typical 'i love you's' and 'i'm sorry's' written on some of them, and right next to your door was a human sized cat stuffy that oddly resembled the man next room. A pang of guilt hit you when you see the container of chocolates neatly wrapped with a red ribbon. You could recognize those chocolates anywhere, despite Scara's distaste for sweets, that never stopped him from baking some for his beloved.
Now you couldn't possibly think of going back to sleep without properly talking to him first.
'Unbelievable' It only took you a step through the door to step on one out of the many crumpled papers that piled up next to scara's desk, his arms folded over his head accompanied by soft snorring. After placing a blanket over his shoulders, you uncrumpled the first paper.
'It's toture when you're right there infront of me, but I am unable to reach you...'
'I know I have a shitty personality, but I didn't mean to drive you off...'
'You mean the world to me, in fact the world doesn't hold anything compared to you...'
'I will be shoving that meal you left cold yesterday down your throat, but before that I need you back in my arms...'
'You don't have to forgive me right away, and even if you still don't, I wont complain, but please, please look at me again...'
'I love you, I love you so much that each second you act like I don't exist it hurts more than any deep wound I've ever recieved.'
'These gifts are only the beggining. I don't plan to apologise with only using material things, I'll make it up to you using all that I know...'
'I miss your hugs, your kisses, your smiles, your everything! but most importantly, you.'
' I promise I'll be better, to be more patient with you, to care for you...'
Those were only the few, but they were enough, you got the message he was never able to express out loud.
'I'm sorry'
A smile finally breaked through, a smile Scara would have killed to see if he wasn't already passed out, most probably dreaming of you. You wouldn't want to worry him any further, so you replied with a message of your own, neatly placed right under his head.
My love,
Had I known you'd been going through all this, and that, because of me— I feel horrible, both of us were in the wrong, but it I was the one that handled it immaturely. I should apologize aswell, I'm sorry, and Thank you for going through such lengths for me. Had the roles been reversed I'd do the same as well, but, there really was no need for all that. A simple "I'm sorry" would have done the trick, but knowing you, that'd be the same as swallowing acid down your throat haha. When you wake up, I hope we can go back to how things always were, I miss you to you know. Don't forget, no matter how many times this might happen in the future(hopefully not) I will always continue loving you.
Your dearly beloved,
You transferred back to your shared bed and Scara woke up bawling his eyes out again, quickly tackling you in a death grip hug and burying yourselves further under the covers
Oh and childe was passed out on the couch. 'This is the last time i'm helping him with his love dilemna, brat couldn't wait until morning when the sun was high up in the sky...'
Im so sorry if this is such a messy concept of the word vomit that happened in my brain :'>
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thelunarsystemwrites · 5 months
200 259 followers DTIYS!!
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Finally after FAR too long debating, I finally drew up a DTIYS!! It was originally supposed to be for 200 followers, but uh... a little late!
Before I get into any rules or anything, I just- I gotta thank some people. People like my Twin, and platonic spouse aren't on Tumblr, BUT!
@tobi-draws a best friend and, honestly family to me. You might not have any idea how much your writing has helped me get through life, but it has. Any time you've updated is a good time for me! you're incredibly talented and I am honored to be your friend!! Ily!! /fam!
And of course Argos!! @childofthest4rzz my sib!! Sis? (I'll ask later??) My bestie in every RP and literally like the brightest person ever, ilysm to the sun and back!
And, my mum here @inka-boi congratulations on 269+ followers!!! I wish I had entered your DTIYS, but I'm so happy so many other people did, you deserve it!!
And @dtdrawz you are, very very cool. Very awesome, I like it, we vibing. Literally I look up to your art, it actually was the reason I drew this specifically! 😎
@absurdumsid AHGHGHGHH YOUR ART- I am super duper glad we got to work on UTMV agereverse farm sans together, and I am INCREDIBLY grateful I got to talk to you about my experiences as a system, thank you!
@pepsifvcker23 hey you! You're awesome! I'm literally so happy we're friends!! Your writing is NOM! /pos!
@pixieperson19 <- we love Angst. We thrive off it. We enjoy it together. 🥰 /p
@zombiestar1934 RAAAAHH!! >:3 /vvpos
THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE I DIDN'T MENTION I'M SORRY, THE LIST WOULD BE SO LONG- @jazzy-jazzz @screwnames-ihatenames @annabel184 @denieatsart @italic-doing-random-shit @largefound @ant1quarian @the-second-reason @n1ght-sh4d3 @fell-is-suffering @kiyo-void @iatetheglue @inkcat1987 @axinfinity @fruityfroggyfelon AND LITERALLY ALL MY MOOTS YOU ARE ALL SO SPECTACULAR!!!
*Deep breath*
With that put of the way! Rules!
Tag me!
You may change the pose, but he must be sleeping.
The crown has to stay the same.
You may add your own touches if you wish, as long as the vibe is the same. This includes adding accessories.
The lighting is not important and doesn't have to be included.
You may add other facądetale characters if you wish.
Have fun with it!
Prizes are uh, I am going to TRY and provide them! Keep in mind, as of right now I have no decided deadline! I'll make a post later on going into more depth about prizes, and the deadline! (It's gonna be atleast a few months)
Once again... thank you all. I've struggled a lot, I still do. But to all my followers, thank you. I never thought I get this far, it's Lunartastic! Everyone I'm sending good vibes your way!! Have a wonderful time, and thank you!
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ethanlvndry · 1 year
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Haganezuka x Black!demon!reader
⚠️:Dub-con, reader is a brat, curvy chubby reader, exhibitionism, size k, blood k, P in V, rough sex. Masturbation
Summary: Y/N was requested to go along with Gyokko and Hantengu on their mission to swordsmith village after leaving Muichiro to Gyokko. She finds herself taking a liking to a concentrated swordsmith. Now she's trying to break his focus, but finds herself struggling at comes up with an idea that just might or might not work 🤔.
You've been trying to get a frightened, puny swordsmith out of your way for 5 solid minutes. Gyokko told me he looked like he was hiding something, so I went to check it out while he handled that frail pillar.
"Who are you to tell ME what to do?"
I raise my leg and kick him on his chest, sending him flying into the wall. I look around, and my eyes land on a moving body.
"Don't tell me you were just trying to hide your friend. I really thought I was about to see some action!"
Wait...what's that scraping sound?
I look closer and see the body is moving a sword.
"Wow, you're putting in so much work for a sword that I'm going to ruin in less than 5 seconds."
I pause to let him answer, but instead, he continues to forge his weak strip of metal.
"Hello? You can hear me, can't you?"
UGH. This guy's really getting on my fucking nerves! How dare he ignore such a specimen?!
Plenty of guys would KILL to have me look their way!
I whip out my blood demon art.
Sharp Illusion
It allows me to make people feel pain without actually harming their body.
I lash out on his back, but he still continues, a chunk of his mask crumbling down. But he keeps on working. On that stupid. SWORD!
I grumble before lashing out on his back again. This time his whole mask crumbles down. And oh.my.gosh.
He's gorgeous.
I feel a throb right where I need him, and it makes me want to act on my instincts.
"Don't you want to take a break from your task and ravage me before I kill you?"
...still no answer
I decide to physically get his attention. I March over to him and push his hair off his sweaty for head and behind his ear.
I'm shoved away by the puny swordsmith from before and my face almost instantly sours.
"Stay away from Haganezuka-san, you filthy demon!"
His rebellion is cut off by another kick to the chest, this time strategically placed, so that he would be down for a while.
Atleast long enough for me to get what I want.
I focus myself back on 'Haganezuka'
and rub his shoulders, watching them relax out of their tense position earlier. Still, he works on the sword.
"Haganezuka~ I know you want me~"
I find myself getting irritated with his ongoing concentration, and I decide that if I want to break it, I've gotta go all out.
I fall to my knees and massage his shoulders again. This time, my hands slowly start to trail farther down. Eventually reaching the draw string of his pants.
I untie the knot and pull out his cock. A smirk starts to form as I hear a shift in his breathing.
"Do I have your attention now, Haganezuka?"
Still no answer, but this time, my grin doesn't falter. I instead circle two of my fingers around his fat mushroom tip, and trail two fingers on my other hand to my hot pussy.
I moan out his name in an attempt to get his full focus on me, but I fail miserably.
I try other things even kissing him, but he just stays in place and continues working on his stupid sword.
I'm in, hopefully, my final attempt to get his attention. I pull his pants father down and pull my skirt all the way up.
I crawl on his lap and grumble as he continues to work on his sword, only moving his arms around me so he can continue working.
I line his tip up with my hole and let out a sigh before plunging down, taking him all the way inside of me.
"Fuck Mr Haganezuka, your cock feels so good!"
If he answered me, it was through grunts and grits of his teeth. I bounce up and down on his cock, and wrap my arms around his neck for stability.
Once my climax is in reach, I bounce faster than before, and finally, I let go all over the both of us, ruining both of our clothes.
"I never knew a uppermoon thought more of sex than consuming flesh of a human. What a slut."
I gasped at the first words spoken directly towards me from the man who I've been intercoursing with. But it's cut short when he suddenly grabs my hips and plunges into me with little to no stops in between. I Can barely get out a word from my overstimulated state.
I sob and cry in an effort for him to stop, but he won't.
And I love it.
I feel my vision getting fuzzy, and slowly, my head goes limp off to the side.
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jayke0 · 1 year
You've Got Me Now
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Pairing: Basil Stitt x fem reader
Summary: kinktober day 13, Being Recorded
Rating: 18+
Warnings/content: OnlyFans accounts (both Basil AND reader), male and female masturbation, LOTS of mention of Basil being big, Basil being a little pervy but nothing too bad, mention of anal (Basil), a bit of fluff, protected sex (condom), p in v, brief nipple play, lots of swearing, dirty talk, lmk if there's anything else i should add :).
Word count: 2,536 (i got carried away I'm sorry he's just my boyfriend.)
Credit: @automnepoet for proofreading ily.
Basil hadn't meant to stumble across your OnlyFans page. He hadn't meant to pull his cock out and fuck his fist while he watched you ride a dildo. He hadn't meant to ask for a custom video featuring a particularly embarrassing angle of you on your balcony touching yourself for the world to see, but here he is, typing those dirty words with his throbbing cock still in his hand and stupid sobs being drawn from his throat.
The video was even better than he could've imagined. If he had a dollar for everytime it made him shoot a load and then get hard again; he'd be fucking rich, and it's all because you did it for him, it was his request.
That was when he'd gotten the idea to make his own account, because then maybe you'd be able to see what you're missing, how much your neighbour is packing. He records himself in all the ways he can think of; some just fucking his hand, others fucking his mattress, even a few of him experimenting with a finger in his tight hole, all stuff that he hoped to god you'd like.
Usually, you don't pay attention to the messages in your inbox saying, "Love your account, check out mine", but when you get one from a regular, you decide that there's no harm in checking, and boy are you glad you did.
He has atleast 20 videos all uploaded in the span of 2 days, all of him fucking various objects or using his fingers on himself, and it makes your stomach twist with excitement. He's big too, fucking thick, you're pretty sure you haven't see a guy as girthy or that weeps as much as this one… ever, really.
For a second, your attention is drawn to the layout of his apartment in one of his videos; it's exactly the same as yours but just flipped around. Well, that's not totally unusual, you are on 'In My Area' afterall, but something else draws your attention, a painting on the wall. Where had you seen that painting? You could swear it looks familiar... the bright colours and swirls were something you complimented when you'd seen inside… Oh, God.
Your hand clasps over your mouth as you look at your door.
Basil fucking Stitt has a huge cock?
Basil Stitt, the one that had become introverted after his accident?
Basil Stitt, the man that had recently opened up to you and shown you his scarred face?
You feel a mix of emotions swirling in your stomach. On the one hand, you had a handsome guy with a big dick that you could just hop over and see right now; but on the other hand, that same guy had bought and commissioned multiple videos of you, knowing full well who it is. 
You hated to admit how much you still wanted to fuck him after knowing that.
As you stand at his door and rock on your toes, you contemplate if this is a good idea, after all, you are only doing this because you'd seen the sheer skill and size of the other.
Shuffling from the other side of the door grabs your attention and you wave at him through the peephole, since you know he likes to check first.
"Hey!" He cracks the door open just a little, so you can only see his 'good' side.
"Hey man. Look, I was uh… well— ugh, do you think I can come in?"
His brows furrow in confusion but he steps aside for you. " 'Course, is something wrong? Is it that fucking pipe in your sink again? 'Cause i swear to god I will keep complaining till they get up here and do something about i—"
"I saw your videos."
You keep your back to him, fiddling with your fingers.
"What? What videos?" He chuckles a little and closes the door.
"On OnlyFans."
You practically hear him tense up, his feet shuffle before he goes completely quiet, not even the sound of breathing is there to reassure you, so you turn to look at him.
"Oh, those videos..."
"Yeah, those videos." You say as you eye his frame, now noticing the shape of his body through the thin fabric of his stained shirt. You can see the way his back curves slightly and dips into a perfect ass, one you were practically salivating over just an hour ago, and his arms look thicker in person, not muscley, but still meaty enough to grab you and press you against a wall as he fucks you senseless.
"Look, I wasn't being creepy or anything! Wasn't looking for you, just found your stuff by accident and… you make good stuff... like really good stuff. It's all I've been able to fucking think about— I'm sorry, I really am-"
"—I get it, report me for being a pervert, I'll own up to it and show them everything, I'm a fucking freak… I'm so sorry…" you notice the tears starting to well in his eyes.
"Basil, can you shut the fuck up for a second?"
That works, he stares at you blankly as he brings his hand up to wipe his eyes.
"I would've much preferred if you'd just told me how you felt…" you walk closer to him, "but, I'm willing to give you a chance," your hands rest on his chest as you lean towards him till you can feel his wavering breath on your nose,
"give that fat cock a chance." 
Basil's knees almost buckle after you say that. He feels like his head is spinning in circles as he tries to focus his blurry eyes on the girl in front of him, his neighbour that he'd wanked off to so many times he couldn't keep track; guess the videos had worked after all.
It felt good, knowing that someone as gorgeous as you wants to fuck him, so good that it was impossible to believe, so his hands frantically reach out to grab your waist and check that you're real; yep, all skin and bone. He lets out a relieved sigh and nods. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you…" he continues to babble as he presses his face to your neck.
"Stop worrying and just fuck me already, yeah?"
That seems to switch a flip in the man's brain and he pulls his face from the soft skin on your neck to instead close the gap between your lips; they're soft, so fucking soft, just as soft as he'd imagined they'd feel wrapped around his fat tip.
You kiss him back hungrily as you wrap your arms around his neck and run your tongue along his bottom lip to gain entrance to his mouth, to which he happily obliges.
The salty taste of tears and pizza is still on his lips, but you couldn't care less, you'd kissed way worse in uni, so this is like a walk in the park. You groan softly and press your body against him before patting his shoulder. "Catch me." You warn before jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist.
He manages to catch you with ease and walks you to his bedroom to lay you down on the pillows, scrambling to pull his shirt off.
"You can talk, y'know. I've heard you talk to yourself in the videos... did you put a voice on for that by the way?" You raise a brow and scan his body; yep, just as pretty as in the videos.
The man's cheeks flush and he nods ashamedly. "I didn't want it to be too obvious, I wanted at least a little dignity."
That makes you giggle, which in turn makes Basil smile; he loves it when you laugh at his jokes.
An idea pops into his head at the mention of videos again, and he glances at his phone in his pocket, and then you. "We could record it?... y'know, for content."
Holy shit, that makes you clench.
"I'd fucking love that, Basil." You say before biting your lip.
You watch as a wide smile spreads across his face before he scrambles in his pocket for his phone to set up on the nightstand, all the while you're working on getting your shirt off.
When he looks back at you, his jaw drops in an almost cartoonish way, which makes you giggle again. His eyes rake over your body and focus on the hard buds that he can see surprisingly well through the fabric of your bra, his hands automatically sliding up to cup your chest and run his thumbs over your nipples.
That pulls a soft whine from your throat while your hands run down his chest to his pants, desperately wanting to see if the camera was just at a perfect angle to make him look bigger... but as you paw at his crotch and undo his fly you realise that you greatly underestimated the man; as even through his boxers you can see the size of him, and it makes your empty cunt throb for him.
You'd been so focused on your task that you hadn't noticed the man had removed you bra and is now sucking on one of your nipples while his hand plays with the other, rolling the hardness between his fingers in a way that has you rolling your hips up against him in tandem, which he seems to reciprocate by kicking off his jeans and grinding against your heat.
"I love your tits the most," he says, breaking the silence as he bites a mark near your nipple and starts pulling down your underwear; wearing a skirt was certainly the right idea. "I mean, I love watching your pussy take that dildo, but fuck, the way they bounce when you move… shit, it makes me so hard." 
You hate how much you're enjoying this, the thought of a lonely guy like Basil touching himself to videos of your wet cunt.
"I liked it when you fucked that make-shift fleshlight, that was— ah!— cute—" You squeak when he runs his thick fingers through your wet folds. 
"Love it when you finger yourself too. Shit, the amount of times I imagined it was me fingering you instead." 
You shake a little as your hips rock towards his fingers desperately, soft pants leaving your lips. "Fucking hell, Basil, stop rambling and shove that cock inside me, please. I wanna see what it feels like." You whimper.
A groan is drawn from the man at your words and he hurriedly (if a little clumsily) pulls his boxers off, making his cock spring from the fabric and press against your thigh before he searches for a condom in his nightstand. You practically salivate at the sight of him rolling the latex over his girth, your cunt clenching once again on nothing as your eyes trail back to the man's face.
You run your hand over the scars that he'd confided in you about a couple of weeks ago, and you feel him press against your palm like a puppy. 
"You think you can talk it all?"
That certainly breaks your soft little moment. 
"Of course I can. Don't flatter yourself, pretty boy." You act tough, put as he holds himself to your entrance and just slides the tip in, you can already feel yourself stretch. "Fuuuck." 
Basil smirks a little at that. 
He quite literally fucks you open, slow thrusts that get deeper each time he pushes in until he's fully seated inside you and groaning, messy curls sticking to his sweaty forehead.
You already feel fucked out from that, but as he starts fucking you properly you're pretty sure you see heaven for a second, his hips drawing all the way out before thrusting back into you with bruising force that makes you grip his shoulders tightly. 
"Yeah… is this the best cock you've ever had? Tell me it is, tell me you love my cock." Basil growls.
At first you can't get your words out, pathetic whines being the only things that can get past your lips, but eventually you're able to stutter out a yes.
"It is Basil, fuck, I love your cock so much. You're so good at that, want you to fuck me everyday—" you moan as your eyes wonder over to the phone, the image of him drilling you into the mattress is enough to make the orgasm build fast in your tummy. "Fuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum, imma cum on you baby!—"
Suddenly, you feel him pull out and your orgasm dissipates as fast as it had built up, making an annoyed whine come from your throat. You don't have time to complain though before the man is flipping you onto your front and pushing your shoulders down into the covers, tugging your hips so he's seated perfectly behind you.
"I know you love it like this, doggy style." He grins as he rubs the blunt tip between your sopping folds and over your clit. "Seen the amount of videos you've made like this, fucking yourself on that stupid dildo," you feel his hand hold the back of your head and suddenly you're looking at the image on screen again, "you don't need that thing anymore, you have me." 
His cock rams into you once more and hits something inside you that has you driving back on him, throbbing around him to bring him in impossibly deeper.
"All I need is you, Basil, all I want is your cock—" you repeat back as you feel your orgasm approaching again. 
Your hands claw at the sheets while lewd noises fill the room and your ears, basil's huffs and moans only driving you closer and closer until you feel his fingers slide underneath you and play with your clit, and that's all you need before you're crashing over the edge with cries and whimpers.
The man continues to mercilessly fuck your throbbing cunt till he eventually spills inside the condom with moans that almost sound like sobs, similar to the ones he makes in the videos. You watch the screen as Basil shakes with pleasure and his muscles tense, his legs almost giving out underneath him while he leans down to rest his head on the small of your back.
You both stay like that for a while, breathing heavily as you try and cool off from the escapade that'd just taken place. You're able to feebly reach across and stop the recording before you feel Basil's breath on your neck.
"D'you really mean that? You only want me?" He seems quieter now, maybe the type to cry after a good orgasm, and weirdly enough you're pretty sure you feel wetness on your shoulder.
"Mhm... I do." You tilt your head to look at him and smile reassuringly. "You're too harsh on yourself, you're still so handsome. You don't need to get my attention by making pervy videos of you jacking off."
He chuckles lightly as a blush covers his face. "Alright... I'll just ask you over next time."
"But, you can't say you didn't like them though." 
You laugh softly and shove his face away from your shoulder. "Shut up, perv."
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Prompts by: @/flightlessangelwings
Tagging people: @cowboymarcs @sad1st1c-wh0re @poopoobuttsy @boredzillenial @mllover260 @simpforbritgents @saevenswelt @partssoldseparately @keira-kaz2y5 @theincredibleinkspitter @l-lune @red-hydra @queerponcho @summonthesoups @motleyfolk @steven-grants-world @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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not-5-rats · 4 months
how do you think Sugarboo would go about asking Seth to be their bf? If they ever did. Obvi they would talk to Al first but after that
No cause I've thought about this, like alot...all the fucking time, it plagues my little mind.
(I like to think this is sort of in a time like Chapter 2, all three of them living peacefully in Sugarboos home)
They would have spoke to Alphonse atleast a week earlier, it came up one night when the three were having a film night. Seth had fallen asleep, like deep DEEP sleep and Al noticed the way SB was looking down at the sleeping boy. He asked how they felt about Seth and the conversation ended with SB admitting that they had romantic feelings for Seth but they wanted him to know that this doesn't effect their love for him (this made him laugh). They agreed that SB should speak to him about it because it was pretty clear (to Al) that Seth had some sort of feelings towards them.
SB had a couple meetings with a few potential clients so hadn't been in all day, it was just Seth and Al. They just kind of hung about for most of the day, they cleaned the living room and sorted a couple things in the kitchen. Al seemed to be both happy and rather nervous all day, one moment he couldn't stop smiling at Seth the next he was silently sweeping the floor a bit lost in thought. At around 5pm SB got home, Seth and SB went into the kitchen to make dinner during which SB asked him if he would maybe on a walk with them later, just up beside the local park. He said sure and that night at around 7:30pm they left the house waving to Al as they went.
They had made their way to the park, talking about their days and how the clients were, finally they got to the park and sat down at a bench just outside of it. The park was rather empty apart from a few kids sat on the swings. They hadn't spoken for a bit, they had both just sat admiring the nature around them but then SB spoke, their voice hushed to avoid drawing the teenagers' attention
"Hey Seth? There was something I wanted to talk to you about"
He seemed a bit panicked by this but he made an attempt to suppress these feelings and responded
"Hm? Is everything alright Sugar?"
"Well it's been great having you here, both me and Al think that. You're a great dude to live with and you do alot more round the house than Al ever has"
They both laughed, Seth noticeably quieter than SB but they quickly kept talking
"But thats not the point, I wanted to tell you...well its more asking something. Seth, what I want to say is-"
"If you want me to go I get it, I've been round for quite a while and I don't mean to take up all your space"
Seth cut them off and leaned back against the back of the bench, SB was very confused and went to comfort him but he spoke again before they got the chance
"I've overstayed my welcome and I totally understand that, I didn't mean to get in the way of your life Sugar. I didn't even intend on coming back to begin with-"
There was a nudge to Seths head which made him look over at SB, surprised by their 'attack'
"Seth, you're a sweetheart but shut up and let me speak"
He did as he was told, he nodded remaining quiet as SB explained
"No, I don't want you to leave. If anything what I'm about to say...will hopefully prove that I want you to stay"
They paused, took a deep breath and finally said what they had been aching to say for so long
"I, well I love you Seth. I've loved you for a while, and before you ask yes I've spoken to Al, yes it's all okay. That's if you feel the same! I understand if you don't though"
He seemed kind of stunned, sat there like a deer in headlights. When he finally came round he smiled at them and gently held their shoulders
"Oh Sugar, my darling Sugar"
With that he kissed them, his hand sliding from their shoulder to the back of their neck. SBs own hands wrapped around his waist and they smiled into the kiss, joy building up in their chest. When they finally split SB giggled
"I'm taking that as you feel the same way?"
He laughed
"Of course I do! Sugar I've wanted to tell you for so long but...the whole things with Al, our first meeting, all those things made it feel like you'd never feel that way for me. But God, Sugar I'm so glad, so so glad you feel the same"
They sat there gently holding each other...which caught the attention of the teens, who began to ooo and make kissy sounds, so they went home. Upon seeing the smile on their face Al instantly knew what had went down, so they all sat on the couch and cuddles. It was beautiful and I love them all
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michelleleewise · 2 years
My Angel
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female reader
Warnings: mutual pining, friends to lovers, mild jealousy, swearing, mentions of alcohol, heavy petting, smut, soft smut, sub Loki, penatrative sex (p in v), mild dirty talk, fluffy stuff, smuffy stuff!!
Summary: Loki has wanted more from your friendship for some time but not sure how to tell you, but when an opportunity arises he takes a chance...
A/n- I wrote this for the lovely @mochie85 !! Ever since you sent this to me its been working its way through my brain and came out this!! Thank you so much for your endless support, inspiration and friendship!! You an absolutely amazing person and don't you ever forget it love!! 💚💚💚
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You finished applying your eye liner, touching up your lipstick before adjusting your shirt, pushing your boobs up looking in the mirror. "You are damn hot." You winked at yourself walking into the living room grabbing your boots when a knock came at the door "come in." You called out, sitting on the couch seeing Loki walk in "Hello darling." He said smiling "hey Mischief, what are you up to?" You answer lacing your boots up. "I was wondering if you cared to watch a film with me?" He asked pushing his hands into his pockets. "Oh...um....I'm sorry Loki, I have plans." You said standing up pulling your skirt down, granted it barely covered anything anyway.
"Are you going to that....place again?" He asked, irritation laced in his tone. "Woah there...that "place" is a bar, and yes I am." You said air quoting grabbing your purse. "Are you.." he trailed off as you bent over fixing the lace on your boot "am I what?" You asked standing up "g..going alone?" He asked clearing his throat, you could swear there was a pink tint on his cheeks. "I'm meeting a couple of my girls there....why?" You asked crossing your arms. "I was only curious...what if something happens to you?" He asked looking down. You walked over grabbing his shoulder "You have nothing to worry about." You smiled as he looked up at you, his eyes drawing you in "they have bouncers and security, nothing will happen to me." You said rubbing his arms.
"You are certain you won't change your mind?" He asked "it's open mic night, and I wanna see who all is going to play." You said winking at him seeing him nod looking down again "What's wrong Mischief?" You asked tilting your head. "Nothing, I just wish to make sure my friend is ok, that's all." He said with a smile but you could tell his heart wasn't in it. "Oh come now, you know I'm your best friend." You smiled, the word feeling like ash in your mouth, you wanted to be so much more then friends with this man...God. "that is accurate." He laughed shaking his head. "Come, walk me out" you said lacing your arm with his. "When will you be back?" He asked walking you to the elevator "um..good question, I'm not sure." You smiled hitting the button.
"Will you call me.....if you need anything that is." He said fidgeting with his hands. "Yes, you will be the first." You said as the doors opened. "Ok, I'll see you later Mischief." You said reaching up to kiss his cheek when he turned his head slightly, causing your lips to land at the corner of his mouth. You pulled back looking up at him "i..sorry, I didn't mean to umm.." you stuttered feeling your face heat up "im...I'm just gonna go, bye Loki." You said rushing onto the elevator hitting the button. "Have a pleasant evening y/n." He said smiling as the doors closed. "Uuuugh." You groaned, pressing your forehead to the wall "why can't you grow a spine and tell him?" You asked yourself sighing "cause he's your friend, and you'll just mess it up that's why." You said aloud when the doors opened at street level. You shook your head, hoping tonight will distract your mind, atleast for a little while.
You came back to the table, passing out the drinks you grabbed from the bar. "Do you think the next one will be any good?" Your friend Susie asking taking a sip "can't be any worse then the last one." Your other friend jewel said laughing "isn't that the truth." You said sipping your drink. "Hey, you ever tell that guy you like how you feel?" Susie asked looking at you "no, I wanted to....I was actually going to invite him tonight but I don't think he'd really enjoy it." You said shrugging "besides, he called me his "friend" earlier." You said looking down "ouch...sorry." jewel said rubbing your shoulder "it's fine, better his friend then nothing right?" You asked with a small smile when the announcer came on the stage.
"Hello again! And welcome to open mic night. Next, we have a very special treat for you all!" He said when you looked up "our next performer has never played here before, but if he plays as good as he looks your all gonna love him!" He said hearing everyone laugh "so, without further ado....L!" He said clapping, the room joined him you saw a tall man slowly walk out onto the stage, his long hair covering his face wearing a black button up, the top three undone revealing his chest, his black jeans tight around his legs outlining his muscular thighs, his leather boots echoing through the room as he walked to the mic with purposeful steps, a black guitar hanging from his shoulder.
"Mm...this is promising." Susie said smiling making you laugh. You looked back to the stage freezing as the man flipped his hair back revealing who it was. "Good evening everyone, I would like to dedicate this to a special lady in the audience tonight." He said into the mic, turning back to the band you watched as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt up exposing his foreams, your eyes tracing the veins running up his arms, his dark jeans hugging every inch of him, perfectly outlining...everything. He turned back to the crowd holding his arms out, his deep green eyes meeting yours as the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness. Everyone sat in silence, a few whispers floated through the room when the guitar riff came to life, the stage lights slowly rising bathing him in a dim green light, fog swirling around him..
Make up your mind...Decide to walk with me...Around the lake tonight...Around the lake tonight
By my side...By my side
You sat back, mouth hanging open as his deep, sultry voice filled the room, demanding attention as his long fingers traveling the neck of the guitar, his arms flexing with the movement. What those fingers could do to you...
I'm not gonna lie...I'll not be a gentleman...Behind the boathouse...I'll show you my dark secret
Locking eyes with you at the last line, he backed away from the mic, tilting his head back slightly as his tongue slipped out licking his lips. "Holy shit.." you muttered not able to look away as he stepped back up, his lips touching the mic..
I'm not gonna lie...I want you for mine...My blushing bride...My lover, be my lover, yeah...
Don't be afraid...I didn't mean to scare you...So help me, Jesus...
He took a step back, looking down at the guitar as his fingers glided across it, his thigh flexing as he tapped his foot on the floor in time making you bite your lip, rubbing your thighs together as he threw his head back, his long curls spraying across his shoulders, a few strands sticking to his forehead a he stepped back to the mic, his eyes meeting yours...
I can promise you...You'll stay as beautiful...With dark hair...And soft skin, forever...Forever...
Make up your mind...Make up your mind...And I'll promise you
I will treat you well...My sweet angel...So help me, Jesus
You vaguely heard your friends cat calling him as his body swayed with the music, his shoulders flexing with the weight of the guitar, his skin damp from the heat of the lights...
Give it up to me...Give it up to me...
Do you wanna be...My angel?
A shiver ran up your spine as his voiced dropped, the deep bass shooting through you.
Give it up to me...Give it up to me...
Do you wanna be...My angel?
"Yes....I do..." you whispered, leaning forward watching the muscles in his neck flex, making you want to sink your teeth into them.
Give it up to me...Give it up to me...Do you wanna be...My angel?
So help me
His voice resonated through, traveling through every inch of you igniting something deep inside you, something...feral. you bit down hard on your lip, scooting to the edge of your seat as he stepped in front of the mic, his long legs spread wide as the solo started. Biting his lip you watched his fingers dance up and down the neck of the guitar, his curls bouncing as his head slowly bobbed up and down. Pressing your thighs together imagining his head between your legs, his head slowly moving up and down, curls rubbing against your skin as he brought you to the brink....
Be my angel...Be my angel...Be my angel
Do you wanna die?...Do you wanna die?...Do you wanna die?...Do you wanna die?
Do you wanna die?...Do you wanna die?...Do you wanna die?...Do you wanna die?
"He's trying to kill me." You said to yourself, feeling the evidence of your arousal in your panties as his deep voice vibrated through you. His eyes not leaving yours as you tried to cross one leg over the other seeing a smirk spread across his face, his lips pressing to the mic..
Well, I promise you...I will treat you well...My sweet angel...So help me, Jesus
The end of the song came as the lights came back up around the room, everyone jumping to their feet clapping and hollering when every women in the room advanced to the stage, including your friends...leaving you alone at the table. Looking up you locked eyes with him, licking his lips he winked before he took a long bow holding his arms out. "Thank you so much everyone! Have a pleasant evening." He said before taking long strides off the stage to somewhere in the back. You downed your drink, trying to compose yourself when your friends joined you again "Dammit, I was hoping I'd get to snag him for the night." Susie said sitting down. "W..was he not interested?" You asked looking down "nope....said he was with someone." She huffed downing her drink.
You furrowed your eyebrows looking at her "he's not with anyone." You said to yourself looking back to the stage. "Hey, I gotta run to the restroom." You said jumping up before they could say anything. You looked around seeing everyone return to their drinks and conversations, allowing you to slip unnoticed behind the stage. You walked around for a minute, checking room after room "Dammit laufeyson, where are you?" You whispered crossing your arms "looking for me?" You heard his voice behind you making you freeze. You cleared your throat slowly turning around, taking in his tall frame still clad in black, his pale skin covered in a sheen of sweat. "L..loki..." you stuttered, your eyes traveling down to where the guitar was before.
"Up here darling." He purred, your eyes shooting to his seeing him smirk. "Did you enjoy the show?" He asked taking a stop forward, looking you up and down "from what I see, I would say yes." He smiled, coming to stand chest to chest with you, leaning down slightly "from what I smell, I would say very." He whispered in your ear. Feeling your face heat up you looked down fidgeting with your fingers "L..loki.." you said, feeling his fingers under your chin making you look at him "yes darling?" He asked, his eyes searching yours "yes..." you sighed grabbing his wrists "yes what?" He asked leaning closer "I want to be your angel." You breathed, seeing him smile you lunged forward, pressing your lips to his pressing him into the nearest wall.
You slid your tongue along his bottom lip, hands exploring his chest gently kicking his legs apart, your hands sliding down his abs landing on his belt, the metal clinking as your fingers worked to open it. His lips parted in a soft moan, taking the opportunity you slipped your tongue past his lips, relishing the feeling of his soft lips against yours, his tongue caressing yours when you unbuttoned his jeans, slowly sliding a hand down wrapping your fingers around his length, slowly sliding up and down as your other hand went to his hair, holding him to you swallowing his moans feeling his hands grip your sides.
He broke the kiss, leaning his head against the wall while you continue to stroke him, twisting your wrist reaching the base. "Aahh gods...d..darling..." he stuttered, screwing his eyes shut slowly rocking his hips with your hand. You reached up, nipping at his pulse point feeling him shiver. You reached over, opening the door next to you seeing it empty, a small love seat in the corner. You removed your hand from his length hearing him whine and look down at you "shh....come on." You said grabbing the front of his shirt dragging him inside. Kicking the door shut your lips found his again as you backed him up to the love seat, his long legs spread wide as you pushed him down standing over him.
You smiled down at him sliding your hands up under your skirt, sliding your panties down as his eyes never left you. You stepped out of them, walking over to him you leaned down, hooking your fingers under the hem of his jeans as he lifted up allowing you to slide them down his legs, your hands gliding up his thighs as you went to staddle him. You grabbed his cock, slowly stoking him as you lined him up "wait..y/n.." he panted, gently grabbing your wrist "is something wrong?" You asked looking into his eyes "no..it's just.." he trailed off looking at you "tell me your mine...please...that this isn't just..." you cut him off, genlty pressing your lips to his, looking into his eyes "Loki...I'm yours...I always have been.." you said.
You watched his pupils dilate, his fingers teasing the hem of your shirt when you leaned back, raising your arms letting him pull your shirt over your head "you are so beautiful.." he breathed, his fingers ghosting over your shoulders making you shiver. You leaned down, nipping and sucking on his pulse point feeling his fingers dig into your hips. "Say your mine Loki...tell me..." you breathed, biting his earlobe hearing him groan "i...I am yours y/n...always...." he breathed, tilting his head back against the couch. You reached down, wrapping your fingers around him lining him back up "ready?" You asked as he leaned up looking at you "y..yes.." he moaned as you slowly sank down on him, feeling your walls stretch around him "fuck...your so big..." you moaned, throwing your head back feeling every inch of him as he bottomed out.
"Y/n...aahh....move please...i...." he moaned, wrapping his arms around your back pulling you to him as you lifted your hips up, slowly sinking back down onto him. He buried his face in the valley of your breasts, your hands threading through his hair feeling his fingers gently ghost up and down your back. "Aahh fuck...Loki..." you moaned, closing your eyes feeling him rock his hips with yours. You sped up your pace, feeling the tightness in your stomach "l...loki....im....ahh...." you moaned, digging your fingers into his hair "I know...I can...ahh feel you..." he groaned, looking up at you "Come with me y/n.." he panted, thrusting up into you.
You leaned down, engulfing his mouth with yours, your tongues exploring eachother as you came hard, moaning into his mouth. Pulling his hair you heard him growl, gripping your hips holding you onto him feeling him twitch inside you, swallowing his moans as he came hard, coating your walls with his release. You pulled back, pressing your forehead for his, seeing his eyes closed making you smile. You sat back, cupping his cheeks when he slowly opened his eyes looking up at you smiling "loki, I don't think we can be friends anymore" you panted, your thumbs running along his cheekbones "w..why..." he started furrowing his eyebrows "because, I want so much more then that." You said pushing his hair back "would you go out with me?" You asked seeing him smile "I would love nothing more...my angel." He said, leaning up pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "Come on Mischief, let's go home, I'm not done with you yet." You winked seeing his eyes darken "as you wish darling." ...
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @silverfire475 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @glitterylokislut @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @lulubelle814 @irishhappiness @wolfsmom1 @luvlady-writes @lovingchoices14 @thomase1
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yona049 · 4 months
𝐀𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 ♤
Joker x fem!Reader x Jason Todd
Part 2
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
>Head crushing.
>Parent death
>mental patients (Arkam Asylum)
Y/n just captured by Batman and Red Hood. Only for them to come face to face with her in Wayne mannor. Y/n took the first opportunity she got to dive Jason.
"I'm gonna KILL you, Jason!"
She yelled looking down at the blue eyed boy, dark fluffy hair with a white streak through the front. Jason Todd. The one and only Vigilante Red Hood.
He slowly smirks and moves his hand onto Y/n's cheek giving it a gentle rub with his thumb.
"I missed you too, babe."
He whispers watching Y/n smile for a second before growling again.
"You could've been a little more gentle with the dart! Fake blood is hard to clean out of a clown costume!"
She stands up slowly wobbling a bit, but Jason quickly slips his arm around her waist.
"Gotcha!" he mocks while holding her steady.
"Can't be that bad? Atleast the bullet looked real? Might leave a bruise."
He boops Y/n on her nose making her look back up at him. She sighs and pushes herself onto her toes giving Jason a delicate kiss.
"Thanks for getting me out of there." she whispers against his lips until a certain bat clears his throat.
Y/n smiles and turns to the batman before jump-hugging him.
"Hey, Bruce!"
Batman was much bigger in size, so a hug from him lifted her off the ground until he sat her back down.
He pulls the cowl off his face and gives Y/n a pat on the head.
"Sorry about the wait, Y/n. We weren't sure when you'd be out again. Jason went out on every patrol."
"Awww! Jason!" she teases tossing the Red Hood helmet onto the bed.
She follows shortly after and sits on the fluffy duvet before pulling off the polkadot socks she wore.
"Joker had a long business period! I couldn't get him out of base for anything! It was constant paperwork and gun shipping."
She pulls a small piece of paper out of her sock and hands it to Batman.
"All recent shipments and crate numbers are there. You should be able to find some other interesting numbers."
She falls back onto the bed with another big sigh.
"We eventually went out, but it took a bit of teasing to get him to draw attention to us. I thew a grenade into an empty shop. I hope it helped you find us."
She glances over at Jason who had an annoyed look on his face. Y/n figured it was probably the kiss he walked in on, between her and the Joker.
Batman quickly pulls her from her thoughts.
"I'll look at this. In the mean time I'll have an armored truck take you to Arkam in two days. Best you take a shower and sleep before then. Joker is sure to take you back."
He places his hand on Jason's shoulder heading for the door.
"Y/n. Good job."
Y/n smiles getting some well deserved praise from Bruce Wayne. He finally walks out closing the door, leaving Jason and Y/n alone.
Outside the room Damian Wayne was leaning against the wall with crossed arms. The newest Robin to the family, dressed in a black turtleneck looking mature for his age. Once Bruce walks out he follows him to, presumably the Bat-cave.
"Father! Why have I never heard of this Y/n?"
Bruce unfolds the paper Y/n gave him and starts reading.
"Well, Damian. She's been undercover for a long time, and Jason talks about her alot."
Damian stops dead in his tracks in shock.
"That is his girlfriend! I thought he was making her up since we've never seen her!?"
He runs down the hallway catching up with Bruce who walks up to the piano in the middle of the study. He hits a few keys until the platform underneath their feet starts going down.
"She was before your time. I can give you her file."
Damian nods walking off the platform and into the Bat-cave.
A large caved out space with drip stone covering the walls along with Platforms holding all sorts of other bat related things. The Batmobile, Batman's suits, and finally the large screen, the bat computer.
Damian lifts himself onto the counter watching Bruce pull Y/n's file onto the screen.
A picture of a young Y/n pops up, with short hair and dyed streaks in her hair. She looked like a typical rebellious teen with an angry expression.
Y/n L/n. (Alias : Y/n Caster.)
Age : 20
Gotham resident.
Occupation : Criminal.
Parents : James Caster (Deceased)
Abigail Caster (Deceased)
Damian lifts an eyebrow and glares at Batman.
"How can her parents have the same last name as Y/n's alias?"
Bruce smirks and hits a few more buttons before another profile pops up on screen. This time a picture of Y/n with a bright smile and longer hair.
"This is her real file, albeit a little out dated."
Y/n L/n.
Age : 17
Gotham resident.
Occupation : Student.
Parents : Marideth L/n (Deceased)
Harrion L/n(Deceased)
Damian looks settled with his thoughts then asks another question.
"How did This Y/n come to work for Joker? Surely he wouldn't trust some mentally challenged girl!"
Bruce quickly snaps.
"Hey! That's rude Damian."
"Sorry. But I'm still curious!"
With a sigh Batman sits down on the chair.
"It's a long story."
Damian wiggles himself into a comfortable position and hits a button on the bat computer.
"Please bring some popcorn down to the Bat-cave, Pennyworth."
A small confirmation from Alfred and Damian eagerness to listen made Bruce chuckle.
"Very well, If you're so willing. Here's the story of my secret adopted child."
"Y/n was young at the time. Maybe just 8? Her parents worked at psych Wards all over the world, but eventually they settled at the toughest one of them all."
"Arkam Asylum." Damian answers.
"That's right!" Bruce congratulates.
A large medieval castle with a looming darkness over it. It held the laughter and cries of all their patients.
A young couple rushed into the building holding their coats over their heads. One older man is the first to shake off the droplets with his wife following behind.
"Well! Wasn't expecting your first introduction to our work to start out like that, huh, Y/n?" Her father pats her on the head as she hid underneath his coat.
Mother takes her hand and walks with her down the hallway.
"Now, honey. Remember our deal."
Y/n nods looking around curiously.
"Stay close! Only go where mom and dad says. Don't talk to patients."
Mom giggles and kisses Y/n's forehead.
"Good! Now let's get to the office before we get to the really scary patients!"
Once the family was in the cozy office, Y/n immediately took to the bookshelf covered in different old books.
Dad walks up behind her and points to one specific red colored book. 'The Phycology of a Disheveled Mind.'
He hands it to Y/n who smiles and takes a seat at the big desk with a spinning chair.
A small chuckle from dad as he kneels down beside her.
"We'll be back soon to give you a better tour, first we need to go check on some patients. Read up so I can discuss with you after ok!"
Y/n nods excitedly watching mom place a packet of gummy candies on the table.
"A surgery snack for a buzzing mind." she uses her finger to imitate a bee and makes a buzzing noise before landing her finger on Y/n's nose.
"Love you, Bee!"
Y/n laughs.
"Love you, Mom! Love you, Dad!"
They make a swift exit with clip boards in hand. Soon their both in the ward with patients all around them in cells. Bane, Scarecrow, and a few empty ones awaiting their escaped patients. Like Penguin and Dr Freeze.
"As you can see, Mr Wayne. Your sponsorship is greatly improving our necessary medicines and holding cells." Mom shows.
A young Bruce wearing a tucks and neatly combed hair looks around intently.
"I see, and The patients are treated well?" Bruce asks.
"As well as they can be treated, the staff almost treat them too nicely unfortunately. We had a Doctor try sneaking a machine gun in, a few weeks ago."
Bruce sucks air though his teethad they reached the end of the hallway.
"Well! Keep up the good work you two. I'm glad to see my funds are helping better the mental health of patients."
Saying their goodbyes, Mom and Dad make their way back down the long hallway.
Mom smiled scribbling down some notes.
"Let's get back to Y/n, I'm sure she's pretty sick of that book by now."
Dad laughs and shakes his head disagreeing.
"Our little girl is brilliant! She's probably studying that book cover to cover."
He walks up to a cell and smiles making notes. He looks up at a man wearing a top hat and a grin on his face.
"Good evening, Jervis. How are you feeling tonight."
The man only smiles with a glare towards dad. Dad sighs but keeps his smile.
"You're doing better than yesterday. Don't tell the others. But I brought you a snack!"
He places a round cookie in a tray and pushes it into the cell. With a warm smile the patient grabs the cookie and takes a small bite of it.
"Thanks, Doc!" he grumbles and continues eating the cookie.
Dad smiles happily and nods.
"Your welcome-"
A sudden explosion sends a Shockwave through the hallway causing mom and had hit the wall hard.
The entire building shakes causing Y/n to Scream. She hides under the table as the heavy bookshelf falls straight down onto the ground.
Y/n calls for Mom and Dad but the open office door beckons her to run out to find them.
Back in the Cell block. Scattered debris welcome a Crown Prince of crime, like a red carpet.
Joker was still a very young and very new Criminal in Gotham, so no one expected him to break into Arkam for reinforcements.
He laughs at the chaos he caused with alarms going off and a few Criminals running wild.
He snaps his fingers and points some of his Joker Goons towards Bane's cell.
They make use of another explosive to blast the cell door off its hinges.
Y/n runs in just in time to see her dad hunched over her mom. Mom was trapped under the heavy wall that had been blasted off.
She runs closer already starting to feel the tears run down her face.
Dad was bleeding from his head when he looked up at Y/n running towards them. A dark shadow followed behind her.
Bane was about to grab her until dad pulls Y/n behind him and out of the way, just in time for Bane to grab him instead of her.
Dad yells and struggles as Bane holds him off the ground by his head.
"Stop this Bane! We can help! We can Change what happened to- Ugh!"
Y/n stares at her dad in horror, her mom's body unmoving and bent in so many unnatural ways.
"Dad! No! Leave my dad alone!"
Y/n watches in horror before charging towards this huge man. Bane, now only using one hand to hold the entirety of Dads head, smacks Y/n into the wall with great force. A small child getting hit into a hard wall.
She blinks a few times, dizzy from impact but crawls towards her dad. A laughter fuzzy in the background, until a horrible sound fills her ears.
The cracking of bone and a mush before a final thud, as her dads head is crushed.
She froze looking at both of her parents infront of her. But only for a second until a big black cape crosses her eyesight.
"Don't look!" a growled voice. Batman came to save the day, but just too late.
He pulls her into his arms, squeezing her broken terrified body. Once he knew she was in his arms safe, he uses a grappling hook to pull them out of the chaos.
"After that, we brought her back to Wayne Manor. Even after revealing my identity, she didn't react. She was like a ragdoll for months. Dick tried everything to help her grieve."
Bruce taps his foot thinking back, feeling her little traumatized body.
"It was only after that, when we found Jason again. Jason was so battered and bruised once Joker brainwashed and tortured him. After what Joker did to him, and Joker did to her. They bonded over it."
Damian looks down at the empty popcorn bowl in his lap with a growl.
"How did she manage an under cover mission around the man who killed her parents! I would've taken the first opportunity to cut him with my katana!"
He slips off the table with an angry growl. Before he could storm off Bruce lightly pats his head getting him to calm down.
"Y/n took alot of time to train and work though her anger."
Batman quickly looks to the side when his attention is pulled by a Zooming engine.
A motorcycle echoes though the bat cave and with a screeching holt it stops on one of the platforms.
A blue bird on his chest and incredibly strong build, Dick Grayson also known as Nightwing steps off the bike and lifts his helmet off his head.
"Hey Bruce! Hey Damian!" he walks up to them lifting his mask off his face with a satisfying sigh.
He looks up at the Bat computer and his eyes light up seeing Y/n's picture.
"Y/n's back? It's been forever!"
Batman smiles and nods.
"7 months to be exact."
Damian gasps and growls annoyed.
"You knew about Y/n too?"
"Yes! I helped train her." Dick assured grabbing the empty popcorn bucket Damian was holding.
"I wanna go say Hi before she goes back undercover."
He takes a few kernels, chewing on them a little before patting Damian on the head. Bruce shakes his head and presses a few more buttons.
"Not yet! She's catching up with Jason right now. She needs rest."
Dick stops chewing for a second then places the popcorn bowl down. He looks straight at Bruce with a serious face.
"How long is this gonna go on, Bruce? How long does he have to stay near that phyco?"
Batman stops typing for a second and turns to look at his two boys waiting anxiously for an answer.
"She doesn't want to leave, I've asked her. She's determined to stay." he looks down a little worried.
"Y/n has been undercover for a long time. I'm worried that before long. She'll become Ace instead of Y/n."
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
Smoking It Away Pt 3:
Summary: After the 6 weeks are up, Aaron comes to pick you up from rehab with Miles in the car, part of him wants to apologise for sending you away, the other knows what he's done is right, while Miles desprately tries to press you to talk to him.
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Miles and Aaron exited the Rehab, Aaron had to fight every thought in his head to not run back in and bail you out while Miles stared into the distance with the growing feeling of regret sitting within him. And as they approach the car Aaron goes to take a final look at facility before riding off.
As they begin to ride off back into the wooden area, Aaron keeps looking back at Miles through the rear view mirror as he keeps looking back at your empty seat, he can see his nephew is struggling, wallowing in his own dilema of if he had done the right thing. They sat in silence through the entire of the trip back to Brooklyn, and once they pulled up outside Mile's home, Aaron dropped him off.
Miles Dragged himself slowly up the fire escape and entered his room, flopping onto his bed, laying their motionless for awhile until he heard his door knob click, and his parents shuffle into the room they looked down at him sadly.
Jeff: "So, how did it go?"
Miles: "What do you mean, 'How did it go?' We dropped her at the rehab and left her there"
Usually Miles parents would scould him for his sass, but all things considered it was reasonable that he would be upset, Rio exchanaged a look with her husband and exited his room.
Jeff: "I didn't think he would actually do it"
Rio: "What do you mean?"
Jeff: "I didn't think he had it in him to send her off to a rehab where he wasn't with her for almost a month, I thought maybe he'd chicken out and just take her home."
Rio: "Well, It's for the best I'm sure"
Meanwhile poor Aaron was sitting in the dark of his empty house back on your phone scrolling through it, scanning over all your personal texts and photos, selfies of you smoking or snorting and all he wanted was to find who ever the hell your dealer was, and he thought to look through your call list.
Aaron: Sun 12:33 missed Miles: Sun 12:09 missed Pluggg: Sat 13:19 -10 mins Miles: Sat 12: 11 -15 mins Auntie Rio: Sat 9:11 -12 mins Stella : Thurs 19:13 -1 hour Stella: Thurs 19:11 missed Pluggg: Thrus 17:19 -12 mins Bloom: Tue 19:11 -9 mins Miles: Tue 13: 11 -18 mins Musa: Tue 11:14 - 12 mins Aaron: Wens 21:23 - 1 min
Honestly if you didn't want him to find your supplier you should have came up with a better contact name, He thought how should he deal with this, this stranger that was posioning you for so long, he could go all Prowler on him and take him out, but he left that life far behind so why not hand this phone over to Jeff, surley he, or the police could sort through it until they found the adress of this 'Pluggg'.
He clicked off your phone and set it on the table, never had he been more aware that he was alone in the house, of course he had been alone before and had also known the feeling of having children and not knowing where they were, the stress and worried pacing calling you again and again with it going to voice mail and having to wait home until he would hear your window creek open and sound of you falling into bed, and now he was so upset with himself for not going into your room to scould you, but now that ne knew you were home, he could sleep.
And now he was alone, but atleast he had the knowledge were you where, that should he a comfort but really it just made him feel weak for having had given you do then.
As he walked down the hall he peered into your room to see how much he had torn it up. The emptied draws, the completely stripped bed, the hollowed out wardrobe and most of all the glaring whole in the floor, the missing floor board that once housed your goodie box of hard drugs.
He got into his lone bed, checking his phone to see a missed call from Jefferson, So he called him back.
calling Jefferson Morales
Aaron: "Hey"
Jeff: "Hey...You good man?"
Aaron: "I'm...I don't know man"
Jeff: "I know. But I think You did the right thing"
Aaron: "Did I?" He ran his hand over his face.
Aaron: "What If it is just teenage shit? what if-"
Jeff: " Aaron...You found MDMA and cocaine in the floor"
Aaron: "I know...I know"
Jeff: "This should teach her, or help atleast...You go through her phone again?"
Aaron: "Yeah actually, I think I found his number"
Jeff: "His number? As in the dealer?"
Aaron: "Yeah I think so, If it's not this 'plug' guy it's this Stella girl"
Jeff: "Stella? Who's she?"
Aaron: "Y/n little friend who's a bit of a star girl, looking through these texts it seems she is the one buying half the time"
Jeff: "That's supplying, I could arrest her"
Aaron: "I don't know, I don't know" He groaned.
Jeff: "Don't go back man"
Aaron: "But wha-"
Jeff: "Aaron if you go back she'll know that she can get away with this type of behaviour, You'll be telling her that it's fine, she has to know their she can't just step on you"
Aaron: "Yeah...Yeah I guess"
After the next six weeks Aaron avoided going back to his apartment as all costs, hanging around the Morales house into late hours, then wondering the streets for hours until sunrise, only returning to the house when he had too, counting down the days until he could bring you home.
Needless to say once the six weeks ran out the whole family were looking forward to your retrun, of course Miles was stressing about you 'not talking to him' as you said you would, but Rio was just glad to get her surrogate daughter back.
The day finally came for Aaron and Miles to pick you up, Aaron felt ealted that he would finally have you home, had had almost no contact with you, only letters, and by the end of the program he had only sent 3, he never got a response and he wasn't sure if it was beacuse you weren't allowed to write back, or that you wouldn't.
So while Miles and Aaron drove off out of Brooklyn to pick you up, Jeff and Rio where in your home setting up a small welcome home party, nothing big, just cake with juice and a banner, yes it was strange that they would do this after a rebab stint, but they just missed you so very much.
Jeff had written out a mildy threatning speech to read to once you got home, and Rio was gleefully icing the cake.
The car ride was long and quite until finally they reached the facility, Aaron rushedly walked in to the reception where be began to sign you out while Miles kept checking you through the glass doors, and oh how happy Arron was to see his girl walking out that hallway, you looked tired.
Miles: "Hey!"
Once you made it through the doors, Miles went to hug you only to be meet with the hand, pushing him away.
Aaron can't help but also try and hug you, and through you tried to push him off, he still took you into a tight embrace.
Aaron: "Its good to see you baby" He holds you for several seconds almost sufficating grasp, finally he would be at ease that he had gotten you back, Miles kept looking for eye contact with you but you refused to meet his gaze.
Aaron took your bags from you forcefully and carried them back to the car, Miles trasped behind you as Aaron put your bags in the back of the car, Miles sat in the front with Aaron while you were in the back, he put on the radio and began to drive.
Aaron kept looking back at you through the rear mirror, he was so happy to have you back.
Aaron: "So baby, how did it go?"
Y/n: "Just drive Aaron" You heard Miles sharply inhale.
Aaron: "Aaron? We doing that now huh?" His hands tighted round the wheel, he had just gotten you back and already you were casusing problems.
Aaron: "Okay then" He mumbeld to himself tensing.
Miles: "We missed you Y/n"
You don't dignify him with any kind of response.Half way through the road trip home, you desprately needed to pee you knew you should have gone before you left the facility, and lucky you saw a gas station up ahead.
Y/n: "Can we pull over? I need to pee"
Radio silecne from both your Dad and you cousin.
Y/n:" Hellllo? Dad Can we pull over I need to pee"
Aaron: "I'm not Dad, I'm Aaron aren't I?"
Y/n: "Are you serious?"
Aaron: "You wanna call me by my name on your first day back out, and you expected me to pull over for you?"
Y/n: "You are a grown ass man, why are you being so fucking petty?"
Aaron: "Don't swear in my car"
Y/n: "Pull over I need to pee"
Aaron: "You can hold it"
Y/n: "Aaron, what is wrong with you? Let me out this car"
Aaron: "You are thin Ice Y/n"
Miles looked back at you in the rear view mirror, you made a moment of eye contact and you could see in his face he was pleading for you to shut the hell up.
Y/n: "Or what? You don't have anywhere else you can abandon me in"
The car comes to a sudden stop in the middle of this empty road.
Aaron: "Excuse me?"
Y/n: "you heard what the fuck I said"
Aaron: "Get out my car"
Y/n: "Excuse me?"
Aaron: "You heard me"
Y/n: "Are you serious?"
Aaron: "You heard me, you wanna talk to me like that your first day out you can make your own way home"
Y/n: "This is a motor way sourounded by trees"
Aaron: "Get. Out. The. Car"
And so you did, Miles watched as you got out the car with just one of your bags and walk off the road and onto the side walk, Miles was stunned by his Uncle giving him a stunned look, Aaron picks up on this and returns him a calm unbothered look.
Miles: "What was that?!"
Aaron: "Don't worry man, we'll turn back in 20 minutes and pick her up by the gas station, then maybe she'll shut up"
Miles: "What if she goes off into the woods?"
Aaron: "I dout it"
And just as Aaron said they turned back 20 minutes later to find you sitting with your bag out side the Gas station Aaron knew well enough you wouldn't go walking in the woods and you knew your father wouldn't actually leave you, Your Dad pulled up next to you and rolled down the window and gave you a apethtic look.
Aaron: "You ready to apologise?"
Y/n: "...No" Aaron also predicted that.
Aaron: "Get in the damm car Y/n"
The rest of the drive home was quite and uneventfull, droned out by the radio and once you two finally made it home of course you where relieved to be somewhere familair, but all you really wanted was to sleep in your own bed, Aaron shuttled you into the aparment with Miles and you were greeted with Rio and Jeff smiling at you with a cake, and a banner saying 'welcome home'.
ah crap
Rio Comes in to hug you tightly giving you a kiss on the cheek while Jeff looks on at you unimpressed, some how still mad at you even it's been 6 whole damm weeks since you had been in the home, you took your bags and simply walked past them dissmissivly and dropped them in your room, shutting the door not wanting to engage with them, Rio was clearly hurt by this so Miles went in after you.
He was you laying on your bed face down clearly exhausted.
Miles: "Y/n"
Miles: "Y/n I know you aren't asleep"
Miles: "Y/n!" He yelled shoving you bit.
Miles: "Get your ass up, the whole family put this together for you and you won't even say hello to my Mom?"
Miles: "Get the hell up" He shoved you again.
Miles: "I'm not playing with you get the hell UP!" He pulled off the bed by your shoulders and onto the floor.
Y/n: "What is wrong with you?!"
You picked yourself off from the floor, shoving him away from you.
Y/n: "I just want to sleep in my own bed"
Miles: "It's 11:00?"
Y/n: "Miles, Ive been sleeping in a rock hard bed in a building full of crazy people for six weeks all I want is to sleep in my own room, can you fuck off for god's sake"
Miles: "I honestly don't care, get your ass out there before I drag you down the fucking hall"
Y/n: "Yeah yeah whatever" And so you deafeatedly walked out your room to re greet your family who were already upset at you for dismissing them so quickly sat you down to cut the cake, you kept making eye contact with your Uncle Jeff, unwillingly meeting his cold gaze.
Rio handed you a plate with a slice of cake on it placing a hand on your shoulder, you Dad through clearly still bitter about earlier was also so very glad to have you home.
Rio: "look how thin she's gotten, clearly they didn't feed you right"
She was right, they did feed you, but mostly it was raw veggies and porridge and how much you wanted to fight the dinner lady for feeding you such grule, she said it was to help with with drawls, but it clearly brought her joy to feed you all the worst possible things imagineable.
Miles: "Yeah what they feed you there?"
You roll your eyes at him as the family gathers around you all feeding on the cake and pouring juice in their little cups, as you were bombarded with questions.
Rio: "Where they good to you their?"
Y/n: "Well I guess, They made us go to a funreal home at one point that wasn't great"
Jeff: "They did that to show you what could have happened if we hadn't caught and sent you off"
Y/n: "...okay" You weren't really sure what the correct response to any of these rehab realted questions where, is was rehab it wasn't supposed to be nice.
The family had gone stale due to your unwillingness to make actual conversation, so Jeff took this as the time to whip out is 'speech' which was actually just a fancy written threat.
Jeff stood in front the whole family with his paper in hand.
Jeff: "Ahem..Y/n during you absence in recent weeks we all missed you greatly and are happy for your return, and while you were gone I thought about what might have happened if Miles hadn't alerted us to what you were doing"
'Alerted? You mean snitched the little rat'
Jeff:" Every year thousands die in this city of drug overdoses, it starts with weed, and escaltes into harder things, like Cocaine, or MDMA, like you, and we are all so gratfeul to Miles for choosing to tell us, rather than wait"
Miles smirked at you from across the couch.
Jeff: "I have had the burden of informing familes's that their children had passed due to drug overdoses, and I will not allow you to be another I will not have you in a morgue dead and cold because you wanted to have fun with your 'friends' I, along with the family will not allow you to destroy yourself for your own selfish and frivalous indevours" He folded the paper in his hands and sat back down as the family began to slowly clap since the speech came to such a strange and sudden stop, he wasn't great a public speaking, obviously.
Later into the 'party' Miles was despratley trying to make proper converstation with you, unwillingly giving him short unresponsive answers, Auntie Rio was fawning over your changes in apperance, and she was right to say you looked 'rough', your skin had broken out due to stress, your hair looked like shit, you had lost weight, you nails had been chewed right to the end, truly it had been an unpleasant six weeks.
Rio: "Your hair looks so dry nina, did you not take care of it?"
Y/n: "My Dad only packed me shampoo in bag"
Rio: "Oh...Why?"
Y/n: "I think He's forgotten what it's like to have hair so he though that would be enough, bald little man"
Rio: "Oye, Don't be rude hehe" She giggled under her breath, this is what your usual interactions were like, not the cold stare on the couch when you were finally caught.
Rio: "ah well, we'll get you sorted yeah? Get you some Argon oil...and some face masks for all thisss" She dragged out the 'sss' gesturing to your terrible skin.
Y/n: "Yeah, that would be nice"
Jeff took Aaron into the next room for a little chat regarding your Plug, if he were to dissapear into the system he could no longer supply you, but the other problem came about with Stella, she clearly shown by your texts often was the buyer, and simply shared with you, and It wasn't reasonable to imagen going after her legally since her family had so much damm money they could easily have all this swept under the rug.
Aaron: "So you find him?"
Jeff: "Yep, we skimmed through Y/n's phone and we got him, his adress his name all of it, we should have in custody by next week, until then don't give Y/n any means of contacting him"
Aaron: "Do you know how hard it is to keep a teenager off the internet, and you want me to do it for a week? If you know who the guy is why not do it now?"
Jeff: "Because that's not how it works Aaron"
Aaron: "great" He said through gritted teeth.
Jeff: "What are you going to do about this Stella girl? She seem's to be her drug buddy"
Aaron: "I don't know man, her family's rich as hell it's not like she could be arrested"
Jeff: "I could arrest her, it's a case of it sticking"
Aaron: "I don't know man, but I'll take care of it"
Eventually the family scooted out the house leaving you alone with your Dad, Rio promised to take you out this coming weekend to get your nails done together as you sometimes would, and Miles still recived a cold glare from you, with you in your room unpacking all your stuff, your Dad leaned against the door frame of your room.
Y/n: "I see you put up bars on my window, classy"
Aaron: "It could be temporary, if you keep in line"
Y/n: "Yeah Yeah"
Aaron: "I'm glad to have you back Y/n, really I missed you"
Y/n: "Okay, I guess"
Aaron: "I don't want you hanging round that Stella girl anymore, she's a bad influence"
Y/n: "And how would you know? Youv'e only spoken to her like twice"
Aaron: "I know because you only started acting out like this when you met her, and she's in all your secret little photos on your phone, and she's the one buying you shit when youv'e already spent all your money!"
Y/n: "You went through my phone?"
Aaron: "Of course I went through your phone I found drugs under the floor boards!"
Y/n: "That's an invasion of my privacy!"
Aaron: "HA! Privacy? Y/n I don't think you understand what's happening, You don't have any damm privacy since your brought drugs in my house, no phone, no laptop and if you keep pushing it this way you aren't going to have a door, and if I see Stella or see you talking to her I'll keep those bars up, end of okay?"
Aaron: "Okay?!"
Y/n: "FINE!"
Aaron: "Don't yell at me in my own house!"
Y/n: "My house, My Door My window My daughter, I am 17 you do not own me-!"
Aaron: "You are a minor! and as long as you live under my roof NO STELLA I am your father and WE are family, don't be priortise her over your family"
Y/n: "I'll be out this house soon enough!"
Aaron: "I'd love to see you find a home in this economy!"
Y/n: "Whatever Aaron"
Aaron: "Call me that again, see what happens" He yells as he exits your room, closing the door behind him.
Y/n: "AARON!"
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s1llydr3amscape · 5 months
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I didn't quite get to finish this for vanweek during day 5 among other things so I think I might try to conquer the other days i missed soon mweheheheh
More under the cut (including more dialogue!!) :
Originally was gonna post a fanfic for day 5 aswell that was mainly featuring Vanny talking one on one with the glamrocks!!!!! Not today I'm embarrassed cuz I'm very wordy and a simple convo can be way too long. I wanted to do a one on one scene with Vanny and all the glamrocks to get their dynamic but only managed to do Roxanne. They're on the sidewalk at night near the apartment complex convenience store. Right outside on the sidewalk sitting at the curb.
Since Vanny is undead in this AU he doesn't really feel pain as much I just think characters stitching themself back up is very cool. I'm a huge fan of zombies!!! I want to draw her rotte
Also 2nd time bro's in it's underwear and I just realised god I don't know how to draw clothes 💀 (I wear cat shirts everyday do not ask me for fashion advice dawg!!!)
Snippet no context barebones. Don't let me cook :
Roxanne sighed.
"Look Vanny I know you've been busy with your work or whatever but c'mon just stop by for one race. I need my girl cheering me on if I'm gonna be taking the win."
Vanny snickered as she playfully jabbed Roxannes shoulder.
"You already have plenty of fans. I ain't gonna make a difference. Besides, unlike you, I have a real job."
Vanny took another swig of a drink as she lightly shaked its contents.
"HEY! Racing is a real job. Thank you very much."
"Not if its illegal." Deadpanned she took another swig of her drink.
"Atleast I'm good at my job unlike you!" Roxanne blurted our as she crushed the can she was holding.
Vanny shifted in her spot. Her eyes now gazing into hers. Controlling herself she looked to the curb.
"What do you even know."
(I didn't like how this scene played out because I don't know how to write characters moving and having a gay old time.) But basically Vanny was on her shift when Roxy spotted her. She managed to convince Vanny to sit and chat with her and even bought her some drinks from a vending machine nearby. Roxy was gloating about how many races she managed to win and hoped she could convince Vanny to come watch her perform again. Because she likes the attention. They have a lil back and forth before Roxy accidentally blurts out something that pisses Vanny off. Making Vanny be mad because what does she know what she's going through.
(Roxanne in this AU is technically a nepo baby but her story about replacing Glamrock Foxy is very much here in a different way. So like if Roxanne were to ever quit her races she could technically go back home and live comfortably in Vanny’s eyes)
Vanny thinks Roxanne already has it easy and gets a bit pissed and abruptly ends it there. Roxy realises and tries to backpedal what she meant but Vannys already gone. Sighing Roxy throws her empty can into the curb and grabs onto her face trying to calm down.
And that's about it. I like relationships whether platonic or romantic to have their ups and downs because it makes it feel relatable to me. Like a lot of my heart poured into this AU and what the characters go through I've sorta went through in a weird way.
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(Ft orange cats I saw around love them <3333)
I have not draw gore in so long (full of whimsy and joy) so it looks wonky but I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone but drawing my blorbo standing in an empty background smiling tho...
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snailsrneat · 6 months
"Oh, You came to tell me happy birthday?..Heh, thank you for your consideration."
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
HII EVERYONE! So since it's Twyla's Birthday today I thought I'd give everyone a little treat and show off what I've been working on behind the scenes the last couple weeks.
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The prefect of Ramshackle, popular amongst her peers for her laid back demeanor. She loves the arts and expressing herself through multiple mediums. Specifically through fashion, often choosing to dress in alternative clothing styles. Despite the visual difference, she blends in quite well among the other students. Even with her temperamental companions.
This is Twyla's new (and final) design! Let's talk about her little bit.
She's technically twisted from two different characters. Them being Bruno, from Encanto, and the three Fates from Hercules.
The three Fates are actually where I got the idea to give her the hobby of sewing, because I wanted her to have an association with string. Also they inspired the name of her unique magic magic.
Bruno mostly inspired her unique magic (like how it works and what it does) as well as parts of her personality and design.
Specifically he inspired her hoodie.
Aside from that though, design wise I also was inspire by other popular cartoon characters like The Hex Girls from Scooby-Doo, and Gwen from Total Drama.
I specifically wanted to go with a more grunge or goth aesthetic, mostly because we don't really see said aesthetics explored much through the canon cast, so it would give a good visual difference. Also she just matched ramshackle more.
But let's get to some actual character facts shall we?
Twyla is left-handed, but is slightly ambidextrous when it comes to using her hands for anything other than writing.
Her favorite food is pancakes, when asked why she just blinked and shrugged. "I dunno' know. Just make me feel like a little kid again."
Her least favorite food is Brussel-Sprouts, which she also allergic to.
She's been known to have several hobbies including sewing, drawing, designing, reading, writing, scrapbooking, photography, gaming, and baking.
It is also good to note that she has ADHD and it's hard to keep her attention one thing for long periods of time.
Atleast when it comes to things like school work. Her hobbies take up most of her free time.
She has lilapsiphobia, or the intense fear of tornadoes and hurricanes. She developed it due to a traumatic event during her childhood.
She is an orphan with a deceased mother and a "missing" father.
She use to work many different jobs when in the foster care system, ranging from an unground boxer to maid at a maid cafe.
She was in the fostercare system for a long time, until she turned sixteen. Which is when her inheritance kicked in and allowed her to move back in to her childhood home.
Until 6 months later when she was transported into Twst.
Her favorite flowers are Holly-Hocks.
She has been given many different nicknames by the rest of the cast bit to her the strangest happens to be what Vil calls her "French Fry#1"
Speaking of nicknames, Floyd often refers to her as "Manatee" or "Manny-Chan".
Let's hear some of her homescreen voicelines.
"Oh, hey, you look tired. Do you need take a break in the guest room?"
"OH! Shit. Forgot that I had homework for Trein today. *Sigh* I guess I'll just have to do it during Alchemy today."
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm just drawing while waiting for class to start. You can join me if you'd like!"
"*Huff* *Huff*, huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just, uhm, got distracted watching the squirrels and I had to run to make sure I wasn't late is all. Don't worry."
"Where's Grim? I don't know, probably off committing crimes against humanity...AGAIN."
"Uuuuugh, Crowley keeps bugging me about some stupid fight between a Pomefiore and Savannaclaw student. Why can't people at this school just learn to make up on their own?"
"Ramshackle dorm actually has some pretty neat history if you can find some of the old N.R.C. school books. Did you know that Ramshackle has never had a housewarden? Only ever Prefects."
"Man, if I have to hear Ace and Deuce bicker about something dumb one more time I think I might actually commit murder."
"Heh, Azuls flustered face is so funny. He's makes it so easy to want to bully him I almost can't stop myself."
"Leona I swear to fu- Oh! You're not Leona...don't worry about what I was just about to say, okay?"
*flops down face down on mattress*
Idk man my brain is tired and overworked. Also say happy birthday to me, it's my birthday I've been working hard.
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wiffhuff · 1 year
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My dude is as skinny as a cheese string
Anyways wow!!! 2 for 1 deal today!!! I felt like if I didn't post Doug and Lao relatively together, I'd get struck down by lightning or something ^^
I liked to think Lao has even longer hair than he does canonically cuz he has given up trying to deal with it. I stuck with giving him a sleek type hair cuz it's probably greasy eUGH. That's def why he tied it, cuz imagine being slapped with it lol
Do not ask what happened to his tie, he does not know as well and frankly does not care.
Had him wear his uniform shirt unbuttoned since he's a rebel and that's kinda the trope in anime. As well, he usually is wearing some random shirt and changes it every couple of days.
My fav part is def his non-uniform jacket he always wear. Unfortunate you cannot see the back design, but it does have a Pathfinder logo :)))) I added some elements of his canon fit to make it semi-inspired.
He got piercings!!! But only simple ones :> You can't even see his right ear so no one notices most of the time.
-Doug is one of two people who can convince him to go to school. The other is Lin, but Lao only sees her by chance. Students have seen Doug nagging Lao on his phone, or literally dragging him into class.
-He's all edgy not because wife and kid died (Chenshi would not even exist in this AU), but because he's a hormonal teen who feels like he knows everything. So an edgy idiot.
-Elma and Lao are not on good terms with one another. Elma feels upset with him all the time since she feels he can def excell (See little sketch of angry Elma up there for context). But Lao doesn't bother most of the time if as long as he passes his classes.
-Despite him not caring, I still feel like he gets somewhat good grades. He atleast gets enough good test marks to make Elma raise her eyebrows.
-Yuppers Charmaine exists, but she's in a different school (idk if it would be too tropey to have her school and the [Blade Academy/XCX school idk the name] to be rivals). People are kinda surprised that Lao fell for her since she seems aesthetically the opposite of him (Bubbly, charming, sweet). But I'd like to characterise her with a "You can't fool me" vibe to explain how she is able to wrangle Lao. She def does not put up with any bullshit, and Lao is kinda charmed by that.
-I'm still thinking what sport/physical activity he should do outside of school. It would be silly if he did Kyudo (Japanese archery) plus it would def be so cool to draw him with a bow!!! I know Kyudo clubs exist in some schools, but I imagine Lao didn't join since he likes doing it as his OWN activity.
-In that silly trio friend group I mentioned, Lao is the enabler of the stupid shenanigans the guys get into. Or more of the catalyst I'd think. Like he would go try to jump the school gate, Doug tries to stop him, Frye joins in, and somehow they all got stuck up on the roof of the school building
Translation notes:
Left: Lao secretly reading some stuff on his phone with the caption "Checking his phone in class" and Doug behind him saying "Psst. Dude do your test!". A pissed off Elma sketch with a convo going on: "Lao, did you do alright on the test?" then Lao says "Meh I missed a few marks so only a 98" and Elma said "Huh??" as she holds her test with a 96%. Lao listening to Lin talking about the things happening at her school. A nametag on a girl that says "Charmaine" with her saying "Oh hey Lao, you're hanging here again?" then Lao doesn't respond out of nervousness, which prompts her to say "You good?".
Right: SIde view of Lao that points out his "eternal eyebags". An inaccurate arrow shoing how long Lao's hair is with a caption saying "Hair is about to reach his butt". A showcase of "Lao's fit" consisting of: "Opened dress shirt", "Non-uniform shirt (Whatever he finds in his room", "Baggy pants", "Sneakers". Bottom picture depicts the backside of Lao's main jacket.
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the-writing-ninja · 2 years
KAI COMING OUT SCENE BECAUSE I SAID SO. (Ft. Kai and Nya sibling behavior tm)
I wanted to this to exist but it didn't so i'm making it exist~
(Also this is my first attempt at writing fanfics i'm sorry if it isn't that good)
[We're going back in time; just about after the first fight with the overlord. The green ninja and his allies have finally ushered in an era of peace.. although, there is someone who is not feeling quite as peaceful..]
[Kai and Nya are in Nya's bedroom. The Master of Fire is restlessly pacing back and forth while his sister watches, sitting on her bed.]
Nya: You know you don't have to right?
Kai: Well, yes, but,,
Nya: But what?
Kai: BUT I JUST, sigh, I just want them to know.
Nya: (annoyed) Then tell them Kai, they aren't going to magically find it out on their own you know.
Kai: Actually, Zane did!
Kai: Something, something, nindrioid; something, something he gave me a trans pride pin once :D
Kai: Yeah even I don't get it, but hey atleast I got a free pin outta it.
Nya: Then you only have Jay, Cole and Lloyd left to tell right?
Kai: You say it like it's an easy task.
Nya: Oh sorry, I thought the Master of Fire was braver than that.
Kai: I hate you.
Nya: I hate you too <3
Kai: *eyerolls*
*They both chuckle*
Nya: But anyway I remember you were able to tell me rather easily?
Kai: You're my sister Nya, and you were very young when I told you, I knew you wouldn't hate me for it.
Nya: I just told you I hate you.
Kai: *chuckles* Shut up sis you know what I mean.
Nya: *Giggles* Yeah.
Kai: *Sigh* UGH.
Kai: What if they hate me what they never play video games with me ever again what if i'm not one of the boys anymore what if-
Nya: Slow down Kai i'm sure that is not going to happen.
Nya: I said i'm sure that is not going to happen.
Kai: *falls down on the bed and sighs*
Nya: You know I am this close to picking you up and throwing you in your bedroom.
Kai: And no way you can pick me up that easy.
Nya: (annoyed) You want to see me try?
Kai: (confidently) Go ahead.
Nya: *Gets up and lifts Kai like it's no big deal*
Nya: You were saying?
Kai: Let's just go to my room, i'll rather come out than listen to you talk.
Nya: Do you want me to drop you?
Kai: I meant to say that I..... can listen to you speak all day sis I love you.
Nya: Better.
*Nya puts him down and they both walk to the ninjas' bedroom*
[Cole, Jay and Lloyd are all in the ninjas' bedroom. Cole is drawing while listening to some music, Jay is bothering Cole and Lloyd is reading starfarer on Kai's bed.]
Kai: Oh all of you are here??
Jay: Yeah Kai what happened?
Lloyd: Yeah did you need us for something? Should I call Zane aswell??
Kai: Nono don't bother Zane but um yeah I uhm.. I wanted to tell- you guys, some-thing.
Nya: *whispering so that only Kai can hear* You can dooo it.
Jay: And Cole take your headphones off!
Cole: *takes his headphones off* (very annoyed) what is it Jay?
Jay: Kai wants to tell us something.
Cole: Oh what's up dude?
Lloyd: Yeah tell us.
Jay: Yeah you're acting very weird man.
Nya: Will you guys let him speak?
Jay & Lloyd: Sorry!
Kai: As I was saying,, I uhh, i'm-
Kai: *sigh* I'm trans.
Cole: Cool dude!
Jay: Wait so you're a girl?
Kai: *laughs* No i'm ftm. Master of Fiyaah is a guy through and through.
Jay: Wow I would've never been able to tell.
Kai: hah yeah.
Lloyd: If you're comfortable saying, can I ask who all know?
Kai: *gesturing to Nya* She does, obviously. Then Master Wu, Zane just knew from the start aaand now you guys.
Lloyd: That's awesome!
Cole: So we don't have to treat you any different right man?
Kai: Yeah dude, the same ol' Kai. Just um, now y'all know i'm trans.
Jay: Neat!
Lloyd: Thankyou for trusting us with this.
Cole: Yeah bro awesome.
Kai: *tearing up but trying to hide it* Thanks guys. Love you all.
Lloyd: *jumps out of bed to give Kai a hug*
*Cole and Jay follow too*
Jay, Cole and Lloyd: We love you too.
Lloyd: Now come on let's have dinner, Zane must've made something delicious.
Cole: Let's hope it includes some cake!
[They all laugh and the other three quickly head for the kitchen (it's Zane's turn to cook afterall!). Kai and Nya stay behind for one last talk.]
Kai: Thanks sis. I actually feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Nya: You don't have to thank me, you did this yourself.
Kai: *hugs her* I love you so much.
Nya: Love you too. I'm proud of you big bro.
Cole: *yelling from the other side of the hallway* Are you two coming or not?!
Kai: Coming!!
Kai: (to Nya) Now let's go before there is no food left for us.
Nya: *chuckles* Yeah.
[They both leave aswell.]
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likesaly · 1 year
Source Mem Dump from IRL Misane 2
Ask and you shall receive!
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I had to babysit Merue and Nomare, Nanase wanted no part in babysitting Nomare because he's a little shit. He played with Merue alot!
Nomare got banned from the theme park and the elevator (my guy had to use the fire exit stairs since Teruhi didn't want to deal with constantly fixing the elavator:
Getting stuck in the elevator quotes - *after nomare jumped* "NOMARE,,," -Sataka "what did you do now??" -Me "i got banned from the theme park >:(" -Nomare "PFFFTT- L IMAGINE BEING TOO SHORT TO RIDE THE RIDES ANNDDD GET BANNED??" -Me "Be nice Misane,," -Ashley "No." -Me "How do you even get banned from a theme park?" -Namoto "im not gonna tellllllll" -Nomare "Okay guys- uh- we're gonna be stuck-" -Nanase "atleast ill have a news article to write about again- but what do we do??" -Arumu "spam call Teruhi." -Nomare "No." -Nanase "Spam call Teruhi!" "Good idea Misane-chan!" -Nanase "HEY-" -Nomare
Sataka bought an uno game at the theme park so Me, Arumu, Nanase and the file 02 cast gathered around in a circle in the garden and played uno - It turned into a screaming match needless to say:
*Sataka using hand sanitizer right after placing a card down bc he was first to go* "Didn't you literally buy the game??" -Arumu "That's not important Arumu! but are we not going to talk about on how Sataka just washed his mf gloves w hand sanitizer" -Nomare "Hey listen you never know!" -Sataka "I don't even want to think Abt what the hell you just did man, it scares me." -Me (I had gloves in source)
"I DONT HAVE A YELLOW OR A 5" -Ashley *Drawing cards* "I NOW HAVE 20 MORE CARDS AND STILL NOTHING TO PLACE WHAT IS THIS WHO SHUFFLED THIS-" -Ashley *Draws again* "Finally! wild card- colors now red" -Ashley "Reverse :3" -Me "MISANE-CHAN. 😭" -Ashley *drawing card" "NOT THIS AGAIN" -Ashley
"I'm sorry Nanase" -me placing down draw 4 card *Nanase placing draw 4 and we're playing stack* *Namato also placing a draw 4 card down* "I HATE ALL OF YOU." -Nomare
Nomare ended up w 50 cards at the end of that round /lh
"So sorry Nomare better luck next time" -Me "This is why I hate stack" -Nomare
"Im not even bothering counting how many cards ygs left me w" -Nomare "50." -Nanase "DAMN THAT WAS FAST. I can make use of this. Now help me with my math homework sir, what's 5 x 5" -Nomare "How are you ten and don't know your goddamn 5 times tables" -Nanase"
"Nanase everyone hates math name one person who likes math" -Me "Definitely not me" -Nanase "Exactly" -Me
"How do you manage to get 50 cards in uno I'm sure there's like one card you could've played??" -Shinobu (He wasnt playing with us so he just chimed in by this point) "YOU PLAY UNO WITH THESE MFS YOU GO TO STACK HELL" -Nomare pointing at me arumu, nanase and the BSS Trio *Everyone laughing*
I'm pretty sure everytime me Nanase, Arumu and the BSS Trio all came together and gathered around the garden we gave Shinobu a headache and to that I say it's 100 percent deserved; Nomare join in sometimes but nobody wanted to deal with him bc we were all annoyed w his shenanigans /lh
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streaminn · 1 year
I would have put -🐭anon but I heard my sisters coming down the stairs and paniced soooo...
have a great day I suppose I'm not really sure what to talk about since we've seemed to said most things but you tell me, what do we talk about at such a late hour? (for me atleast I'm in cali) it's great talking to you cara mia (lol) hope to talk again soon 😉
CARA MIA!? But not you panicking over family
This is why you sleep early mouse
But uhhh, idk? What do people usually talk about? Most of the time I just ask how people's day went then build off that, it's what I do with lost :)
Unless we are like really close then I can just text a buddy and go "hey get on call" just to stream me drawing
Quality time as a love language? Yes ma'am!
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