#But also he's so smug
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radiates-confusion · 5 months ago
Getting back into Voltron has been a *wild* time.
First of all, Voltron is a fascinating show, because you have a space empire, and super advanced technology, but also, for some reason, there's no issue with people from different worlds, who *shouldn't know each others languages*, talking to each other, and that's both fun and annoying to watch. Plus, you get really interesting relationship dynamics among the team, which can be super awesome to explore!
But then we get to the arrival of one smug bastard (Lotor) and now I'm painfully aware of how much that show influenced my life and mindset, because despite not having seen it for years, my first/current/main DnD character.... Its uncanny. They're not totally like him, but it's close enough.
And to top it all off, I'm finding out I do actually have a favourite ship, which is wild cause I spent most of my time in fanfiction space floating between ships as that made it easier to find really cool fics!
In conclusion, Voltron has no right to have influenced my life to the extent it has, but also I'm pretty happy being sucked back into it's sphere, I just need to sprinkle it into my Dash too
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mr-malumm · 5 months ago
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Cringetober day 16: something youve been bullied for 💥
Im a 2014 onceler fan, its officially been 10 years and im not over him 🥰
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rainbow-sunshine-unicorn · 6 months ago
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I genuinely can’t get over how proud Anthony is of himself, after kissing Kate, EACH AND EVERY TIME
They’ve been married for a while, gone on two separate honeymoons and spend all their time together and still this man puffs up like a balloon, literally swells up with pride and his face looks like his soul is internally doing some jazz hands, each time he kisses his wife
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panevanbuckley · 7 months ago
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not her only saying this to charles 💀
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robertphilip · 2 months ago
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Yeah, you wouldn't believe where I am right now.
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playingitup · 1 month ago
I recently read a fic that unlocked a previously undiscovered interest of mine, and i cant seem to find any other fics like it, so you guys get to watch me spiral (again)
This came from the Talia al-Ghul is Jason Todd's adopted mom pipeline, and the fic was a very short blurb where someone offered Jason the Joker's death as a courting gift, as according to the League of Assassin's tradition had to ask for Ra's blessing as the head of his family, and Damian tranqued Batman to let this happen, because 'this has nothing to do with you, Father, this is al-Ghul family business' and aaaaaa
Just, the League having its own culture, traditions.
I know its Ra's assassins club, but he is old as fuck. There have probably been families that are part of the League for generations. This amounts to not inly courting traditions, but customs, manners, holidays, all with a different twist that came with time in this isolated society, and i just want to see more fics that explore this.
Damian being cut out of his culture completely, no idea why no one responds the way he expects, not because of trauma and 'why is no one punishing or praising me', but genuine 'i told Drake i could demonstrate my skills with a blade for him, and why didnt he offer to show me how he fights with his staff??? He didnt even say he already knew how to use blades, is he implying that i am not sufficiently trained to be capable of teaching him? Does he think i am not worthy of being in this family, and thats why he refuses to train with me??'
(Meanwhile Tim firmly believes he just got threatened to be shish-kebabed by a 10 yo and is shook. Of course, Damian just wanted to spend quality time with his new family member the way he knows how to, but tim doesnt know that, and Damian doesn't know thats how tim understood it either)
And Jason being a part of the al-Ghul household, too, is very interesting. I love the concept of Talia sending him on his way to Gotham as Red Hood partialy to make the city safer for when Damian went over, Hood putting the fear of god into criminals so that the Demon Prince could walk through the city of his father with less fear and apprehension. Jason and Damian celebrating League holidays and traditions together (of course, jason only does it so the little guy can have this confor of home and family, he did promise T that he would take care of him, its not like he enjoys quality time with a family member he never tried to kill, or that he misses the conforts of the league and dinners with the al-Ghuls, of couse not).
Anyways, thank you for listening to my ted talk
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omegalawliet · 3 months ago
I always wonder if Near has ever given Mello his shit eating grins while growing up. Because from all the interactions we got to see of them, Near always seems very respectful and polite towards Mello, meanwhile he is just a menace to everyone else
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tiredalwayss · 2 years ago
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Lee Dong Sik and his perfectly successful attempts to flirt with get under Han Joo Won’s skin
+bonus Joo Won flirting back
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yayll · 5 months ago
omg PLSPLSPLS GIVE US GIRLDAD!DAZAI!!! Im literally so obsessed w ur work and luv luv luv reading it <3
just wanna say thank u so much anon for sending in the CUTEST request ever i have never thought abt it this way and when i finally did it was over for me. it wrote itself. THANK U FOR LIKING MY WORK THATS SO SWEET AHHH :') i keep getting ill so srry it's a lil late but i am so thankful for you trusting me w ur concept. mwahhhh.
~ a little something about girldad!Dazai simply trying his best, and loving it ~
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Dazai never thought the day would come when his life finally felt complete. First, you happened to him and that was something he couldn't even fathom in a million lifetimes. It wasn't meant for him, and letting love into his heart felt like going against the nature of things. He struggled with it for a long time, pushing you away and making sure you realized this wasn't something worth pursuing... but you never relented, and he stopped fighting the longing for something more. You made him feel it was okay to want, to yearn, to need. And so came along every single repressed desire he had ever had. The love between you bloomed, and he thought this was the height of it all; The bandages he wore over his body were no longer grim reminders of his lack of humanity and the masks he wore on the daily. Those frayed wraps of fabric were symbols of love returning, of patience, of a lived in soul, and he no longer had to maintain them alone. He had you.
And then one day, he suddenly had a little girl in his life.
Another life to nurture and to start anew with, and his fear was that he yet again could not redeem himself from his past, but he was determined for her, for you and for himself to not let that be the case. When you gave him the most precious thing he didn't think he ever wanted nor could ever have, that was the day he vowed to be the epitome of a true figure worth looking up to. Osamu Dazai, the family man! Dad of the year!
... Except today, when he woke up late to take the apple of his eye to preschool. You were out of town, and though you eventually claimed to have faith in his solo parenting skills, it was a complete leap of faith. He comforted you for hours, how hard could it be? He can be both parents at once! How cruel of you to even doubt him. He remembers the look on your face when he slammed the door on you while holding your precious angel in his arms, both of them giggling while they waved you off as if they rehearsed it.
Aaaand now he realized why you were so worried. He looks at the time and he springs out of bed, running off to her bedroom. She even sleeps like a little lamb, he thinks to himself. He rushes at her side and softly turns her over.
"Little love, wake uuupppp..."
She pouts, shaking her head as she shifts in her sleep. He sighs and tries again a little more desperately.
"If you wake up, that will be really good for daddy, otherwise mommy will kill me! Up we go!"
He picks her up, and she rubs her eyes as Dazai does the most rushed morning routine ever.
He gets her dressed, though the socks don't match, and when he does her pigtails, they're lopsided. How do you do it?! And now he has to FEED her?! He stuffs a few handfuls of cereal into his mouth while giving her a proper bowl, but they're so late he thinks they should just start walking now.
"Take the bowl with you, we can do this thing called eat and walk! Yes?"
"'Kay, daddy!"
She simply giggles, not understanding how dire it is for her to make it today. She holds onto her cereal bowl as he grabs her backpack, both of them walking out into the street. Dazai's fast walking and her bowl sloshes a bit as she tries to match his pace and eat at the same time.
She's waddling adorably, and he gets lost in watching her carefully while also literally getting lost finding the school. He stops at the crosswalk, and thinks to himself. She looks up at him with a milk mustache, and her soft melodic voice rings once more like a voice of reason. She points to the right.
"That way! hehe."
Dazai has no time to fact check this, and at this point she's parenting him. You'd pass out of laughter if you could see him right now. They rush towards the school, and when he drops her off at the gate, he gives her a big kiss on her forehead.
"I love you, okay? Now give daddy the cereal bowl. How yum was that?"
She cheers, smiling wide.
He smirks, and takes the bowl. At least he got that right, that smile alone is worth every late start to his mornings. He waves at her as she enters the school, and forgets he's holding the bowl still, her teacher looking at him like he's deranged. You were so proud to hear that his first time parenting alone went so smooth! What you didn't know was that your little girl did most of the work keeping him on track. Still counts, right?
Another time he was exemplary was when he had just given her a bath and you were supervising to make sure he got her routine down.
"Osamu, that's the conditioner. The shampoo is over there."
You laugh while pointing at the clearly marked bottle. He rolls his eyes, smirking as he continues to rub it in her little swirl of dark hair.
"Oh please, I knew that. This makes it soft! And all detangled... It's a better routine, trust me. This is so much better."
He was totally bullshitting, he had no idea there was more than one hair product ever. This is the same man who used to find showers foreign and eat canned crab for every meal. You simply nodded, seeing right through his facade. But it was all so endearing watching your daughter splash the water on his face and play with rubber duckies, it was a dream come true. It was a dream you knew was more precious to him than anything, so you let him have his fun.
Once bath time is over, he places her on the bed in her diaper and walks out to grab her a change of clothes. Uh oh, he forgot today was laundry day! He walks back into the room a few moments later, thinking of how to pivot without having to bother you when he sees his little angel wrapped head to toe in a full roll of his bandages. His eyes go wide at the sight of the wrapped up toddler, and he laughs nervously as he rushes over while she has the time of her life squealing and rolling around the bed. He pretends to be mad.
"Little love! That's not clothes, silly! That's for daddy only, you have your own."
She simply disregards this, her mind focusing on how hilarious it would be if she just started making bubbles with her saliva instead. Dazai chuckles again, and puts his hands on his hips.
"Oh, such attitude! You know, l'm gonna have to do it... Remember when I told you about daddy's old job? I'm gonna have to get mean againnn..~"
He immediately launches himself onto the bed, tickling her through the thick fabric, and when you rush over you find them both just collapsed on the bed, Dazai counting her fingers and toes in order to distract her enough to unwrap her. Luckily, you had a spare onesie for her to save the day... even if it took the both of you to get her out of her improvised outfit. What a strong willed little one! You hoped this wasn't a special abillity developing...
It's no surprise she's a daddy's girl either, a mini Dazai at her core with your balancing characteristics on the surface. She was a little menace, sticking her tongue out at dogs every time she saw them because Dazai would do the same. He would even go as far as to help her dress like her hero! Of course you both had a stroke when you saw how tightly she wore that bolo tie, but the laugh after was worth the worry... After you scolded both of them... but it proved useless against two of the most experienced charmers you've ever met. You just couldn't win.
You especially could never get used to the sight after a long day of existing in the real world, simply watching her climb up to the couch and playing with Dazai's hair as she nuzzles herself into his shoulder, right in the crook of his neck. It was just as intense for his poor little heart as well. The way she'd yank on a strand while he pretended to be asleep was priceless, or when she'd stick her finger in his nose, causing him to have a sneezing fit soon after. It was almost karmic the way she both adored him and put him in his place, just like you.
"Daddy has brown hair because he drinks chocolate milk."
"Daddy stinks today. Throw him away!"
"Daddy looks like a mummy. Do you like mummies?"
"Who's Kunikida? He yelled at daddy today, it was funny!"
She'd babble on about all kinds of curious nonsense. You'd simply nod and agree. She was never wrong!
But what really got to you was watching her pass out on his head after hours of playtime, and the way Dazai would finally open his eyes with that smug smile of his, scooping her up and carefully taking her to bed. He tucks her in, whispering about all the adventures they'll have tomorrow and the days after. About all the rules they'll break together, and mysteries they'll solve when he takes her to work with him. He doesn't tell bedtime stories per se, but he spends all his time having actual conversations with her until she dozes off because he cannot believe this is a little extension of him and he's just as fascinated with knowing her the way she is with him. With life.
She's full of it, something he wasn't for a long time, and it brings him to tears when he sometimes thinks about it too long in private.
You're both his life and he didn't realize he could still feel regret like he does when he thinks of all the times he spent trying to end his own existence. It's a whole different world, and sure, he also loves to use her as an excuse to continue to slack off at work, and maaaybe he likes to sometimes force Atsushi to turn so she can pet him like the giant cat he is out of both their own entertainment, but dying is no longer the priority. It hasn't been for a long time, and he thinks he's doing an okay job... At being a dad, at being a human, at belonging in this world.
When he finally gets in bed with you, he feels whole. He also feels impish when he turns over and whispers.
"Maybe it's time for another, hm?~"
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kangals · 5 days ago
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one freshly groomed (and very sleepy) boy 👍
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ryssbelle · 1 year ago
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POV you said something stupid and he can’t refute it.
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anonomi · 8 months ago
Everytime I see sniperspy, it's usually opposite teams, which is lovely but I also believe in same team sniperspy, because of this match I had while playing Sniper on Thunder Mountain. I was using the bullshit countries away sightline by the BLU spawn on the first stage, the one on the rocks. I can't see shit but I feel like every sniper needs to use a bullshit spot at least once in their life so I'm sticking to it. Though I can't hit shit. Anyway I hear a spy decloak behind me and I turn, ready to throw hands.
But the only spy there is my team's, and he's busy running to the fight. I feel like he glances at me a bit, but he's gone before I can think about it.
I feel silly but I figure he's just testing his cloak, because I don't hallucinate decloaks, not yet anyway. A few minutes later, and there it is again. Someone decloaks behind me. This time I turn and there is my spy, but he's acting very suspicious. Has a mask on and everything. I run over to rip him up, and he starts dancing around, dodging me and feinting. We're jumping around for at least a minute before I run right into and through him.
It's my fucking spy. I've been juggling around for the past minute with my own spy.
He realizes the jig is up and he looks at me for a long moment, probably laughing at me behind his impassive face, before he's running off to fight again.
I go back to sniping, feeling horribly embarrassed. I move around and eventually get caught by a scout. After coming out of spawn, I go to stand on the rocks again to check things out. Can you guess what happens next?
I hear a decloak behind me and I'm sure this time this is the enemy spy. It has to be. No way my spy would still be screwing with me this deep into the match. I turn, and yep, there's a spy, wearing a mask and everything. Knife at the ready, I take a few steps forward.. before I just stop.
I stare at this spy. He stares at me. I look at him for a looong moment before I grab my rifle back and turn around. He comes up to my side and I tense, because shit maybe it is actually the enemy spy, but the stab he hits to my side bounces right off.
My team's spy looks at me, opens up VC and chuckles, before telling me in this smooth, soft little voice, "Sniper you should move up. You're not gonna hit anybody from here."
And he runs off again. Bastard.
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fyoht · 2 years ago
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oh my god. look at him. what a little bitch.
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undeaddrabble · 1 year ago
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A friend requested I draw them in cat maid outfits so I delivered
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baalzebufo · 7 months ago
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oh yeah... redrew my older pines designs + also gideon is here because I like him and will inflict him on everyone. probably in their early 20s here, I didnt think too hard about the specifics. also some headcanons
dipper started testosterone finally so he's got the classic 'shitty little puberty stache' and also hes breaking out w acne bit. wears a lot of denim on denim. him and wendy swap hats every summer its their tradition. he has a bomber jacket with lots of alien and cryptid patches. sometimes he has kind of a mullet going on
mabel regularly chops all her hair off in the mirror with some scissors whenever the impulse hits so at any given point of her life it can be either waist-length or a buzzcut. she got into making kandi and has a bunch of themed cuffs. rhinestones. sparkles. thats a tamagotchi necklace
gideon has embraced his inner cowboy and got some riding chaps ostensibly because he has a motorcycle now but also because he thinks he looks cool. his bolo tie is a replica of his old cursed variant because fiddling with it is a comfort to him. hes got a custom leather jacket with his star embroidered on the back
hes also so tall because. well honestly my headcanon is he has an insane growth spurt in his teens. have you SEEN bud gleeful? he's huge. hes got Big Dude Genes. also honestly i just think its funny if he goes from being knee-high to 6 feet tall in the space of like, 6 months.
(i was gonna add other characters to this but i got distracted so thats for another time)
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backpackingspace · 8 months ago
Consider young odysseus and Penelope courting by going on adventures together (committing crimes)
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