#But Vong
syn0vial · 24 days
i appreciate that in the boba fett expanded universe canon, we have multiple moments from multiple authors that boil down to "despite his reputation/appearance, boba fett is not fearless, and is in fact doing his level best right now to walk calmly away from this objectively terrifying situation rather than breaking into a fucking sprint in the opposite direction"
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Star Wars Legends + text posts
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jadecrusades · 9 months
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Cover art by Tsuyoshi Nagano. “Star Wars: The New Essential Chronology,” Japanese edition. February, 2006.
The Japanese edition of “Star Wars: The New Essential Chronology” depicted a saga-spanning collection by artist Tsuyoshi Nagano. In the Christmas 2015 issue of ImagineFX magazine, Nagano had these memories, “I like Mara Jade a lot, so my drawings of her tend to be full body. Her costume was created using the comics as a reference. Grand Admiral Thrawn’s skin and Mara Jade’s lightsaber match, while Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda’s lightsabers are the same green, to keep the painting engaging.”
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lavender-jedi · 10 months
Ok I love joking about thrawn being forced to put up with ezra and being deeply annoyed by the bad guys in ahsoka trying to pull him back into the conflict but in all seriousness I REALLY hope this series doesn't go in one of two ways-
Bad option 1- Thrawn's been holding Ezra hostage the whole time and is super psyched to get back to the Empire (bc he canonically does not give a fuck about the Imps past their ability to help protect the Ascendancy from the Vong)
Bad option 2- Thrawn's actually besties with Ezra and is down to help the New Republic (same reason as above, the New Republic is way too new and splintered to help the Ascendancy; also Ezra would never let a relationship with Thrawn get past "extremely reluctant ally out of necessity" at BEST)
In my not so humble opinion, the answer to what Thrawn's been up to that actually fits with his canon character/motivation should hit most of the following points
Immediately into his exile he knows that even if he gets back to the Empire and NOT get immediately killed for his failure, Project Stardust is still going to fuck them over because it's a fucking stupid idea, so the Empire is a lost cause for his purposes
Thrawn's resourcefulness will have him then take whatever of his fleet plus the Jedi he now has in tow and hike back to the Ascendancy to make do with that
He should also have to work VERY hard to convince Ezra that he can hate Thrawn all he wants but the Vong are SO much fucking worse and that the Ascendancy needs his help (knowing Ezra, the "people need your help" card should do the trick in getting him to play ball)
I think the above reason plus physically not being able to find a way back is sufficient enough reason for why Ezra stayed in Deep Space
I'm honestly not sure how Thrawn will react to the Imperials rolling up to wherever he his, but I will be massively disappointed if he was in fact "calling" them for any reason other than "I have this imperial shaped hole in my current play against the Vong that I'm going to fill with these shmucks", and even then the writing will have to do a LOT to convince me how that makes sense
Honestly what would make the most sense to me is if he knows that luring Dark Jedi to his location will also lure Ahsoka to follow them bc the New Republic might not be very useful but his old allies's incredibly powerful apprentice sure would be
Bonus points for him reuniting with Eli and shacking up with him, and having Ezra as a very grumpy reluctant neighbor (who refuses to let on that he actually kind of likes Eli because it's literally impossible to not love that sweet bean)
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thisiseditsandstuff · 2 years
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JACEN & JAINA SOLO — Yuuzhan Vong War
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425599167 · 1 year
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Bonus TCW concept art:
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magnetarbeam · 8 months
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Enemy Lines II bits that made me laugh.
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mandalorianhistorian · 9 months
I know that Mandalorians and Jedi don't exactly get along, but are there any EU Mandos that were sympathetic to the Jedi Order, or at least potentially saw them as allies rather than enemies?
We have a few examples from kotor all the way up to legacy of the force
( a lot of the Jedi they do befriend don’t really follow the code fully so it makes sense they do get along)
Wellll the first most obvious one is revan of course ( I still think revan is Mando but that’s a whole other can of worms) revan and canderous working together from the beginning of kotor and the mentions of it in kotor 2 is brilliant ( I will not mention the dam novel it’s insulting to the game) (kotor 1+2)
In the mandalorian wars we also have zayne carrick he got taken into the mandalorian ranks which wasn’t the best situation but he did befriend a mandalorian family (mandalorian wars comic series)
In swtor we have shae vizla and torian if you play republic side (being a Mando though is the best in swtor)
Well obviously we can count etain and bardan aswell and all the surviving Jedi that joined clan skirata (republic commando)
You can also count fenn shysa with leia Han and Luke and the rebel alliance
And durning the vong war boba and his mandalorians fought beside a Jedi in secret
Well obviously Jaina solo with boba fett mirta gev and bevin and Medrit and their daughter and her children so Jaina kinda wins lol she got a whole load of mandos she worked and talked with lol (sintas kinda counts) (legacy of the force)
I may have missed a few pls correct me if I have
(Sorry this took a while was trying to remember who worked with the mandos)
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yonemurishiroku · 4 months
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The Chinese artists are insane i've been looking at this pic for like 30 days
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nists · 8 months
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a kiss?
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syn0vial · 1 month
observation on beviin's nicknames/titles for boba based on how he's feeling about him at that particular moment
cheerful/fond/playful: bob'ika 😊😊😊😃😃😍😍😍😍
neutral/serious: mand'alor
annoyed: alor 😒😒😒
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Grand Admiral Thrawn: The Yuuzhan Vong are like real, legit bad guys.
Captain Pellaeon: Dude, we're all bad guys.
Grand Admiral Thrawn: Uh, first of all, I care about galactic security, okay? I don't know what about that makes me a bad guy.
Captain Pellaeon: Yeah. Says the guy who dissolved the entire Noghri planet in a bath of toxic waste.
Grand Admiral Thrawn: Best Empire Day ever.
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thefaeriefeatherdark · 9 months
I desperately need the Thrawn stans (specifically novel Thrawn Stans) to remember that Thrawns whole deal is rebuilding the Empire and fighting the New Republic.
#I see so many people saying Thrawn wouldn't attack the New Republic when that's literally his whole deal.#He's the guy who rebuilds the Empire and attacks the Republic.#The famous story he's in that influenced the rest of Star Wars is about him trying to rebuild the Empire and destroy the Republic.#Also Thrawns evil.#I need you to remember that Thrawns an evil imperialist. His justifications for the Empire are the same as the British Empire used in Afric#Also Thrawns a crap choice to protect the Galaxy from a larger threat.#In Legends he would've lost brutally to the Yuuzhan Vong who were defeated by the Jedi and only ever could've been defeated by the Jedi.#Thrawn is playing military sci-fi in a Faerie Tale world and keeps making the shocked Pikachu expression when the Faerie Tale stuff shows u#The only difference between Thrawns Empire and the Emperors is that Thrawn would build fleets instead of Planet Killers.#In new Canon I think the Jedi would grind the Grysk into the ground before they even captured 3 worlds outside the Unknown Regions.#star wars ahsoka#star wars#grand admiral thrawn#thrawn#ahsoka tano#star wars thrawn#Ahsoka series#The Yuuzhan Vong lost because of a mix of internal revolution and being spread thin militarily#Thrawn would have successfully contained the Yuuzhan Vong invasion for a while but ultimately his forces would've become distracted.#Also the YV would've allied with Rebel Cells providing them their technology and weapons.#Thrawns control of the Empire would further collapse because of all the corrupt officials who would be embezzling funds or resources.#Thrawns fleets would fall into disarray and he'd be assassinated by a YV pretending to be a low ranking Stormtrooper or a slave or somethin#The YV wars were won because the Jedi inspired a religious reformation.#YV versus the Imperials would've led to YV victory.
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mukuuji · 1 day
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Alex Vong
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infinitepunches · 9 months
so is it the yuuzhan vong galaxy you think??
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Who wiped out the Witch Kingdom of the Dathomiri? It's not easy to take on an army of Force users.
Why is Thrawn so anxious to "escape this galaxy"? Thrawn doesn't scare easy.
It's either the Vong or the Grysk.
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