#But I am just glad I don't have to buy a coat or shirts or jumpers because I can just wear the ones my kid self bought
featheredadora · 1 year
Since I'm able to leave the house now, I find myself having to wear more than just 'identical baggy white shirt' every day (I am grateful for 16-year-old me who bought a variety of clothes, and 21-year-old me who didn't get rid of them when I started wearing just white!)
But the birds are Not Happy about this! Every morning they are very displeased for like 15 minutes until they realise that I am in fact the same guy, even if I'm wearing a purple shirt. But I guess if I'd known someone for years who only ever wore white, and then they started wearing other stuff, I'd be a bit surprised too!
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bengiyo · 2 years
GAP the Series Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week Mon was accepted into the confidences of Sam's friends, and was given guidance on how to read Sam's moods and responses. We learned that Sam's public persona is artificial and managed by the friends, and we also confirmed that Sam very much likes Mon. Bestie and I gushed over how good everyone looked all episode, and really liked the long pink coat Mon wore.
I still can't believe Tee didn't hit on Mon's friend, Yuki.
I get Sam reflexively choosing to cut off Mon. Her friends may want to tease her, but she already lost both of her sisters because of her grandmother's homophobia and is definitely going to be reactive about losing control of a situation.
I love how we can tell how Mon feels by the intensity and detail of the pinks she's wearing.
Sam may be pissed, but she still came to slay.
I agree, Chin's shirt is too much.
Gosh, Sam is so pathetic. I love her so much. She's so scared of how much she likes Mon, and is so bad at expressing it.
It's kind of interesting how Becky speaks English words with a Thai accent when she's speaking Thai.
Poor Sam. First she's jealous of the food, and now she's jealous of Chin.
Baby is a Messy Eater: GL Edition
I am fighting for my life. The "can we trade and I bite your lips" exchange was so charged. I am fanning myself.
The tension is palpable. So proud of Sam for making her desire clear.
Nop has to go. He ruined a potential first kiss.
Freen is so good at this. She played Sam's frustration and irritation perfectly.
Oh my goodness this confrontation took a deeply uncomfortable turn when Sam asserted her class position. Like, I don't like Nop either, but GODDAMN.
Whoever is in charge of lighting on this show is almost as good as the folks who light Hallmark films.
Oh, the Dutch angles are finally relevant.
The DP was very clever to use the bench and the columns as lines. Also whoever chose to use the sprinkler system like this needs a bonus.
Mon is almost wearing purple today; she must be feeling especially down.
Oh no, now Sam feels she must punish Chin for potentially flirting with Mon.
Sam's Facebook name is "I AM YOUR BOSS." She is too much. I love her.
Okay, something very LGBT happened to Mon when Sam grabbed her chin.
Okay, but Mon also licked Sam's nose a bit there.
I really admire Mon. As much as she adores Sam, she still chided her for being cruel to Chin.
Alright, the lip bite that just wasn't a kiss just sent me out of the park.
That's two days in a row we're getting heartbeat stuff.
I know this is sexy, but I am so scared that Becky is going to fall off those stairs.
Freen is really so funny in this role. I really wasn't sure at first, but I am having a lot of fun.
This is a truly fantastic first kiss. It's so much what Sam has desperately hoped for, but she has to disguise it in a "game" and she has to minimize the impact by calling it normal behavior between gals. She even sidesteps clarifying their relationship. It's tough for Mon, too. She also really wants this, but understands the social politics at stake and doesn't push for more. I'm losing it.
BL has rarely engaged eye-fucking, and Becky and Freen are putting on a clinic.
So glad Mon's coworkers care Bout the health of her lips. They should carry this energy over to GMMTV sets.
Desire is just so attractive on Freen, holy SHIT.
If Sam only has one friend on Facebook, why does this post have six reactions? Also, I love the energy of posting WANT KISS NOW on Facebook because your crush is ignoring your eye-fucking.
Thankfully Jim interrupted with a text, because Sam was not going to stop at a kiss.
Oh no. I can see the camera person in Jim's glasses.
"With that low salary, what are you going to buy?" MA'AM, YOU ARE THE ONE PAYING HER!!!!!
I don't care about anyone else. I liked the cash-cheer joke.
I like Becky's singing voice.
Ah, Mon was feeling poor and inadequate compared to Sam's friends.
New GL Trope Unlocked: Let Me Put This Lip Balm on You.
Becky really delivers on the lovestruck stun effect every time.
There's so much to look forward to in that teaser! We are eating good next weekend!
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pbandjesse · 10 months
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We saw a house tonight. I am trying to be normal about it. Can't be to excited. Because it was shown at least 3 times today. But I love this one. I could see us being really happy there.
Today was mostly just waiting for that though. I had a nice day but it was not very busy. It was a nice day, until it started raining and my allergies went crazy. Then I felt very bad. I am still not feeling great, but at least I'm not sneezing as much.
I woke up this morning and my throat hurt from being to dry. I made the bed and went to take a shower.
I washed my hair and it made me feel a lot better. I put in cozy clothes. I would end up layering a long sleeve shirt under my Tshirt and when I went out later I put on my wool coat. Just to feel very cozy. It was pretty cozy in our apartment though. James said it was very frigid out and let me know it was going to rain later. So I told them I would come pick them up and we could drive right to the house we were seeing from there. Perfect timing, it all works out.
I did some picking up around the apartment. And worked on a few small projects. And finally sat down to sew.
I sewed all the horse ears. And three bodies. But I was just not feeling doing much more, that took me a while. And I would finish a little after noon.
I had a bowl of cereal but we don't have cereal I like to much. Honey nut Cheerios are not my favorite flavor. But it was fine. I would chill on the couch with sweetp while I continued to watch the video I had started while I was sewing. And would eventually lay down with him to watch TikToks. Which was when I noticed how sharp his nails were.
So I asked him to come with me to cut them and he is such a good boy he came with me. Cried the whole time but let me do it. But this is when my allergies started going off.
I took meds but it didn't seem to help. I felt very very bad.
I was itchy and sneezy and was just having a very bad time. I thought I should get out of the house. I was going to go get James anyway. So I would just leave a bit early. James asked me to bring their bike tools, so after I got cozy and ready I went to find those and headed out into the rain.
It was very cold and I thought it would help me not feel so horrible but I was having a very bad time. When. I got to the car I started it and just put my head on the steering wheel for a minute. Driving was kind of terrible. I was just so uncomfortable. I tried opening the windows for more air but it just wasn't helping. I was very glad when I got to the parking lot of the shopping center.
I decided to go to five below and the dollar store. But some snacks. Get a little surprise box. I was not feeling good but I still enjoyed walking around the store. It was surprisingly dark outside for 3pm. And there weren't many cars in the lot. I was enjoying looking at the weird stuff the store carried but I kept saying. I am not having fun. I did not feel good and was just really struggling. Like if I breathed to deeply I would feel woozy. I didn't understand why the medicine didn't work in the way it normally does. Was not fun at all.
I walked to the dollar store next. Looked at everything. Bought some batteries. But I didn't want to be out anymore. I wanted to go be with James.
I drove down the street to the museum. And went inside and was very surprised how busy it was! I sat behind the desk with James just being a sad sniffly baby. It was nice seeing Phil. And seeing James do their job. Someone came in to get a lost phone. Lots of people buying soaps and gifts. Getting memberships. It was nice to see James just excelling at their job.
After then the musuem was closed. Phil turned off the lights while James finished up. He left a bit before us. James counted out their drawer. And took the wheels off their bike. I would stand by the front door to feel the cold air to try to feel better. I needed to keep it together. We had a house to go see.
Soon though we were getting out of there. I went to wait in the car while James alarmed the building. And then James drove us to Waverly.
I told James about the snacks I got. We shared some in the car. And then we were there. A little early.
I liked the neighborhood a lot. I was surprised! It was much more suburban then I expected for the area. It's near James's parents but not to close. And the house itself was so cute. It looks great from outside.
When Harold our realtor got there he let us know that it needed work. He had seen it earlier today with some other people. And I am prepared for a fixer upper. I won't get into something I don't think I can handle.
And I can handle this one. And it isn't without issues. It has a spot in the kitchen ceiling where there was probably a leak. And the kitchen itself is out of date and kind of ugly. There are three bathrooms technically. One in the scary spooky basement (where I also found a secret door where I found broken old pottery and books???), this one is basically not useable and is way to spooky. Spooky toilet.
The first floor bathroom is ugly. And it seems like the bathtub backed up recently and flooded that room and some of the space outside of the door. That is my biggest concern. I would want to rip that whole room out. It seems like it was added and not done well.
But if we move on from those issues, the rest of the house is a dream. The first floor has a first room that was a bedroom before but I would use as a studio. Then a living room, a dining room, then the kitchen. It has a wrap around porch in the front, and a small deck outback, with a little backyard and a 2 car garage! The upstairs is great and my favorite part. The rooms are good sizes. Two large and one small. The upstairs bathroom is good, a little larger then our current bathroom. And best of all it has a laundry room upstairs! Brand new! The whole upstairs is so good.
It has a pull down attic. I was brave and went up there. I found a mirror and some pieces of wood. It has a floor but it isn't finished completely. It did have a closet with a dresser in it though! Very neat. I also went around and looked at the roof and didn't see any damage or pieces where water could have come in. It seemed good to me but obviously we would get an inspection. But I had good vibes.
Something I particularly like about this place is that it has room from growth. We could live in it while we fixed the one bathroom, because it has another. We could create another whole space in the attic if we wanted to someday. It is a project house but not outrageously so. It is beautiful and has good vibes in a great place in a good school zone near parks and family. I am trying very hard to not get my hopes up but we sent Harold an email that we want to make an offer.
We were there for a half hour. Going through the rooms multiple times. I loved the weird stuff. The old details. The original hardware in the doors that were painted over but could be cleaned up and made beautiful again. Harold shared his concerns but also didn't feel like it was outrageous for us. He said there is a place for everyone. He told us about the house across the street that was the last one sold on the block that went through renovations for a few years but it super nice now. We waved at the woman who lives there. We told him we would think it over and send him an email.
But I was pretty set on this one. We talked the whole ride home. James tried to bring up any negatives. So we could talk through them. And at the end of it we feel like this is the right choice. If we don't succeed it won't be the end of the world, we won't fall apart. But I could really see us being really happy there, growing there, making it our space in a real way.
But I also have to just hold it together because it has only been on the market a few days and it's been seen a few times. Someone else might get it. And if we don't that just means it wasn't right for us. And after talking to my parents yesterday we might still be able to be in that neighborhood. I believe it will work out how it's supposed to.
When we got home I felt bad again. I think I held it together for seeing the house but I was not feeling great. James went to do our laundry (that I had sorted this morning to be helpful), and then made some pasta for us. Which helped me not feel so bad. But I was still pretty uncomfortable.
I had some mail to open. The new earrings I ordered came and I feel much more comfortable. I put that stuff all away and played with sweetp for a little.
I took a hot bath. Which helped more. I was in the bath for a long time. It helped my itchy feelings. I put that vitamin e oil on and it helped too. And now me and James are in bed watching videos. I am still not feeling amazing but that is okay. Sleep will help.
Tomorrow me and James are going to go buy each other Christmas ornaments. I hope it is just an easy and chill day where we both feel good and are bit overly tired.
Sleep well everyone. Be safe and be careful!!
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (694): Fri 9th Feb 2024
Tuned into tonight's Hollyoaks which featured Ethan trying to hide Dilly from the police so she wouldn't be arrested for Rafe's murder. I'm just gonna say it: I would help Dilly escape if she showed up at my house and said she'd killed someone. She's THAT fucking fit. There are some women I wouldn't let borrow my phone to call the police if they said a man with a chainsaw was pursuing them but Dilly is a special kind of fit which means I would do ANYTHING for her. Elsewhere on the show Carter gave Lucas an earful for pushing him over after he heard his conversation with Dillon yesterday. Oh God Carter is going to try and work his "pray the gay away" bollocks on Lucas isn't he? To be honest I'm glad that the show is taking the storyline in this direction because at first I was worried that this Lucas / Dillon story was just going to be a rehash of the Craig / John Paul story from fifteen years ago but now they've taken it in a different direction. Speaking of Dillon he was wearing a long sleeved black coat today that looked even better than the brown one he was wearing yesterday. I am not an actor and have no desire to be one but I would join this show just to befriend the costume department and ask where they buy clothes for this character. Dillon's family don't half shower him with awesome clothes. I'm from the North East so the most my Mam ever gave me was a long sleeve t-shirt for when I wanted to go outside in the winter. The main highlight of the episode was Leah in a therapy session where she poured her heart out talking about her grief over Ella's death and how she blames herself for it. The actress who plays Leah really gave it her all and was very moving throughout, I even started to well up a bit towards the end. They should have made this Leah therapy session an entire episode (like the Dot Cotton EastEnders talking to a Dictaphone episode). That was an incredible performance and this show should treasure this actress as she has quite the gift.
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birdlungg · 2 years
hi could you do a romance with carmine falcone (with a much younger girl like 18) she will be new to the club and is kinda innocent
no one did romance with him I would love to read some and I saw that you were taking story orders and I read what you wrote you do it really well
I'm glad other love him too he's hot and sugar daddy material
When I think innocent I don't think "blushing virgin" cause I hate that trope, so I'm just going with big sweetheart who tries to see the good in everyone
No smut just fluff
it got a bit away from me lol.
Also the reader is 20, hope that's ok, 18 made me squiggly
You're out celebrating a friends birthday the night you meet him. You're decked out to the nines but have no intention of dancing, as you're mostly there to people watch and keep on eye on your girls. You're the last of your circle to turn 21 and while they have enjoyed drinking, you yourself have not really found the tastebuds for alcohol.
Your friend managed to get into the secret clun beneath the Iceberg, which while still seedy, was somewhat nicer. You're sitting in a booth watching your friends dance and mingle while sipping on a Shirley Temple when a waiter stop sin front of you with a drink.
"Compliments of the gentleman at the bar. He wanted me to assure you that it is alcohol free, as all your drinks have been." The waiter dips his head to you and walks back into the crowd. You're shocked and turn to glance at the bar, making eye contact with a lean, welld ressed man leaning against the bar.
He's dressed in a gorgeous charcoal suit with a slate grey shirt underneath, and has beautiful silver hair and a well groomed mustache. He's also wearing sunglasses indoors which while you would normally find trashy, you admit they look good on him.
He grins at you and raises his glass, and you smile back and raise yours. He starts toward you then, skillfully dodging dancers and wait staff until he's standing before you.
"Do you mind if I sit?" He shouts a bit so you can hear him, and motions to the opposite side of the booth with his free hand. You smile at him and shake your head. "Not at all!"
He sits down, setting his drink down and undoing his suit coat. Then he leans over the table and offers you a hand. "I'm Carmine."
The name sounds familiar, but you're not sure why. You introduce youself and grab his hand in yours, and he raise it to lips lips and kisses the back of it with a wink. You smile at him as you take your hand back, playing with your glass a bit nervously.
"So, what brings you to this fine establishment tonight?" He asks you and raises an eyebrow.
"It's my friends birthday, I came out to celebrate with her and some others and decided to observe while they have fun." You tell him. "What about you?"
He watches you for half a second before admitting, "Well, I'm technically a co-owner."
Ah, that's why the name sounded familiar. You nod and smile at him.
"That must be fun! I would love to own a club someday. If only so other people can enjoy it." He looks at you curiously for a moment.
"You're not even a little freaked out by who I am?" He asks. You shake your head and smile at him, reaching over to grab his hand. He accepts, caressing the back of yours with his thumb for a moment.
"Well, you did buy me a drink." You wink at him.
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swordofpevensie · 4 years
Anything I Do, I Know You’re Gonna Watch 
[Chapter • I]
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warnings: academic rivals to lovers, set in 1946, peter x you, strict family, mentions of nervousness, stress, war, uni students (equal of stress actually), both peter and you study medicine because i love the idea of peter being a doctor, i emphasize peter was a king a lot (because like,, why not?).
a/n: i strongly needed an academic rivals to lovers fic with peter, so i wrote it myself eheh. i don't know how long it will be or how frequently i'll share because uni is literally crushing me. anyways, wow i am so excited to share this with you. there might be mistakes as english is not my native language, feel free to correct me please. also, i checked the oxford's website to get the info about uni & lecture. still, if there is something wrong, please inform me. i sincerely hope you like it, please tell me what you think. ♡
word count: 1067.
playlist: (yes, as i'm so excited that i even made a playlist)
oh johnny, oh johnny, oh! • the andrew sisters
campus • vampire weekend
heartburn • wafia
collide • tianamajor9, earthgang
you haunt me • sir sly
killer queen • fil bo riva
willow • taylor swift
d is for dangerous • arctic monkeys
tear you apart • she wants revenge
are you gonna be my girl • jet
braindead! • yungblud
greek god • conan gray (the song that gave the story its title)
tighten up • the black keys
achilles come down • gang of youths
library pictures • arctic monkeys
anna sun • walk the moon
everybody talks • neon trees
hey now • the regrettes
rumors • sabrina claudio, zayn
lover i don't have to love • bright eyes
you always hurt the one you love • the mills brothers
C H A P T E R • I
You took a deep breath before entering the classroom. It was the first class of the first day of your first year in the university and you felt very nervous and excited at the same time.
You were nervous because university was something new in your life and you had so many worries such as if you would find someone to be friends with, if you would be successful, if you would something embarrassing, if your professor would like you or not.
However you were excited because as a person who liked learning, you looked forward to attend to your classes and meet all of the new subjects waiting to be learnt. You had worked so hard to be there, in this university and in front of this classroom door, and finally being there felt amazing.
You took a step and entered the classroom. It was noisy and already crowded. It was a normal classroom, not a amphitheater one. You shortly looked around and saw a empty seat which was behind a crowded boy group. You walked towards there, trying to stay calm and not look at them. Your mother warned you very seriously and strictly about not getting closer with boys. She wanted you to be successful, not more. Boys were distraction according to her and she never wanted you hear that you got closer with a boy.
You sit and put your bag to the seat next to you. You took your notebook and pen out and started waiting for professor to come.
“Hey, isn't it Pevensie?” You heard a boy in front of you speaking.
“It really is.” Another boy replied. “I am surprised that he is here. I heard he couldn't afford the fees.”
“He probably got a scholarship. Don't you remember such a big nerd he was?”
“Ugh,” The boy said. “He was unbearable. I bet he hasn't changed. Probably still a caring brother everyone appreciates and the best student every teacher adores.” Although the words he used was in fact good, it was clear from his voice that he was mocking.
You frowned. Why did they talk about him in that way? Why did that Pevensie do? You look at the door that the boys were looking.
You saw a tall and broad shouldered boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a white shirt with dark brown trousers. His boots were also brown. His black coat was on his arm. He had a leather messenger bag hanging on his shoulder. He looked just like any boy in the classroom, except for the fact that there was something strange in the way he walked and stood. His steps were slow, however his walking made him seem strong. When he first stood up looking for a place to sit, you saw that he stood very upright, his chin was up a little bit. Nothing about him was underestimating, his eyes didn't look others in that way. But he just seemed strong, in a weird way that you had to gaze at him to figure out.
Then you realized what you were doing and looked directly to your notebook. You thought he didn't see you but he did. He smiled to himself but fastly stopped and went to sit to the empty chair which was away from yours. It was the only empty chair left, otherwise, he would like to sit near you and find out the reason behind your curious looks.
Thankfully, the professor came and started talking. The whole class was silent now. You focused on the professor and every word she said, sometimes took notes down. She introduced herself, the lecture, and said she'd start although this is the first day.
The subject was about the relationship between patients and doctors and the professor asked how the relationship should be in general.
You and he raised hands immediately. You were so excited and ready to answer because you spent your holiday with studying beforehand for the lectures. You went to libraries, read everything you found related to your courses.
He was quicker than you, so professor chose him to speak.
“Peter Pevensie,” He introduced himself.
“Yes, Mr. Pevensie,”
His answer didn't last too long but he expressed his opinions easily and quickly. You noticed he spoke somehow wisely and as if someone asked him to give advice. You couldn't understand why he spoke like this but then you thought you were paying attention to him so much. Therefore you took a short breath and focused on the professor again.
After he was done, you raised your hand and the professor let you speak.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” After introducing yourself, you started to express your opinions, which were the opposite of what Peter said. You thought doctors could be emotional and friends with their patients while Peter said doctors must be logical and distant.
He turned his head and looked at you, watched you as you spoke. He liked that there was someone he could compete with and share his ideas, also argue. He liked to argue because he thought arguing respectfully was a way that someone can improve themselves.
After you finished, three more students began to speak however Peter didn't pay attention because he still was watching you and analyzing you. He carefully looked at your clothes, how you kept shaking your leg, how you kept notes and listened very carefully. He was glad that there was somebody he could try to be friends with but above all, compete and beat. That was an old habit of him, competing and beating.
Like they said, the leopard can't change its spots.
Throughout the lecture, you and he constantly raised your hands, spoke, and listened very attentively. Everything you and he said opposed each other. At some point, you thought he did that on purpose, maybe he was objecting to your ideas deliberately just to annoy you. But then you thought why would someone at your age do such thing? You decided to not care at all. You weren't supposed to think about anyone, you were supposed to think about your lessons.
That was what you were thinking when the class was over and you were leaving the classroom to go and buy a coffee.
On the other hand, Peter was thinking about you, but he had some plans. Plans that included defeating you and being the best in the department.
okay, okay, it really happened. i finished writing. oh god i am so excited about this fic! please tell me what you think. i hope you enjoy reading!
love, andrea. ♡
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nitannichionne · 3 years
If He Was Your Fan, Chapter 61: Britainization, Part 2 (A Henry Cavill Fanfic)
Chapter 61: Britainization, Part 2
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Henry announces that he is driving you and Stella to a place for breakfast. You and Stella are both relieved you got dressed up a bit. The name Lanes of London Mayfair is a big indication that you should. You are dressed in a fluffy burgundy fisherman’s sweater and black leggings with brown riding boots, looking ready for a day of shopping but not at the gym. Stella is in a white shirt and beige jeans with dark brown sports jacket and ankle boots. You are happy you left your usual athletic gear behind.
After that, Henry takes you and Stella to a place that is not even listed.
“I looked up London Trench,” you tell him. “They are online orders only, aren’t they?”
“For the general public, yes.”
You and Stella look at each other. She looks excited but you feel sick for some reason.
With a knock on the door, and Henry telling his name and time on the intercom, you are buzzed in. You step into a boutique that almost looks hidden.
“Mr. Cavill?” a woman bows.
“Hello,” he nods. “This is my lady and her friend. My lady needs a few trenches.”
A few? Did he say few? A few trenches was like…rent money! You look at him incredulously, and he only gives small smile.
“Must make it worth their while,” he shrugs.
Within an hour you are in selections called the Queen Classic, a straight cut, and the Goddess, an A-Line for dresses. You opt for the Goddess, and he takes you to Burberry’s for something shorter and surprisingly more expensive than that. You are cringing inside, and Henry hasn’t flinched. He is happy to see you try on coats. You feel the looks of the sales people at both stores. Face to face they are amicable and friendly, but you see the looks in the reflections of the mirrors when they do not think they’re looking. They don’t think much of you, maybe they think you’re a flavor of the month? Maybe it’s all in your head?
“Well, that’s that,” he sighs. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” you smile. “yeah.”
“Sweetheart?” he says slowly, his blue eyes searching yours.
“I-I didn’t realize they’d be so—”
“Good coats are required here, love, I won’t have you getting sick,” he nods, tipping your face up for a quick kiss.
You nod and smile in understanding.
“Alright, you two, don’t get into too much trouble,” he winks. He gets in his car and is gone.
“Gotta be at work today by four for the dinner rush,” Stella said brightly. “What do you want to do?”
“Let’s just hit a mall or something,” you say. “and we can’t go someplace Henry would.”
“I know, the places he took us!” Stella laughs. “He’s…he’s kinda out of it, isn’t he?”
“Childhood weight problems aside, I don’t think he realizes how hard it is out here, no!” you laugh back. “Experience is the best teacher on those things.” You get slightly serious. “I hope he never suffers like that. No one should.”
You both decide to go to Victoria’s Secret several blocks away, opting to start walking off that massive breakfast you just had. When you arrive, you ask for what they have in emerald green.
“That his favorite color?” Stella asks.
“No, it’s actually blue,” you say. “hey do you have any blue green?”
“Hold on, let me see what we have,” the clerk smiles and leaves to check.
“You seem to buy a lot of that stuff,” she says softly. “Do you wear it?”
You are looking on a rack, but you are thinking of the previous night:
“It’s tomorrow,” Henry said softly and pinned you against the door to kiss you.
You instinctively put your arms around him, welcoming his kiss, his touch. You raise your leg and he semi squats to help you wrap it around him. You both pulled at each other’s clothes hungry to feel skin to skin, your kisses passionate and breathy. You pulled your sweater over your head as he wrapped your other leg around his hips, kissing your chest and licking the skin between your breasts that your bra left exposed. He carried you up the steps to your loft bedroom and laid you on the bed, pulling your jeans off. He smiled at your navy blue bra and panty set. He returned to kissing you, and you pull at his sweater as he unbuckles his belt, slid it off and threw it carelessly on the floor. He slid his jeans off, and stood in nothing but boxer briefs that did not hide his arousal. He crushed you into the sheets and you arched to him, wanting nothing more than to feel him…
“It’s a lot easier to always wear bra and panty sets,” you joke softly.
“How many do you have?”
“Uh….I really don’t know?” you answer honestly.
After getting lingerie and clothes, you catch the tube to Angel Central Mall, and do some shopping there. You feel terrible that there isn’t time for a mani pedi, so you find a massage place that does shoulders and neck, promising to do a pamper session on another day.
As you both make your way back to Brixton, you look at the sights out of the window, try to remember the exchanges. You are so grateful to Stella for being your friend, smiling at her as she steals a nap during the ride home. You notice that some young people are staring at you. You sigh. You may be recognized, you have to get used to that.
Back in Brixton, walk back to your building together.
“There were people staring at you?” Stella gasps “Why didn’t you wake me?”
“There was no danger,” you tell her smoothly.
“Why haven’t you posted yet?”
“Why haven’t you posted yet?”
“I post all the time—”
“Never pictures of yourself, though.” Her eyes narrow. "And never of you and Henry."
“Even before I dated Henry, I never posted much about my love life online,” you shrug. “My s/o’s asked to take pictures, so I didn’t deny them, but I’m not big on my love life on social media. Special occasions or requests sure but—”
“I get it, you like that your relationship is between you and Henry, not you, the world and Henry.”
“Yeah, it’s more intimate that way,” you smile. “I have pictures of Henry and me on my phone. Besides, it’s lots easier if there is a breakup.”
“Breakup?!” Stella chortled. “Break up? You and Henry? I don’t think so.” She pauses and turns you around in mid walk. “I’ve seen how he looks at you. He has no intention of letting you go.”
“I know,” you nod. “I’ve had the rug ripped out from under me before, that’s all.”
“You have?” she asks. “How bad?”
“Engaged,” you shrug, earning a small gasp from Stella. “he thought the ring on my finger, though not the marriage one, meant he could treat me any way he wanted. He cheated, he lied…it was like he thought the commitment gave him carte blanche to act up.”
“That’s shitty.”
“Yeah,” you shake your head. “Rings can be a symbol of love that will never end, but for some it is ownership or cuffs.”
“Kinda dark, there.” she says softly. "I don't think Henry is--"
“Sorry, it’s in the past, and I’m over it, but I learned that commitments mean different things to different people.” You take a deep breath. “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way, Stella.”
“What do you mean?”
“The last time I was in love was my ex-fiancee,” you tell her. “and that was a long, long, time ago.”
“So you are in love with Henry!” she cheers.
“Yeah, of course, I am!” you laugh at her. “He’s intelligent and fun, has a good degree of common sense. He’s a natural leader and he is protective of and warm to those he loves. I need that, all of it. I have never felt so safe before, never..”
“He’s not bad looking either!”
“His looks can only go so far,” you shrug. “I’ve dated men who were good looking, even a model and an athlete. You’d be surprised how little that all matters if they are thick or coldhearted. Or even worse, a man with money who thinks he can treat you any way he wants because he buys you things--”
“Yeah…” you giggle, realizing you’re using a British term. “thick.”
You both drop your stuff and go back to Market Row, Stella to work and you to do more shopping. Upi check out some of the surrounding stores, hoping for some really special finds that could liven up or make you feel more unique.
You finally make your last huge purchase: a bicycle. You head to Brixton Bikes for that, and get the lights, the helmet, anything you need. Strapping your bags to the rack in back and no longer a single walking moving target, you head home.
Just as you get a good stride on, your Bluetooth starts to play the instrumental version of “Addicted to Love.” You smile, clicking on. “Hey, love.”
“Hey….are you out and about?”
“About to head home,” you say.
“By yourself?”
You don't miss the edge in his voice. “On my new bike,” you tell him. He is quiet. Ooh, that’s not good. “Sounds like you’re in pub.”
“Yeah, yeah, very good, I'm at the pub, " He says. You can hear the smile in his voice for not using the word bar. "just for a pint with friends,” he says. “I just wanted to see how your day went.”
“Pretty well, but we didn’t have time for spa,” you say. “but I did find some nice things.”
“Good, glad to hear it,” he says. “I’ll stay on till you get home.”
“Awwwww.” Some men sigh dramatically in the background.
“Shut up!” Henry laughs.
You talk until you are safely inside your studio. “Alright, I’m locked up tight.” You feed Luna.
“Good,” he exhales. “they say it isn’t safe for women—”
“I am a moving target now, Henry.”
“Alright, alright,” he exhales heavily. “Talk to you later?”
“Definitely,” you sigh, sitting on your couch and starting to unpack your purchases. “Love you.”
“I love you, too.” He purrs, earning another round of catcalls from his friends. He laughs.
“Good night.” You shake your head at him and his friends.
“Good night.”
The first forty eight hours in your studio have been anything but calm, but now there is quiet. After unpacking your things and washing them for wear, you finally get ready to go to sleep. You take a shower and make your way up the steps to bed. It suddenly looks too big to you. You suddenly notice there is something under your covers. You pull them back and find the t-shirt he wore under his sweater last night. You squeal and throw off your nightshirt, trading it for this one. His scent surrounds you as you pull it over your head and you fall on the bed, your impact setting off the scent of him in your bed. You inhale with a smile as Luna jumps up and sleeps at the foot of the bed opposite you, where she usually nestles by Henry’s feet. You look at each other and you sigh dreamily, closing your eyes and letting sleep claim you.
BULLETIN: With this new beta thing, I may have to start a new master list. I will be sure to put the link to 1-60 if I do. Love you, thanks for your support and especially for your comments, likes and reblogs. You truly give me life, people, you really do.
@mistress-of-ward @nuggsmum @messyinsomnimaniac @jencanbeyouryengeralt @sweetdreamsofgelato @mary-ann84 @omgkatinka @the-soot-sprite @viking-raider @keanureevesisbae @henryobsessed @summersong69 @sunshine96love @michelehansel @thelastsock @tumblnewby @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocks @daydreamin83 @ruthoakenshield @musicartmayheminmyheart @kaatelyynn-blog-blog @alphacancrii @liquorlaughslove @designerwriterchic @nikkilynn303 @circesgirl1 @xoxohannahlee @fckdeusername @maan24 @kaatelyyynn​ @absentmindr​ @introvertedmouse​ @sassy-pelican @griscka75 @angelcavill66 @marantha
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
Hot Drinks and Cold Hands
request: hello bug!! can i request a one shot of tsukishima with a s/o whos parents are getting a divorce? this is happening to me irl rn :|. his s/o is making jokes about it (“lol do you think i can guilt trip them into buying me a pc???”) and they don’t really seem to care abt it too much. in reality his s/o has just had to put up with their parents fighting all the time and are just angry bc they’ve always had to comfort their siblings. maybe one day their s/o shows up to school with eyebags nd they confide in him abt how they had to stay up all night comforting their parents and siblings?? nd it kinda takes him back bc they seem so tired compared to how they usually are (laidback nd humorous). and like s/o just kinda admits they feel terrible?? angry at their parents for bringing them into their fights but sad bc they’re siblings have to go through it too?? sorry this is so long dhjdjdjdj. feel free to shorten it or just ignore this req since it deals w somewhat heavy topics!!! thanks :]!!!
bug says things: hi!! i’m so sorry that it took me DECADES to finish this but I hope that this is what you wanted!!
also warnings!! the obvious: divorce, parents fighting, dealing with anger, crying, cursing and if there’s anything else i need to tag lmk!
word count: 3.5k oops 👀👀
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You could hear fighting from downstairs for what felt like the hundredth time today. They’re already getting a divorce, did they really have to fight like this? Especially since not only you were home but so were your siblings. Not to mention, you had just put your youngest sibling to sleep but their yelling woke them up. 
“Are they fighting again?” they ask, looking up at you. Nodding your head you see their eyes tear up and their eyebrows furrow. "I don't like it when they fight." 
The way that their young face looked so grown with worry made you angry. Angry that your parents had no regard for you guys as they had their daily screaming match. Angry that they couldn’t even for a minute let the house settle and have some quiet. Angry that right now you weren’t able to just be a kid and they might not either.
“Me either, they’re just...they’re just not happy right now,” you say as you push their hair away from their face.
“Are they not happy ‘cause I did something wrong?” they ask, their small hands squeezing the blanket.
“No! No, no, no you didn’t do anything wrong,” you exclaim. “Here, scooch over.”
They do and you lay down with them. They rest their head on your arm and you wipe away tears with the end of your sweater. Some snot gets on your jacket from their nose and you wrinkle your nose in disgust.
“Eeeww, that’s nASty,” you say jokingly, causing them to laugh a little. “Why do you have so many boogers in your nose?”
“Well when a mommy booger and a daddy booger love each other very much-”
“You are not giving me the talk right now with boogers, absolutely not,” you protest as they giggle again. You smile softly at this small victory before your phone lights up and you see a text from Kei.
Dino Boy: hey u up?
Dino Boy: actually nvm i know u are
Dino Boy: i might be a good bf tomorrow and pick u up some coffee so what do u want?
“Is that Tsukki?” your sibling asks peering over you at your phone.
“Yeah, you wanna reply to him?” you ask as they nod their head vigorously. For some reason--you couldn’t figure out why--all your siblings absolutely adored him. 
You hand over your phone and move to sit up. “I’m gonna check up on sissy next door okay? Text him that I just want a little pastry or something.” 
But they make a noise of protest. “I don’t want you to go yet,” they pout and grab onto the bottom of your sweater. An idea comes to mind as they reach out their arms. “Carry me!”
“What? You’re way too big!” you say as they do grabby hands, letting you know that they weren’t taking no as an answer. You roll your eyes as you turn your back to them. “You’re lucky that I have strong leg muscles,” you answer as they climb on your back and begin typing away on your phone.
“More like noodle legs,” they whisper to themself, but you heard them and pretended to almost drop them in response. “Hey! Not funny!”
“Eh, it was funny to me,” you say as you approach the door as the yelling gets louder. A frown lands on your lips. “Plug your ears okay?”
Your sibling nods as they put your phone in their pocket and cover their ears. You open the door and peek outside. The yelling immediately assaults your eardrums and you tiptoe silently to the room over, which housed your other sibling. 
“Are you really going to deny them Christmas with their own mother?”
“You’re acting like you’ve been such a saint to them, I exist too you know! They have two parents, not just one!”
Knocking lightly on the door with two quick knocks, one slow and two more quick, it opens slightly and you see your younger sister's concerned face before she lets you in.
“What do you want?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
“What does it look like? Impromptu sleepover,” you say plopping your shared sibling on her bed. She just rolls her eyes and sits in her chair pulling her legs up to her chest.
“I’m talking to Tsukki!” your sibling says showing off your phone. This seems to pique her interest so she moves to the bed and watches as your youngest sibling sends gifs and messages to your boyfriend. Bless him for indulging them. They can be...a lot sometimes but you’re glad he’s been a good sport about it.
“Why is your boyfriend such a dry texter?” she asks looking at you with an amused face.
“Pfft he’s not dry, he just...he’s just socially awkward okay?” you protest as she fights back a smile.
“Okay, sure, whatever you say.”
This is how the rest of the night goes. Trying to keep your siblings mind off of your parents screaming voices and letting them bother Tsukishima until they both doze off. You let them both have the bed while you steal a blanket and pillow from your room before coming back to sleep on the floor. 
Which in retrospect wasn’t the best idea because waking up with a sore body wasn’t how you wanted to start your morning. You check on your siblings to see them both fast asleep, so you Mission Impossible yourself back into your room--with your phone--as quietly as possible.
You get ready for the day, knowing that at least you could get some peace and quiet in the morning. Both of your parents start work in the morning so they always leave early, but you wouldn’t be surprised if they had started leaving even earlier to just be away from each other. 
It’s just- It’s so frustrating that they get to fuck off and leave you as a stand in parent. You’re basically still a kid and were you meant to just raise theirs while they got to get angry and leave in a huff? You didn’t make the decision to have kids so they shouldn’t be your responsibility...but you knew if you didn’t take care of them then no one would.
“Ugh!” you grunt as you kick a shirt that was on your floor. 
Whatever, whatever, it’s fine. You try to calm down a bit when your phone starts buzzing. Seeing that it’s Kei you take one last deep breath before you answer. “Hello?”
“Hey open your front door,” he says as you roll your eyes playfully.
“Well good morning to you too, how am I doing? Oh I’m great, you’re so sweet for asking,” you say and you can hear him huff into the speaker.
“Okay, okay good morning now please let me in...baby it’s cold outside,” he says and you can practically hear his lips curling through the phone. 
Damn him for being cute to get what he wants. “Fine but only in the good spirit of the holidays.”
You make your way to the front door and open it to see your tall tree of a man in all of his pink cheeked glory. You smile as you let him inside. “Aw is that blush for me?” you ask teasingly.
“Hardly, in case you haven’t noticed it’s freezing out there,” he says before leaning down to give you a quick kiss. When you pull away that’s when you notice the amount of drinks in his hands.
“You extra thirsty this morning or?” you ask trailing off as he shakes his head.
“No these are for-”
“Tsukki!!” your younger sibling yells as they rush him.
“He’s got drinks, be careful!” you fret but they’ve already secured their arms around him. You mouth him a ‘Sorry’ as the pink on his cheeks returns slightly.
“Hey short stack,” he says as he lowers his hand which holds a drink holder and four drinks, “Here’s your hot chocolate.” 
They gasp and take it from him. “Thank you Tsukki!”
You can see a small smile creep up on his face as he says, “No problem.” He ruffles their hair a bit with his free hand and they beam up at him.
“You got the goods?” your sister asks as she emerges from her room, eyes basically still closed from sleep.
“Right here ya gremlin,” he says holding out her drink to her. She grabs it and immediately turns around to head back to her room.
“Say thank you at least!” you call out to her before she stops for a second.
“Yeah okay, thank you Dino Man,” she says waving her hand before going back to her room.
You shake your head before turning back to him, “Sorry, she’s usually only like that when she’s tired.”
He shrugs his shoulders a bit. “It’s fine, I don’t care,” he says holding out your drink to you and you take it gladly.
“Thank you,” you say smiling up at him.
“We’re the polite one’s,” your sibling announces proudly, causing the two of you to laugh a bit.
He nods his head as he leans down to them. “I’ve noticed,” he says before you usher them off to go get ready for school.
You grab your coat and meet him at the door. “Sorry for them, they’re a lot to deal with first thing in the morning,” you say, locking the door behind you with one hand.
“It’s really fine, if it was too much I’d tell you right?” he asks, gesturing with his own drink and swinging his free hand by his side. (Which is an invitation for you to hold it, which you gladly do.)
“I guess so,” you say as you lean into him a bit as you two walk. He pushes up his glasses and looks away but you can see the blush at the tips of his ears. You smile a bit before holding up his hand in yours to give it a little kiss.
“Ngk, what was that for?” he asks, turning to face you so you could see his embarrassed features more clearly.
“You have cold hands, I was trying to warm them up,” you say innocently but he knows better.
“Right, sure,” he says as you break away for a minute to pull out your phone and headphones. “You know you should really invest in some better earbuds.”
You look at yours which are practically falling apart, but hey! You had some tape holding bits together so it was ‘fine’ for the time being. “I guess you’re right. Do you think I can guilt my parents into getting me new ones?” you ask jokingly and he practically chokes. “Hey, joking, joking.” You raise your hands up and he shakes his head with a mumble. 
“Here, let’s just use mine,” he says fishing them out of his backpack. You hum in agreement as he hands you one. Putting it in, you lean into him again and lightly shut your eyes letting the music wash over you.
Tsukishima's chest vibrates a bit, signaling to you that he had said something while you weren’t paying attention. “Huh?”
“I said are you okay? You seem exhausted,” he says as his eyebrows furrow in concern. For a moment his face reminded you of your sibling and for some reason that upset you. 
You didn’t want him worrying so you just smiled and laughed off his comment. “Yeah, I just stayed up too late last night.”
“Are you sure?” he asks, clearly not satisfied with your answer.
“Yeah! We had a sibling sleepover and they kept me up for a bit.” He’s pretty good at reading people so you tried your best to seem more energetic than before. “Also thank you so much for the drinks, I’ll pay you back for them tomorrow,” you say trying to change the topic.
At this he scoffs, “You know when I said I was gonna be a good boyfriend today I meant it. I don’t want you to feel like you have to pay me back or anything.”
God could this boy be any more perfect? He’s so sweet--even if he constantly denies it. Sure, sometimes he can seem like a cold person on the outside but he has a big heart and you were so grateful that he trusted it with you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks as you realize you had been staring at him with heart eyes.
“I love you, you know that right?” you ask and his eyes widen and his cheeks flush.
“I- Well, yes you’ve told me that before,” he stutters trying to hide his face behind his hand.
“Good cause I do, very much,” you reply, bringing down his hand as you pull him into a kiss. The amount of heat from his face almost makes you laugh but you hold it in. Content to just feel his lips move against yours. When you pull away you can’t help but smile as he sinks his face into his coat a bit. “Did that warm you up Kei?” you as he rolls his eyes which show the faintest bit of a smile.
“Oh shut up.”
You were able to get through most of the day without falling asleep thanks to the caffeine from your gifted drink, but you still couldn’t help but feel exhausted. And it’s not like after school you could’ve gone home to take a nap because not only did you have to meet up with one of your teachers because of your suffering grades, but even when you did get home you wouldn't be able to get any peace and quiet.
Leaving the meeting with your teacher--where you promised you would work harder--you emerged from the building to see your boyfriend waiting for you out in the cold.
“Kei? What are you doing here?” you ask as he notices you walking his way.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” he asks, “I waited since you’re coming home with me to study.”
“I- But- When did you decide that?” you sputter out.
He shrugs his shoulder as he pretends to think. “Around the same time I realized that I was the only reason you were passing your classes. So come on let’s go,” he says holding his arm out for you.
“Psh, you’re not the only reason,” you answer and he gives you a look as you hook your arm through his.
“Oh right, of course,” he says and chuckles a bit when you stick your tongue out at him.
So the past 30 minutes had been spent working on your late work while Tsukishima helped you. But the longer you worked the more the page had begun to blur as your droopy eyelids threatened to close and not open again. 
He took notice immediately and tried to urge you to take a quick nap but you refused. This was probably the only time that you would be able to get a bulk of your homework and missing work done. 
Once you went back home all that work would have to be pushed aside so you could take care of your siblings. It’s something that has been stressing you out for the past couple of weeks. 
Before, you’d at least be able to finish some of your homework at night but since your parents couldn’t stop fighting the minute they both got home, that quickly changed.
“Come on, I doubt you can even see the paper like that,” he says looking at your squinted eyes which you couldn’t help but rub.
“M’fine Kei,” you mumble leaning your head against your arm.
He rolls his eyes as he scoots closer to you, “Like hell I’ll take that for an answer. You couldn’t even form two separate words.” 
You glare at him before turning back to your paper. “I’m really fine thank you for asking,” you say, tapping your pencil on the table. “How was that?”
“If I’m being honest, six of ten. You see, the average person would be fooled but not me," he says before becoming earnest, "Seriously, what’s going on?” he asks gently resting his head on your shoulder.
Now you don’t know if it was the exhaustion or the care that you heard in his voice but something in you broke--making hot tears run down your face no matter how hard you willed them to stop. 
“Fuck,” you whisper and he immediately pulls you into a hug.
“Hey c’mere,” he says and you grab onto him tightly. He lets you sob into his shoulder as he holds you in his arms. 
“I’m just so tired Kei, I’m so fucking tired. Of my parents fighting, of my shit sleep schedule, of taking care of my siblings. I love them, I do, it’s just- I don’t want to have to be a parent to them when I'm still just a kid! I’m just a fucking kid,” you say, your voice cracking against your will.
Tsukishima is the last one to know what to say to comfort people so he just holds you and rocks you back forth a bit. It breaks his heart to see you like this. He knew things were bad but he didn’t know they were this bad. Maybe he should’ve asked you about it more instead of let you brush it off. What if you didn’t want to talk to him about it because you were scared he’d judge you? Sure he was abrasive sometimes but never to you. God he’d never want to do that to you. He just...liked to tease. Maybe he had been a bad boyfriend to you.
“Fuck, I’m sorry for crying. I’ve just had a bad week,” you say as you wipe your tears and go to pull away but to your surprise he doesn’t let go. If anything he pulls you closer.
“Don’t be sorry I...I know that I can be...a bit of an ass sometimes but if you ever need me--and I mean ever--I’m here. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” His face is now buried in the crook of your neck and you can feel his shaky breath on your skin. “If I ever made you feel like you couldn’t...I’m- I’m sorry.”
You immediately pull back in shock. “Kei no, you didn’t, trust me. I just- I just didn’t want to worry you. You have enough on your plate with volleyball and I just didn’t want to bother you with my mess,” you confess and he just leans his head against yours.
“You could never bother me,” he says and you laugh causing him to roll his eyes and add, “Not with the important stuff at least.”
“Excuse you, how to pronounce gif is very important,” you say.
“Nope, nope, no we aren’t getting into this again,” he says as he picks you up.
You quickly grab a hold of his shirt and he grins. “What are you doing!”
“I’m taking you to bed because you need to sleep and I don’t mind holding you for a bit longer.” 
He takes you burying your face into his chest as a sign of resignation from your previous argument. 
With you in his arms, he walks straight to his room and it’s only when he opens the door does he notice that you actually fell asleep in them. Besides the fact that that’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen, he’s now got to figure out how to keep you asleep when lays you on his bed. He opts to lay you down first before climbing under the covers to join you. 
His fingers push the hair out of your face and he leans down to give you a kiss on the forehead causing you to cuddle closer to him. His heart clenches when you absentmindedly reach out your hand for his. He brings it up to his lips for a kiss as he looks across to you.
“Goodnight,” he says before adding much, much softer, “I’m so in love with you."
Tags! @mixfi (idk if you were joshing when you said you wanted to be on my taglist but here it is!)
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Someone To Stay Ch. 9
Spencer x fem reader
It's been several weeks since Y/N and I started our weekly movie nights. After starting Harry Potter we decided that we would keep watching our way through the series until we finished them. Last week I was out of town on all of her days off, but tonight we get to watch our favorite together, Prisoner of Azkaban. Seeing as we both love Halloween, this doesn't come as much of a surprise.
Last time I had asked to borrow her Harry Potter cookbook. As a surprise I've been cooking pumpkin pasties. I normally don't do much cooking, but this was well worth it. Movie night has become incredibly casual, so i slip into some purple pajama pants and a black t shirt before driving to her apartment. We decided movie nights would all take place at her apartment, seeing as she had the nice TV with a decent sound system. I had previously spent almost all my time reading, so all I had was my mom's old TV tucked away in the corner, only used when I felt the need to binge Dr. Who.
It's not long before i'm knocking at her door, warm snacks ready to go. She opens the door and looks down with a huge grin.
"Are those what I think they are?"
I nod, glad to see she's excited about them. After a moment I notice a pleasant smell wafting from the kitchen.
"You made something too?" I peek my head into the kitchen hoping to discover the source of the scent.
Y/N pulls out two mugs topped with foam, smiling like a giddy little kid. We both take a sip, and I feel the warmth filling me up as I take in the drink that tastes like Autumn in a cup. I've never had butter-beer before, but this is perfect. I look up to see whipped cream coating Y/N's upper lip, and based on the laugh she's holding back, I would guess I am sporting the same foam mustache. We both bust out in laughter. Something about spending time with Y/N makes me feel like a kid again. I know I can share my knowledge with her and she actually encourages me to do it quite often. But she also makes me feel like I can be goofy and silly and just have fun. I had almost forgotten what that feels like.
After we each curl up on our end of the couch with blankets and pillows, I can't help but realize how happy I have been having her as a friend in my life. Something about this realization pulls my mind in the opposite direction, and I suddenly find myself remembering why happiness feels like such a long forgotten stranger...Maeve. The name had not crossed my thoughts in weeks. This realization leaves me with a guilt that sits like a pit in my stomach. Before I know it, I am no longer focused on my favorite Harry Potter movie, but am spiraling into a dark hole once again. I lose myself so far into my thoughts that I almost don't notice that Y/N has stopped the movie and is staring straight at me.
I turn to her. "What is it?"
Y/N furrows her brow, a deep look of concern filling her eyes.
"Spencer, you're crying."
"I am?" I reach up to feel the wet streaks left behind on my cheek. I hadn't even realized. Now not only have I been crying in front of Y/N, but she knows something is wrong. Knowing her, she won't let this go so easily. I also doubt she'll buy any lie I try to feed her. She may not be a profiler, but she sure knows when someone she cares about isn't being genuine with her.
Luckily, she must also know me better than I realize. She doesn't push me too hard for information. She scoots over to my side of the couch before laying a hand on my shoulder. I keep my eyes glued to my lap, avoiding eye contact as best I can. I'm afraid that if I look into her eyes now, I'll completely fall apart. Something about telling your friends about your trauma makes it very real, and I don't want to relive that day, not again.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I'm not sure..." I answer honestly.
Instead of pushing me, she moves her hand to rub my back as we sit there in silence. Something about the kindness of this gesture finally breaks me. I let my head fall into my hands as tears start streaming down my face, and I don't even bother trying to stop them. I can't hold this back anymore, not from someone who's become like a best friend to me.
We sit there just like that for several minutes, Y/N silently rubbing my back, me crying like a big baby. Part of me feels embarrassed, breaking down like this, but the other part is too tired from holding all of this back to even care anymore.
Finally, I think my body has run out of tears when I hear Y/N say "What can I do? What do you need?" It's so quiet I almost miss it.
"Her name was Maeve." I am surprised to hear the words leave my mouth. I glance over to Y/N to gauge her reaction, but she's only sitting there, listening patiently.
"I started getting these headaches. They became so crippling that they started affecting my work. It scared me because...well my mom is schizophrenic. I guess I have always been a little paranoid about showing symptoms. The doctors ran tests, labs, scans...everything they could think of. As a last resort I reached out to this geneticist. After a bit of correspondence, it wasn't difficult to see that she was brilliant. She seemed to enjoy keeping in touch, so we would write one another letters. We eventually started calling one another. But...she had a stalker. She didn't know who it was or what they wanted, but she was scared. That's why we wrote letters. And I only ever called her from telephone booths, never the same one twice. I ended up sharing a large part of my life with her... One time before hanging up the phone she even said "love you" like it was the most normal thing in the world. I never said it back, but even if what I felt was love I never got the chance to say it to her. Her stalker was a former grad student, and she got to Maeve before I could."
I stop and take in a deep breath, swallowing the growing lump in my throat before continuing.
" She shot herself in front of me, killing Maeve along with her. It was the first time I had ever seen her in person too. It happened a couple months ago. Every time I think i've moved on it feels like the pain starts all over again. I sometimes feel guilty for even trying to move on, for ever being happy."
Y/N doesn't say a word as she lets me speak. She just nods, taking in every word. After a couple minutes of silence, she lets out a large breath before finally opening her mouth to speak.
"Spencer, I can't pretend to even come close to understanding what you are going through. I wish I had the answers. I wish I could tell you when the pain will go away, but the truth is it will probably never fully leave you. Trauma has a way of sticking with us. We learn how to process it and cope with it more efficiently, but it's never truly gone. Now I can't pretend to know what Maeve would have wanted for you, but as your friend who's with you now I want to tell you its okay to be happy. Its also okay to not be okay sometimes. No one has it together all of the time. It's ok to talk about it, to cry about it, and there's no right or wrong time. Trauma has a way of sneaking up on us, triggering us when we least expect it. And whatever you need to be ok, whatever you need to do in order to deal with this, I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. You can always call me if you need to talk or come over. Even if you just need a distraction from it, if you find yourself slipping into a dark place, you can call me, and we will talk about literally anything else or go find somewhere to grab dessert or watch a movie. If you need someone to just sit with you, I'll be there. What I'm trying to say is whenever you're ready, just tell me what you need and I'll be there for you."
I feel like I could cry again, but luckily I don't. Instead, I turn on the couch to face Y/N and just pull her in for a hug, resting my head on her shoulder. This alone is all I need to at least be okay, even if just for tonight. As someone who lives alone, my only real family living across the US, no one ever really knows just how much I crave touch. It's not exactly like I can just approach JJ, Garcia, or Morgan and say "Hey I could really use a hug today." It's a love language for me, but I go weeks without touching a single person. It wears me down sometimes. Sitting here, hugging Y/N, is the most comforted I have felt in a really long time.
I want to tell her the other reason I'm struggling. About the cravings I have to battle when things are already emotionally challenging. I decide I'm not ready to share that quite yet. It's not that i don't trust her, but if it's going to affect the way she sees me, I want to put that off as long as possible.
I also take a minute to go over the words she's said to me. I can't help but notice her tone, her body language, the look on her face. She may be great at comforting people, especially since it's part of her job, but those were the words of someone who knew. She spoke from a place of fully understanding trauma, which tells me one thing: She has had trauma of her own. I make a mental note to bring it up later. I don't want to push her, but I want to make sure she knows she has the same support from me incase she ever needs to talk.
We sit there for a few more minutes, her arms wrapped around me. My breathing eventually slows down as I try to get my sniffles under control. I feel my head start to pound from how hard I have been crying. I sit back to rub my hands into my temples. Y/N stands up and makes her way into the kitchen, returning a couple minutes later with a cold water bottle, a box of tissues, and some aspirin.
She starts to walk out of the room before turning to me.
"I think I've got something that might help you feel a little better. It can't heal with heartbreak, but maybe it can help you to relax and take your mind off everything, if even for a little while."
"Y/N, you take care of people all day at work you don't have to..,"
"Hey!" She cuts me off before I can finish. "Why do you think I became a nurse huh? I enjoy taking care of people. And if I can help, even just a little, I won't feel so completely useless in this situation."
"Y/N, you've already helped. Just listening, being here with me. But I guess its no use arguing with you, you're too stubborn." A small breathy laugh leaves my nose and I glance up to see a small smile before she steps out of the room.
She returns a few minutes later and doesn't say a word. Instead she grabs both my hands and pulls me off the couch, leading me into the guest bathroom.
A take a look around at everything she had gotten ready.
"A bubble bath?" I shoot her a look of uncertainty.
"Just trust me okay." She rolls her eyes playfully. "I'll be in the living room. Just shout if you need me okay?"
I decide to just go with it. She leaves, shutting the door behind her and flipping of the lights. The room is suddenly glowing in light from candles scattered all around the bathroom. After slipping into the bath, I tense up at how hot the water is before it finally relaxes all my muscles. Breathing in, I notice the smell of eucalyptus and lavender filling the air. There is also a bluetooth speaker in the corner, softly playing zen spa music with the trickle of a rain in the background.
I have to admit, this is the most relaxed I have felt in...well I can't remember ever feeling this relaxed. Baths always seemed a bit girly, but this was incredibly therapeutic. I may have to try this again after my next difficult case.
When I finally decide to get out, I realize I'll have to change back into the same clothes. I quickly realize Y/N had also laid out a  star wars t shirt and black sweatpants for me. She thought of everything. With her being on the taller side and enjoying baggy clothes, they actually fit me fairly well.
When I finally step back into the living room she looks up at me and grins.
"Looking good Dr. Reid!"
She never calls me that, and for some reason it makes me blush just slightly. She pats the spot next to her on the couch, signaling for me to come over.
"Well, how do you feel?"
"Umm I wasn't sure about the whole bath thing but... I feel fantastic actually! How did you know that would help?"
"When you do what I do, you have to find multiple ways to unwind" she laughs.
I glance down at the shirt I'm wearing.
"So Star Wars huh?"
Y/N smirks "Are you really that surprised?"
I answer with a laugh "No I suppose not."
"Well I hope you like them too, because that's what I had lined up when it was my turn to pick for movie night!"
I can't help but hide a giant grin. I was happy to hear she wanted to continue our movie nights. Between all the Harry Potter movies and Star Wars movies combined, it seemed like we'd be spending a lot more time together.
"Is it okay if we finish the movie?" I am hoping I didn't completely ruin the night with my breakdown.
"I thought you'd never ask" she smiles before turning to the TV and resuming the movie.
As I watch the characters making their way into the shrieking shack, I feel my eyes grow heavy. I guess I had gotten a little too relaxed, as I am now struggling to stay awake through the rest of the movie.
When I open my eyes I notice the room is no longer glowing from the light of the TV but from the daylight streaming in through the windows. I realize i'm stretched across Y'N's couch, under one of her many fuzzy blankets. I sit up and look around, noticing Y/N is no longer there. After checking her kitchen and bedroom, I start to worry. Before I start to call her on the phone, I notice movement outside the window. I make my way onto the patio balcony to see her sitting on her bench with a book in her hands. At the sound of the door, she looks up and meets my gaze, smiling as she closes her book.
"Good morning sunshine" she says laughing just a bit.
"What happened?" I ask, joining her on the bench outside, running my hands through my hair as I attempt to fully wake up.
"Well, after awhile I noticed you fell asleep. I really thought it would be best to just let you get your rest."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." I start before she cuts me off.
"Its no problem! Not last night and not any other time. You are always welcome here." She gives me a warm, genuine smile. I know this is a sincere offer, one I'm sure I will take her up on again.
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jaehyunisyoon-oh · 4 years
Ae-jeong [ affection ] chapter 1 : The first encounter
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Pairings: NCT Jaehyun X OC/You
Genre: Romance, thriller, romancethriller, best friend to lover, fluff
Haewon POV
The day of the incident, December 1st 2018
SM’s Office
I heaved a sigh of relief at successfully holding the elevator door before it closed, grimacing slightly because today I decided to go to the office with heels as high as 5cm. I exhaled annoyed and took off my heels, -the hell- with all of this I will be barefoot through the cold floor of the SM office in this winter.
   "Your feet are all scratched" I turned around and Jaehyun with his black hoodie was frozen while leaning his body against the wall.
   "Shit, Jaehyun, since when were you here?" I asked.
   "Since a while ago, didn't the doctor say you shouldn't be carrying heavy things for a while?" Jaehyun asked then took the box I had been carrying.
   "This is your v live property for today's live broadcast" I dodged, trying to avoid his sharp gaze.
   "Is there no male staff in the NCT team?" Jaehyun asked coldly. If he has that look, that means I have to be careful, otherwise, he can explode in this elevator.
   "There are tons of them, but you know how hectic it was. The other members just had to take off the accessories while running around, and then this box was left behind and by chance, I was still in the basement. So that's how it is," I explained at length. He remains silent, which make everything more awkward. Then silence broke out between the two of us, and if it's like this I don't know what to do. When I was little, every time Jaehyun sulked I would reluctantly have to share my weekly ice cream portion for him, and we will make it up again. But now, it would be very strange if suddenly ice cream pop up out of nowhere from my pants pocket right? Oh my god, why is going to the 5th floor take so long? Suddenly the elevator stopped on the 3rd floor and the door opened, a bearded man in a full cycling shirt looked at me while grinning like a fool. Yes, my brother. Cousin more precisely
   "My sister?" Said Siwon with a dramatic pretentious face while entering the elevator. Then Siwon with his body still sticky with sweat hugged me.
   "CHOI SIWON ARE YOU CRAZY ?! HOW MUCH HAVE I SAID DON'T HUG ME WHEN YOU ARE ALL SWEATY LIKE THIS?!" I shouted. More precisely, wrath. Fortunately, in this elevator, there are only three of us.
   "Let your brother hug you, it won't kill you ... Soon Oppa has a schedule to Hong Kong so we won't meet again until...maybe at Christmas... Jaehyun? What's up?" Siwon hugs me and just realize that Jaehyun was behind us enjoying our lovely siblinghood moment, which I hate because I don't like it if by chance some workers see it, and start to think that I am the luckiest person on earth by coming from a rich household, being cousins to Siwon and is Jaehyun's best friend. That all happened before I was even born in this world, there is nothing I can do about it.
   "How are you, Hyung? I have a V live schedule on the 6th floor" Jaehyun answered casually.
   "I don't usually see you two together, you said that in the office you want to be professional with each other? Be careful later on becoming the centre of attention" Siwon raised his eyebrows with a happy smile. Look how they are chatting casually while I already want to pass out because I can't breathe in Siwon's arms.
   "Compared to being afraid of being topic of the gossip, it's better to fix your drunk habits, stop rummaging through our family story," I grumbled.
   "Eyy, at that time Oppa made a mistake. Seeing the two of you growing up like this, makes Oppa so emotional "Siwon increasingly tightened his arms and pressed his cheek to mine.
It's annoying to remember that again. Exactly after one year working as Entertainment manager of NCT, I am so glad that everything went peacefully because Jaehyun and I agreed to hide our relationship. But all of that was destroyed because Siwon explained everything very detailed about our 'friendship' at the Halloween Party last year. After midnight, when everyone was half-drunk (except the manager because they had to take the artist home), Siwon went onstage and made a very long speech, talking about how proud he was to see me achieving my dream - yes everyone already knew that you both are cousins since your mother married Choi family's youngest son - and suddenly reveal all the useless things about me and Jaehyun that make all the employees went awed.
"I went back to the basement because my charger was left in the practice room. Then I saw her ran around carrying a box this big" Jaehyun pointed at the large box he was carrying. More precisely like rattling me to Siwon. I gave him a cynical look that was completely ignored by him.
   "Geez, Choi Haewon, you should not have carried this heavy stuff, last month you just had a Lasik surgery, what if the stitches come off? Then you... AWWW Haewon that’s hurt!" Siwon's chatter was interrupted as he grimaced in pain because I just bit his cheeks. It just so happened that the elevator opened on the 5th floor and I left those two annoying humans together.
When I arrived on the 5th floor, many employees were greeting me, a little surprised to see me barefoot while busy staring at the device in my hand. When I entered my cubicle, there were tons of unsign documents on the table. There is a placard with "Haewon Choi / Entertainment Manager of NCT" printed on it. I was just sitting down when Na-ri, the head of the artist planning department came in and brought several boxes with Louis Vuitton written on it.
   "Haewon, we have a problem" Na-ri stood still, shaking her cellphone. I looked at her confused then stood up, looked at the cellphone and read the short message from Louis Vuitton who wanted their items to be returned right now.
   "What? it's like 10 pm and drove to their office will take 2 hours. Oh my god, this is why I don't like it when a high-end brand asks us to do endorsements. After getting what they want, they will suddenly treat us as if we are going to steal it, "I said.
   "How annoying, you should know the bracelet that Taeyong used was immediately out of stock. Taeyong's bracelets were trending all over the internet, yet they treat us like this? it seems like we have to stop doing this just to get a discount for the NCT stage outfit, can't we ask to raise the budget? 10 million won per member doesn't seem to be enough, "said Na-ri.
   "Unfortunately I can't do that, the budget problem is the realm of finance and I don't want to argue with Mr Jang, our budget is at its highest now, we have to cut down a little bit because we have concert upcoming. And don't forget that we are the youngest team in this company, and I don't want to take the risk, that's kinda sensitive in Korean culture" I answered seriously. Mister Jang has been the head of finance at SM for almost 15 years, his hobby is to tell how hard the idol's of that time to have proper accommodation and now we are buying outfit that cost like one freaking car. Suddenly Na-ri's cellphone vibrates, and the owner of these box sends us a message again. I showed the message to Na-ri, with an annoyed face she posed as if to slam the box... which she couldn't possibly do because the price of one item in it could cost her entire salary.
   "Alright, I'll return this right away," Na-ri said while sighing, I patted her back and put the cellphone into her backpack. Na-ri looks very adorable today, I and the other employees almost died out of laughter because Na-ri casually entered the meeting room with a rabbit-shaped backpack, short pink skirt and a white blouse. Fortunately, SM does not have strict regulations on how to dress its employees, in the end, this company is in the field of Entertainment and this type of company is famous for its concession in binding regulations that exist in Korean companies in general.
   "Here, take my car. By the way, NCT's schedule will end in 2 hours, and they will immediately be taken to the dorm by the manager. So you should go straight home. " I give my car key to her.
   "Thank you. Oh, by the way, Seung-ho Oppa (NCT manager) is still sick, can you please find someone to take the members home to the dorm? Today is the last day of NCT Dream's concert, maybe you should start asking anyone besides the managers." Na-ri pleaded and I replied with a happy smile. Finally, my chance came too.
   "Of course I can," I replied with a smile, trying to hide my intentions from her.
   "You ... don't even think about it! Just find someone else who can take the ..." Na-ri's chatter was cut off when I pushed her out and hurriedly closed the door to my room.
Jaehyun POV
10.50 PM
SM's Parking lot
We all just finished Live broadcasting on V app and now we are heading to our van to go back to the dorm. Every end of the year is tiring. No, this year is very tiring because all of us, as in 18 members, is promoting under NCT 2018 project, a Lee Soo Man's project that was finally happened because Haewon- our entertainment manager- felt that this project is going to be a very brilliant marketing step. Well, guess she was not wrong. Almost every day some members do live broadcasts, almost every week we have a schedule to appear on events or TV shows, even last week we just signed an exclusive contract with a sports clothing brand. Everything went according to plan and as artists, we are very proud to make it happens.
I, Doyoung, Haechan and Johnny had just arrived at the parking lot when I saw a woman, a girl to be exact, leaning against our van. She wears jeans with a black coat that almost sank her entire body, barefoot with heels on both of her hands. What was she thinking of not wearing any footwear in this weather? I exhaled annoyed while approaching the girl. The other members, especially Haechan gives dramatic screams and the others have put on a super horror face because our nightmares have finally happened again.
   "Guess who will take you guys home today?" Haewon asked with her sweet smile while leaning in our van.
   "Don't joke, where's Na-ri Noona?" Asked Doyoung while looking around.
   "Na-ri is returning the sponsors' belongings and Seungho Oppa is still sick. Don't ask too many questions and get in quickly. The weather is very cold, you can't catch a cold on this super tight schedule," Haewon explained while with great difficulty trying to open our van's door.
We all decided to trust the girl and sat in the passenger seat with very tense faces. Doyoung, Haechan, Johnny and Taeyong looked very pale while watching her trying to adjust the height of the driver's chair.
   "Haewon, the button is on your door," Johnny said with a sigh.
   "Oh, thank you, Johnny," Haewon replied with a grin.
   "Johnny Hyung, how about you just drive?" Haechan asked Johnny.
   "Lee Haechan! It would be very dangerous if an idol drives alone, you understand right? Just wear your goddamn seat belt and go to sleep there!" Haewon grumbles.
   "Wouldn't it be more dangerous to let Noona drive?" Grunted Haechan and checked once again the seatbelt he was wearing.
   "Never mind, stop making Haewon nervous, I still want to live longer in this world" Said Taeyong who was met with Haewon's ferocious look.
During the trip to the dorm, I could not stop staring at the girl beside me. She looks very adorable when she's serious. Her petite body must try as hard as possible to drive this van, and I should be worried because I am inside it. For several times I saw her moving her legs, and that made me very uncomfortable because I'm not used to seeing Haewon with blisters on his body, if Grandpa Han sees this, he will be very angry.
In a short time, our car has entered the gate of our dormitory, and as usual, there are already Sasaeng huddled waiting for us there. I can tell because most of them wore white shirts with our names printed in it when they saw our car coming, they immediately surrounded us while pointing the camera at us.
   "They all are this many?" Haewon asked, gritting her teeth.
   "It's not as much as usual, considering the weather ... Some must be very smart not to freeze themself to death," Johnny replied.
   "They can't go up, can they? You all close the window's curtains now!" Haewon looked back with her horror face.
   "Ahjumma said that there are some Sasaeng who live in this apartment, they even wait at the dorm's front door every night" Doyoung answered as he lowered his bucket hat.
   "Aish, you guys just moved here, it looks like it won't be possible to move again, especially since SM has just paid in full for this dorm. I don't want to argue with Mr Jang from the financial division," Haewon chats at length.
I could see the girl in a hurry to take her handbag and start looking for something, then after a while, she growled in frustration because the object she was looking for was located somewhere of that bag she had never tidied. I stared at the girl exasperatedly, with my impatience, I wanted to scold her, but with a situation like this, it felt like I could save my scolding for later.
Author POV
NCT 127 Dorm
After almost 30 minutes of drama with the Sasaeng, they finally arrived at their dormitory. Haewon took a deep breath seeing the condition of the 10th floor's dormitory residents, feeling grateful that Na-ri and herself managed to win the budget to hire maid services for all NCT dorms. On this floor, there are Mark, Taeil, Yuta, and Jaehyun while the other members are on the 5th floor. In the living room, Yuta is tidying up things in his suitcase. When he saw Haewon coming, Yuta immediately closed his suitcase, after all, they seem to realize that no matter how close they are with Haewonm she is a woman after all and it would be very embarrassing if he let Haewon see something that should not be shown to others especially to a woman. Haewon smiled and immediately walked towards the kitchen, checking the performance of the maid service recommended by Na-ri herself.
   "here, it must be very tiring going here with all those Sasaengs.." Mark emerged from the kitchen, offered a glass of water to Haewon with half-sleepy eyes.
   "It's okay, Mark. Make sure to sleep early, tomorrow morning there will be shooting for your concert's VCR" Haewon smiled at Mark and took the drink.
   "I heard, better to prep my skin using some mask, right?" asked Mark while holding his cheek, Haewon laughed at Mark's behaviour. When they first met 1 year ago, Mark looked like a child and now he is taller than her.
   "You already look good Mark" Haewon replied while patting his back. Mark looked a little shy and went straight to his room. Mark always admires her, and it is common knowledge that he has a little crush on Haewon. Jaehyun was very, very uncomfortable if Mark had shown it very clearly when they were together.
   "Haewon, have you eaten? I want to heat Ahjumma's cooking, do you want some too?” Taeil also appeared from the kitchen while carrying piles of Tupperware from the fridge.
   "No Oppa, I have to go home now" Haewon smiled and slowly left the kitchen area and walked to the front door. Haewon intends to go straight home when suddenly Jaehyun pulled her hand and opened the door to his room.
   "Why?" Asked Haewon confused. Jaehyun said nothing and pushed Haewon until she sat on the edge of his bed. Haewon's eyes widened when Jaehyun suddenly squatted and she flinched to the cold sensation on her ankles.
   "Don't wear anything that you don't even know how to use. For example, heels?" Jaehyun smiled mockingly in the direction of Haewon while rubbing the medicine on her blistered ankle.
It's been a long time since she has a conversation with Jaehyun, and it feels very nice to see his best friend's room again. Jaehyun's room is very minimalist, the arrangement is simpler than his bedroom in the Jung's family house. Haewon looked at Jaehyun and felt a little guilty because he often ignored Jaehyun's invitation to hang out together. Haewon was at the end of her semester when Jaehyun was announced as a member of SMRookies after that every time Haewon visited Korea, they only met at the Christmas party held by their family. And now, even though they are working at the same company, plus the fact that Haewon leading NCT projects herself doesn't mean they can freely show everyone that their relationship is this close. First, Haewon is always busy in her office on the 5th floor, while Jaehyun always practices on the basement floor and NCT's schedule is always tight. Besides, Haewon often goes abroad to attend contract signing meetings with parties who want to work with NCT.
    "Sorry, I should pay more attention to Sasaeng. I didn't think they would be this brutal. It seems like I have to make an emergency meeting immediately" Haewon bowed her head looking all sad. She is gazing at Jaehyun's hand who painstakingly applied ointment all over her ankles. Jaehyun stared back at Haewon and shook his head.
   "Take your time, you know that Sasaeng is a difficult matter. Even SM is seen giving up on it ”Then Jaehyun took something from under his bed, thrusting sneakers on Haewon's lap.
   "Wow, apparently my shoes are here?" Haewon smiled and wore those shoes. Smiling slightly as she closed her eyes, feeling how comfortable it was to wear shoes compared to the heels.
   "You have to stop leaving all your belongings in my house, Eomma is very worried, she thinks that you are senile at this age" Jaehyun laughed a little at Haewon's reddened face. And he thought that was very adorable, well that girl would always look adorable to Jaehyun.
   "Isn't that our picture?" Haewon stood up and walked toward the wardrobe where Jaehyun kept all his things. Amongst all the stuff, the only thing that stunned her is a photo of Jaehyun and Haewon's family while on vacation in Disneyland.
    "It was our first vacation together" Jaehyun lay down on the bed. Still looking at Haewon who smiled looking at the photo.
    "Yeah and you were crying because apparently, Mickey Mouse is so big to you, oh my god you're so cute at that time" Haewon hugged the photo and looked at Jaehyun with a big smile on her face. Suddenly the memory becomes fresh again, the memory of their first encounter that leads him to the most beautiful fate of his life.
December 25, 2003
Jung’s family house
Little Jaehyun rolled his eyes in annoyance, this was the umpteenth time he was forced to be the role of a husband in the house played by his cousins. Jaehyun is an only child and all his cousins ​​are girls, he's already fed up with all this, suddenly throws all the cutlery in front of him and runs into the backyard. The little boy was still sulking while playing with snow piled up in the yard when he could feel someone approaching him, his father with a glass of hot chocolate sitting beside him.
   "Are you okay?" the man asked and Jaehyun shook his head. The man smiled, understanding that his child must feel very lonely being the only boy in this household.
   "I didn't ask you guys to give me a little sister, but at least give me a friend to play basketball," Jaehyun said while staring at the long-frozen basketball hoop. Jaehyun's father smiled and wiped the chocolate that was on the corner of his son's mouth.
   "Let's pray that Uncle David's next child will be a boy," said Jaehyun's father. And Jaehyun exhaled, more pessimistic that there would be more male offspring in this family besides him.
   "If Uncle David's next child is a girl then I will make him a boy," his son's innocent words made the man burst into laughter. The conversation between the father and son stopped when the gate was wide open, and several people got out of a black car. A man in a suit walked towards the two of them with a big smile, behind him, there was a woman who was holding the hand of a girl who kept her head down.
Jaehyun's father stood up to the man and hugged him tightly. Jaehyun frowned in confusion. This is the first time their family has a guest at a Christmas party. He saw his father returning with a little girl on his hands. The girl was wearing a white dress, long hair flowing and looking all embarrassed. Jaehyun felt awkward when the two people were in front of him.
   "Jaehyun, this is Letisha Alana Choi or Haewon, let's say hello," his father said. Jaehyun stood up and extended his hand trying to shake hand with her. A little upset because the girl is not yet returned his good intentions. Suddenly the woman who is the mother of the girl whispered something in her ear, the girl immediately looked up at Jaehyun with her bright brown eyes sparkling.
   "You like basketball?" asked the girl that he replied with a small nod. Then the girl smiled very brightly and take his hand. At that time for the first time in 6 years of his life, he saw a very beautiful smile.
And until this moment Jaehyun was still stunned to see the smile that Haewon always carved. He realizes that this is not right, because his family considers Haewon their daughter. But he could not stop this feeling no matter how hard he tried to.
"Why?" Haewon lifts her eyebrows looking at Jaehyun who kept staring at him.
"No, it's just...you are very beautiful today" Jaehyun smiled and Haewon with all her strength had to hold back not to blush. If not, Jaehyun will tease her until a time limit that she can not specify. But Jaehyun's praise gave a warm feeling to her, a sign of gratefulness that having Jaehyun in this world is the best thing that ever happened in her life.
Haewon POV
11.50 PM
Location Unknown
"Yes, I just come out from the dorm," I said to Na-ri who has been calling me for a while now.
"You've made sure Haechan and Johnny don't play games, right? If they are late tomorrow I will be furious because shooting starts early in the morning" Na-ri said from the phone.
"Yes, oh my god we are not their babysitter, let the boys lived, Na-ri!" I replied quickly. Before going down I took myself to the dorm on the 5th floor. Talking briefly with the manager about tomorrow's schedule, scolding Haechan for drinking coca-cola on this cold day, and almost having a heart attack because Johnny casually came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel.
"Alright, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Thank you for the car, by the way. " I ended up lending my car to her because it will be uncomfortable to take a bus to Louis Vuitton's office, it's already very late and it could be a danger for her. I thought that she already ends the call but then she asked again, "with what are you going to go home now? Jaehyun?" Gosh, if he takes me home now, I can guarantee that by tomorrow our face will be all over the news.
"are you crazy? do you know how much Sasaeng are outside? I'm taking the bus" I said with a snort of annoyance. I just argued with Jaehyun because he insisted on taking me home. I have my reasons, I don't want a piece of cheap news about our relationship popped up while NCT is at its peak year.
"Do you know how to ride a bus?" I gaped in disbelief at the question.
"Really? Do you think I'm stupid?" I replied rhetorically.
"Well who knows, you're rich from birth ... eh no, before you were born you already inherited all of your family's wealth. Naturally, you never take a bus, right?" I shook my head at her babble. Of course, I know how to take the bus, back in school at SOPA Jaehyun and I always took the bus. That is the kind of topic I always try to avoid, when I arrived at the bus stop, I end the call with Na-ri and waiting for the bus to come.
There is not a single person around here considering that it's almost midnight and this place is kinda desolated because lots of idols live around here. Should I just take a taxi to go home? I waited, and wait for the bus or taxi to come but there are none of them passing by. Suddenly realize that on weekdays, bus stop working at 11 PM which was 50 minutes ago was the last bus of today. I tried to remain calm, as the coldness hit me and I tighten my coat.
At this time, all I can think of is to use my last card, the only person that is still awake and will pick me up immediately. I sigh a relieved sign and start calling the number.
"Uncle Jung? It's me Haewon... I'm sorry but can you pick me.." my words stopped as I feel something stab my shoulder, something very sharp, I can feel the hot breath flowing through my neck as the person come closer to my ear."There should not be a girl in NCT's staffing" the person said. The sharp edges leave my body and that person run immediately, I was about to chase after that person when I found myself all weak on the floor with blood flowing from my shoulder...
to be continued
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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We are sitting in the car waiting for James to get his bike all attached to the back. Which is taking a little while but that's okay. I'm just really tired. We just finished dinner with his family again and it was excellent and a lot of fun. But we did a lot today and I am just really looking forward to sleep. 
I did sleep okay last night. But I heard everyone awake around 9 so I got up too. 
To find that the water was turned off. Because one of the water heaters in the building broke. Dang. So I washed my face and brushed my teeth with my water bottle. 
I felt pretty good. James and Jess were having coffee. And James had scones baking for us. I finished getting dressed. And soon Jess was sitting with me and we were doing our makeup together. It was fun. 
Eventually we headed out and walked over to the café for real breakfast. 
And it was good. And I am glad we have two nice cafés in walking distance. But mostly I was just really happy to be with Jess. I'm sad she's going home tomorrow because this weekend has been excellent. 
Once we were done with breakfast we headed back to the house to get the car. 
Off to the thrift stores we went. They were calling for snow but it only lasted a few minutes once we were inside and then it was just horrible rain. But that was okay. 
I had an interaction that upset me a little though and could have dampened my whole day but I saved it. Through kindness. Me and Jess were looking at stuff and went over to the toys and another girl our age was looking took and she found a baby furby. And I was so upset I didn't find it first but excited for her. And her boyfriend came over and was like I saw that! And I said to them it's a lamb baby and they are my favorite and if you don't get it I will. And he said they are trying to fix some furbies right now and I was like that's so cool. And was trying to be positive but then she shot me a look and was putting off this vibe like she was upset with me. Like I was trying to take that furby from her. And I wasnt! I was just excited. So we walked away. 
But then I was sad. And Jess went to look at shirts while I looked at coats. But I was sad and trying to shake it. 
But I told Jess why I was sad and shook it off best I could and we went to look at dressed. 
We loaded up this cart. Just everything we even only kind of liked went in the cart. It was hilarious. I went around the corner to the other dresses and there the girl who got the furby was. And I decided to reach out and have a conversation. Turns out she sells nostalgic 80s and 90s toys on ebay! And I told her about my Instagram and now we follow each other. And I told her if she posts furbies I'll make a post about it! It was so nice and it made me feel 1000% better. 
Once me and Jess decided we had enough things we went to the dressing room. Jess went first and I organized the cart so our stuff was easier to grab. She tried on some ridicules things I picked out for her. And many just silly things she found. But she found some stuff she looked beautiful in and it was just really fun to see what she found. I tried things on a lot quicker even though I had about the same amount of stuff. I ended up getting a couple dresses and skirts. But my main great find of the day was an LL Bean jacket in light blue that I am so obsessed with. Im going to wear it tomorrow. It was a maybe at first and I actually put it back because its a little big. But I couldnt stop thinking about it and it was only $7.  
The line to check out was very long. So we wandered around for a while longer. Jess found this really neat faux antique mirror but it would have been a huge production to get it to New York. So after much hemming and hawing it was left. But I did find a kneeling chair and I have wanted one for as long as I can remember so that was a well spent $15. We spent a good amount of money but we got so much stuff. Including 2 really great pairs of shoes. One are beetle boots in blue velvet with buttons, and the other are leather shoes with sherpa interior that spills out and they are while but incredible. Im really jazzed about them.
We finished up there and it was raining. But we got to the car in one piece and headed to the small goodwill down the street. I do not like this goodwill. I find them rude. But we each got one good thing. She got a bottle shaped like a fish and I got those hand gripper exercise things I wanted. But I got really upset because there was an amazing vintage suitcase I wanted to buy that didnt have a price ad that goodwill wont just go to the back and find out and they have signs about it all over. And I was just really bummed. And they were like. Well you could try again tomorrow. And my feelings are this store, of all the good wills Ive been too, has the highest amount of unpriced stuff I have seen. And they wont sell it without a price! But they also wont put a price on it. Like guys. You are just wasting everyones time. You continue to be the worst goodwill. It sucks. 
So I just felt upset and wanted to go. We wanted a snack so off we went to the amish market. Except somehow I chose the wrong one? this was not the one I had been to before. It was very strange. But we did find one and I got a pretzel and she got a pickle and it was nice to walk around for a coupe minutes before we were back on the road. 
We went to the other goodwill. But honestly I was a little burnt out on shopping. I didnt want to look at anymore clothes. She did get a pretty excellent planter and I got an amazing 4 set of plates shaped like sea shells. They are great. But thats all we got. And that was just fine.
We went to a diner for a late lunch. It was so cute and chrome. My favorite type of diner. The food was good but alll very hot. And I was starting to get tired. 
We were about to be on our way home when I remeberd one of the things I wanted to accompish today was getting more snails and maybe a second frog and a heater. So we tried a pet store near where we were. No luck. So into Towson we went where we had great luck. I got 3 black snails. The same kind as my white ones. And a heater. No frog but as soon as we got home and got everything inside I put the snails in the tank and its like a switch was turned on in the frog. 
He starts swimming around. And the snails werent all the way out of their shells yet but he was just sitting and as soon as they started moving he started moving. And now they are all motering around in the tank and I am so excited. He seems so much happier now. And the tank is already free of old worms and food. This is great. 
Me and Jess sat in the living room taking tags off. And figuring out where James was. I knew he was with his friend but we were going ice skating and wasnt sure if we were waiting for him. 
But we ended up going and meeting him there and it was a blast. It was so nice skating with Jess and we took pictures and I just had a really good time. James got upset after we left because he somehow lost a glove. But I keep telling him its okay. But hes mad at himself. I wish he wasnt but it happens. 
We all left there and had dinner with his family again. Very expensive weekend! But the food and company was lovely. We were there until like 1030 and we were also celebrating James's mom's birthday and it was just really good. I felt really happy. But also really tired. 
But once we went back to the park to get his bike we headed home. Which is where Im finishing this post. Jess just got a shower and I am going to do that next. I am very happy but also very sleepy. And tomorrow is another day. I hope you all sleep great. Have a wonderful night. Pray for snow. 
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