#Business Visiting Cards
dizivizicards12 · 3 months
Next-Generation Digital Business Visiting Cards
In the ever-evolving landscape of business networking, traditional paper business cards are becoming a relic of the past. Enter the next generation of digital business visiting cards, a revolutionary step towards smarter, more efficient, and eco-friendly networking. This transformation is not just about digitizing contact information; it’s about enhancing the way we connect, share, and build professional relationships.
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The Evolution of Business Cards
For decades, business cards have been a staple of professional interactions. They served as a quick, convenient way to exchange contact information and make a lasting impression. However, as technology advanced, the limitations of paper business cards became apparent. They are easily lost, expensive to print, and environmentally unfriendly. The need for a more sustainable and versatile solution has led to the rise of NFC Cards (Digital Business Visiting Cards).
What Are Digital Business Visiting Cards?
Digital business visiting cards are a modern alternative to traditional paper cards. They are virtual representations of your professional identity, stored on your smartphone or other digital devices. These cards can be easily shared via a tap, QR code, email, or social media, making them highly versatile and accessible.
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Benefits of Digital Business Visiting Cards
1. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable
One of the most significant advantages of digital business cards is their positive impact on the environment. By reducing the need for paper and ink, digital cards help decrease deforestation and pollution, contributing to a more sustainable future.
2. Cost-Effective
Printing paper business cards can be costly, especially if you frequently update your contact information or branding. NFC Cards eliminate these costs, allowing you to update your information instantly without reprinting.
3. Convenience and Accessibility
With digital business cards, you no longer need to worry about running out of cards or forgetting them at home. Your digital card is always with you, stored on your smartphone, ready to be shared with just a tap or a scan.
4. Interactive and Dynamic
Digital cards can include interactive elements such as links to your social media profiles, websites, portfolios, and even videos. This dynamic functionality allows you to present a more comprehensive view of your professional identity.
5. Easy Updates
If your contact information changes, updating a digital business card is quick and easy. Simply edit the information on your device, and it’s immediately reflected in the card. No need for costly reprints.
The next generation of digital business visiting cards offers a blend of convenience, sustainability, and modernity that paper cards simply cannot match. By making the switch, you’re not only keeping up with the times but also paving the way for a smarter and greener future in professional networking. So, why wait? Transform your networking game today with digital business visiting cards and step confidently into the future.
Want to Create Your Digital Business Visiting Cards!
Contact Us: 7898666133 Visit: https://www.dizivizicards.com
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metukika · 1 year
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post canon/future teru... single mother with no children idk
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expederest · 4 months
It's been a week since I got back from Tokyo, and I'm still disappointed by the Kingdom Hearts Ichiban Kuji. It was supposed to start the 31st of May, the day I was flying home. But I checked like a dozen participating 7/11 stores before I went to the airport, and none of them had started it yet. Sigh...
As a silver lining, I did find a 7/11 that had those chocolate wafers out early, so I grabbed a few.
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Came with that Missing Link pre-registration and everything. Wonder what's going on with that... And while I'm showing stuff off, here's the other KH merch I bought in my limited time!
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fontriver · 1 year
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Quinka font designed by Pixesia Studio
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nihabusinesscard · 11 days
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navybluetriangles · 28 days
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joliestypos · 9 months
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L'Évadée/The Chase (Arthur Ripley, 1946)
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icannotgetoverbirds · 7 months
Severe fucking content warning
Content warning for literal fucking torture and abuse. everything else should be tagged. If I miss any content warnings please for the love of all that is holy tell me so I can fix it.
Psychological torture. Those are the words bouncing around my head this morning.
Did you know that sleep deprivation and social isolation are often considered to be tied for the worst tortures known to humankind?
Let me give you some more context. When I left mormonism, I lost everything in regards to my social safety net. Mormonism and my mormon friends and family were all I had.
It's by design, too; how is someone supposed to leave if their only safety net disappears when they do? Why would they even consider leaving if that safety net holds them perfectly because they can conform?
But when you can't conform, you fall through the cracks. As I did.
I didn't just lose everything, though. I didn't stop there. I also gained a neighborhood full of watchdogs who I was sure would herd me back to the cult at the first opportunity.
Going outside on foot was no longer an option - if any of my many mormon neighbors saw me, they would have Questions. If I gave any worrying answers, there was bound to be Visits. I wasn't strong enough to handle that.
Besides, I lived in suburban hell. Fifteen minutes just to get out of the neighborhood on foot, another fifteen to get to the nearest gas station. My depressed, broke self wasn't about to spend an hour walking for a round trip to the fucking gas station when I could barely handle doing my own laundry.
So I was trapped inside the house unless my parents or someone else with a car deigned to bring me with them on a trip. But it was fine at first, because I had an internet connection and multiple online friends; plus, I'd managed to forge one irl friendship with someone between deconverting and graduating high school.
My parents weren't happy about this for some reason (I have a working theory as to why and I'll get to it later). Their justification was that it was just generally bad for me to be spending as much time online as I was.
Of course, I wasn't doing great mentally, but they refused to believe that they could be at fault for that with their "mild" transphobia. Surely refusing to accept my newfangled, sinful identity on the basis of a false moral high ground couldn't possibly be the most significant source of my suffering; surely deadnaming and misgendering me couldn't be doing that much damage.
Surely refusing to assist the transitioning process in any way shape or form couldn't be a good enough reason for suicidal ideation. Surely I was just an undermedicated psycho for considering lighting myself on fire just to get them to understand my pain enough to... help me with the process of buying a binder with my own money.
Surely I just needed to get my act together and get over myself.
So, ever since that psych ward visit that treated me better than they did, they decided that I could only have internet access if I did enough of my chores around the house.
Doesn't sound too unreasonable until you remember that 99% of my friends were online. I tried telling them this, and their response was to encourage me to get back in touch with my old ward member friends. You know, from the cult I had just escaped. That, granted, my parents were still very much a part of.
(Remember that theory I was telling you about? That little tidbit is an important piece of evidence.)
So I was cut off from the world with significant regularity, having nothing but a flip phone to contact the one supportive friend whose phone number I had. That friend kept me alive and sane enough to stay that way for nearly a year as this hell dragged on.
At some point, my brother and his girlfriend moved back in with us. I guess they weren't a fan of all the sinning I was doing, because my parents had multiple talks with me about how I needed to give them more space (aka stop existing in the same room as them).
So, eventually, I was all but confined to my bedroom, since I could never sit them down to have a conversation about what times I was allowed to be downstairs and what times they would be occupying that space.
This all built up to the breaking point. I had just developed a new medical condition that left me basically bedbound in pain. I was forced out of bed anyways, because nobody was going to take care of me (probably due to the nature of the condition being considered 'sinful'). I did what I could as I could, as I always have.
There had been a misunderstanding about chores. My brother and his girlfriend were in charge of one bathroom, i was in charge of the other. Except I thought I was in charge of the wrong one. So while the downstairs bathroom stayed clean (despite me not doing much to maintain it), the upstairs bathroom became absolutely filthy.
It all came to a head when my brother yelled at me to take care of my responsibility. I finally figured out what had happened and explained to him why I hadn't been doing it, as well as why I wasn't about to start until I could actually, you know, stay standing for any significant amount of time. He yelled at me more and threatened to tell our mom.
I told him to go ahead, as any rational person would take one look at the situation and agree that I needed to rest. My only mistake was assuming that my mom retained any rationality for me.
So she called me and attempted to chew me out. mind you, i was ill and in debilitating pain already, so I put my foot down and asked her to save it for later. But I knew what was coming when she said we were going to "have a conversation" when she got home. She was going to take away my flip phone to force me to do as I was told.
My flip phone, 99% of the use for which was to call my one and only friend that i could access. My one and only friend who was the sole support in my life. The only person, the only thing keeping me sane.
That was going to be it for me. If she did that (and she'd done it before, so there was precedent), I was going to fucking kill myself.
So I locked her out of my room that night and tried to get a good night's rest in preparation for what would have to happen in order for me to survive.
At about 4 in the morning the next day, I packed up everything that i could carry and i walked out the door.
Every single thing I have been through since that day has been worth it to get out of that hell. I am still homeless over a year later and the only thing I wish I did different was to leave sooner and prepare better. Maybe get a nice duffel bag and do my laundry first instead of hauling all my dirty clothes in trash bags. I could've saved myself a lot of trouble by getting my documents together beforehand.
anyways. Befoer I came out as trans and not a mormon, my mother seemed fully supportive - or at least, like she was supporting me as much as she was capable of doing.
Afterwards? She never looked at me the same way again.
And so I have to wonder how two changes to my identity and lifestyle could wrench her away from kindness like that. How they could possibly cause such a significant change in how she treated me.
Here's the working theory.
Mormons prey on vulnerable people. Their missionaries are literally told to seek out the meek and weary and poor to "give them rest." This is also how they bring people back - they find out which inactive members are struggling without their safety net (which they often remove for the sin of inactivity/deconversion/etc) and those are the ones that they grasp at to try and bring back. Those are the ones that they reach out to, that they check in on.
So, how better to take advantage of someone's vulnerability than to make them vulnerable yourself? How better to make them vulnerable than to take away all of their safety nets? How better to tear them from their sin than to tear their sinful friends from them?
How better to break an apostate than to back them into a corner and bring in the walls? How better to turn someone towards your god than to give them no other choice except to be crushed?
And if they'd rather die than return to Jesus, well, then, at least you're sending them straight to the afterlife. Then they'll HAVE to see the truth. Then they'll HAVE to repent.
After all, all my mother needs to do to keep our family together forever is to keep me righteous. She already gave me a body. What loss is the rest of my life compared to the rest of eternity?
Better to die young than to live in sin. Better to be forced to come to Jesus than to choose to live free of him.
She wasn't a bumbling fool incapable of listening to me when I told her she was hurting me. She knew exactly what she was doing.
She abused me, TORTURED me, entirely on purpose. Entirely for the purpose of bringing me back to her god.
I have been tortured. I have experienced psychological torture. I probably have fucking brain damage from said psychological torture.
So, all that said, is it any wonder that I thought the streets would be better? Is it any wonder that I never want to see her again unless it's to use her grave as a gender neutral bathroom?
She nearly killed me. I think that was an acceptable outcome to her, too.
Certainly, the last thing she expected was for me to put my back to one wall and my feet to another and clamber out of that trap she made. Should've put a roof on it, I guess.
Anyways. If it seems like I've been less online/chipper than usual, it's because I've spent the past week coming to terms with this shit.
I love you all so, so much. Thanks for being there for me. Here's to staying alive; to escaping the trap; to finding our own families and leaving our abusers behind in the dust.
Here's to all of you. Y'all were worth the trouble of being homeless, easily.
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mydigitalcard · 8 months
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Digital business cards offer numerous advantages over traditional printed cards. They provide instant accessibility, allowing recipients to access contact information conveniently on their smartphones. Moreover, they are environmentally friendly, reducing paper waste and promoting sustainability. Digital cards are also versatile, easily updated with new information such as job titles or contact details. Additionally, they offer enhanced engagement through multimedia elements like videos and interactive features, making them more memorable for recipients.
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district11crm · 8 months
Best Digital Business Card Management - MyMeishi
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MyMeishi is the best digital business card management company that can help you. Expanding your network is essential to expanding your business or improving your profession. For more details, check out our website.
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surpriseandsmiles · 2 years
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shrifo · 1 year
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Step into the future of networking! Smart business cards are at the forefront of the digital revolution, redefining how connections are made and opportunities are seized. Visit us: https://shrifo.com/
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mhmanna244 · 2 years
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fontriver · 1 year
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Simple Thread font designed by Måns Grebäck
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m0e-ru · 2 years
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pizzazz-party · 2 years
Wish we luck—this weekend I’m going back to my alma mater to be a vendor at a Minicomics convention, so I’ve got a lot of cutting and stapling to finish up tonight
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