#Business Administration Project Materials
projectchampionz · 2 months
THE EVOLVING ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF HEALTHCARE MANAGERS IN THE FACE OF INDUSTRY CHALLENGES ABSTRACT The healthcare industry has faced significant challenges in recent years, including rising costs, staffing shortages, increasing patient demands, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges have transformed the roles and responsibilities of healthcare managers, who are now…
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learnastrowallura · 14 days
10th house ruler in the houses
Ideal career <3
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I have made a post about the 10th house if you wish to know more about it.
1st house: modeling, content creation (focused on YOU, your opinions, your reviews, your personality), leadership/innovative jobs, anything that makes you shine
2nd house: becoming a chef, taking on lucrative projects, huge focus on accumulating material wealth, staying authentic and true to your values and making sure it doesn't fuck w ur emotional stability and stuff- no sacrifices
3rd house: consider working in a family-run business, utilizing writing talent, maybe something debate related, teaching elementary school/little kids, something mind stimulating
4th house: stay at home mom/dad or working from home, babysitting, having a more obscure job and being private about job matters, having a job that allows you to be family oriented as well, providing for your fam being a motivation of urs
5th house: art, creativity, modeling/makeup artist, hair stylist, social media manager, going with the flow, innovation, laid back/light hearted when it comes to duty, being quite lucky in the career side of things
6th house: administrative work, athletic field, diet expert or nutritionist, doctor, being quite involved in your work matters on the daily and taking it seriously, work relationships (coworkers, subordinates, superiors) being relevant for better or for worse
7th house: tbh I'm drawing a blank on this one 😭 I'd look at the sign of the 10th house buuuuttttt anything/anywhere that you feel comfortable as/in for a while should be good. This also indicates maybe meeting someone special at work? 👀 or working together with/creating a business with your long term partner. Also be aware of how ur relationship with ur business partners goes cuz it's important especially deals involving contracts
8th house: accounting, investment, stocks, real estate, finance jobs basically anything that involves other people's money and also maybe inspector jobs, detective work esp homicide involved (ace attorney vibes lol), performing autopsies etc u get the idea and we could also add occult related jobs as well
9th house: spiritual work, teaching individuals esoteric matters, astrologer, tarot, palmistry readings, jobs that allow you or even encourage you to be like a forever student and stuff
10th house: traditional jobs, CEO, career success is important to you and you tend to prioritize it regardless of whatever else is going on in ur life, any jobs that requires a high level of achievement and handling pressure with grace
11th house: social media related, working within a group, collaborative effort, compromise, maybe prioritizing other endeavors centered around making an impact such as activism, vouching for the oppressed and volunteering
12th house: therapist, readings, helping people work through their issues and do shadow work, alchemy work aka turning pain into power, also helping individuals achieve balance in the mental as well as spiritual plane (feminine and masculine energy for example) etc
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Of course this is very general!! You need to look at loaaaads of other stuff but yeah comment down below your 10th house placements
Thank you for reading <3
Paid readings available
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sokosmic · 8 months
Love, Values & Money:
Venus Thru the Houses
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Venus, often known as the planet of love, beauty, and money, holds a profound influence in astrology, symbolizing what and how we value life's treasures. It governs our affection, the way we express love, and our aesthetic preferences, shaping our attractions and the pleasure we derive from art, beauty, and social interactions. Beyond the realms of the heart, Venus also dictates our financial wellbeing, highlighting paths to prosperity through what we cherish and find joy in. It reflects our approach to money, from earning to spending, emphasizing the importance of harmony and satisfaction in our material pursuits. Essentially, Venus serves as a guide that illuminates our desires, and defines our sense of beauty. It also steers our financial ventures towards fulfillment and balance. Understanding Venus's placement and aspects in a birth chart can unlock secrets to navigating relationships, financial success, and uncovering what truly brings us joy.
Venus 1st House -
You love working on your self-image. You value your independence. You make money through your creative pursuits. You love sticking up for the underdog. You value confidence. You make money in leadership positions. You love showcasing individual expression. You value authenticity and charm.
Venus 2nd House -
You make money in the food industry. You value your own self-worth. You love material comfort. You make money in real estate or business related fields. You value sensuality, physical touch, and gifts. You love creating an aesthetically pleasing environment. You make money in joint ventures or by building partnerships. You value being rewarded for hard efforts. You love luxury items. You make money with wise investments or through avenues that appreciate value over time.
Venus 3rd House -
You value your mind. You love to talk. You value good communication. You make money in your local community. You value your siblings. You love a nice vehicle. You make money in sales or commerce. You value facts or the opportunity to learn new things. You love to research. You make money as a researcher or writer. You love taking short trips.
Venus 4th House -
You value family. You love your mother. You make money in real estate or by having a family business. You love your childhood memories. You value security or being secure. You love emotional expression. You make money working from home. You value your intuition. You love being a homebody. You make money researching history.
Venus 5th House -
You value creativity and pleasure. You love expressing yourself through artistic or creative endeavors, finding joy in romance and leisure activities. You make money through the arts, entertainment industry, or any field that allows your creative juices to flow. You value joyful experiences and love affairs. You love investing into creative projects. You make money in businesses related to leisure and entertainment.
Venus 6th House -
You value service, health, and daily routines. You love helping others and are passionate about improving well-being for yourself and those around you. You make money in health care, the wellness industry, or services aimed at enhancing others' lives. You love animals or caring for people or animals that require help. You value efficiency and practical solutions. You make money in administrative roles or businesses focused on efficiency or making improvements.
Venus 7th House -
You value relationships and partnerships deeply. You love when interactions are harmonious and fair. You make money in legal fields, counseling, or through partnerships that require a balanced approach. You love social gatherings and networking. You value collaboration and partnerships. You make money via marriage or from a partner. You value compromise and diplomacy.
Venus 8th House -
You love exploring the depths of relationships. You value transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. You make money in finance, investments, or managing other people's resources. You love researching occult topics and taboo subjects. You value psychoanalysis or digging into fields dealing with crisis or trauma. You make money with an esoteric or occult business.
Venus 9th House -
You value adventure, philosophy, and higher learning. You love traveling and exploring different cultures. You make money through education, publishing, or international business or travel. You value freedom of belief and wisdom. You love engaging in philosophical debates and spiritual quests. You make money from religious or spiritual leadership, or as a cultural ambassador.
Venus 10th House -
You love achieving goals and gaining recognition. You value aspects of career, reputation, and your public image. You make money in high-ranking positions, the arts, or public relations. You love to plan and structure for success. You value ambition and responsibility. You make money in entrepreneurship or industries that value tradition and prestige.
Venus 11th House -
You value friendships, community, and your goals for the future. You love social reform and working within groups. You make money through technology, innovation, or community-driven projects. You value individuality and collective progress. You love unique expression and the freedom to be authentic. You make money in networking and social movements, such as non-profit organizations or social enterprises.
Venus 12th House -
You love spending time alone. You value your spiritual connection to Source. You value your privacy. You make money working remotely or in isolated environments. You love visiting far away lands. You make money from embracing your spiritual path. You love fantasy genres. You value compassion. You make money working in hospitals or prisons.
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batboyblog · 6 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #12
March 29-April 5 2024
President Biden united with Senator Bernie Sanders at the White House to review Democratic efforts to bring down drug prices. President Biden touted his Administration’s capping the price of insulin for seniors at $35 a month and capping the price of  prescription drugs for seniors at $2,000 a year. Biden hopes to expand both to all Americans through legislation next year with a Democratic congress. The President also praised Senator Sanders' efforts as chair of the Senate Health Committee which has lead to major drug manufacturers capping the price of inhalers at $35 a month. “Bernie, you and I have been fighting this for 25 years,” Biden said “Finally, finally we beat Big Pharma. Finally.”
The White House gave an update on its actions around the Francis Scott Key Bridge disaster. The federal government working with state and local governments hope to have enough of the remains of the bridge cleared to partially reopen the Port of Baltimore by the end of the month and have the port working normally by May. The Administration has already released $60 million in emergency money toward rebuilding and promises the federal government will cover the cost. The Department of Labor has released $3.5 million for Dislocated Worker Grants and plans up to $25 million to cover lost wages. The Small Business Administration is offering $2 million in emergency loans to affected small businesses. The Administration is working with business and labor unions to keep workers at work and cover lost wages.
Vice-President Harris and EPA Administrator Michael Regan announced $20 billion to help finance tens of thousands of climate and clean energy projects across the country. The kinds of projects that will be financed through this project include distributed clean power generation and storage, net-zero retrofits of homes and small businesses, and zero-emission transportation. 70% of the funds, $14 billion, will be invested in low-income and disadvantaged communities. The project is part of a public private partnership so for every 1 dollar of federal money, private companies have promised 7 dollars of investment, bring the total to $150 billion for ongoing financing of climate and clean energy projects for years to come.
The Department of Transportation announced $20.5 billion in investments in public transportation. This represents the largest single investment in public transit by the federal government in history. The money will go to improving and expanding subways, light rail, buses, and ferry systems across America. The DoT hopes to use the funds to in particular expand and improve options for public transport for people with disabilities and seniors.
The Departments of Energy and The Treasury announced $4 billion in tax credits for businesses investing in clean energy, critical materials recycling, and Industrial decarbonization. The credits till go toward 100 projects across 35 states. 67% of the credits ($2.7 billion) will go to clean energy, wind, solar, nuclear, clean hydrogen, as well as updates to grids, better batter storage, and investments in electric vehicles. 20% ($800 million) will go to to recycling things like lithium-ion batteries, and 13% ($500 million) to decarbonization in industries like automotive manufacturing, and iron and steel.
The Department of Agriculture announced $1.5 Billion in investments in climate-smart agriculture. USDA plans to support over 180,000 farms representing 225 million acres in the next 5 years move toward more climate friendly agriculture. 40% of the project is reserved for disadvantaged communities, in line with the Biden Administrations standard for climate investment. $100 million has been reserved for projects in Tribal Communities.
The Department of the Interior approved the New England Wind offshore wind project. To be located off Martha’s Vineyard the New England project represents the 8th such off shore wind project approved by the Biden administration. Taken together these projects will generate 10 gigawatts of totally clean energy that can power 4 million homes. The Administration's climate goals call for 30 gigawatts of off shore wind power by 2030. The New England Wind project itself is expected to generate 2,600 megawatts of electricity, enough to power more than 900,000 homes in the New England area.
The Department of the Interior announced $320 Million for tribal water infrastructure. Interior also announced $244 million to deal with legacy pollution from mining in the State of Pennsylvania, as well as $25 million to protect wetlands in Arizona and $19 million to put solar panels over irrigation canals in California, Oregon and Utah. While the Department of Energy announced $27 million for 40 projects by state, local and tribal governments to combat climate change
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butchgtow · 8 months
Introduction to Armchair Activism
Current feelings about the state of radblr.
"Yes, Everyone on the Internet Is a Loser." Luke Smith. Sep 3, 2022. YouTube.
An activist movement can be a place to build community with like-minded people, but action is its foremost purpose, not community. To allow yourself and other activists to remain effective, you are obliged to abandon your personal dislikes of other individual activists. Disagreements are worth discussion, but interpersonal toxicity is not.
Connect with in-person community and do not unhealthily over-prioritize online community. Over-prioritization of online community is self-harm.
Luke is a loser, but his channel is teeming with entry-level digital literacy information and advice pertaining to healthy use of technology for us cyborgs.
"Surveillance Self-Defense: Tips, Tools and How-Tos For Safer Online Communication." Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Hackblossom, outdated, is discontinued. The EFF project Surveillance Self-Defense is up-to-date, comprehensive, and follows personal educational principles of simplicity and concision.
To learn more about general (not focused solely on personal action) cybersecurity, visit Cybersecurity by Codecademy and Cyber Security Tutorial by W3Schools. Both contain further segueways into other important digital literacies.
Direct recommendation: Install and set up the linux distribution Tails on a cheap flash drive.
Direct recommendation: Develop your own home network security schema.
Direct recommendation: Always enable 2FA security for Tumblr, disable active / inactive status sharing, and learn to queue reblogs and posts to protect against others' interpretations of your time zone.
Direct recommendation: It's both possible and relatively simple to host your own instance of a search engine using SearXNG.
Zero-Knowledge Architecture.
As a remote activist (even if also a hybrid activist), none of your action should be taken on, using, or interfacing with non-zero-knowledge-architecture services. Tumblr is, of course, a risk in and of itself, but you should not be using services provided by companies such as Google, Microsoft, or any others based in or with servers hosted in 13-eyes agreement nations.
Search for services (email, word processor, cloud storage) which emphasize zero-knowledge architecture. Businesses whose services are structured as such cannot hand over your data and information, as they cannot access it in the first place. If they cannot access the majority of your metadata, either - all the better.
Communications for Armchair Activism
"Technical Writing." Google.
Contained within the linked page at Google Developers, the self-paced, online, pre-class material for courses Technical Writing One, Technical Writing Two, and Tech Writing for Accessibility teach activists to communicate technical concepts in plain English.
"Plain Language." U.S. General Services Administration.
Plain language is strictly defined by U.S. government agencies, which are required to communicate in it for simplicity and quick, thorough comprehension of information.
"Explore Business Law." Study.com.
Extensive courses are offered to quickly uptake principles of business law such as antitrust law, contract law, financial legislation, copyright law, etc. Legal literacy is often the difference between unethical action of a business and its inaction. Legal literacy is also often the difference between consideration and investment in your policy idea and lack thereof.
"Business Communication." Study.com.
Now that you're able to communicate your prioritized information, you may also initiate writing with bells and whistles. While other activists care most about the information itself, business communication allows you to communicate your ideas and needs to those who you must convince worthiness of investment to and win over.
Learn it through and through. Start with fallacies if you're better at language and work your way backwards to discrete mathematics; start with discrete mathematics if you're better at maths and work your way forwards to fallacies, critical literacy, and media literacy. State that which you intend to state. Recognize empiricism and rationalism for what they are. Congratulations: you are both a mathematician and a law student.
Economic Literacy for Armchair Activism
"Microeconomics." Khan Academy.
"Macroeconomics." Khan Academy.
The globe operates on profitability. Women's unpaid labor is a massive slice of the profitability pie. While it's possible to enact change without understanding all that drives the events around you, it's impossible to direct or meaningfully manipulate the events around you beyond your scope of comprehension.
Understand economics or be a sheep to every movement you're active in and to every storm that rolls your way.
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desognthinking · 8 months
recruitment drive. 5.3k. (or, the haunted house designers au.)
Suzanne sends the pre-meeting email just one and a half hours before the onboarding call is scheduled to begin. Beatrice knows this because her watch buzzes just as she emerges from the bathroom, wringing her hair dry after her post-run shower.
It’s still the middle of the night back in America. Beatrice thinks Suzanne just doesn’t sleep. 
She makes herself a pot of tea and carefully sets her mug down onto its cork coaster at the dining table. Her phone, face-down on the table, vibrates thrice as she boots up the laptop.
She flips it over: three texts from Lilith. That’s two too many. 
A curious sense of anticipation, and perhaps the shallowest hints of doubt, settles over the skin of her neck as she loads up her unread mail. It’s uncharacteristic of Suzanne to forward basic administrative material at such late notice. Especially since it concerns mere formalities like the Zoom link for later, and the confirmation of the meeting participants – an email that should take less than two minutes to formulate. After all, everyone already knows the team heading the expansion project.
Beatrice had mentioned this to Camila once, recently, during their weekly lunch call. Week six or six thousand into their strictly enforced remote work sojourn (the only way, Suzanne said, she could ensure that no Extra Responsibilities would be surreptitiously taken on) and she was already pacing the room from boredom and overthinking.
Camila had reminded her that, in her defense, Suzanne had just been out on that scouting trip in Peru without reliable internet. Whatever spare bandwidth she did have was probably best served hurdling over the mountains of administrative obstacles these new pop-up Houses inevitably would create. Not fretting over Zoom links.
Camila, as always, is sensible; probably the most sensible of them all. So Beatrice very seriously, and very conscientiously, takes a deep breath and runs through that one breathing exercise she’d found very helpful from her therapist.
Suzanne is a stickler. She holds her cards carefully close to her chest, arranged back and forth in some pattern nobody but she can see, and Beatrice trusts her fully. And that’s all that should matter – as Suzanne had made glaringly clear, even before she’d sat the three of them down one by one in her office, and then emailed them the remuneration clauses – that she’d wanted Beatrice for the job, had worked to convince her for it.
For an industry chest-deep in the currency of terror, Beatrice had – has never been lured by the screams. 
It is tradition for a House’s creative team to prowl the exit on opening night.  Maybe grab a drink and share a toast to the accompaniment of desperate footsteps sprinting out, or breathless, choked sobs at the gates. 
Beatrice doesn’t like that. Ever since she got personally banned by Mary from coldly going through the whole maze (yet again) with a clipboard on Night One while bona fide, ticket-purchasing customers were busy hollering their heads off, she’s preferred to go home right after the ceremony to a mug of hot chamomile and a dogeared autobiography. 
She plans to keep it that way, too. There is nothing more distasteful than cheap gore, or cultish fantasy, or whichever half-baked nightmare slough some over-excited writer could dredge up from the hallucinatory afterburn of a weekend bender.
She carefully takes a sip of her tea, gazing out into brightening but still charred-gray skies. She’d had an interview in Tales of Terror last year, and hadn’t known whether to be flattered or dismayed at the opening paragraph. 
‘You wouldn’t guess this is the home of the woman responsible for some of the most blood-curdling, spine-chilling effects, traps and rooms of the last half-decade. Nothing in her fourth-floor unit screams Creative Psycho. Every pale beige curtain in her flat is drawn wide, light flooding in. There are no letterboxd-worthy poster displays from the indie foreign films she watches religiously for research – only a framed print collection of early twentieth century European urban landscape paintings. There are no carpets, it’s almost unsettlingly clean, and there’s not a single ounce of bedragglement. Beatrice tells us, mild mannered and polite almost to a fault, that this is how she likes it.’
(Are you sure you want me?)
“Precisely,” Suzanne had said, careful and stern, “we need precisely that.” She’d been rolling a brass knuckle tightly over the surface of her desk as she spoke. Beatrice thought it produced a gorgeous, rich sound. 
“We need reinvention. Reinterpretation. Things should not be left to stagnate, for their own sake,” she’d stared at Beatrice meaningfully. “This applies to people too.” 
Beatrice had simply stared back, uncertain.
“Besides,” Suzanne turned away, the edge of her mouth twisting up like she knew something Beatrice didn’t, “As I’m sure you know by now, the workload will be shared.”
It made sense then that Suzanne had last year taken them aside to allocate them as leads to three of the flagship site’s Houses that season. Upon their successes she had allocated them, despite protests, those purely consultancy and remote assistance roles for this year’s season. 
Two years ago Beatrice and Lilith were section heads in their respective maze portions. Camila, then freshly poached by the firm, was primary set designer of the same House. That year they huddled together night after night and sixteen-hour days to cobble together something out of the most dysfunctional House of that year’s stable of nine.
The lead for said House was a man called Vincent. He was woefully incompetent to the point of unintentional sabotage. He had, of course, slunk away quietly upon the season’s conclusion, but until then the three of them had had to spend wee hours crawling up and clawing at walls and reinforcements and contractors that had been given contradictory instructions.
They built an easy partnership, eventually – disciplined and stone-smooth efficient to the extent that Beatrice reluctantly allowed herself to catch a few agonizing hours of unguilty sleep each night.
And through necessity she had come to know them as well, as only a truly nightmarish haunted house build will have you know a person.
After that wretched time they had been wrenched apart. The OCS had multiple Houses to churn out at full steam and speed every season, and a brutal reputation to maintain. The cruel prize of a job well done involved getting split up, even if for bigger, better things.
But the point is, they’re tried and tested. Beatrice likes that. She isn’t sure she would have agreed to taking on this challenge otherwise, and she knows Suzanne knows that, too. 
It is a weight on her shoulders, irregular and uncomfortably shifting across her shoulder blades; a worry that any success she has in executing such an endeavor would be largely circumstantial.
Last summer, long before everything had been set in stone, Shannon sent her a link to an Instagram post. It detailed some theories and speculations over an unnamed upcoming OCS expansion. A strategic leak, perhaps, although Beatrice worked far too distantly from the marketing team to be certain.
They were lying next to each other on the mud-streaked safety mats they put over the wooden boards beside the building site. Her building site. The one with the credits board, hooked up at the exit, that would bear her name first at the top. 
It had been the muggiest, most intolerable time of the day when Shannon, overseeing production on this half of the Houses, had come round, somehow hoisting a bulky IKEA carrier over her neck and under her left arm. She pulled out a variety of chips and buns that she’d gone down to the shops to buy, and handed them out far too cheerfully for someone who must have already half-melted in the heat. When Beatrice raised her eyebrows, glancing over behind the barriers where Mary’s motorcycle very conspicuously was parked, Shannon merely winked – poorly – and pretended to be very innocent. 
She stayed to help, afterwards, peering over the storyboards pinned up on the board like it wasn’t the thousandth time she’d gone over them. That year she’d also had her own House to take care of, in addition to the small matter of co-running the entire season’s program. So Beatrice tried to weakly bat her away, but she pulled out a banana from some back pocket, peeled it, took a large bite with a moan so obnoxiously loud Beatrice turned red, and shushed her.    
At this point construction was going ahead in full force, and Beatrice would frequently navigate every step of the maze and inspect every bolt and hidden door with a pocket-sized Moleskine in her hand and three gel pens in her pocket. Yasmine, her head writer, preferred to make notes directly onto her phone, stopwatch dangling from her wrist and an earbud in her ear as she ran over the preliminary audio cues for each section. Ambling behind them, Shannon found a nail and tried to spin it as long as she could on her fingertip. When the nail rolled off into a groove, irretrievable, she dusted off her hands very innocently on her cargo pants and off the back of her greasy tank top. Then she folded her hands behind her back and looked up very seriously to examine overhead mechanisms that Beatrice ‘might be too short to see clearly’. 
With the work lights strung up, the innards of the House did not look particularly scary. 
To Beatrice it was a purely cerebral challenge, despite the very physical layer of sweat, powder, and grime that pressed itself under one’s skin. A puzzle to fit and form and reverse-engineer under cool light; door mechanisms and false ceilings and spring-loaded foam sprays, optimized and timed within fractions of a second. Clean, clockwork.
And as if to prevent her from getting hauled fully into the vortex of her mind, Shannon accompanied the little pilgrimage around the set, pressing a water bottle firmly into Beatrice’s hands every half-hour. It made Beatrice feel like a moody little child, but she accepted it grudgingly every time. 
At the end of the day Beatrice sent everyone home twenty minutes early, and ordered dinner for her and Shannon to eat out on the boards. Fast food, Shannon insisted, and she would be paying for it, because “do you know what day it is tomorrow?”
“It’s not my birthday.”
“It’s better than your birthday.”
And to Beatrice, that was true, so she kept quiet.
After that, they lay down for a while, two cans of soda cracked open and resting on the square of wood beside them that hadn’t been covered by the mats. Shannon sent her the post, then, and when Beatrice complained limply that she couldn’t read the comments because she didn’t have an account, Shannon rolled her eyes and handed over her own phone. 
She made a peculiar dialect of eye contact with Beatrice as she did so; weighty, certainly, and telling. 
The post itself featured garish word art splattered over a mangled, heavily-filtered edited image of one of the previous seasons’ Houses – a fan favorite, actually, from the year Beatrice had first joined. Back then she was still working shifts on the engineering team, not even yet being assigned a maze section to look after its technical execution. 
There was a rumor, the post said, that the OCS was considering broadening its operations to seasonal pop-ups in different cities. All-new sets, all-new storylines, all-new takes on the haunted house experience. What do you think? The caption asked, Do you want more of the OCS brand of sleek, seriously messed-up and sickeningly chilling?
Below that a disclaimer: Not appropriate for young children! Please remember that this is not your typical carnival house of mirrors.
A staggering amount of likes and comments. Beatrice clicked to expand the latter, saw the word ‘legacy’ in the topmost one, and then quickly swiped to close the app entirely. 
Mary and Shannon grinned up at her from the home screen, half-buried in sand somewhere on their Greek island-hopping honeymoon. 
Shannon raised her eyebrows as she received her phone back, and Beatrice suddenly understood the meaningful look she’d been given. Are you ready? 
She reached out blindly for her soda can and finished the rest of the drink in one long, shuddering gulp.
At lunch the next day, Beatrice’s fifth year OCS anniversary was celebrated with some fanfare in the makeup and fittings trailer, where Beatrice had spent the whole morning hunched over fabric textures she could barely distinguish from each other.
Everyone came down from their sets, even Mary and Shannon. Beatrice thought they must have been exhausted; they had stayed late the previous night, after Beatrice had left, to thread their way softly through the OCS’ gaping campus of half-built sets. Simply looking over their modest kingdom. It had a certain wistful luster; in this summer twilight it was a garden of greenhouses, transparent and skeletal. A complex slowly unfurled over the years. Ghostly-quiet, too, in a way it could never be in the throes of peak season. 
Mary waited for Shannon at the gates of the House, silhouette sharp against the work lights, as Beatrice had gotten up to pack for the night. Up by the lockers she glanced over, but looked away when their hands fell gently together. They walked slowly away, murmuring things she couldn’t hear. 
When Beatrice bolted the gate to leave, it clacked too loudly, and they’d called over to say goodbye, dark intertwined shadows stretched grotesquely and longingly over sawdust towards her.
Nevertheless they had made it to the celebration the following day, Mary holding aloft a large creamy cake. Unlike the customary employee milestone cakes, dark and billowing and elaborately stylized with elements of houses previously worked on, Beatrice’s was plain white, with light blue frosting.
The celebration moved outside to the large, white refreshments tent, industrial fans blowing hot, coarse air. Beatrice marveled at how everyone seemed to be able to fit under its canvas. The team working on her House had all come, of course, pooling money for a hamper, and so did a surprising number of others across the other sets.
Lilith and Camila arrived together, squeezing through the throngs to the unsteady plastic table at the center. “We were not bringing your gift into this slaughterhouse,” Lilith huffed, “you’ll have to go back to the office to get it.”
“What is it?”
Lilith scoffed. “Why would we ruin the surprise?”
Camila put her hand on Beatrice’s shoulder. “What we’re really here to say is that we’re proud we’ve been able to work with you during these five years, and we hope we’ll get a chance to do it again.” Beatrice looked at Lilith, who shrugged, stabbing her paper plate.
Mary, still slicing up the cake and handing them out, stopped to meet Beatrice’s eyes. She grinned.
It was many months later, deep into November, that Suzanne had made the formal pitch in her office. By then social media was awash with rumors of possible locations where the OCS could plant their pop-ups. Names, too – there were spreadsheets and Clue-esque checklists on Reddit lining up members of every significant OCS creative team in its past iterations in vertical rows. There even were columns of ‘evidence’ For and Against each individual’s involvement in the as-good-as-guaranteed pop-ups project.
Beatrice couldn’t tear her eyes away as the online crowd reached a consensus, drawing red circles in damning permanent marker ink again and again and again around the names that everything pointed towards. She closed the browser before getting to the point where the discussions dissolved and devolved into bitter catfights over creators’ artistic styles, as they always did.
Suzanne’s office, for as long as Beatrice had worked at OCS, felt like something out of a natural history museum. It was all burnished wood, walls fully doused in dark, rich green, and glass display cases of her collection of Southern European invertebrate fossils. Symmetrical tiles underfoot and over them, a thick carpet that swallowed the clap of footsteps. In Beatrice’s early days here it had been a terrifying place; severe and gloomy even when the heavy curtains were fully peeled open to let light in. The exacting botanical sketches on the walls, too, did not help in the least. Even now she thought it would make for a wonderful basis for a section in a House – a museum, of course, or perhaps a town hall.
Some might think her an unlikely horror creator – easily spooked by many things and a fervent hater of surprises, but Beatrice thought it was a good thing, for a designer, to be able to find something genuinely terrifying in everything.
She took a seat gingerly at Suzanne’s beautiful oak desk, angled so as to always make her seem taller and larger. So that the light would fall in a certain slanted way across her face, carving a cavern of contrasts down the thin scar through her eye.
“Beatrice.” Suzanne inclined her head, expressionless. From a drawer she took out a stapled set of papers, and flicked through the corners thoughtfully. Her leather chair let out a sigh as she leaned back and appraised Beatrice silently for a minute.
“It’s time” she said, “for a new challenge.” She placed the papers down in front and to the left of Beatrice, next to the handmade tin man figurine gifted from her son. 
For Beatrice it had never really been about the horror; the thrill of smelling blood in the water, and Suzanne knew that.
“Some details have not been hammered out yet, but you have a role here should you accept it,” she said, at the end, sliding the papers into a manila folder. “You all are ready for it.”
Beatrice bit her lip. It was hard to argue otherwise, if not for her, then for the others, at least.
Camila, who she traveled with halfway across the world on a budget airplane that rattled and croaked just to take hundreds of terrible reference pictures in poor lighting with their bad phone cameras. 
One evening, Beatrice had eaten something foul, and she’d found herself slung across Camila’s lap, cringing in the back seat of an overpriced taxi without a working AC. Groaning with each bump of the road and helplessly dipping her head further into the crook of Camila’s arm. Throughout the ride she had gently brushed her fingers through Beatrice’s damp, clumped hair, whispering things Beatrice could no longer remember, and dabbing her clammy, chattering cheeks dry every two minutes with her own sleep shirt. 
Beatrice insisted she get back to the hostel to get some rest while she was kept overnight for monitoring and IV rehydration. It had been a rocky trip, and a break would do them some good. Instead Camila had spent the next one and a half days finishing up three days worth of location scouting, and then had it all packaged into a neatly organized folder by the time Beatrice was ready to go again. 
There was nothing imaginable, Beatrice thought, that could truly faze her.
And Lilith. The most capable person Beatrice knew to spearhead the overall production and creative direction of something like this. 
Not just because Beatrice knew she would genuinely do a marvelous job masterminding and knitting together a house of horrors. Beatrice also considered it important that, if she were to join the team, a satellite unit stationed thousands of miles away from the safety of the Cat’s Cradle headquarters, the team would be led by people she trusted.
Or the equivalent of ‘trusted’. Whatever you call the thing between two people who fly desperately over to each other’s homes with some regularity to scream and claw at particularly unyielding scenes and transitions and then fall exhausted into sleep in each others’ beds.
“Take some time to think about it,” Suzanne had said, afternoon light shining harshly so that the whole room was a prism of contrast. “Let me know what you think.”
So here they are.
“Subj: OCS Halloween Pop-ups - Onboarding”. Beatrice puts down her mug, takes a deep breath, and clicks the email from Suzanne. 
Her phone rings.
“What is it?” Beatrice copies the zoom link at the top of the message and pastes it into the top of a new tab. With her other hand she holds her phone to the shell of her ear. 
“Have you seen the email?” Lilith is terse and tight, even through the phone. Her voice is faraway; Lilith has her phone on Speaker and on a table or drawer somewhere while she looks at something else. Unusual. Her calls are usually curt, succinct, and fully focused. It makes Beatrice’s ears go hot and buzz with static.
“I’m reading it now,” she says, scrolling and scanning the words. 
It’s a short email, in Suzanne’s usual clipped style. No attachments if she can help it. Below the zoom link there is a brief four-point meeting agenda, a reminder to be punctual, and finally a brisk thank you.
In-between these lines Suzanne has appointed lead and three accompanying names of the members of the steering team of the OCS’ first expansion project. 
Lilith’s name is listed second. She's not the Creative Director.
“You’ve read it.” The statement is biting; almost a sneer. Beatrice smells the bitterness licking under the corners of its thin, cool veneer. Sticky.
Beatrice rereads the four lines. She rereads it again. She opens her mouth, then closes it.
Ava Silva.
“Who is she?” she exhales, finally. Weakly.
There is a scoff on the end of the line. Echoes of slippers marching down parquet, a door slamming, and then, quietly, an uncontrolled squeak of leather. A furious stream of mechanical clicks, as Lilith’s hands race over the keys of her expensive desktop setup. Beatrice can picture her in her room as if mirrored before her: Lilith still in her terribly fancy robe, sprawled ungainly before the expanse of her monitors in her glassy, austere, home office.
Her voice is suddenly much closer over the call, and Beatrice pictures the phone wedged to her ear by her shoulder.
“Ava Silva,” Lilith spits, in a dry, desiccated whisper.  “Is a Disney rat.”
Beatrice raises her eyebrows, pulling up the matching LinkedIn profile. The most recent post was uploaded a week ago – it seems to be an incredibly effusive Farewell-slash-Thank You post for, indeed, the Disneyland Anaheim Imagineering team and the Creative Development department. She scans the prose: candid and emoji-laden, bordering on unprofessional. 
Beatrice counts seven Disney Princess puns, and one awful Star Wars quote to cap it off. There are eight – yes, eight – images attached to the post, all full-sized so that the page runs on like a travelog blog post. 
The last image appears to be a mountain of goodbye swag. These include, Beatrice notes: a Moana beach ball, a matching Buzz Lightyear set of wheelchair spoke guards and cane covers, and a Sven the Reindeer onesie. The rest of them are all pictures of the woman who must be Ava, with her now ex-coworkers. All adorned with Mickey ears and pin-studded lanyards, in front of various rides and experiences she probably had a hand in creating. 
No, Beatrice scrolls back up to information messily hidden in the overlong farewell paragraph: Specifically, two of these are rides for which she’s been part of the main creative team. Three more that she’s played some role in creating, whether at the design phase or in later consultancy during implementation. 
One picture is a solo snapshot of Ava in a bright yellow baseball cap and remarkably tiny denim shorts, in front of a Disneyland hotdog stand. She’s holding an extra large hotdog, absolutely drenched in ketchup and mustard, high over her head like a trophy. Her smile, Beatrice thinks, is dazzling. 
She swipes down on her trackpad too quickly.
The last picture is of Ava and two others standing on a boulder in front of a massive Zootopia indoor roller coaster, while crowds in the background swarm the attraction in a snaking queue. ‘My pride and joy / baby / first full lead’, Ava has captioned it, ‘aka Great Zootopian Escape 🫡 . Just opened !!! I will be back 2 visit :’)) ’
Beatrice sighs. 
“What the hell is Suzanne thinking,” Lilith mutters, teeth gritted; tone cold. She’s shaken, and Beatrice knows it.
She herself can barely stop herself from scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling. That’s enough, she snaps at herself, and her hand leaves the touchpad with a short jerk. There’s no point. 
“Good morning,” Suzanne says flatly, the moment the call holds five participants. “Thank you all for joining the call punctually.” Her face is crisp and too-sharp against the blurred-black virtual background.
Like they wouldn’t have come anyway, even if thoroughly rocked. Three stern, stiff and silent faces look straight ahead. Suzanne probably prefers them this way. 
Beatrice looks quickly through the five rectangles on the screen and finds the label that she seeks. 
🗿Ava Silva’s iPad 🗿.
“I would like to welcome a new member to the OCS.” Suzanne begins. She nods: “Ava Silva.”
There is a light smattering of the hand wave emoji reaction floating up from the toolbar from 🗿Ava Silva’s iPad 🗿. The device itself seems to be held up very close to her face so that all Beatrice can see is patchy pixelated bits of nose and cheek, shaking about as Ava presumably works to send the emojis.
Beatrice clenches a stress ball in her fist. It had been gifted to her for April Fools’ Day by Mary and Shannon. Something about clenching and unclenching, although Shannon had been laughing too hard to deliver the line in full.
“Ava has been a Creative Development Director at Disneyland and worked on numerous attractions both there and at Universal.” Suzanne pauses. “So, to put it crudely, this is something of a coup. We are very happy to have her with us to lead this creative expansion of the OCS brand.”
Beatrice’s phone, which has been relentlessly buzzing, skates across the table. She turns it over, a stormy headache already gathering steam: dozens of unread messages from Camila and Lilith, and more still on their way. Sighing, she shoots off a quick ‘Later, please.’ and then puts it on a tea towel on the kitchen island, out of reach.
“As you may imagine, it was not easy. She was… highly sought after by various studios and companies. Miss Silva,” Suzanne deadpans, “you are a difficult woman to track down and convince.”
The image of Ava’s face, very close to the camera already, wobbles further. It jostles like she’s jabbing at her screen fiercely. A good while later, after Suzanne had moved on entirely, her delayed message would finally deliver through the Zoom chat: 
🗿Ava Silva’s iPad 🗿: thats only bc i don’t read my emails lol! Glad 2 be here too 🥰
“You will all be working very closely together. In case anyone has forgotten…” Suzanne begins summarizing the contents of that fateful paper packet that she’d handed over in her office last November. The words, the clauses, are identical, but Beatrice can’t help but see it all in a different light. It sinks in more completely. 
Close collaboration to envision and map out the overall direction and themes for the pop-ups. Planning and writing for each house. Liaising with and consulting Admin back at the Cradle, yes, but otherwise almost entirely shouldering production independently. All of that now with Ava Silva thrown into the works.
For Ava’s sake, Suzanne briefly recaps the typical in-house workflow of the production of a Haunted House. Steering team meetings to establish expectations and aims; brainstorming and ideation and finalization of directions; traditionally an in-person bootcamp-esque intensive where the engine of development truly shifts into gear; followed by an ever-accelerating process of recruitment, research, sourcing, production, and testing. A process that should be second nature suddenly feels daunting.
“Now, this meeting is taking place so late because we have only just secured the venue permits for the pop-ups. I have briefed Ava already, and she will be able to explain this separately.”
Beatrice doesn’t have to turn around to hear her phone begin to rattle furiously behind her again.
“Finally, Ava,” Suzanne says, “let me introduce the rest of the team.”
First there is Camila, who Suzanne praises modestly for her extensive set design and art experience. Beatrice knows she’s always had a soft spot for her – resilient and optimistic and ready to put her teeth into anything. 
But in sharp contrast Camila’s face now is neutral and unreadable. The usually bright, tasteful splashes of color in her room are muted against the only two lamps she’s chosen to keep on, shades down and twisted away so her face sits in half-shadow. 
Lilith, then, in her icy postmodern tech den. Her arms are folded and her eyes are cast somewhere. Distant and acidic. 
Beatrice snaps back to attention when Suzanne mentions her name. She keeps it short and sweet: Beatrice’s original training was in engineering, and so, beyond her job scope, she’s best equipped to provide the team with technical and mechanical expertise. 
Ava nods. From what Beatrice can surmise from her patchy rectangle, she is not in a room at all.
No. She is, it seems, on some kind of wicker chair on a sun-dappled porch or veranda, lined by orange and beige walls and pillars veined with vines and hanging pots. A pair of sunglasses, perched on the crown of her head, keeps slipping down, and every few minutes Beatrice sees her lift a finger to nudge it back into place.
Her iPad seems to be on her lap, because it’s shuffling precariously at a strange angle focused on Ava’s chin as she flits about, constantly in blurry motion. 
When Ava holds up the iPad, there seems to be an inscrutable wall of something behind her, simultaneously metallic yet moving in dashes of color. For a moment, her video lags and freezes, and Beatrice gets a better look.
They’re birds. Dramatic plumages and muted tones of all kinds of domestic birds. In cages of every shape and size and color, decked from floor to awning, hanging off bars and resting on customized stands. The whole place is full of them. The iPad tilts as Ava adjusts herself and Beatrice finds that there’s more to the side, off-camera, too. 
Suzanne does not comment on it. “Ava, any thoughts?” 
Ava unmutes herself, grinning.
Beatrice’s earbuds erupt in utter, screaming, avian cacophony, and everybody winces at the exact same time.
Ava – muffled by bird screeching – yelps, mutes herself, and switches off her video.
The call melts into thirty seconds of stunned silence. 
“Oops sorry”,  types 🗿Ava Silva’s iPad 🗿 in the chat.
Beatrice can see Lilith physically take a deep breath and count one to fifteen out loud. Camila is in disbelief; shocked and a little delighted. Beatrice reflects on the strange, confusing mess of large feelings, and decides that she possibly wants to throw up.
Suzanne bites a lip and frowns.
Deep breath, Beatrice reminds herself. Exhale. Inhale. 
Ava’s camera switches back on eventually, and this time, she has, in each ear, one bud of a pair of half-untangled earphones. The wires are frayed and taped over with red duct tape, and the sounds of the surrounding aviary are now blessedly punched out.
This time, too, her iPad appears to be propped up on something. The earphone cord stretches dangerously taut when Ava scrambles to sit back into her chair. 
“Sorry,” her voice careens back into the call. “I’m crashing at a friend’s home at the moment. It’s also kind of a bird shop.”
“Anyway,” she takes a deep breath, grinning, “I’m so happy to join the team. I love horror, and haunted houses, so much. And like, the OCS is– wow. It’s such a dream.” 
She lifts her arms to either side excitedly to gesticulate, and Beatrice watches Lilith balk at the unabashedly kitschy Universal Monsters tie dye oversized t-shirt. Ava leans in just enough that Beatrice can see the crudely cartoonish red-and-white design on her black flask, swirling about.
Bite me I’m scared scrawled over a crude cartoonish vampire.
“So,” Ava goes on excitedly, “I have a lot of ideas, and I can’t wait to get started.”
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raisinchallah · 5 months
i have to say i do think people are full on lying when they talk about english classes on this website like i was a total bookworm and loved writing as a child but that was like systematically crushed essentially the second i started taking dedicated english classes lol i always had kinda checked out teachers who seemed to enjoy humiliating students or thought u should read like a 250 page book over the course of 3 months and make you literally take notes for every page they were often my most vindictive and cruel teachers of any subject (tho i think the most vindictive teachers i had were math teachers i had a lot more nice very good math teachers than english teachers) made kids feel horrible for poor reading skills or were simply incompetent and boring.. two of the english teachers i had in high school were honestly the main precipitating incident to dropping out because i was failing to make up all the insane busy work or they like docked 50% of my grade on a paper because i wasnt in class that day for rosh hashanah lol something i informed them of in advance and turned it in a day later themes and meaning were covered only in the most pathetic miserable fashion of like standardized test reading comprehension questions i mean i had one really great english teacher but he was like such an outlier where he was mostly working in administration and was using our class as guinea pigs for his new curriculum he was developing and turning into a textbook and like we were literally his only class so he actually had time and energy to give people personalized feedback let students revise their papers for a new grade as many times as they wanted to ran really interesting class discussions on material we read in class and tbh focused more on history stuff than reading novels we did a whole project on learning about the american eugenics movement which was probably one of the most important and illuminating things ive ever learned in school but again this was like such a niche specific case i certainly would not generalize this to the grand world of high school english classes lol
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Coal Power Defined This Minnesota Town. Can Solar Win It Over? (New York Times)
The past and the future of electricity in America are perhaps most visible in a Minnesota town surrounded by potato farms and cornfields.
Towering over Becker, a community of a little more than 5,000 people northwest of Minneapolis, is one of the nation’s largest coal power plants. It is being replaced — to the dismay of some residents — with thousands of acres of solar panels and a test of long-duration batteries.
Becker is one of the first of a group of seven Minnesota municipal areas, called the Coalition of Utility Cities, making the change from a fossil-fuel-based economy to clean energy.
“We are the guinea pig for the whole group,” said Tracy Bertram, the mayor of Becker, acknowledging the anxiety some have felt about the loss of an economic anchor. “People don’t like change. It’s the unknown: ‘What will my world look like?’”
When the Sherburne County Generating Station, known as Sherco, completes its renewable project on adjacent land, it will stand as the largest solar farm in the Upper Midwest — replacing three coal units in Becker with three solar sites on the town’s outskirts along the Mississippi River.
Becker crystallizes part of the legacy of the administration of Gov. Tim Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, and his commitment to Minnesota’s goal of 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2040. And it tests how the energy transition could unfold on a nationwide scale for jobs at decades-old fossil fuel facilities, local tax revenues and agricultural businesses.
President Biden’s climate bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, aims to cut U.S. emissions at least 52 percent below 2005 levels by the end of this decade, and his administration is counting on solar power to play a significant role in decarbonizing electricity production. One Energy Department report concluded that solar energy could provide up to 40 percent of the nation’s electricity by 2035.
Minnesota is among the states that can benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act by using it as a tool to replace coal plants with sources like solar farms. Through the law, Sherco’s owner, Xcel Energy, received tax credits that reduced the cost of the solar project for the utility’s ratepayers.
Becker is also one of two sites where Xcel is installing demonstration battery systems from Form Energy, a Massachusetts company. The systems — using readily available materials like water, air and iron — can store solar and wind-generated energy as a backup, with a capacity to power 2,000 homes for up to five days.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Description of Operation Cornflakes, a WWII OSS project to deliver anti-Nazi propaganda through the German mail system. Declassified on 12/19/2007. 
Record Group 226: Records of the Office of Strategic Services
Series: Field Station Files
File Unit: Folder 842: CASERTA-MO-OP-15: Production MTO: Cornflakes
[stamp] DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 853154 By ST/HRM NARA, Date 12/19/02[end stamp] 
[left column] 
In spring of 1945, disintegrating Nazi administrative functions presented MO/Rome with unrivalled chance to infiltrate MO printed material, through exploitation of tottering German Postal System. 
(1) To weaken further the will of Wehrmacht and civilians to continue losing fight. (2) Add more confusion to already chaotic communications and transport services. (3) Convince German people through dissemination of MO printed material of existence of Anti-Nazi group within Germany, especially strong in business and banking circles. 
IMPLEMENTATION Counterfeit letters packed into faked German mailbags carried by 14th Fighter Squadron. 
[between columns] [stamp] CASERTA [end stamp] -MO.OP.15 
[right column] 
[stamp] OSS ARCHIVES [end stamp] 
OPERATION From February 4, '45 to April 15, '45, the 14th Fighter Squadron of the 15th Airforce, on 20 sorties carried 320 "German mailbags" stuffed into 7inch smoke shell bombs - each bag carrying 300 letters, and filled with copies of Das Neue Deutschland, MO leaflets, etc. R.R. stations and marshalling yards the targets where mailbags were dropped on strafing missions. By special device, bags dropped free of bombs, thus removing tell-tale white source of drops. 
EQUIPMENT Paper stocks, counterfeiting plates, MO printed material. 
ROME: 3 Officers; 5 EM; 5 Civilians 
BARI: 2 Officers; 4 EM; 2 Civilians 
[crossed out] SECRET
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locustheologicus · 2 months
The infamous Project 2025 can be found here for all to see. It presents itself as a thorough conservative agenda, which it is, but at the level of completely undermining our already weak democratic system and gutting the last remnants of economic regulations.
The video above does a good job in offering a broad overview of the expressed concerns. Most groups shine a light on the issue of reproductive rights, however. For my part, I am deeply concerned about two items. The erosion of our democratic systems, in lieu of a self-perpetuating conservative recruitment process, and the gutting of any existing and already weakened economic and ecological regulations. Two such concerns of the latter point are what Project 2025 plans to do to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Security and Exchange Commission. "Financial regulators should remove regulatory impediments to entrepreneur­ial capital formation." Here are the word for word recommendations.
Congress should abolish the CFPB and reverse Dodd–Frank Section 1061, thus returning the consumer protection function of the CFPB to banking regulators
The SEC on the other hand will continue to exist but serving the executive agenda by removing any independant oversight.
both the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)... should be abolished, and their regulatory functions should be merged into the SEC.
Politically, people will focus on the reproductive rights issue, but I think the pro-corporate agenda should be a greater concern for all of us. Just look at how it will completely undermine any social issues in Favor of corporate profit.
Prohibit the SEC from requiring issuer disclosure of social, ideological, political, or “human capital” information that is not material to investors’ financial, economic, or pecuniary risks or returns. The proposed SEC climate change rule, which would quadruple the costs of being a public company, is particularly problematic.
Repeal the Dodd–Frank mandated disclosures relating to conflict minerals, mine safety, resource extraction, and CEO pay ratios.
Oppose efforts to redefine the purpose of business in the name of social justice; corporate social responsibility (CSR); stakeholder theory; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria; socially responsible investing (SRI); sustainability; diversity; business ethics; or common­good capitalism.
Prohibit securities regulators, including SROs, from promulgating rules or taking other actions that discriminate, either favorably or unfavorably, on the basis of the race, color, religion, sex, or national origin of such individual or group.
Now, it seems that Candidate Trump is attempting to distance himself from this agenda. But as you can see, he is clearly wedded to this for his potential administration.
I have mentioned some of my earlier concerns with Project 2025 when I first heard of it. Now, as Candidate Trump seems to be inching ever closer to the Presidency again, it is more important than ever to be aware of this policy paper and its repercussions. Here is a further analysis on the democratic concerns we should all have over this agenda.
Thanks to the Lincoln Project, here is a tongue and cheek presentation of what we can expect from Trump and Project 2025.
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princepr · 3 months
Progress Update for Crafty Creations: Hand-made Jewelry and Accessories
What is Working?
Sales and Marketing:
Successfully leveraged social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) to generate sales and build brand awareness.
Product Quality: Positive customer feedback on the quality and uniqueness of the handmade jewelry. High customer satisfaction with the eco-friendly packaging and personalized touches in each order.
Customer Service:Prompt responses to customer inquiries and quick resolution of issues have built strong customer relationships. Implemented a clear return and exchange policy, enhancing customer trust.
What is Not Working?
Inventory Management:
Challenges in maintaining an optimal level of raw materials, leading to occasional delays in production.
Shipping Costs:
Underestimated shipping costs, especially for international orders, impacting overall profitability.
Time Management:
Balancing production, marketing, and administrative tasks has been more demanding than anticipated, leading to occasional burnout.
How Do You Feel the Project is Coming?
Overall, I feel optimistic about the progress of Crafty Creations. Sales are steadily increasing, and customer feedback is overwhelmingly positive. The initial challenges are manageable and provide valuable learning opportunities. The venture is on track to meet the 14-week goals, and I am excited about the potential for further growth.
4. What Are You Learning About Running a Business?
The importance of being flexible and adjusting strategies based on real-time feedback and market trends.
Financial Management:
The critical role of accurate budgeting and financial tracking in maintaining profitability.
Customer Focus:
Understanding customer needs and providing exceptional service are key to building a loyal customer base.
Operational Efficiency:
Efficient processes and time management are essential to handling the multifaceted aspects of running a business.
5. What Are You Learning About Yourself?
I have discovered my ability to handle stress and overcome obstacles, maintaining a positive outlook despite challenges.
Running this business has sparked my creativity, both in product design and marketing strategies.
I am learning to lead and manage tasks effectively, making decisions confidently.
My passion for crafting and entrepreneurship has grown, reaffirming my commitment to making Crafty Creations a successful venture.
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chandandhillon21 · 3 months
Business Operations Plan
At Chandan House Painting, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality, personalized painting services to both residential and commercial clients in Timmins, Ontario. This operations plan outlines how we manage and grow our business, ensuring excellence at every step.
Business Location and Facilities
Primary Office: We chose Timmins, Ontario, as our base of operations because it offers a balanced mix of residential neighborhoods and commercial districts. The central accessibility and growing demand for renovation services make it an ideal location for our business.
Office Space: Our office is a small, well-equipped space where we handle administrative tasks, meet with clients, and plan projects.
Storage: We have a secure storage area for our painting materials, supplies, and equipment.
Vehicles: Our company vehicles are essential for transporting materials and equipment to job sites efficiently.
Products and Services
Residential Painting Services:
We offer interior painting (walls, ceilings, trim), exterior painting (siding, fences, decks), and custom finishes and murals.
Commercial Painting Services:
Our services include interior office painting, exterior commercial building painting, and specialized coatings (anti-graffiti, fire-resistant).
Operational Workflow
1. Client Engagement:
Initial Contact: Clients can reach us via phone, email, or our website to inquire about our services.
Consultation: We schedule on-site consultations to assess the project scope, provide recommendations, and offer a detailed estimate.
2. Project Planning:
Quote Preparation: We provide detailed quotes, including project timelines, costs, and materials.
Contract Signing: Once the quote is approved, we prepare and sign a contract outlining the project details and terms.
3. Project Execution:
Preparation: We prepare the site by covering furniture, taping off areas, and performing any necessary surface repairs.
Painting: Our team applies paint using appropriate techniques to ensure quality and consistency.
Inspection: We conduct a thorough inspection with the client to ensure satisfaction with the completed work.
4. Project Completion:
Clean-Up: We clean the job site, removing all equipment and debris.
Final Walkthrough: We perform a final walkthrough with the client to address any concerns and ensure complete satisfaction.
Feedback: We request feedback and reviews from the client to improve our services and build testimonials.
Staffing Plan
Roles and Responsibilities:
Owner/Manager: I oversee overall business operations, manage finances, and ensure customer satisfaction.
Lead Painter: Our lead painter manages painting projects, ensures quality control, and supervises the painting staff.
Painters: Our painters execute painting tasks, maintain equipment, and follow safety protocols.
Administrative Assistant: Handles scheduling, client communication, and office management.
Recruitment and Training:
Hiring: We recruit skilled and experienced painters through job postings, referrals, and local trade schools.
Training: We provide ongoing training on the latest painting techniques, safety procedures, and customer service standards.
Suppliers and Equipment
We establish relationships with local suppliers for high-quality paints, primers, and materials, such as Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore.
We source our equipment and tools from reputable suppliers to ensure reliability and efficiency.
Our equipment includes brushes, rollers, sprayers, drop cloths, ladders, scaffolding, and safety gear (masks, gloves, goggles).
Marketing and Sales Plan
Marketing Strategies:
Online Presence: We developed a professional website showcasing our services, project portfolio, and customer testimonials. We utilize social media platforms to engage with the community and share project updates.
Local Advertising: We distribute flyers, business cards, and brochures in the local area. We also advertise in local newspapers and community boards.
Referrals and Partnerships: We encourage satisfied clients to refer friends and family. We partner with real estate agents, interior designers, and home improvement stores for mutual referrals.
Sales Strategies:
Promotional Offers: We provide discounts for first-time clients and special offers for referrals.
Customer Loyalty: We implement a loyalty program offering discounts or perks for repeat customers.
Networking: We attend local events, trade shows, and community gatherings to network and promote our business.
Financial Management
We create a detailed budget outlining projected income and expenses.
We monitor cash flow to ensure sufficient funds for ongoing operations and unexpected costs.
Pricing Strategy:
We set competitive prices based on market research, cost of materials, labor, and desired profit margins.
We offer transparent pricing with detailed quotes to build trust and avoid misunderstandings.
We use accounting software to manage invoices, payments, and financial records.
We hire a professional accountant for tax preparation and financial advice.
Risk Management
We obtain comprehensive business insurance, including liability, property, and workers' compensation.
Regulatory Compliance:
We stay informed about local regulations and ensure all our business practices comply with legal requirements.
We maintain necessary licenses and permits for operating in Timmins, Ontario.
At Chandan House Painting, we are committed to delivering exceptional painting services through careful planning, quality execution, and a strong focus on customer satisfaction. This operations plan provides a roadmap for efficient management and growth, ensuring we meet our goals and exceed client expectations.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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November 15, 2023
NOV 16, 2023
Extremist Republicans today shut down House business by refusing to pass a procedural vote to take up a spending bill, as they had threatened to do in retaliation for the passage yesterday of the continuing resolution to fund the government into the new year. This is the fourth time the extremists have defeated special rules in the House this year, and as deputy chief of staff for Representative Don Beyer (D-VA) Aaron Fritschner pointed out, their doing so is highly unusual. In the previous 20 years the House voted down no such measures at all. 
Although they were in the middle of a 17-vote series, the Republicans then recessed the House until after Thanksgiving. 
Members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus made it clear they are angry that their own demands are not being met. “We’re sending a shot across the bow,” caucus chair Scott Perry (R-PA) told reporters. “[W]e are done with the failure theater here.” 
Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) angrily said to his colleagues: “One thing. I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing. One. That I can go campaign on and say we did. One! Anybody sitting in the complex, if you want to come down to the floor and come explain to me, one material, meaningful, significant thing the Republican majority has done besides, ‘Well, I guess it’s not as bad as the Democrats.’” 
In contrast, the Democrats with the same slim majority in the last Congress passed a series of sweeping bills that are already changing the country. Today marks the second anniversary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act that invested $1.2 trillion—$550 billion of it new spending—in roads, water systems, electrical grids, broadband, bridges, and so on.
So far, that act has seen the start of more than 37,000 projects across the country. Bridges, airports, and supply chain projects are underway, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Democrats today emphasized that they are delivering on the things that make people’s lives easier, and the White House listed a number of Republicans who voted against the measure only to boast of the benefits of the infrastructure investments to their constituents.
 “And,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a video in which he echoed the tagline of the administration: “the great news is, we’re just getting started.” 
The investment in infrastructure is part of what has created a booming U.S. economy. Growth is far better in the U.S. than in Europe or China, where a property bubble and local government debts have led to deflation. 
That economic strength is standing behind President Joe Biden in San Francisco, where he traveled yesterday for a summit of the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum (APEC groups economies, not nations). APEC economies make up almost half of world trade and about 62% of global gross domestic product. 
Today, Biden met with Chinese president Xi Jinping in a much anticipated second meeting since Biden took office. But even before today’s discussion, the two leaders announced a new climate agreement. The U.S. and China are the world’s two largest climate polluters, accounting for 38% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. 
China did not agree to phase out coal, which is the dirtiest fossil fuel, but both countries agreed to ramp up renewable energy capacity around the world and to reduce emissions in their power sectors overall. This is the first time China has agreed to cut emissions. In two weeks the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place in Dubai. Observers hope the willingness of China and the U.S. to make this announcement, even with its limitations, will jump-start negotiations there. 
Remarks by Biden and Xi before their meeting were cordial but tense. Biden emphasized that their “meetings have always been candid, straightforward, and useful,” telling Xi: “I value our conversation because I think it’s paramount that you and I understand each other clearly, leader to leader, with no misconceptions or miscommunication. We have to ensure that competition does not veer into conflict. And we also have to manage it responsibly—that competition.”
Xi responded that the China-U.S. relationship “is the most important bilateral relationship in the world,” and while it “has never been smooth sailing over the past 50 years and more…, it has kept moving forward amid twists and turns. For two large countries like China and the United States, turning their back on each other is not an option. It is unrealistic for one side to remodel the other, and conflict and confrontation has unbearable consequences for both sides.”   
In their four-hour meeting, the two leaders agreed to recommence military communications more than a year after China broke them off when then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. The two countries also agreed to strengthen cooperation on stopping the flow of what are known as precursor chemicals—the chemicals needed to make street fentanyl—which are produced in China and shipped to drug operations primarily in Latin America. The U.S. has cracked down hard on that trade; additional Chinese cooperation will be welcome. 
They agreed to continue to work together to address climate change, as well as to address the risks of artificial intelligence. 
On the rest of their discussions, concerning Taiwan, human rights, the Middle East, and Ukraine, the two leaders “exchanged views,” according to the White House readout. Later in the day, meeting with business leaders who have grown nervous about investing in China, Xi assured them that China wants to be friends with the U.S., and “does not seek spheres of influence, and will not fight a cold or hot war with any country.”
In his remarks welcoming APEC leaders this evening, in the city of the famous Golden Gate Bridge, Biden emphasized the power of building bridges to span space and time, the past and the future. He spoke of connecting diverse communities: “All across the traditions, cultures, and languages, we find the common dreams we share for ourselves and for our children.” 
Biden urged his audience to “take full advantage of this summit to make new connections and spark new partnerships, because every step we take to deepen our cooperation, to launch a new venture, to tackle the challenges that impact on all of us is a step toward realization of the enormous potential of our Asian Pacific future…, a future where our economics are strong, vibrant, and sustainable because our workers are empowered and protected; women and girls are full and equal participants in every aspect of our society; young people…can envision for themselves the lives and hope for unlimited possibilities.”
The strongest tools we have to meet this era’s challenges, he said, are “connection, cooperation, collective action, and common purpose. That’s why we’re all here.”  
Late tonight, by a vote of 87 to 11, the Senate passed the continuing resolution to fund the government into the new year. One Democrat and ten Republicans voted no.
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erastaffingsolutions · 5 months
The Employer’s Playbook: Correcting Employee Misclassification
Navigating the labyrinth of labor laws, tax responsibilities, and HR best practices can sometimes feel like a full-contact sport for business owners. One of the significant challenges in this game is correctly classifying your personnel as either employees or independent contractors. Misclassification can result in dire consequences, including hefty fines and back taxes. In this detailed guide, we’ll break down why correct classification is critical, how to spot misclassification, and what to do if you find you’ve been playing on the wrong team.
What Is Employee and Independent Contractor Classification?
Before we draw battle lines, it’s essential to understand the various types of personnel at your disposal. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Labor (DOL) each have their own criteria for what constitutes an employee versus an independent contractor. Employees typically work under the direction and control of an employer, whereas contractors maintain their independence, controlling when, where, and how the work is done. The distinction is vital because it affects how you pay taxes, allocate benefits, and protect your business from legal disputes.
Employers often prefer to engage workers as independent contractors because it:
Reduces administrative overhead
Eliminates the need to provide employee benefits
Allows for more flexible staffing arrangements
However, misclassification can open a Pandora’s box of unforeseen liabilities.
5 Indicators of Employee vs. Contractor Misclassification
The lines between employees and independent contractors can seem blurry, but certain indicators can clearly point one way or the other. Here are five indicators to watch for:
The Business's Degree of Control
The more control a business exercises over the work being done – including the manner and means of the work – the more likely the worker should be classified as an employee.
Financial Control
When the business controls significant aspects of a worker’s financial affairs, such as setting the pay rate or providing tools and materials, it’s a strong indication of an employer-employee relationship.
Investment in Facilities
If the worker has a significant investment in things like office space or equipment, they're more likely to be a contractor.
Opportunity for Profit or Loss
Contractors typically have the potential to make a profit or suffer a financial loss, while employees are often insulated from business fluctuations.
Permanency of the Relationship
An ongoing, indefinite working relationship suggests an employer-employee relationship. Contracts that specify a defined project or time frame lean more toward independent contractor status.
By assessinging these factors, you can catch early signs of misclassification and protect your business from unnecessary risk.
How to Correct Employee Misclassification
Discovering that you’ve misclassified workers can be a daunting reality, yet there is a path to rectification. Here are the vital steps to correct the course:
Identify the Misclassified Workers
The first step to fixing a problem is recognizing its existence. Audit your workforce to determine the scope of the misclassification.
Re-Evaluate Workforce Hiring Practices
Once the misclassified workers are identified, reassess how and why they were classified as independent contractors. Ensure your classification practices adhere to legal guidelines moving forward.
Adjust for Prior Compensation and Tax Withholding Errors
Correct any erroneous payroll tax filings and ensure all relevant taxes are appropriately withheld and paid.
Communicate Changes Transparently
Notify affected workers of the status change and what it means for their compensation and benefits.
Implement Corrective Policies
Establish clear policies and procedures for future worker classification, including documentation of the basis for classification.
By following these steps, you’ll mitigate the immediate damage and establish a framework for avoiding future misclassification issues.
5 Factors to Calculate Employee Misclassification Costs
Once you’ve acknowledged misclassification, it’s time to tally the costs. Knowing what you’re up against can help you make informed decisions about how to proceed.
Back Pay and Overtime
Misclassified employees may be owed back wages and overtime pay if they were treated as contractors when they should have been deemed employees.
Unemployment and Workers Compensation
Your business may be responsible for past and future payments associated with unemployment and workers compensation benefits.
Tax Adjustments
The IRS can penalize you for failing to withhold and match taxes appropriately for employees. You’ll need to amend past returns and address any unpaid tax liabilities.
Fines and Fees
In addition to the back taxes, the IRS or DOL may levy fines for misclassifications. These penalties can be substantial and vary depending on the number of employees involved and the severity of the violation.
Legal Costs
If an employee brings a lawsuit against your business due to misclassification, you’ll also need to factor in legal fees, settlement costs, and potential damage awards.
By factoring in these costs, you’ll be better equipped to map out how to best address the misclassification with the least amount of impact.
Navigating the complexities of employee classification is not for the faint of heart. However, staying informed about the indicators of misclassification and understanding how to rectify errors can save you immeasurable headaches down the line. Compliance isn’t always simple, but it is non-negotiable. Your workforce — and your bottom line — will thank you for these proactive measures.
In the fast-paced world of business, agility and foresight are your strongest allies. Knowing how to respond to misclassification can transform a potential pitfall into a learning opportunity. By understanding the rules and diligently auditing your practices, you can ensure that your team — both on the field and off — is set up for success.
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war-of-heirs · 2 years
The Great House of Goldstone
House Goldstone is one of the most prominent noble houses in the upper eastern mountains region of the empire. The house is known for its vast gold mines and the high-quality materials they produce, including precious metals and gemstones.
Their sigil is a golden eagle perched on top of a mountain.
Motto "From stone and gold we rise."
The capital of the Archduchy is controlled by House Goldstone and is known as Highmount. The castle sit sits atop one of the tallest mountains in the region. Highmount is surrounded by rocky peaks and towering cliffs, providing natural protection against any potential invaders.
The members of House Goldstone are highly respected for their wealth and influence, and their economic power has made them a major player in the empire's politics. They are known for their shrewd business sense and willingness to take calculated risks to expand their wealth and power.
Despite its immense wealth, House Goldstone is also known for its commitment to the well-being of its workers, providing fair wages and safe working conditions in the mines. They have also invested heavily in infrastructure projects, such as roads and bridges, to improve access to their mines and support the local economy.
The Archduke of House Goldstone is a stern but fair man. He is a seasoned warrior and an astute businessman, well-respected by his vassals. His wife, Archduchess Selene, is a graceful and intelligent woman. She is known for her love of literature and her skill at diplomacy, often mediating disputes between neighboring lords and ladies.
Together, the ArchDuke and ArchDuchess of House Goldstone have two children, a son, and a daughter. The son is capable administrator and diplomat like his father, while the daughter is a talented musician and poet like her mother, known for her extreme beauty. The family is well-loved by their people, who admire their strength, intelligence, and artistic talents.
For now House Goldstone maintains good relations with other great noble houses.
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pooja-rao009 · 7 months
Uses Of Stationery Kit ?
A stationery kit serves a multitude of purposes across various aspects of life, offering practicality, organization, creativity, and personal expression. Here are some of its key uses:
Education: Stationery kits are indispensable for students, providing tools for note-taking, highlighting, and organizing study materials. Pens, pencils, notebooks, rulers, and calculators are essential for academic success.
Workplace: In professional settings, stationery kits facilitate communication, organization, and productivity. They include items such as pens, notebooks, sticky notes, paper clips, and folders, aiding in meetings, presentations, and daily tasks.
Creative Pursuits: For artists, designers, writers, and hobbyists, stationery kits are essential for expressing creativity. Sketchbooks, drawing pencils, colored markers, and paints enable individuals to bring their ideas to life and explore artistic endeavors.
Planning and Organization: Planners, calendars, and to-do lists from stationery kits help individuals stay organized, manage tasks, and track appointments. They are invaluable tools for scheduling, goal-setting, and time management.
Communication: Stationery items like letterheads, envelopes, greeting cards, and personalized stationery add a personal touch to written communication. They are used for sending letters, invitations, thank-you notes, and other correspondence.
Presentation: Highlighters, markers, presentation boards, and flip charts assist in creating visually engaging presentations and reports. They are essential for conveying information effectively in academic, business, and professional settings.
Crafting and DIY Projects: Washi tape, decorative paper, stickers, and ribbons from stationery kits are used in various crafting projects. They can be employed in scrapbooking, journaling, card-making, and other DIY endeavors.
Gift Wrapping: Stationery supplies like gift wrap, gift bags, tissue paper, and gift tags enhance the presentation of gifts for special occasions. They add a personal and decorative touch to the act of giving.
Office Supplies: Stationery kits provide essential office supplies such as staplers, tape dispensers, scissors, and rulers. These tools are indispensable for completing administrative tasks and maintaining a functional workspace.
Mindfulness and Self-Care: Engaging in activities like journaling, doodling, or writing letters with stationery supplies can promote relaxation, creativity, and self-expression. They offer a therapeutic outlet for stress relief and personal reflection.
In essence, a stationery kit is a versatile and indispensable collection of tools that caters to various needs and pursuits, enhancing productivity, creativity, communication, and personal well-being.
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