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overlanderafrica999 · 1 year ago
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grrrenadine · 8 months ago
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The inimitable Ace Visconti bushcamping on Dead Dawg Saloon.
This, along with 50 other artworks, is part of my new Dead by Daylight digital zine, available on Gumroad for $6!
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arcadianwind · 1 month ago
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lake superior :D
currently bushcamping on the hotel tv bc the weather is bad here
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4x4community · 3 months ago
North Kafue - McBrides or Mozhi bushcamp?
Forum: Zambia Posted By: Jeepers Post Time: 2024/10/26 at 11:29 AM http://dlvr.it/TFlVFD
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eazy-group · 11 months ago
A beautiful girl camping tips #bushcamp #wintercamping #outdoors #survival
New Post has been published on https://eazycamping.net/a-beautiful-girl-camping-tips-bushcamp-wintercamping-outdoors-survival/
A beautiful girl camping tips #bushcamp #wintercamping #outdoors #survival
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chartrandl · 2 years ago
NAMIBIA 1: Story of Earth, Story of Us (Expedition #68)
GUIDES: Leon Chartrand, PhD (Lead)
ACTIVITIES: NOTE: In order to preserve the uniqueness of this experience and to protect rhinos, elephants, cheetah and other animals from our giving away their locations to poachers and tourists, specific details will only be given to the finalized roster and will not be listed here.
At Woltemade Farms (4 nights): nightly soccer matches, sun-downers, campfire meals, wildlife trekking, medicinal plants walk, game drives, sustainable farming methods, semi-precious stone mine, swimming, Sunset wildlife watch at the water hole.
Guest Lodge near Tsumeb (1 night), wildife safari, Sundowner.
Guest Camp near Outjo (1 night), wildlife safari, Sundowner
Etosha National Park (1 full day): all-day wildlife safari to see elephants, wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, oryx, kudu, impala, springbok, wildebeest, hyena, jackal.
Camp near Damaraland (2 nights): elephant trekking, Damara Living Museum, SunDowner
Erongo Region Bushcamp (2 nights): San Bushman Rock Art and animal trekking, Sundowner, San Bushmen Living Museum.
Undisclosed Wildlife Sanctuary and Orphanage (3 nights): lion-feedings, safaris to see hippo, elephant, giraffe, hosts of antelope, lion pride, SunDowners, visits to the Rhino Orphanage and to the local school.
FACULTY: Leon Chartrand, PhD; TBD
COURSES: 6 Total CORE Credits
TBD, 3 Credits, CORE PHIL 200, Humanities Elective, Free Elective
THEO 332 (Chartrand), 3 Credits, CORE THEO 200, ERS, Env Sci/Studies, Peace Studies, Humanities Elective, Free Elective
PROGRAM FEE: $4,275 includes roundtrip international airfare, all lodging, ground transportation, vehicle safaris, elephant/wildlife trekking, ATV rentals, boat safaris, San Bushmen and Damara Living Museums/Village visits, Rock Art tours, Lion-feeding, Rhino Orphanage, meals, snacks, beverages.
TUITION: $3,342 ($557/Credit Hour x 6 Total Credits, separate from Program Fee)
DEPOSIT: $400 Nonrefundable deposit secures student’s spot. Deposit deducted from Program Fee.
LIMIT: Maximum 13 Students
VALUE: Attempting this program on one’s own would cost ~$13,700/person. For THIS expedition, a student’s total cost is $4,275 (Program Fee) + $3,342 (6 Credits Tuition) = $7,617 total. For questions on payment plans, contact Xavier University’s Office of the Bursar. For questions on grants and scholarships, contact Xavier University’s Office of Financial Aid.
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onetigris · 4 years ago
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🐾"Have you ever gone camping with your dog? It's one of our favorite things to do in our free time!"🏕 #OneTigris
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enjoythelife00 · 4 years ago
Kıyıköyden Başlayalım.
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Küresel salgın sebebiyle insanlar artık daha fazla kendine vakit ayırmaya ve daha fazla doğayla iç içe olma arzusu içinde. Bu sebeple müstakil evler, tiny House lar, karavanlar ve kamp kültürüne ilgi artmış durumda. Bu başka bir yazının konusu. Bu yazıda ise günübirlik ya da birkaç günlük kamp hikâyelerimizden birinden bahsedeceğim. Özellikle İstanbul civarında birkaç saatlik mesafedeki kamp yerlerinden Trakya’nın şirin bir kasabası olan Kıyıköydeyiz.
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Kırklareli’nin Vize ilçesine bağlı sakin ve şirin bir balıkçı kasabası Kıyıköy. Kasabada iş güç olmadığından sürekli göç veren yerlerden. Trakya’nın genel özelliklerini gösterse de Karadeniz kıyısında oluşu daha bir ayrıcalık katmış bence. Karadenizli Trakyalılar benim gözümde. Balıkçılık birinci geçim kaynağı olmasına karşın tarım ve hayvancılıkta devam ediyor. Şimdilerde Rusya’dan gelen Türk Akım doğalgaz boru hattı buradan ülkemize bağlandığından ve coğrafi yapısından dolayı bolca rüzgar santralinin olmasıyla enerji bölgesi haline dönmüş durumda. Tüm bu gelişmelerin ışığında güzelliğini korumaya devam ediyor. Ederde inşallah.
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Kıyıköy bu hadiselerin dışında tarihi olarak ta önemli bir yere sahip. Meşhur Ayestefanos Antlaşması’nda geçen Midye-Enez hattında ki Midyenin ta kendisidir. Ayrıca şehrin girişinde uzanan imparator VI.Jüstinyen döneminde yapıldığı söylenen surları ve yine aynı dönemde yapıldığı rivayet edilen ve kayalara oyularak inşa edilen Aya Nikola Manastırı görülmeye değer tarihi yerler arasında. Ve tabi ki fetih sonrası camiye dönüştürülen tarihi bir kilisesi de mevcut.
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Son zamanlarda kamp severlerin de sıkça tercih ettiği şirin kasabamız da bizim de gerçekleştirdiğimiz geziden kısa hikâyeler paylaşacağım sizlere. Öncelikle şehir içi küçük şirin olmakla beraber tek cadde olmasından mütevellit yoğun bir trafik oluşma durumu söz konusu. Sabah erkenden geldiniz alışverişi yapıp takılacağınız mekâna kaçtınız. Kurulduktan sonra a su yok, a çay yok bir koşu alıp gelelim derken bir bakmışsınız jandarma eşliğinde trafikte söyleniyorsunuz tarihi surların altında. Öyle de bir durum yani. Sonra limanın yanındaki plaj öğleden sonra kalabalıklaşıyor ve kasaba yakınındaki kamp alanları çadır kent görüntüsü veriyor. Yollar stabilize toz toprak mangalın üstüne sos olmuş vaziyette yelleniyor.
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Ol sebeple siz de bizim gibi biraz daha içeriye yada sahil boyu ileriye yollanın. Dere demişken iki tane güzel deresi mevcut. Saray-İstanbul istikametine doğru olan Kazan deresi ki çok bir dalgası yoktur diğeri kadar ve Vize-Bulgaristan istikametine doğru kıvrılan pabuç dere ise nehir kenarı mekânları deniz bisikleti turları ve yukarıya doğru tatlı kuytuları ile görülmeye değer. Biz tezgahı sahilden daha ileriye doğru kendine ait koyu çakıldan bir plajı olan şahıs arazisine kurduk. Mekanın sahibi Eren abi küçükbaşları, çarşıda mekanları falanları filanları olan tatlı bir abimiz. İlk geldiğimizde bizden işkillense de dönene kadar iyi bir muhabbetimiz oldu. Daha yeni gelmiştik ki bir yerlerden gelen duman kokusuna bir çığlık eşlik etti. Piknik yapmaya gelen yerlilerden Ercan diye bir arkadaş ayağını yerde yanan köze basmış. Meğerse burası eskiden baya eskiden kömür ocağı imiş. Odun kömürü yapıp oradan da gemilere nakledip İstanbul’a gönderiyorlarmış. O zamanlardan kalan kömür parçaları toprakla oldukça haşır neşir olunca yerde ateş yanmaya görsün. Hemen vaziyet alıp ağaçların kökleri yanmasın diye söndürme girişiminde bulunup daha da karıştırdık bir de elimizi yaktık iyimi.
Etrafımızda tatlı bir orman çevrelemiş önümüz kıyıköy, Karaburun manzarası gökte de dolunay eşlik etti bize. Yaz gününde ateşsiz olmaz gecelerden biriydi, tatlı bir yorgunluk atarken ateşte boşa yanmasın bir çay koyalım bari demiştik. Tam türkünün dibine vururken Ormaniye sirenleriyle ayığa düştük. Sabahki yanan yeri gösterip bir tanker su basıp serinlettik toprağı. Ateşimizi derleyip ortama mukayyet olup yolcu ettik abileri. Sonra dikkatimizi sessizliğin içerisinde rüzgar gülünün uğultusu celb etti. Birkaç dakika izledikten sonra japon balığını seyreden yavrucak gibi kollarımızı kaldırmış dönmeye çalışırken bulduk kendimizi.
Uyuduk, uyandık. Derleyip toparlandık güzel anılar yazdık anı defterine. Sevdik biz burayı düşeriz yine inceden. Ercan’dan bir balık yemeden, Eren abiden bir muhabbet koparmadan olmaz.
Seviyoruz netice de bu hayatı.
Gezi videomuza göz atmayı unutmayın!
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adamarrowoutdoors · 4 years ago
Titta på ”Solo Overnighter in Northern Sweden - Open Lavvu Shelter” på YouTube
An overnight camping trip north of Kiruna in northern Sweden. Kiruna is located about 145km north of the arctic circle, and I was about 50km north of that. Kiruna is the northernmost town in Sweden, situated in the province of Lapland.
Take care and stay healthy!😁👍
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le-ngoc-tung-blog · 5 years ago
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dastardlydapperbastard · 6 years ago
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NAME . Rémi Bonfils Chaput  NICKNAME : Spy, Spook, Rembo (by exactly one person), Snorts, Zoro, Pops (not recommended), Croissant Boy, bitch tits mcgee, Stab Bastard, Imp, Running boy, Speedy and several other things in french(Michael) AGE .  57 (OLD) SPECIES . Human
MORALITY .  lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true . RELIGION .  It’s complicated. Spy is secretly Jewish but was raised Catholic, but he doesn’t consider himself a practicing either. Because his job is murder. So like. SINS .  greed / gluttony / sloth / lust- “Is it a sin to be charming? Fuck off.” / pride / envy / wrath .  VIRTUES .  chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness (”nice” is not the same as kind and also...I mean I wanted to give him at LEAST one) / patience / justice . KNOWN LANGUAGES .Speak and Understand Fluently: English, French, Russian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Mandarin, Czech, Polish, Irish Gaelic, Latin, Italian, Japanese
Read/Write Fluently: Latin, French, German, Polish, Spanish, Dutch, Currently working on Japanese.
SECRETS . The only thing that isn’t a secret is that he has many secrets. Also that he’s a mass murdering casanova chainsmoker.
BUILD .  scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average . HEIGHT . 6′0′? I might be off by half an inch, but he has .5 to 1 inch on Scout.
SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS . Yes. If you get up close to him and squint, you can make out faded facial scarring, for starters. What you can’t see is significant chin and forehead scarring, burnt portions of his head and neck- and it just gets worse. He hasn’t retained much scarring from the gravel wars because of respawn, but his nose- were it to be seen, has clearly been broken several times. His body is a wonderland. Of some pretty horrific scarring. THis will change and be added to but for now the couple most significant ones: There’s an ugly brand of a coat of arms on his hip. Even uglier by clear attempts to brand over/burn it. It’s pretty much unrecognizable at this point which is a happy accident. His left arm has some serious burn scarring/tissue in a specific spot. It’s pretty rectangular. He wears a thin brace over it.
ABILITIES  /  POWERS . In addition to his game abilities, Spy can mimic voices incredibly well, do the Hannibal egg crack into frying pan, and has been extensively trained in several hand to hand disciplines, his upper body strength is actually good. His legs used to be stronger, he can read most attempts at deception, he is consistently able to make babies laugh or quiet down.  RESTRICTIONS . His lungs are pretty fucked ngl. Even with Medic already probably replacing them once, he’s just not in stellar shape. Spy has severe PTSD and several incapacitating phobias, his liver also isn’t great, he’s an insomniac, and his body generally hates him. He doesn’t trust easily, but is not at his best when working alone.
FOOD . Ratatouille.   DRINK .  Red Wine, bourbon, water PIZZA TOPPING . Mushrooms and olives with spinach COLOR . Does Mother of Pearl count? MUSIC GENRE . Yes. He might pretend to only have the most dignified tastes but he’s actually surprisingly un-picky genre wise. He DOES have a soft spot for showtunes BOOK GENRE . Fantasy, adventure, romance, war stories, comic books and manga but you’re not getting him to admit THAT MOVIE GENRE . Musicals, noire, drama, French Films, romantic comedies, superhero/monster films, he likes movies CURSE WORD .  Putain SCENTS . Cinnamon. The kind so intense it hurts your nose.
BOTTOM OR TOP . Top unless he trusts you/loves you as much as he does Scout’s Ma. SINGS IN THE SHOWER . He doesn’t sing in the shower. 
He performs.
LIKES PUNS . Yes. And wordplay in general.
Tagged By: @bushcamping so long ago and somehow I didn’t remember to do it which boggles me
Tagging: @southieswinger @running-in-blind @bluteamblueprints @teu-of-a-kind @kaboombabe @feixing02
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overlanderafrica999 · 1 year ago
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talariis-m-blog · 6 years ago
STARTER - @bushcamping
【 Let's waste 'em!】
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And after hours of battle, silence fell upon the battlefield. It was deafening compared to the endless noise of shooting and yelling from before, but Scout was relieved and glad. Not for the silence itself, or to be sitting within the RED’s base by his friends’ side, but for their work to be over. Long and hard they had fought, and now, within the quiet, he started to feel tired. Not mentally – no, he felt like he still had the energy to stay up for hours to come – but physically. As if each part of his body was sore after what seemed endless fighting, running and yelling that he had done just minutes earlier.  And worse was the heat: with the sun setting over the desert, the heat seemed to become stronger, lingering between the buildings owned both by BLU and RED, and Scout wished for the night to fall so it could bring cold winds and fresher air. But for now, all that he had was his soda. Heat and tiredness had gotten worse, and he lifted the soda can to his lips. He must’ve had hold it for too long, distracted while chatting with Sniper, and eventually, what had been a fresh drink now was a disgustingly sweet mixture of sugar and whatever else composed Bonk!. The liquid left a bittersweet taste in his mouth – so bad it had been, that Scout would’ve preferred to remain thirsty than to keep drinking from the can.  While Sniper spoke, he turned the can around, letting the content of the warm Bonk! spill onto the ground. He watched the soda seep between the sand grains, and for once, he was glad of getting rid of a drink he usually had loved so much before. He only looked back up once he had noticed that Sniper fell into silence. He didn’t know if Sniper was waiting for an answer or if he had just finished speaking – but whatever which one it had been, Scout had a much more important matter on his mind.
        ❝ I’m hungry. And thirsty. Do you know what I could go for? Tacos. Were you talkin’ ‘bout tacos? ‘Cause I really want some right now.❞
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4x4community · 2 years ago
Bushcamper or small trailer (Echo 3)?
Forum: Trailers, Caravans, Towing etc Posted By: Bronek Post Time: 2023/03/04 at 12:59 PM http://dlvr.it/SkLwlt
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trekkrlife · 4 years ago
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What a beautiful setup, looks rugged and very capable, going to have to dig a little deeper. 📸 • @lifestylecampertrailers . . #lifestylecampertrailers #lifestylecampers #Reconn #R2 #Hypercamper #Aussiebuilt #Australianmade #Madeinaustralia #AustralianOwned #Builtforadventure #Offroadboss #Adventure #Explore #Camping #CampingAustralia #GoAnywhere #BushCamping #BeachCamping #FollowAnywhere #Madefortheoutback #OutbackAustralia #roadtripping #greatsouthernland #IndustryLeader #Inovation #NeverReplicated #travelblogger #travelgram #travelaus https://www.instagram.com/p/CM7F000HGd0/?igshid=pxqx5b167oda
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capetown2dublin · 7 years ago
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Bush camping would become our preferred way to spend the night. 🛵⛺️🌌👌🏻 @camping_of_insta @roamafrica #crossedafricaonascooter #capetowntodublinbyscooter #africanscooter #camping #bushcamping #campingwild #scooter #scooters #lml #lmlscooter #atg #atggear #overlandbikes #travelgram #sand #adventuretravel #adventure #overland #overlandafrica #sudan #sahara #travel #adventurebike #moto #motocycle
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