#Bus Companies Dublin
expressbus · 7 months
Bus Hire Dublin
Express bus company provides transportation Facility services any type of Rental transport whether it's for corporate events, school outings, leisure trips, or special occasions like weddings or parties. When it comes to transporting larger groups of people, hiring a minibus or a bus can be an incredibly practical and cost-effective solution. Minibus and bus hire services offer a range of vehicles to cater to different group sizes and requirements, providing convenience, comfort, and reliability for various occasions.
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Minibus and bus hire Express bus company typically employ experienced drivers who are well-versed in navigating various routes and ensuring passenger safety. These drivers undergo rigorous training and adhere to strict safety standards, providing passengers with peace of mind throughout their journey. Additionally, reputable hire services maintain their vehicles to the highest standards, conducting regular inspections and maintenance checks to ensure reliability and comfort for passengers in ensuring smooth and hassle-free travel experiences.
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expressbusie · 4 months
Tips for Choosing the School Tour Bus Hire in Dublin
When planning a school tour or field trip in Dublin, one of the essential considerations is choosing the right school bus hire service in Dublin. The safety and comfort of the student should always be the top priority. To help you make an informed decision, we have compiled a list of tips for choosing the best school bus service.
Safety should be the foremost concern when selecting a school bus service. Ensure that company has a valid license and all necessary certifications.
Regulationandinspection: Verify the company adheres to all regulations regarding school bus hire. Look for evidence of regular safety inspection by the relevant authorities.
DriverQualifications: Don’t settle for anything less than experienced and qualified drivers. Ensure they possess valid PCV (Passenger Carrying Vehicle) licenses and have undergone training specifically for handling school groups.
InsuranceCoverage: Make sure the company offers comprehensive insurance that meets the standards set by regulatory bodies.
BusAmenities: A comfortable journey enhances the entire experience. Look for buses with features like well-maintained, comfortable seating, air conditioning, and functional seat belts.
Extratouches: Consider amenities that can make the trip even more enjoyable. Features like Wi-Fi, onboard entertainment systems, or even reclining seats in larger coaches can be a big hit with students on longer journeys.
Planning and Communication
Matchingcapacity: Choosing the right size bus is important. We offer a variety of vehicles to suit your group size, ensuring everyone has enough space.
Sharingtheitinerary: Provide the bus hire company with a detailed itinerary in advance. This should include pick-up and drop-off locations, scheduled stops, and specific timing requirements.
Clearcommunication: Maintain open communication with the bus company throughout the planning process. Ask questions, voice any concerns, and ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.
Selecting the right school bus hire service in Dublin is important for a successful and enjoyable school trip. By following these tips, you can make an informed decision and provide a safe and comfortable transportation experience for your students. For reliable school bus hire service in Dublin, consider Express Bus, a reputable and trusted provider in the area.
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umichenginabroad · 4 months
Week 1: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (+ a Ferry)
In the past week, I have used Italian trains, buses, taxis, a shuttle van, planes, and taken a ferry ride, so this blog post will be dedicated to transportation. 
To begin, I was supposed to fly from Chicago to Dublin, then Dublin to Naples, where CIS Abroad (the company hosting the program) provided transport shuttles to either the dorms or shared apartment accommodations in Sorrento. The initial long-haul flight wasn’t too bad, I read for the majority of the flight and was fed some half-decent food. 
Unfortunately, due to delays on the tarmac in Chicago, I missed my connecting flight in Dublin and had to figure out another way to Naples. I luckily discovered someone else also in my program in my same flight and we navigated Europe together. Since the next flight out to Naples wasn’t until the following evening, we decided to go instead to Rome and then brave the Italian train system to navigate to Naples. 
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(Me and a fellow study abroad student taking a shuttle to our new terminal in Dublin)
To preface, figuring out the train system seemed to be one of the biggest learning curves people that I have talked to have encountered in the past, and as such it was something I was nervous about coming to Italy. Trains (and ferries, as it turns out) are frequently late and don’t align with posted schedules, tickets have to not only be bought but also validated at the station, and the platform numbers commonly change right before arrival. We were supposed to be briefed on how to handle it during our orientation the first day, however we were thrown straight in the deep end! We used one of the most common websites for booking high-speed trains, ItaliaRail, and managed to book a train from the Rome airport to the main Roman train station (surprisingly far from the airport), then one from Rome to Naples for a total cost of around 65 euros.
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(Red passenger train with volcano in background)
Since the first train was a regional/local train, there were no assigned seats and thus we had to validate our tickets just before boarding through, however for the high speed cross-country train to Naples, since we had an assigned seat, we did not have to validate (something that stressed us out as you can face fines if you don’t properly validate tickets). Thankfully, everyone we talked to was very nice and helped us figure it out. 
Once in Naples, we shared a taxi to the airport with two other travelers we met along the way (5 euros each) and waited until a few others from the program landed and got the last transfer shuttle to Sorrento. Finally, after over 36 hours of traveling (almost 16 more than intended) we arrive with a leg up on the local transport compared to our peers.
Just earlier today, I took a bus with two other friends from Sorrento to Positano, another town along the Almalfi coast, for 10 euros. Getting the ticket was very easy, as the ticket booth at the bus station was clearly marked. The bus was about 30 minutes late, but that is to be expected for Italian buses. After around 45 minutes and many many curvy and windy roads, we got off at Positano and explored the town. On the way back, we bought ferry tickets for 19 euros (cheaper with cash than online) and waited in a long line to board. As with the bus, the ferry was quite late, but actually took less time to get back to Sorrento. I think the ferry is my new favorite form of transportation as I loved sitting on the top deck and watching the coastline go by. 
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(view of Sorrentine peninsula from top deck of ferry)
Overall, I am quite proud of myself for figuring out how to get around on the fly, but I definitely took away some important lessons. First, be patient, both with yourself and the transportation. Everyone gets lost/confused sometimes and navigating a new country is daunting. Be willing to ask for help if you don’t know what to do! It’s better than facing fines or unknowingly breaking any transit laws. Additionally, some places only take cash, make sure to always carry some cash! Lastly, if you can, TAKE DRAMAMINE, especially for the buses. I am not one to get car/motion sick, but the switch backs and coastal curves are no joke and all three of us were very close to turning green by the time we got off the bus. 
This post is getting long, but I wanted to share some details of Italian public transportation as that was one of my biggest questions going into this program. 
See you next week!
Marika Ruppart
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering in Sorrento, Italy 
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A Man of No Importance is Really Important to Me
John Doyle really said “Let me show you how it’s done” 
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In an age of musicals where Big Belting and screaming high notes are all the rage, I am so completely thrilled that the smaller and more modest A Man of No Importance gets a chance to shine - and shine it does over in Union Square at Classic Stage Company.
The shows tells the tale of Alfie Byrne (played by Jim Parsons but more on him later) who is a part time bus driver and full time leader of a small amateur theatre troupe in Dublin. Alfie is determined to stage Oscar Wilde’s Salome, despite objections from the church all the while straining against the homophobic society that has held him down for so long. The show is very charming on its surface but packs a real punch as well.
The show really made me remember just how good of a writer Terrence McNally was. The book is absolutely phenomenal. There are so many characters in this show and yet each feels fully realized. Alfie himself is such a wonderful character and his desperation to stage this play and how deeply in love he’s in with his best friend is so gorgeously written. Everything is so subtle and so perfectly heart breaking at just the right moments and really made me remember how good a musical can be. 
Of course the music is excellent, but I was also really blown away by the orchestrations. I know people are hit or miss about John Doyle’s having the actors also play instruments, but it worked so perfectly here. Bruce Coughlin’s orchestrations were so beautiful and brought out so many layers to the already beautiful score. 
Truly, this is a show about art and love and deep love for art and deep love for theatre and being gay and what you cling to when the world you live in won’t let you be who you are or love who you love. 
John Doyle’s direction perfectly highlights all of these themes and his style is so perfectly suited for this show. Stripping the show down to its bare essentials highlighted the raw emotion of the show and the feeling of Alfie being trapped but desperately trying to find his way out. Doyle also staged a lot of scenes in a way that I can only describe as like a near and far effect? It was really lovely and really captured Alfie’s loneliness and how often he is seen as an outsider. 
There was also such a deep theatricality to it that I found so beautiful. Doyle made the show feel like the poems Alfie loves. He created such beautiful stage pictures that will stick with me for a long time. 
Between this, last year’s Assassins and of course The Color Purple, I’m reminded that John Doyle is one of our most iconic directors for a reason. He’s able to get to the heart of the show and put it on full display. He pulls phenomenal performances from his actors and knows how to tell a damn good story.
The set, also designed by Doyle, was also very lovely. It set the whole show in the church basement where St. Imelda’s Players rehearses their plays and it fit Classic Stage Company’s space so perfectly. The back wall was covered in antique mirrors, which was a really lovely touch considering Alfie’s big song in Act One. 
Which of course brings us to the performances, which were all wonderful. Everyone was excellent, with Jim Parsons, Mare Winingham, AJ Shively and Mary Beth Peil being the highlights.
Peil is always a delight, and it was wonderful seeing her play an actress who takes her performance way too seriously. Shively was surprisingly very wonderful, though really I shouldn’t be too surprised as I thought he was great in last season’s Paradise Square as well. His Robbie grounded Parson’s Alfie very well and his “Streets of Dublin” was a highlight. 
Mare Winningham is Mare Winningham, which means of course she was excellent. Alfie and his sister Lilly are the emotional core of the show, and she was absolutely wonderful. 
Jim Parsons was also absolutely wonderful, which is no easy feat considering he is on stage for just about the entirety of the show. It is very clear how important this character is to Parsons, and he fills him with so much heart and so much want. He isn’t the best singer, but it somehow works in the show. Alfie isn’t a great artist, so Parsons doesn’t have to be a great singer. Likewise, where he lacks in singing (and occasionally the Irish accent), he makes up in heart and excellent acting. It was an absolute joy to see him on stage. 
All in all this show is so wonderful! If you’re able, definitely head down to Union Square to see this beautiful gem of a show. 
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quicklinks-ie · 2 days
Offline Marketing Dublin | Quicklinks Ltd
Offline marketing in Dublin, like in many other cities, revolves around promoting businesses and services through traditional, non-digital channels. Here are some common strategies for offline marketing that are particularly relevant for businesses in Dublin:
1. Print Advertising
Local Newspapers and Magazines: Dublin has a range of local publications where businesses can advertise. Some examples include The Dublin Gazette, Irish Times, and Hot Press (for music and entertainment-related businesses).
Flyers and Posters: Distributing flyers in strategic areas like universities (Trinity College, University College Dublin), shopping districts (Grafton Street, Henry Street), and events can help gain local attention.
2. Billboards and Outdoor Advertising
Billboards and Banners: Large outdoor spaces in high-traffic areas (e.g., Dublin City Centre, Temple Bar) offer great exposure. JCDecaux and Clear Channel are two major outdoor advertising companies in Dublin.
Bus and Tram Ads: Dublin's public transportation, including Dublin Bus and the Luas (tram system), offer ad space on vehicles or at stops, targeting commuters.
3. Sponsorships and Events
Local Events Sponsorship: Sponsoring local events like music festivals (Electric Picnic, Longitude), sports (Dublin GAA games, rugby), or cultural events (St. Patrick’s Day, Dublin Theatre Festival) can create brand visibility.
Community Engagement: Participating in or organizing community events can boost brand recognition and foster goodwill.
4. Networking and Word of Mouth
Networking Events: Dublin has a vibrant business community with events like Dublin Chamber meetings, start-up meetups, and conferences that are great for word-of-mouth marketing.
Referral Programs: Encouraging existing customers to recommend your business in exchange for discounts or rewards can be very effective.
5. Direct Mail
Postcards, Catalogs, and Brochures: Sending physical mail to potential customers in certain postal areas (targeting demographics or locations) is another form of offline marketing. Dublin has several services for direct mail distribution.
6. Promotional Merchandise
Branded Giveaways: Distributing branded merchandise such as pens, tote bags, or keychains at public events, trade fairs, or through local stores can increase brand awareness.
These strategies can help businesses in Dublin increase visibility and customer engagement through traditional marketing channels.
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enfyswanders · 1 month
Ireland, Part 2: July 16-19, 2024
After the initial panic of driving on the narrow roadways and the thrill of getting engaged, the rest of the trip was spent mostly enjoying each other's company and driving to various places in the southwestern part of the country.
On the 16th, we went on a tour of the Dingle Peninsula by bus, partly because I wanted a break from driving, but also because the Dingle Peninsula looked like it might be especially terrifying to drive around (and, based on my experience as a passenger on the bus, I was correct). Our guide and driver was an affable elderly gentleman who grew up on the Dingle Peninsula so long ago he remembered not having a telephone in the house, and when the first person in town got a television. The scenery throughout the tour was epic. We saw where the initial Rey/Luke scenes from The Last Jedi were filmed (the scene with the porgs!). We also saw lots of high cliffs and beautiful views of islands off the coast. And of course, we took lots of happily-engaged-schmoopy selfies.
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During our stop in Dingle, we did a bit of frantic ring shopping (didn't find anything, but we did get my ring size and on the bus ride back I found a ring I liked on Etsy, so Niall was able to order it). We also saw this very confusing establishment that's simultaneously a bar, bike shop, and hardware store.
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Dingle is also noted for being the home of Murphy's Ice Cream, which had a store in Kilarney we visited several times during our stay. Their ice cream was phenomenal, especially the raspberry sorbet, which was easily the best either of us had ever tasted. The website notes the ice cream is "handmade in Dingle" which gave us a lot of giggles about eating "handmade Dingle cream."
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The latest Adventure in Doing Laundry was probably the simplest - we visited Speed Queen, a laundromat built into a gas station. Being a fan of the song of the same name by Thunderpussy, I had to get a selfie with the sign.
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One of our remaining days was spent road tripping to the Limerick metro area, where we visited Bunratty Castle and Folk Park, where they had thatched-roof houses, elaborate faerie gardens, and some pretty fantastic shopping. We also had some delicious scones with clotted cream while chickens and a turkey wandered around our feet, which was whimsical AF. I highly recommend it as a tourist stop, especially if you have kids with you. It's easy to spend hours there.
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On the way home, we visited Grange Stone Circle, which is the largest stone circle in the EU. We had to wait for the landowner to move his cattle before we could get in, and one of the cows was curious about us and kept trying to nuzzle me over the fence, so that was cute.
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We spent our last full day in Ireland hiking around Kilarney National Forest again, and this time we saw at least a dozen deer; running errands; packing; resting; and then celebrating our engagement with an astonishingly delicious dinner at Rozzers Restaurant, which is part of our B&B. I had local mackerel as a first course, some incredibly buttery and tender lamb for my main course, and a trio of sorbets (blackcurrant, whiet peach, and pineapple) for dessert, which was followed by petits fours. There was an absolutely gorgeous sunset that evening, too.
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Our drive back to the airport, while long, was a lot less fraught than our initial drive to the B&B, since I was more experienced with the roadways and the vast majority of the trip was highways.
We managed to fly on the day of the big Crowdstrike/Microsoft incident, though, which made for a long wait in the queue to check in (the self-check-in machines were all down) and some slight delays in our flights. The nice thing was that because we waited in line and spoke to an agent, she was able to put us on an earlier flight to London, which gave us both more time to make our connections from there and a shorter wait in the Dublin airport. During our short stay in the airport, though, I finally tried some Butler's Chocolate - both in hot chocolate form and an individual chocolate candy - and yep, it lives up to the hype.
It was bittersweet to say goodbye, knowing we had such an amazing week together, that I had more adventures ahead, but that we'd be apart for another month before we were reunited. But we're so grateful we had the time together in Ireland and that it was such an unforgettable week.
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azvolrien · 2 months
Ireland - Day 1
Back from holiday now! Diary incoming.
I set my alarm for when I’d usually be getting up for work, but by luck I woke up a few minutes before it anyway. My flight to Dublin wasn’t until 20 to 10 in the morning, but I wanted to be sure I’d have plenty of time to drop off my suitcase and get through security, so Mum and I left the house at about 7; she was heading off for a few days up north, so she gave me a lift to the airport en route to the motorway.
Bag drop and security were straightforward enough, so I just went straight to the gate as soon as they announced the number. The gate opened for boarding right on schedule, but we weren’t so fortunate with the actual plane: someone on the previous flight (it looked like the plane had a quick turnaround, essentially landing, refuelling and taking back off as soon as the passengers had been swapped over) was in a wheelchair, but the airport was very slow in wheeling a ramp up for them. It was easily the smallest plane I’ve ever flown in, low enough to the ground that the stairs were on the inside of the doors, so they couldn’t use one of the bridges that they have for the big jets. They did sort a wheelchair ramp eventually, and we finally boarded the 70-ish-seater propeller plane (bigger than the puddle-jumpers that go out to the islands, but not by much) and took off about 45 mins behind schedule. It was a mostly clear day, and I got a good view of the Southern Uplands from the window all the way to Stranraer where the plane passed over the Irish Sea and turned to follow the coast south to Dublin. Unfortunately I was on the seaward side of the plane, so my view for the latter half of the flight consisted of water and a couple of ferries.
There weren’t any delays in the actual flight, and we landed at Dublin after only about an hour and a quarter. There were no queues at the passport gates, though the bus from plane to terminal seemed to take a rather circuitous route around the airport, and I didn’t have to wait too long for my suitcase. Have to say, it’s the first time I’ve had a passport officer welcome me by name.
I took a coach into the city centre – not the most interesting road, as most of it was through a tunnel under the suburbs – and checked in to my hotel. I’d expected to just drop my suitcase off and come back later to check in, as the booking said it would be open at 3 and I’d arrived at 1, but by luck the room was ready early so they just let me in anyway. The room is at the back of the hotel and doesn’t have a terribly exciting view, but the bed is comfy and if I lean right up against the window I can see the Spire, the giant metal spike that the Dubliners built to replace a destroyed (and locally unpopular) monument to Admiral Nelson. It is literally just a giant metal spike. Useful if they ever need to impale Godzilla, I suppose.
Checked in, I headed back out to join a bus tour, by chance actually starting at the foot of said giant metal spike. There are a few different companies that run bus tours in Dublin and I think they all do a fairly similar route, so I just went with the first one that showed up. It had a live commentary provided by the driver rather than just a recording, and went around most of the main sights I have on my list for later such as Trinity College, the National Museum and the Guinness Storehouse, so it was a good way of getting my bearings even if the driver was overly fond of puns. They got especially painful when he started talking about Bram Stoker as we passed the bus where he (Stoker) got married.
It was, technically, a hop-on-hop-off bus, but I just went all the way around the circuit and disembarked again at O’Connell Street before setting off for a shorter wander on foot. I was starting to feel a bit sleepy – I didn’t sleep very well last night – so I stopped at a coffee shop near the bus stop for a quick coffee and a pastel de nata before crossing the Liffey to investigate Temple Bar. The ‘Bar’ of the name is a historic sandbank, apparently, but it certainly has plenty of the alcoholic kind as well.
I circled back to the hotel for a quick freshen-up before heading out again for tea at a burger place in Temple Bar that looked promising. I wasn’t hungry enough for chips, but the burger was delicious even if it did start disintegrating as soon as I took the little flag out. The hotel does have a restaurant that does pizzas and stuff in the evenings, but I’d rather get out and see what else Dublin has to eat.
Tomorrow: the Book of Kells, among other plans. I hope they have it open at a good illumination; the calligraphy is beautiful in itself, but let’s be honest, that’s not what your typical layman wants to see the Book of Kells for.
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writemarcus · 6 months
THE 24 HOUR PLAYS Make Their New Jersey Premiere At Mile Square Theatre In April
The 24 Hour Plays are a non-profit theater company that bring creative communities together to write, rehearse and perform new plays and musicals in twenty-four hours.
By: A.A. Cristi
Mar. 27, 2024
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On April 7th, The 24 Hour Plays make their New Jersey debut at Hoboken's Mile Square Theatre. Established in 1995, The 24 Hour Plays are a non-profit theater company that bring creative communities together to write, rehearse and perform new plays and musicals in twenty-four hours.
“Mile Square Theatre and The 24 Hour Plays honor an abiding belief in the power of creative collaboration to develop transformative multicultural voices for the theater,” said Kevin R. Free, Artistic Director of Mile Square Theatre. “We're thrilled to be a partner to The 24 Hour Plays for its New Jersey premiere and host to a delightful mix of talents from New Jersey and New York City to make the program really sing.” 
“The relationships artists build during formative theatre experiences like The 24 Hour Plays last their entire careers,” said producer Leo Layla Diaz. “We seek the very best cross-section of multi-generational and multi-cultural theater artists – and we arm them with what they need to hone their voices for this unique event."
Actors slated to participate include Gabriel Hernandez (Quarter Rican), Nirvaan Pal (School of Rock), Matt Lawler (“Station 11”, “Billions”), Kennedy Kanagawa (Into the Woods), Stephanie Kurtzuba (“The Irishman;” Wolf of Wall Street;” “Annie”), Joy Katharine Donze (Funny, Like an Abortion), DeAnna Supplee (B.R.O.K.E.N. code B.I.R.D switch.), Jason Yanto, Joelle Zazz, Maya Jeyam, Julia Way, Rich Frohman, David F. Gow (“The Girls on the Bus”), Jordan Ho, Grant Madison Stanton, Ross Cowan, Keivana Wallace (The Christmas Tree Farm) and Ian Lloyd Sanchez.
Writers include Susie Felber (Host/Producer "The Hawk"), DW Gregory (The Yellow Stocking Play, Radium Girls), Iraisa Ann Reilly (The Jersey Devil is a Papi Chulo), Pia Wilson (Black Bee), Marcus Scott (Sibling Rivalries), and Raakhee Mirchandani (JOURNEY TO THE STARS: KALPANA CHAWLA, ASTRONAUT). Directors include Julie Tucker, Rachel Dart (The Christmas Tree Farm) and Goldie Patrick (Paradise Blue). Musical Guests include Faye Chiao and Tasha Gordon-Solmon (Fountain of You). Additional artists to be announced.
Participating actors, writers, directors and production staff gather for the first time on the evening of Saturday, April 6th to introduce themselves and share prop and costume items they've been asked to bring. The writers will take inspiration from this meet and greet to write new plays overnight. In the morning, the actors and directors will receive the six new plays and team up with production staff to begin their rehearsal and tech process, with curtain at 7pm that night.
The 24 Hour Plays: Hoboken are produced by Leo Layla Diaz and Mark Armstrong in conjunction with Mile Square Theatre's Artistic Director Kevin R. Free.  The event will honor the long-standing contributions of the Rostan Family to Mile Square Theatre with the dedication of the naming of the gallery space. Proceeds from The 24 Hour Plays: Hoboken will benefit Mile Square Theatre's non-profit theatre making and educational programming.
About The 24 Hour Plays
The 24 Hour Plays (est. 1995) bring together creative communities to produce plays and musicals written, rehearsed and performed in twenty-four hours. Through our radically present approach to theater, we make work that responds immediately to the world around us, builds communities and generates new artistic partnerships. Our events include The 24 Hour Plays on Broadway and The 24 Hour Musicals, as well as productions in Athens, Denver, Dublin, Finland, Florence, Germany, Little Rock, London, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Sacramento, San Francisco, Savannah and more. Beginning March 17 2020, The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues series generated over 600 new free-to-view theater pieces, featuring over 1000 artists, viewed millions of times worldwide and archived in the Library of Congress. 
About Mile Square Theatre
Mile Square Theatre, a non-profit company, has been producing original and gently used theater since 2003 in Hoboken New Jersey. Located at 1400 Clinton Street in Hoboken, New Jersey, Mile Square Theatre enriches and engages the region through the year-round production and presentation of professional theatre and innovative arts education.
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dundrumcoaches · 2 months
Why You Should Invest in VIP Coach Hire?
When it comes to group travel, whether for business trips, family outings, or special occasions, Modern luxury coach hire offers an unbeatable solution.
At Dandrum Coaches, we enhance your travel experience with our VIP coach hire service, ensuring every journey is not just efficient but truly unforgettable.
Here is why investing in VIP coach hire with Dandrum Coaches is the smarter choice:
Comfort and luxury
Get ready for that comfortable car interior with comfortable leather seats and reasonably sized leg space to provide the comfort you need while travelling. Our Modern Luxury Coaches have air conditioning for the comfort of travelers all through the seasons.
Effortless efficiency
Leave behind the headache of the carpool, individual schedules, and foreign streets. Also, with the VIP coach hire, you do not have to worry about doing anything including driving since you have a dedicated driver. We have well-experienced and professional drivers who make sure a client is comfortable and arrives at the intended destination on time.
Stress-Free Group Travel
Traveling for a big group is not easy at all there is so much organizing that has to be done. Well, with a VIP coach hire, you toss that worry right out of the window. That is why with Dundrum Coaches, you do not have to cram everyone into the vehicle and leave luggage and belongings anywhere else
The VIP Treatment
Our Modern Luxury Coach Hire provides amenities like entertainment systems and refreshment areas, transforming your journey into a mobile social hub. Catch up with friends and family, enjoy movies, or simply relax and soak in the scenery.
Investing in VIP coach hire with Dundrum Coaches is an investment in a seamless, enjoyable travel experience. Contact Dundrum Coaches today to transform your next group trip into a comfortable, stress-free, and truly memorable experience.
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expressbusie · 8 days
Is There Any Bus Service from Dublin Airport to Hilton Hotel
Travelling form one place to another without owning your own vehicle is very difficult. It is not an easy task to find a perfect travel medium to reach final destination. If you are landing to Dublin airport and have booked a stay at the Hilton Hotel, you may be wondering about your transport option.
Fortunately, the Dublin Airport Express Bus offers a convenient and efficient way to reach your destination. This is designed to cater travelers seeking reliable transport to various destinations throughout the city.
Express Bus is a Dublin based company that offers bus charter and hire services. Our services are more focused on bigger groups rather than shuttle between locations.
Here are some of the benefits of using Express Bus for your Dublin transportation needs:
ComfortableandSpacious: Our buses are all clean, well-maintained, and come with a variety of amenities, such as reclining seats, air conditioning, and Wi-Fi.
Experienceddrivers: Our drivers are all experienced and professional, and they will get you to your destination safely and on time.
Competitiverates: We offer competitive rates for our services, so you can be sure you are getting a good value for your money.
24/7 customer support: Our customer support team is available 24/7 to answer your questions and help you plan your trip.
If you are looking for a comfortable, reliable, and affordable way to get around Dublin, look no further than Express Bus. We are the perfect choice for both tourists and business travelers alike.
In addition to our regular bus charter service, Express Bus also offer a variety of other services, including:
Airport transfer
Corporate event transportation
School tours
Contact Express Bus today to learn more about their services and to get a free quote.
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bushireindublin · 7 months
Exploring Dublin with Bus Hire Services
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Convenience and Comfort:
One of the primary advantages of bus hire in Dublin is the convenience it brings to your travel plans. Instead of coordinating multiple vehicles or relying on public transportation, a hired bus allows your group to stay together, ensuring a seamless and comfortable journey. Modern buses come equipped with air conditioning, ample seating, and amenities that guarantee a pleasant travel experience for all passengers.
Tailored to Your Needs:
Dublin’s bus hire services cater to a diverse range of needs. Whether you require a compact minibus for a small group or a spacious coach for a larger party, there are options available to suit your requirements. The flexibility in choosing the size and type of bus ensures that your transportation aligns perfectly with the nature of your trip, be it a city tour, airport transfer, or a day excursion to the scenic Irish countryside.
Professional Drivers:
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Cost-Effective Solution:
Contrary to common misconceptions, bus hire in Dublin often proves to be a cost-effective solution, especially for larger groups. When you factor in the expenses associated with individual transportation or the inconvenience of coordinating multiple vehicles, a hired bus presents a budget-friendly alternative. Additionally, many bus hire companies offer transparent pricing, eliminating hidden costs and ensuring financial transparency.
Environmental Sustainability:
In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, choosing bus hire in Dublin aligns with sustainable travel practices. By consolidating your group into a single vehicle, you contribute to a reduced carbon footprint compared to using multiple cars. Many modern buses also adhere to eco-friendly standards, incorporating fuel-efficient technologies that minimize environmental impact.
Exploring Beyond Dublin:
Beyond the city limits, Dublin’s surrounding areas boast enchanting landscapes and historical sites. Bus hire services open up the possibility of exploring the breathtaking countryside, coastal villages, and iconic landmarks without the hassle of driving or navigating public transport. Whether you’re heading to the Cliffs of Moher or the medieval town of Kilkenny, a hired bus provides a comfortable and convenient means of reaching your destination.
In conclusion, bus hire in Dublin emerges as a practical, comfortable, and environmentally friendly transportation option. Whether you’re a tourist exploring the city or a local planning a special event, the convenience and versatility offered by bus hire services contribute to a memorable and enjoyable travel experience in the heart of Ireland.
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Minibus Hire Malahide
Minibus Hire Artane
Minibus Hire Glasnevin
Minibus Hire Coolock
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allovertheworldblog · 8 months
I had a stopover in London for a couple of days before coming home to Ireland for Christmas,
after nine months travelling throughout South America.
As I was in London the city was experiencing snow.
The snow didn’t exactly close the city but it sure restricted movement.
Businesses were closing early, footpaths and roads were potentially lethal.
Travelling throughout the UK was being ground to a halt, in terms of airports and trains.
The roads were still being gritted and were carrying on fine from what I saw.
I’d booked a train to get me to Holyhead, a ferry port in Wales, and a ferry ticket to get me across the Irish Sea to Dublin Port. 
On the morning of 19 December I got myself to Euston Station to catch my train to Holyhead.
The snow changed my plans though.
I was able to get a seat on a later train after my one at 11.15 was cancelled.
The train I got was going to Liverpool.
I knew I’d have to change in Crewe, that was no problem, or so I thought.
Mindful of that many of the passengers were trying to catch a ferry the train company put on a bus service from Crewe to Holyhead as we would never have gotten to Holyhead if we’d have waited for the next train to Holyhead.
I got the last seat on the bus.
Off we went through the frozen countryside.
The bus was filled mainly with Irish people who were trying to get home. 
Everyone on the bus had a story as to why they were travelling in such bad weather.
There were people going home to get married;
people going home after being to a funeral or going home to attend a funeral.
Many were just going home for Christmas. 
The people on the bus reminded me of the queue in the doctors surgery,
nobody was there for the good of their health, if you know what I mean.
When we got to the ferry port in Holyhead we discovered that we were in time for the 17.30 ferry.
But, the ferry company didn’t think we’d make it and they’d sold our places to other people who were using the ferry because so many airports were shut on account of the frozen conditions. 
We had to wait for the next ferry which wasn’t until 02.40. I sleep for the entire trip.
The ferry gets me into Dublin Port sometime after 06.00. I catch a bus and head home.
One last bus, well, I felt it was a good way to finish up after travelling all over South America using them!
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bike42 · 1 year
September 8-10, 2023 Clifden
Friday - transfer day.
We were so relieved that the hotel in Clifden was willing to have the COVID positive tour members, and Peter arranged a van to transport us there separately. We learned that Gary had also tested positive, so he joined the “Dublin Five” in the quarantine van. Our driver was Rory, and he was hell-bent on getting us to Clifden in record time. I had researched some sights along the way, but was only able to get little glimpses of Westport and Killery Fjord as we flew past in the van.
We arrived at the hotel several hours ahead of our bus (with our luggage). It was another unbelievably hot and sunny day. Jeff and I sat in the chairs out front and played a few games of cribbage, until we finally had to go inside. The room was nice, and the best amenity was a fan in the closet! It would be unusual to need AC in Ireland, so we’re doing our best trying to catch a breeze through open windows.
We were both feeling pretty good - I had some sinus congestion, and Jeff still had a bit of a cough. It seems like the meds we got in two trips to the pharmacy will see us through this.
It was a “group dinner at the hotel” night, so Peter texted us the menu and said our meals would be delivered to our rooms. It was a beautiful evening, so the Dublin Five carried our meals to the front patio and ate out there. JT and I polished off our bottle of Jameson Crested. It felt odd to have people from the group come out to say hello (from a distance). We learned that several other members had fallen ill, including Bill.
After dinner, JT and I walked around the town. The hotel is in a great location just a block from the Main Street. We walked a circle and found many shops and restaurants. At least we have a great location to have to be sequestered!
I woke about 7a feeling pretty good. By rearranging some furniture, I was able to create enough space to do yoga. We put masks on and went down to the breakfast buffet. It felt very odd to be serving ourselves. We took our plates outside and ate our breakfast on the patio with Steve. The tour today was a hike guided by a local archeologist and it was painful to watch half of our group climb on the bus and drive off without us.
I was reminded of the disappointment I’d felt last Summer when our Yukon trip was cancelled and we had to “make the best of it” by enjoying the trip to Banff that I’d pulled together instead. We’re always good at making the best of it, but having to sit out this tour was really bugging me. I think it was because after all this time, this tour company didn’t have a plan for how to handle this. We bought our own COVID tests and confessed that we’d tested positive. There are others on our tour that are exhibiting symptoms, yet claim they’re testing negative, or haven’t said anything at all. Three couples only one is positive, which is a little unbelievable given they’re sharing hotel rooms. We’ve agreed with Peter that quarantine should be for 5 days after symptoms start, but someone at the company is now declaring it’s 5 days after the positive test, which makes no sense. I shared with Peter that the Backroads Tour policy is that anyone with symptoms or a positive test needs to wear a mask when on the bus and can’t participate in group dinners - nothing about having to quarantine in the hotel. We’re trying to be careful with Peter as he’s in the middle here and I’m sure the company is thinking about liability. However, with over half of us showing symptoms, I think they should act as if we all have it and just institute required masking and allow anyone with mild symptoms to continue. Ethically, Jeff and I felt we had to report our positive results to him. But it was so frustrating to see people getting on the bus that morning that were likely positive too (including 3 people whose spouses were positive and reportedly quite ill).
I’d found several interesting looking hikes, but it was too hard to find a way to the trailhead and back. We made a plan with Steve to take a taxi up to the Sky Road lookout and walk back. Our cab driver was “Daniel Ryan,” who said he was the great-great-grandson of the “Dan Ryan” for which the expressway in Chicago is named after. It was foggy when he dropped us at the lookout, but he said it’d clear up in thirty minutes. We stood around as the fog swirled, taking photos of the fog and the flowering hillsides - heather, yellow gorse and wild fuchsia. A cyclist came along and Jeff enjoyed chatting with him. While we had some glimpses of the Atlantic and some houses down below, it never cleared completely so we started our walk down the hill.
Walking downhill felt so different on my shins after my main focus for the last eight weeks was hiking up hill. I snapped lots of photos as we descended: flowers, cattle, sheep and the Clifden Castle gate and wall (and ruins).
We got back to the village square and decided to grab a pint and a snack. Bill texted he was ready to meet up and he came down to the square to join us. At 2:30pm Ireland was playing Romania in the World Cup Rugby match and the atmosphere inside the pub was fun (craic without the music). We watched for a bit, and it seemed it was a blowout! Back to the hotel, I had a solid two hour nap, then got up to shower. We heard from Steve that Peter was ready to meet with the Dublin Five to discuss our plan for rejoining the tour. We met him on the back deck of the restaurant that’s across the parking lot in the old train station. We agreed on five days after start of symptoms, so Jeff and Steve were in the clear. I said day number five for me was tomorrow and could I go on the tour? Peter didn’t say no, so I took this as a yes.
M&M were playing at 8:30p at Mallarkey’s Pub. We headed there after dinner and sat at a table to the side away from the rest of the tour mates (we just waved to them). Fantastic music as always, and Peter joined the for a few songs. We all had a pint of Guinness and Bill bought a round of whiskey to help with our slight coughs. We stayed while the next band got set up and started - a kind of comical overweight Irishman with a keyboardist (younger girl), drummer and electric bass player. He did 3 American songs before we left, not at all the kind of music we expected!
Up for breakfast - feeling well enough now to stay in the dining room to eat, but masking up as we travel throughout the hotel. Felt great to board the bus again for the short drive to Cleggan where we caught the ferry for the 40-minute ride to Inishbofen. Only 14 of us plus Peter made the trip - combination of COVID and too much partying last night thinned the crowd.
Inishbofen is the westernmost part of Ireland. In Irish, it means the land of white cows. As we entered the harbor, there were dramatic ruins of a fort that had been built by Oliver Cromwell who had a base here 1649. Peter said it’s not taught in history class in the UK, but he was a psychopath that pulverized Ireland - burning villages and forests and killing thousands of people.
Peter said about 200 people live on the island, and there are many holiday homes. It’s a peaceful, laid back place to visit. There wasn’t much commerce on the island, but shops and cafes have been established with an old airstream trailer, an old double-decker bus, and by adding on to houses. It was possible to rent bicycles which I thought we’d do, but the roads on the island don’t go too far. Peter said it was best to walk around the south side - 40 minutes to get to a dramatically scenic cliff. We took off with Wayne and Sue, knowing it’d be too painful to walk with the rest of that group. They’re the youngest people of this trip (53) and we enjoyed spending the day with them. Other than Bill, we haven’t really clicked with anyone else, or found much common interest other than love for music.
It felt great to walk at a good pace and physically we both felt fantastic. We walked out to the point, and then back to the hotel that had an outdoor cafe. There we found our group - only made it that far and few ventured any further even after we told them how beautiful it was!
We sat at a picnic table overlooking the sea and ordered pints of Guinness and lunch. It started misting and we donned our rain gear, but by the time lunch came it was gorgeous and sunny! We relaxed there for about an hour, watching dogs, people and staring out to sea.
The boat ride back was uneventful and we got a text from Bill suggesting dinner at a French restaurant in town. We cleaned up and met him out front. He’d just heard from Peter that the boss man said all the remaining COVID + people have to stay in Clifden until the last night! We brainstormed different approaches he could take to get Peter to relax that a bit, then enjoyed a nice dinner and bottle of wine without talking of COVID anymore!
Back to the hotel, music tonight was provided by Pauline Scanlon - a renowned Irish singer with two members of her band (The Unquiet) and also her husband on the bodhran (he’s part of a famous Irish band that we hadn’t heard of as well). It was a lot of folk and traditional Irish music - fantastic performers. Pauline sang a ballad that she said she’d had the honor of singing at Sinead O’Conner’s funeral recently (what? Holy cow … Bill had missed that Sinead died). Another great night of music - JT and I headed up to sleep while others steered toward the bar. Tomorrow we’ll move to County Clare.
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quicklinks-ie · 2 days
Offline Marketing Dublin | Quicklinks Ltd
Offline marketing in Dublin, like in many other cities, revolves around promoting businesses and services through traditional, non-digital channels. Here are some common strategies for offline marketing that are particularly relevant for businesses in Dublin:
1. Print Advertising
Local Newspapers and Magazines: Dublin has a range of local publications where businesses can advertise. Some examples include The Dublin Gazette, Irish Times, and Hot Press (for music and entertainment-related businesses).
Flyers and Posters: Distributing flyers in strategic areas like universities (Trinity College, University College Dublin), shopping districts (Grafton Street, Henry Street), and events can help gain local attention.
2. Billboards and Outdoor Advertising
Billboards and Banners: Large outdoor spaces in high-traffic areas (e.g., Dublin City Centre, Temple Bar) offer great exposure. JCDecaux and Clear Channel are two major outdoor advertising companies in Dublin.
Bus and Tram Ads: Dublin's public transportation, including Dublin Bus and the Luas (tram system), offer ad space on vehicles or at stops, targeting commuters.
3. Sponsorships and Events
Local Events Sponsorship: Sponsoring local events like music festivals (Electric Picnic, Longitude), sports (Dublin GAA games, rugby), or cultural events (St. Patrick’s Day, Dublin Theatre Festival) can create brand visibility.
Community Engagement: Participating in or organizing community events can boost brand recognition and foster goodwill.
4. Networking and Word of Mouth
Networking Events: Dublin has a vibrant business community with events like Dublin Chamber meetings, start-up meetups, and conferences that are great for word-of-mouth marketing.
Referral Programs: Encouraging existing customers to recommend your business in exchange for discounts or rewards can be very effective.
5. Direct Mail
Postcards, Catalogs, and Brochures: Sending physical mail to potential customers in certain postal areas (targeting demographics or locations) is another form of offline marketing. Dublin has several services for direct mail distribution.
6. Promotional Merchandise
Branded Giveaways: Distributing branded merchandise such as pens, tote bags, or keychains at public events, trade fairs, or through local stores can increase brand awareness.
These strategies can help businesses in Dublin increase visibility and customer engagement through traditional marketing channels.
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expressbus · 1 year
Best bus hire services in Dublin - Express Bus Ltd.
Express Bus is a family owned charter bus and coach company and has been providing superior charter transport rental services since 2008. We are proud to offer our services to a wide variety of clients, including VIP shuttle service, business travel, tour charter bus operators, athletic bus charters, school bus rentals, civic group transportation, weddings, churches, and conventions and many more. Express Bus is one of the largest privately owned charter bus and coach companies within Ireland, with a nationwide network of charter bus and coach service facilities. This network allows us to be highly responsive in potential rare cases, no matter where you are located.
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dublinbushire · 1 year
How much is coach hire for a day Dublin?
Coach hire prices in Dublin vary depending on various factors such as the type and size of the coach, the duration of the hire, and any additional services required. On average, you can expect to pay between €500 and €800 per day for coach hire in Dublin. However, it's important to note that this is a general estimate and prices can vary significantly.
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The size and type of the coach are key factors in determining the cost. Coaches come in various sizes, ranging from minibusses with a capacity of around 15 passengers to full-size coaches that can accommodate up to 50 passengers or more. Generally, larger coaches tend to be more expensive to hire. Additionally, luxury coaches with extra amenities such as reclining seats, air conditioning, and onboard entertainment systems will typically have higher rental rates.
The duration of the hire is another important consideration. Most coach hire companies in Dublin offer both half-day and full-day packages. Half-day rates are usually calculated based on a specific number of hours, such as four or five hours, while full-day rates cover a rental period of around eight to ten hours. If you require the coach for an extended period, additional charges may apply.
Additional services can also affect the overall cost. Some coach hire companies provide extras such as a professional driver, fuel, toll fees, and parking charges as part of the package, while others may charge these as separate items. It's important to clarify the inclusions and exclusions with the rental company to avoid any surprises.
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The time of year can also impact coach hire prices. Dublin experiences peak tourism seasons, such as during the summer months or around major events and festivals, which can lead to higher demand and potentially higher prices. On the other hand, hiring a coach during the off-peak season or on weekdays may result in more competitive rates.
To ensure you get the best deal for your Bus hire in Dublin, it is recommended to obtain quotes from multiple companies. This allows you to compare prices, services, and vehicle options. Additionally, consider booking well in advance, as last-minute requests may have limited availability and potentially higher prices.
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When budgeting for coach hire, it's important to factor in any additional costs that may arise during the trip. For example, if you plan to make multiple stops or require the coach to wait for an extended period, additional charges may apply. It's crucial to communicate your itinerary and any specific requirements with the coach hire company in advance to receive an accurate quote.
In conclusion, the cost of Bus hire in Dublin for a day can range from €500 to €800 or more, depending on factors such as coach size, duration of hire, additional services, and seasonal demand. Obtaining quotes from multiple providers and booking in advance are recommended to secure the best deal.
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