jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
FCU Craiova a terminat la egalitate cu CS Mioveni ..
FCU Craiova a terminat la egalitate cu CS Mioveni ..
CS Mioveni- FCU Craiova a început cu o întârziere de 30 de minute din cauza instalației de nocturnă defectă, a Stadionului Orășenesc. Prima repriză a oferit un adevărat recital de goluri și de fotbal. CS Mioveni a deschis scorul prin Buziuc în minutul 5 profitând de o eroare a lui Parramati. În minutul 11 FCU Craiova a egalat pintr-un șut fantastic a lui Vlad Achim din afara careului. Mioveni a…
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atariforce · 1 year
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Cyberpunk City style by Andrei Burlacu
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
ATTACK FORCE (2006) ★✮☆☆☆
ATTACK FORCE (2006) ★✮☆☆☆
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rudyroth79 · 8 months
Revista „Spații culturale”, nr. 92/2024
A apărut numărul 92/2024 al publicației „Spații culturale”, aflată sub egida Bibliotecii Județene „V. Voiculescu” Buzău, cu sprijinul financiar al Consiliului Județean Buzău. Director de onoare: Radu Cârneci. Redactor-şef: Valeria Manta Tăicuțu. Colectivul redacțional: Camelia Manuela Sava, Nicolai Tăicuțu, Petrache Plopeanu, Sorin Burlacu, Sorin Călin, Stan Brebenel. Secretar de redacţie: Silvia…
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broshpomade · 1 year
"Barber Connect UK"
A digest movie of Europe's largest barber expo "Barber Connect UK" held in Telford, England from 6/11 (Sun) to 6/12 (Mon). BROSH was the first Asian country to exhibit at the event.
This time, the BROSH team consisted of ambassador Otahara, deputy manager of MBCC Harajuku head office, Chan Martínez from BROSH EUROPE, and Aaron Otterly and Marion Burlacu from the UK, a total of four barbers.
BROSH barbers: @tawara90 @chan_martinez_ @barber.boy
The BROSH booth was bustling all day long throughout the event, and it was a good opportunity to spread the goodness of BROSH's "made in Japan" to many barber people in Telford, England.
BROSH will continue to participate in events around the world with distributors around the world. Please join us if you are in the area.
【JPN】 "Barber Connect UK" @barberconnect
6/11(Sun)〜6/12(Mon)、イギリスのテルフォードにて開催されたヨーロッパ最大のバーバーエキスポ"Barber Connect UK"のダイジェストムービーをお届けします。 同イベントにはBROSHがアジア初として出展しました。
今回はBROSHチームとして、アンバサダーのMBCC原宿本店副店長の大田原、BROSH EUROPEからはChan Martínez、開催地UKからはAaron OtterlyとMarion Burlacu の総勢4人のバーバーが参加しました。
BROSH barbers: @tawara90 @chan_martinez_ @barber.boy
これからもBROSHは世界中のディストリビューターと共に世界各地のイベントに参加致します。 お近くにお越しの際は是非ご参加ください。
Contact to...
_ [email protected] http://brosh.jp/ 03-6455-0319
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edkwery · 2 years
How Preschool Helps Children Learn Better
Sending your child to preschool can be a daunting experience for any parent. However, preschool lays the groundwork for academic learning that will help your child succeed in elementary school. During early childhood, toddlers build basic habits, develop their abilities and mental skills, and socialize by interacting with other people in a stimulating environment. According to the research published in the Journal of Research in Childhood Education, kids’ emotional, physical, and intellectual growth is highly influenced by early childhood education, which prepares them for further achievement in life.
Interestingly, another study published by Burlacu and Florentina has shown that learning in the early years is essential for a child's growth over their entire lifetime, according to brain
studies done over the past ten years. Within the first few years, children begin to build the neural circuits they will later employ for everything from coloring to calculus. This revelation has prompted leaders in the majority of developed societies to give preschool education considerable consideration, a trend that is reflected in both global and European statistics.
Here are five reasons why preschool is important for children to learn better:
Encourages curiosity
Kids are born with an innate curiosity and a desire to learn and explore their world. This curiosity is an essential tool for learning and memory retention, and it can be encouraged and nurtured by preschool teachers through question-provoking activities. In a preschool, they have a teacher or a guide who can constantly be available to satiate this inquisitiveness and provide the right information. This helps to develop their imagination and creativity while promoting their desire to learn more. Curiosity also helps children take the first steps toward becoming lifelong learners.
Improves language and communication skills
Going to a preschool is an excellent opportunity for children to not only learn new words but also to become immersed in a learning environment that encourages communication and language development. According to the research published in Frontiers, kids' vocabulary competency is highly influenced by teacher-child interactions in preschools. Learning with other children in a safe and supportive atmosphere gives children a platform to develop their understanding of emotions and empathy, making them more confident in their language and verbal skills. By participating in activities that focus on the development of communication and language, children will be able to better express themselves and their ideas. This, in turn, will help them explore the world around them in a more meaningful way.
Enhance cognitive abilities
According to the research published in PubMed Central (PMC), cognitive control skills and development are crucial factors in the growth and development of children. Early childhood education plays a pivotal role in fostering a child's cognitive development, creating an environment where they can learn to think critically, make decisions, and solve problems. Preschool teachers harness this opportunity to nurture cognitive skills in children through activities such as trying out new things, asking questions, making comparisons, recognizing patterns, and identifying objects. Such activities are essential for developing their cognitive faculties and giving them a strong foundation for the future.
Enhances Pre-literacy and maths skills
Preschool teachers are trained to facilitate activities and games to help children build pre-literacy skills. Young learners will learn the alphabet and connect letters to sounds. According to the research published in ResearchGate, the process of preschool education helps to develop children's phonological awareness and literacy skills. Through playful activities and board games, preschoolers are equipped with the fundamentals of mathematics, such as matching, sorting, and counting. These engaging activities make learning pre-literacy and math skills fun and memorable, creating positive and lasting connections.
Develop social and emotional skills
Early childhood emotional well-being has a lasting effect on social relationships. Social-emotional development goes beyond simply expressing emotions; it encompasses
teaching children how to properly interact with others, become independent in routines, manage emotions, and build a positive self-image. Being able to develop and control these skills is essential to ensuring successful learning in the future. Through preschools, children can access a safe learning environment with numerous advantages, such as the ability to regulate emotions, concentration, and behavior, as well as develop positive relationships with others. Professional guidance and support are also provided to ensure an optimal learning experience.
To ensure kids get a head start in life, it is essential that they are taught the skills they need to thrive in the world from a young age. Preschools provide a safe environment where children can explore and learn. Preschools also foster a sense of community and belonging, which helps to shape children's social and emotional skills. Most importantly, it helps to develop the cognitive, physical, and language skills that will lay a strong foundation for future success. Thus, choosing the right Nursery and Early Childhood Learning Center is an important decision for your child's future. Edkwery helps you do that by providing some useful links to help you find the best centers in your area.
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stiridinromania · 2 years
Ce gătim mai bine acasă, de Sărbători
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„Ce gătim mai bine acasă, de Sărbători”, concurs care începe pe Instagram și se termină în offline cu premii de mii de euro Cum se vede din bucătărie un meniu festiv așezat pe masa generațiilor, X, Y sau Z? Cine, cu ce și ce mai gătește? Acestea sunt răspunsurile căutate de Cronicari Digitali, platforma creată de agenția Zaga Brand și Humart, prin noul proiect gastronomic, Aminitiri Gustoase. Tumeric, nucșoară, chimion sau cimbru, usturoi și boia...iar dilemele se prelungesc de la aperitive, feluri principale, până la deserturi? Competiția ”AMINTIRI GUSTOASE: REȚETE FESTIVE” caută să aducă mai multă inspirație din și înapoi în bucătăriile generației digitale. „În 2022 am iesit din case și am mâncat în oraș, în călătorii, în vacanțe, adesea împărtășind cu prietenii, pe rețelele sociale, cam tot ce am descoperit gustos. Dar asta nu ne-a despărțit de bucătăria proprie, fie inovativă sau nostalgică. Cronicari Digitali, platforma culturală în mediul digital creată de Zaga Brand și Asociația Humart, dă startul primei etape a proiectului gastronomic , Aminitiri Gustoase, competița dedicată Meselor Festive, care începe online și se termină în bucătărie, apoi la masă cu toți cei dragi”, declară Silvia Teodorescu, coordonatoare Cronicari Digitali și managing partner Zaga Brand. Pentru că în curând se deschide sezonul sărbătorilor de iarnă, până pe 28 noiembrie toți cei inspirați de tema concursului, de la food lovers, la bucătari profesioniști sau amatori, sunt invitați să publice pe conturile personale de Instagram și/sau Facebook o imagine (poate fi fotografie, reel sau video) cu ingredientele sau produsul final având ca temă ”rețetă festivă”. Postările trebuie însoțite de un text care să cuprindă cantitățile și etapele de preparare, dar și povestea din spatele preparatului alături de tagul @AmintiriGustoase completat cu unul sau toate tagurile sponsorilor cătegoriilor de concurs, pentru a putea fi jurizată înscrierea. Toate detaliile sunt oferite pe contul de Instagram @amintirigustoase: http://bit.ly/3Vmfmis. Participanții la competiție pot urca postările cu rețeta propusă până la finalul zilei de 28 noiembrie.Ei pot înscrie oricâte preparate doresc într-una sau în toate categoriile de concurs: Aperitive (reci sau calde)& amuse-bouche, Feluri principale, Deserturi. Premii de mii de euro, simplu de câștigat Participanții pot câștiga zeci de premii, grupate în 15 categorii suținute de sponsorii ”AMINTIRI GUSTOASE: REȚETE FESTIVE”. Între marile premii se află 5 SAMSUNG Galaxy Watch5, 5 seturi Infinite wok, oferite de Electrolux România, voucher de cumparaturi de 1000 de lei de pe sezamo.ro, robot de bucătărie multifunctional, oferit de Lidl, set de OALE MARMORATE și seturi de cuține din inox, oferite de Matache Măcelaru’, Cris-Tim, voucher de 500 de lei la Kitchen Shop, oferit de Delaco Romania, kituri Mare Brânză, Mare Gust, oferite de Delaco Romania, kituri uleiuri de primă presa Unisol pentru mese festive, dar și 5 home bar kit. Indiferent de categoria la care se înscriu, dintre toate participările care au respectat regulamentul concursului vor fi oferite și mai multe premii prin tragere la sorți: 10 Coșuri produse, oferite de Matache Măcelaru, 10 Pachete de Sarbatori, oferite de Delaco, Goodiebags cu produse Dr. Gerard, oferite de Dr. Gerard Romania și 10 termosuri oferite de Electrolux Romania. 17 jurați și 49 de premii...doar începutul Competiția din social media care va colecta rețete pentru mese festive de la utilizatorii digitali, va fi urmată de o jurizare riguroasă realizată de nu mai puțin de 17 jurați, chefs, experți și influencers din domeniul Food Creatori de conținut - Ciprian Muntele @muntele, Alina Muntele @ciocolatasivanilie, Răzvan Moței, @razvanmotei, Adrian Dan @adrian.dan.ro, Pia Marina Voicu @piamarina, Andreea Jugănaru @andreeachinesefood, Marian Ciufu @influentaran, Elena Popa @sweets&others, Dana Burlacu @prajituricisialtele; Chefs & cooks - Liviu Lambrino @liviu.lambrino, Nico Lontras @nicolontras, Mihai Toader @mihai.iosif.toader, Alina Săftulescu @kibutgarana; Experți în gastronomie: Cosmin Dragomir @cosmindragomir_gastroart, Adriana Sohodoleanu @adriana_sohodoleanu, Cezar Ioan @cezar_vinul.ro, Sergiu Vasile @Utopia Balcanică. Este prima etapă a proiectului care va premia cu 49 de premii valoroase cele mai bune preparate pentru Mese Festive. Creatori și chef celebri intră offline într-un cooking contest alături de câștigători Înainte de sărbători, în decembrie, creatori și chef celebri vor trece din online în offline într-un cooking contest alături de câștigătorii competiția ”AMINTIRI GUSTOASE: REȚETE FESTIVE”. Organizatorii își propuna să aduca jurații, alături de câștigătorii din mediul digitali, direct în offline, pentru o experiență cât mai reala de cooking contest (se vor găti 5 rețete pentru o masă festivă), dar și pentru „cel mai frumos și intim moment de cunoaștere între oameni care se văd pentru prima dată- statul la masă și mâncatul împreuna”, într-un experiment relaxant ce pune față în fața mai multe generații, după cum declară Silvia Teodorescu, Cronicari Digitali. În decembrie, workshopul de Cooking AMINTIRI GUSTOASE va fi susținut de Cosmin Dragomir, GastroArt, Chef Liviu Lambrino, Alina Muntele (aka CiocolatăsiVanilie), Alina Săftulescu (chef Kibuț, Gărâna). Amintiri Gustoase va continua în 2023 proiecte ample care adună rețete și surse de informare în zona de Food& Beverage. Competiția ”AMINTIRI GUSTOASE: REȚETE FESTIVE” și Workshopul de Cooking AMINTIRI GUSTOASE sunt organizate de agenția Zaga Brand, prin platforma Cronicari Digitali, powered by Electrolux, Lidl și Delaco. Partener pentru visual storytelling este Samsung România. Proiectul este suținut de Sezamo, Unisol, Matache Măcelaru, Metaxa și dr Gerard. ”AMINTIRI GUSTOASE: REȚETE FESTIVE” va deschide oficial sărbătorile de iarnă cu gusturi bune, curatoriate de un juriu de excepție, oferind inspirație pentru toți cei care sunt în căutarea unor rețete pe care să le completeze în bucătărie cu inventivitate și gust. Zaga Brand, agenția care a inițiat proiectul Amintiri Gustoase, parte din paltforma Cronicari Digitali, a câștigat în această lună, la PR Award, patru noi premii la ediția aniversară a celei mai importante competiții a profesioniștilor din PR. Zaga Brand a fost recompensată cu gold pentru Digital PR și silver pentru Corporate Communication, Media Relations & Influencer Relations și Events. Read the full article
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mymodernmet · 6 years
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Interview: Evocative Portraits of New York’s Punk Scene Explore Meaning of Modern Tribes
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eurovisionsongaday · 6 years
I would like to thank Moldova for sending a real trumpet.
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bmhasdeu · 3 years
22 IULIE — Chișinăul de azi
22 IULIE — Chișinăul de azi
Evenimente: 1922  — Apare la Chişinău în limba rusă cotidianul informativ „Poşta Basarabiei”. S-au născut: Ludmila Țonceva 1921 — Paul Mihnea, poet şi traducător (Pinhas Boruhovici Şil’man), autor al volumelor Orologiul bate miezul nopții, Lumina ochilor mei, Galeria cu autoportret ş.a. (d. 31 august 1994).1926 — Ion Ganea, biolog, doctor habilitat, profesor universitar, membru titular al…
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diasporamadrid · 4 years
Un român în vârstă de 42 de ani, care ducea o viață liniștită în Spania, a fost arestat!
Un român în vârstă de 42 de ani, care ducea o viață liniștită în Spania, a fost arestat!
Un român în vârstă de 42 de ani, condamnat pentru violare de domiciliu și viol. Acesta a trăit liniștit în Spania timp de aproape zece ani. El se afla pe lista Most Wanted a Poliției Române, dar și pe cea a Interpol. Traiul lui bun a luat sfârșit aceste zile când a fost arestat în San Pedro del Pinatar, regiunea Murcia, în urma operațiunii „Rupredator”. Vlad Burlacu s-a născut la Iași și…
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lunlumo · 3 years
In one of my previous posts I said Moldova always brings something crazy to the table so I decided to test that so behold:
MOLDOVA in Eurovsion appreciation post 🇲🇩
If I update tumblr will I get yellow and dark blue for fonts??
They participated 16 times, year after year like the champs, came last once (ooops), never won and I say they should for the vibes alone. Since 2005 they gave us:
This year's train folks (research shows that this is their third time competing yay)
Natalia Gordienko (2021 Sugar, still mopey that we didn't get dancing ice cream cones on eirovision stage)
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DoReDos with their doors (2018 My Lucky Day)
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Epic sax guy! Twice! The meme, the joy, the living legend, also their best result #3 (officially Sunstroke project, with Olia Tora in 2010)
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My research reminded me of astronaut in 2016, they had astronaut! Still nq unfortunately (Falling Stars - Lidia Isac)
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I want your love - Eduard Romanyuta in 2015 is a bop, bye
I loved A million by Aliona Moon and now I find out there is a moldavian Version?? Also look at her dress
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I got decently into eurovision in 2012 so everything before is foggy. The rest of this list will be filled based on Google images and vibes first 5 results give me
These guys don't dissappoint, as I thought (2011 Zdob şi Zdub -So Lucky)
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2009 looks fun *their entry because "Moldova 2009" gave me burning buildings and that probably wasn't fun (Hora Din Moldova - Nelly Ciobanu)
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In 2008 they had...a couch?? (A Century of Love - Geta Burlacu)
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2006 hiii Natalia didn't know you were there
These guys really never dissappoint (Zdob şi Zdub - Boonika Bate Doba, 2005, they were kn wheels, they had a GRANDMA with a DRUM on WHEELS, what a debut)
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edkwery · 2 years
How Preschool Helps Children Learn Better
Sending your child to preschool can be a daunting experience for any parent. However, preschool lays the groundwork for academic learning that will help your child succeed in elementary school. During early childhood, toddlers build basic habits, develop their abilities and mental skills, and socialize by interacting with other people in a stimulating environment. According to the research published in the Journal of Research in Childhood Education, kids’ emotional, physical, and intellectual growth is highly influenced by early childhood education, which prepares them for further achievement in life.
Interestingly, another study published by Burlacu and Florentina has shown that learning in the early years is essential for a child's growth over their entire lifetime, according to brain
studies done over the past ten years. Within the first few years, children begin to build the neural circuits they will later employ for everything from coloring to calculus. This revelation has prompted leaders in the majority of developed societies to give preschool education considerable consideration, a trend that is reflected in both global and European statistics.
Here are five reasons why preschool is important for children to learn better:
Encourages curiosity
Kids are born with an innate curiosity and a desire to learn and explore their world. This curiosity is an essential tool for learning and memory retention, and it can be encouraged and nurtured by preschool teachers through question-provoking activities. In a preschool, they have a teacher or a guide who can constantly be available to satiate this inquisitiveness and provide the right information. This helps to develop their imagination and creativity while promoting their desire to learn more. Curiosity also helps children take the first steps toward becoming lifelong learners.
Improves language and communication skills
Going to a preschool is an excellent opportunity for children to not only learn new words but also to become immersed in a learning environment that encourages communication and language development. According to the research published in Frontiers, kids' vocabulary competency is highly influenced by teacher-child interactions in preschools. Learning with other children in a safe and supportive atmosphere gives children a platform to develop their understanding of emotions and empathy, making them more confident in their language and verbal skills. By participating in activities that focus on the development of communication and language, children will be able to better express themselves and their ideas. This, in turn, will help them explore the world around them in a more meaningful way.
Enhance cognitive abilities
According to the research published in PubMed Central (PMC), cognitive control skills and development are crucial factors in the growth and development of children. Early childhood education plays a pivotal role in fostering a child's cognitive development, creating an environment where they can learn to think critically, make decisions, and solve problems. Preschool teachers harness this opportunity to nurture cognitive skills in children through activities such as trying out new things, asking questions, making comparisons, recognizing patterns, and identifying objects. Such activities are essential for developing their cognitive faculties and giving them a strong foundation for the future.
Enhances Pre-literacy and maths skills
Preschool teachers are trained to facilitate activities and games to help children build pre-literacy skills. Young learners will learn the alphabet and connect letters to sounds. According to the research published in ResearchGate, the process of preschool education helps to develop children's phonological awareness and literacy skills. Through playful activities and board games, preschoolers are equipped with the fundamentals of mathematics, such as matching, sorting, and counting. These engaging activities make learning pre-literacy and math skills fun and memorable, creating positive and lasting connections.
Develop social and emotional skills
Early childhood emotional well-being has a lasting effect on social relationships. Social-emotional development goes beyond simply expressing emotions; it encompasses
teaching children how to properly interact with others, become independent in routines, manage emotions, and build a positive self-image. Being able to develop and control these skills is essential to ensuring successful learning in the future. Through preschools, children can access a safe learning environment with numerous advantages, such as the ability to regulate emotions, concentration, and behavior, as well as develop positive relationships with others. Professional guidance and support are also provided to ensure an optimal learning experience.
To ensure kids get a head start in life, it is essential that they are taught the skills they need to thrive in the world from a young age. Preschools provide a safe environment where children can explore and learn. Preschools also foster a sense of community and belonging, which helps to shape children's social and emotional skills. Most importantly, it helps to develop the cognitive, physical, and language skills that will lay a strong foundation for future success. Thus, choosing the right Nursery and Early Childhood Learning Center is an important decision for your child's future. Edkwery helps you do that by providing some useful links to help you find the best centers in your area.
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pairs-studio · 3 years
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playburo · 3 years
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sweetd3lights · 5 years
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  © All rights reserved  by Mihaela Burlacu
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