#Bumbleby fic
the-descolada · 2 months
Chapter 8: Full Fathom Five
The bay has always been home for Yang, and her devotion shapes her world around it.
When Blake surfaces into her life, what was routine becomes unexpected, and what was ordinary becomes extraordinary.
For Blake, home isn't so easy, and when treating your life like a closely guarded secret is what comes naturally, the unexpected is sometimes exactly what you need to hold on to.
She wanted to talk again, to share things locked up tight - Blake had a way of doing that, of making it easy like few people had just by virtue of being there, four patient listening ears trained on her as always even out of sight. The assurance of their presence was something she knew she could rely on, steady and sure and so caring in all the ways that mattered most for her. The raw emotion of it all welled again, simple kindness enough to break her down - but there was peace in that, acceptance of letting things out with light at the end of the tunnel.
Chapter 8 of the Bay Bees fic is up! Happy birthday, Yang. Have some fuckin angst.
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pugoata · 9 months
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: RWBY Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long Characters: Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose (RWBY), Weiss Schnee, Pyrrha Nikos, Adam Taurus Additional Tags: Romance, Angst, Alternate Universe - Historical, Action, Violence, Minor Character Death, Pining, Slow Burn, Married Couple, This one's gonna be dark guys, Scarlet Pimpernel AU, tw: guillotine???, tw: the french (I guess lol), Bumbleby Big Bang (RWBY) Summary:
AU: Blake returns from Menagerie to find her life in shambles: Atlas overthrown by the White Fang, her old friends acting strangely around her, and the wife she left behind, Yang, is cold and distant. Adding to her misery, she's confronted with a threat from her past and an impossible task: to save her parents from the guillotine, Blake must identify and neutralize the mysterious vigilante known as the Dragonfly.
With no one to help her, Blake caught between a rock and a hard place: can she still trust her estranged wife? Can she save her parents?
And who is that demmed, elusive Dragonfly?
Here we are, folks!! My BBB!
Now please please PLEASE go admire my artists, @mastofnone and @askjar!! I have been spoiled ROTTEN by them, and it’s been such a pleasure!! I’m probably pretty awful to work with, but their art is absolutely INSANE!!! 
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kienava · 2 years
have some canon compliant post v9 c6 bumbleby smut :)
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
Good evening my dears (or whatever time of the day it is for you now).
Today I'm showing you this old oneshot of mine that, at the light of recent events (the dvd commentaries), aged like fine wine.
I hope you'll enjoy ❤️
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flipomatic · 1 year
Say It - Chapter 1: Shine
Summary: After Yang stopped laughing, her expression softened once again. It was a look that made Blake’s heart freeze in her chest, one that terrified her almost as much as it thrilled her. “I really am glad that you came tonight.” The grip of Yang’s fingers tightened minutely between Blake’s as she spoke, her tone quiet and low. Maybe a human would’ve had trouble hearing it above the music, but even with the bow Blake’s cat ears picked it up perfectly.
“Well, you did invite me.” Blake replied bluntly, ignoring the increased hammering of her heart in her chest. She considered telling her, sharing those thoughts she held so close. To tell Yang how much she appreciated the talk the other day, or how incredibly strong she thought she was. Or even to tell her about the forest and how grateful she was to have picked Yang as her partner.
Many times that Blake and Yang don’t say what they’re thinking, and one time when they do.
The sun was setting in the distance as the day drew towards a close, casting a steadily elongating shadow of Blake’s form across the ground. Soon it would vanish as the fragmented moon rose over the school and blessed the students with its soft rays of light. Though Blake’s hand was tucked securely into the crook of Sun’s arm as she walked, her mind had already wandered far from there. It drifted towards a sun of a different sort than either of the ones present.
Blake’s mind traveled to a memory from just a couple days before, when her partner had pulled her aside to talk. It hadn’t been a conversation that Blake went to willingly, but she didn’t regret it.
With a wink and a flirty line, Yang had invited Blake to the dance. That was normal behavior for Yang. If that was all she had done, then Blake would’ve ignored it. It would’ve been easy to roll her eyes and deflect that effort to lighten the mood.
But that wasn’t all she did, not by far. What wasn’t normal was the talk preceding it, the story Yang told about her mother and her childhood. The warm hug that Yang gave her in that classroom stuck with her, along with the emotions conveyed within it. Blake learned something about Yang that day, about her immense drive but also her restraint and caring heart.
The night before the dance, Blake went to sleep early.
Now, as the sun set above and she approached the front doors of the dance hall with Sun by her side, she felt more alive than she had in weeks. The doors opened in front of them, letting light and music pour out of the enclosed space.
The two walked forward into that light together, and Blake’s eyes locked on the person standing near the entrance. Any other person might’ve looked around at the decorations, like Sun was doing, or combed the crowd for people they knew. Blake didn’t that or anything else, just looked straight ahead.
She only watched Yang, who stood behind a podium and was examining something with her eyes narrowed in concentration. She tapped her finger against the slanted surface a couple times, lips shifting in a half frown. She wore a stylish white dress that showed off her shoulders and accented the vibrant purple of her eyes.
When the sound of the doors shutting echoed into the hall, Yang finally looked up. Her eyes locked onto Blake’s, and her frown shifted immediately into a bright smile.
“Welcome to the dance!” Yang practically glowed as she greeted them, gesturing with one hand towards the dancers behind her. Blake knew that Yang only actually glowed when she used her semblance, yet it was hard to believe that she wasn’t doing so now. “Glad you could both make it!” Blake allowed her lips to quirk up as she nodded in reply.
“Thanks!” Sun responded with the same high level of energy as Yang. “The place looks great!”
Yang’s eyes left Blake to move to him. “You can thank Weiss for that, she made the final touches juuuust before it started.” Her eyes twinkled with the extended word, as if there was a joke being left unsaid.
“I think I will.” Sun lifted his head and looked around the crowd, turning back to Blake after a moment of searching. “Want to come with?”
There was something she needed to do first, something important. “You go on ahead.” Blake gently removed her hand from his arm. “I’ll catch up with you.”
“See you on the dance floor.” Sun winked, gave a half wave, and then vanished into the crowd. Blake didn’t watch him go, instead turning her attention back to her partner. Yang, who was gleefully using a pen to check something off on her podium, looked back up at Blake.
For a few seconds, silence hung between them. Or rather, only the music emanating from the dance floor carried through the air past them. Blake inhaled to speak, but the words she looked for faded before they could leave her lips. She foolishly hadn’t expected this to be difficult. “How’s the dance been going so far?” She asked an easier question instead.
“Better, now that you’re here.” Yang’s smooth reply was accompanied by a toothy smile, one that stretched across her face. She looked at ease, unbothered by the tumult of the dance she had planned going on around her.
“Did you still want to, umm…” Blake could feel her cheeks warm as she tried again to put this question together, hoping she hadn’t misunderstood what Yang said before. A worse fear flashed through her mind, sending a cold chill down her spine. What if Yang had been lying to her? She had no reason to think that, no indication that Yang had ever been anything but honest, but it had happened with others.
For a moment Yang gave her an odd look, as if she didn’t understand, before her eyes lit up with recognition. “To dance?” She asked with a smirk.
Blake fought back an unwanted and unasked for wave of relief as she nodded her reply silently. When Yang extended one hand towards her over the podium, fingers outstretched and eager, she took it without any further hesitation.
The walk onto the dance floor was only a handful of steps, but with Yang guiding her by the hand Blake hardly paid attention to them. Yang’s grip on her fingers felt steady and secure, much like Yang was as a person. She weaved them effortlessly past the moving couples until they stopped in a relatively open space.
Yang turned back towards Blake, releasing her hand and stepping close so they were less than a foot apart. She gingerly placed her right hand around Blake’s back, while offering her left one up and to the side. Blake knew how she was supposed to respond. She lifted her left hand to Yang’s shoulder and brought her other one to meet Yang’s waiting hand. Their fingers intertwined in a way they hadn’t before, with those two points of contact spreading a comfortable warmth to Blake’s chest.
As the pair started to move, to step forward and backward in time with the music, Blake eased into the patterns of the dance. Her nerves and fears from before had been unfounded, now she could just enjoy the evening and their time together. That was what Yang had told her before, to slow down and relax. Blake was starting to realize that she truly meant it.
She kept her eyes on Yang as they danced, exploring her features and searching for something; she didn’t know what. She was always watching the people around her, waiting to see how they would react and what they would do. Even now, in this calm moment, Blake’s behavior didn’t change. Her partner looked serene as they moved in a way that was so different from her usual self. She hardly looked like the same woman who could take down a whole pack of Grimm by herself. Her lips were lifted up in a soft smile, eyes glimmering in the low light of the dance hall. Yang always wore her emotions clearly visible like this to anyone who took the time to look, even if Blake didn’t always understand what she saw. Her eyes swam with emotion, practically overflowed with it. They were purple now, as they usually were, but Blake had seen them red and angry.
The first time was when they became partners, all the way back at the start of the school year. Blake had decided to hang back and watch in the forest before committing to a partnership with anybody. After how her last partnership ended up, well, she was being cautious. When she saw Yang, she watched and waited first. After seeing her search for her sister and demolish a large Grimm in the process, Blake made up her mind and hadn’t looked back.
With every passing day she was gladder that she did. Somehow, she had found a partner who would be there for her, who would fight by her side. She found someone who would offer advice when she struggled, who would be a ray of light in the darkness. To have a partner she trusted to watch her back was a new feeling, one that filled Blake with comfort and warmth.
She hadn’t told Yang yet about the forest; there was never a good time. Maybe now as they danced, maybe she could muster herself to share a bit more with the woman who shined in her life like the sun.
Yang suddenly interrupted her thoughts by pulling her hand up to spin Blake around, much faster than the song they danced to called for. She laughed as they came back together, likely at the confused look on Blake’s face. Blake couldn’t help but smile back as the pair kept dancing.
After Yang stopped laughing, her expression softened once again. It was a look that made Blake’s heart freeze in her chest, one that terrified her almost as much as it thrilled her. “I really am glad that you came tonight.” The grip of Yang’s fingers tightened minutely between Blake’s as she spoke, her tone quiet and low. Maybe a human would’ve had trouble hearing it above the music, but even with the bow Blake’s cat ears picked it up perfectly.
“Well, you did invite me.” Blake replied bluntly, ignoring the increased hammering of her heart in her chest. She considered telling her, sharing those thoughts she held so close. To tell Yang how much she appreciated the talk the other day, or how incredibly strong she thought she was. Or even to tell her about the forest and how grateful she was to have picked Yang as her partner.
The song carried on around them, but the words didn’t come. The treacherous fearful part of her brain hissed to pull back, to flee, to not let these feelings grow. Blake shoved that feeling down but couldn’t stifle it entirely. “Thank you.” Was all she managed to say.
“For you, anytime.” From the look in her eyes, from everything Blake knew about her, Yang seemed to mean that.
A moment later when Yang pulled back for a spin, she also released Blake’s hand. This was the end of their single dance together. The two bowed once before Yang turned and walked away, quickly replaced by Sun.
Blake took up a very similar dancing position with him, resuming her movements to the music. It was different, dancing with him, but still fun.
Even as she danced the rest of the night with Sun, she wouldn’t forget that single dance with Yang. How could she forget her partner, the reason she came to this dance at all, and the person she was most grateful to have met.
Perhaps, Blake thought as she glanced over to where the rest of her team had gathered, she had finally met the right people. Perhaps someday she’d be able to tell them.
Despite that, or perhaps because of it, there were many times that Blake and Yang didn't say what they were thinking.
Next Chapter
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hero-of-the-horn · 2 years
While renovating her house, Yang takes in a friend of Weiss’s who needs a place to regroup after ending things with an abusive ex.
Blake learns how renovating a house can look a lot like recovery.
She presses hope between her ribs like petals between pages and thinks of new beginnings, of growth.
Blake meets her eye and Yang can’t help but think– 
I could just lean in and kiss her.
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Five days ago, Ruby Rose entered Kuo Kuana in the dead of night. She slipped out with blood on her scythe and a fabled Relic of the Old Gods in her possession. It did not take long for her to be captured and sent to rot in a dungeon from which no one has ever escaped. Blake Belladonna entered the dungeons of fear and hunger for two reasons; to reclaim the Relic so many of her people had died to acquire, and to kill the thief who attacked her father. Weiss Schnee entered the dungeons of fear and hunger for two reasons; to learn more about the Silver Eyed Warrior spoken of in legends, and to get her hands on the Relic of Knowledge. Yang Xiao Long entered the dungeons of fear and hunger for just one reason; to save her sister. It's frightening, how easy it is to fight by someone's side without ever asking why they had chosen to descend into hell.
You guys like Bumbleby AUs, right? Even Fear and Hunger Bumbleby AUs? Yeah look this came to me in a dream and I was forced to write it down, I don't make the rules here.
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altheaudaku · 2 years
In honor of finally having undeniable proof the sapphics are canon anyone have any meet the parents fic recs for the bees?
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stargirlseren · 1 year
“Yang you have to take better care of yourself, ok?”
The blonde laughs softly. “I’ll try but- I HAVE to be strong Blake.”
This time it’s Blake’s turn to cup Yang’s face, holding it with a gentleness she never thought possible for herself. “And I’m not saying stop being strong, I’m saying- look out for yourself a bit more. And know that you won’t have to always put us before yourself. We’re strong, we’re capable, we are more than suitable to protect ourselves, and protect you!” At that Yang tries to respond but Blake continues. “Remember our promise? Not just me protecting you, or you protecting me. We protect each other, yeah?”
I finally wrote some bumbleby fluff hehe :3 
Hope y’all like it!
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geekinggeek · 1 year
Pineapple, Poultry, and Pens - by Epy
Word Count: 3,364
Ship: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Modern AU, Shopping Mall, Matchmaker Weiss, Smoothies, Fluff
Summary provided by author: Weiss notices something going on between Yang and the woman at the smoothie shop across the food court, and decides to do something about it.
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kaelidascope · 2 months
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I love them in every universe 🪷💛💜
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the-descolada · 9 months
The bay has always been home for Yang, and her devotion shapes her world around it.
When Blake surfaces into her life, what was routine becomes unexpected, and what was ordinary becomes extraordinary.
For Blake, home isn't so easy, and when treating your life like a closely guarded secret is what comes naturally, the unexpected is sometimes exactly what you need to hold on to.
These were little changes, for the most part; Yang’s usual laughter was more muted than it generally was, peals and chimes petering out too quickly. She had taken up so much comforting space in the house, the smell of her cooking wafting upstairs almost every night, and the sudden absence of it felt as cold as the burners. She still smiled at them, and went about her day with all the friendliness Blake had grown accustomed to - but there were cracks through her smile and her footsteps through the house, things that years ago would have meant danger. So they noticed, whether they wanted to or not, however achingly complicated it felt for a sense honed to keep themselves safe to lend itself to worry for someone else.
Chapter 7 of the Bay Bees fic is up!
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starmochu · 11 months
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Day 2 of this year's @bumblebybigbang ! I was so lucky to be paired up with the extraordinary writer @lavendermeghan - her work is beautiful and full of tender moments, and I'm just a sucker for college AUs 🥺💕 Working together to make these pieces was such a fun experience, I hope everyone checks out her amazing fic!
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kienava · 2 years
lmao this is happening again. welcome back rwby youtuber au (bumbleby + schneekos)
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set-wingedwarrior · 2 years
The Right time
So. It's been a hot minute, huh?
I'll spare you the long list of reasons why I haven't written for a while, and I can't even promise a full comeback because of my studies and stuff. I've written this very randomly, it's short, and I'm rusty, but I'm still happy I've been able to write something. I hope you'll like it :)
Shout out to @phoenix-fell for proofreading this very last minute, thanks bud!
Saying that they were shocked was an euphemism. Finding out that one of your friends is now decades older than you and turned into one of the main characters of your favorite childhood book isn’t a commonplace event. It makes you wonder how it must have felt for Jaune to realize that the guy he read about as a kid was actually his future self.
He surely knew how hard it was to process, which is why he left Team RWBY alone for some time, giving their minds the time to ease into that new reality before going straight back to business. In the meantime he’d use that spared hour to help the people of the Ever After that got hurt by the earlier attack, which is hardly a bad idea.
Ruby is visibly shaken, another hit on her sense of duty, feeling once again the failure to save a friend. Weiss is right beside her as the two take comfort in each other’s presence, and Yang feels particularly grateful that Weiss is still fighting to keep her promise to be the best partner she can be. It means that, at least for a little moment, Yang can take time for herself, and address the inner struggles regarding her own partner..
“Are you okay?” Blake, always the observant one, doesn’t miss the betraying flick of worry in Yang’s eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Yang’s quick to answer “It’s just- I think I need to talk to you.” She says, before she can change her mind. She’s aware that it’s not the right time, probably the worst actually, but when was there ever a right one?
“Oh! I- I mean- sure.” Blake’s nervousness is obvious, which is why Yang doesn’t hesitate to take her hand in hers and give it a reassuring squeeze. It works, and Blake lets herself be led outside. “So, what do you need to talk about? Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes- no- I mean-“ looking down, Yang can see the Rusted Knight, Jaune, moving around with Juniper to help people. She takes a deep breath; she can do this. She has to. “Listen. I know that this, whatever this is going on between us, is still new. And I wanted to wait for the right moment before bringing it up but… then I saw him.” she nodded towards Jaune “Did he even try to get home? How long has he been waiting for us to find him? Or for him to find us?” Yang knows she’s pretty much rambling right now, but Blake’s focused gaze and pointed ears tell her that she still has her undivided attention. “And now I keep wondering: what if that was me? Or you?”
“Yang, we don’t know how things work here, and this is all just a conjecture. But I know that if that was me, I would have waited for you. No matter if I had the chance to escape, I’d never leave you behind.”
“This is not what I meant. I…” now it’s Blakes turn to give her a comforting squeeze.
“What do you mean then? It’s okay, go on.”
“It just… it made me realize: there’s no right time. There’s just here and now. And I don’t wanna force anything on you, you don’t have to answer me in any way. But I can’t risk spending my whole life waiting; I just need to tell you. Blake, I lo-“
Yang doesn’t get the chance to finish, interrupted by a pair of lips pressing on her own. Her first instinct is to freeze, - this is her first kiss, their first kiss! – but she gets one second to reciprocate before Blake pulls back.
“Are you really telling me about waiting and what ifs?” Blake starts, her voice breaking “Yang, I watched you die.” She grips on Yang’s jacket, not holding her but keeping her close “I saw you fall and disappear into a void that I was sure was certain death, and everything just stopped. Atlas, the relics, the evacuation, all gone; all I could think about was that I needed to reach you. I would have jumped if Weiss hadn’t stopped me.”
“Finding you here has been the greatest relief I have ever felt in my whole life. But, most importantly, it gave me, us, a second chance. I am not risking it, and I am not waiting anymore.” She says solemnly, before looking up and right into her eyes, the amber shining like gold “Yang Xiao Long, I am in love with-“
Yang tries, she really does, but she just can’t resist. She just has to lean down to kiss her again. This time it lasts a little longer, Blake has the time to adjust and kiss her back while both of their arms find their way around each other.
“I’m sorry.” Yang says after pulling back, with a wide grin that says she’s not sorry at all. Somehow Blake can’t bring herself to be mad. 
Then, the next time they speak is together, like they’re one person, one mind, one soul.
“I love you.”
They grin at each other. Grins that turn into smiles, that turn into giggles, until they let out a full blown laughter. It’s not even that funny, but they laugh so hard that they start crying.
All of their stress and fears finally find a way out through that pure unrestricted laughter. All of the feelings, good and bad, but most importantly all the love that has been held close to their hearts, are now free and out into the air of that unique and magical world. And they laugh like crazy, like in love. 
When it finally calms down, the two women look at each other, catch their breaths, then kiss again.
There’s never a right time for this sort of thing, especially when you’re a huntress and the world has fallen onto your shoulders. They could be gone tomorrow, or live long enough to witness the end of the world. 
Now is the right time. So they kiss, and laugh, and enjoy it to its fullest. Because that’s what makes it all more perfect: it’s the present.
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flipomatic · 1 year
Say It - Chapter 2: I Burn
First Chapter
Author Note: I made a slight change to the framing device in the first chapter and realized what I want the titles for the chapters to be.
Combat training had been a part of Yang’s life as long as she could remember. One of her earliest memories involved her jovially imitating Summer’s fighting stance, using a stick to take aim at the tree in front of their house. Even before enrolling in a combat academy, she had always been learning to fight and honing her skills. That hadn’t changed here at Beacon. If anything, she trained even more than she did before.
The main change was who she spent her time training with. It used to be her dad or uncle Qrow, and then sometimes Ruby before Yang started at Signal Academy. After building her weapons, she spent more of her time training alone. Many a training session over the last couple years had been spent solely with her punching bag, a trusty companion that didn’t mind being burned or toppled over by Ember Celica.
Now that Yang was part of team RWBY, she trained almost exclusively with them. Much of her time became dedicated to learning to fight both against and alongside her teammates. To say it hadn’t taken some adjustment would’ve been a lie; her usual style of charging headfirst into battle didn’t quite align with the rest of the team.
They had ways of reminding her to stay with the group, between Ruby’s calls for her to pull back or Weiss’ exaggerated eye rolls. The most effective way though was when Gambol Shroud appeared by her hand, its line outstretched from a long throw, beckoning her to join its wielder in her attack.
That was what Yang and Blake were working on today, the move that Ruby affectionately named bumblebee. They occupied one of the indoor training halls, which resembled a small gymnasium. It was well lit with lights across the ceiling and, most importantly, there was plenty of space for the two of them to practice without interruption. They needed to get ready for the Vytal festival, and what better way to do so than by improving their team attack. When they used this move in the past Yang executed it from a regular running speed, but she wanted to go faster and hit harder.
The pair’s last attempt hadn’t gone well at all. Blake stood ready in the center of the room, bow on her head twitching as she listened for Yang’s position. She threw Gambol Shroud to her right, while Yang fired Ember Celica behind her own back to gain speed along the wall. At the center she reached out with one arm extended to grab the weapon. If the pieces aligned, it would’ve fallen right into her hand. This was not the case as it landed just behind her reach, forcing Yang to skid to a halt and just barely avoid hitting the back wall.
“Too fast again…” She muttered, grimacing as she looked down at the weapons on her arms for a moment before turning her attention to Blake. Her partner was frowning, which was not an unusual expression for her. “I didn’t realize this would involve so much math!” Yang called over to her, following the statement with a loud forced chuckle. Blake, also in a very expected manner, did not laugh.
“I can throw it a little earlier.” Blake’s reply was blunt and to the point. Gambol Shroud still lied on the floor, and she pulled it back to her in a single smooth motion.
Yang knew what that meant, so she nodded in reply and turned to walk back to her starting position. They were doing this again. Once she reached the corner of the room, she called over to Blake, “Ready?”
Once again Yang began running and firing her weapon behind her. She counted the number of seconds between each shot, making sure to hold the last one half a second longer than before. This time, she was in luck. Blake threw the weapon perfectly in time and when Yang reached her left arm out to grab it, Gambol Shroud fell right within her grasp.
Unfortunately, that was where her good luck ended. After Yang closed her hand around the hilt of the blade, she moved to fire her right arm weapon one more time to solidify her momentum.
This turned out to be the biggest mistake of all.
As the string snapped tight, with Blake still holding on to her end of the weapon, it almost slipped right out of Yang’s grasp. It yanked her left arm hard, much harder than it had before. Yang could feel the moment her balance shifted, the trill of panic as her whole body extended left to follow the blade and forced her right arm to lift out of its proper position. Just because she knew it was going wrong, that didn’t mean she could prevent it from happening. The process had already begun.
When Ember Celica fired, it blasted the wall to her right. Her momentum suddenly shifted, being pulled inward by Gambol Shroud and propelled away from the wall by the blast. This new trajectory was headed, well, straight towards the center of the room.
She barely had a moment to call out, “Bla-“ before smashing directly into her partner’s side. She just barely saw Blake’s wide eyes before she hit, as she had turned her head towards the sound of her shout. The pair both fell to the round, rolling from the impact.
Yang’s aura protected her from the brunt of the collision, first from crashing into her partner and then from the hardness of the floor. She bounced once before settling, though she didn’t stay down for long.
Even though her inner ear wasn’t quite ready to rise, Yang forced herself to her feet with a stumble. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” She hurried to where Blake laid stunned on the ground. Her eyes were open, blinking a few times towards the ceiling, and she didn’t appear to have any injuries. “Are you hurt?”
Blake sat up slowly, with both of her hands on the ground to steady her. After a moment she looked up at Yang. “Just a little dazed but I’ll be alright, are you?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.” Yang reached down with one hand to offer to help Blake up, which she accepted. Once Blake was on her feet, Yang watched as she fetched Gambol Shroud from the corner it had flown to. Her steps appeared slow and steady, as they usually were.
The blade at the end of the long cord also seemed unharmed by the incident, which Yang was happy to see; she wouldn’t have been able to forgive herself if she hurt her partner or her weapon in training like this. She couldn’t help a cold chill running down her spine though, as she watched Blake wind the weapon back up.
This had happened before, not exactly this of course but other events like it. Training accidents, damaged equipment, scrapes and bruises, these all came with the territory of fighting with Yang. The others would get this look in their eyes, one that Yang couldn’t define but knew exactly what it meant. The excuses to leave would come next.
She watched Blake carefully for any sign of it, any hint that her trust in Yang had shifted.
There was nothing of the sort in her gaze, instead she almost looked bemused as she walked over to where Yang stood. “We might’ve gone too fast.”
“Just a bit.” Yang couldn’t help but smile, a wave of relief washing over her. “Half as many shots should do the trick.” She lifted her arms and cocked Ember Celica.
Blake nodded back at her, determination steeling her gaze. One of her hands came up to the top of her head, tugging at the piece of fabric tied there. It came away in only a moment and revealed a pair of small cat ears. Even though Yang had seen them before, back after Blake and Weiss had their big fight, that had been the only time. Blake usually kept them covered since most of the school didn’t know, even in their dorm room.
Back then, Yang hadn’t gotten that good of a look at them. It was dark at the docks and she’d been far more worried about her teammates making up. Now though, in the well lit space of the training hall, she could see them clearly.
Cute wasn’t a word that she often associated with Blake, cool and moody were usually her go to choices, but it was the only one coming to mind about her ears. The words easily rose to Yang’s lips before she could fully process them, ready to casually flirt and compliment as she so often did. Something stopped her, a spiking feeling in her chest. Even though the words were there, she didn’t let them out. They felt different, burning the back of her throat as she considered speaking them.
Blake’s ears stood upright at first, in what must’ve been their usual position, before one flicked in Yang’s direction.
“No offense, but I need to be able to hear your position better.” Blake commented dryly, answering a different question than the one Yang grappled with. “Let’s try again.” Without hesitation, Blake turned to return to the center of the training hall.
That was Yang’s cue to return to her starting position as well, back in the corner of the room. She let the words she’d been holding in fade away, pushing them to the back of her mind for another time. For now, she needed to focus all of her energy on perfecting this move.
She counted the number of shots she would need, and then took off again down the wall. The interval was twice as long between them now and her speed was slower as a result. When Yang reached the center, Gambol Shroud was right there waiting for her.
This time when she grabbed it, the pull against her was perfect. She held back her next shot and swung around the edge of the room, making a full circle before her feet hit the ground again.
When she looked over at Blake, her partner raised one fist in the air in a celebratory gesture. Her ears were perked up as she smiled, an expression that for once reached her eyes.
Yang’s chest felt warm as she returned the gesture, letting out a whoop of excitement. The line of Gambol Shroud connected them across the open space, spreading the feeling like electricity.
They continued to train after that, carefully adding in more bullets to the second half of the move. Soon it would be perfect, ready to use in the upcoming combat tournament. Yang enjoyed every minute of it, even when she crashed straight into the opposite wall on their next attempt.
Blake was right there in an instant, helping her back to her feet.
Yang could get used to this, the feeling of having a partner by her side.
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