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sudarshannarwade · 2 months ago
Simple Steps to Build Strong Vocabulary Skills
Effective communication, whether in writing or speaking, is based on having a large vocabulary. It not only improves your clarity of thought but also gives you more self-assurance in social, professional, and academic contexts. Although expanding one’s vocabulary may seem overwhelming, it can be a rewarding process if the proper techniques are used and constant effort is made. We’ll look at easy and doable ways to improve your vocabulary in this article. read more
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philearning · 4 years ago
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Build your vocabulary: Cassandra ( noun | kuh-SAN-druh ) Did you Know that the story of Cassandra comes from Greek mythology and is both tragic and ironic, as such myths tend to be. Cassandra was the daughter of Priam, the king of Troy. She caught the eye of the god Apollo, who was accustomed to getting what he wanted. He was amazed and displeased when she refused his romantic advances, and he became vengeful. He cursed Cassandra with a gift of prophecy with an especially cruel twist: he guaranteed that while she would always be right, no one would ever believe her predictions. Cassandra foretold the fall of Troy and other disastrous happenings, though she was ignored. Now, the label Cassandra is typically reserved for those who claim to see impending doom. #buildvocabulary #Vocabulary #newwords #wordoftheday #DidYouKnow https://www.instagram.com/p/CG6zSkmHbqG/?igshid=c69na54o6i3f
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rockyourlanguage · 5 years ago
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Portuguese has been added to the Word of the Day series by request! Follow Rock Your Language to see which languages we'll be focusing on for the first set of eBooks and online courses. If you don't see your target language, make a comment and request it, so it can be added to the Word of the Day series! #languagelearning #studygram #multilingual #bilingual #languagestudy #languagecourse #learnportuguese #português #learnlanguages #aprenderportugues #speakportuguese #follow #readportuguese #vocabulary #vocaboftheday #buildvocabulary #elearning #polyglot #linguistics #learnportuguesewords #portuguesevocabulary #ebooks
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thegurualpha · 5 years ago
Creative Writing - Catch More Traffic to Site
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Who doesn't want to be a Professional Creative Writer? Of course, everyone wants to be a Professional creative writer to impress people by one's knowledge. The purpose of creative writing is to entertaining and express human emotions such as entertainment and death. The author strives to learn the facts of life through poetry and storytelling. When one chooses to try a hand at creative writing, keep in mind that if someone is trying to convey a feeling or concept, the first step is to use imagination. Creative writers can express emotions and ideas, inspire people, and share experiences by writing articles and blogs. Indeed, all writers are not as productive as Creative writers, require expertise and vocabulary to write articles that inspire others. It doesn't signify that all writers aren't able to be creative writers until they polish skills and vocabulary. Start polishing skills, refine vocabulary, and follow these tips.
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Tips to POLISH SKILLS - Creative Writing
1. Keep Exploring new and trending Articles
Now, the Internet is the origin of education. Every single person wants to explore new things. In such cases, the Internet helps to explore new and updated information in articles, videos, photos, and any such content. So the first tip to be a creative writer is to explore new and trending skills from the Internet.
2. Try to write like Other's Trending Articles
Now start practicing by writing like such trending articles from you are inspired. But no one can do excellently in the first try, so attempt again and again to be perfect.
3. Express emotions in the form of Articles
Write like a creative writer and express sentiments in words and share it to close friends and family. Take feedback and improve yourself. This tip will help to be perfect and face others' feedback and responses. Now enhance vocabulary.
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Tips to ENHANCE VOCABULARY - Creative Writing
Read & Watch Contents
Contents, in any form, are the source of information so, Read & Watch to improve language and vocabulary. Explore new words and try to use them in daily life. That will help in daily life and in professional too.
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Tips for Creative Writers
Creative Writers should follow these tips while writing articles.  Write known knowledge first Write about what you don't knowRead your written content and repeat widelyHook your reader (What Happens Next?)Keep all first personKeep PolishingEnhance Vocabulary
Creative Writers Jobs - Creative Writing
Many organizations hire and invest millions of dollars on creative writers. So there are millions of jobs available for creative writers. Overall creative writers can do freelancing and earn huge money online.  Read this article to find out where a creative writer can do freelancing. >>> 4 BEST Websites to Earn Online Read the full article
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getupandthrive · 5 years ago
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📚 It’s World Read Aloud Day📚 * * * Yes there’s a day for that and today would be that day 😊📖📣 * * * As a parent, educator, and children’s book author-I’m always thinking about ways to get kids from “no thanks” to #eagerreader and a lot of it has to do with building confidence as a reader. * * * “Why is reading aloud important? A 2015 study found that children are exposed to a larger vocabulary from picture books read aloud than from conversations with adults” (FamilyFunTwinCitiesBlog) * * * If you have children or work with children find your favorite book or there’s & help them thrive by reading aloud @weshouldread * * * #worldreadaloudday #worldreadaloudday2020 #helpkidsthrive #buildvocabulary #fortheloveofreading #readaloud #thrivetogether #weshouldread #getupandread #getupandthrive https://www.instagram.com/p/B8L_vyqnVcT/?igshid=168osydm964ux
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community-mnmlstry-blog · 7 years ago
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Usage: I have spent another dreary day at office. #newwordseveryday #word #wordgasm #satprep #vocabulary #learn #goodhabits #wordoftheday #knowledge #learningisfun #buildvocabulary
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When reading new storybooks, stress on new words and emphasize them when re-reading. This helps build a larger vocabulary and a better understanding of the language. What is your little ones's favourite storybook? . #firsrtcryindia #preschool #didyouknow #booklovers #storybooksforkids #acitivitiesforkids #kidstagram #comment #favouritebook #momsofinstagram #homeschooling #buildvocabulary #homeschoolingmom #languageskills #Toddler #Nursery #PP1 #PP2 #Daycare #Afterschool #oiplayschool #oiplayschoolbachupally #firsrcryintellitots #firstcryintellitotsbachupally #bachupally #kausalyacolony #kavyaavenue #saianuragcolony #empiremeadows #sunwayopusgrand #Toddler #Nursery #PP1 #PP2 #Daycare #Afterschool #oiplayschool #oiplayschoolbachupally #firsrcryintellitots #firstcryintellitotsbachupally #bachupally #kausalyacolony #kavyaavenue #saianuragcolony #empiremeadows #sunwayopusgrand (at FirstCry Intellitots - Bachupally) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKl3gJn_zC/?igshid=umi1xxfjpgp1
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Here's a fun play idea for your little one! Rhymes are a great way to increase your child's vocabulary and singing to the tune helps them learn faster. What are some of your child's favourite rhymes? Comment below! . #dressup #nurseryrhymes #preschooler #pretendplay #buildvocabulary #activitiesforkids #animals #Toddler #Nursery #PP1 #PP2 #Daycare #Afterschool #oiplayschool #oiplayschoolbachupally #firsrcryintellitots #firstcryintellitotsbachupally #bachupally #empiremeadows #sunwayopusgrand #kbrcolony #renukayellammacolony #maavillas #aphbcolony #harithavanamcolony #devihomes #zenith #hirise #preschool #playschool (at FirstCry Intellitots - Bachupally) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHN5W7OnzdP/?igshid=3nxq6zp94gqn
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philearning · 4 years ago
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Build your vocabulary: Obverse ( noun | AHB-verss ) Heads or tails? If you called heads, obverse is the word for you. Since the 17th century, we've been using obverse for the front side of coins (usually the side depicting the head or bust of a prominent person). The opposite of this sense of obverse is reverse, the back or tails side of a coin. #buildvocabulary #Vocabulary #newwords #wordoftheday #DidYouKnow https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfDHmTHcxL/?igshid=rtsct5fmfiqs
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rockyourlanguage · 5 years ago
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Follow Rock Your Language for a new word each day! We'll be focusing on the Word of the Day languages for the first set of ebooks and online courses. If you don't see your target language, make a comment and request it, so it can be added to the Word of the Day series! #languagelearning #studygram #multilingual #bilingual #languagestudy #learnfrench #francais #français #apprendrefrancais #apprendslefrançais #languagecourse #learnlanguages #speakfrench #follow #like #readfrench #vocabulary #vocaboftheday #wordoftheday #buildvocabulary #elearning #polyglot #linguistics #learnfrenchwords
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rockyourlanguage · 5 years ago
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Follow Rock Your Language to see which languages we'll be focusing on for the first set of eBooks and online courses. If you don't see your target language, make a comment and request it, so it can be added to the Word of the Day series! #languagelearning #studygram #multilingual #bilingual #languagestudy #learnitalian #italiano #imparalitaliano #imparareitaliano #languagecourse #learnlanguages #speakitalian #follow #like #readitalian #vocabulary #vocaboftheday #buildvocabulary #elearning #wordoftheday #polyglot #linguistics #learnitalianwords
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rockyourlanguage · 5 years ago
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Follow Rock Your Language for a new word each day! We'll be focusing on the Word of the Day languages for the first set of eBooks and online courses. If you don't see your target language, make a comment and request it, so it can be added to the Word of the Day series! #languagelearning #studygram #multilingual #bilingual #languagestudy #learnspanish #spanish #español #aprenderespañol #languagecourse #learnlanguages #follow #like #speakspanish #readspanish #vocabulary #vocaboftheday #buildvocabulary #elearning #wordoftheday #polyglot #linguistics #learnspanishwords
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rockyourlanguage · 5 years ago
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#Follow Rock Your Language for a new word each day! We'll be focusing on the #wordoftheday languages for the first set of #ebooks and #onlinecourses. If you don't see your target language, make a comment and request it, so it can also be added to the Word of the Day series! #languagelearning #studygram #multilingual #bilingual #languagestudy #learngerman #deutsch #deutschlernen #languagecourse #learnlanguages #speakgerman #follow #like #readgerman #vocabulary #vocaboftheday #buildvocabulary #elearning #wordoftheday #polyglot #linguistics #learngermanwords
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rockyourlanguage · 5 years ago
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Tips to Rock Your Language!
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philearning · 5 years ago
Build your vocabulary - Gratuitous
(adjective gruh-TOO-uh-tuss)
Like gratitude, grace, and congratulate, gratuitous is a descendant of the Latin word gratus, which means "pleasing" or "grateful." When gratuitous was first used in the 17th century, it meant "free" or "given without return benefit or compensation."
#WordOfTheDay #BuildVocabulary #Gratuitous
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philearning · 5 years ago
Build your vocabulary! Tome - [ tohm ] | noun
a book, especially a very heavy, large, or learned book.
The noun tome comes from Middle French tome, from Latin tomus “a cut, slice, or bit; a piece or length of papyrus; a book (in general).”
#BuildVocabulary #WorldOfTheDay
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