#Buck's sperm donor arc
dibbie85 · 4 months
Do you all remember one of the first ABC clips where they did show the top 5 events the GA should know about the season 6 events? I only remember this one because I was irritated that of all things happening to Buck they choose the sperm donor arc for it.
I kind of hope this was a marketing guys only thing (Tim said that the writers and the marketing guys were working independent).
But, if not… Why this arc?
Because it shows us Buck's character? (his will to help his friends at all costs?)
Or beecause they're planning to bring this arc up again?
perhaps only to show Buck wants children?
perhaps because he will need to step up as a dad?
perhaps the baby needs another donor, because they're bringing back the child cancer thing (Daniel / baby) and Buck is able to help this time around?
What do you think?
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epiphainie · 3 months
controversial opinion: tommy is already 40 and likely doesn't want kids so bucktommy dual income no kids couple
i can see them being childless but i don't think tommy being 40 says much about whether he'll want kids or not. for all we know he just didn't have a relationship he felt settled in or wanted to achieve some career goals before he had kids or just didn't have the time yet or wants kids but hasn't felt secure about his abilities to be a parent. especially when he's not bound by things like "ticking biological clock."
i want buck to have kids though. like i don't think just bc someone's a great uncle and caregiver with the others' kids they have to have kids of their own and i don't remember buck ever explicitly mentioning wanting kids or marriage but i think the show made so many choices to show that he's a character who would want kids.
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"it's me, spill" they're father and son your honor
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chronicowboy · 1 year
if one of the interruptions to buck and natalia's dates is eddie and chris showing up, i absolutely cannot wait for natalia to bring up the 'so freaking cool' of it all and for eddie to open his mouth only for chris to beat him to it with gavin's particular brand of devastation as he says "it didn't feel cool when i thought i was going to lose another parent"
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stagefoureddiediaz · 8 months
Time for a wild unhinged theory post from me - I'm connecting dots!!
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OK here me out!!!
What if the person who Buck injured on the basketball court is in fact Connor???
So this picture below could potentially be a scene where they are arriving for a shift - when Eddie sees Buck with the bruises on his face - and Eddie is asking Buck how he got beat up etc and reassuring him etc
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it takes place after the scene with Maddie - where Buck thinks he's the one who caused the injury intentionally - if Buck is freshly injured and Maddie is nursing him - he went to her for some tlc etc as he does and it plays into the Maddie talking care of Bucks various injuries throughout his entire life (which I am very much here for)
Buck chooses to go to work., annnnd heres the explanation for the weird non Buck shirt he's wearing - Its actually one of Connors. Connor has pretty much exclusively worn check pattern shirts not dissimilar to this one in his previous onscreen appearances (check out my meta posts for the eps he's in if you want to see 6x04 6x07 6x12 and 6x18 - I don't have access to my stills library atm to include the pictures here)
Connor feeling bad and like he went too far - giving Buck a shirt becasue his is too bloody to wear after whatever goes down would explain why.
My thinking is that maybe Connor is still flaking out on Kameron (and the Baby) and Buck calls him out on it in some way which is the trigger for whatever ends up happening - Connor hits Buck (perhaps with a basket ball) in anger leading to the black eyes and the cuts across his nose and on his forehead as can be seen in this gif below (the more I stare at it the more I'm convinced its bruising not soot!) which is a scene that takes place after the still of Buck and Eddie in the locker room.
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I'm still sus about Connor because that dude was sending so many red flags and in a season full of red flags and red flag allegory, I'm not convinced we saw the end of that story arc! The other reason for my thinking this, which connects into the red flags, is that that check Shirt Buck is wearing is similar to Philip Buckleys shirts - and I've had a theory since I rewatched s6 over hiatus - that the show was playing on the similarities between Philip and Connor - that there was a big red flag that Buck wasn't seeing - that this baby he has helped create is fated to suffer the same kind of upbringing as Buck - having an absent father because Connor won't be there much as Philip wasn't there for Buck and that is why they put them in similar style shirts!
anyway thats my theory - have I added two plus two and come up with 10 - we shall see next month - until then I can be found in the clown car!!
thanks @copyninjabuckley for being my sounding board and helping me connect the dots - its always fun theorising and being unhinged with you 😎
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lonelychicago · 2 years
i wanna get off ( gasoline, pretty please )
buck/eddie | rated e | 2.5k words
Eddie reaches between them and starts to undo the drawstring for Buck's shorts. Once it’s undone, he’s pushing his palm against Buck’s cock from over the fabric and clutching his fingers around it. He starts to work Buck from over his shorts, and Buck groans, throwing his head back in pleasure .
“Can I…?” Eddie breathes.
"Please." Buck nods, eyes still squeezed shut and mouth hung open.
Eddie goes to the loft to talk to Buck and interrupts him while he's masturbating.
And because Eddie's a good friend, he offers a hand.
read on ao3
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wildlife4life · 9 months
Please tell me about parent, brother, friend- the balance or Love over Blood!!!
All your wips look so good and I can't believe you have so many???
I have too many I believe because I am shamelessly encouraged...
Anywho... Parent, brother, friend-the balance is a fic where Maddie becomes Buck's legal guardian after a lengthy court battle with their parents. (He is 15, 16, and eventually 17 so teen buck) and moves him out to LA to live with her and Chimney. Its Chimney trying to figure out what he is to Buck, parent? brother? friend? And he needs to find that role, especially after catching Buck at an illegal fight ring with his fighter boyfriend Eddie (He's like 2 1/2 years older than Buck). Snippets can be found here.
Lover over blood is the return of Buck's sperm donor kid. Its future fic featuring, married Buddie, more buddie kids, and the angst of understanding what truly makes a family. Here's a snippet:
Eddie freezes when he gets close enough, immediately recognizing the child. It’s the same little boy that’s in dozens of school photos, Christmas cards, and a sleuth of other random pictures stuffed in an envelope and locked away in a filing cabinet.  Even if Eddie hadn’t seen the boy’s picture a few times a year, he would know his husband’s features anywhere.  Because they were almost the same ones his youngest son has as well. Bright blue eyes, curling locks, pert nose, and full lips hiding that bright Buckley smile Eddie loved dearly. God the kid was practically giving Eddie a glimpse of what his youngest son would look like in a few years. And this kid shouldn’t even be in the same state, let alone Los Angeles.
WIP Tag Game
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captain-hen · 1 year
being a buck girl who isn't a Buck Stan™️ in this environment is so tiring, like, so many people will claim to love him but then woobify him to death and villainize everyone else for everything and never accept that he makes mistakes. it pains me to see how they shit on the rest of the firefam, especially chimney and bobby. like you can tell which authors are this kind of buck stan based on the way they write chim and bobby (and then have hen's only purpose be to back up buck on everything and also make eddie grovel for buck's forgiveness when anything goes wrong).
atp i have the words lawsuit and sperm donor temporarily filtered because the people still talking about the former are exhausting and there's way too much discourse about the latter. and it sucks because I love canon buck so much and I think the show has done a good job making him likable just the way he is, fuckups and all (which 6x11 even emphasized), but I don't see that many people appreciating the actual canon buck since everyone wants to make him into a person that he isn't just so that he can always be in the right.
sorry for the rant btw but you seem like you dislike Buck Stans™️ as much as I do so I figured you'd understand 😅
yeah all this 100%, i'll never understand how people will claim to be fans of a character and then ignore or erase 90% of that character's personality. the most compelling thing about buck IS that he constantly fucks up, that his trauma response is engaging in self destructive behavior, and that he's literally his own worst enemy—as 6x11 proved to us. i've said this before, but the reason people are complaining so much about his writing in s4-6 is because there's no one to blame for his decisions anymore (not that any of the characters should have been in the earlier seasons, but there you go), that all of his mistakes are his alone, and they just can't handle that. they want buck to be this perfect victim of circumstance, but that's never who he's been. that's never who any of the characters on this show have been. all of them have fucked up and have had to face the consequences for it, and buck is no different. to boil his character down to 'himbo with a heart of gold who's actually really misunderstood and victimized by everyone around him' is so incredibly dismissive. you don't like his actual character, you like the made-up version in your mind who has never done anything wrong and who deserves everyone around him to treat him with kid gloves.
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sevensoulmates · 8 months
5x04 is reminding me of the season 3 finale, where Buck and Eddie are seen talking about decisions about Chris going to camp, directly juxtaposing Abby saying she thinks Buck has long since gotten over her. The implication of that framing meant to be that yes Buck has gotten over her and has moved on to being there specifically to be with Eddie and help raise Chris. Buck is always the most active participant when Eddie is seen voicing issues with Chris at the firehouse.
His total lack of being a part of that in 5x04 stands out heavily. Not only is he not a part of the conversation, he is sitting RIGHT THERE, making it even weirder that he's not paying attention. And we know that the reason Buck's mind is somewhere else is because he's thinking about potentially being a sperm donor. The whole framing of this scene, even after the focus shifts from Buck to Hen and Bobby, is showing how the sperm donor arc needlessly separates Buck from the rest of the firefam who are gathered together at the head of the table while Buck sits by himself at the farthest end away from everyone else. It feels wrong, it looks weird. Buck is not supposed to be separate from the firefam, and metaphorically that means that this baby arc and the consequences of this arc, are meant to be isolating, bringing him farther away from what he truly needs, not closer to it.
I still think that the repercussions of this sperm donor baby arc are going to be more lasting in season 7. If the show doesn't actually give this arc a proper resolution, showing that biological children are not The Only Way One Can Be A Parent, then I'm going to be really fucking mad. The only way this arc ends in a satisfactory way for Buck is if he realizes that he's been a parent for the past four years to Chris, and that he doesn't need to force biological children in order to be a parent and have a family.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
I cannot BELIEVE we are wasting time on this. Also this chemistry is still TERRIBLE.
And Buck AGAIN giving himself away because it made others happy.
And now we are recycling S4 finale because KR has no new ideas.
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profoundcastiel · 2 years
me after watching a scene where fox decided to use a wildly know bi anthem song as background for a buck scene
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epiphainie · 1 month
#idk if this is an unpopular opinion but i genuinely operate on the assumption that the writers never think of the storylines#(and the indications of their writing choices in the broader frame) as much as the fans do#not in the way that im criticizing their intelligence or anything like that i just dont think this is the type of show written like that#like idt when they were writing the sperm donor storyline they were considering buck's broader storyline re being conceived as spare parts#or that what name the characters call buck has that much of a deep meaning like yes i have my own headcanons about tommy calling buck evan#but idt it was a direction given to lou because tommy is meant to be seen as special/different from other LIs/characters#i dont even think they considered the moment buck told his parents not to call him that#not saying nothing has staying consequences in the show obv but it's like whatever the character has to get from it happens in that arc and#then we move on#there are some defining traumas that come back like bobby's family madney and doug and eddie losing shannon#but i usually watch the storylines contained to that arc#not as a part of the lore that the writers will always be vigilant of as they keep building on these characters#at least not to the degree a fandom does#this is why i never speculate based on previous storylines l#not beyond “this would have a lot of potential if they went that route”#no one in that writers room thinks about character lore and the nuances of characterization as obsessed fans is what ill say#does*
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himbobuck · 2 years
Spiritual Meaning of Being Struck By Lightning:
While we can often predict the likelihood of a lightning strike by drawing inferences from the weather, there’s still no reliable way to know the exact time a lightning strike is going to occur.
The spiritual implication of this is that something special and profound awaits you in the near future.
It may be something you have been praying about, or it may be about some uncertainties in your life journey.
If you are going through a dark phase in your life and it seems you can’t find the right path to take, you may need to seek clarity of purpose.
A sudden flash of light can change everything and help you locate a path that could lead you to a breakthrough.
If you have ever been outside on a rainy night, you would notice how a single lightning strike lights up everywhere, and even objects hundreds of meters away are visible.
The spiritual meaning of this could be that you are about to stumble on some new opportunities in your life journey.
A lightning bolt is a symbol of revelation, so make sure you keep your mind open to new opportunities.
New ideas
The science of lightning strikes is a type of creation. The formation of lightning involves the condensation of atmospheric particles into clouds which later build up before breaking up.
So if you are struck by lightning, the spiritual interpretation of this could indicate the buildup of creative energy.
It could be a wake-up call for you to harness the energy within you and believe more in yourself.
Everything you need to thrive in your life journey is already inside of you, and you only need to look inward and harness it.
An imminent storm
If you get struck by lightning, or you see lightning when you are in an unconscious state, such as in a dream or other forms, it could be a stern warning and encouragement from the divine realm and your guardian angels that there is an impending rough patch in the path ahead.
You may be getting subtle signals for you to brace up and stay strong when those challenges arise. It is a way of encouraging you to stand firm and remain focused in the face of difficulties.
Also, these impending storms could be a stepping stone to bigger things in your life journey, so you must find the courage and determination to overcome the storm.
After all, there’s always calm after every storm. (x)
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chronicowboy · 2 years
okay calling it now the body builder call is the catalyst for eddie to start dating again but not in the way you'd think. its a normal call, eddie's a little flustered he wonders why but at the end of the day he can lock it down to do his job, and so nothing really comes of it until they're doing their final checks and eddie gets talking to just a normal looking guy in the bg (depending on what the call is, he might have a little scratch or be shaken up or eddie's just talking to him whilst hen and chim finish up and buck and bobby deal with the equipment) and then they're about to leave and the guy gives eddie his number like "sorry ik ur working and its really inappropriate but i just had to try" and eddie takes it, a little confused, because cap's calling him and everyone's teasing him about it in the enegine/back at the firehouse (but not buck for the jealousy points) and the episode is my dear beloved queer eddie arc
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
what do you think the outcome of the sperm donor arc will be??
isn't that the million dollar question Nonnie!!
I think ultimately it will end 'happily' but I think tis gonna be a journey to get there.
My feelings are that we're going to see Buck grapple with the whole Donor not Dad thing - especially in the aftermath of his latest near death experience - I wouldn't be surprised to see him trying a bit too hard to be involved in the pregnancy and how Kameron is doing because he's going to be battling some demons and we know what Buck is like - hes all in in normal circumstances but he goes even harder when its something/someone he really cares about. I really feel like this near death experience is going to make him think about what he wants and his mark on the world etc - take stock of everything and make him question and rethink his initial thinking that he could be donor not dad.
Now whether or not he and C&K will come to some understanding about his role in things going forward or if it will be a case of walking away with no further contact remains to be seen. I can see both options happening, especially when we add the Denny and his Biological father into the mix because they are two similar storylines that are likely to have opposite outcomes . Buck learning to accept a role of some description in the childs life, but from a safe distance, or we'll see Buck walk away - choose to make a clean break and have no contact with them (I can see some sort of falling out between Buck and Conor - idk why but I just get the vibes - that the scene when Conor came to Bucks loft felt like a set up for something bigger than just Buck agreeing to be a donor). Which one we get will very much depend on if we see Dennys father have some form of relapse back into addiction, or if he is still an upstanding citizen!
Whichever way it goes I know we'll be closing it out with it being Bucks decision and one that he's at peace with, because this season is all about Buck learning to be at ease with himself - we've known that since episode 1 - which he needs to be in order for Buddie to happen, its the next chess piece to be manouvered into place!
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destialpal · 2 years
The way this sperm donor thing is playing out is really freaking me tf out bc Buck is not distancing himself the way he should be y’all
“I’m going to be a dad” cut the bullshit wtf is happening. And none of his friends are correcting him?? This is so fucked I don’t like it this has had disaster written all over it from the start
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